CLH News #209 February 2018

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February 2018

Issue 209

Products and Services

Expowest Cornwall

Hospitality Technology

Hotelympia Preview

Outdoor Spaces

Pages 24 - 25

Pages 26 - 28

Property and Professional

Page 18

Pages 20 - 23

Design and Refit

Pages 29 - 31

Pages 32 - 36

Pages 37 - 39

Food Hygiene Public's Biggest Concern When Dining Out A NEW report by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) has revealed the public’s current perceptions towards food-related issues, including the top food safety issues of concern. The Food Standard Agency’s (FSA) Biannual Public Attitudes Tracker results reveal that food hygiene is one of the publics top concerns when eating out with 36% of consumers rating this as their biggest fear. 45% of customers who expressed concern with food hygiene said that pubs, restaurants, café’s and takeaway is specifically were cause for concern and 42% highlighting shops and supermarkets. However, the overall trend for concern regarding food safety has decreased since the survey first began in November 2010. The top food safety issues of concern for respondents were: • Food hygiene when eating out (36%) • Food poisoning (30%) • Chemicals from the environment, such as lead, in food (29%) • Food additives (26%) The top wider food issues of concern were: The amount of sugar in food (52%) • Food waste (48%) • Food prices (46%) • Animal welfare (43%) 45% of respondents reported concern about food safety in UK restaurants, pubs, cafes and takeaways. 42% of respondents reported concern about food safety in UK shops and supermarkets. 84% of respondents reported being aware of the hygiene standards in places they eat out at or buy food from. The most commonly reported ways of knowing about hygiene standards were via hygiene stickers / certificates (61%) and the general appearance of the premises (60%). Salmonella and E-coli were by far the most commonly known types of food poisoning (total awareness of 89% and 82% respectively). Perceived most likely sources of

food poisoning were raw chicken or turkey (79%), followed by shellfish (54%), reheated take-away food (47%) and eggs (38%). 18% of respondents were aware of specific rules about allergens, and 10% reported that they have a food intolerance and / or allergy themselves. Most people (70%-77%) reported feeling confident to ask members of staff at food outlets for more information about ingredients in food because of a concern about possible allergens/food intolerance. The majority reported that they trust that food is what it says it is and is accurately labelled (75%) and 74% trusted the authenticity of ingredients / origin / quality of food. Findings also demonstrated that 44% of respondents trusted that people who produce and sell food have their best interests at heart. Wider food issues of concern were: • The amount of sugar in food (52%) • Food waste (40%) • Food prices (46%) • Animal welfare (43%) In 2016 concerns were also raised when it was found that food hygiene inspections in the UK had fallen by 15% since 2003, with the number of inspections, which are handled by local authorities, found to have fallen from 307,526 in 2003-04 to 260,765 in 2014-15, the study found. The Food Standards Agency watchdog said at the time that the situation was of "growing concern". The figures, obtained by Prof Steve Tombs for the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, using freedom of information requests to the Food Standards Agency (FSA), revealed that almost 47,000 fewer inspections were carried out in 2014 than in 2003. Furthermore, the number of establishments prosecuted also fell by 35%, from 552 to 361, over the same period. Prof Tombs, who is professor of criminology at the Open University, said at the time that "policymakers need to urgently address the radical reduction in local authority inspections and enforcement."


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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Editor's Viewpoint

February 2018

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WELCOME TO the February issue of CLH News. I was very pleased to see that common sense prevailed in Wales where they have abandoned plans to introduce a “tourist tax”. I cannot put into words how critical I am of these ludicrous proposals, which pop up almost every year. Taxing people’s holiday and leisure time is quite appalling in my opinion. Bath proposed an accommodation tax last year Oxford are proposing a EDITOR tourist tax this year. The statistics I saw regarding Oxford were particularly interesting. Oxford city council currently estimates that about seven million tourists visit Oxford each year, with £780m ploughed into the city’s economy annually. And the suggestion is to “sting them” by imposing a tax which will raise £5 million, as if £780 million isn’t enough. We here at CLH News have always highlighted the disproportionate amount of tax our hospitality and licensed sector pays. We here in Britain account for 11% of Europe’s population but pay 68% of all wine duty collected by the 28 countries in the EU. We raise more in alcohol tax in Essex with its 5.5 million people then Germany does with it’s 82 million people. That is how much we are taxed. Our levels of VAT for the hospitality industry are significantly higher than most EU countries who saw the sense in lowering VAT for accommodation and dining out. I was very pleased to see that the leading figures of the campaign to reduce VAT in the hospitality industry met with the Minister of State at the Brexit Department, Steve Baker MP and a number of other senior Conservative MPs who support the pub and beer industries earlier this month. Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers (ALMR) chief executive Kate Nicholls, British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) chief executive Brigid Simmonds, Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin and the VAT Campaign’s spokesman Chris Guyver met the MPs at the House of Commons, and according to Tim Martin it would appear that the campaign is being taken seriously (not before time), so here’s hoping that there might be light at the end of a very long tunnel. Another article which caught my eye were the comments by Martin Williams, chairman of M Restaurants, who is highly critical of chain restaurants, which he describes as “dated and rightly dying”. I never use them so I’m hardly qualified to comment, but he is right on the saturation comment. The High Street is full of them, up and down the country towns and cities have too many to choose from, with many undercutting each other in the scramble for custom. Inevitably the strain now shows, some have gone into liquidation, others are drastically closing outlets, and begging for rent reductions, and as I type this Jamie’s Italian chain has entered into a creditors voluntary arrangement. It’s no surprise, it was always unsustainable, which I think is good news for the industry in general, in particular the independent sector, which is far more resilient, and far better value. A couple years ago I remember reading the opposite, the chains with their bottomless marketing pockets, never-ending offers were riding on a crest of a wave, and while oversaturation may be a significant factor, I also think that the public have seen through many of the casual dining chains that are for want of a better phrase all style and no substance. We will over the coming months be bringing advice from marketing experts as well as innovative products and services, tips and advice, guidance on trends which will help the independent “David” compete with multi-outlet Goliath”. We are also exhibiting at Hotelympia March 5-8 and also at Expo West March 6-8 so if you are attending either the shows please pay a visit - a warm welcome awaits and we are interested in feedback!

Peter Adams

PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG


01202 552333

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EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Shelly Roche Published by

Mike Williams is director of leading UK food safety consultancy STS. He says that there are lessons every food business should take away from this case: “It’s safe to say that the death of Shahida Shahid was not intended by the staff at Almost Famous, however, there was a disregard as to the importance of allergenic ingredient knowledge displayed across the board. As a result a bright, youthful prospect has been lost to her family and friends. This incident should be a stark reminder to all food business owners, big or small, as to the importance of ensuring all their staff members are aware of the impact that allergens can have. The provision of correct allergen information and clear and concise training of all staff is essential to ensuring consumer safety. “The inquest into Shahida’s death, apart from revealing a disgraceful lack of care or sense of responsibility by key staff who declined to participate in the inquiry, showed that there was clear uncertainty amongst Almost Famous employees as to which food items contained allergens and which did not. Furthermore, some staff members were seemingly unaware of the allergens in the food – including the in-store trainer! Whilst it may be unfair to expect each individual to know exactly which allergens are in which foods, it is expected that the breakdown of allergenic ingredients per dish is fully documented. When a customer requests a certain allergen free meal but needs help in choosing, it should be standard practice for staff or managers to provide this. It appears that in this

case, this care was lacking. “In summary, training for front of house staff should include the following as a minimum: • What procedures to follow if a guest requests allergen free foods • Where allergen information is held • That they should never guess at the content of food and request assistance from a supervisor or manager “Training for food handlers should include the above but in addition as a minimum: • Awareness of the 14 known allergens • Methods of controlling allergen cross contamination in the kitchen • The risk that substitute food items can present • Procedures for preparing allergen free meals, especially where there are multiple allergenic ingredients in the kitchen area, including the use of clean utensils, crockery and pans and where necessary chopping boards that have not been used for any preparation after they were cleaned. • The need to pay attention to customer needs and never guess at allergen content questions when presented by staff and managers “One final point about training is that this needs to be completed on a regular basis. Menu items change as do ingredients and therefore staff must be advised when menu specifications and indeed allergen information sheets are amended. It also does no harm to remind staff of the risks that allergies can provide and it would not be seen as over egging the pudding by keeping them at the forefront of the minds of all food handlers. “Legislation for the control of allergen ingredients is no longer new. It might have been relatively new when this incident happened at Almost Famous but now, three years after the legislation was introduced, there is no excuse for any food business failing to achieve these requirements. “Let us hope that all food business operators learn from this incident and that no other family has to go through what the Shahid family has.”

Welsh Government Rejects Wales-Wide “Tourism Tax” Plans LEADING HOTELIERS in Wales welcomed the rejection of broad proposals for a Waleswide ‘tourism tax’ that could make the industry uncompetitive and add hundreds of thousands of pounds a year to tourist bills. Since the autumn, a relentless British Hospitality Association (BHA) Cymru media and political campaign has urged Ministers and all Assembly Members to heed the BHA’s economic arguments and drop the damaging tourism tax plans. Welsh Government officials backed the BHA case and rejected the all-Wales tourism tax plans to favour a Vacant Land Tax, one of a set of four new tax plans that were put forward in the autumn for consideration by Finance Secretary Mark Drakeford. However, BHA was disappointed to hear that the matter hadn’t been completely dismissed by the Cabinet Secretary, with references made during his speech to the possibility of future discussions on permissive powers for local authorities on the issue. David Chapman, Executive Director of BHA Cymru, said:

“The industry’s broad message was “don’t top up taxes, chop taxes” and it was listened to by Welsh Government. It saw the need to help our iconic community businesses, already facing a “cauldron of costs”, to boost employment and growth in key rural, coastal and urban locations in Wales. “The same arguments clearly stand for any further policy discussions, local or national, that may take place on the subject. The Welsh Government has a very good record of working with BHA in partnership in recent years to support the hospitality industry in Wales, showing an increased understanding of the huge economic significance of the industry here and the need to grow it further and not restrict it. We’ll continue to make our case as strongly as we can for our members. “We also now urge all Assembly Members to sign up to the BHA’s Cut Tourism VAT campaign. We want their help to pressure Westminster to cut Tourism VAT from 20 per cent to single figures to match levels in other European countries and significantly boost the economic performance of the industry, creating and sustaining more local jobs, visitor numbers and enabling local people to enjoy more meals out.

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A SEVEN day inquest into the death of student Shahida Shahid has ended with a verdict of misadventure. The jury found that Ms Shahid’s death was a ‘an unintended consequence of a deliberate act’ and that a ‘lack of communication’ between her server and the chef led to her being served a dish containing allergenic ingredients, despite her notifying the restaurant of her allergies prior to placing the order.

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier




Lessons To Be Learned From Almost Famous Inquest

February 2018

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2018

Hotels Need To Go The Extra Mile For A Five Star Review

By Chris Robinson, CEO at Yonder Digital Group

WHEN BOOKING a holiday there is always ample thought and effort required in order to choose the right destination and the right hotel. Research shows that four out of every five TripAdvisor users will read between 6 to 12 reviews before they book a hotel and one in every two travellers will avoid confirming a booking until they have read at least one review . For this reason alone, it is imperative that hotel managers should prioritise finding solutions to continue improving their reputation and keeping their customers happy. Being provided with great customer service is a major plus-point for consumers, for example, when a hotel or an airline can resolve an unexpected issue quickly and efficiently, it will not only increase customer loyalty but also the business’ reputation. When Yonder Digital Group surveyed 2,000 UK consumers on the performance of a wide range of consumerfacing sectors, asking whether companies were easy to get in touch with and efficient at getting queries resolved rapidly and effectively, the answer was generally no. Hotels were rated in the top half of the list for ease of contact standards but it is clear that they are still not doing enough to deserve a five star review. Specifically only 22% of UK consumers rated hotels’ contactability standard as excellent while over 30% rated it as basic and 10% as poor. Not providing your customers with good lines of communication can cost you their booking as 92% of UK consumers said that they tend to stick with companies who resolve their queries quickly and effectively – therefore, in this competitive sector, having impeccable customer service is fundamental for your business to stand above the

rest. When it comes to contactability the size of your business doesn’t matter- you should always make sure your customers’ calls are promptly answered. When something unexpected occurs your customers will more than likely want to talk to a live agent in order to solve the issue as swiftly as possible. Previous research from Yonder Digital Group shows that 87% of consumers tend to stay more loyal and increase their business with companies who offer a real person to talk to when needed. Providing your customers with live interaction is definitely a good start, but you have to make sure that the quality of this channel is adequate. Don’t leave your customers on hold for too long and invest in seamless technology solutions - 69% of consumers would take their business elsewhere if they can’t get through to someone when needed. It is also important to have well trained sales agents that know how to make your customers feel special, personalising the service to their needs. For example if they have previously stayed in your hotel it is important to treat them as valued customers by keeping in mind their previous queries and requirements to make them feel welcome. Hotels should always provide a ‘live contact option’ in order to help their customers have the best experience when contacting customer service, but it’s also important not to forget about the advantages of technology and to provide more than one way for customers to get in touch. 84% of consumers, in fact, tend to stay more loyal to companies who have a multichannel customer service offering which includes: live chat, emails, phone calls etc. Even though the hotel industry’s contactability is faring better against other sectors there is still a lot of room for improvement, especially in today’s day and age with public reviews being prevalent on social media platforms. Businesses within the hotel industry need to ensure that they are easy to contact and that they answer queries and solve issues quickly and effectively, or risk losing customers.

Newcastle Could Become the First UK City to Introduce A “Booze Tax” NEWCASTLE COULD become the first place in England to introduce a 50p ‘booze tax’ in an effort to reduce the number of alcohol-related problems in the city.

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This would mean premises selling alcohol, such as supermarkets, off licenses, and also including pubs/bars restaurants and hotels will have to charge a minimum price of 50p per unit of alcohol. The move would make a three litre bottle of cider which has 22.5 units in will now cost £11 rather than £3.60. Scotland has already passed legislation to begin minimum alcohol pricing, with the scheme taking effect as of May. Alcohol support charities have been quick to commend the activities of Newcastle Council. “We applaud our colleagues in Newcastle,” said Colin Shevills, director of Balance. “However, the most effective way to cut problems would be for the Government to follow the example of Scotland and introduce MUP across the whole country.”

The consequences for minimum alcohol pricing on Newcastle’s booming nightlife scene are possibly huge. The city’s Bigg Market is world renowned, while thousands of people a year visit the city for stag and hen weekends. “It’s insulting people’s intelligence to suggest that the amount somebody drinks has to be controlled by hitting their pocket,” said Andy Simpson, director of Hangover Weekends, a company that specialised in organising stag and hen parties in the city. “Where premises are found to be selling alcohol below this price and there are problems, the committee may decide to impose a condition in relation to pricing of alcohol,” said a spokesperson for Newcastle City Council. A recent study reported that just five percent of drinkers make up a whole third of all the alcohol consumed in the UK, mostly concentrated on high-strength, low price drinks. “This small group of people whose daily heavy drinking of these very cheap, strong alcohol – mostly ciders – is doing them so much harm,” said Rosanna O’Connor, director of Public Health England. Campaigners say that a 50p minimum per unit would barely affect moderate drinkers.

Government Action on Gaming Machines Can Boost Pubs THE ALMR has called on the Government to provide much-needed support for pubs by revitalising the gaming machine sector. In its response to the Government’s consultation on Proposals for changes to Gaming Machines and Social Responsibility Measures the ALMR has made numerous recommendations including: • An upward review of stakes and prizes for Category C machines • An increase in the automatic entitlement from two to four machines • Slashing red tape and fees for venues • Investigating the use of contactless payment for machines to promote social responsibility • Review technical standards to allow for modernisation of sector ALMR Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “Gaming machines have historically been vital revenue streams for pubs, but their impact is dwindling due to a combination of factors. Red tape and costs prevent venues from utilising machines fully and customers have increasingly been lured away by other forms of gaming. If gaming machines are to regain their usefulness and revive their financial contribution, the Government must act to give businesses a chance make the most of them. “There is certainly justification for a much-needed revamp of gaming machines in pubs from a social perspective as well as economic. Unlike other potential areas of harm, the NatCen Social Research’s study for the Gambling Commission’s report on gambling behaviour shows that gaming in pubs has no history of contributing to problem gambling. “A simple first step from the Government would be to increase the automatic entitlement for venues and cut red tape from the process of acquiring additional machines, benefiting both

licensees and local authorities. Venues are only entitled to two machines but must £50 to take up that entitlement, plus an additional £50 fee every time the licence changes. Those costs are unjustified. “The Government can also take steps to make machines more attractive to players without risking harm. An increase in the maximum stake and prize to £2 and £150 respectively would help boost play while addressing the fact that machine income has not kept pace with increased costs for businesses. “Currently, manufacturers are extremely limited in their ability modernise machines due to restrictive technical standards. A relaxation of these standards would allow for the manufacture of more appealing machines. Investigating the use of contactless payments for machines would allow ease-of-use while promoting safety. Cashless machines would help provide data on player spends and habits, reduce the risk of break-ins and virtually eliminate the potential for money laundering. With thousands of ATMs being taken out of pubs in recent weeks, there is an alarming decrease in cash in pubs, that could affect not only machines but other spending, too – contactless needs to be embraced. “These steps would provide support for an important revenue stream for pubs without increasing the risk of harm. Machines would still be in place in safe, supervised environments with far less risk of abuse than most other forms of gambling. Pubs continue to face an increase in costs and many of them are struggling. Steps to support gaming machines would provide relief for businesses operating under tight financial circumstances.”

February 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



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Dated and Dying Chains Criticized by M Restaurants Chief M Restaurants founder Martin Williams has criticized “dated and rightly dying” chains as he reports 19% growth across his group, and contrasted them to the success of “highest quality at accessible price points” provided by his individual restaurants. Profits increased seven times to the year ending December 2017, group sales grew by 19% – to exceed £6m – with his existing, multi-faceted Threadneedle Street and Victoria Street London venues both enjoying consistent growth and increased profits. The new M Bar & Grill concept launched in Twickenham to an encouraging reception; with at least one more opening planned for 2018. “M Restaurants is a rare good news story in an industry blighted by a saturated market, a devalued pound, increased labour costs and up to 50% rates increases,” Williams commented. “Our success contrasts with chain restaurants even

the best of which give a mediocre offering in a soulless environment and are all too often being found out as poor value for money, devoid of personality and quality. Guests at M have rightly grown to expect and appreciate a heightened experience offering finest quality produce perfectly prepared and served with a true spirit of welcome and hospitality. In contrast chain restaurants – whether a private members set up, steak restaurants or a pizza or burger group – are rightly struggling. M’s results show that diners appreciate quality at an accessible price point and are discovering a new standard in drinking and dining,” said Williams. M Restaurants is backed by both prominent business leaders and legendary sporting stars. The company has released these astonishing end of year results that dramatically buck the trend of restaurant organisations such as Cote, Prezzo and Jamie Oliver which have announced administration, closures and job losses in the past weeks.

Radical Taxation Overhaul Needed to Bring Business Tax into 21st Century The ALMR has warned that without Government action to overhaul business taxation, the hospitality sector will overpay business rates by £10billion by 2025. In its submission to the Government’s consultation on corporate tax and the digital economy the ALMR has called for a radical rethink of business taxation and the establishment of a system that is more equitable and does not unreasonably favour digital businesses. ALMR Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The influential Treasury Select Committee rightly pointed out that business rates damage the competitiveness of shops on the high street relative to large out-of-town distributors and online retailers. “This is an issue we raised with the Committee and senior MPs back our stance on this issue and understand that this tax-

ation imbalance between high street businesses compared to those based online or in retail parks needs to be addressed otherwise high streets will be forced to fight an uphill battle against a system that is rigged against them.” “The Government’s openness to suggestions on the system is welcome, but unless it pushes ahead with fundamental change across the entire system high street businesses, particularly hospitality businesses, will continue to face crippling and unreasonable rates bills. “The current system is archaic, completely unfit for purpose and sees hospitality businesses shouldering the burden as high streets are slowly strangled. The Government needs to act on its manifesto promise of root and branch reform otherwise businesses will be waiting until 2025 before they see any change, by which time it will be too late for many.”

When should a Gas Interlock system be used • If you have a power-operated flue system for a gas appliance in your commercial kitchen. The British regulation BS6173 states that you should install a safety-lock system. • This is a requirement if a new ventilation or extraction system is fitted • A new gas-line pipework or kitchen layout • Any category B appliance such as combioven, grills, griddles and fryers. This should also be fitted to existing layouts should there not be one present.


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The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2018

GDPR Considerations LAST JUNE JD Wetherspoon deleted its entire email database. Why? They weren’t explicit other than stating: “We felt, on balance, that we would rather not hold even email addresses for customers. The less customer information we have, which now is almost none, then the less risk associated with data.” JD Wetherspoon was subject to a data breach in 2015, which set the wheels in motion, and with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming up in May, the pub firm clearly decided it didn’t have the appetite for fines of 20 million Euros or four percent of company turnover (whichever is greater). The noise surrounding GDPR has been impossible to ignore and will only get louder as we approach deadline day. Companies across the UK are desperately trying to figure out what state their email marketing database is in (this is one part of GDPR – there’s more to it) before making strategic decisions on how to approach this new legislation. The latest on GDPR and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) can be found on the ICO website. In the meantime, here are a few considerations for your hospitality business. 1. Do you understand the legislation? Have you done your homework? Don’t use news headlines as a basis for your information. There is plenty of good advice on the ICO website and the GDPR portal as well as advice from the Article 29 Working Party. Take the time to understand the requirements in the context of your organisation and other applicable legislation. If necessary, take legal advice. 2. If you are focusing on penalties that come with non-compliance of GDPR, you are doing it wrong. GDPR is the right thing for consumers and they are critical to your business. Focus on your customers and they will look after your reputation. 3. Educate your business. Regulation matters to your business and should not be left to the data protection officer to do in the corner on their own (a Data Protection Officer is required for organisations with more than 250 employees, or when the core nature of business is person-

al data processing). Your employees are amazing and have the answers to all those challenges that arise. Let them help you embed it into your culture. 4. Make sure you assess your existing systems. Data privacy impact assessments are a good way to do this. Ensure this includes a data flow map as it really helps with the auditing of systems. Document your decisions and make sure management are included in the risk and decision-making process. 5. Review your privacy statements to make sure they are GDPR compliant. Your legal basis\processing purpose should not only serve your business now but should also future proof you. Getting this wrong may mean you will need to seek additional consent later. 6. No one wants to read ten pages of jargon in a privacy statement. Keep it clear, informative, concise, honest and user friendly. There are specific criteria that need to be included in the privacy statement, so make sure they are all covered. 7. Don’t be sneaky. If your lawful basis is consent, this needs to be an affirmative action by an individual. Pre-ticked opt in boxes, silence or ‘tick here to opt out’ are not valid mechanisms for consent. Check the ways in which you are collecting information. 8. Take stock of the personal data that you are processing. Audit what you have. If you don’t need it, don’t collect it. There is an extension of the definition of personal data related to GDPR, so make sure your assessment of personal data has a full scope. 9. Security! Security! Security! Your customers’ data deserves a duty of care; data is your biggest asset. Follow the data flow and make sure it’s protected appropriately at all stages of its journey. This includes storage, transfer and access to information and location (adequacy checks are required outside of the EEA). 10. Know the data subjects’ rights. After all, you’ll need to be able to respond to customers exercising them. How will you deal with these? Keep it simple, but repeatable. Don’t over engineer, it needs to be proportional to the risks you face. 11. Don’t believe the hype! No software is a silver bullet for GDPR. Software can support good governance, but cannot do it on its own. 12. Processes matter! Have processes in place to ensure data is processed for the purpose it was collected. Keep it simple. Unduly complex processes are doomed to failure. The ICO website is providing targeted advice in all areas of GDPR, but don’t forget, PECR regulations are still important when it comes to email and SMS. Get reading! By Mark Cooper, Head of Technical Operations, at data marketing agency, Celerity

Two Pubs a Day Closing Since Business Rate Changes

TWO PUBS a day have been converted into other types of use or have been demolished completely since the change in business rates in 2016 according to a report by real estate adviser Altus Group, Since the government’s revaluation of business rates came into force on April 1 2017, 616 pubs have “disappeared” from the rating list, having been demolished or converted for other uses such as homes or offices. The rateable values of pubs increased by 14.24% to £1.627b in the revaluation. The rate at which pubs are being converted into other

forms of use is easing according to Altus Group. In last year’s spring budget Chancellor Phillip Hammond moved to ease the rates burden, handing 90% of pubs a £1,000 discount to their business rates bills for those with a rateable value of less than £100,000. This was extended in the Autumn Budget to cover 2018/19 bills. Alex Probyn, UK president of business rates at Altus Group, said: “The increase in the thresholds at which pubs pay business rates coupled with the additional £25m of rates relief has, undoubtedly, stemmed the decline.” Between April 2010 and April 2017 11,608 pubs were lost, equating to about four a day.

