CLH News #222 March 2019

Page 1


Editor's Viewpoint

Page 16

Products and Services

Page 18

Hospitality Technology

Pages 20-22 Microwaves & Combi Ovens

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Maximise your Profit Margins Minimise your Operating Costs Resolve any Operational and Staff Issues Increase the Profit from your Business


Pages 22-24

Uniforms and Workwear

Pages 25-27

Food Hygiene

Pages 28-29

Outdoor Spaces

Pages 30-37

Design and Refit

Pages 38-39

Property and Professional



MARCH 2019

Disorderly Brexit Could Cost Hospitality Sector £1.8 Billion A Year By 2024

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A ‘disorderly Brexit’ could see the UK’s hospitality industry suffer a £1.8 billion reduction in economic output, compared to an ‘orderly Brexit’ – a new study has revealed. In a stark warning the study revealed that 60% of UK hospitality businesses highlighted that leaving the EU will negatively impact their ability to hire kitchen and restaurant workers, cleaning and housekeeping staff as well as maintenance workers, and whatever the Brexit scenario, hospitality businesses can expect to lose over a fifth of this current workforce The report, developed by workforce management company Quinyx in collaboration with Development Economics and Censuswide, includes economic analysis of ONS data and findings from an employer sentiment survey of 1,008 senior decision makers in UK firms that hire blue-collar workers. It highlights the impor-

tance of these workers to the UK economy, and the severe impact Brexit uncertainty will have on their jobs. As part of the research, Quinyx compared the predicted growth and economic output of the UK’s manual and elementary service workers in the hospitality sector under both a disorderly and an orderly Brexit scenario. The comparison found that the overall increase in economic output generated by the these hospitality workers would be over £3.4 billion per year by 2024 under an orderly Brexit, compared to over £1.6 billion per year under a disorderly Brexit – this equates to a 52% reduction or £1.8 billion loss each year. The decrease in economic output would come from a lack of access to hospitality sector workers in manual or elementary service roles – for example kitchen and

restaurant workers, cleaning and housekeeping staff or maintenance workers. This could come primarily as a result of uncertainty around, or lack of, immigration policies. The impact on businesses will vary across the UK. The research found that in the event of a disorderly Brexit, London, the East of England and the South East will see the greatest reductions in available workers and economic output. The research found that under any Brexit scenario employers in the UK’s hospitality sector expect to lose – on average – 23% of their blue-collar workforce as a result of the UK’s departure from the EU, with 11% saying they expect to lose 31% or more. Despite this, 25% of hospitality businesses have no plan for managing their future pipeline of these workers post-Brexit.


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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Editor's Viewpoint

March 2019

Welcome to the March CLH News, and welcome to any new readers. We are free to trade hospitality and licensed publication and I very much hope that you find us interesting and useful! I think it was Harold Wilson who famously said, “A week is a long time in politics”, and what a week this has been. I don’t want to dwell too much on Brexit, I’m sure you’re all like me all ‘Brexited out’!!! EDITOR

Nevertheless current turmoil is presenting challenges, and the hospitality industry has been quite vocal in its opposition to a no deal Brexit. UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said of this week’s parliamentary turmoil: “The hospitality sector has historically proven resilient and innovative, but the unprecedented confusion and uncertainty since the referendum has provided stern tests with no relief seemingly in sight. A no deal Brexit would be dreadful news for the sector and many businesses will face serious disruption if we crash out without a deal. Parliament needs to move to rule out such an outcome and then act swiftly and decisively to ensure we avoid it. In the meantime, and at the very least, all other business needs to be put on hold as a matter of urgency. We need to devote our time to addressing the challenges a no deal Brexit is inevitably going to produce and there just is no option of doing business as usual.”

Peter Adams

However, one comment I did notice on our lead story, which comes from one of our advertisers, gives cause for optimism. Calvern James, sales manager at highlights the industries resilience. Skill shortages, he rightly says, “have been around for years.” I spent 17 years in operations during the 80s and 90s, working my way through university waiting tables and serving behind bars, onto food and beverage management in hotels and pubs, unit manager for a steakhouse chain, and my own wine bar restaurant to boot! And believe me we probably had more skills/labour shortages then than now. I think back to some of the busy nights when I have my bar/restaurant and often wonder how I got through them!

Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at @CLHNews’s Calvern James is absolutely right. The industry has come through a recession and enjoying huge growth, yes there has been some bumps in the road this past year, mainly in my opinion due to over expansion in the casual dining sector, but we do need to appreciate the opportunities the sector offers, particularly for social mobility. It was truly a breath of fresh air when Greene King announced its launch to improve social mobility and create opportunities for individuals from all backgrounds in the hospitality sector. The industry provides fantastic opportunities from ground floor level working up to senior management, it is fun, vibrant and offers opportunities of travel into the bargain. Which is why the Chancellor’s announcement to bring forward reforms to the apprenticeship scheme worth over £700 million is a huge bonus. I can truly see the number of apprenticeships in the industry soaring which is great news. One more thing, we rely on our valued advertisers to keep printing and publishing CLH News, so please whether responding in print or online always quote CLH News, and please sign up at and follow us on Twitter @CLHNEWS we want as many followers as possible!

PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG


01202 552333

FAX: 01202 552666 @CLHNews CLHNews

EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Shelly Roche Published by


workers are looking for.”

Mansoor Malik, Managing Director UK & International at Quinyx, said:

Statistics by global software company Forth also highlighted the importance of EU workers in the hospitality industry revealing that 40% of workers in the restaurant, QSR (quick service restaurants/fastfood), hotel and pub sectors are from the EU. British workers make up 50% and the remaining 10% come from the rest of the world. However, the numbers spike significantly for QSR, with almost three quarters (73.1%) of workers coming from outside the UK – 62.7% from EU and 10.4% from rest of the world.

‘’The impact that a disorderly Brexit will have on the UK’s kitchen staff, restaurant workers, and cleaners as well as the hospitality businesses that employ them is concerning. Access to manual workers or those in elementary service roles is crucial for ensuring the UK’s economic wellbeing – and employers need to make plans to avoid staff shortages in the future. ‘’A first step for employers facing staff shortages is looking at ways that they can bridge the gap between supply and demand. Given the degree of uncertainty on the horizon, seeking out new ways to attract and retain domestic workers should be a primary focus.’’ The research also found that difficulties accessing these workers as a result of Brexit are likely to be further exacerbated, as hospitality employers already face challenges in recruiting and retaining them. Over half (51%) of UK employers in the hospitality industry with a manual and elementary service workforce currently struggle to recruit these workers, with an even greater percentage (56%) reporting that they struggle to retain them. Some of the main barriers to the recruitment and retention of these workers in the UK are low pay, unsociable hours and lack of career progression. Lack of flexibility was also cited by one-fifth (20%) of hospitality employers as a significant grievance among their workforce. Mansoor added: “Our research found that skills shortages, as a byproduct of poor retention and the inability to recruit blue-collar workers, result in a 10% reduction of growth and an 11% drop in productivity in hospitality businesses, on average .Hiring and retaining staff is no easy task at the best of times, but with Brexit on the horizon it’s crucial that hospitality businesses now do all they can to attract motivated workers to these roles. Employers need to be creative and provide the greater flexibility that manual and elementary service

While the current uncertainty presented challenges, they are not unsurmountable, Calvern James, sales manager at, said that while fewer applications from EU nationals are being received and that industry growth has outstripped the candidate market the industry should not underestimate its resilience. “Skill shortages have been around for years.” He said “The industry is extremely resilient; we went through the recession and what we’ve seen since is huge growth over the last five years – 400,000-plus people entered the hospitality industry, with a 20% growth in the number of establishments over the same period. “The industry has to think harder about how it attracts talent and this policy will make it harder. We need new ways to innovate the approach to hiring, look for other pools of talent. The industry is really good at that, but we can do more to position it as a great place to work.” Leading figures in the hospitality industry have been lobbying the government consistently to avoid a staffing crisis, in October last year more than 150 industry leaders travelled to Parliament to push for ministers to ensure that any future policy will include a quick and easy visa system that protects a future hospitality workforce, however given the turmoil this week in Parliament as to whether we will leave with a deal, no deal or apply for an extension, a solution seems to be as far away as ever.

Last year, over 7.8m people applied for bartender roles in the UK on their website, which was a 10.7% increase on the year prior. has also seen a 16% uplift year-on-year in the number of these roles advertised. Neil Pattison, director at said: “Our data shows bartender roles are continuing to increase in popularity, with 4.2m people applying for these roles in London last year – an increase of 15.6% over 12 months,”. “These days consumers are looking for a lot more than just a place to sit down and have a drink. “As a result, employers are seeking excellent candidates that can help them attract customers and deliver a strong offering that showcases their brand identity. “The great work environments and opportunity for creativity in these roles

Managers often worked more hours than they were contracted for, with managers in hospitality and catering sector working the most unpaid overtime, at 9.7 hours per week, while managers in retail, leisure, finance and production put in 8.9 hours without pay.

Managers in organisations’ finance, marketing and HR functions did an extra 9.2 hours.

when it’s needed, but too many employers are taking advantage,” she said.

Men worked just over a billion unpaid overtime hours in 2018, the TUC found, compared to 0.9 billion for women. About 18% of both men and women worked unpaid overtime, including those who work part time.

“Overworking staff hurts productivity, leaves workers stressed and exhausted and eats into time that should be spent with family and friends. Bosses who do steal people’s time should face consequences.”

TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady said “it’s not okay” for managers to expect employees to work extra hours for free. The TUC has called for new rights that ensure employers who break working time rules are held to account at tribunal. “Lots of us are willing to put in a few extra hours

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Almost one in four workers in London did unpaid overtime, compared to a national average of 18% – employees in the capital worked 385 million free hours last year, according to the TUC. While there were fewer workers doing unpaid overtime in the north west (460,000), they did the most unpaid hours per person, at eight per week.

are some of the contributors to the rise in applicants looking for bar work – making it an increasingly desirable and sought-after profession. “For jobseekers who want to make their applications stand out from the crowd, experience within the industry goes a long way. “Today being a bartender entails so much more than just pulling a pint and there are lots of valuable qualifications which are recognised within the industry, whether it is attending mixology school or gaining a diploma in bartending.” For further details visit and see advert page 17.


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A study by the trade union body revealed that more than 5 million workers did around 2 billion unpaid hours of work during 2018. This would mean that the average person doing unpaid overtime has worked the year so far for free.


Bartending is the hospitality industry’s most popular job according to research by Hospitality jobs board

Hospitality Workers in The UK Put In Over 7.5 Hours Of Unpaid Overtime Each Week Employees in the UK did more than £32 billion worth of unpaid overtime last year, according to analysis by the TUC.

CLH News

Bartending is Hospitality's Most Popular Job


Disorderly Brexit Could Cost Hospitality Sector £1.8 Billion A Year By 2024

March 2019



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

March 2019

Consumer Conscious And The Taste Of Tomorrow The food industry is experiencing rapid changes as consumer demands are driving new products to the market. From plant-based burgers to drinks enriched with phytochemicals, there is a shift in Luca Morena, CEO, Nextatlas consumer thinking when it comes to food and how the body is nourished. Consumers are seeking out products with meaningful, functional benefits such as energy, cognitive support and stress relief, while products that assist with issues such as digestion and inflammation are in high demand. They want more than just hydration from their beverages and more than just nourishment from their food. They are more educated about health and wellness than ever before; as such, from the rediscovery of unprocessed traditional foods to the added value of food transparency, our everyday lives are undergoing a food evolution. But what are the main socio-economic changes that are informing our new found thirst for avocado ice cream, seaweed butter and dragon fruit?

EATING OUR OWN WORDS Interest in functional foods has skyrocketed due to the growing self-care movement and evidence highlighting the critical link between diet and health. As a result, consumers are craving food and drinks that can sustain their robust lifestyles and provide optimal health benefits. But to do this, they are becoming inquisitive about ingredients. Today, people care about what is in their food - and they are exercising their right to know. Consequently, we are seeing a very specific, almost technical, vocabulary for what we ingest. This is manifesting itself everywhere from processed industrial foods to restaurants. Menus are morphing into instruction manuals with each ingredient carefully noted, usually using a peculiar lexicon derived from the tradition of high cuisine. It is a progressive re-appropriation of foodstuff that goes hand in hand with the enrichment of the vocabulary connected to food. And it goes way beyond the plate. Brutally candid presentations about where our

food comes from and what it is made of are transforming advertising and marketing messages into common knowledge. The fast-food chain McDonalds has spent millions in an education drive to clearly showcase the efficacy of its menu - and this is just one example. Thanks to a combination of better packaging and a growing consumer awareness and interest, more people are learning to eat healthily just by reading and understanding the component parts of products.

SKIN DEEP There’s no doubt that there’s a shift in buying behavior to the plant-based category. A major factor driving this demand is the proliferation of research on gut-health and the benefits of a plant-heavy diet, which has led consumers to look at food in a “functional” capacity. Restaurants, groceries, and even the large food conglomerates are putting capital behind it and as more investment moves into the space, we’ll see more of these products on shelves. This is connected to the aspiration of living an integral life. Namely, the transformation of habits, appearance and evolved consciousness that define how we feel and appear. The direction is that of a complete balance and immersion in a world where personal choices reflect the environment, both natural and social, that we strive for and desire the most. And, just as it happens with other trends, what is happening in food is inextricably linked to other, connected sectors, specifically beauty and the skin. Aloe, green tea, bamboo, cucumber, tomato, watermelon and moringa are some of the foods we’re seeing incorporated into skincare products. This is intended to fulfill the demand of a more health-conscious approach to beauty. Green, natural, pure, organic and eco-friendly are some of the terms that certify that these beauty products are made with plant- derived, non-toxic, sometimes vegan, cruelty-free or ethically-sourced ingredients. Botanical oils are also one of the fastest growing categories in skincare due to their adaptability. They can be applied to the face, body and hair and have moisturising, vitaminic and antioxidant properties. We’re likely to see this grow exponentially, based on a combination of educated and informed millennials taking action by innovating and developing products in this space, and retailers showing increasing appetite to have of plant-based products and sources on their shelves.


Millennials are not just informing what we are eating, but when and how. Younger consumers have a desire to try new and different things, particularly food philosophies they see from celebrities on social media. But the focus on work-life balance in recent years is also translating into food, too. Eating healthy on a tight working schedule can be hard; big brands have noticed by developing ad hoc solutions to tap into these specific and very contemporary needs. Fresher, readily available products seamlessly integrate into one’s daily struggles between private and work lives. Fast casual is the combination of two expressions: fast food and casual dining. This kind of dining experience offers the ease and convenience of fast- food chains, but in a more inviting and pleasant environment. Fast-food companies are keeping an eye on these fast-growing eating establishments and are improving their ingredients to stay competitive. They are even opening new restaurants with a different approach. A generation more concerned about what they are eating and how it affects their health, combined with a widespread slower lifestyle, are the main reasons why this sector has become a big success and is expanding throughout the world.

MENU OF TOMORROW The food & beverage industry is trying to quickly react to ever changing consumer needs by innovating and creating nutrient dense foods with the meaningful functional benefits that more and more consumers are looking for. It is easier to access global flavours now more than ever, and people want to experience new, innovative and healthy alternatives from other cultures and parts of the world. Concepts like cruelty free, natural, and vegan friendly gain traction and mix with the ever growing attention given to what ends up on our tables and then in our guts. We can expect to see a virtuous reaction, on the one hand helping with the general social problem of eating better and, on the other, outlets and brands are likely to adopt new production strategies and develop environmentally friendlier distribution and manufacturing processes. If they don't, they will alienate an increasingly influential consumer, who has shown time and time again it is prepared to vote with its wallet.

Avvio Champions User Experience With New Booking Engine Innovations Global technology provider Avvio has made more innovative changes to its award-winning booking engine as it continues to lead the way in using artificial intelligence (AI) to drive revenue and guest engagement for hotels and accommodation providers. Based on data gathered from Avvio’s AI booking engine Allora, as well as from analysis of industry trends and best practice, the front-end design and functionality of the booking engine has been enhanced to provide a better guest user experience (UX) to enable an increase in direct bookings. Avvio’s design and technical teams have developed the new booking interface design to bring a range of benefits to the technology provider’s customers, including improved guest engagement and conversion rates. Mobile optimisation has been a prominent factor in making the UX changes to the platform as Avvio’s research revealed there has been a 42.5 per cent increase in mobile bookings for its customers across Europe between 2017 and 2018. The latest updates continue to make the booking experience fully responsive and optimised to mobile users to ensure a seamless customer journey regardless of the device guests are using to book. Other front-end changes made with guest user experience in mind include greater visual emphasis on security, best rate guarantees and online review scores, as well as improved navigation through the booking path. Ice House Hotel and Spa in Co. Mayo – a member of Ireland’s Blue Book, the leading collection of Irish hotels and country houses, and one of Avvio’s customers – has been receiving positive feedback from guests on

their booking experiences. Commenting on the new and improved platform, general manager Niall Kerins said: “The functionality is great, it's user-friendly and intuitive and looks brilliant on mobile!” Hastings Hotels, whose portfolio includes seven stunning hotels across Northern Ireland, is another of Avvio’s customers. Hannah Corbett, group digital strategist at Hastings Hotels, commented: “The updated design of the booking engine is fantastic. “The interface is easy to use and it’s incredibly responsive on mobile, enabling a seamless user experience for our website visitors. The visual indication of security on the booking page provides our guests with reassurance that their details are secure when booking direct.” The upgraded booking engine now features a ‘length of stay’ discounting function, providing hotels with a platform to incentivise guests to stay longer by offering a discount on the total cost. Avvio’s hotel and accommodation customers will benefit from even better reporting capabilities, so reports can be tailored to compare data and monitor results more easily. Avvio co-founder and CEO Frank Reeves said: “We’re pleased to have introduced the latest line up of new features and updates to our awardwinning platform. “Within this software release, our hotel customers have discovered exciting enhancements to the frontend of their booking engine, as well as more exciting new features and other reporting enhancements. “We have brought our technology ahead of evolving industry best practice and guest expectations and, so far, we’re pleased to have received such positive feedback from our customers.” Learn more at

Keeping Track of Workers at the One & Only Palmilla Hotel

Staff at the One & Only Palmilla and Golf Hotel in Los Cabos, Mexico have migrated over to the latest Hytera DMR Solution from traditional analogue radios. This has enabled the hotel to now keep track and locate their co-workers across the property’s 27 holes.

require help quickly. As the hotel is based in an area susceptible to hurricanes, emergency features are vital, as it ensures a faster response time when dealing with any emerging situations.

The implementation of Hytera DMR radios at Palmilla Hotel includes 350 PD706 terminals for the area of operation in the complex, 100 PD606 terminals just for use at the golf course, and a few PD786 devices for senior management staff. This mixed fleet of GPS enabled DMR radios successfully solves the problem of locating co-workers throughout the resort.

The simple rugged handsets with high IP rating and no keypad are ideal for the general workforce to respond and engage in communications. The senior management required a more comprehensive solution with full screen and keypad devices in conjunction with Hytera’s SmartDispatch software.

“Palmilla has always been a technology innovator in the hotel industry in Baja California Sur. Based on that and offering a state-of-the-art digital radio solution that provides exceptional audio quality and GPS localisation of the golf course staff equipment, we achieve top user satisfaction,” comments Alfredo Villaseñor, CEO of Communications.

A STEP AHEAD IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY The Hytera DMR Solution replaced the analogue radio system the hotel had in place, with migration decision following the aftermath of a hurricane. Migrating to the DMR System helped the hotel stay a step-ahead of the game whilst remaining compliant with the IFETEL’s digital migration regulations. The Hytera DMR Solution supports logistics tasks, but also supplements security operations through a centralised controller. This provides additional functionality such as groups to be interconnected by means of a dispatch console, as well as alarms and warnings to be generated for users who


The solution is built according to the ETSI DMR open standard, deploying a client/server structure and modular design that offers a distribution and deployment platform for the communication network in a customised control centre.

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Eat Out Visits Will Fall Over Next Two Years but Spend Will Increase To Record £60 Billion Global information company The NPD Group says visits in the British out-of-home (OOH) or eat-out foodservice market will slide in 2019 and 2020. The market peaked at 11.35 billion visits in 2017 but dropped – 0.5% to 11.29 billion in 2018. Despite population growth of +0.6% per annum, there will be a further drop of -0.5% in 2019 and another -0.1% in 2020 to reach 11.23 billion visits. However, NPD is predicting a +5.0% increase in spend to £59.47 billion by end of 2020, against the £56.62 billion for 2018. This will be mainly driven by operators increasing menu prices as they respond to cost pressures, including inflation. The average individual cheque reached £5.00 in 2018 and will rise an additional 5.6% by 2020 to £5.30.

ON-PREMISE UNDER PRESSURE A key trend in British foodservice is the decline of the on-premise sector (food and drinks consumed where purchased) versus off-premise (delivery, takeaway / grab ‘n’ go and drive-thru). This is the result of the long-term decline in retail footfall as more shoppers purchase online. The on-premise market peaked at 4.58 billion visits in 2016 but dropped in the two years following. It will lose a further 8% by end 2020 (vs. 2018) to reach 4.02 billion visits. On-premise spend will increase marginally – but mainly as a result of operators increasing menu prices.

MODEST GROWTH FOR TAKEAWAY AND GRAB ‘N’ GO NPD is predicting a better performance in the offpremise sector. NPD forecasts off-premise visits will reach 7.21bn visits by end 2020 (4% higher than 2018), while spend is forecast to jump +10% to £27.87 billion. Because takeaway and grab ‘n’ go currently contributes such a high percentage of off-premise visits (83%) even low growth makes a difference. NPD’s forecast is for takeaway and grab ‘n’ go visits to increase by 1.6% and

March 2019

CLH News


spend to go up 6% by end 2020. NPD says the industry will also ramp up delivery and invest in drive-thru as an additional way of responding to the decline on the high street. NPD’s forecast is for consumers to spend 22% more on delivery by end 2020 to create a delivery market worth £5.8bn annually. The number of delivery visits will jump 17% by end 2020 to reach 882 million. The delivery market currently accounts for 13% of all offpremise foodservice visits but by end of 2020 delivery’s share will have increased to 15%. By 2020, delivery could comprise almost 10% of spend in the total British outof-home (OOH) or eat-out foodservice market, piling additional pressure on

QSR AS BIG AS EVER The established trend of consumers trading down to cheaper eats when eating out is forecast to continue. The QSR channel that includes well-known burger and bakery chains is expected to attract 41 million more visits each year by the end of 2020 to reach nearly 6 billion visits annually, representing more than 53% of the entire British foodservice industry in visit terms. NPD’s forecast is for QSR to attract £1.53 billion more spend by end 2020 to reach £24.6 billion.

