CLH News #228 September 2019

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Products and Services

Pages 19-21

Cider Review

Pages 22-23

Alfresco Dining

Pages 24-27

The Restaurant Show

Pages 28-29

Hospitality Technology

Pages 30-32


Pages 33-37

Design and Refit

Pages 38-39

Property and Professional



Editor's Viewpoint


Calls for Changes to Allergy Laws Following Fatal Allergic Reaction

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The family of a teenager who died after suffering an allergic reaction to chicken covered in buttermilk served at a branch of burger chain Byron have demanded a change in the law on allergen labelling after a coroner said he would have found the menu “reassuring”.

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Owen Carey, who informed staff he was allergic to dairy, suffered a fatal reaction after ordering a eating buttermilk-coated grilled chicken at a Byron branch at the O2 Arena in Greenwich in April 2017. The 18-year-old, from Crowborough, East Sussex, collapsed near the London Eye less than an hour after first experiencing tingling lips, stomach cramps and difficulty breathing. An inquest heard that Owen did not realise the chicken he ate contained the ingredient, which had not been listed on the menu. Owens family, speaking outside Southwark Coroner's Court after the inquest said he was their "shining light" and called on the food industry to "put the safety of their customers first".

"This leaves far too much room for error on an issue we know all too well costs lives." Owen’s order was described on the menu as "Classic Chicken - grilled chicken breast, shredded iceberg, tomato, red onion, pickles, Byron sauce", according to lawyers from Leigh Day, who represented Owen's family. Aimee Leitner Hopps, in charge of health and safety compliance at Byron, told the inquest that the allergy information on the menu met industry standards at the time. The menu used by Byron in April 2017 was a twosided place mat menu which asked customers to inform staff of allergies at the back.


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"It is simply not good enough to have a policy which relies on verbal communication between the customer and their server, which often takes place in a busy, noisy restaurant where the turnover of staff is high and many of their customers are very young.

'Our legal obligation is to demonstrate the information can be provided,' Ms Hopps said. 'So, we have a signpost that asks if you have any allergies. Certainly, we have never been notified of any issues with the location or the size of the text. 'It is very much what the industry standard is.' Assistant coroner Briony Ballard said Owen, who had been out celebrating his 18th birthday with his family, "died from a severe food-induced anaphylactic reaction from food eaten and ordered at a restaurant despite making staff aware of his allergies". In a written conclusion, she said: "The menu was reassuring in that it made no reference to any marinade or potential allergenic ingredient in the food selected.The deceased was not informed that there were allergens in the order." Speaking after the inquest, Byron chief executive Simon Wilkinson said Owen's death was a "matter of great regret and sadness" and acknowledged the food industry "needs to do more".



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Calling for "Owen's Law", they said: "We want restaurants to have to display clear allergen information on each individual dish on their menus.

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Editor's Viewpoint

September 2019

Welcome to the September issue of CLH News. Welcome to any new readers to our publication. We are free to trade and very much hope you find us of interest and more importantly use, as we introduce products and services from some of the industry’s leading and specialist suppliers! A study last year conducted by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) exposed that a high percentage of young people aged between 16-24 with food allergies feared eating out at restauEDITOR rants and in some cases, have specifically avoided going out to eat. The study revealed a staggering 64% of food allergy sufferers had avoided going out in the six months leading up to the study.

Peter Adams

As revealed in our front-page story there is clear justification in these fears. Of course, there will be many responsible operators who go to great lengths to comply not only with legislation, but also go that extra mile to ensure what they serve is safe. However, as our front-page story reveals current standards have simply not been good enough and the consequences have been tragic. Allergen food labels are clearly a source of confusion, in fact a survey by Mintel revealed that only 37% of consumers agree that it is easy to identify which allergens a product is free from by its label.

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While pre-packaged goods are legally required to highlight on-pack the presence of any allergens, almost half (48%) of Brits where unsure whether or not allergen labels are clear, and a further 15% actively disagree that this is the case. Tragically when it comes to food allergens, it's a literal matter of life and death, and under current laws, food prepared on the premises in which it is sold is not required to display allergen information in writing, at best meaning allergy sufferers sometimes lack confidence buying food out, and at worse confusion which can lead to tragedy. New legislation, known as ‘Natasha’s Law’, is set to be introduced in 2021 and will tighten the rules by requiring foods that are pre-packed directly for sale to carry a full list of ingredients – giving allergy sufferers greater trust in the food they buy. @CLHNews

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EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson

Environment Secretary Michael Gove said: “These changes will make food labels clear and consistent and give the country’s two million food allergy sufferers confidence in making safe food choices.”


Given that the announcement for Natasha’s law was June this year it is very difficult to see why we must wait until 2021.


The tragic incident which cost Owen Carey his life was a result said family lawyer Thomas Jervis , of a "failure to act" despite Mr Carey telling staff about his allergy, and that current regulations were "not fit for purpose".

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"It cannot be right that there is such room for human error on an issue that could be fatal. There are millions of people in the UK who suffer from food allergies, and it is only right that they are able to make fully formed decisions about the food that they eat." Of course it doesn’t matter whether take another 18 months for the law to come into effect, operators need to act now to ensure that tragic incidents like this don’t happen again. Watch out for our October issue we will be consulting with some of the industry’s leading experts to share their advice guidance and best practice when it comes to food allergens.

Matthew Noades Shelly Roche Published by

"We take allergies extremely seriously and have robust procedures in place. "Although those procedures were in line with all the rules and guidelines, and we train our staff to respond in the right way, it is a matter of great regret and sadness that our high standards of communicating with our customers were not met during Owen's visit. "We believe that Byron always did its best to meet our responsibilities, but we know that this will be of no comfort to Owen's family. "We have heard what the coroner said about the need to communicate about allergies.

Earlier this month ‘Natasha’s Law’ was passed in parliament due to come into effect from October 2021, and will require full ingredient and allergen labelling on all food prepared and packed on the same premises from which it is sold. The change followed the death of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse, who suffered an allergic reaction to a Pret A Manger baguette containing sesame. At an inquest into her death a coroner had described the sandwich chain’s allergen labelling as “inadequate”. Natasha’s parents Tanya and Nadim Ednan-Laperouse attended the inquest and said afterwards: “We have heard remarkable parallels between Owen and Natasha’s death. “Owen’s death yet again highlights the inadequacy of food information in this country.

"It is clear that the current rules and requirements are not enough and the industry needs to do more - more to help support customers with allergies and more to raise awareness of the risks of allergies.

“This verdict is a landmark judgment for millions of allergy sufferers in this country and another clear statement to the food industry that things cannot go on as they are.

"We will make it our priority to work with our colleagues across the restaurant industry to ensure that standards and levels of awareness are improved."

“Our hearts go out to Owen Carey’s family, who will always carry their terrible grief knowing Owen’s death was so preventable.”

Tim Martin Issues Promise of Cheap Beer If Britain Leaves EU on October 31st Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin has vowed to cut the cost of beer if the UK leaves the EU “properly” by 31 October, sayinghe would cut beer prices to an “unbelievable low” after Brexit to celebrate Britain’s exit. Martin, who founded the company in 1979, has said he will be able to strike cheaper deals with supplies from non-EU nations.: “If we leave the customs union on October 31 Wetherspoon will bring the price of beer to down to an unbelievable low.“That’s a guarantee – but we have to leave properly, Boris Johnson. No messing around with customs union or any of that funny stuff.” Speaking to the Sun newspaper Martin, said Britain faced years of “hell” unless we embrace No Deal and cut all ties with the bloc.: “The key thing is if we don’t leave on October 31 we’ll have years of wrangling ahead. That will be two years of hell, of which the current hell continues, with the elite, who don’t want us to leave at all, continuing their campaign. “So the message to Boris is ‘we have got to go now’ and staying in the customs union and having anything to do with Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement is an

anathema.” Speaking exclusively to CLH News this month on the possibility of a no-deal Brexit martin said;: “ By leaving without a deal, the UK saves £39 billion, £600 for ever citizen, which there is no legal obligation to pay – as the House of Lords confirmed in March 2017.” “We can also eliminate thousands of EU tariffs on non-EU imports such as bananas, oranges, rice, wine and Aussie wine, which will reduce prices in shops and pubs – and therefore improve standards of living.”



CLH News


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Calls for Changes to Allergy Laws Following Fatal Allergic Reaction

September 2019




“Under ‘no-deal’ we can regain control of fishing waters – today 60% of fish are landed by non-UK boats – boosting the economies of many coastal communities.” “Above all, no-deal means the UK will become more democratic – and democracy, prosperity and freedom are all closely linked.” “Friends, we’ve been debating these issues for too long. The undemocratic EU, with its unelected presidents, MEPs who can’t even initiate legislation and its court which is subject to no proper democratic control, is conspiring with the UK elite to frustrate the referendum result.” “In spite of the scare stories, planes will continue to fly, the banks won’t leave and we will reap the benefits of democracy and free trade. Let’s follow Paul Simon’s advice and get out the back, Jack, and make a new plan, Sam. No need to be coy, Roy, just set ourselves free!”











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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

September 2019

Vegetarian and Vegan Foods to Minimise Business Risk By Keeping Contracts Tight And Reviewing Content Comment from Catherine Gannon, Founder, Gannons Solicitors Come Under Greater Scrutiny For Sustainability Claims director and employee contracts should incorporate several key factors to protect your business when they leave.


Vegan and vegetarian foods are going to come under much greater scrutiny in the near-medium term, as consumers seek deeper reassurances about how products are produced says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company. Richard Parker, Consumer Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Vegans and vegetarians will realise that they are in a catch-22 situation – against meat for moral, health and sustainability reasons, but contributing to unsustainable arable agricultural demand, dubious ethics and climate change contribution. Demand for vegan staples is, in some cases, pricing customers from third-world countries out of the market. Plus, a global supply chain means carbon output, which is at odds with the popular sustainable idea of local sourcing” Changing societal values regarding ethicality, sustainability and environmentalism are trickling down to consumer behavior and product choice. A total *49% of consumers say that how ethical, environmentally friendly and socially responsible a product is always or often influences their product choices. Lia Neophytou, Consumer Analyst at GlobalData, continues: Consumers are increasingly curious about the journey that their food has taken from ‘farm to fork’, highlighting sustainable and ethical production methods as vital to engage audiences. Claims such as ‘fair trade’, ‘cruelty-free’, ‘locally produced’, and ‘sustainably sourced’ are prominent in the sector, while particular relevance is given to how genuine and transparent brands are in their commitment to these sought-after credentials.” As sustainability becomes more of an urgent topic of conversation, it can be expected that manufacturers will more seriously align their innovation with the sustainability and ethics mega-trend and its principles in future. Neophytou adds: “Skeptical consumers will seek deeper reassurances about how products are produced, which will drive manufacturers to consider where improvements in their supply chain can be made to improve their sustainability and ethics credentials.” With 35% of consumers considering trying vegan meat for environmental reasons and 41% of consumers looking for on-pack ethical or sustainable logos when shopping, vegetarian and vegan brands will need to meet consumer’s expectations of sustainability or risk being avoided by their key customer base. Parker concluded: “Veganism isn’t going to get a free pass from consumers once they begin to realise more widely how it is actually contributing to ethical and sustainable challenges elsewhere – outside the Western middle class health-and-wellness bubble.”

It’s not uncommon for both employers and employees to wish that they had thought about restrictive covenants before the risk occurred. With courts updating their views on their enforcement the goal posts are changing so there should be no ambiguity.

I wonder how many people took a sharp intake of breath when the news broke from Greene King’s Annual Report that they had paid their outgoing CEO £850,000 to secure new settlement terms when it became obvious that his contract was inadequate? According to the report, he had remained on the same contractual terms since his original appointment in 2004, requiring him to give only six months’ notice, and did not have appropriate post-termination restrictive covenants that reflected his position at the time of his resignation. The contract, if kept updated, could have restricted him from joining a competitor or recruiting key members of his team and not left Greene King exposed at a time of critical leadership transition. No-one wants to waste time on employment documentation, but this recent example in the hospitality industry serves as a warning that up to-date employment contracts can minimise your business risk. The areas most commonly in need of review are the post termination provisions which commercially should match business requirements and therefore change as the business develops. Without a contract and the right policies, employers are exposed and there is a presumption against employers in law. Contracts are a necessity for running a stable workforce and eliminate any ambiguity and, as they generally have day to day control of a business, contracts for directors involve different considerations to those of other employees. If your business doesn’t already have a process in place to review director and employee contracts regularly, now would be a good time to introduce one. Apart from making sure that the notice period for both parties is appropriate, particularly if there has been a change in role and responsibilities,

Employers must make sure that the company assets are adequately protected with restrictive covenants for new hires as well as amending exiting covenants to keep them up to date. Expert advice may also be required to implement enforcement when the employee or director leaves.

mination. A well drafted and enforceable covenant will protect an employer’s confidential information, trade secrets, customer connections, sales, goodwill, and workforce

KEEPING RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS UP TO DATE Employers should update restrictive covenants whenever an employee or director changes role. Usually that person gains access to new intelligence covering suppliers, customers or know-how and this must be reflected in their contract.


Restrictive covenants usually define mechanisms for:

Refusal to sign can be grounds for a fair dismissal which should not give rise to a successful claim for compensation from the employer for unfair dismissal.

• Protection - of the employer’s legitimate interests, for example trade connections, customers, prospective customers, their workforce • Extent - for how long and over which geographical areas • Senior or junior employee

A Court will consider many factors relating to whether a restriction is enforceable, such as how long it lasts, geography, seniority of employee and potential restraint of trade. Therefore, good advice and good drafting of restrictive covenants is so important.

The enforceability of restrictive covenants depends on the person’s status in the organisation with restrictions placed on senior employees or directors more likely to be enforceable than the same restriction placed on a junior employee.


Some common inclusions are: • Prospective customers - Employers can enforce clauses preventing ex-employees dealing with their actual customers, but it’s trickier to enforce a clause preventing the ex-employee dealing with companies with whom the employer has only had previous “negotiations” • Confidential information and trade secrets employers may wish to prevent former employees exploiting confidential business information and trade secrets, but the business must identify what information is protected by restrictive covenants, and what isn’t. However, note that specific items of information may indisputably belong to the exemployer, for example customer lists, business plans, delivery routes, price lists, costings and supplier details. • Typical post-employment restrictions may prevent ex-employees soliciting customers, clients, suppliers and other employees for a defined period after ter-

If an employee ignores the restrictions, which turn out to be enforceable, there are serious repercussions. To enforce the restrictions the business can: • Obtaining an interim injunction • Seek damages from the employee for breach of the restrictions • Sue the new employer for inducing the employee to breach their contract

GARDEN LEAVE Specific Garden Leave clauses can be useful as this means you can exclude the employee from the business without risking breaching the restrictive covenants. A decision is needed on whether employees should be placed on gardening leave to protect against a breach of restrictive covenants. Concerns are usually focused around the risk of the employee poaching clients or joining a competitor. For more information, please visit or call Catherine Gannon on 020 7438 1060.

Pubs Contribute an Estimated £40 Million To Grassroots Sport Pubs across the country are providing a lifeline for grassroots sport, worth an estimated £40 million a year in financial and in kind support, according to new research published this month. This first-of-its-kind research was undertaken for PubAid, the organisation that promotes the good work done by pubs across the UK, and supported by the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) and the Sport and Recreation Alliance. Sports Minister Nigel Adams said: “Pubs play an important role in supporting local sports clubs. They act as sponsors, fundraisers and meeting places, saving teams significant sums every year. “This survey highlights the strong relationship between pubs and sports clubs, and is a clear indication of the importance of local, community support.” Lisa Wainwright, CEO of the Sport and Recreation Alliance added: “Funding at a grassroots level is one of the biggest concerns for sport and recreation clubs across the country. “Looking at innovative, engaging ways to connect with the local community is an excellent way of making clubs financially stable and, in turn, allowing them to support a local industry.

“We’re delighted to see such a vast range of sport and recreation activities benefiting from these relationships.” Des O’Flanagan, co-founder of PubAid, said: “We were expecting the research to show a strong connection between grassroots sport and pubs, but the scale of the support, both in financial terms and in the sheer number of sports sponsored by their local, was staggering. “The support – either in money or in kind – equates to an average annual donation from each pub of £1,025. For many grassroots clubs struggling to stay afloat, that kind of help plugs the funding gap and enables thousands of people across the country to play the sport they love, with huge benefits to their physical and mental wellbeing.” Brigid Simmonds, Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association, said: “The PubAid report showcases the vital role pubs play in helping grassroots sports teams to compete across the UK and to encourage sports participation and physical activity which is so vital to our health and wellbeing. “From sponsorships, through to free meals and venue hire, it is clear that many community sports teams simply wouldn’t get by without the help of their local pub. For pubs, helping a local sports team is a great way of giving back to the community they serve.”

‘Natasha’s Law’ Introduced to Protect Allergy Sufferers Millions of allergy sufferers across the country will be protected by a new law laid in Parliament, requiring food businesses to include full ingredients labelling on pre-packed for direct sale foods. Following the tragic death of Natasha EdnanLaperouse, the teenager who died after suffering an allergic reaction to a Pret a Manger baguette, the government confirmed stronger laws would be implemented to protect those with allergies and give them greater confidence in the food they buy. Currently, food prepared on the premises in which it is sold is not required to display allergen information on the label, meaning allergy sufferers sometimes lack confidence buying food to eat whilst they are out. Food Minister Zac Goldsmith said: "This is a significant moment for the millions of allergy sufferers in England and a fitting tribute to Nadim and Tanya Ednan-Laperouse’s tireless campaigning. "The introduction of this law will make it easier for allergy sufferers to make clear, safe choices when buying food.

The family of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse said: "This is a hugely significant day for allergen sufferers in this country. The introduction of Natasha’s Law brings greater transparency about what people are buying and eating, lays down new standards for the food companies, and highlights the battle against the growing epidemic of allergies. "Natasha was a spirited campaigner for justice and today she is smiling down on us knowing that this law well help ensure others do not suffer in the way our family does, and always will, following the loss of our beloved daughter and sister. "We would like to thank ministers for their unflinching support in doing the right thing on behalf of all people with allergies." ‘Natasha’s Law’ will come into force in October 2021, giving businesses a transition period to prepare for the new rules. The Food Standards Agency will publish information for industry on October 1 to help ensure that businesses of all sizes can prepare and adapt to these changes.

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September 2019

CLH News



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

September 2019

Hospitality Sector Unites to Tackle Food Waste This Month Food waste is off the menu this September, as the UK’s hospitality and food service sector unites to tackle the one million tonnes of food waste arising from commercial kitchens, restaurants, pubs and wherever food is served to order; worth nearly £3 billion per annum. A dedicated month of action, Stand Up For Food, is underway spearheaded by the resource efficiency agency WRAP as part of its Guardians of Grub campaign. It is supported by the Government’s Food Surplus & Waste Champion Ben Elliot, well-known chefs including Hugh FearnleyWhittingstall, Skye Gyngell, Adam Handling, Melissa Hemsley, Ken Hom, Anna Jones and Thomasina Miers and major businesses and trade bodies. During September, the UK’s busiest bars, pubs, restaurants, hotels, quick service outlets, cafes and catering companies will make sure they Target, Measure and Act on food waste. From street food to Michelin star, the Guardians of Grub’s influence stretches the length and breadth of Britain encompassing every division of the businesses involved. From kitchen staff to management, all will ensure food waste prevention is front of mind and that they measure and minimise food wastage in their own operations. Food Surplus and Waste Champion, Ben Elliot“It’s truly time to Stand Up For Food – food need not be wasted. This brilliant month of action, led by WRAP, empowers every food business, ensuring that food waste is taken off the menu. To the gallant Guardians, I recommend the brilliant resources provided by WRAP, created to help tackle this very important issue.”