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Hotel Confidence Report Paints Cautiously Optimistic Picture for The Hotel Industry To 2020

A REPORT produced by hospitality insurer NFU Mutual and the British Hospitality Association has painted a cautiously optimistic picture for the future of the hotel industry, with 81% of hotel businesses sampled expecting to maintain or increase investment levels to mid-2020.

The Hotel Confidence Report, published on the NFU Mutual website today (29 January 2018), reveals the views of over 2,000 general consumers and 141 businesses in the hotel, hotel supply and hospitality industries. Particular areas of focus for hotel investment to 2020 include property refurbishment and expansion (69%); technology (53%) including customer data for marketing and personalisation, mobile solutions and superfast broadband; marketing (53%) and staff training (47%). The top concerns of hoteliers include a skills shortage (40%), the political and economic effect of Brexit negotiations (38%), costs and margins (25%) and increasing levels of competition in the marketplace (20%). Darren Seward, Hospitality Sector Specialist at NFU Mutual, said: “Many businesses are showing clear concern about a skills shortage as a result of Brexit negotiations and calls for guaranteed protection of EU workers came through loud and clear in our report. The industry needs to feel listened to on the important issues, such as reforms to the rate of tourism VAT. Despite these challenges our research shows that the picture within the hotel industry is striking a more positive note; an optimism shared by consumers. Opportunities for growth include attracting more international tourists to the UK, building brand profile, investing in new technology and developing the skills of

February 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


workers through education.” Ufi Ibrahim, Chief Executive of the British Hospitality Association, said: “The hospitality industry has a hard fight ahead. As Brexit deadlines fast approach with no deals on trade or immigration in sight, there remains a great deal of uncertainty for the industry. Nevertheless, we are determined and resilient. The hospitality and tourism industry contributes £141bn to the UK economy each year and employs more than 3.6m people. We are the fastest growing sector since the 2008 downturn and have become the fourth biggest industry in the UK as a whole. As this report demonstrates, our sector is expected to continue growing in spite of punishing commercial conditions.” Overall, consumers expect to spend more time in hotels in 2018 – 18% are looking to increase their number of stays and 24% expect to increase their actual spend. Service was described as the secret to a great hotel (58%) and of those consumers who stay in hotels at least once a year, cleanliness (57%), an uncomfortable bed (42%) and noise levels (39%) were their top three concerns. Almost half (48%) of 18-24 year olds said that payment and data security was an important technology consideration when choosing a hotel to stay at, compared with 37% overall. 59% of people have never considered how their data is stored by hotels. Just under three quarters of all consumers would be impressed if a hotel promoted that it uses and supports local suppliers (72%), and 40% of those impressed would be more likely to visit as a result. The Hotel Confidence Report is a free PDF available to all at

BBPA Calls for Urgent Immigration Debate The BBPA has welcomed the proposal contained in a report from think tank Policy Exchange for an extension of the Youth Mobility Scheme. The Youth Mobility Scheme is for young people who want to live, work and travel in the United Kingdom for a period of up to two years. It is only open to countries which have a reciprocal agreement with the UK, which are mainly in the Commonwealth. The BBPA has been calling for the Youth Mobility Scheme to be extended to cover more EU countries, or alternatively form an agreement with the EU itself to cover all of its members. This is particularly important for the beer and pub sector, since 46% of pub employees are under the age of 25 and according to a recent survey of BBPA members, some 17% of employees in our sector are from overseas. This rises to 40% in metropolitan areas, and in particular areas like kitchen staff, this figure can reach 80%. The ability for young EU workers to come to the UK for a maximum of 2 years (and possibly longer), and not to count towards the migration numbers would be invaluable. Policy Exchange today published a wide ranging new paper on immigration after Brexit. BBPA believes it is vitally important that there is a reasoned debate on the make-up of immigration post-Brexit. There is a range of policies the Home Office can implement to make the Brexit transition easier for

the beer and pub sector. The BBPA works hard to encourage young people who are UK nationals to work in the beer and pub industry, including through awards schemes such as the Parliamentary Pub Chef of the Year. However, the BBPA is calling for much-needed changes to the ‘Tier’ immigration system to ensure the beer and pub sector can continue to thrive. The BBPA is also calling for the following: • A simplification of the very complex and time-consuming visa system and a better understanding of the need for ‘soft skills’ and salary requirements which fit semi-skilled roles like pub chefs; • A review of the requirement for non-UK workers to have a traditional contract of employment before they travel to the UK, which would prevent access to those who wish to be self-employed in the pub sector; • A reduction in costs for business to recruit non-UK workers. Brigid Simmonds, Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association, comments: “For the beer and pub sector to succeed post-Brexit, the immigration system, particularly for young people, needs a comprehensive review. Over 80% of UK pubs are small businesses, it is vitally important they have access to the skills they need without the burdensome nature of the current visa system. “The BBPA and our members are working hard to attract UK nationals to work with us, but an extension of the Youth Mobility Scheme and revision of the ‘Tier’ system would be hugely beneficial.”




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The Importance of Marketing by Nicole Feldman, Head of Marketing at M&T Hotel Management There is nothing more off-putting than having to click EVERY DAY, thousands of hoteliers across the country through hundreds of web pages just to book a stay at a hotel. In an age where everybody is short on time and with Google ask themselves, “How do I get guests to choose to stay reporting that travellers spend an average of 55 minutes booking a holiday, it is important to make it as quick and easy as the night at my hotel rather possible for guests to book online with you rather than than at my competitor’s?” through an OTA or competitor. Use an express booking system In truth, there are a number of different tactics you can use to drive direct bookings and ensure your hotel is full for both rooms and Meeting and Event bookings. In any business, a solid marketing strategy is critical to building a brand, attracting new customers and maintaining loyalty. For Independent hotels this is no different These marketing efforts usually include both print and digital collateral that target former guests while also attracting new ones too. Because the hospitality industry is mostly made up of tourism and other experiential services, a consistent brand identity is very important. Marketers want to ensure that brand recognition exists so that customers will use their services again and again. Repeat customers bring in a sizeable portion of revenue, so marketing strategy must be split between maintaining relationships with past customers while seeking out new ones. M&T Hotel Management have some key tips on key marketing strategies for hotels. Practise the Gift of Giving Although 76% of online bookings are made through OTAs, research shows customers would rather book directly with the hotel (if they can do so easily and at the best rate). Although you may not be able to offer a lower room rate than your OTA, you can entice potential guests with added extras such as a luxury spa treatment, bottle of wine or late check out on departure. Guests who know they will be getting the best rates by booking direct will keep coming back to your website and won’t click away to book through OTAs who are, essentially, your competitors. We need our Independent hotels to showcase current offers clearly on their homepage – think hero banners, eye-catching images and interesting buttons Simple and Quick Booking Engine

for less clicks to generate more bookings. Talk to your Customers Email marketing will help to drive bookings from previous guests, using data collected during stays. Sending emails to strengthen relationships with guests who have already stayed breeds customer loyalty and repeat business. Regular email marketing can also be extremely useful when promoting key events, upcoming offers and news from your hotel, so invest in effective strategies and well executed e-shots to ensure a better ROI. Raving Reviews Research suggests that guests read around 6 to 12 reviews before booking. Inviting key influencers – from bloggers to YouTubers – to stay in return for a review is a quick and easy way to reach millions of potential guests with the added benefit of gaining links back to your website. Also, with guest reviews emerging as the third most important criteria for travellers, showcase real time reviews from Trip Advisor on your home page for authentic referrals. Socialise People check their social media more than they talk to their friends these days, with over 800 million active users on Instagram and over 330 million on Twitter, so ensure you are using it wisely. Social media allows hoteliers to showcase their hotel, promote packages and offers and engage in conversation with their guests, allowing you to listen to invaluable feedback and forge great relationships with guests. With 92% of consumers trusting social media above all other forms of advertising, it is worth investing time into social media marketing. The M&T Hotel Management marketing team knows that nothing boosts bookings like a good quality hotel with great service during your guest’s stay but offers, online engagement with potential customers and a fully-optimised website will see rooms go from empty to fully booked in no time.

Yim Thai Foods - A New Service To Restaurants, Pubs, Hotels & Guest Houses YIM THAI restaurants were the largest group of Thai Restaurants in the UK in the late 90’s, it’ success was down to giving its customers the very best Thai food available in the UK while offering good value for money. In 2003 we won best Thai chef of the year for the all the UK. The group was sold but the owners having seen the popularity of Thai Food increase in recent years have now teamed back up with our award-winning Thai Chef and her team to produce the same high-quality Thai dishes as a Heat

& Serve concept for your business. Using the highest quality ingredients and authentic products shipped from Thailand. Professionally prepared for you & your customers giving them an authentic taste of Thailand every time. We supply everything from a full menu to one or two dishes while understanding how important a good gross profit is, preparation time and wastage. Call or email today for more information on 0800 6893129 or or see the advert on page 7 for details.

Calls to Improve Gender Diversity in the Hospitality, Travel and Leisure Sector GENDER DIVERSITY and female progression within the hospitality, travel and leisure sector is being held back by a limited focus on diversity, lack of flexible working and inadequate support for women returning from career breaks, a new comprehensive review of the sector reveals. The review, Women in Hospitality, Travel and Leisure 2020, is led by Tea Colaianni, chair of the Woman in Hospitality 2020 working group, an independent cross-industry body that includes consultancy firms PwC, Korn Ferry, People 1st and Oxford Brookes. The review is based on interviews with over 100 hospitality, travel and leisure company chairs, chief executives, HR Directors, recruiters and recent graduate recruits. There’s also an in-depth assessment of the diversity and inclusion and leadership of 26 industry organisations, which includes their HR processes and progress towards 33% female representation on boards and executive committees by 2020 – a target set by the Hampton-Alexander Review. Women in Hospitality 2020 calls on companies to support the progression of women into senior roles by setting themselves targets to improve diversity and to publish their progress annually. The research finds that women currently make up 26% of senior management positions in the hospitality, travel and leisure sector, but that falls to only 20% when human resources roles are excluded. Travel companies and technology-led businesses were the best performers in terms of gender diversity with 30% and 28% of women in senior management roles respectively, compared to airlines with just 21%. Women are well represented in junior and middle management roles. However, a gap begins to emerge in the gender balance of middle management roles upwards. The report says this is due in part, to unconscious bias, a ‘blokey’ culture within the sector, a poor record in managing the talent pipeline and a lack of confidence amongst women to ask for promotion. Operational roles that require management of multiple sites were identified as being particularly challenging for women with family responsibilities. The report identified a number of steps leaders can take to enable hospitality, travel and leisure companies to enhance the industry’s reputation and become more attractive for diverse talent. These include: • Offering more support for women returning from career breaks

February 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


• Promoting and advocating shared parental leave • Setting up and establishing mentoring programmes • Making better use of technology to improve flexible working Tea Colaianni, chair of Women in Hospitality 2020 working group, said: “While there are good examples of hospitality, travel and leisure organisations making progress to balance gender diversity, there is a real opportunity for the industry as a whole to rise to the challenge and lead the way. “Given the diversity of customers and staff, ensuring that all levels of an organisation are representative is mission-critical for the continued success of the industry. “There is clear and compelling evidence that creating a strong gender balance across an executive team delivers benefits by reducing stale thinking and opening up new growth opportunities. This is why we have drawn up the diversity in Hospitality, Travel and Leisure (HTL) Charter to build accountability and transparency to create effective change in the sector.” Sarah Lim, managing director and head of UK consumer at Korn Ferry, said: “There is a critical need for the industry to build an effective talent pipeline of senior female executives. “With only one female chairperson and five female CEOs across the entire UK travel, hospitality and leisure industry today, there is significant work to be done to create the culture, career pathways and working environment to enable our most talented women to progress to become Chairs and CEOs of the industry over the next 5 years.” Analysis of the representative sample of 26 companies in the sector explores how firms’ performance on diversity and inclusion is likely to be perceived by employees and key stakeholders. The analysis reveals that progress on the issue is, on average, significantly lower than some other industries. A common weakness across the industry was a lack of ownership or sponsorship of diversity strategies from the board, with the strategy, development and execution largely left to HR instead. Jon Terry, diversity and inclusion consulting leader at PwC, said: “A poor reputation on diversity has a negative effect on recruiting new staff, retaining existing staff and attracting customers – all of whom increasingly value and expect diversity. But a positive perception can help organisations stand out. “In such a competitive market, encouraging real change on diversity could be the differentiator that helps to attract and retain the best people and keep customers and shareholders happy.”

Tax in Soft Drinks May Lead to Increase in Alcohol Consumption A TAX on sugary drinks introduced by the Government last year could increase alcohol consumption in some groups, according to a survey, which examined whether price increases to soft drinks could lead to higher rates of purchases for other drinks such as alcohol. Researchers, led by academics from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, used a statistical model to predict the outcomes of increases in the cost of sugar sweetened drinks. The model used data from the expenditure of 32,000 British households in 2012/13 – including food and drink purchases. Acting as substitutes,” the model found that purchases of lager, diet drinks and juices could increase, and that “poorer homes were more likely to buy high-sugar drinks and spirits,

while richer homes were more likely to buy juices and wine.” The authors of the study, which is published in the ‘Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health,’ explained: “Increasing the price of sugar-sweetened beverages has the potential to both decrease and increase the purchase of alcohol, suggesting more nuanced price options across a range of beverages may be more effective than a single tax on high-sugar beverages.” Commenting on the study Naveed Sattar, professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Glasgow, said: “This paper on soft drinks taxes makes many assumptions and whilst it is correct to say costing of other drinks may change, it cannot predict what will happen in reality. “Doing nothing is not an option. One has to make a change and then examine consequences, whether good or bad, and learn from this – this is the basis of science and research and continuous improvements in health.”


Campaign Encourages City Drinkers To Feel Confident Asking For Top-Ups On Short Measure Pints A CAMPAIGN encouraging drinkers to feel confident in asking for a top-up if they are sold a short measure pint has launched in the City of London today. The Weights and Measures Act 1985 controls the prescribed quantities that draught beers should be sold in but there has always been a grey area over whether the head should be included as part of the pint. Industry body the British Beer & Pub Association says a pint should contain a minimum of 95% liquid and 5% head. And City of London Corporation Trading Standards officers are recommending that, strictly speaking, a pint should mean a pint of liquid and drinkers are well within their rights to request a top up if they want. Special beer mats have been produced to help consumers check if a pint is short [pictured] with further advice on the City Corporation’s website ( Drinkers can hold the beermat against the glass to get a rough idea of the quantity of liquid they have been served. Consumers are being encouraged to contact City of London Trading Standards* if they are sold a short pint and don’t feel confident to ask for a top up, or if they get an unhelpful reaction when they do.

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Based on any complaints received as a result of this campaign, Trading Standards Officers will be conducting test purchases across the City in the coming months and investigating premises that continue to sell short measures. Steve Playle, Trading Standards Manager at the City of London Corporation, said: “Consumers are well within their rights to make sure they get exactly what they’ve paid for. “It’s worth remembering that for a pint costing five pounds, a shortage of five percent is a 25p cost to the consumer. Drinkers are entirely within their rights to ask for a full pint of liquid if they wish. “We are reminding people that it is perfectly okay to ask for a top-up whilst stressing that they should continue to drink responsibly.” City Corporation Trading Standards has already written to all pubs in the Square Mile to remind them of their legal obligations – including their duty to prevent underage sales – and to refer people with drinking problems to Square Mile Health**, which provides alcohol support services. City of London Corporation Trading Standards is responsible for enforcing a wide range of legislation relating to the supply and distribution of goods and services in the Square Mile.

Growth In ‘Gagging Clauses’ to Keep Secrets Of The Rich And Famous EMPLOYERS in the hospitality sector are increasingly turning to ‘gagging clauses’ to ensure staff protect the secrets of the rich and famous. Legal experts say exclusive hotels, spas, bars and restaurants are increasingly adding additional clauses or ‘side agreements’ for staff that go above and beyond those found in any standard employment contract. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) or confidentiality (‘gagging’) clauses are often found in executive-level employment contracts and commercial contracts to protect legitimate business interests. They are now increasingly being used as standard business practice to protect, primarily, the privacy of customers and clients, to ensure they continue to use the business in question. Andrea London, head of employment at leading law firm Fletcher Day, said: “Businesses which service the needs and wants of the rich and famous, are often required by those clients to ensure any staff with whom they have contact have signed specific confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). “Employers in the hospitality sector are becoming increasingly aware of the need to protect the privacy of their wealthy or celebrity clientele; not least from staff

members who could be tempted to seize financial advantage of their position and the lucrative market in selling gossip, information or covertly obtained images. “It is almost standard practice now, for example, for employer businesses such as luxury hotels, transport or spas to insist on additional levels of protection, above and beyond the ‘usual’ confidentiality clause found in a standard employment contract, to assure their wealthy clients of a better chance of privacy. “As a result, we are seeing more NDAs and confidentiality agreements being used, not least to highlight the extent and importance of such obligations, more and more often. There has apparently been a significant increase in demand for NDAs and predictions of yet further growth in their use.” NDAs are in the spotlight following an investigation by the Financial Times which revealed allegations of sexual harassment by hostesses at an annual charity black-tie dinner popular with the rich and famous at the Dorchester Hotel. A detailed account of the Presidents Club Dinner by an undercover FT reporter alleged groping, harassment and lewd behaviour by guests. Female staff working at the event were allegedly told to wear sexy shoes and black underwear, and sign a NDA before starting their shift. The Charity Commission has since opened an urgent probe. “Non-disclosure agreements would not necessarily prevent a harassment claim being made and we would expect the courts to take a dim view of employers attempting to use these to cover up serious allegations such as these,” added Andrea London.

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2018

Healthier Food On Menus Would Encourage Consumers To Eat Out More Often

ONE-THIRD (31%) of consumers would eat out more if healthier options were more readily available, according to new research into the out-of-home market unveiled this week by IGD. Interest in healthy eating is on the rise and so is eating out*. IGD’s research – the first of its kind into this sector – explores the links between these trends and the opportunities presented for food and drink companies.