CASUAL DINING STILL A WINNER Casual dining will also see strong growth in visits and spend. By end 2020, it will be attracting an additional 43 million visits to represent 5.5% of all OOH visits, while spend will jump +15.5% or some £960 million. By contrast, full-service restaurants will continue to decline with a loss of 63 million visits, a drop of -9.3%. Similar to their QSR cousins, casual dining operators have been quick to expand into delivery. All leading casual dining chains are benefiting from this move into delivery, as well as an emphasis on product and service quality.

VisitBritain Predict Record Visitor Spend in 2019 Forecast VisitBritain have published their 2019 inbound tourism forecast, which anticipates a 3.3% increase in visit numbers to 38.8 million, and a 7.8% increase in overseas visitor spend to reach a record £24.9 billion. Whilst Brexit remains a key uncertainty, the forecast assumes that there will be no major disruptions to travel after 29 March. Although bookings from long haul markets remain broadly in line with the previous year, there has been a sharp decline in flight bookings from Europe, particularly for arrivals after 29 March. VisitBritain noted that this is a significant and growing risk and

the result from European markets in particular could be significantly less than assumed by the forecast. The value of the pound, which remains lower than its pre-referendum level and is forecast to continue to be weak throughout the medium term, was cited as another key uncertainty. Consumer sentiment research by VisitBritain found that while there is still widespread agreement that the weak pound makes it a good time to visit the UK, the favourable exchange rate is less important to visitors than it was in 2016. The pound is expected to strengthen slightly by the end of the

year, however this will depend on a number of factors including, Brexit, monetary policy in the UK, Europe and the US and the strength of their economies. The global economy, and in particular the economic performance of the UK’s main source markets, will be another major factor in driving visitor numbers. While the outlook is still for moderate growth in 2019, the global economy has slowed since its 2017/18 peak, with the Eurozone economy experiencing a difficult H2 in 2018 with unexpectedly weak growth, and the Chinese economy continuing to slow gradually.

The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

March 2019

Look Beyond Brexit to a Sustainable Approach, Urges Lynx Purchasing BBPA responds to Spring Statement’s “Encouraging News” Operators need to look beyond Brexit and focus on the opportunities that a sustainable approach to business offers, believes buying specialist Lynx Purchasing. “In the current market, it can feel like a challenge to try and focus past the potential for supply chain disruption over the coming months, and onto the long term,” says Lynx managing director Rachel Dobson, “but that’s exactly what we’re encouraging hospitality businesses to do. “One of the most important issues around Brexit, and one that is most difficult for operators to address directly, is consumer confidence. Consumers need to feel able to commit their disposable income to going out to eat and drink, and a clear message from the industry that, as far as possible, it’s business as usual, will help.” The advice comes as Lynx publishes the Spring 2019 edition of its regular Market Forecast. which offers operators an indepth look at pricing and product trends over the coming months, using exclusive data gathered from the range of suppliers who work with Lynx Purchasing. Dobson adds: “Efficient ordering, wellplanned delivery schedules and reducing waste all play a part in this. In the short

term, they help operators deal with any disruption to supply over the coming months, and over time, these measures will reduce the sector’s environmental impact, as well as increasing operators’ margins in the long term.” The Market Forecast also focuses in detail on the potential supply chain challenges of the months ahead, emphasising that British produce is likely to be the least affected in the event of Brexit hitting supplies, “but with demand a big driver of price, operators are advised to keep menus flexible and work closely with suppliers,” advises Dobson. Sectors covered in the Spring 2019 Market Forecast include: Beef: The arrival of the barbecue season from Easter onwards will see an increase in the demand for burger cuts from the beef forequarter, as well as continuing demand for steaks, Round cuts such as topsides and silversides are likely to be better value. Fish: Wild brill, turbot, monk and hake caught in UK waters should be plentiful, weather and tides permitting. Plaice will also be in good condition after the spawning season, from April onwards, while wild bass, skate and mullet should be avoided

because of sustainability issues. Potatoes: The 2018 potato crop was poor due to the weather, and led to a number of quality issues. While supplies are likely to last until the new season, larger potatoes such as bakers will be in shorter supply and so likely to cost more. Salads: March sees the arrival of Dutch salad crops such as cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes, which gradually replace Spanish stocks as they come to the end of their season. The UK market is important to these producers, and any supply or currency issues caused by Brexit will be a challenge on both sides. Dobson adds: “High quality British produce coming into season this spring includes rhubarb, asparagus, and Jersey Royals. While higher demand may push up prices, we’re encouraging our customers to buy British wherever possible, and to make the most of produce when it’s at its best in terms of price, quality and availability. “Operators who can adapt recipes and menus will be best place to make the most of seasonality. These are simple measures that help operators deal with any short-term challenges in the supply chain, and also support sustainability.”

Following the Chancellor’s Spring statement earlier this month Brigid Simmonds, Chief executive of the British Beer & Pub Association, commented:“Despite being light on detail, there was some encouraging news for brewers and pubs in the Spring statement. “Bringing forward reforms to apprenticeship schemes worth £700million to April - including increased ability to transfer apprenticeship funding into the supply chain and reduce the co-investment rate to 5% - is a welcome move for pubs, brewers and the hospitality sector as a whole. These sectors have seen the number of apprentices soar in recent years, with 165,000 people starting apprenticeships in hospitality and catering between 2013 and 2018. It will also help companies operating in the leased and tenanted pub sector who could not use their apprenticeship levy in pubs that they own, but where they are not the individual employer. “A review of international evidence of minimum wage rates was announced alongside a roundtable, which will be chaired by the Chancellor himself with a view to improving productivity. It is imperative that this also looks at minimum wage enforcement and the current lack of industry guidance which is penalising responsible operators.

“The Chancellor reiterated his commitment to consulting with industry on the Migration Bill, promising to work with business to ensure the new system “supports the needs of the economy”. This is vital for the hospitality and pub sector and so is most welcome. “Pubs are at the heart of the high street offer, giving them vitality and character. We therefore welcome the proposed consultation exploring how local areas can make better use of planning tools to support their high streets. “With the number of pubs falling in the UK due to planned increases to beer duty – which are linked to the retail price index (RPI ) – we have called consistently for RPI to be switched to consumer price index (CPI) when measuring inflation. The Chancellor made clear that the Government would respond to the House of Lords’ Economic Affairs Committee report, which also recommended the switch. “The OBR expects economic growth and job growth to continue and as one of Britain’s leading sectors, brewing and pubs continue to play a key role in driving these. If there is to be any “deal dividend” from Brexit, then it should be used to help important UK businesses like pubs and brewers, as well as pub goers. For example, a cut in beer tax and reform of the business rates system which currently unfairly penalises pubs.”

The Sustainable Caterer - Top Tips On Minimising Food And Packaging Waste ‘Single use’ was declared by Collins dictionary word of the year in 2018, as sustainability and the need to tackle the ever-growing war on waste were firmly fixed in consumers’ minds. The surge towards sustainability has undeniably impacted the hospitality industry, and with the appointment of the UK’s first Food Surplus Waste Champion at the start of January 2019 1, the pressure is now on for the industry to decrease its food and plastic waste. With increasing pressure for consumers to adhere to more sustainable diets, this is adding pressure on caterers to ensure they offer a varied menu which meets the increasing rise in the demand for both flexitarian and vegan diets. With all of this in mind, Chris Beckley, Managing Director at kff shares his top tips for caterers looking to become more sustainable in 2019.

WASTE NOT, WANT NOT Food waste is the biggest fight for sustainability that operators will face and the first place to look if they want to tackle food waste, is the bin. Not literally, but understanding which ingredients or dishes are frequently being wasted, is a great first step into minimising food waste. If operators or caterers notice the same items are being thrown away, then portion control is of course something to be looked at. With stocks and sauces, or vegetable trimmings these should be considered for freezing or reused for meal bases the following day.

USE PORTION CONTROL TO AVOID FOOD WASTE It’s important to remember that portion control isn’t necessarily about cooking less, it just means that caterers are cooking to meet the needs of customers at the time. Wasted food in the UK reportedly amounts to 1.3 billion meals, therefore it is important teams are trained in creating new dishes or specials from leftover ingredients.


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2018 saw a real shift in consumer behaviour towards sustainability, we ditched plastic straws, we recycled more than ever, and we bought reusable food and drinks containers all in a bid to do our bit - and this year we envision the war on plastic will only be more prominent. Meaning there is more pressure on businesses than ever before - and it is key that the hospitality industry wakes up to the cultural shift and not only reduces its food waste, but also its plastic and packaging consumption. Think recycled brown paper for sandwiches instead of plastic wrap, and offering customers discounts if they bring reusable containers for food and drink. Sandwich and coffee shop chain Pret A Manger, are often leading the environmental pathway for the industry. In 2018 the brand notably kick-started an initiative to reduce its plastic water bottle wastage by introducing free water filling stations as well as branded reusable bottles.

benefit too. At kff we’re passionate about reducing food waste and supporting our local communities. We do this by donating in-date, surplus food to a local charity - our annual donations total to around £44,000 worth of stock. According to FareShare, 1.9million tonnes of food is wasted in the UK every year1 and this largely due to food going uneaten because of poorly measured portion sizes and over-catering. If donating food is not possible, highly discounted food items are always another incentive for consumers. With all this in mind, if caterers look to employ some of the above methods to help keep an eye on portion sizes, stock control and they look for more inventive ways to minimise their food and packaging waste they could not only save money but help towards driving this key change in attitudes towards a more sustainable future.


For more information on kff visit

A final option for caterers looking to reduce their food waste is to offer leftovers to a local shelter or food facility. Not only will this help to ensure that any leftovers are used that day, but local people in need will


UK Managed Restaurant Numbers Drop for First Time in Nine Years

Britain’s supply of casual dining restaurants dipped for the first time in nine years in 2018 as a sustained decline in the wider licensed sector continued, reveals the new edition of the Market Growth Monitor from CGA and AlixPartners. The new research shows that Britain had 5,780 managed restaurants in December 2018—27.3% or 1,241 more than just five years ago. But casual dining brands now appear to have peaked, with numbers slipping by 0.1% from December 2017. The news follows rising concerns about over-capacity in the restaurant sector, as well as mounting pressures on property, people and food costs and Brexit-related dents to business confidence. The Market Growth Monitor reveals important nuances in the fortunes of managed restaurants around Britain. Outside the M25, there was a 0.9% drop in the total in the year to December 2018—but inside it there was a 1.5% rise. High streets, where over-supply has been most notable, saw managed restaurant numbers dip 1.1% year on year, while suburban areas recorded 2.2% growth. CGA vice president Peter Martin said: “The boom in managed restaurants has been one of the British economy’s great success stories of the past decade. But after a string of closures and CVAs in the casual dining sector in the last 12 months, the sector is now in net decline— albeit a very modest one. We can expect to see further contraction in numbers over the course of 2019. He added: “Many casual dining brands continue to thrive, and we are seeing continued strong growth for small and medium sized groups in particular. Operators that have a

March 2019

CLH News

distinctive offer, execute it brilliantly and select the right sites have a lot to look forward to—but for bigger brands that fail to keep pace with changing consumer habits and demands, the next few years may be a lot more challenging.”

There is better news in the Market Growth Monitor for pubs and bars—especially those generating the majority of sales from drinks. Closures of drink-led pubs and bars averaged 3.6 a day in the last five years, but in the last 12 months the pace has slowed substantially, to 2.2 a day. It follows a strong 2018 for many pub operators, on the back of hot summer weather, the football World Cup and the rising popularity of drinks including craft beer, cocktails and artisan spirits. Peter Martin said: “The last decade has seen a relentless decline in Britain’s number of pubs and bars, but there are welcome signs that the clear-out of unsustainable sites is starting to ease. With consumers’ drinking trends working in the sector’s favour, and food-led pub operators facing the same challenges as managed restaurants, the outlook for drinkers’ pubs is better than it has been for a long time.” AlixPartners managing director Graeme Smith said: “The more positive outlook for pubs and bars is reflective of the buoyant M&A activity in the sector. Trade and private equity buyers are turning their gaze to pub and bar assets. This reflects not only the saturation of certain parts of the restaurant market, but also the combination of reduced supply and the continued rise of quality wet-led pub and bar operators. These factors have been driving strong performance in a challenging environment.”

Pub Closures Slow To 14 Per Week But “Still Remain High”

The latest pub closure figures from CAMRA reveal that 14 pubs are closing their doors each week, prompting the real ale consumer’s champion to renew calls for fundamental action to Save Our Pubs. As the UK prepares to exit the European Union, the Government will have the freedom to reduce Beer Duty specifically in pubs – levelling the playing field between the price of beer sold in social, community settings and cheap supermarket alcohol consumed at home. This move is one of three key measures CAMRA believes the Government needs to take urgently to halt the tide of pub closures. The Campaign is also calling for full

reviews both of the Business Rates System to fix the unfair amount pubs pay, and of currently ineffective legislation designed to enable pub tenants to get a fair deal from their big-business property owners – both moves the Government has promised but is yet to carry out. The number of pub closures has dropped slightly from a rate of 18 a week last year, thanks in part to CAMRA’s success in achieving new local planning protection for pubs in England. But the figure remains far too high and without swift action, it is unlikely that many of them will ever reopen. Jackie Parker, CAMRA’s National Chairman said: “Pubs are a very

important part of our national culture and are valuable community assets which help to combat loneliness and social isolation. It’s great we have seen a drop in the number of pubs closing, showing that our hard-fought campaign to get planning protection for pubs was worth it. “Protecting pubs in the English planning system was a necessity and a welcome move from the Government. However, it’s taken nearly two years for the trickledown effects of the planning changes to show. Our politicians should back the asks of the Save Our Pubs Campaign in full, and show they are squarely behind pubs.”

If you have any interesting news articles that would be of interest to our readers please email us at


Pubs and Bars Outperform Restaurants in February New statistics from Feed It Back’s monthly social review tracker have revealed that the average review score for pubs and bars left across Facebook, TripAdvisor and Google during February was 4.3, which outperformed the restaurant sector that achieved an average score of 4.1. The statistics, which were taken from thousands of social reviews across the restaurant, quick service restaurant and pub industries, revealed that an increase in positive reviews left on Facebook (which rose from 4.6 in January to 4.7 in February), and TripAdvisor (which rose from 4.2 to 4.3, over the same period), were the drivers behind the spike in positive reviews for the pub and bar sector. The restaurant sector’s average social review score also rose between January (4.0) and February (4.1), a move entirely driven by Facebook, which experienced an average rating increase of 4.0 to 4.3, over the time period. The statistics are indicative of a wider trend of large fluctuations between Facebook’s average review score each month, which is a consequence of its polarised yes/no methodology change. Looking across both sectors, Google’s market share dominance of reviews has receded slightly, falling from 64% in January to 60% in February. Conversely, TripAdvisor’s market share has grown to 29% – a 4% increase since January. Facebook’s market share grew by just 1% to reach 11%. Looking at sentiment analysis across all channels, Facebook garners the most positive reviews with 87% of customers making a positive recommendation. Google follows closely behind with 51% of reviews receiving the maximum 5-star rating, and 29% rating their experience worthy of 4-stars. TripAdvisor, however, generates more polarised reviews, with 53% bestowing the maximum 5stars, while 9% gave the lowest possible score of 1-star –

March 2019

CLH News


which is 4% higher than Google. Looking at what is driving reviews across each channel, the data reveals that positive TripAdvisor scores are people centric and driven by ‘friendly service’ and ‘helpful’ employees. Positive Google reviews continue to be driven by the ‘atmosphere’, but comments on the proposition referencing the ‘food’ or ‘drink’ also feature prominently in February. Facebook follows a similar trend, with ‘atmosphere’ primarily driving positive reviews. Across all channels, ‘wait times’ remain the dominant driver of negative reviews. Commenting on the figures, Carlo Platia, CEO of Feed It Back said: “Following a challenging January, February brought cause for optimism across the hospitality industry. The figures clearly reveal that both pubs and bars, and restaurants, seized the opportunity to deliver a great customer experience and subsequently experienced increases to their average review scores. “Interestingly, the statistics clearly show volatility across Facebook scores, which experience a lot of fluctuations month on month. This trend has been driven by its polarised methodology, which has placed great pressure on operators to ensure every element of their customer journey is on point. “The safety net of reviews between two and four stars out of five has been removed, so if the post meal coffee is not up to scratch, or the customers wait to long for their bill, it can turn an otherwise positive experience into an entirely negative review. There is no room for error. “In the face of this, and the fierce competition on the high street, the pressure is on for businesses to really nail down their offering, engage their employees, and review their operations to ensure they are consistently hitting their brand standards, driving their online reputation and, consequently, getting people through the door.”

European Coffee, Tea & Soft Drinks, London Olympia, May 21st & 22nd 2019 EUROPEAN COFFEE, TEA & SOFT DRINK EXPO really is unique! It is the only trade show that is 100% devoted to the professional sales of soft beverages – coffee, tea and soft drinks – right across the entire foodservice spectrum from cafes, coffee shops and hotels to restaurants, contract caterers, leisure outlets, travel sector, pubs, bars and offices. This market is huge and growing and these "wet" sales usually have the best profit margins. No wonder the show is the fastest growing hospitality show in Europe! And it’s all free to attend. In common with most burgeoning sectors, and faced with an ever discerning consumer palette, key players need to stay one step ahead of the game when it comes to the latest innovations in equip-

ment, beans, teas, flavours, soft drinks varieties, and serving apparatus – this is what European Coffee, Tea & Soft Drinks Expo delivers! It is where real decisionmakers meet, buy, network, learn, are inspired and drive their business forward. Running alongside the exhibition of 170+ exhibitors will be an awe-inspiring and FREE conference programme with a headline-grabbing speaker line-up. In addition this, there is an exciting range of features, with the Barista Masterclasses, Roastery Masterclass LIVE, the Tea Quarter and the Soft Drinks Pavilion all NEW for 2019. All this plus numerous networking opportunities, including the VIP programme and the Brita Lounge. Visit for more details.



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

March 2019

EI Group Champions Hospitality Careers Hospitality at Heart of Communities In New High Street Report Through New Partnership with The Clink Pub company Ei Group is strengthening its social responsibility efforts across the wider sector through a new corporate partnership with The Clink, the charity which aims to reduce reoffending by training and qualifying prisoners for employment as chefs in the hospitality sector upon release. The new partnership clearly demonstrates Ei Group’s focus on promoting hospitality as a career of choice and transforming lives through providing individuals from all backgrounds opportunities that can lead to meaningful employment. Skilled labour in the hospitality sector remains a concern with chefs singled out as remaining in demand. The Clink currently trains up to 200 prisoners a day to gain their Level 2 NVQs in Food Service, Food Preparation, Food Hygiene and Horticulture. It operates four training restaurants in partnership with Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service, along with a training kitchen, gardens, a café and an events catering business. Ei Group and The Clink will now work together to map out a programme of activity and bespoke initiatives over the coming months. Simon Townsend, Chief Executive Officer at Ei Group, said: “We’re absolutely delighted to partner with The Clink, a charity which is doing fantastic and transformative work with prisoners in a number of different settings. The results it has achieved through its training programmes are impressive and we look forward to working together to support the charity in the future. “As a business we are committed to promoting pubs and the wider hospitality sector as a career of choice and changing perceptions about the life-long opportunities, from bar to boardroom, our industry offers. Our new partnership with The Clink offers us a great avenue to progress that aim and make a difference.” Christopher Moore, Chief Executive at The Clink Charity, added: “The Clink Charity demonstrates what can be achieved when society collectively engages to help those who want and deserve a second chance. We look forward to working with Ei Group and with their generosity and commitment, we can raise valuable funds for our life-changing work. “We want to expand our training projects further and by partnering with Ei Group we will be able to raise awareness of our work in reducing reoffending and support the hospitality industry, which has a major skills shortage. Overall, we’ll be working together to change attitudes, transform lives, create second chances and make society a safer place.”

