CLH News #216 September 2018

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Page 2

Editor's Viewpoint

Page 14

Sous Vide Cooking

Pages 16-21

Cider Review

Pages 22-24

Restaurant Show Preview

Page 26

Products and Services

Pages 27-29

Hospitality Technology

Pages 30-31

Alfresco Dining

Pages 32-37

Design and Refit

Pages 38-39

Property and Professional




Landlords Blame Cheap Supermarket “Booze” for Closures

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Cheap supermarket booze rather than alcohol taxes is the main reason why pubs are closing, according to a major new survey of North East landlords – while few have seen any benefit from tax cuts in alcohol duty over recent years. Those are two of the main findings from a major survey of publicans who were asked for their views on why British pubs are under pressure, future prospects for their business, and what landlords think the Government could do to tackle alcohol harm while helping our pubs to flourish. The survey was commissioned by Balance, the North East Alcohol Office, and carried out by independent researchers. With 70% of alcohol sold in the North East now bought from supermarkets and off licenses, it found: • Cheap alcohol in supermarkets and off licenses was the top reason given by landlords as to why they think pubs are closing. • 67% say drinking patterns have changed in recent years, including customers coming out less and more customers pre-loading. • 3 out of 4 landlords said increasing supermarket alcohol prices would help tackle alcohol harm, and 64% say it is the best way the Government could support the pub trade.

• Only 4% of landlords named taxes on alcohol as one of the main causes of pub closures while 89% said that recent cuts in alcohol duty had not helped their business. Just 7% said cuts in alcohol tax have helped. • Around half of landlords support Minimum Unit Price for alcohol – a policy which would tackle the cheapest supermarket alcohol while leaving 99% of pub prices untouched. • Almost half of landlords (45%) think the UK has an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. • 78% said tougher drink drive regulations would help tackle alcohol harm. Cuts on alcohol duty are often presented as a highprofile measure to help pubs, but analysis by the Institute of Alcohol Studies has found they instead accelerate the shift towards supermarkets, making it harder for pubs to compete. Price comparisons for August 2018 show it is possible to buy 30 cans of 4.8% premium lager for £21 from one major supermarket – just 70p a can. In 2017 alcohol duty was cut in real terms for the fifth year out of six. It has been calculated these policies will have cost the Treasury an incredible £8.1 billion by 2023 – enough to pay for either 34 million emergency ambulance call outs, 52,000 social care packages for older people, or 60 million hospital outpatient appointments.

Colin Shevills, Director of Balance, the North East Alcohol Office, said: “Britain’s pubs are clearly under pressure and we wanted to hear what local landlords are feeling. Too often the reasons for closures are put forward by multinational alcohol producers who have as much of a stake in selling it from supermarkets as in protecting the British pub. “Landlords are clearly feeling the impact of cheap supermarket and off license alcohol, and they want something done about it. One of the patterns they have seen over recent years is fewer people coming out and more people pre-loading with cheap alcohol. “The message is clear: it seems alcohol tax cuts are not passed down to pubs or their locals, and landlords want a more even playing field with supermarkets. One way to close that growing gap between on and off trade would be the introduction of a minimum unit price for alcohol in England.” Professor Sir Ian Gilmore, a liver physician and chairman of the Alcohol Health Alliance, said: “At a time when our NHS is facing funding pressures and the Government has promised the NHS an extra £20.5 billion by 2023/24, the question is why we have seen several years of tax giveaways to the alcohol industry. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3...)


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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Editor's Viewpoint

September 2018

Welcome to the September issue of CLH News! The Chancellor hasn’t yet announced the date of his autumn budget. But there are once again rumours that he may scrap the alcohol duty freeze which was put in place last year. The Guardian newspaper suggested in July that some MPs were lobbying the government to ditch the alcohol duty frees to help raise an additional £20 billion of financial support which has been promised to the National Health Service. EDITOR As you will see in an article on page 7 eight pubs, restaurants and bars are closing each day and the decline has been seen all over the country. Yes over expansion in the casual dining sector has saturated the market, but the overriding factor which hits the sector immeasurably is over taxation. Thankfully some MPs recognise this and in June a motion was tabled by Toby Perkins MP, who sits as the Chair of the All Party Group on Pubs, asking that pubs to receive more support and tax breaks in a bid to save the beleaguered industry. He rightly said that pubs are “incredibly important” to the health of the UK’s local economies. “There is concern that the overall burden of tax on our pubs is excessive and MP’s across the house will continue to make the case to do more to support this crucial sector.” Added to the burden is cheap supermarket alcohol, as our lead story on page 1 highlights. We often hear that proposals for minimum unit pricing would be disaster for the industry, however a report in September last year by the Institute of Alcohol Studies entitled, Pubs Quizzed: What Publicans Think About Policy, Public Health and the Changing Trade, summarised the findings of its nationally representative survey of publicans, revealing a common ground between the pub trade and public health advocates. In particular, identifying a common enemy: cheap alcohol in the off-trade. The report confirmed that while industry organisations like the Alcohol Health Alliance regularly demand that government take action on ‘pocket money prices’ in supermarkets and off-licences, cheap alcohol was causing just as much consternation among publicans, who feel unable to compete. Supermarket competition was identified as the single greatest threat to pubs, with 48% rating it among their top three concerns. One response the report states would be to introduce a minimum unit price (MUP) for alcohol. If this were set at 50p per unit, the price of around half the alcohol sold in the off-trade would increase, but less than 1% of ontrade sales would be affected. Our survey found overall support for the measure, with 41% in favour and 22% against. So, when the Chancellor set a date for his budget we very much hope that he takes this on board, and targets supermarket in his effort to raise revenue and not the on trade! I would also “yet again” take this opportunity to ask a big favour! We have been publishing for 18 years and have never charged for our publication, we are an advertising led title, it is how we operate and could not provide the service we do without it! I would ask you to sign up online for our twice-weekly digital newsletter, bringing you a roundup of the industry’s latest news, plus offers from our reliable and trusted advertisers. This enables us to continue our free to trade publication and provide the best possible service to our advertisers, so please sign up at and please follow us on Twitter! @CLHNEWS

Peter Adams

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PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG


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EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Shelly Roche Published by

“This survey highlights very clearly that alcohol tax cuts have conferred little benefit onto pubs. At the same time, cheap alcohol is continuing to cause a toll of death and disease in England, with liver disease still the only major cause of death that is increasing year on year and at an alarming rate.” The survey comes as major beer and alcohol producers lobby the government to cut alcohol duty further, even though only 4% of North East landlords in the survey blamed alcohol taxes for the closure of pubs. Mr Shevills added: “On the one hand it is good to see publicans generally optimistic about the future. Well managed pubs play an important role in local communities but there are major health concerns with the growing dominance of cheap supermarket and offlicense alcohol. “What is clear from our survey is that publicans also support a number of measures which are being advocated by public health bodies. What is less clear is

whether in opposing Minimum Unit Price and advocating further alcohol duty cuts, big alcohol corporations and their representative bodies are truly representing the interests of the great British pub.” Kevin Hindmarsh, a pub manager and Vice Chairman of Newcastle City Pubwatch believes that minimum unit price should be introduced in England to tackle the sale of cheap alcohol. He said: “I think supermarket alcohol is too cheap and prices should be raised. Pubs can’t compete and it is having a negative impact on our industry. “We haven’t felt any benefits of alcohol duty cuts. They are only making alcohol cheaper in supermarkets, rather than helping to support pubs. “Landlords also have a legal responsibility in harm reduction and they can monitor the amount people are drinking in pubs and bars, whereas supermarkets have no control over the amount of alcohol people buy or consume.

The Institute of Alcohol Studies has found that the affordability of beer in supermarket and off-licences has risen by 188% since 1987, while the affordability of wine and spirits has gone up by 131%. Increases in alcohol tax between 2008 and 2012 briefly halted this trend and limited the price difference, but subsequent tax cuts have seen affordability rise steeply again in shops and supermarkets with beer 22% more affordable than in 2012. Scotland introduced a Minimum Unit Price (MUP) of 50p per unit in May, and MUP is set to follow in Wales and Ireland. MUP is a designed to tackle the health impacts from cheap supermarket alcohol. A level at 50p per unit would largely affect the price in supermarkets but is estimated to only affect around 1% of drinks in pubs.



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Landlords Blame Cheap Supermarket “Booze” for Closures

September 2018 combat the sale of cheap alcohol and the impact it has on our communities. Minimum unit price targets cheap alcohol products, such as the 2 litre bottles of cider, which are on sale in supermarkets and off licences. It is not going to affect the run of the mill pubs, as we cannot sell alcohol that cheap.”

“We need to bring in minimum unit price to help

JD Wetherspoon to Replace Drinks with Those from UK and Non-EU Producers Pub company JD Wetherspoon is to increase its range of drinks from UK and non-EU producers across its 880 pubs from Wednesday September 26 in the run up to Brexit. It says the move will result in lower prices for customers in its pubs. The pubs will stop serving Jagermeister (a herbal liqueur from Germany), as well as French brandies Courvoisier VS and Hennessy Fine de Cognac from September 26. They will be replaced with E&J Brandy (the number two selling brandy in the USA), Black Bottle (the number one selling brandy in Australia) and Strika, a herbal liqueur produced in England.

Wetherspoon has already replaced Champagne with sparkling wines from the UK and Australia in its pubs as well as German wheat beers with those from the UK. Wetherspoon founder and chairman, Tim Martin, said: “ The three new products will be offered at a lower price than those they are replacing. “This is a significant move by us and highlights our commitment to offering an excellent range of UK and world products, with the emphasis on quality and value for the two million customers who visit

our pubs each week. “In blind tastings conducted by Wetherspoon, the new products were more popular than those they are replacing. “We will continue to review all products over the next 24 months, with the object of making the business more competitive and offering the best choice and value for customers. “Many commentators talk of a “cliff-edge” if the UK “crashes out” of the EU without a deal. “In reality, there is no cliff-edge, only sunlit uplands beyond the EU’s protectionist system of quotas and tariffs. “All EU products have UK or non-EU replacements, often at equal or better quality and price.

E&J Brandy and Strika will be available in all Wetherspoon pubs from September 26, while Black Bottle will be available from the start of November.

“It’s important to remember that 93 per cent of the world is outside the EU.”


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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

September 2018

Christmas Cheer Adds To The Bottom Line For Leisure Businesses CONSUMERS would not only spend longer in a venue at Christmas if the festive decorations and displays were impressive but they would also spend more money, according to new research. A survey of 1,000 UK consumers carried out by e-tailer Christmas Tree World has revealed that Christmas is an opportunity for bars, restaurants, hotels and other leisure venues to maximise on sales with 59% of those surveyed stating they would spend more money if the venue they were in had impressive Christmas decorations and displays - £21 more on average per head to be exact. The research revealed that notable festive displays would have a similar impact on a customer’s dwell time, with two thirds (66%) claiming they would spend more time at the venue. In fact, Britons’ would spend 54 minutes longer on average. The survey quizzed respondents on how they choose which hotels, bars, restaurants, pubs shopping centres and other leisure venues at Christmas time and uncovered what consumers consider to be an important part of their experience. More than half of respondents (51%) said a venue offering Christmas food menu is important to them, while 28% feel the same about a Christmas drinks menu. 45% state it’s important to them that there are Christmas decorations and displays in the venue they choose to spend time in, while 43% said a Christmas tree is a significant feature. Almost a third (30%) cite whether a venue plays Christmas music as something they would consider important when choosing a venue. In fact, 15% of participants claim they would not visit venue unless it was appropriately decorated for Christmas. Stephen Evans, managing director, Christmas Tree World, commented: “It’s clear to see that consumers enjoy feeling the Christmas cheer around them when they are out eating, drinking, socialising, shopping and staying in hotels and this is a real opportunity for businesses. “The research revealed the value of investing in impressive Christmas trees, decorations and displays as we can see it has a direct impact on dwell time and customer spend. “Spending even a small amount on Christmas decorations which can be reused year after year can ultimately boost business performance significantly. “If every customer spent £21 more every time they visited a leisure venue throughout the Christmas season, that is going to have a serious impact on the business’ bottom line – this is not to be ignored.” Christmas Tree World is one of the UK's premium artificial Christmas tree et ailers, providing unique andrealistic decorations to provide a truly magical Chri stmas for all the family. For more information, please visit or see the advert on page 2.

What Restaurants & Pubs Can 'Takeaway' From Changing Trends By Nick Hucker, Preoday CEO

According to The NPD Group, the takeaway and delivery market is growing ten times faster than the eating out market. In a 2017 report it said the delivery channel of Britain’s eating-out foodservice market was worth £3.6 billion as of YE December 2016. And, while total visits to ‘eat out’ have increased just 1% year-on-year to 11.3 billion, the delivery sector jumped nearly 10% to 599 million visits in that year. There is clearly some money to be made from digital ordering and delivery, but which way is most profitable? With a few aggregator platforms having come to dominate the scene at an early stage, the number of options available to restaurants seems small - on the surface at least. Every restaurant or pub owner in the UK has heard of Just Eat, Deliveroo and Uber Eats, aggregator platforms that give consumers the option to choose between numerous local eateries. Despite associated costs, with labour and rent expenses abounding, many food and drink establishments consider them an important way to boost their revenue. What many of the same restaurant owners don’t know is that cost-effective alternative providers are available with lower, or no commission costs. Furthermore, while restaurant & pub owners being charged commission know they are signing up to hand over a percentage of every order they take, most consumers don’t. They often don’t know that their money isn’t all going to the restaurant they are ordering from. This was a point raised during research, car-

ried out by Preoday earlier this year, exploring the current takeaway trend and the role of ordering technologies for food and drink businesses.

the cost). Only 12% said it was about right, and 4% claimed their fee was cheap. It seems that the thoughts of the professionals aligned with those of the consumers.



Starting by asking consumers whether they do, in fact, order food online or via an app, a significant 74% said they happily do so. Breaking this down further, 30% said they use aggregators while 23% go straight to the restaurant/pub to order - 21% will look at both options and decide at the time.

If a business is paying around 20% per order, and it thinks that is too high - and its customers would rather place their spend with the business direct - then we have to ask: why not cut out that middleman? Why not use a technology that doesn’t stand in the way financially?

It may not be a huge surprise that aggregators come out on top (though not by much) their convenience is clear, but when it was revealed that many sites take a cut from each order, did those same consumers care? The answer, for the most part, was yes; 70% said that with that knowledge, they’d rather order direct, preferring that their money goes straight to the restaurant, not a third party. Only 15% said they didn’t really care how much money the restaurant received from their order. This is key. It shows that with simple education, consumers would be willing to change their ordering habits without breaking from the takeaway trend. It also demonstrates that they want to support their favourite brands. Given how much revenue some venues lose to third party platforms, this finding is significant.

WHAT’S ON OFFER? Given the trend for online ordering and delivery, and the related use of ordering apps, a further, professional panel, was asked whether they were already offering their customers the option to place digital orders. Just under half, 44%, said they were - 27% were using third party services or a combination of third party and owned. Of those that offered an owned, or third party, service, more than two thirds (68%) were paying some form of commission - 25% are paying more than 20% per order! They were then asked what they thought of the fee they were charged - 82% said it was too high (33% said far too high and not worth

As 38% of the the professional panel said, once you’ve started using a third-party ordering technology, it’s difficult to break away. The same number admitted they would rather their business had its own ordering website/app than use a third-party provider. In fact, only 14% thought that it’s better for a brand to have a third party app than for a company to use its own order or delivery app. Whether a restaurant chooses to partner with an aggregator technology, or work with a company to produce its own branded app, the most important thing is that they make moves to capitalise on the ordering and delivery trend. The NPD Group has predicted that app visits will grow much faster than the general eat out market. Currently accounting for 146m visits a year, app visits are set to account for 28% of total market growth over the next two years, reaching almost 200m visits a year by 2019. This is a clear indicator of the need to explore digital ordering options, both for delivery and click and collect. No one should ever advocate jumping into a technology relationship without completing thorough industry and customer research, such decisions should not be made lightly. Saying that, now is the time to kick-off that research and to decide whether an ordering app is right for your business. If so, do you want one that carries your brand or one that places you alongside others? How do you want to pay for the service, monthly, or via commission? There are choices to make, and now is the time to make them.

Restaurants Toil in Summer Cider Industry Calls for Budget Cider Duty Cut Heat, While Pubs Make Hay September 2018

July’s heatwave was good news for Britain’s pubs – but heaped more pressure on the country’s restaurant chains, latest figures from the Coffer Peach Business Tracker show. Managed pub and bar groups saw collective like-for-like sales rise 2.7% against last July, while sales across restaurant groups plummeted, down a substantial 4.8% in like-for-like trading, Overall, the differing fortunes of pub and restaurant businesses cancelled each other out, with the combined managed pub, bar and restaurant sector seeing like-forlikes flat in July, recording exactly 0% growth.

“Continued sunshine and England’s longer than expected participation in the World Cup meant July followed a similar pattern to the previous month of June, when pubs were up 2.8%, except that restaurants were hit even harder. The fall of 1.8% in trading in June just got worse in July,” said Peter Martin, vice president of CGA, the business insight consultancy that produces the Tracker, in partnership with Coffer Group and RSM. “Drink-led pubs and bars performed by far the strongest with like-for-likes up more than restaurants were down. Food-led pubs also suffered in the sun with negative like-for-likes, although not as dramatically as the restaurant operators,” said Martin. “It seems people just wanted to go out for a drink. Across managed pubs and bars drink sales were up 6.6% for the month, with food down -3.0%.” Paul Newman, head of leisure and hospitality at RSM said: “These results continue the trend we’ve seen since

the end of April. Weather and the impact of major social or sporting events remain the biggest factors when it comes to sales in the out-of-home market. It comes as no surprise that restaurant groups continue to struggle, albeit a sales drop of 4.8% year-on-year will be particularly painful on top of ongoing cost pressures. The long hot summer could not have come at a worse time for food-led operators and time will tell whether the more moderate temperatures we’ve experienced in August will provide some much-needed respite.” Underlying like-for-like growth for the 47 companies in the Tracker cohort, which represents both large and small groups, was running at 0.5% for the 12 months to the end of June, down slightly from the 0.7% at the end of June. Trevor Watson, executive director at Davis Coffer Lyons said: “London had a particularly strong month with overall like-for-like sales up 2.6%. This was driven predominantly by the capital’s pubs market – buoyed by England’s unexpected progression at the World Cup – which were trading 6.1% ahead. The rest of the country had a more difficult period with like-for-like sales down 0.9%. Restaurant trading fell a painful 5.6% – compared with 2.8% down in the capital – with pub like-for-likes up just 1.7% despite the football.” Total sales growth across the pub and restaurant cohort, which includes the effect of new openings, was 2.7% in July, reflecting the slow down in brand roll-outs, and running at 3.6% for the 12 months to the end of the month.

Chancellor Invited on “Pub Crawl”

The Chancellor has been invited on a “Pub Crawl” to see first-hand hand the issues currently facing beleaguered pubs struggling under the current business rates system. Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski, invited Mr Hammond to visit pubs in Shrewsbury including his local, the Salopian, to hear concerns of landlords saying“I would like him to hear first hand of the extraordinary rise in business rates some of these pubs have had to deal with,” The Chancellor responded: “Providing I can get it in writing, I am very tempted to consider that offer

and I will negotiate with him, adding ““Pubs in Shrewsbury have benefited from recent cuts to alcohol duties and business rates, but of course we recognise the challenge many small businesses are facing and we will bear that very much in mind as we formulate policies going forward.”

Labour MP Jenny Chapman also extended a drinks invitation to Mr Hammond, this time in her constituency of Darlington, She said: “He is obviously very welcome on a pub crawl around Darlington too.Many of us who represent towns are fighting hard to support our high streets. The

situation needs urgently looking at. Will he investigate the way in which small pubs are disadvantaged by the business rates system?” While declining an invitation from Ms Chapman around Darlington, the Chancellor did offer to look at business rates again. “We all realise high streets are under pressure, primarily because the behaviour of consumers is changing,” he said.We cannot simply turn our backs on a change which is driven by consumer behaviour but we do have to support business as they meet that challenge.”

Gordon Johncox the incoming chairman of the National Association of cider makers (NACM), and CEO of cider maker Aston Manor, has called for a 2p cut per pint in cider duty in this autumn’s budget, and expressed concerns regarding misinformation when he told delegates at the All-Party Parliamentary Cider Group that :”while we all work together, we can struggle when we are singled out unfairly. Sometimes it’s hard not to feel under siege when time and again fingers are pointed at the cider category in isolation. We need an excise duty structure that allows all cider makers to flourish”. Adding “with our 6% market share, it’s simply impos-

CLH News


sible for cider makers to be the source of all problems relating to alcohol misuse” The new health-related duty band on still cider and perry of at least 6.9% but not exceeding 7.5% alcohol by volume due to come in at the Budget will hit “a large number of premium cider makers” and unfairly targets cider makers. Mr Johncox says policy has to be evidence-based but at the moment is “deminising certain drinks”. The NACM has opened full membership to all sizes of cider maker and Johncox said all could make a difference campaigning for the sector. Cider makers attract one million tourists a year, he added. Group chairman Ian Liddell-Grainger MP said Parliament’s challenge was to “keep the duty on cider down – this is a British success story, a British way of life”. He said after Brexit in March 2019, “we need to tell the world that our cider is a world beater”.

'Keep It Simple' Urges Pub Guide Keep it simple is the message as Britain’s pubs are urged to “ditch the fancy food” and stick to traditional “grub” such as ploughman’s lunches and bangers and mash. The Good Pub Guide 2019 said pretentious and inaccessible menus were a turn-off for pub-goers.

ents, but ones that we can all recognise.” The guide also reports that London has regained “top spot” as being the country’s top most expensive place for a pint of beer, which has risen 24p in the past year to £4.44 p per pint, compared to the national average which is £3.69 per pint, Pub of the year award went to Cock at Hemingford Grey, described as “A first class, pretty pub in a delightful village”.


