CLH News #230 November 2019

Page 1


Festive Ordering

Pages 22-27

Spirits and Mixers

Pages 28-29

Food Hygiene

Page 30

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Products and Services

Pages 31-37

Design and Refit

Pages 38-39

Property and Professional



Government Pledges to Support Pubs if Re-Elected


Editor's Viewpoint



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As the battle for hearts and votes continues in the lead up to the general election the Conservative party has pledged to support the U.K.’s pub sector. The Conservative Party has unveiled a package of support for high streets, including: • A cut in business rates • Powers and funding for community groups to buy local pubs • Funding for the rail network. The Prime Minister has promised a package of measures and £280 million pounds of investment, promising to "save our high streets, keep pubs and post offices open." A Tory Party spokesperson said a majority Conservative government will build on the

Under the proposals, many businesses will receive a £1,400 cut in their business rates due to the extension in the retail discount. Industry bodies including the Wine and Spirit Trade Association and UKHospitality and the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) have welcomed the pledge announced to support the UK’s pubs, but warned that support will need to go further:


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Pledging to "keep the high street open for business," the Tories say they will cut business rates for pubs and other high street outlets.

Miles Beale, Chief Executive of the Wine and Spirit Trade Association, said: “We welcome any commitment by politicians to help bolster the British pub. However, we urge the next Government to take a wider look at the whole UK hospitality sector - the third largest private-sector employer – which employs 3.2 million hard-working people and adds £130 billion to the UK economy. “Together with UKHospitality, we are calling for a cut to all hospitality business rates - which would not only help pubs, but would also have a positive impact on the struggling high street where bars and restaurants are closing at an alarming rate due to crippling financial pressures. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3...)


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Government’s Towns Fund, the measures are designed to help places which have not always benefited from economic growth in the same way as more prosperous areas.

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Editor's Viewpoint

November 2019

Welcome to the November issue of CLH News. So, we finally get to have a general election. About time too! I don’t speak for anyone else, but the political turmoil this past couple of years has significantly, in my opinion, affected the confidence of the country, consumers in particular.


Peter Adams

The hospitality and on trade sector has proved more resilient than other retail outlets, but we have seen some high-profile casualties this year, and in my humble opinion there are probably a few more to come.

Like most people the country I am suffering Brexit fatigue. It’s gone on far too long, has caused far too much discord and disruption and we have been badly let down by Parliament in this matter. I’ve never bought into the No Deal Brexit scenario. I don’t have a crystal ball, just good feeling that when we leave it will be with the deal. My own personal opinion, (and it is my own), is that tying any negotiators’ hands by taking no deal off the table was an act of sheer folly and one of the reasons this mess has been prolonged. The uncertainty has sent shockwaves through our economy and has sucked the confidence out of the sector.

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Concerns remain not only around the short-term uncertainty of Brexit – cited by 44% of leaders as a primary concern, but also the longer term consequences of leaving the EU, cited by 52%.


Nearly three quarters of business leaders said they were concerned over rising food costs, as well as labour costs (72%), and Brexit’s overall impact on footfall (67%).


We raise more in alcohol taxes here in the UK than France, Germany, Spain, and Poland combined. The 5 ½ million people living in Essex raise more in alcohol duty that the 82 million living in Germany. A ludicrous state of affairs!



Alcohol taxes in the UK are eye wateringly extortionate, as our article says 3 pound in every 4 pounds spent on a bottle of whiskey is tax and tax on a bottle of spirits is almost 30p per unit.

RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG

A survey by insight consultancy CGA, which was carried out among 130 business leaders in the sector, found that operators are less confident in their own businesses. Just 58% of leaders felt optimistic about their firm’s prospects in the next 12 months – the lowest point since November 2017.

Frankly, it just could not go on and I for one am relieved at the prospect of a general election. Which brings me to our front page story and another story we have run regarding the Conservative party’s pledge to help pubs and review alcohol taxes.

Read all the latest news from the licensed industry at


I recently had a meeting in Wiltshire and drove through the beautiful countryside of Salisbury in Wiltshire, and was saddened to see several beautiful country pubs now standing empty and, even sadder, derelict. Whoever comes to power in four weeks time really has to address this issue. We have often reported how vital the hospitality and on trade sector is to the economy, but taxes are really killing the goose that lays the golden egg!

@CLHNews CLHNews

Peter Adams David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Shelly Roche Published by

Government Pledges to Support Pubs if Re-Elected November 2019

“The WSTA and UKHospitality are also calling for a cut in Britain’s punishingly high wine and spirit duty which adds to the pressures facing the UK hospitality sector. High duty rates are bad for UK consumers, bad for UK businesses - especially SMEs - and bad for the Exchequer. Cutting duty is proven to increase revenue to the Exchequer.” Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality said: “UKHospitality has been repeatedly calling for a cut in business rates for hospitality. The sector has been hammered by extortionate rates and high streets have

declined as a result.

network proposals Nicholls said:

“The hospitality sector pays over £3 billion in business rates, 11% of the total UK rates bill. This is despite being responsible for 2.5% of eligible economic activity. If hospitality’s rates bill was fair it would be slashed by £2.4 billion.

“Support for the rail network should provide a welcome boost for rural tourism. In the current climate some pubs, particularly in rural areas, struggle to survive on a commercial basis. We welcome initiatives to support local ownership which keeps pub at the heart of local communities, but many high street pubs will not benefit from these proposals. Measures to protect valuable pubs need to go even further.”

“A cut for pubs is certainly very welcome and a great first step. Any future Government does need to realise that the problem is wider and affects the entire hospitality sector. This cut needs to go further and incorporate all hospitality businesses, and it needs to pave the way for wider reform of the whole system.” Commenting on the community ownership and rail

On-Trade Wine Sales Fall £146m Wine sales in the on-trade have been dropped by £146m in the past year as consumers admit to drinking less wine. CGA’s On Premise Measurement data revealed that while wine remains a hugely valuable category, its sales fell by £146m or 4.5% in the last year—more than any other category. The volume of still wine sales has fallen even more sharply, by 7.7% in the last 12 months.

However, while wine sales are dropping for some bars, pubs and restaurants, the flip side is that there is a

“Pubs are the heart of our communities, so this commitment to ease the burden of business rates is wel-

some of this consumer demand, and demonstrate similar USPs in their wine, there is potential to build sales momentum. Capitalising on treat and social sharing occasions, playing to the trend for premiumisation and incorporating more sparkling wines into cocktails, are three ways to achieve that.

The CGA Wine Insight Report lifts the lid on how wine sales are leaking away to other categories too, including cider, craft beer and soft drinks—and how each has different appeal to different consumer groups. Cocktails have been another major competitor, their on-trade sales having topped £600m a year. With more than 42,000 outlets now stocking cocktails—nearly twice the number just five years ago, and no and lowalcohol mixes also in growth, they have become a potent alternative for wine drinkers.

Another opportunity lies in the no and low alcohol wine market, which is small for now but starting to build interest among health-conscious consumers. Here and elsewhere in wine, if operators and suppliers can demonstrate the kind of dynamism and innovation that has powered drinks like cocktails lately, wine sales might soon start to bounce back.

UKH Supporting Campaign to Lower Immigration Salary Threshold UKH Chief Executive Kate Nicholls: “Although the majority of the UK’s hospitality sector is home-grown, we do need to recruit from overseas. Our overseas talent is enormously important to an international industry drawing tourists from around the world. “A salary threshold of £30,000 will exclude many roles in the UK’s hospitality sector. That means that significant numbers of businesses will be denied recruits and jobs


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“Investment is the lifeblood of community pubs, so it is important that measures to bolster the rights of individual communities to purchase pubs do not act as a disincentive to investment. Given that seven in ten alcoholic drinks sold in a pub are beer, the most direct way of keeping pubs viable is to cut beer duty.”

to wine sales. As CGA data highlighted, gin sales continue to soar, and the number of wine drinkers who also drink it has leapt by ten percentage points in 12 months. Over the last year alone, the growth in gin sales of nearly £500m has surpassed the total sales of still wine from the US and Spain.