UKHospitality has applauded recommendations in a report by the Housing, Communities and Local Government Select Committee following its inquiry into High Streets and Town Centres. The report identifies the UK’s hospitality sector as crucial to the health and success of future town centres and makes a number of recommendations to reform business rates, as suggested by UKHospitality CEO Kate Nicholls, in her oral evidence session to the inquiry. These include:

for opening up the conversation and beginning to address an issue that has crippled many high street businesses, not least in hospitality. “Property tax is the chief cause of the decline of the high street and a reduction in the tax burden would be very welcome. Supplementing rates with an online sales tax, something UKHospitality has pushed for, would provide a significant boost and the Government needs to consider this in the design of the Digital Services Tax. That tax will need to cover areas such as financial and professional services that have moved away from the high street in recent • Introducing an online sales tax, the receipts of years. A new sales tax or increase in VAT for which would offset business rates bills retail and hospitality would need to be pitched • A ‘holiday’ for high street retailers from rates significantly lower than the current business increases which result from investments to rates charge to be helpful. improvements in property “Many businesses are also penalised by a rates • A reduction in business rates for retailers in high hike having made a significant financial investstreets and town centres, which would have the ment into their property. A tax holiday would additional effect of balancing competition from be a good way to remove this disincentive to invest, although the 12-month limit is not long out-of-town shopping centres. Further proposals regarding planning and cen- enough.” tral and local Government support for the UK’s The British Institute of innkeeping (BII) welhigh streets combine to set a positive vision for comed recommendations made in the Housing, an evolved and sustainable high street long into Communities and Local Government report, the future, providing the services that commufollowing the recent enquiry into what is neednities want and need. ed to save our High Streets and Town Centres. UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls BII CEO Mike Clist commented:“The recomsaid: “Hospitality businesses lie at the heart of mendations made in the report are a move in communities across the UK and play pivotal the right direction from government, which will economic and social roles on UK high streets. go some way to helping our members overThe report gives due recognition to how crucome the challenges they currently face in their cial the sector is to the high street of the businesses. We know that pubs are vital to the future, as they move away from the shoppinghealth of high streets up and down the country, focus of the past. Policies to drive growth and but the recognition of this from government is regenerate high streets must have hospitality at fantastic to see.” their core and this needs to be recognised by Brigid Simmonds, Chief Executive of the the Government and local authorities. British Beer & Pub Association, said:“As a mem“In the absence of the Government’s promber of the Government’s Future High Streets ised full of review of business rates, this repreForum, the BBPA has called consistently for the sents the most radical assessment of the state Government to help high streets and town cenof the rates regime. This is a great starting point tres. We were also delighted to give evidence to

Shepherd Neame to “Shake Off” Old Fashioned Cask Image Shepherd Neame is set to introduce Cask Club: a new range of contemporary cask ales designed modernise its cask offering and satisfy the beercurious drinker. Beginning in March, the Kent based brewer will introduce a new cask ale each month in participating pubs, celebrating modern styles and flavours, with exciting international collaborations and classic seasonal favourites. Head brewer Mike Unsworth said: “We are looking to bring out a range of beers that will excite the consumer and introduce them to some new

flavours and beer styles. “We want to shake off the old-fashioned image that cask ale sometimes projects, bringing more people to what we believe is one of the best drinks in the world, at the same time celebrating some seasonal classics.” It is not just the tastes but also the look of Cask Club that takes a fresh approach, with dynamic design and bright colours not normally associated with cask ale, for ultimate stand-out on the bar. Kicking things off will be Hop County Hopping Mad Pale Ale, April will

the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee on the matter. The Great British High Street’s competition and the new fund for high streets announced in the Budget are both very welcome initiatives, but there is more to be done. “As highlighted in the BBPA’s evidence to the Committee, the current business rates system penalises businesses like pubs for investing in their property, as improvements lead to rates rises. The Committee’s recommendation of exploring the introduction of a 12 month ‘holiday’ on these rates increases is most welcome. This would be a positive step forward in regenerating high streets and town centres across the UK if implemented. “The report also recommends replacing business rates for bricks and mortar businesses with a sales tax or an increase in VAT. As always, the devil is in the detail as to whether this would be effective. In any case, a replacement of business rates would need to address the fact that pubs and high street businesses are unfairly taxed, whilst online retailers are not contributing enough. As the report notes, pubs alone pay 2.8% of the total business rates bill, despite accounting for just 0.5% of total rateable turnover[1]. We welcome the call for the Government to come forward with views on how business rates could be reformed by October this year. Without doubt a full review is required. “The Chancellor Phillip Hammond’s decision to cut business rates for high street and other small businesses by one third for the next two years in the Autumn Budget was most welcome, as was the announcement of the £675 million Future High Streets Fund. These actions, combined with a number of the recommendations outlined in the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee’s report, are a welcome step towards securing the future of the high street and the pubs that serve them.”

see the first of an international collaboration with the arrival of Samuel Adams’s Blonde Ambition, followed by New Dawn Citrus Ale (3.5% ABV), As part of the initiative, drinkers will be able to pick up a Cask Club passport at participating pubs, collecting a sticker each time they try a new ale. Those who complete the passport will be eligible for an exclusive Cask Club T-shirt. They will also be entered into a prize draw for a weekend getaway.

Beer and Bar Snacks - Time To Up Your Game! have all moved on from the days were someone will come back from the bar clutching free beers between the fingers and Tupac to crisps between their teeth!

So what accompaniments can you offer to make the most of your range of quality beers and their individual styles? Salted crisps and nuts are still a popular choice, and go with most styles of beer. Proper by SCT roasts a range of nuts with flavours including extreme naga chilli, chorizo and sage and onion as well as the more usual ones. “Any modern pub landlord who wants to please his customers stocks an eclectic range of moreish morsels” says Robert Parkin of snacks company SCT.

“Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps, please!” says hardly anyone, any more. They will certainly stipulate the flavour of the crisps and are very likely to ask if you’ve got something more interesting to complement their craft ale. We all love food pairings, which tend to come with wine, a crisp Chablis with grilled or poached fish, or a rich flavoursome Rioja with a juicy rack of lamb. However, the best epicurean pairing for one’s pint tends to come in packets – the crisp, the peanut, the pork scratching and other snacks of similar salt content! When beers and ciders and snacks get together, not forgetting good company, good things happen. It’s a simple, symbiotic and time-honoured relationship that works brilliantly. One feeds the other. The snack creates a thirst, the beer quenches it, over and over again. It’s a quintessentially British combination too! Beer is a great match for food because of the complexity of its flavours. Now more than ever before, there’s synergy between the beer and food worlds. There has been an explosion in the of breweries over the past few years with a combined output of ales of over 6000, brewers are producing a range of delicious beers and ciders to suit nearly every kind of food. Importantly, bar snacks increase profit margins, a quick and convenient way of feeding hungry customers, snacks also encourage people to buy more drinks, but equally importantly is to realise that we

“Bar snacks increase profits, keep hungry customers content and encourage more drink sales. Furthermore, bar snacks are areadymade portion controlled solution. We are now seeing an something of a renaissance for traditional snacks in the on-trade sector, we are finding that pork scratchings in particular have roared back into fashion.” “We have been providing high-quality proper snacks to retail, hospitality and on- trade customers, including pork crackling, nuts and fudge for more than 10 years, and we’re proud of the service that we’re now able to offer. The recipes have always stayed in the family, and this is how we’re able to create our quality products.” Mr Filberts Really Interesting Snacks has a similarly interesting range, including French rosemary almonds and Adnams Ghost Ship pale ale flavoured peanuts. An interesting (and healthy) departure from potato or maize-based snacks is the UK’s first crisp made from fish skin: Sea Chips. Full of vitamins and low in calories, they also contribute to the environment, as they’re made from a product that is normally thrown away. They come in ready salted, salt and vinegar and lime and chilli flavours. As demonstrated by Indian restaurants since the 1960s, the clean, astringent qualities of lager complement spicy food. Karkli is an authentic, crunchy snack made of mashed lentils formed into spiky rolls, fried, flavoured with cumin, coriander or naga chillies, and goes brilliantly with Lost and Grounded’s Keller Pils. Meat snacks, such as Moon’s Green Beer Sticks, spicy sticks of free-range Sussex pork with a kick of chilli, are also great to nibble, alternating with sips of beer.

The stronger taste of a wheat beer such as Thornbridge’s Raindrops on Roses, with its sweet/sour, camomile and rose accents, can accommodate even more spice and fried carbohydrate, such as Naasto Basto’s Batata Vada or spicy potato balls fried in batter.

Another option is the North African blend of nuts, seeds and spices produced by The Dukkah Company. This can be served with bread or sticks of cheese and vegetables dipped in oil, then dipped into the Dukkah mix. Described by its founder as ‘dipping sand’, it’s a novel experience for customers used to traditional dips. Hillside Brewery’s Traditional IPA has an earthy, honeyed character that calls for really good pork scratchings. This salty, fatty snack has been delighting beer drinkers for more than 250 years and differs from lighter, twice-cooked pork crackling in that it is cooked once and is harder, with a solid rind of crispy skin and a layer of tasty fat. The pickled egg is another traditional bar snack that is showing no signs of falling out of favour, especially when dropped into a bag of salt and vinegar crisps (no need for the fancy kind - Walkers are great for this), rolled around so bits of crisp and the salt and flavouring at the bottom of the bag form a piquant coating and enjoyed with a glass of bitter ale such as Purity Pure Gold. If customers prefer not to roll their own, Purely Pickled Eggs has 11 flavours to choose from. Robust, dark porter and stout need equally strong food flavours to match. The roast coffee and chocolate of Anspach and Hobday’s The Porter is delightful consumed by the fire with an artisan meat pie such as Reg May’s Mixed Game Pie, handmade from pork, pheasant, venison, rabbit and pigeon. Fresh oysters are traditional with stout, and still a wonderful accompaniment. Magic Rock Brewing’s Dark Arts stout pairs beautifully with oysters, with its spicy hops and flavours of chocolate, liquorice, blackberries and figs. Both stout and porter are equally at home with cheeses, desserts and chocolate, too. Barley Wine has had a resurgence of popularity recently, with many craft brewers adding it to their repertoire. Its malty, fruity concentration is well matched by the sharp tang of a robust blue cheese, such as Stilton. Bar snacks are becoming increasingly popular and as the range of alcoholic drinks on offer increases in most bars, stocking a suitable snack to match is a sure fire way of increasing profits.


PROPER by SCT does need a royal connection or food critic to state what we are NOT. We are CLEAR & TRANSPARENT in all of our product ranges, Simply, we are ALLERGEN FREE, GLUTEN FREE and VEGAN FRIENDLY



















Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

March 2019

700,000 Travel & Tourism Jobs at Risk Under No-Deal Brexit

Over 300,000 jobs could be at risk in the Travel & Tourism sector in the United Kingdom and almost 400,000 in Europe if the UK leaves the EU without a deal on 29 March, according to new analysis from the World Travel & Tourism Council.

A “No Deal” Brexit would have a damaging impact on one of the UK’s most important economic sectors. According to WTTC, which represents the private sector of Travel & Tourism globally, the industry contributes more than €1.5 trillion to the EU’s GDP (10.3% of total) and supports 27.3 million jobs (11.7% of total). In the UK, the sector contributes £213.8 billion to GDP (10.5% of total) and supports four million jobs (11.6% of total). The WTTC analysis models the impact on the Travel & Tourism sector over the next decade, based on the 7.7% forecasted fall in economic activity across the wider UK economy modelled by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In this situation, a No Deal Brexit would result in: • A loss of 308,000 jobs in the UK economy • A loss of 399,000 jobs in the rest of the EU • A loss of £18.6 billion in GDP to the UK economy

• A loss of £22.0 billion in GDP to the economies of the rest of the EU To minimise the impact, it is crucial that: 1. The UK should continue to have access to the Single Aviation Market 2. Visa-free travel between the UK and EU should be maintained and the movement of people should be as seamless as possible while maintaining security 3. Mobility of labour for Travel & Tourism employees across the UK and EU should continue 4. Security co-operation to avoid hard border checks and lengthy delays is paramount Gloria Guevara, President & CEO, WTTC said, “The UK is the fifth largest Travel & Tourism economy in the world. Given its importance to the UK economy, it is now clear that a No Deal Brexit would have a dramatic impact on one of the UK’s most significant sectors.” “If the IMF prediction on the wider economy is realised, there would be a total cost across Europe of over £40 billion and over 700,000 jobs compared to our projections. Our Members are already seeing an impact on their businesses and workforce.”

Licensed Trade Charity Reveals Latest Mental Health Training Sessions

The Licensed Trade Charity has revealed the latest schedule of mental health training sessions available to those within the industry, and is urging pubcos and managers to get involved in the project to help widen awareness of mental health issues within the drinks trade.

The free sessions have already been attended by managers from some of the biggest pubcos in the country, with Fuller’s, Mitchells & Butlers and Stonegate having also provided venues as well as attending. The workshops are designed to help managers spot the warning signs of mental health issues amongst their workforce, whilst teaching them how to deal with problems. The next set of events will take place as follows: • • • • • •

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday

19th March – Manchester 16th April – Bristol 14th May – Kent 18th June – Venue TBC 16th July – London 13th August – Nottingham

OpenTable Turns the Tables On “No-Shows” Over a third (33.7%) of UK diners reveal they’ve failed to turn up to their table booking without informing the restaurant at some point in their life. However, data from OpenTable finds that restaurant goers are less likely to no-show if they have made an online reservation. In 2018 only 4.4%* of online bookings through OpenTable in the UK resulted in a no-show, compared to 4.6%* of phone reservations.

adults admit to being the worst offenders with a quarter (25%) of 16-24year olds admitting to regularly failing to show up for their restaurant reservation. 9 out of 10Generation Z diners claim they have never stood up a first date (91.2%) or failed to show up to work without informing their boss (88.8%), but the same cannot be said for their attendance to restaurant bookings.

The behaviour described as a ‘no-show’ is a concern amongst the UK restaurant industry, with independent restaurant owners to nationwide chains stating it can have a significant effect on business.

As expected, due to the vast restaurant selection, the city with the largest number of diners who admit to having no-showed for a reservation at least once in their life is London (40%). This is very closely followed by Manchester (39%)then Leeds (38.7%).

OpenTable, the online restaurant booking service, has unveiled a lighthearted campaign to encourage diners to ‘book responsibly’. Designed to help educate diners on the impact that not cancelling a reservation can have on restaurants and highlight how it might feel if the roles were reversed. “We can all be more aware of the impact that no-shows and late cancellations can have on a restaurant,” comments Adrian Valeriano, VP EMEA, OpenTable. “We have launched this campaign to help build awareness amongst diners of the issue and showcase how we continue to leverage our technology and diner network in ways that only OpenTable can to help reduce no-show rates and mitigate the impact of late cancellations.” The external research carried out by OpenTable shows that young

OpenTable’s latest campaign flips the idea of no-shows to put the diner in the restaurant’s position. By ‘turning the tables’ on diners, OpenTable hopes to highlight how a no-show can inconvenience the party on the receiving end. Intrigued to understand the motivations behind those diners who do not stick to their restaurant reservations, OpenTable looked into nationwide diner behaviour. With the exclusive survey revealing that most UK no-shows (38%)claim it was too last minute for them to cancel their booking, OpenTable is keen to emphasise that any notice given to the restaurant is best. OpenTable’s reservation management system opens up cancelled tables on the app immediately, so bookings can be maximised for the restaurant.

The unique training courses are being run in conjunction with the Worshipful Company of Innholders, who are sponsoring the initiative until 2021 to ensure the industry reinforces best practice in how to support someone with mental health problems and give managers the confidence to deal with difficult situations that may arise. Places are available at each of the training sessions listed and you can register your interest online. Charity services Manager Carolyn Jenkinson said: “We are really excited to reveal the next six months of industry training having successfully launched in London and Birmingham already. The sessions will give managers vital assistance in equipping themselves with knowledge and confidence to deal with staff who are struggling with their mental health”. For more information and to register interest in attending a Licensed Trade Charity mental health training session go to

When it comes to no-show reasons, women also blamed their memory with almost 40% stating they forgot to cancel. Whereas a sixth of men said they didn’t know how to cancel the booking. Whatever the reason, most UK diners do show regret when they are unable to honour a reservation, with 71% feeling a pang of guilt for letting the restaurant down. However, OpenTable understands that life happens, and diners may not always be able to make their booking for a variety of reasons. To reduce the risk of a no-show, reminder notifications are sent by OpenTable to ensure that should any unforeseen circumstances arise, diners are easily able to amend, change or cancel their reservation via the mobile app or website. For those who repeatedly no-show for a reservation four times within 12 months, OpenTable will prohibit them from making future reservations on the app and website. Adrian Valeriano continues: “Our approach to no-shows is to maximise the functionality of our technology to minimise the impact of them on both diners and restaurants. We’re the only restaurant booking service that does not allow diners to make more than one booking for the same time slot, or within two and a half hours of that time, to ensure our diners commit to their reservations as much as possible. By turning the tables on no-shows in our new campaign we want to educate diners about the impact of their booking behaviour and remind restaurants of the many ways OpenTable attempts to minimise the likelihood of no-shows.”


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

March 2019

To Tech Or Not To Tech… That Is The Question?!

Comment from Philipp Laqué, Managing Director, Revenue Management Solutions (RMS) It is a fact, consumers are more comfortable than ever before with the idea of technology playing a leading role in their dining experience and, as a result, tech-driven convenience – for both consumer and operator, will continue to be at the forefront of modern restaurant trends and profitability.

pled with a delayed interest in the power of order and payment apps, which naturally satisfies a consumers need for convenience, something which is never going to go away!

home to commercial and industrial uses.

Vast amounts of data pass through operators’ EPoS systems every day, with customers sharing food preferences, dietary requirements, birth dates and anniversaries. This year, AI is predicted to really run with this, using the information in the customer base to mine data for food trends and show which items, themes or customer profiles to focus on and when to really tailor marketing to them. It’s predicted that by 2025, 30% of data will be processed in real-time, meaning operators can react instantly to market MAKING A DASH FROM conditions, to implement dynamic pricing via digital menus or push special offers to fill empty tables. CASH

The digital trend will carry on for cashless payment as the year progresses. According to trade body UK Finance, card payments stood at £13.2 billion at the end of 2017, overtaking cash for the first time. Predictions also suggest half of all restaurants in America will be cash-free by the end of this year and these trends never take long to hit UK shores. Indeed, some home-grown operators have already stopped dealing in paper money, saving themselves time and takings along the way. Manchester operator Sandbar went cashless last year and says the change has saved the business 40 hours a week on admin alone. Dealing in digital also has to mean premises are less attractive to thieves.

IS AI ALWAYS RIGHT? Artificial intelligence (AI) was barely out of tech news in 2018 and this year looks set to be no different. In January tech extravaganza CES 2019 showcased all manner of AIgenerated advances - from toys and smart devices for the

When thinking about restaurant marketing for the voice tech age, operators should factor in the introduction of voice search optimisation in their apps and other online ordering channels, such as on websites or external sites. This is where they should include the option for voice response when answering customer FAQ pages. If they did, it would remove a team member from monitoring and answering what is perceived as a monotonous task.

Machine-learning is the backbone to this – by learning who a brand’s customers are, AI creates what it believes is going to incite them to take action. And it seems that most of the time, AI is right.

What isn’t quite so well known, however, is the value VR and AR are bringing to restaurants behind the scenes. Whether it’s using the digital layer of AR to show a new chef the proper portion size on the plate, or walking an employee through the process of a maintenance repair in CHATTING A WHOLE LOT OF BOT Throughout 2019, Chatbots are expected to embed them- VR, the technology has a lot to offer. For example, a head selves further into social media platforms, driven by a virtu- chef can be cloned for repeated playback to instruct the team on new menu items. Imagine how many other ways al ambition to be an established order and payment virtual training could benefit the business?! channel. The rise in popularity of virtual assistants such as There are any number of tech revolutions ahead for hosAlexa and Google Home will further this, as well as adding pitality. However, it is clear. In order for operators to beneto the consumer desire for more voice-activated digital fit from tech, they need to be proactive and implement the interactivity. Although not an immediate priority for restaurant and bar solutions that work best for their business. This isn’t about following a pack mentality - because it’s cool to be tech operators, voice technology is something that should be on the tech radar. UK hospitality has traditionally shown itself to savvy, this is about having the confidence to make the right be a relatively late adopter of the opportunities presented by decisions to stay ahead of an ever growing pack!

the internet and subsequently by mobile, with the US being the leaders. For example, we’re only just now really seeing wider use of menu screens and digital kiosks in the UK, cou-

Trail - Now Every Site Is Your Best Site

With business costs and staff shortages rising high, the hospitality industry is facing massive disruption. To survive, businesses need to be efficient, consistent and compliant. But running your sites on paper can make it difficult. Teams spend too much time on menial, repetitive


tasks while managers have to work hard to know what has been done across all of their sites. But there is a new, better way to manage sites. Trail is an app that replaces paper with simple digital checklists and forms. It guides teams through their day step-by-step, from opening checks and food safety to cashing up. Trail tracks their progress in realtime giving managers total confidence that everything has been done. When integrated with ePOS, rotas and other systems, Trail becomes the central operational hub for the entire organisation. Brands like wagamama, Ei Group

and Brewdog have already switched over. Trail equips their teams with the tools they need to be focused and to operate at maximum productivity. Their sites are the cleanest, safest and most legally compliant. Combined, this means they deliver exceptional customer experiences every time, ultimately allowing them to sell more. To find out how switching to Trail can help make your operations easier go to

For further information about Revenue Management Solutions (RMS), visit or call 020 3755 0960.

QSR Automations Announce Collaboration With Google QSR Automations recently announced a collaboration with Google, an integration of their guest management system, DineTime with Reserve with Google. Reserve with Google allows Google users to discover and book services straight from Google Search and Google Maps. With this new integration, DineTime-equipped restaurants will be able to use the booking button built by Google, allowing users to see realtime availability and reserve a table directly from their search and removes unnecessary search steps and provides an optimal customer experience. DineTime restaurant operators will convert more web and mobile searches to diners with this new integration. The integration cuts out several steps for consumers who no longer need to find a restaurant online, search their website for a phone number, then call the restaurant to reserve a table. Reserve with Google reduces the online hurdles that potential customers must jump through when looking for their next meal. Visit or see the advert on page 7 for details.

Airwave Provides Premium Guestroom Experience to Skibo Castle

The magnificent Skibo Castle is home to one of the worlds's most prestigious private clubs. Located to the west of Dornoch in the Highland county of Sutherland, Scotland, and set in sprawling parkland amidst the Dornoch Firth, Skibo's baronial architecture is almost ethereal in appearance.

tion a guest-room entertain system in Airwave supplied dishes and cabling keeping with this special place. into each of the castle's lodges, supporting Samsung SMART TVs, Otrum "Airwave's remit was to provide a premium guest-room TV experience, CTRL and a Sky-In-Room service. however there was a twist" said proj- Further plans include the implemenect manager, Tom Chapman "the cas- tation of hotel-certified Google Chromecast subject to the upgrade tle's evening programme is diverse of the castle's network. and action-packed and as a consequence, there was no pressing desire for an all-singing, all-dancing system encouraging members to stay in the bedroom!"

Ahead of hardware deployment, Airwave upgraded the property's RF infrastructure to support an upgraded system. This included Samsung HGEE690 SMART TVs, Sky Select and Grand towers and gothic battlean Otrum CTRL information system; ments only hint at the majesty of the the latter was linked to Skibo Castle's castle's Edwardian interior; Airwave's website, allowing guests to access remit included the design and installa- basic scrolling functionalities.

Whilst every project has its merits, it's not every day that the installation team is offered a wee "arrival dram" at a pillared entrance by a kilted butler. We're passionate about hospitality technology, proud of the work we do and would love to share our enthusiasm with you! Please feel free to get in touch to discuss our portfolio of products and services: or 0845 555 1212 (see advert Page 3)

BB Foodservice Launch App and Updated Website BB Foodservice, the delivered foodservice arm of Bestway Wholesale, has launched its first full service app and updated website to make ordering quicker and easier for catering customers. Key features designed to make ordering easier for delivered catering customers include the ability to: • Start their order on a phone, tablet or computer and finish it on another device, anywhere, at any time. Baskets are reflected on the app and website in real time as they build their order • Create lists of their favourite products based on recipes and meal types and order faster from these lists at the touch of a button • Use the website to get live updates if any of the products they ordered are unavailable when the order is picked, and see recommended substitutions Users can also now use the ‘track my order’ feature enabiling customers to track the status of their order from placement through to delivery, mirroring the service widely offered by consumer-retail brands.