Adam Handling, Chef Owner of Adam Handling Restaurant Group, “I’m thrilled to be supporting the #StandUpForFood Campaign as one of its Guardians of Grub ambassadors. Reducing waste in the industry is something I’ve always cared passionately about, and it underpins every one of my restaurants. Everyone in the group shares a passion for minimising waste, and our staff training programmes make sure that every member of the team is trained in sustainable practices. That’s why it’s so important campaigns like this exist so we can help transform the way this industry operates. It’s staggering to think that over one million tonnes of food is thrown away each year by the hospitality and food sectors, the majority of which can be eaten if we just use a little imagination! At my restaurants, we’re always looking for ways to prevent food waste; for example, we have our own food lab installed where we love to ferment and pickle ingredients like tomatoes or cabbage, so that they can be used all-year round as opposed to being needlessly thrown away when they go out of season or over-ripen.”

the Guardians to make this happen in their own businesses, and arming those people with the right resources to help. And while we focus attention on one industry in September, it’s a moment too when we can all think about how we all contribute to food waste, and what we can do to limit that – it’s food for thought.”

Peter Maddox, Director WRAP said “Food waste usually goes unnoticed in relation to climate change, but the reality is that we won’t stop temperatures rising if we fail to address the problems within the food system. We see no place for food waste on any UK menu, and I’m confident Stand Up For Food will be a great success, and an important moment in the war on food waste. This is the largest, most inclusive campaign we’ve ever undertaken with the hospitality and food service sector and key has been recruiting

While Stand Up For Food month is all about business action, consumers may see subtle changes when they dine out in future as a result. Plate waste, the uneaten food returned to kitchens, currently accounts for nearly one third of all food waste from the sector with commonly wasted items including potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, salads and garnishes. These leftovers can be examined through menu reviews to investigate ways to limit the wastage of these popular dishes.

Deal Or No Deal On Brexit!!!! MEDIATHEME LAUNCHES REVOLUTIONARY ENTERTAINER LITE Mediatheme Ltd, the UK’s leading provider of touch screen entertainment systems is launching a revolutionary addition to its touchscreen entertainment just in time for Brexit.(OR NOT!) Whether you’re for or against, we believe everyone needs entertaining, we all need to adapt whether you’re a ‘staycationer’ going to a UK holiday park or a landlord trying to keep the punters in the venue, this could change the way you see the ‘LEAVE’ (if we ever get out!! ) We know that Technology has been at the forefront of the UK for hundreds of years. Graham Alexander Bell invented the Telephone, we've seen the TV, world wide web, jet engines all in the UK and even cats eyes were invented by Percy Shaw in 1933, and now the entertainer Lite by Mediatheme in 2019. Designed and manufactured in the UK The Entertainer™ Lite system is a newcomer to the Mediatheme range with its Brexit friendly pricing. Following on from a raft of many recent

innovations, such as being the first to bring interactive quizzing to an entertainment system. According to operations manager Murray Rorison: “Mediatheme has had to evolve with the times and the Lite is again moving into the future, we will be working on more innovative products before and after March 29th. The face of entertainment is changing ,and with a customer base ranging from luxury cruise liners to holiday parks, from pubs to play centres they need to be at the forefront of this. Mediatheme’s Entertainer™Lite is easy to operate, it enables venues to organise different themed evenings from one source and includes karaoke, interactive quizzes, bingo, pub games, and much more. The Lite is a small compact unit, easy to install and gives venues the chance to gain more footfall and earn more income from using their entertainment system”. Its time you saw The Lite! Contact us to find out more or 01572771363 or see advert page 12.

During Stand Up For Food month, kitchens and staff will use a range of free resources produced by WRAP that share best practice on reducing food waste. These include guidance and resources to help measure and review food thrown away. The priority for September is food waste measuring, after which it will be easy for businesses to pinpoint where and why food waste occurs in their operations, and work out how to stop good food ending up in the bin. At its heart, the campaign is about helping businesses make simple, low-cost changes to how food is procured, prepared and presented that reduce the amount needlessly thrown away. Case studies outlining the savings made are being published on the Guardians of Grub website.

Eliminate the Need for Cash Balancing-with LiveCash “Hard savings come through improved efficiency and loss prevention. Soft savings such as employee retention and more member interactions, are immeasurable!” LifeCash is an intelligent, count-by-weight drawer that provides full visibility of how much cash a drawer contains at all times. LiveCash’s real-time data and transaction-by-transaction reporting eliminates the need for manual counting at the bar and at end of day, Z reporting time, which improves efficiency decreases errors and reduces stress on staff. Because it highlights discrepancies between the drawer and the point of sale, LiveCash can flag up cash handling errors (or theft) instantly. This eliminates loss and gives a full audit trail of your cash, including the staff member, the exact transaction, time and amount missing. This not only enables your pub/bar/club to correct fraudulent or incorrect transactions, but also protects honest staff from the actions of others.

• Get real-time visibility of the cash in your club/bar/pub • Improve security and deter theft • Give staff more time with members


front of house When using Livecash a members club experienced a 95% reduction in the time spent counting and managing its cash, saving an average of 20 minutes per drawer, per day. This equates to an annual saving of around 114 labour hours. This member’s club also reduced cash loss by 100% by totally eradicating mistakes by staff and identifying staff members that were responsible for errors or theft. Club Control’s intelligent cash-management solutions will help your pub/bar/club streamline cash handling processes, reduce operational costs and combat catalogues. See the advert on page 16 for details.

Drink Free Days Don’t Have To Be Pub Free Alcohol education charity Drinkaware has launched the next phase in its Drink Free Days campaign, designed to help mid-life drinkers to reduce their alcohol consumption. Drinkaware's Drink Free Days campaign will run on radio and online, targeting 40-64 year old drinkers - the group most at risk of alcohol related health harms. In the initial phase of Drink Free Days in autumn 2018, the radio advertising reached 65% of target drinkers. A total of 335,155 people completed the DrinkCompare Calculator, over 400,000 visited the Drinkaware website for information and 25,337 users downloaded the Drinkaware app. The new ‘No Alcoholidays' radio and online adverts build on the Drink Free Days message in an even more memorable and engaging tone. This encourages alternative lifestyle behaviours to drinking and outlines the benefits of health, fitness and wellbeing. Drinkaware's website has a hub of ideas and inspiration on activities people can do on drink free days, including taking up regular exercise, trying a new hobby and even going for something outside of their comfort zone such as outdoor swimming. Drinkaware is encouraging support for Drink Free Days not just to coincide with the current advertising burst, but year-round, so that drinkers make drink free days a permanent part of their lives.

September 2019

CLH News


The aim of the campaign is to encourage mid-life drinkers to cut down on their drinking by taking several drink free days every week. YouGov research for Drinkaware1 shows that 85% of mid-life drinkers agree that reducing their drinking is a good way to improve their health, but only 49% have tried to cut back. The same research revealed that a third of mid-life drinkers would be willing to drink smaller glasses of wine or bottles of beer to reduce their alcohol consumption, while 29% would try a lower alcoholic strength drink, and one in five a non-alcoholic one. More than one quarter (27%) would be willing to record how much they drink. Elaine Hindal, Drinkaware Chief Executive, said: "We're delighted to be launching this new phase in our Drink Free Days campaign. "Our aim is to provide encouragement and strategies, through Drink Free Days, to help more people to reduce their drinking and improve their health and wellbeing. "The research also points to some simple measures that licensees can take to help customers who want to cut back, such as offering a good selection of no and low alcohol drinks, and providing a range of smaller beer bottles and wines in a 125ml serve. We'd also encourage pubs to display our Drink Free Days poster."

The Search is on for Britain’s Best Meat & Veggie Roast Dinners The Great British Roast Dinner Competition, in association with Knorr® Professional, seeks to recognise the very best roast dinners served out of home.

for money.”

For the first time in its history, the Great British Roast Dinner Competition has both meat and vegetarian / vegan categories available to enter in 2019.

As well as the prestigious title of Britain’s Best Roast 2019, entrants to both the meat and vegetarian / vegan category will have the chance to win a £3,000 kitchen equipment voucher, UFS Chef Rewards points and branded chef jackets.

Launching the competition, senior marketing manager for Knorr® Professional, Kate Drew, said: “It’s important to us that great British roast dinners and the chefs who work hard to craft them are given the recognition they deserve. We’re extremely excited to be taking the competition to a new level this year, with the introduction of the vegetarian / vegan category. It’s important that the competition reflects the consumer trend for vegetarian and vegan dishes and recognises the chefs that are working to meet these demands.”

There is also a third category, The People’s Favourite, which will be decided based on public nominations. Once they have entered the main competition, establishments can encourage their customers to nominate them at The establishment with the greatest number of nominations will win the category and a £1,000 kitchen equipment voucher, plus branded chef jackets and 6 x £50 Amazon vouchers for their front of house team. Members of the public who nominate will have the chance to win a £250 Amazon voucher.

Winners will be decided by an expert panel of Unilever Food Solutions’ chefs who, Kate Drew advises, “will of course be looking for exceptional, great-tasting roast dinners, as well as great quality food and service, cleanliness and value

See the advert on the back page. Entries are now open and will close on 29th September 2019. Open to any establishment which serves a roast dinner to the public across England, Scotland and Wales, entries can be submitted via the Unilever Food Solutions website at Terms and conditions apply.

The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

September 2019

New Figures Show Year Of Stability For London’s Pubs The number of pubs in London remained stable between 2017 and 2018 after falling by more than a quarter since 2001, new research by City Hall has shown. The figures, published recently by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, identified 3,540 pubs in the capital in March 2018 – an increase of 10 pubs from 2017. A total of 11 boroughs saw an increase in pubs, with numbers staying the same in nine boroughs, but falling in 13 boroughs. The boroughs to see an increase were Brent, Bromley, Croydon, Hackney, Harrow, Islington, Lambeth, Lewisham, Tower Hamlets, Wandsworth and Westminster. The encouraging figures come after the Mayor revealed last month that the number of grassroots music venues in the capital has risen in the last year and the number of LGBTQ+ venues remained stable for a second year running, following a decade of decline for both.

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Taking cooking back to its origins, Commercial BBQ use charcoal and wood chips in their machines to add smoke and enhance flavours. High temperature cooking, seals meat and ensures your food is juicy, retaining nutrients and goodness creating an intense flavour which would be lost through conventional means.

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The traditional London pub has long been a part of everyday life in the capital and research shows that,

despite ongoing pressures, they remain a key part of life in the city. According to a City Hall survey, 74 per cent of Londoners think that they are important for the London’s cultural heritage, with 45 per cent visiting a pub at least once a month. The main reasons for a visit are to socialise with friends (68 per cent) and eat (27 per cent). Pubs are also an important attraction for tourists, with previous research showing that 54 per cent of international visitors visited one during their stay in the capital. The mayor is doing everything within his powers to support the pub trade and London’s cultural venues. This includes tough new planning rules to protect venues in his draft London Plan – including protecting beer gardens and ensuring new developments are soundproofed – and establishing a world-first Culture at Risk Office to help support pubs at risk of closure. Sadiq has also called on the Government to review its valuation policy for pubs following large rises in business rates and ensure these crucial community hubs are supported.

Greene King Team Members Take to the Road to Raise Money for Macmillan

19 Greene King team members set out on a gruelling 420 mile ‘Ultimate Brewery Tour’ bike ride to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support earlier this month. Starting from the UK’s leading pub company and brewer’s head office in Bury St Edmunds, the ride will snake northwards, with stops in York and Newcastle, before finally arriving at its Belhaven Brewery on the east coast of Scotland four days later.

The challenge has been created by Greene King to raise vital funds for Macmillan and also celebrate Belhaven Brewery’s 300th birthday. Jeff Addison, financial director at Greene King, is taking on the challenge after his own cancer experience and said: “Cancer wasn’t something I expected to get and only after being diagnosed did it sink in that we are all at risk. Having been through the cancer journey

and lucky enough to recover from it, I want to give something back, whether that be through raising funds towards prevention and care, promoting awareness of symptoms or talking to people about the journey, I think it’s important that everyone is given support when they need it. This will be the third cycle ride challenge I have completed in two months to support Macmillan and cycling 420 miles in four days will be a physical challenge, but if the funds we raise make a difference for people battling cancer, it’s worth it!” Nick Mackenzie, chief executive at Greene King said: “I’m so proud of the team for taking on this chal-

lenge, 420 miles in four days is going to be pretty relentless. While I’m sure there will be testing times during the ride, the team has a great spirit and I know they’ll support each other. Our employees across the country take on all sorts of fundraising challenges for Macmillan but this is unique and special – cycling from our brewery in Bury St Edmunds to our brewery in Dunbar. I look forward raising a glass of our beer and congratulating them on their success.” Rachel Gascoigne, partnership manager at Macmillan Cancer Support said: “We’re so proud of the Greene King team members taking on this challenge for Macmillan. We rely almost entirely on public donations, so the amazing fundraising efforts of Greene King make a huge difference to people living with cancer. I look forward to seeing all the cyclists enjoying a well-earned rest up in Belhaven!”

Lifesystems for CRUSTACEANS Homarium UK of the foremost supplier of lobster tanks in the United Kingdom. Homarium UK offer a unique range of lobster and shellfish display equipment to the restaurant sector and fish retailers. Widely used on the continent these lobster tanks are now available in the United Kingdom in standard or bespoke custom designs to match your image and premises needs our range of lobster and shellfish displays are specifically designed for the purpose of maximum custom impact and optimum conditions for crustaceans and shellfish. We are a UK based in Southampton and offer a nationwide delivery and installation service. Oceane


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September 2019

Use Brexit To Shake Up “Irrational” Alcohol Duty System, Says Think-Tank • Same-strength alcoholic drinks should be taxed at the same rate. • A “duty strength escalator” should be introduced to encourage the production of lower strength beer, cider, wine and spirits. • A new “Pub Relief ” should be introduced, post-Brexit, to favour drinking in pubs rather than at home or on the street. Duty on alcohol should be dramatically overhauled so that the stronger a drink is, the more tax it incurs, a think-tank says. The Social Market Foundation said that existing duty rules are inconsistent and unfair, and make some drinks such as high-strength cider unjustifiably cheap.

On the other hand, the price of a pint of 4.5% lager in a pub could fall from £3.70 to £3.44 (SEE TABLE). This is under a reformed duty regime that would raise the same amount of revenue as is the case at present – about £12bn per year. The SMF report was sponsored by the Institute for Alcohol Studies. The SMF retained full editorial independence. SMF calculations show that the richer a person is, the more likely they are to drink. Almost one in three (28%) of people in the lowest income bracket do not drink any alcohol. By contrast, only 6% of people earning more than £40,000 a year are non-drinkers.

In a new study, the SMF found the current duty regime is irrational and inconsistent, imposing different levels of duty on the alcohol in different products. At present, the alcohol in a 6% cider is taxed at just 7p per unit, but a low-strength wine, also at 6% alcohol content, incurs 50p of duty per unit.

Scott Corfe, SMF Research Director and author of the report, said: “The way we tax alcohol today is a mess. Inconsistent, irrational duty rates based on politics and special pleading mean drinks closely associated with serious medical and social harm are unjustifiably cheap.

To resolve such inconsistencies and discourage harmful heavy drinking, the SMF proposed reforms of duty rules that would increase the price of low-cost highstrength cider bought from shops by almost double but slightly reduce the price of beer bought on pubs. The report also calls for alcohol taxation to be “depoliticised” and guided by regular expert reviews of the harms caused by excessive drinking.

“A consistent, well-planned duty regime could discourage the riskiest drinking, support the pub trade and reward manufacturers who reduce the strength of their products. Alcohol should be taxed on the basis of evidence, not politics.”

A new “strength duty escalator” would mean that the duty per unit of alcohol rises with the strength of the product. Some manufactures are already reducing alcohol content in drinks to follow changing consumer tastes. The SMF said its escalator policy would reward such changes and encourage others to follow. The SMF also proposed a new “Pub Relief” scheme allowing pubs to claim relief on alcohol excise duty. That could cut prices in pubs and focus alcohol duty on the off-trade, which is particularly reliant on sales to hazardous and harmful drinkers. EU directives currently mean that such a Pub Relief is not possible.


Strong cider bought from shops would be hardest hit by the proposed duty rise. Currently, a 2.5 litre bottle of cider at 7.5% — containing 18.8 units of alcohol can cost just £3.70. The strength duty escalator proposed in the report could push that price to £7.37, a 99% rise.

The cross-party think-tank proposed a shift in the burden of taxation towards high-strength drinks bought for consumption at home, and away from weaker products bought in pubs and bars.

The SMF report highlighted EU rules that currently limit UK ministers’ scope to implement a more rational alcohol duty policy, suggesting that Brexit might make it easier make reforms.

CLH News

Katherine Severi, Chief Executive of the Institute of Alcohol Studies said: “This new report from SMF highlights the illogicality, loopholes and perverse incentives that pervade the way we tax alcohol. For too long, politicians have set alcohol duty with more concern for newspaper headlines than the health and welfare of the country. We therefore welcome SMF’s proposal that alcohol taxes should be set on the basis of a rigorous independent evidence review every 5-10 years. “Post-Brexit, if the UK is no longer bound by EU Directives on alcohol taxation, the Government should restructure the duty system to ensure that stronger products are taxed at a proportionately higher rate. At the same time, SMF demonstrate that Brexit should not be an excuse for inaction. Even under the current rules, the Government can take a common sense approach to taxing alcohol by ending the favourable treatment of cider. This would save lives and protect some of the most vulnerable groups in society”


Gr8niteout can make it a Gr8 Christmas! Gr8niteout is a free App download that your customers friends and family can use to send drinks or a meal. With Christmas nearly upon us, a time for parties and enjoying the odd tipple or two, this app really comes into its own. The pub credit can be purchased from anywhere in the world and spent in your bar. Your customers simply takes their app to the bar and you redeem the credit, its just like cash. The money is in your account before a drink is poured or meal is served! All of the above is FREE! I know what you are thinking because I get asked it

all the time, what is the catch, nothing is ever free. This is! All the money goes to you, I charge 60p to the person buying the drink and thats it. You are all busy people and I know some of you do not have the time to add you pubs to the Gr8niteout website which is why we will do it for you! Contact or phone 07939924133 or visit

CAMRA: Cut Beer Tax to Save Our Pubs

The Campaign for Real Ale marked 1 September as ‘Pub Tax Day’ and used the occasion to call for reductions in the tax charged on draught beer to halt the decline in Britain’s pubs and to keep beer affordable.

With four months, or one third, of the year remaining, Pub Tax Day marked the point after which everything spent on beer in pubs for the rest of the year will effectively go straight into the taxman’s pocket. One third of the price of a pint of beer is made up of the cost of taxes. The Campaign is calling on the Government to use their next Budget to shake up the beer tax regime so that for the first time it redresses the imbalance between the cost of drinking socially in community pubs and consuming alcohol at home. CAMRA are using the symbolic day to urge the Government to seize this opportunity to give Britain’s beleaguered pubs a shot in the arm and immediately slash duty specifically on draught beer – helping community locals to compete with supermarkets. If Britain leaves the EU on 31 October, it will allow the Government to charge different rates of tax on beer depending on where and how it is served – and for the first time levy different rates which reflect the

September 2019

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huge social and community benefits that pubs bring.