But suppliers and operators can only turn things round if they understand the nuances of the wine market—and, just as crucially, where its competition is coming from. CGA’s data shows that wine drinkers are increasingly fickle, drinking more categories (5.1) than the average consumer. They over-index on the consumption of gin, cocktails, craft beer, ale and lager—a breadth of categories that shows how they can be easiCategories like these offer a freshness, excitement ly tempted away from wine. and theatricality that wine sometimes struggles to match. But if bars, pubs, restaurants can latch on to Of these, gin perhaps represents the greatest threat

UKHospitality has thrown its weight behind the FullStrength coalition campaign to lower the immigration salary threshold.

“On business rates alone, pubs pay 2.8% of the business rates bill, despite accounting for just 0.5% of turnover. Reducing rates for pubs is an important step in the right direction. Such reliefs are vital until the fundamentally unfair system is overhauled.

left vacant around the country. “It will affect every aspect of hospitality from coffee shops to hotels. That means there may not be people available to give you the great service you are used to in your favourite bars or restaurants, welcome you into hotels or make you the coffee you take for granted every morning. “The salary threshold must be reduced or businesses on every high street in the UK may be left struggling and will only lead to higher prices and much less choice for customers.”


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This trend is echoed from wine drinkers themselves, through CGA consumer research with wine drinkers. One in six (17%) wine drinkers say they are drinking less wine than a year ago—nearly twice the number who say they are drinking more (9%).

big opportunity to reinvigorate the market, the report adds, and there are encouraging signs that the tide may be turning, with the decline in sales softening slightly in the last few months alongside positive shoots of growth in some areas of the wine category.

Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer & Pub Association, commented:


come. Three pubs a day close their doors for good due to the tax pressures they face.



CLH News



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

November 2019

Pop-Up Restaurants Must Comply with UK Food Safety Regulations Pop-up restaurants have been told that they must comply with food safety regulations and register with local councils before trading. The warning, from inspection, assurance and auditing service providersLloyd’s Register, is driven by the huge increase in street food and pop-up restaurant vendors in the UK in recent years. However, the pop-up dining boom has raised fears that some vendors could cut corners with food safety regulations and in their food handling and storage regimes. Justine Wadge, Technical Consultant, Customised Assurance at Lloyd’s Register, says that pop-ups are governed by the same regulations as permanent restaurants. “There is a misconception that the transient and tempo-

rary nature of pop-up restaurants means that they aren’t governed by the same regulations, such as the Food Safety and Hygiene Regulations 2013 or the Regulation (EC) 852/2004. This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the food regulatory regime in the UK.”

self-policing is inevitably going to form a large part of the regulatory solution. “It is the responsibility of the pop-up to ensure that they are doing things properly. The old safety net of council inspections is no longer there and that leaves vendors more and more exposed.”

Ms Wadge says that over-stretched council resources are also potentially creating holes in the system. “Local councils just don’t have the resources to deal with the pop-up restaurant explosion, particularly when some vendors may only be on site for one or two days,” she says. “If there are not enough local environmental health inspectors this could cause the unaware to unwittingly carry out practices that could lead to a food poisoning outbreak and encourage the unscrupulous to try and cut corners.”

She continued: “Training is key for all pop-up vendors, particularly with basic hygiene and food storage principles, such as separate worktops for raw and ready to eat preparation, refrigeration, cleaning stations and personal hygiene.”

She continued: “Even if a vendor is only in one location for a few days, temporary food businesses must still register with the local council, specifically the environmental health inspectors.” The boom in pop-up restaurants in the UK has taken many forms, from market stalls to food trucks and vacant shop units and Ms Wadge says that

CAMRA Names the Top Four Pubs in the Country

All four of the pubs will now go on to the final competition to win the ultimate Pub of the Year title, to be announced in February 2020. The competing pubs include: The Swan With Two Necks in Pendleton (2014 winner) – an outstanding and recently renovated traditional pub set in a pretty Pendleside village that’s deservedly popular with locals and visitors alike. Five constantly changing ales and one real cider are served along with delicious homecooked food, and there’s plenty of outdoor seating and lovely open fires when the weather grows colder. The George & Dragon in Hudswell (2016 winner) – a pleasant walk from

Lack of Choice Is Key Frustration Of Vegans “Offering innovative dishes which cater for vegan diets will broaden the appeal of a menu and give vegan, and would-be vegan consumers additional choice and increased engagement.”

and is the first community-owned pub in Great Britain. There is an everchanging list of beers including many from small breweries and Ray and Jo prepare the fresh home-made food, sourcing their ingredients locally. The pub also hosts the village cricket teams and fundraises for charity.

The race is on for the national Pub of the Year competition, with three of the final four pubs having previously scooped the title. The Swan with Two Necks in Pendleton, the George & Dragon in Hudswell and The Bell in Aldworth have all claimed the prestigious award in previous years. Newcomer to the scene is the Red Lion in Preston, which became the first communityowned pub in Great Britain in the 1980s.

“My advice to pop-up restaurant owners is to empower yourself with the knowledge required via the training and consultation that is available. In the long-term doing the bare minimum is a false economy. Without the proper food handling and storage techniques, pop-up restaurants risk leaving themselves open to prosecution and civil claims if anything goes wrong. What’s more, with recent changes to the sentencing guidelines, businesses could be facing large penalties for infringements of the regulations.”

Richmond (if you don’t mind the 300+ steps!) brings you to the pub’s large beer terrace with fantastic panoramic views over the Swale valley. Rescued by the community in 2010 and refurbished, it boasts its own library, shop, allotments and other community facilities as well as food and drink. Bell, Aldworth, Berkshire (1990 winner) – this perennial gem is the only pub with a heritage interior in Berkshire. Its name refers to bells which were part of the coat of arms of the traditional landowners. It’s large open garden and excellent beer attract walkers and drinkers from far and wide. Red Lion, Preston, Hertfordshire (new finalist!) – This attractive free house dating back to 1844 stands on the village green

National Pub of the Year Coordinator Andrea Briers said: “It is amazing to see so many well-respected pubs return to this prestigious competition to compete for the ultimate title of the best pub in Britain. We wish them – and our newcomer – the very best of luck. It is a huge honour to come this far in the competition and be named one of the best four pubs in the country, and all four finalists should be very proud.” All of the pubs in the competition are selected by CAMRA volunteers and judged on their atmosphere, decor, welcome, service, value for money, customer mix and quality of beer. Each of the four finalists will be presented with their super regional award at local events over the coming weeks. The four finalists will then have a chance to win the National Pub of the Year title for 2019, which will be announced in February 2020.

As November heralds the start of World Vegan Month, CGA’s Food Insights19 research reveals that 23% of consumers are now following a specific diet that restricts certain food groups. While only 4% of consumers are following a strict vegan diet the research reveals that nearly 20% of consumers are following a meat-free, or partially meat-free diet and 20% say they would choose a vegan dish when eating out of home. “It’s clear from our research that meat, fish and dairy reduction is becoming more prevalent – consumer consciousness is increasing both from an ethical and health perspective and it’s important that pub and restaurant operators cater effectively for this growing demand,” commented CGA’s client director, food & retail, Fiona Speakman.

Food Insights shows that ethical issues are the biggest reason for becoming vegan, with 64% of vegans citing this as their main motivation. Health (48%), environmental issues (43%) and taste (22%) were cited as the other key reasons. The research also reveals the frustration on the part of would-be vegan diners when eating out of home. Lack of imagination in the choice is mentioned by 43% as their biggest frustration when eating out, followed by lack of understanding (38%), while 40% complain of not having enough choice. Some 86% of vegan consumers believe it’s important that there’s a specially created vegan dish on the menu, rather than something that has been adapted from a non-vegan dish. According to the research nearly a quarter (23%) of consumers follow a diet that restricts certain food groups – with one in five (18%) citing an allergy to at least one food type.

November 2019

Pubs, Bars & Restaurants Optimistic Despite Challenging Trading Conditions CLUB STEWARD

CLH News


Due to retirement, a vacancy has arisen for a

changing lifestyle choices and the drive for sustainable practises.” The survey also highlighted the burden of business rates on hospitality businesses with 80% of respondents calling on the Government for reform of the business rates system. Gareth Ogden adds: “This year, the tax burden on hospitality businesses was a common concern. Business rates remain a headache and our respondents are making the call for a fundamental reform of what is seen as an unfair system, whilst others are hoping for a reduction in VAT applied on food and drink sales in the sector.”

