CLH News #212 May 2018

Page 1


Editor's Viewpoint

Pages 18-19 Bar and Cellar Management Pages 21-26

Page 27

RETURN TO PROFIT Let us help you put your business back into profit We work “hands-on’ with you, in your business to:

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Outdoor Leisure

Cleaning and Hygiene

Pages 28-35

Design and Refit

Pages 36-37

Products and Services

Pages 37-39

Property and Professional



MAY 2018

Cost Pressures Risk Hospitality Sector Job Creation and Growth

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UKHospitality has warned the Government that taxation and regulatory pressures risk undoing the good work and job creation carried out by the hospitality sector since 2008. The warning follows the publication of data by the Office for National Statistics that shows 31,000 fewer jobs compared to same period last year. The data highlights a 3rd consecutive quarter of contraction in jobs numbers and 92,000 fewer jobs compared to peak of Q2 2017. Despite this, the number of jobs in the sector is still nearly 400,000 more than at the end of 2008. UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The hospitality sector has done a fantastic job at creating opportunities, revitalising high streets and stimulating growth since the financial crisis. The sector has been a major driver of employment, creating 1 in 7 of all new jobs despite increasing cost pressures and legislative restrictions.

“The new data from the ONS suggests that these cost pressures are becoming too much for some employers and, consequently, we are looking at a reduction in the number of jobs compared to last year. It also seems no coincidence that the reduction in jobs should follow so closely from the disastrous business rates revaluation that has heaped more pressure on venues. “We have been vocal and persistent in our message to the Government that if businesses continue to face spiralling taxes, they will struggle to invest and grow and, ultimately, jobs will be at risk. “The sector is still in a very strong position and has an opportunity to continue creating jobs and revitalising communities around the UK, but only if exorbitant and destructive costs are tackled by the Government.” The warning follows earlier concerns raised by Travelodge chief executive who said in March this

year that soaring business rates and stifling taxes are putting job creation in the hospitality sector at risk. Peter Gowers told the Press Association that a string of costs facing businesses could result in "unintended consequences. The Government is putting rocks in our rucksack, with the National Living Wage, business rates, the Apprenticeship Levy and pensions changes. The hospitality sector has created thousands of jobs over the past few years, don't choke it off." The hospitality industry generates an estimated £130bn in revenue for the UK economy, however soaring costs are now beginning to “bite”. Casual dining chains such as Handmade Burger Co, Byron, Prezzo and Jamie's Italian have all closed sites, some entering into creditors voluntary arrangements, with all citing spiralling costs. Café Rouge reported losses of £60m earlier this year.



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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Editor's Viewpoint

May 2018

Welcome to the May issue of CLH News, and welcome to any new readers. We have recently updated our database so those of you who are receiving a copy of the first time - Welcome! We are free to trade hospitality and licensed publication and very much hope that you find us interesting and useful! Our lead story regarding cost pressures in the restaurant and hospitality industry is a cause of great concern. I saw the issue of “upward only rents” in the article and it took me back to when I had my restaurant here in Bournemouth. It was at a time when there EDITOR was a ludicrous clause in leasehold premises contracts called “original tenant” clause. This was a clause that made the original tenant who signed the lease liable for the full term, and if the lease was assigned to someone else then assigned to someone else etc who didn’t pay any rents the landlord can come back to the original tenant and make a claim, in this case me! Thankfully the law was changed in 1995. Upward only rent in leasehold premises is another pretty unfair clause to have. The amount of rent businesses are paying in London, according to the article, are simply unsustainable. Add to that the huge hike in rates, then it is easy to see why the casual dining sector who took on High Street prominent locations is suffering so badly. That said, it also appears that the independent sector is also suffering. Given the industry has over the years been one of the country’s leading providers of employment, with 400,000 more jobs than at the end of 2008, it would make sense for the Government to heed the warnings of UK Hospitality. As they say in the article, there are now 92,000 fewer jobs compared to the same quarter in 2017, and given the above it is very difficult to see how that will improve as the sector gets squeezed with high rent and rates costs, the national minimum wage, apprenticeship levy, pension contributions, and our old favourite our disproportionately high level of hospitality VAT compared to our European counterparts. I suspect we will see some pretty outspoken views on this topic in the coming months! On another note, we have here at CLH News have had to learn many new tricks in recent years social media being one of them. Readers will probably be aware that Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin recently instructed that all of its social media accounts be closed with immediate effect. The company closed down its Twitter and Facebook accounts, which had 44,000 and 100,000 followers, respectively, as well as its Instagram feed, for all of its 900 pubs and head office. That got us thinking and we would draw your attention to an article on page 3 entitled “Social Media - Do Wetherspoons Have A Point?”. I did a quick search on the popularity of Twitter and came as a real surprise to find that there were no brands in the top 100. None! Celebrities, politicians, football teams have tens some over a hundred million followers, so I hopped on to a few to see what the fuss was, and saw the most mindnumbing irrelevant and boring nonsense! Which really confirms what Evgeny Chereshnev says in his article if we want to post on Twitter then we have to sort the wheat from the chaff and have something interesting to say, it is all about content! We very much hope in our next issue to have some hints tips and guidance from social media experts who can help make sure you get it right. I would also take this opportunity to ask a big favour! We have been publishing for 18 years and have never charged for our publication, we are an advertising led title, it is how we operate and could not provide the service we do without it! Part of our service is digital promotion for our advertisers, and I would ask you to sign up online for our twice-weekly digital newsletter, bringing you a roundup of the industry’s latest News plus offers from our reliable and trusted advertisers. This enables us to continue our free to trade publication and provide the best possible service to our advertisers, so please sign up at and please follow us on Twitter! @CLHNEWS

Peter Adams

For more details on stocking award winning Blenheim Natural Mineral Water please contact Bernie Drewell 07703 311746 The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.

PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG


01202 552333

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EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Shelly Roche Published by

...CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE Business rates in particular have been a a particular bitter pill for bricks and mortar firms, with billions added to bills following a highly criticised revaluation last year. Furthermore, research by leisure property and lease restructuring specialist, Cedar Dean Group – covering around 600 restaurants in the London revealed the startling prospect that restaurants will have to adapt or die if rents and rates continue as forecast. The report, released this month, shows after the 2018 rates rise, 90% consider their costs will be unmanageable and 84% said they would have to either close down or move out of Central London. The research comes as the city’s restauranteurs face the most challenging business environment in recent history. Prime central London has seen colossal rent hikes over the last few years, far outpacing those seen in the rest of the capital. Perhaps most worryingly, this means restaurateurs are spending an average of 21% of turnover on rents, already more than CDG’s forecast for 2021 and up from 16% last year. Historically, the maximum percentage of turnover spent on rent should be 12%. But this has jumped by 70% over the past five years and 140% over the past decade.

Roger Payne, CEO, Camden Dining Group, said: “A number of restaurants are in serious trouble at the moment, predominately related to the rents and not assisted by legislation. Historically, the most successful rents have been under 12% of turnover and as restaurants have needed to expand, landlords have taken advantage and rents have crept up because of demand.” CDG predicts the situation will lead to more remote central kitchens, an increase in reverse premiums as landlords struggle to shift empty space and an exodus of restaurants from central London in favour of fringe locations or even cheaper, regional cities. David Abramson, CEO of Cedar Dean Group, said: “We always knew that the upward only rent review system created a cliff edge ending for operators but these latest statistics are much worse than what we saw a year ago. “Rent and rates are coming in at a circa 30% of turnover which, at the double industry standard, is not sustainable. We turned to the Westminster Property Association for help, suggesting they consider their Corporate Social Responsibility in assisting to lobby landlords for affordable rents. We recommended urging landlords to take turnover into account when giving new lease or executing rent reviews – rather a pound per square foot basis. The response from the WPA was that such an affordability statement could reduce footfall and undermine successful operators – something we fundamentally disagree with.”

Social Media – Do Wetherspoons Have A Point? promoted post, those are often just bots. The truth is , when you are a company that has something truly unique and valuable to say, people will always find a way to get in touch with you. They either will come to your blog or get information from a traditional source like a well-known and trusted media outlet. On the SM front, people may subscribe to a CEO’s private channels, which is way more credible. If a CEO puts their name on something, they rarely put out bad content so as not to be associated with it! Elon Musk’s account is a pretty good illustration of my point. “Put simply, organisations need to have the guts to cut all the BS from their working and communication strategy. Every time a company wants to say something, they should ask themselves whether this content has real value for the readers (not the company’s PR department!). Then businesses have to remember that at the end of the day it’s not about them, but about people. Focus on the quality of the product, do not lie, do not have hidden fees, reply to your clients on your website, blog or mobile app to show that you care. So, focus on what you do and how you do it; not where. “The way most companies run SM is a total waste of time and money. They post content that has zero value to the readers, produced by the teams who do not care about hitting the right MBOs. But, don’t get me wrong, SM can be a very productive activity for business. But unfortunately creativity is not scalable. Great SM managers and leaders are a rare breed, but a lot of them get exhausted over time and stop being quite so great. The SM ecosystem is actually a very complex thing to set up and maintain, and there is literally only a handful of people who can lead global SM teams effectively. That’s why

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The head of marketing for BB foodservice has claimed Ramadan is the biggest untapped opportunity in foodservice, with millions of pounds of extra revenue up for grabs if operators can capitalise during the festival (15 May and 14 June 2018). Salih Sheikh, head of marketing, BB foodservice (Bestway Wholesale) said: “Christmas is the biggest event in the foodservice calendar – worth hundreds of millions of pounds to operators every year. And it’s far from alone. Easter, Pancake Day, and Mother’s Day are all key for pubs, restaurants and hotels. But the industry is behind when it comes to commercialising Ramadan. It’s the biggest untapped opportunity in foodservice.” Muslims make up 4.8% of the population in England and Wales. The Muslim Council of Britain estimate the demographic is worth £20.5bn to retailers every year. Sheikh continues: “During Ramadan, people gather after sunset to feast together. And it’s now very common to go out, rather than cook at home. And judging by the spikes we see in Halal products during Ramadan – it’s not only Middle-Eastern, Asian, and North African restaurants that see extra demand. The fact is the modern British Muslim – and what they like to eat – has changed over the years, with 47% now UK-born]. As a result, Ramadan has quickly become a mainstream opportunity for operators.” • MICROWAVES • EXTRACTION CANOPIES •

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Following last month's news reports that UK pub giant J D Wetherspoon has shut down their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages for all 904 of their pubs and their head office the issue of social media and its “relevance” has been hotly debated. The Wetherspoons move comes after the ongoing controversy over data leaks at Facebook. Commenting on this, Evgeny Chereshnev, CEO and founder of Biolink.Tech, said “One of today’s modern misconceptions is that social media (SM) is essential for business. The truth is, most companies totally mix cause and effect; they invest lots of money in SM as if those channels were a business goal in itself, but in reality SM is just a tool for talking and listening to your clients. Is social media the only way to perform those two tasks? Definitely not. There are numerous examples of companies being weak or absent across social media and still remaining insanely successful at the same time. Apple, for example, has never run contests or produced a huge amount of content for Facebook and it is still able to sell billions of devices. Same with Google, Tesla or SpaceX…and the list goes on. “The reason for such behaviour is very simple to explain: Most companies prefer to talk (whilst not really having anything important or valuable to say). As a result, a huge amount of content is being produced every day by tens of thousands of Facebook business pages and, in most cases, this is a total waste of money and time. Seriously – every human being has a cap on how much information he or she a) can handle during the day b) wants to read to start with! Most content produced by businesses is never even read. Even when you as a company seem to have likes and shares for a

most of the SM activities are compensated with paid ads. Content quality is irrelevant; when you pay Facebook, you’ll get your views, but are those views good for business? In most cases the value is close to zero. “Is Instagram popular by being active in Instagram itself? Is Tesla’s $50 billion valuation the result of having an amazing Facebook page? Are people eating McDonald’s food because they do an amazing job promoting themselves via YouTube? The answer is no. Even with no SM channels, or limited activity on SM channels, every business can be popular. All it needs is the right digital strategy based on true values, not tools of execution.”

CLH News

Ramadan ‘Biggest Untapped Opportunity in Foodservice’


Cost Pressures Risk Hospitality Sector Job Creation, and Growth

May 2018


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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

May 2018

Hospitality Marketing for the Small and the Brave Club Soda Issues Challenge to Public Health Minister As a small business marketing can slip down the priority list. With limited time and in increasingly competitive trading conditions it is difficult to know which marketing activity will deliver the biggest impact. This article will provide a practical guide to generating more sales, more bums-onseats or heads-on-pillows; increase spend per head, visit frequency and improved customer experiences.

1. DO YOUR RESEARCH The first thing to get right is your product. It is crucial that you speak with your customers and get their feedback about what they think about your business: food and service, beverage range, bedroom specification, branding, price point, decor and ambience. This may be painful at first but getting your product and service right is the basis of all future marketing activity. As part of this customer research you should make it your business to find out which competitors your customers use and why, how they compare against your strengths and weaknesses; and what deals, offers and loyalty schemes they operate. This information should give you some further ideas for improvements of your offer. You could start this off by inviting 10 friendly regulars to spend an hour or two chatting with you in return for a free meal or a couple of drinks. This should provide a gentle introduction into customer research and focus groups. You should then follow this up with a trickier crowd. This critical feedback will enable you to make improvements and investment with confidence, and based on real data.

2. UPDATE YOUR BRANDING & WEBSITE Congratulations your product is now competitive or at the very least you’re on the journey from good to great. Next it’s time to look at the marketing foundations: branding and website. These can both be pretty big investments relatively speaking. However done right they always pay off. Refer to the competitor analysis conducted in your customer research. You don’t need to be the best in the UK just as good or better than your local competitors. A simple, professional, modern logo and colour palette can be translated into appealing signage, menus, screen ads and posters, emails, social media profiles, and a website. Your website should be search engine friendly (we generally use Wordpress as a platform for our clients websites), easy for visitors to navigate (make the most relevant bits of your business really easy to find) and updated regularly (with deals, offers, new menus, new hires, business improvements, comments and opinions, social media posts, relevant industry news).

by Anthony Tattum, MD, Big Cat Agency 3. SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING

A really effective (and free) way to promote your business is add your details to Google My Business. This is Google’s free business directory and is given a lot space on the search engine results page (SERP). Registering your business on local business and industry directories is a cheap and simple way to get backlinks, which is the single biggest ranking factor for Google. There are literally hundreds to go at and all help to inch your website up the SERPs. Google (and other search engines like Bing and Yahoo) like websites that are regularly updated. As discussed above you should post your latest menus, freshly painted bedrooms, seasonal offers or weekly deal on your website. Wordpress websites allow you to easily update your website content without you needing to pay a developer. Seasonal, monthly, or daily specials are perfect content for your site and can be nicely promoted via your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter pages. If you’re a bar or restaurant you can have different and compelling deals every day of the week; morning, noon and night. Continually updating content on your site is great for search engines but will also encourages your customers to visit and return to your site regularly and even share your offers with their friends.

4. DATA CAPTURE AND EMAILS You need to be a bit careful collecting customer data in light of the new GDPR data protection and privacy legislation but provided you are very clear about what the data will be used for, capture the minimum your reasonably need, keep the data very secure, and enable people to opt-out at any time you will be fine. Capturing name, email address and birthday should be all you need. Incentivise sign ups with monthly prizes, exclusive invitations and the promise to be the first to know about your exciting new developments. This should be an ongoing, forever project, endorsed by your staff and will result in a hugely profitable, long-term business asset. We’d recommend at least a monthly newsletter email of 3-5 things. Most of these can be the deals, news, offers and updates discussed earlier. You can also promote your shiny new Instagram account or run competitions, encourage sharing through voucher codes, and track the results. We use Campaign Monitor as our email client, but MailChimp is also a great platform. These tools allow simple customisation of emails templates and send heaps of relevant traffic to your website.

5. CUSTOMER REVIEWS Everyone reads reviews from previous customers before booking a restaurant or hotel room. This is a crucial tactic for independent hospitality businesses. Provided you’ve got your offer right of course, you should encourage and even incentivise your customers to give you reviews. The quality and frequency of reviews on sites from TripAdvisor to Google increase your businesses visibility on those search engines.

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Club Soda has issued a challenge to the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Public Health and Primary Care, Steve Brine MP, after submitting their consultation response to the Government on what drinks can and cannot be called alcohol-free. All the evidence shows that drinks under 0.5% do not cause intoxication, are safe for drivers and pregnant women, and contain the same trace of alcohol as many popular foodstuffs. Current confusing labelling rules stop people making healthier choices. Club Soda are challenging the Minister to drink five UK brewed 0.5% beers and then drive home – legally. Although,they have warned him to pick a route with a service station, as he is he likely to need to stop for a pee on the way! Club Soda has submitted evidence to the Government consultation on low and no alcohol descriptors and hope that their response to the consultation will mean

the wave of new alcohol-free drinks made in the UK, such as beers, ciders, shandies, and distilled spirits can be labelled the same way as drinks imported from the rest of the world. This clarity will help consumers looking to reduce their alcohol, sugar and calorie intake, and will support pubs and restaurants improve their offering to customers who are looking to drink less and be more healthy. Club Soda co-founder Laura Willoughby MBE said: “This should be a no-brainer for the Government. To have complicated rules just for drinks aimed at adults and produced in the UK, but that do not apply to anything else you put in your mouth is bizarre. The 0.5% drinks are a healthier alternative, helping people reduce the amount of sugar and alcohol they drink – they are just cutting off their nose to spite their face if they keep the rules the same.”

CK Direct Technology Enhances 3 Michelin Star Restaurant CK Direct have had the amazing opportunity to implement brand new Ventilated Ceilings and Air Jet Canopies in a 3 Michelin Star restaurant. The London-based restaurant was the perfect candidate for the latest additions to CK Direct’s product range. During the restaurant’s 8-week refurbishment, the existing extract systems within the kitchen and rooftop were stripped out and replaced. Roof Mounted Air Handling Units, Extract & Supply Fans, Air Conditioning and Toilet Ventilation All of which was fitted to service the launch of the showpiece Ventilated Ceiling, Air Jet Canopy System and the new Air Jet Extract Hood. How do these new installations improve the restaurant?

VENTILATED CEILING The modular ventilated ceiling system is perfect for kitchens with an extensive range of cooking surfaces. It’s recommended for kitchens where natural points of extraction such as windows cannot be utilised—in other words, places like a residential area in London. The ceiling system is ideal for cooking areas that are viewable to

the public. The consumer can see the staff hard at work, whilst the staff retain a safe and clean environment.

AIR JET CANOPY SYSTEM CK Direct’s Air Jet Canopy System allows the kitchen ventilation system to provide sufficient capture and containment at a minimal exhaust flow rate. It creates negative pressure along the front edge and side of the hood, assisting in containment of heat and effluents in the critical work area. The high efficiency of Air Jet kitchen ventilation systems reduces the effective net exhaust volumes, whilst improving extraction efficiency and minimising fan and ductwork size. Air Jet hoods prevent the heat and impurities produced by cooking appliances from spreading to the work area. The hoods deliver a small air flow to push the upward-flowing

thermal current toward the filters. Included inside CK Direct’s hoods are unique Franke Cascade filters, which remove 95% of grease particles sized eight microns and above. These save on energy and maintenance, as the pressure loss is low, and the stainlesssteel filters are easy to clean. CK Direct Senior Design Engineer, Martin Culham was thrilled to see their new products in action at such a high-profile establishment. “In this, and also past cases where CK Direct have had the opportunity to introduce our services to a renowned restaurant, we’ve relished the chance to show what we’re capable of. Time and again we’ve seen that our innovations in ventilation are exactly what these establishments are seeking.” Martin continued and explained that refurbishments like this one will not only benefit the restaurant’s employees, but their customers too. Cleaner and safer kitchens are a win-win! You can find out more about CK Direct’s commercial kitchen ventilation and extraction systems on their website:

May 2018

CLH News


54% Of Restaurants Think Customers Are Looking For A Unique Experience - They're Wrong At a time when many food chains in the UK are struggling, there’s a divide between what consumers want from a place to eat, and what the industry thinks they want. According to fresh research by digital ordering technology provider, Preoday, 54% of bar, pub and restaurant professionals believe consumers are looking for a unique experience, however, just 21% of consumers actually factor it into their choice of eatery and a tiny 2% see is as the most important feature. The research explored whether industry professionals understand the true needs and wants of customers. Asking consumers to identify what they look for in a food venue, it found that a great menu (91%) came out on top, closely followed by the quality of the food (85%). When asked what it is about the menu that most appeals, 57% of consumers said it was the variety, while 44% referred to the descriptions used and 26% were drawn in by the format and appearance. The professionals recognised the importance of the menu, though they put the importance of food quality (69%) in front of the menu itself (63%).