The calls come ahead of CAMRA’s annual Parliamentary reception on 3rd September, the first day MPs return to Westminster after the summer recess, where they will be urging MPs to back their calls for cuts in beer tax as well as reforms to the business rates system which has been crippling for pubs. Nik Antona, CAMRA’s National Chairman said: “On Pub Tax Day, many pub goers will be shocked to find out that a third of the price of a pint of beer is going directly to taxes, rates and charges and not to helping to keep local pubs open, alive and thriving. “Pubs are a vital part of the social fabric of our communities. The Government should be doing everything it can to support them in order to reduce the levels of pub closures. “The uncertainty surrounding leaving the EU is understandably a concern for those in the beer and pub industry – but a commitment to cutting tax on beer served in pubs and reducing prices for consumers would at least offer some hope to local pubs. “A lower rate of tax served in pubs would also level the playing field between cheap supermarket alcohol consumed at home and beer sold in a community pub.”

More People Using Food Hygiene Ratings Scheme, Tracker Shows survey consumers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The latest results, from May 2019, show the public’s use of hygiene stickers has jumped to 66% compared to 60% in the previous wave from November 2018.

Official statistics published by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) show that the food hygiene rating scheme (FHRS) is being used more than ever before to assess food hygiene standards. The public attitudes tracker survey monitors changes in consumer attitudes to food-related issues. We

85% of respondents reported being aware of the hygiene standards in places they eat out at or buy food from. The most commonly reported ways of knowing about hygiene standards were via food hygiene ratings stickers (66%) and the general appearance of the premises (59%). Angela Towers, Head of the Food Hygiene Ratings Team at the FSA

said: ‘The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme gives consumers the information they need to make informed decisions about where they eat out and enables them to vote with their feet. ‘We are pleased to see continuing increased use of the scheme, which further highlights a need to make the information it provides more accessible in England through mandatory display of hygiene ratings. ‘This has been successful in Wales and Northern Ireland and we remain committed to seeing this introduced in England.’



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

September 2019

Get On Board For Seafood Week 2019

Seafish, the public body that supports the £10bn UK seafood industry, is once again hosting Seafood Week – Friday 4 to Friday 11 October 2019. The annual promotional campaign comprises eight days of consumer-focused, cross-sector industry activity during which the UK wide seafood industry, in all its many guises, comes together to champion, celebrate and promote seafood to the nation’s consumers and media. The Week celebrates the amazing variety of fish and shellfish on offer in the UK, creating the perfect platform for businesses to encourage more people, to eat more fish, more often – and ideally increase their sales. Celebrations for the Week begin on Friday 4 October with popular ‘Fish Pun Day’ and will be followed by eight days of consumer-focused activity, with each day having a focus on a particular species of fish or shellfish.

Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Friday 4 October Saturday 5 October Sunday 6 October Monday 7 October Tuesday 8 October Wednesday 9 October Thursday 10 October Friday 11 October

Mackerel Prawns Plaice Scallops Mussels Hake Crab Haddock/Cod/Pollack

CAMPAIGN MATERIALS A wide variety of Seafood Week promotional materials are available for use by businesses keen to get involved in the campaign – including a marketing toolkit containing some great ideas of how to make the most of the celebrations. Assets are available to access/download via the free to use Seafood Week section of the Seafish Asset Bank Library. Seafish is always keen for interested businesses to let them know of any particular activities they may be undertaking for Seafood Week, so that Seafish can consider helping to publicise and promote. Interested businesses can e-mail details of their planned activity to Seafish on

SOME USEFUL SOCIAL MEDIA TAGS #Fishpunday #SeafoodWeek #SeafoodHero

For use on Friday 4 October when sharing a fish pun Campaign hashtag for general posts For people to use to tag their seafood hero (favourite chef, fishmonger, retailer, coastal hero, etc..) #ratemyfish For people to use to share images of seafood dishes, encouraging consumers to think about scoring seafood dishes/products ‘marks out of 10’. To find out more about Seafood Week visit or see the advert on page 9.

Star Pubs & Bars Funds Free Cookery School Courses to Help Licensees with Chef Retention Star Pubs & Bars is launching a series of free chef training courses at regional cookery schools around the country to help licensees with kitchen staff recruitment and retention. The series of practical one-day courses are aimed at staff in pubs with a strong food offer who may not have been to catering college but want to expand their knowledge and learn cooking skills to progress in their careers. Course attendees learn to make bread and to create on-trend vegan and gluten-free dishes. They also gain insight into how utilising under-used cuts of meat, low calorie dishes and desserts can increase customer spend. The learnings are designed to help attendees feel empowered in their role in a commercial kitchen. The first course took place at Hugh Fernley Whittingstall’s The River Cottage in Devon with further courses lined up around the UK. Ed O’Neill, licensee at The Crown Inn, Farnham Royal said: “Having worked as a chef in everything from Michelin kitchens and fine-dining through to casual dining, I believe recruiting and retaining chefs is a massive industry problem. It’s nigh on impossible to find fully trained chefs who want a career.

Bright Future Ahead For Niche Pubs Pubs in the North-West of England can look forward to a bright future if they find their niche in the market, says a leading legal expert for the leisure sector. Malcolm Ireland, Head of Leisure and Licensing at regional law firm Napthens has said that licensed properties can continue to prosper if they identify a niche market and make sure they are doing it better than anyone else. His comments came while speaking to David Bremner of Robinsons Brewery as part of a new podcast. He told the ‘Brief Conversations with Napthens’ podcast: “The leisure industry and its consumers are changing but pubs which are able to find a gap in the market and deliver a high-quality service can still succeed. The message to licensees in the leisure industry is clear - be the best at what you do. “Whether that is running a gastropub with fine food or focusing on a range of traditional real ales, any business that can find its niche and stand out will always do well. That message is particularly pertinent for the leisure industry but finding a specialism and excelling at it is a good rule of thumb for any business owner.” David Bremner, Marketing Director of

A New Digital Jukebox with a Difference! Arion UK has the new digital jukebox to give you and your customers what they want at an UNBEATABLE price! It’s no trade secret that music moves the senses and makes hospitality venues a unique and fun experience . So, what makes the BIRE Jukebox so different? Well it comes as standard not only with 4 channels that supplies music to four different areas of your bar, but with the Multizone feature that enables

That is why the training at the Riverside Cottage that Star arranged was so great. I would have bitten your hand off if I’d been offered a course like this when I was younger. To make the most of it, we closed our kitchen for the day as we felt it showed our determination to invest in our chefs futures. They loved it and were inspired by the experience. Each recreated one of the dishes, which we put on our menu as Riverside Cottage Specials and they sold out.” The courses complement Star Pub & Bars’ chef recruitment toolkit, which contains ‘how to’ guides on interviewing and recruiting candidates as well as a suite of professionally written job descriptions, interview questions and job advert templates. Mark Teed head of Food at Star Pubs & Bars said: “Training and staff retention was highlighted as the biggest issue for licensees at our 2018 forums. The kitchen crisis is already critical and likely to get worse, so developing and looking after chefs is essential and we’re committed to supporting licensees in this area. As well as cookery school training, we’re sponsoring 100 apprentices this year to help licensees attract and retain the best talent in the kitchen.”

Robinsons Brewery, added that pubs which find a niche and stay relevant for customers can still stand out. He said: “The key for pubs nowadays is to pick a gap in the market that exists with enough people interested in what you’re trying to achieve. Licensees need to understand their consumer market and position their offer accordingly. “It is much more beneficial to find one niche and be great at it – deliver it well and don’t overcomplicate the offer. The opportunity available in today’s market is to be very good at one thing. If you’re just average at many things then you just won’t attract enough people for your business to be sustainable. The pub industry is very resilient. People go to the pub when times are good, and they go to the pub when times are hard.” The podcast also covered how the leisure industry is embracing new technologies in order to stay relevant to consumers. “We have an online tool now where we put in a particular postcode and based on the social demographics of the area we know which type of business is more likely to succeed there,” added David Bremner. “The demographic of the clientele varies significantly by postcode and each pub has to use this knowledge to understand its consumer base and tailor its offer accordingly.” the jukebox to play different music in different zones at the same time. Think of the revenue that your pub/path/hotel can achieve by keeping all your customers happy and still earning you more revenue than your conventional jukebox. The Multizone feature is of course optional and can be set as a normal jukebox allowing you to play the same music in all zones but still bringing the savings to you. For further details see advert on page 11.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

September 2019

Time Called On ‘The Usual’ Down at The Pub August Consumer Spending Muted, But Pub & Restaurant Spending Increases

Long gone are the days of limited choice, according to Former model and TV presenter Jodie Kidd shares the Good Beer Guide 2020, CAMRA’s premier publica- how she saved the Half Moon pub from closure and tion featuring the very best pubs to find a great pint in turned it into a thriving community local, offering plenty of events and activities to attract footfall: the UK.

“We hold lots of events from Summer Solstice parties With forwards from award-winning beer writer to BBQs, and we have weddings and events all year Emma Inch and licensee Jodie Kidd, the impact of choice and diversity on the beer and pubs industry can- round – such as curry nights and quiz night. The WI (Women’s Institute) have their meetings there as well. not be clearer. Charities will often use the pub as a central meeting Figures from the latest Guide, now in its 47th year, point and we also use the pub as a great place to start show that pubs have diversified their offerings with off charity bike rides and fundraising events.” with 61% of pubs offering evening meals and 65% offerCAMRA recently ran a Summer of Pub campaign ing lunch food, compared to traditional wet-led pubs. encouraging pubs to capitalise on this trend by hosting In addition, many of the pubs in the Guide offer some events such as quiz night or comedy evenings in their kind of community event or activity, such as providing a pub throughout the warmer months. The campaigning social beer garden (76%), screening live sports (32%) or organisation helped cross-publicise these events to providing entertainment (43%). encourage pub-going by the nation’s beer lovers. This is complemented with a surge in 1,850 real ale Tom Stainer, CAMRA’s Chief Executive adds: “Long breweries, making more flavours and styles available to gone are the days of limited choice – today’s beer consumers than ever before. drinker now not only has a huge range of beer styles Award-winning beer writer and podcaster Emma Inch and flavours to choose from, but also a number of fantastic venues for choice that are working harder than writes: “A decade ago, there were just a few hundred breweries in the UK; today there are nearly two thou- ever before to attract footfall. sand. This rapid growth has brought with it even more choice than most British beer drinkers have ever known… Beer has embraced diversity, and I’m not just talking about the liquid in your glass. Over the past few years the way we discuss beer, the aesthetic surrounding it, the people who brew it, and even the people who drink it have begun to change.”

“Pubs play a crucial role in our communities and social lives, and it’s heartening to see such diversity in the beer industry and a real drive to encourage more people to enjoy a brew. Beer drinking and pub-going is for everyone, and these days you are guaranteed to find a pint you love in a pub that suits your tastes – we can all cheers to that!”

Pub Roast Ranks One of The UK’s Top Experiences

The Great British traditional Sunday roast in the pub has been named the sixth most unmissable experience in the UK by travel guide Lonely Planet. Its new book, Ultimate United Kingdom Travelist, ranks the top 500 unmissable experiences and hidden gems across Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands. The book states: “Fewer and fewer people in Britain start Sunday with a trip to church but the roast lunch is still a lock. For visitors, it’s a mustdo experience. It doesn’t matter whether you’re in a centuries-old, windowless pub in London or a large country inn with tables sprawling over a lawn, you’ll be among friends and families laughing, drinking beer and tucking into plates of hot sliced roast beef or pork, Yorkshire pudding,

roast potatoes and assorted vegetables, all slathered in gravy. Warming, filling and indulgent, it’s comfort food par excellence but, more than that, it’s a reassuring experience, a weekly ritual where the nation stops time, staves off the start of the working week and lives in the moment. Grab a plate and take your fill.” Edinburgh Festival Fringe was named in top spot as the “greatest show of arts and culture on earth”, with London’s British Museum in second for free entry to see “treasures from across the globe”. The Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland, which is the country’s only UNESCO World Heritage Site, was third followed by two Roman experiences – the baths in Bath and Hadrian’s Wall.

Consumer spending grew by 1.3 per cent year-on-year in August – representing a decline in real terms when accounting for inflation – bringing a summer of muted growth to a close. However, nonessential spending rose by 1.4 per cent, bolstered by strong growth from pubs (10.9 per cent) and restaurants (8.6 per cent) as Brits enjoyed relaxing and dining out. Data from Barclaycard, which sees nearly half of the nation’s credit and debit card transactions, shows that essential spending rose by just 0.6 per cent, with petrol contracting by 1.9 per cent and supermarket expenditure increasing by a modest 1.3 per cent. Travel increased by a modest 0.6 per cent, with travel agents up 1.0 per cent, whereas airlines and hotels contracted by 0.4 per cent and 0.2 per cent respectively.

In contrast to the overall trend seen by the retail sector in recent months, spending at discount stores rose by 8.0 per cent – suggesting that many consumers are seeking better value for money in the purchases they make. More broadly, August’s overall spending figure of 1.3 per cent was relatively low in comparison to August 2018, which saw growth of 4.5 per cent year-on-year. Economic uncertainty continues and the effect of the weak pound weighed heavily on consumers’ minds in August. Only 31 per cent of UK adults suggest they are confident in the UK economy while over half (52 per cent) are worried about the impact of rising prices over the next month. As a result of their concerns about inflation, over a third of Brits (36 per cent) plan to adapt their

buying behaviour. Most commonly, these consumers say they will visit discount stores more often to balance the household budget, with 43 per cent planning to seek out bargains this way. This is followed by cutting back on treats (33 per cent) and looking for more discounts online (33 per cent). Esme Harwood, Director at Barclaycard, said: “August’s figures signal the end of a fairly subdued summer for consumer spending – showing a marked contrast to the previous August. A weak pound and worries about rising prices are causing concern for many, with Brits looking to better balance their household budgets. “That said, spending at pubs and restaurants remains robust, suggesting Brits have been making the most of the longer days by relaxing and dining out.”

Average Price of a Pint Of Beer Soars By 10p To £3.79 The cost of an average pint has jumped by 2.7% to £3.79, according to a survey by The Good Pub Guide. The guide published today (5 September) found a gigantic £1.11 a pint north-south difference with drinkers in Shropshire paying £3.46 while those in London pay £4.57. The annual survey revealed while London was the only place where the average price of beer was over £4 a pint last year, three other areas have also joined the expensive drinking club with drinkers in Scotland, Surrey and Sussex also paying more than £4. Good Pub Guide editor Fiona Stapley said the 10p a pint price hike would not put off pub-goers. She said: “People love pubs and they love their beer and on every pub visit, customers come away feeling happier – and that is to do with cheerful, chatty atmosphere and the people they meet in those pubs rather than the effect of the alcohol.” Ms Stapley also said the smoking ban which came in 12 years ago has kept pubs alive as more women and families are now heading to their local for a drink and a meal. She said: “The ban that caused howls of public protest

HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS Christmas Tree World has enjoyed a staggering 80% uplift in sales of large and giant artificial Christmas trees to the hospitality sector. Buyers are saying that there are just no large real Christmas Trees available this year and the few that are, are very expensive. A recent change in legislation has meant that imported real Christmas Trees over 3m now need a plant passport, which means they have to be inspected for insects which can hitch a ride on them from continental Europe and potentially destroy our indigenous woodland. As you can imagine a plant passport is very expensive on a single tree making the cost to the user prohibitive. Market research has indicated that when an establishment spends more money on their Christmas decorations, their customers are inclined to

with licensees fearing a damaging drop in business as smokers deserted their local boozers, but twelve years on it has in fact proved to be transforming. “Those bars full of fug and male chat quickly became a thing of the past. Pubs adapted by installing smokers’ shelters and outdoor heaters, and licensees soon realised that by making their pubs smoke free, they turned into cleaner, brighter places, and opened up a massive new customer base – women and families with young children who headed to pubs for a meal and even an overnight stay.”

not only spend more time, but also more money, (Source In addition, customers are more likely to visit an establishment that is full of festive cheer, than one that has not bothered to make too much effort. Decorating your hotel, restaurant or bar can be fun for the staff to do & bring them some festive cheer before the onslaught of the Christmas party season gets underway. A large Christmas Tree can have a stunning impact & attract the public from far & wide, just to see the tree. We saw this ourselves, when visiting Trenchers restaurant at Spanish City, Whitley Bay. We went along armed with camera & tripod, to get some images of the stunning installation, carried out by one of our partners, only to find that getting a clear shot was really difficult due to the number of people taking selfies, stood next to the tree. The switch on, of the lights on this tree also attracted a lot of local press coverage for this stunning restoration project.

• Real trees bring insects and fungal spores into the building which can cause sever long term damage • You can choose the shape of tree to fit the space, full, compact, slim or for very tight spaces pencil. • When real trees dry out they become a fire hazard (https://

Social Media is driving a lot of interest in the places people visit over Christmas time, as once images have been shared, lots of people then want to go and see it for themselves. The popularity of a venue can very much be influenced by how many images are posted, shared or tweeted so making sure your venue is looking its best in the run up to Christmas is vitally important.

• All Christmas Tree World trees are fire retardant. • Christmas Tree World trees are guaranteed for 10 years but will last at least of 15 years, the cost spread over 15 years makes them far cheaper than buying 15 real trees

Why Trenchers chose an artificial:• It is far cleaner to use than a real tree • Real trees can be cumbersome to erect and damage doors etc when installing them • Real trees drop needles everywhere and damage carpets with moisture

Stephen Evans, M/D of Christmas Tree world, said” it looks like there is going to be a shortage of big trees this year, we are getting 2 enquires a day for the giant outdoor trees, up to 40ft, and stocks are limited, when they are gone, they are gone”

video/this-video-shows-how-your-drychristmas- treecan-cause-a-deadlyhouse-fire)

September 2019

CLH News


Are You Prepared for That 'Wonderful Time' of the Year? Gr8niteout Can Make It out for a meal or drink with family or friends over Christmas – rather than just buying ‘things’,” added Chessell. “The fact is the eating and drinking-out sectors had an excellent trading period in their busiest time of the year,” said Mark Sheehan, managing director of Coffer Corporate Leisure. “Consumers escaped the political turmoil and headed for pubs and restaurants to escape the tedium. Pre booked sales in particular were strong and the months ahead are going to be tough but at this crucial time trading was robust.”

Christmas and New Year like-for-like sales 2018 was up 4.1%

SEPTEMBER PLANNING A comprehensive survey by Guest Experience company HGEM, into consumer’s booking behaviour for the festive season, reveals that 1 in 5 will start looking for Christmas party venues in September, with 1 in 7 choosing and booking by the end of the same month.

“Christmas is the Season for Kindling the Fire of Hospitality” It may only be the beginning of the autumn season, but it’s not “crackers” to be thinking about planning for the festive season! December is a key part of the UK hospitality and on trade sector calendar. From office parties to friends and family, consumers flock to bars pubs and restaurants, and with the increasing popularity of “Dry January” the festive season is an opportunity to capitalise and help operators through a lean January. In fact last year’s Christmas period was a joyous one for the hospitality sector, with revellers boosting the coffers of pubs, bars and restaurants across the UK as Christmas and New Year like-for-like sales in 2018 were up 4.1% on 2017, and pubs had the best of seasonal sales, boosted by drink sales. Both pub and restaurant operators saw positive sales growth over the festive season, with pubs enjoying the biggest uplift with collective like-forlikes ahead 5.1% against a 2.4% increase for restaurants.