Despite difficult trading conditions and uncertainty over Brexit, hospitality businesses have seen steady growth in the last 12 months and are positive about the future of their own business, according to a survey from top 25 accountancy firm haysmacintyre. The 2019 haysmacintyre UK Hospitality Index revealed evidence of resilience in the sector with average turnover growth of respondents broadly consistent with last year at 4.2% (4.7%: 2018) and 90% of respondents optimistic for the future of their own business. However, the view for the wider industry was less upbeat, with only 39% of those questioned positive about the outlook for the sector as whole. The Index also showed that uncertainty has continued to bite with fears over availability of labour and the overall impact of Brexit among respondents’ top concerns. This year 83% of respondents believe that Brexit will impact negatively on their ability to recruit staff, compared to 77% last year. Gareth Ogden, partner in the hospitality team at haysmacintyre, comments: “It’s undeniable that conditions have been challenging for the hospitality sector this year. The effect of Brexit on consumer demand and food costs is causing anxiety, but it is the uncertainty over the availability of staff which is having the greatest impact. “Despite these headwinds, and whilst turnover predictions are still markedly down on the heights of five years ago, we are reassured that much of the data we gathered points to a sector that remains resilient. Pubs, bars and restaurants are constantly improving what they offer customers, and responding positively to

The haysmacintyre UK Hospitality Index is an annual survey which identifies key issues and challenges preoccupying the sector. In its sixth consecutive year, it studies pubs, bars and restaurants across the UK. Some other key findings are: Sustainability: pubs, bars and restaurants are embracing sustainability •The Index revealed that 81% of respondents have taken concrete steps to improve on sustainability, including: efforts to cut down on single use plastic; reduce energy use; source food more locally and use food waste apps Delivery models: remain a challenge • Over half (52%) of this year’s respondents now use a delivery service compared to 39% last year • But only 28% of respondents stated that delivery has a positive impact on profits, and less than half (48%) said it had a positive impact on turnover Employee costs: continue to rise this year • This year’s respondents reported average labour costs as a percentage of turnover of 31% compared to last year’s sample which was 29% • The average hourly wage of our respondents was £9.63 compared to £8.96 reported in last year’s survey Low alcohol drinks: operators responding to healthy lifestyle trend • Over two thirds (68%) of respondents saw an increase in demand for low/no alcoholic drinks compared to 57% in 2018 • 43% of respondents offer customers low/non-alcoholic spirits compared to 20% in 2018 • 20% of respondents offer customers low/non-alcoholic wine compared to 10% in 2018

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To request an application form, write to: The Company Secretary, Cottingham Memorial Club Trust Ltd., Elm Tree House, Cottingham. East Riding of Yorkshire. HU16 4AU E mail: The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

November 2019

Foodservice Prices Falling as Inflationary Pressures Ease Foodservice prices may be stabilising after three years of steady inflation, according to the latest CGA Prestige Foodservice Price Index report. The exclusive Index has been dropping since February, aside from a slight rise over the summer due to poor conditions for seasonal fruit and vegetables— although uncertainty over Brexit and challenges to some categories of food and drink mean more turbulence is possible. One major exception to the ongoing decline has been the Fish category, where year-on-year inflation stood at 13.3% in September. Much of the pressure on prices can be traced back to quota changes last year and the low value of sterling pushing up the cost of imports. Since much of caught fish is frozen, there is a six to 12 month lag before issues like these return to impact pricing in the category. For the first time since December 2018, the Soft Beverages category of the Index has seen a 10.6% fall in month-on-month inflation. However, a September drop is expected each year, as suppliers drop prices to drive volume and shift stock after the high demand of the summer months. The recent trend of premiumisation in soft drinks means inflation remains high year-on-year at 26.5%, and pricing is now expected to level out before rising again going into the Christmas period.

on-month drop in prices of 2.7%. This, however, does little to ease pressures, and year-on-year inflation is at 17%. Polish apples are increasingly popular worldwide, and after poor weather conditions this year’s crop is reportedly close to half the size of 2018’s, pushing prices up by nearly 50%. The UK has seen its own problems from a shortage of fruit picking labour, with the National Farmers Union reporting up to 16 million apples are being left to rot in orchards. Prestige Purchasing COO Phil McGuinness said: “We are still seeing issues occurring across multiple categories as we head into the winter months. However, the continued drop in month-on-month inflation across the Index is a good sign for buyers. After a couple of tough inflationary years, the recent trend of negative monthon-month numbers across numerous categories will be helping to relieve pressure on operators.” CGA Client Director Food and Retail Fiona Speakman said: “The low value of sterling and a host of weather and supply changes have created significant turbulence in pricing over the last three years, and signs of stability will be very welcome to businesses across the foodservice sector. But high year-on-year inflation in key categories like Fruit, Fish and Soft Beverages are reminders that we are not out of the woods yet, especially with the impacts of Brexit still so uncertain.”

Boris Johnson Pledges Review of Alcohol Taxes

After a difficult summer for the Fruit category, the Index has finally seen a month-

The Prime Minister said his party’s manifesto would include a commitment to re-evaluate alcohol duty with a view to increasing domestic sales and exports. The move follows Donald Trump’s decision to impose a 25% tariff on single malt Scotch whisky exported to the United States. Taxation in the UK currently accounts for almost £3

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in every £4 of the price of a bottle of whisky with tax on a bottle of spirits is 28.7p per unit, compared to a rate of 24.8p on wine, 19.1p on beer and 6.7p on cider.

“This could help stimulate growth in high street businesses while making drinking in pubs and bars a more attractive financial prospect than pre-loading, which could help promote healthier attitudes to alcohol.”

UKHospitality has welcomed the Conservative Party’s commitment to a review of alcohol taxation.

British Beer & Pub Association Chief Executive Emma McClarkin said: “It is great news that Boris Johnson has committed to reviewing UK alcohol taxation.

Commenting on the announcement, UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “This is a positive first step. The duty system has been a barrier to growth for some time and a review is long-overdue. This is a measure we have been pushing for at UKHospitality. If the Conservatives are successful at the General Election, we hope they push forward with this as a matter of urgency. “A key improvement in the system would be a separate rate for draught beer, wine and spirits sold in pubs, bars and restaurants. A lower rate for on-trade drinks would help lower costs for hospitality businesses and, hopefully, help attract more customers into the on-trade. software package that includes Total Control Premier/Stock, Instant Loyalty and Drilldown is the ideal package for all types of Hospitality & Retail outlets. Our hardware is a choice of top of the range touch screen terminals from selected quality manufacturers. The ORDERMAN Restaurant table ordering system is without doubt the best of it's kind, utilising the latest Oderman 7 hand held terminal and Kitchen Monitors or

“Beer tax is a particular burden for pubs where 7 out of 10 alcoholic drinks sold are beer, a lower strength British made product. In fact, we pay 11 times more beer duty than in Spain and Germany. “Three pubs a day close their doors for good. A freeze or cut in beer tax at the next budget would help halt this. “This commitment from Boris Johnson to review alcohol taxation gives him the opportunity to listen to the 216,000 supporters of the Long Live the Local campaign and cut beer tax to support local pubs and the communities they serve.” printers. Have a look at our web site on '' and view the ORDERMAN video. We also cater for the client that needs a low cost system that easily compares with the box shifters. Please contact 0151-644 8296 for a quotation for your establishment, or email to:

The CE Mark: Brexit Furore Is Concealing Potential Business Pitfall CESA has warned that, amongst all the furore surrounding Brexit, one area that some British manufacturers and suppliers are overlooking is CE Mark compliance. To be fair, it’s currently an issue that tends to be sorted then filed away in a drawer. But, the Association warns, post-Brexit, CE Mark compliance is likely to be policed much more vigilantly than is currently the case, both for importers and exporters of catering equipment. For any business that is concerned about the issue CESA has partnered with specialist consultant Steve Witt Consultancy and Design Ltd, SWCD, to launch a CE Mark Compliance service. It includes a free consultation to establish whether or not the company complies with the necessary legal requirements. If more work is needed, SWCD can provide consultancy to steer the company through the work, charging a fee of £550 per day, which is quoted for and invoiced in advance through CESA. Before the initial consultation, interested businesses are invited to fill in a twenty ‘yes/no’ question report that should help them check compliance to see if they need to take further action to remedy any gaps. Once that’s done, if they are still concerned, they can contact CESA or SWCD to book the free consultation. “To keep doing business after Brexit, equipment suppliers will need to show they have the necessary level of documentation to meet the legal requirements of CE Marking or the EC Certificate of Conformity,” says Steve Witt of SWCD. “They must also have the required procedures and record keeping in place, whether as the OEM or as the importer or distributor of finished products.” The CE Mark compliance service is open to both CESA members and other companies. To find out more, contact CESA. The Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA) is the authoritative voice of the foodservice equipment industry, representing 200 companies who supply, service and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment - from utensils to full kitchen schemes. For more information on CESA visit

November 2019

UK Spirit Market Now Worth £11.4bn Reveals Report Spirits giant William Grant & Sons has revealed the latest trends driving the UK drinks market in its indepth Trending 2020 report, which reveals that consumers are demanding more authenticity and immersive experiences. The report builds on the 2018 Market Report and identifies the rise of the ‘active-ist’ consumer, which is, “presenting new challenges for brands”. The report also provided an analysis of key spirits categories and performance across the on and off-trade.