Also at odds with consumer opinion was the importance of great staff while, at 66% this was the third most important feature for consumers, less than half (46%) of the professionals identified high quality staff as a key need for customers. Nick Hucker, CEO of Preoday comments: “A lot of emphasis has been placed on the ‘experience economy’ and it seems many restaurants are looking to offer something ‘different’ to attract customers. Whether it’s a robot waiter, interactive dining tables or a kooky menu, the sense that a brand needs to stand out from the crowd in order to beat off the competition is pervasive. Our research shows this attention may have been misplaced. During this time of industry struggles, perhaps more care needs to be given to those essential elements customers care the most about.” Just over half (56%) of the professional respondents, whose businesses let customers order food via a website or mobile app, are being given access to customer data by their technology supplier.

Relaxation of Licensing Hours By Robert Botkai, Winckworth Sherwood. The Royal Wedding and this summer’s World Cup tournament has put licensing hours once again under the spotlight. Robert Botkai offers advice on extending your licensing hours. A premises licence is required to authorise the following activities:

• selling alcohol; • serving alcohol to members of a private club; • providing entertainment, such as music, dancing or indoor sporting events; and • serving hot food or drink between 11pm and 5am. The licence prescribes the times during which the activity may take place and conditions that must be adhered to. There are two ways under the Licensing Act 2003 to extend premises’ licensed hours: through a national relaxation or premises using Temporary Event Notices (TENs).

THE ROYAL WEDDING Following a public consultation, the Government has announced that the Royal Wedding taking place on Saturday 19 May is an event of national significance and that it wishes for everyone to be able to celebrate fully. It noted that the FA Cup Final will be taking place on the same day. Premises licensed to sell alcohol up to or after 11pm will be permitted to extend their sales for an additional 2 hours until 1am the following morning on each of 18

May and 19 May 2018, without having to submit a Temporary Events Notice or TEN. Premises licensed to 11pm will also be able to extend their hours for the following:

• The provision of regulated entertainment; and • Late night refreshment where the premises can also be used for the sale of alcohol on the premises. These hours will not apply to off-licensed premises such as supermarkets, convenience stores and petrol stations.

TENS A TEN permits licensable activities which are not authorised by a premises licence to be carried out on a temporary basis. This can be for an event such as a wedding party or a school fete. The process is one of service of a notice rather than the making of an application. A TEN is served on the relevant licensing authority, with a copy to the Police and the Environment Health officers at least 10 working days before the event. If the TEN is submitted online, the licensing authority will contact the Police and the Environmental Health on your behalf. A fee of £21 is payable for each TEN. The Police and Environmental Health officers have three working days to object after they received the TEN. They can object on the basis of any of the four licensing objectives:

• • • •

Prevention of crime and disorder Prevention of public nuisance Public Safety Protection of children from harm.

Preoday asked those with access what they are using the gathered data for: 71% are making use of it to improve their marketing but less than half (48%) use it to improve their menus and operations. Nick continues: “Where possible, customer data should be gathered and applied to the benefit of the business; the information it provides can be used to decipher the most popular items on a menu, the average spend for customers per course and how choices change according to the season and around events. It’s great that 48% are using their data in this way, but it means more than half are not and could be losing customers - most of whom, our research shows, are judging them by their menu.” Testing the needs and demands of customers against their favourite food and drink venues, Preoday asked consumers to nominate their favourite restaurant chain. The most popular response was TGI Friday’s, followed closely by Wagamama and then Zizzi, though it should be noted that an equal number of people claimed to dislike or not have a favourite chain, as those that selected TGI Friday’s.

If one or both of the officers object, the licensing authority must consider the objections at a hearing unless all parties agree that a hearing is unnecessary. Where there is an objection from the Police or Environmental Health, the licensing authority can impose conditions to a temporary event notice from the existing conditions on the premise licence.

LIMITATIONS The following limitations apply:

• A TEN must be in the name of an individual. • Personal licence holders can give up to 50 temporary event notices in a calendar year. Non personal licence holders are limited to five temporary event notices in a calendar year. • A TEN may be given for particular premises no more than 15 times in a calendar year. • The maximum duration of the event authorised by a TEN is seven days. • The minimum period between events authorised under separate TENS in relation to the same premises by the same premises user is 24 hours. • The maximum total duration of the events authorised by TENS in relation to individual premises is 21 days in a calendar year. • The maximum number of people who can attend the event is 499.

or Environmental Health makes an objection.

CONCLUSION The rules governing TENS is far too complex. For example, the 24 hour break between TENS may be appropriate for licensing festivals but is disruptive to trade when applied to premises that may be become unexpectedly unlicensed. Nevertheless, TENS are a useful device to license premises for occasional or special events and to license premises that have unexpectedly become delicensed (eg insolvency of the licence holder) and are usually quick and inexpensive. Operators should be looking at summer events such as the World Cup and planning the submission of TENS to maximise trade. Robert Botkai is a Partner and head of Commercial Real Estate and Licensing at Winckworth Sherwood. He can be reached by email: Visit


“LATE” TEMPORARY EVENT NOTICES The 10-day notice period presented problems for some urgent events and so a new process for late TENS has been introduced. This allows for “late” notices by giving between five and nine working days’ notice. Personal licence holders can give up to 10 late TENS each year. Non-personal licence holders are limited to two late TENS each year. It is inadvisable to rely on late TENS as they are automatically rejected by the licensing authority if the Police

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

May 2018

No Half Measures How Dynamic Pricing Is Set To Change The UK Restaurant Scene at The Half Moon

Comment from Dora Furman, Revenue Management Solutions

Operators must constantly examine as many strategies as they can to drive footfall to their sites, increase spendper-head and grow revenues. The latest trend to hit the restaurant scene to assist in doing just this is dynamic, or ‘surge’ pricing.

There are no half measures at the Half Moon Inn in Rushall for the local community now that the pub is providing new essential services for the area. Norfolk County Councillor, Martin Wilby cut the ribbon to open a new farm shop and family play area yesterday at the Half Moon Inn at Rushall in Norfolk. The Half Moon Inn had been closed for a year when Sarah Campbell-Jones and husband Ray Paul took over the ownership of the 17th century pub last September. They set about refurbishing the pub and re-opened it again just before Christmas, bringing the community asset back to the village and wider community. They also renovated the accommodation and now have three letting bedrooms with a further four soon to be completed.

It works by way of price flexibility and being able to alter the price based on demand at different times of the day. Dynamic pricing forms part of a bigger practice called yield management, which monitors revenue streams to maximise their potential for industries with defined characteristics. Some sectors of the hospitality industry are already long-established in the practice, and now restaurant operators are getting in on the act, looking to add a new layer of flexibility.

WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT? Yield management is defined as the techniques used to optimise total revenue or ‘yield’ and is rooted in the economic theory of the ‘law of demand’, where customer purchasing behaviour responds to changes in price. The concept was first introduced by American Airlines, however, with the de-regulation of the airline industry in 1979, it has since grown in use across a number of sectors - all of which share six key features:

Not content with this they asked their customers what facilities they would like, and a shop and children’s play area came top of the list. Sarah and Ray were also aware that many elderly and less mobile residents lived in the area so they installed new facilities to improve accessibility. With the help of the organisation’s local advisor, Terry Stork and a grant of £3,000 from Pub is The Hub’s unique Community Services Fund in partnership with Norfolk County Council to contribute towards overall costs, the project was underway early this year and is now complete. Sarah Campbell-Jones commented: “We have had some fantastic afternoons and evenings with parents enjoying the new outside seating area and the new play area for the children, a huge success which is wonderful to see and we have already sold two pints of milk this morning so our little shop is also proving to be popular with locals. We are very grateful to Pub is The Hub and Norfolk County Council for their support.”

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Perishable inventory Limited supply Variability in demand Low marginal costs A segmented customer market The ability to sell the product or service in advance

Consumers are perhaps most familiar with the use of yield (or revenue) management in the travel industry, as airlines, hotels and car rental companies constantly alter rates based on revenue channel, day of booking and date of future use. Consumers continue to be extremely savvy shoppers, adapting the way they shop, from changing the time of travel departure (“I can save £200 if I leave at 5am!”) to managing the time and place of booking. Now, they’ve got it down to a fine art. Businesses such as Uber are leveraging similar yield management tactics, using dynamic pricing to adjust rates by the minute. What sets them apart from the airlines and hotels is the immediate need their services fulfil for customers. Although a customer can book a future journey, the service is most commonly called upon for instant use. Interestingly, while restaurants share some of the common characteristics and have historically utilised yield management through tactics such as printed coupons, app-based offers via the likes of Groupon, day-of-the-

week promotions and early-bird menus - the techniques are less advanced compared to what has been happening across the wider hospitality industry, reflecting a more static and less flexible pricing strategy. The above raises the question, are restaurants leaving money on the table? Should operators be invoking a more flexible pricing structure? Additionally, should they charge a different price for the same product on different days or during different hours of the same day? Already popular in the US, some UK restaurant operators have recently started trialling dynamic pricing. One such example is the high-end London eatery Bob Bob Ricard, which is cutting 25% off its bill for off-peak diners, whilst independent operator, Norse, based in Harrogate, is experimenting with set discounts that vary according to the day of the week. Norse has now moved the trials on to Tock, a booking platform which enables customers to choose from a four or eightcourse menu at £40 and £60 respectively - booking via two methods. The first option is to leave a £15 deposit, which is removed from the final bill. The second is a ticket-based system for diners who want to secure additional value by obtaining a table at a reduced rate and then finding a date to use it when slots are released. Advance tickets range from £25-35 for the four courses and £40-55 for the offer to try eight. Prices change based on demand, as well as by day and time.

TAKING THE GUESS-WORK OUT OF DYNAMIC PRICING In 2012, a US reservation system called Savored, provided another service designed to drive traffic to other casual and fine dining restaurants during off-peak hours. However, the platform focused on the more conventional discount model - instead of charging a premium when supply was limited, they provided discounted rates to attract footfall during less popular periods. The system was acquired by Groupon and used as a reservation component on the discount company’s web and mobilebased programmes - that too was short-lived. By obtaining customers through a platform focused on discounts, restaurant operators were attracting new customers with different purchasing behaviours. Whilst the hope may have been to bring back that customer at full price another time, the reality is that the re-purchase rate is typically lower because those customers, or ‘dealseekers’, are ultimately price-sensitive and demonstrate limited brand loyalty. So, before operators seek outwards, they should look inwards to understand their existing client base, examining how to get the customers they already have to come in more frequently and spend more. To employ a successful dynamic pricing strategy, restaurant operators first need to understand their customers’ purchasing preferences. Obtaining customer feedback is one option, however, beware, because how they answer in a survey may differ significantly to how they act in reality.

The guess-work can be taken out of restaurant pricing. Today, the ever-increasing amounts of customer data operators collect through the implementation of loyalty programmes and advanced EPoS systems, ensures they can answer this question more easily and accurately than ever before. If leveraged appropriately, bill data can help identify the customers - answering specific questions such as who comes in when, how much they spend and which items they are more likely to buy together. Operators should be looking to segment say, Monday evening business into the key categories of: starters, mains, desserts and drinks and then look at how price and promotions differ to increase sales. Could the ‘Date Night’ couple (a one starter, two mains and two drinks bill) be encouraged to eat or drink more? Consideration should be given to offering a discount to increase their frequency, from once every three months to once every month. There are other examples too. If an operator is falling behind on say a Wednesday at 1pm, they can react swiftly and deploy dynamic pricing, sending a promotion to their email database or working with a third-party supplier, such as a social media channel or a delivery partner, to send an instant offer to customers they might not otherwise have reached. If someone is hungry, and they’re scrolling through Deliveroo, pushing a dynamic offer to them via that operator is a pretty instant way to attract business that might have passed by. Independent operators can also gain from a dynamic pricing strategy. Perhaps they do not have the reassurance of advance bookings that the fine-dining restaurants do, or the vast footfall and swift turnaround of a quick service operator. However, they can react to customer behaviours using the knowledge in their data via channels that are suited to their business. Operators should be looking to use their data to predict times they anticipate a few empty tables, designing offers and changing prices each time they change their menu. Eventually, digital menus will become the norm across the restaurant scene, allowing operators to make instant changes to pricing according to the market conditions at the time. The key message underpinning the success of a dynamic pricing strategy is that understanding data and really getting to the heart of it, needs investment to see a return. Operators should create a plan based on the knowledge already at their fingertips. Why cannibalise organic sales with random or guess-based offers when the table would have been occupied anyway? It is important to be reactionary – but to the real data. Time and money needs to be invested. Managers must be trained to play to the strengths of the dynamic pricing model and react on the ground. With these ideas in place, every restaurant should be ready for the rush as they push meaningful offers to the right places, at the right time.

Business Revaluations ‘As Bad As 2008 Financial Crash’ For Casual Dining The recent business rates revaluation has been as bad as the financial crash of 2008/2009 for restaurant groups and retailers, according to commercial real estate specialists Colliers International

“The fact that ten sizeable retailers or restaurant groups have gone into administration or CVA since the beginning of the year is extremely worrying,” he continued.

According to their report, in the 12 months since April 2017’s business rates revaluation, 15 major retailers or restaurant groups have launched a CVA or entered formal administration, 10 of which have been since the start of the year.

He explained: “Some businesses, particularly those in London, saw massive rises in their rates liabilities in 2017, some of which they needed to pay last year, but with the second big uplift coming now in April, in addition to a 3% inflation rise, they are being knocked for six.

In 2008, the height of the last financial crash, 12 companies went under throughout the entire year.

“Similarly, retailers and restaurant operators in less affluent areas who should have seen relief from the revaluation are still not benefiting, due to the fact that it takes four years of ‘transition’ before they are allowed to pay their bills at the new revalued level.

“We wonder how many more retailers are going to get into trouble or people lose their jobs before someone decides to tackle the problem properly,” Colliers’ head of business rates John Webber said.

“By delaying business rates reaching their true levels, retailers and restaurant operators and pubs in such areas have been forced to pay for the better ones for too long and there is only so long that they can pay at inflated levels.”

Webber added that business rates were just the tip of the iceberg of the issues facing retail, citing higher wages, the apprenticeship levy and lower consumer

Webber has joined voices including UKHospitality and called for a full review of business rates and their impact.

Report Reveals Economic Contribution of Family Firms in Hospitality Sector A new report reveals the full extent of the contribution hotel and restaurants family firms make to the UK economy, generating £19 billion gross value added (GVA) to UK GDP.

million people, providing 45% of private sector employment. And they are growing – their turnover has increased by £3.1 billion in the last year only.

The new UK Family Business Sector Report, produced by Oxford Economics for the Institute for Family Business (IFB) Research Foundation, reveals that family businesses’ GVA contribution to UK GDP has increased by £100 billion since 2010 – to £519 billion – meaning family firms now generate a quarter of UK GDP.

Elizabeth Bagger, Institute for Family Business (IFB) Executive Director, said: “Family businesses are the backbone of the UK economy – but their widespread presence and contribution to the economy are often underestimated. You will find family businesses all across the UK, in every industry sector – from sibling start-ups to multi-generational international brands.

In the hotels and restaurants sector only, there are over 153,000 family firms. They employ almost 1

CLH News


spending. However, the looming further three per cent rise later this month will and rising inflation will knock retail “for six”.

Around 12,000 jobs have been lost or put in danger over the past year as insolvencies hit the highest level since the financial crisis.

Colliers has calculated that these failed companies faced a combined business rates bill of £152 million last year and would be hit by even higher figures this year.

May 2018

“The family business hotels and restaurants sector creates a sub-

stantial proportion of the UK’s GDP, and we are proud to champion and delighted to celebrate this incredible contribution. “Since 2010 there are a million more family businesses in the UK, proving that family firms are here to stay. Not only have family firms created an extra 2.3 million jobs since 2010, but their tax contribution each year is more than the annual NHS budget. This all demonstrates how growth in the family business sector benefits the UK economy, consumers, the exchequer and the millions who work in family businesses. “To ensure family businesses continue to flourish, we’re calling on the Government to support them with policies which allow family firms to plan and invest for the future.”



Leisure Spending Falters as UK Consumers Feel Pinch UK consumers spent less on leisure activities in Q1 2018 and adjusted their discretionary spending in order to prioritise essentials, according to the latest findings from the Leisure Consumer Q1 2018 report by Deloitte. Despite improving consumer confidence in the first quarter of 2018, the quarterly survey of more than 3,000 UK adults revealed the extent to which leisure spending is under pressure. Consumers reported reducing their leisure spending in seven out of 11 categories compared to the same period in 2017. Culture and entertainment spending fell by four percentage points year-on-year, while drinking in pubs/bars and in-home leisure both saw spending fall by three percentage points. Of those who spent less on going out in Q1 2018, almost half (45 per cent) said they did so because they could not afford it, suggesting that consumers were consciously downshifting their discretionary spending. The prolonged cold winter and impact of the ‘Beast from the East’ prompted consumers to boost their spending on holidays, with spending on long stay increasing by three percentage points, while short break spending rose by two percentage points year-on-year. The quarterly view showed a similar picture, with seven categories also seeing a reduction in leisure spending compared to Q4 2017. In line with seasonal expectations and post-Christmas belt-tightening, inhome leisure expenditure fell by eight percentage points from the previous quarter. Simon Oaten, partner for hospitality and leisure at Deloitte, comments: “Consumers are still feeling the pinch and, as a result, they are consciously re-evaluating the way they spend on leisure activities. “This is one reason why we have seen such a decline in spending on in-home leisure. Cutting back on take-

May 2018

CLH News


aways and entertainment purchases is easier for consumers to influence and therefore this category is more volatile to changing levels of income. “Leisure expenditure is a useful barometer to gauge consumers’ ability to spend their disposable income. For the first time since Q1 2016, overall confidence is growing while leisure spending is declining. It remains to be seen whether this divergence will continue, but it is a clear sign of the income pressures facing consumers and how they are being mindful when delving into their pockets.” When asked about their spending intentions for the next three months, consumers said they were planning to spend less money in almost every leisure category, with the cautious approach to discretionary spending showing little sign of abating. In particular, net spending on long stay and short break holidays is significantly lower compared to the level seen last year, falling by 10 and eight percentage points respectively. Consumers are also planning to reduce spending on all habitual leisure activities, including going out to restaurants (down five percentage points) and drinking in coffee shops (down one percentage point). Attending live sporting events and playing sport/going to the gym are the only leisure categories that can expect to see a rise in spending over the next three months, both rising by one percentage point. UK consumers are expecting to spend more on these categories as the weather improves during the spring months. Oaten adds: “It appears unlikely that the ‘good times’ will return to consumers in the next three months, with spending intentions well below where they were a year ago. That being said, the World Cup – an event that typically gives a boost to leisure spending – could come at just the right time to encourage consumers to delve into their pockets to spend on leisure activities.”

Pub Operator JD Wetherspoon To Close Down Social Media Accounts Pub operator JD Wetherspoon is to close down its Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts for its individual pubs and head office. The company, which has almost 900 pubs across the UK and Republic of Ireland, is shutting all the accounts with immediate effect. It says the move follows the bad publicity surrounding social media, including the ‘trolling’ of MPs and others, especially those from religious or ethnic minorities. The move also takes account of recent concerns regarding the misuse of personal data and the addictive nature of social media. Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin said: “ We are going against conventional wisdom that these platforms

are a vital component of a successful business. “ I don’t believe that closing these accounts will affect our business whatsoever, and this is the overwhelming view of our pub managers. “It’s becoming increasingly obvious that people spend too much time on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, and struggle to control the compulsion. “ We will still be as vocal as ever through our Wetherspoon News magazine, as well as keeping the press updated at all times.