With over two-thirds (67%) of consumers eating out at least once a week, according to IGD, and 34% claiming to do so a couple of times a week, the research examines the relevance of health on these occasions and how consumers balance nutritional aims with the desire for a treat. The research comprised an online survey of more than 9,000 people, plus qualitative tracking of consumers’ out-of-home eating experiences. Joanne Denney-Finch, Chief Executive of IGD, says: “Our new research, the first of its kind into the out-of-home sector, focuses on two powerful trends at play in today’s market: eating out, and eating well. Eating out of home plays a significant part in the national diet and at the same time, interest in health and eating healthily is growing. Many food and drink companies already view health as a hugely important part of their strategy, but there is a clear commercial opportunity for businesses to take the lead in this area. Our findings signpost how companies can make the most of these two mega trends as they continue to come together.” Rhian Thomas, Head of Shopper Insight at IGD, says: “Health is rarely the number-one factor when people eat out and yet it widely influences behaviour and was regularly mentioned by the consumers we spoke to. Even when people are not actively seeking healthy choices, they avoid some outlets and menus viewed as too unhealthy – one-third (34%) avoid eating in certain places for this reason. Also, people may limit their eating out occasions if they associate this with over-indulgence.” FOUR KEY AREAS OF INFLUENCE Rhian outlines four main factors that influence people’s decisions when eating out of home. She says: “The first is occasion, i.e. day of week and time of day. Regular occurrences such as workday lunches are more functional and controlled whereas weekend dinners are usually seen as special occasions and the time for a treat. “The second is companionship i.e. who people eat with, if anyone. On their own, people tend to stick to regular choices, whereas in a group, they are more likely to try new things or visit different places. The third area is mood, i.e. the difference between a functional need and an emotional one. “Finally, we see the influence of speed and convenience. Some out-of-home eating decisions are made in time-pressed circumstances where people need easy choices, whereas others are relaxed occasions.” BARRIERS AND SOLUTIONS IGD’s research highlights four barriers preventing health from having more of an influence on people when they eat out, according to Rhian. VALUE PERCEPTIONS “Over half (59%) of consumers feel it’s more expensive to eat healthily when out of home. The industry therefore has lots of scope to show consumers how they can eat healthily on a

budget.” CONFUSION ABOUT MESSAGING “If health information is not presented in a consistent way, it can sometimes confuse and lead to wrong choices,” says Rhian. “The food industry therefore has an opportunity to continue the work it has already started on refining its messaging to consumers.” THE EFFORT TO PURSUE HEALTH “Our research shows that when grabbing food on the go, people usually revert to the easiest option, so if finding something healthy requires special effort they are less likely to do so. When offered a range of options to make finding healthy food easier, the largest proportion of consumers recommended a dedicated selection of healthy options clearly marked instore or on the menu (35%). The answer for different retailers could vary by format, customer base and even time of day, to make it as simple as possible to signpost consumers to seek out healthier options.” TAKEAWAY FOOD CULTURE “Takeaway missions have the lowest explicit levels of consideration around health. However, expanded home delivery and takeaway options could shift this perception over time,” she adds. FOUR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Finally, the research presents four clear commercial opportunities for companies, according to Rhian: Offer a broader range of healthy options “First, there is scope to encourage some people to eat out more frequently by offering a broader range of healthy options and meeting specific dietary claims, with 30% of consumers looking for more vegetarian options, 22% for more dairy-free choices and 20% for a larger vegan range (IGD ShopperVista Food-to-go, Q2 2017),” she says. REPOSITION THE LANGUAGE OF HEALTH “There’s also an opportunity to reposition the language of health. Many consumers view healthy eating as a sacrifice but there is scope to break this association, by showing that healthy food can taste good and make you feel good too,” continues Rhian. “This requires hitting the right emotional notes, for example, giving healthy ingredients ‘hero status’, using enticing language and visuals to excite the senses and creating a sense of theatre around preparation.” LEAD THE MARKET “Thirdly, some restaurants, cafes and food-to-go companies could build a reputation for leading the market on healthy choices, but this needs to be done in a skilful way, without switching off those who don’t want health messages to be too intrusive.” VARY THE OFFER AND TARGET DEMOGRAPHICS “Finally, there are opportunities to vary the offer and target certain demographic groups, locations and occasions when people are most concerned with healthy eating,” she adds. “For example, families with young children are particularly keen to see a wider choice of affordable, healthy choices in their area.” Rhian concluded: “If the barriers and solutions our research identifies are tackled over time, then there are clearly huge commercial opportunities for food and drink companies looking to bring together the two powerful trends of eating out and eating well.” A more detailed summary of the research is available at

Foodservice Price Volatility Goes on With 5.1% Inflation In December FOODSERVICE PRICE inflation rose to 5.1% in December 2017, the latest CGA Prestige Foodservice Price Index reveals—a sign of continued volatility in the market despite the easing of some pressures. It marks an increase in the rate of foodservice price inflation from November, when the Index stood at 3.4%—the lowest point since the start of 2017. It also means inflation in the sector is once more above the wider level of UK inflation recorded by the Consumer Price Index. The slackening of inflation in November had suggested some respite from major impacts including the weakness of sterling against the Euro and dollar following the UK’s vote to leave the European Union. But December’s increase indicates that instability in foodservice pricing is likely to continue into 2018. The exclusive Index from CGA and Prestige shows inflation is running high in most of its ten food and beverage categories. In Fish, rising demand, the strengthening of the Norwegian Krone and uncertainty over the UK’s future fishing quotas are all contributing to substantial inflation. Increasing global demand and the effect of the La Nina weather phenomenon are meanwhile driving up prices in the Oils and Fats category, while Avian Influenza is triggering uncertainty about the supply of poultry. There are doubts about the stability of prices in other categories too. Pressure on UK meat supply has been exacerbated

by the recent Russell Hume controversy, while pricing in the soft drinks sector is experiencing turbulence ahead of the introduction of the new ‘sugar tax’ in April. Combined with Brexit-related pressures, including uncertainty over the outcome of negotiations and the future of migrant labour in domestic sectors like fruit and vegetables, relief from inflation is unlikely in the immediate future. The monthly CGA Prestige Foodservice Price Index contains in-depth analysis of inflation in these and other categories of food and beverages, and helps businesses in the foodservice supply chain keep up to date with trends, challenges and opportunities. Christopher Clare, Head of Consulting & Insight at Prestige Purchasing, said: “While we have seen more reaction from the markets this past month as the government began to clarify its position and desired direction for Brexit it did not prevent the continuing correction from the price peaks that followed the referendum. Some further falls can be expected but these will be balanced against rising oil prices and supply issues in some categories.” CGA client director of food, Fiona Speakman said: “After relatively modest inflation in November, December’s Foodservice Price Index returned to the trend of substantial pricing pressure that dominated 2017. With many important areas of the market facing sector-specific challenges and the value of sterling still low, the Index confirms that any lull in inflation is likely to be short-lived.

Bidfood Creates Summer With Trend-Filled Range

INSPIRED BY the latest consumer dining trends, Bidfood has unveiled its innovative 2018 Create Summer range to help caterers kickstart the new season.

Developed following extensive research, Create Summer showcases a variety of new-to-market food and drink products, enabling businesses to capitalise on the trends driving consumer choice in 2018. With the rise of vegan eating and middle eastern cuisine key for this year, Bidfood has introduced tempting summer treats such as vegan chocolate caramel brownie and inspiring dishes including freekah (a cereal made from green durum wheat) and lamb kibbeh (a Levantine dish made with finely ground meat and spices). Laura Mason, Campaign Manager at Bidfood, said: “We’ve loved designing, developing and choosing the exciting new Create Summer range and it’s been fantastic to share the final collection with everyone. “Central to the range is our in-depth industry knowledge which ensures caterers can stay ahead of the curve with ontrend and bespoke menu suggestions that

directly cater to their diners. This year, consumer desire for new flavour combinations and experience-led dining will continue to dominate. Equally, government mandates around sugar and the ever-growing demand to meet dietary requirements with interesting menu options will be top of the agenda. Bidfood’s Create Summer range ties all this together to provide caterers with a wide variety of options to meet these needs and more!” Working alongside Public Health England (PHE), Bidfood’s summer range includes reformulated own brand products which address operator needs to meet the latest sugar targets. New products include a Lemon & Raspberry Ginger Crunch dessert and Vegan Coconut and Chocolate Tart. In addition, Bidfood has developed a nutritional screening tool for new product development, used to review the nutritional content of products within its own brand range to build its nutritional credentials, as well as to support its healthy eating agenda. The Bidfood Create Summer range is available to order from 1st March. For more information, please visit or call 01494 555 900.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2018

Government Reveals Plans for Casual Worker New Research Shows Camaraderie Helps Hospitality Workers Soldier On Through Sickness Entitlement to Holiday and Sick Pay Millions of flexible workers, including those in the hospitality sector will receive new rights under major government reforms as the UK becomes one of the first countries to address the challenges of the changing world of work in the modern economy. The ‘Good Work plan’ comes in response to the independent Taylor Review, published last year, which investigated what impact modern working practices are having on the world of work. The review found that the strength of the UK’s labour market is built on flexibility but that a clearer focus is needed on quality of work as well as the quantity of jobs. The reforms are a vital part of the Industrial Strategy, the government’s long-term plan to build a Britain fit for the future by helping businesses create better, higher-paying jobs in every part of the UK. Delivering on the Prime Minister’s pledge to not just protect but build on workers’ rights, the government set out proposals to ensure workers know their rights and receive the benefits and protections they are entitled to, and that action is taken against employers who breach workers’ rights. The Prime Minister said: "We recognise the world of work is changing and we have to make sure we have the right structures in place to reflect those changes, enhancing the UK’s position as one of the best places in the world to do business. "We are proud to have record levels of employment in this country but we must also ensure that workers’ rights are always upheld. "Our response to this report will mean tangible progress towards that goal as we build an economy that works for everyone.

The LittlePod Torta

Real vanilla supplier LittlePod share this recipe for the perfect Torta. See the advert below for further details about their products. Ingredients 250g plain flour 50g icing sugar 125g unsalted butter (softened) 5 medium eggs: (1 for pastry & seperate 4 into egg whites/yolks) 50ml/3tbsp milk & splash for pastry 150g ground almonds 150g caster sugar zest and juice of 1 medium lemon zest 1/2 an orange (optional) 1 tsp LittlePod vanilla paste 1 tsp clear honey (optional) 1 tbsp limoncello or cointreau handful of flaked almonds cream, crème fraiche or icecream to serve

"Matthew Taylor recognised that the UK’s employment law and tax law can fail to provide the clarity that employers and individuals need. The Government is also launching a detailed consultation examining options, including new legislation, to make it easier for both the workforce and businesses to understand whether someone is an employee, worker or self-employed – determining which rights and tax obligations apply to them." The government will seek to protect workers’ rights by: • Take further action to ensure unpaid interns are not doing the job of a worker; • Introducing a new naming scheme for employers who fail to pay employment tribunal awards • Quadrupling employment tribunal fines for employers showing malice, spite or gross oversight to £20,000 and considering increasing penalties for employers who have previously lost similar cases The government will ensure workers are paid fairly by: • Providing all 1.2 million agency workers with a clear breakdown of who pays them and any costs or charges deducted from their wages • Asking the Low Pay Commission to consider the impact of higher minimum wage rates for workers on zero-hour contracts • Considering repealing laws allowing agencies to employ workers on cheaper rates Quality work will also be considered by the government when agreeing new sector deals with industry, encouraging employers to show how they are investing in their workforces to improve productivity. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy will work with labour market experts, trade unions and the business community to measure the standards of quality work established in the Taylor Review.

Method 1. Line and grease an 8 inch flan pan. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees/gas mark 4. Sift the flour and icing sugar into a bowl or mixer. Add the softened butter, 1 egg and splash of milk. Mix until a ball is formed. Wrap in cling film and place in the fridge for half an hour. 2. Meanwhile, sift the ground almonds and caster sugar into a bowl. Add the lemon & orange zest, vanilla paste and honey. Then add the juice of lemon, milk, limencello or cointreau and 4 egg yolks. Mix all ingredients to a smooth paste. 3. Remove the pastry from the fridge, and roll out until it fits into a lined 8-inch flan tin. Cover and blind bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees or until golden. 4. Beat the egg whites until they are stiff, then gently fold into the almond mixture (note: for a lighter or heavier bake, ad more or less egg whites, respectively). 5. Once blind-baked, fill the pastry with the mixture. Dot with flaked almonds and cook for 25 minutes or until top is gently browned at 180 degrees. Check the mix is cooked by inserting a knife or skewer so that it comes out clean. 6. Decorate with sifted icing sugar and/or fresh fruit and serve with cream or ice-cream.

WITH ‘NATIONAL Sickie Day’ falling earlier this month, on 5 February, the day when UK workers are most likely to call in sick, a new survey of 286 workers in the hospitality sector indicates they are more likely to go into work than stay home when they are genuinely ill – and are very unlikely to ‘pull a sickie’. The survey found that only around one in 20 hospitality employees (6%) had claimed to be ill and taken a day off when they were actually fit to go to work. In fact, almost two in five hospitality workers (37%) had not taken a single day off sick in the previous year, while another 40% had only taken off one or two days as a result of illness. Conversely, the majority of people questioned (65%) admitted that they had gone into work while they were ill or unwell and suffering a range of conditions from a cold (68%) to fever (42%), back pain (32%) and migraines (32%). When asked why they went into work when they were ill, around one in 10 (less than 9%) said that taking time off was frowned upon by their employer, or that that they did so to avoid being sacked (just over 9%). Meanwhile 16% said that they battled into work to ensure they were paid. With perhaps a nod to the current hospitality crisis, just over one in four (28%) said there was no one to cover their role if they were away, hence the need to attend. However, the majority cited positive reasons for working despite feeling ill, including ‘to support my fellow workers’ (52%), ‘because I love my job’ (29%), and ‘because I’d rather work than be at home if I’m well enough’ (40%).

The research indicates a wide spread of sick pay policies among hospitality employers. Even though the majority of those surveyed (72%) had been with their current employer for over one year, a third of employees questioned said they are not eligible for any sick pay, though they can take unpaid days off work if they are sick. Of those who are entitled to sick pay, a third are entitled to time off with full pay while almost a third (29%) are only paid statutory sick pay. While a third of respondents just grin and bear it and struggle through (30%), the majority of employees who do attend work when they are unwell use a range of approaches in order to feel better, from taking over the counter medicines like paracetamol (62%) to energy drinks and medicines (12%) and ‘taking it easy’ and asking colleagues to help out more (19%). “People love working in the hospitality sector – apparently even when they are ill and should perhaps stay home instead,” said Craig Allen, founder and director of The Change Group. “Despite the sometimes long and anti-social hours, hospitality is a fun sector to work in and encourages strong teamwork, and these are perhaps the key reasons why employees show up when they are unwell. “We would definitely recommend that employers should think carefully about their sick pay policies, especially for long tenure workers, as this can be seen as an important benefit. In fact, we are now seeing more and more employers offering full pay when employees take days off sick, as well as providing health insurance for key workers. Even though the research shows most hospitality employees don’t take much time off sick, these benefits can make a huge difference in terms of attracting the best talent.”

Raby Hunt’s Fridges Get The Beauty And The Brawn YOU DON’T make major changes to a two Michelin star kitchen without good reason, and certainly not without ensuring you have the best expertise at hand. So when chef owner James Close decided to install a new kitchen and expand the Raby Hunt restaurant from 25 to 35 covers, he called in Crosbys, the kitchen specialist based in Newcastle upon Tyne. And when Crosbys specified the refrigeration, they called in Williams – because its models offered the combination of looks and muscle-power the restaurant required. The Raby Hunt is in the tiny village of Summerhouse, near Darlington. James Close is known for simple, stunning and visually exciting food. The new kitchen is on view to diners so they can get a sense of the theatre of a two-star kitchen in full swing. “The refrigeration, like all the catering equipment, had to function perfectly but also had to look good,” says John Clarke of Crosbys, who project managed the job. “And the Raby Hunt has a lot of fridges!” The fact that Williams offers such a

wide range of products meant the company was able to supply models that met the variety of specific needs in the new kitchen. Nearest the chef’s table are biscuit top counters, which are sited below specially fabricated worktops featuring a rolled edge. Chef’s stations have individual counters with drawers, so each chef has direct and easy access to the ingredients they need. The pastry area has a two-door counter with a granite worktop. The central prep island features multiple counters, with both chilled and frozen storage. The main cooking area also has counters, again with drawers. The counters are a mix of William’s Jade, Aztra and Amber units. For example, the space-saving Aztra units at the restaurant include a single-door, wide format, two-drawer freezer, model LAZ5UC, which has a footprint of 660mm wide by 609mm deep. Then there’s the narrow-format, single-door HAZ5CT Aztra fridge, which is 455mm by 734mm. Meanwhile the compact, single door Amber, HA135, is 606mm x 577mm. The Jade counters are all two-door models, in a mix of biscuit top (to fit under a worktop or counter) and standard counter models. The Raby Hunt also has a Jade upright cabinet freezer. To learn more about Williams extensive product range visit

February 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Brits Pay 43% More For Their Booze Get Ready for INTERCLEAN Amsterdam 2018 Than the European Average BRITISH CONSUMERS are being hit by punishingly high alcohol prices while drinkers across the channel pay a lot less to enjoy a tipple. The Office of National Statistics latest analysis reveals that the UK has the fourth highest alcohol prices in the EU beaten only by Sweden, Ireland and Finland. The ONS figures show that in the UK the alcohol beverage price level is 42.7% higher than the EU average. In comparison the French pay 11% below the EU average for their alcohol, in Spain it’s 16% below and in Bulgaria they pay 35% less than the EU average alcohol price. It comes as no coincidence that the UK also pays the 4th highest duty level on spirits and 3rd highest duty rates for wine and beer in Europe. The reality is that £2.16 of what Brits spend on an average priced bottle of still wine goes to the Treasury on duty. For sparkling wine £2.77 gets swallowed up by duty and when you buy an average priced bottle of spirits, at 40% abv, £8.05, of your hard-earned cash goes on duty. On top of this the UK is dealing with rising inflation currently at 3%. All of which adds up to unfairly high prices for consumers when faced with their shopping bill. Miles Beale Chief Executive of the Wine & Spirit Trade Association said: “Despite the Chancellor delivering a welcome and muchneeded freeze on wine and spirit duty in the November Budget we still have a long way to go to rebalance the UK’s excessively high duty rates. British consumers will find it a hard fact to swallow that they are paying well above average for the luxury of enjoying a drink. In this cold weather peo-

ple are looking at summer holiday destinations and these alcohol price comparisons make a holiday to France, Spain or Bulgaria a very attractive prospect. Our disproportionately high prices are not helping Britain promote itself as an attractive destination for tourists. The Government should do more to rebalance duty, and offer British consumers a fairer deal and tourists to the UK a more attractive proposition – both of which would support the more than 550,000 people working in the UK’s world leading wine and spirit industry.” Sales figures published in the last WSTA Market Report revealed the average price of a bottle of wine, sold in shops increased last year reaching £5.56, up 3% on the previous year. Prices have been affected by the triple whammy resulting from Brexit’s impact on the pound, rising inflation and the 3.9% inflationary duty rise on alcohol imposed by the Chancellor at his Budget last March. Sales of wine in our pubs, bars and restaurants show an average priced 175ml glass of wine has increased to £3.74, up 20p compared to 2016. A YouGov poll published in the same Market Report showed four out of five people polled are concerned about the prospect of paying higher prices for food and drink. Consumers’ expressed unease at creeping costs, with 80% of people polled confirming their concern over the prospect of paying higher prices, up from 71% in February. Fourteen countries in the EU have zero duty rates for wine and therefore only 21% of a bottle of wine sold in France or Spain is taken up in tax and 19% in Germany.

Doctors Demand Comprehensive Alcohol Labelling THE ALCOHOL industry should be forced to list ingredients and nutritional information on products, doctors leaders across Europe have said. The European Junior Doctors permanent working group, European Medical Students’ Association and European Union of Medical Specialists – which all include BMA representatives – have signed a joint letter sent to European commissioner for health and food safety Vytenis Andriukaitis. The letter welcomed the European Commission’s report published in March last year which suggests a need for improved alcohol labelling in Europe but urged for more to be done, including a mandatory requirement for the entire industry to list ingredient and nutrition details per 100ml on all labels. The letter also says alcoholic products should show unit information, alcohol consumption guidelines, a health warning message and advice not to drink during pregnancy. The

information should be ‘readily available’ at the point of sale and in all printed and electronic material. The letter says: ‘You will be aware that alcohol consumption in Europe is higher than any other region in the world and that the associated alcohol-related harms correspond accordingly. ‘National governments have an obligation to tackle these issues but cooperation at European level is necessary due to the free movement of goods across the EU.’ A letter sent in response from Mr Andriukaitis says alcoholic beverage producers will develop, by March 2018, a selfregulatory proposal aimed at providing the list of ingredients and nutritional information. The letter says the proposal would be assessed and ‘next steps’ considered. It adds: "Should the commission… consider the proposal as unsatisfactory, it would then launch an impact assessment to review further available options."

Are you looking for the right people to fill your vacancy? WE CAN HELP! CLH News has been servicing the independent hospitality sector for 19 years, providing news, views, products and services and we are delighted to launch our new dedicated hospitality recruitment website. "Scheme to avert Brexit staff crisis will come too late." "Brexit hands hospitality sector recruitment nightmare with staff shortage of 60,000 - but will Government listen?" "Hotels, restaurants and tourism may face staff shortages."





From 15-18 May 2018, INTERCLEAN Amsterdam 2018 will throw open its doors to welcome cleaning and hygiene industry professionals to the largest and most international event in the world. Since it began in 1967, INTERCLEAN Amsterdam has grown to become an unmissable trade show for businesses around the world looking to discover the latest innovations and experience an unrivalled networking opportunity.

The world’s premier professional cleaning and hygiene event Bringing together more than 30,000 decision makers from more than 130 countries, INTERCLEAN Amsterdam offers visitors a chance to gain a comprehensive global overview of the professional cleaning and hygiene industry – and the 2018 edition is set to be no different. The show will include an exhaustive exhibition programme, alongside a diverse range of expert-led educational seminars and workshops designed to explore the innovations that will change the way each sector does business. Set across 12 display halls, INTERCLEAN Amsterdam will feature more than 800 exhibitors from more than 40 countries. They will demonstrate the latest innovations in professional cleaning and hygiene products and services – effectively showcasing the future of the industry. Covering a wide variety of cleaning and hygiene segments – including Washroom, Equipment and Machines – the show will offer visitors the most in-depth view of their sectors available. There will also be a large outdoor area for outdoor cleaning, high-pressure and window cleaning – with live demonstrations. What’s new for the 2018 show? Adding to the variety, INTERCLEAN Amsterdam 2018 will introduce three new segments: Laundry, Waste solutions and Healthcare. These will make the event more comprehensive than ever before, while adding new features such as the On-Premise Laundry (OPL) pavilion, the Zero Waste LAB and the Healthcare LAB. With its skills workshops, the Healthcare LAB is set to be a particularly popular addition to the

Getting Smart with Food Waste CONSUMERS ARE becoming more conscious of environmental issues, placing increasing pressure on businesses to be sustainable. In an industry such as hospitality, which contributes 920,000 tonnes to the UK’s food waste problem, 75% of which is avoidable, this is especially important Food waste must be disposed of responsibly, which means diverting it away from landfill. Not only is landfill environmentally damaging, but UK landfill will reach full capacity by 2020, and with its increasing cost, it’s no longer viable. By

2018 event, alongside the Healthcare Forum. Firm favourites make a return As well as a host of new segments, speakers and exhibitors, INTERCLEAN Amsterdam 2018 will see the return of popular features from previous shows. This includes the Innovation LAB, which will host a series of seminars, workshops and presentations throughout the duration of the show. Visitors to the event will also have the chance to discover the Robot Arena, where they can learn what’s currently possible in the world of autonomous cleaning machines. Prepare to be amazed by how far this technology has come since the last show in 2016. Also returning to INTERCLEAN Amsterdam is the Management & Mobility Solutions Pavilion. This has doubled in size since its introduction at the 2014 edition of show, and provides the latest information on apps, online monitoring tools, e-learning platforms and workflow management software solutions from a range of international exhibitors. A launch pad for innovation The INTERCLEAN Amsterdam event is seen as a vital platform for launching innovations within the global cleaning industry. Coming once more to INTERCLEAN Amsterdam will be the prestigious Innovation Award, which recognises the most original, practical, sustainable and profitable solutions available to the cleaning and hygiene industry. More than 100 entrants will bid to become a winner, with many of these innovative products set to be on display at the event’s Innovation LAB. Mixing business with pleasure As well as hosting halls full of exhibitors demonstrating their products and services, INTERCLEAN Amsterdam 2018 will provide plenty of opportunity for entertainment and relaxation. INTERCLEAN Amsterdam 2018 is all set to be the biggest and best edition of the show yet – and the ideal place to discover the innovations that will become the future of the industry. Registration for INTERCLEAN Amsterdam 2018 is open now (and free of charge until 8 May). Be part of the industry’s biggest event – sign up today at See the advert on page 15 for details.

recycling food waste by Anaerobic Digestion (AD), we generate energy and produce bio-fertiliser, which can be used to grow food crops. It can also save businesses up to 47% compared to landfill. As part of our mission to encourage businesses to reduce and responsibly dispose of food waste, we opened our third UK AD site in Dagenham in 2017, capable of processing 160,000 tonnes of food waste each year and providing London businesses with access to a more sustainable food waste disposal method. Food waste disposed of irresponsibly, regardless of size, contributes to the damage being done to the planet. This has to be stopped and businesses, big and small, must play their part. See the advert on page 13 for details or visit www.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2018

Products and Services

Cofresh Launches New Ruff Nuts Snack Pack Especially For Pubs And Bars! Small but perfectly formed: Introducing the new Carpigiani 161 INDIAN SNACK brand Cofresh has launched a new pack size of its popular crispy coated Ruff Nuts especially for pubs and bars. The new 40g ‘snack size’ bags of the crunchy, double roasted peanuts are available in two distinctive flavours – Peri Peri and Chilli & Lime – and are mounted on a highly visual, handy pub card for display on or behind the bar. “People are looking for new taste experiences all the time and these certainly help pack a flavour punch!” comments Debbie King, Director of Commercial Sales &

Marketing. “Flavoured nuts are one of the fastest growing snack trends at the moment and so give operators a great opportunity to capitalise on their popularity. “Our spicy Ruff Nuts deliver a great taste experience and they’re the perfect partner to a pint – but they’re equally great with gin and super with a soft drink!” The new packs are available 12 x 40g on vibrant and space-saving ready-to-merchandise pub cards for high visibility behind the bar. For more information visit RRP 69p per 40g bag.