Common Sense With Printed Banners HFE Signs have received valuable feedback from a number of their regular customers in the Pub & Hotel industry and have decided to share this – given some thought it almost seems common sense once its pointed out! Putting up a Printed Banner outside your Pub with a Special Offer, a Meal Deal or even a Theme Night works very well but, be careful, its time is limited and this is why - typically a PVC Banner will increase sales and draw in the customers very well for 2 – 3 weeks and then it gradually slopes off and eventually ceases to work. Why does this happen and what can we do to keep the success levels? People simply get used to seeing the design or the offer and the

Salih Sheikh, head of marketing, Bestway Wholesale said: “We’re excited to unveil the new BB Foodservice app and refreshed website, which is the culmination of 12 months research and development. Catering is an area of our business we have a strategy to expand, and we know that a chef wants to spend his time in the kitchen, not on the computer placing orders. That’s why this new app has been designed to enable caterers to place their order on the phone, to save lists based on recipes for easy reordering and to browse our full product range.” As well as easy access to the latest products and seasonal offers, additional features include the latest barcode scanning technology for ease of search, and the ability for customers to manage payments and calculate margins based on cost per portion, all in one place. Visit or see the advert on page 13. advert goes stale, the Banner no longer has their attention or the impact it once did. The solution to this problem is to rotate your offers and adverts every 2 – 3 weeks keeping the message fresh, for best results change the complete offer and even the design colours. To help customers prove how successful this works and to see for themselves HFE are now offering a great deal on Printed Banners – Buy 2 Get 1 FREE! And furthermore, all three banners can be of different designs and you even get FREE UK Delivery! HFE Signs don’t just print Banners, they also do Pavement Signs, Safety Signs, Printed Flags, Chalkboards and much much more.. Have a look on their website and keep it safe, you will need them one day! or see the advert on page 7.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

March 2019

February Sales Boost for Pubs, But Restaurants Still Struggling

While managed pub groups enjoyed a 1.4% increase in collective like-for-like sales, restaurant groups found themselves in negative territory collectively recording a 1.7% decline in like-for-likes against February last year. Drink-led pubs were the strongest performers, with London also outperforming the rest of Britain, the monthly Tracker figures show. “The mini heatwave towards the end of the month certainly boosted pub trading, and also helped restaurant sales, as people enjoyed the unseasonal sunshine, but unfortunately it wasn’t enough to move the whole market much. The branded restaurant sector is still suffering from declining sales, and despite a better end to the month, early February was generally poor for restaurants,” said Karl Chessell, director of CGA, the business insight consultancy that produces the Tracker, in partnership with Coffer Group and RSM. “While people will remember the sun, it was cold at the start of the month and school half-term holidays appear to have given no more of a boost to sales than they did last year,” added Chessell. “Even within the managed pub market food sales are under pressure. The trading uplift in February has essentially come from increased drink sales, which were up 3.5%, against a 0.9% fall in food.”

London saw overall like-for-like sales growth of 1.0% over the month, compared to just 0.1% outside the M25, with a big difference between the performance of managed pubs and chain restaurants in the capital, with pubs up 3.0% against a more significant 2.2% sales decline for restaurants In the rest of the country outside the M25, the difference in performance was less stark, with pubs’ like-forlikes up 0.9% and restaurants down 1.2% Mark Sheehan, Managing Director of Coffer Corporate Leisure said: “There is no quick fix for the restaurant sector. Oversupply in some areas will mean that we may continue to see negative numbers for the foreseeable future, especially within the M25 where competition is fiercest.” “Whilst there is continued cause for optimism amongst Britain’s managed pubs, the expected pick up for casual dining resulting from the closure of underperforming sites compared to a year ago failed to materialise,” said Paul Newman, Partner, Head of Leisure and Hospitality at RSM. “The fact that sales are continuing to fall is a huge challenge for the eating out sector and underlines the fierce competition for discretionary spend on the High Street, as consumers tighten their purse strings in preparation for Brexit.”

Exclusively Housewares and Exclusively Electrical Co-located London trade shows Exclusively Housewares and Exclusively Electrical will return to the Business Design Centre in Islington on Tuesday June 11 and Wednesday June 12. Organiser Brooke House Exhibitions said: ‘These shows guarantee an explosion of new products, and the very latest on trend creations and Christmas gifting collections, showcased by 150-plus exhibitors. ‘Visitors will also have the unique opportunity to gain an understanding of the very latest styles and

trends interpreted for the housewares market by trend experts Scarlet Opus. They will share their predictions for future high street and internet trends with talks, tours and displays. This is essential for inspiring knowledge and is fundamental to purchase decisions, to ensure prod-

Ozocube Set to Revolutionise Odour and Grease Control in Food Service ™

Food Service kitchen ventilation specialists CK Direct have developed the Ozocube™ Grease and Odour removal system, which has undergone significant performance testing. These tests carried out by an Internationally recognised test house with UKAS /UVDB /STA /ISO 9001 accreditations was to confirm that the Ozocube™ performs equally and, in some cases better than ESP and Carbon blocks.

Explaining the potential impact of Ozocube™ and benefits to food service operators, CK Direct Managing Director, Tony Ricciardi informs: “We have spent four years and significant investment developing and testing the compact, energy and space saving, Ozocube™, which can be fitted to existing ventilation systems and specified in new installations.”

The Ozocube™ is a single application product that treats both grease and odour in combination, unlike ESP and carbon blocks which are fitted separately. Ozocube™ can reduce up to 89% of odour and rancid grease smells. It significantly reduces fire risks by preventing grease buildup and actively extends the operational life of food service kitchen ventilation systems.

Tony is confident that further testing, due to be carried out in October 2018 will confirm that Ozocube™ will remove 95% of odour and grease to match the capabilities of current ESP and Carbon Filtration Systems.

uct selected will appeal to today’s consumer.’ The Exclusively Shows will welcome senior level buyers, decision makers and merchandisers from across the housewares sector including independent cookshops, lifestyle and electrical retailers, caterers, high street multiples, grocery chains, department stores, eretailers, hardware and DIY stores, and garden centres sourcing products for Christmas 2019 and 2020.

Tony confirms the impact that will have on the industry: “This is truly ground-breaking because the use of (Trioxygen) nature’s powerful oxidiser and key components inside the Ozocube™ have never been used before in relation to simultaneous grease and odour combat, turning both into vapour.” Ozocube™ has already been shortlisted for an Innovation Award (Kitchen Category) at the Restaurant & Takeaway Expo and it’s easy to see why. The CK Direct Ozocube™ is a high efficiency ozone generator unit, ideal for use in commercial kitchens, food processing plants and factories. For further information about the Ozocube™ visit product/ozocube/ or see the advert on the back cover.

2019 also will see the show welcome consumer and trade press to its Brand Showcase feature. Described as ‘an edit of the main show itself, journalists are invited to view new product highlights in one space, ‘quickly and effectively’. Brooke House Exhibitions commented: ‘The myriad of product presented in the showcase offers prime picking time for editors looking for winter features and Christmas gift guides, as well as new products for trend and news features’. Visit or see the advert on page 19 for details.

Products and Services

Sweetheat Heated Dualit Launches CaféPro Capsule Machine Winterhalter Refines Installation Procedure Delivery Sweetheat of Dewsbury have celebrated 16 years of manufacturing its Award winning Sweetheat Heated Delivery Bags System. Sweetheat Heated Delivery bags are designed to hold Pizzas, Curry’s, Piri Piri Chicken and Fish & Chips at a constant 90 degrees Celsius during delivery service. The bags allow food to travel without sweating and condensation with its unique flexible heating elements inside the bags. These bags can be heated with powered transformers supplied with 3 connections or with a fully assembled 4 or 5 tier shelving units. Customers include Restaurants, Takeaways, Pizzerias and Meals on Wheels Services including Center Parcs, Pepes Piri Piri and Tony Macaroni Italian Restaurants. For further information visit or call Sweetheat 01924 488619 / 07880 239524

Jura UK

JURA is a luxury, Swiss coffee machine manufacturer, specialising in bean-to-cup technology. Designed and engineered in Switzerland, each handcrafted machine offers a range of speciality coffees, intelligent technology and stunning design. The brand is renowned for a creating a premium coffee experience; all it takes is the touch of a button to enjoy freshly prepared coffee at any time of the day. For further information, please visit or see the advert on page 12.

The ideal solution for small cafés, boutique hotels, pubs, workplace canteens, spas, salons and outlets that would like to offer a professional coffee service without extensive coffee-shop style equipment, the new Dualit CaféPro Capsule Machine prepares a variety of beverages conveniently, quickly and mess free. With a double brewhead and 20 bar pressure, the machine can extract two espressos or lungos at the same time in seconds, whilst milk can be texturised simultaneously with the professional boiler operated steam function and individually controlled steam wand. Offering users choice and convenience, the Dualit CaféPro is compatible with Dualit’s range of NX® Coffee capsules and Fine Tea capsules as well as Nespresso®* coffee capsules. Thanks to a dedicated hot water outlet, teapots, mugs and takeaway cups can also be filled.

Other features include a digital display and touch button operation, a large 2.7L water tank, thermobloc heating elements for each brewhead, descale programme, two capsule baskets that hold 30 capsules each and two, 2L removable drip trays with drain valves. The freestanding unit can also be moved if required to free up worksurface space. Price: £1,500 + VAT. Stockists: Available from February 2019 at or call 01293 652500 or see the advert on page 5.

*Nespresso® trademark is owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A

eCatering, New Stock, New Products And New Lines Ready For Spring & Summer 2019 eCatering, one of the UK’s Lowest Price Online Catering Equipment Suppliers has been very busy in the last few weeks taking stock of brand new product ranges and new lines ready for the Spring & Summer rush. As many businesses re-open after winter breaks and new start-ups get ready for opening, eCatering have been making sure that they are ready and prepared for an influx of new orders and requests for catering equipment as the seasons change. Marketing Manager Mike Morris stated that “Spring and summer are on their and we are

Garofalo Gluten Free Pasta Italian premium wheat pasta maker Garofalo developed its gluten Free pasta range with the philosophy Good Taste is a Right and focused, throughout the development of its gluten free range, on the product. Garofalo set themselves the objectives of creating a product with the knowledge that Garofalo pasta is synonymous with the experience of taste. The development team knew that the flavour could not be the same as wheat pasta due to the different raw materials, but it was of great importance to produce a gluten free pasta that was no better or worse in flavour, just different. The recipe was carefully developed using corn, brown rice and quinoa and formed through a bronze die for texture and the ability for the pasta to hold the sauce. Garofalo is one of only a

already seeing a lot of activity in the equipment market which is set to intensify over the coming weeks. Each year, we expand further into new lines and products and this year is no different. Our customers, new customers and new start-ups are looking for efficient, cost effective and top-quality equipment for their businesses and that’s where eCatering come in. We pride ourselves in providing top quality low cost catering equipment for everyone”. To find out more and see their incredible product ranges and savings, visit their website at or see page 15. very few manufacturers that use a metal forming die to produce gluten free pasta. All Garofalo pasta is egg free including its gluten free pasta and suitable for vegan recipes. Garofalo chose shapes that work with the recipe as the primary factor and now there are 8 in the range including Fusillone, Casarecce, Anellini and Linguine Chef and restauranteur Aldo Zilli on Garofalo gluten free pasta - “In my opinion chef always look for a good gluten free pasta as most of them disintegrate on cooking or they are too hard to eat, Garofalo gluten free pasta doesn’t do either and that is why I chose it for my gluten free pasta dishes. My customers love it, especially in a rich meat sauce ”. All 8 shapes of Garofalo gluten free pasta are stocked in the UK for immediate delivery. Please contact Mal Pullan / 01438 813444 for more information.

Winterhalter has restructured its service department in order to improve its installation procedures. The restructure will mean that many more engineers will be available to install the market leader’s dishwashers and glasswashers, and that the process from order to install is not only faster but also more efficient – with the aim of a 100% ‘first time right’ rate. “We have to hold our hands up and admit that the increase in sales over recent years had put a lot of strain on our installation team,” says Kieran Lynch, managing director of Winterhalter’s service division. “Our customer support has to be as good as the machines we are installing – but to be best in class, we realised we needed to make major changes and investments in the service team.” That investment means that ultimately Winterhalter will have over 90 engineers on the road who are qualified to install the company’s machines. The restructure will see the install teams divided into regions, with a new customer support team, using advanced logistics software, ensuring the most efficient and fast installation service. Their target is to install within two days of the order, or less. “We have initiated a major training programme and we’ll be expanding the fleet of vans, to ensure our engineers have everything they need to install the customer’s warewasher, without a hitch,” says Lynch. For more complex installations Winterhalter will be creating a new specialist role within the service team. “They’ll undertake site surveys and lead the install team,” says Lynch. For those dealers who prefer to carry out the install themselves, Winterhalter will be offering a comprehensive support package, including advanced training, to help them deliver the best possible service to their customers. For further details, call Winterhalter on 01908 359000, see, or or email

March 2019

CLH News


Hospitality Technology

C.C.R Systems Ltd

Hospitality & Retail outlets.

Our hardware is a choice of top of the range touch screen terminals from selected quality manufacturers. The ORDERMAN Restaurant table ordering system is without CCR Systems have been supplying, installing and maintaindoubt the best of it's kind, utilising the latest Oderman 7 ing Retail and Hospitality EPOS systems for over 34 years. hand held terminal and Kitchen Monitors or printers. Have We are an ISO-9001 registered company with a diamond a look at our web site on '' and view the ORDERMAN video. award for customer satisfaction. Our Powersuite software package that includes Total Control Premier/Stock, Instant Please call 0151-644 8296 for a quotation for your establishment, or email to: Loyalty and Drilldown is the ideal package for all types of

3R EPoS Systems YCR Distribution

3R Telecom established in 2001, when three independent retailers joined together has become one of the largest distributor of Prepaid Mobile Top up vouchers and International calling cards. The key, they say, to their ongoing success has been the determination to cherish relationships with customers, developing a friendship rather than a working relationship and working alongside them at each stage providing you with high levels of support and guidance. Their State-of-the-art EPoS systems are designed to become an essential part of your business. Assembled with detailed reporting functionalities which will help to minimize your cost whilst maximizing profits, they are excellent for both multi-sites and single-site businesses. Built on over 16 years of experience, 3R EPoS reporting facilities safely stores information regarding your business and can be uniquely tailored to suit your needs. Whether you own a convenience store, restaurant or a bar, the 3R EPoS system can integrate products that are unique to your business. This can include the ability to store new promotions, daily specials as well as adding local dishes to the menu. 3R EPoS systems will contribute to the success of your on-going business as it includes the ability to inform managers when your stock is reaching minimum levels thus allowing you to re-order stock accordingly. Furthermore, 3R EPoS systems will calculate and suggest what should be ordered based on current and archived sales, recent orders and current stock level thus saving time and money. In order to also boost your sales and gain customer satisfaction, 3R EPoS systems also offer a range of handheld touch screen devices. Such benefits can contribute to your cost savings and enhance your purchasing ability across your business.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Reader Enquiries or see the advert on page 9.

YCR Distribution is leading provider's of Epos, Point of Sales equipment,Epos software solutions & cash counting hardware. Since 1973 we have worked hard to earn a reputation for being dedicated, reliable, and customer-oriented. Additionally, we are product experts with deep experience in point-of-sale solutions. YCR Distribution Limited continues to grow year after year. We have one overriding objective: Focus on you, the customer. We work hard to listen carefully and tailor our solutions to meet your needs with thousand of products in stock we are able to offer a next day delivery throughout the UK on all stock items. Our aim is to offer a "One Stop" solution whether it be a Retail or Hospitality solution or indeed any other vertical market.

UNMATCHED CUSTOMER SERVICE Customer service isn't the most important thing we do. It's the only thing we do. That's why we provide free technical support for the life of your product. We are know in the industry for our excellent customer service and we will not compromise when it comes to providing you with either sales or technical support.

DEEPEST TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE Our technical staff has the broadest knowledge on every product we sell. We will not sell a product unless we are confident of its quality. One of our friendly experts is always available to suggests products or solutions for any situation.

FASTEST RESPONSE TIME Every phone call and email is responded to promptly, completely, and accurately by our customer service team.

BEST VALUE Our purchasing power means big savings for you. Whatever your project, our team will work hard to deliver a solution that fits your budget. For further details see advert this page.

March 2019

CLH News


Only 37% Of Brits Identify Which Allergens Hospitality Spending Falls as Ongoing A Product Is Free From By Its Label Uncertainty Causes Brits to Cut Back Allergen food labels are a source of confusion for today’s Brits according to latest research from Mintel, as only 37% of consumers agree that it is easy to identify which allergens a product is free from by its label.

While pre-packaged goods are legally required to highlight on-pack the presence of any allergens, almost half (48%) of Brits are unsure whether or not allergen labels are clear, and a further 15% actively disagree that this is the case.

other members of their household) avoid certain ingredients due to an allergy or intolerance, which is on a par with those who do so as part of a healthy lifestyle (22%). Of those who have eaten/drunk freefrom foods, 28% do not avoid any foods/ingredients.

Meanwhile, three in ten (30%) Brits avoid certain foods/ingredients for other reasons (eg ethical, vegetarian) rising to 38% of under-25s and 41% of females in this age group.

Meanwhile, a UK-wide allergen labelling system on free-from product packaging appeals to 29% of those who have bought/used free-from products, a figure which rises to 39% of those users who avoid foods/ingredients because of an allergy or intolerance.

While dairy is the most commonly avoided food/ingredient (17%), avoidance of dairy has remained unchanged over the last three years. Soya (16%), fish or shellfish (16%), red meat (15%) and lactose (15%) make up the top five foods/ingredients which Brits avoid.

Estimated to be worth £837 million in 2018, the UK free-from market has seen stellar growth over 2013-18 with sales growing by 133% over this time period.

“Allergies or intolerances aren’t the main reason that consumers are avoiding certain foods or ingredients. Healthy lifestyles and ethical and environmental concerns are also boosting the appeal of these products, with young consumers in particular most likely to be driven by these factors.

Emma Clifford, Associate Director of Food and Drink at Mintel, said: “Potential changes to allergen labelling have received a lot of high profile media coverage recently, with speculation that the Government is planning to introduce new changes following the death of Natasha EdnanLaperouse, who died after suffering an allergic reaction to a Pret baguette. Given the perceived lack of clarity and the dangerous health implications that ambiguous allergen labelling can have on consumers, there is a real need for companies to make the presence of allergens very obvious on labelling. “While current regulations require allergens to be listed in bold on the ingredients list, many companies choose to highlight certain free-from credentials on the front of packaging as well. At the moment this is not regulated and as such, there is no uniformity between the labelling used, which can fuel confusion among consumers, particularly given the huge amount of other product information on packaging. There is strong demand for a UK-wide labelling system for allergens which would unify the way in which companies communicate this information on packaging.” According to Mintel, just under half (48%) of consumers say that they, or someone in their household, avoid at least one food/ingredient, with 16-24-year-olds (61%) the most likely age group to report household avoidance of foods/ingredients. Overall, there has been no significant change in the share of UK consumers that avoid certain foods or ingredients over the past year. Perhaps surprisingly, only 20% of consumers (or

“The fact that as many as a quarter of free-from purchasers do not avoid any foods/ingredients reflects that the pool of free-from users is far wider than just those who fully avoid certain ingredients, either due to allergies/intolerances or for other reasons.” Gluten-free products remain the nation’s most popular type of free-from food with 27% of consumers having purchased or eaten these over six months, despite only 12% of consumers reporting that they or somebody else in their household avoid gluten. Meanwhile, a quarter (23%) of consumers have purchased dairy substitutes, while 19% have bought dairyfree foods. A quarter (26%) of consumers say free-from diets are good for digestive health, but 44% say that it is hard to know whether they have health benefits for those without an allergy or intolerance. A further 40% worry that following a free-from diet puts you at risk of missing out on certain nutrients. “The idea that following a free-from diet could potentially put people at risk of missing out on certain nutrients is a concern for a significant number of consumers. Gluten-free products carrying nutrient fortification claims are not widespread in the UK market, suggesting a missed opportunity. While highlighting the absence of allergens is vital, spotlighting nutritional credentials is also important for free-from products, particularly to appeal to those opting for these products as part of a healthy lifestyle," concludes Emma.

Non-essential expenditure saw year-on-year growth of just 0.8 per cent as clothing, department store and hotel spending contracted Even pubs and restaurants, traditionally strong categories, reported slower growth than recent months of just 7.4 and 3.9 per cent respectively Half of UK adults worry that Brexit will have a negative impact on the UK economy and cause their personal finances to suffer One in five has started stockpiling essential items in case of shortages in the near future Consumer spending grew by 1.2 per cent year-onyear in February, equating to a decline in real terms when adjusting for inflation. Data from Barclaycard, which sees nearly half of the nation’s credit and debit card transactions, shows that essential expenditure rose by 2.3 per cent, propped up by relatively modest growth in supermarkets of 2.5 per cent as petrol spending contracted by 1.2 per cent. Non-essential spending, meanwhile, saw growth of just 0.8 per cent. Spending on clothing contracted by 5.2 per cent, while department stores saw another month of decline of 5.5 per cent. After consecutive months of growth, hotel spending saw a contraction of 3.8 per cent. Pubs and restaurants, traditionally both strong categories, were also

not immune –reporting unusually low growth of 7.4 and 3.9 per cent respectively. This drop in spending may be due to consumers reevaluating their budgets. Almost one in three Britons (32 per cent) say they are cutting back on non-essential items (such as eating out or buying new clothes), or shopping more often at discount stores in order to make their money go further. Ongoing economic uncertainty means many consumers continue to take a cautious approach to spending. Half of UK adults (50 per cent) worry that Brexit will have a negative impact on the UK economy and cause their personal finances to suffer. 53 per cent are also concerned that a rise in the cost of everyday items over the next month will impact their spending. Furthermore, almost one in five Brits (18 per cent) have started stockpiling essential food items in case of shortages in the near future. Esme Harwood, Director at Barclaycard, said: “Uncertainty over Brexit appears to be driving a shift in behaviour, with many Brits worrying about price rises and cutting back on non-essential spend, and some even stockpiling everyday items. “Discretionary expenditure has seen a considerable decline – spending at retailers continues to decrease, and even hotels, pubs and restaurants are feeling the impact of cut backs.”