CLH News


rent growth rates are sustained, gin is set to overtake vodka as the biggest category next year. Total premium spirits are now worth £1.66bn, up 16.3 per cent and now accounts for 34.3 per cent of all spirits value growth over the last year. Neil Barker, managing director, William Grant & Sons UK and Ireland, said; “The 2019 active-ist consumers’ demands for control and a stronger voice is rooted in their desire to drive positive social change.

The Beer, wine & spirits (BWS) industry is worth £43.1bn in the UK, up 3.2 per cent. Of this, on-trade accounts for £25.7bn (up 2.9 per cent); and off-trade £17.4bn (up 3.6 per cent).

“Significantly, Trending 2020 also reveals that consumers continue to expect the brands they engage with to go the extra mile for them, meaning brands must work harder to establish real connections with customers in the year ahead.

The spirits sector continues to go from strength to strength and is now worth £11.4bn, up 6.3 per cent from last year and gin is now worth over £2bn. If cur-

“The challenge for us is to ensure we positively engage with consumers by investing in sustainable, appropriate storytelling and immersive experiences.”

Introducing Proper Bar Snacks by SCT

Extended Pub Hours for VE Day 75

The Home Secretary has announced plans to extend pub licensing hours across England and Wales to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day.

Pubs clubs and bars that are licensed to trade until 11 PM could be allowed to open until 1 AM on Friday may eight-Saturday, May 9 next year without having to apply for an extension. The proposal follows the government’s decision to move the early bank May bank holiday in 2020 from Monday, May 4 to Friday may eighth making the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe a public holiday. Home Secretary Priti Patel said” VE Day is a landmark day in our history. Extending is licensing hours will pave the way for commemorative events across the UK so we can pay tribute to the courage and determination of the millions who fought for our freedom or supported the war effort at home” The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) has today welcomed plans, and comes after the BBPA wrote to the Home Office, requesting extended hours for VE Day 75 so the nation could come together in the pub to make the most of the celebrations. The BBPA has also worked with the organisers of VE DAY 75 to create a toolkit for pubs, advising them on how they can get their

pub involved in the celebrations.

Extended pub hours for previous national occasions include the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the most recent football World Cup, and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. David Wilson, Director of Public Affairs, commented: “In 1945, VE Day would have been celebrated in pubs up and down the country. VE Day 75 will be a wonderful opportunity for the nation to commemorate and celebrate the occasion in the great British pub. “It is wonderful news that licensing hours for pubs are being extended as part of this special weekend. It will be greatly welcomed by people looking to celebrate the occasion and remember those who gave so much during the war.” UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The 75th anniversary of VE Day will be an historic moment for the country. People will want to mark the occasion in all sorts of ways and pubs are often the focal point for community celebrations and acts of commemoration. This will be a moment of national significance and extending licensing hours will allow pubs to play their part.”

Based in Dorset, SCT & SCT LIMITED is a family-owned and operated company serving the whole of the UK. They provide high-quality snacks to retail and trade customers, including pork crackling and nuts. They have been creating these products for more than 10 years, and they are proud of the service that they are able to offer. The recipes have always stayed in the family, and this is how they are able to create their quality products.


50g pots £0.77 RRP £2

100g pots £1.29 RRP £3

2.5kg bucket £30 with a free 3L glass jar per flavour


90g/65g pots £0.50 - £1.00 RRP £1.50 - £2.50 5kg Bucket £20 with a free 3L glass jar per flavour


Liebherr GKv 5790 Forced-Air Upright Refrigerator GN 2/1, 586 Litres

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Sharp R21AT 1000 Watt Medium Duty Commercial Microwave, 28 Litre

Whirlpool Omnia AWG1112/PRO 6th Sense11kg A+++ Commercial Washer





Incl. VAT: £274.80

Incl. VAT: £1,054.80

Rugby Fails to Ignite Pub and Restaurant Sales In October

Britain’s managed pub and restaurant groups saw trading take a dip in October, with the Rugby World Cup providing little if any extra boost for bar sales, latest figures from the Coffer Peach Business Tracker reveal. Like-for-like sales across the sector were down an average 0.6% compared to the same month last year. Restaurant chains saw collective like-for-likes fall 0.7%, with managed pub and bar groups down 0.6%. “Drink-led pubs did marginally better, with a 0.3% like-for-like increase over the month, but there was no big boost coming from customers wanting to watch the rugby on TV in the bar – probably due to the early morning kick-offs,” said Karl Chessell, director of CGA, the business insight consultancy that produces the Coffer PeachTracker, in partnership with Coffer Group and RSM. “October is usually a quiet month in the eating and drinking out world – the lull before the Christmas rush – and so it has proved. Essentially, we are continuing to see a flat market. People are still going out, but there is no real growth,” he added. Saxon Moseley, senior manager at RSM, said, “Against a backdrop of ongoing political and economic uncertainty, together with a wet and windy start to the autumn, operators will be quietly satisfied with like-forlikes that broadly match last year’s numbers. With the starting gun fired on a winter election, hopes will be

November 2019

CLH News


raised that voters will look to escape the barrage of doorstep campaigners by hot-footing it to their local pubs and restaurants during the all-important festive trading period.”

Coffer Corporate Leisure managing director Mark Sheehan said, “The figures show that businesses outside the M25 did better than those in the Capital. However, it is worth noting that although it looks like London is underperforming, the strength of the London market is being driven by independents not captured by the stats, rather than branded concepts. The eating and drinking out market is relatively stable despite dampened consumer confidence. This is reflecting the combined political and economic uncertainty not seen since the middle of the last century.” Regionally, businesses outside of London did better than those in the capital, down 0.5% compared to a 0.9% fall inside the M25. Total sales across the 58 companies in the Tracker, which include the effect of net new openings since this time last year, were ahead 2.3% compared to last October. Underlying like-for-like growth for the Tracker cohort, which represents both large and small operators, was running at 1.7% for the 12 months to the end of October, which is just below the 1.8% registered at the end of September.

Mocktails Mix Up the Market

With more and more consumers going teetotal or moderating their alcohol intake, mocktails have a huge role to play in the future of the mixed drinks market. CGA’s BrandTrack data shows two thirds (66%) of consumers are proactively trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, and the trend is particularly pronounced within younger age groups. Nearly one in six (15%) of 18 to 24 year-olds now class themselves as teetotal, and another fifth (20%) are drinking alcohol on a less than monthly basis. But consumers are still going out into the on-trade, with overall frequency holding steady over the last five years. So what are these healthconscious, alcohol-moderating consumers drinking, and how can operators respond? Suppliers have been busy rolling

What’s more, the trend shows no sign of slowing. The Mixed Drinks Report indicates that well over a third (38%) of no or low alcohol out new no and low alcohol varicocktail consumers are drinking ants across the drinks sector. more than they were a year ago. However, while only one in eight (12%) consumers has drunk a no or More than half (55%) think these cocktails taste the same, or even betlow alcohol beer in the on-trade over the past six months, and even ter than, their alcoholic counterparts. fewer (6%) have tried no or low But to fully capture this market of spirits brands, one in six (17%) has moderators, the range, quality and bought mocktails or low-alcohol serve of mocktails has to be on cocktails—equating to some 8 milpoint. The premiumisation trend lion consumers. that has been seen in many drinks CGA’s Mixed Drinks Report says categories is in action here too— that Britain’s cocktail market is but it is important to remember worth just over £600m a year—up that the price has to be right. Since by nearly 10% over the last year. three in four consumers expect And with half of cocktail drinkers mocktails to cost less than regular now engaged with low or no alco- cocktails, outlets need to make sure hol variants, there is clearly a huge their prices entice consumers opportunity for both operators and rather than drive them away. If suppliers to promote traditional operators and suppliers can get all mocktails or use no or low alcohol these factors right, mocktails could spirits to put new twists on classic create the perfect blend for success mixed drinks. in 2020 and beyond.