The 37th edition of the guide published earlier this week claims that customers are “fed up of asking waiters to explain the dish or having to use their mobile phones to decipher menu” The guide said: “Pubs and good food now go hand in hand, but many chefs appear to have gone Masterchefmad. We really aren’t interested in eating kabsa, katsuobushi, matbucha, succotash, tataki or verjus in a pub. We don’t want our dishes adorned with carrot fluff, edible sand or fish ‘foam’. Leave that to the swanky restaurants. We want good, honest pub grub.” Fiona Stapley, the guide’s editor, said: “In the 37 years of the Good Pub Guide’s existence, fancy food fads have come and gone, but what always stands fast is honest cooking using tip-top local, seasonal, ingredi-

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

September 2018

Brexit - 'Heads Have to Roll In Organisations Which Have Misled The Public' Pro-Remain organisations like the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), the Food and Drink Federation (FDF), the British Retail Consortium (BRC), the Times, the Guardian and the Financial Times have misled the public by mendaciously reporting, as if it were a fact, that food and drink prices will rise if we leave the EU without a ‘deal’, says Wetherspoon Chairman Tim Martin. Speaking out today Martin cites Helen Dickinson, the BRC chief, supported by comments from UK Hospitality and the FDF, when she said last week that “the facts of a no-deal Brexit (are) reduced availability and higher prices of food and medicine, increased delays and red tape at borders, and a VAT bombshell for consumers and businesses”. In reality, Martin says the EU is a “protectionist racket, which masquerades as a free trade system, but actually imposes high tariffs on non-EU rice, wine, oranges, coffee, children’s clothes and shoes, and over 12,000

other products.” He states that “If the UK adopts free trade and reduces or ends tariffs, as countries like Singapore, Switzerland, New Zealand and Australia have, non-EU goods in shops and pubs will fall in price. In addition, under World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules, EU imports will continue, as now, to be tariff-free, since all countries must be treated equally in the absence of a free trade deal.” As well as reducing prices for products like Aussie wine and Asian rice, which are already imported to the UK, ending tariffs, quotas and the general paraphernalia of EU protectionism will also increase competition, by encouraging suppliers who are today reluctant to trade with the EU. With Brexit in view, Wetherspoon has already engaged with a number of non-EU suppliers in recent months, who are extremely keen to do business – and can often offer better terms than are available from the EU.

ReFood Calls For Government Backing To Tackle Food Waste Crisis According to startling new insight from Boston Consulting Group, global food waste rates will increase by a third before 2030. Here Philip Simpson, commercial director at ReFood, discusses why government support is essential to prevent the food waste crisis from escalating further out of control. “Every year, more than 30% of all food produced worldwide is thrown away – a figure set to rise over the next decade and become the equivalent of disposing 66 tonnes every second. The UK is a notable contributor, producing 1.9m tonnes of food waste per annum and sending 40% straight to landfill. “Unfortunately, it’s not likely to change any time soon. Our national waste management infrastructure is outdated and disjointed. The power to change this, however, is devolved to the strict budgets of district councils, meaning municipal food waste collection schemes are few and far between.

to recycle food waste instead, we could offset 27m tonnes of greenhouse emissions, save the average household £470 a year and potentially produce more than 1.1TWh of energy. “If we don’t, 66 tonnes every second will become a reality. And, unfortunately, we can’t turn this around without government support. While, the financial and environmental imperatives stack up, we need food waste collections to be mandated right across the UK. “So, what needs to be done? Firstly, we the must ban food waste to landfill and mandate household food waste collections. Secondly, we need to take the time to educate homeowners about the importance of food waste recycling and that anaerobic digestion is an ideal solution to recover energy from our waste.” “Change is possible, but we need government support to make it a reality”.

“In result, an estimated £13 billion of food is sent to landfill – a huge shame when you consider the sheer volume of resources used to produce it. If we were

For more information about ReFood and its food waste recycling services, visit or see the advert on page 12.

UKHospitality Condemns Introduction of Personal Licence Renewal Fees in Scotland UKHospitality has reacted to the Scottish Government’s decision to introduce a fee for personal licence renewal with swift condemnation. The trade association had previously called for renewals to be scrapped, in line with legislation in England and Wales. UKHospitality’s Executive Director in Scotland Willie Macleod said: “We responded to the consultation and highlighted the successful elimination of the renewal process in England and Wales. Removing the requirement to renew has

reduced administrative burdens for both businesses and local authorities without any consequences. “The Scottish Government’s decision to introduce fees for renewal will mean an additional headache for councils and an extra financial burden that employers in Scotland could do without. This sort of approach to business, treating them as cash-cows or burdens to be managed, rather than assets to be supported and encouraged, does little to boost vital businesses.”

Martin adds “ The raison d’être of business is free trade and most people would assume that organisations like the CBI and the BRC would strenuously campaign for it post-Brexit.”

Discounting “Does Not Work” Says City Analysts

“ Yet their hypocritical argument for ‘frictionless borders’ applies only to the EU and disregards other countries where there is huge opportunity for tariff-free trade. In fact, they are closet supporters of the EU’s protectionist tariff and quota barriers.”

Discounting meals to get diners through the door doesn’t work says city analyst Langton Capital

“The main danger is that these trade organisations, combined with their supporters in boardrooms, academia and the press, are bringing business and free markets into disrepute.”

Langton Capital site the recent company voluntary arrangements (CVAs) in the sector which they say has shown discounting doesn’t work and operators should bite the bullet and re-base prices. It stated: “The rash of CVAs suggests ‘quick fixes’ have been found out. Discounting is contagious and addictive. But here’s a thought – why not bite the bullet and re-base prices, a la The Restaurant Group? Because even at inflated prices, Prezzo and others have

“ By repeating the falsehood that food prices will inevitably rise without a deal, as in Dickinson’s recent statement, the business class will be perceived as lying to the public for the sake of its own political ideology.” “Lastly, no deal will not only provide us with tariff-free trade but will also mean we avoid a £39 billion parting gift to the EU, while regaining control of our fishing waters and reinstating true democracy in the UK. “It’s time for heads to roll in the trade organisations, boardrooms and media who have fed these false stories.Truth matters, and those who have misled customers and the public must pay the price.”

struggled, organised CVAs etc. Is the cart before the horse? Is it the operating costs that make these incumbents so reluctant to reduce prices? Is it the customers’ job to fund a cocktail of high rents, blistering rates, inflated ‘c-suite’ salaries etc? "The customers themselves certainly don’t think so. Fulham Shore is one of a few operators that works on a lower margin, offers value, and makes money by being popular rather than upselling, menu engineering or gouging. Everyday low pricing has worked well for JD Wetherspoon and McDonald’s over the

years and, furthermore, nobody questions their quality. We’d suggest it’s simple but not easy – be good at your job and work hard. Our point is, while the market is undoubtedly in a tough spot right now, there are some gaping differences in customer propositions and financial health out there. The losers are highly visible – lease-encumbered, debt-saddled, (often) private equity-backed incumbents that charge too much and discount to no avail. But there will also be winners – relevant operators that offer value for money, a unique experience, and interesting cuisines that resonate with the consumer, for example.”

Eight Pubs, Restaurants and Bars Closing Each Day Says Report Britain has 3,116 fewer restaurants, pubs, bars and other licensed premises than 12 months ago, according to the latest edition of the Market Growth Monitor, from CGA and AlixPartners. The exclusive report shows that there were 119,800 licensed sites across the country in June 2018 – a fall of 2.5% since June 2017. It represents average net closures over the last year of around eight premises a day. The rate of closures has nearly doubled since the last edition of the Market Growth Monitor three months ago, when the year-on-year decline measured 1.3%. Every part of the country has seen a decline, ranging from 3.4% in Wales to 1% in the West Midlands, with London seeing a 2.3% fall. Continuing the trend of the last few years, community pubs continue to account for the majority of closures. But the Market Growth Monitor also indicates that restaurant numbers are falling too. After a period of growth that has seen Britain’s total restaurants increase by 11% in just five years, numbers fell 1% in the 12 months to June 2018. The findings confirm other recent CGA research revealing a host of challenges in the restaurant sector, including fierce competition, flat like-for-like sales and escalating input costs. The casual dining sector has seen a series of closures and CVAs from a number of high-profile names in the first half of 2018, although others, especially ambitious fledgling brands, continue to expand.

September 2018

CLH News


The Market Growth Monitor reveals other bright spots for openings – especially in northern city centres including Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds, which all now have at least a fifth more licensed premises than five years ago. Operators are increasingly looking beyond London and the south east for openings, with the number of managed, branded restaurants outside the M25 increasing by 5.9% in the last year, compared to just 1.5% within it. The quarterly Market Growth Monitor from CGA and AlixPartners provides expert in-depth analysis of trends in restaurant, pub, and bar openings and closures. Its data is drawn from CGA’s Outlet Index, a comprehensive and continually updated database of all licensed premises in Britain. Responding to the report UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The perfect storm of cost pressures presented by ever-increasing business rates and wage costs continues to batter the hospitality sector. Despite promises from the Government to reform business rates, pubs, restaurants and bars are still forced to operate within an unfair system that favours digital businesses above those at the heart of communities. “With Brexit a little over six months away, it is crucial that the Government provides the sector with the support it needs and that has been repeatedly promised. UKHospitality will be hammering home the message ahead of the Budget that, unless support is provided, the rate of closures will only increase.”

A New Wave Of ‘Socially-Conscious’ Brewing Has Hit Britain The Campaign for Real Ale’s Good Beer Guide 2019 reports a resurgence of independent breweries, with many putting social responsibility at the core of their business. Since its first publication in 1973, the Guide has annually examined the changes facing Britain’s beer and pub scene, which has seen the number of UK breweries rise to 2,500 — 1,750 of which produce real ale. It reports that many new breweries are placing a greater emphasis on giving back to the local community by supporting charities or providing training and employment opportunities. Smaller brewers are also becoming increasingly environmentally aware;

introducing new processes to reduce their carbon footprint, and responding to consumer calls for more information on ingredients and niche products. This has resulted in more gluten-free, vegan-friendly and low-alcohol beer options than ever before, as many work to fill previous gaps in the market by creating recipes for specific audiences. Some examples from the Guide include:

Ignition in Sydenham, South London, which employs and trains people with learning difficulties to brew beer The Tap Social Movement in Oxford, which provides effective rehabilitation for people serving prison sentences

Stratford-upon-Avon Brewery utilising a small solar farm, wind turbines and bore holes for their brewing, and giving all spent hops and malts to their pigs Tom Stainer, Chief Communications Officer at the Campaign for Real Ale says, “It’s fantastic to see such sweeping changes across the brewing and pub scene over the last few years. Brewing has become much more collaborative and socially minded for many brewers, with a new emphasis on giving back to local communities and creating beers suitable to all tastes and preferences. Many have even extended their offerings with dedicated tap bars, offering a direct route to market for many consumers."

The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

September 2018

Registration Now Open for World’s Biggest Pub Quiz 2019

The World’s Biggest Pub Quiz is back for 2019 and set to be bigger and better than ever. Organisers PubAid are encouraging even more pubs and their customers to take part and raise money for charities, including official charity partner Prostate Cancer UK. Next year’s event will be the fourth quiz and will follow the successful format of previous events. Pubs wanting to run the quiz will receive a free fundraising pack containing all they need to run a successful event and to encourage customers to take part. Pubs can join the 150 pubs who have already registered their interest by signing up on the World’s Biggest Pub Quiz website. Co-founder of PubAid, Des O’Flanagan, said: “The World’s Biggest Pub Quiz has become a popular fixture for many pubs and their customers and we’re delighted to see many licensees signing up to run it again, as well as new pubs coming on board for 2019. “We’re delighted with how the quiz has grown over the years, with 1,500 pubs taking part earlier this year, raising £190,000 for charities. We’re grateful to our charity partner Prostate Cancer UK who have made the event both easy to run for licensees and great fun for partici-

pants. “We’re also grateful to all the pubs, brewers and pub groups who supported this year’s quiz and we are confident even more will take part in 2019. It would be great to see more than 2,000 pubs run the quiz and raise more than £250,000 for charity.” He added, “The quiz has become a tremendous showcase event for pub fundraising overall. Pubs raise an amazing £100 million for charity every year, and we’re pleased to see that message now getting through to consumers, MPs and others, helping to shape positive perceptions of the great British pub.” James Beeby, Director of Fundraising at Prostate Cancer UK said: “It’s been really great to see the World’s Biggest Pub Quiz grow since 2016 and we are excited to be PubAid’s charity partner once again for 2019. We are extremely grateful to all the pubs who have taken part so far and raised an incredible amount of money for Prostate Cancer UK. “By continuing our partnership with PubAid, we can reach even more publicans and their customers, to not only help raise funds for vital research, but to also help us raise awareness of a disease which kills one man every 45 minutes.” Jon Dale, head of corporate communications at Ei Group, said: “Pub quizzes play an important part in bringing the community together and enjoying the Great British pub. We always encourage as many of our publicans as possible to sign up to take part in the World’s Biggest Pub Quiz and will continue to support this worthy cause in 2019.” The World’s Biggest Pub Quiz is scheduled for 3-7 March 2019, but the organisers stress that this window is a guideline, not a requirement. Pubs who want to

take part but can’t run the quiz during that week are welcome to run it at any other time in 2019. Pubs are encouraged to support PubAid’s charity partner Prostate Cancer UK, but can choose to raise funds for another charity should they wish to.

LICENSEE COMMENTS Tom Richardson & Ollie Boulton Three Moles, Selham, West Sussex “The World’s Biggest Pub Quiz was a real hit with our customers. We’re a small, traditional pub, and were absolutely packed on quiz night, it was standing room only – so it shows how an event can really draw customers into your pub. “Customers were incredibly generous and, by combining the quiz with an auction of items donated by local businesses and residents, we raised an incredible £1,060 for Prostate Cancer UK. The charity has helped some of our local customers through difficult times and it’s a subject that isn’t talked about enough, so anything that can raise awareness is great.” Penny Warren The Trout Inn, Lechlade, Gloucestershire “The day we’d scheduled for the World’s Biggest Pub Quiz coincided with the heavy snowfall, but despite that, three teams made it to us through the blizzard to pit their wits. That’s a sizeable group of people who might not have made the effort just for a drink, so it shows how popular the quiz is. “We ran the quiz again once the weather had improved, so it was great that we had another set of questions to choose from, and we added our own current affairs round. All our customers enjoyed the quiz and the atmosphere on both evenings was great, we’ll definitely be running it again in 2019.”

Lib-Dems Publish Plans To Abolish Business Rates The Liberal Democrat party has published a comprehensive blueprint for replacing what they call the broken business rates system. The research was led by Andrew Dixon, founder of the Lib Dem Business and Entrepreneurs Network (LDBEN), in response to mounting concerns about the negative impact of business rates on struggling high street businesses and the wider economy. The report – “Taxing Land, Not Investment” – calls for the abolition of business rates and its replacement with a tax on land values, the Commercial Landowner Levy (CLL). The levy would remove buildings and machinery from calculations and tax only the land value of commercial sites, boosting investment and cutting taxes for businesses in nine out of ten English local authorities. Andrew Dixon said, "By only taxing land and not the productive capital above it, this reform would remove a major disincentive to investment, boosting productivity and contributing to a necessary revival in UK industry. While separate action is needed to ensure online retailers pay their fair share of corporation tax, our proposals would offer a lifeline to struggling

high streets. "I am delighted to support this initiative which I believe would boost business and enterprise across the UK, and I am grateful to members of the Liberal Democrats Business & Entrepreneurs Network for their valuable contributions to this important research." Key recommendations of the report include:

• Business rates should be abolished and replaced by a Commercial Landowner Levy based on the value of commercial land only • The levy should be paid by owners rather than tenants • Non-residential stamp duty should be scrapped to improve the efficiency of the commercial property market • Commercial land should be taxed regardless of whether the buildings above it are occupied; the tax should also apply to unused and derelict commercial land The report also finds that: • The CLL would mean lower taxes for businesses in 92% of English local authorities. In places like Oldham, Blackburn, West Bromwich, Barrow,

September 2018

CLH News


Pub Spend Up 11.9% As Brits Enjoy Final Stretch of Summer Consumer spending rose 4.5 per cent year-on-year in August, maintaining the strong level seen in recent months as Brits struck a balance between covering the cost of essentials and enjoying the final stretch of summer. Entertainment and leisure remained strong at 10.3% growth, with ticket sales up 8.6% and pub spending up a very healthy 11.9%. Data from Barclaycard, which sees nearly half of the nation’s credit and debit card transactions, shows that essential spending performed well with 6.9 per cent year-on-year growth, bolstered by a rise in supermarket expenditure of 5.0 per cent. As fuel prices remained at their highest for several years, petrol spending climbed 10.9 per cent. Non-essential expenditure, meanwhile, also demonstrated growth of 3.4 per cent, indicating that consumers are balancing their budgets to cover the necessities while allowing for some discretionary spending. Having spent more than usual over summer, a third of consumers (34 per cent) say they are now planning to reduce their expenditure. Of these consumers, 44 per cent say they’ll do so by cutting back on treats for themselves, while 39 per cent say they’ll spend less on entertainment, such as going to restaurants or having nights out. A degree of uncertainty about the future is also likely to be driving this caution. Nearly six in ten Brits (58 per cent) are worried that rising inflation will leave them with less money to spend each month, while a similar proportion (56 per cent) are concerned that rising energy prices will leave them worse off. Esme Harwood, Director at Barclaycard, said: “Brits have been feeling confident enough in their spending power to enjoy summer events and evenings out. However, it’s clear they’ve struck a balance between spending on essentials and treating themselves.”

Middlesbrough, average taxes would be cut by over 25%, and in some cases by as much as 46% • The manufacturing and technology sectors would be the most significant beneficiaries of the CLL, receiving tax cuts of over 20%. Retailers in struggling areas would also receive a boost. The CLL would represent a tax cut initially, but is likely to be at least revenue-neutral in the long-term. Redistribution between local authorities would be adjusted to ensure no change in local funding. • By taxing landowners rather than businesses, half a million SMEs would be spared the bureaucratic burden of property taxation. With far fewer plots of land than individual businesses, the CLL would save councils both time and money Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable said: "Business rates were a badly designed policy to begin with and have become an unacceptable drag on our economy. They are a tax on productive investment at a time of chronically weak productivity growth, and a burden on high streets struggling to adapt to the rise of online retail. "Many of the areas around the country that voted for Brexit feel they have been left behind. In place of policies the Brexiters offer only rhetoric. Great swathes of the country demand better, and this policy offers change to the manufacturing industry and the small towns passed over by economic growth."


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

September 2018

PCA Responds to Pub Company Compliance Reports Sexist” Beer Clip Removed The Pubs Code Adjudicator (PCA) has identified a number of concerns in the first compliance reports submitted by pub companies which, they say are now being followed up.

this month. The PCA is also strongly encouraging tenants who receive a questionnaire to complete it. Tenants will also be able to complete the questionnaire online from September at

The reports, an annual requirement under regulation 43 of the Pubs Code, contain detailed and accurate accounts relating to how pub companies are complying with the Pubs Code and cover areas such as Market Rent Only (MRO) procedures, Pubs Code breaches and other Code-related matters.


The PCA’s initial analysis of the compliance reports has highlighted three areas of concern that are being pursued with individual pub companies: • The small number of MRO tenancies that have been agreed • The high numbers of tied tenancies that have been subject to forfeiture, surrender or abandonment • The use of notices under section 25 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 to oppose the renewal of tied tenancies on the existing terms. The PCA has also written to each pub company and will be pursuing the issues at the next round of bilateral meetings held with each company’s CEO scheduled for October. Further information about the compliance reports and the PCA’s initial response can be read at The PCA says that it is keen to gather tied pub tenants’ experiences of how the MRO procedure is being implemented in practice and whether tenants feel that they have a genuine choice in deciding whether staying tied or going free of tie is best for them. The PCA has therefore asked pub companies to send a questionnaire to all tenants who have received a MRO proposal since the Pubs Code came into force. Pub companies will be issuing this questionnaire on the PCA’s behalf

Following a request by the PCA, monthly Market Rent Only (MRO) data from all pub companies regulated under the Pubs Code is now being published by the British Beer and Pub Association. This data provides the industry with a clearer picture of the numbers of MRO Notices being served, conversion rates into MRO agreements and trends in the MRO market. The PCA also uses this data to inform any regulatory decisions in relation to ensuring tied pub tenants have access to MRO.

TIED PUB TENANT SURVEY 2018 The PCA will be launching its next tied pub tenant survey in the New Year. This independent survey focuses on the views and experiences of tenants in relation to the Pubs Code and enables the PCA to track progress over time. Last year’s survey report, including a graphic presenting some of the key findings, can be found at

from Sussex Pub Bar

A West Sussex pub The Kings Arms has found itself at the “centre of a Twitter storm” after a an ale called “Beer Googles”, was deemed outdated and sexist across social media. The “offending” beer clip features an old woman, and then rotates to show an attractive young woman, and sparked outrage when localpub guide site Wiki Sussex Pubs posted a picture of it online, saying it was the ‘best pump clip’ they’d seen in ages.

The Forum of Private Business, welcomed the announcement by Paul Newby, the Pub Code Adjudicator, following the publication of the report, setting out that he is to put pressure on the PubCo’s to adhere more fully to the Pub Code.

The Kings Arms has removed both the beer and the pump clip saying: ‘We notice that a pump clip on show in our pub seems to have caused upset. ‘Our interests lie in selling good beer to all with cheer, as long as you’re between 18 and 118 you’re welcome. This pump clip or beer will not feature on our bar again!’

Ian Cass, Chief Executive of the Forum commented, ‘We have been working closely with both Paul Newby and the Government to ensure that tied tenant landlords are treated fairly by the PubCo’s. There is clear evidence of many being either driven out of their pubs, or alternatively being forced to accept uncompetitive terms of trade. This move by the Adjudicator shows that he is serious about addressing the PubCo’s malpractice and we fully support his actions.’