Pubs have best of seasonal sales, boosted by drink sales

“This is all in stark contrast to the gloom hanging over retail, which according to the British Retail Consortium suffered its worst Christmas for a decade with zero sales growth,” said Karl Chessell, director of CGA, the business insight consultancy that produces the Tracker, in partnership with The Coffer Group and RSM. “What the Tracker figures suggest is that consumers are being more selective about where they spend their money, and are looking for memorable experiences – like going

The study also reveals that in 2018, 56% of consumers chose restaurants as their prime Christmas party venue, whilst 29% opted for a pub or bar; surprisingly, only 8% of those surveyed chose a hotel for their booking. When deciding on a venue, consumers will prioritise three key factors; whether they are able to preview the menu in advance of booking (64%), how well the venue caters for their desired capacity (49%) and how prepared they are for those with food allergies (39%). When it comes to making a booking, an overwhelming majority (58%) of consumers still prefer to do this over the phone; 17% like to use an online booking system through the company’s website, 13% will opt for a traditional walk-in and 12% will choose to book via email. During the booking process, 40% of consumers admit that an unfriendly tone over the phone would stop them from making a booking, with pushy sales tactics (22%) and team members lacking information (21%) also likely to turn consumers off. Operators should never discount previous Christmas party guests from their plans. 78% of consumers said they are likely to book the same venue again, with 53% also welcoming post-event marketing communications. Jason Horn, Head of Client Success at HGEM commented: “Whilst it may seem too early for most, it’s particularly important for operators to be preparing for Christmas during the summer months in order to capitalise on those consumers looking to book their parties well in advance. 1 in 5 will Operators that are clearly displaying Christmas start offerings and an ability to cater for a whole range looking for of dietary needs are likely to see better take up. Christmas Our survey also revealed a great opportunity for party venues in September operators to market to previous guests, with a large majority likely to book the same venue again.”

a Gr8 Christmas

Gr8niteout is a free App download that your customers friends and family can use to send drinks or a meal. With Christmas nearly upon us, a time for parties and enjoying the odd tipple or two, this app really comes into its own. The pub credit can be purchased from anywhere in the world and spent in your bar. Your customers simply takes their app to the bar and you redeem the credit, its just like cash.

The money is in your account before a drink is poured or meal is served! Gr8niteout is a mobile advertisement for your bar, a tool you can use to entice new customers through your door. Gr8niteout also gives you data capture. You can access details of every credit that is bought for your customers, you can create a data base of all the mobile phone numbers and the important dates, birthdays anniversaries etc This means you can really target your advertising, next year on their birthday offer a free birthday drink or 20% off their anniversary meal. We also give you a free profile page, access to two buying groups, one for drinks which not only will beat any price you currently get but which will also qualify you for up to 33% off your Sky Sport bill and with the prices Sky charge that alone is a lot of money! The second group is for cartering/pub equipment, if we cant sell it cheaper than anywhere else online then we don’t list it! Finally Pubs Protecting Pubs, with the police budget but to the bone its time we started looking after ourselves. CCTV stills can be uploaded and shared with other licensees all over the country. This is not trying to replace Pub watch of which I am a huge fan, its just another way of protecting ourselves. You can also buy or sell secondhand pub/catering items, we cant alway afford to buy new. All of the above is FREE! I know what you are thinking because I get asked it all the time, what is the catch, nothing is ever free. This is! All the money goes to you, I charge 60p to the person buying the drink and thats it. We are already paying too much, too much tax, too much vat, too much business rates, too much everything! You are all busy people and I know some of you do not have the time to add you pubs to the Gr8niteout website which is why we will do it for you! Simply send me an email and I will do the rest. If you have any questions please contact me at or phone 07939924133 or visit

The Rise of Veganism And The Need To Keep Up With Trends We are arguably at a point when British consumers are eating out as much as they have done and ever will do. In other words: we may have reached peak out-ofhome food. CGA’s BrandTrack data suggests that frequency levels in out-of-home eating are broadly flat, while the Market Growth Monitor with AlixPartners has revealed a fall in the number of group-owned restaurants, following a decade of remarkable growth that means there are now nearly 5,000 more food-led outlets than in 2009. And this is just the licensed landscape—traditional fullservice and casual dining restaurants, pub restaurants and the like. There is also the burgeoning food-to-go market, driven by counter-service sandwich bars, branded coffee shops and cafes and non-traditional access points to the market like street food stalls, market halls, pop-ups, dinein sushi counters in supermarkets and cafés in highstreet retailers. Everywhere the consumer looks there is access to food of differing cuisine, style, quality, price point and speed of service, suiting any preference, occasion or budget. Staying ahead in this fiercely competitive market means understanding what consumers want—now and in the future. What are the next big things, and how should

September 2019

CLH News


your brand respond? Where should manufacturers and suppliers target new product development budgets to get the best return on investment and appeal to the widest customer base? The rise of vegan or plant-based diets is a case in point. Driven by growing environmentalism, awareness of the harmful effects of meat production and rising ethicalism among younger consumers, these have soared in prominence. CGA’s Food Insights19 report shows that 4% of the British population now follow a vegan diet, with another 4% adopting a flexitarian diet, increasing their consumption of plant-based meals without completely removing meat. Of the remainder, 20% say they are likely to choose a vegan meal when eating out-ofhome, rising to nearly half (48%) of 18 to 34 year olds. But vegans don’t think they are well catered for at the moment. A lack of choice, lack of imagination and the recurrence of the same dishes are all frequently cited in BrandTrack surveys as frustrations for those seeking plant-based food out-of-home. The industry needs to act fast to address these concerns. Operators, manufacturers and suppliers that fail to adapt their ranges risk losing customers, and may see existing or new brands meet the latent need instead— but those that can show they understand and care about big consumer trends are well-placed to capitalise.

Baffled Brits Confused by Bistro Babble

Two-thirds of diners find the meaning of words like quenelle, jus and ballotine baffling, according to a new study by foodservice wholesaler Bidfood. Just 37% of those surveyed knew a quenelle was an egg-shaped spoonful, yet a quarter admitted to believing it was a type of hen. While one in seven thought a ballotine was a dance or a machine used to behead people in medieval times, rather than a boned chicken thigh! Worryingly, one in 12 people thought jus, the trendy word for gravy, was something you put in your hair, according to the 2,000 diners surveyed. With the UK foodservice market predicted to grow by an impressive 26% by 20212, the research aims to shine a light on the impact of menus when it comes to consumer dining habits to better support eateries. Not only will this allow them to better meet the needs of their consumers, but also help them to standout and boost footfall in what is an increasingly competitive market. As well as the words to avoid, the survey also highlights those which are most likely to sway our decision when eating out, with ‘spicy’, ‘melting’, ‘marinated’ and ‘smoked’ surprisingly topping the list. In fact, a succulent, roasted or spicy chicken followed by a creamy cheesecake have been revealed as most likely to get

our mouths watering. However, while we may be overcooking the language used to describe some dishes, we’re undercooking it when it comes to describing healthier dishes the research found, With 30% of diners finding that ‘boring’ or unimaginative healthy foods stop us from eating better3, it’s not surprising that one third of Brits (38%) would like to see eateries switch up how they describe healthy meals to encourage us towards more waist-friendly options. This includes highlighting how meals are prepared with popular terms including ‘grilled’, ‘roasted’ and ‘baked’ as well as championing key flavours within ingredients such as ‘aromatic’ and ‘herby’. What’s more; with a rising interest in where our food comes from, and the environmental impact our dishes might have; terms like locally sourced (37%), seasonal (33%), free range (30%) and sustainably sourced (26%) are becoming increasingly sought-after as we select our preferred meal. However, eateries should craft their menus with care as ‘indulgent’, ‘sweet’, ‘rich’, ‘oozing’ and ‘sticky’ have been voted as the top 5 words most likely to make you fat!



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

September 2019

August Bank Holiday “Staycationers” Bring £2.1 Billion Boost to Economy Relaxed Licensing Hours Will Give Pubs and Fans A World Cup Boost

VisitEngland’s August Bank Holiday Trip-Tracker survey revealed that 8.6 million Brits enjoyed an overnight holiday trip in the UK this Bank Holiday weekend, bringing an estimated £2.1 billion boost to the economy. The figures are the highest since this survey began in its current form in 2012.

The figures show an increase on last year’s results when 7.3 million Brits planned to take an overnight holiday trip during the August Bank Holiday weekend. In 2017 the figure was 6.9 million, and in 2016 it was 5.1 million. Tourism Minister Rebecca Pow said: “It’s wonderful to see that a record number of Brits enjoyed a staycation this August bank holiday. The UK is the best place to holiday in the world – whether it be our historic castles, stunning landscapes or world-class museums and galleries there is truly something for everyone. “Tourism makes a massive contribution to the UK economy and I’m thrilled that so many people will be enjoying and exploring destinations across the nation this weekend.”

“We are hearing from many destinations and tourism businesses that they are experiencing a strong summer with late bookings also on the rise this year. The certainty of budgeting for a holiday at home, the ease and convenience and the quality on offer are all contributing to people choosing to take more domestic trips, spreading the benefits of tourism across the UK.” The survey also showed that a further 7.9 million people are still undecided about whether to take an overnight holiday trip in the UK during the Bank Holiday weekend. Of those undecided, 42% said they are waiting to see what the weather is like. Record numbers of Brits have been taking holidays at home. From January to April this year Brits took a record 15.4 million domestic holidays in Britain, up 9% on the same period last year. Short breaks of one to three holiday nights have been one of the major drivers of growth in recent years. Brits are taking 21% more (6.4 million) short- breaks in Britain than they did 10 years ago, when comparing 2018 to 2008.

Restaurant Numbers Drop Again as Consumer Tastes Shift

Britain’s restaurant numbers have fallen for the sixth quarter in a row, the new edition of the Market Growth Monitor from CGA and AlixPartners reveals. Independent operators have borne the brunt of the closures with group-owned restaurants proving more resilient despite some major brand failures. The quarterly survey of the country’s supply of licensed premises reports a 3.4% drop in restaurant numbers in the 12 months to June 2019—an average of around 18 net closures a week. For group-owned restaurants, defined as businesses with more than one site, the reduction in numbers was smaller at 1.2%—reflecting the fact that some groups, especially small to medium sized operations, continue to open new sites. In an exclusive new review of cuisine types, the Market Growth Monitor shows that the Italian, Indian and Chinese sectors have recorded the most net closures in

the last 12 months. The number of group-owned restaurants specialising in Italian food fell by 3.2% after site closures and some high-profile business restructuring—with the collapse of Jamie’s Italian the most prominent casualty. But many other cuisine types have been in strong growth. CGA research reveals that Middle Eastern, Turkish and Caribbean sectors all have at least 60% more restaurants than they did five years ago—and the number of vegetarian restaurants has increased by more than a third in just 12 months. AlixPartners managing director Graeme Smith added: “The rapid growth of restaurants focused on certain cuisine types highlights how they can quickly find favour in response to the fast-changing tastes of British diners. The Asian-led part of the restaurant market is of particular interest to investors. It is popular with consumers and there is a comparative lack of chains with national scale,

Caterers Urged to Ask for the Lion In light of the recent dioxins in eggs recall in Belgium and ongoing food safety issues associated with non-UK eggs, British Lion eggs is urging caterers to ask for the Lion to guarantee the highest standards of food safety.

The British Lion Code of Practice is the UK’s most successful food safety scheme, with more than 150 billion British Lion eggs produced since its launch in 1998. In 2017, the Food Standards Agency confirmed that Lion eggs are the only ones that are safe to be consumed runny, or even raw, by vulnerable groups. All eggs that carry the British Lion mark meet the stringent requirements of the British Lion Code of Practice which ensures the highest standards of food safety. The

making it ripe for further M&A activity. “We would expect to see Private Equity be increasingly active in this segment of the market, in response to this consumer-led demand. However, overall market pressures can still result in valuations and terms falling short of sellers’ expectations. This was shown by the owners of Thai restaurant brand Giggling Squid choosing not to sell at the current time after its recent marketing process.” Across the licensed sector as a whole, Britain’s number of premises dropped 2.4% in the 12 months to June 2019, to just under 117,000, with the rate of closures of pubs and bars lower than the market average at 2.0%. The report also indicates a further drop in leased pub sites. The number of drink-led leased pubs fell by 25% in the five years to June 2019, to just under 13,000—partly a reflection of moves by major pub companies to switch to directly managed sites and a switch to food.

independently audited code contains strict food safety controls above and beyond EU and UK legislation, and covers more than 700 auditable points from Salmonella vaccination to complete traceability of hens, eggs and feed. • All Lion hens and eggs guaranteed British • Hens vaccinated against Salmonella • Complete traceability of hens, eggs and feed • Increased hygiene controls and Salmonella testing of all flocks and their environment • Regular egg testing • Stringent feed controls • Cool chain starting on the farm • Eggs stamped on farm with the farm code and production method • Best-before date and Lion logo printed on the shell as well as on the egg box • Independently audited to ISO 17065 standard To find out more about British Lion eggs visit or for egg-based menu inspiration or seet the advert on page 10.

Products and Services

Take A Sip Into The World Of Quality Loose Leaf Tea with Char - World Class Teas Based in Winchester, Charteas works closely with growers, and imports directly as well as blending and perfuming in house. Their Earl Grey is exceptional. It is being used by some brewers and distillers to add a special touch to their beers and gins. They have many top hotels and restaurants on their client list. Prices are kept sensible by operating from Winchester instead of London. The ethos at Charteas is quality and service. Some teas have won International Awards, others produced especially for Char and available

nowhere else. Teas such as English Breakfast are produced in house to an extraordinarily high standard for those who demand the best. They supply loose tea, pyramid teabags and enveloped pyramid tea bags. The enveloped tea bags are of particular interest as the print designs were chosen with a new approach. This was to enhance the hotel image not advertise Char. All orders are despatched within 24 hours. Visit

Scraegg – The Scrambled Egg Machine Scraegg – the scrambled egg machine is now available in the UK through The High Speed Oven Company. Utilising steam technology, Scaegg prepares perfect scrambled eggs in just 15 seconds at the touch of a button. The demand for healthy breakfasts on the run continues to constantly

grow and protein packed breakfast pots are ideal for today’s customer on the go. Scraegg is available in black or yellow and its compact design ideal for counters with limited space. or see the advert on page 2.

Quality First with Proper by SCT With so many products on the market today, it takes bar snacks of great substance, taste and quality to emerge triumphant. SCT & SCT establishes itself as the clear leader of its field, by combining all of these and more. Its ‘Proper by SCT’ range offers a selection of Proper Pork Crackling, Fabulous Fudge and Delectable Nuts.

Nuts make a fabulous edition to any pub or bar offring; with a range of nuts on offer, picking the best ones for your establishment is key. Look no further for the perfect pork scratching with SCT & SCT's Proper Pork Crackling, including favourite flavours Extreme Naga Chilli, Sage and Onion, and of course, the Classic Salted. Call 01202 875280, email or or see the advert on page 3.

TEAPY &T41 The All-In-One-Hand Tea Service

TEAPY® T 4 1 TM provides a better tea experience for your customer at less cost to you. With the brewing conditions of a teapot but, unlike a teapot enabling your customer to determine their preferred brew strength, the revolutionary TEAPY® T 4 1 TM invent ion has several other unique features With on ly four pieces (TEAPY®, glass or ceramic mug, milk jug and teaspoon), all held in one hand, TEAPY® T 4 1 TM is much quicker to prep, takes a fraction of the space and is quicker to clear and wash up than a conventional teapot service with a minimum of

seven pieces (teapot, lid, cup, saucer, teaspoon, milk jug and t ray). It is much easier to carry without spill ing than tea in an open mug. Acting as a lid, a special recess retains a teaspoon. When lifted and flipped, the same recess docks against the mug for mess-free transfer ofthe used tea bag or loose tea infuser. TEAPY® T 41TM accommodates all forms of tea and other infusions, enabling the best possible drink, whether table service, counter service or self-service in a restaurant or hotel bedroom. More details are available at See the advert on page 13.

The Ebro Food Oil Monitor The Ebro food oil monitor (FOM330) provides an accurate control of oil usage influencing continuity in texture, taste, and appearance of finished product whilst avoiding significant health issues arising from over-use of oil. Polar compounds, now accepted as a reliable measurement of ageing oils, are assessed by the FOM330 oil monitor and displayed in digital results from zero to fifty. Despite the current focus on sustainability, reducing waste cooking oil is regularly overlooked. Often the process for changing oil depends on one specific person making a subjective decision e.g. oil colour. A digital quality reading proves far more consistent, repeatable, reliable and reportable than a colour or

UKHospitality has called on the Government to relax licensing hours for pubs in England and Wales for the 2019 Rugby World Cup. With the tournament being held in Japan, some fixtures featuring the home nations will kick-off before 11am, outside of normal licensable hours. Pubs will still be able to open, but most will not be able to serve a celebratory pint and will miss out on a huge opportunity to boost trade and provide a fantastic atmosphere for rugby fans. UKHospitality has therefore called on the Government to relax hours for certain England, Scotland and Wales group games as well as relaxations for later knock-out games. The Rt Hon Sir Vince Cable MP for Twickenham, the centre of rugby in England, has also written to the Home Office in support of the relaxation. Sir Vince said: “Twickenham is the epicentre of English rugby and I hope the World Cup is a huge success for the team and that our pubs can play a part for those supporting back home.” UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls added: “With early kick-off times, the majority of pubs in England and Wales will face difficulties offering customers the full experience. This will be a huge opportunity missed for many pubs around the country. Times are currently challenging for businesses and the Government can give them, and rugby fans, a huge boost by granting an extension for this World Cup. “The Government has a great opportunity here to support the UK’s pubs, many of whom are struggling against rising costs in a tough environment. This is a once in a lifetime chance to support pubs and give rugby fans a chance to enjoy the tournament even more.”

age test! As a result, frying oil is only changed when it needs to be. This results in an increase in consistency and compliance. Trials run across multiple kitchens show an average oil saving of 20%! Klipspringer offer annual calibration facilities with a fully automated recall reminder service. Fast turnaround in our in-house oil testing laboratory ensures minimum downtime. Combining this with the Klipspringer Oil Monitoring Station drives staff engagement. It also makes the process simpler for all staff to understand and implement. All purchases come with a free initial calibration worth £95. 01473 461 800

eCatering is going from Strength to Strength eCatering has been enjoying a fantastic year so far and it’s set to continue with the introduction of a wider range of products coming before the Christmas period hits and ready for the huge sale days Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Every year around this time eCatering bring in a wide variety of professional catering equipment to ensure they keep up with demand but this year they are going one step further by adding more choice of product within each of the ranges to ensure whatever product and spec the customer is looking for, there is one to suit their needs.

Jura Bean-To-Cup Coffee Machines As the summer fades into autumn and the temperature begins to drop, consumer interest in coffee tends to peak. For many, instant coffee simply doesn’t make the cut anymore, with consumer’s becoming increasingly discerning, and not prepared to settle for anything less than the best. Taking your restaurant’s coffee experience to a whole new level, Swiss coffee machine manufacturer JURA is the only brand in the world to focus solely on premium automatic bean-to-cup coffee machines. Delivering great design, award-winning technology and a range of

Mike Morris, eCatering’s Marketing Manager, said: “We have had a great year so far and have big expansion plans for the future. The small changes we make now in product range choice ensure we make ourselves the one stop shop for all catering equipment so customers can get everything they need form one place. Add to this our low-price philosophy and you have a great place for all customers whatever their budget.” To find out more about this exciting and innovative company and see their incredible product ranges and savings, visit their website at today or call 01539 234 350 or page 13. speciality coffees, JURA is a loved brand by many wellknown restauranteurs. Perfect for a restaurant offering, the GIGA X8c impresses with its unique speed function, preparing perfect coffee in record time. Featuring a dual spout, the machine is designed with the needs of professional users in mind, delivering the perfect coffee every time with just one touch. For more information, please visit or see page 11.