THE WORLD leader in ice cream and gelato equipment, Carpigiani, has announced the launch of the brand new 161, an innovative, compact, soft serve ice cream portfolio. The new 161 series will feature a 161 G and 161 G SP, a self-pasteurising model, the latter of which is capable of achieving an incredible 42 day cleaning cycle. Designed from the ground up, the new 161 uses air cooled technology, generating flow through a removable air filter at the base of the unit, channelling hot air exiting at the top. This not

only improves efficiency, but also allows the unit to be positioned directly next to another appliance, delivering even greater space efficiency on a limited countertop. Efficient cleaning is achieved, particularly with the 161 G SP with its automatic self-pasteurisation, capable of achieving an extraordinary 42 day cleaning cycle, while a heated cylinder function, quickly defrosts the chamber to further aid a rapid manual clean down when required. For more information on the new Carpigiani 161 or to find out about the other models in the ever-popular soft serve range, please visit or call 01432 346 018.

Aimia Have Got All Your Bases Covered Two New Popcorn Products from Salty Dog

“The DOLMIO® and UNCLE BEN’S® ready-touse sauces range consists of 18 different flavours which have all been specifically developed for the foodservice sector with convenience and speed in mind, whilst delivering maximum flavour. All of the sauces in the range can be used straight from the jar, with no additional cooking required, as a standalone sauce, a dip, marinade or even as a pizza topping. There is no need to purchase a multitude of fresh ingredients for the sauce, therefore the trial and error in developing consistent dishes is eliminated. Instead, by using the DOLMIO® and

UNCLE BEN’S® ready-to-use sauces, no matter what the quantity, or when required, you know that the quality and consistency will be of the highest standard time and time again. What’s more, the sauces are suitable for vegetarians and gluten free diets. This ensures that they can be used in ‘freefrom’ dishes – as well as being part of an everyday menu. As the sauces can be used in such a variety of ways, they help to reduce the cost of having to purchase lots of different ingredients per menu item.” For more information on the products please contact Aimia Foods on 01942 272900 or visit the website See the advert on page 6 for details.

Regale Gives New Cavity Liner A Wave !

The latest CPS2A model features a new ‘wave design’, which the supplier believes improves the microwave cavity liner’s ease of cleaning plus has greater rigidity. Regale Microwave Ovens under the Microsave® brand invested in a brand new injection mould press to produce the wave design, The tool comprises of two parts with a weight of over 3tons. The new design has also been registered with the Intellectual Property Offices in the UK, Europe, USA, China and Japan which will be renewed every five years. Both directors of Regale, Pat Bray and Barry Clark, were at the launch and were delighted with the result. Clark

said: “We have been working on this new design now for nearly 12 months and not only has the quality of the new liner been greatly improved with the new base for even easier cleaning, but it has proved to be easier and quicker to actually manufacture by our production team.” Bray said “now this new design has proved to be exceptionally good and more durable, we are thinking of rolling out the design across the Microsave® range” The new CPS2A is being installed by Regale into the Panasonic NE1843 and NE1853 (Panasonic’s heavy duty compact range of microwave ovens) and is now readily available at a special promotional price during February and March 2018” See the advert on page 10 for details.

JURA – Introducing Two New Pro Machines

Developed by a dedicated team of Swiss engineers, JURA has revolutionised the way coffee should be enjoyed with the addition of two new professional bean-to-cup coffee machines, the X6 and the X8. The high-performance X6 features up to 10 programmable black coffee specialities, using either freshly ground coffee or whole coffee beans, at just the touch of a button. The perfect accompaniment to any establishment, this new model boasts an ultra-modern design, TFT colour display screen for intuitive operation, and comes in a sleek Dark Inox finish. The X8 offers a broad spectrum of specialities. It features up to 21 programmable specialities all finished with milk and milk foam, as well as black coffees and the classic pot of coffee, available at just the touch of a

button. For tea lovers, it also prepares hot water at different temperature levels. The X8 also has a height-adjustable dual spout and its control elements are all positioned on the front of the machine, for maximum convenience. Thanks to the patented Pulse Extraction Process (P.E.P.®) and the AromaG3 grinder, both machines guarantee the perfect coffee every time. Both of these beautiful models are also equally easy to care for with the Intelligent Water System (I.W.S.®) which provides optimum water quality. To create a complete, made-to-measure coffee solution, both new professional machines can be combined with a number of accessories, such as the Cool Control, cup warmer, fresh water kit or the accounting system. For more information, please visit or see the advert on page 11.

Hoshizaki Expand Snowflake Generation II With Refrigerated Drawers

HOSHIZAKI, THE world’s leading refrigeration and ice machine manufacturer, has announced the expansion of its popular Snowflake Generation II portfolio, with the launch of a series of versatile, ‘Drawer Refrigeration Counter’ units in an assortment of sizes and formats. Engineered to perform in the most demanding of environments, the new drawer units are available in a collection of six different configurations, each designed to complement the existing models in the Snowflake range. Engineered from the highest quality, non-corrosive stainless steel and with a standard height of 854mm, (an optional castor kit to raise the working height to 900mm is also available.) the counters not only provide outstanding reliability, but can also extend the prep surface within a compact kitchen environment. The new units in the Snowflake

Generation II series, are available with an optional 100mm welded splash back for enhanced hygiene and spillage control, while anti-tilt drawers ensure greater safety for those operating within the kitchen environment. A vivid LED display, variable temperature control and operational range of between -2°c +8°c further enhances flexibility, while Hoshizaki’s innovative ‘Tropicalised cooling system’ ensures the refrigerators function in ambient temperatures of up to +40°c. In line with the Hoshizaki ethos of manufacturing sustainable, energy saving equipment, the new Snowflake Gen II drawer counters feature the very latest HC-compliant refrigerant and a high-density polyurethane insulation to deliver ongoing efficiency. For more information on the Snowflake Generation II range, or to find out about the other appliances in the Hoshizaki portfolio, please see or call 01322 616 900.

Jestic Bring New Rosinox Double Kettle Cooker To UK Market

RECENTLY ANNOUNCED as the UK distributors for the Rosinox, part of the renowned Ali Group last month, Jestic Foodservice Equipment is delighted to launch a brand new, multifunctional cooking appliance to market. The Rosinox Dual Chef is a multi-purpose electric, double kettle cooker, capable of successful performing a wide range of cooking functions to an outstanding consistency. Constructed from a high-grade stainless steel, the Dual Chef features two large independently controlled kettles. A uniform temperature is generated by powerful, flat heating elements and a three layer, 10mm metal base. Further consistency is achieved thanks to a double-walled stainless steel lid, hinged and

balanced with peripheral seals for greater heat retention. In order to deliver precision cooking, the unit features two, user-friendly, full colour, touch screen displays, complete with integrated USB connectivity and recipe memory. Ideal for groups and chains looking to maintain consistency across a full estate, the digital interface ensures menu items can be produced to a high quality, even by those with limited training. Internally, the unit features hot and cold water connection and an integrated spout with volume control. A separate drain for food and cleaning water and a handy water spray gun with flexible swivel hose aids efficient cleaning. A single food probe measures three points per kettle, while three further sensors prevent overheating. For more information on the Rosinox Dual Chef or to find out about the other commercial products supplied by Jestic Foodservice Equipment, please visit or call 01892 831960.

COOL SNACK brand Salty Dog has unveiled two new popcorn products: Sea Salt and Sweet & Salty, designed for both retail and hospitality and made in Devon. Fitting neatly into vending machines, the popcorn is vegan friendly and already has listings with wholesalers around the UK. The popcorn is the latest new snack to emerge from the Salty Dog stable. Added

to the highly popular corn kernels sold in two pack sizes, bulk and carded nuts, two brands of hand cooked crisps and a delicious pork crackling, Gruntled. For those who are looking for an Easter add on look no further, Cheggs candy coated chocolate eggs are ready to order now too. All products are available from Chiltern Snacks a distribution company owned by Salty Dog. or call 01494 776006

Whitakers Chocolate Company Expands Personalised Range WHITAKERS CHOCOLATES has capitalised on the success of its range of fully personalised chocolate bars with the addition of the ColourBox. In late 2017, Whitakers Chocolates announced the launch of the ColourBar, 85g chocolate bars available with full-colour illustrations, graphics or photographic wrappers. The new products have been so well received the range has been extended to include the ColourBox, a gift box of four hand-finished chocolates or truffles in a digitally printed gift box using any photography, graphics, illustrations and wording. William Whitaker, managing director of Whitakers Chocolates, explains: “The ColourBar has really taken off and the feedback we’ve received so far is that having the flexibility to include something as personal as a photograph of a hotel front or bespoke seasonal messages is something that business owners appreciate. We have

even supplied chocolates wrapped in book covers to help promote one author’s book tour of the US.” “Branded and complimentary gifts play a major part in the customer experience and we know that to be able to offer something so personalised adds to the feeling of luxury. That’s why we’re investing in this area of the business.” With a minimum order of just 300 units and no delivery or origination fees the ColourBox is a cost-effective option available for smaller businesses as well as large companies. ColourBox truffles are available in milk chocolate, rum, soft caramel and white chocolate champagne flavours in a silver or gold-based box. William added: “From scenic views, to caricatures and significant dates, we have our own in-house artwork team able to advise and create eye-catching designs from almost any supplied imagery.” For more information on Whitakers Chocolates Colourbox and other personalised confectionery visit

Lift Your Spirits With Jeffrey’s Tonic Syrups: Delicious Alcohol-Free Drinks And Cocktail Mixers Jeffrey’s Tonic Ltd, based in Chester, has launched a range of delicious tonic syrups made from the finest natural ingredients, to bring something truly unique to the booming tonic water and cocktails market in the UK. Available in four varieties (Original; Lime, Galangal & Orange; Yarrow, Rosehip & Elderflower; and Plain Tonic), it is the sophisticated, multi-layered combination of flavours that makes these syrups truly unique. They are derived from natural herbs and spices, with the quinine kick from Cinchona bark. For a seriously good gin and tonic, or a sophisticated adult soft drink, try a Jeffrey’s with ice and five parts soda

water (and maybe an appropriate gin). It has to be tasted to be believed! Mike Robinson, MD at Jeffrey’s Tonic, comments: “There have been huge developments in the drinks market, with consumers exploring new adult flavours and willing to pay more for quality. Most tonic waters are pretty similar and consumer choice within soft drinks is still limited. With our wonderful tonic syrups, we have something really special and unique that consumers and retailers are going to love.” Jeffrey’s Tonic will shortly be available via Gin Kiosk and plans to quickly expand into retail, bars & restaurants. For more information please visit or contact Mike directly at, or 0773 442 8857 or see the advert on page 16.

Team That ‘Never Gives Up’ Gets A Push From Precision It’s not easy getting sponsorship in some of football’s lower leagues. So you can imagine the joy in the Downham Market under 13s boys’ team when they secured support for their away strip, which is also used for training. The kit has been sponsored by Precision, the foodservice refrigeration company based in Thetford, Norfolk. The team plays in the Mid mNorfolk Youth League, under 13s division one, and manager Jane Sharpe was delighted by the news. “Having the new away kits is a real boost to team spirit,” she said. “I am really proud of the lads, it’s a very

tough league this season but they are a determined bunch and never give up. We’re currently fourth in the league – hopefully this will help us on our way to the coveted third spot!” Precision operations director Andy Fysh is involved with the team, since his son Henry plays in midfield. “I sold the sponsorship deal to the board on the basis that Precision refrigeration has some similarities to the football team – it’s designed to work in the toughest conditions and it never gives up!” For more information check out the Precision website (, or call the company directly on +44 (0)1842 753 994.

CESA Warns of Complex Issues as EU Reports on Product Legislation post-Brexit THE EU Commission has issued a document detailing the impact of Brexit on manufacturers, suppliers and importers operating in the UK, in terms of product legislation. “It doesn’t make easy reading,” says CESA director Keith Warren. The Association is holding a series of meetings with relevant bodies to map out the implications for its members and look for ways to mitigate them. The document is headlined ‘Withdrawal of the United Kingdom and EU rules in the field of industrial products.’ It lists many of the challenges that UK companies will face after Brexit. Any manufacturer or importer based in the UK will no longer be considered to operate within the European Union. This has a whole raft of implications – such as the need for a ‘qualified third party, known as a Notified Body’ to become involved in assessing the conformity of products. After the withdrawal, the EU will not recognise product testing that has

been undertaken by UK Notified Bodies. The document also includes a list of product legislation, a large number of which are relevant to the catering equipment industry. They range from general product safety, use of hazardous substances, Ecodesign and Energy Labelling to pressure equipment, construction products and electromagnetic compatibility. CESA is discussing the issues with DEXEU (the Department for Exiting the European Union) and BEIS (the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy), as well as Test Houses and the BSI Group (the UK standards body). The document and its implications will be discussed at the next CESA Technical Forum, on Thursday 22nd February 2018 at CESA’s offices. “I would urge members to attend the meeting,” says Warren. “This is a complex issue and we need clarity – members will get the very latest feedback and analysis, and be able to share their concerns and ideas.” CESA members should contact, 020 7793 3030, to register to attend.

British Foodservice Consumers Are Creatures of Habit When They Eat Out NEW FINDINGS from global information company The NPD Group suggest consumers eating out on Britain’s high streets are becoming creatures of habit. NPD Group foodservice data for the year ending (YE) November 2017 shows that the reason for choosing a particular foodservice operator in nearly one in four (24%) eatout or out-of-home (OOH) visits was because consumers ‘always/regularly go there’. This amounts to over 2.8 billion visits per year in Britain that can be described as ‘habitual’. Habitual visits are growing fastest Habit isn’t the only motivator in Britain’s £55 billion foodservice industry – we like the convenience of the location (37%) as well as good pricing (24%) – but habit is the fastestgrowing reason for visiting a foodservice outlet. Habitual visits have risen by +10.6% (or an additional 263 million such visits) over the two years to November 2017, seven times faster than visit growth in the overall foodservice market (+1.5%). Habitual visits account for a significant £12.6 billion of OOH consumer spending per year, a figure that has risen by +13.4% in the two years to November 2017, while overall OOH spending has grown by less than half this rate (+6.6%). Cyril Lavenant, Foodservice Director UK at the NPD Group, said: “We are all spoilt for choice when it comes to eating out, thanks to innovative foodservice chains opening all the time. The conventional wisdom is that with so many options we are promiscuous consumers, choosing one brand and then another – always experimenting and never settling for a ‘favourite’. But our latest data shows that’s not the case. Nearly one in four of us are happy to go on ‘autopilot’ as long as we get good pricing, convenience and the right customer experience. The value of that ‘autopilot’ business is close to £13 billion – or nearly one-quarter of the sales value of the entire British foodservice industry so it’s something Britain’s operators should fight for.”

Apps disrupt loyalty behaviour People are especially willing to be creatures of habit when choosing coffee shops, a foodservice industry segment where Britain’s consumers spend £2.4bn a year. In coffee shops, a much higher proportion of one in three consumers (32%) choose an operator because they ‘always/regularly go there’. Loyalty schemes play a part in this. NPD Group data shows that coffee shops record three times more visits involving a loyalty scheme than is the case across the total OOH market. A well-thought out loyalty scheme is a great defensive play but the bar is continuously being raised in terms of what a scheme needs to offer. If a loyalty scheme is enticing, it can encourage habitual visits, although such schemes can also have a detrimental impact on an operator’s bottom line. But technology is changing things. NPD Group’s research has shown that when an app is offered for ordering ahead for pick up in-store, consumers are less inclined to be loyal. Levels of habitual visits involving an app for pick up are currently much lower (17%) than is the case overall (24%). So, apps can disrupt consumer habits by offering convenience, short-term discounts, money-off vouchers, or even free products. The NPD Group predicts that app visits will grow much faster than the general market. Currently accounting for 146m visits a year, app visits are set to account for 28% of total eating out market growth over the next two years, reaching almost 200m visits a year by 2019. This means the potential disruption of habitual visits will become more significant in future. Cyril Lavenant added: “Consumers pick a foodservice brand because they know it will offer a good experience. And the operators know that it is more important than ever to stand out from the competition, especially as the frequency at which British adults eat out has declined by nearly 4% over the last decade. Competition is fierce, and anybody in the foodservice industry is under significant pressure constantly to improve. Even the most habitual of customers can suddenly switch allegiance. So, operators cannot afford to be complacent, or confuse consumer habit with consumer loyalty. When consumers have a good experience they come back for more, but when that experience disappoints, there are plenty of other choices out there.”

February 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


VisitBritain Launches New Global Campaign to Boost Inbound Tourism NATIONAL TOURISM agency VisitBritain is this week launching a new global campaign for 2018 to boost inbound tourism to Britain. The campaign ‘I Travel For…’ uses short films and storytelling to shine the spotlight on unexpected experiences and less-explored destinations in Britain, alongside its globally renowned and iconic landmarks and attractions. The campaign aligns the passions that motivate people to travel with experiences that can only be had in Britain, inspiring overseas visitors to book a trip right now. The digital campaign kicks off internationally with a launch film(link is external) on Facebook and Instagram followed by a series of films and images promoting destinations across Britain. The digital campaign is launching across social media channels from February to April in Britain’s largest and most valuable inbound visitor markets including Australia, France, Germany and the US and its high-spending markets including China, the GCC and India. VisitBritain Chief Executive Sally Balcombe said: “Tourism is one of the UK’s most valuable export industries, driving economic growth and creating jobs right across Britain. It is also a fiercely competitive global industry and we are seizing the opportunity to build on the strong growth we have seen,showcasing that Britain is bursting with fun activities, adventure and wonderfully unexpected experiences to come

and discover all year round. “By shining a spotlight and telling the stories of Britain’s exciting and contemporary culture, innovations in food and drink, thebeauty of our countryside and vibrancy of our cities, we want to inspire even more international visitors to book a trip right now.” The campaign has been developed based on VisitBritain’s global research into people’s motivations, passions and inspiration for travel including adventure, fun, relaxation, discovery, culture, food and drink and the unexpected. The campaign uses these motivators to create tailored content for target audiences, which is then shared on Facebook and Instagram globally. As part of the global campaign, VisitBritain is also working with commercial partners, including BA and Expedia, across its key inbound visitor markets to convert the inspiration to visit Britain into bookings. Overseas visits to the UK are forecast to break through the 40 million mark for the first time in 2018, reaching 41.7 million, up 4.4% on 2017. Spending by overseas visitors to the UK is forecast to reach £26.9 billion in 2018, up 6.8% on 2017. VisitBritain’s I Travel For… campaign is part of the UK Government’s GREAT Britain campaign, which promotes the UK internationally as a place to visit, study, invest and do business. Tourism is worth £127 billion to the UK economy, creating jobs and boosting economic growth across its nations and regions.

Wiltshire Pub Re-Opens A Shop And Bakery For The Village A NEW village shop and bakery has opened in the local pub at Dinton near Salisbury in South Wiltshire with support from the Community Services Fund. Margaret Tonson, the village’s long-serving ex-postmistress and shopkeeper officially opened the Village Shop and Bakery yesterday at The Penruddocke Arms, a year after the previous village shop closed down. Free house owners of the pub, Matt Keel and Carly Hunt have set up their shop in an old disused games room at the side of the pub. Having heard about the work of Pub is The Hub in supporting pubs to diversify their businesses, they made contact with the local advisor, Reg Clarke. He was able to advise and support them on their project whilst also obtaining a grant of £1,500 from the organisation’s Community Services Fund towards cost of refurbishing the games room to the shop. Brewer, Greene King also contributed £400 towards the cost of a fridge.

The shop is accessible through a separate door to the pub and is open seven days a week from 7.30am to 6.30pm from Monday to Saturday and from 8am to 4pm on Sunday. It sells newspapers, convenience foods and local produce and will be staffed entirely by family members, with Matt and Carly’s mums and two sisters. Carly, who grew up in Dinton said: “When we heard that the old shop was closing, I really wanted to take it on but it was just too far from the pub to make it viable for us. It was our accountant who suggested that we look at redeveloping the old games room and to contact Pub is The Hub for advice. “With our own investment and the grant from Pub is The Hub we hope that the shop will save the villagers from having to drive too far for their everyday groceries. We have started up a delivery service for those who can’t drive to us – I have children at the school so I’m in the village twice a day – and we serve hot takeaway food and coffees.” She added: “We have been open for a couple of weeks now and it has gone far better than we thought it would.”

BBPA Responds to Consultation On Relaxation Of Licensing Hours For The Royal Wedding

THE BRITISH Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) has responded to the Government’s consultation on the relaxation of licensing hours for the Royal Wedding. The BBPA made the original request for extended hours for pubs in England and Wales for the weekend of the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The extension of hours will be a great way to celebrate this occasion, and will bring a huge boost to the pub trade.

In the response, the BBPA has welcomed the Government’s consultation on the extension of opening hours on Friday 18th May and Saturday the 19th May until 1am the following morning. The BBPA believes that the extension of licensing hours could bring an estimated boost of £10 million to the trade, and will enable pubs to take advantage of the expected increase in tourism. The BBPA believes that licensed premises, with experience of dealing with large events, will have enough time to prepare for the relaxation of these hours due to the consultation, it will also save them from applying for a Temporary Event Notice. Extended hours for previous royal occasions including the most recent Royal

“SUPER PUB” GETS “SUPER LOO”! A new ‘super pub’- believed to be the biggest in the UK- has opened, complete with a ‘super loo’!

The 16,500 sq ft Royal Victoria Pavilion in Ramsgate is the result of a £4.5m investment by leading pub chain JD Wetherspoon, and revitalises a Grade II listed former casino on the seafront. Its doors will be open to all- the venue includes one of Closomat’s Changing Places assisted accessible toilets, for people who need more space, and/or equipment when they need the loo away from home. The Royal Pavilion is the latest Wetherspoons to feature one of the toilets, which offers more space than a conventional wheelchair-accessible toilet12m2- and, on top of the usual fixtures, incorporates a ceiling track hoist, height adjustable adult-sized changing bench, privacy screen, and height adjustable washbasin. It compliments the standard toilet facilities, and is conveniently located alongside the other washrooms on the ground floor.

Under Building Regulations and British Standards, a Changing Places toilet is ‘desirable’ in buildings to which numbers of the public have access. Since their introduction a decade ago, 1000 have been opened across the UK. Venues include several JD Wetherspoon pubs, most UK major airports, stations, Alton Towers, wildlife parks and other tourist attractions.

Architect Barry Goacher of KD Paine & Associates said, “JD Wetherspoon has a established, ongoing commitment to providing quality venues- right through to the toilets, indeed it has won several Loo of the Year Awards. It was therefore a key element of our brief in designing the new pub to ensure that reputation was maintained, and that a Changing Places was included so the pub’s doors would be truly open to all.”

Closomat is Britain’s leading provider of helpful toileting solutions, at home and away, including Changing Places and their similar Space to Change facilities. Uniquely, the company can provide an inhouse, ‘one- stop-shop’ complete package for ‘away from home’ assisted accessible toilet facilities, from design and commissioning, through to project management, supply and installation, and can also provide subsequent maintenance and repair.