A spokesman for makers of the ale Elgoods Brewery said ‘This is a beer, and pump clip, that we have sold nationwide in both 2017 and 2018 and it has been well received in trade. ‘The pump clip and name is based on an old, traditional image (somewhat older than the 1970s!) and is meant to be, and is generally accepted as, a little bit of fun. ‘We are a very old family brewery, owned and run by three sisters and would not seek to intentionally offend people although it is always possible to do so inadvertently.’

Tomorrow’s Kitchen: Rational Shows the Future of Foodservice At each event, a chef will cook using a combi oven, the SelfCookingCenter, alongside Rational’s VarioCookingCenter. The chef will show how, in tandem, the two appliances provide flexibility and consistently high quality results, from a compact footprint – and deliver all the cooking processes that a modern kitchen requires. Tomorrow’s Kitchen will also show how one chef, working alone with the two appliances, can prepare high volumes of food.

Rational has launched a series of live events called ‘Tomorrow’s Kitchen.’ They are designed to show how the latest multifunctional equipment can benefit specific sectors of the industry – so one event will cover healthcare, another hotel banqueting and so on.

Adam Knights is marketing director at Rational. “The idea is to highlight how the latest cooking technology brings benefits to every part of the catering industry,” he says. “So each Tomorrow’s Kitchen will focus on a sector: healthcare, hotel banqueting, staff catering and education. We’ll show how, whatever the type of foodservice operation, the flexibility of multifunctional appliances means caterers can future-proof their kitchen, making it easy to adapt to changing menus.

(0)1582 480388, freephone 0800 389 2944 or visit

“The wide range of model sizes available in our SelfCookingCenter and VarioCookingCenter ranges means there’s a Tomorrow’s Kitchen solution for every caterer, whatever their business.”

Each Tomorrow’s Kitchen event will showcase menus that are typical for the sector they are covering. They will also demonstrate how modern multifunctional appliances deliver a truly sustainable, environmentally aware kitchen solution that protects the future, saving energy, reducing food wastage and increasing productivity. RATIONAL is the leading provider in hot food preparation equipment and, with the SelfCookingCenter and VarioCookingCenter, the company delivers all a commercial kitchen’s thermal cooking requirements. Together, the two appliances offer the best cooking solutions. For information and brochures, or to come to a free SelfCookingCenter Live or VarioCookingCenter Live demonstration, call +44

There are five Tomorrow’s Kitchen events, running from September to November. They are free to attend but places are limited, so it’s wise to book early. They are: Hotel / banqueting Gleneagles Hotel Healthcare Rational, Luton Staff catering Rational, Luton Hotel / banqueting Rational, Luton Education Christ Church College, Oxford

September 26 October 9 October 10 November 7 November 22

To book tickets visit

The Reliable Professional Kitchen Assistant Your Essential Guide to The Spirit Show 2018 You can grill, roast, bake, steam, stew, blanch or poach food, all within a space of less than about 1m². Meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, egg dishes, baked goods, desserts—you can do it all, whether you’re cooking for thirty or for several thousand you can speak to Nextday Catering Equipment and discover the full capabilities of the Rational Oven. It reduces workloads exactly the way kitchen teams need: it cooks quickly, it’s easy to use, it delivers the food quality you specify, and it even saves you time, money and energy in the process. It takes all monitoring and checking work off your hands. It adjusts temperature, moisture and cooking time settings on its own. It monitors your food’s browning and degree of doneness, and even saves you the trouble of repeatedly turning pan-fried dishes. We offer an in-house training facility for cooking in the Rational Ovens and also have demo sites all over the country, so if you are thinking about the Rational then give us a call and let us organise a first hand demo of what the oven can do for your business, Free Phone 0808 108 0028 to book a place over Sept or Oct near you. Sales Manager Fiona points out a few of the major benefits for your business at a glance:

• This Oven offers Outstanding food quality at all times giving consistent results every time not matter which chef is on. • Easy to operate even for untrained staff using the easy to follow menu. • No checking or monitoring required as the Oven does this for you • Cook different foods at the same time without compromise • Automatic cleaning and descaling without the need for manual supervision or any staffing for the clean

down. • We offer the one stop Rational experience from setting up your leasing deal allowing you to spread your payments to our super fast delivery and 24/7 back up service.

THE COOKING SYSTEM WITH REAL INTELLIGENCE. More than just an ordinary combisteamer! It’s the first and only cooking system with real intelligence, and it’s revolutionising the way food is prepared. You no longer have to set temperatures, moisture levels or air circulation speeds, and then continually adjust them. All you need to do is specify the results you want. It doesn’t matter whether you want your food to turn out rare, medium or well-done, lightly browned or dark, with or without a crust. It always comes down to one simple formula for perfect cooking results - select a product, load it, and that’s it — no matter who’s operating the unit. The SelfCookingCenter® is equipped with 5 Senses: it senses ideal cooking cabinet conditions, detects food size and quantities, thinks ahead so it will know how to prepare a dish perfectly, learns the chef’s preferred habits and methods, and even communicates with the chef. The display on your SelfCookingCenter® will show you which dishes you can cook together. You specify what you want to prepare and iLevelControl will monitor each rack individually. Depending on load sizes and on how often the door is open for how long, iLevelControl will intelligently adjust cooking times and even notify you as it’s doing so. That way, you’ll always have an eye on the proceedings. When a rack is finished cooking, iLevelControl will notify you with a corresponding message on the display. If you like, the system will even use the lighting system to show you which rack needs to be loaded or unloaded. This almost completely eliminates the possibility of operator error. Your food will come out perfectly every time, just the way you want it. We would love to answer any questions you might have about the Ovens so call Free on 0808 108 0028. See advert page 2


Where? Business Design Centre, London. When? 22nd November 10am-9pm and 23rd November 10am-7pm What is it? The Spirit Show is a two-day showcase of the finest spirits, mixers, cocktail ingredients and bar equipment. Who should attend? Bar owners, managers, bartenders, F&B managers and anyone else involved in the buying process for:

Bar equipment Bar services Gin Whisky Cocktail Ingredients/syrups/bitters Liqueurs Mezcal/Tequila Rum/ Cachaça Vodka Cognac/Brandy

WHO WILL I MEET? Independent distillers, importers, distributors and everyone in between. Some companies are so new they’ll be launching at the show, so it will be a unique opportunity to try these products before they hit the market.

WHAT ELSE IS HAPPENING AT THE SHOW? The Spirit Show will give you a chance to network with fellow drinks industry professionals as well as hear from some of the best bartenders and brands in the business on our two live stages – The Spirits Live Stage and The Tasting Stage. Here you’ll be able to discover new products and find out about the latest trends in the industry.

HOW DO I REGISTER? Register now for your fast-track FREE entry by visiting Free entry is strictly for qualifying members of the drinks and hospitality industry. ID checks will be in place at the show. Over 18s only. Follow us on social media: Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: @SpiritShowLDN See the advert on page 15 for details.

Have a Spooky Halloween with Props4Shows Autumn is now on its way, so we’re stocking up on all of our lovely autumnal decorations, not forgetting the vast array of Halloween props and decorations ready for the spooky season. We have just released our latest Halloween brochure, with hundreds of items for you to choose from to set the scene for your parties and events. From the family friendly, to the ghoulish and scary, right through to the downright gruesome, we have it covered. If you’re looking for something a little more subtle, then our colourful range of pumpkins and leaves should do the trick (or treat!). Our stock quantities are live on our website, but

we can often get more stock and different items at short notice, so if you can’t find what you’re looking for, just give us a call or drop us an e-mail. As always, we have a vast and ever increasing range of fake foods for you to decorate your open kitchen and eating areas. We have just completed our new Food Brochure, which you can request a copy of on our website along with the Halloween and Autumn brochures. Contact us on Tel: 03333 440078, E-mail: Or visit See the advert on page 5.

September 2018

CLH News



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

September 2018

The Eating Out Conundrum An unexpected trend has begun to emerge in the UK hospitality sector. Despite consumers spending more on eating out than ever before, many hospitality operators, including licensees and restauraneurs report that they are increasingly struggling to turn a profit. Why is this the case and how can hospitality businesses make sure that they are equipped to succeed and drive value in this highly-competitive marketplace? Certain types of pubs and restaurants appear to have been hit harder than others in the past few years; in particular, the financial struggles of casual dining chains have hit the headlines. In 2018, well-known chains Carluccio’s, Prezzo and Byron Burger have all undertaken extensive outlet closures in an attempt to reduce overheads and stabilise their cost base. One reason for this trend may be increased consumer demand for individual, one-off experiences. Research has recently confirmed that only 23 per cent of millennials value goods or material possessions over experiences. Of course, this shift in public perception has emerged largely due to the intense competition now present throughout the restaurant sector. Over the last decade, an enormous number of new eateries have begun vying for consumers’ attention. The bubble was bound to burst eventually, and the endless amount of choice in the marketplace is making it harder for businesses to survive. The tough trading conditions across the industry have also been accelerated by the growth of on-demand delivery services such as Just Eat and Deliveroo. While these can provide a lucrative additional revenue stream for some restaurants, this is not always the case, and individual businesses should give careful thought to whether such platforms are right for them. For example, some businesses could find that offering these alternatives erodes margins and impacts negatively on profitability, and the business overall. Perhaps the most crucial challenge which

restaurants/pubs face is rising costs. Increases in the national minimum wage and national living wage, the introduction and increase in auto-enrolment contributions, rates reviews and general increases in food costs are all making it harder for restaurateurs to balance the books. In some instances, increased staffing costs have meant that some businesses have seen profits plummet despite maintaining a healthy turnover. Facing these challenges, new entrants to the market must strive to stand out and make sure they have a memorable USP built on a clear understanding of consumer preferences. If restauranteurs focus on innovation, they can develop a niche position and grow a loyal consumer following. For long-established business owners who now find their outlets struggling to bring in customers, it may be time to look at repositioning their branded offering. This could mean stepping up marketing activities, refurbishing premises or even undertaking a complete rebrand to refresh the business’ identity. If their current business model is not working, and the restaurant is not enticing customers, then doing nothing simply is not an option. For smaller independent businesses, a brand refresh or property refurbishment is a much more approachable task than it might be for a larger, multi-site branded business. They can also use the opportunity to react to new trends by changing menus, adapting interiors and modernising the look and feel of their outlets. For larger chains and franchises, these decisions have to come from the top and are more likely to be costly. For these businesses, it is perhaps more realistic to look at cost reduction as a primary target. One way to do this is by assessing the entire chain to determine which outlets are performing best. Analysing data to discover which restaurants and pubs are delivering value week in, week out, and which are struggling to turn a profit at all, will allow businesses to make informed decisions about outlet closures. However, having access to accurate data is one thing – it is then vital that management follow through on this with appropriate business improvement activities, and that it is done in a timely fashion, as opposed to six months down the line when the data is no longer relevant.

Another area in which chains and franchises often lose out is in vouchers and deals. While these have historically proven successful at getting customers through the door, it is worth bearing in mind that they can significantly erode margins in today’s economic climate. Similar to the conundrum around the use of delivery apps, any decision on this will vary on a business by business basis. For those without their own delivery service, and where food is the major selling point, as opposed to alcoholic drinks for instance, delivery apps may be worth engaging with. However, this will still have to be determined based on how it might affect the day to day output of the restaurant and the waiting time of its in-house customers. Business owners should also consider the volume of the orders being made on the apps and how greatly they are affecting the margins. Regardless of their size and their target market, or whether they are a chain or an independent, it is vital for all hospitality businesses to control costs carefully. They should start by getting an analytical understanding of where they are making and losing money and taking the necessary steps to improve their cash position. This process is likely to involve performing a business health check to get an in-depth understanding of why profit margins might be low. This could include, an analysis of wage costs as a percentage of turnover and the stock control. They should also consider average spend per customer and footfall, at certain times of day, days in a week and even months in a year. If a business is struggling to attract customers at certain times of the day, then it should consider reducing costs in these times or potentially closing altogether. Similarly, wherever other unnecessary or excessive costs are present, swift action should be taken to address these, whilst exploring opportunities to reinvest some of it in customer-facing innovations. By taking a detailed and analytical approach to cost management, at the same time as developing a distinctive proposition, restaurateurs can create a better and more sustainable business. Dave Gosling is partner and hospitality & leisure specialist at accountancy firm, Menzies LLP

September 2018

CLH News


UKHospitality Calls on Government to Support Industry and Reduce Employment Costs UKHospitality has called on the Government to support the hospitality industry by increasing the threshold of employer National Insurance Contributions from £6,000 to £12,000 to “stimulate greater recruitment and cut business costs” as part of a ninepoint plan to safeguard the industry. Industry representatives have teamed up with government officials and business leaders to make a series of recommendations to government as part of their Hospitality Workforce Commission 2030 report. The Hospitality Workforce Commission 2030 makes nine recommendations aimed to boost employment and retention in the sector, which employs 3.2 million people. The inquiry was commissioned by UKHospitality. The report follows a select committee-style series of parliamentary evidence sessions studying the challenges and opportunities being faced by employers, which heard from industry leaders, employees and MPs. A call for evidence resulted in 50 organisations and individuals contributing to the final report. The report calls on the government to act decisively to help secure the future of the sector and boost the UK’s economy by supporting a crossindustry campaign to tackle negative perceptions of a career in the sector; help provide better quality information about opportunities in hospitality; and collaborate with businesses to improve engagement between businesses and students. UKHospitality is also critical the setting of the National Living Wage rate remains independent and non-politicised. Chief executive Kate Nicholls said: “The UK’s hospitality sector is a

resilient and inventive one. It has helped provide growth, jobs and investment in every region and has been vital for the regeneration of UK high streets following turbulent economic periods. However, without government support and immediate action on escalating employment costs, hospitality businesses will struggle to continue to provide these opportunities for people throughout the economic cycle. The recommendations in this report map a path to a post-Brexit hospitality workforce. It is recognised free movement in its current form will end, and it is critical government supports the sector in promoting itself to young people and providing the framework for improved career development. The full potential of the sector will only be realised with positive action from the government to ensure this is achievable. The Hospitality Workforce Commission 2030 exhaustively examined the opportunities and challenges our sector faces and actions to be taken. If acted upon these will enable us to provide even greater investment, and provide more jobs, in communities across the UK. Implementing the recommendations will allow us to more effectively provide careers and opportunities, particularly for harder-to-place workers, and help the government hit its apprenticeship target. With political and economic instability in the aftermath of Brexit, this is too good an opportunity for the government to miss. I thank everyone who gave their time to contribute to this comprehensive investigation and I sincerely hope the government acts upon our recommendations.”

September 2018

CLH News


Sous Vide Cooking

Sous Vide Cooking - How Smaller and Mid-Market Establishments Can Benefit flavour, aroma and nutritional value of food while reducing shrinkage and helping to guarantee consistent results. Sous vide continues to grow in popularity – it’s so quick and easy. It offers a more precise and gentle way of cooking, enabling chefs to get the very best from ingredients. Being unlikely to overcook, it reduces waste and aids consistency. With handy and compact equipment, such as FEM’s Sirman Easysoft sous vide/vacuum packer combo, even smaller establishments can get in on the act and reap the benefits.” Dave Wilson, operations director at commercial water solutions specialist Instanta, discusses why using a sous vide could make your autumn menu the best yet.

Sous vide, literally translated from the French as ‘under vacuum’, is a cooking method gaining increasing popularity in the catering industry, particularly in ‘high-end’ restaurants. Once reserved for the fine dining end of the catering and hospitality world, sous vide machines carried with them, and to an extent still do, an impression they’re too difficult to use, too expensive to buy and can only be mastered by Michelin star chefs. So, what is it? Well, Sous vide cooking involves placing ingredients into a plastic pouch then using a vacuum packing machine to suck all the air out and seal the pouch completely. The air tight pouches are then placed into a water bath programmed to a precisely controlled temperature to cook. Once limited to the fine dining end of the hospitality spectrum, sous vide (pronounced sue-veed) utilizes precise temperature control to deliver consistent, quality results. This technique produces results that are impossible to achieve through any other cooking method The ability to control the cooking temperature so precisely means, as stated above that the end result is very consistent. Other benefits are reduced shrinkage and enhanced tenderness of meats and other proteins but also increased intensity of flavour due to the low temperatures at which sous vide cooking takes place. In recent years sous vide cookery has entered the foodservice industry’s consciousness after gaining popularity with gourmet chefs, says Mark Hogan, commercial director of FEM; “Cooking sous vide helps retain the

With autumn approaching, your customers’ appetites are no doubt turning away from fresh salads and light dishes back to more substantial, hearty fare. Casseroles and stews, roasts, seasonal vegetables and big, bold flavours are all anticipated by customers for the new season, so how will you be changing your menu to reflect this? One thing to consider isn’t just what you’re cooking, but how. Using a sous vide as part of your new repertoire of dishes is the ideal method to bring that sumptuous warmth back to your creations. Despite some people associating it purely with fine French dining or the like, water-bath cooking is growing in popularity - and it’s not hard to see why. Cooking with a sous vide doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming, even the most basic dishes can be created using one, with delicious results. Of course, it’s ideal for cooking meat and fish as flavours are infused, while the consistency remains soft and succulent, but actually, from purees to oils and even desserts, sous vide

cooking is flexible and easy.

NO WASTAGE With easy-to-control temperature settings, whatever you’ve placed in the sous vide will only ever cook at your desired temperature. There’s no risk of overcooking (and a steak being sent back or being binned before it’s even served), for no matter how long it is in the water-bath, it won’t be over-done.

fessional kitchens over the past few years, says temperature monitoring specialists ETI. New cooking methods require new temperature testing techniques. Therefore, ETI designed the Sous Vide kit that contains a high accuracy Therma 1 thermometer, two Sous Vide needle probes (60 and 120 mm), a water resistant countdown timer, Sous Vide foam tape and a FREE mini tub of 70 Probe Wipes all supplied in a FREE ABS carrying case. Testing the core temperature is important in SousVide cooking therefore an accurate thermometer is a must. This method of cooking ensures the chef maintains the integrity of the ingredients.

TIME-SAVING Sous vides allow you to cook multiple items at a time, and unlike traditional cooking methods, there’s no need for the chef to constantly monitor it. Yes, pre-planning is needed and the cooking time is longer than other methods, but while your dish cooks, chef is free to prepare other elements of the dish. Many models benefit from a digital display showing the actual temperature you’ve set it to, and some top-end machines also allow you to set timers, or even multiple timers including hours and minutes, so food can be left unmanned to cook away.

PERFECT, EVERY TIME Thanks to the ability to set the temperature and cooking time so precisely, you can be confident that your food will be cooked perfectly, reassuring for a busy restaurant.

THINK SUSTAINABLY Traditionally, cooking sous vide can mean getting through a lot of single-use plastic bags, which won’t win any establishment many environmental points. Consider switching to reusable silicone-based bags, which are dishwasher proof and can be used time and time again. Sous vide allows products to be prepared before service, then quickly finished off – so, it can bring a better quality of food to grab and go operations

THE BENEFITS TO THE CHEF ARE; • Control of doneness to one tenth of a degree Celsius, • Complete consistency, • The ability to hold product long enough to achieve pathogen kill steps for HACCP without compromising doneness, • Improved moisture or texture of the cooked item, • The ability to cook tough cuts of meat- meltingly tender- whilst retaining a medium rare appearance. • Most of all sous vide spreads the work load of a chef across the whole working day and creates a more managed work flow during the pressures of service. • Sous vide items are precooked to predetermined time/temperature values then chilled rapidly in a way not possible with any other method of cookery as the food is vacuum packaged allowing for direct contact in an ice slurry, • Items are then stored at fridge temperatures then reheated using one or a mix of water-bath, grill, pan, oven or deep fryer. Sous Vide cooking removes the possibility of undercooked food being accidently served to consumers. The chef at the pass is only required to achieve appearance and correct reheat temperature, • Doneness has already been achieved.

SAFETY Sous vide cooking can be used for any food product but is a lot more complicated than its ‘boil in the bag’ appearance. Because the cooking temperatures are very low, and foods are cooked for much longer periods of time than via traditional cooking, there is a risk of harmful pathogens such as Clostridium botunlinum and Clostridium perfringens as well as other pathogens such as Salmonella, not only surviving the cooking process but multiplying during it, causing illness. Traditional cooking involves heating higher risk foods to high temperatures as quickly as possible (e.g. to 75°C for 30 seconds), temperatures at which it is known that the majority of harmful pathogens will be destroyed. However, cooking foods slowly at lower temperatures, often within the danger zone, provides anaerobic bacteria (which thrive in an atmosphere without oxygen) with both the time and optimum temperature within which to multiply to potentially dangerous levels. In order to counter this, foods cooked by sous vide need to be cooked for the right amount of time and temperature combination in order to achieve pasteurisation. Sous Vide cooking has become more popular in pro-

The complete Sous Vide Kit is competitively priced, at £159.25 (including a FREE traceable certificate of calibration) each exclusive of VAT and available direct from ordering code 860035. A Budget kit is also available priced at £105.50 ex VAT. There are a number of things businesses cooking via sous vide need to consider:

- Firstly, the business should have a robust HACCP plan in place for sous vide cooking that clearly identifies all associated hazards, critical control points, monitoring procedures and appropriate corrective actions should critical limits not be met. - Secondly, they need to have the correct equipment. This does not just include food grade plastic pouches, vacuum packing machine and water bath. It also includes suitable temperature monitoring equipment so they can demonstrate how long the core temperature of a product is maintained at the required temperature. The equipment needed for sous vide temperature monitoring is a little different to the usual probe and probe wipes businesses should already be using; the probe thermometer is a fine needle type that needs to be inserted via closed cell foam tape to prevent water getting into the pouch. It is also beneficial to use a data logger that links to the probe so you can demonstrate the core temperature hasn’t dropped at any point during the cooking process, particularly if cooking overnight. The equipment also needs to be clean, in good condition and well maintained. For example, if the oil to the vacuum packer is not topped up regularly, it will not seal the pouches effectively and the fine needle probe and water baths should be regularly calibrated to ensure their accuracy. - Thirdly, dishes cooked via sous vide need to be carefully tested, ensuring the cooking times and temperatures can be followed during service to ensure safe food is produced. This process is often called validation and it should be completed regularly (not just at recipe development stage) to ensure the safety of sous vide cooked foods on an ongoing basis. Additionally, there are a lot of variables to consider when developing sous vide dishes, such as: What temperature model should be used (there are a number of sources of published pasteurisation data)? How can we ensure the size, shape and thickness of the protein is the same each time as this will affect cooking times and temperatures? How many pouches can fit into the water bath at one time and still allow full water circulation around each one? How will the pouches be kept fully submerged in the water bath? Is an alcohol marinade included in the pouch ingredients as, if the alcohol is not burned off fully first, this will result in uneven cooking? How will cooked sous vide foods for use at a later date be cooled as rapid cooling is essential to minimise bacterial multiplication within the pouch? Environmental Health Officers can often scrutinise the sous vide procedures restaurants using this cooking method employ, particularly if it does not appear to have been thought through fully and there is no validation of procedures taking place. If a business is cooking via sous vide without fully preparing first and drawing up suitably robust procedures then an EHO will likely reduce the food hygiene rating or, potentially, prohibit the business from cooking via sous vide at all so it is worth getting things right from the off.