“We will also be maintaining our website and the Wetherspoon app and encourage customers to get in touch with us via our website or by speaking with the manager at their local pub.” OR FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @CLHNEWS

The UK’s Only Dedicated Show for Commercial Kitchens is Back at the NEC in June

Mobility and Retention Two Key Concerns for the Hospitality Industry or for further information. Caterquip, exhibiting on stand A11, specialise in the supply of quality brand name used and reconditioned catering equipment. With the credit crunch really biting brand-new equipment has become out of reach for even the largest organisations. Caterquip have become incredibly busy as a result and many more clients are realising there is a viable and trusted alternative to brand-new equipment. They are experienced with kitchen planning and support and can supply reconditioned, brand-new equipment and extraction systems please pays a visit or call Paul on (01733) 777778 also see the advert this page. CK Direct - (see the full page advert on page 8) are exhibiting on stand B25. Trusted by Michelin star chefs, their standards are CK Direct's standards. Whether you’re designing a brand new kitchen or updating an old one, the whole process can be quite complex. Come and talk to CK Direct at The Commercial Kitchen Show, who can guide you through all their products to ensure you choose the right components that will work together to deliver a well designed, safe and efficient kitchen ventilation system that will last for years. This year CK Direct are proud to be showcasing their very own Ozocube™. The most powerful Odour Control Unit in the UK market! Also the brand new Air Jet Canopy including Franke Cascade Filters. Come and see all these products on Stand No B25. For more information and to register for your free trade ticket in advance (saving the £20 door fee), please visit and quote priority code CK140

HR leaders from across the hospitality industry have told politicians that mobility and retention are two key concerns for the wider industry. The first session of the Hospitality Workforce 2030 Commission focused on recruitment and retention in the hospitality industry and heard from Tom Hadley from the Recruitment & Employment Confederation, Jo Childs from Yo! Sushi, Alison Gilbert from CH&Co and Pauline Chidgey from Stonegate Pub Company. Speakers and politicians discussed issues such as stigma, the Apprenticeship Levy and the need for a balanced evidence-based immigration system. A number of the speakers highlighted their disappointment that the catering and hospitality T level will not be introduced until 2022 and called on the government to bring it forward. There was also positive discussion about the benefits of using real life stories to engage potential employers and the need for national campaigns to increase visibility, awareness and potential of the industry. UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The UK’s hospitality sector is a dynamic and resourceful one, but it still faces barriers to growth, particularly regarding employment. The Hospitality Workforce 2030 Commission will establish a comprehensive picture of the opportunities facing the sector and allow us to challenge perceptions and promote and enhance the work hospitality businesses already do.” The Hospitality Workforce 2030 Commission, organised by UKHospitality, aims to promote understanding of the importance and potential of the UK’s hospitality sector and brings together a wide range of hospitality employers and All-Party Parliamentary Groups, along with other stakeholders, industry bodies and authorities, to deliver an employment foundation for the sector. The second session on 12th June will focus on diversity of the workforce and will be co-chaired by Liz Saville Roberts MP, Vice-Chair of the APPG for Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Wales and Michael Tomlinson MP, Chair of the APPG on Youth Employment. A written call for evidence and staff questionnaire are currently open to the public and close on Friday 25thMay.

Now in its third year at the NEC Birmingham, Commercial Kitchen is already renowned as a must-attend event for catering professionals from independent hotels, restaurants and pubs across the UK. Over 2,000 attendees are expected to pack the aisles again when the show returns on 5-6 June. Over 100 exhibiting companies will be there to meet them, showcasing the complete range of innovative equipment, services, devices and utensils required to run, refurbish or build a commercial kitchen; including cooking equipment, refrigeration, storage, warewashing, fit out and design. There’s also plenty of ideas and inspiration to take away from the free two-day seminar programme, with keynotes by industry experts from all sectors of the foodservice industry, including PizzaExpress, Fuller’s, Las Iguanas, Punch Taverns and Pizza Pilgrims.

Over 100 companies are preparing to exhibit next month – including many of the most influential brands within the catering equipment and services industry, and also including some of CLH News regular advertisers! Regale Microwaves are exhibiting on stand E19. Regale with its sister company Microsave® are unveiling their new CPS3A Microsave® cavity liner designed especially for a “never seen before “commercial microwave oven, revolutionizing the “same old standard microwave”, something the microwave oven market not only needs, but have been screaming for for years! This, with the new Microsave® C PS3A, makes it the “ultimate

clean machine”! Encouraging those attending the show to visit stand E 19, Regale giving away one Panasonic Viera 32 HD ready free view TV each day to one lucky person attending their stand on that day! Also see the advert on page 10. ADO-Metal Drainage UK Limited, exhibiting on stand A17, are the UK agents and suppliers of two unique products designed for the Food Service market and will be exhibiting both these products at the show. Their aim is the supply of new technology and quality equipment to the industry and they are primarily focussed on the promotion of economic, hygienic and safe products in the kitchen or workplace. ADO-Metal Drainage UK Ltd focuses on the promotion of our drainage channels and unique ADO® Original Stainless Steel roll grids. These can easily lifted for full deep clean at the end of each day. Specially designed for wet areas, the stainless steel roll grids are non-slip, easy to remove and clean, and very much lighter than the rigid standard grids manufactured and can be lifted easily by any kitchen operative. They can also be manufactured to fit into most existing drainage channels. The ADO® product range also includes various types of entrance matting, plus façade gratings and ventilation grids. Our Prof board Cutting Boards offer a High Density Polyethylene Board with ‘Clicksystem’ Polypropylene coloured sheets that when easily changed and sanitised help avoid cross-contamination. Available in four sizes to fit any space they include fixed Rubber Feet which prevents movement on any surface when working. All Boards and Sheets are commercial dishwasher safe, stain resistant, warp resistant, non- absorbent and resistant to bending, chipping and cracking. To view any of the above, please visit the website

See us on Stand A11 at the Commercial Kitchen Show

May 2018

CLH News


Customer Feedback Eating into Positive Reviews Giving consumers a truly memorable experience, for all the right reasons, is vital in today’s competitive eating and drinking out sector, according to the latest GO Technology research by Zonal and CGA, which polls 5,000 UK adult consumers. For those who give feedback, 78% do so after their visit, with 63% leaving it up to 48 hours later, which means leaving a lasting impression is important as people are relying on their memories. The offer of a discount or getting something for free on their next visit, are key incentives to driving feedback for 65%. On receiving a negative experience, there are 19% of people for whom nothing can be done to win them back, with men being the most unforgiving. However, women (64%) are most likely to expect compensation after a bad experience. And handled well, a complaint voucher redemption offer is effective with 52% of vouchers issued as the result of a complaint redeemed (source: Feed It Back). There are regional differences too, with people in the South West of England most likely to expect a refund (45%) after a poor experience and Scots least likely (32%). Zonal’s sales and marketing director, Clive Consterdine, said: “Our latest GO Technology report highlights the importance of brands to emotionally engage with their customer base. Delivering an average experience, simply isn’t good enough. Although brand apathy might be the hardest experiential problem to

May 2018

CLH News


address, it can lead to operational suicide. “Our desires as consumers are constantly evolving, therefore, for hospitality businesses to keep up they need regular feedback to maintain a consistent stream of growth. That’s why offering sophisticated feedback platforms is essential and at Zonal we partner with specialists, such as Feed It Back, to aid and assist the process in a personal and rapid way to ensure quality data is received for businesses to act upon.” Despite feedback being a key part of our dining out experience, with social media being the major platform for people to read or write reviews (64%) and TripAdvisor the most popular review site, with 37% of people using it, there are still a majority (59%) who have never given any form of feedback to a bar, pub or restaurant. CGA’s retail and food director, Karl Chessell, said: “With a large part of the population not giving feedback, this could point to a lack of compulsion or availability in the brands they frequent. In order to engage this group, offering some form of discount on their next visit would encourage 40% to leave feedback were it available, or were they made aware of the opportunity. “Our latest findings from GO Technology demonstrates that failure to actively engage with customers and take action as a result of the feedback they provide leaves brands open to competitor incursion and declining footfall.”

The Final Six: Licensee of the Year Finalists Revealed The British Institute of Innkeeping (BII) are delighted to announce the six finalists for the Licensee of the Year (LOYA) competition 2018. The competition, sponsored by Sky, is now in its final stage leading up to the BII’s spectacular Summer Event at the HAC Gardens on 5th June, where the winner will be crowned. Over the past three weeks, our judges have visited the pubs of all twelve semi-finalists spread across the whole of the UK assessing standards from car parks and outside areas right through to cellars and kitchens as well as trading areas. They also completed indepth interviews with the entrants covering all aspects of their business, their commitment to staff and to their own personal development.

The six finalists are:

• Kim Barker – The Ship Inn – Pentewan • Lee and Keris de Villiers – The Pig & Whistle – Wandsworth • Marc Duvauchelle – The Old Customs House – Portsmouth • Christopher Norfolk – The Elm Tree – Elmton • Mark Shaw – The Castle Inn – Castle Donnington • Alex and Tanya Williams – Polgooth Inn – St Austell Mike Clist, CEO of the BII said “The BII Licensee of the Year competition has long been renowned for being the most rigorous of all the awards in licensed retailing and is the one that individual operators

really want to win. We consistently see an extremely high standard of entrants and 2018 has been no exception, which gave the judges a tough challenge narrowing it down from our twelve fantastic semi-finalists to just six. Congratulations to all of the finalists - I wish them well in the final stage.” The group now face their toughest challenge so far. On the 4th June they will face 3 judging panels made up of industry experts and be grilled on Business Development, People & Training and Financial Awareness. The overall winner will be decided and announced at the BII Summer Event the next day, on the 5th June attended by over 800 of the great and good of the licensed trade in the UK.



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

May 2018

“Hotels, Bars & Restaurants” Most Is the Restaurant Sector Complained About Regarding NMW Struggling with Hunger Pains?

Restaurants, bars and hotels are among the employers attracting the most complaints over failure to pay the National Minimum Wage, HMRC has said. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has more than doubled the number of underpaid workers getting the money they’re owed under the National Minimum Wage, according to latest figures. In 2017 to 2018, HMRC investigators identified £15.6 million in pay owed to more than a record 200,000 of the UK’s lowest paid workers, and up from £10.9 million for more than 98,000 workers last year. HMRC launched its online complaints service in January 2017, and this has contributed to the 132% increase in the number of complaints received over the last year and the amount of money HMRC has been able to recoup for those unfairly underpaid. The figures are published as the government launches its annual advertising campaign designed to encourage workers to take action if they are not receiving the National Living Wage or the National Minimum Wage. The online campaign, which runs over the summer, urges underpaid workers to proactively complain by completing an HMRC online form. The online service is a quick and easy way for anyone with concerns about not being paid the National

Minimum Wage to report an employer or former employer anonymously.

Industries most complained about to HMRC include restaurants, bars, hotels and hairdressing. Business Minister Andrew Griffiths said: Employers abusing the system and paying under the legal minimum are breaking the law. Short changing workers is a red line for this government and employers who cross the line will be identified by HMRC and forced to pay back every penny, and could be hit with fines of up to 200% of wages owed. I would urge all workers, if you think you might be being underpaid then you should check your pay and call Acas on 0300 123 1100 for free and confidential advice. Penny Ciniewicz, Director General of Customer Compliance at HMRC, said: HMRC is committed to getting money back into the pockets of underpaid workers, and these figures demonstrate that we will not hesitate to take action against employers who ignore the law. We urge anyone who is concerned they are not being paid the correct rates to contact us in confidence through the Acas helpline or through our online complaints form.

Pubs And Restaurants See Healthy Growth Consumer spending rose 3.4 per cent year-on-year in April, with some evidence of a rebound in spending as shoppers ventured back outside after March’s cold snap. Entertainment proved a particular “bright spot” at 7.1%, with pubs and restaurants remaining healthy at 7.6% and 7.2% growth respectively despite the mixed weather, including a cold and rainy Easter weekend. Consumer spending increased 3.4 per cent year-on-year in April, recovering slightly from a slowdown in March (2.0 per cent), as Brits shifted their priorities from the previous month to help give spending on ‘nice-to-haves’ a boost. Data from Barclaycard, which processes nearly half of the nation’s credit and debit card transactions,

shows that non-essential spending rose 3.7 per cent year-on-year. Travel spending also increased 10.3 per cent, the highest growth since June 2015, thanks to a strong performance from airlines (9.9 per cent). Essential spending slowed to a 21month low of 1.8 per cent, meanwhile, driven by supermarket growth slowing to just 1.6 per cent – albeit both figures faced strong comparators from 2017 at 11.4 per cent and 10.3 per cent respectively. The potential for an interest rate rise is still a concern for many, however: over a third (35 per cent) of shoppers say they would have to cut back on what they spend each month should the base rate go up.

Paul Lockstone, Managing Director at Barclaycard, said: “While spending has recovered slightly from the effects of the ‘Beast from the East’, it’s likely we’ve seen some missing expenditure from March carry over to April as the weather finally allowed shoppers to venture back outside. “Consumers prioritised spending on the ‘nice-to-haves’ last month, but there’s no indication that they are looking to loosen the purse strings quite yet. Instead, the UK seems to be caught in a holding pattern, with people still budgeting carefully. Looking ahead, uncertainty around interest rates is weighing on the minds of many, with people prepared to cut back on non-essentials in order to cope with a rate rise.”

The dine-at-home market is growing fast. Demand for ready-to-eat delivered food has been growing ten times faster than dine-out. Due to this, the UK restaurant sector is facing major disruption according to global advisor Duff & Phelps. Jimmy Saunders, Director at Duff & Phelps, stated: “While the march of technology has offered growth in channels, which didn’t exist several years ago, the disruption this has caused to the restaurant sector presents challenges and often requires capital investment at a time when the business faces many other cash flow pressures. “Inflation continues to run at around 3%, levels not seen since 2012, which is driving food and beverage prices up at a time when consumer confidence levels are still showing a negative downward trend. Real wages have contracted for ten years now, the longest period of contraction since the 1860’s* and whilst customers put choice and convenience high on the menu, value will always be a key decision-making factor.” Labour costs continue to rise as national minimum wage increases are implemented; from April this year, 21 year-olds will receive £7.38 p/h, up from £6.50 just three years ago, an increase of 14%. The hospitality sector also maintains a large proportion of staff on zero-hour contracts, which, given the recent spotlight, makes them vulnerable as at least one major political party has pledged to ban the contracts outright. “Outrage over business rates has been grabbing headlines for years, underscored by the recent slew of businesses with a high street presence having to be restructured, whether via Administration or Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA), or even being wound down. Although this year’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) is going to be used to set business rates, pegging against the Retail Price Index (RPI), property costs are increasing significantly just at the time when customers demand more value for money. The trifold squeeze on margin is coming from revenue, costs and overheads,” added Jimmy. In the New World, commissions payable to the online platforms are typically in the range of 20% to 25% of the order value; taken with the loss of wet sales associated with delivered food, it fundamentally alters the business model and owners must adapt to this.

Traditionally, the capacity of a kitchen only needed to account for the number of covers. Now, with online orders coming in at the same time, a kitchen must cater for in-house covers and delivery orders. Demand peaks surge around the same time making it potentially challenging from a capacity and staffing perspective. The property market is therefore changing and we see properties with access for delivery agents moving away from dine-in customers; and those with a larger kitchen capacity or one which can be extended to meet the demand for take away, now attracting a premium. Jimmy added: “The future will undoubtedly see the online home delivery market evolve further and we already see certain aggregators operating ‘dark kitchens’ servicing only online delivery orders. This follows the ‘dark store’ model operated by some of the supermarkets as they first transitioned into the online grocery model. At the moment, smaller operators don’t have the scale or capital to do this themselves, much as independent grocers couldn’t compete with the supermarkets; however, the difference is that the aggregators are presently applying this model in conjunction with existing branded restaurant chains. “It is only a matter of time before the aggregators themselves look to create white label offerings of a quality to match branded restaurant food so that they can take the additional margin themselves. While this is a clear risk, it also presents opportunities for the aggregators to exercise much more control over output and reputation. We only need to look at supermarkets to see how quickly the private label has caught up with the brands over recent years.” The positive news is that the market is still growing and according to the market analyst NPD, the food delivery market is expected to increase by 10% per year to £5.3bn by 2020. While disposable incomes may be flat, people have enough ‘stuff,’ so are increasingly looking to spend their cash on experiences, including dining at either a restaurant or at home. Jimmy concluded: “The restaurant trade is going through a period of sustained change and the skill will be in balancing day-to-day cash flows in a challenging market against securing the vital capital investment required to shape the business for the future. Our UK Restructuring Advisory team is uniquely positioned to advise the industry and stakeholders, whether this involves securing the right investment for the business, managing creditors through a transitional period or providing restructuring/solvency advice.”


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

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As a constant reassurance, the activity report will notify you of crucial information such as the removal of service charges after payment, allowing you to monitor your staff even when you are not on site. CafEpos isn’t a retail system that has been modified to cope with table management and tabs. It handles prix fixes, kitchen printing (including aways), discounts, modifiers and chip & pin payments. Insightful training days will show you how to get the most out of your system and your reports. Not to mention, you receive a dedicated, invaluable support team who are available every working day from 9 to 5. We believe you will get the best from the system by having an account manager: a face instead of a reference. You will meet your account manager at a local training session. In essence, with CafEpos, your service speeds up, your workforce becomes more efficient and your profits increase. Discover more about or call us on 01494 473 337. See the advert on page 15 for further details.

May 2018

Is Beer the Last Alcoholic Drink with A Gender Bias?

The UK has one of the lowest percentage of female beer drinkers in the world, despite the much lauded craft beer boom. Outdated sexist marketing, fear of the ‘beer belly’, and negative perceptions about flavour are all contributing to British women spurning our national drink. These are the findings in a new report into female attitudes and behaviours towards the UK’s favourite alcoholic drink. The Gender Pint Gap report released by the women and beer group, Dea Latis is the first major piece of research about female attitudes towards beer in almost a decade. In a fast-moving consumer landscape that has seen a huge rise in the number of breweries and beer brands in the UK, the report reveals:

• Only 17% of women drink beer at least once a week (compared to 53% of men). • Male oriented advertising is one of the three main barriers for over a quarter (27%) of women drinking beer – rising even higher for the 18-24 year-old female group to almost half (48%). • A fifth of women (20%) say that high calorie content is one of the three main barriers for women drinking beer. • 17% of women feel that ‘being judged by others’ is one of the three biggest barriers to drinking beer. • 32% of women would now drink beer at home with friends, compared to just 3% of women in another survey about women’s drinking habits and their relationship with beer in 2009*. • Taste is the great divide: Of the women who drink beer 56% do so because they like the taste; conversely, of the women who never drink beer 83% do so because they don’t like the taste. The research conducted by YouGov was commissioned by Dea Latis, the group set up to inform and educate women about beer and to choose beer as a drink of choice. They wanted to examine whether the UK’s craft beer boom in the last decade has inspired more women to drink beer. Comparing their statistics to a similar piece of

research conducted in 2009*, it appears that female attitudes, perceptions and beliefs about beer have not changed much beyond a stronger trend to drinking beer at home. The report, say the authors, begs the question: why is the beer industry not tapping into this female market with an image overhaul? Beer Sommelier and Dea Latis director Annabel Smith said: “We know that the beer category has seen massive progress in the last decade – you only need to look at the wide variety of styles and flavours which weren’t available widely in the UK ten years ago. Yet it appears the female consumer either hasn’t come on the same journey, or the beer industry just isn’t addressing their female audience adequately. Overtly masculine advertising and promotion of beer has been largely absent from media channels for a number of years but there is a lot of history to unravel. Women still perceive beer branding is targeted at men.” Co-author of the report, Lisa Harlow added: “Our research has shown many misconceptions which women still hold about beer, such as calorific content, self-image and pre-conceptions about taste. It was disheartening in our supposedly enlightened times that so many of our female respondents cited ‘being judged by others’ as a reason for not drinking beer. Perhaps we need some high-profile celebrity advocates to show women that it is acceptable to drink beer?” Beer writer, Sommelier & Certified Cicerone®, Melissa Cole said of the report: “An important piece of research that’s based on intelligent and insightful questions to unearth the simple ways the beer industry has managed to disenfranchise women from their once-loved drink over the last 70 years or so. “It highlights everything from societal pressures to inappropriate serves to ingrained misogyny and more as just some of the issues and challenges the brewing industry to do something about it. “But it’s not just criticism, it’s got rational advice on how the new, and old, guard of brewing can make beer relevant to 51% of the population again; but it’s also only just the start and I hope more long-overdue funding is provided to help address this issue.” Jane Peyton, Beer Sommelier, writer, and founder of the School of Booze said: “The stats are fascinating and so insightful. I learned a lot about attitudes. This report should be read by everyone who makes and sells beer.” The report concludes with a ‘Beer Drinking Women’s Manifesto’ which urges women who drink beer to become advocates; encouraging sampling, asking for different volumes and glassware and dispelling myths about calories and acceptability.