Adds Closomat’s Claire Haymes, away from home specialist, “Without the space and facilities a Changing Places provides, potentially up to 14million people- and their carers- in the UK can’t find, or use- suitable toilets when away from home. They may need help to be lifted out of a wheelchair, they may need extra space for someone else to be in there and help them, they may need changing. JD Wetherspoon is the only major pub chain committed to providing the facilities in as many of its venues as possible.”

Its website is the most comprehensive resource available about Changing Places for campaigners, providers and specifiers alike, with a raft of support information including white papers, calling cards, CAD blocks, NBS specifications, video and case studies.

tel 0161 969 1199;

Wedding and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee brought in vital revenues for the sector, and will allow the nation to celebrate and make the most of this historic occasion. With the Government’s consultation on relaxation of licensing hours for the Royal Wedding ending on the evening of the 4th of February, the BBPA is urging licensees to get involved in the on-line consultation. BBPA Chief Executive Brigid Simmonds comments: “Royal weddings are a time of great national celebration, and provide a fantastic opportunity for the nation to get together in the pub. Relaxed licensing hours for pubs will be welcomed by pubgoers and provide a real boost to the pub trade.”


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2018

Expowest Cornwall Preview

Get in the Know About Business in Kernow

IF YOU have an interest in Cornwall’s vibrant hospitality and catering industry then you cannot afford to miss Expowest Cornwall, the sector’s foremost regional trade show. Taking place in Wadebridge from Tuesday 6 – Thursday 8 March it will showcase a greater range of local, national and international drinks exhibitors than ever before. Established over 30 years ago Expowest Cornwall, taking place just before the summer season kicks off, is one of the most important dates on the Cornish business calendar and an essential event for anyone who wants to play a successful part in this vibrant community. It’s the place where suppliers large and small showcase their latest products and services for Cornwall’s busy trade buyers – and forge those crucial face-to-face relationships that are still so important in this proudly independent part of the world. What’s more, it enables visitors to see, touch and taste the latest products, to keep up with the very latest trends and innovations that are shaping the market, and to swiftly weigh up a wide variety of competing offerings all under one roof. There are also exclusive offers, which exhibitors only make available at this show, that in themselves make a visit extremely worthwhile. With more than 160 exhibitors, it provides a unique opportunity to connect with a huge range of different companies showcasing everything from foodservice to fresh produce, bakery to business services, drinks to catering equipment, and speciality foods to sundry supplies, plus much more besides. The drinks industry, always thirsty

Cornish Farm Produce WITH OVER 30 years of experience in supplying top quality Fruit & Vegetables to the catering trade, Cornish Farm Produce are passionate about supplying the South West’s top chefs with all of their culinary requirements.

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Our team of farmers, dedicated buyers and catering professionals have decades of experience in the growing, sourcing and cooking of some of the most incredible produce available in the region. As well as our amazing local farms, we work closely with fruit & vegetable markets both nationally and internationally to ensure an uninterrupted service to our customers all year

for novelty, is evolving especially rapidly at the moment – and those that get left behind are sure to lose out. In 2018 there will be a greater range of local, national and international drinks exhibitors at the show than ever before, showing the latest in hot, cold, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well all the ancillary equipment and services. Taking place at 12.00pm, 1.00pm, and 2.00pm daily are beer and food matching sessions, organised by LWC Cornwall and Cornwall College Business. Come along and join them to find out how pairing beers and cider with dishes in your establishment can lift a dish and showcase the complexity of a great brew. If you’re looking for well-informed business advice and specialist expertise, the show’s “Knowledge Hub” offers both. Staffed by the “Executive Members” of the Cornwall Business Forum it provides invaluable help on everything from marketing to cyber security and website design to sales training. Expowest Cornwall is more than a trade show - it’s also an eagerly anticipated social event where the whole Cornish business community gets together to enjoy the company of colleagues, suppliers and customers. It’s vibrant, inspiring, fun and social. Although the digital revolution has brought many changes people like to buy locally, from those they know. This is especially true of Cornwall and its primary industries, hospitality and catering – if you want to tap into the very heart of this market at the start of the summer season, this show is an absolute must. For more information about the show, to book a stand, or register to attend, please call 01934 733433, visit or follow @Expowest_UK. around. Not only do we supply the best fruit & vegetables, we also offer outstanding local dairy produce, cheeses and a fantastic dry stores range including some outstanding oils and vinegars. We are proud to be a conscientious business with regard to recycling and its impact on our planet. Our workforce are encouraged to recycle cardboard, plastic and waste oil. We also ensure we buy responsibly in this regard when sourcing new product lines. Our experienced growers, completely chilled warehouse facilities, distribution service, quality control, fabulous produce, extensive knowledge and dedication to bringing you the best in quality of service make Cornish Farm Produce the first choice when it comes to looking for the best in top quality fruit, vegetables & dairy produce. See us on Stand H30. Reader enquiries - Tel: 01752 842251 or visit

Expowest Cornwall Preview

Duchy Cash Systems

SUPPLYING CORNWALL and Devon, Duchy Cash Systems is a provider of premium EPOS solutions for the hospitality sector - pubs, restaurants, hotels and nightclubs. Each system is tailored to suit the customer's needs, focussing on speed/ease of use and durability. Our touch-

screen EPOS terminals offer a host of time and labour saving features, helping your staff work more efficiently. Optional back office, stock control software features total stock management, enhanced security features, time and cost saving tools. Duchy Cash Systems provide the comprehensive after sales package that only a local company can really offer: 24 hour telephone support, remote diagnostics & assistance, and a fast callout response. Visit us on stand J38 at the Expo West Cornwall show.

Cornwall Scale & Equipment Ltd

ESTABLISHED IN 1975, Cornwall Scale & Equipment Ltd are now one of the largest Suppliers of Cash Registers and Electronic Scales in the South West Of England, as well as shipping world-wide. Whether you are looking for a basic low cost Cash Register or a fully integrated, EPOS solution for retail or hospitality environments, we are always happy to help. Supplying and maintaining cash registers and scales through-

Total Produce

TOTAL PRODUCE has become one of the UK's largest and most accomplished fresh produce providers, with an extensive network of depot operations throughout the UK, reaching from Cornwall to Edinburgh. Total Produce sources and distributes an extensive range of fresh produce across all major categories including fruits, vegetables and salad - extending from the more familiar to the truly exotic. Total Produce also supply an extensive range of dry goods and dairy. Serving the retail, wholesale and

Electric Bear Brewing Co BATH BASED Electric Bear Brewing Co is a craft beer brewery creating an eclectic range of unique beers to excite the bold and curious. Plans for 2018 are to release no less than thirty three individual great tasting beers along with collaborations with

out the south west of England. All makes and models including Sam4s, Casio, Pi Electronique, Aster and much more. Full training and support on any make and model of Cash register, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. • Cash Register Rolls and Ink Rollers/Ribbons • Pricing guns and labels • Money Counting Scales • Money Sorters • Forge Note Detectors • Monitor lines • Stock control Software • Paging Systems Please pay us a visit on stand J16. food service sectors, Total Produce UK is a complete fresh produce solution provider, offering a comprehensive menu of services to our customers, ranging from simple service provision to an independent grocer to complete category management for major multiples. Continually striving to offer the highest quality fresh produce along with the best possible service, Total Produce offers national distribution through our fleet of 200 temperature controlled vehicles. Through our unrivalled infrastructure of depots nationwide, we are uniquely positioned to deliver value to both national and independent customers - supplying both locally grown and globally sourced produce from the finest producers across Total Produce's extensive supply base. A strong, vibrant and accomplished business, Total Produce UK is part of the worldwide Total Produce group. Please visit us on stand F28.

some of the UK’s top breweries. Stop by the ExpoWest stand to speak with the team and more importantly taste the beer! ExpoWest show offer of 10% off any show order of £250 or more and all orders are entered into the draw to win your show order for FREE. Stop by the ExpoWest stand (No. K34) to speak with the team and more importantly taste the beer! To make an appointment at the show please contact sales manager Ryan on 07802759488 or

February 2018

Wholesale Fruit & Vegetable Importers

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Cornwall Scale & Equipment Ltd Visit us on Stand J16

2-5 Callywith Gate Industrial Estate Launceston Road, Bodmin, Cornwall, PL31 2RQ Suppliers of quality fresh produce and dry goods to the wholesale, retail and catering trade throughout Devon & Cornwall. DAILY DELIVERIES LARGEST RANGE OF EXOTIC FRUITS IN THE SOUTHWEST 24 HOUR ANSWERPHONE SERVICE QUALITY PRODUCE ON THE MOVE WHEN YOU NEED IT, WHERE YOU NEED IT!

Telephone: (01208) 77911 Fax: (01208) 261400 Answerphone: (01208) 261407 Email: Website: SEE US ON STAND F28

Tel : 0333 577 0108 Mobile : 07770677123 Email :


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Expowest Cornwall Preview

February 2018

Nicholsons SW Ltd NICHOLSONS SW has been operating for over 33 years, servicing local businesses with all their Janitorial and Hygiene requirements. The company, previously based in Oakhampton relocated to Redruth Cornwall 5 years ago and is now operating out of a purpose built Eco friendly warehouse and

stocking over 2000 product lines. We are dedicated to offering a warm and friendly customer service along with our own van deliveries throughout Cornwall. All Devon orders are serviced through a national courier network with a minimum spend of £75 for free delivery. All products are at competitive prices and we can tailor our quotation specifically for your business needs. With two experienced sales reps on hand for site visits, feel free to contact us to discuss all your workplace consumable needs. Call us on 01209 310208 or email Alternatively visit us at stand J9 at Expowest Cornwall.

Clear Brew - Professional Beer Line Cleaning CLEAR BREW provide you with a regular and dedicated professional beer line cleaning service.


We clean keg and cask lines not because they need cleaning but to maintain quality on a regular repeat 3 weekly cycle. Using a specialized water fed mixing unit, coupled with inhibitors, plus market leading chemicals and our thorough techniques, all carried out by our experienced technicians. This service is guaranteed to save you money, reduce your wastage and improve the quality of your draught products, in turn it will also reduce your risk and maximize your yields and add real value to

Fal Fire & Security WE SUPPLY and install a wide range of Fire Protection Products & Equipment, all of which is CE (Conformité Européene) marked. This means that is meets EU consumer safety, health or environmental standards. We are dedicated to your safety - which means that we never compromise on quality. The Products & Equipment That We Don't Use It is possible to obtain fire protection equipment more cheaply that is not CE marked, or falsely CE marked, either through general suppliers or off the internet, but these do not comply. There is no guarantee of standard or reliability. For something as critical as fire alarm equipment, upon which your life may one day depend, it is not an economy worth making. Nor do we use equipment which is “closed protocol” ie

Please pay us a visit we always welcome your input!

Dedicated to safety Fire Extinguisher sales and maintenance Fire Alarm Installation and Maintenance Intruder Alarm Installation and Maintenance Emergency Lighting Systems Fire Awareness Training Fire Risk Assessment CCTV Access Control Nurse call systems Disabled alarms 24hr call Out Service

Phone 01326 373896

Unit 11 The Beehive Units, Kernick Industrial Estate, Parkengue, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9EP

Free Surv eys and Quot ation

your business. Our experienced technicians complete a full line clean plus cellar check on each visit to ensure your products and equipment are sustained in top condition. We use our own fully integrated verification system inputted by our technicians live whilst on site after job completion and uploaded to a central data base. This allows us to maintain standards not only in individual accounts but across our entire network and ensures that we provide a first class service time and time again. For further details of Clearbrew tel 0800 7810577, visit or see us on Stand L40. the manufacturers do not allow access to codes for the control equipment, which enables them to tie customers in to long contracts, and charge higher prices. We do not sub-contract any of our services. All our technicians are trained and employed directly by us so we can monitor and verify compliance with all the relevant accreditations and British Standards to which we work. How We Work The best way to find out what solutions are available for your needs and budget is to talk to us! We can arrange for a visit from one of our surveyors. • They will meet you at the premises, carry out the survey, and discuss the likely options. • Based on this discussion, you may ask us to send you a quote, which we will then do. • You can then consider your position, ask us further questions and make up your mind in your own time. All of this is carried out with no charge and no further commitment for you. Call 01326 373896 for further information or see us on Stand K20.

Barton Reed & Co

BARTON REED & Co is the leading supplier of quality furniture to hotels, restaurants, public houses and leisure facilities in the South West. We can supply beautiful leather sofas, stylish high bar stools, comfy tub seats, elegant restaurant tables and chairs, and relaxing beds. From laid back, seaside charm to cutting-edge design our extensive product range will suit your style and give your business the look that you want to achieve. We have a huge choice of colours, fabrics and finishes and all our furniture comes with a two-year warranty. Barton Reed & Co is a family-run business and we have been involved in the furniture industry since 1945. Over the

Roller Grill

WE CONTINUE to lead the field bringing innovation and performance into the heart of the QSR market.

We are introducing new models to enhance our ranges of PANINI /

Chadds Foodsmiths CHADDS FOODSMITHS is a Cornish family run food service wholesaler distributing all your catering requirements. We offer an extensive range of food categories from frozen, ice cream, dairy, meats, fruit and vegetables to grocery, drinks, non foods and janitorial supplies, ‘the one stop shop for caterers’. Chadds Foodsmiths originated back in 1948, when its founder Mr Eric Chadd borrowed £100 from the local Solicitor to purchase the local milk round he used to operate before the War. From these humble beginnings Chadds Foodsmiths has flourished with. Quality, Service and Price are the backbone of our business. QUALITY Our range will appeal to all those who have a passion for great food and a great service. From the big brand products to working with local artisan suppliers we have something for everyone. Our range includes local favourites such as Cornish Gouda and Whalesbrough farm cheeses, Deli Farm Charcuterie, Hogs Bottom and Kellys Ice cream as well as international brands such as Sosa, McCain and Panesco.

Expowest Cornwall Preview

February 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

years we have forged strong relationships with our suppliers to give you the best furniture available with a service that goes above and beyond our customers’ expectations. Seven reasons why you should choose Barton Reed & Co to supply your contract furniture: • Wide range of styles • Easy ordering and re-ordering • Single point of contact • Short lead times • Direct delivery • After sales service • Two-year warranty on every item Get in touch to discuss your furniture requirements or to order our new brochure – we’re here to help. Call us on 01409 271189, visit or email Alternatively see us on Stand F25 at Expowest Cornwall. CONTACT GRILLS; HOT SAVOURY DISPLAY CABINETS; WAFFLES AND CONVECTION OVENS. Exclusively made at our production facilities in France. Combining high quality of manufacture and service with dynamic pricing we believe we offer the best value for money on the market today. Come and see us on stand E34, to taste and see how our products can help you to build your business. Contact t: 08451 252545 / e: / tw: @RollerGrillUK See us on Stand E34 at Expowest Cornwall. SERVICE From our depots in Bude and Saltash we can offer a frequent friendly reliable delivery service, throughout Devon and Cornwall in our temperature controlled vehicles. Chadds Foodsmiths has held STS Food Safety Certification since 2010. . PRICE Small company values, big business buying! Chadds Foodsmiths are members of the Sterling Supergroup, this allows us to benefit from the group purchasing power when negotiating deals with suppliers; we can then pass these savings on to our customers. It also enables Sterling own label produce to be available. The own label range has significantly developed over recent years and continues to help us offer a good value product to our customers. Come and meet us on our stand K29 at Expowest or join in our celebrations at Trethorne Golf & Leisure on Wednesday 18th April. For more details call our telesales 01288 353964 for a representative to visit

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2018

Hospitality Technology

10 Top Tips Hospitality Operators Need Sam4s World Leaders’ in ECR/POS Technology To Know About Getting Integration Right By Kevin Greene, International Product Manager, CBE Software WITH HOSPITALITY operators under increased pressure due to rises in the living wage, rent, business rates and food prices, there is an ever-increasing opportunity for technology and integration to drive greater efficiencies and elevate customer service within the sector. Here are 10 key considerations to getting integration right for hospitality operators: 1. Work with suppliers that are constantly evolving With technology continuing to evolve at such a significant pace, hospitality operators need to stay ahead of the curve by choosing an EPoS partner that regularly develops its offering to deliver a holistic, smart solution. 2. Bring together experts in each field We know that hospitality operators are looking to invest in cutting-edge solutions that will seamlessly integrate complex tasks such as payments, mobile ordering, loyalty, online ordering, kitchen automation and queue management. With many also seeking the ability to easily extract data and insights from these solutions in order to make better informed decisions for their business. As such, suppliers should be coming together to drive the integration message to allow operators to achieve that all-important flexibility at the point of sale. 3. You won’t keep pace without the right partners For hospitality operators that have already started arming themselves with technology as a means of future-proofing their business, it is important to remember that technological advancements within the sector are evolving at a pace that is almost impossible to match. In the time it takes an operator to adopt a new solution, there is already an update in motion or new entrants to the market. 4. Work on a collective, open platform with an EPoS partner In order to remain a step ahead, operators should look to work on a collective, open platform with an EPoS partner that is willing to adapt to change, adopt new technologies and ultimately, grow with their busi-

ness, as times inevitably change. Now that is a futureproof system. 5. Don’t let your EPoS provider hold you back Through integrations, EPoS suppliers can remove the barriers to expansion for multi-site operators, whilst setting a precedent for competitors in the hospitality space. In fact, those that don’t collaborate will certainly see themselves left behind, given the level of saturation in the marketplace. 6. Ensure the platform is scalable to grow with your business Customer needs will naturally change, which means that an operator’s business requirements will need to evolve in line with this. Therefore, the EPoS system must be scalable to not only meet today’s requirements but also adapt to possible future trends. 7. Select a modular platform to choose the parts you need A one-size-fits-all approach is not the best solution for a hospitality operator. An EPoS system should allow an operator to choose the modules they require and ignore the modules they don’t. This flexibility ensures that the EPoS solution chosen is suitable for the specific needs of the business. 8. Beware of the headline grabbers When choosing an EPoS partner, it is crucial that operators select one with a history of proven integration and not just a headline grabber, like some, who promote on integrations, but have only delivered on one or two concepts. 9. Don’t ignore the basics! Whilst integrations are the key to future success, operators must not ignore the fundamentals when selecting a new EPoS system. A system that has evolved over many years will have all the fundamentals required for the complex hospitality sector, plus have the ability to add new innovations if required. 10. Suppliers’ industry experience Hospitality operators should partner with a company that has experience in the industry and therefore understands their needs and the needs of their customers. Utilising the expertise of their EPoS provider to maximise the effectiveness of the system could prove hugely beneficial. For further information about CBE Software visit E: or call 0800 7314591.

Sam4s world leaders in ECR/POS technology, aim to make the most flexible, cost effective, innovative and reliable EPOS products of all time. The Sam4s team have over 30 years’ experience in the market and now produce the most sophisticated and diverse products to the world-wide market, extensively used in over 60 countries.

The very latest in the POS line up from Sam4s are the Titan-S Series terminals which are stylish and perform to meet the needs of the most demanding hospitality environments. Titan-S range feature the latest PCT touchscreen technology and have IP rated water resistant front touch panels as well as Intel Celeron Dual or Quad core processors with SSD drives as standard. To enhance the Sam4s POS terminals, Samtouch front end POS software utilises the

latest technologies of your SAM4S Point of Sale terminal, to display eye catching & easy to operate touchscreen graphics at lightning speed. Integrated Bar & Table management features help your venue become a more streamlined more efficient operation that has proven to increase customer satisfaction and guest experience. With third party integration to such packages as, ResDiary, Resident Pro and Mainstay, and integrated EFT payments with Payment Sense and Sage Pay. Also look out for Samtouch Cloud back office solution which enables you to get real time management reports, control stock and product maintenance, whilst on the move or in your office. For further details contact YCR Distribution on 01924 438238 or email who will arrange for your local authorised Sam4s & Samtouch reseller to contact you.

New Technology Feature from Long Range Systems Turns Pagers into Guest Data Collection Tool LONG RANGE Systems (LRS), global provider of on-site paging, tracking and guest intelligence tools recently announced a new addition to the company’s free iOS application. The feature, called guest sessions enables users to start new orders and page customers when orders are ready. Guest Sessions records data in the LRS Connect Cloud, providing valuable insights into operations. The guest session feature tracks, records and stores guest wait time data and information from the moment a guest receives a pager to when they are notified that their service is complete and the pager is cleared. Resulting insights include statistics around service, guest flow and volume, staffing optimization, and peak demand. These metrics can then be tracked against business goals. The online portal allows multi-unit corporate offices the opportunity to con-

trast unit performance, ensure brand quality, and measure each business unit against performance expectations. “This is an age where hardware talks back to us and software translates that into meaningful insights,” said John Weber, President & CEO at LRS. “Guest Sessions has evolved our paging solution beyond notifying guests to become a powerful analytics tool.” The LRS iOS application is available for iPad download in the Apple Store. About Long Range Systems UK Ltd Since 2001, Long Range Systems UK has been dedicated to supplying and supporting LRS technologies in the United Kingdom and Southern Ireland that help servicebased businesses provide a better customer experience. Businesses need simple solutions that streamline communications between guests and staff. From messaging devices to guest management applications, LRS provides a better means for managing customer flow. For customers in the UK and Southern Ireland the guest sessions Website is or see the advert on the facing page.

C.C.R Systems Ltd CCR Systems have been supplying, installing and maintaining Retail and Hospitality EPOS systems for over 34 years. We are an ISO-9001 registered company with a diamond award for customer satisfaction. Our Powersuite software package that includes Total Control Premier/Stock, Instant Loyalty and Drilldown is the ideal package for all types of Hospitality & Retail outlets.

Hospitality Technology

February 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Our hardware is a choice of top of the range touch screen terminals from selected quality manufacturers. The ORDERMAN Restaurant table ordering system is without doubt the best of it's kind, utilising the latest Oderman 7 hand held terminal and Kitchen Monitors or printers. Have a look at our web site on '' and view the ORDERMAN video. We also cater for the client that needs a low cost system that easily compares with the box shifters. Please contact GEORGE GUNNERY on 0151-644 8296 for a quotation for your establishment, or email to:

Are You Being Left Behind?

THERE’S A fundamental shift sweeping the accommodation industry. Guests today expect a superior guest experience. One that is seamless, personalised and immersive. But if hotels don’t deliver, you’ll lose ratings, rankings, and this will ultimately hurt your profits. We don’t want you to get left behind. The Booking Factory is an all-in-one hotel management system designed with one goal in mind - to help you master the guest experience. We help you do this in three ways.