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

November 2019

What Can Hospitality Bosses Do To Tackle Bullying and Harassment? Sexual harassment in the restaurant industry remains endemic, leading chef Asma Khan warned earlier this month. Asma, a restauranteur who runs all-female kitchen Darjeeling Express in Soho, accused other women in hospitality of staying silent on the issue and urged them to speak up. Harassment along with bullying and discrimination is rife within the whole hospitality industry. This year it has come under the spotlight and an All-Party Parliamentary Group was set up to gather evidence on how best to legislate to protect hospitality employees. But while influential women speaking out to protect other women may help, it will not tackle the root cause of these issues. So, how can hoteliers, restauranteurs and others running hospitality businesses create the culture change that is needed. What constitutes harassment, bullying and discrimination? First, they need to educate themselves and all their staff.

Harassment and bullying can be defined as conduct that makes someone feel intimidated or offended. Discrimination is “less favourable treatment of another person or persons”. Harassment and discrimination are against the law in the UK, and this is particularly clear where conduct is considered intimidating, hostile or abusive, or related to any of nine protected characteristics defined by the Equality Act 2010, which include gender, disability, age, race, religion and sexual orientation. Crucially, it is the impact of the behaviour rather than the intent that is important. A particular action might be considered harassment, even if the effect is unintended. Senior managers must lead by example. Hospitality can be stressful, with long anti-social hours, and when those at the top are feeling the pressure, they are likely to pass this down. This results in a stressful, unhappy workplace which affects staff performance and, ultimately, the climate and success of the hotel, bar or restaurant. Company bosses must ensure they treat all staff with respect and care, as this too will filter down. If they are feeling overwhelmed, they need to bring in more support. It is not an excuse to be uncivil.

BUILDING POSITIVE VALUES The next step to tackling inappropriate behaviour is bringing staff together to agree upon shared values

By Sylvia Sage, programme director at Corporate Learning Solutions

To do this, senior staff need to create a safe discursive environment in which everyone feels able to share their views. For real culture change to work, everyone at every level must be engaged and actively involved in the process. Only then will they embrace rather than resist the changes.

The research, conducted by Miele’s Professional department, found that breakdowns and faults are by far the biggest issue impacting the use of dishwashers in restaurants, increasing staff workload (64%) and causing slower service (55%). As well as a likely impact on the customer experience, patchy service can also have a wider influence on restaurant reputation; which was identified as the most relevant pain point by respondents. Perhaps unsurprisingly and given the standards that

CHANGE FOR GOOD Proper long-term culture change cannot happen overnight. It cannot be rushed and it should not be attempted superficially as a tick-box publicity exercise. It is a steady process of re-education which will be worth the time and effort invested.

Where such shared values have been agreed, they must be clearly communicated so that everyone understands what they are uniting behind.

There is a vast and growing body of research which shows that humans can only reach their full potential when they feel happy and secure, and this applies to all aspects of life including work. So, happier staff means more effective staff leading to better business performance. In the case of hospitality, where customer service is so integral to the success or failure of the business, this is arguably even more vital.

FACILITATE DEFENCE Better education on bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination among staff should lead to a dramatic reduction in inappropriate behaviour. But hotels, restaurants and other hospitality businesses must have clearly defined informal and formal steps to raise and address concerns as early as possible. Before situations escalate.

apply for the Food Hygiene Rating, the ability to wash to a high standard was identified as the most important feature of commercial dishwashers by 73%, as dirty items can have a significant negative impact on customer perception of the quality and cleanliness of the establishment. This was closely followed by ‘being built to last’ with 68% of the vote. Durability and longevity of machines is a high priority to minimise the impact of downtime on the business.

expect their food and drink to be presented more creatively, and almost half have been impacted by the rise in the number of plates and dishes used to serve guest meals. The survey revealed that, on average, the range and type of glassware/barware used by restaurants has increased by 73%, while crockery/table/serveware has increased by 59%, suggesting that the need for an efficient and adaptable dishwashing process is more crucial now than ever.

However, contemporary tableware trends appear to be making the dishwashing job more difficult. An overwhelming 93% of respondents believe that presentation of food and drink is important, with half saying that it’s becoming more so. The serving of food using alternative materials was identified as the biggest trend, while nearly two in five noted the use of different plate shapes, sizes and colours.

When it comes to the ‘man vs machine’ debate, restaurants would generally like to increase the proportion of dishwashing done by machine and decrease handwashing in all areas, with 53% agreeing that this would be the customers’ preference. According to 61% of respondents, handwashing is worse than a machine for speed, and 52% said it was worse for hygiene.

57% of restaurant workers believe that customers

If issues cannot be dealt with informally, management must take more formal steps to monitor and tackle the issue. Any complaint should be investigated, and all parties consulted in a sensitive and confidential manner, with appropriate support offered to the alleged victim.

Bringing everyone together to put their ideas on the table helps to create a shared ‘pool of meaning’, as described in Crucial Conversations, by Kerry Patterson et al. It is an essential first ingredient for a more unified team. Such discussions also help to filter out any concerns and stressors that cause tension.

Half of UK Restaurants See Equipment Breakdown Every Three Months UK restaurants are experiencing efficiency issues as a direct result of equipment downtime, impacting operations, customer experience and reputation. A survey of 100 restaurant workers found that dishwashers are one of the main culprits, with half suffering a breakdown at least once per quarter, and 26% having experienced dishwasher downtime for more than 20 business hours.

An open-door policy that makes senior managers available and approachable is vital – particularly in the case of smaller businesses that do not have dedicated HR teams.

which fit the purpose of the business and foster mutual care and respect.

However, restaurant workers would like more dishwashing to be completed by machine than currently

Guests will not enjoy being served by miserable and stressed-looking individuals. Staff wellbeing is a worthy investment. occurs due to the changing nature of tableware. 64% hand wash when items need prewashing or if items are fragile (47%) and more than two in five hand wash when the dishwasher breaks. Simon Hart, national account manager for the Professional Division of Miele, commented, “Our market research revealed a number of key insights that restauranteurs need to take into account – most notably, the importance of fully-functioning and reliable equipment on day-to-day operations, the customer experience, and the wider reputation of the business. “As restaurant closures in Britain now average 18 a week, profitability is key and efficiencies from equipment are beneficial to help keep businesses trading. With food and drink presentation becoming more important to customers and tableware trends making the dishwashing function more complex, restauranteurs should opt for reliable commercial machines that offer a range of specialist functions so glass and serveware can be cleaned to a high quality and turned around quickly during service.”

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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

October 2019


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

November 2019

BBPA Publishes New Accessibility Guidance For Pubs information so that all customers can make an informed decision before they visit a pub. It also includes detailed information on Disability Confident, a scheme led by Department for Work and Pensions to help publicans hire disabled talent, and specific advice on making pub toilets accessible and better suited for disability needs.

The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) has published new guidance for pubs, titled “An Open Welcome: Making your pub more accessible for customers”, which will help licensees make their venues as welcoming as possible for those with access needs.

The BBPA has partnered with a number of organisations to develop the guidance, including Tourism For All, MotionSpot, VisitEngland, Guide Dogs UK and the Alzheimer’s Society. Case studies including pubs which have improved their accessibility are also included in the guidance, showcasing to others what can be done to improve their offer to disabled customers and the advantages of doing so.

The guidance has been published on Purple Tuesday 2019, an international call to action focused on changing the customer experience for disabled people and improving awareness of their value and needs.

The guide also includes tips and advice from charities on how pubs can cater to the whole community. On top of this, Government Disability Champion for the Tourism Sector, Chris Veitch, and Government Disability Champion for the design of ‘spaces & products’, Ed Warner, have also contributed forewords to the guidance.