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May 2018

CLH News


Bar and Cellar Management

Keeping Standards High In The ‘Engine Room’ it opened in April 2015. To give its patrons the best chance of exploring the conundrum it stocks a stunning selection of over 400 brews. The business’s bottle-shop and taproom set-up means that drinks can be consumed both in-house and at home. The focus is on encouraging consumers to try some of the world’s great beers, including several that are hard to find, and to taste them at their finest. Kraft Werks director Os Morgan knows that one key component of the perfect beer is the glass it’s served in. “Clean glassware is absolutely vital,” he says. “We want to serve the best beers in the world to our customers in the best possible condition. A clean, quality glass presents the right image and it improves the quality of the product. It’s absolutely essential.”

Every hospitality/licenced establishment “worth its salt” knows the importance and value of reputation. The team here at CLH News recently watched the Liverpool-V-Roma football match when we were tradeshow in, we have to say one of the best sports bars we have seen, and this bar is well known in the area for its live sports. Others will be enjoy a fine reputation for food, cocktails, live bands however if you are not managing your cellar effectively then you may very well have the wrong reputation and it’s very likely costing you money! Poor quality beer will have them running for the doors never to return, as the title says your cellar is “the engine room” and you will not function efficiently or profitably without looking after and maintaining your cellar. The good news is the sales of cask beer have been the most resilient across the bay sector for the past five years and a cask report of both consumers and licensees revealed that: • Cask drinkers visit the pub more often with 42% going to the pub weekly or more • They will spend more money in the pub on average £1030 a year, 30% more than the average drinker • If the quality and range are good the cask drinker brings other drinkers to the pub and 72% will recommend the pub to their friends • Drinkers are more loyal to their cask pub of choice So, a good cellar management routine is essential to the success of any establishment. The most modern, beautifully designed bar in the world won’t pull customers in if the beer on offer is cloudy, flat or warm. As footfall increases over the summer season, all the more reason to ensure that standards remain high. Summer inevitably bring fresh faces through the door – and the key to converting these new customers into regulars is quality.

with real ale’s 29%. However, lager drinkers are beginning to get a taste for real ale; figures in the 2018 Cask Report show that its popularity is rising sharply, with 65% of outlets surveyed reporting an increase in sales. Given the growing appetite for cask ale, it is vital that the product is carefully stored and poured so it can be enjoyed at its best. A well-planned cellar management routine plays a central part in this.

CLEAN UP YOUR ACT Steve Lakin, key account manager with Innserve, says “It may be regarded as a costly process in terms of both time and the amount of beer wasted, but line cleaning is an essential part of a good cellar management routine. If line cleaning is neglected, wild yeast and bacterial infection can develop, resulting in drinks being spoiled. Any costs saved by skipping a line clean will be substantially outweighed by the amount lost through reduced sales and wasted beer.” “The ‘live’ nature of cask ale in particular means that bacterial deposits build up quickly in the lines, therefore the industry standard is to clean lines every seven days.However, there are appliances available that can extend the interval between line cleans, enabling establishments to save hundreds of pounds a year. Utilising the same technology employed in oil extraction, Innserve’s InnClean device clamps onto the beer line and infuses it with a magnetic field that restricts the build-up of deposits. Independently verified results revealed that outlets installing the device were able to extend the interval between line cleans to between three and five weeks, saving on average around £1,000 to £1,500 a year.” Dirty walls, floors drains and sumps leading to “sticky” floors are a breeding ground for bacteria and can cause a musty/earthy taint to beer. Debris on floors from waste keg seals, spilt beer/drinks/cardboard boxes, are ideal places for bacteria to grow and vermin to hide. Keep it clean! Consider appointing a designated cellar person who knows what they are doing. And remember your cellar isn’t a storeroom, avoid the temptation, strong smelling liquids/chemicals or food can result in cross contamination and permeation, again resulting in poor quality serve.

As a result a Winterhalter UC undercounter glasswasher model was added to the bar’s set-up. “The machine is excellent. It’s quiet, efficient, easy to use and very, very effective,” says Os. In fact, Kraft Werks acquired the new warewasher using Winterhalter’s pioneering Next Level Solution Pay-Per-Wash (PPW) plan. PPW is a whole new way to finance a warewasher. It means there’s no upfront cost. The user simply pays per wash, as they go along. It makes a top quality warewasher affordable for any operation.

The JCC cellar cooler range provides cost effective and reliable units designed to maintain temperatures required for beer and wine cellars. Most beer cellars are kept at 10°C and the UK temperature between October and April often falls below that figure. When the outdoor temperature falls to 8°C or below, the J & E Hall ambient beer cooler uses the outdoor air to cool your cellar at a fraction of the cost. The units are energy efficient, easy to install and fit with any make and model of cellar cooler The J & E Hall ambient beer cooler uses outdoor ambient air to help keep cellars cool and save money. Hijack have been at it again, innovating and improving their quality range of products, owner Ken Skelton says “ The new Hijack iTilt, is a unique development in the care and dispense of your real ales. Using the iTilt is SIMPLICITY itself. Place a new cask on the frame, insert the Cask Ventilator, pop the handle into the stillage and tilt, that’s all there is to it. Your cask isn’t constantly on the move, iTilt does it all, no springs to go soft with age, (as they do in time), and our new iTilt fits all existing Hijack racking, single tier, two and three tier, plus of course the ever popular floor or bar mount.”

It is this affordability and flexibility that most appealed to Os, and he truly feels that it makes all of the difference: “We chose Winterhalter because it’s a great machine and PPW is a payment system that absolutely suits our business needs. It meant that we didn’t have to pay anything upfront. We can have access to a fantastic appliance, and just pay as we go. We simply pay for the washes as we actually need them.” “The Winterhalter support is exceptional,” he adds. “Their help line is available every day, including Saturdays, so if we ever have any technical questions or we need top ups or spares there’s always somebody available on the phone for us. It’s been absolutely invaluable – the service levels are second to none.”

COOLING & EQUIPMENT The cellar itself should be kept at the right temperature – between 11°C and 13°C – to preserve product quality, and particularly that of cask ale. Too cold and the beer will be flat and have a chill haze; too warm and it may develop a fob. Essentially, the cellar is a food preparation area and should be treated as such. This means mopping up spills immediately, keeping drains and sump pumps clear and washing the walls and floor thoroughly every week.

The cask ale drinker is the highest spender of all beer consumers, spending around £1,000 a year in the pub. Not only is the cask aficionado the one who decides which establishment to visit, he or she is also willing to spend more on a big celebratory night out..

It should never be used as a general storage area as the volume of items kept there will impact on the cooling system, making it work harder to stay at the right temperature. In addition, food should never be kept in the cellar as it not only attracts vermin but it can impact on the taste of the beer itself.

Lager remains the most popular drink in the sector, accounting for around 65% of all sales compared

Good practices include having a wall-mounted thermometer, clearly displaying the cellar temperature, and keeping cooling equipment regularly topped up with water. The area around the cooler itself should be free from dust and blockages, while grills should be cleaned regularly. A planned schedule of maintenance will help avoid costly breakdowns.

With a busy night in Robin Hood country bringing in an increasing number of thirsty souls, Os decided it was time to invest in a new warewasher to keep fresh glasses up to speed with demand. He was contacted by Ovation Commercial Services, who recommended Winterhalter. “We wanted the absolute best that we could get and the Winterhalter we saw was the best in the marketplace.”

Great beer, served in a clean, branded glass, will be remembered; on the other side of the coin, so will a poor pint. Statistics show that beer quality is important to nine out of 10 drinkers, with around two thirds saying they would not only complain about a bad pint, they would tell their friends about it as well.

When it comes to picking out a favourite beer in this day and age it’s difficult to say what pushes us towards the decision. Taste, of course, plus appearance, but also labelling and packaging play their part. Nottingham’s premier specialist beer establishment, Kraft Werks, has been mulling over the puzzle since

badly managed cellar results in contaminated air entering the cask and potentially spoiling the beer. Strong-tasting snacks, if stored in the cellar, are at risk of affecting the taste of cask ale, while damp cardboard, for example, can also impact on beer taste.

For every pint of ale served, a pint of air from the cellar is drawn into the cask. Therefore, a dirty or

EDUCATION Pub training specialists Guy Simmonds highlighted the importance of training saying: “Today's licensed trade is NOT something you can pick up as you go along. Its demands are wide ranging and challenging, but without doubt, the licensed trade can provide fantastic financial rewards and a superb quality of life beyond the reach of many people, we cannot overemphasise how important it is to have best practice in your cellar since it will be the very 'engine room' of your operation and is singularly the most important factor in your business. The quality of beer and other drinks you dispense will fundamentally determine the success and prosperity of your business. Our cellar management course teaches everything you need to know from the actual brewing process through to pulling the perfect pint. “Tutors are all vastly experienced and will pass on to you their expertise and best practice - showing you everything you need to know to become competent and at ease in your own pub's cellar including how to vent and tap casks, how to clean the beer lines and how all the technical equipment works.”

BAR MANAGEMENT ADVICE Benny Esler, UK Commercial Business Manager at drinks cooler specialists Gamko added “Having trained staff is key to bar management. As obvious as it may sound, it is quite surprising how many managers put staff behind the bar and assume they’ll know what to do simply because they have a wealth of previous experience. Even if bar staff were highly recommended, training them on the particular way your establishment is run is important because if customers expect a certain quality of service...


Bar and Cellar Management

May 2018

CLH News

Keeping Standards High In The ‘Engine Room’ ...CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE ...managers must be confident that their teams can deliver. “In addition to having well trained staff, it is important for managers to know what is going on behind the bar by working there every now and again. That way they can make sure everything is in order, see how employees are working and also get customers’ opinions on how the establishment is running. “As a manager, keeping bar equipment up-to-date is essential. Although aesthetics might not always be top of the list, they’re definitely worth considering when updating your bar equipment, and can have tangible results beyond attractive décor. It may sound obvious, but choosing glass fronted bottle coolers is an incredibly simple and effective way of increasing sales while simultaneously maximising back bar efficiency. “As we are currently seeing a revival of retro and distinct branding and labelling on bottled drinks, outlets can benefit by choosing sleek and stylish design solutions that complement, rather than overshadow, their drink selection. A glass fronted unit allows bar managers to clearly display their ever-diversifying range of beverages, leading to an increase in impulse purchases and in turn an increase in customer spending. In practice, glass fronted cabinets allow staff to simply point to a beer that might fit the customer’s request, rather than repeatedly opening doors to remove bottles, wasting precious time and potentially causing an obstruction for other team members. Simple considerations such as this may seem miniscule, but may actually offer huge returns on efficiency and maximising space behind the bar.” Equipment supplier Maidaid have a superb range of automatic ice makers providing various size ice cubes or flakes of extremely high quality. The Maidaid icemaker range has production rates from 21Kg to 1000Kg in 24hrs. The Maidaid icemakers cater for everyone, from small businesses in need of an attractive, compact model for a small space, through to businesses with large scale demands.

Technical development manager Matt Titchener says “ What places Maidaid ice machines head and shoulders above the rest is their capacity to create the optimum quality of ice when housed in ambient temperature surroundings usually around 21°c. This is how machines spend their working life, so that is how we test them, unlike other makes that use unrealistically lower test temperatures of around 10°c. Through ongoing technological innovation, Maidaid icemakers are energy saving with quick recovery times. Maidaid can also offer a Slim Bin modular Ice cube maker that utilises the 100% natural propane gas R290”

KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER Take stock, stock checks determine the quantity sold each week of every product and provides a benchmark for your reordering process. Some other considerations might be: • Do you sometimes run out of a certain item before reordering? • Are there any holidays, sporting events, a Royal wedding perhaps or festivals or other celebrations coming up that might lead to a higher than average footfall? • Re-examine your range. Consider removing and replacing a certain items from your range, if they are no longer popular, or if tastes and even clientele have moved on. There is no point serving lager to a clientele consisting largely of craft ale drinkers. • Are you keeping up with an ever-changing market? Have there been requests for certain items recently that you weren’t able to fulfil? This could be a guide to new trends. Don’t underestimate the value of best practice in cellar management, good practice is cost effective , the correct temperatures and a planned cleaning schedule protects the quality of your beers, avoids costly wastage resulting in less money spent on cleaning products as they will never have to work so hard.

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

May 2018

A “Packed and Eventful” Summer- It’s All Down to Preparation What a summer we have coming up, a right royal wedding, an FA Cup final, a British team in the champions league final and the World Cup. They are even on their own events that see a welcome increase in footfall and spend, collectively, we look set for one of the best and most profitable summers in recent years. For those of you who don’t know Prince Harry and Megan Markle’s wedding actually falls on the same day as the FA Cup final. Which drew a request from the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) for extended hours for pubs in England and Wales for the weekend of the wedding citing the occasion “will be a great way to celebrate this occasion, and will bring a huge boost to the pub trade.” In fact the BBA believes that the extension for the Royal wedding could bring an estimated boost of £10 million to the pub trade. Throw into the pot the FA Cup final with two of England’s top sides Manchester United and Chelsea, and the FA Cup final broadcast live on both the BBC and BT Sport, then it really does look a good weekend for the hospitality and licensed industry. National chairman of CAMRA, Colin Valentine said “CAMRA is not just raising a glass to the Royal couple but also to the government for their decision to extend pub opening hours during the Royal wedding celebration. Pubs play a hugely important role in Landmark days in people’s lives including weddings. Extending opening hours will provide a welcome boost to the industry and help ensure the public can celebrate hopefully by toasting to the happy couple with a pint of traditional real ale”.


WORLD CUP After which comes the World Cup, The greatest sporting event IN THE WORLD! Love it or hate it, the FIFA World Cup 2018 is almost upon us, providing a massive opportunity for pub operators to attract extra trade from fans – or to create football free zones designed to appeal to all those who have no interest in the game. Whichever you opt for, preparations have to start early. Who watches international football? Sporting event website and smartphone app Matchpint gathered data during the Euro 2016 Championships to determine which age groups are most likely to visit the pub/bar during the forthcoming World Cup compared to club competition visits. Interestingly the statistics were;

Euro 2016 • 18-24:26% • 25-34:31% • 35-44:17% • 45+: 26%

Premier League • 18 to 24:19% • 25-34:43% • 35-44:18% • 45+: 20%

visiting fans were female compared to 18% for the Premier league. Furthermore, research by market measurement, data and research specialists CGA revealed that 22% of British consumers visit on trade specifically to watch sport, they also found that as a proportion of 18 to 34-yearolds this will rise to 33%, 24% among the 35 to 54-year-olds and 12% for the over 55’s. One third of consumers who watch live sport in the pub do so at least weekly, and are more frequent visitors generally with 62% of on trade sports fans enjoying a weekly visit as opposed to the British average of 30%. The research also reveals that sports watches will spend up to 10% more than an average pub visitor spending almost £17 per visit and a research paper on pubs and football by Kevin Dixon at Teesside University around the time of the last World Cup in Brazil revealed that many football fans now prefer watching football in the pub to the real thing, citing today’s high prices for Premier League football, it’s cheaper, adding that some fans prefer the camaraderie of the pub, rather than sitting next to a bunch of strangers in the stadium.

Champions League • 18-24:31% • 25-34:41% • 35-44:14% • 45+: 14%

Matchpint’s survey also revealed that international football was more female friendly, with 24% of Euro 2016 pub

Pubs have always been a natural home for watching live sport on big screen TV’s. Fans enjoy relaxing with a drink or meal while watching the match with their mates, especially if watching from home doesn’t provide the right atmosphere! Sharing the banter, and discussing the state of play is very much a community event. Statistics from previous major tournaments show that around 14.8m people head to the pub to watch a football game and they expect to stay for at least three hours each time. This offers plenty of sales opportunities for canny operators who have had the foresight to plan well in advance. It is potentially a very big market but as Damien O’Kane of The Railway Tavern, East Grinstead points out – preparation is vital. “Sport has always been a big contribution to our business and I make sure that we keep an eye on what matches are showing. With both Sky and BT Sports, it’s a big cost so we have to ensure as much return as we can from sport. I always check well in advance what matches are showing and make sure my staff know too. When a customer asks if you are broadcasting a match, the answer of ‘maybe’ isn’t good enough – they won’t show up for maybe. Plan in advance and you can give them a definite answer – which many pubs won’t do. So

we win their business.”

PREPARATION If you’re planning to attract football fans, make sure you have suitable licenses. It is not just a simple TV licence that you need, but also the specific rights to show the games in public and a suitable package to show sports from your TV provider. Check out different providers such as Sky and BT TV as costs can vary. Bear in mind that if you do not have a TV installed at the moment, investing in a high quality TV screen suitable for public viewing can prove profitable. It will enable you to screen other sports events such as rugby, tennis or cricket held throughout the year. It becomes a long-term investment. Confirm well in advance the times of the matches, and the exact channels that are involved. As the World Cup is being held in Russia, the match locations involved are in different time zones so start times can vary considerably from 11 am to 7pm. Screenings generally start around half an hour before the match itself, and another half an hour afterwards as pundits discuss the match, and show replays of the game. Think ahead as to which games you will focus on. With 64 matches due to be played, it is unlikely that British fans will be interested in every single one. Identify the key matches, particularly the semi final and final, and any that are held at weekends or evenings when people are most likely to go out.

WORD OF WARNING! England is the only home nation taking part. It is important when making your preparations to balance the risk that England may leave the tournament early. If that happens, then some fans will lose interest. Also in light of the UK’s current diplomatic relationship with Russia there is a small chance that England won’t travel at all. Make sure you keep abreast of any news developments so you can make plans accordingly. That said British football fans are not only interested in watching their own team. The opportunity to watch world class football in the pub is still something many customers want.

CHOOSING THE LOCATION FOR YOUR TV SCREEN Most sports fans regard the size of the screen as being extremely important when choosing which pub to frequent for a match. Installing directional speakers so that

sound levels can be managed ensures that those who want to listen to the game can, while those with less interest are not disturbed.

FOOD & DRINK With fans likely to be in the pub for several hours, it is a perfect opportunity to encourage them to eat and drink on the premises. A key priority has to be ensuring that you have enough beer and other drinks! Running out of supplies will not be popular. Always place orders for additional stock well in advance so that you are fully prepared. Consider allowing groups to reserve a table in advance, as long as they order food as well. Provide a special menu or have special promotions on offer to encourage customers to relax with a meal during the event.

STAFFING Make sure you have enough staff to cope with the extra demand, especially at half time, before and after the match when there is often a surge to the bar with everyone wanting fresh drinks. Investigate ways to avoid queuing such as taking orders from tables, or providing contactless payments.

PROMOTE YOUR PUB AS A MATCH VENUE Customers need to know what you are doing well before each match. Be proactive with your marketing. Have lots of posters and information available beforehand, use display boards outside your pub to attract passers-by. Put up details on social media. Make sure everyone knows when the next match is being shown, even before one match is finished. Have posters up and flyers available as soon as a match is over, promoting your next event. Also make special discounts or early bird offers available for pre-booked groups. Equally important is to take advantage of any industry offers, incentives and apps being promoted such as the Budweiser MatchPint App designed to drive customers into your pub. Speak to your BDM or supplier to find out what promotions are being run through your PubCo or brewery.

FOOTBALL FREE ZONES Not everyone is a football fan! Some pubs can do extremely well by advertising themselves as a ‘football free zone’ or simply designating certain areas or rooms as ‘football free!’ Being able to eat and drink in peace without having to listen to the resident football pundits, or having the match on in the background, can encourage many people to visit the pub for a relaxing few hours. Consider whether to run promotional offers to attract customers who don’t want to watch football. Describing your pub as a football free zone could well bring in lots of new customers, who may return time and time again in the future.