3R EPoS Systems

OUR State-of-the-art EPoS systems are designed to become an essential part of your business. Assembled with detailed reporting functionalities which will help to minimize your cost whilst maximizing profits, they are excellent for both multi-sites and single-site businesses. Built on over 16 years of experience, 3R EPoS reporting facilities safely stores information regarding your business and can be uniquely tailored to suit your needs. Whether you own a convenience store, restaurant or a bar, the 3R EPoS system can

Firstly, you’ll get user-friendly software with practical tools to manage your business. You can build a website with ease and generate bookings consistently online. Secondly, you’ll save hours of staff time by automating your day to day admin and tasks. Lastly, you can leave the formalities of manual check-in behind so you can concentrate on being the perfect host. With our online check-in and smart kiosks in property, guests will be in their rooms in seconds. The Booking Factory, Techhub, 4-5 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4BX, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)7749 617212 integrate products that are unique to your business. This can include the ability to store new promotions, daily specials as well as adding local dishes to the menu. 3R EPoS systems will contribute to the success of your on-going business as it includes the ability to inform managers when your stock is reaching minimum levels thus allowing you to re-order stock accordingly. Furthermore, 3R EPoS systems will calculate and suggest what should be ordered based on current and archived sales, recent orders and current stock level thus saving time and money. In order to also boost your sales and gain customer satisfaction, 3R EPoS systems also offer a range of handheld touch screen devices. Such benefits can contribute to your cost savings and enhance your purchasing ability across your business. For more information on our services please contact our dedicated team on: 01992 574 650.

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Hotelympia 2018 Preview

February 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Hotelympia To Tackle the Future Of Hospitality The Greener Clean: Winterhalter Launches New Chemicals as it Announces Three New Stages AS HOTELYMPIA approaches (5th-8th March 2018), the UK’s largest and most prestigious hospitality event has announced details of three brand new stages, each focussed on inspiring visitors through solution-based thinking from expert speakers and rising industry stars. HOSPITALITY FUTURES This brand new feature stage is designed to deliver solutions to some of the burning questions surrounding the industry. With content curated and hosted by industry figureheads focused on driving change, Hospitality Futures is set to provide strategies and ideas for visitors to take back to their own places of work. Future trends like Brexit, staff retention, guest experience, sustainability, the sugar tax, allergens and women in hospitality will be up for debate. ‘Guest experience’ may be a well-worn phrase but nailing it can seriously boost the bottom line. Creating the right environment and atmosphere means much more than design alone: taking in service, comfort, sensory stimulus and more. Giles Looker, Co-Owner of cocktail and bar consultants, Soul Shakers joins Restaurant Director of Dinner by Heston Blumenthal, Mark Hastings and Guillaume Marly, incoming Managing Director of London’s Hotel Cafe Royal, to help visitors uncover the secrets to profitable footfall while examining what the future of guest experience might look like. The very first Government Night Czar, Amy Lamé will talk about her task of preserving London’s thriving and highly important night time economy, as well as being a principal female figure in hospitality, while three of the UK’s largest training and HR experts, People 1st, HIT Training and Pearson, will demonstrate how the apprenticeship levy – considered an unwanted tax by many –could significantly boost the bottom line. It’s the hot button topic of 2018 and The British Hospitality Association will be presenting its own report, compiled in conjunction with KPMG, assessing the impact of Brexit on the hospitality sector. BHA Employment Policy Advisor, John Guthrie will be imparting details of the impact of any changes to immigration law, plus a ten-year suggested strategy for the industry as a whole. The final day of Hotelympia (Thursday March 8th 2018) is set to become Women in Hospitality day, as the show marks International Women’s Day with a programme of content celebrating inspirational female talent and furthering the conversation on women in the industry. In partnership with executive search giant Korn Ferry, WiW2020 Review’s Tea Colaianni will present Hotelympia’s Women in Hospitality 2020 Review – an initiative aiming to achieve 33% female leadership roles in hospitality, travel and leisure by 2020. THE LAUNCHPAD Innovative start-ups are the lifeblood of the hos-

pitality industry, with many concepts quickly making the jump from kerbside to bricks and mortar, often via the very modern means of crowdfunding. The Launchpad will be introducing to show visitors some of the UK’s most exciting new businesses, and should prove a serious draw for buyers, the big beasts of finance and those looking to make the jump into their own dream start-up. The programme of 30 minute hustings will include; the socially conscious online platform that works with environmentally aware, independent producers, COLLECTIVfood; health kids jelly snack, Naturelly; gourmet food delivery service, Supper; bookings and comparison site for the country’s best street food caterers, Feast It; creators of biologically-accurate food expiry indicator, Mimica and Deliveroo rival MealPal, among many others. The Launchpad will also play host during Hotelympia’ s Women in Hospitality day, with Emily Roux talking about her experience as a young female chef, being part of one of the world’s most celebrated cooking dynasties and how her profession is developing savvy new revenue streams. Great British Menu 2017 winner, Pip Lacey will also be on hand to talk about Hicce, her new solo venture which opens in the spring. THE TECH INNOVATION STAGE IN PARTNERSHIP WITH HOSPA The Tech Innovation Stage presents the perfect opportunity for visitors to stay up to date with the latest hospitality technology, covering topics like innovations in mobile, social media, online reputation management, point of sale and the latest in guest room technology. Founder of data house, Yumpingo, Gary Goodman will be introducing a ‘food intelligence platform’ crunching data for the benefit of the restaurant trade. With patrons including Jamie’s Italian and Wagamama, the ‘one minute review’ customer survey comes with the bill on a branded device, and captures all the vital details that polarised one and five-star online reviews miss. Gary will be on hand to explain how the platform can work for other hospitality businesses. A special panel celebrating women’s growing contribution to the tech sector will mark Hotelympia’s Women in Hospitality day. Rosa Montero, CEO of Wanup joins Caroline Dunlea, Owner/Director of Core Optimisation and Ariana Pampoulides, Director at Hotec. Registration is now open for Hotelympia, the UK’s largest and most prestigious hospitality event as it introduces four exciting and contemporary shows, united under one roof, as part of a fresh new identity. The Professional Kitchen Show, The Foodservice Show incorporating Café Commerce, Hospitality Tech Show and Interiors and Tableware Show, will be specialist events in themselves, each benefitting from Hotelympia’s heritage – the market leading hospitality and foodservice event that attracts 25,000+ visitors. Visitors are urged to preregister today at:

WINTERHALTER’S LATEST chemicals range, to be launched on Stand 1320 at Hotelympia, features several new lines and expands its reach into a whole new area – laundry. “The prime focus of all our products is functionality: they have to get the job done, and done well,” says Peter Alsworth, sales director of Winterhalter Chemicals. “But we’re also about innovating to make life easier, safer – and cleaner! – for our customers.”

Exemplifying that innovation is the Velocity solid dishwashing system, which has a 4kg solid detergent capsule, held in a wall-mounted dispenser. Lasting 900 racks or more, the system is safer, since it requires minimal handling, delivers superb cleaning power, is brilliantly efficient and is very simple to use. Winterhalter Chemicals covers every area in the catering operation – from the dishwasher to the kitchen to the restaurant to the toilet. The new laundry range offers a similarly comprehensive choice including both liquids and powders, bio and non-bio, detergents, destainers and conditioners. There’s also a

choice of premium and standard products, delivering effective laundry chemicals for every budget. Environment-friendly cleaning products are increasingly popular, and rightly so. Winterhalter has developed its BLUe range to deliver a powerful, greener clean. BLUe products use formulations containing raw materials from renewable resources and are biodegradable. They contain no harmful additives and are not tested on animals. All packaging is designed for ease of recycling and Winterhalter promotes the use of concentrated products and refillable flasks. The latest BLUe range includes catering products, such as detergents, floor degreasers and bactericidal spray cleaners; and housekeeping products such as toilet cleaners, enzyme digesters and air fresheners. Winterhalter provides a total solution for warewashing, from pre-sales advice to aftersales service, training and maintenance. Alongside its market-leading dish and glasswashers, the company’s range includes utensil washers, advanced water treatment machines, cleaning chemicals and detergents. For further details, call Winterhalter on 01908 359000, see, or or email


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2018

Contract Furniture Group CONTRACT FURNITURE Group has been set up to offer quality contract dining furniture to the hotel, restaurant, pub trades and leisure industries at realistic prices. We carry a lot of our range in stock so we can help you to meet your deadlines. We also offer a unique source and

Ivyliving – Stand 2306

IGNITE THE Good Times! Ivyliving give hospitality venues instant ambience in outdoor open and canopied areas. At the touch of a button, gas fire pits give sociability, light, instant, totally clean and safe warmth. They draw customers to any venue, extend the evenings and extend the seasons, giving hoteliers, restauranteurs and bar owners extra profit daily. At Hotelympia Ivyliving will be showcasing a wide spectrum of styles to cover all needs, be it for low level seated areas,

Hotelympia 2018 Preview Platters Slate

supply service; if you send us a picture of an item we will do our up most to supply to you at the best price. All our furniture is manufactured to the highest standards, we only use hardwood frames which are glued screwed and dowelled for strength. crib5 interliner (if required) sprung seat areas or webbing and top quality Italian leathers and fabrics. For further information, call 0115 965 9030, visit or email See us on Stand 2428. See the advert on page 27 for details.

small bistro style areas, statement pieces for state of the art venues, dining tables with central fires, tall bar stool height models which hold drinks and snacks, or smaller models to line pool areas, walkways, steps etc. Finishes cover the whole spectrum to match anything from chic city roof top gardens to England’s rural stone built hotels. To go with this are either lava rock fires with ceramic logs or glass beads, which look like molten glass when lit with their ultra-realistic flame pattern. Many of these models have never been seen in the UK before, including the Intrigue, a very special model to fit over any parasol hole in a table and giving a fascinating, swirling flame. Contact Ivyliving on 02476 339189 or email to or visit

Handcrafted Aprons and Table-Accessories from Stalwart Crafts LOOKING FOR unique aprons or menu-covers you have not seen anywhere else before? Stalwart Crafts is a young fast growing company making handcrafted aprons and table-accessories from high-quality denim, cork and leather. Our unique aprons are lightweight, easy to clean and built to last! Everything is customisable and can be branded with your logo. Come and see it for yourself at stand 2857. Get 10% discount at stand Call 07760 502213 or visit for further details.

Denby - Creating Beautiful Food Moments Making great food look beautiful has always been one of Denby’s core values and research shows that nearly half of us think the way our food is presented is just as important as how it tastes. As trends move away from plain white ware into more interesting plates and bowls which showcase dishes in both hospitality and in the home, Denby’s artisan handmade ranges of tableware are eminently placed to provide a beautiful canvas for all kind of cuisines. With over 200 years of design and craftsmanship we are experts in colour and reactive all over glazes that are totally unique and extremely hard wearing. Our Derbyshire stoneware clay is very strong and fully vitrified which gives it strength, durability and chip resistance. We are so confident that our tableware will

withstand use in commercial restaurants and kitchens we offer the Denby 10 year Edge Chip Warranty. Our ranges are designed to be beautiful and practical being rigorously tested to tough industry standards. Our plates and bowls are designed to stack; every item is dishwasher, freezer, microwave and oven safe and our unique glazes are extremely strong. With an extensive range of shapes and patterns (we have over 25 coupe plates) that complement how modern chefs are now presenting their dishes, we already have a customer base that confidently uses Denby in their restaurants worldwide. Take a fresh look at Denby as it relaunches to Hospitality at Hotelympia on Stand No. 2237. Contact 01773 740715 or visit

Adande® Refrigeration Launching Grab & Go Cabinet at Hotelympia Adande® Refrigeration will launch its NEW refrigerated, open-front Grab & Go cabinet on stand 1449 at Hotelympia, ExCel London, on 5-8 March 2018. The integral multi-deck incorporates patented Aircell® technology, which significantly reduces cold air spillage from the cabinet. Suited to harsh environments: cross-draughts/higher ambient conditions have a detrimental effect on performance of conventional cabinets. Less cold air spillage provides a significant reduction in energy for cost savings, tighter holding temperatures for longer shelf life, and warmer store ambient temperature improving customer comfort. Developed for the food-to-go sector, it is the result of extensive laboratory and field testing. During a recent in-store trial at a food hall, over a three week period, energy consumption of a

prototype cabinet was measured as 53.6% less than the store’s existing open-front multi-deck display. Energy consumption represented an annual saving of £660.65. Furthermore, the company claims that had a night blind been deployed on the Aircell® unit, (as it was on the existing cabinet), the calculated adjustment of reduced energy consumption would have been 57.9%, representing a £714.13 annual saving! The narrow temperature range of the Aircell® cabinet helps to maintain freshness, appearance and food quality - reducing need for price discounting or waste. Contact Details: Karl Hodgson (Sales Director) – Tel: 07805 087220 (direct) or +44(0)1502 537135 (office) or

Toschi - From Vignola, with Taste TOSCHI HAVE been manufacturing artisan products in Modena Italy for over 70 years; a family owned business now in its third generation started by Giancarlo and Lanfranco Toschi when they first dipped the famous Vignola cherries into alcohol to preserve them and enjoy them all year round.

The Company now specialising in liqueurs, Amarena Cherries, syrups, sauces and purees for cocktails along with a varied range of gelato ingredients and balsamic vinegars for restaurants, hotels, retail and manufacturing. Our award-win-

ning products are sold in over 30 countries through a network of distributors, here in the UK we have our own warehousing and distribution arm Toschi UK Ltd. In support of our products we also offer full menu development along with product masterclasses here in the UK or at our development kitchens in Italy. Toschi’s mission is to offer quality products to the market, at the same time respecting our traditions and territorial features. You will find us on stand 3730, come and sample our liqueurs and cocktail syrups and purees. For further information please contact Philip on 07773 462976 or via email

PLATTERS SLATE are the UK’s largest manufacturer of slateware for retail and industry. Based in Lancashire, UK all items are carefully hand crafted for their desired role.

From branded tableware to hotel signs and personalised interior accesories. We pride ourselves in providing a bespoke slate cutting, design and engraving service to suit all trade requirements. Come and see us at stand 2656 Hotelympia. Platters Slate Unit 20 Springvale Mill, Waterside Rd, Haslingden, Rossendale, Lancs, BB4 5EZ 01706 210554 /

Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd SINCE ITS launch 35 years ago, Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd (ETI) is the UK’s leader in the manufacture and design of electronic thermometers and temperature probes. In 2017 they won the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for International Trade for the third time in five years. ETI has a comprehensive, global network of distributors enabling ETI products to be sold worldwide. In addition to manufacturing thermometers, probes, data-loggers and pH meters, ETI has an in-house UKAS accredited calibration laboratory for both temperature and humidity. ETI will be exhibiting their comprehensive range of

hand-held digital catering thermometers, data-loggers, probes and associated temperature measuring accessories including the new ThermaData® WiFi Loggers and the Thermapen® IR Infrared Thermometer. Manufactured by ETI in the UK, the ThermaData WiFi loggers utilise the latest WiFi wireless technology and are a cost-effective, temperature monitoring system that remotely record the temperature of appliances and buildings. Each logger transmits the recorded data to a WIFI router connected to the internet which can be accessed and viewed from a PC, laptop or tablet anywhere in the world. Visit ETI on stand number 3330. Call 01903 202151 or visit

Hoshizaki Poised to Launch New Technology at Hotelympia 2018 RETURNING TO the UK’s largest foodservice and hospitality event, Hoshizaki UK will be unveiling a range of new, highly versatile, undercounter refrigeration at The Professional Kitchen Show at Hotelympia 2018. The four day event, taking place from the 5th – 8th March 2018 at ExCeL London, will see Hoshizaki demonstrate latest in ice making technology and dispense equipment, on stand 1630 including the latest in HC (Hydrocarbon) ice makers, while a dedicated cocktail bar, manned by a professional mixologist is sure to be a highlight. As the world’s leading manufacturer of ice machines and refrigeration equipment for the foodservice sector, Hoshizaki is at the forefront of innovation and technological development. The brand new Hoshizaki Snowflake Gen II Drawer units come in a host of different sizes and configurations to meet operator demand. With the regulation around the use of F-Gas coming into force in 2020, the Hoshizaki stand (1630) will also be home to some of the latest ice making technology. A portfolio of HC ice makers use the sustainable refrigerant, minimising their impact on the environment, while also achieving out-

standing energy efficiency over the life of the appliance to further save on operational costs. The finishing touch to a cold beverage menu or cocktail offer and a key to specific food storage situations, ice comes in a wide range of styles. From the unique IM range, designed to produce the traditional ice cube or the innovative ball ice, through to the FM range, designed to produce flake and nugget ice, visitors to the stand will find the optimum solutions for their business. Finally, the Hoshizaki stand at The Professional Kitchen Show will also be home to experienced mixologist, Myles Cunliffe, from Brighton based, Mixology Group. Having trained across the world, Myles has the knowledge and experience to create an outstanding cocktail menu. Using Hoshizaki ice, Myles will be running hourly masterclass sessions to demonstrate the importance of quality ice when it comes to producing the very best cocktail menu. Why not pop along to stand 1630 at The Professional Kitchen Show to watch a true cocktail master at work. For more information about the Hoshizaki range, please visit stand 1630 at The Professional Kitchen Show at Hotelympia 2018, visit or call 01322 616 900. See page 27 for further details.

wi-Q Technologies Award-Winning, App-free Mobile Ordering AFTER WINNING the Technology Innovation Award at Hotelympia in 2016, wi-Q Technologies are returning to Hotelympia 2018, appearing this year on stand number 3315 in the Hospitality Tech Show. Since the exhibition two years ago, the British technology company have officially launched Mi-Room for hotels, finalised integration with leading EPOS providers, Oracle Hospitality, and won an award with The Atlantis, The Palm in Dubai, for The Best Use of Technology in the Middle East Hospitality Awards 2017. This year, the wi-Q Technologies team will be offering live demonstrations of their web-based mobile ordering solutions, wi-Q for F&B and Mi-Room for hotel guest services. Both solutions allow customers to instantly browse, order and pay for a venue’s products and services without waiting for service or downloading an app.

Customers can browse the menu in a variety of languages – including Chinese and Arabic – and pay via a variety of payment options, including Apple Pay, PayPal, Cash or Charge to Room. The entire ordering and payment process is completed through the internet browser on the customers’ own device. Hotelympia attendees will be able to try out the instant access, mobile ordering on their own device and watch their order feed into the live back-office management system. This is the back-end of the mobile ordering solution, where venue staff can monitor incoming orders, track revenue, produce reports and instantly update menus and pricing. wi-Q Technologies are reporting world-leading engagement and an average conversion rates of almost 50% in venues with wi-Q and Mi-Room all around the world. With an average uplift in order value of 35% and an average increase in orders of 60%, venues typically experience an instant ROI thanks to the low cost, SaaS pricing model. For more information on how wi-Q or Mi-Room can boost your businesses’ revenue, visit the team on stand number 3315 or alternatively email

dormakaba to Launch Series of Innovations at Hotelympia VISITORS TO Hotelympia, which takes place from 5-8th March 2018 at ExCel London, will be among the first in the UK to see a variety of new products from dormakaba – the leading provider of building security and access solutions to the hospitality industry. The stand will feature the company’s latest innovations, which focus on enhancing guest experience as well as streamlining and improving hotel operations. The new QuantumTM Pixel is dormakaba’s latest Bluetooth + RFID electronic lock - which allows guests to use their mobile

device to gain access to their room. Developed to work alongside the company’s SaflokTM and IIcoTM electronic locks, the system combines the hospitality sector’s requirement for elegant and minimalist aesthetics, along with secure and valuable performance. Also featuring at the exhibition will be BlueSky Access, dormakaba’s cloud-based mobile access key delivery application. Working alongside the company’s SaflokTM and IIcoTM electronic locks, the system combines both security and convenience. Ideal for independent hotels and small chains as no Product Management Software (PMS) integration is needed making implementation even quicker and easier. Guests simply download the BlueSky app onto their iOS or Android phone or tablet to receive a room key on their smart device – granting them access to authorised rooms and other areas of the hotel. With the capability to be deployed across multiple properties, BlueSky Access offers hotels management teams a flexible and scalable mobile access solution with comprehensive service and support programmes available. Finally, Hotelympia visitors can gain a useful overview of dormakaba’s new web based AmbienceTM access management software. For more information visit: os Stand no: 3211S at Hotelympia.

Outdoor Spaces

February 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Alfresco Dining, The Season is Aproaching! Coal On Draught! If Only That Were True? WAYNE PHILLIPS is a catering industry leader with 32 years’ product design experience and is currently managing director at catering supplies manufacturer, rexmartins - UK CONSUMERS are spending an increasing amount of time outdoors, with relaxation, dining and spending time with friends and family the most popular outdoor pastimes and this opens up a huge opportunity for hotels, restaurants and bars.

People are choosing to eat outside all year round, not just in the summer. The multitude of gazebo options now available puts a stop to any concerns regarding the British weather and with this, hospitality providers are creating longevity in their outdoor spaces, with longer-lasting, more robust outdoor cooking, lighting and heating equipment. Cooking programmes on TV are a contributing factor, chefs including Jamie Oliver, Rick Stein and James Martin are increasingly showcasing how to cook and eat in the great outdoors and consumers are lapping up the trend, opening up an expanding revenue stream for premises with available outdoor space. Size isn’t everything If space is an issue, the convenience of the latest modular kitchen systems allows caterers to utilise equipment in a size and layout to suit them. Everything from state of the art BBQs, rotisseries, hobs, bottle coolers and sink units are available as separate units and as many come with optional casters it’s relatively easy to set up an impressive combination, from which staff can entertain guests as well as feed them. Staff Motivation Outdoor cooking can be a theatrical experience and giving chefs licence to be creative outdoors can bring job variety and be a workforce motivator. Assigning designated outdoor catering staff provides new skills and training opportunities. Cost efficiency In addition to aesthetics, equipment which is cost-effective to run is key. Cooking equipment using LPG (Liquid Propane Gas) is known to be more energy efficient than other fuels. LPG can heat a large outdoor BBQ to full temperature in just six minutes, which will significantly reduce fuel costs compared with traditional gas BBQs. Another requirement is longevity. The units should be built to last, check the manufacturing quality and ideally look

for 304 stainless steel equipment as this won’t rust, it’s long lasting and easy to clean. For added reassurance ensure all components come with at least a two-year warranty from the supplier, meaning you won’t need to deal with any potential after-sales issues. Customer Service Like buying a car, or any other big-ticket item, customer service is of the upmost importance, especially during the after sales period when the deal has been done. Hoteliers and restaurateurs can’t wait for trouble-shooting when they have customers to serve - any knowledge gaps need to be resolved instantly. Research the aftersales element of any supplier you choose to do dealings with. Assess how easy it is to communicate with the factory or supplier. Are all channels of communication open? How easy is it to speak with someone? Is there enough information on their website? The website should also feature testimonials from customers, as these are a great barometer of customer satisfaction. Staycations At a time when every hospitality operator is analysing their business carefully, creating a new revenue stream such as letting “spaces” could be the path to greater profits. And this could be the letting of space to caravans and motorhomes. The British love for staying in the UK for their holidays, so-called ‘staycations’, and for caravanning increased once again in 2017, according to data released by the National Caravan Council (the NCC) and VisitEngland, and is set to grow even more in 2018 The NCC published figures which showed the touring caravan industry made 13.7% more vans in the first six months of 2017 compared to the same period in 2016. In addition, the number of motorhomes made increased by 11.3%. Between January and April 2017, Brits took 14.4 million staycations, a record, up by 3% on last year. VisitEngland said that British residents made 44.7 million holiday trips in the England in 2016, 2% up on 2015. Nearly a quarter of these holidays were taken in a caravan, motorhome or to go camping. About two thirds of these holidays (or 29.3 millions trips) were short breaks (holidays of between one and three nights). So, do you have any outdoor space that can be converted for leisure facilities, that can help you tap into the £750m market for B&B lettings? Opening up land around your business to the camping, glamping and caravan market is not difficult and can provide endless opportunities to increase revenue, not only in “pitch fees”, but also potential breakfast lunch and dinner opportunities!