Cider - Get Fruity and “Savour the Flavour” September 2019

summer, have turned to innovation to drive cider sales all year round. With all indications showing that cider will continue to grow in popularity, outlets should be ready to cater for that demand. Having said that and in common with many other drink categories there are periods when there is a natural surge in demand for example during the summer months, when weather is hot and during big sporting events. Illustrating this point perfectly the three biggest on trade draft cider occasions in 2018 with England’s football team’s quarter-final and semifinal matches in the World Cup, with spring and May bank holidays seeing the next biggest uplifts.

“I am Falling in love again with autumn, The smell of warm cider, I love autumn for so many reasons, I must admitThis is my favourite season” Charmaine J Forde It will come as no surprise that the appeal of cider is broader than ever, and in what is probably the drink sector’s fastest moving category in living memory, keeping up with trends in cider can sometimes prove to be a challenge even for the most experienced of operators. Cider has played a major role so far this year in driving sales in pubs bars and restaurants, not only with mainstream ciders, but also with the meteoric rise of fruit ciders and the increasing popularity of premium and craft ciders. “Cider has once again made a huge contribution to the on-trade retailers overall sales and we see no sign of this changing” said Matthew Langley, insight and innovation manager at Weston’s cider. “Outperformed only by spirits and soft drinks there were the equivalent of 10 million more pints of cider sold in the on trade over the past year, £516 million in total” “Even more encouragingly, value (+4%) has continued to grow ahead of volume (+1.9%) which signals how drinkers are continuing to trade up to more premium ciders, whilst new exclusive research reveals that the breadth of cider drinkers continues Cider and P is now w err y to widen. All these factors are o 1.94 billi rth clearly good news for the categoon to the ry’s long-term prospects," he o n trade added Good weather and key sporting fixtures help to drive cider sales, however many producers report strong sales throughout the year, indicating that cider is no longer dependent on sunshine to get the tills ringing, and is now a “gift that keeps on giving” with sales strong throughout the autumn and winter months. Although fruit and craft brands are continuing to drive the growth of cider, there is still a place for the popular mainstream heavyweights on any bar or fridge. Changing consumer trends reveal that as a nation while we may be drinking less, we are not necessarily spending less, preferring to pay more for good-quality brands that offer great taste. More than half of us enjoy a glass or two of cider, leading industry experts to predict that the category could be worth £3.6bn by 2021.

CIDER CATEGORY PERFORMANCE Cider has seen steady growth over the last five years – generating almost £2BN of revenue and enjoying 4% value growth annually– making it an incredibly important category for the on-trade all year round. Draught cider has experienced almost 9% annual value growth and now occupies 68% total value share, while packaged cider still holds an impressive 32% share. With over 500,000 pints poured every day, mainstream apple accounts for over two thirds of all draught cider sales and should be the first cider tap on almost every bar, said Jerry Sheddon Category and Trade Markeing director at Heineken. “Many cider drinkers remain loyal to mainstream choices, shown through the average price per pint increase of 25p in cider versus 41p in lager. As apple cider is often a single tap environment, outlets that swap a mainstream cider for a premium option are in danger of alienating existing mainstream consumers. That said, premium outlets, such as the best high street bars offering ‘a bit of style’, should make their first tap a premium apple cider to cater to consumer demand and maximise revenues.”

Although the number of occasions in the on-trade has declined, consumers are treating themselves when they do go out and choosing more premium drinks. Licensees of most outlet types (traditional community pubs, premium locals and high street bars) should offer a premium cider alongside mainstream options to encourage trade up. Premium apple cider is modern, craft-led and satisfies consumers looking to treat themselves to something special, while delivering 20p per pint additional revenue.

GETTING FRUITY While pear cider has enjoyed a steep decline in on trade sales (-25.8% in volume) and represents only 1.4% of on-trade cider volume sales fruit sales overall show and opposite trend, and impressively so. Fruit cider in the on-trade now represents 40% of all cider volume sold and is now worth an estimated £827 billion up 14.2% cider in volume and 15% in value, and Fruit wor th w this is an accelerating trend where is no 9 million . the pace of growth is increasing. £826 the



a As such fruit ciders now enjoy a on tr distinctive presence in any bar and no longer confined to back bar fridges. The growth of fruit varieties in cider are also having an influential effect encouraging people to choose a particular cider over another drink, in fact 80% of people now say a new flavour of cider influences their purchasing decision. Furthermore, fruit cider continues to bring more consumers to the category particularly women who now make up over 60% of fruit cider drinkers compared with 47% of all cider drinkers. Fruit cider is also bringing younger consumers into the category with half of fruit cider drinkers aged 18-34 compared with 36% of all cider drinkers. Matthew of Weston Cider added “we are predicting that fruit cider will account for almost half of all cider sales by 2023 if current growth continues at the same rate”. Flavoured cider caters to consumers’ experimental and sweeter palates, and outlets who have added a flavoured cider tap to their bar are reaping the sales benefits, says Heinekens Jerry Sheddon: “In fact, 70% of the volume delivered by adding a flavoured cider is incremental to an outlet’s cider sales – an additional £340M to the on-trade. Strongbow Dark Fruit is the fastest growing and second biggest cider in the UK, accounting for seven in every eight pints of flavoured cider consumed in the on-trade, and caters to the Draft represe cider increasing consumer demand for nt fruity flavours and a sweeter taste, of all c s 74% id sold in er as half of pubs do not currently th on trad e range a flavoured cider, there is a e huge opportunity to do so in the marketplace.”

“Whilst varieties such as pear may be in decline, fruit cider has seen strong volume and value growth of over 10%3 throughout the last year, with millennials the main force behind this surge. Currently, millennials make up half of the fruit cider audience, with 67% of those being female.” Emmy Webster, Senior Marketing Manager, Showerings Cider Mill • Fruit cider will account for almost half of sales within five years • Low alcohol and alcohol free drinks are rising in credibility and acceptance • Value white ciderand pear cider are declining

SEASONALITY Traditionally, cider is seen as a refreshing summer drink and typically performs best in the summer months, and as autumn and winter approaches operators will be looking at ways to extend the selling period for cider, and good news is that cider has proved to be a consistent seller throughout the years. Cider manufacturers, long susceptible to the vagaries of British

Mallets is a premium cider brand that defies the traditional, “the core consumers are millennial’s, but when you look at mainstream drinkers there is a demographic split all the way from 18 right up to 55” says senior marketing manager at Brothers Drinks Emmy Webster . Mallets delivered with standout creative and an inventive characterful journey. Available in two flavours; Mallets Original cider is a medium dry apple, created with the juice of freshly pressed apples from the company’s orchards in Somerset. Mallets Dark Fruit is a refreshing blend of Somerset apple cider with natural blackcurrant and blackberry flavours.

CLH News


“Just as with grape wine, cider uses acidity, tannins, sweetness and texture when matching with food. Cider is often carbonated and carbonation is very useful as it clears the palate and cuts through the texture and richness of food. Cider is a versatile drink that comes in a number of iterations such as single varieties, blends, still, sparkling, tannic, acidic, dry, sweet, and ultra-sweet. It is equally at home with casual dining as it is with fine dining. Just change the glassware - cider served in glasses that are increments of imperial pints suits bar snacks and pub grub but cider in wine glasses and snifters are an elegant choice for more formal dining. “ Most ciders in pubs are sweetened and easy drinking with low tannins, adds Jane Peyton: “They are also diluted with water to decrease the ABV to a sessionable strength. Consequently this reduces some of the power of the cider to cut through texture of food and it has to rely on high carbonation instead. What the sweetness does is act as a counterpoint to salty and savoury food, and it also acts as a foil to spicy food. “ These are some suggestions of popular pub dishes with easy drinking ciders that are likely to be found in pubs. • Bangers & Mash pair well with medium dry ciders fruity, earthy character. • Cheese Burger wand medium cider with sweetness to contrast with the savoury flavour of the food. • Fish & Chips with a dry cider. The cider’s sharpness refreshes the palate. • Vegetable Korma matched with a sweet cider to mellow the spiciness.

“For Mallets we were looking to get people from the younger demographic and then keep them on board so they can grow their loyalty with us. Appealing to everybody” added Emmy. As the nights are becoming darker and in the coming weeks the temperature drops, many pubs and restaurants will be introducing warmer drinks to their menu. Mulled cider is a popular autumn drink and a great addition to any drink’s menu as a premium serve, or as part of a winter cocktail list. Not only will this tap into general premiumisation and experience trends, it will also appeal to the vast amount of cider drinkers in the market. This is great news when creating seasonal drinks for the coming months as apples are traditionally an autumn fruit and naturally pair well with winter flavours such as cinnamon, nutmeg and clove. Martin Thatcher managing director of cider maker Thatchers says erage The av outlet “cider is very much a year round e on-trad 57 pints drink but as the evenings drawing sells 51 bottles there is nothing better than enjoy& 1479 r each ing a warming mulled cider in the of cide ar ye bar. Having a branded urn on display ads theatre and customers are drawn in with the fruity and spicy aroma of mulled cider”.

HALLOWEEN FOR PUBS As Halloween is now the second largest occasion for pubs after New Year’s Eve, the month of October is the perfect time for operators to capitalise on the growing popularity swooping the UK, says Nicola Randall, Senior Marketing Manager, Brothers Drinks Co Ltd, “ It’s even estimated that throwing a Halloween party can increase incremental spend by 30%, when compared with the average late-night customer.” “This year, consumers are looking for new and exciting experiences, of which a niche offering, as well as premium food and drink play a huge part. Operators looking to boost their sales during this festive period should be creative and experimental in order to attract both new and existing customers, providing something different to their competitors.“ For Halloween 2019, Brothers have created a host of Halloween themed cocktail recipes to help operators capitalise on consumers’ love of toffee apple. These recipes include ‘The Poison Apple’ a heady mixture of Brothers Toffee Apple Cider and Amaretto! Brothers Toffee Apple Cider is a Halloween favourite for those looking for a premium cider for their guests, particularly those aged 18 to 34, offering a unique taste, not available anywhere else in the market. A quality blend of cream soda and smouldering toffee, Brothers Toffee Apple is available in 500ml bottles and has an ABV of 4%.

CIDER & FOOD MATCHING Mention to a drinker that grape wine is a good match for food and they would most likely say ‘Of course it is’. However cider is also a fantastic match for food, not least says drinks educator Jane Peyton founder of School of Booze, because it contains acidity and tannins.

Cider is excellent with cheese especially strong cheddars, but creamy cheeses and Camembert work well too. Sweet ciders on the other hand contrast beautifully with blue cheeses while dry ciders go well with goat or sheep milk cheeses. A sweet cider also matches very well with spicy curries and Asian food and aid in cutting through the spiciness and heat. Seafood is another cuisine that goes well with dry cider, and works as well with seafood as white wine. Oysters, oily fish and light fish compliments the dryness of cider. Suggesting a cider match for food in a pub gives a point of difference and can help to increase sales. Wassail to that!

DID YOU KNOW? The history of hot mulled cider bears remarkable similarities to the old pagan tradition called Wassailing. The word ‘wassail’ comes from the AngloSaxon phrase ‘waes hael’, which means ‘good health’. The wassail was a drink made of mulled ale, curdled cream, roasted apples, eggs, cloves, ginger, nutmeg and sugar.

TOP TIPS 1. Ensure the first cider tap on your bar is a mainstream apple cider, as it accounts for over two thirds of all draught sales and delivers strong throughputs. Only the most upmarket outlets should start their range with a premium cider, for example Strongbow Cloudy Apple and Orchard Thieves, without fear of alienating consumers. 2. Avoid removing mainstream cider in favour of premium cider – you’ll lose loyal drinkers and significant volume sales. Stock mainstream favourites, such as Strongbow Original, which accounts for two thirds of all cider poured and is quite literally worth its weight in gold. 3. Capitalise on consumer demand for fruity flavours and a sweeter taste in cider, by stocking the right range of mainstream and premium flavoured ciders, for example Strongbow Dark Fruit and Old Mout. 4. Consider offering both mainstream and premium apple and flavoured ciders on draught to appeal to a wide variety of consumer tastes and boost volume and value sales. Independent data has shown that pubs and bars stocking Strongbow Original and Strongbow Dark Fruit alongside each other will experience a rate of sale increase of a staggering 44% – the equivalent of selling an additional 62 pints a week. 5. Don’t forget packaged cider! 30% of cider sales is packaged and cider drinkers are format loyal4, so it’s key to range packaged cider options to meet the needs of all your consumers. Mainstream apple accounts for over a third of packaged cider ; mainstream flavoured tends to focus on better-known berry options, while premium flavoured accounts for 60% of all packaged cider and delivers on an exotic variety of flavour choices.

September 2019

CLH News


Alfresco Dining

End of Season Doesn’t Mean End of Alfresco Dining men and increased to 53% for the 18-25 demographic. When it comes to the time of day that guests prefer to dine al fresco, the majority chose lunchtime, however, take into account the unpredictable weather and ensure that comfort remains a key consideration when designing your outdoor space - respondents cited heating, shelter from the wind and garden umbrellas as basic facilities they would expect from a pub offering an outside dining experience. Separate outside areas for smokers were also highlighted, as our respondents made their feelings known with comments such as "Smokers are the biggest issue with eating outside".

As the hot sunny lazy hazy days disappear and autumn approaches it might be worth considering various methods to extend your outdoor use. . The end of the summer doesn’t necessarily mean the end of alfresco dining. In recent years has been a challenge to get customers to come out of their own gardens and into beer gardens, but that challenge diminishes in the autumn, as the weather get that little bit colder and people seek the professional environment which includes awnings, parasols, umbrellas and patio heaters, all of which contribute to a pleasurable alfresco dining experience as the temperatures drop. A significant revelation for operators keen to develop their outdoor dining experience was that more than three-quarters (79%) of respondents in a survey by HGEM said they would would increase their dwell time if table service was made available outside. However, just making this service available isn't quite enough for the al fresco guest - nearly half (48%) of respondents cited slow or poor service as the number one factor that would put them off eating outside.

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An option might be to explore the use of technology to better cater for al fresco diners, 37% of guests would be more inclined to dine outside if they could simply communicate with serving staff via an app on their smartphone. This figure rose to 45% amongst

Other facilities that guests expected a pub to offer as part of the al fresco experience included a children's play area (39%) and music played through speakers (32%). The latter was particularly prevalent amongst those aged 18-35. Alfresco dining is hugely important for any pub operator and there are real opportunities to maximise sales by getting the al fresco dining experience right. Rather than stretch your team across both areas and neglect customers as a consequence, make sure you have enough staff on to cover outside as well as inside. This will ensure that all guests feel valued and gives team members the opportunity to create a memorable experience that will lead to positive word-of-mouth and repeat visits!

Alfresco Dining

Low Costs Means Greater Returns Improve Customer Enjoyment with Your Stylish and Very Long Lasting Gazebos!

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September 2019

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If you have Outside Space, then you have the potential to increase revenue. During the summer everyone knows this, but just think if you could generate an income for the whole 12 months no matter the weather.

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Increasing Revenue Outside

This summer we installed a retractable terrace cover with LED lighting in a small local freehold pub. The landlord has reported that he has increased revenue every week since it was installed compared to last year with payback expected by Christmas! All in an area of less than 25m2!

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The choice is vast, so come and chat to us about

selecting the structure that will suit you best. There is a choice of retractable or fixed roof in a flat or pitched structure which can be free-standing or fixed to the building! There are also Jumbo umbrellas, garden gazebos and marquee-style canopies or a lightweight retractable structure. It is entirely up to you what you choose, however we will help you with advice and options to ensure you make the most of your space. For more help and information visit our website or give us a call. We are specialists in shade and shelter and we are ready to help. To get in touch, call 01480 413050 or email

Picnic Tables on Offer at LeisureBench Café Culture - Pavement Profit See what our licensee says!

If you are looking for picnic tables, there are bargains to be had in the LeisureBench clearance sale.

£169+vat for the smaller one and £189 +vat for the larger size.

There are A-Frame, round and walk- in styles on special offer and some with parasols and bases included into the price. Parasols are also available in different colours.

Other ‘A’ Frame picnic tables are on special offer.

Mid height Poseur walk-in picnic tables are more user friendly than ‘A’ Frame styles, designed to be easily got in and out of. They come in three different sizes. 110cms at £75+vat, 140cms at £77+vat and 170cms at £79 + vat. The Jersey ‘A’ Frame picnic table is available as a 4 to 6 seat at £96.50 +vat or a 6 to 8 seat at £106.66 plus vat. Both are constructed out of 32mm extra thick timbers with rounded edges. Both these sizes are also on offer with parasols and bases at

The Minster 8 seat round picnic table has a generous 110cm diameter table top and is constructed from FSC certified Scandinavian pine. One of our best sellers, it is available for £167.50+vat.and with a parasol for £189+vat. If 100% recycled plastic is your choice, then take a look at our4 seat round table top design at £346.50 +vat and our square table top design at £352.50+vat. Both are virtually maintenance free. There are other products from the extensive LeisureBench range on offer. For full details, visit our website on business_pages and log into our special offers section.

We are an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses. We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the con-

tinual bumps and scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job.

We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to

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The Restaurant Show 2019

September 2019

CLH News


The Restaurant Show 2019: Tackling The Topics That Matter With An Impressive Line-Up from and how do you use them in the kitchen? At the show there’s a chance to join renowned cheese writer Patrick McGuigan in a vegan 'cheese' tasting and talk, with Stuart Mills, Divisional Executive Chef of Young's Pubs, who will explain how he uses the products on his menus.

Remaining relevant in changing times Not to be missed is the chance to hear from one of the casual dining sector’s biggest players, PizzaExpress, when Restaurant magazine editor Stefan Chomka quizzes Zoe Bowley, the brand’s UK & Ireland Managing Director. This in-depth discussion will cover how the brand has strived to stay relevant in a fast-changing casual dining market. There will be real-life insights from the Leeds and London sites that were the testing beds for the brand’s dynamic redesign. Plus, plenty of looking to the future too – it’s a session that’s sure to inspire anyone who attends. With business boosting insights, together with a superb line-up of experts influencers and leading industry names the restaurant show is an event not to be missed! With doors opening this month and featuring Catering Equipment Expo and Bar & Pub, whatever your role in the industry, you’re sure to come away from The Restaurant Show 2019 with plenty of business boosting insights and ideas. This year the show will bring together some of the industry’s biggest names to tackle the most pressing issues facing the sector. From culinary trends, to technology and employee engagement and wellbeing – it’s all up for discussion at the hospitality industry’s event of the year, 30th September to 2nd October and Olympia London.

WELLBEING AND YOUR WORKFORCE With generation z and millennials now making up a significant part of the workforce, the culture has changed, but have you adapted? Current statistics show that over nine in ten millennials don’t expect to stay in their jobs for the next two years. So, if you’re failing to engage them, you could risk losing talent. The Restaurant Show will bring together an expert panel to discuss thinking differently about culture in the workplace. Featuring a 2 x Olympian and several successful hospitality businesses, the panel will showcase approaches from sports and psychotherapy that can help create a hard-working, trusting and happy workforce ready to boost your bottom line.