September 2018

Alcohol Industry Would Lose £13bn If Drinkers Stuck to Safe Guidelines Two-thirds of alcohol industry revenue in England comes from consumers drinking at risky levels, according to a new study from the University of Sheffield’s Alcohol Research Group. The research, conducted in collaboration with the Institute of Alcohol Studies, shows that if all drinkers complied with the Chief Medical Officer’s recommended guideline levels, alcohol sales revenue would decline by £13 billion (38 per cent). Findings also showed that:

• Drinkers consuming more than the government’s low-risk guideline of 14 units per week make up 25 per cent of the population, but provides 68 per cent of industry revenue. • Four per cent of the population drinking at levels identified as ‘harmful’ account for almost a quarter (23 per cent) of the total value of all alcohol sold. The research, which is published today (23 August 2018) in the journal Addiction, also explores the financial importance of heavy drinking to different types of retailers and producers. The study showed that a higher proportion of sales in supermarkets and off-licences (81 per cent) compared to pubs, bars, clubs and restaurants (60 per cent) are to those drinking above guideline levels. It also demonstrates that heavy drinkers generate a greater share of revenue for producers of beer (77 per cent), cider (70 per cent) and wine (66 per cent) than spir-

its (50 per cent). If everyone in England drank within the guidelines, the average price of a pint in a pub would have to rise by £2.64 and a bottle of wine in the supermarket by £4.36, in order to maintain current levels of revenue for the alcohol industry The research highlights a conflict of interest in the industry’s involvement in developing government alcohol policy. Aveek Bhattacharya, Policy Analyst at the Institute of Alcohol Studies, and the lead author of the paper, said: “Alcohol causes 24,000 deaths and over 1.1 million hospital admissions each year in England, at a cost of £3.5 billion to the NHS. “Yet policies to address this harm, like minimum unit pricing and raising alcohol duty, have been resisted at every turn by the alcohol industry. Our analysis suggests this may be because many drinks companies realise that a significant reduction in harmful drinking would be financially ruinous.” He added: “The government should recognise just how much the industry has to lose from effective alcohol policy, and be more wary of its attempts to derail meaningful action through lobbying and offers of voluntary partnership. Protecting alcohol industry profits should not be the objective of public policy – previous research has shown that reducing alcohol consumption would not only save lives and benefit the exchequer, but could also boost the economy and create jobs.”

Business is Moving On Up at a Yorkshire Pub Thanks to Mediatheme’s The Entertainer A landlord has raised his pint glass to an entertainment system that has massively boosted his pub earnings. Michael Duke, the owner of Big Duke’s Barbecue and Grill, now takes home an extra £1,500 a week in food and drink sales after turning to Mediatheme’s The Entertainer system. Footfall has doubled too – on Fridays and Sundays, his busiest days, the pub now welcomes 140 and 80 people

respectively wanting a pint and some evening entertainment. Michael and his business buds weised up and took a punt on The Entertainer system about four months ago to avoid the higher outside entertainment fees for his busiest nights. Within weeks he saw a boost in his business at The Three Horses in Keighley, West Yorkshire. Owner Michael Duke said: “It’s a lot easier, a lot simpler and the machine works beautifully. “There’s been a massive increase in wet sales, the food sales, and we’ve seen increased customer footfall for entertainment.

“Every time we put a disco or karaoke on, people know now we do it weekly it’s getting busier and busier every week. And the customers like it.” With entertainment now on tap, Michael said The Entertainer system also gives him the flexibility to keep customer numbers up when there is a good atmosphere at Big Duke’s. He added: “Any business out there that’s thinking about it, contemplating it, once you get the Entertainer system installed you will see an increase in footfall and an increase in sales throughout your business.” For further details visist and see the advert page 5.

Don’t Miss The Opportunity To Visit The European Pizza And Pasta Show 2018 The 3rd European Pizza and Pasta Show, 13-15 November 2018 at Olympia National Hall in London, promises to bring together the best in the industry of pizza and pasta from UK, Europe and beyond. With over 100 companies exhibiting 600+ brands, the three day exhibition is the definitive gathering for pizza, pasta, bakery, speciality and premium foods and ingredients producers, suppliers, distributors, food experts, restaurants, large operators, public services, HoReCa buyers, as well as 700+ chefs from all over Europe. Organised by IPR Events London in association with PAPA – Pizza, Pasta and Italian Food Association, The European Pizza and Pasta Show 2018 promises to be the most interesting, diverse and dynamic industry event so far. For all professional chefs the organisers have designed an exciting programme of cooking presentations and world class competitions. On the 14th of November visitors and

exhibitors are invited to a Master Class with the award-winning chef and restaurateur Aldo Zilli, who specialises in Italian, vegetarian and seafood cuisine. The European Pizza Championship, part of Pizza Senza Frontiere, will be hosting a record number of chefs competing for the coveted title of European Pizza Champion 2018. The third day of the show will see 140 UK chefs competing for the 2018 PAPA (Pizza, Pasta and Italian Food Association) Pizza and Pasta Chefs of the year Awards. Lead by the judges Theo Randall, a British-born professional chef specialising in Italian cuisine, joined by Enzo Oliveri, an Italian-born celebrity chef, Terry Wiggins MBE – Head Sous Chef at the House of Commons and Michael Eyre - Culinary Director Jestic Foodservice Equipment, the competitions will set a new benchmark for Italian cuisine in the UK. Register to visit at and join us at Olympia National Hall London! See page 7 for details.

CLH News


Hawthorn Leisure Raises Over £17,000 For the Willow Foundation Pub company Hawthorn Leisure has continued to showcase its charitable commitment, raising £17,843.14 for The Willow Foundation through a summer of sporting activity. Taking part in the Operator Managed pubs bike ride in July, team members rode from Gorton, Manchester, to Rhyl, North Wales in a cross-border challenge of 73 miles, 30 degrees heat and three punctures. And if that wasn’t enough cycling, just a week later, the Hawthorn Leisure team were back on their bikes, partnering with NewRiver for their Way of the Roses challenge, a gruelling 170-mile bike ride from Morecombe to Bridlington over three days. In addition to the two bike rides, Hawthorn Leisure kept sporting momentum high with the team also completing the Gung Ho obstacle course, the biggest 5k inflatable obstacle course in the world. The Willow Foundation is the only national charity working with seriously ill young adults, aged 16 to 40, to fulfil uplifting and unforgettable special days. Since 1999, it has fulfilled more than 15,000 special days for young adults living with life-threatening conditions such as cancer, motor neurone disease, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy and Huntington’s disease. Gerry Carroll, CEO at Hawthorn Leisure comments “One of the values we live by at Hawthorn Leisure is being ‘the crazy ones’ and this summer has definitely seen some crazy activities taking place, all for a great cause. “We have supported The Willow Foundation for a number of years and it is a charity very close to our hearts. I am so proud of everyone from Hawthorn Leisure and NewRiver who took part in the challenges and want to thank everyone who has helped us raise such a great amount of funds for this fantastic charity.” Throughout the summer, Hawthorn Leisure has also participated in the Full Moon Marathon in London in support of Breast Cancer walking 26.2 miles during the night and raising an additional £1,012.70. To donate, please visit:

September 2018

CLH News

Cider Review


Cider - Not Just for Summer! tomer base. Outlets that remove apple cider from their fridges are challenging their choice. Since 2014, around 9,000 outlets have stopped ranging any apple cider in their fridges - whilst flavoured cider certainly leads packaged sales, a consumer wanting a bottle of apple cider is not interested in a mixed berry one and is therefore unsatisfied. Satisfying this demand, Bulmers is the UK’s no.1 mainstream bottled cider, delivering the highest value sales (52.3) in the past year.

This time last year cider sales hit £1 billion for the first time since 2014, with sales rising 5.5% year-on-year to July 2017. Given this years amazing hot weather, the Champions League final and the World Cup, 2018 will probably be a record year for cider sales!

“The heat of autumn is different from the heat of summer. One ripens apples, the other turns them to cider.” Jane Hirshfield

The growing popularity of cider is an opportunity not to be missed, consumption is on the up, figures from market research consultants CGA revealed that cider now accounts for around 9% of total wet sales across the United Kingdom and is expected to grow further. In fact, the UK is the largest cider market in the world representing 39% of the global market, consuming a staggering 800 million litres of cider a year enough to fill 5 million bathtubs!

Furthermore, according to recent reports, the UK cider category is growing in new products, sales and value, in simple terms we love it! There are now over 500 cider producers in the UK, with approximately 56% of all apples grown here used to make cider, generating £33m every year. Earlier this year Westons released its cider report which revealed that cider has grown 3.5% in value and 2.2% in volume overall over the last year. The sector is worth nearly £3bn in the UK, with the on-trade responsible for just over a third volume, just under two-thirds value, and de growing 2.4% in value.

tra s of on The great news is that cider in 53% r drinker cide ale and the on trade has been one of the are m female strongest performing drinks categories during the past year, and, in 47%

Dark Fruit is incremental to the cider category. When stocking food flavoured cider, it key to stock the original Apple brands alongside to ensure consumers have a wide variety of choice. Recent research has shown that customers that jewel stock both Strongbow original and Strongbow dark fruit can increase sales by 44%, the equivalent of 62 extra pints per week.”

“There is strong growth in flavoured draught. In fact, more and more outlets are now adding flavoured cider to their bars to cater for the growing demand. Strongbow Dark Fruit has brought a new proposition to draught drinkers and has driven huge growth to the market. Despite this, four in five outlets still offer no flavoured draught option and research suggests that around 70% of the volume delivered by Strongbow

Fruit cider specialists Brothers have been making cider since 1658! And for 14 generations have strived to make light, refreshing ciders using a variety of fruit. The company is constantly exploring new recipes producing innovative flavours including Coconut & Lime, Toffee Apple and Rhubarb & Custard, and have now introduced Mallet’s, a new quality cider from The Showering Cider Mill in Shepton Mallet, Somerset! Senior marketing Manager Emmy Webster comments: “54% of cider drinkers think that cider is as good as wine for drinking with meals, with the rise of casual dining (up 7% to end of June) – draught cider is playing an ever more valuable role in this sector. Currently more than a third of cider sales are fruit, and this growth is being delivered on draught. It’s predicted that by 2023, more than half of cider sales will be attributed to fruit cider. With the continued trends of premiumisation, a dark fruit cider with provenance, authenticity and natural flavourings will appeal to the millennial market. Enter Mallets Dark Fruit”!

Glen continued: “Customers are generally drinking less in terms of volume but spending more on quality and the rise of the craft cider has led to consumers expecting to have more choice in the on-trade. Especially in more premium establishments, there’s almost an expectation that there will be something unique and exciting to try. “Despite already being one of the leading craft cider brands in the off-trade, Friels First Press Vintage Cider has certainly capitalised on this consumer trend over the last 12 months. For instance, draught volumes have trebled over the last year as the brand has achieved wider distribution.”

“Consumers want to know that when they go into the bar they are going to be drinking a great pint of cider in a great environment – it’s all about the experience”, says Rob Sandall on-trade director at Thatchers Cider: “If they enjoy that great experience, they’ll come back for more. People are prepared to pay more for quality, and that includes knowing they’re drinking a great tasting cider that has strong values of authenticity and provenance. That’s why we work really hard and invest heavily throughout all stages of the cider journey to make sure all the ciders that leave Myrtle Farm reach the very highest standards of taste and quality.”

“One of the drivers identified in The Greenpaper- the biggest category strategy ever developed by HEINEKEN UK was “live better” – the significant rise in the health-conscious consumer. Whether they’re looking to watch what they eat or attempting to moderate their alcohol, it’s a trend that here to stay and we therefore expect to see continued growth in the Low and No Alcohol category.” 50% of people are now moderating their alcoholic intake and 15% saying they would visit pubs more often if there were better non-alcoholic drinks available, it’s vital that pub stock the key market leaders to cater to this demand. In response to this growing demand, in 2018 Old Mout released an alcohol-free cider for the first time. Launched in a Berries & Cherries variant, Old Mout Alcohol Free is made using real cider and complies with the full regulations for alcoholic cider, in terms of juice content in fermentation and in final product. It contains the same ingredients as the 4.0% ABV version and is blended and packaged in exactly the same way.




CRAFT CIDERS As cider sales grow, particularly craft cider, Glen Friel, Sales & Marketing Director at Aston Manor said: “Cider is back in growth and it’s a resurgence in apple cider, not just fruit flavoured cider that is driving the trend. This growth is due to the rising consumer interest in more provenance and quality. “Whilst these factors have always had particular relevance at the top end of the cider market, consumers are becoming increasingly discerning and seek greater authenticity from their mainstream ciders. This is why we’re seeing the category revival being driven by brands with genuine authenticity and not those ciders that are simply extensions to lager brands. Customers are generally drinking less in terms of volume but

the hands of talented cider makers, it’s a drink that can hold its own against both beer and champagne, as happily gulped from a paper cup at a festival, a celebration at a barbecue or as sipped in a crystal flute at a Michelin-starred restaurant! In the last few years, cider has changed significantly, with the category now accounting for around 9% of total wet trade and this continues to grow, says Jerry Shedden, Category and Trade Marketing Director at Heineken UK: “ Draught Cider is one of the few areas of growth in the on-trade, adding almost 14m extra pints over the last 12 months. We have seen a series of innovations that have brought cider to focus to a much wider segment of the population and delivering huge growth to the market, specifically in flavoured cider – where there has been significant growth. “

Cider consumption by region sees: • Scotland 7% • North-East 6% • Yorkshire 10% • Lancashire 11% • Midlands 17% • Anglia 6% • London 15% • Wales 5% • SW England 13% • Southern 10%

spending more on quality and the rise of the craft cider has led to consumers expecting to have more choice in the on-trade. Especially in more premium establishments, there’s almost an expectation that there will be something unique and exciting to try.”

Rob continues: “Operators should think carefully about which ciders they stock this year – the category is undergoing substantial change, so you need to refresh your range with the right brands that are going to work for you. We’d advise to stock draught apple cider as your number one cider and support this choice by a variety of innovative, apple ciders in the fridge. Remember that apple cider represents nearly 2/3 of all cider volume (61%).”

ON TRADE HOTSPOTS, CHALLENGES & OPPORTUNITIES Another trend identified in The Greenpaper was premiumisation- as customers start to believe “we’re worth it”. Although the number of occasions in the ontrade has declined, consumers are treating themselves when they do go out and are choosing more premium drinks. Old Mout, is the fastest growing premium flavoured cider in the on-trade with 25.3% increase in volume share and 31% increase in value share versus the previous year. Its broad range of four different fruit flavours offer an exciting and adventurous choice for customers looking to diversify from classic fruit ciders.

ADVICE FOR BAR OPERATORS Heineken’s Jerry Shedden continued “When it comes to serves, packaged cider tends to have a loyal cus-

Whilst wine, RTDs, beer, soft drinks and spirits volumes have all declined, cider has enjoyed strong volume growth, with total sales of cider and perry now worth £1.86 billion and value growing ahead of volume (up +2.4% and +0.3% respectively). “With 51% of on-trade cider drinkers saying they actually prefer packaged cider, there is a clear opportunity for many operators to build sales of packaged cider, so we are providing clear stocking recommendations in this year’s cider report, including a simple to follow ‘right brand right outlet’ analysis for operators looking to make the most out of their packaged cider (CONTINUED ON PAGE 20...)

September 2018

CLH News



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

September 2018

September 2018

CLH News


September 2018

CLH News


INCREASING SALES • As one of the strongest performing categories the market is there, so now is the time to take a look on what you stock and how you promote it. • A well-stocked bar has at least four to five different ales on, maybe three varieties of gin and rum and a well-stocked and varied bottle fridge, so make sure your offering a good selection of ciders, Apple and fruit, carbonated, still, sweet, dry, or a combination of the two in between • Cider also has a benefit compared to ales in that almost all companies will have bag in box versions of their range which means they can be placed behind or under the bar without having to commit to a dedicated line or having to replace one of your existing best sellers. • Advertise and promote your ciders, obtain point of sale literature from your cider supplier, beer(cider) mats, bar runners and posters, A boards, portable bars which pay for themselves after a short period of time. offer,” explains Matthew Langley Insight and Innovation Manager at Westons Cider.


Cider Review

FOOD PAIRING There is nothing more delicious and satisfying than a great marDra riage between food and drink. repr ft cider ese And that ‘drink’, while we all of al nts 71% gravitate to wine, most certainly l sold cider includes cider. Cider is great for in th e on t food pairing, and the secret is rade treating cider as you would wine. Gabe Cook cider maker cider ambassador for Pizza & Cider restaurant grof our members actively support and promote this through their website, trade media or by hosting events, as they should, because cider has the quality and versatility to be the equal of wine when finding the perfect accompaniment to any meal. ‘ The Stable pizza restaurants well-known for its ciders as well as its gourmet pizza’s, boasting more than 80 ciders and perry’s, and each of The Stable’s 17 locations have different menus, depending on the local availability of ingredients and cider, with menus inspired by bringing customers together and introducing them to local suppliers

Cider an d perr y in

the on tr “We would also particularly ade is now wort urge London operators to take a h £ 1 86 billion look at our stocking guides for both draught and packaged cider, as the capital city is the only region in our report not experiencing a growth in value sales of cider overall (down -3.3%), driven by a steep value decline in sales of pear cider (down – 39.8%) and packaged cider (down -7.6%), despite historically being a region that over-indexes on packaged cider.” • 36% of cider drinkers drink in the on-trade weekly • 35% of cider drinkers eat out weekly • Cider drinkers spend an average of £98 a month on eating or drinking out. • 49% of cider drinkers prefer draught • 51% of cider drinkers prefer packaged cider • 43% of cider drinkers say quality of cider available affects their decision to drink cider in the on trade.

FRUIT CIDER ‘HERE TO STAY’ While apple cider accounts for 63% of cider sold in the on trade the Fruit cid latest data from CGA Strategy volume in er shows that fruit cider continth trade repre e on sen ues to bring more consumers 36% worth ts into the cider category, includ£714.9 ing women, who make up 60% million of fruit cider drinkers compared with 47% of all cider drinkers. At the same time, fruit cider is also bringing younger consumers into the category, with half of fruit cider drinkers aged 18-34 compared with 36% of all cider drinkers. The data further revealed that “fruit cider is a fairly new entrant to the cider category and was initially dismissed by many as a passing fad in 2005 500,000 L sold represented 0.08% of total cider volume sold, since then it has consistently grown over the past 12 years to become 27% of the marketplace by the end of 2017” “Fruit cider has grown by 338% in the last 12 years to represent 27% of the overall category across the on and off trade in 2017,” added Langley, “so we are predicting that it will account for almost half of all cider sales by 2023 if current growth continues at the same rate.” Holly Chadwick, Brand Manager for Stowford Press, said: “Sales of fruit ciders are flourishing, driven by the vast number of consumers seeking out sweeter, refreshing flavours. “25.7 million fruit pints are now drunk in the on-trade, and it’s clear to see that fruit ciders are broadening consumer interest in the wider category. By appealing to younger, female consumers who are often new to the category, fruit ciders are also driving incremental sales.

PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE; “KNOW YOUR APPLES” Product knowledge is key, customers want to hear the story behind products on the bar, knowing your product is vital when it comes to increasing sales; and having staff with the correct knowledge will mean they can offer advice confidently.

“December tends to be the second biggest month of the year after July in terms of sales at Westons, and November is not far behind.” “Cider is arguably the most reliant alcohol on good weather in terms of consumer behaviour,” said Nielsen drinks expert Helen Stares. “Its key to long-term and sustainable growth is making itself more attractive to people outside of the barbecue season.” Rob Salvesen, Senior Marketing Manager at Kopparberg said: “Ensure your staff are well educated about the products they are serving. Educated bar staff will deliver the perfect serve, communicate flavour profiles and provenance-which will indicate why consumer might pay more for a particular product-and offer food pairing advice. All these elements will surprise and delight consumers, keep them coming back to your outlet and lead to incremental sales” Kopparberg, rated highest for “taste I love” amongst all cider and fruit cider drinkers and the bestselling packaged fruit cider in the On Trade, has extended its range with new Kopparberg Black variant in June in order to extend the sessionability of the Kopparberg range and access higher tempo occasions in the transition from day to night drinking.

The Stable’s Executive Chef, Patrick Campbell, said: “Since we started in 2009, we’ve developed a reputation for our West Country inspired menu – using the best local produce to complement our vast range of ciders. With the new menu we wanted to capture our innovative fun spirit and the evolving tastes and dietary needs of our customers, while staying true to our authentic, rustic roots.