Outdoor Leisure

May 2018

CLH News

Cinders Barbecues Limited Launch the StreetWok LP20

The portable ‘StreetWok LP20’ from CINDERS BARBECUES Ltd introduces new technology to an ancient method of cooking, solving problems of noise and skill levels inherent in traditional wok burners. Asian flavours are pouring out of oriental kitchens and into vibrant Street Market catering, where convenience is critical to success. We predict the compact power of our new product will also enable popular stir-fry cooking to find its way into beer gardens next to the ubiquitous barbecue and onto hotel patios as the themed component of a memorable occasion. The StreetWok LP20 packs up to 16kW of controllable punch into a portable appliance weighing only 17kg. This kind of power is usually accompanied by a loud roar, whilst CINDERS

uses a ‘flower head’ array of patented low pressure burners to diffuse the sound and spread the heat around the base of the wok. Spreading the heat also avoids the difficult wok ‘hot spot’ and allows heat to penetrate food faster and more evenly, enabling more reliable throughput without specialist training. Made in Britain and CE safety compliant, the StreetWok LP20 represents a real technical breakthrough and is set to offer fresh opportunities to all sectors of outdoor catering. CINDERS STREETWOK LP20 MRP: £695.00 For purchasing options contact us on or call us on 01524 262900.

LOFA Guide Answers Outdoor Furniture Flammability Questions

Produced by FIRA to give a greater understanding of fire safety issues that may concern those buying or selling outdoor furniture, the LOFA Outdoor Furniture Flammability Guide provides a basic introduction to the LOFAssured Scheme with essential information for retailers and consumers. One of the conditions of LOFA membership is that members must adhere to a code of conduct, part of which is compliance with all current legislation. The new guide explains that, in order to achieve

LOFAssured status, LOFA members must pass an audit process supported by Hertfordshire County Council which acts as prime authority and offers assured advice which will be accepted across all county and borough councils. The scheme shows a member company is compliant to flammability regulations and performs sufficient due diligence to ensure products are fit for purpose. Providing answers to 12 key questions relating to flammability concerns, the LOFA Outdoor Furniture Flammability Guide makes it clear

that any form of garden/outdoor upholstered furniture that could be set up or carried into a dwelling and conservatory must meet the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire Safety) Regulations 1988 (as amended in 1989, 1993 and 2010). These regulations are enforced and policed by all local trading standards departments across the United Kingdom. For further information on the Leisure and Outdoor Furniture Association, call 02392 258844 or visit

Flags & Banners for All Your Displays & Promotions Sailflags is a small family run business based in Cornwall and has been trading since 1999. They supply flags to a range of businesses and one of there core customer groups is the independent food industry. It is not only outdoor caterers who they supply with flags & banners, they are seeing a growing demand from businesses that are keen to get themselves seen from further away and to get potential passers by thinking about visiting way before they actually walk past the premises. Saiflags offer a range of Sailflags, Feather Flags, Teardrop Flags, Banners, Table cloths & bunting and are very competitively priced & offer fast deliveries nationwide,

they also have a free design service which is a great bonus in getting your designs really eye catching & standing out from the competition. They also offer a really neat range of wall mounted flags for clients who have limited outside space or only a narrow pavement. All of the flags are full colour so there are no limits to the design & some of their most striking designs feature 2m high colour images of various cuisines & beverages, guaranteed to catch the eye and get potential customers taste buds working overtime and helping to increase footfall. Sailflags can be contacted on 01736 710055 or email

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May 2018

CLH News


Outdoor Leisure

Barbecue Ideas from Wing Yip Authentic Oriental Food

Established by Mr Wing Yip and his brothers, and now with two generations of our family at the helm, the company has rapidly become one of the most celebrated stores, sourcing and supplying authentic ingredients to the UK’s Chinese and Asian restaurants, discerning chefs and food enthusiasts.

Wing Yip are pleased to present the recipe idea below to our readers, for all your Summer barbecue events.

The company has built its experience in the Oriental food markets over more than 40 years, developing an unparalleled network of suppli-

For further details of the full Wing Yip range and more recipe ideas visit or see the advert on the previous page.

garden gazebo. It is entirely up to you what you choose, however we will help with advice and options to make sure you make the most of your structure and your space.

ers and manufacturers throughout the Far East. This enables Wing Yip to source products of both quality and innovation for our customers.

Salt and Pepper Ribs

Method: 1. Gently heat the Szechuan peppercorns in a dry pan for 1 minute. Cool and grind in a pestle and Serves 2 mortar or a pepper grinder. Ingredients: 2. Mix the salt, black pepper and 450g pork spareribs (short cut ribs) Szechuan peppercorns together. 1tsp coarse or rock salt 3. Place the spareribs, water, corn starch and five spice powder into 1/2tsp coarse black pepper a large bowl. Mix well, clingfilm 1/2tsp Szechuan peppercorns and marinade for at least 3 1 ltr vegetable oil hours in the refrigerator. 1 red chilli (finely sliced) 4. To cook the spareribs, heat the vegetable oil in a wok or deep1 spring onion (finely sliced) frying pan. A good test is to drop a cube of bread into the hot oil and it should Marinade: brown in 30 seconds. Add the spare ribs and cook for 1 minute, 1 heaped tbsp corn starch 5. Remove the ribs, drain well and set aside. 1tbsp water 6. Now heat the oil again until it is almost smoking. 1/2tsp five spice powder 7. Return the spareribs to the hot oil and cook until

they start to turn brown. Drain on absorbent kitchen paper. 8. Remove all the oil from the wok and quickly stir fry the sliced chilli and spring onion. 9. Add the cooked spareribs to the wok, sprinkle the salt and pepper mixture over the ribs. 10. Quickly mix all the components together and remove immediately from the heat. 11. Serve with a finger bowl of warm water and a lemon slice. Note: If cooking on a BBQ, leave the ribs in longer pieces and follow the method until step 5. At this stage sprinkle over the salt and pepper mixture and then place the ribs on the BBQ over a medium-high heat and cook for a further 10 minutes, turning the ribs every couple of minutes to ensure that they don’t burn. Remove from the heat and garnish with the red chilli and spring onion and serve with a finger bowl of warm water and a lemon slice.

Crab and Chilli Griddled Courgettes Crab Meat

Blue Star has been proudly processing, packaging and selling pasteurized Blue Crab meat since 1995 with products sold in the U.K., Europe, U.S.A., Mexico, Canada, The Caribbean and Asia.

Your Outdoor Space Can Make You Money

Ingredients: 142g pouch of Blue Star hand picked claw crab meat 2 or 3 courgettes 2 chillies extra virgin olive oil 1 lemon In the U.K. and Europe our best sellParsley to garnish (optional) ing products are the Claw Meat and Salt and Pepper Lump Meat pouches and both are available in 142 gram (retail packs) or 454 Method: gram (food service industry) packs. Slice the courgettes lengthways To contact us: freephone 0800 987 into 10cm slices and lightly brush 5431 or email us at with the oil. Place into a ribbed griddle pan or on BBQ and cook See the advert on page 16 for further for a couple of minutes either side until tender and seared. details.

For the dressing:

De-seed and finely chop the chillies and mix into the remaining extra virgin oil and add the juice of half a lemon To serve: Scatter the crab meat onto the griddled courgettes and spoon the dressing over the top. Garnish with a slice of lemon and parsley (optional) Add salt and black pepper to taste Enjoy your healthy and nutritious lunch

With one of our great canopies you can turn outdoor space into somewhere usable no matter the weather. The choice is vast – marquee-style with a clear roof (very funky) or a lightweight retractable. High-end rotating louver roof or fixed polycarbonate. Jumbo umbrella or

In addition to the structure there are options for the roof and the walls – solid, retractable, clear, opaque and more. Then there are the lights, speakers and heating! For more help and information visit our website or give us a call. We are specialists in shade and shelter and we are ready to help. To get in touch, call 0844 561 7679 or email

The Fogarty Charcoal Oven Tough, Durable & Reliable

The Fogarty Charcoal Oven is Tough Durable and Reliable as well as Sleek Versatile Flexible and Resilient.Designed in London and expertly hand made in Staffordshire with all materials sourced in the U.K, and has a cast iron door and frame with thick chamber walls along with a high grade stainless steel ceiling and outer casing with polished stainless steel hinge bar and handle with a heat resistant glass look through which means originality as there's no other like it on the market. The simple air vent control system also means ease of use as well as the smooth push pull door opening system to allow for a quick access during a busy service, the spark arrester on the top of the oven releases smoke at a steady pace meaning you can use under most extraction canopies, along with the unique look comes the dynamic chamber that has a large cooking capaci-

ty with up to 12 different grill rack positions for multiple food types and various cooking timings. The Fogarty oven has been tested in Carter’s of Moseley in Birmingham, a Michelinstarred restaurant where chef Brad Carter agreed to trial and review the oven in a real-life situation; the chef is now the brand ambassador for the Fogarty and has the original prototype oven in his kitchen. The Fogarty Charcoal Oven is ultimately aimed at the professional kitchen but can also be used outdoors. “Seeing is believing “, and We here at Fogarty would be delighted to provide a free demo to see what the Fogarty Charcoal Oven can really do as there's no limits to what it can do with all types of food. For further details visit or see our advert on the facing page.

May 2018

CLH News

Outdoor Leisure ILF Chairs - Contract Seating


ILF have been supplying top quality indoor and outdoor chairs and tables for over the past 25 years to the hospitality market. We offer a wide selection of products to suit all tastes and as importantly budgets! We pride ourselves outstanding personal service with the motto ‘ No job is ever too big or too small – it’s customer satisfaction that counts’. ILF offer a complete range of outdoor

furniture, perfect for your alfresco dining spaces. Including aluminium stacking chairs - armchairs are also available. Delivery times are generally 4 weeks from order, but we can also offer a “fast track” service for certain products. Why not contact us at or on 01293 783783 and find out how we can help you fulfil your seating and table needs.

Low Costs Means Greater Returns

3m x 3m £1661 | 3m x 4m (as above) £2130 | 3m x 6m £2497 Join them to make more profit from your outdoors sales You can invest in your outdoors, from as little as £357 a year. Your only cost is the profit from a couple of drinks per week! GET AHEAD TODAY....BUY NOW and BENEFIT NOW Visit Help, Advice, Guidance and to Order Call us 01653 695 285 or see the advert on page 22.

Improve Customer Enjoyment with Stylish and Very Long Lasting Gazebos

• The most successful businesses invest wisely to get the best returns • Join them to make more profit from your outdoors sales • You can invest in your outdoors, from as little as £357 a year • Your only cost is the profit from a couple of drinks per week! • It's a no-brainer....Don't ignore this profit opportunity • You have nothing to lose except

more profit From £6.86 per week | £357 per year with Bluestar Leasing To see how advantageous it can be for your business get your instant quotation online. 3 sizes...40 colours...side screen options...hurricane proof...5 year guarantee

Introducing Volume Related Pricing From Leisurebench Buy more and pay less! At LeisureBench we have always pride ourselves on giving you the best quality outdoor furniture and we aim to provide it at the lowest price possible to all our customers. The new VRP engine on our website will give you lower on the spot pricing for multiple purchases. You can view the savings for each product you are interested in whilst shopping on line and the more you buy, the cheaper it gets. The days of having to barter

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ILF Ltd. Commercial Leisure Seating & Table solutions

for the best prices are gone. Such is our confidence that our prices are the most competitive in the market, you can be reassured by the LeisureBench no quibble promise that we will match any price that you might find anywhere for an equivalent product. You can also feel safe in the knowledge that all our products are covered by The LeisureBench 2 year commercial guarantee. For further details visit our website at or telephone 01949 862920. Email:

le b a k c a t s l l a g n i t a e s r o o d ut o r e m . m s u l S e / d o m l l a Spring on e l b a l i a v a ns o i t . p e l o b r a u l i o l a v o a C s le b a t f o n o i t c Full sele

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Outdoor Leisure

May 2018

CLH News

Kirklees Developments Ltd Catering Equipment toes etc. can be cooked in the optional basket attachment & tall chefs may specify the optional adjustable carving brackets. Carving trays are also available. Our newest product is our Decarboniser soak tank. Designed for ease of use and robustness. Fabricated from stainless steel with 150Litre usable capacity. Simply switch it on, leave your pans and grills in it overnight, take out the clean stuff in the morning. Tel: 01484 401134 Email: Web:

With over 35 years’ experience of designing and manufacturing barbecues and a variety of gas appliances with C.E approval Kirklees Developments. Our range of catering barbecues are now fitted with Flame Failure Gas taps giving additional safety whilst maintaining the usability that our customers have come to expect. The 200lb pig roaster, the largest on the market, has an optional viewing window and wooden handles for comfort. It`s geared motor unit is 4 times the power of smaller roasters in its class. Chickens, jacket pota-

4 Seasons Outdoor

A world of many possible combinations, classic and traditional, modern and clear-lined, robust and solid or young and minimalistic. An extremely innovating world but yet recognizable and familiar thanks to the clever finishing, to the very last detail. High Quality against a mid-range price. Visit our website for the complete collection:

Country Benches - High Quality Benches Country Benches is run by a vastly experienced and time served tradesman who has been serving in the trade for over 25 years. The business was started 15 years ago and we have provided our services independently ever since. In this time he has developed the business into being family run, amassed a loyal customer base and welcomes new customers on a regular basis. Country Benches creates high quality benches, picnic benches and garden furniture. We only work with the best quality of wood to bring you the highest standards of benches and garden furniture. Country Benches can create benches to exact specifications as well as offering a large variety of standard design garden furniture. Call Country Benches

to see what we can do for you. Although based in Bedfordshire we cover the whole of the United Kingdom on trade offers. Country Benches is also pleased to be able to offer you a delivery service for smaller orders with a delivery cost. In addition to this, Country Benches can offer you these prices much cheaper than our competitors. Our services are great value for money and are of the absolute best quality. All our products are built to order and delivered within seven days and we also operate a "payment on delivery" basis. So contact us today so that we can build your order to your exact specifications. For further details see advert this page.


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May 2018

CLH News


Outdoor Leisure

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

We are an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses. We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual

bumps and scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to

Schwank Launches Stylish New Patio Heater for the Hospitality Sector Schwank, a world market leader in the manufacture of gas-fired infrared radiant heaters, has launched lunaSchwank, its newest product range for heating the outside areas, patios and terraces at all types of hospitality venue. Many hotels, restaurants, pubs and cafes in the UK and overseas have already benefited from Schwank’s high performance, energy efficient gas-fired outdoor heaters. lunaSchwank is an exciting new development for management and customers alike, combining the latest advances in radiant heating technology with elegant cutting-edge design. Capable of being wall mounted or installed on an overhead structure, lunaSchwank heaters are not intrusive so, unlike conventional mushroom patio heaters, do not take up valuable terrace space. This offers hospitality venues the opportunity to create more covers and open areas. Schwank’s new patio heaters, which run on natural gas but can also operate with propane or butane gas, offer average energy savings of 62% when compared with conventional patio heating systems. This means that they contribute both cost and environmental benefits to locations where they are installed. Further benefits of lunaSchwank heaters include:

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• Comfortable heat can be activated by a single switch and felt almost immediately • Heat is distributed uniformly even across large terraces without the separated hot spots associated with mushroom

heaters • 2-stage modulation able to reduce heating temperature by half, cutting energy consumption and adding to customer comfort • Like previous ranges of Schwank patio heaters, lunaSchwank is ideal for all weathers, incorporating a highly effective rain protection hood and Schwank’s unique WindSecure system, which ensures that the heater’s flame is almost completely wind resistant; a great asset particularly in coastal and windy areas Gas-fired infrared radiant heaters generate radiation which is transferred into heat once it reaches objects and people. So the air is not heated directly and heat is felt almost instantaneously. The lunaSchwank range, which will be sold alongside the wellestablished Schwank terrasSchwank patio heaters, comprises three fully pre-assembled models measuring 752mm, 936mm and 1120mm in width. Steve Sherman, Managing Director of Schwank UK, explained that lunaSchwank heaters are remarkably easy to install and will require minimum maintenance. “Since many hospitality venues already use natural gas for cooking, a connection to the network is easy. With Schwank gas-fired infrared patio heaters, installation and operating costs can be frequently paid off within a few months through increased revenues from enhanced customer facilities,” he said. For further information, call 020 8641 3900 or visit

Cleaning and Hygiene

May 2018

CLH News

How Hospitality Businesses Can Clean up Their Act Most people would agree that standards of hygiene and cleanliness are important in many areas of business, and the hospitality industry would certainly be near the top of any survey. Establishments such as hotels, bars and restaurants are constantly under regulatory, and public scrutiny and risk losing everything if they fail to pass regular checks from the relevant authorities, or may and see their hard won repuations reputations trashed on social media. There are not many other industries in which the standard of cleanliness is judged to be an essential part of the experience, however in hospitality, particularly establishments relying on repeat custom, the fulfilment of these high expectations is paramount.

WHY? • Prevent a Health Hazard • If you don’t keep things clean and fresh your customers might be facing a health hazard, and you risk closure and/or a huge fine. If hygiene and cleanliness levels are low enough to mean a health & safety hazard this won’t do your reputation any good. If your hard-won reputation diminishes in any way, the result is a lower return as customers decline and negative word of mouth spreads. • Keep all Areas Fresh and Fragrant • There are so many different areas to consider within a pub, hotel, restaurant or club, especially where food and drink are concerned, and putting together a cleaning plan that keeps all areas in the highest quality of cleanliness and also returns a fresh fragrance which is pleasant to the noses of customers and staff alike is not an easy task and requires careful planning and consideration. • Keep Staff and Customer Morale High • How clean your premises are can have a massive knock on effect to staff morale and the contentment of your customers who will judge you in the now popular “court of public opinion”. Content staff are more productive, smile more and engage in higher levels of customer service. This adds to the customer’s experience and will keep them more likely to return again and again. Keeping the public areas and bathrooms clean will also have a similar

effect on custom and reputation. • Prevent Cross Contamination • There are a lot of areas to consider in any hospitality establishment. Bathrooms used to heavy footfall, seating areas where food and drink is consumed and spilled on a regular basis, and behind the bar with dirty glasses, pipes to clean for beer and floors to mop and sweep, the list could go on, and making sure you use the correct products/chemicals for specific tasks will ensure you never cross contaminate from area to area, keeping things clean and hygienic for your staff and preventing risk to your customers. We provide colour coded mops and wipes for different areas of your workplace – it keeps things simple and prevents cross contamination. This will of course come as absolutely no surprise to anybody reading this article; however, there are some hospitality businesses who still struggle to maintain the relevant hygiene and cleanliness requirements, and this is not helped by the fact that many hospitality businesses are open almost 24/7, struggling with staff and struggling to balance budgets. Independent/hands-on operators who lack the support rigorous set of instructions or guidelines from a head office can often become confused when it comes to delivering a thorough, workable and efficient cleaning regime. This need not be the case. By carrying out a series of manageable processes and checks, independent businesses in the hospitality and leisure sector can ensure that their washrooms and public areas comply with industry standards by remaining as clean, presentable and hygienic and germ-free as possible. With the rise of social media and online reviews making word-of-mouth more powerful than ever before, inadequate or poorly-maintained in-room,washroom and public area/ facilities can have a significant impact on an establishment’s reputation. By ensuring standards in this area align with those maintained across other areas of the organisation, hospitality and leisure business owners can enhance customer experience and avoid damaging the flow of repeat business.

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May 2018

CLH News

Design and Refit


Reclaiming the Hospitality Market with Refurbishment The independent hospitality sector, from hotels to bars and restaurants, have long struggled to compete with the financial might of larger chain outlets, especially when it comes to refurbishing and updating their venues. But, as Tony Clark, owner of Trade Furniture Company explains, achieving a fresh new look does not need to be an expensive task. Costs related to the redevelopment of hotels, bars and restaurants can be extremely high, especially when you factor in the time required to close establishments to allow such work to take place. It is perhaps no surprise then, that independent hoteliers, licensees and restaurateurs, are hesitant to commit to wholesale changes. Competing pound for pound with global chain outlets simply isn’t an option for many independent hotels, restaurants and bars. Especially given that UK hotels increased their refurbishment spending by 57 per cent in 2016 alone, according to new research from business financiers Funding Options. With hotels capital expenditure rising from £1.03bn in the previous year to £1.62bn in 2015/16. In a bid to drive their competitiveness and attract a new group of customers, owners of independent hotels, restaurants and bars are increasingly seeking creative ways to re-invigorate their premises. One trend that is delivering a sea of change across the sector, and encouraging smaller boutique-style businesses to re-develop their interiors, is the introduction of unique reclaimed wood furniture. Reclaimed wood – often made from Indian and Sheesham woods – is becoming increas-

ingly fashionable to use in independent hotels, restaurants and bars, to deliver a distinctive style and customer experience. Ideal for such premises, wood furniture of this nature is providing locations with unique pieces that are allowing them to stand out from larger chains.