Using Smartbunker-It’s as easy as pulling a pint!!

ARE YOU tired of getting cold, dirty and dusty whilst working hard to give your customers a warm welcome? Originally designed for arthritis and chronic back pain sufferers, the multi- purpose, multiaward winning Smartbunker provides ideal storage and an easy to use dispensing system for coal, wood pellets or salt & grit. • Fully waterproof • Suitable for indoor or outdoor use • Lockable lid • Easy assembly in under 5 minutes • Can be secured to the ground if required • Easy to use dispenser system • NO SHOVEL REQUIRED

"One of the best things we ever bought... #smartbunker ... would happily recommend... well done and best of luck!" Suzanne J Brant

"Brilliant product, very well made, light and so easy to move around if needs be. A clean and tidy addition around any house or property." Patrick L If you’re interested in having your coal, wood pellets, or grit on draught (no pipes to clean) then visit our website, watch our videos and ask us some questions. Visit for details.

Your Outdoor Space Can Make You Money WITH ONE of our great canopies you can turn outdoor space into somewhere usable no matter the weather. The choice is vast – marquee-style with a clear roof (very funky) or a lightweight retractable. High-end rotating louver roof or fixed polycarbonate. Jumbo umbrella or garden gazebo. It is entirely up to you what you choose, however we will help with advice and options to make sure you make the most of your structure and your space. In addition to the structure there are

There’s A New Kid In Town!

THE MID naughties saw a boom in outdoor rattan products hitting the market. It was very much seen as the pinnacle of outdoor furniture, luxurious and premium, while at the same time low maintenance. Over time, the pitfalls of rattan have started to appear, particularly in a commercial setting where it is exposed to a lot of usage. Sagging is common where the weave loosens, or worse still, tear in the weave and the whole item can unravel requiring full and costly replacement. Fast forward to 2018 and rattan is now commonplace in pubs and gardens everywhere, it has lost some of this premium appeal, a slightly faded rattan chair now has the opposite effect, it’s a sign of cheap and rundown.

options for the roof and the walls – solid, retractable, clear, opaque and more. Then there are the lights, speakers and heating! For more help and information visit our website or give us a call. We are specialists in shade and shelter and we are ready to help. New for 2017, we have a new logo and new office – but the same great service. To get in touch, call 0844 561 7679 or email Well not any longer, there is a new kid in town, courtesy of LeisureBench. The Madrid range, made of resin reinforced polypropylene, offers the aesthetic appeal of rattan furniture while solving some of the issues identified above. This range is lightweight and stackable for easy storage. It is UV resistant meaning it will never fade. The rattan effect is not woven, but injection moulded meaning that it will never sag or unravel for extra longevity. It is completely weather resistant and will require little to no maintenance. A clean once a year should suffice. On top of this, The Madrid Range is design led and made to “look good”. Included within the range are a variety of high pressure laminate (HPL) table tops. This brings outdoor tabletop technology to a new level offering ultrasleek designs while enhancing durability. To see this and the huge selection of products available from LeisureBench visit their website at Call them on 01949 862920 or email

STORAGE BUNKER IDEA FOR COAL, WOOD PELLETS SALT & GRIT No Shovel Needed - avoiding loss or theft Excellent Storage Solution - for all small fuel types Easy to use Dispenser System Suitable for Indoor or Outdoor Use - clean & convenient Waterproof with Lockable Secure Lid - ensuring moisture proof Backup Fuel Source - due to limited space around the property Easy to Re-fill - from shoulder height Lockable Key Lids Supplied Stores up to 200kg 02843 770845


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2018

Outdoor Spaces

These Businesses Are Already Benefiting From Our Canopy Structures

All year round use – regardless of weather Quick recovery on your investment

Market your business with fixed canopy structures to attract and look after your customers Our research tells us that people like to sit in the shade to eat and drink outside

Discover How A Canopy Can Increase Your Profits

OVER THE last twenty years hotel owners,licensees golf courses and theme parks around the UK have discovered the secrets of increasing their profit by installing Zenith Canopy Structures at their establishments. Since the advent of the smoking ban, licensees have had to re-appraise their business and re-market the features that encourage customers to choose them over a competitor particularly in food led establishments. Ian Manners of Zenith said “The benefits to licensees of our canopy structures is that they can be used all the year round regardless of weather.” When approached by the licensed trade we have used our experience and spent a good deal of time with them discussing how we can make the best use of available space to increase their profits and add real value to their business. We encourage them to provide as comfortable a setting outside as they provide their customers inside the pub. For example, for some reason in this country licensees seem to think that customers like to eat

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

WE ARE an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses. For Free consultations call 0118

978 9072

and drink in raging sunshine. Our research tells us that people actually like to eat and drink in the shade under a fixed, robust cover that they feel safe beneath. By adding electric radiant heating and lighting and easily removable sidewalls, licensees can create a warm, welcoming environment in all weathers without losing that al fresco feel.’ Many of Zenith’s customers have opted to fund a canopy project by LEASE RENTAL. This is a financially efficient way of installing a canopy because it allows the licensee to budget on a monthly basis without making a large capital investment. After a three or four year period the licensee will own the structure outright. It is also tax efficient as the lease rentals can be offset against taxable profits. Furthermore the canopies are being paid for as the number of customers increases. Zenith’s canopies are available in a variety of modular sizes and colours. For further information contact:Zenith Canopy Structures Limited, T: 0118 978 9072 F: 0118 979 3034 Email: or visit

We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports

next season. It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to

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Outdoor Spaces Pop Up Power Supplies® Provide A Range Of Retractable Service Units For Outdoor Spaces Within UK Leisure Facilities UK LEISURE destinations are increasingly looking for innovative ways to improve their facilities for their visitors, for example new or upgraded facilities at caravan parks. A common feature which all leisure facilities share is the requirement for a power source for their outdoor areas. Pop Up Power Supplies® supply a range of innovative retractable service power units for outdoor areas, in the form of pop up units, in-ground / flip lid units and power bollards. The pop up and in-ground units are particularly popular for businesses and facilities within the leisure sector due to a number of factors, including their retractable nature so they can be raised or lowered easily for when they are needed; they provide a safe and silent source of electricity; and their lids can accommodate various paving and landscaping materials e.g. turf which means when they are lowered or closed, they blend in

Glassjacks Ltd

Glassjacks are pleased to announce a new range of products and an improved website ( Customers can now purchase a full range of beautiful catering quality glassware (Genware) and glassjacks together. From elegant wine glasses and champagne flutes to tumblers, beer glasses, shot glasses, carafes and water jugs. This full range of glassware complements our comprehensive range of

to the local environment providing seamless aesthetics. Powering leisure facilities Pop Up Power Supplies® are currently working with caravan park owners to specify their pop up power units within park areas to help provide power to caravans and tents. We are also looking to supply glamping sites across the UK due to its increase in popularity in recent years. Our range of retractable telescopic feeder pillars provide a safe, silent power source for holidaymakers, which can be lowered back into the ground when not in use. We work closely with developers, leisure park owners, caravan park owners, specifiers, architects, festival organisers, contractors and other industry professionals. We can provide technical data, product information, design ideas and more, and are able to advise on a suitable pop up power unit for your project. Contact: Telephone: 0208 227 0208 Website: Address: PO Box 1447, Ilford, Essex, IG2 6GT glassware storage boxes (glassjacks). If it’s just glassware storage boxes (glassjacks) you are looking for there is a new feature on our website, the “Glass Measurement Guide” where you simply insert your glass height and width to be directed straight to the glassjack you require. Our additional new products include compartment glass racks, dishwasher racks, barware and plastic glassware. Glassjacks Ltd have supplied products for over 5 years to thousands of delighted customers; from catering hire companies; race courses; hotels; bars; restaurants; golf courses; glass manufacturers; catering wholesale suppliers, event companies and many more. For your glassware storage box and glassware requirements please take a look at our new website

Plan Your Playground in Good Time for the Season

IN THE middle of winter in can be hard to imagine Spring when families will be out enjoying the weather and spending time and money in your establishment. But now is the time to set in motion the plans for a new playground. An appealing play area need not cost the earth – depending on the number of families you expect at any one time a

budget of £4000 - £5000 all in could give a very useful and appealing addition to your site. Home Front Playgrounds offer a design and consulting service to help you get the most out of your premises. We have lots of experience in getting just the right play equipment installation – but act soon in order to take full advantage of the (hopefully) sunny weather to come. For further information call 0845 643 2373 or visit

• Attract more customers with your own play area • Beautiful natural timber for long life • Huge range of designs to suit all budgets and areas • See more on our website For more details. a full colour catalogue or to get a quotation Contact us today

0845 643 2373

February 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2018

Design and Refit

Total Racking Solutions

TOTAL RACKING Solutions Ltd is one of the UK`s leading suppliers of racking for just about every necessity. We are a friendly family run business, who really go the extra mile for our customers. Our 5 star Trustpilot rating speaks for itself, not only are our products superb quality they are extremely good value for money compared to our competition. We offer a superb range of chrome racking for front of house for hotels, pubs, restaurants, eateries, coffee shops, bakeries and delicatessen’s. We also offer a huge range of high gloss, powder coated racking for every storage need big and small. We offer a no quibble five year guarantee on all

our products, if you are not happy with our products for any reason we will either give you a replacement or a full refund. Not only are they very easy to put together they really are sturdy and look superb when built and in use. We also offer storage containers for every size and eventuality. We offer a next day delivery service, anywhere in mainland UK. Give our friendly sales and design staff a call, we offer a free design service and will of course do you a highly competitive deal. Call 01977 555007, email: or visit

Top Choice Security Products for Hotels SECURITY IS a top priority for any hotel, therefore, it is vital to ensure there are measures in place to keep your guests and staff safe. Specialist supplier, IronmongeryDirect, offers a range of products that can help businesses maintain safety and security standards. To provide added reassurance to your guests, the Burg Wächter P 3 E LAP KA4 Hotel PointSafe Electronic Safe is ideal for the storage of valuables and documents. It has a solid single wall body with a 7mm double walled door with drill protection. The product comes prepared for wall or floor mounting with fixings provided and has a hotel mode with master and user codes. The safe is also supplied with a keyed alike override key for increased peace of mind in case batteries run out. The Arrone® Code Lock is a light-duty code lock, ideal for securing interior low-traffic offices and storerooms. All mechanical code locks use non-sequential codes, meaning the four-digit code can be entered in any order, e.g. 1234 can be 4321 or 1342. Although this is a lower security option than electronic locks, it is ideal for smaller hotels looking for access control on a smaller budget. When it comes to guest safety, the Jackloc Cable Window and Door Restrictor is an ideal choice; designed

with health and safety in mind, it can be fitted to any style and material of window and restricts the opening to 100mm. The Jackloc is provided with hardened steel security clutch screws and once fitted, they cannot be removed. Alternate screws can be used if required. IronmongeryDirect has over 16,000 products available and in stock. Orders can be placed as late as 8pm for next day delivery, and by 4pm on weekends. Free, no quibble returns are available on all products. For more information, visit or call their team of specialist advisors on 0800 168 28 28. See the advert on page 9 for details.

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Design and Refit

February 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

HotelContractBeds - Premium Quality At Affordable Prices WE’RE ONE of the leading suppliers of contract approved beds and mattresses within the UK. Manufactured by ourselves, we pride ourselves on high quality whilst also providing comfortable low trade prices. While of course we offer all the standard UK sizes for beds and mattresses, we also provide an affordable bespoke service that will enable you to get the exact bed, mattress or sofa bed required for your establishment. We work on a no minimum order value policy, meaning you may order as much, or as little as you need. This

enables us to supply the big hotel chains, while also providing top quality to the smaller and independent hotels. Delivery is free of charge for all mainland UK orders with an estimated time of 3-5 working days. And what’s more, you can be assured that every contract bed manufactured and supplied via HotelContractBeds - including our memory foam mattresses, sofa beds, zip and link beds and divan sets - complies with BS5852 and Crib 5, ensuring that they pass stringent fire safety inspections. Call our friendly sales team on 01234 834693 or visit our website

The Houston Chair – Available in 50 Different Fabrics INTRODUCING THE Houston chair – sturdy, stylish, and adaptable, this chair is perfect for use in pubs, restaurants and hotels. Supplied by British company Trent Furniture who have been manufacturing quality furniture to the hospitality trade since 1960, the Houston chair offers quality and versatility at an affordable price. The timeless design is matched by great craftsmanship to produce a comfortable chair that will complement any interior style or colour palette: • Durable European beech wood frame • Comes in walnut or dark oak

• Cushioned seat and padded back With their own in-house upholstery team, Trent Furniture can upholster the chair in over 50 different fabrics - from royal blue flatweave to woven light tan. So, whatever your colour scheme or theme, you can choose a fabric to enhance it. Priced at £49.90 plus VAT, the ability to customise each chair, combined with the classic design, makes the Houston chair perfect for use in your hospitality venue. View the Houston chair alongside a wide range of both traditional and contemporary furniture specially designed for bars, restaurants, cafés, hotels and more at Call 0116 2985 852 for more information.

Retain Payment or ID Cards and Be PCI Compliant Whilst Increasing Profits WHEN A vendor retains a credit card or debit card, or indeed handing over his or her ID card as security against running a tab or renting sporting equipment, there is always some uncertainty about the safety of the card whilst out of the customers’ possession. CardsSafe® eliminates the need to worry about any loss or theft as it is the simplest and most efficient way to ensure the card’s safety from potential misuse. The CardsSafe® system has now become the “best practice” way of handling credit and debit cards in the hospitality and leisure industries. More than seventy thousand boxes are in use every day and hundreds more are added every week. Customers who share their experience with our staff report these benefits:

• Chargeback drops by more than ninety percent (90%) • Walkouts are reduced by at least fifty percent (50%) • Tab mistakes drop significantly and finally, • There is a major uptick in sales If you are concerned about how CardsSafe works within the PCI scheme, Alan Gill from the independent PCI certifying company Orthus Limited states: “The PCI DSS standard encompassed 264 controls. CardsSafe helps to reduce the need to meet all of these through ‘compensating controls’ which allow businesses to comply to the standard without having to change the way they operate”. In addition to the commercial benefits the CardsSafe® solution therefore helps merchants become PCI compliant, which truly gives peace of mind for all! To order, please contact CardsSafe Limited on either ofPhone: 0845 5001040, Email: Web:

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2018

Design and Refit Spring Is Almost Here, Are You Ready? TO HELP you plan your displays we have created our Easter & Spring brochure, full of lots of products for inspiration. Go to our website to order your free copy. Our extensive range of display props, including fake foods, artificial flowers and foliage, replica animals and birds and all things seasonal is getting an overhaul, with lots of exciting new products. Many replica food items have just been introduced into our range and we are currently working on extending our beautiful range of

flowers and greenery. We are proud to offer one of the UK s largest and most extensive ranges of display props, available for next day delivery directly from our warehouse. Specialising in replica foods, we have worked closely with bar, hotel and restaurant chains, as well as many small independent businesses. All of our stocked products can been found on our website, with up to date stock information. Large quantities of some items can also be sourced for your bigger projects, as well as special order items. So if you can t see what you want on our website, just contact us and we ll try to help. Tel: 03333 440078 or for details.

The Vandal Resistant Toilet Door Lock From Burstcatch

LOCKS ARE a critical part of the decision process when designing or refurbishing your bathroom. Durable and hard-wearing toilet cubicle locks are essential to ensure longevity of your investment. Burstcatch ensures both privacy and security of your bathroom cubicles with its unique, patented vandal resistant design. Built to last in the most extreme of environments, Burstcatch is designed to operate flawlessly in the washroom environment. Suitable for extreme high traffic commercial toilet areas such as night clubs, bars and restaurants. Burstcatch is the standard fitting in the UK’s largest pub chains JD Weatherspoon, Yates, Mitchell & Butler, Stonegate and Missoula Bars Burstcatch ensures their washrooms are always 100% operational, reaping the financial benefits everyday. • Privacy with unique anti-vandal door lock design

Capricorn Contract Furnishings CAPRICORN CONTRACT FURNISHINGS are now firmly established as one of the country’s largest stockist and supplier of quality contract furniture to cafes, bars, bistro's, restaurants, pubs, clubs and hotels. Capricorn Contract Furnishings are based in an 40,000 square feet showroom and distribution warehouse on the outskirts of Exeter in Devon. From within the distribution area we are able to offer a next day delivery service

Woodman Chairs

WOODMAN CHAIRS is a long established, dedicated chair manufacturer and wholesaler who make most of their own chairs. We offer a wide and varied choice of solid oak and beech chair and table styles – both modern and contemporary – with many finish and seat options. Included in our range is an exciting choice of sturdy bar stools and bar tables.

• Works with all types of toilet cubicle doors • Built strong. Built to last. Built to save you money. • Guaranteed to save your toilet cubicle doors and locks from vandals. In the high traffic pub and club environment it's essential your toilet doors stay operational. Burstcatch will give you the piece of mind that once fitted you no longer have to call out service engineers to repair your toilet cubicle doors. Generally a call out would be £60 plus per call, so its a simple calculation to see Burstcatch is a valuable investment. Customer safety is ensured with our unique design. Burstcatch will allow standard privacy but if you are required to access a cubicle during an emergency situation you can easily force the door open without causing any damage to the toilet door hardware or to the door. Safety without the expense! Tel: 0151 608 8666 or visit or see the advert on page 2.

throughout the UK on hundreds of products including outdoor dining tables, tub chairs, bar stools, lounge furniture, conference stacking chairs. Customers are encouraged to visit our large showroom to view an extensive range of furniture ideally suited for the leisure market. Here you can relax and let Capricorn help and advise you with your requirements. Opening hours for the showroom are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Capricorn Contract Furnishings are in the enviable position of being a sole UK importer of quality furniture which means that you the customer, will be dealing direct with manufacturers from around the world at very competitive prices. For further details, please see the advert on this page. The fact that we make gives us greater control and flexibility. It also enables us to offer bespoke chair and chair frame or component production to end customers or other suppliers and manufacturers looking for their own design or seeking to create a unique range or theme, again in both oak and beech, raw or finished. Always keen to innovate, Woodman are constantly introducing new styles and have recently added Carver options to their more popular dining chairs and have further expanded their range of bar stools to include rush seated and fabric pad options. Here is a simple decision that won’t require a Referendum! If you want your customers to have the best choice, with honest quality, at affordable prices, with decent lead times and no minimum order, then you need only vote Woodman for your chairs. For further details call 01884 841789, visit or email

Design and Refit

Space Air - The UK's Independent Distributor for LG HVAC Systems SPACE AIR with 37 years experience in HVAC industry are UK Nationwide distributors of the full range LG HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) equipment covering One to One Splits, Multi Splits, Multi V™ VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow), Therma V™ air to water medium/high temperature heat pumps, extensive local, remote and central control systems and Spare Parts. The Air Conditioning capacity range extends for 1 kW one to one to 269 kW systems with the largest variety of indoor units from Cassettes (1, 2 & 4 way air distribution), Ceiling, Floor, Wall and Low/Medium/High static ducted type. The Heat Recovery Ventilation- HRV offers

flexible and high efficiency ventilation. The unique Therma V™ Medium (55ºc) and High (80ºc) temperature domestic/commercial heating & domestic hot water and water based systems, which is ranked amongst the leading technology in the world. All LG-HVAC products are Eurovent Certified and to ISO9001-14001, Quality and Environmental Standards with extensive HQ facilities in Weybridge covering show rooms, training centres and CPD facilities. Space Air offers Nationwide coverage including design, selection, logistics, spare parts, remote and on site technical support. Contact us on tel: 01483 478 715 or by email: or visit our website for extensive information.

ILF Chairs - Contract Seating

ILF HAVE been supplying top quality indoor and outdoor chairs and tables for over the past 25 years to the hospitality market. We offer a wide selection of products to suit all tastes and as importantly budgets! We pride ourselves outstanding personal service with the motto ‘ No job is ever too big or too small – it’s customer satisfaction that counts’.

In this demanding Health & Safety led market place we guarantee that all our fabrics and fillings meet the exacting BS5852 Crib 5 fire regulations. The majority of our products are available in a choice of frame colours and we can offer an extensive choice of fabrics including real Leather and Faux Leather. In addition, we also able to offer a full service on bench seating and reupholstery. Delivery times are generally 4 weeks from order, but we can also offer a “fast track” service for certain products. Why not contact us at or on 01293 783783 and find out how we can help you fulfil your seating and table needs.

Pro Auction Valuers & Auctioneers

PRO AUCTION Limited are one of the leading specialist valuers & auctioneers. Providing a comprehensive range of services to ensure that the full value of surplus or redundant assets are realised, to maximum value, be that by a private treaty, tender or auction. Auctions are conducted on a regular basis, throughout Europe in the Hospitality, Catering & Leisure sectors. We provide valuation and sale advice on all classes of industrial and commercial business assets. Auction sales are conducted both on site and webcast through

our world-wide bidding platform. Pro Auction runs both traditional and online auctions throughout Europe, using the latest auction platforms and software, developed to meet the demands and needs of both the seller and purchaser. The company provides expert advice to insolvency practitioners, corporate recovery specialists and turnaround professionals. It is widely acknowledged as a leading provider of machinery and business asset advice – from initial valuation to exit strategy planning and implementation – helping clients through the whole process. Contact Pro Auction Limited on 01761 414000 or email

February 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier


Anapos Supply Sauna and Steam Room to Woodbury Park Hotel and Golf Club, Nr Exeter

FOLLOWING A number of recent installations for The Club Company, owners of the Exclusive Woodbury Park Hotel, Golf and Health Club, Anapos were once again asked to manufacture supply and install The Club Companies brand standard Sauna, Steam Room, Feature Shower and Heated Loungers. The Sauna was constructed from the special high quality Rohol sauna timber with a drop ceiling, with feature lighting, including fibre optics, behind bench heaters and an automatic essences dosing system. The Steam room was installed with square benching to take large format tiles for easy cleaning and wood effect plank tiles on the walls, the steam room was also installed with under bench LED lighting for extra effect, ceiling down lighters and a full essence injection system. The Anapos Feature shower that was installed offers the clients the option

of a tropical rain shower experience with a rose fragrance or a cold rain shower experience with a peppermint fragrance all at the press of a button. The project was completed with two of the Anapos Heated Corian loungers, the smooth Corian contoured surface makes it very comfortable to relax on and easy to clean for the operators. To complete this fantastic installation it was awarded first place in the Health & Wellness Category in the UK Pool & Spa Awards 2017. Anapos has also completed recent Projects at :The Midland Hotel Manchester The Coniston Hotel Skipton Formby Hall The Lifehouse Day Spa Alton Towers Resort Spa Whittlebury Hall Gomersal Park Hotel Low Wood Bay Hotel For further information call 01942 226539, email: or visit

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

February 2018

Design and Refit Catering Resources WE SOURCE the best and most effective commercial catering equipment from around the globe. Generally this will be ideal for owners of catering establishments eg cafes, restaurants, staff canteens, pubs, clubs, schools, colleges, sports stadia, hotels, guest houses, outside caterers; fast-

food take-aways, fish & chip shops etc. From our 800 page catalogue you will find everything from staff uniforms, kitchenware, baking and cookware, food storage, disposables, tables, sinks, trolleys, shelving, cleaning and janitorial, health & hygiene, tableware, buffet & beverage service, linen, bar amenities, cooking appliances, blenders, food preparation machines, beverage appliances, server & display, refrigeration & washing equipment. Call 0121 448 3756, email or visit

Hippychick Bed Protectors HIPPYCHICK BED Protectors are high quality, discreet, breathable and 100% waterproof – something so practical rarely feels so luxurious and they truly have to be seen to be believed! The protectors are available in both tencel and cotton, with a wide range of sizes in fitted and flat sheet designs. For those of you who aren’t aware, tencel is a naturally hygienic fibre made from 100% biodegradable, sustainable wood pulp cellulose. It is as

MST Auctioneers Ltd MST AUCTIONEERS Ltd specialise in handling & auctioning a wide variety of goods.