According to a survey by CGA more than half of consumers switch to a category they don’t normally drink over the festive period, and mulled cider has a history dating back to mediaeval times. “Cider is very much a year round drink, but as the evenings drawing, there is nothing better than enjoying a warming mulled cider in the bar” says Thatcher’s managing director Martin Thatcher “having a branded and on display ads theatre and customers are drawn in with the fruity and spicy aroma of mulled cider”. “Mulled cider and wine is a great alternative for operators and can tempt customers in from the cold, particularly during the run up to Christmas” says Jon Usher, Head of Catering at Burco, a Glen Dimplex Heating & Ventilation brand. “As the market continues to see a rapid increase in sales, operators should plan to deliver a standout offering, featuring a quality product and using equipment that is both cost effective to purchase and simple to operate. Burco is a brand traditionally renowned for manufacturing quality commercial water boiling equipment; however our iconic urns and manual-fill boilers deliver a prime serve on a range of festive mulled drinks.”

“Using local suppliers is a key part of The Stable” ethos says Patrick, these locally sourced, artisan products perfectly complement the craft ciders on The Stable’s extensive drinks menu. Its Cider Tasting Experiences, with tasting boards and a crew of expert cider Masters on hand allows diners to sample food paired with a range of ciders, in sessions conducted by its in-house Cider Masters. Last year Well’s restaurant Sadlers Brasserie launched a special menu that focuses specifically on cider produced within a five-mile radius of the venue. Matching a selection of the finest, locally produced ciders from Somerset with a range of seasonal dishes, Sadler’s Brasserie’s ‘Five-Mile Cider’ menu “tantalises” the taste buds of the region’s foodies and tourists to the city. “Veteran” restauranteur Tudor Hopkins, keen to use local ingredients and drink, said “When we took over the restaurant one of our core goals was to support local drink producers and food growers. It’s been great going out and about tasting the many ciders that are produced near to Wells and I think customers will just love the choices we have made. Great on their own they also go superbly well with the various dishes head chef Jason has created and is the main reason for developing this new menu. There are also environmental benefits to sourcing locally produced cider as the bottles don’t have to be transported very far.”

ter approaching so does the opportunity to extend the sales period of cider, making it a more attractive all year round drink, on its own or, mixing it with fruit and spices, as a warm alternative to mulled wine over the festive season. According to data from Mintel 56% of drinkers will enjoy cider at least once a month throughout the winter days. “The cider market is not as obviously seasonal as it used to be as producers have managed to capture the imagination of cider drinkers for all-year-round occasions,” says Darryl Hinksman, Westons head of customer marketing & insight.

Rob Salvesen, added: “Launching Kopparberg Black on draught has allowed us to offer consumers a more sessionable option, whilst providing operators and consumers a more premium alternative to other fruit cider draught offerings currently available.” David Sheppy is the current incumbent in the centuries-old Sheppy dynasty of cider makers. David is the Master of Cider - from apple to bottle, his hands are behind every drop of cider that bears the Sheppy's name. David still champions the same methods to make his cider that were used generations ago - balanced with the very best of modern technology. There is no secret recipe. It's simply about the experience and craftsmanship that has come from 200 years of knowledge and cider making, passed down through six generations of Masters of Cider. David said: "We spotted the growing trend for low alcohol as consumers’ lifestyle choices are changing. It is important for us to stay true to our roots, but also stay abreast of current tastes. People like to enjoy a drink or two but are looking for options with lower alcohol - that still taste great and are made well. Our new Low Alcohol Classic Cider offers all our craft credentials; flavour and excellent quality, just with a lower ABV of 0.5%. I have spent a lot of time perfecting this recipe to ensure that it stays true to our traditional craft cider roots for today's discerning drinker."

“MULLING IT OVER” Cider is traditionally considered a summer drink, and on a clear blue-sky sunny day in a beer garden a crisp pint of cider pretty much sells itself. However, with win-

Ciderologist Gabe Cook and champion advocate of cider believes that while cider pairs well with warm weather conditions the current wide variety of styles now available means there is no reason why the drink should not maintain popularity all year. “Cider should be life not just for summer” he said “too often it is considered solely as a warm first quencher. It’s true and nice cold crisp, acid forward cider hits the spot better than any other drink when the sun has got its hat on, but there is now such a fantastic wealth of different styles available to the consumer, such that there is a cider for every taste for every occasion and for every time of year”.

Outdoor Leisure

September 2018

CLH News


O 1- N SE S Lo 3 O TA E U nd ct N S on ob D U O er 2 H2 ly 0 1 m 1 pi 8 a

The Restaurant Show Preview

September 2018

CLH News


Bringing Together Catering Professionals for 30 Years Japanese food pairings, to wine tastings with Master of Wine, Peter McCombie. Not to be missed is the action-packed Competition Theatre, where passionate professionals will be putting their talents to the test across the three days. This includes the industry’s most prestigious competition, Craft Guild of Chefs’ National Chef of the Year. The show sees all the intense action in the kitchen as well as the special ceremony announcing the winners of this sought-after competition. The action takes place under the watchful eye of an impressive line-up of judges including Gary Jones, Clare Smyth, Tom Kerridge and Philip Howard. Plus, there’s even more heat in the kitchen, with the return of several other top culinary competitions including The Kikkoman Masters and Compass Chef of The Year.

On the 1-3 of October, Olympia London will throw open its doors to celebrate The Restaurant Show’s 30th anniversary. Featuring both Bar & Pub and Catering Equipment Expo, plans are in place to ensure its 1000s of visitors, over 450 suppliers, and impressive line-up of guest speakers, walk away with valuable insight and knowledge into current and future industry trends, along with bags of inspiration. The Restaurant Show will offer the opportunity to watch trail-blazing chef Tom Kerridge, who’s out to crack the capital with his brand-new restaurant, under the spotlight as he delves into his plans, tips and highlights from a hugely successful career. Alongside Tom, will be Daniel Clifford, Chef Patron of one of the best fine dining restaurants in Cambridge, Midsummer House. This unmissable session will see him cook-up a signature dish live on stage, talk of his journey to two Michelin stars, and afterwards sign copies of his new book. Visitors can also look forward to hearing from sustainable food pioneer Doug McMaster, Founder of Silo Brighton, and there’s even more excitement as the show is joined by The World’s 50 Best Bars team, who’ll be shaking things up with a lively session on why cocktails matter. View the full line up of guest speakers ready to take to The Stage on the website, including social media expert Karen Fewell of Digital Blonde, MCA Insight’s strategic advisor Simon Stenning, and CEO and Co-Founder of M Restaurants, Martin Williams. Throughout the show will be a variety of tastings, tutorials and masterclasses for visitors to whet their appetite. From sake tastings and

Immersing visitors in the very latest products in the industry, the show will once again welcome back its Great New Idea competition. Suppliers have been encouraged to submit innovative and must-have products and services in the lead up to the event, which are to be judged by both the public and a panel of judges. The competition will see the likes of Real Kombucha, Ice Entertainments and Peppermill Interiors all go head to head with their brand-new products and people can vote online via The Restaurant Show’s website. With business boosting insights, a superb line up of experts, influencers and industry names coming together to share their expertise and life lessons, The Restaurant Show’s 30th anniversary is an event not to be missed.

Exhibiting at the show are: REGALE MICROWAVES Displaying the New Panasonic NE1878 Commercial Microwave with a New CPS3A Cavity Liner Giveaway! Regale Microwave Ovens Ltd, Panasonic’s number one wholesaler for commercial microwave oven has thrown its weight behind the new Panasonic NE1853 commercial microwave oven which is using the new ‘Inverter Technology’ meaning that the microwave no longer needs heavy transformers making it 12 kilo lighter and the lightest high powered microwave oven at only 20 kilos. The inverter also means that it gives a faster and smoother cook pattern with no more cold spots. Another main feature of it is the stainless steel outer door and metal inner door which cuts down 99% of door faults which are not covered by any manufacturer’s warranty and a BIG PLUS is it is ideal for front of house as well as busy kitchens. The power consumption is 6% less than normally required and when taking into consideration that busy restaurants and public houses sometimes have up to eight microwaves on the go in busy periods and multiply that by the number of sites owned by the business this could save hundreds upon hundreds of pounds a year on the energy costs! Patrick Bray, Managing Director of Regale Microwaves says “we were very excited when we learnt that that this fabulous innovation was about to happen so we immediately designed a brand new Cavity Liner (the Microsave®CPS3A) and invested in a new tool so that we could launch both the microwave and the new Cavity Liner at the same time. In order to add to the launch we decided to unbox our first three hundred NE1878 microwave ovens, put the new CPS3A Cavity Liner inside the cavity FREE OF CHARGE (worth £69.00), reseal the box ready for despatch – this certainly will be the Ultimate Clean Machine! It is available now from Regale Microwaves”. He added that “We are confident that this will revolutionise the future of microwave ovens and are proud that Panasonic has recognised our Cavity Liner system having already undertaken to launch the Microsave® CPS2A not only in Europe but will be doing so at the NAFEM tradeshow, Florida USA in February 2019”

See us on stand UH21. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 25...)

September 2018

CLH News

(...CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23) CONNECTED UNDERCOUNTER DISHWASHER CLEANS UP AT RESTAURANT 2018 Winterhalter launches new model and highlights latest Connected Wash updates

The Restaurant Show Preview


SHOW VISITORS HEAR HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF THE DINING DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Digital transformation is gripping the UK restaurant industry now – and NFS Technology Group will be talking to visitors at the Restaurant Show about how it provides answers to some of today’s key industry challenges. “We’ve seen huge changes in diner behaviour during the last few years. Restaurants are having to work hard to keep up with their changing preferences,” says NFS Chief Executive Luis De Souza. “These trends affect both takeaway eating and inrestaurant dining, and are making differences in every area from casual and fast-casual dining right up to the fine-dining sector.”

Winterhalter will focus on two innovations at the Restaurant Show 2018. Launching at the show is the company’s latest UC undercounter glasswasher and dishwasher, which promises outstanding results, water and energy-saving features and the flexibility to adapt to any site’s water quality. The machine will be unveiled at the show. The second innovation is Winterhalter’s latest Connected Wash technology upgrade, which will also be a feature of the new UC. Connected Wash means operators can monitor machines via the internet. It also alerts staff, via email or text, if something is wrong – from rinse aid running out to a potential component failure, helping ensure it always operates at top performance. With major problems, it means maintenance engineers will know about the issue and can come and fix it before the machine breaks down – and they’ll know exactly what spare parts to bring, because Connected Wash will have told them, so they can fix it first time. Connected Wash will also tell managers about potential running cost savings. For example, if staff come in and regularly turn the machine on first thing, but don’t use it for a couple of hours, if will highlight the issue and suggest they leave it turned off until it’s required. Alternatively, Winterhalter can activate the automatic start up function. Experts will be on hand throughout the show to discuss all aspects of dishwashing, glasswashing and utensil potwashing. Winterhalter provides a total solution for warewashing, from pre-sales advice to after-sales service, training and maintenance. Alongside its market-leading dish and glasswashers, the company’s range includes utensil washers, advanced water treatment machines, cleaning chemicals and detergents. See us on stand UG29

Aloha from NFS Technology Group is a leading EPOS solution used by hospitality businesses across the UK to streamline their operations, supported by an award-winning 24/7 helpdesk.

“Our clients include Dishoom, Bubba Gump, Giraffe and Cabana,” said Luis. “Aloha from NFS provides all you need for stock control, head office reporting, purchasing, guest reservations, labour management, marketing and the ability to create effective loyalty programmes. “Aloha is a mobile solution, and your staff can use it take tableside orders and payments via handheld devices including tablets. Aloha’s mobile capabilities also include reporting and social media reputation management.” * Visit NFS and Aloha at stand GM39

THE FRIDGE AS A PHONE BOX: WILLIAMS SHOWCASES CHAMELEON SERVICE AT RESTAURANT 2018 Manufacturer also shows latest Chef’s Drawer on Stand UE49 If you want to see how to turn a fridge into a show stopper, check out Williams at the Restaurant Show 2018. The stand highlight is a Jade J300 cabinet decked out as a bright red telephone box – a classic

British icon and a fridge in one. Also on show is the latest version of Williams Chef’s Drawer, a versatile and compact unit that helps maximise refrigerated storage in the kitchen.

champagne, spirits bottles and even jars be reduced from bulky glass into safe to handle sand in seconds, also freeing up valuable storage space in confined areas.

Williams’ recently launched Chameleon finishing service has already rung bells with the foodservice market – so the decision to showcase it with a Jade J300 telephone box was an obvious one. Chameleon allows operators to personalise their refrigeration, using food safe vinyl wrapping that meets all food hygiene requirements, is heat resistant from -40°C up to 140°C, and has been awarded a BI fire rating. Tough enough to cope with busy catering environments, Chameleon has an eight-year shelf life.

Simple operator use of the unit enables staff to use their time more efficiently, whilst reducing the risk of cut and lift injury from handling heavy back bar bottle bins. Usually sited in-house, the unit offers best practice in late night noise control in populated areas and with a compact footprint with little noise in operation it can be sited in almost any location with a standard 3 pin plug socket.

In fairness, the new Jade J300 is an interesting product even without its Restaurant Show telephone makeover. It’s Williams’ most compact upright cabinet ever, with a footprint of just 595mm by 684mm and a storage capacity of just over 335 litres.

With 90% of the glass volume being reduced, the sand can simply be emptied into the fullest of waste bins or skips guaranteeing significant savings on waste glass removal. The BGTS unit, finally, puts an end to unsightly glass waste overspill, reduces offensive odours and insect blight, improving all around housekeeping. See us on stand UC68

Meanwhile the Chef’s Drawer is a truly versatile refrigeration solution. It’s designed to fit perfectly with the latest prime cooking suites, such as the Falcon F900, so that the refrigerated ingredients are right where they are needed, at ‘the cook face’. Two drawers can be stacked on top of each other, to double storage in the same footprint and allow a refrigerator / freezer combination. The Chef’s Drawer accepts 2/1GN pans, up to 150mm deep, and offers a capacity of up to 94litres. Williams personnel will be on hand throughout the Restaurant Show to give expert advice on all aspects of foodservice refrigeration. Williams Refrigeration offers a comprehensive range of commercial refrigeration including gastronorm cabinets and counters, specialist bakery equipment, coldrooms, merchandisers and blast chillers. See us on stand UE49

BOTTLE GLASS TO SAND THE INNOVATORS IN WASTE GLASS REDUCTION Glass waste reduction innovation arrives in the hospitality sector with the BGTS1 glass bottle to sand reduction unit. As the industry faces increasing regulation in waste production and handling the BGTS unit allows all standard trade glass beer, wine,

HOMARIUM Homarium N.V. in Pittem (Belgium), has been the leading manufacturer in the Benelux of lifesystems for crustaceans for over 40 years. A homarium is a life system for shellfish. In Belgium, around 1975 a company was founded to build these life systems for shellfish. The company was named Homarium and has managed to adapt the company name to a product name (the word homarium is the main Dutch dictionary, the Dikke Van Dale). Due to a chilled and filtered, closed watercirquit, the animals are stored in optimal condi-

tions. This in a fresh- or seawater environment. In many restaurants, fishshops and supermarkets a homarium can be found. On the continent is is a tradition that you can pick out the lobster of your choise. Not only lobster feels 'at home' in a homarium, also crab, spiny lobster and rock lobster. Also fish as trout, eel, turbot can be hold in prefect condition in a homarium. We have three main offers to the market : standardshapes, made-tomeasure models and large holding systems for wholesalers. Visit us on stand UT10

Register for your badge at for free entry to the hospitality industry’s ultimate diary date 1st – 3rd October at Olympia London. Follow @RestaurantShow on Twitter and Instagram, and @RestaurantShowUK on Facebook using #TRS2018 to stay up-to-date with the latest new sessions, exhibitors and speakers.

Winterhalter 01908 359000 /, Regale Microwaves 01329 285518 / William refrigeration 01553 817000 / NFS Hospitality & Aloha 01992 514555 / BGTS 01623 883214 / Homarium 07711 188045 /

September 2018

CLH News

Candi Gifts

These fabulous, sturdy, top quality Gift Hamper Trays and Gable Boxes are the latest addition to our ranges. We’ve long had requests for plain white, and here they are! Great for teaming up with our complete accessory kits in red, gold, green, cream, pink and blue and available in 3 sizes to give you maximum versatility. For a sophisticated Christmas sparkle we’ve introduced the Black and Gold Swirl design, incorporating gold, red and orange. Prices start at just £1.46 each. Gable boxes measure 17 x 14 x 10cm high and are available already in a selection of Christmas, Valentines and Baby designs - and now you have the options of Glossy Black, White and Red which are in stock and ready to ship. Packed in 10’s and priced from £6.18 per pack. All designs are in our latest brochure. If you’d like a copy, just get in touch! Website – Email – Call – 01502 501681 See advert page 6.


Products and Services

Josdiaries – Bound to Last Josdiaries offer unparalleled quality and reliability where it matters most—the first impression. Made from the highest quality materials for more than three decades, Josdiaries visitors books, hotel registers, hotel planners, pub & restaurant diaries are exceptionally beautiful and extremely durable. In fact, they are nearly indestructible. And that’s important for licensees, hoteliers and restauranteurs that rely on Josdiaries to put

A Bright Start for Sun Rum In an ever-changing industry, new ideas are ten a penny. Many of which come and go before taking hold. This next one however feels different, because it boldly is. The rum sector is an emerging market with both golden and spiced styles, known to be making good progress in recent months. Sun Rum has decided to ride this wave with an unexpected and untested new, modern styled brand aimed at a younger customer. So far, the data looks like it’s decision to disrupt the market at this time will pay dividends.

Christmas Planning Catering Products Direct Christmas planning: preparation, advice, guidance tips and best practice on how the independent sector of the hospitality industry can plan Christmas events, maximise sales and profits. To include party planning, menus, decoration, licensing, food safety, staff training, up selling, data gathering, recipes.

We are very excited to introduce our new website, An on-line catering product supplies business offering quality branded products at great prices. Over 5000 catering products for the front and back of house, including Tableware, Table Presentation & Service, Drinkware, Barware, Buffet & Display, Kitchenware & Utensils, Cookware & Bakeware, Storage & Gastronorm and much more.

Catering Products Direct are suppliers of profession-

It is always important for caterers to consider the type of equipment being used to create each beverage, and as with the provision of other hot drinks, it is vital for caterers to serve top quality hot chocolate in order to command a premium selling price and keep customers coming back time and time again. The Carpigiani Chocolady machine is ideal for creating sumptuously sweet hot chocolates. Featuring a special bain marie heating system which prevents the chocolate from burning and ensures an even, natural cooking cycle to keep the taste, density and smell of the chocolate unchanged, the Chocolady heats-up in just 15 minutes making it perfect for busy caterers The machine’s circulating paddle stirs and tempers the chocolate mix into a thick and rich hot chocolate drink – a process that can be seen through the transparent bowl; adding to the visual appeal that’s more likely to entice customers and increase sales. As well as chocolate, the Carpigiani Chocolady can be used to heat and mix all sorts of popular hot drinks, such as tea, coffee, milk, and even chai. Available in 10 litre and 5 litres models, the machine is compact and easy to maintain and clean. With its modern design, it really is the perfect addition to establishments where it can be left on the counter – great for those with limited space.With a 2 litre capacity, and a variable adjustor that means the whipped cream can be dispensed either in variable portions or continuously, simply with the push of a button; caterers can easily manage portion control and limit the risk of waste. As with the Chocolady the MiniWhip is compact enough to fit in the smallest of establishments and with a dispensing capability of up to 150Ltrs x 50kg per hour, caterers can be confident that customers won’t be kept waiting.” For more information on the Chocolady, MiniWhip or any other Carpigiani products, please visit or call 01432 346 018.

The process starts with covers forged from Balacrom, Buckram and Milskin. And those building blocks serve as a stalwart, protective shell for the precious contents stored on the pages inside: vital information for your business. For more than thirty years, the classic, elegant look of Josdiaries has introduced customers to businesses around the world. It’s a look, a quality and a reliability that has often been emulated—but has never been replicated, for further details visit See our advert page 2. Launched just this July, the brand can be found mainly in on-trade, late night venues where it’s strategy to partner with DJs and club promoters seems to act as a vehicle to showcase it’s vibrant image to new customers. Taste wise, it comes across smooth, slightly sweet and full of aroma however without the expected burn, many rums adopt. Sun Rum have decided to blend rums aged up to 5 years from Cuba, Barbados and The Dominican Republic. To take a further look at them, visit and search them on the usual social media channels. A bright future is predicted, will others follow this trend?

al catering products. Based in the South of England in Chandlers Ford (in between Southampton and Winchester), Hampshire and we are part of the established Glassjacks family (, who are leading suppliers of glassware storage boxes, glassware and plastic glassware. Glassjacks has been trading since 2011 and has gained an extensive knowledge of the catering supplies industry during this time. Supplying glassware storage boxes, glassware, plastic glassware, barware and accessories to catering establishments, cater and event hire companies, bars, restaurants and hospitality venues across the UK. We invite you to browse through our comprehensive and complete range of premium quality catering products at competitive prices.

Please attribute all comments to Scott Duncan, Sales Director at Carpigiani UK: “The key to giving your Christmas offering a point of difference is to produce a mouth-watering menu which includes premium quality ingredients. Offering hot chocolate drinks with a difference will prove a popular choice on Christmas menus, giving customers a warm, comforting treat during the winter months, satisfying the craving for something sweet, and adding variety to a beverage menu.

in long hours right beside them every single day.

If you have any queries, please do contact us or see the advert on page 4.

Celebrating 40 Years in Business… And Looking Forward to the Next 40! R H Hall are celebrating 40 years and to mark this momentous occasion a very special 40th Anniversary edition of ‘Update’ – the quarterly R H Hall newsletter – has been published.