A Community Pub Saved from Closure Is Named the Best in Britain The Wonston Arms, a small community pub nestled in the heart of a Hampshire village, has been named the best in the country in CAMRA’s prestigious National Pub of the Year Awards 2018, the most respected and well-known pub accolade in the UK. The pub was derelict and empty just four years ago when the owner and landlord Matt Todd bought it. Since reopening, it has focused on benefitting the local community. As a result, has become an incredibly important asset for local residents, as well as a successful, growing business. The Wonston Arms is also the heart of fundraising for the local area. To date, it has raised in excess of £25,000 from the pub community. Every month it hosts a pop-up cafe, which has raised over £7,000 for

young boy in the north of England. The support from the local community and beyond has been overwhelming, helping to propel us forward despite these testing times. “Ultimately I’d like to see our pub play a vital role in supporting and employing local residents and recirculating the local pounds that are spent in our pub. To do this, we need to ensure our continued survival with the likes of small business rate relief, which has been absolutely vital local charitable causes. to getting us through our fledgeling Owner and landlord Matt Todd said: “I’m overwhelmed that our little years, helping us to realise our potential. Now we’re in a position pub – which had been handed a where continuing to build our busideath sentence four years ago – has now been named the very best in the ness may end up ensuring that we’re penalised for growth through the country. I have strived to recreate rates system, and we need all the the kind of wet pub I went to in the help we can get!” 1970s with my dad when I was a

Daewoo KOM9P11 Light Duty 1100w Programmable Touch Control Commercial Microwave

Daewoo KOM9M11S Light Duty 1100w Manual Dial Control Commercial Microwave

Daewoo KOM9P11 Features Include: • 1100w Microwave Output Power • 29 Litre (1.02 cu.ft) Oven Capacity • 20 Memory Settings • Sealed-in Ceramic Base for Easy Cleaning • Stainless Steel Cavity/Cabinet • 3 Year Manufacturers on-site Warranty

Daewoo KOM9M11S Features Include: • 1100w Microwave Output Power • 29 Litre (1.02 cu.ft) Oven Capacity • Separate Start Button • 5 Power Levels • 10 Minute Select Timer Dial • Sealed-in Ceramic Base for Easy Cleaning • Stainless Steel Cavity/Cabinet • 3 Year Manufacturers on-site Warranty

The stand out feature in the specification for the Daewoo KOM9M11S 1100w Light Duty Manual Control Commercial Microwave is its separate start button; a simple sounding addition which dramatically reduces damage caused to the microwave, essentially lengthening its lifespan. The high level of power that a commercial microwave oven is able to produce makes it particularly at risk of damage if it is operated without food inside; a situation that a separate start button greatly helps to avoid.

Also available in 60htz versions for marine application

Daewoo KOM9F50 Medium/Heavy Duty 1500w Microwave complete with CPS6A Microsave Cavity Liner

The Daewoo KOM9p11 is ideal for reheating snacks and desserts in any commercial kitchen, garage forecourt, office or canteen vending. Simple to use with 20 programs and designed to withstand the rigours of a commercial kitchen.

Daewoo KOM9F85 Heavy Duty 1850w Touch Control Commercial Microwave complete with CPS6A Microsave Cavity Liner

Daewoo KOM9F50 complete with CPS6A Microsave Cavity Liner features include:

Daewoo KOM9F85 complete with CPS6A Microsave Cavity Liner features include:

• NSF Approved Microsave Cavity Liner keeping the cavity clean as well as helping to avoid costly repairs and downtime.

• NSF Approved Microsave Cavity Liner keeping the cavity clean as well as helping to avoid costly repairs and downtime.

• 1500w Microwave Oven Power

Offering reliable, exceptionally high quality performance for commercial catering concerns, the Daewoo KOM9F50 1500w Medium/Heavy Duty Touch Control Commercial Microwave delivers exceptional value for its comparatively reasonable price. Minimum training or instruction is needed to use this commercial microwave oven directly out of the box; even programming this microwave is a cinch! Further adding to this Daewoo commercial microwave’s value is its stainless steel construction, which increases lifespan, while also ensuring that it remains easy to clean and maintain.

• Top and Bottom Feed Magentron for Even Cooking • 27 Litre (0.95 cu.ft) Oven Capacity • Double Quantity Facility • Top Mounted Touch Controls with Braille. Easy to Use and Programmable • Stainless Steel Cavity/Cabinet • 3 Year Manufacturers on-site Warranty

• 1850w Microwave Oven Power

The Daewoo KOM9F85 is designed for heavy duty commercial and industrial locations. It has a dual emission top and bottom energy feed. It has a 1850W power output and 27 litre capacity. This commercial microwave oven is built to last, featuring an easy to maintain stainless steel cavity/cabinet which is additionally protected with a cavity liner, as well as a 3 year manufacturer’s on-site warranty. The Microsave Cavity Liner saves you time and money by protecting the interior of your commercial microwave oven from spills and burnt food particles; reducing the chance of damage and increasing hygiene

• Top and Bottom Feed Magentron for Even Cooking • 27 Litre (0.95 cu.ft) Oven Capacity • Double Quantity Facility • Top Mounted Touch Controls with Braille. Easy to Use and Programmable • Stainless Steel Cavity/Cabinet • 3 Year Manufacturers on-site Warranty

Microwaves and Combi Ovens Microwaves & Combi Ovens

Choosing the right one for your business

For those who didn’t know, including us here at CLH News, the first ever microwave oven was manufactured in 1953, was five feet high and was patented by an American engineer called Percy Spencer who had made his discovery by accident! Apparently he was working with a radar system that used a magnetron to send out radiowaves when a chocolate bar he had in his pocket simply melted rather too quickly. He went on to develop his idea further the rest as they say is history. Wind the clock forward 65 years and it is pretty safe to say that microwaves are now vital to almost every food service operation, playing a pivotal role in an outlet’s success , cutting down waiting times and allowing for flexible cooking. As a standard microwave-only oven they can perform essential functions such as safely re-heating frozen or chilled food, which is at the heart of many menus in informal dining restaurants and pubs or in room-service for hotels. They become more versatile when they become a combination microwave oven. The combination is the addition of convection hot air and a grill. This transforms a simple re-heating cabinet into a multi-function cooking oven. We have seen a huge surge in casual dining and pub food over the past decade which, despite recent “blips” has revolutionised the hospitality and licensed on-trade industry. All studies over the past few years have revealed that outlets serving food tend to be perform better than those which don’t. Whether you are a pub/bar restaurant hotel or café you will recognise the importance of having a strong and varied menu using quality produce, and will already recognise the importance of having a the right equipment in your kitchen . Research among manufacturers and suppliers reveals that a microwave is a “must have “ in your kitchen, and is seen as a top quality versatile tool for busy caterers that need a helping hand with common kitchen tasks—or when you simply need a quality defrosting and reheating tool. With competition for space in a commercial kitchen is immense, catering equipment suppliers state confidently that operators can offer a surprisingly robust and varied menu using commercial microwave ovens. Coming in all shapes and sizes and built for fast, efficient and frequent use the main functions of a commercial microwave are cooking, defrosting and reheating.

• Cooking by microwave is both fast and efficient. Although cooking with a microwave is swift, they don't brown food, so some dishes may require "finishing off" under a grill to make them more tempting, with the added benefit of known need for overhead extraction or plumbing. • Defrosting by microwave is much faster than traditional methods. Most foods can be defrosted, all within a matter of minutes. • Reheating by microwave is a great way to add value or lifespan to food. Lightly warming a rich chocolate fudge cake or even "pinging" bread for a few seconds can make a massive difference to how the food tastes, whilst also reducing the amount of time your customers have to wait for their next course. John Whitehouse, chair of CESA says “Evolving out of the same technology that gave the world radar,

microwave ovens have helped to revolutionise the cooking process in the foodservice industry. They are ideal for safely defrosting and re-heating chilled and frozen foods, and can be used for prime cooking. You’ll find them in kitchens large and small across the industry, including sites without full kitchen facilities.” As with all professional catering equipment, commercial microwaves are sturdier and more powerful than their domestic counterparts. You can determine the heating power of a microwave by its wattage. Domestic microwaves are usually rated between 600 to 900 watts, whereas commercial versions can go up to 2000 watts. This means that commercial ovens take far less time to cook, reheat or defrost food. Domestic versions should never be used in a commercial situation, since they are not designed for heavy duty use and will compromise food safety. Most commercial microwave ovens have a cavity space of ½ gastronorm, but they are also available in 2/3 gastronorm and full-size gastronorm. Manufacturers group commercial microwaves into four power bands:

• LIGHT-DUTY - The oven will have a power ranging between 900 watts and 1100 watts. This is suitable for use where demands are light, such as a café, satellite kitchen or petrol filling station. • MEDIUM-DUTY – A power rating of 1100 to 1500 watts, proportionately more robustly built than a light-duty oven and suitable for restaurants where the microwave is only in occasional use, busy cafes, pubs or leisure centres. • HEAVY-DUTY – Powered from 1500 to 1900 watts and the most popular power range used in catering. Suitable for busy pubs, hotels, busy restaurants or staff catering. Built to withstand hard and heavy use. • EXTRA HEAVY-DUTY – these are usually where large quantities of food are needed to be reheated quickly rather than just individual portions. They can take up to a full gastronorm tray. While all other power bands are connected to a 13amp socket, this very heavy duty oven will need hard wiring into the mains. While the general rule is the high the wattage the faster the food will be heated, much beyond 2000 watts and food risks being burned on the outside before it is heated on the inside. As well as being energy efficient in themselves, microwave ovens create little in the way of steam or waste heat, so they are ideal for front of house use and won’t put pressure on the extraction system. “A commercial microwave oven is one of the most essential items in a ‘fast food’ commercial kitchen, unless someone comes up with a quicker method of turning out hot food in seconds, then the commercial microwave oven will be around for many years to come. To demonstrate this one only have to see the volume of replacement microwaves sold every year which is “thousands upon thousands” in addition to new hospitality sites opening which are automatically being fitted with them, sometimes in the region of six per unit”, says Pat Bray managing director of Regale Commercial Microwaves. “Microwaves cannot be compared with other cooking methods as generally in the fast food market microwaves are used for re-generation of pre-cooked product. When used as a cooking aid (for example melting chocolate, cooking vegetables etc there is no other kitchen equipment that can compare with a microwave for speed, footprint and running costs.” Regale are also pioneers of the Cavity Protection System, and has recently been successfully launched in America.


March 2019

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March 2019

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Microwaves and Combi Ovens


food time and again – you can pick a range accordingly. For example, the Samsung light duty range is perfect for café’s, bars and low volume vending sites and the heavy duty high-speed gastro range is an amazing option for fast food outlets, restaurants and busy bars. You should also ensure the microwave you choose is going to stand the test of time too. At Samsung we use high quality components that are designed for commercial usage and ensure reliability time after time. Each Samsung commercial microwave comes with a 3-year warranty and the solid stainless-steel construction ensures the microwave is easy to clean and strong enough for even the most demanding kitchens.”


Pat adds, “In brewery chains, fast food outlets, restaurants and hotels, literally thousands of commercial microwave ovens are in daily use, many of which are breaking down on a regular basis due to the lack of correct cleaning procedures. These ovens become the obvious candidates for the Cavity Protection System when considering the LOSS OF PROFITS due to the “downtime” of the microwave, which could result in expensive repair costs, makes the Cavity Protection System a clear necessity. The good thing is that the majority of these costs could be saved using the Cavity Liner, which protects the most vulnerable exposed parts. It massively increases the standard of hygiene and makes cleaning of the microwave simple, quick and efficient.” RH Hall supply models ranging from medium duty 1000 W two extra heavy duty 1900 W with a variety of operational features such as express defrost and double quantity for ease of use in addition oper ators can choose from touchpad controls with programmable memory settings, or manual controls for simple and immediate use. Advances in technology have even led to microwaves becoming more popular for ‘prime cooking’ (ie cooking from scratch, as opposed to merely reheating meals), according to Roberts of CESA. He said this further reinforced the microwave’s status as a modern pub “essential”. “Combination microwave ovens are adding greater flexibility into the mix. “The addition of a grill and/or convection heater allows microwaves to perform almost all the functions of a standard oven, quickly and efficiently," he added. Floris Ruys, Channel Marketing Manager, Digital Appliances, Samsung Electronics (UK) also highlights the importance and adaptability of today’s commercial microwaves, he says: “As a leader in the commercial microwave space, we recognise the individual needs of every business, from small family owned cafes to large restaurant chains which dominate our High Streets. While they all have one thing in common – the need to produce high quality

Commonly referred to as a combi-oven and are considered one of the most advanced pieces of equipment in a commercial kitchen. A combi-oven combines several cooking functions in one piece of kitchen equipment and the shortening of the description “combination” is how a combi-oven gets its name. The combi-oven uses dry heat - either still or fan-driven - and steam, which is injected into the oven when the food being cooked needs it. An alternative name for the oven is the combi-steamer.

The combi-oven is the most versatile piece of equipment any professional kitchen can have. These are just some of the examples of its benefits: Meat – Up to a third of the weight of a piece of meat can be lost during dry roasting through loss of the water content of the meat. Having gentle steam in the oven during roasting both minimises weight loss and produces a more tender joint. Fish – steaming is an ideal cooking medium for this delicate product. Vegetables – By cooking in steam instead of boiling water, vegetables keep more of their nutritional value and natural colour. Baking – by operating as a fan-driven convection oven, baked goods are evenly and crisply cooked. A slight injection of steam can also enhance some baked foods such as bread. Regeneration – Food which has been pre-cooked and correctly chilled prior to service can be rapidly brought up to serving temperature, avoiding the need to hold food hot for long periods which leads to flavour loss and drying out. Combiovens are ideal for busy banqueting operations and can handle both ready-plated meals and multi-portion containers.

FRONT OF HOUSE EQUIPMENT With many businesses providing food on the go, equipment is now more visible. Steve Hemsil, Sales Director UK & Ireland, Welbilt: said “An increase in demand for front of house catering equipment has allowed more and more customers to physically see the power and ability of various pieces of catering equipment, thus engaging further customer interest. Take the Merrychef e2s for example; a compact, innovative and highly versatile high speed oven that curates vast customer interest thanks to the impressive new dimension to front of house catering it provides. From perfectly crisp toasties in just 45 seconds and 12” pizzas in just 50 seconds, both staff and customers often comment on how amazed they are by the power of the Merrychef e2s. Designed to increase output despite a remarkably low footprint of just 14”, the e2s offers operators the opportunity for increased revenue and increased speed, yet with no compromise on food quality. For back of house catering, sourcing a high capacity, versatile unit such as a combination oven will ultimately transform catering practice. Eradicating the need for multiple units thanks to its versatile capabilities, a combi oven such as the Convotherm 4 is an all-round catering solution, perfect for busy caterers. Capable of steaming, grilling, frying, baking and roasting, the Convotherm 4 is able to produce meals on both a small or large scale with minimal prior training. This makes it the perfect piece of equipment for caterers with fluctuating catering demands.”

TECHNICAL QUESTIONS TO ASK BEFORE MAKING A CHOICE OF COMBI-OVEN: • What are the performance and cost implications resulting from steam coming from a water boiler or by spraying water onto heated elements in the oven? • Why is it necessary to fit a water filtration system to the oven to remove dissolved salts in the water and prevent scaling? • Is there a high pre-heat function to enable fast heat recovery when cold food is put into the oven? • How easy the oven cavity and the door seals are to clean and what selfcleaning features the oven has. • What are the programming features, how easy are they for staff to understand and do they meet my kitchen needs? Is there a self-diagnostic facility to warn me should something go wrong? • Is there a food core temperature probe, rapid cool-down feature or a reversible fan for even heat distribution?

COMBI STEAMER BUYING TIPS: • Choose the Right Equipment for your type of operation: A combi steamer is a substantial investment, it’s essential that it is engineered to stand-up to the demands of a commercial kitchen. • Try to utilise it to its full capacity – a big advantage with a combi steamer is the ability to complete numerous tasks using one space-efficient model. • Combi steamers are available in all sorts of different sizes and capacities get the model that’s right for your venue. If you’re not sure which is best for you, discuss it with your supplier or manufacturer. • Take advantage of the comb steamer’s energy saving features. • Manual or programme? Using the combi steamer’s programmes means less skilled kitchen staff can use the equipment to produce consistent, quality results.

RH Hall - 01296 663400 / Regale Microwaves - 01329 285518 / CESA - 020 7793 3030 / Welbilt - 01483 464900 / Samsung -

Uniforms and Workwear - Dress To Impress

When it comes to first impressions, appearances make a big difference. This is extra true in the world of hospitality. Almost all hospitality and on-trade businesses know that uniforms can have a big impact on customers. Your front of house team may be the first personal experience that a prospective customer may have with your business, making sure that they look the part is critical. You have probably all heard of the expression, “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have?” It is therefore safe to say that uniforms are an integral part of any business, one of the most important tools at an operator’s disposal for communicating the brand throughout the property, as well as providing comfort and functionality to members of staff, both front and back of house. As fashion trends and customer demands constantly evolve, it’s important that businesses continue to provide their teams with uniforms that not only look the part, but do the job as well. Whilst it may appear that customers visiting your hotel pub or restaurant will be focused on service, comfort and the quality of the food or drink they’re receiving, keeping up appearances is still incredibly important. In fact, according to a study 79% of people

believe that how you dress at work affects people’s perceptions. In simple terms uniforms are in fashion, and can significantly enhance your business in a variety of ways:

CLH News spoke with John Armstrong Director and co-owner and branding specialists Custom Planet. Here, who discusses how to pick the perfect employee uniform for your food and beverage business.

arms, legs and feet. Long-sleeved shirts are a go-to for many restaurant and bar employees, as are full length trousers and closed toe shoes. So, take these into account for a tried and tested uniform style.

• Creating an attractive Image for your business. Selecting appropriate employee uniforms can create a positive impression on the customer and contribute to projecting the corporate image. A uniform can give your employees a professional appearance that can enhance your company’s image in the eyes of customers. With a consistent, recognisable uniform, the service you deliver could be faster leading to satisfied customers!! Having workers wear uniforms can also make them more conscious of their actions while they’re serving customers, as they’re clearly tied to the brand, and therefore provide a better level of customer service. Adding finishing touches such as name tags to a uniform can also give both your customers and staff a more personalised experience. • Make your employees feel that they are part of a team. Having a workforce that is neatly dressed in company clothing will create an environment that operates around company values, and can foster a sense of pride in their jobs and your company. In fact, 56% of workers feel more professional in uniform, and 54% say team morale is higher when everyone is smartly dressed. These factors can all result in happier staff - which will reflect in the service they deliver to your customers • Showcasing your brand. Over time uniforms can become part of the company’s branding. When employees wear uniforms displaying company colors and logos they help distinguish their business from competitors in the fields they serve. • Protect your workers. Safety is important when it comes to uniforms as well. Making sure all your employees are compliant with the environment around them helps with wearer safety, for example, fire resistant and hi-visibility clothing. • Improve Security. Specific Uniforms can help identify who belongs in what work areas and help keep work environments safe by distinguishing who belongs where.

“There are so many things to think about when you’re setting up a new restaurant: you need to devise a menu, choose a location and decorate your space. Plus, you’ll need to consider what you’d like your employees’ uniform to look like. A uniform can give your employees a cohesive and professional look, so ensuring you get it right is vital. Read on to discover my top tips for doing so.”

For example, in busy food and drink establishments, a skin-tight shirt might hold staff back from passing dishes and glasses back and forth. Additionally, female workers are unlikely to want to wear heels all day. So, addressing these issues and the like will ensure everybody feels comfortable and ready to work.

CONSIDER YOUR BRAND REPUTATION You’ll be familiar with the saying “first impressions count”, and it’s no different for your food and drink business. While it might be easier to let your employees to wear their own clothes, having a uniform can be an indicator of the level of service and quality consumers will experience dining with you. Kitting your staff out with a suitable uniform will ensure they’re always looking presentable while at work. And, as this comes with associations of professionalism and hygiene, uniforms have the ability to raise the likelihood of long-lasting customer loyalty and a positive brand reputation. So, it's well worth putting some time into deciding what you would like them to wear.

PICK A SUITABLE UNIFORM STYLE It can be easy to get caught up in picking the most stylish uniform for your employees, but you’re going to need to think logically about it. Within the catering industry, your servers and bar staff will need a practical uniform that allows flexibility and movement — after all, you’re sure to be keeping them busy! When working around food and drink, it’ll be imperative that your staff look presentable, and clean. In general, it’s best to go with uniforms that cover their

Picking a uniform for your employees can make all the difference to the way your business is perceived by customers. By following my top tips, you’ll be well on your way to designing a uniform that balances style and practicality perfectly.

SETTING THE RIGHT TONE When thinking of uniforms, it’s worth remembering that getting the right look can sometimes make or break the carefully crafted ambience you’ve worked so hard to achieve. Obviously, you want to stand out in what is a very competitive market. One of the best ways to do this is have your staff kitted out with a stylish branded uniform. In striving for that unique look you can easily be put off by cost and inconvenience. But it’s simpler than you think and doesn’t have to break the bank. You can easily customise standard off the shelf items making the ordinary in to the exceptional. Almost any shirt can be modified with mandarin collars, roll sleeves or trim. Standard aprons can have halters changed with contrasting colours, fabrics and materials. Adding clips, buttons or buckles gives you that one of a kind garment.


Uniforms and Workwear - Dress To Impress March 2019

(...CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) And don’t forget the branding. Having a stylish uniform with distinct trademarks makes for a memorable look. Kylemark can provide in-house embroidery, laser etching and embossing giving you a range of techniques to choose from. Kylemark has over 22 years’ experience supplying the hospitality trade and we can help you create something special. Supplying numerous bars, restaurants and hotels all over the country we can provide a single apron or a full head to toe uniform concept.

THINK CAREFULLY ABOUT THE COLOUR Traditionally, many food and drink businesses opt for white shirts and black trousers, or all-black uniforms. This is because, in an industry where spills and stains are bound to happen, the latter can disguise these better, so your staff will look more presentable all-shift-long. However, if you opt for the former, rounding your staff uniform off with a black apron will give them a neater appearance, and protect their shirt from dirtying quickly. But, be aware that there are no set rules when it comes to the colour of uniform. You can go as bold or as simple as you want, with some people choosing to match it to their brand logo colours. Whatever colour you select, just be sure it’s practical and will look presentable even in the event of accidental spills and stains.

TAKE COMFORT INTO ACCOUNT It’s great to create a highly professional uniform, but this shouldn’t come at the cost of employee comfort. When designing your staff uniforms, ask for the opinions of your workers. They’ll be able to highlight issues that could impact uniform decisions, including what fit will be best, what options they should have, and features that might be impractical and restricting.