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o Suppliers of 1920s chairs to pubs and restaurants nationwide



30 years experience We can supply chairs in original condition and fully refurbished Prices from £35 (original condition) to £75 (refurbished) Delivery in 10 to 21 days on orders of 10 - 150

o Telephone: 07970 714959 Email:

We act for Insolvency Practitioners, Receivers, Bailiffs and Solicitors as well as large PLCs. We are members of The National Association of Auctioneers and Valuers (NAVA). For the past 25 years, we've provided a unique disposal service tailored to suit, liquidators, banks, receivers as well as private and corporate vendors. We carry out probate valuations and conduct complete house and commercial clearances. We have the largest Auction venue in the South of England. Our regular monthly Auctions occupy 45,000 sq.ft. of undercover space, selling over 2500 lots from 3 rostrums

cool as linen, soft as silk and even more absorbent than cotton. Tencel’s unique moisture absorbent capacity draws away moisture and helps keep the bed cool, and without moisture the growth of bacteria is inhibited preventing unwanted mould and mites. Hippychick’s Bed Protectors take a much needed, but also much maligned product and transforms it into a comfortable, soft, undetectable piece of bedding. They are soft, breathable, absorbent and waterproof – a great natural alternative to sweaty plastic undersheets. To see the full range please visit or see the advert on page 14. over two days. We have storage and removal facilities. In addition we have forklifts for machinery up to 5 tons. We also hold regular Auctions ”On Site” and "On Line" ......... We hold regular monthly auction sales in: • Plant & Machinery • Engineering Equipment • Woodworking Equipment • Catering Equipment • Office Furniture • Computers & Office Equip • Antiques & Collectables, • Jewellery, Gold & Silver • Historic Coins & Antiquities • Household Chattels • Photographic Equip. • Scientific Test Equip. See advert on page 34 for further details

Property and Professional

Selling Your Business… AFTER YEARS of highs and lows, trials and tribulations, you have finally decided you want to sell your business. Well, that’s the easy part sorted. Actually knowing how to sell your business is a whole different ball game. City Business Brokers has been a business selling agent for many years, demonstrating to numerous clients how to sell a business in Birmingham. Our vast experience and sound business acumen will help you achieve your goals. Many of our sell business brokers are former business owners themselves, so they have experienced the process of how to sell a business from both sides. Their valuable expertise will be crucial as you broker any deal. So are you looking at selling a pub? Maybe you are keen on selling a hair salon or even selling a retail business? It doesn’t matter what type of business it is you want to sell, call our experts now on 0121 4525133. Whether you are ready to sell your business immediately or are just considering a sale, get in touch for a confidential, no-cost appointment. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We can confidentially list your building for sale today. Call now and one of our experts will help you get started. Are you still unsure? Then let’s determine what the whole business sales process involves. Why Should I Use City Business Brokers When I Decide to Sell My Business? Firstly, we provide you with practical answers to the basic questions all business sellers ask: • What is my business worth?

The business occupies a lucrative and prime trading position, with a visible corner frontage, on the main High Street within the centre of the much sought after and highly regarded popular coastal resort town of Budleigh Salterton. Earls Coffee House is a thriving and well regarded licenced cafe and coffee house trading on a predominantly daytime only basis, and until 8:00pm on three evenings per week. These ground floor lockup premises have been pur-

The complex is situated in a prominent location & has the only south facing forecourt in the area, comfortably seating 250 customers, which overlooks the theme park & it’s car park for in excess of 1000 cars. The property is in pristine condition having been expanded & refurbished every year. The pub is traditional style with a 90ft servery bar & dining areas, including lounge, raised areas & booth seating for around 200+ covers. The Family Showbar has a 30ft servery bar with seating accommodating for 260 covers.

A LEASEHOLD Inn has been brought to the market by Leading National Licensed Property Agent Guy Simmonds: The Frog, High St, Bidford on Avon, Warwickshire

2017 Rating Revaluation Have your Business Rates increased?

Porters offer a no reduction no fee rating advice service at competitive rates. For further information call

01622 685261



To complete the property is a Fully Equipped Catering Kitchen, Car Park and 3 Bed Living Accommodation. Marc Blackford of Guy Simmonds said "This is a superbly positioned and presented business that offers excellent turnover and profits along with having potential to increase the catering trade." Asking Price £75,000. Enterprise Inns Leasehold. Turnover for y/e 07/16 is £567,928 (inc VAT). Rent £26,500. Trade Split circa 80% Wet & 20% Food. Contact 01332 865112 for details.

East Coast Hotel, Pub & Enter tainment Complex





Daytime Town Centre Coffee Shop Lucrative Coastal Town Trading Position Main Cafe Seating Area (34+) Daytime Trading Easy Menu Scope to Increase Trade

7 En-Suite Letting Bedrooms Separate 3/4 Bedroom Owners Bungalow Car Parking and Gardens Impressive Free of Tie Opportunity

FH £450,000


posely fitted and equipped to a high specification throughout and are consequently presented to an extremely high standard with high quality fixtures and fittings. The attractive premises boast a contemporary feel, and briefly comprise:- Main Cafe Seating Area comfortably seating 46 customers (with space for more if required); substantial Customer Servery; fully equipped Commercial Catering Kitchen and Customer Welfare Facilities. For sale on a leasehold basis, Stonesmith are offering the business for an asking price of £145,000. Details can be viewed at and viewings by calling 01392 201262.

This traditional and extensive Riverside Inn with Moorings sits alongside the River Avon in the desirable village of Bidford On Avon, Warwickshire. This large village has a population of approx. 5,000 and is located equidistant from Stratford upon Avon and Evesham. This thriving riverside business has 6 Clarendon Place, King Street a Lounge Bar (circa 45), Public Bar (circa 16), Restaurant (circa 40), Maidstone, Kent delightful Riverside Terrace Area (circa 24) and Riverside Lawned Garden (circa 60).

The hotel currently has 21 modern & spacious double/twin/family rooms all en-suite & fitted & presented to a high standard. There is potential to develop a further 10/15 hotel rooms. The complex has a well specified, modern commercial kitchen that is extremely busy. The business benefits from its own websites for both the pub & hotel and a substantial marketing database of over 16,000 recipients. The business is for sale for offers in excess of £3.6m. for the entire business (Freehold), or, will consider selling the hotel & pub for £2.65m and retaining or leasing to purchaser the 3 Family Entertainment Centres and remaining properties within the site. Full details & trading information are available for serious enquiries. Viewing Arrangements Strictly by appointment only Tel: 07879 624 758 / 07881 942 435 or email

4 Star Silver Award Winning Guest House Highly Desirable East Devon Village 5 En-Suite Bedrooms Sitting Room & Dining Room Front Patio Terrace & Rear Garden Tremendous Potential & Flexibility


LH £39,950




Indoor Soft Play Centre & Cafe

Well Regarded Town Centre Restaurant (50)

Purpose Equipped Lock Up Unit

Impressive 3 Bed Accommodation

Play Frame, Cafe (40), Party Area (30)

Gardens, Car Parking (6)

External Lawned Area, Car Parking

Well Presented Throughout

Excellent Growth & Potential

Superb Home & Business Opportunity


LH £64,950



NORTH DEVON Coastal Restaurant, Bar & Café With Letting Rooms Prime Location With Beach and Sea Views Bar & Restaurant (52+), 6 Letting Rooms (18) Extremely Well Presented & Equipped Business Trading Only 9 Months With Potential For More

LH £125,000




LH £29,950

LH £95,000

Situated in a prime holiday location on a plot of 34,000sq feet on Sea Lane, Ingoldmells, Skegness and opposite Fantasy Island theme park, 1 mile from Butlins and minutes away from Skegness, Chapel St Leonards & Mablethorpe.

Adjusted net profits in excess of £500,000

Offers in excess of £3.6m for the entire business (Freehold), or, will consider selling the hotel & pub for £2.65m and retaining or leasing to purchaser the 3 Family Entertainment Centres and remaining properties within the site. Full details & trading information can be made available for serious enquiries.

Comprising of:-




Detached Destination Country Freehouse Bar & D/Area (40+), Sep Restaurant (50) 4 Bed Flexible Owners Accommodation Gardens & Car Park (50+) Limited Trading Hours. Good Profits

High Quality Destination Pub Bar, Restaurant & Dining Areas (170+) 9 Quality Letting Rooms Trade Gardens,Barbecue Areas & Car Park £1,370,000 Turnover Under Management

Impressive FREE OF TIE Pub Restaurant Extremely Well Presented Throughout Bar & Lounge Areas (40+), Restaurant (46) 3 Quality En-Suite Letting Bedrooms, 1 Bed Pvt Beer Garden (32) Car Park (20), Skittle Alley/Barn Successful Business with Strong Net Profits

FH £375,000


LH £250,000



FREE OF TIE LH £115,000


The Frog, Bidford on Avon, Warwickshire on the Market

East Coast Hotel, Pub & Entertainment Complex for Sale THE SALE of this East Coast Hotel, Pub & Leisure Complex provides an excellent opportunity to purchase a well established, successful coastal business. Located in Ingoldmells which is a growing resort & with the recent purchase of Fantasy Island by key developers and Butlins investments in new chalets & water park the future is exciting.

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

High Quality, Licensed Cafe And Coffee Shop For Sale

STONESMITH ARE delighted to be marketing the sale of Earls Coffee House.

01622 685261

• What kind of financials do I need to provide when I sell my business? • How do I ensure confidentiality? • What is the most effective way to find qualified buyers? • What kind of financing is available to help me sell my business? • How do I deal with “off the books” transactions? • How do I screen buyers? • Will I have to carry a note when I selling my business in Birmingham? What we do Everyone connected with City Business Brokers has to know the specific business brokerage methods that achieve results. Consultation on a range of business issues is also available at your request throughout the selling process. Selling a small business is a complex process that requires a specific level of expertise, as well as the ability to solve problems in a practical yet creative manner. Because of our vast experience in buying and selling businesses we know there is not a “one size fits all” policy. That is why you are guaranteed a bespoke service as we tailor our marketing and procedures to accommodate the requirements of your business. Unlike some business selling agents, we aim to keep you informed and involved in the sale of your business. Get Started Selling your business is a major decision. Contact City Business Brokers today to get started. Call today on 0121 452 3332, visit www.citybusinessbrokers or see the advert on page 3.

February 2018


01392 201262

• • • • • • • • •

Hotel with 21 en-suite letting rooms & plans drawn for further rooms Traditional large English style pub with restaurant seating Family Showbar and Family Entertainment Centre & restaurant seating 2 further Family Entertainment Centres (amusement arcades) Large south facing licensed forecourt with covered stage, smoking area and seating Car park to rear (& also opposite at Fantasy Island for 1000+ cars) Dormer bungalow, located at rear converted into 3 self contained flats Entire complex is in pristine condition being refurbished annually PLUS potential to purchase a further 2/3 bed bungalow also on site VIEWING ARRANGEMENTS: Strictly by appointment only

Tel: 07879 624 758 / 07881 942 435 or email


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Property and Professional

February 2018

Delightful Tearooms and Tea Garden Set in Rural, Coastal Dorset

THE OLD Schoolhouse, located in the heart of the picturesque village of Abbotsbury. The attractive mellow stone property offers masses of character, lattice style windows, fireplaces, wooden beams having two dining areas offering 55 covers with a further 34 alfresco in the tea garden of approximately 1 acre. Having built up great reputation, Income in 2017 being £72,909 with a

GP of £60,965 sales have increased year on year – there is considerable scope to develop the business further. Spacious accommodation containing a huge loft which offers numerous options and a private enclosed garden enjoying fantastic views. Leasehold price of £189,995 For further Information, please contact the selling agents EM&F on 01404 813762 quoting TR33716R or visit for a large selection of catering establishments.

8 Victoria Road, Exmouth on the Market with Bettesworths

IN TIMES of renewed confidence and at the start of a new year, one of the options to be considered is owning and operating your own business. Bettesworths, award winning Commercial & Residential Agents are offering an excellent example of a property that could inspire someone to indeed take that leap. A point to consider when starting your own business is a prime location, allowing the business a chance to realise its full potential. With this in mind a restaurant premises in Exmouth is now on the market which would make a perfect turn-key operation. 8 Victoria Road is located in a busy residential area just

yards from ‘The Strand’. The restaurant is licensed with A3 class use and seats approximately 52. The unit comes with an equipped commercial kitchen. The premises are being marketed off an asking price of £12,000 for the Leasehold interest to include trade inventory and is available on a New Lease with Shop Front & Internal Repairing Obligations with an annual rent of £11,000. The tenant will contribute towards the building insurance and a fixed £250 per quarter service charge towards maintaining the remainder of the building and communal services. For further information please contact Genevieve Stringer on 01803 212021 or email on

The Country Lounge, Morcott, Rutland on the Market THIS BUSINESS is located in the affluent sought-after conservation village of Morcott in the heart of the beautiful county of Rutland on the A47 equidistant between Peterborough and Leicester.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising


PRICE: £29,950


PRICE: £49,950 + VAT


• Substantial and Prominent Community Pub • Situated in a Busy Residential District • Main Bar/Trading Area with Games Room • Attractive Three Bedroom Flat on First Floor • Private Garden Trade Patio, Substantial Car Park


REF 3048

• Thatched Grade II Listed, Village Inn • Situated in the Desirable Village of Christow in the Teign Valley • Character Main Bar, Lounge Bar, Dining Room & Games Area • Various Ancillaries & Outside Trading Area • 3 Bed Owners Accommodation & Separate 2 Bed Cottage



REF: 3047


PRICE: £995,000


PRICE: £17,500

• Delightful, Grade II Listed 16th Century Thatched Inn • 3 Character Trade Areas with Total Number of Covers circa 94 • 8 Superior En-suite Letting Rooms • Stunning Beer Garden, Additional Plot with PP and Car Park • Thriving, Award Winning and Very Profitable Business


REF 2866


• Recently Refurbished Pizza Restaurant Seating 32 • Stunning Views Across Historic Fishing Port of Brixham • Modern ‘Urban Industrial’ Style Décor • Turnkey Operation Currently Closed • Rent of £11,000 Per Annum


REF: 3020


PRICE: £29,950


PRICE: £685,000


PRICE: £150,000


PRICE: £12,000


• Attractive Fully Refurbished Coaching Inn • Welcoming Character Inn with 70+ Covers • 3 Well Appointed En Suite Letting Rooms, 3 Bed Owners Accom • Walled Garden with Sunny Aspect • Successful Business with Strong Turnover


Occupying a prominent location this well-presented property is of stone and rendered brick construction sitting beneath a pitched slate roof. An entrance porch to the front provides access to the eye-catching trading areas. These consists of: Lounge-Bar/Bistro (circa 50+ covers) is a spacious and contemporary area with a solid oak floor. Restaurant (circa 60 covers/100+ covers with round banqueting) is a multi-use room used predominantly for dining. 9 En-suite letting rooms (7 doubles / 2 double self-catering studio’s with kitchens) all with private access, tea/coffee making facilities and WiFi etc. 2 large 2-bedroom holiday studio apartments (1

sleeps up to 8 people / 1 sleeps up to 4 people). To the front of the property is an elevated Al Fresco patio dining and drinking area (circa 36 covers) with wooden and iron garden furniture and breath taking rolling Rutland countryside views. To the side of the property is a further slabbed Al Fresco patio area (circa 20 covers) again with rolling countryside views. The patron’s lined car park has spaces for circa 30+ cars. Included within the freehold sale (but optional if required) is circa 1/3-acre (not measured) land to the right hand side of the property that has been purchased to develop the business further. This land could be used for alternative use such as car park, additional letting rooms or as a landscaped garden area (all STPP). Price: £1.25M. Tenure: Freehold. Rent: £80,000 increasing to £125,000 per annum (to include letting lodge). Contact the agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112.


REF 3066


• Beautifully Refurbished Landmark Property in Unopposed Location • Substantial Open Plan Trading Character Trading Area with 110 Overs • Pretty Outside Trading Area for 120 • Planning Consent for 2 Bedroom Owners Living Accommodation • Very Strong Business with Huge Growth Potential


REF: 3077


• Prominent Harbourside Licenced Fish & Chip Café & Takeaway • Well Established & Highly Successful Business Trading Seasonally • Internal seating for 60; Al Fresco seating for 50 • Well Equipped Kitchen & Ancillary Areas • Potential to Extend Trading Period


REF: 3049


• Commercial Ground Floor Premises with A3 Class Use • Busy Residential Location Just Yards From 'The Strand' • Licenced Restaurant Seating Circa 52 • New Contributory Lease at a Rent of £11,000 Per Annum • Perfect Turnkey Operation


REF: 3009


Property and Professional

Macron Is Rolling Out The Red Carpet In Paris EVER CONSIDERED moving across the channel and buying a small hotel in France? Leggett has a wide portfolio to choose from and you will probably be surprised by the value for money on offer. Their portfolio covers boutique hotels in town and country as well as prestigious properties in the centre of Paris, Lyon and Bordeaux. With interest rates at record lows, cheap financing is available and you would be entering a market “on the up”. President Macron has taken centre stage in Europe: his vision for the

future of the EU is being taken seriously, while France’s position is being strengthened by the weaknesses of others – political stalemate in Germany, Brexit uncertainty in the UK, Catalonian separatism in Spain, forthcoming elections in Italy. From a foreign investor’s point of view France is back on the map and many French and other Europeans are leaving Brexit UK and returning to Continental Europe. Macron is rolling out his red carpet in Paris, promoting policies designed to attract foreign investment perhaps you should be cashing in? You can view the Leggett portfolio at but don’t forget they have many more “off market’ listings. Contact

Terry Osborne Pub, Hotel & Restaurant Insurance Specialists WE AT Terry Osborne Insurance Services are a specialist Insurance Broker in the Hotel, Pub, Guest House and B&B sector offering an impeccable service at a reasonable premium.

their cover has been compromised to lower their premium after a costly claim, which is all too late. At Terry Osborne Insurance Services Limited we aim to ensure that our premiums are not reduced by cutting our coverage and we are continually checking the market to ensure that we are proAs a family run business we pride ourselves on our perviding a quality service at a competsonal service with clients all over itive price. the UK we are pleased to offer T TERRY ERRY OSBORNE OSBORNE For further information contact our expertise and advice. As with INSURANCE SERVICES INSURANCE SE ER RV VICES LTD LT L TD TERRY OSBORNE Insurance everything in life you seem to get Hotel & RRestaurant PPub, ub, Hotel estaurant Services Ltd on 01622 745 297, what you pay for! As trade specialemail IInsurance nsurance Specialist Specialist ists we are keen to offer a or It would be petitive premium without e l e p h o n e Telephone visit embarrassing not A u t h o r i s e d a n d R e g u l a t e d by t h e compromising cover as in too to be covered! Fina ncia l Conduct Aut horit y many cases clients only realise that

001622 1622 7745 45 297 297

The Hospitality Business Mentor from The Bowden Group DAVID HUNTER is the Hospitality Business Mentor – he works with owners and investors in hotels, restaurants and catering businesses. Ensuring the business performs and makes the required profit, is what David does, and he does this by: 1. Setting realistic targets for the business, and creating budgets and forecasts 2. Monitoring Sales, Gross Margins and Labour costs very closely 3. Mentoring the owners and/or managers of the business to help them achieve their objectives Other areas that David advises on include: • Marketing – general and specific (ie pro-

motions etc) • Human Resources (HR) - including all the legislation, and disciplinary positions. • Reward and Bonus schemes – always linked to achievement of objectives • Customer Service - including Hospitality skills training Do contact David for an informal chat, or make an appointment to meet with him. Call David direct on: Mobile 07831 407984 or by email on Visit the website at or the Blogsite at

February 2018

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier



Do you need permanent staff? Anglo Continental Placements LTD Hospitality & Catering Recruitment Specialists Est. 1993

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To advertise in the

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier Tel 01202 552333

FREEHOLD GUEST HOUSE (4 STAR QUALITY), AMIDST PLEASANT RESI AREA, CONVENIENT FOR CITY CENTRE & STATION, SOUTHAMPTON. Well maintained, semi-det prop circa 1890. Gas C.H. D/G. 5 or 6 well appointed letting bedrms (mostly en suite) for 7/8 guests. Luxury owners accom with conservatory, walled gdn & gge. Parking for 6 cars. Retirement sale – same hands 17 yrs. Run by couple. B&B only. Mainly weekday trade. Recorded T/O £40,535 for 45 week period. SCOPE. An ideal home & income. - £495,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. GH.3738) HIGH TURNOVER RESTAURANT WITH FULL ON-LIC, FRONTING BUSY ‘A’ RD WITH VIEWS ACROSS OPEN FOREST, OUTSKIRTS OF NEW FOREST VILLAGE, LYNDHURST, HAMPSHIRE. Character prop circa 1900. Tastefully furnished 105 cover restaurant with adj. 30seat cocktail bar, S&W facing alfresco seating for 80. Lge superbly fitted kitchen with extensive inventory. Trade gdn. 42 space car park with lge free car park nearby. Owners/staff accom comprises 2 more or less S/C 1 dble bed flats, a studio flat & in addition 3 staff bedrms, etc. Retirement sale – same hands 21 years. Ave gross takings £23,000 pw. Accts record a T/O of £957,901 (ex VAT). GP 70%. Scope to open Mon & for afternoon & later evening opening. New lease at initial rental of £75,000 p.a.x. – OIRO £450,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3720) AWARD WINNING, HIGH CLASS TEA ROOM & COFFEE SHOP WITH ANCILLARY RETAIL SHOP, AMIDST CONSERVATION AREA, IN AFFLUENT MID-HAMPSHIRE TOWN. Situated in pretty Georgian town. Offering teas, coffees & light home made meals. Attractively decorated, character property has 36 covers, plus pavement seating for 12 & rear courtyard seating for 20. Catering kitchen. Same hands 13 yrs. T/O £6,000 pw. Projected T/O £255,000 p.a. (ex VAT). GP 65%. Closed 4.30/5 pm – no eve opening. Leasehold at current rental of £13,800 p.a.x. (new term avail). – £150,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3729)

romsey (01794) 522228

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