A CASE FOR RECLAIMED WOOD Well-designed modern restaurants, hotels and bars, with on-trend furniture, have the potential to change the overall feel of an interior, whilst improving the customer experience, it can even boost staff morale. The importance of impactful interior design, and perhaps most importantly furniture, cannot be underestimated. The benefits of using reclaimed wood furniture are many for the UK’s independent hospitality sector. From an environmental perspective, sustainably repurposed furniture plays an integral role in reducing waste, with furniture often fashioned from recycled wood that would have otherwise been discarded in its previous state. Uniquely, such furniture can be manufactured from unwanted wood using anything from doors, fences, roofing, and even

Plumbsa - Hospitality Specialists

fishing boats, as well as a variety of other sources. Due to the ‘upcycling’ nature of the furniture, it enables hoteliers, licensees and restaurateurs to portray an environmentally aware image to potential customers. What’s more, the bespoke construction of each piece means reclaimed designs have completely unique looks for every individual piece, creating a one of a kind feel and experience. Whilst other woods have very consistent tones, reclaimed wood furniture aims to keep the wood as close to its original source as possible, delivering a distinctive appearance. Hoteliers, restaurateurs and licensees stand to make substantial savings by investing in Indian furniture. The unique structure of reclaimed furniture means each piece is built to last and ages well, ensuring long term savings can be achieved by reducing the costs for replacement furniture. Whilst the handcrafted styling of rich Indian woods such as Sheesham and mango, can deliver a one of a kind design for any premises. Whether an independent hotel, restaurant or bar opts for a complete refurbishment or wishes to make an impactful statement with new furnishings, it can all be achieved without compromising on cost or style. Keen to match their chain outlet competitors, the use of distinctive Indian, Sheesham and Mango wood furniture, has seen substantial growth in recent years and looks set to continue to be a prominent design trend across the independent hospitably sector in years to come.

as a preferred installers by Vaillant, Worcester and Ideal with 7 year warranties on most models. We’re so confident in the expertise of our engineers that we proudly say ‘If we can’t fix it nobody can!'



We offer a highly professional service across London and use a team of experienced and qualified plumbers, specializing in hospitality projects. Plumbsa Plumbing & Bathroom Plumbing is the core service that we have been offering for more than 15 years with an established reputation for quality, service, and customer satisfaction.

With over 15 years experience Ali brings an expertise that makes sure you’ll get the perfect bathroom. He will project manage your job, advise you on all aspects of the work and materials, and assist with concept, design and layout. Large or small John will tailor your bathroom to your budget and provide a comprehensive written estimate and time frame. See the advert below for further details.

HEATING Pimlico are recommended by the manufacturers

Design and Refit

May 2018

CLH News


The Answer To All Of Your Heating Problems! At Sol*Aire we pride ourselves on friendly customer service. We are a family-run business based in North Yorkshire, manufacturing and distributing quality heating products to the UK and worldwide. As heating specialists, we sell Heated Towel Rails (for electric, central heating & dual fuel), Designer Radiators, and an extensive range of Adax & Olsberg Wall-Mounted Panel Heaters (a.k.a. convector radiators).

• Various easy to install electric convector panel heaters from UK stock. • WiFi controlled models available. • 5 years manufacturer’s guarantee. • Huge selection of electric and plumbed towel rails available from stock. • All fully ERP 2018 Compliant

• Next day delivery where possible. Our aim is to provide you with straightforward and helpful advice; whilst supplying quality, innovative and stylish products at affordable prices. We have 1,000’s of items ready to ship, most of which are manufactured in Northern Europe. We are extremely selective of our global supplier network; ensuring that they are market leading in quality and ethical standards. Our aim is to provide you with a fast and pain-free service. Call us on 01325 717899. Remember, there are no stupid questions! See the advert on the back cover of this issue for further details.

HotelContractBeds - Premium Quality At Affordable Prices We’re one of the leading suppliers of contract approved beds and mattresses within the UK. Manufactured by ourselves, we pride ourselves on high quality whilst also providing comfortable low trade prices. While of course we offer all the standard UK sizes for beds and mattresses, we also provide an affordable bespoke service that will enable you to get the exact bed, mattress or sofa bed required for your establishment. We work on a no minimum order value policy, meaning you may order

as much, or as little as you need. This enables us to supply the big hotel chains, while also providing top quality to the smaller and independent hotels.

Delivery is free of charge for all mainland UK orders with an estimated time of 3-5 working days. And what’s more, you can be assured that every contract bed manufactured and supplied via HotelContractBeds - including our memory foam mattresses, sofa beds, zip and link beds and divan sets complies with BS5852 and Crib 5, ensuring that they pass stringent fire safety inspections. Call our sales team on 01234 834693 or visit

Contract Furniture Group

Contract Furniture Group has been set up to offer quality contract dining furniture to the hotel, restaurant, pub trades and leisure industries at realistic prices. We carry a lot of our range in stock so we can help you to meet your deadlines. We also offer a unique source and supply service; if you send us a picture of an item we will do our up most to supply to you at the best price.

All our furniture is manufactured to the highest standards, we only use hardwood frames which are glued screwed and dowelled for strength. crib5 interliner (if required) sprung seat areas or webbing and top quality Italian leathers and fabrics. For further information, call 0115 965 9030, visit or email

Suppliers of 1920s chairs to pubs and restaurants nationwide 30 years experience We can supply chairs in original condition and fully refurbished Prices from £35 (original condition) to £75 (refurbished) Delivery in 10 to 21 days on orders of 10 - 150

Telephone: 07970 714959 • Email:

May 2018

CLH News

Design and Refit


Pro Auction Valuers & Auctioneers Don’t Be Baffled by Canopy Filters

Pro Auction Limited are one of the leading specialist valuers & auctioneers. Providing a comprehensive range of services to ensure that the full value of surplus or redundant assets are realised, to maximum value, be that by a private treaty, tender or auction. Auctions are conducted on a regular basis, throughout Europe in the Hospitality, Catering & Leisure sectors. We provide valuation and sale advice on all classes of industrial and commercial business assets. Auction sales are conducted both on site and webcast through our

world-wide bidding platform.

acknowledged as a leading provider of machinery and business asset advice – from initial valuation to exit strategy planning and implementation – helping clients through the whole process.

Pro Auction runs both traditional and online auctions throughout Europe, using the latest auction platforms and software, developed to meet the demands and needs of both the seller and purchaser.

Pro Auction focuses on customer service and has maintained many loyal, long-term clients, thanks to its personal approach, integrity and high standards of professionalism. Its relationships with clients are always partner centered.

The company provides expert advice to insolvency practitioners, corporate recovery specialists and turnaround professionals. It is widely

Contact Pro Auction Limited on 01761 414000 or email

Ace Filtration has been providing grease and odour control filters for the Restaurant and Hospitality industry for over thirty years. As a UK manufacturer and not simply a stockist, we are directly able to control the quality, lead time and price of all our products, ensuring that all of our filters are fit for purpose and guaranteed to give you a filter that fits first time, and does the job you need it too. Our VEEVENT baffle grease filter is available from stock in 5 standard sizes, with custom sizes available on a very quick turnaround. Alternatively, the AGMB mesh type grease filter provides excellent grease retention at a very economical price. In addition to canopy filters, Ace Filtration manufactures

Space Air - The UK's Independent Distributor for LG HVAC Systems Space Air with 37 years experience in HVAC industry are UK Nationwide distributors of the full range LG HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) equipment covering One to One Splits, Multi Splits, Multi V™ VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow), Therma V™ air to water medium/high temperature heat pumps, extensive local, remote and central control systems and Spare Parts. The Air Conditioning capacity range extends for 1 kW one to one to 269 kW systems with the largest variety of indoor units from Cassettes (1, 2 & 4 way air distribution), Ceiling, Floor, Wall and Low/Medium/High static ducted type. The Heat Recovery Ventilation- HRV offers flexible and high efficiency ventilation.

Woodman Chairs

Woodman Chairs is a long established, dedicated chair manufacturer and wholesaler who make most of their own chairs. We offer a wide and varied choice of solid oak and beech chair and table styles – both modern and contemporary – with many finish and seat options. Included in our range is an exciting choice of sturdy bar stools and bar tables.

To advertise in the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier Tel 01202 552333


• Mesh or Baffle style • Manufactured in the UK • Designed for maximum grease removal/retention • Delivered in 2-3 days

Order online at Or by phone on

01474 325666 •

replacement carbon filters for odour control and corresponding pre filters to any given size. The experienced technical sales team are always on hand to offer you advice and expertise, with no obligation, if you are unsure of the best solution for you. We can also supply specially formulated cleaning crystals to ensure that not only are your filters kept clean, but their life is prolonged as no caustic chemicals are used. So for quality UK manufactured filters, technical help and advice, fast turnaround and competitive prices, visit our website, or give us a call to discuss your requirements on 01474 325666.

The fact that we make gives us greater control and flexibility. It also enables us to offer bespoke chair and chair frame or component production to end customers or other suppliers and manufacturers looking for their

The unique Therma V™ Medium (55ºc) and High (80ºc) temperature domestic/commercial heating & domestic hot water and water based systems, which is ranked amongst the leading technology in the world. All LG-HVAC products are Eurovent Certified and to ISO9001-14001, Quality and Environmental Standards with extensive HQ facilities in Weybridge covering show rooms, training centres and CPD facilities. Space Air offers Nationwide coverage including design, selection, logistics, spare parts, remote and on site technical support. Contact us on tel: 01483 478 715 or by email: or visit our website for extensive information. own design or seeking to create a unique range or theme, again in both oak and beech, raw or finished. Always keen to innovate, Woodman are constantly introducing new styles and have recently added Carver options to their more popular dining chairs and have further expanded their range of bar stools to include rush seated and fabric pad options. Here is a simple decision that won’t require a Referendum! If you want your customers to have the best choice, with honest quality, at affordable prices, with decent lead times and no minimum order, then you need only vote Woodman for your chairs. For further details call 01884 841789, visit or email

Design and Refit ILF Chairs - Contract Seating ILF HAVE been supplying top quality indoor and outdoor chairs and tables for over the past 25 years to the hospitality market. We offer a wide selection of products to suit all tastes and as importantly budgets! We pride ourselves outstanding personal service with the motto ‘ No job is ever too big or too small – it’s customer satisfaction that counts’. In this demanding Health & Safety led market place we

guarantee that all our fabrics and fillings meet the exacting BS5852 Crib 5 fire regulations. The majority of our products are available in a choice of frame colours and we can offer an extensive choice of fabrics including real Leather and Faux Leather. In addition, we also able to offer a full service on bench seating and re-upholstery. Delivery times are generally 4 weeks from order, but we can also offer a “fast track” service for certain products. Why not contact us at or on 01293 783783 and find out how we can help you fulfil your seating and table needs.

Using The Latest Technologies To Drive Service Excellence The hospitality and catering industries are well developed in the management of performance KPIs however; our customers are now demanding higher standards than ever before. At Flowrite we believe the only way for our industry to improve is to adopt new technology to deliver core services in a more effective way and utilise it to give our customers complete visibility of services in real-time. In response to these demands, Flowrite has developed the CoolerRESPONSETM technology. This was originally envisioned for use on cellar cooling, walk-in fridges and freezers however, it also has the abil-

ity to monitor other areas such as: statutory food checks to HCCAP standards, dishwasher cycles, water inlet temperatures, and energy consumption of equipment or even a whole premise. Due to the increased levels of connectivity CoolerRESPONSETM offers, the proactive services we are able to offer our customers include:

• Remote diagnostics and equipment repairs, • Addressing of maintenance and behavioural issues before they lead to downtime, • Improved first-time fix rates, by ensuring engineers arrive with the right diagnostic information, tools and replacement parts. Flowrite’s aim with CoolerRESPONSETM is to make our engineers service experts by equipping them with real-time data based on actual conditions, and thus ensuring the resolution they offer is a quick, informed and effective solution. T: 0845 603 4040 E:

Europa Furnishings - Turning Whatever You Can Imagine Into Reality… larly built a fine reputation for top-quality commercial seating and chair solutions. Whatever you require, from a bespoke one-off item to a large commercial project, we have the capacity, experience and ability to produce outstanding results, time and again. So why not get in touch and see how we can help you? For further information contact Europa Furnishing on 01489 789700 or visit

P CL lea s H re 2 e sp 12 qu on w ot di he e ng n

With decades of experience in commercial, contract and specialty upholstery, we always aim to deliver the very best for our clients. Over the years, our versatility has been proven as we have worked closely with clients from many sectors including hotels, restaurants, cruise ships, wine bars, public houses, show houses, private hospitals, interior designers, architects, manufacturers of leisure furniture and domestic clients. We have particu-

May 2018

CLH News


Tomorrow's Furniture, Available Today

buk is the number one stockist, via a nationwide distributor network, to the UK hospitality sector. Established for over forty years, we have the expertise you are looking for.

We design, develop and deliver high spec, high tech, contemporary and traditional furniture for high traffic use, in the most demanding pub, club, café, hotel and leisure venues. Furniture and finishes that are built to last and meet all fire and safety regulations. We hold large stocks of a wide choice of lines for 24 or 48 hour despatch and if that’s not enough, we have thousands of special order items that can be turned around or customised by our partners and distributors in weeks. Just try us! Contact us to discover your local stockist of indoor seating, tables, bases and tops, in addition to our extensive outdoor furniture range. We have something for everyone…and if we don’t, simply ask…we’ll get it!

For more information please call us :

Email us:

01284 811666

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May 2018

CLH News


Design and Refit

Imagine Your Restaurant Running Perfectly!

Imagine your restaurant running as perfectly and joyously as you want it. How would it look and feel? What would the ambience be like? How would the staff feel? How busy would it be? Every table rammed, or maybe three quarters full and every customer completely satisfied. Maybe, you would like it to have a warm cosy glow, with twinkling candles drawing customers in, safe in the knowledge that you won’t be clearing up messy wax all night, and that your staff will

want to light them because they won’t cause any hassle. You may now be imagining your restaurant with oil candles! If you want to know more about oil candles and would like a free one to try out for yourself, go to our website at, choose a candle and I will send it to you, with some oil so you can try it out. Or even better, ring me for a chat. Email or Tel: 01279 731621

Cistermiser Streamlines Hydraulic Valve Range

Cistermiser is streamlining its market-leading range of hydraulic urinal flushing control valves. The High Sensitivity Low Pressure (HSLP) valve, suitable for tank-fed systems with a 0.5 to 3 metre head of water, is being withdrawn to slim down the range. Cistermiser will continue to supply the popular Standard (STD) and Low Pressure (LP) valves, which are colour-coded blue and green respectively. Cistermiser hydraulic valves, fitted on the supply pipe to the urinal cistern, use a unique mechanism that prevents water waste by ensuring an

auto-flush cistern is only filled and can only flush when the washroom is used. The valves operate in response to short-term pressure drops created by the use of taps or WCs on the same supply.

“In recent years our best-selling IRC2 infrared urinal flushing control has become the solution of choice for high sensitivity low pressure applications” says Mark Schlotel, Marketing Manager for Cistermiser. “Our Trade merchant partners readily stock the IRC2, so they can supply this product alongside our STD and LP hydraulic valves for future projects, to offer installers and clients a complete range of solutions.” For further information contact T: +44 (0) 118 969 1611 E: or

Bring A Touch Of Class To Your Venue With Bentwood Chairs

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Have you ever wondered how Bentwood chairs get their attractive curved shape? The secret is steam. By making the wood wet, it can then be wrought into curved shapes and patterns. The steaming process also helps to retain the timber’s natural durability, making them a cost-effective choice. Trent Furniture’s Bentwood chairs come in a range of styles, including simple Slatback and Crossback, as well as the more elaborate Loopback and Fanback styles (available with or without arms). Just add one of Trent’s traditional Victorian cast iron tables to create the perfect partnership. Starting from just £38.90 plus VAT, you can also customise your

Bentwood chairs by choosing lighter or darker shades of wood as well as seat fabrics in a variety of colours and patterns – or even your very own fabric. Not only do they look great, Bentwood chairs have a backstory. The chair’s distinctive look is based on the designs of German-Austrian cabinetmaker Michael Thornet who first discovered how steam could be used to manipulate wood into curved, graceful shapes. All of Trent Furniture’s Bentwood chairs come fully assembled and are FIRA tested. View the full range of Bentwood chairs as well as classic and contemporary furniture at Call 0116 2985 852 for more information.

Design and Refit

May 2018

CLH News

Temporary Catering Facilities During Refurbishment Mobile Kitchens Ltd specialises in the hire or sale of temporary catering facilities and foodservice equipment. We regularly provide our services to clients when they are undergoing a kitchen refurbishment or carrying out other building works that necessitate the closure of existing catering facilities. We offer a free design service, and project management from concept through to delivery and installation on site, plus full technical support throughout the hire period. The elements that make up our temporary kitchen and restaurant facilities can be provided as individual units in their own right –

MST Auctioneers Ltd

MST AUCTIONEERS Ltd specialise in handling & auctioning a wide variety of goods. We act for Insolvency Practitioners, Receivers, Bailiffs and Solicitors as well as large PLCs. We are members of The National Association of Auctioneers and Valuers (NAVA). For the past 25 years, we've provided a unique disposal service tailored to suit, liquidators, banks, receivers as

JSJ Design JSJ Design specialises in bespoke design solutions for the hospitality sector. We provide innovative designs which create an exquisitely and expertly translated reflection of our client’s vision. The refurbished Premier Inn Kings Cross reception (Whitbread’s flagship site), showcases JSJ Designs’ talent for capturing a brand’s iconic essence through designs which reflect an evolved identity. JSJ Design ensured that Kings Cross aligned with our FX award shortlisted project Premier Inn Frankfurt (2016), Whitbread’s first hotel in Germany.

Production Kitchens, Preparation Kitchens, Ware-washing Units, Dry Store Units, Cold Rooms, Restaurant Units, etc - or they can be linked together on site to form a complete complex. Alternatively, we can offer modular, open-plan facilities, usually for larger, longer term hires. We have many tried and tested design layouts and would be pleased to put forward our recommendations for your project. For further information or to arrange a site visit, please email:, call us on 0845 812 0800, or visit our website: well as private and corporate vendors. We carry out probate valuations and conduct complete house and commercial clearances. We have the largest Auction venue in the South of England. Our regular monthly Auctions occupy 45,000 sq.ft. of undercover space, selling over 2500 lots from 3 rostrums over two days. We have storage and removal facilities. In addition we have forklifts for machinery up to 5 tons. We also hold regular Auctions ”On Site” and "On Line" See advert on page 28 for further details

The reception echo’s Premier Inn’s playful tone of voice whilst exhibiting JSJ Design’s ability to unify distinct brands. With the hotel’s courtyard styled solution, JSJ Design created stylistic harmony between

Whitbread’s restaurant brand Bar + Block, coffee shop Costa Coffee and Premier Inn itself. Whilst ensuring that each of their authentic identities

were retained. JSJ Design provides innovative solutions which maximise an environments potential. Though naturally dramatic, prior to refurbishment Kings Cross’s 20m high atrium had been devoid of warmth and personality. JSJ Design created a greater sense of intimacy with the creation of large suspend light features over seating areas, and accentuated the atrium’s intrinsic height with a dramatically lit and yet delicate 15m bespoke floating star chandlier. Throughout the reception, all of the artwork, furniture, and lighting are bespoke and were designed to our client’s intent, brief and budget. Reader enquiries - Tel: 020 7622 6885, email: or visit

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May 2018

CLH News


Design and Refit

Catering Resources

We source the best and most effective commercial catering equipment from around the globe. Generally this will be ideal for owners of catering establishments eg cafes, restaurants, staff canteens, pubs, clubs, schools, colleges, sports stadia, hotels, guest houses, outside caterers; fast-food take-aways, fish &

chip shops etc. From our 800 page catalogue you will find everything from staff uniforms, kitchenware, baking and cookware, food storage, disposables, tables, sinks, trolleys, shelving, cleaning and janitorial, health & hygiene, tableware, buffet & beverage service, linen, bar amenities, cooking appliances, blenders, food preparation machines, beverage appliances, server & display, refrigeration & washing equipment. Call 0121 448 3756, email or visit

Sims Contract Furniture Ltd - The First Port Of Call For Banquette Seating We are a family run business with 3 generations of commercial furniture manufacturing experience. Unlike other suppliers we manufacture all our seating inhouse, no importing, no subcontracting. We have full control over every aspect from design to installation to ensure every product leaves our workshops punctually and to our reputable high quality. Proudly offering 2 versions of Banquette Seating, firstly our “Premium Made to Measure” Banquette Seating which is built to your exact design, shape and size, then installed by our professional installation team. You can have anything from floor to ceiling designs to seating that perfectly follows the walls in a period set-

ting. Secondly our “Modular Banquette Seating” which is freestanding, set size units for you to mix and match to best fit your space. Manufactured and delivered to your doorstep ready for you to layout. Made to the same high standards as our premium range without setup costs, site visits and installation fees. Saving you up to 50% on competitors seating. Also, we offer a range of furnishings – tables, chair and bedroom furniture. To request a brochure or to discuss your requirement further please contact our sales team on 01945 450957 email Web

Trending Commercial Furniture by Warner Contracts Ltd.