THE RENT OPTION Anna Freeman, head of UK marketing at Elis, which provides chefs’ wear and linen supply and laundry services comments: “Businesses can choose chefs’ wear and linen and utilise them on a rental basis, confident

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that an organisation with expertise in the sector will handle all the laundry requirements, collecting used items and then returning them professionally laundered to an agreed schedule. By outsourcing, businesses can ensure high standards of cleanliness and finishing. “Businesses that outsource their chefs’ wear on a rental basis can also find it easier to manage their changing requirements, due to seasonal fluctuations or changes in staff. Elis manages the service on behalf of clients and adjusts the stock to meet requirements.” Comments Robert Mitchell, Group Executive Director of restaurant group Drake and Morgan, which has 23 restaurants, across the Refinery, Collection and Drake and Morgan brands: “We used to purchase the chefs’ wear and linen and then outsource the laundry separately. This attached a big outlay (especially as you grow and open new sites) and then we would pay on top to launder everything each week. Hiring Elis for our chefs’ wear and linen rental and laundry service eliminated the initial financial outlay of purchasing and reduced the cost of weekly laundering as well. It provided a double saving, plus it was one less thing to organise, having it all done through one supplier for all restaurants. “Catering naturally has a high turnover of staff, luckily we don’t suffer from this, but many do. People will come and go, and this requires lots of size variations in chefs’ wear. Renting chefs’ wear from Elis gives us the ability to exchange sizes, it keeps our brand looking pristine and maintains the standards we expect. Anna Freeman of Elis continues: “By outsourcing to a specialist like Elis, businesses can benefit from the efficiencies and high standards of an expert in linen and chef’s wear rental and laundry services, as well as being able to free up space, time, capital and staff. An outsourced service on a rental contract, can minimise capital expenditure as the linens are not paid for up-front. Businesses can keep more control of costs, while also minimising risk. Elis has 43 company-owned and staffed laundry processing sites around the UK, each with its own fleet of drivers. This nationwide level of service means businesses can have laundry serviced within their area, but with the benefit of nationwide back-up. “Elis understands the competitive nature of the hospitality and catering sectors and the importance of a positive brand perception. Using a specialist rental and laundry service, such as Elis, can support businesses in their drive to present a quality image, with immaculatelooking chefs’ wear supporting the brand image.


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March 2019

Uniforms and Workwear - Dress To Impress

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(...CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) “Elis offers a wide range of bespoke options, including company logos and even specific designs and colours if required. We have our own manufacturing facilities which enable us to be more flexible with customisation than might otherwise be possible. “Businesses can also benefit from high levels of expertise and investment, including, for example, discreet electronic tagging of items. This not only provides Elis with full information on the location of the linen to aid efficiency, but also enables the monitoring of the number of washes to ensure that linens are replaced when necessary. For customers, RFID tracking and management gives full visibility of the location of their linens and chefs’ wear, minimising lost stock costs. Robert Mitchell of Drake and Morgan concludes: “We selected Elis as they can provide national coverage, have high quality standards of linen that stand out from the crowd and good quality chef’s wear. In our selection criteria the company also had to be cost effective and have sustainable credentials.”

the balance between professional and fashionable uniforms and we’ve launched Contemporary to meet their needs. “In hospitality first impressions count, more than in any other industry. Uniforms need to project the brand image and tell a story about the type of service customers will receive. They also need to be practical which is why we’ve packed the new range with innovative features. “The reaction from customers so far has been incredibly positive, especially from hoteliers. We’re looking forward to introducing the range to more hospitality businesses across the UK.”

IMPORTANCE OF BRAND & IMAGE Offering a quality service is at the forefront of every catering and hospitality business says Simon Maw, General Manager at Workwear Express, and it’s important to reflect that in your brand image. By choosing professional, branded workwear to convey the personality of your brand, you will ensure that you make a positive impression, not only the first time, but every time.

FASHION Uniform supplier Simon Jersey emphasises the demand for fashion-forward suiting. The uniform provider has created the suiting range, Contemporary, in line with recent catwalk trends from around the world. This follows demand from the image-conscious hospitality sector for frontof-house uniforms that are smart and professional, yet fully ontrend. Jack Hankey , head of field sales, at Simon Jersey, said: “Our customers told us that it was hard to strike

“At Workwear Express, we also know that our hospitality and catering customers are working in a fastpaced industry and are looking for speed of service, high quality products and competitive pricing. Our industry leading capacity and turnaround – including a 24 hour dispatch option – is well-placed to meet this need. “Our uniform starter packs offer incredible savings for new starters, students and apprentices, and are ideal for smaller hospitality businesses. Our chef starter packs for example, are ideal for those working in a kitchen, who need clothing to keep them protected but also cool and comfortable.”

DON’T FORGET THE FOOTWEAR One area which can have an enormous impact on your staff’s performance in the hospitality industry is footwear. You can be forgiven for thinking that slips trips and falls are trivial in nature and result in only of minor injuries, yet, surprisingly, 40% of all serious workplace injuries are caused by slips trips and falls. This risk is heightened in a kitchen environment as often wet and greasy floors can become treacherous during busy periods and almost impossible to avoid. Furthermore, the health and safety at work act of 1974 requires employers to ensure the health and safety of all employees and anyone who may be affected by their work, so far as is reasonably practicable. This can be supported through the encouragement of slip-resistant footwear, to, at the very least, lessen the chances of an injury from a wet floor. Though the number of unreported injuries in the workplace leaves a gap in statistics to the extent of injuries seen in workplaces across the UK, it is estimated that 4.5 million working days are lost to this type of injury, an amount estimated to cost around £1.5 billion for business owners.

“Comfortable, good quality uniform also helps to build morale and rapport in your workforce, as well as inspiring unity within your team, bringing front of house and back office staff together for improved customer service. “Our team can help to bring your brand image to life on your workwear. The vast majority of our products are available to be customised by either print or embroidery, and we also have a range of bundle deals that offer great savings, ideal for staff uniforms.

Wearing the right shoes is incredibly important, irrespective of which department you are in. When you take into account how many hours a week you’re wearing the same shoes in your working environment you will realise how important it is to find the right shoes for the right job role. Brett Worth marketing manager at footwear specialist company Sketchers said “ Sketchers is an award-winning global leader in the footwear industry that designs, develops, and markets lifestyle and work footwear that appeals to trendysavvy men, women and children.

The company’s success stems from its high quality, diversified and affordable product line that meets consumers various lifestyle and footwear needs. Sketchers footwear has become a leader in the slip resistant footwear for men and women since 2002. And hikers in soft toe, safety steel toe and slip resistant and electrical hazard models for both men and women. One thing you can be sure of is that all Sketchers work style provide quality, comfort and style built in. They offer occupational shoes for industrial settings as well as in restaurants, hospitals and other applications where slip resistant as a must”. 2019 promises to be a very interesting year for the hospitality industry. Brexit has dominated the news, however irrespective of whether we stay or leave, reports indicate that staycation may very well bring a business boom to the hospitality sector. Last summer provided a bumper home spending bonanza, pumping an estimated £31 billion into the nation’s finances. So, it could be a very busy and profitable year for the hospitality and on trade sector and while it is only February, success is all about preparation. Benjamin Franklin famously said “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” So make staff uniforms and integral part of your preparation .Uniforms not only exudes confidence but also gives a feeling of belonging and being a part of the organisation you work for. Hence a uniform brings in a sense of oneness and helps cultivate a team environment and culture which visually looks very good and appealing. Moreover hospitality industry is all about serving guests and it helps them to identify staffs and employees which will give a sense of confidence that there are ample people around to help out with whatever is required. or call 0808 231 5852 or call 0800 616691 or call 0800 756 0837 or call 0191 270 8181

Food Hygiene and Temperature Monitoring Food Safety And Temperature Monitoring In The Independent and Small Chain Sector Of The Hospitality Industry March 2019

The effect of food poisoning on any food serving business is can be devastating: with the damage often irreparable. If you, the food business owner, are found guilty of causing a food poisoning incident there are two probable consequences you will have to face: A criminal prosecution brought about by the local enforcement team with consequences of: • Fines of up to £20,000 per offense • Up to 6 months imprisonment However, there are harsher sentences for more severe cases. Three years ago pub chef and manager were jailed after a woman who ate a Christmas meal they served died from food poisoning. The pub manager and chef who tried to cover their tracks by falsify records were found guilty of perverting the course of justice and jailed at Snaresbrook Crown Court for 12 and 18 months respectively. The pub companies were also fined £1.5 million for placing unsafe food on the market. All food business operators have a legal obligation to comply with food hygiene legislation which states that they must ensure the food they sell is safe for consumption and does not cause ill health to customers. Therefore, a successful catering business relies on good food hygiene practices to prevent food poisoning, achieve legal compliance and attain good food hygiene ratings as well as customer satisfaction and a respectable reputation. Research data on food poisoning outbreaks has found that five major risk factors occur repeatedly: • Improper food-holding temperatures • Inadequate cooking • Contaminated equipment • Food from unsafe sources • Poor personal hygiene Such laws are enforced by Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) from local councils who will also offer support and guidance. However, should they witness evidence of non-compliance or an imminent risk to health they can close the businesses or prosecute for food hygiene offences. They can also publish a low Food Hygiene Rating which is accessible to the public on-line. Poor publicity associated with such actions can be devastating for the company’s reputation. The case referred

to above in which a woman died after contracting Clostridium perfringens from turkey received plenty of unwanted attention.

cleaning tasks are performed on schedule. With managers often just as busy, possible problems might not be uncovered until it is already too late to correct the issue.

“This can be an issue especially for many smaller businesses that lack the corporate support larger chains rely on to enforce standards. Faced with the challenges of planning and managing the busy season, food safety and hygiene can easily slip off the radar: under increased pressure, kitchen staff may forget tasks or put off filling in the food safety records until the end of the shift or bar staff might prioritise serving customers over daily cleaning tasks."

So how can managers ensure that all the boxes are ticked? When it comes to compliance, knowledge is power. Managers need to have complete visibility over all critical compliance tasks to be able to identify potential issues and take immediate action, before customers or staff are put at risk.

Even if no incidents occur, lapses in standards are not ignored by customers. Over 60 percent of diners would not return to a restaurant if the premises were dirty.

CLEANING AND HYGIENE Effective cleaning is an essential pre-requisite to any food hygiene system. Adequate cleaning ensures food preparation areas and equipment are cleaned in between use, especially in-between the use of readyto-eat and non-ready-to-eat foods. Using a commercial cleaning chemical provider (rather than supermarket or cash and carry products) means you will be more effective in achieving high standards of cleanliness with products that are effective against bacteria and viruses. Staff should be made aware of the correct use of such products including the contact time. The use of a cleaning schedules can prove as a useful tool for ensuring cleaning standards have been maintained on a daily basis. Cleaning schedules should outline what needs to be cleaned, the frequency of the cleaning, and what products should be used. It is a legal requirement for food handlers to uphold a high standard of personal hygiene including wearing clean protective clothing so that individuals do not contaminate the food (it’s not worn to protect the staff!). With regards to training staff, there is no legal requirement to attend a formal training course, rather, food handlers must receive supervision, instruction or training which is appropriate for the task they will be carrying out. However, it must be noted that those responsible for developing food safety management procedures must have received adequate training which allows them to do so competently. Cooking is an essential step to ensuring food is safe for consumption as thoroughly cooking will kill any harmful bacteria that may lead to food poisoning. When deciding what core temperature you wish to achieve, consideration should be given to the following core temperature and time combinations of 70°C for 2 minutes or 75°C for 30 seconds. When holding food hot, food must be kept above 63°C. Safe storage is critical to the safety of food. Keeping foods chilled below 8°C is a legal requirement as it keeps food in the safe zone to slow the growth of harmful bacteria. Delivery temperatures should be monitored and foods transported to refrigeration as quickly as possible. During preparation foods should not be left out of the fridge for any longer than is necessary and the chilling of cooked foods should be done as quickly as possible. Record keeping is a measure of ‘due diligence’ to assist in demonstrating that the food safety controls are in place and are being maintained. Record-keeping should be done so in accordance with the nature and size of the business. Critical control point (CCP) checks do not need to be done at every point all the time instead at regular intervals daily. Yes, temperature records help to show what you did, but it also (and primarily) helps to ensure you are selling safe food. Successful prevention of cross-contamination on hands, equipment, surfaces and foods is fundamental to food safety. It is imperative to prevent cross-contamination between ready and non-ready-to-eat foods. They should be stored and prepared separately, have separate designated equipment such as chopping boards and separate ‘complex’ machinery such as vacuum packing machines and slicers.

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER In order to capitalise on the demand and optimise


profitability, staff can be stretched to the limit, which may mean compromising on quality, hygiene and health and safety, says David Davies of digital food safety specialists Checkit.

Research by Checkit revealed that 75 percent of consumers would never visit a venue that had been implicated in a food safety incident. It is easy to calculate what losing three quarters of potential customers would do to the profitability of any business.

According to the Food Standards Agency (FSA), it is estimated that up to 5.5 million people are affected by food poisoning in the UK each year, and in the vast majority of cases, believed to be up to 76%, the cause is thought to be food prepared outside of the home. Many of these cases go unreported, however, over 850,000 cases of food poisoning are reported each year, resulting in more than 23 million lost working days, costing this country an estimated £350 million.

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Yet with staff rushed off their feet catering for large parties, often supported by seasonal part-time workers with little or no hygiene training, it can be a challenge to ensure that the essential compliance checks and

Unfortunately, many hospitality and on-trade outlets still manage critical food safety and cleaning tasks using paper-based hygiene records, which provide poor visibility over the status of the jobs carried out. Replacing paper records with a digital real-time food safety management system will give businesses the visibility needed to optimise compliance and enable quick reactions to possible issues. David Davies, Checkit’s Product and Marketing Director says: “During busy periods, real-time food safety management systems provide invaluable support to the manager. A digital system such as Checkit for example, schedules all the necessary food safety and temperature checks on to a handheld device, which then prompts staff to perform them when they are due. This ensures that staff are reminded to complete the tasks on schedule, and with no cumbersome paperwork to fill in, are able to get quickly back to their core duties.” The ability to view the compliance status of multiple sites, in real time, in the cloud-based control centre eliminates the time otherwise spent trawling through compliance paperwork. Achieving compliance is not impossible and does not have to be over complicated. A simple food safety management system should be in place. Small businesses can make use of the Food Standards Agency’s ‘Safer Food Better Business’ system (available from their website) or call in competent advice from a company like Checkit.


Food Hygiene and Temperature Monitoring March 2019

(...CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) FALLING FOUL OF EHOS AND TRADING STANDARDS! Everyone in the catering sector has a duty of care, says Fiona Sinclair, from food safety experts STS so it is important to understand the powers that Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) and Trading Standards have and regularly exercise. Working under Food Hygiene Regulations, these professionals have a great deal of power that covers the production of food, training and food safety management, using HACCP safety principles like temperature control, cross contamination control and personal hygiene to name but a few.

Food hygiene authorities can visit business premises to inspect them to check for compliance with legal requirements. It can include taking samples for scientific analysis and inspecting records. This can result in: • A formal request to improve any failings • A legal notice stating what actions must be taken, or what processes, equipment or premises must not be used • Prosecution for serious failings to comply with the law Regardless of whether the officers have prior knowledge of a breach in public health legislation, they have ‘power of entry’ and can inspect any food premises, at all reasonable hours, unannounced. An exception is a private dwelling where 24 hours notice has to be given to the occupier. They then act upon whatever they find. For minor breaches, where the food business may need to tighten up on controls, an informal notice or letter is the norm. If this informal approach is unsuccessful, or the seriousness of a breach warrants it, improvement notices are the next option. These will outline what’s wrong and why plus suggest measures to address the issues. These carry a timeframe of a minimum of 14 days in which the food business must take remedial action. Failure to comply may result in prosecution and subsequent penalties. In more extreme cases, where there is an imminent risk to public health, such as pest infestation or outbreak, a Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notice may be

served, which when confirmed by a Magistrates Court, results in the premises being closed down. The business may only reopen once the enforcement bodies are satisfied that there is no longer a threat to health posed by the food business. The consequence of non compliance to any food safety issue depends on which court hears the case. Magistrate’s court can impose a prison sentence of up to six months and a fine up to £20,000. In more severe cases, a Crown court can pass down a custodial sentence of up to two years for a food related offence with unlimited fines and even sterner sentencing can be applied if the crime is more serious as in the earlier manslaughter example. So what steps should businesses take to stay compliant? Firstly all food businesses need to be registered with their local environmental health department so they can be monitored and inspected. All food handlers and line management must also be trained in food hygiene commensurate with their work activity and hold a valid certification. A documented food safety management system, based on HACCP principles, should also be in place and businesses must have a failsafe system to demonstrate and communicate they know exactly which of the 14 allergens identified by law are present in the foods they provide; and processes are in place to avoid accidental cross contamination. Business size, location or lack of awareness of legislative requirements are never excuses for non-compliance and all staff are responsible for ensuring processes are in place and up-to-date; and when in doubt they should seek advice.

• Cook foods in the main kitchen and finish them on the barbeque to give that chargrilled flavour • Make sure that foods are kept in refrigerators or purpose designed cool boxes until needed for service. Keep raw and ready to eat foods separated • Cook little and often – don’t just cook everything you have and leave it out for guests to eat when they want • Make sure that you wash your hands and avoid contact with raw meats as much as possible • Limit service and display times to as short a time as possible • Check food temperatures regularly, ensuring that all burgers, chickens, kebabs etc. have a core temperature above 75oC

TEMPERATURE CONTROL/MONITORING Food temperature control is enormously important at any time of year, not just during the summer months. Whether kitchens are hot or cold, whether

food is being cooked outdoors or in the main kitchen, maintaining the correct temperatures is critical to maintaining food safety. Whilst the current US E.coli outbreak has not been directly linked to temperature, poor temperature control of prepared salads can result in bacterial growth - especially if they have been prepared in conditions which can result in cross contamination. For example, if dressed salad items are left out in the sun for long periods of time, any pathogenic bacteria within may multiply to levels which can cause food poisoning. That’s why it’s vital to limit service times if it’s not possible to ensure that food is kept adequately chilled. A lesser-known fact is that fridges and freezers have key operating temperature ranges and if the ambient temperature in the area where they are stored falls outside of those limits, then they will not efficiently maintain the correct temperature. It’s therefore important to try and manage the temperatures within your kitchen and stores, thereby allowing your chilled storage units to work at the correct temperature(s) and keep food safe.

TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS THAT DO IT ALL FOR YOU Record keeping and temperature monitoring can be a daunting for small as well as large businesses requiring time, extra resource and increased administration. Producing great food, keeping your customers safe as well as safeguarding your reputation is important to you and shouldn’t come at cost. The good news is that staying compliant doesn’t have to be complicated, there are a number of cloud based technology solutions that automatically record and save temperatures without the need for paper and manual checks - and they don’t have to be expensive or difficult to implement. Damien D’Souza, Managing Director of Hawk Safety says “IoT (Internet of Things) technology now allows us to collect new data, automatically take action and record into the cloud. Hawk Safety monitoring solutions work around the clock keeping your stock safe and alerting you to any issues in real time so you can

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take corrective action quickly. The technology saves the smallest of sites up to £4,000 a year in time, money, reduced wastage and energy bills” Easy to install out of the box and with records automatically formatted to EHO standards, automated monitoring does all the work for you and more importantly saves you time and money. Hawk Safety offers fully paperless HACCP compliant monitoring solutions accessible and customised to all size of businesses.

FOOD SAFETY MADE QUICK AND EASY WITH THE NEW THERMASTICK® POCKET THERMOMETER The NEW ThermaStick is a pocket-sized, waterproof (IP66) thermometer which incorporates a reduced tip penetration probe providing a much faster response time than traditional probe thermometers. Saving you valuable time and accurately measuring temperature over the range of -49.9 to 299.9 °C, the ThermaStick is simple to use, featuring two push buttons - on/off and max/min. A large, easy to read LCD makes the ThermaStick an economical, fuss free solution for numerous temperature measurement applications in today’s commercial kitchen. This HACCP compliant thermometer is powered by a single lithium coin cell battery, providing a minimum of 5,000 hours use. The ThermaStick thermometer is available in red, white or blue and is priced at £16.50 each exclusive of VAT. Buy online at

March 2019

CLH News


Outdoor Spaces

These Businesses Are Already Benefiting From Our Canopy Structures

All year round use – regardless of weather Quick recovery on your investment

Market your business with fixed canopy structures to attract and look after your customers Our research tells us that people like to sit in the shade to eat and drink outside For Free consultations call 0118

978 9072

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Low Costs Means Greater Returns Improve Customer Enjoyment with Stylish and Very Long Lasting Gazebos! • The most successful businesses invest wisely to get the best returns • Join them to make more profit from your outdoors sales • You can invest in your outdoors, from as little as £357 a year • Your only cost is the profit from a couple of drinks per week! • It’s a no-brainer....Don’t ignore this profit opportunity • You have nothing to lose except more profit From £6.86 per week | £357 per year with Bluestar Leasing-preserve your cash flow leasing is 100% tax allowable with terms from 2-5 years To see how advantageous it can be for your business get your instant quotation online.

3 sizes...40 colours...side screen options...hurricane proof...5 year guarantee 3m x 3m £1661 | 3m x 4m (as above) £2130 | 3m x 6m £2497 Join them to make more profit from your outdoors sales. You can invest in your outdoors, from as little as £357 a year. Your only cost is the profit from a couple of drinks per week! GET AHEAD TODAY....BUY NOW and BENEFIT NOW See what our customers say! “Just to let you know that your tough gazebos shrugged off yesterdays 115 mph storm without a problem. I wish the rest of the Scillies had done so well.” Manager, New Inn Tresco, Isles of Scilly Help, Advice, Guidance and to Order Call us 01653 695 285

Discover How A Canopy Can Increase Your Profits Over the last twenty years hotel owners,licensees golf courses and theme parks around the UK have discovered the secrets of increasing their profit by installing Zenith Canopy Structures at their establishments. Since the advent of the smoking ban, licensees have had to re-appraise their business and re-market the features that encourage customers to choose them over a competitor particularly in food led establishments. Ian Manners of Zenith said “The benefits to licensees of our canopy structures is that they can be used all the year round regardless of weather.” When approached by the licensed trade we have used our experience and spent a good deal of time with them discussing how we can make the best use of available space to increase their profits and add real value to their business. We encourage them to provide as com-

fortable a setting outside as they provide their customers inside the pub. For example, for some reason in this country licensees seem to think that customers like to eat and drink in raging sunshine. Our research tells us that people actually like to eat and drink in the shade under a fixed, robust cover that they feel safe beneath. By adding electric radiant heating and lighting and easily removable sidewalls, licensees can create a warm, welcoming environment in all weathers without losing that al fresco feel.’ Many of Zenith’s customers have opted to fund a canopy project by LEASE RENTAL. This is a financially efficient way of installing a canopy because it allows the licensee to budget on a monthly basis without making a large capital investment. After a three or four year period the licensee will own the structure outright. It is also tax efficient as the lease rentals can be offset against taxable profits. Furthermore the canopies are being paid for as the number of customers increases. James Bishop is the Proprietor of The Longcross Hotel in Trelights, near Port Isaac in Cornwall.