TO BRIE OR NOT TO BRIE As diners look to eat less meat and dairy, sales of dairy-free cheese alternatives are booming, but what do they taste like, what are they made

Some of the industry’s leading exhibitors include:-

Regale Microwaves - Stand UP40 The new patented wave cavity liner has drawn huge industry interest. The Microsave Microwave Liner provides total protection for the cavity,

the roof, sides, back and base of a commercial microwave oven, saving not only hundreds of pounds in repair costs which are not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, but also valuable time in keeping the oven clean and hygienic! Following a £250,000 investment the cavity liner will soon be manufactured under licence in America for distribution in America Canada and Mexico as well as in England. Pat Bray of Regale Microwaves said, "We have had an enormous amount of interest at the show. Regale supply and service microwaves across the hospitality and licensed on-trade sector, from many major brewery groups down to the small country public houses, restaurants and clubs, we have witnessed the problems experienced in keeping the microwave cavities clean, many visitors to our stand are astounded at how simple the product is and more importantly how much money and time can be saved. Visit us on stand UP40 for a demonstration."

NFS Hospitality - Stand GH 11 "Hey, Alexa – help me build the restaurant of the future!" Analysts Deloitte say 40% of food customers prefer to order online, and when they do, they spend up to 15% more. So at the Restaurant Show, NFS Technology Group will be demonstrating something exciting. Our new Voice Ordering service harnesses Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant and Aloha by NFS to provide customers with an incredibly effortless link to your restaurant or bar. Your customer: “Hey, Alexa – open the app for my favourite eating place." Alexa: “I have opened the app - would you like your usual?”


September 2019

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The Restaurant Show 2019

(...CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) Your customer says yes or no, making another selection, then agrees the delivery or collection time – and the order is relayed instantly to your kitchen while payment is taken automatically. Aloha from NFS is a leading EPOS restaurant management solution used by hospitality businesses across the UK. Our clients include Dishoom, Bubba Gump, Balans and Cabana. Aloha provides stock control, head office reporting, purchasing, guest reservations, labour management, marketing and the ability to create effective loyalty programmes. It’s a mobile solution, and staff can use it take tableside orders and payments via handheld devices. Aloha’s mobile capabilities also include reporting and social media reputation management.

Monika - Stand UP 38 Food safety on the Go with Monika Digital food safety and compliance expert Monika is delighted to be exhibiting at The Restaurant Show to promote MonikaGo a mobile-based food safety system that has been set up to help smaller businesses meet their food safety requirements easily and completely. Using a robust android device – the Smart PA, MonikaGo takes users through Opening and Closing check routines as well as any other tasks scheduled, and allows easy recording of what has been done, when and by whom. The system also generates alerts to remind users when tasks are due. Icons on the home screen go to modules covering Cooking and Chilling, Deliveries and Storage Checks. Used in conjunction with the Smart Bluetooth probe, both product and equipment temperatures can be taken and recorded. A daily diary function shows progress made against required tasks and checks each day and a handy training record keeps managers on top of staff training needs. The software further allows you to log and view allergens in food served. Through the ‘set-up’ wizard, accessible through a PC, users can add and remove suppliers and products, update staff training records, incorporate specific tasks to their operation, and much more. Find Monika at Stand UP38.

Winterhalter - Stand UG29 Dishwashers with 100% reliability A dishwasher that never breaks down… that’s the potential for the latest undercounter and passthrough machines from Winterhalter, exhibiting on stand UG29 at the Restaurant Show 2019. The company will unveil the latest version of its Connected Wash technology which, it says, not only cuts running costs and improves efficiency, but also offers the tantalising prospect of dishwashers and glass washers that are almost 100% reliable. “A dishwasher or glass washer breaking down in the middle of a busy service can be catastrophic,” says Paul Crowley, marketing manager at Winterhalter. “Lots of restaurants only have one dishwasher – there’s no back up if it stops working, it’s time to deploy the marigolds. That’s why the potential of Connected Wash is so important. It can warn your service provider of potential problems before the component fails. Which means their engineer can come and fix if before it causes a problem. Probably before staff even realise there is a problem!” The Winterhalter stand will have a feature on Connected Wash, showing visitors how it works, by connecting to the internet and allowing users to monitor machines remotely. As well as warning of technical issues, the system also logs performance data and offers suggestions on how to improve efficiency and minimise consumption of water and energy. Another highlight of the stand will be the latest Winterhalter undercounter machine, the UC Masterpiece. This has a smart redesign that has reduced its rinse water consumption by 25% and its running costs by 22%. Despite this, in tests it delivers best-in-class cleaning results.

Williams Refrigeration - Stand UL41 Williams shows Scarlet at Restaurant Show Williams Refrigeration’s latest model may surprise visitors to the restaurant Show – because it’s hot. The new Scarlet is the latest addition to the company’s popular Gem Multideck range of grab and go merchandisers. It’s the first one designed to display hot food, and it will be centre stage on stand UJ38. The Scarlet maintains reliable, consistent and safe temperature with its infra-red quartz halogen lamps. This system provides instant and consistent heat, maintaining the ideal holding temperature of 65°C - 70°C for hot foods such as pasties, sausage rolls, soups and pies. Full-length LED lighting and a polished stainless steel interior provide an eye-catching display, while

optional panoramic glass ends boost product visibility. Meat ageing displays are a big trend in restaurants and, as market-leader in the field, Williams will have its latest meat ageing refrigerator on show. The MAR1 combines stylish looks with superior performance, operating at the ideal temperature range of +1 to +6°C and providing humidity between 60-90%, ensuring that meat ages perfectly. Also on show is the latest model in Williams’ Chefs Drawer range. This versatile refrigeration solution, an individual refrigerated drawer, fits into small areas and lets restaurateurs turn limited space into valuable chilled storage. It’s designed to fit perfectly with the latest prime cooking suites, such as the Falcon F900, so that the refrigerated ingredients are right where they are needed by the chef.

Valentine/Cuisine Equip - Stand GF29 Putting It on The Table Meeting the growing demand for flexible and portable professional kitchen equipment we are pleased to be able to introduce two new tabletop pieces of equipment from Valentine Equipment the Liguria Pasta Cooker and Table-Top Chip Scuttle. Both will be on show at The Restaurant Show on Stand GF29 from 30 September to 02 October at Olympia, London. The new Liguria table-top pasta cooker has been developed by Valentine Fabrique in Switzerland. It is designed and engineered to the same high standards as its bigger Valentine cousins, and the Liguria is ideal for professional kitchens where space is tight, and equipment may need be moved around. The Evo Table-Top Chip Scuttle gives options to food service operations to make the most of available space and that may also use Valentine fryers. The table-top chip scuttle keeps the perfectly fried food warm until service.


The Restaurant Show 2019 (...CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) Key features: • Heated pan pressed from single piece of stainless steel • Two heat sources - pan is heated from below and a quartz heat lamp keeps the food warm from above • Valentine's Swiss build quality and three-year warranty.

Traiteur de Paris - “Made by Chefs for Chefs” The company philosophy is to make chefs’ working life easier and help to save time in the kitchen by producing quality authentic canapés, petit fours, individual desserts, vegetable starters & side dishes, desserts to share and our new Madeleines. Traiteur de Paris was launched 20 years ago after an encounter between Yann Le Moal, a passionate pastry Chef, and Denis Pinault, a young entrepreneur. Now, over 400 employees work to manufacture top quality products for the foodservice and retail markets. The production sites are based in Brittany and Normandy where traditional methods are used and many items are hand finished. The freezing process is the best way to preserve & maintain quality genuine recipe products and guarantee the French “savour faire” can be exported around the world.

AccentPOS - Stand GN39 AccentPOS is the leading iPad POS solution for Restaurants, Bars, Pubs, Cafés and other Hospitality businesses. Don’t take our word for it! One of our customers recently said: “AccentPOS is a great addition to our newly formed pub business, the increased speed of service, accuracy and depth of information that can be obtained now versus our old analogue system helps us make far better and informative business decisions in real-time which is excellent. Blake and the team also have a great customer focus

and are so responsive if there is an issue which also gives you great comfort for business continuity.” - Alex Vernal, Owner of The British Queen (Portsmouth). Key features of AccentPOS: • Integrated card payments (avoiding double-keying) • Cash-out (Printed X/Z reports) • The Hub (Accessible from any device, online back-office management) • Heads-up display for Kitchen/Bar/Barista etc.. + Automatic printed kitchen tickets • Live order updates between all devices (Everyone knows what’s happening) • Manager/Owner can monitor multiple sites from anywhere in real-time • Bookings management • Takeaway management • Wireless Printer & Cash Drawer Connectivity Hardware for AccentPOS includes: • Apple iPads (iPad or iPad mini) • Star Micronics Printer + Cash Drawer Pricing: AccentPOS starts at £39 per device, per outlet, capped at £149 per month where more than 4 devices are required. We also have the ability in 9/10 cases to beat the current overall cost of card processing of the current card-payments provider of your outlet, making AccentPOS both an affordable and cost-saving solution.

CK Direct - Stand UP51 New Recirculation Unit for Commercial Kitchens, the CK ReCirc™ The demand for these recirculation units is always growing, as more unusual and restricted spaces are being optimised by catering business owners. Recirculating will allow such kitchen professionals to take advantage of existing spaces without the high cost and practical implications that would apply to retrofitting permanent equipment like exhaust hood fans and ductwork, which filter airborne grease and smoke out into the atmosphere. CK Direct’s ReCirc™ is a self-contained kitchen ventilation unit with environmental design considerations that also eliminate major risks to the kitchen, such as ductwork fire hazards. Multiple stages of inventive filtration within the unit remove grease, particulate,

September 2019

CLH News


smoke and odour before re-introducing cleaner air to the kitchen – The unit therefore, needs no direct duct connection to the atmosphere.

3R Telecom Ltd - GK30 Established in 2001, three independent retailers joined together to form 3R Telecom Ltd, becoming one of the largest distributor EPoS systems. 3R offers a wide range of hardware: robust, durable EPoS tills from both countertop to self-service kiosks; accompanied by kitchen screens for chefs; along with tablets for waiters; combined with either integrated countertop payment terminals or wireless payment solutions. Our signature CES Touch EPoS software boasts a wide variety of features such as: a comprehensive table planner for any size establishment; an entirely revised split bill system; extensive stock control; intensive operator management and tracking, and our extensive reporting suite. 3R aim to achieve all your requirements and expectations and are more than happy to take on feedback from our valued customers.

Register now for the event of the year The Restaurant Show is the place to find inspiration, learn about the latest trends, source products and suppliers or simply network with friends and colleagues in the industry. To find out more about speakers, sessions and exhibitors and register to attend the show this year go to It’s free to visit and the visitor badge will give full access to the trade show which includes the dedicated Bar & Pub zone and the Catering Equipment Expo run in association with Bunzl Lockhart Catering Equipment. Take a look at the full live events programme on the website at:

September 2019

CLH News


Hospitality Technology

Keeping Your Customers Loyal Through Technology times more in average yearly spend (£58.36) than those driven by one time offers (£22.29). The research also suggests that the higher quality of customer data and insight that loyalty schemes are able to gather, allows for greater levels of personalisation enabling brands to tailor rewards based on demographics, buying behaviours and key information such as a customer’s birthday or preferred time of day. Even simple loyalty mechanics such as traditional stamp cards were found to perform significantly better than blanket, discount-led strategies. The research identified that stamp cards led to more than double the visitor return rates when compared to ‘one off’ discounts, with tiered loyalty schemes again the most successful mechanic at 2.3 times higher. In these increasingly competitive and challenging times securing repeat business is vital. Creating a customer loyalty program is an excellent way for the hospitality and on-trade sector to keep their satisfied customers returning for future business, ultimately increasing overall sales. Loyalty schemes have long been recognised as an effective way to drive repeat business – but how do you make a loyalty scheme that really delivers for your business? Offering rewards to loyal guests motivates them to continually choose your establishment. While it is important to gain all of your customers' appreciation and satisfaction for your business through high quality food, drink and service, it essential to narrow down the rewards and reserve offers and promotions for your loyal customers as well. Your patrons should have a sense that you value them and are paying special attention to your loyal customers. A YouGov survey in 2018 revealed that consumers really do enjoy being part of a loyalty scheme, with 77% of the population being members of some loyalty program and 72% believe they are a good way to reward customers. However, the hospitality sector is lagging behind with only 25% uptake compared to supermarkets having a 65% uptake, indicating either a disconnect between hospitality customers and an inclination to join loyalty schemes or, the hospitality sector not doing enough to promote them!

TIERED LOYALTY SCHEMES Businesses that have implemented loyalty schemes have found that tiered loyalty schemes serve up almost 3 times more value per customer for food and beverage (F&B) brands when compared to ‘one off’ email offers or discounts according to data from Coniq, a provider of CRM and loyalty solutions. The research, which analysed over 169,000 transactions made by 57,000 loyalty customers across bars, grab and go F&B outlets and restaurants, identified that brands offering tiered loyalty schemes, which unlock rewards based on levels of spend, drove 2.6

Sean Curtis, Chief Commercial Officer at Coniq, explained: “Our latest research found that 61% of customers who sign up to a database never return to that restaurant, which starkly highlights the importance of identifying and targeting the 39% who do. In addition, there is huge variation in customer lifetime value, underlining the need to identify, nurture and reward your most valuable and loyal customers.” To make a really effective loyalty scheme, you need an EPOS system as the central hub. That way you can collect customer information, keep track of their loyalty and then reward them for their loyalty! An intelligent EPOS system will provide a business with a wealth of data that can be harnessed for targeted campaigns, such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, themed evenings or sporting events, or for that matter any special event throughout the year.

PLAYING YOUR CARDS RIGHT The key to getting a loyalty scheme right is by making sure it’s a scheme customers deem worthwhile without compromising profits. Operators should keep away from schemes that give users a percentage discount every time they dine, stay or drink and instead focus on giving customers an incentive to come back. Loyalty cards are an easy place to start but operators need to be careful: many people don’t want a wallet full of plastic and it may be an idea to consider investing in an online system for customers who want to participate but don’t want the clutter. The reward also needs to be more substantial than earning a free drink or collecting points that don’t ever seem to amount to much.

BUILDING BRAND IDENTITY Creating customer-specific rewards and matching the reward to the concept of your business will help the effectiveness of the program. Presence online and within the local community is an important factor in encouraging customer loyalty. Businesses should consider microsites for the

regions or even for individual outlets, and local social media streams, managed on the ground at each location to notify nearby customers about what matters to them. Independent restaurants and pubs can more easily ensure they’re active online and encouraging engagement from local customers. Running competitions on social media and advertising events online is a great way to remind people about the business and inspire them to visit again. With so many different store and eatery options available, consumers need these little digital reminders to stay loyal.

SERVING UP QUALITY One of the easiest and most effective ways to drive customer loyalty in both hospitality and retail has nothing to do with the consumer; instead it comes down to quality of service. In restaurants pubs, bars and hotels, the difference between attentive service and lax service can hugely impact the customers decision to stay loyal and come back – or to never return again. It’s important to ensure the customer’s experience is the number-one priority, because it doesn’t matter how good the food is or how nice the clothes are, if consumers aren’t happy with the service, they’ll vote with their feet.

KEEPING IN TOUCH Most retailers and restaurants accumulate a substantial database of customer details, including birthdays, eating preferences, email addresses and phone numbers. As long as customers have opted in for marketing purposes, there’s no reason why restaurant operators and retailers shouldn’t be putting this data to work. Businesses should offer discounts around birthdays and anniversaries, or send a more personalised email now and again, showing relevant new dishes or products. Marketing components of CRM systems are designed to automate this process and make it easier to connect with the customer and encourage repeat visits.

GDPR - A WORD OF WARNING In May 2018 European Union’s new Gen Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect to protect the privacy and personal data of consumers. In very simple terms the law means operators need to make sure that anyone parting with personal data is fully informed of privacy and consent statements. When any form of personal data is collected for the purposes of running a loyalty program, a ‘legal basis’ for processing it needs to be considered – consent being one of the most commonly used. Generally issues to consider our database security expecting opt in/opt out preferences for emails not selling or losing customer data, and be as transparent as possible using plain language when it comes to privacy policy and opt in messages. If in doubt seek advice!

Hospitality Technology

Airwave Television Systems for the Hoxton Southwark focus remains firmly on the screen.

Hoxton, the impossibly cool but affordable brand has opened its third London hotel, this time south of the river in up and coming Southwark.

Enhancing the premium guest experience, Airwave deployed a Samsung REACH system, providing an interactive customer interface whilst also enabling the seamless management and maintenance of the hotel’s TVs.

The 13-storey site includes a seafood restaurant, rooftop bar, meeting & event spaces and 192 trendy bedrooms.

“I felt a little out of place amidst the cool people at Hoxton Southwark" said key account manager Wayne Bowring " but was nevertheless delighted to assist with the provision of a top quality TV system!"

Of course, each of the 192 bedrooms had to be furnished with an aesthetically pleasing television system - step forward Airwave. Ensuring as slim a footprint as possible, Airwave customised BTECH wall brackets in the repair centre, ahead of wall-mounting192 x 43HGEE690 Series displays. Samsung's 690 Series' slim, stylish design adds ambience to a hotel room whilst ensuring the guest's



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EPoS and Merchant Solutions from 3R Telecom

3R offers a wide range of hardware: robust, durable EPoS tills from both countertop to self-service kiosks; accompanied by kitchen screens for chefs; along with tablets for waiters; combined with either integrated countertop payment terminals or wireless payment solutions; and much more! Coupled with our signature CES Touch EPoS software, which can come accompanied by a non-dependant cloud-based solution, this is the cutting edge in EPoS experience. Touch boasts a wide variety of features such as: a comprehensive table planner for any size establishment; an entirely revised split bill system; extensive stock control; and intensive operator man-

To find out more about Samsung REACH and hospitality displays, get in touch: or 0845 555 1212 or see the advert on page 3.

My VIP Card - Discounts You Will Love My VIP Card is multi award winning discount scheme and employee benefit , we help people to save money whilst shopping local ,supporting their high street and local community.

September 2019

agement and tracking. We at 3R help to promote both multi-site businesses as well as single site users and can provide support when scaling a business to multi-sites. 3R aim to achieve all your requirements and expectations and are more than happy to take on feedback from our valued customers. 3R’s reporting facilities safely stores information regarding your business and can be uniquely tailored to suit your requirements. 3R hold the advantages of providing customers with speed of service, better staff productivity, cost control, stock control, and visibility with operator tracking/ control, and reduced shrinkage. With mix and match offers, quick meal deals or special offers can be created on the fly. In conjunction with our extensive reporting suite, an increase in profits can be realised almost immediately. Call on 01992 574 650 or visit

C.C.R Systems Ltd CCR Systems have been supplying, installing and maintaining Retail and Hospitality EPOS systems for over 34 years. We are an ISO-9001 registered company with a diamond award for customer satisfaction. Our Powersuite software package that includes Total Control Premier/Stock, Instant Loyalty and Drilldown is the ideal package for all types of Hospitality & Retail outlets.