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As one of the UK’s leading suppliers of indoor & outdoor commercial furniture it should be no surprise that the new range from Warner Contracts Ltd. is selling like hot cakes! This year alone we have introduced over one hundred new designs of furniture, available from stock with UK delivery times as short as 24 hours. Our favourites from the new range include Carter Tables which are manufactured from a recycled plastic top supported by a steel base. York Outdoor Range – inspired by bentwood furniture but actually manufactured from aluminium with a weather proof finish. Vintage Leather Dining Chairs – a quirky looking retro chair designed

for use in cafes, bars and restaurants. Finally the Abramo Chair range which is designed for use in high end luxury hotels & restaurants. Please view our updated website here In addition to our stocked offering Warner Contracts Ltd. now have a full manufacturing setup in Manchester where we produce bespoke upholstery for hotels, bars and restaurants. So if you are looking for something a little different please feel free to get in touch and discuss your requirements with our sales team on 0161 408 2390 or email us:

Design and Refit

May 2018

CLH News

Counterline Wins Prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise Knowsley-based Counterline Limited has won the prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise for outstanding continuous growth in international trade. The £12 million turnover company designs and manufactures bespoke and standard food service counters and display units. Initially serving the UK hotel industry Counterline was soon asked to design, manufacture and fit out the food service areas of corporate headquarters, prestigious sports venues and leisure complexes. The recent consumer trend for “grab & go” food has enabled Counterline to further show off their design capabilities in well-known supermarkets and coffee franchises, whilst also investing in ever-more environmentally friendly materials, technologies and manufacturing processes. Counterline’s reputation and pride in their “Made in the UK” credentials now have them exporting to countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Far East, Central Asia and Australasia. Export sales have more than trebled over the last 6 years and now represent 25% of total turnover. Managing Director, Tim Flood, states, “It is unusual for a UK company in our line of

business to export at such high levels, let alone report continuous year-on-year growth for export sales over 6 years”. The Queen’s Award for Enterprise is the UK’s highest accolade for business success. Our award for outstanding continuous growth in international trade rightfully acknowledges the dedication of all our staff and partners across the globe who continue to build Counterline’s reputation as the “go to” company for quality products and design solutions within the food service counter and display market. We couldn’t be prouder…and yes, we will be celebrating!” For information contact Counterline Limited on + 44 (0)151 548 2211, email: or visit web:

ServiceSport - The UK’s Leading Independent Service Provider ServiceSport is the UK’s leading fitness equipment service provider and remanufacturer.

whilst retaining the look and feel of brand new apparatus.

We provide independent technical and maintenance support designed to maximise the life of fitness equipment of any make and model. ServiceSport aims to minimise your capital spend, by working with you to develop a flexible and complete servicing solution for all of your equipment needs. We offer different levels of servicing to suit your specific needs. From ad hoc, annual scheduled service agreements, all-inclusive contracts, audit servicing to full estate management.

Items are stripped down and deep cleaned, with some parts being replaced, before being rebuilt and undergoing strict diagnostic checks before being dispatched and sent to the customer.

Our intensive remanufacturing process offers an affordable alternative to buying new equipment,

We remanufacture our customers’ own assets, as well as offering full ranges for sale.

ServiceSport has such belief in the quality of our work, that all remanufactured pieces of equipment come with a comprehensive two-year parts and labour warranty, for that extra peace of mind. All of our work is carried out at our UK-based workshop, which we’re always happy to show customers around, so they can see the stringent quality assurance processes, care and attention given to each piece of equipment. We also offer planning design, own brand fitness equipment and parts. Check out our website, email or telephone 0845 402 2456.

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May 2018

CLH News


eCatering Excited Over Induction Fryers For 2018 eCatering, one of the UK’s Leading and Lowest Price Online Catering Equipment Suppliers has received delivery of its new and innovative induction fryers. The company, which already boast a wide range of products, is providing its’ customers with even more choice in 2018, and these stunning and very low-cost induction fryers are just the start. Whether you’re frying fish, chicken, doughnuts, chips or anything else, a Commercial Fryer is a must for any business. Whilst eCatering provide a wide range of their own brand and branded countertop and floor standing fryers, their new Induction fryers are getting the growing supplier excited. eCatering’s Marketing Manager, Mike Morris, said “We are looking at all areas of our business preparing for rapid growth in 2018 and the induction fryers are a small part of this but we are excited to be welcoming these amazingly efficient and cost reducing machines in 2018. Providing our customers with even more choice and lowering costs is something we want to expand on for the future.” Along with an already expanded range, these cost-effective options are just another step towards eCatering’s expansion goals. Their entry level energy saving 8ltr single catering fryer with drain tap (online order product code FCE001) comes in at a remarkable £199. That’s an incredibly low price and £200 OFF their list price. The Twin 8ltr fryer (online order product code FCE007) is even better value at only £375 and saves you a massive £424 OFF List price. These are just two available online and eCatering also has a wide range of electric and gas fryers for those who want something other than induction. To find out more and see their incredible product ranges and savings, visit their website at or see the advert on page 12.

UK POS - The UK's No.1 POS Display Specialists With the nice season and the clock change fast approaching, businesses can expect to see an influx in evening customers. Ensure your POS reflects the seasonal change to avoid missing key sales. As the much anticipated lighter evenings and warmer climate arrive, consumer habits start to change. More people will now venture out in the evening to pubs and restaurants, and people start to think about their outside space. It is crucial that your business responds to these changes to receive maximum benefits. Give both your indoor and outdoor POS displays a refresh. Menu holders, snap frames and chalkboards are essentials for any hospitality business, so make sure yours are looking their best. Pavement signs will help give people that extra push to go out for that Thursday drink, whilst a new café barrier system will encourage some early al fresco dining. At WWW.UKPOS.COM you can find everything you need to maximise your sales all year round. Order by 5pm for next day delivery. Visit, email or call 03332 207 322 today! See the advert on page 9 for details.

3R EPoS Systems Our State-of-the-art EPoS systems are designed to become an essential part of your business. Assembled with detailed reporting functionalities which will help to minimize your cost whilst maximizing profits, they are excellent for both multi-sites and single-site businesses. Built on over 16 years of experience, 3R EPoS reporting facilities safely stores information regarding your business and can be uniquely tailored to suit your needs. Whether you own a convenience store, restaurant or a bar, the 3R EPoS system can integrate products that are unique to your business. This can

Products and Services

The Finest Quality Snacks From SCT ishga Organic Seaweed Skincare When he was younger, Robert Parkin of SCT & SCT Ltd was told a simple phrase: “The Bitterness of Poor Quality Remains Long After the Sweetness of Low Price is Forgotten”. This has coloured his approach and to this day SCT will never produce cheap snacks but guarantee their snacks are of the highest quality & tick all the boxes today’s consumers requires. SCT is now going from strength to strength, with sales increasing around the country. Some of the establishments we supply have now taken out other snack products, as they have found SCT's to be so good. They offer a great return in the market and are low in carbohydrates, glutenfree and sugar-free, which is exactly what the consumer wants these days. With our range of 9 exciting flavours, SCT are ticking all the right boxes. However, they have found some that

establishments with limited back-bar space needed a product to help them use that effectively, while others wanted something a bit more upmarket. With the help of Paul Davis Designs SCT have upgraded their labels and now supply all their flavours in Utopia clip seal glass jar. The Pork Crackling can be in either a 3L or 1.5L jar and with an additional 1kg – 2.5kg – 5kg of crackling that will increase your margin. In addition, due to demand SCT have launched a nut range: Cashews, Almonds, Walnuts & Peanuts in the following flavours, Salt & Pepper, Garlic, Chorizo, Sweet Chilli & Extreme Chilli. SCT are a family run business that has its feet firmly on the ground and enjoy meeting new businesses to work with. For further information email or call on 01202 875 280 or see the advert on page 4.

JURA UK - Revolutionising The Way We Enjoy Coffee Developed by a dedicated team of Swiss engineers, JURA has revolutionised the way coffee should be enjoyed with two of its professional bean-to-cup coffee machines, the WE6 and the WE8. As a business that lives and breathes coffee every day, JURA believes consumers shouldn’t have to compromise on the quality of their coffee and these two models are no exception to that rule. The high-performance WE6 expertly prepares up to eight classic coffees, from ristretto and espresso, to café crème. It is also complete with a three-litre water tank, a coffee bean container holding 500g, as well as a coffee grounds container with a capacity of 25 portions. With comparable

features, the WE8 too offers innovative technologies, a one-touch function, and a modern TFT display. In comparison, it offers 12 specialities in total, including cappuccino, latte macchiato and flat white. Thanks to the patented Pulse Extraction Process (P.E.P.®) and the AromaG3 grinder, both machines guarantee the perfect coffee every time. Both of these beautiful models are also equally easy to care for with the Intelligent Water System (I.W.S.®), which provides optimum water quality. Discover JURA, where quality coffee is delivered at the touch of a button: See the advert on page 7.

Fake Foods for All Display Requirements From Breakfast to Dinner we can supply fake foods for all kinds of display and decoration requirements. Our vast fake food selection, with more than 500 products to choose from, is now itemised in our new Fake Food Brochure, which we can send you on request. Alternatively, visit our website to see our full range of food, as well as all of our other display items, including an ever-increasing range of artificial fake plants, flowers and foliage. Most of our items are available to be

despatched on a next day delivery service, so last minute displays are not a problem. Our stock quantities are live on our website, so you can plan last minute projects knowing what is available. If you’re working on a bigger project, we can usually get large quantities of certain items quite quickly, so give us a call or drop us an e-mail and we will try to source what you need. You can order a copy of our Artificial Food Brochure on our website.

The company has seen significant growth over the last 12 months particularly in mainstream retail. Leading brands such as Khanum, Squid Brand Fish Sauce, Vitasoy, Ajumma Republic and Yeo’s can be found in a number of the multiples. SOP have ambitious plans to further grow our sales in 2018 with both existing and new customers as they launch yet more new products. “People are travelling to more exotic destinations and this, coupled with the trend for authentic ingredients, means retailers have seen an increase in shoppers looking to bring their favourite flavours from around the globe into their own kitchen.” says Dion

Saayman, Marketing Manager. SOP offers an extensive range of products including Rice, Coconut Milk & Water, Butter & Vegetable Ghee, Spices, Cooking Oils, Snacks, Mango products and canned vegetables and fruit. The company are agents for many leading brands familiar to most Oriental & Asian households. Our experienced and energetic team is committed to providing a level of service that exceeds our customers’ expectations. For more information and to view a full list of products available go to or call S.O.P. on TEL: (+44) 01992 584 466 or see the advert on page 14.

Contact us on Tel: 03333 440078, E-mail: or visit See the advert on page 6 for further details.

The Way Forward With SOP International - Your Leading Asian & Oriental Food Specialist

include the ability to store new promotions, daily specials as well as adding local dishes to the menu. 3R EPoS systems will contribute to the success of your on-going business as it includes the ability to inform managers when your stock is reaching minimum levels thus allowing you to re-order stock accordingly. Furthermore, 3R EPoS systems will calculate and suggest what should be ordered based on current and archived sales, recent orders and current stock level thus saving time and money. In order to also boost your sales and gain customer satisfaction, 3R EPoS systems also offer a range of handheld touch screen devices. Such benefits can contribute to your cost savings and enhance your purchasing ability across your business. For more information on our services please contact our dedicated team on: 01992 574 650 or see the advert page 9.

From the pure, pristine shores of the Hebrides comes ishga, an organic, seaweed spa and skincare range combining the natural resources of this stunning location with locally sourced, nutrient-rich and sustainably harvested seaweed. Gaelic for water, ishga infuses healing spring water with a potent extract of Hebridean seaweed. Renowned for its antioxidant, anti-ageing and health properties, Hebridean seaweed contains a host of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids which are excellent for skincare. Hebridean seaweed extract is the cornerstone of ishga; it’s extracted directly into Hebridean spring water using a low temperature extraction process, which protects the beneficial compounds and enzymes. Used throughout the ishga range, the mineral-rich extract is blended with organic ingredients and essential oils to create each individual product. Cucumber extract, macadamia, jojoba, thistle oil, Hebridean sea salt, aloe vera and lemon peel are some of the many natural ingredients used which nourish, hydrate and protect the skin. In addition to Hebridean seawater, ishga utilises mineral spring water sourced from a healing spring on the Isle of Lewis. Anti-ageing, hydrating, protecting and nourishing, the retail range includes 18 products, including a men’s range and 2 hand poured candles. 2018 brings the launch of new lines including: ishga lip balm and seaweed capsules. ishga specialises in anti-ageing face and body therapies including its signature seaweed bath with mineral sea salts containing over 85 natural trace minerals which is excellent for cellulite and detoxifying. Telephone 01851 703 27, E-mail, Web or see the advert on page 7.

RIDA®CUBE SCAN Enzymatic Analysis Whenever And Wherever You Want Launched to serve the wine industry in France, RBiopharm’s automated and highly portable photometric system for enzymatic and colorimetric assays is proving its versatility with successful whisky fraud detection via The Scotch Whisky Research Institute, with a rapid and portable solution for the determination of sugars. Within the fruit juice industry, composition of fruit juices can easily be manipulated to increase quality perception or production volume. Enzymatic testing – carried out easily with the RIDA®CUBE SCAN with a single pipetting step – can determine the exact acids present to determine authenticity. It isn’t just beverages that can be tested; canned food and pre-packed food, eggs, meat or fish products and milk and dairy products can now be analysed using established and proven methods with RIDA®CUBE SCAN automation. Small food laboratories and production facilities can now access sensitive and specific measurement of targeted components to the same standard as large laboratories using the bigger biochemistry analyzers. Each enzymatic test kit contains 32 single-test cartridges and an RFID card containing all the data and settings needed. The cartridges are pre-filled with the reagents and include a mixing device. All that is needed is a single-pipette step to transfer the sample. Once the cartridge is inserted into the machine, all other steps are performed automatically within 15 minutes. Results are calculated via the linked Android tablet and can be exported to a computer, printer or Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). For further information contact R-Biopharm Rhone at

Seasonings Go GF In Centenary Upgrade

To celebrate a century of service to the British food industry, leading flavours and seasonings supplier Unbar Rothon has upgraded its top selling products and added an important convenience element to them all. Detailed laboratory work by a team of scientists and taste specialists has enabled the Billericay, Essex based company to present these gluten free products as also now free of MSG. The same scientific team guarantees that all the upgraded products precisely replicate the taste and performance characteristics of the originals. “This improvement is our centenary gift to the food industry and is yet another development which has been welcomed by customers, “said Unbar Rothon director, Richard Rothon.

In addition to the standard Butchers Pride range of gourmet, low salt and clean label varieties, Unbar Rothon has upgraded its celebration, festivities, seasonal, pies, haggis and several other top selling product groups. With this very significant upgrade the company has added a new dimension to the sausage, burger, meatballs, haggis and meat pies sectors of the market. “Hundreds of new customers in both retail and foodservice outlets are being attracted to order products they couldn’t even think about before, and that’s good news for everybody involved,” added Mr. Rothon. Tel: 01277 632211 or visit for further information.

Products and Services

Top 4 Reasons to Choose Infrared Lamps for Catering At Under Control, we have 10 years of expertise and we use this wealth of experience to generate the most efficient control instruments. We have a range of infrared lamps that are suited to different industries, including hospitals, hotels, prisons, pubs, schools and universities. Our infrared lamps ensure stability in the working environment as well as a sustainable source of heat. The heat derived from our infrared heaters is direct, which is ideal for keeping food warm for longer.

KEEP FOOD WARM Notice in a restaurant how an infrared lamp is installed above a gantry or hotplate? This is how your food is kept warm, prior to it being served. At Under Control, our food warming equipment has a warm up time of 1 second- this is highly efficient and desirable if you want to ensure you are serving your customer’s hot food, as well as saving energy! Our infrared lamps don’t require any preheating; therefore, we provide you with the convenience to keeping your food warm instantly. An infrared lamp guarantees a constant temperature, which is perfect for maintaining the temperature of food. With this said, the temperature can easily be controlled, allowing you to adjust the temperature dependent on how hot you require the food to be maintained. You can even turn off the lamp if it is not

installation, we have quite literally got it all under control, all catering bulbs are installed with “click-fit” connectors. You simply need to click your bulbs into place, it’s as easy as that! being used, without having to worry about long heating up periods when you need to use it again.

CLEAN AND EFFICIENT PERFORMANCE Whether it’s a heated counter, hard glass, screw-in lamp, double ended or linear lamp; it is our aim at Under Control to specifically design your infrared lamp, taking into account your needs for design and functionality. Undoubtedly, infrared lamps are perfect if you’re looking to generate heat instantly, they’re highly efficient! In terms of efficiency, at Under Control, we have been able to reduce the operational time, keeping your electricity bills to a minimum and allowing you to use the bulbs as, and when you require them. Did you know that our infrared bulbs and lamps can last up to 60% longer than any other instrument company?

EASY INSTALLATION How hard can it be! At Under Control, we cannot express enough how useful our food warming equipment is, especially infrared lamps. When it comes to the

Sometimes an infrared lamp doesn’t have protective glass but this is no concern, we can provide you with protective glass that provides suitability for the catering industry, making them suitable for withstanding high temperatures! The installation process is easy; you can choose the orientation of the lamps (whether they are to be installed horizontally or vertically) plus you have the opportunity to choose between gold, ruby, clear or reflective lamps, suiting the design of your catering needs.

COMPETITIVE PRICES At Under Control, we are confident we won’t be beaten on price, so, if you’re looking for control instrument specialists, you needn’t look any further, as we produce infrared lamps that offer highquality, along with a long life-span! If you’re looking for infrared lamps for your catering facility, you want it to be cost effective, hence why we stock foodsafe lamps that have been sustainably developed, saving you money that you would potentially spend on electricity! See the advert on page 3 for details, call 0845 688 7122 or visit

May 2018

CLH News


‘Piccante’ Set To Become A ‘Gigante’ In The Pizza Trade Specialist wood and charcoal supplier to the restaurant trade, launched their new product ‘Piccante’ at the European Pizza and Pasta Show in November 2017 set to be a ‘gigante’ in the pizza world. Logs Direct has already taken giant steps since it diversified four years ago from its core trade of supplying fuel for wood-burning stoves, to a position in which it now provides logs for pizza oven chefs. Now, it is launching an ownbrand product with a quirky twist in the name, using the Italian word for hot in the culinary sense, rather than that referring to calorific heat. The ‘Piccante’ log is the result of Logs Direct listening to the feedback of pizzaioli, often gleaned when presenting pizza chefs with a very special ‘Woody’ Award – the only accolade for chefs who cook with wood. With an ever-increasing focus on food safety, and ever-present demand for wood that gets up to speed fast and delivers the best heat return for money spent, Logs Direct set itself a mission of creating the perfect eco-briquette. Piccante logs are environmentally friendly, food safe and HACCP and carbon tax compliant compressed virgin beech logs made in Italy. Specifically designed for use in the food sector, these natural logs are completely free of additives, glues and adhesives and create neither carcinogenic fumes, nor toxic ash. They produce heat superbly, with each eightsided 1.55kg log having a calorific value of 5,35 kcal. They rest on the oven floor in a way that improves the air flow around the log, improving combustion and leading to a better burn. They also keep the oven cleaner.