Looking to the future, Ray Hall has also laid out his vision for the next

This bumper 12 page edition looks back at the key achievements and successes for the company over the years, along with reflections on the past 40 years from the directors, staff and the industry!

five years, as well as detailing the Core Values upheld throughout the entire business. The 40th Anniversary Edition of ‘Update’ is partnered by the 40th Anniversary Edition Foodservice Equipment Catalogue and Trade Only Catering Essentials promotion which have been recently launched. For copies of any of these publications, ask our team on 01296 663400 or

Maidaid Halcyon Commercial Catering Equipment Maidaid Halcyon has achieved the impressive milestone of supplying cost effective, high quality products to the professional catering industry for over forty years. We are firmly established as leaders within the industry. Maidaid Halcyon specialises in commercial warewashing equipment, icemakers and coffee machines. Whatever the range or product type, our machines have a longstanding reputation in the UK marketplace for durability, reliability and serviceability. Our approved distributor’s network is expanding and our client base is growing, couple this with the five recent industry awards earnt indicates that we must be getting it right! Our customers are from all spectrums of the catering and service industry, ranging from small coffee shops through to large Holiday resorts and Hospitals. For front of house, our undercounter glass and dishwashers – with cycle times from 72 seconds – can keep the busiest restaurant or bar supplied with clean glasses throughout their service. What’s more, our machines reduce energy and resource costs. To cater for the ever-growing demand for cocktails in the UK, Maidaid’s superb range of ice makers provide cubes, granular and flake ice plus the new and exciting ice pebbles. These machines have impressive levels of production – ideal for the busy restaurant. Back in the kitchen, our undercounter, pass through & rack

dishwashers, with cycle times from 70 seconds, are designed for simple, quick operation – vital in the busy workplace. They are versatile, energy saving and superefficient. Utensil and pot washers complete our warewashing offering. All designed for the busy, restaurant kitchen environment. Our product range is only part of what we bring to our customers: Maidaid Halcyon works with a fully trained, Nationwide Distributor Network. Each of our distributors truly understands a customer’s needs and can be relied upon to offer expert advice. Where necessary they will carry out site surveys and work with clients to ensure the right machine is specified and installed. To further support end users, our distributors liaise with us to provide competent, professional assistance in all the associated technologies of water treatment, chemical choice, service and maintenance. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive onsite training. We are passionate about good housekeeping and how imperative it is to clean warewashing machines and equipment on a daily basis. Not only will this make the machine last longer but most importantly it will help to maintain high levels of hygiene and give better, cleaner results. Basically we, and our team of trusted distributors, do whatever it takes to make our customers lives easier – before and after sale. Telephone- 0345 130 8070 Website- See the advert on page 8.

BB Foodservice Makes It Easy Being Green With New Comprehensive Non-Food Range BB Foodservice has launched a comprehensive non-food catalogue offering an enormous range of products at incredible prices. The vast majority of products in the catalogue are recyclable, and the catalogue also includes a whole range dedicated entirely to products that are biodegradable or compostable. The move is a major step in the wholesaler’s wider aim to only sell own brand essentially catering ranges that are biodegradable, compostable or recyclable, by 2020. Tony Holmes, sales director, BB Foodservice (Bestway Wholesale) said: “There’s mounting pressure on food and drink businesses to ditch single-use plastics, with almost half of consumers saying manufacturers should make all packaging recyclable. That’s why we’ve done our bit to make it easier for food and drink businesses – leveraging our considerable buying power and independent status to offer incredible prices on an incredible catalogue of non-food products. It’s just another way we deliver for our customers.” From burger boxes to cutlery and coffee cups all the items in the bio/compostable range – are made from either Bagasse, Polylactic Acid (PLA), or Crystalline Polylactic Acid (CPLA). •Bagasse – a moulded natural fibre product made from bamboo plants, reeds, and other natural nonwood fibres •Polylactic Acid (PLA) – a plant-based resin commonly derived from corn starch, maize, sugar, or wheat •Crystalline Polylactic Acid (CPLA) – a crystalline form of PLA, which has a higher heat resistance; making it ideal for hot cup lids and cutlery The comprehensive non-food catalogue is available through the BB Foodservice sales team or online at

Mars Foodservice Launch DOLMIO and the UNCLE BEN’S Best School Meal Competition! ®


To support the hugely popular range of UNCLE BEN’S® and DOLMIO® ready-to-use foodservice sauces and rice products, Mars Foodservice is delighted to announce the launch of the DOLMIO® and UNCLE BEN’S® Best School Meal Competition! The brand new competition invites caterers to create a delicious and unique school meal recipe which is designed to be suitable for either a primary school or secondary school menu. To be in with a chance of winning some fantastic prizes, the ‘Best School Meal’ recipes need be fun, unique, incorporate a sauce and be a firm favourite with the kids! First prize will see the winner of the ‘Best School Meal’ recipe awarded 6 months free supply of DOLMIO® and UNCLE BEN’S® ready-to-use foodservice sauces* plus £250 worth of Amazon vouchers! What’s more, for those not quite lucky enough to take first prize, there is still a runner up prize of £50 Amazon Vouchers up for grabs! In order to enter, school caterers simply need to write up the recipe and method for creating the dish, which must use a DOLMIO® or UNCLE BEN’S® sauce or rice within the recipe; include photograph(s) and submit to be paper judged by Mars Foodservice. The recipes must comply with the latest school food regulations, contain two of your five a day and be suitable for a school menu. The DOLMIO® and UNCLE BEN’S® Best School Meal Competition launched on 4th September 2018, and school caterers will be able to enter on the bespoke competition entry page where they will be able to upload their entry online at

Hospitality Technology

September 2018

CLH News


How Technology Is Important For Pub Operators And Their Customers How do you use digital technology in your pub? Is it part of your back office support, helping you with everything from stock control to staffing? Do you use it for marketing, to attract customers to the pub and remind them to come back? Or do you use digital technology for customer service, such as by allowing customers to browse your menus from their phone and even order directly from an app?

your customers, so you can personalise your offers and target customers in a much more relevant way. Marketing data can be targeted to specific consumer groups based on their likes and dislikes on social media, or on-site promotions can be tailored to customer behaviour when visiting your pub.

Giving a guest a coaster call while they are waiting for a table or other service can seriously boost sales. Customers at last have the freedom to go to the bar or spend money in your establishment while they wait. And of course there's the instant recall of guests to their table, one of the most effective ways to increase service and profitability in the restaurant that there is.

One thing is for certain, pressure has never been more intense on operators to integrate technology into guest experience. If you are not, and you are getting left behind then it will certainly will be costing you custom. There are digital solutions for every aspect of your business. Over the last few years many pub operators have embraced digital technology and which has resulted in positive results yet, much of this is hidden away behind the scenes; not front of house. Customers are increasingly likely to choose pubs which have embraced technology, websites, ordering and contactless payments, mobile payments, apps, interactive sports etc. Free WiFi connection is no longer to keep Millennials and younger customers happy, now customers increasingly want the convenience of other digital tools to enhance the customer experience.

MOBILE TECHNOLOGY CAN BE GREAT FOR PUB BUSINESSES Going to the pub is a great, popular social activity, however, as in almost all aspects of a modern society part of the experience now includes checking your phone, posting on social media and interacting digitally as well as physically. Mobile technology has changed personal and consumer behaviour significantly in the last decade, and this is especially true of younger customers who have grown up digitally connected. For pub operators there is a great opportunity to use mobile technology to drive sales. Mobile apps that use geo-location technology can be used to send discounts and offers to a customer’s phone when they walk past your door or come into the pub. Digital loyalty schemes can go a step further by collating data on

[53%] and orders being taken incorrectly [45%]. As readers will know it can be a tough life in the pub & restaurant business. Your guests perception, quality of service, staff efficiency, kitchen to waiter communications and more all contribute to how the business will perform.

Social media presents fantastic opportunities, particularly with the millennial audience. According to research by MCA, millennials account for 29 per cent of the UK adult population, but 46 per cent of the visits and 43 per cent of spend in the eating out market. 58 per cent of millennials are known to go to a site's social media channels before every visit or ahead of the majority of their visits, presenting real opportunities to immerse this tool as part of the guest experience before, during and after visiting a site. Having an Instagram profile has become more and more important for pubs and restaurants as many customers want to share photos of food and their nights out. If your pub has Instagram, customers can tag your business when they upload their photos.

SERVICE DIGITAL OPTIONS This is where handheld mobile solutions and pager systems really come into their own, giving front of house teams the necessary tools to take orders at the table without repeat visits to the bar or fixed EPoS terminals. Slow service is a key bugbear for consumers, with 69% citing this as a major frustration [source: GO Technology by CGA and Zonal]. And in our cash rich, but time poor world, where we hate to wait, food not arriving quickly enough is overwhelmingly top [72%], followed by not being able to pay quickly enough

Long Range Systems supply tangible solutions for most restaurant & pub problems including customerto-staff and staff-to-staff communications. Push button paging for customers stops customers getting annoyed because they cannot get good service (for example). Your staff will be notified immediately, know where to go, and be able to give responsive assistance.

also paving the way for greater adoption of mobile payment technology. As confidence in these types of payment options grows, expect customers (particularly digital early adopters) to want to pay using eWallets like Apple Pay. Guest experience management specialists HGEM undertook some research last year, in which the asked over 1000 guests for their thoughts on the payment process they receive from hospitality operators. When it comes to the bill, a staggering 49% of guests have had a good experience turn bad, purely from the way in which their payment was handled. 35% of guests revealed that they think the final impression (the payment process) gives a stronger lasting impression that the first impression (the welcome). And with 40% of guests being ‘unlikely’ to recommend a venue to family and friends after receiving a poor payment process, it seems essential that operators take action in streamlining the bill time. It appears that great food and friendly staff no longer cut it alone for today’s savvy guest.

For staff-to-staff communication also in Pub or Bar, our PC paging solution NetPage unlimited allows you to page or send a text message from any web browser. LRS also offers two-way Motorola and other brand radios both licensed and unlicensed radios for instant voice communication. Another benefit could be for pubs offering a takeaway service. While Just Eat and other digital apps provide a way for customers to order online, having your own app will cut out the middleman, and can be used in house too, and across multi-sites. You can also use the app to upsell. So if a customer doesn’t order dessert a timely notification could be sent to remind them that your pub’s signature pudding is on the specials board today.

GOING CONTACTLESS Despite our reputation it would appear that the British public very much prefer to avoid queuing when it comes to purchasing their food and drinks, and those businesses that don't offer contactless payment technology are at risk of appearing out of touch with what the modern customer wants. During busy times it can make a real difference, especially if your pub only has one or two POS terminals, and customers really appreciate the option. Contactless payment cards are

This is where apps can come in handy. Guests are no longer required to catch the eye of a team member to ask for the bill, only for the team member to forget because they are so rushed off their feet. Staff no longer have to fret when guests ask to split the bill – an app can do it all for you, allowing guests to pay at the touch of a button, saving time for both the guest and the restaurant. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 29...)

Hospitality Technology (...CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27) It's clear that speed of service matters and ensuring your pub or bar offers contactless payments could well prevent you losing valuable business. Research from Barclaycard revealed that two out of ten people would happily move on to another pub if the wait time was perceived as too long, and research from WorldPay showed that 65% of consumers would not visit a bar, café or restaurant again if forced to wait a long time. In the same way that payment processes have become increasingly streamlined when it comes to retail and e-commerce, so too has the time come for pubs and bars to upgrade if they haven't already.

MAKING TECHNOLOGY WORK To get maximum ROI from any of these technology ideas there are two things you need to overcome. First you need to ensure you have excellent connectivity! If your WiFi is too slow and doesn’t have enough bandwidth for multiple users, it can quickly turn into a frustrating customer experience and cause a much larger headache. Placing orders and making online payments in your pub is particularly sensitive. If your app is slow your customers might worry that their payment isn’t secure, or that the order hasn’t been placed correctly. They may also try again and duplicate their order and pay twice. So make sure you have the capacity and the right technology to deliver an excellent digital customer service. Secondly, you will need to raise awareness by letting customers know about the digital technology available to them. Marketing materials in your pub can promote everything from your social media handle your bespoke pub app, to the digital payment methods your pub accepts. This awareness raising process may also involve educating customers about the technology, reassuring them that the tools your pub uses are secure, and of course promoting the benefits to them. It’s also important to

remember how quickly digital technology is being adopted. While your customers today may be slow to embrace some of these tools, it could just be a matter of months before they become ubiquitous. For innovative pub operators this is a great opportunity to get ahead of the curve and meet customer demand now and into the future.

3R EPOS SYSTEMS 3R Telecom established in 2001, when three independent retailers joined together has become one of the largest distributor of Prepaid Mobile Top up vouchers and International calling cards. The key, they say, to their ongoing success has been the determination to cherish relationships with customers, developing a friendship rather than a working relationship and working alongside them at each stage providing you with high levels of support and guidance. Their State-of-the-art EPoS systems are designed to become an essential part of your business. Assembled with detailed reporting functionalities which will help to minimize your cost whilst maximizing profits, they are excellent for both multi-sites and single-site businesses. Built on over 16 years of experience, 3R EPoS reporting facilities safely stores information regarding your business and can be uniquely tailored to suit your needs. Whether you own a convenience store, restaurant or a bar, the 3R EPoS system can integrate products that are unique to your business. This can include the ability to store new promotions, daily specials as well as adding local dishes to the menu. 3R EPoS systems will contribute to the success of your ongoing business as it includes the ability to inform managers when your stock is reaching minimum levels thus allowing you to re-order stock accordingly. Furthermore, 3R EPoS systems will calculate and suggest what should be ordered based on current and archived sales, recent orders and current stock level

September 2018

thus saving time and money. In order to also boost your sales and gain customer satisfaction, 3R EPoS systems also offer a range of handheld touch screen devices. Such benefits can contribute to your cost savings and enhance your purchasing ability across your business. For more information on our services please contact our dedicated team on: 01992 574 650 or see the advert page 29 .

C.C.R SYSTEMS LTD Specialist EPOS supplier CCR Systems have been supplying, installing and maintaining Retail and Hospitality EPOS systems for over 34 years, and are a ISO-9001 registered company with a diamond award for customer satisfaction. Our Powersuite software package that includes Total Control Premier/Stock, Instant Loyalty and Drilldown is the ideal package for all types of Hospitality & Retail outlets. Their hardware is a choice of top of the range touch screen terminals from selected quality manufacturers. The ORDERMAN Restaurant table ordering system is without doubt the best of it's kind, utilising the latest Oderman 7 hand held terminal and Kitchen Monitors or printers. Have a look at our web site on '' and view the ORDERMAN video. CCR also cater for the client that needs a low cost system that easily compares with the box shifters. Please contact GEORGE GUNNERY on 0151-644 8296 for a quotation for your establishment, or email to: See advert page 27

AIRWAVE As sports and in-room entertainmnent has become a more integral part of guest experience, and with many

CLH News


pubs now classed as “pubs with rooms” television and audio and visual equipment is now seen as an absolute necessity! As Europe’s leading supplier, installer and integrator of digital television and audio visual equipment, Airwave can deliver your vision... Established in 1995, Airwave has been serving the hospitality market for over 20 years and is Europe’s largest supplier of television and audio-visual equipment. Having installed over 300,000 screens and networks within 5,000 hotels, hospitals and commercial buildings, Airwave’s experience and expertise is unparalleled. With a presence in all key sectors including the hospitality and licensed on trade Airwave’s customer base is diverse. The company ethos however is unrelenting and focussed - to find the right solution at an industryleading price. Close relationships with key manufacturers such as Samsung, Philips, LG and Sky ensure that Airwave's portfolio of products is comprehensive, cutting-edge and competitively priced. Our team of industry experts (click here to meet the team) are all passionate about technology and offer a product agnostic, consultative approach to your project. Airwave offer a number of innovative solutions, including Samsung’s REACH 4.0, Philips CMND, AirMEDIA, Sky-In-room, Apple TV and a comprehensive range of dedicated hotel information systems. We are also the producer and supplier of the award-winning movie streaming service, Airtime ( Airwave’s buying power is such that their policy is never to be beaten on price whether for outright purchases or rental. For further details see advert page 27.

September 2018

CLH News


Alfresco Dining

As Summer Draws To A Close... It Doesn’t Mean The End Of Alfresco Dining

A Royal wedding, a world cup and glorious sunshine has resulted in a fantastic summer for the pub trade. According to Deloitte spending on eating and drinking out has seen a massive boost, with spending on leisure activities in the second quarter of 2018 increasing on both a year-on-year and quarterly basis.. The report went on to say that the increase was “driven by record levels of consumer confidence”, and throw in an abundance of sunshine and England’s great run in the World Cup, then things are looking good over the next few months! Simon Oaten, partner for hospitality and leisure at Deloitte, said: “Crucially, more habitual categories such as eating out and drinking in pubs and bars have seen a spending boost, a further sign of easing income pressure and improving consumer confidence. The positive leisure consumer outlook is in contrast with news about the struggling high street and political uncertainty. However, leisure businesses should feel optimistic about the growing confidence and the spending intensions of the leisure consumers, and will need to ensure they make the most of this feel-good factor. “Significantly, our research has revealed that consumers are looking to spend across a broad range of leisure categories. This means that businesses from across the leisure sector should be able to benefit from the current mood, whether you’re a holiday operator, café, hotel, theatre or sports venue. In order to capitalise on this more confident market, leisure businesses need to ensure they continue to meet the needs for experience-seeking consumers.” The research also revealed that over the next three months, UK consumers said they expect to increase their spending in 10 out of 11 categories compared to the previous year. We British love alfresco dining, hospitality businesses up and down the country have realised that customers love the great outdoors, providing us even for a short

period to live like our Mediterranean counterparts. However now that summer is drawing to a close it doesn’t mean the end of alfresco dining. Despite our unpredictable weather pubs have been investing more in outside spaces making them more creative than ever before. Investing in the right equipment can extend your alfresco options well into the late summer and early autumn. Probably the greatest advantage of outdoor dining is the fact that it sells itself, free advertising. Watching others enjoying a beer, cider or glass of wine, tucking in to a meal creates a persuasive desire to do the same. And the impact on sales is immense, providing of course you are offering the right style of food and drink in a relaxed and informal environment. Guest Experience Management specialists HGEM who conducted a survey in 2017 to determine exactly what guests want when eating or drinking outside. And to recap:

• 79% of respondents would increase their dwell time if table service were available outside • 48% said that slow or poor service most puts them off from eating outside • Lunch is the most popular meal for al fresco dining, with the majority of customers stating they would choose to eat two courses • 39% would expect a pub to offer a children’s play area as part of its outdoor experience • 32% would like music played through speakers. This is a desire particularly prevalent in those aged 18-35, as they are three times more likely to want music from speakers than those aged 36+ - 39.8% compared to 13.09% • Heating, shelter from the wind and garden umbrellas are all expected as basic facilities for a pub with outside eating • Operators should consider separate eating areas for smokers and nonsmokers. Survey responses include: “I really hate how smokers think they own the outdoor area - it’s the main reason I don’t eat outdoors.” and “Smokers are the biggest issue with eating outside.” • 37% said they would be more inclined to dine al fresco if they could communicate with serving staff via an app on their phone. This figure increases to 45% amongst men, and 53% for the 18-25 age group. So, taking into account the above statistics here are a few hints and tips to help you get backsides on seats, and the tills ringing (do they still ring?)


While we have had some extremely sunny days and there are plenty more to come, (hopefully) for all the other days of operating an outdoor seating/drinking/ dining area, sun and rain protection is an absolute must. Poor weather can shut down outdoor seating for days in certain seasons and cut into a restaurant, pub, or hotel’s profits in no time. Furthermore, as we see on the continent this month, with temperatures of over 40°, too much sun and heat aren’t always welcome either. So, make sure you’re prepared for all types of weather! And never forget a full and active patio/garden area is the best advert for your is business.

5. CREATE A DEFINED SPACE Consider using expressive boundaries, such as screens, windbreakers or a row of plants or planters, to define a space and give it an architectural structure.

6. OUTDOOR PLAY 42% of families with children will use of outdoor space, and the secret is keeping the little adventurers happy and occupied. This can be in the form of outdoor creative play surfaces, timber built play equipment, or even games such as Jenga! Word of caution children are susceptible to accidents and injury, so make sure your equipment is regularly checked, maintain records and carry out risk assessments

7. CONSIDER FURNITURE OPTIONS Since Alfresco dining took off here in Britain there has been an array of wonderfully diverse outdoor furniture to suit every hospitality establishment! Outdoor furniture needs to look inviting, and in keeping with your business and its surroundings It also needs to be durable and able to withstand the elements, easy to clean and if space is an issue stackable. You might also be considering leveraging an outdoor bar with a counter space, adding another level to your entertaining and your diners’ experience.

2. ARE YOU COVERED? While we all love the sun, it can become uncomfortable, and in these health-conscious days over exposure to ultraviolet light can be a concern. Consider investing in shading, this can be in the form of parasols, gazebos, canopies, or umbrellas. Patio cover will allow you to use the space in inclement weather.

3. LIGHT UP THE AMBIANCE Ambient lighting enhances your outdoor area, enabling your customers to soak in the natural beauty of your outdoor area. This can include or plating, down lighting, spotlights, floodlights, a string of lights and table lanterns. Lighting should be subtle enough to provide a warm, comfortable atmosphere, but not intrusive enough to annoy the neighbours!

4. PROTECT YOUR DINERS AND DINING AREA FROM THE WEATHER Investing in a retractable canopy makes any outdoor space weatherproof. These options can work with a pergola, as an awning, or with an selection of other outdoor structures, and are perfect for those looking to increase their dining covers without losing precious al fresco dining space in the summer months.

8. BUILD EXCITEMENT WITH MARKETING “A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time “ There’s no point in going to all the trouble and expense above if you don’t market yourselves. The weather will have the final say on the exact day your patio opens, but you can still whet the appetite. Signs, table cards, posters (visit for free event posters) and chalkboards can announce your special patio plans and menu items. Have a planned launch or “soft opening”. Try live entertainment a few evenings or a outdoor happy hour to introduce the patio atmosphere. Or try something low-key, such as a charity event in aid of a good cause as long as it fits your approach to community involvement.

9. GET SOCIAL Constantly update your social media accounts, about any outdoor events. Avoid telling customers what they already know, you’re open and you have food. Play on their senses and inviting them to join the fun, in the form of a band, quiz night, sports events, happy hours, menu specials, or discounts! The secret is tweet and retweet!

(Continued on following page...)