An Open Welcome features advice for pubs ranging from employing people with disabilities, to training staff and importantly; the need for honest, up-to-date online

To support the guidance, the BBPA has been working alongside Tourism For All to develop a training pack looking at the importance of having an open and acces-

sible pub. This training focusses on the importance of the ‘Purple Pound’ for the pub trade, what the law says about providing service to customers with disabilities, and how staff can provide a high quality and welcoming service to all customers, regardless of their disability. Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer & Pub Association, said: “Pubs are rightly known for being the heart of their communities, bringing people together under one roof. The hospitality of the pub extends to people with disabilities too. As a sector, we must continue to be as inclusive as we can be and highlight the accessibility of our facilities and their improvements.

“Not only is it the right thing to do, but it also makes good business sense. 10 million people in England and Wales have some form of disability, with spending power worth £249 billion annually when combined with their families. “This new guide will help licensees understand how best to help disabled customers and ensure their venue is as welcoming as possible.” Euan MacDonald, Co-founder of disabled access review website Euan’s Guide, said:

“We’re hopeful that this free advice provided by the British Beer & Pub Association will help pubs across the country make the necessary changes to improve their accessibility. We encourage all pubs to ensure that they are providing detailed, honest and up to date information on their venue’s accessibility online. This will help reduce unnecessary hassle and can encourage more people to visit.” Joel Young, Campaigns Officer at Guide Dogs, said: “With 19% of assistance dog owners that we surveyed highlighting that they had been refused access to pubs in the 12 months prior to April 2019, it is great to see the BBPA taking proactive steps to raise awareness of the access rights assistance dog owners have under the Equality Act 2010 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Northern Ireland). We urge all publicans to review their policy relating to access for people with assistance dogs and, to consider the different types of assistance dogs that may enter their establishment.” The new guidance, titled “An Open Welcome: Making your pub more accessible for customers” is available for free on the British Beer & Pub Association website at:

Pub and Bar Insolvencies Rise By 13% “Brilliant All-Rounder” Is Winterhalter’s KP Of The Year For 2019 A report from BMC (BioMed Central) public health says rates of teetotal young people (under 25s) increased from 18% in 2005 to 29% in 2015.

The number of pub and bar insolvencies has soared by 13% to 530 in the past year (12 months ending September 30) up from 470 the previous year according to ONS figures. This is the third consecutive year pub company insolvencies have increased, and is driven by a sharp rise in operating costs, as well as a gradual slowdown in consumer spending in the sector and a rising increase in business rates, suggests UHY Hacker Young. Pubs have been squeezed by increasing staff costs due to the rise in the minimum wage, with the National Living Wage, paid to those aged 25 and older, risen twice in just over 12 months. Operators have found it difficult to adjust to changing consumer habits, in particular with millennial drinking habits hitting sales as the younger generation are drinking more alcohol-free beer, celebrating Dry January, and choosing not to drink at all.

The weakness in the pound as a result Britain’s decision to leave the EU has also played a huge part, as pubs are having to pay more for imported drinks. Weak consumer confidence means pubs have found it hard to pass those cost increases to customers. Peter Kubik, partner at UHY Hacker Young, said: ‘It is hard to see any shortterm changes to the pressures on the pub sector. ‘That is not to say that the pub sector is in a hopeless situation. A lot of pub groups have improved profitability by adding more food sales and non-alcohol sales in order to increase footfall in slower periods of the week. ‘Upgrading premises to maintain appeal with younger drinkers can also help cope with weaker sales amongst that group. However, developing a food offering or refurbishing requires capital. Smaller pub groups are finding it hard to get bank finance at the moment or non-bank finance at competitive rates. ‘Hopefully, once the Brexit question is cleared up, high street lenders will be less nervous about lending to smaller pub companies.’

Spirits Rise on Halloween Midweek sales received a real boost as pubs, bars and restaurants joined in the Halloween celebration. CGA’s Trading Index revealed that drinks sales by value received an 11% uplift on the day of Halloween (31 October) in 2018, compared to the average equivalent day. That performance also marked a 22% hike on 2017’s Halloween—a sign that the day is a more and more significant event in the ontrade. Fittingly on such a ghostly occasion, spirits tend to get the biggest upswing in sales, with average value sales up 57% against the average equivalent day in 2018, and vodka, liqueurs and specialities delivering the best rates of sale. In contrast, beer sales increased by just 2.3%, suggesting that Halloween night is a high tempo occasion that suits shots, bombs and cocktails better than long drinks.

Trading Index also reveals the halo effect of Halloween, with a double-digit uplift in spirits rate of sale continuing into the adjacent weekend in 2018. CGA’s consumer research confirms the soaring popularity of Halloween as a social event. More than one in five (21%) late-night consumers went out for it in 2018—putting it behind only New Year’s Eve, Christmas Eve and bank holidays as a special drinking-out occasion. But maximising sales requires a detailed knowledge of the target market. Two in five (40%) late-night Halloween consumers are aged 18 to 24, and two in three (68%) are female, and while students over-index too, the majority of participants have white-collar jobs. These consumers have cash in their pockets as well, with an average monthly spend on eating and drinking out of £125, compared to the £107 average.

Restaurant Supply Store

There is a new breed of retailer on the catering scene that differs from the traditional market cornerstones. Restaurant Supply Store has a simple aim: To offer the biggest selection of supplies and equipment to the catering sector, with the best possible availability. CEO Jon Shepherd has steadily built the business up over the last 7 years to become a firm favourite among restaurants, cafes, bars and everything in

Davie Fleetham has been a kitchen porter for BaxterStorey at RBS in Edinburgh for 17 years – and now he’s the 2019 KP of the Year. The award was presented to Davie by Stephen Kinkead, managing director of the company behind the awards, Winterhalter UK, at a special ceremony at RBS on November 6th. “I can’t believe I’m the winner,” Davie said. “I knew something was going on today but I had no idea I was going to be awarded KP of the Year. To be recognised like this is amazing.” When asked how he was going to spend his winnings he said, “My wife and I are off to Berlin for the Xmas markets soon. So I’m sure the prize money will come in very handy! “The team sees Davie as an inspiration,” says catering manager Lindsay Turnbull, who nominated him for the award. “He bakes bread, cooks breakfast, checks all the equipment, cleans, delivers sandwiches to our other locations… he’s well-liked by our clients, customers and the wider team. The senior directors know Davie – everyone does!” Stephen Kinkead was impressed by the KP winner for 2019. “This is a man who regularly wins awards from within his company – Star Award, Director Award and Dedication to the Business Award to name but three!” he says. “The KP of the Year judging panel were rightly captivated by his dedication. I loved the fact that he actually introduced homemade bread and scones to the business, and

they’ve increased sales as a result. Davie is a very worthy winner.” “He can turn his hand to anything,” says Lindsay. “Some days, I don’t know what we’d do without him. He’s a star!” Along with his KP of the Year trophy, Davie wins £1000 cash plus a celebratory dinner with family or friends. His kitchen wins too, in the shape of Winterhalter equipment up to the value of £8,000. There were two KP of the Year 2019 runners up prizes awarded. They went to Cheryl Macdonald, who works at the Jury’s Inn in Fry Street, Middlesbrough, and Sam Idubor, who is at the Royal Airforce Club in Piccadilly, London. They each win a trophy and £250 in cash. All KPs who were nominated in 2019 will receive a KP of the Year apron, commissioned by Winterhalter and created by Oliver Hardy, in a presentation tin. For more information about the Kitchen Porter of the Year awards, visit Winterhalter provides a total solution for dishwashing and glasswashing, from pre-sales advice to after-sales service, training and maintenance. Alongside its market-leading dish washers and glass washers, the company’s range includes utensil washers, advanced water treatment machines, cleaning chemicals and detergents. For further details, call Winterhalter on 01908 359000, visit or email