Our hardware is a choice of top of the range touch screen terminals from selected quality manufacturers. The ORDERMAN Restaurant table ordering system is without doubt the best of it's kind, utilising the latest Oderman 7 hand held terminal and Kitchen Monitors or printers. Have a look at our web site on '' and view the ORDERMAN video. We also cater for the client that needs a low cost system that easily compares with the box shifters. Please contact GEORGE GUNNERY on 0151-644 8296 for a quotation for your establishment, or email to:

September 2019

Tequila- Made for Sipping, Not Just Slamming CLH News


PREMIUMISATION & “TERROIR” What is notable about the rise of the tequila category is the rapid pace of premiumisation. Jose Luis Hermoso, IWSR research Director explains why the premiumisation process is happening so quickly: “Unlike Cognac or Scotch, where premium segments are well established due to ageing legislations and trade bodies’ standards, tequila is pretty new to offering premium alternatives.” Consequently, there are gaps in the higher end of the tequila market to be exploited. Hermoso gives credit to the role that Patrón Tequila has played in stimulating the rise of top end tequilas. Following Patrón’s lead, market leaders in the spirits sector have shifted their strategies in the hope of replicating the same results in the tequila category. The tequila category is growing rapidly with an increasing demand across most markets globally, says Matthew Sykes, Senior Director of International Marketing for Patrón Spirits International: “Innovation through new products within the portfolio are key to both pique the interest of consumers and trade but

“Drinking tequila is more about the journey than the destination.” RAINBOW ROWELL Few spirits are as shrouded in myth and steeped in mystique as tequila, and for good reason. This subtle, sophisticated, spicy and instantly recognizable Mexican spirit has been around for centuries, which is plenty of time for a few good tall tales to surface. And, the good news is, there are more ways to enjoy tequila, its not just a one hit slammer with lime and salt! Time has long since moved on from the tired old rhyme “one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor”. Thankfully following years of innovation, education, creativity and clever marketing, a new generation is appreciating this spirit in a completely new way. Out with the tequila shot glasses rimmed with salt, in with glasses with two-finger measures intended to be sipped and savoured. Modern tequila distillers have taken a page from whiskey and bourbon makers and are imbuing more wood and flavour characteristics by aging their expressions for longer periods.

BLANCO –Un-aged and bottled within two months of distillation


Two additional categories seen include:

The history of tequila began with the Aztec people making a fermented beverage from the agave plant which they called octli (later and more popularly called pulque), and the origins can be traced back to between 200-300 A.D.

JOVEN OR ORO– mixture of Blanco and Reposado tequilas

In the 16th century Spanish conquistadores invaded Mexico and “were not too impressed” with the fermented beverage so set about experimenting to make wine from native plants, and discovered that fermented agave could be distilled to produce what was called at the time “Vino de Mezcal” or “Mezcal wine” named after the plant from which it was made. The Spanish introduced distillation to Mexico, and it is likely that they were distilling something very similar to what is now recognised as tequila within 10 years of their arrival in Mexico. Jumping forward to 1902 tequila acquired its official definition, distinctive from other agave -based spirits which continue to be referred to as “mezcal”. In a move to take ownership of the term “tequila,”

While it is still popular as a shot accompanied by a wedge of lime, Tequila has taken on a new mantle as a spirit to be sipped and savoured rather than consumed in record time, and operators should recognize the category needs to shake off the perception that its chief consumption occasion is as a cheap ‘shooter’ on a night out. Evidence shows that changing attitudes to alcohol among younger drinkers are making the concept of ‘shots’ increasingly dated.

Tequila is now the must-stock spirit in the UK's most popular bars where it is used as a base for a range of cocktails, as well as being drunk straight as a sipping experience.

also to reinforce the quality of the core range. It is also an opportunity to continually trade consumers up into products within the portfolio that are even more special and unique.” “Consumers are looking to try new things and experiences, through brands that deliver both quality and a story. Super premium tequila is establishing itself alongside spirits and liqueurs commonly perceived as more sophisticated and complex, such as gin, cognac and whisky and as such there are a lot of opportunities that can be unlocked within the category.” “Over the years, the evolution of Super Premium Tequila has seen a shift in perception from the stereotypical shot with lime and salt to a more premium serve that can be sipped, in cocktails or as a long drink. This shift is testament to the growth of the category internationally and the willingness of consumers and trade to be more adventurous once they are armed with the right information and inspiration”

The three main categories of Tequila are:

“Like champagne, cognac, and some fine wines, tequila can only be produced incognac, five regions Mexico— Like champagne, and somein fine wines, tequila Guanajuato, can only be produced inMichoacán, five regions in Nayarit, Mexico— Guanajuato,Tamaulipas, Michoacán, Nayarit, andTamaulipas, Jalisco.”and Jalisco.

Outside of the US and Mexico, sales of tequila are increasing, in recent years tequila sales in the on and off trade rose by over 37% to over £180 million. Miles Beale of the Wine Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) : “the trend is moving away from shots and strongly towards high-quality cocktail combinations and increasingly sophisticated sipping products”.

According to the country's top bartenders Tequila is not only a growing trend but is also being consumed in a completely different way.

the Mexican government declared the term as its intellectual property in 1974. This made it necessary for tequila to be made and aged in certain areas of Mexico, and it also made it illegal for other countries to produce or sell their own “tequila.” The Tequila Regulatory Council was additionally created to ensure quality and promote the culture surrounding the spirit. • Tequila is made from the weber blue agave plant. Other Mexican spirits, like mezcal, are from other varieties of the cactus-like plant. • There are two types of tequila, 100 per cent agave or mixtos. The latter has 51 per cent agave sugar with the other 49 per cent coming from grain or sugarcane, giving them a more subtle flavour. • Tequila is made from the blue agave plant. • Tequila can be aged for years, and the older it is the darker it is. • Mexicans sip tequila over ice as Europeans enjoy a whisky or rum. It's also delicious in cocktails with a national favourite being the 'Paloma', tequila mixed with pink grapefruit juice. • There are over 3,500 different registered Tequila brands but less than 150 distilleries in Mexico. • A weber blue agave plant has to be 6-8 years old before it can be harvested. • Tequila is the only spirit in the world that you can make synthetic diamonds from. The three main categories of Tequila are:

ing the frame gets a bit thicker every time . The message is that the picture of the agave plant should always stay the focal point in the taste of a good aged tequila and that the wooden frame should always compliment the picture and never obstruct it.”

REPOSADO– Aged between two-twelve months in barrels ANEJO– Aged between 1-3 years in small oak barrels

Sophie Bratt, formerly Bar Manager at Harvey Nichols, OXO Tower, now at Aqua restaurant Group said: "Agave spirits - especially Tequila - are now being acknowledged and accepted more widely as a crafted product with a plethora of rich flavours. It is these rich natural flavours that the production and ageing of the product impart that allow bartenders to create sophisticaed drinks which in the past would have been resigned to whisky and gin bases, opening up the world of Tequila drinks. "I believe that attitudes to drinking have changed through knowledge - we drink to enjoy, taste and savour excellence. When guests tell me they don't like tequila, it's almost like a mission as I believe there is a Tequila/Tequila drink for everyone”!

EXTRA ANEJO – Aged 3-5 years in oak barrels


In recent years the industry has been quietly and confidently talking about the potential of tequila and extolling it as the “next big thing”. While gin has been the main driver in spirit sales in recent years, tequila is quietly and steadily grabbing its share of the market. In fact, tequila sells more in the UK On-Trade than malt whisky or flavoured vodka and, as outlets are appreciating its potential it is now getting the prominence behind the bar that it deserves with larger, richer more intense ranges being stocked.

Capitalising on the U.K.’s taste for super premium tequilas, friends Paul and Nav decided, after working with Agave for over 16 years, that it was time to create their own, very special range of Tequilas. VIVIR Tequila has taken the friends 3 years to perfect and is the first independent premium British Tequila brand with a whole range. “The spirits have been specially crafted to help change perceptions in the UK of what Tequila can be – no longer should it be seen as a drink that needs to be washed down with salt and lime.” Said Paul

Interestingly, Hollywood heartthrob George Clooney cashed in when he sold tequila company Casamigos he co-founded to Diageo in 2017, it was reported that the actor pocketed a cool US$173 million (£136m) from the deal in the 12 months afterwards. This made him the highest-paid actor of 2018, despite not having appeared in a single film! (nice work if you can get it)! Results from drinks analysts IWSR show that the global market for tequila remains on a strong upward curve. Last year, volumes increased by 5% and value by as much as 11%. However, the challenge for the tequila industry will be to break out of its US and Mexican heartlands, which five years ago accounted for 83% of consumption and now make up nearly 85% of worldwide sales.

Recognising not only the environmental factors for tequila production, but also the distinctive and characteristic flavours and aromas of tequila imparts, Shona Daly, marketing manager at Lighthouse bBands says : “ A few years ago, I attended a Villa Lobos tequila masterclass in London by legendary master distiller Carlos Camarena. Listening to Camarena talking about the influence of location, in the taste of 100% agave tequila I realised that tequila was the only spirits category that had as much ‘terroir’ as a good wine. “

“With our on-the-ground educational, activational and financial support - VIVIR Tequila has been embraced by both the on and off trade and has become one of the fastest growing independent spirits in the UK. We even became the first Tequila to ever win Gold Awards at the Great Taste Awards for their whole range – cementing their status as one of the best producers out there” added Paul

“The similarity with wine doesn’t stop with terroir but also extends to barrel ageing, where a good aged tequila will show integrated oak flavours which doesn’t overpower the taste of the tequila, a bit like a good barrel aged red wine. Camarena further explained that the best way to describe his Villa Lobos tequila range Blanco, Reposado (12 months aged), Anejo (2 years aged) and Extra Anejo (4 years aged) – was by using his framed picture analogy.” “For him his Blanco is like going to his agave field and taking a picture of ripe agave plant and then hanging that unframed picture on his wall. In a good Blanco you should taste the ‘unframed’ raw, slightly sweet agave flavours and for his Reposado, Anejo and Extra Anejo aged tequilas he takes his agave picture and adds a wooden frame around the picture and with extra age-


September 2019

Tequila- Made for Sipping, Not Just Slamming CLH News


spirit has such a rich history and tradition that consumers are only just starting to learn about. The survey, which was published by Patrón Tequila, found that despite Tequila’s association with shot culture, more and more drinkers are selecting cocktails and slow sipping Tequila serves.

Villa Lobos Cocktail HIGH NOON • 35ml Villa Lobos Blanco • 25ml Choya Yuzu

COCKTAILS The key, according to IWSR to gentrifying the tequila category is through the public’s interest in cocktails. Classic cocktails like the Margarita, The Negroni and of course the Tequila Sunrise will prompt drinkers to reevaluate tequila and view it as a high-end ingredient in some of their favourite cocktails as opposed to a lowpriced ‘shot’ at parties.

Patrón tequila released data showing that more than half of UK drinkers are more likely to order tequila cocktails over a tequila shot. The research involved 2000 drinkers in the UK, with 65% saying they always consume tequila in cocktails and 41.7% said tequila is best enjoyed in a variety of serves. However just 23% of drinkers knew how tequila is made and only 10% understood that aged tequila can have a similar colour to whisky. London’s Tequila and Mezcal Fest founder, Eduardo Gomez, said: “It’s no surprise to see cocktail culture is flourishing. Tequila has come a long way over the past few years, in the UK and globally. “Tequilas like Patrón are leading the way on showing premium expressions and how they mix well in a wide array of drinks, from the Tequila & Tonic, to the iconic Paloma and even as an alternative to whisky in the Old Fashioned. “Knowledge of tequila is a bigger challenge as the

In the western Mexico town of tequila, there is a small, non-descript cantina called La Capillahome of the Batanga, a simple drink created in the 1950s by Don Javier Delgado Corona, the bar’s owner The Batanga is simple: nothing more than tequila, coke and fresh lime juice, served in a tall glass with a salted rim. But as Don Javier will tell you, its flavour isn’t only in the ingredients-it’s the big knife, which he uses to stir the cocktail-that’s the secret to a perfect Batanga.

• 20ml Briotett Fruits de la Passion • 10ml Sugar Syrup • Topped with Tonic and 4 dashes of orange bitters A story of a generation spanning alliance between two families, the Camarenas and the Sklars, respectively tequileros and spirits producers and importers, since the mid 1800’s. Between them, they bring 10 generations of tradition and heritage to their work. Tequila Villa Lobos is made by one of the Worlds most respected and trusted authorities on tequila, the Camarena family. Carlos Camarena and Dale Sklar - both sons of fathers, grandfathers & even great grandfathers who spent their lives in the spirits business and learned almost all from them - unite their families to create this unique, soft, gentle tequila. It is 100% hand made from harvest to bottling, following the oldfashioned methods used since 1937. The 100% blue agaves entirely grown on the Camarena family plantations in Los Altos, only the very finest plants with the highest fructose level are used. The Blanco is uniquely kept in steel tanks for at least 6 months to enhance flavours and smoothness. Then Reposado, Añejo, Extra- Añejo, 10 years old are transferred into American oak barrels, previously used for Bourbon maturation. Villa Lobos is a handcrafted tequila made with passion and care in the traditional way; the fragrant agave flavours and incredible smoothness are a testament to the skill of the maker.

Woodman Chairs

Woodman Chairs is a long established, dedicated chair manufacturer and wholesaler who make most of their own chairs. We offer a wide and varied choice of solid oak and beech chair and table styles – both modern and contemporary – with many finish and seat options. Included in our range is an exciting choice of sturdy bar stools and bar tables. The fact that we make gives us greater control and flexibility. It also enables us to offer bespoke chair and chair frame or component production to end customers or other suppliers and manufacturers looking for their

Design and Refit

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own design or seeking to create a unique range or theme, again in both oak and beech, raw or finished.

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September 2019

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September 2019

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Design and Refit

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period setting.

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Design and Refit

Mayfair Contract Furniture We supply contract grade commercial furniture to the hospitality & leisure industries. With over forty years of experience in the hospitality industry, we are passionate about supplying the finest quality products. We deliver to all areas of the United Kingdom, Ireland and Europe and export our products worldwide. We keep in stock a huge variety of New contract furniture including tables & chairs, lounge / lobby furniture, & hotel bedroom furniture ready for immediate dispatch. In addition to this as a direct importer we can also competitively fulfil a wide range of bespoke orders to suit

MST Auctioneers MST AUCTIONEERS Ltd specialise in handling & auctioning a wide variety of goods. We act for Insolvency Practitioners, Receivers, Bailiffs and Solicitors as well as large PLCs. We are members of The National Association of Auctioneers and Valuers (NAVA). For the past 25 years, we've provided a unique disposal service tailored to suit, liquidators, banks, receivers as

your personal requirements. Not just a supplier; We understand that from time to time hospitality and leisure establishments like to give themselves a fresh new look. That's why not only do we supply contract furniture, but when it's time for your establishment to go through a refurbishment we also offer a complete clearance service. We'll organise everything from a suitable time and date, professional clearance staff to remove contract furniture whether fitted or unfitted, and logistics. Contact 01733 310 115, email: or visit

well as private and corporate vendors. We carry out probate valuations and conduct complete house and commercial clearances. We have the largest Auction venue in the South of England. Our regular monthly Auctions occupy 45,000 sq.ft. of undercover space, selling over 2500 lots from 3 rostrums over two days. We have storage and removal facilities. In addition we have forklifts for machinery up to 5 tons. We also hold regular Auctions �On Site� and "On Line" See advert on this page for further details.

Contract Furniture Group

Contract Furniture Group has been set up to offer quality contract dining furniture to the hotel, restaurant, pub trades and leisure industries at realistic prices. We carry a lot of our range in stock so we can help you to meet your deadlines. We also offer a unique source and supply service; if you send us a picture of an item we will do our up most to supply to you at the best price.

All our furniture is manufactured to the highest standards, we only use hardwood frames which are glued screwed and dowelled for strength. crib5 interliner (if required) sprung seat areas or webbing and top quality Italian leathers and fabrics. For further information, call 0115 965 9030, visit or email

September 2019

CLH News


September 2019

CLH News

Design and Refit


Retain Payment or ID Cards & Be PCI Compliant Whilst Increasing Profits When a vendor retains a credit card or debit card, or indeed handing over his or her ID card as security against running a tab or renting sporting or other equipment, there is always some uncertainty about the safety of the card whilst out of the customers’ possession. CardsSafe® eliminates the need to worry about any loss or theft as it is the simplest and most efficient way to ensure the card’s safety from potential misuse. The CardsSafe® system has now become the “best practice” way of handling credit and debit cards in the hospitality and leisure industries. More than eighty thousand boxes are in use every day and hundreds more are added every week.

• Chargeback drops by more than ninety percent (90%) • Walkouts are reduced by at least fifty percent (50%) • Tab mistakes drop significantly and finally, • There is a major uptick in sales If you are concerned about how CardsSafe works within the PCI scheme, Alan Gill from the independent PCI certifying company Orthus Limited states: “The PCI DSS standard encompassed 264 controls. CardsSafe helps to reduce the need to meet all of these through ‘compensating controls’ which allow businesses to comply to the standard without having to change the way they operate”. In addition to the commercial benefits the CardsSafe® solution therefore helps merchants become PCI compliant, which truly gives peace of mind for all!

Customers who share their experience with our staff report these benefits:

To order, please contact CardsSafe Limited on either of: Phone: 0845 5001040 or visit

Grey Simmonds Food Service Equipment As a leading design house specialising in the design, production and installation of commercial bars and kitchens, Grey Simmonds Food Service Equipment have worked with a variety of clients ranging from small cafe restaurants to large pub and hotel chains. The company’s CAD manager Oliver Hardwicke says ‘Every single project we undertake is unique. Whether it be a small cocktail bar or a large scale restaurant kitchen refurb our job is to create bespoke, functional and cost effective catering spaces.’ ‘Our company credo is ‘Consult, Design, Install’. We see each project

through from start to finish including site survey, preliminary sketches, CAD drawings, Design and budget approval, equipment sourcing and final installation. This means our clients have one point of contact for the entirety of the job making each stage as seamless as possible.’ Whilst Grey Simmonds Food

Service Equipment are experts at commercial warewashing solutions, they also supply the leading brands of commercial catering equipment, from cookers to refrigeration and everything in between at a competitive price. They can source bespoke and specialist equipment to ensure you find the perfect product for your kitchen or bar. The company has a vast portfolio of successful installations from the smallest glasswash station to full commercial kitchens. You can see examples of their case studies at See the advert on page 15 for further information.

Stylish, Modern, Wholesale Contact Chairs from Regent

Established for many years has become one of the largest independent importers and wholesalers of furniture in the UK supplying the Trade. Our aim is to provide customers with a comprehensive product range, first class service and outstanding value. We have had a reputation for introducing ranges of good quality furniture at competitive prices that have become established into the furniture market place and continue to be best products for our customers. We are continually sourcing new and exclusive designs to join our comprehensive product range. We have a large warehouse with facility which enables us to carry stocks of furniture this allows us to operate a fast, reliable service. We have a large purchasing department with many

product specialists. Every day they search for new trends and designs. They travel regularly to all corners of the globe to investigate, test, and buy new products. also invests a lot of care and time into the quality and packaging of their products. recognise the great importance to a personal approach, which is very much appreciated by our customers. logistics department collects and checks all orders and prepares them for collection. Our entire logistical process is focused on speed, accuracy and punctuality. With our thorough planning and dedicated, motivated employees, orders are processed in a very short timeframe. See the advert on this page for further details.

Blue and Beigh Fine Art

Most of the times his abstract works are finished in one sitting and landscapes are done across a few sittings.