Alfresco Dining (...CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) 10. OFFER A PROFESSIONAL ORDERING & PAYMENT SYSTEM As discussed in our July issue turning tables around is the key to higher profits. Speed of service is essential to turning around tables. Whilst outdoor areas can drive revenue, they can often also present a challenge for operators. Taking orders and processing payments outside, can be difficult if you don’t have access to the right technology. This is where handheld mobile solutions and pager systems really come into their own, giving front of house teams the necessary tools to take orders at the table without repeat visits to the bar or fixed EPoS terminals. Slow service is a key bugbear for consumers, with 69% citing this as a major frustration [source: GO Technology by CGA and Zonal]. And in our cash rich, but time poor world, where we hate to wait, food not arriving quickly enough is overwhelmingly top [72%], followed by not being able to pay quickly enough [53%] and orders being taken incorrectly [45%]. For operators, looking to really capitalise on the growing trend of alfresco dining should consider the introduction mobile communications, ordering and payment systems for their staff, diners don’t want to wait any longer than they have to for Food & Drink. Incorporating mobile POS capabilities into your restaurant POS system eliminates waiting problems because orders can be taken tableside and transmitted directly to the kitchen. Kitchen staff can begin to prepare some elements of each order—for example, appetizers and beverages—before customers finish telling servers what they want, speeding the delivery of these items to the table.

September 2018

CLH News


Your 20 Year Solution for Your Outdoor Area It’s All About Money - Not Wasting Your Money, But Earning More Money Your outdoor area is a profit centre that needs to maximised. • You need to keep your customers with you for longer ( in comfort ) • You need to offer your customers all year round protection from the Sun ( if we’re lucky ) and protection from Draughts & Drizzle • You need a low cost ( from £6.58 per week ) solution • You need a long term ( 20 year ) solution • You need ( we think ) a stylish solution CHECK out our HOSPITALITY GAZEBOS page, to

what your competitors have done. For Help or Advice call us on 01653 695 285 We offer Bluestar Leasing - your low cost buying solution WHITE PAVILION GAZEBOS

Tansun To Exhibit At Leading Design Show Your Outdoor Space Can Make You Money

Infrared heating manufacturers and experts will be attending the Restaurant Bar and Design show, the UK’s most comprehensive event dedicated to the latest designs for restaurants and bars, on stand 3112 at ExCel, London 25-26 September to introduce its innovative products to the market. With more than 30 years’ experience in the electrical heating market, Tansun is exhibiting its Monaco XL, the world’s most powerful single lamp full short wave infrared heater. The Monaco XL is the latest from the Tansun Ultra low glare Ambient Series and features the new diamond cut faceted gold reflector technology which provides not only ultimate heat projection but also reduces unwanted glare. Tansun is a pioneer in the manufacture and design of larger higher powered heaters which are developed to completely heat an outdoor area to encourage diners to eat outside all year round. Smaller heaters, although powerful cannot produce enough heat to warm a large outdoor seating area, so will not provide a professional and effective heating solution. Tansun’s range of infrared heaters is designed to enable outdoor areas to become an extension of an indoor area and consequently provides extra revenue for the bar or restaurant. From experience of many installations like this, Tansun has also found that when an outdoor area is equipped with adequate heat coverage customers prefer to sit outdoors when dining out, yet more than 90% of outside areas are not being heated effectively. This results in the

areas not only being unused but also means a wasted investment for bars and restaurants. More recently, Tansun has found that more and more customers are seeing the positive impact of using its new controllers with its infrared heating solutions. As the biggest advancement in the industry, installing controllers can improve comfort, efficiency and keep electricity bills low. Tansun’s time lag switches are especially popular in outdoor smoking areas where there is intermittent use of heaters. The switches come with an easy to use push button timer that can be pre-programmed to be turned on for between 2 and 20 minutes. This means that when customers are outside they can simply push the button on the time lag switch and feel the heating benefits straight away. Time lag switches are ideal for pubs and bars with outdoor areas and take away the worry that the heater has been left switched on outside. All of Tansun’s products are made in the UK and are designed using premium components. The company has been established for 35 years and pioneered the concept of infrared electric heaters alongside Philips technology. Tansun has the largest range of commercial, domestic and industrial infrared heaters in the UK, providing maintenance-free, safe and effective shortwave heaters for customers up and down the country. Further information is available from Tansun on 01215 806200, by emailing or by visiting the company’s website at

With one of our great canopies you can turn outdoor space into somewhere usable no matter the weather. The choice is vast – marqueestyle with a clear roof (very funky) or a lightweight retractable. High-end rotating louver roof or fixed polycarbonate. Jumbo umbrella or garden gazebo. It is entirely up to you what you choose, however we will help with advice and options to make

sure you make the most of your structure and your space. In addition to the structure there

are options for the roof and the walls – solid, retractable, clear, opaque and more. Then there are the lights, speakers and heating! For more help and information visit our website or give us a call. We are specialists in shade and shelter and we are ready to help. To get in touch, call 0844 561 7679 or email

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

We are an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses. We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual

bumps and scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to

September 2018

CLH News


Design and Refit

Woodman Chairs

Woodman Chairs is a long established, dedicated chair manufacturer and wholesaler who make most of their own chairs. We offer a wide and varied choice of solid oak and beech chair and table styles – both modern and contemporary – with many finish and seat options. Included in our range is an exciting choice of sturdy bar stools and bar tables. The fact that we make gives us greater control and flexibility. It also enables us to offer bespoke chair and chair frame or component production to end customers or other suppliers and manufacturers looking for their own

design or seeking to create a unique range or theme, again in both oak and beech, raw or finished. Always keen to innovate, Woodman are constantly introducing new styles and have recently added Carver options to their more popular dining chairs and have further expanded their range of bar stools to include rush seated and fabric pad options. Here is a simple decision that won’t require a Referendum! If you want your customers to have the best choice, with honest quality, at affordable prices, with decent lead times and no minimum order, then you need only vote Woodman for your chairs. For further details call 01884 841789, visit or email

Sims Contract Furniture Ltd - The First Port Of Call For Banquette Seating We are a family run business with 3 generations of commercial furniture manufacturing experience. Unlike other suppliers we manufacture all our seating inhouse, no importing, no subcontracting. We have full control over every aspect from design to installation to ensure every product leaves our workshops punctually and to our reputable high quality. Proudly offering 2 versions of Banquette Seating, firstly our “Premium Made to Measure” Banquette Seating which is built to your exact design, shape and size, then installed by our professional installation team. You can have anything from floor to ceiling designs to seating that perfectly follows the walls in a period setting.

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Secondly our “Modular Banquette Seating” which is freestanding, set size units for you to mix and match to best fit your space. Manufactured and delivered to your doorstep ready for you to layout. Made to the same high standards as our premium

range without setup costs, site visits and installation fees. Saving you up to 50% on competitors seating. Also, we offer a range of furnishings – tables, chair and bedroom furniture. To request a brochure or to discuss your requirement further please contact our sales team on 01945 450957 email Web

Design and Refit

September 2018

CLH News

Imagine Your Restaurant Running Perfectly! Imagine your restaurant running as perfectly and joyously as you want it. How would it look and feel? What would the ambience be like? How would the staff feel? How busy would it be? Every table rammed, or maybe three quarters full and every customer completely satisfied. Maybe, you would like it to have a warm cosy glow, with twinkling candles drawing customers in, safe in the knowledge that you won’t be clearing up messy wax all night, and that your staff will want to light them because they won’t cause

any hassle. You may now be imagining your restaurant with oil candles! If you want to know more about oil candles and would like a free one to try out for yourself, go to our website at, choose a candle and I will send it to you, with some oil so you can try it out. Or even better, ring me for a chat. Email or Tel: 01279 731621

Drakes Bar Furniture - UK Bar Furniture Supplier We pride ourselves in providing the best quality items at great prices with fantastic customer service and can supply bespoke tailored made furniture such as booths, tables, seating or ‘off the peg’ items.

generates a great flow for customers and staff around a pub, restaurant, cafe or club. It can be used to divide areas, create new spaces in a room and offer intimacy allowing for the perfect social meet up.

Drakes Bar Furniture not only sell chairs, stools, tables we also design build and install all types of fixed seating, pews and booth seating for pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants and clubs.

In a busy environment high backed seating can create quieter sections for a restaurant, bar or club. While in a working mans club or sports club for example it can

When fitting out a premise the seating is almost paramount for a successful space. Fixed seating, booth seating or banquette seating as its also called can come in variety of colours, finishes, types and styles. Below are just a few examples showing what we have done in the past. With clever planning, seating

maximise the space around a wall allowing for easy access in and out and the ability to use the rest of the venue for larger events which might include dancing. The beauty of bespoke fixed seating is that we can make the most of and take advantage of your space and features. We can come to your venue and measure up, give you advice and show you examples of our past work, finishes, types and styles. We have a wide range of Bar Furniture, including tables, stools, chairs, outdoor beer garden, fixed seating and banqueting furniture. If you require a bespoke quote either call us on 01422 839 690 Mon-Fri 8.30 > 4.30pm or you can send us an email.

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September 2018

CLH News


Design and Refit

Pro Auction Valuers & Auctioneers services to ensure that the full value of surplus or redundant assets are realised, to maximum value, be that by a private treaty, tender or auction.

through our world-wide bidding platform. Pro Auction runs both traditional and online auctions throughout Europe, using the latest auction platforms and software, developed to meet the demands and needs of both the seller and purchaser.

The company provides expert advice to insolvency practitioners, corporate recovery specialists and turnaround Auctions are conducted on a regular basis, throughout professionals. It is widely acknowledged as a leading Europe in the Hospitality, Catering & Leisure sectors. We provider of machinery and business asset advice – from provide valuation and sale advice on all classes of industri- initial valuation to exit strategy planning and implementaPro Auction Limited are one of the leading specialist val- al and commercial business assets. tion – helping clients through the whole process. uers & auctioneers. Providing a comprehensive range of Auction sales are conducted both on site and webcast Contact Pro Auction Limited on 01761 414000 or

Are You Using Your Bar Area to its Potential?

The bar stool is one of those must have items for bars, cafés and casual dining locations alike. They have become an indispensable part of the interior for food establishments in particular. And there’s good reason.

DESIGNATED AREAS For a restaurant, the bar area can be almost as lucrative as its food. Whether diners arrive early for a drink, are waiting for a table to become free or simply visit just for a social drink, having a desig-

nated area is essential.

SOCIAL EXPERIENCE Additionally, bar stools can be paired with high-rise tables to be used for casual dining. Bar stools add a new element to a restaurant and provide customers with the option of traditional dining or a social experience on the stools. That’s all without mentioning the space saving qualities and economical value that bar stools provide.

BUYING BAR FURNITURE Trent Furniture has been supplying bar stools for over 50 years and house an ever-expanding range of designs, making it easy to find the right style and price for every interior. Tall bar stools start from just £24.90 (exc VAT). View the full range of tables and chairs at Call 0116 2985 852 for more information

Catering Resources

Do you provide catering services? Maybe you own or operate Restaurants,an Event & Function Business, Café, Bar, Pub, Fish and Chip Shop, Hotel,B&B, Staff Restaurant,Care Home, Hospice,Sports Club, ExServices Club, Etc Do you need new commercial catering equipment? Do you need to dispose of redundant catering equipment?

EITHER WAY PLEASE READ ON….. Catering Resources is owned and managed by Graham Stone an experienced caterer who for over 14 years has been in the catering equipment world where he has been supplying catering businesses all over the UK. Prior to that he has held senior positions in the contract catering market.

With over 20,000 commercial catering items most of which can be delivered next day sourced from well known manufacturers and wholesalers, we can also help you with the disposal of redundant catering equipment. We supply tabletop & display; china & cutlery; buffet & beverage; kitchenware; utensils; chef’s knives; blenders; baking & cookware; tables; sinks,; shelving; trolleys; ovens; ranges; combis; fryers; grills; griddles; refrigeration; dish & glass washing machines; disposables; glassware; storage; etc

REDUNDANT EQUIPMENT: What will happen to it? How do you get rid of it? We are a business that will pay you in advance and then within a few days will bring a truck to remove it all. All that we ask is that the equipment is disconnected from the services and hopefully working. We really like refrigeration, mixers, sinks, prep tables and ovens. Initially please send images and an inventory. Call today on 07889 464583 or visit

CaterFair CaterFair supply used catering equipment to the hospitality & leisure industries. With over forty years of experience in the hospitality industry, we are passionate about supplying high quality used catering equipment at excellent value for money. Distribution throughout the

Design and Refit UK via pallet courier service. Commercial catering equipment is built to last and for the price conscious, used catering equipment is an excellent way to save money on items that are a fraction of the price of their new counterparts. Not just a supplier; not only do we supply catering equipment, we also buy and collect used catering equipment too with our clearance service. We'll organise everything from a suitable time and date, professional

Square One Interiors Starting out in his garden shed, Jamie never thought that his new range of reclaimed furniture would become as successful as it has over the past 2 years. Having had a history in design and furniture design, an idea was born and he decided to run with it. He loved the idea of a rustic looking, industrial range which was also eco friendly and sustainable. He soon found that a modern twist was also achievable, by using bright colours on the steel frames, as well as several different wood finishes

which would compliment the overall design. Making furniture from scratch also had its benefits, as Jamie soon found

clearance staff to remove catering equipment whether fitted or unfitted, and logistics. For further details visit

September 2018

CLH News


Spring /Summer outdoor seating all stackable

les available. models. Full selection of tab Colour options available on all

that businesses would approach him with specific needs and requirements, meaning that he was able to provide a fully bespoke service, as well as offering design and advice. Since his humble beginnings in the garden shed, Jamie and the company have now work with hospitality operators, pubs, bars and hotels, as well as some large contract furniture companies and high street names. Our portfolio and workforce are growing and we are very excited to be working on some fantastic projects moving forwards, so watch this space! For further details visit see advert page 35

ILF Chairs - Contract Seating ILF have been supplying top quality indoor and outdoor chairs and tables for over the past 25 years to the hospitality market. We offer a wide selection of products to suit all tastes and as importantly budgets! We pride ourselves outstanding personal service with the motto ‘ No job is ever too big or too small – it’s customer satisfaction that counts’. ILF offer a complete range of out-

door furniture, perfect for your alfresco dining spaces. Including aluminium stacking chairs - armchairs are also available. Delivery times are generally 4 weeks from order, but we can also offer a “fast track” service for certain products. Why not contact us at or on 01293 783783 and find out how we can help you fulfil your seating and table needs.

Tel:- 01293 783783 Mob:- 07939 025871

ILF Ltd. Commercial Leisure Seating & Table solutions

Email: Web:- (Flash 7 required)

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September 2018

CLH News


Design and Refit

Heating Plant Refurbishment During MST Auctioneers Ltd Winter At The Hallmark Welcombe Hotel The Hallmark Welcombe Hotel in Stratford-upon-Avon with its own spa and golf club was looking to refurbish their heating and hot water system. With the help of building services company Cedar Green, boilers and water heaters in the buildings were replaced with products from Hamworthy Heating. The main hotel’s heating system was upgraded from two large, inefficient atmospheric boilers to one modern, highly efficient modular condensing model. The new Wessex ModuMax mk3 boiler delivers up to 588kW of output for heating and hot water production. The modular form makes it compact and easy to transport to point of use. Plus, it takes up only half the floorspace of the old boilers. As the replacement took place in winter with the hotel still open, a continuous high heating and hot water supply had to be guaranteed. It was achieved with one of the old boilers running while the new boiler was installed on the

footprint of the other. To replace the five old boilers in the hotel’s spa, Danny Bulch, Director at Cedar Green, chose three Purewell VariHeat cast iron condensing boilers with a combined output up to 540kW. They are wellsuited to refurbishment projects as they are tolerant to the conditions of older heating systems and come with a 10-year warranty on the heat exchanger. Awkward access to the loft plant room and a liquid petroleum gas (LPG) supply were the challenges of the golf clubhouse. Two compact wall hung Stratton mk2 condensing

boilers provided the ideal solution. The chosen models can deliver just the right amount of heat when it is required for additional fuel cost savings and no wastage of energy. The installation of multiple boilers compared to a single larger boiler ensures a backup is available should a boiler need servicing or maintenance, along with improving energy efficiency. This helps the Hallmark Hotel Group with their constant progression within the green tourism sector. The Welcombe has benefited from investment in energy-efficient boilers and associated mechanical plant together with a continued room refurbishment programme to improve guest experiences. For advice on making the right choice for your heating and hot water systems, talk to Hamworthy; telephone 01202 662500, email, or visit

Cistermiser Streamlines Hydraulic Valve Range

Cistermiser is streamlining its market-leading range of hydraulic urinal flushing control valves. The High Sensitivity Low Pressure (HSLP) valve, suitable for tank-fed systems with a 0.5 to 3 metre head of water, is being withdrawn to slim down the range. Cistermiser will continue to supply the popular Standard (STD) and Low Pressure (LP) valves, which are colour-coded blue and green respectively. Cistermiser hydraulic valves, fitted on the supply pipe to the urinal cistern, use a unique mechanism that prevents water waste by ensuring an

auto-flush cistern is only filled and can only flush when the washroom is used. The valves operate in response to short-term pressure drops created by the use of taps or WCs on the same supply.

“In recent years our best-selling IRC2 infrared urinal flushing control has become the solution of choice for high sensitivity low pressure applications” says Mark Schlotel, Marketing Manager for Cistermiser. “Our Trade merchant partners readily stock the IRC2, so they can supply this product alongside our STD and LP hydraulic valves for future projects, to offer installers and clients a complete range of solutions.” For further information contact T: +44 (0) 118 969 1611 E: or

MST AUCTIONEERS Ltd specialise in handling & auctioning a wide variety of goods. We act for Insolvency Practitioners, Receivers, Bailiffs and Solicitors as well as large PLCs. We are members of The National Association of Auctioneers and Valuers (NAVA). For the past 25 years, we've provided a unique disposal service tailored to suit, liquidators, banks,

receivers as well as private and corporate vendors. We carry out probate valuations and conduct complete house and commercial clearances. We have the largest Auction venue in the South of England. Our regular monthly Auctions occupy 45,000 sq.ft. of undercover space, selling over 2500 lots from 3 rostrums over two days. We have storage and removal facilities. In addition we have forklifts for machinery up to 5 tons. We also hold regular Auctions ”On Site” and "On Line" See advert on the following page for further details

The Secret Under The Sink!

In busy commercial kitchens, tea rooms or even office kitchens it is obviously necessary to remove wastewater, but what do you do if gravity drainage is not available? The answer is a simple, reliable, self-contained pumping system. Pumping wastewater from a sink and or a dishwasher might initially seem a simple problem to solve. However, when you start considering the long list of questions which a public health consultant, drainage engineer or pump expert might ask to enable them to select the correct pump it is clear that some serious thought is required to get things right first time! Typically, you may be asked about things such as the application classification. Is it domestic, light commercial or commercial? What is the available space for your pumping system. Usually there

is very little space available and a compact yet flexible system is essential. What type of wastewater will be going down the sink? Might it contain particles of food solids? What temperature will the water be – important if there are glasswashers or Combi ovens. Then there are questions about single or duty standby configuration, venting, high level alarms, BMS or feed water shut off solenoids. The list can seem endless. There are numerous pumps and pumping systems to choose from each with a different price point, domestic or commercial. Specifying the best choice to meet all of the previous requirements is crucial and requires specialist knowledge and experience. Berkshire based Pump Technology Ltd. offer a range of floor mounted wastewater systems - DrainMaster, DrainMinor, DrainMajor, DrainMajor Duo and DrainKing to meet just about any need and enable the application team to select the optimum pumping system. These systems are manufactured in-house utilising the Jung Pumpen wastewater pump range. Pump Technology Ltd, is an authorised distributor for these pumps,

dealing directly with the factory in Germany. A proven history of reliability and robustness ensures that the combination of these German engineered pumps with custom manufactured tank systems easily meet all busy kitchen requirements. The pump range incorporates fixed float arms, both lip and mechanical seals, encapsulated cable glands and many more features. This helps to ensure that problems with clogging from waste coffee granules and milk skin are significantly reduced if not totally eliminated. Sometimes specialist pumps are required, for example most submersible pumps are only suitable for up to 40° C, occasionally 60 ° C. However, the pumps in the Pump Technology range can handle temperatures up to 90° C. again ideal for combi ovens. Pumping systems can incorporate high level alarms, Microvents, Flowsafe cut-off solenoid valves solenoid valves, grease traps and grease dosing systems. Almost everything is held in stock for next day delivery. In a commercial catering establishment, the cost of “downtime” caused by a pump failure far outweighs the small cost saving from fitting a second-rate system. For more information: Pump Technology Ltd. 0118 9821 555

Design and Refit

September 2018

CLH News

Stylish Modern Chairs from Established for many years has become one of the largest independent importers and wholesalers of contract furniture in the UK supplying Resturants, Pubs, Clubs, Bars, Bistros, Cafe's, Conferance Halls. Our aim to provide customers with a comprehensive product range, first class service and outstanding value has not changed since we first established. We have a reputation for introducing ranges of good quality furniture at competitive prices that have become established into the contract furniture market place and continue to be best products for our customers. We are continually sourcing new and exclusive designs to join our comprehensive product range. We have a large warehouse facility which enables us to carry stocks of furniture. This allows us to operate a fast, reliable delivery. We have a large purchasing department with many product

specialists. Every day they search for new trends and designs. They travel regularly to all corners of the globe to investigate, test, and buy new products. Therefore our product range varies daily. recognise the great importance to a personal approach, which is very much appreciated by our customers. Our Staff, travelling salespeople, and customer service representatives give our clients valuable advice about our product range. logistics department collects and checks all orders and prepares them for shipment. Our entire logistical process is focused on speed, accuracy and punctuality. With our thorough planning and dedicated, motivated employees, orders are processed in a very short timeframe. Because of this efficient and effective process items are on their way fast to many customers. For further details contact us at telephone 01159 223300