Property and Professional

Logs Direct has worked with a focus group of chefs during the testing phase for this product. One – Chris Atkins of Gourmet Pizza in Oxfordshire – says: “It is clear that the moisture content of this briquette is extremely low. This has allowed us to achieve a stable burn and ensured that our pizzas are cooked consistently. The Piccante briquettes have also proved very easy to light and have reached optimum temperature quickly. “The Piccante logs also burn in the oven for longer than the current market leader, which means we do not need to use, store, or transport to outside events as many as we have in the past. We are helping to spread the word about these briquettes, as they are much cheaper than others, despite their many advantages.” Piccante logs come in nine-log, 14kg boxes, with each box costing £9.00. Whilst the market leader has a minimum order of a half palette of 24 cartons, Log Direct has no minimum order requirement. It can also supply these briquettes alongside its ready-to-burn kiln-dried wood, if chefs just wish to use the Piccante log to boost the fire, or get it started, and also has first-class restaurant-grade charcoal available for those eateries that have barbecues or chargrills. Piccante logs can be bought online at or by calling 01524 812476. The knowledgeable team are used to handling chefs’ queries and even have a great knack of knowing when a pizzaiolo might be about to run out of wood. Their ‘pizzeria prompt’ service has saved the day on many occasions! See the advert on page 6 for details.

Data Cleansing for GDPR - A Business OPPORTUNITY Not A THREAT The Hospitality Business Mentor from The Bowden Group ger the advantage and the first step is clean data. I am sure you will have by now heard about the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into force after May 2018. GDPR is all about data – your data. After May 25th, your business will fall into one of two groups. You will either be GDPR compliant, which will enable you to continue to use your customer data to market your products and services. Or you will be in a group that finds itself unable to use its data for fear of getting hit with some very large fines by the Information Commission Office. Many businesses have not taken steps towards compliance. Those that do will have a clear competitive advantage. The quicker you become compliant, the big-

Hopewiser, has taken its expertise, finely tuned over the last 36 years and put it into a new online service for address cleansing. Simple to use, you securely upload your data at the press of a button. The software has access to the latest in-built Postcode Address File, Deceased, Movers, Mailing and Telephone Preference Files. The system analyses your data and picks a sample to show the likely address match rates against the data. It also allows you to find and remove duplicates within the file. You can then choose to generate the results of the full file and pay for it with Worldpay or by credit card. The reporting is immediately available, so no more waiting around for external service providers. Prices start from £35 for a data cleanse. For more details

Boutique Bed & Breakfast, A Stone’s Throw From The Iconic ‘Gold Hill’ In Shaftsbury Surrounded by spectacular countryside ensuring year round trade, the business occupies a large site which includes a car park. The property extends over four floors and currently provides nine en-suite letting rooms, a self-contained apartment with an open plan kitchen/dining/lounge area and a further self-contained apartment with a roof terrace. This could easily be converted to provide a 3 bedroom owners apartment.

The property has been the subject of considerable investment over the years with no major expenditure considered necessary, income is in the region of £70,000. Freehold price of £850,000 sav For further Information, please contact the selling agents EM&F on 01404 813762 quoting H33840R or visit for a large selection of catering establishments.

The Waters Edge, Spalding on the Market This business is located in the Lincolnshire town of Spalding only a stones throw from the popular water taxi in the town. The property is immaculate throughout and following refurbishment in 2017 has been furnished in a modern and contemporary style to an exceptionally high standard. This lovely 2 storey inn is of stonewash rendered brick construction sitting beneath a pitched, slate roof. An entrance to the front provides access to the lovely open plan trading area. There is a spacious Catering Kitchen area with fully skimmed plastered walls and a cooker hood canopy over ready to be kitted out with equipment and appliances (not included) in order to introduce a food offer to the business. Ground floor Beer Cellar with cask tilts.

The desirable owner’s accommodation has private access and has 3 double bedrooms. To the front of the property is a small delightful ‘al fresco’ ‘sun trap’ patio area with a bistro style table and chairs and colourful surrounding pots and planters. To the rear of the property is a hard-standing patio area with wooden picnic benches. Also to the rear is the patron’s car park with space for circa 10 cars however on street parking is readily available nearby. Location (village/town, county): Spalding, Lincs. Price: £225,000. Tenure: Freehold. Rent (if applicable): N/A. Landlord (if applicable): Private / Landlord. Turnover (annual): £1,600 per week (inc VAT). Wet:Dry split: 100% Wet. Contact the agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112.

David Hunter is the Hospitality Business Mentor – he works with owners and investors in hotels, restaurants and catering businesses. Ensuring the business performs and makes the required profit, is what David does, and he does this by:

Other areas that David advises on include:

• Marketing – general and specific (ie promotions etc) • Human Resources (HR) - including all the legislation, and disciplinary posi-

1. Setting realistic targets for the business, and creating budgets and forecasts 2. Monitoring Sales, Gross Margins and Labour costs very closely 3. Mentoring the owners and/or managers of the business to help them achieve their objectives

tions. • Reward and Bonus schemes – always linked to achievement of objectives • Customer Service - including Hospitality skills training Do contact David for an informal chat, or make an appointment to meet with him. Call David direct on: Mobile 07831 407984 or by email on Visit the website at or the Blogsite at

3 Local Businesses for Sale with Bettesworths

Ever considered owning and operating your own business? Starting a new business from scratch may be too daunting for some, but another popular choice is to purchase a business which is already established with a good local following and has the potential for further growth. With this in mind, Bettesworths, leading Leisure and Licensed Commercial Agents are offering 3 different businesses in Torbay. Park Snacks is centrally located within Paignton’s Victoria Park. The park is a wooded pleasure and recreation ground covering approximately 11 acres and is situated between Hyde Road and Torquay Road with access to central areas and the sea front. The current owner choses to close for January and February. Park Snacks offers a range of hot meals, snacks and ice creams alongside a choice of hot and cold drinks. The premises are owned by a private Landlord who will offer a six year lease, subject to satisfactory references, at a starting rent of £3,000 per annum, rising to £3,600. The Kiosk currently qualifies for 100% Small Business Rate Relief. Bettesworths are marketing Park Snacks at offers in excess of £25,000 for the leasehold interest, good will and trade inventory. Park Snacks would be an ideal opportunity for an inexperienced operator to ‘start small’ with their first venture. Café No 10 is an easily run café with low overheads. The café, which is both smartly decorated and well equipped, is centrally located within a parade of shops on Torquay Road. The Café has been recently refurbished in a London theme and offers a traditional café menu. The meals are freshly prepared using locally sourced ingredients where possible. Café No.10 has a strong local following which is boosted

during the holiday season by tourists visiting the area. The premises are held on a contributory lease with a term of 6 years from April 2014 at a rent of £6,000 per annum. The tenant is responsible for the shop front and internal upkeep of the premises and a percentage of the buildings insurance. Bettesworths are marketing the premises at an asking price of £30,000 for the leasehold interest to include trade inventory and goodwill. Fozzies Takeaway & Food Bar in Newton Abbot occupies a highly visible position on Queen Street just a few yards from Newton Abbot Railway Station. This thriving area of Newton Abbot offers a variety of retailers, professional services and catering outlets. Fozzies is an extremely popular takeaway food bar with a strong local customer base and has the potential to expand the trading hours. This established business is being marketed at an asking price of £35,000 for the Leasehold interest, to include trade inventory and goodwill. The premises are available via assignment of a 7 year Fully Repairing & Insuring Lease from February 2018 at a rent of £5,300 PA. There is also an option to purchase the freehold as an investment with business unaffected, at a price of £66,650. Genevieve Stringer, who heads the catering arm of Bettesworths commented, ‘We are contacted by more and more people interested in making a life style change. These three premises are a fine example of the catering businesses we have to offer our clients looking to take the first step in owning and operating their own business.’ For further information visit

May 2018

CLH News

Property and Professional


For Sale: The Exeter Inn, Ashburton, Devon

Stonesmith are delighted to be marketing the sale of The Exeter Inn. This substantial and deceptively spacious historic grade II listed property, with origins reputedly dating back to 1130, is believed to be the oldest pub in Ashburton. The traditional character town inn is well presented throughout and has been in the same ownership for 32 years. A real feature of this business is the spacious family sized Owner’s Accommodation, which could be suitable for two families. The property briefly comprises: - Attractive character Main Bar Area with exposed timbers and part exposed stone walls (seats 30+), attractive

character Lounge Bar/Dining Area again with exposed timbers and part exposed stone walls (seats 32), Commercial Catering Kitchen with back up and Ancillary Facilities, and well presented and very spacious family sized 5/6 Double Bedroom Owner’s Accommodation. Externally, to the rear of the property is a lovely Walled Beer Garden providing a tranquil seating area for around 22 customers with a Covered Smoking Shelter. The Freehold of this character inn is on the market for £399,950. Full details can be downloaded from the website and viewings arranged by calling 01392 201262.

Diverse Café Offering The Only Alfresco Dining In Town This popular Coffee Shop/Café which incorporates an extensive Delicatessen/Sandwich Bar is a popular destination for locals as well as holiday makers and would suit a variety of cuisine. The Café serves a popular and easily prepared menu to eat in or takeaway, deceptive premises being corner sited having a 20 cover enclosed alfresco dining area being the only one in town. The sale of Blue Sky Deli & Café provides an opportunity to acquire a popular growing business still

lending itself to further development within a desirable area, coupled with this are the attractive spacious premises enjoying

favourable overheads and with the benefit of an outside dining area. Trading daytime only, the business is easily manageable. Situated in a bustling shopping thoroughfare in the ever popular tourist destination of Christchurch, with its sandy beaches, cliff top walks and spectacular views. Leasehold price of £49,950 sav For further Information, please contact the selling agents EM&F on 01404 813762 quoting TR33800R or visit

The Mayflower, Austerfield, South Yorks/Notts Border

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

This business is located in the South Yorkshire village of Austerfield within the metropolitan borough of Doncaster on the edge of the Nottinghamshire border. Situated on the first floor and with private access are 4 very well-presented boutique en-suite letting rooms (2 suites & 2 luxury doubles with king size beds) that are popular all year round and attract many bookings from the nearby Robin Hood airport.

a delightful enclosed garden area with wooden picnic benches (circa 50+ covers) and shade sails. To the rear is the patron’s floodlit car park with space for circa 50 cars. Price: £849,995 plus VAT. Tenure: Freehold. Landlord: Private / Landlord. Turnover (annual): £726,000 (inc VAT). Wet:Dry split: 50% Food : 30% Wet ; 10% Accommodation: 10% Function. Contact the agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112.

To the front of the property is

PRICE: £159,950


PRICE: £50,000


PRICE: £795,000


• A Stylish and Well Presented Restaurant • Superior Living Accommodation • Prominent Location in Affluent Coastal Town • Restaurant and Bar Seating 45 • The Perfect Home & Income Property


REF: 2998


• Beautifully Refurbished Restaurant with Owners Accommodation • Highly Visible Premises Located on the Main Pedestrianised High Street • Main Trade Area Spaciously Seating 25, Al Fresco Seating for 8 • Modern Well Equipped Commercial Kitchen • Viewing Highly Recommended To Fully Appreciate the Premises


REF: 2884


• Fabulous 17th Century Coaching Inn 20+ Bed Hotel • Located within Dartmoor National Park • Well Established Business Presented to an Extremely High Standard • Under Management • Genuine Potential for Owner Driven Growth


REF 3095

PRICE: £35,000


PRICE: £125,000


PRICE: £115,000


PRICE: £599,950


REF: 3122


• Substantial Grade II Listed Thatched Country Inn with Letting Rooms • 100 + Covers Over 4 Character Trading Areas • 8 Very Well Appointed En Suite Letting Rooms • 1 Bed Owners Cottage • High Turnover Business - Further Growth Potential


REF: 3104


• Successful & Well-Established Vibrant Cafe/Bar/Bistro • Located in Sought After Area of Wellswood Village • Further Scope to Expand on the Current Business • Open Plan Trading Area Seating 60 - Covered Outside Seating • Turnover £445,000 inc VAT with Very Strong Net Profit





Exceptional Licensed Cafe and Restaurant Prime Town Centre Trading Position Impressive Sales Figures - £274K Great Potential Completely Refurbished and Purposefully Equipped Commercial Catering Kitchen

Popular Seafront B&B & Apartments Sought After East Devon Coastal Resort 5 Quality En-Suite Letting Bedrooms 2 Self-Contained Letting Apartments 3 Bedroom Owners Accommodation Patio (20), Car Parking (9), 2 Garages Impressive Levels of Trade & Profits

WILTSHIRE Impressive FREE OF TIE Pub Restaurant Extremely Well Presented Throughout Bar & Lounge Areas (40+), Restaurant (46) 3 Quality En-Suite Letting Bedrooms, 1 Bed Pvt Beer Garden (32) Car Park (20), Skittle Alley/Barn Successful Business with Strong Net Profits

FH £950,000

FREE OF TIE LH £99,950

LH £75,000



Established & Popular City Centre Cafe Daytime Trading Only Cafe Seating Area (66+) Run Under Full Management Busy & Well Known Catering Business

LH £129,995




REF: 2867


• Charming Grade II Listed 14th Century Village Freehouse • Available on Favourable Terms on a New Free of Tie Lease • Main Character Trading Area with Central Bar Servery (50 Covers) • 3 Bedroom Owners Accommodation Plus Large Car Park • Rare Opportunity with Huge Scope for Owner Occupier Couple





Thriving Licensed Cafe & Restaurant Established Town Centre Trading Position Currently Trading on Daytime Basis Only Demand & Potential for Evening Opening Licensed Cafe/Restaurant Area (45+) Al Fresco Seating for 32

LH £120,000




Spacious Character Wet Led Freehouse Highly Desirable South Dartmoor Town Main Bar (30+), Lounge Bar/Dining Area (32+) Beer Garden (22), Smoking Shelter (8) 5/6 Bedroom Private Owners Accom Lots of Potential for Developing Trade Levels

FH £399,950




• Smart Licensed Restaurant in Prominent Location • Large Versatile Residential Accommodation Above • Trading to Suit Current Owner With Scope to Increase the Opening Hours • Well Equipped Premises • A Perfect Turnkey Operation Providing a Great Opportunity


PRICE: £279,950







REF 2691


• Stunning Country House Hotel in a Beautiful Valley in Dartmoor National Park • Set in 36 Acres with 7 Beautifully Presented En Suite Letting Rooms • Separate 2 Bed Owners Accom. • Residents Lounge, Dining Conservatory and ‘Middle Lounge’ • Unique Opportunity to Acquire a First Class ‘Home & Income’ Property


REF: 3108




Quality Daytime Cafe & Coffee Shop Prime Trading Position in Regency Town Main Cafe/Restaurant (74) Self-Contained 2 Bedroom Owners Apartment Potential for Evening Trade

Well Regarded Licensed Restaurant Bar Area (12), Dining Rooms (45) Impressive Spacious 4/5 Bed Pvt Accom Private Walled Patio Garden Area First Time on Market for Over 30 Years

Unique North Devon Coastal Bistro, Bar & Café Prime Trading Position Overlooking Beach Bar & Restaurant (52), Sea View Terrace (12) Recently Refurbished to Exceptional Standard Trading Only 9 Months of the Year Opportunities for Year Round Opening

LH £99,995

FH £390,000




LH £70,000


01392 201262

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Terry Osborne Pub, Hotel & Restaurant Insurance Specialists We at Terry Osborne Insurance promising cover as in too many Limited we aim to ensure that our Services are a specialist Insurance cases clients only realise that their premiums are not reduced by cutBroker in the Hotel, Pub, ting our coverage and we are Guest House and B&B sector continually checking the marTERRY TERRY OSBORNE OSBORNE offering an impeccable service INSURANCE SE INSURANCE SERVICES ER RV VICES LTD LT L TD ket to ensure that we are at a reasonable premium. providing a quality service at a PPub, Hotel estaurant otel & RRestaurant ub, H competitive price. As a family run business we Insurance Insurance Specialist Specialist pride ourselves on our perFor further information conIt would be 1622 7745 45 2297 97 tact TERRY OSBORNE Telephone elephone 001622 sonal service with clients all embarrassing not A u t h o r i s e d a n d R e g u l a t e d by t h e over the UK we are pleased to Insurance Services Ltd on to be covered! Fina ncia l Conduct Aut horit y offer our expertise and advice. 01622 745 297, email cover has been compromised to As with everything in life you seem lower their premium after a costly to get what you pay for! As trade or visit claim, which is all too late. At Terry specialists we are keen to offer a competitive premium without com- Osborne Insurance Services

May 2018

CLH News


• Emergency rescue & debt management • • Creditor problems & legal actions • • HMRC, utilities & business rates arrears • • Secured & unsecured financing • • Cash-flow funding & Investor finance • • Business & appraisal plans • • Planning consents & redevelopment • Ca ll us • Project management • toda y • Business purchase • witho ut For Hotels, Pubs & Restaurants delay (Leasehold, Freehold, single & multi-unit)

01183 800949

07538 161544

Immediate Access To Working Capital! At Got Capital, we understand that the unexpected happens, like unexpected hefty taxes or maybe you miscalculated how much inventory you need during the holidays. Got Capital is here to help you to get quick and easy funding- that is there the next day. Got Capital offers a form of financing that allows a company to sell a portion of its future sales in exchange for an immediate payment. Therefore, Got Capital is a royalty based investment. There is no personal guarantee or collateral. A risk-free way of getting funding? sounds amazing doesn’t it? Got Capital is dedicated to get business owners the best

and quality customer service while help them receive funding up to £100K. Started by two entrepreneurs trying to create a better space for business owners to get funding quick. Signing up is fast and easy! Within a day of your application you get approved in just a few hours and the funds are in your business bank account-the same day. Time is an important asset for a company- don’t let it get wasted by waiting at a bank for funding. Try Got Capital today and experience an easy risk free way of receiving funding. Call us now with offer code CLH! Call 0800 368 9695 or see the advert on this page for details.

ANDREW GREENWOOD BUSINESS TRANSFER AGENT WATERSIDE BAR, RESTAURANT AND HOTEL WITH 10 LUXURY BEDROOMS, SITUATED ON THE FRINGES OF THE NEW FOREST, HYTHE MARINA VILLAGE, HAMPSHIRE. Run under management. Adjoining 70+ cover restaurant & bar with waterfront views plus terrace seating for 40. Catering kitchen. 10 en suite letting bedrooms for 22 guests. NB. No owner’s accomm. Approx. £500,000 spent on refurbishments in the last 8 years. Rec. gross T/O approx. £860,000 (inc. VAT). Accounts available. Held on two 25 year leases from 2010 at combined rental of £60,000 p.a.x. – OFFERS IN EXCESS OF £200,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. F/C.3750) MEDITERRANEAN RESTAURANT WITH FULL ON-LICENCE, OCCUPYING A PRIME POSN, CITY CENTRE, SOUTHAMPTON. Tastefully furnished with 50 covers and well-equipped catering kitchen. Run by couple. Takings fluctuate between £5,000/£8,000 pw. GP 65%. Scope to extend opening hours. Lease with approx. 11½ years remaining at current rental of £18,000 p.a.x. - £75,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3747) CHARACTER GIN & TAPAS BAR, WITH FIRST FLOOR A LA CARTE RESTAURANT & REAR TRADE GARDEN, AMIDST CONSERVATION AREA, IN SOLENT SAILING MECCA, HAMPSHIRE. Occupying an enviable location. Charming bar with oak plank floor – seats 16/20. Pleasantly furnished first flr restaurant – seats 30. Well equipped catering kitchen & delightful rear trade garden has covered seating & 2 thatched rotundas. Same hands 9 yrs. Only open 5 eves a week & closed Sunday. Projected T/O approx. £300,000 p.a. GP 64%+. 25 yr lease from Sept 2009 at current rental of £20,000 p.a.x. – OIRO £195,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. F/C.3740)

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