James purchased three of Zenith’s Airone Tipo 150 canopies and installed glazed walls and doors. James said, “Since installation business has boomed and we now have an extra outdoor function room for up to 150 people when not being used as a day to day eating area.” Simon Vale of Drayton Manor Theme Park purchased 165 square metres of Zenith’s canopies and said, “ we have received a very quick return on our investment and our customers are now able to benefit from an outdoor covered area in all weathers.” Zenith’s canopies are available in a variety of modular sizes and colours. For further information contact:Zenith Canopy Structures Limited, T: 0118 978 9072 F: 0118 979 3034 Email: or visit

Outdoor Spaces

March 2019

CLH News

Commercial Garden Furniture and Cover Solutions Showpiece Design are the UK’s leading supplier of external furniture and cover solutions. We’ve established our reputation working with clients to create the ‘Ultimate Alfresco Experience’ for their customers. Our mission is to create stunning environments working with clients to drive customer retention and return on investment. We supply and install high-quality outdoor dining and leisure furniture and cover solutions for some of the UK’s most respected groups and chains, as well as independent businesses looking to offer customers an experience that’s extra special. With an expansive UK head office and warehouse facility in Berkshire, we offer clients an agile and responsive service with a quick turn-around

from quotation, order to installation with short lead times that ensure we consistently meet tight customer deadlines. Our service is underpinned by our revered reputation for quality, expertise and customer focused commitment and values. The Showpiece approach means we are perfectly placed to listen, adapt and deliver client focused solutions time and again. We constantly review our portfolio to deliver the best products, the best value and service and ensure our clients can maximise customer retention and return on their investment by offering the Ultimate Alfresco Experience. Contact our Alfresco Experience Experts on 01189 843 486 or email us at;

The Safe Solution To Slippery Decking With its natural appeal and relatively low-maintenance requirements, decking is the perfect solution for outdoors spaces of pubs, cafes, holiday parks and restaurants. But there is one major drawback – it can become very slippery when wet, making it hazardous in the unpredictable Great British weather and when drinks or food are spilled. There is, however, a solution and it’s one that can be retrofitted to almost any grooved decking quickly and easily using standard tools. The DeckWright innovation was

developed by timber and metal components firm WJ Group to complement its existing timber treatment services for decking and fencing. The inserts work by using a universally shaped plastic T-bar that holds a resin and aggregate formulation.

many DeckWright inserts they need. There is even a range of colours available ranging from eye-catching shades to muted tones which complement the wood. Contacts: To find out more about DeckWright, call us on 01482 338 950, email or check out our website

When fixed into a deck board groove using the specially formulated adhesive, the insert sits a little proud of the timber deck and provides a reassuring grip. It comes with a five-year warranty and there’s even an online calculator to help customers work out how

Cinders Celebrates 35 Years of Barbecue Excellence Commercial barbecue specialist, Cinders Barbecues, is celebrating the 35th birthday of its Classic barbecue and putting out a call for photos and stories from any Classic owners who are still operating a Cinders barbecue bought more than two decades ago.

Cinders owners who have had their barbecue for 20 or more years will bear testimony to its performance and the fabulous payback they have had on their investment. They will also have some of the best of the Cinders barbecues out there, as well-seasoned Cinders Classics perform fantastically well. The 35th birthday of this iconic barbecue is also being celebrated with Cinders upgrading its ISO certification from ISO 9001: 2008 to ISO 9001: 2015. This reflects the ethos of a business that has always had an ongoing commitment to quality and never shied away from

attaining the highest standards possible, so as to deliver better products and services to its customers.

Cinders’ marketing director, Karen Swift says: “We are looking forward to receiving pictures and stories about those of our workhorse barbecues still in operation after 20 years of service. We may even find some of the original ones sold 35 years ago. That says it all when it comes to our barbecues’ design and performance – something that makes the whole of our team very proud. We believe nothing else comes close to our commercial barbecues and, with our ongoing commitment to excellence, that is how we feel things will stay.” Cinders barbecues are supplied by a wide variety of dealers and distributors. To find one close to you, visit and use the supplier search facility.

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March 2019

CLH News


Design and Refit

Counterline Wins Prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise

Knowsley-based Counterline Limited has won the prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise for outstanding continuous growth in international trade. The £12 million turnover company designs and manufactures bespoke and standard food service counters and display units. Initially serving the UK hotel industry Counterline was soon asked to design, manufacture and fit out the food service areas of corporate headquarters, prestigious sports venues and leisure complexes. The recent consumer trend for “grab & go” food has enabled Counterline to further show off their design capabilities in well-known supermarkets and coffee franchises, whilst also investing in ever-more environmentally friendly materials, technologies and manufacturing processes. Counterline’s reputation and pride in their “Made in the UK” credentials now have them exporting to countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Far East, Central Asia and Australasia.

Europa Furnishings

At Europa Furnishings we pride ourselves on our ability to turn whatever you can imagine into reality. With decades of experience in commercial, contract and speciality upholstery, we always aim to deliver the best for our clients. Over the years our versatility has been proven as we’ve worked closely with clients from many sectors, including hotels, restaurants, cruise ships, wine bars, public houses, private hospitals, interior designers,

Export sales have more than trebled over the last 6 years and now represent 25% of total turnover. Managing Director, Tim Flood, states, “It is unusual for a UK company in our line of business to export at such high levels, let alone report continuous year-on-year growth for export sales over 6 years”. The Queen’s Award for Enterprise is the UK’s highest accolade for business success. Our award for outstanding continuous growth in international trade rightfully acknowledges the dedication of all our staff and partners across the globe who continue to build Counterline’s reputation as the “go to” company for quality products and design solutions within the food service counter and display market. We couldn’t be prouder…and yes, we will be celebrating!” For information contact Counterline Limited on + 44 (0)151 548 2211, email: or visit web: architects, manufacturers of leisure furniture and domestic clients. We have particularly built up a fine reputation for top-quality commercial seating and chair solutions. Whatever you require, from a bespoke one-off item to a large commercial project, we have the capacity, experience and ability to produce outstanding results, time and again, so why not get in touch and see how we can help you? Reader Enquiries: 01489 557460 or 07557 885644 or go to

Space Air - The UK Distributors of LG-HVAC

e ot n qu he g w se 2 in ea 22 ond l P H p CL res

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Since 1980, Space Air’s experience in the HVAC industry (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioners) has been unrivaled and are a UK wide distributor of LG (yes, the electronic company) covering a wide range of products including, Splits, Multi Splits, Multi V™ VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow), Therma V™ (Air to Water Medium/High temperature heat pumps), extensive control systems and spare parts. The air conditioning capacity ranges from 1kW to 269kW Heating or/and Cooling systems with the extensive variety of indoor units from Cassettes (1, 2 and 4 Way air distribution), Ceiling, Floor, Wall and Low/Medium/High static ducted type.

The HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilation) offers flexible and high efficiency ventilation. The unique Therma V™ medium (55˚C) and high (80˚C) temperature heating and domestic hot water systems, which is ranked amongst the leading technology in the world. Space Air offers nationwide coverage including design, selection, logistics, spare parts, remote and on site technical support. Contact us on 01483 478 715 or by email or visit our website for extensive information.

Design and Refit

March 2019

CLH News

Luxury Flooring and Furnishings Help Local Rackets Club with New Renovation Project After years of providing an excellent service to local sports enthusiasts, Chapel Allerton Rackets Club has undergone a full flooring refurbishment with help from Luxury Flooring and Furnishings. Upon inspecting the club’s bar area, the specialists at Luxury Flooring advised the club on purchasing the correct commercial solution, offering their bespoke carpet tiles and vinyl, perfect for heavy traffic and sports footwear. Once the existing flooring was removed, subfloor preparations were made to ensure that the new carpet and vinyl would be secure, sturdy, and level. A plywood base was created for the new flooring to be installed upon, making for a perfectly even surface.

Carpet tiles were fitted in the seating area, whilst the vinyl was situated at the base of the bar. Whilst the tiles allow for effortless reinstallation, vinyl lowers the overall maintenance of the bar, allowing spills and splashes to be pacified with ease. The new flooring has been well received, gaining compliments from staff, customers, and social media followers. One member was particularly happy with the refurbishment, stating that ‘the new flooring has completely reinvented the bar. This is definitely the kind of upgrade the club deserves’. Another happy customer with Luxury Flooring and Furnishings. Call FREE now on 0333 577 0025 or

The Vandal Resistant Toilet Door Lock From Burstcatch As the hospitality gears up for its busiest time of the year, bars and restaurants will be welcoming people for office parties and family gatherings for the first time. As the saying goes, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression." Toilet facilities are often the first and the last impression clientele will remember. It is vital to not only ensure your facilities are clean, fresh, smelling and bright, but more importantly secure. People sometimes behave out of character at Christmas/New Year parties, and can find themselves in vulnerable situations. Having facilities that are secure, not only providing privacy, but safety and security as well is vital. Burstcatch ensures both privacy and security of your bathroom cubicles with its unique, patented vandal resistant design. Built to last in the most extreme of environments, Burstcatch is designed to operate flawlessly in the washroom environment. Suitable for extreme high traffic commercial toilet areas such as night clubs, bars and restaurants. Burstcatch is the standard fitting in the UK’s largest pub chains JD Weatherspoon, Yates, Mitchell & Butler, Stonegate and

Missoula Bars Burstcatch ensures their washrooms are always 100% operational, reaping the financial benefits everyday. • Privacy with unique anti-vandal door lock design • Works with all types of toilet cubicle doors • Built strong. Built to last. Built to save you money. • Guaranteed to save your toilet cubicle doors and locks from vandals. In the high traffic pub and club environment it's essential your toilet doors stay operational. Burstcatch will give you the piece of mind that once fitted you no longer have to call out service engineers to repair your toilet cubicle doors. Generally a call out would be £60 plus per call, so its a simple calculation to see Burstcatch is a valuable investment. Customer safety is ensured with our unique design. Burstcatch will allow standard privacy but if you are required to access a cubicle during an emergency situation you can easily force the door open without causing any damage to the toilet door hardware or to the door. Safety without the expense! Tel: 0151 608 8666 or visit

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March 2019

CLH News

Design and Refit


Almost 50 Years of Industry Experience from Adveco Rocking Around The

With almost 50 years of industry experience, Adveco Ltd., which also trades as A.O. Smith Water Heaters in the UK, is the trusted specialist provider of bespoke hot water, heating and power systems to hotels, restaurants and leisure facilities. Committed to partnering with its customers, Adveco helps create comfortable, efficient, functional, safe and sustainable buildings through invaluable support in the design, supply, commissioning and service of business-critical hot water, heating and power.

Responsible for the introduction of condensing water heating to the UK, Adveco continues to innovate today. Working in exclusive partnership with Europe’s most reputable manufacturers, Adveco designs, supplies and supports more than a thousand commercial boiler, hot water, solar thermal and cogeneration systems every year. Headquartered in the UK, the company operates across Europe from offices in the Netherlands and Belgium. Visit for details.

Capricorn Contract Furnishings Capricorn Contract Furnishings are now firmly established as one of the country's largest stockist and supplier of quality contract furnishings to cafes, bars, restaurants, pubs, clubs and hotels. Capricorn are based in a 40, 000 square feet showroom and distribution warehouse on the outskirts of Exeter in Devon. From within the distribution area we are able to offer a next day delivery service on thousands of products including tables , chairs , stools and lounge furniture. Customers are encouraged to visit our large showroom to view an extensive range of furniture ideally suited for the leisure market. Here you can relax and let Capricorn help and advise you with your requirements. Opening hours for the showroom are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. For more information or a Capricorn Contract Furnishings catalogue and price list contact Brian Pengelly on 01395 233 320 or visit

MST Auctioneers Ltd MST AUCTIONEERS Ltd specialise in handling & auctioning a wide variety of goods. We act for Insolvency Practitioners, Receivers, Bailiffs and Solicitors as well as large PLCs. We are members of The National Association of Auctioneers and Valuers (NAVA).

Clock With American Diner Furniture America in the 1950s was a historic period that saw the birth of Rock n Roll, a baby boom and pop culture take over the masses. The home away from home for most during this period was the local American diner.

With chrome counter tops, burgers, shakes and filter coffee, the diner has become a classic cultural icon and symbol of the times. Restaurants have long replicated the nostalgic American diner experience and it’s never been easier to create your own. Trent Furniture’s American diner furniture range is perfect for creating an authentic American atmosphere rivalling any establishment back in the thriving 50s. Finished in the classic red, black and cream colours, our American diner furniture comes with a faux leather finish, making it easy to clean while retaining its authentic look. A thick, padded finish ensures your customers will be sitting in comfort. View the full range of American diner chairs, stools, benches and tables at Call 0116 2985 852 for more information.

For the past 25 years, we've provided a unique disposal service tailored to suit, liquidators, banks, receivers as well as private and corporate vendors. We carry out probate valuations and conduct complete house and commercial clearances. We have the largest Auction venue in the South of England. Our regular monthly Auctions occupy 45,000 sq.ft. of undercover space, selling over 2500 lots from 3 rostrums over two days. We have storage and removal facilities. In addition we have forklifts for machinery up to 5 tons. We also hold regular Auctions ”On Site” and "On Line" See advert on this page for further details.

Design and Refit

March 2019

CLH News


Add High Quality Art to Your Business with Global Bringing The Indoors Outdoors At Nanu Soda

When considering the refurbishment or presentation of your venue it may be a wise move to look at some pieces of quality art to give a feeling of class and prestige to your business image. Hotels, offices, restaurants and pubs can benefit aesthetically and financially from investing in quality original art which is both unique and profitable. GLOBAL ART Acquisitions and Investments Ltd are based above the Antiques centre at the Bridge House Longham BH22 9AN. We have an extensive selection of unique art available for the discerning client with prestigious premises and customers. GLOBAL ART is also the home of the

world’s number 1 reformed art forger BILLY MUMFORD’S collection. Billy put £6 Million pounds worth of forgeries through the major auction houses of the world before spending 2 years at her Majesty’s pleasure in Brixton and Ford prisons. Art is now the number 1 financial asset and retains it’s value better than other asset classes so that you can appreciate your art as your art appreciates. Take time to come over and visit us Thursday to Sunday 10 till 4 and see what a fantastic selection of works we can offer, you won’t be disappointed or Telephone James Hartey on 07894555107.

Contract Furniture Group has been set up to offer quality contract dining furniture to the hotel, restaurant, pub trades and leisure industries at realistic prices. We carry a lot of our range in stock so we can help you to meet your deadlines. We also offer a unique source and supply service; if you send us a picture of an item we will do our up most to supply to you at the best price.

All our furniture is manufactured to the highest standards, we only use hardwood frames which are glued screwed and dowelled for strength. crib5 interliner (if required) sprung seat areas or webbing and top quality Italian leathers and fabrics. For further information, call 0115 965 9030, visit or email

Contract Furniture Group

The amazing summer weather we enjoyed back in 2018 seems to have made everyone look far more closely at the real potential for their often neglected outdoor spaces! The team at Nanu Soda has seen an increasing number of commissions for exterior design schemes, ranging from simple pub garden revamps through to more creative developments. These latter projects have focused around stunning lighting schemes, innovative textures and new materials, designed to bring the great outdoors to life and to enhance business potential. The Sun Inn in Everton near Doncaster was a prime example of significant investment in outdoor facilities. The elegant ‘Garden Bar’ features areas differentiated by timber posts, gabions and ground level flooring finishes including timber decking, gravel, stone and even Astroturf. The scheme includes relaxed seating areas covered by pergolas and shade sails to encourage all day external dining, plus fixed seating with central fire pits, patio heaters and uplighting for evening

socialising. Here, the Nanu Soda team specified removable cushions for comfort and practicality, an approach which is now extremely popular with pubs wanting to extend their businesses into the garden. Making the most of external space with private outdoor dining areas using lighting as a focal feature can create a very special ambience. Some of Nanu Soda’s forward-thinking pub customers are seeking to create a more unique environment outdoors as well as indoors, using exciting combinations of colours, textures, fixed sails and festoon lighting schemes. Quick fixes focus around installing bifold doors out to the garden area, creating an almost Mediterranean ‘indoors outdoors’ feel. Or why not take it a step further? Nanu Soda recently sourced a gorgeous vintage caravan to give a wonderful retro look for one client, which now serves as a gin and prosecco bar for those lazy summer evenings! Visit for further details.

Temporary Catering Facilities During Refurbishment Mobile Kitchens Ltd specialises in the hire or sale of temporary catering facilities and foodservice equipment. We regularly provide our services to clients when they are undergoing a kitchen refurbishment or carrying out other building works that necessitate the closure of existing catering facilities. We offer a free design service, and project management from concept through to delivery and installation on site, plus full technical support throughout the hire period. The elements that make up our temporary kitchen and restaurant facilities can be provided as individual units in their own right –

Production Kitchens, Preparation Kitchens, Ware-washing Units, Dry Store Units, Cold Rooms, Restaurant Units, etc - or they can be linked together on site to form a complete complex. Alternatively, we can offer modular, open-plan facilities, usually for larger, longer term hires. We have many tried and tested design layouts and would be pleased to put forward our recommendations for your project. For further information or to arrange a site visit, please email:, call us on 0345 812 0800, or visit our website:

GLOBAL ART For Your Refurbishment

With over 35 years of experience, Global Art Gallery offers artworks by a number of diverse artists and pieces from selected private collections from around the world.



You won't find lots of prints in expensive frames at Global just lots of original art at realistic prices.

Further information is available from James Hartey on 07894 555107

March 2019

CLH News


Design and Refit

Hand Paintings by Young & Battaglia with Vincenzo Sgaramella Mineheart has just launched our first ever collection of hand paintings. Past meets present, and pixels meet brush strokes. Paying strong homage to some of the great artists of the past, and fusing the abstract with the classical, giving a new meaning to the old. Each piece has been meticulously composed, seeking unexpected harmony between figures, forms and colours to tell a new story. An eclectic modern story of tribute, irreverence and playfulness. 6 original mixed media works on canvas from a new collaboration between Young & Battaglia and artist Vincenzo Sgaramella. Visit for further details.

Woodman Chairs

Woodman Chairs is a long established, dedicated chair manufacturer and wholesaler who make most of their own chairs. We offer a wide and varied choice of solid oak and beech chair and table styles – both modern and contemporary – with many finish and seat options. Included in our range is an exciting choice of sturdy bar stools and bar tables. The fact that we make gives us

greater control and flexibility. It also enables us to offer bespoke chair and chair frame or component production to end customers or other suppliers and manufacturers looking for their own design or seeking to create a unique range or theme, again in both oak and beech, raw or finished. Always keen to innovate, Woodman are constantly introducing new styles and have recently

added Carver options to their more popular dining chairs and have further expanded their range of bar stools to include rush seated and fabric pad options. Here is a simple decision that won’t require a Referendum! If you want your customers to have the best choice, with honest quality, at affordable prices, with decent lead times and no minimum order, then you need only vote Woodman for your chairs. For further details call 01884 841789, visit or email

Drakes Bar Furniture - UK Bar Furniture Supplier

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We pride ourselves in providing the best quality items at great prices with fantastic customer service and can supply bespoke tailored made furniture such as booths, tables, seating or ‘off the peg’ items. Drakes Bar Furniture not only sell chairs, stools, tables we also design build and install all types of fixed seating, pews and booth seating for pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants and clubs. When fitting out a premise the seating is almost paramount for a successful space. Fixed seating, booth seating or banquette seating as its also called can come in variety of colours, finishes, types and styles. Below are just a few examples showing what we have done in the past. With clever planning, seating generates a great flow for

customers and staff around a pub, restaurant, cafe or club. It can be used to divide areas, create new spaces in a room and offer intimacy allowing for the perfect social meet up. The beauty of bespoke fixed seating is that we can make the most of and take advantage of your space and features. We can come to your venue and measure up, give you advice and show you examples of our past work, finishes, types and styles. We have a wide range of Bar Furniture, including tables, stools, chairs, outdoor beer garden, fixed seating and banqueting furniture. If you require a bespoke quote either call us on 01422 839 690 or you can send us an email.

March 2019

CLH News


Design and Refit Sims - The First Port Of Call For Banquette Seating We are a family run business with 3 generations of commercial furniture manufacturing experience. Unlike other suppliers we manufacture all our seating inhouse, no importing, no subcontracting. We have full control over every aspect from design to installation to ensure every product leaves our workshops punctually and to our reputable high quality. Proudly offering 2 versions of Banquette Seating, firstly our “Premium Made to Measure” Banquette Seating which is built to your exact design, shape and size, then installed by our professional installation team. You can have anything from floor to ceiling designs to seating that perfectly follows the walls in a

period setting. Secondly our “Modular Banquette Seating” which is freestanding, set size units for you to mix and match to best fit your space. Manufactured and delivered to your doorstep ready for you to layout. Made to the same high standards as our premium range without setup costs, site visits and installation fees. Saving you up to 50% on competitors seating. Also, we offer a range of furnishings – tables, chair and bedroom furniture. To request a brochure or to discuss your requirement further please contact our sales team on 01945 450957 email Web

Stop the Waste - Cistermiser Streamlines Hydraulic Valve Range Cistermiser is streamlining its market-leading range of hydraulic urinal flushing control valves. The High Sensitivity Low Pressure (HSLP) valve, suitable for tank-fed systems with a 0.5 to 3 metre head of water, is being withdrawn to slim down the range. Cistermiser will continue to supply the popular Standard (STD) and Low Pressure (LP) valves, which are colour-coded blue and green respectively. Cistermiser hydraulic valves, fitted on the supply pipe to the urinal cistern, use a unique mechanism that

prevents water waste by ensuring an auto-flush cistern is only filled and can only flush when the washroom is used. The valves operate in response to short-term pressure drops created by the use of taps or WCs on the same supply.