Retain Payment or ID Cards and Be PCI Compliant Whilst Increasing Profits When a vendor retains a credit card or debit card, or indeed handing over his or her ID card as security against running a tab or renting sporting or other equipment, there is always some uncertainty about the safety of the card whilst out of the customers’ possession. CardsSafe® eliminates the need to worry about any loss or theft as it is the simplest and most efficient way to ensure the card’s safety from potential misuse. The CardsSafe® system has now become the “best practice” way of handling credit and debit cards in the hospitality and leisure industries. More than eighty thousand boxes are in use every day and hundreds more are added every week. Customers who share their experience with our staff report these benefits:

• Chargeback drops by more than ninety percent (90%)

• Walkouts are reduced by at least fifty percent (50%) • Tab mistakes drop significantly and finally, • There is a major uptick in sales If you are concerned about how CardsSafe works within the PCI scheme, Alan Gill from the independent PCI certifying company Orthus Limited states: “The PCI DSS standard encompassed 264 controls. CardsSafe helps to reduce the need to meet all of these through ‘compensating controls’ which allow businesses to comply to the standard without having to change the way they operate”. In addition to the commercial benefits the CardsSafe® solution therefore helps merchants become PCI compliant, which truly gives peace of mind for all! To order, please contact CardsSafe Limited on either of: Phone: 0845 5001040 or visit

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September 2018

CLH News

Property and Professional


The Hospitality Business Mentor from The Bowden Group

• Stunning Grade II Listed, Late 18th Century Devonshire Country Inn • Situated in an Affluent Village, Less than a 15 Minute Drive from the City of Exeter • Exceptional Standard Throughout Should be Seen to be Appreciated • Stunning 5 Bed Owners Accommodation, Formerly Boutique Letting Rooms • Would Suit Owner Occupier Couple/Partnership/Chef



PRICE: £629,950


REF: 3209


PRICE: £275,00 + VAT

• Fully Licensed 17th Century Period Inn Close to Devon/Cornwall Border • Sympathetically Refurbished with Character Trading Areas • 3 Bed Owners Living Accommodation On 1st Floor • Trading Quietly with Huge Potential to Grow Turnover • Lovely Lifestyle Business in Beautiful Part of the West Country


REF: 2874


• Well Located & Beautifully Presented Character Freehouse • 3 Interconnecting, Charming Trading Areas • 3 En suite Letting Rooms Plus Owners 1 Bed Flat • Outside Trading Area & Car Park • Fabulous Pub & Business in First Class Location

PRICE: £39,950


REF: 3088

• 17th Century, Historic Thatched Inn Situated Close to Devon/ Dorset Border • Stones Throw from the World Heritage Jurassic Coastline • Stunning Country Pub with Great Rustic Charm • Circa 150 Covers with 3 Bed Private Accommodation • Priced to Sell - Viewing Highly Recommended



PRICE: £395,000 + VAT


REF: 3267


PRICE: £260,000


PRICE: £25,000


PRICE: £120,000


PRICE: £29,950

• Town Centre Freehold Catering Premises • Large Residential Accommodation • Smart and Well-Equipped Licensed Restaurant/Cafe/Bistro – Currently Closed • Perfect Turnkey Operation Suitable for a Variety of Catering Uses • Great Opportunity for Owner Occupiers



REF: 2867


• Daytime Cafe Occupying Town Centre Location • Main Trade Area Seating Circa 40, Commercial Kitchen • Outside Seating for 6, Ample Dry Store and Office Space • Ideal Opportunity for New Owners to Build on Existing Business • Competitively Priced Due to Retirement Intentions


REF: 2899

• Thriving & Vibrant Bakery & Wholesale Business in Stunning South Hams • Award Winning Bakery & Convenience Store Located in Frogmore • Bakery & Sandwich Shop Located on Kingsbridge High Street • Two Established & Profitable Businesses Trading Throughout the Year • Viewing Highly Recommended



REF: 3140


• Well Located Lock Up Unit with A1 Class Use • Retailing Deli Items & Gifts Alongside a Popular Café • Low Running Costs & Maintenance • Spacious Internal Seating for 9, Al fresco Seating for 10 • Ideal First Time Opportunity and / or Life Style Business

Follow Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News on Twitter @CLHNews

REF: 3228

David Hunter is the Hospitality Business Mentor – he works with owners and investors in hotels, restaurants and catering businesses. Ensuring the business performs and makes the required profit, is what David does, and he does this by:

Other areas that David advises on include:

• Marketing – general and specific (ie promotions etc) • Human Resources (HR) - including all the legislation, and disciplinary posi-

1. Setting realistic targets for the business, and creating budgets and forecasts 2. Monitoring Sales, Gross Margins and Labour costs very closely 3. Mentoring the owners and/or managers of the business to help them achieve their objectives

tions. • Reward and Bonus schemes – always linked to achievement of objectives • Customer Service - including Hospitality skills training Do contact David for an informal chat, or make an appointment to meet with him. Call David direct on: Mobile 07831 407984 or by email on Visit the website at or the Blogsite at

Sought After Quayside Position - Themed Tearoom/Coffee Shop Serving an easily prepared menu and benefitting from an alcohol licence, there is scope to build on current levels of trade with potential for evening trade.

Enjoying considerable pedestrian foot-flow, the premises provides a 30 cover dining area and a very lucrative 25 covers covered seating area, enjoys attractive waterside views and is especially popular during the summer months when events take place on the quay. Sales year ended 2018 were £102,896, returning a gross profit of £75,335.

Leasehold price of £74,950 sav For further Information, please contact the selling agents EM&F on 01404 813762 quoting TR33991N or visit for a large selection of catering establishments.

Riverside Freehold Inn, Lincs, for Sale The Witham Tavern sits on the east side of the River Witham overlooking the marina in the popular Lincolnshire East coast town and small port of Boston. This substantial Grade II listed inn is of brick construction and sits under a pitched slate roof overlooking the marina. Entrances to the front and side provide access to all the trading areas. These consist of: Pool Room (circa 15+) has a central pool table and darts throw. Bar Area (circa 30+) has fabulous marina views to the front and a central wooden bar server with 2 cask ales on offer to service all the trading areas. Leads to: Restaurant (circa 26 covers) is a delightful area with a small waiting section and a lovely warm and relaxed atmosphere. Stairs lead down to: Multi use Function Area (circa 50 seated / circa 80+ standing) is to the rear of the property and has attractive exposed brick walls that adds to the ambience and character. There are also 3 patio doors that all lead out onto the rear al fresco slabbed patio area.

To the rear of the property is a spacious slabbed al fresco patio area with wooden picnic benches (circa 50+). Also to the rear and side is the Patrons Car Park with spaces for circa 15+ cars. To the front of the property is an attractive decked area with wooden picnic benches (circa 30+) which is a lovely place to sit and take in the surroundings. Price: £185,000. Tenure: Freehold. Rent (if applicable): N/A. Landlord (if applicable): N/A. Turnover (annual): c£TBA. Wet:dry split: 60% Food ; 40% Wet. For further information contact Guy Simmonds on 01332 865112.

There is a good sized fully-equipped Commercial Catering Kitchen. Spacious below ground floor Beer Cellar with plenty of storage areas. The owner’s accommodation has 2 double bedrooms.

Selling Businesses is our Business! Whether you are considering selling ness whist protecting the staff & my your business or looking to buy a best interests moving forward. business, City Business Brokers is here "The best advice I can give to anyone to help. considering selling is to be 100% honWe will guide you through the busi- est from the start with the broker. ness sales process step by step. Feel "You may think that there are comfree to contact us for some free plications that could possibly impact advice. potential buyers but with Kevin he "Kevin had sound knowledge of the genuinely takes you through every pub/bar/restaurant sector & put together a sales package that protect- step by step and is with you throughed the ongoing concern of the busiout the whole journey.

"With the food & beverage sector growing at a rapid pace, there are now many fantastic opportunities to for fill your dreams. whether your your buying or selling a business you'll be in safe hands with Kevin & CBB." Paul Tomalin, Lichfield, Staffs For further information visit or see the advert page 2.

Prime Sited Fish & Chip - Run By Same Family For 60 Years Enjoying a town centre trading position, the property is immaculately presented, being the subject of recent considerable investment and refurbishment. Having a takeaway area with a 16 cover seating area, a spacious self-contained three bedroom maisonette, additionally there is a contemporary, architect designed, high spec two bedroom flat with a modern open plan kitchen, diner and lounge area. Sales year ending 2017 were £241,255, returning a gross profit of £134,424. Freehold price of £449,500 Optional garden/land and outbuildings, to include large barn with PP for 2 dwellings (lapsed). Freehold price of £160,000 For further Information, please contact the selling

agents EM&F on 01404 813762 quoting CF33846N or visit for a large selection of catering establishments.

Property and Professional

September 2018

fixtures and fittings, the value of which, far exceed the quoted asking price. The premises therefore offer potential for incoming operators to develop a style of trade to suit their own requirements and take advantage of this high specification restaurant and bar in a prime trading location. The premises briefly comprise:Lounge Bar Area comfortably seating 50 customers, Main Restaurant Area which can comfortably seat 72 customers, fully equipped Commercial Catering Kitchen with various ancillary, welfare facilities and a Basement Cellar and extensive storage. The premises are now closed and are offered for sale due to unforeseen circumstances. The leasehold of this exceptionally well presented business opportunity is on the market for £125,000. Full property details are available from the website

Is Your Business In Trouble? Are You Having Sleepless Nights?

Leading National Licensed Property Agents Guy Simmonds have been instructed to sell the highly impressive 16th century thatched country inn; the White Hart, situated in the affluent and highly sought after village of Preston Bissett, Buckinghamshire. National Sales Director Martin McConnell said “Our client has achieved an established trading foundation which can be fully emulated; yet also offers huge potential to increase the turnover and profits by focussing on an intensive marketing campaign to promote the diversity of the premises for being used for weddings, parties and private functions. Planning permission has been granted to extensively extend the trading areas and also for the implementation of letting accommodation”. This highly impressive thatched property exuding a wealth of charm and character with exposed beams and log burner

Earn A Living In France Leggett Immobilier FRANCE is proud to present its’ brand-new service aimed at helping international clients buy small businesses in France called Leggett COMMERCE & ENTREPRISE. Since the Brexit vote in 2016, we have monitored a great increase in the number of British citizens wanting to fast-track their plans of moving to France and to have a stream of revenue attached to the property they

open fires; features a traditional and inviting Lounge Bar (circa 30) and a versatile and multi-functional Restaurant (circa 20+ covers). There is also a fully equipped Commercial Catering Kitchen and the owner’s accommodation briefly comprises: 2 bedrooms, lounge, office, shower room and a bathroom. There is also a good sized Courtyard Garden (circa 50+) and Patron’s car parking facilities. McConnell added “This is undoubtedly a once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase an established business and home that offers untold growth potential! Hence, speed is essential to secure and expect a sale to be agreed extremely swiftly!” Price: £750,000. Tenure: Freehold. Turnover: Advised current sales are circa £130,000 (incl. VAT). Trade Split: 70% wet and 30% food. Landlord: Private. Contact the agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112

would buy. The most popular properties being B&Bs and Gîtes in particular. A team of specialized agents has been put to your disposal to help you find the perfect business for you whether it be a restaurant, Gîtes, hotel, B&B etc. Our bilingual team works closely with dedicated English-speaking lawyers, notaries and accountants, specialising in helping international clients setup their business in France. Get ahead and call us now! Contact: Timothy Austin Smith Tel.: +33 (0)5 53 60 79 08 Email:

01183 800949

07538 161544


The White Hart, Preston Bissett, Buckinghamshire for Sale

romsey (01794) 522228

• Emergency rescue & debt management • • Creditor problems & legal actions • • HMRC, utilities & business rates arrears • • Secured & unsecured financing • • Cash-flow funding & Investor finance • • Business & appraisal plans • • Planning consents & redevelopment • Ca ll us • Project management • toda y • Business purchase • witho ut For Hotels, Pubs & Restaurants delay (Leasehold, Freehold, single & multi-unit)

Bettesworths are marketing the premises at an asking price of £75,000 for the leasehold interest to include the trade Inventory and goodwill. The premises are held on a Fully Repairing and Insuring Lease with a term of 15 years from April 2010. The current rent is £19,150 per annum. Turnover for Year End March 2018 was circa £287,000 ex VAT. Full trading information can be made available after a formal viewing.

For further information please contact Genevieve Stringer on 01803 212021 or email




Popular Destination Village Inn Main Bar & Dining Areas (86+) Family Dining Area (62) Trade Gardens (64), Car Parking (100) 7 Double Bedroom Pvt Accommodation Exceptional High Turnover Business

Well Regarded Character Country Village Inn Free Of Tie Lease Opportunity Completely Refurbished Throughout Commercial Catering Kitchen and Games Room Located in Sought After South Hams Area 3 Bedroom Owners Accommodation

Licensed Restaurant/Bistro/Cafe Visible Town Centre Trading Position Main Restaurant (30+) 2 Bedroom Owners Apartment Rare Catering Opportunity

FH £1,075,000


FREE OF TIE LH £39,950




City Centre Bar & Restaurant Premises Stylishly & Exceptionally Well Presented Lounge Bar Areas (50), Restaurant (72) State of the Art Refurbishment in 2018 Extensive High Specification Inventory Must be Viewed

High Quality Daytime Only Cafe & Coffee Shop Occupying A Town Centre Trading Position Cafe/Restaurant (55), Al Fresco Seating (40+) Impressive Levels of Trade with Much Potential Stylish and Extremely Well Equipped Premises Must Be Seen To Be Appreciated

LH £125,000


LH £89,500


LH £45,000


Currently run by a ‘hands on proprietor’ with the assistance of 3 full time chefs (1 of which is also the Manager), 2 full time members of staff working front

of house and a team of part-time waiting staff. The opening hours are evenings only, by preference, from 4.00pm with last orders at 10.00pm. The business is closed on Mondays. The restaurant seats up to 120+ over 2 trade floors and is very popular with families, couples and as a party/function venue. The business has a strong local customer base which is significantly boosted during the holiday season with the influx of visitors to the area.

Genevieve Stringer, who heads the catering department at Bettesworths commented, ‘Smokey Joe’s is one of Torquay’s best known vibrant eateries making it hugely popular with locals and tourists alike. This successful business is a fine example of a themed restaurant with attention to detail. I anticipate a high volume of interest’.

AWARD WINNING, HIGH CLASS TEA ROOM & COFFEE SHOP WITH ANCILLARY RETAIL SHOP, AMIDST CONSERVATION AREA, IN AFFLUENT MID-HAMPSHIRE TOWN. Situated in pretty Georgian town. Offering teas, coffees & light home made meals. Attractively decorated, character property has 36 covers, plus pavement seating for 12 & rear courtyard seating for 20. Catering kitchen. Same hands 13 yrs. T/O £6,000 pw. Recorded T/O £255,000 p.a. (ex VAT). GP 65%. Closed 4.30/5 pm – no eve opening. Leasehold at current rental of £15,600 p.a.x. (new term avail). – £135,000 O.N.O. + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3729)



Quality Café, Coffee Shop & Breakfast Venue Prominent Main Road Trading Position Main Seating Area (42), Pavement Seating Potential to Develop all Areas of Trade Established and Well Regarded Business

LH £69,950



Leading Licensed and Leisure Commercial Estate Agents Bettesworths are pleased to bring to the market an established and popular American Wild West Themed Steakhouse & Smokehouse. Smokey Joe’s, now in their 9th year of successful trading, is located on Torwood Street, a prime location amongst Torquay’s best known restaurants. The restaurant specialises in steaks, ribs and American style burgers, complimented by the addition of a ‘Smoking Station’ where slow cooked BBQ brisket, pork, ribs and chicken are gently smoked over hickory wood.

WATERSIDE BAR, RESTAURANT AND HOTEL WITH 10 LUXURY BEDROOMS, SITUATED ON THE FRINGES OF THE NEW FOREST, HYTHE MARINA VILLAGE, HAMPSHIRE. Run under management. Adjoining 70+ cover restaurant & bar with waterfront views plus terrace seating for 40. Catering kitchen. 10 en suite letting bedrooms for 22 guests. NB. No owner’s accomm. Approx. £500,000 spent on refurbishments in the last 8 years. Rec. gross T/O approx. £860,000 (inc. VAT). Accounts available. Held on two 25 year leases from 2010 at combined rental of £60,000 p.a.x. – OFFERS IN EXCESS OF £200,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. F/C.3750)

Hotel & Pub Rescue Ltd


Smokey Joe’s, Torquay

Every problem has an answer! Call us today without delay on 01183 800949 / 07538 161544.


Do you have serious money problems, are you facing legal threats, are you avoiding the post, your phone and your emails ? We can sort out all your financial and legal problems no matter how severe they are, our success

Let us take control of all your problems and shield you completely from all the pressure you are facing. We will deal with all your creditors and their litigators allowing you to concentrate on your customers and the business. We promise to identify effective solutions and options to keep you trading, or if you prefer, a seamless and managed exit with no adverse effects on you for your future plans.

BUSINESS TRANSFER AGENT HIGH TURNOVER RESTAURANT WITH FULL ON-LIC, FRONTING BUSY ‘A’ RD WITH VIEWS ACROSS OPEN FOREST, OUTSKIRTS OF NEW FOREST VILLAGE, LYNDHURST, HAMPSHIRE. Character prop circa 1900. Tastefully furnished 105 cover restaurant with adj. 30-seat cocktail bar, S&W facing alfresco seating for 80. Lge superbly fitted kitchen with extensive inventory. Trade gdn. 42 space car park with lge free car park nearby. Owners/staff accom comprises 2 more or less S/C 1 dble bed flats, a studio flat & in addition 3 staff bedrms, etc. Retirement sale – same hands 21 years. Ave gross takings £23,000 pw. Accts record a T/O of £957,901 (ex VAT). GP 70%. Scope to open Mon & for afternoon & later evening opening. New lease at initial rental of £75,000 p.a.x. – OIRO £375,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3720)


rate is 100%



For Sale: Bar & Restaurant Located In A Prime City Centre Trading Position Property specialists, Stonesmith of Exeter, are marketing the leasehold of Restaurant 44 - this stunning bar and restaurant, comprising of the four lower floors of a 6 storey Georgian Grade II Listed property in central Exeter. The premises form part of an imposing Georgian terrace - an impressive landmark building, easily identified by visitors to the city centre. The premises are situated in a prime trading location, fronting Queen Street, close to the High Street and main shopping areas and virtually opposite Central Station in the heart of Exeter city centre. The premises underwent a complete refurbishment to an exceptionally high standard throughout, in early 2018 with almost no stone being left unturned, creating a truly stunning state of the art restaurant and bar premises. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, the business is being offered for sale together with an extensive inventory of high specification

CLH News




Thriving Licensed Cafe & Restaurant Established Town Centre Trading Position Currently Trading on Daytime Basis Only Licensed Cafe/Restaurant Area (45+) Al Fresco Seating for 32 Potential to Increase Trade

Traditional Licensed Daytime Cafe/Tea Garden Busy Devon Market Town Centre Main Cafe Seating 48 Customers Al Fresco Tea Garden Seating 40 3 Double Bed Owners Accommodation Excellent Lifestyle Opportunity

Well Regarded Licensed Restaurant Bar Area (12), Dining Rooms (45) Impressive & Spacious 4/5 Bed Pvt Accom Private Walled Patio Garden Area First Time on Market for Over 30 Years

LH £99,995


LH £79,950



FH £390,000


01392 201262

CK DIRECT SETS LUXURY STANDARD MANUFACTURER’S VENTILATION TECHNOLOGY ENHANCES THREE MICHELIN STAR RESTAURANT IN LONDON. The high efficiency of Air Jet kitchen ventilation systems reduces the effective net exhaust volumes, whilst improving extraction efficiency and minimising fan and ductwork size. Air Jet hoods prevent the heat and impurities produced by cooking appliances from spreading to the work area. The hoods deliver a small air flow to push the upwardflowing thermal current toward the filters. Included inside CK Direct’s hoods are unique Franke Cascade filters, which remove 95% of grease particles sized eight microns and above. These save on energy and maintenance, as the pressure loss is low, and the stainlesssteel filters are easy to clean. CK Direct senior design engineer Martin


Direct has had the

amazing opportunity to implement brand new ventilated ceilings and air jet canopies in a three Michelin Star restaurant. The London-based restaurant was the perfect candidate for the latest additions to CK Direct’s product range. During the restaurant’s 8-week refurbishment, the existing extract systems within the kitchen and rooftop were stripped out and replaced. Roof mounted air handling units, extract and supply fans, air conditioning and toilet ventilation were all fitted to service the launch of the showpiece ventilated ceiling, Air Jet canopy system and the new Air Jet extract hood.

How do these new installations improve the restaurant?

Culham was thrilled to see the new products in action at such a highprofile establishment. “In this, and also past cases where CK Direct has had the opportunity to introduce its services to a renowned restaurant, we’ve relished the chance to show what we’re capable of. Time and again we’ve seen that our innovations in ventilation are exactly what these establishments are seeking.” Martin continued and explained that refurbishments like this one will not only benefit the restaurant’s employees, but their customers too. Cleaner and safer kitchens are a win-win!

You can find out more about CK Direct’s commercial kitchen ventilation and extraction systems on its website:

Ventilated ceiling


The modular ventilated ceiling system is perfect for kitchens with an extensive range of cooking surfaces. It’s recommended for kitchens where natural points of extraction such as windows cannot be utilised – in other words, places like a residential area in London.

The three Michelin star restaurant in London features CK Direct Air Jet canopies.

The ceiling system is ideal for cooking areas that are viewable to the public. The consumer can see the staff hard at work, whilst the staff retain a safe and clean environment.


Air Jet canopy system

is suitable for

CK Direct’s Air Jet canopy system allows the kitchen ventilation system to provide sufficient capture and containment at a minimal exhaust flow rate. It creates negative pressure along the front edge and side of the hood, assisting in containment of heat and effluents in the critical work area.

kitchens with an

CK Direct’s ventilated ceiling

extensive range of cooking surfaces.

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