Shabs is a Cheshire based artist of Indian origin, who started his art career as a cartoonist illustrator 25 years ago. He mainly paints expressionist abstracts and landscapes .He had done a commission of 100 paintings for a chain of 5 star hotels in south East Asia and is currently doing one for a boutique hotel in japan through saatchi Art. His artworks are in different corporate and individual collections in India ,England and unlisted states. He is currently selling through saatchi online and PAUL SMITH interiors Mayfair London, England.

He is fascinated by nature and animals. His work oscillates between animals and landscapes. Over the last 25 years he has sold his artworks in England, USA, India. His favourite medium is acrylic on canvas .His choice of work is mainly abstract on canvases . But he has had commissions for murals as well as fine art works. He has a uncanny ability to convey the essence of the subject he is painting .He works at a fast pace.Watching him paint is like watching a matador in a bull fight. Visit/

Design and Refit Europa Furnishings At Europa Furnishings we pride ourselves on our ability to turn whatever you can imagine into reality. With decades of experience in commercial, contract and speciality upholstery, we always aim to deliver the best for our clients. Over the years our versatility has been proven as we’ve worked closely with clients from many sectors, including hotels,

September 2019

CLH News


restaurants, cruise ships, wine bars, public houses, private hospitals, interior designers, architects, manufacturers of leisure furniture and domestic clients. We have particularly built up a fine reputation for top-quality commercial seating and chair solutions. Whatever you require, from a bespoke one-off item to a large commercial project, we have the capacity, experience and ability to produce outstanding results, time and again, so why not get in touch and see how we can help you? Reader Enquiries: 01489 557460 or 07557 885644 or go to

Drakes Bar Furniture - UK Bar Furniture Supplier We pride ourselves in providing the best quality items at great prices with fantastic customer service and can supply bespoke tailored made furniture such as booths, tables, seating or ‘off the peg’ items. Drakes Bar Furniture not only sell chairs, stools, tables we also design build and install all types of fixed seating, pews and booth seating for pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants and clubs. When fitting out a premise the seating is almost paramount for a successful space. Fixed seating, booth seating or banquette seating as its also called can come in variety of colours, finishes, types and styles. Below are just a few examples showing what we have done in the past. With clever planning, seating generates

a great flow for customers and staff around a pub, restaurant, cafe or club. It can be used to divide areas, create new spaces in a room and offer intimacy allowing for the perfect social meet up. The beauty of bespoke fixed seating is that we can make the most of and take advantage of your space and features. We can come to your venue and measure up, give you advice and show you examples of our past work, finishes, types and styles. We have a wide range of Bar Furniture, including tables, stools, chairs, outdoor beer garden, fixed seating and banqueting furniture. If you require a bespoke quote either call us on 01422 839 690 or you can send us an email.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to ads

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Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

September 2019

CLH News


Property and Professional

Uncertain Times Ahead Following New Immigration Proposals For Sale: The Cosy Teapot, Budleigh Salterton, Devon Matthew Davies heads the Immigration team at law firm Wright Hassall and is an expert in business immigration law, For newly appointed Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, immigration is a favoured subject and one that he’s been keen to address since entering Number 10,

Downing Street. However, the Government White Paper proposals for a post-Brexit immigration, published last December, did little to clarify the situation for UK businesses, as uncertainty builds over the future of EEA workers in the UK. While the proposed removal of a limit on the number of skilled workers entering the UK is welcomed, an adherence to minimum salary thresholds continues to be a serious problem for businesses, including those in the hospitality sector.

IMPACTING UK BUSINESSES? The proposals are likely to increase net migration, although critics contest that this will put the UK at risk of becoming a low-wage, low-skill economy, given the lowering of skills thresholds and mooted special schemes for low-paid work. When it comes to searching for talent, the growing uncertainty surrounding Brexit is driving more businesses to look beyond the European Economic Area (EEA), which means they must engage with a complex application process for sponsor licensing.


settled status for newer workers and settled status for those who have been living in the UK for five years. Regardless of Brexit’s outcome, the Government has given a unilateral commitment to make this possible, with assurances given that UK-based EEA nationals will have enough time to secure their future right to live and work in the UK. If the UK was to leave the EU with a deal, then EEA nationals will retain their current rights until 30 June 2021, whilst those who have lived here for less than 5 years can apply for pre-settled status.

EMPLOYING OUTSIDE THE EEA As it stands, the Points Based System for non-EEA nationals will continue in its present format, meaning UK employers must be licensed and follow complex criteria to sponsor workers. The Government, perhaps mindful that its pro-immigration policies will conflict with a pro-Brexit stance, has considered creating a revised system, essentially built on the existing points-based “Australian style” structure (which really bears little resemblance to the Australian system). The Government White Paper, since amplified by announcements from the new Prime Minister, envisages re-balancing the system in 2021 to include EEA nationals, with only limited preferential status for post-transition arrivals. However, this new system will be weighted towards ‘indemand skills’, while scrapping the Residential Labour Market test which has certain set advertising and benchmarking requirements before a migrant applicant can be sponsored.


After Brexit, unfettered access to the UK labour market will end for EEA and Swiss Nationals, so EEA workers currently employed by UK businesses should apply to convert their EU law rights into UK law rights. Known as the EU Settlement Scheme, it will offer pre-

Vintage Retro At Its Best!

A well-presented ‘Retro Vintage’ restaurant and tea rooms, established in 2008 giving the ability eat-in or takeaway having 50 covers and serving a varied menu of homemade cakes, renowned for its breakfasts, lunches and coffee. Situated in a high street town location within the stunning Lincolnshire Wolds, comprising grand floor restaurant and tea rooms with first floor self-contained three bed family accommodation, currently run by ven-

For those organisations that are reliant on a readily available, low-cost workforce, it is important to take expert advice and start developing a strategy to mitigate the risks associated with Brexit-related changes to immigration. dor plus 3 part-time staff, ill health has bought this desirable eatery to the market place. Held on a holding lease with rent of £14,400, for sale due to ill health, ideal for a husband and wife team. Price oiro £55,000. Ref: C33895G EMF Group East Midlands Office 01858 469469

Property specialists Stonesmith are delighted to be marketing the sale of the Cosy Teapot, a thriving and well-regarded daytime only traditional tea rooms and tea garden. The business offers a varied menu of breakfasts, morning coffee, lunches, light bites, cream teas and cakes and offers potential for incoming operators to purchase an attractive and highly sought after business, with exceptionally low overheads and a thriving trade from both locals and visitors alike. These ground floor lockup premises have been purposely fitted and equipped and are presented to a high standard throughout in a traditional style, with a recently refurbished kitchen. Occupying a prominent trading position and with a prominent external seating area,

the business briefly comprises of a Main Tea Room Seating Area comfortably seating 26 customers (with space for more if required); Brookside Trade Terrace to the front providing al fresco seating for a further 18 customers. The Cosy Teapot offers potential for incoming operators to develop their own style of trade to suit their own personal requirements and take advantage of this impressive business in a prominent landmark trading position within a busy town centre and close to the seafront. The leasehold business is for sale for £95,000. Full property details are available from the website and viewings arranged by calling 01392 201262.

The Tavern, Denstone, Staffs on the Market This business is located in the heart of the affluent sought-after Staffordshire village of Denstone that sits between the bustling market towns of Ashbourne and Uttoxeter (with its famous racecourse). This attractive extended inn is of stone-built construction and sits under a pitched, tiled apex roof. A small entrance porch to the front provides access to all the trading areas. These consist of: Bar area (circa 30+ plus standing) has exposed wooden ceiling beams, an attractive quarry tiled floor and exposed brick-built fireplace. Lounge

(circa 25+ plus standing). Dining area (c50 covers) and hard standing al fresco area to the front of the property. There is a fully equipped Commercial Catering Kitchen. Ground Floor Beer Cellar. The

Hotel & Pub Rescue FAST LOANS, MORTGAGES & RE-MORTGAGES For all your problems

• • • • •

Negative cash flow Supplier debts HMRC arrears Utility and business rate arrears Redevelopment and refurbishment Let us take control of your problems and shield you completely from all the pressure you are facing. We will

owner’s accommodation has private access and 3 bedrooms. To the front of the property is a hard standing Al Fresco Patio Area (c50+) set amidst a colourful display of pots, planters, wooden barrels and hanging baskets. Directly across the road is the patron’s car park with spaces for c40 cars that is also shared with the village hall. Price: £65,000. Tenure: Leasehold. Rent (if applicable): £41,000. Landlord (if applicable): Marston’s Inns & Taverns. Turnover (annual): £525,000 (inc VAT) to February 2018. Wet:Dry split: 60% Wet : 40% Dry. Contact Guy Simmonds on 01332 865112

deal with all your creditors and their litigators allowing you to concentrate on your customers and the business. We promise to identify effective solutions and options to keep you trading, or, if you prefer, a seamless and managed exit with no adverse effects on you for your future plans. For leasehold and freehold premises Every problem has an answer -call today without delay! (0118) 380 0949 (07538) 161544





Quintessential Thatched Country Inn 4 Letting Bedrooms & 3 Bedroom Owner's Accomm Presented to an Exceptional Standard Throughout Grounds of Over 1.5 Acres Al Fresco Seating for 62+ Customers

Extremely Well Presented Bar & Restaurant Free of Tie Opportunity 3 High Quality Ensuite Letting Bedrooms Self Contained 5 Bedroom Owner's Accommodation Refurbished To High Standard & Undoubted Potential

FH £695,000


EAST DEVON High Quality Licensed Coffee House & Restaurant Occupying a Prime and Prominent Trading Position Presented in Excellent Order Throughout 2/3 Bedroom Owners' Apartment & Private Parking Main Cafe/Restaurant (40) Al Fresco Seating (8)

LH £99,950


LH £75,000


EXETER CITY CENTRE Vibrant Well Presented Character Licensed Cafe Bar Trading on Day Time Only Basis Occupying Prime & Prominent Position In Exeter Customer Seating For 32 & Pvt Courtyard for 10 Private Studio & Attic Room

LH £39,950




Thriving Licensed Cafe & Restaurant Established Town Centre Trading Position Currently Trading on Daytime Basis Only Licensed Cafe/Restaurant Area (45+) Al Fresco Seating for 32 Potential to Increase Trade

Established Day Time Only Catering Business Well Presented Throughout Profitable Business Opportunity Potential to Develop All Aspects of The Trade Excellent Levels of Repeat Business

LH £99,995


LH £59,950

PRICE: £49,950


PRICE: £595,000

PRICE: £795,000




Impressive Award Winning Guest House Offering 7 Quality Letting Bedrooms Car Parking for 10 Vehicles Flexible 3 Bed Owners Accommodation Well Established with Impressive Trading Figures

Extremely Well Presented Public House Wet Sales Only With Potential For Food Impressive Levels of Trade & Strong Profits Character Trading Areas (56), Trade Gardens (110+) Free Of Tie Lease Opportunity

FH £565,000

LH £49,950

FH £635,000





01392 201262



REF 3592

• Substantial Coastal Inn with 14 Letting Rooms • Spacious, Traditional Trading Areas with Bar/Restaurant/Function Room • 14 Well Appointed En Suite Letting Rooms, Car Park and Trade Garden • Owners Accommodation or Staff Flat • Strong Business, Genuine Retirement Sale, Priced to Sell


PRICE: £330,000


REF 3526

• Stunning, Historic Thirteenth Century Coaching Inn and Hotel • Set in One of the Most Picturesque Districts of South Devon • Benefiting from 11 Beautifully Appointed En Suite Letting Rooms • Number of Character Trading Rooms together with a Separate Coach House. • A Thriving Business recently completely refurbished to an exceptional standard.


REF 3322

• ‘Landmark’ South Hams Freehouse in Waterside Village • Award Winning Pub with Character Trading Areas • ‘Beer Garden’ for Circa 40 with Commercial BBQ Station • Stunning Boutique Letting Apartment • Very Successful Business with Turnover in Excess of £670,000 ex VAT Free of Tie Lease


PRICE: £135,000 PLUS VAT


REF 3567


• Fabulous Freehold Opportunity within Dartmoor National Park • Charming Café/Bistro with Retail Section Trading Daytimes. • Superb 2 Bed Self-Contained Accommodation • Huge Potential to Expand on Current Trade • Suitable for a Range of Catering Styles


REF 3408


• Highly Rated Delicatessen in Beautiful South Hams Resort • Excellent Reputation Generating Large Amount of Repeat Trade • Superb Range of Locally Sourced Quality Products & Ingredients • Fantastic Opportunity for Owner/Operator to Run a Profitable Business • Viewing Highly Recommended




Impressive & Extremely Well Presented Guest House 9 Letting Bedrooms & Owner's Accommodation Trading on a Bed & Breakfast Basis Only Impressive Levels of Trade & Excellent Profits Tremendous Potential For New Owners

• Bustling Coaching Inn/Hotel Located in the Heart of Dulverton • Several Character Trading Areas & Restaurant with Additional Tap Bar • 12 En Suite Letting Rooms with Private Owners Accommodation • Free of Tie Lease at Affordable Rent • Genuine Retirement Sale

PRICE: £160,000



REF 3193


• A Town Centre Retail/Cafe Premises • Retail Frontage 5.51m, Depth 20.6m - 91m² (979 sq ft) • Extensive Ancillary Area with Kitchen/Store and Offices • Situated just Metres Away from Proposed New Cinema Complex • Suggested Rent of £18,500 Per Annum





• Contemporary Turnkey Licensed Restaurant • Ground Floor Seating for Circa 40 • Cellar with Planning Permission for Wine Bar • Benefit of Accommodation to First Floor • New Internal Repairing & Insuring Lease, Rent £10,500 PA


REF 3541

Property and Professional

PR Seaside Catering Kiosk, Paignton Award winning Licensed & Leisure Commercial Estate Agents Bettesworths are delighted to be marketing a traditional English Seaside Catering Kiosk. This seasonal kiosk is located on the Esplanade and has traded from this particular pitch since 1911. The kiosk has recently undergone a complete refurbishment to include upgrading the catering equipment, refurbing the outside and replacing the roof. The kiosk offers customers, many who return year on year, a selection of freshly prepared hot & cold food and drinks alongside a range of beach merchandise.

The kiosk is available via assignment of a fully repairing and insuring lease with a term of 15 years from April 2016. The rent is £11,000 per annum. Bettesworths are marketing the kiosk at an asking price of £59,950 for the leasehold interest to include the trade inventory and goodwill. Genevieve Stringer, the head of the catering arm at Bettesworths commented, ‘These lovely seaside traditional seaside kiosks rarely come to the market. Being a seasonal establishment the kiosk appeals to a variety of catering operators who perhaps do not wish to run an all year-round business. Couple that with being in such a wonderful location, I expect interest to be high!’

Leading National Licensed Property Agents Guy Simmonds have been instructed to sell this well established community freehouse in a truly enviable location next to West Anglia College Campus and close to the town centre of the bustling historic town of Kings Lynn in Norfolk. Senior Valuer, Geoff Bryan, said this impressive modern style freehouse has a welcoming atmosphere.

For further information please contact Genevieve Stringer on 01803 212021 or email: area. There is real growth potential for new owner operators to take this business to its next level by extending the food offer, hosting more entertainments such as live music and quiz nights and by converting the letting rooms to en-suite. Price: £295,000. Tenure: Freehold. Sales Criteria: £130,357 ( inc VAT ) year ending April 2019. Trade Split: 75% wet, 20% food, 5% Accommodation. Contact Guy Simmonds on 01332 865112

CLH News



the promenade in late September beginning of October and return at Easter, making this a fantastic life style business in this very popular holiday resort.

The business is operated by a husband & wife team with the assistance of 3 part time seasonal staff. We have been informed the turnover is kept below the VAT threshold by choice, further accounting information will be made available to interested parties following a formal viewing. All the kiosks are removed from

The Woolpack, Kings Lynn, Norfolk for Sale

September 2019

DAYTIME CAFÉ/RESTAURANT (A3 USE) WITH FULL ON-LICENCE, OPPOSITE THE HIGH STREET & FRONTING THE OLD A3, IN THE CENTRE OF THE AFFLUENT EAST HAMPSHIRE MARKET TOWN OF PETERSFIELD. Offering a healthy lifestyle menu. Enjoying an all year round trade. Character property, occupies a prominent corner site. Tastefully decorated with seating for 58 covers. Established 7 years. Open congenial hrs – closed Sunday. T/O £9,500 pw. Recorded T/O £397,884 (ex VAT) y/e 5 April 2019. GP £288,675 (72.5%). EBITDA £109,000. Premises held on 2 leases at combined rental of £29,500 p.a.x. - £150,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3796) SOUGHT AFTER GUEST HOUSE, AMIDST PLEASANT RESIDENTIAL AREA, CONVENIENT FOR CITY CENTRE, SOUTHAMPTON. Wellmaintained, semi-detached property. Gas CH. D/G. 10 well appointed letting rooms for 19 guests & desirable 2 dble bed owners quarters. South facing rear garden. Retirement sale – same hands 20 yrs. Recorded T/O £100,000 p.a. (ex VAT). B&B only. - £710,000 FREEHOLD. (Ref: GH.3797) LICENSED COFFEE SHOP, JUST OFF MULTIPLE SHOPPING THORO’FARE, CLOSE TO LARGE SUPERMARKET & CAR PARK, COASTAL RESORT OF SOUTHSEA, HANTS. Character, mid-Victorian prop. Occupying a prom. corner site with forecourt seating for 6. Attractively decorated, air-con grnd flr seats 20+, includes servery with espresso. Additional first flr seating for 27. Well equipped catering kitchen. Open congenial hrs (9 am/4 pm) – 7 days. Mainly staff run. SCOPE. T/O £6,000 pw. GP 76%. Accts avail. 15 yr lease from July 2015 at current rental of £17,600 p.a.x. - £110,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3788)

romsey (01794) 522228

There is a modern style bar (circa 20), split level dining room (circa 28), separate pool/carvery area, fully equipped commercial kitchen, 3-4 letting rooms (1 en-suite), 2 bedroom owners accommodation and a well maintained enclosed patio

New Weekly Figures Analysis & Reporting Service David Hunter has been in the business for over 30 years, and with his vast amount of experience has become an expert in ensuring that businesses reach their full financial potential. For years he’s provided a bespoke Mentoring & Consultancy service to a select few, and he has always provided with that, free-of-charge weekly figures analysis and reporting … yes, weekly. David has now come up with a way of making his amazing Mentoring & Consultancy service more accessible to the wider market, and for a lower monthly fee. Instead of being charged for monthly consultancy, you can now access David’s knowledge and expertise via his alreadyestablished and very well-used weekly figures reporting system. He will send you weekly reports on how your busi-

ness is doing and will throw in FOR NO EXTRA CHARGE AT ALL, four half-day on site Mentoring & Consultancy visits per year (or two full days, depending on location). He will also always be at the end of a phone for you, or email, if you needed him, and he also has access to legal experts as well as a ‘’tried and trusted’’ Bowden Group Alliance colleague who can advise you … again FREE OF CHARGE … on how to save money on your utility bills. If you have a Pub, Restaurant or Hotel business which is facing financial or operational challenges … why not let David have a look, and help you maximise your full potential. There is no cost to David having a look at your figures, and letting you know what COULD be achieved. Call David Hunter confidentially on 07831 407984 or on 01628 487613.

FAST COMMERCIAL FINANCE FOR ALL EMERGENCY SITUATIONS Call For All Business Debts us toda Complete or Partial Re-Finance y witho u Redevelopment & Refurbishment dela t y Purchase & Expansion Cashflow Correction & Working Capital

All cases considered, please call in confidence to discuss

01183 800949

07538 161544

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