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“In recent years our best-selling IRC2 infrared urinal flushing control has become the solution of choice for high sensitivity low pressure applications” says Mark Schlotel, Marketing Manager for Cistermiser. “Our Trade merchant partners readily stock the IRC2, so they can supply this product alongside our STD and LP hydraulic valves for future projects, to offer installers and clients a complete range of solutions.” For further information contact T: +44 (0) 118 969 1611 E: or

Design and Refit

March 2019

CLH News


Luxury Mattresses from Glencraft Glencraft is one of the oldest known mattress manufacturers in the United Kingdom. It's an enterprise that has strived to craft the highest quality products. Founded in Scotland, the company has manufactured mattresses in the North East for over 175 years.

mately the real source of our strength and success. We trade as a social enterprise and registered charity. Glencraft is a business that strives to create a better, fairer place to work for those who have to overcome incredible personal challenges.

Since 1843, Glencraft have been manufacturing the finest mattresses. Every Glencraft mattress is made by hand with the highest quality materials.

The Features Director of Vogue comments, "A few years ago, staying at the adorable cottages on Carole Bamford’s sprawling Daylesford empire in the Cotswolds, I had such a good night’s sleep that I kept a note of where her best-ever mattresses were from. I’ve been dutifully holding onto this scrap of paper since, so when the moment finally came to buy myself a new one (every eight years people!) it was time to invest. The company is Glencraft, who have a royal warrant because they do the mattresses at Balmoral (fancy). This is not any memory foam nonsense. I ordered a Monarch which has no less than 3000 individual pocket springs in it and is the last word in traditional, handcrafted, Scottish horsehair perfection. I’m not sure I’ve ever been more excited about the arrival of anything. Hand on heart, it is the best night’s sleep you will ever have".

Glencraft has served 4 generations of The Royal Family, 5* Luxury Hotels and family homes for 175 years. Our beds can be found in royal residences, having served four generations of the Royal Family. We are incredibly proud to be a holder of a prestigious Royal Warrant by appointment to Her Majesty The Queen. You may well have slept in a Glencraft bed in one of the many hotels that we supply around the world. Glencraft mattresses can also be found inside luxury yachts, cruise liners and on the new Caledonian Sleeper train, but it’s the thousands of family homes that are at the core of our business and have been for generations. We are proud of our long history dating back to 1843, finely crafted products and, most of all, our people. They are ulti-

Visit, call 01224 873 366 or email for further details.

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

We are an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses. We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and scrapes out-

door goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to See the advert on page 2 for details.

Proud to be the mattress supplier for Sandman Signature Hotel Newcastle - The team here at Glencraft created an exclusive mattress for the hotel, made to their requirements.

Working closely with clients to meet their exact requirements. Custom sized options made to fit Why do businesses choose Glencraft? •

Luxurious product range

Established 175 years ago

Royal Warrant from Her Majesty The Queen

Competitive trade opportunities

Trading as a Social Enterprise & Registered Charity


Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

March 2019

CLH News

Property and Professional


The Chequers Inn, Petham, Kent on the Market

Leading National Licensed Property Agents Guy Simmonds have been instructed to sell the highly impressive and traditional 19th century freehouse the Chequers Inn; situated in the highly sought after and affluent location of Petham. This wonderful village pub features a delightful Lounge Bar (circa 20), a versatile Private Dining Room (circa 20 covers) and a multi-functional Restaurant/Carvery (circa 60+ covers). The owner’s accommodation briefly comprises: 4 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen and shower room.

There is also a good sized fully equipped Commercial Catering Kitchen. There is a lawned Beer Garden and Patron’s parking facilities for circa 30+ cars. McConnell added “This is truly an extremely rare opportunity to procure a well-established and profitable business with a wonderful quality of life in this enviable locale!” Price: £825,000. Tenure: Freehold. Turnover: Advised current turnover circa £200,000+ (incl. VAT). Trade Split: 30% wet and 70% food. Contact the agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112.

For Sale: Village Public House & Restaurant - The Night Jar, Aylesbeare, Exeter The Night Jar is an extremely impressive and deceptively spacious award-winning village free house which was newly built to exacting standards in 2017. Presented to an exceptionally high standard throughout, the owners have created a fabulous purpose built and equipped destination pub/restaurant with impressive owner’s accommodation. This popular and extremely well-regarded business provides a superior trading environment and is fitted with fixtures, fittings and a trade inventory of the highest quality. The high standards inherent throughout the business ensure excellent levels of regular repeat business and word of mouth recommendations and this has resulted in The Night Jar being awarded The Best Pub Restaurant in the 2018 Food Drink Devon Awards. Personal circumstances and other business interests means that The Night Jar is now offered for sale after an extremely successful inaugural year of trading. Our clients

advise that there is a genuine opportunity to continue to build on the reputation already established and to develop all aspects of the trade still further. The Night Jar has its own website: which provides further background information. The business is on the market either as a freehold opportunity at £425,000 plus VAT, or a leasehold basis at £49,950 plus VAT. The new, free of tie lease has a fully negotiable term, to suit the incoming tenant’s requirements. Full property details are available from the website and viewings arranged by calling 01392 201262.

The Hospitality Business Mentor from The Bowden Group David Hunter is the Hospitality Business Mentor – he works with owners and investors in hotels, restaurants and catering businesses. Ensuring the business performs and makes the required profit, is what David does, and he does this by:

Other areas that David advises on include:

• Marketing – general and specific (ie promotions etc) • Human Resources (HR) - including all the legislation, and disciplinary

1. Setting realistic targets for the business, and creating budgets and forecasts 2. Monitoring Sales, Gross Margins and Labour costs very closely 3. Mentoring the owners and/or managers of the business to help them achieve their objectives

positions. • Reward and Bonus schemes – always linked to achievement of objectives • Customer Service - including Hospitality skills training Do contact David for an informal chat, or make an appointment to meet with him. Call David direct on: Mobile 07831 407984 or by email on Visit the website at or the Blogsite at

Business Finance Today For Your Tomorrow or employ new staff. The thought of raising money for your small business can seem daunting and maybe even a little Capify is proud to offer excellent customer service stressful. At Capify, we aim to take the weight off and your dedicated account manager will get you a your shoulders and make the process quick and personalised no-obligation quote. We also offer a easy, leaving you to enjoy your business. quick approval process and you can receive your money within days! We prioritise flexibility, excellent customer servCELEBR ATING 10 Y E A RS ice, and have invested in funding solutions that Paying back is extremely flexible, and there’s a work. given opportunity to renew your funding if you wish to. Your business has the chance to receive finance from £3,500 to over Our number one purpose is to help your business grow and thrive and £150,000, and all you have to do is complete a quick and easy application help you to attract customers. process. It’s a painless system, and the outcome can be highly beneficial for We are proud to say Capify has an average score of 9.5 out of 10 on your company and its future growth. TrustPilot! We’re a company that can propel your business forward. With the money you can buy new equipment, complete a bold refurbishCall 0800 151 0980 or visit or see the advert on ment, pay for marketing and advertising campaigns, purchase additional stock, page 8.

The Foresters, Yoxall, Staffordshire for Sale This business is located in the National Forest in the large pretty Staffordshire village of Yoxall. Situated nearby is the Cathedral city of Lichfield (8 miles), the famous brewing town of Burton upon Trent (10 miles) and the populous town of Cannock is only 13 miles away. The property is immaculate throughout and has been totally refurbished and furnished to an exceptionally high standard in 2018. This highly profitable inn is of partially rendered brick construction, sitting under a pitched, tiled apex roof. Open Plan trading area consists of: Open Plan trading Area

(circa 60+ covers plus standing) has loose assorted Farmhouse tables and assorted chairs sitting on a fully carpeted floor. To the front of the property are two small areas of grass and patio with wooden picnic benches and metal garden furniture. There is also a lit smoking solution. Also to the front is the patron’s lined car park with parking for circa 40+ cars. A further large grassed area can be found to the side of the property with wooden picnic benches and lovely rolling countryside views. Price: £375,000. Tenure: Freehold. Landlord (if applicable): Private / Landlord. Turnover (annual): £500,000 (inc VAT). Wet: Dry split: 75% Food : 25% Wet . Contact Guy Simmonds on 01332 865112





PRICE: £99,950



SOLD IN 2019



PRICE: £650,000





• Character Main Bar & Dining Room Restaurant/Function Room(75 Covers) • Reception Room, Skittle Alley, Decked & Terraced Trade Gardens & Large Car Park • Wooden Annex with 4 Well Presented En Suite Letting Rooms • Self-Contained Flat Currently Let • Substantial 3 Bed Owners Accommodation with Separate Domestic Kitchen


• Iconic, Internationally Renowned Cider Bar For Sale • Substantial Licensed, Grade II Listed Property with Traditional Trading Areas • Outside Trading Area with Light & Heat • Owners 3 Bed Accommodation & Separate 2 Bed Letting Flat • Successful Business with Strong Profit





REF: 3419



New Instructions Wanted For Waiting Buyers


• City Centre, Well-Established & Highly Successful Wet Led Bar • Vibrant & Spacious Bar, Character Main Trading Area & Late License • Licensed 6 Bed HMO with Shared Bathroom & Kitchen & 2 Resi Flats • Consistent 100% Occupancy Producing Significant Rental Income • Gross Turnover of £600,000 with Strong Profit

PRICE: £59,950


REF 3302



REF 3414

• Town Centre Freehold Catering Premises – Currently Closed • Large Residential Accommodation • Smart and Well-Equipped Licensed Restaurant/Cafe/Bistro • Perfect Turnkey Operation Suitable for a Variety of Catering Uses • Great Opportunity for Owner Occupiers





01392 201262

PRICE: £260,000


REF: 2867

PRICE: £25,000

PRICE: £98,000

PRICE: £89,500

PRICE: £275,000


• Truly Unique Business Opportunity • Trading from the Picturesque River Dart , Potential to Relocate • 21ft Maritime 21 Vessel with Inboard Isuzu Marine 35HP Diesel Engine • Offering Bespoke & Customised Picnic Cruises for up to 12 Passengers • Well Established Business with Strong Bookings for Next Season


REF: 3346


• Stylish Restaurant Premises & Two 3 Bed Holiday Lets • Modern Nautical Décor & High Quality Finishing • Prominent Harbourside Location with Waterside Views • Growing Business with Strong Local Support & Huge Tourist Boost • Excellent Opportunity for Owner Operators


REF: 3362

• Well Known & Established Traditional “Olde Worlde” Tea Shoppe • Pretty Grade II Listed Building in Sought After Location in Beautiful South Hams • Only Trading Daytimes for 10 Months of the Year • Huge Potential to Introduce Premises License & Evening Trading Hours • Perfect Home & Income Premises with Spacious Owner’s Accommodation



REF 3264


• Substantial Freehold Property on Edge of Dartmoor • Public House with Restaurant & Guesthouse • 5 En Suite Letting Rooms & Owners Accommodation • Great Location in Heart of South Brent • Currently Closed but Offering a Great Home & Income Opportunity


REF: 3438

Property and Professional

March 2019


If, following a review, you wish to proceed to making those savings, The Bowden Group Alliance can, with your written authority, manage the whole process for you … including submitting paperwork, sending termination notices to existing suppliers and confirming when the new contracts are live. We will also diarise the next renewals … making sure that you never slip onto the very high ‘’out of contract’’ rates. This professional impartial advice is ‘Free of Charge’ to you from The Bowden Group Alliance!!! All the relevant Utility Companies would pay us direct a very small commission … but that is outside the rates you are offered. For more information contact Mike Crawshaw from The Bowden Group Alliance on 01628 487613.


The Lazy Otter, Stretham, Ely, Cambridgeshire on the Market Leading National Licensed Property Agents Guy Simmonds have been instructed to sell this well established, popular and thriving business in a truly enviable riverside location with high quality letting accommodation 5 miles south of the famous cathedral city of Ely in Cambridgeshire. There is further growth potential for new owner operators to build on this already very successful business by promoting the venue for private functions, especially wedding receptions and hosting more events and festivals. There is a welcoming lounge bar with open fire (circa 36) , separate restaurant (circa 70) with superb riverside views, fully equipped commercial kitchen, 3 high standard letting Mr Bryan added that it is a rare opportunity to acquire this well established and most impressive business in a truly superb location offering fur-

ther growth potential and an enviable lifestyle. Price: £95,000. Tenure: Leasehold – 11 years remaining (we are advised). Renewable at end of term. Sales Criteria: Advised current T/O circa £482,656 (inc VAT ). Trade Split: 30% wet, 40%dry, 30% accommodation. Current Annual Rent: £48,000 Contact the Agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112.

Dart to Mouth Deli, Dartmouth on the Market

Award winning Licenced & Leisure Estate Agents, Bettesworths are delighted to be marketing an extremely popular and delightful deli/cafe in the thriving town of Dartmouth, a jewel in the South Hams. Dart to Mouth Deli/Café is a charming premises with a real continental cafe vibe with its al fresco seating under a covered canopy. The premises are licensed to sell alcohol and stocks a superb range of wines, lagers, ciders and the increasingly popular craft gins. The Deli stocks an eclectic range of goods and has the added bonus of offering their fresh and homemade produce to include quiches, soups and daily specials such as smashed avocado on sour dough and fresh crab baguettes to name a few.

The premises are available via a Council lease with a term of 12 years from 2013 at a current rate of £7,600 per annum with 3 yearly rent reviews. The lease has internal decorating and insuring obligations. The outside seating area is available by separate agreement with the council, with the current lease expiring in 2020. The rent is £1,800 from April 2019, increasing to £2,000 in April 2020. In order to facilitate a quick sale, the owners have reduced the asking price and Bettesworths are now marketing the Dart to Mouth Deli at £45,000 to include the Leasehold interest, trade inventory and goodwill. For further information, call 01803 212021 or email

Is Your Business In Trouble ?

Are Your Creditors Putting You Under Intolerable Pressure ? Don't Know Where To Turn, Are You Avoiding The Post, Emails And Phone Calls ? Dont Put Your Head In The Sand - Call Us Today Without Delay !

We are Hotel & Pub Rescue Limited, a company that specialises in sorting out business debts by managing your creditors effectively, we guarantee to take the pressure away from yourself completely. When a business is in trouble it is understandable that any owner has that sense of helplessness alongside the feeling of embarrassment, we also understand that it is difficult to trust anyone and to make that first move in calling an external company for assistance, ‘pride and denial’ always delays the important call to ourselves, which inevitably worsens the situation. It is human nature to try to ‘get through the day or week or month’ hoping that creditors will fall into line and do as you wish, unfortunately this never happens, when creditors know you are not being represented by a specialist company, they will always go for the maximum amount within the most aggressive, most litigious tactics they can. Creditors have also been known to ignore their clients rights under law and to purposely abuse legal procedures and actions, applying unfair and incorrect pressure alongside giving misleading statements to further increase the pressure you are under. It is a pointless exercise dealing with creditors without a structured plan that they have faith in. Creditors also rarely trust the business owner to be impartial and truthful about their the true state of the company and its finances, as its understandably not treated as impartial information. All creditors require is true information, that is regularly updated alongside a credible payment plan, providing this is from an independent company like ourselves, they are normally then co-operative.

• We can renegotiate your finance, loan and overdraft agreements with your present lenders

• We can renegotiate your hire purchase and supplier agreements • We can re-finance existing loans, mortgages and overdrafts with different lenders at better rates • We can identify all available revenue streams from your business • We can identify all areas for significant cost savings • Irrespective of the financial state of your business, we can manage your business in its entirety, (within different arrangements ) maintaining the highest of operational standards and guaranteeing yourself a stable monthly income without any of the pressures you are presently under Our experience of company rescue in all emergency situations is extensive, we move fast and effectively identifying with speed all credible options and solutions. Our Finance Broker and Legal Associates are noted experts and have delivered successful conclusions for very difficult client situations on numerous occasions No matter how serious your financial and legal problems are and irrespective of other advisers telling you that your situation has no solution, call us today without delay. Unlike other professional advisers of different disciplines such as Accountants, Solicitors and Bankers we are specialists in all areas of the Hospitality Industry with an extensive knowledge of what makes a premises work and of what is and is not possible operationally and financially within them. Other professions do not possess this critical knowledge and are therefore, with due respect to them, not in a position to give the correct advice that is necessary. Hotel & Pub Rescue Limited We never promise what we cannot deliver, but always deliver what we promise! 01183 800949 / 07538 161544.



Free Review of Your Gas and Electricity Rates from The Bowden Group Alliance The Bowden Group Alliance have, for a number of years, been providing professional impartial purchasing advice on a wide range of supplier areas including Gas and Electricity rates for independent and multiple operators within the Pub, Hotel and Restaurant industries. The Bowden Group Alliance are offering to undertake an Energy Audit of YOUR business … totally Free of Charge. To undertake a review we will need a copy of the most recent Gas and Electricity bills so that The Bowden Group Alliance can establish any existing contractual obligations and termination rules. If the agreement is due for renewal within the next 5 months, the Bowden Group Alliance will provide you with Renewal Rates with the best deals available to you from a wide array of business energy providers.

CLH News

CHARACTER GIN & TAPAS BAR, WITH FIRST FLOOR A LA CARTE RESTAURANT & REAR TRADE GARDEN, AMIDST CONSERVATION AREA, IN SOLENT SAILING MECCA OF HAMBLE, HAMPSHIRE. Occupying an enviable location. Charming bar with oak plank floor – seats 16/20. Pleasantly furnished first flr restaurant – seats 30. Well equipped catering kitchen & delightful rear trade garden with covered seating area. Same hands 9 yrs. Only open 5 eves a week & closed Sunday. Projected T/O approx. £300,000 p.a. GP 60%+. 15 yr lease from Sept 2009 at current rental of £20,000 p.a.x. – OIRO £149,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. F/C.3740) DAYTIME CAFÉ/DINER, WITH 3 DOUBLE BED FLAT ABOVE, AMIDST BUSY SHOPPING THORO’FARE, ON RESI. OUTSKIRTS OF SOUTHAMPTON. Offering all day breakfasts & lunchtime specials. Traditionally fitted with formica topped tables & bench seating for 68, plus paved rear trade garden seats 40. Catering kitchen. 3 dble bed flat above. CH. D/G. Retirement sale – same hands 11 yrs. Open 8 am to 5 pm – 6 days. Takings £5,500 pw. Recorded T/O £230,688 (ex VAT). GP 74%. Accounts available. 10 yr lease from May 2016 at £25,500 p.a.x. - £135,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3779) 4 STAR GUEST HOUSE, OFFERING HIGH QUALITY, SELF-CATERING ACCOMMODATION, OCCUPYING ACCESSIBLE POSN, CONVENIENT FOR CITY CENTRE & STATION, SOUTHAMPTON. Substantial semidet. prop circa 1908 with later rear extensions. Fully refurbished & modernised in recent yrs. Offering a home-away-from-home for long & short stay guests with shared kitchen & laundry facilities. 7 wellappointed en suite letting bedrooms, comfortably accommodate 12 guests. Desirable s/c 1 dble bed etc owners flat. Parking for 5/6 cars + gge. Run by H&W team. Retirement sale – same hands 13 yrs. Recorded gross T/O approx. £83,000 (inc VAT). EBITDA approx. £47,000. Accts avail. - £615,000 FREEHOLD (Ref. GH.3767)

romsey (01794) 522228

• Emergency rescue & debt management • • Creditor problems & legal actions • • HMRC, utilities & business rates arrears • • Secured & unsecured financing • • Cash-flow funding & Investor finance • • Business & appraisal plans • • Planning consents & redevelopment • Ca ll us • Project management • toda y • Business purchase • witho ut For Hotels, Pubs & Restaurants delay (Leasehold, Freehold, single & multi-unit)

01183 800949

07538 161544

GINO D’ACAMPO CHAIN COMES UP SMELLING SWEET Gino D’Acampo’s My Pasta Bar faced the wrath of its neighbours when its kitchen odour management system proved to be insufficient. But after calling in ventilation experts CK Direct, it found a way of getting its detractors on side and saving costs in the process.


CK Direct was called into survey the original installation and immediately spotted why the management of the unit was so inconvenient — it needed topping up with liquid on a regular basis, which cost £400 every month to source.


ino D’Acampo’s My Pasta Bar on Fleet Street in London had received several complaints from the offices above about bad odours emitting from its kitchen. Neighbours complained of a strong smell of garlic in the mornings and spicy smells during the course of the day. After six months of kitchen trials to try and rectify the problem, the issue

became an urgent one, especially with the prospect of legal action looming if a resolution was not found. The odour system in place was proving to be insufficient and an inconvenience to manage. Staff at the site also needed something that would not only eliminate the smell and stop the protests, but prove cost-effective and easy to maintain.

KEEPING A LID ON KITCHEN ODOURS AND GREASE Kitchen ventilation specialist CK Direct’s Ozocube grease and odour removal system has undergone significant performance testing to prove that it performs equally, and in some cases better, than ESP and carbon blocks. Ozocube can reduce up to 89% of odour and rancid grease smells, significantly cuts the risk of fire by preventing grease build-up and extends the operational life of foodservice kitchen ventilation systems.

compact, energy and spacesaving, Ozocube, which can be fitted to existing ventilation systems and specified in new installations,” says Tony Ricciardi, managing director of CK Direct.

“We have spent four years and significant investment developing and testing the

The company has also recently completed further tests that confirm Ozocube will remove 95% of odour and grease to match current ESP and carbon filtration systems. This, says Ricciardi, is truly groundbreaking as the use of trioxygen and key components inside the Ozocube have never been used before to combat both grease and odour at the same time by turning them into vapour.

“The Ozocube is a single application product that treats both grease and odour in combination, unlike ESP and carbon blocks which are fitted separately.”

whatsoever, secondly the maintenance costs are 75% cheaper than a carbon system, as there are no carbons or prefilters to change, and thirdly employees simply turn on the fans when they arrive and the system works automatically. Chris Green, MD of My Pasta Bar, says the system has stopped the complaints. “This unit has certainly made our lives easier with the office staff above.”


The kitchen had already tried increasing the amount of liquid used, and even changing its cooking patterns, but Tony Ricciardi, managing director at CK Direct, identified two simple solutions that would rectify the issue and allow the restaurant to continue its normal cooking schedule.

- Gino D’Acampo Restaurants - Iceland Manufacturing - Individual Restaurants - Kintan Japanese BBQ - Piccolino - Restaurant Gordon Ramsay - TLC Inns Every six months, CK Direct changes the filters and, as a result, it is now fitting Ozocube in all new individual restaurants and retrofitting existing Gino D’Acampo kitchens.

One solution was a carbon filtration system which included a pre-filter, but it was the other option — the Ozocube — that most enticed My Pasta Bar. The Ozocube is an ozone generated deodoriser that offers an extremely easy solution for three main reasons.

You can find out more about CK Direct’s commercial kitchen ventilation and extraction systems via:

Firstly, the ease of a retro-fit installation causes no downtime +44 (0)1733 230 378

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