No Sunday Roast Wiltshire Pub Scoops Top Prize at Food Made Good Awards

An organic Wiltshire pub that’s stopped serving traditional Sunday roasts and replaced bagged crisps with homemade as part of its war on waste, was tonight crowned the Business of the Year, as Raymond Blanc also named Greta Thunberg his Sustainability Hero, at the Food Made Good Awards 2019, the Sustainable Restaurant Association’s (SRA) annual industry accolades for the most progressive purveyors of food and drink. Some of the UK’s best-known restaurant and café brands as well as independent operators, caterers and suppliers, were among the 24 winners rewarded for their positive response to the climate crisis, with a host of innovative and impactful ways of reducing their environmental impact and increasing their positive impact on society. The Wheatsheaf Chilton Foliat received the Business of the Year award from Melissa Hemsley at the special ceremony at Troxy in London, for achieving the highest score in the industry leading Food Made Good Sustainability Rating. The pub’s best-selling seasonal dishes demonstrate its minimal impact, zero waste ethos, whether its Asparagus Soufflé, Asparagus Cream, Westcombe Cheddar in spring, or Pizza with Roasted Squash, Homemade Ricotta, Truffle Honey and Cobnuts in autumn.

between. By acting as a single destination for all their procurement needs, Restaurant Supply Store has proved irresistible to restaurant managers and their chef colleagues. It is the diversity of their offering that sets the business apart from all other retailers, alongside their friendly approach to customer service and an ability to react and adapt to the latest market trends. Their dedication to solving customers’ bespoke requirements, sourcing of hard-to-find items and unrestricted access to top brands and their entire ranges, makes Restaurant

Concerned about wasting vegetables, meat and energy, ownerchef Ollie Hunter has also removed roasts from the Sunday menu. Despite reducing the volume of meat in several dishes, Ollie has also succeeded in keeping his carnivorous customers content, by maintaining the meaty flavour substituting mushrooms for a third of the meat in his burger, for example. With three quarters of its menu now veg-led, The Wheatsheaf also won the Serve More Veg and Better Meat award, sponsored by Lightspeed. Ollie said: “This is everything we strive for here at The Wheatsheaf. Every decision and action we take is for sustainability. This award is reward for all those decisions and actions. This is about the future of all food businesses. Bring on the revolution!” Deri Reed, of The Warren in Carmarthen, was named Chef of the Year, a new award for 2019. Deri has created a restaurant built by the community, it started with a £20,000 crowdfunding campaign, and for the community, realising his dream of running a restaurant showcasing quality Welsh produce and producers at affordable prices. Raymond Blanc said: “Tonight’s winners of the Food Made Good Awards demonstrate that we can take risks, influence our guests to make better choices and use creative skills to ensure that every meal we serve has a positive impact.” Supply Store a standout player on the catering scene. By listening to the needs of customers new and old, who are forever striking a balance between standing-out from the crowd and budget considerations, Jon has successfully positioned Restaurant Supply Store as the go-to procurement website for the catering and hospitality sector. Reader enquiries - Tel: 01375 651600 or visit or see the advert on page 5.

Calling Last Orders for Loneliness Pub is The Hub has launched Join Inn – Last Orders for Loneliness to combat loneliness and isolation through services and activities provided by pubs in a £100,000 two-year pilot programme that is being funded by HEINEKEN UK. The initiative was inspired by the Jo Cox Loneliness Campaign and will help pub owners, operators, local authorities and rural community organisations to review the pub’s role in helping to provide vital social spaces for local residents. Join Inn – Last Orders for Loneliness will fund a parttime advisory ‘Ambassador for Loneliness’ role that will seek to spread the best ideas from individual pub schemes to other regions and share their success through collaboration with supporting partners nationwide. Through its own Community Services Fund, Pub is The Hub has been providing micro grants to pubs since 2013 to create additional services or activities that have been lost to the community, or where the community has identified a need for something new. Schemes such as shops, cafés, post offices, digital hubs, libraries, community playgrounds and cinemas in rural pubs have all brought the added benefits of encouraging local residents to visit the pub – sometimes for the first time – and to meet and make friends. This announcement builds on four years of HEINEKEN UK’s Brewing Good Cheer campaign, which encourages pubs to host events that bring people together who might not often get the chance to visit their local. Last year 100 pubs took part hosting lunches for over 2,000 people with support from Heineken colleagues volunteering. This year HEINEKEN are aiming for it to be bigger than ever and are broadening the festive events to include everything from coffee mornings,

November 2019

CLH News

mince pies and a pint through to Christmas lunches. HEINEKEN will support the pubs taking part in Brewing Good Cheer by matching them up with a local charity or community group if they don’t already have links to one along with a toolkit on how to engage their community with the campaign. David Forde, Managing Director, HEINEKEN UK said: “Pubs are so often the heart of communities and can play a vital role in helping to tackle social isolation. With 2,700 pubs across the UK we understand their importance in bringing people together, it’s something we’ve campaigned passionately about for the last four years through our Brewing Good Cheer campaign. We’re thrilled to build on our long-term support for Pub is The Hub. Our partnership will kick-start community activities and shine a light on how communities come together in, and often rely on, the Great British Pub.” John Longden, Chief Executive for Pub is The Hub added: “One of the main benefits we have discovered through our projects with rural pubs is the enormous boost to wellbeing that they provide to isolated or vulnerable people in communities. We are very grateful to HEINEKEN UK for supporting us to scale up and help to share our ideas with many more communities.” Robin Hewings, Director of Campaigns, Policy and Research at The Campaign to End Loneliness said “At The Campaign to End Loneliness we want to inspire people to connect and to bring communities together. Everyone needs connections that matter and pubs can be a great place for that to happen – so this Join Inn – Last Orders for Loneliness initiative is welcome. In the new year, we’ll be announcing the results of a piece of research we’ve done in partnership with HEINEKEN to further understand how pubs can play a bigger role in bringing people together.”

Support Hospitality to Provide Half A Million More Jobs, Says UKH

The UK’s hospitality sector can provide the jobs the country needs over the next decade, if it has the right support from Government, according to UKHospitality. Statistics published by the Office for National Statistics showed that hospitality businesses created nearly 46,000 jobs in the last year, nearly 1-in-6 across the UK, and half a million since 2009. UKHospitality has called on politicians to provide support as a priority to ensure the continued growth of the industry. UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “Despite some difficult trading conditions, rising costs and struggles on high streets, hospitality has still added half a million jobs in the past decade.

“This highlights, not just how important the sector is in terms of employment, but also how resilient and adaptable businesses are. This is fantastic work from a sector that deserves recognition as a huge economic asset. “If we get the correct support from the incoming Government, there is no reason why hospitality cannot exceed this figure over the next decade. Conversely, if Governments over the next ten years do no support hospitality, the sector may struggle to repeat its feat. “Whoever wins the General Election must acknowledge the importance of our sector and the challenges and opportunities these businesses face daily. Support for hospitality must be a priority, whoever forms the next Government.”

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Warm-Up This Winter Next to These Roaring Pub Fires November 2019

1.Ring O’Bells, Cumbria* – a little pub with a roaring fire and a big heart! The fire is kept stoked up throughout the winter even for a solitary drinker. It offers a range of well-sourced beers, as well as an unusual selection of cider, perry and gin. 2.The Bulls Head Pub, Cheshire – a quintessentially English pub offering great food and atmosphere. With three open fires including an old back-to-back fireplace, it is often listed as one of the cosiest pubs in the area. CAMRA has revealed some of the cosiest pubs with a roaring fire to visit so you can keep warm this winter season. From roasting chestnuts on an open fire to charming country inns and Tudor fireplaces, all recommended are word of mouth and – coming directly from CAMRA members across the country. Many on the list can also be found in this 2020 Good Beer Guide, so rest assured you will find a good pint to sip in as you escape the winter chill! The list forms part of the Love Pubs, Join CAMRA campaign which will see individual pub recommendations released each month to encourage more beerdrinkers and pub-goers to support the cause. Recommendations include:

3.King Charles Tavern, Berkshire* – The two front bars in this town-centre pub feature open fireplaces. The KC or KCT, as it’s known to locals, is a former local CAMRA Pub of the Year and serves up to eight beers, often from XT, Saltaire and Hop Back breweries. 4.Fox and Goose, West Yorkshire* – A roaring log or coal fire in the main bar really warms the cockles on a cold winter’s day. It’s also great for drying out wet dogs and people, as well as for toasting crumpets! The first community cooperative pub in West Yorkshire, it is local CAMRA Pub of the Year 2019, as well as one of the Guardian’s Top 50 Pubs in Britain. It has an excellent selection of ales including at least one vegan beer and a dark ale. 5.Hillend Tavern, Kingdom of Fife – Chestnuts roasting on an open fire… is a regular (albeit informal) event at Hillend Tavern. Another regular local CAMRA Pub of

the year and Scottish Pub of the Year runner-up, there is an open fire at each end of the pub, and four or five real ales are regularly on offer. 6.Flower Pot, Oxfordshire – A charming country inn set in the heart of the village of Aston. With a vintage wood burner in the public bar, the Flower Pot offers traditional pub fayre and an eclectic collection of aquatic taxidermy throughout the pub. A great place to warm up with a pint, it is located just a five-minute walk from the River Thames and provides beautiful views of the countryside. 7.Forest Arms, West Wales – The Forest Arms is located in the centre of Brechfa, an ancient village dating back to the 6th Century, situated between Llandeilo and Carmarthen. There are two rooms with open fires and plenty of cosy areas to sit and relax. The Huntsmans Bar has a cavernous fireplace with a wood burner, while the double-height St David’s Room also boasts an open fire and is available for private hire. Dylan Thomas, the King of Saudi Arabia and George Bernard Shaw, among others, have frequented the Forest Arms in their day. 8.Blackbird Inn, Northumberland – Offering rustic charm, this is a great place to cosy up on a cold winter’s day in front of a roaring fire in the Tudor fireplace. Part of the pub is made up of remains from Ponteland

CLH News


Castle, and it is central to the village. As well as being dog-friendly it offers excellent food and local ales. The legendary Ponteland Wheelbarrow Race starts and finishes at the pub every New Year’s Day too. 9.Nobody Inn, Devon* – A splendid village inn, full of old beams and antique furniture, that dates back to the 15th century, but formally became an inn in 1837. Situated between the Haldon Hills and the Teign Valley, it has a vast inglenook fireplace and a warm welcome is guaranteed. The pub offers local produce, real ales, more than 250 wines and 240 whiskies, as well as accommodation. 10.Queen’s Head, Cambridgeshire* – This village local is one of only a handful of pubs to have appeared in every edition of the Good Beer Guide. The cosy lounge has a welcoming fire, which may have warmed the King and Kaiser who reputedly stopped here for a pint in the early 1900s. Ales are served direct from the cask on a stillage behind the bar and include guest beers from Adnams or a smaller local brewery. 11.Westford Inn, Highland and Western Isles* – Situated on the beautiful island of North Uist, this cosy, traditional pub has a loyal following of locals and visitors alike. Popular with cyclists, walkers and shooting parties, the peat-fuelled stove is always welcome to all. Ales are supplied from the Isle of Skye Brewery.

Rum Set to Capitalize After Recording HEINEKEN Partners with UEFA EURO 2020TM And Renews UEFA Champions 7.5% Growth Between 2017 And 2018 League Sponsorship After Recording 7.5% Growth Between 2017 And 2018

Gin has been an on-trend spirit, particularly in the UK, since 2009 when the ‘gin boom’ began. However, rum is set to dominate going forward, with impressive sales growth and category innovation witnessed over the past few years. According to GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company, the value of the rum market in the UK grew at a rate of 7.5% between 2017 and 2018, compared to the gin market which saw annual grow at a rate of 3.8%. This clearly demonstrates how rum is capitalizing on the slowing gin market after years of growth. Matthew Coates, Consumer Analyst at GlobalData, commented: “Sales of rum reached over £1bn in 2018, around one year behind gin. Currently, white rum is the most popular but the Wine and Spirits Trading Association (WSTA) predict that spiced and flavoured rum categories will becoming the leading product type for consumers by the end of 2019. “The growth is driven by consumer demand for craft spirits, similar to the growth seen in craft beer over the past decade. In 2006, around 50 rum brands were available

to the British public, compared to nearly 200 in 2019.”

Resurgence in gin’s popularity was largely driven by the cocktail revival seen in the 2000s, the versatility of the spirit within those cocktails and the rise of small-scale distilleries. In comparison, rum will face a greater challenge in gaining widespread popularity due to the higher cost, the greater difficulty involved in producing varieties, and the longer periods of time needed to age. However, innovation in the category is helping to reposition rum as a premium luxury spirit. For example, Damoiseau uses fresh slices of tropical fruit to flavor its rum, while Diablesse uses traditional pot and column distillation methods to produce a more authentic taste – two key sensory trends among consumers. Coates concludes: “These shifts within this category are repositioning rum from being a cheap party drink or sailor’s favorite to a premium luxury spirit. Rum is entering an exciting and diverse production era to be explored by consumers and manufacturers alike.”

HEINEKEN has announced it will become ‘Official Beer Partner of UEFA EURO 2020™’, and in a separate agreement has extended its UEFA Champions League partnership by another three years, from 202124. The brewer’s relationship with UEFA Champions League is already well established, stretching back over 25 years. The new UEFA EURO 2020™ agreement means that Heineken® will be a partner of Europe’s most prestigious club and international football tournaments. Both competitions play an important role in supporting the Heineken® brand’s European and global business growth objectives. The new UEFA EURO 2020™ contract includes exclusive pouring rights at stadiums, fan zones and fan villages, LED pitch boarding exposure, digital rights, Man of the Match presentations, match screenings and ticket giveaways. The brand will also activate global TV and digital integrated marketing campaigns – utilising its global football ambassador, UEFA Champions League and UEFA European Football Championship winner, Thierry Henry. Hans Erik Tuijt, Global Sponsorship Director, HEINEKEN, said: “Heineken® has enjoyed an unrivalled relationship with football fans through our UEFA Champions League sponsorship. We are excited to be able to build the relationship further with the UEFA EURO 2020™ partnership, meaning we will be involved in the leading European club and international tournaments. UEFA EURO 2020™ will enable Heineken® to create even more engaging experiences for football fans across Europe and around the world.

The Cleveland Arms and Clean Bean Crowned Britain’s Best Roast Dinners The Cleveland Arms, Brighton, has been awarded the title of Best Meat Roast Dinner in Knorr Professional’s Great British Roast Dinner competition, while Clean Bean, Seaham, was named winner of the Best Vegetarian or Vegan Roast Dinner. The competition aims to recognise the very best roast dinners served out of home and to honour the professional chefs who work hard to craft them. Winners were chosen by a panel of judges including the 2019 National Chef of the Year, Kuba Winkowski, who hosted the final round of judging at Kubarn, his charcuterie business in the Cotswolds. Finalists were scored based on quality, service, cleanliness, value for money, presentation – and, of course, taste. The Cleveland Arms, which is owned and run by Sarah and Jamie Davies, pride themselves on their homemade roast dinner and exceptional service. Head chef Danny Frape uses organic, locally sourced meats including beef, lamb, chicken and pork belly. All roasts are served with a thick, luscious gravy, light – yet enormous – Yorkshire puddings, seasonal vegetables and roast potatoes. Clean Bean, which is a 100% gluten-free restaurant owned and run by Linda and Paul Barron, won the vegetarian/vegan category with their “cleaned up” take on the traditional Sunday roast. Their mushroom nut roast stack is made with mushrooms and chickpeas and is served with a stuffing made from quinoa. Kate Drew, senior marketing manager for Knorr Professional, said: “This year the competition saw an exceptional standard of entries from establishments across the UK.

Winning this award is truly an incredible achievement and a testament to the work that the teams at the Cleveland Arms and Clean Bean have clearly put into serving a simply excellent roast dinner. Winkowski said: “It was a real honour to be asked to judge this year’s competition and hugely motivating to see such a high standard of entries from across the UK. Great Britain truly does have one of the best culinary landscapes in the world, no matter what type of cuisine you’re looking for. For me, judging this competition has only served to cement this viewpoint – and you can’t get more British than the humble roast dinner!” Drew added: “We were extremely excited to take our Great British Roast competition to a new level this year, with the introduction of the vegetarian/vegan category. It’s important that the competition reflects the consumer landscape, and with four times the number of vegans in the UK now than five years ago, it made sense that we should recognise the chefs that are working to meet this shift in demand.” As well as the prestigious title of Britain’s Best Roast 2019, the Cleveland Arms and Clean Bean will each receive a prize package including a £3,000 kitchen equipment voucher, UFS Chef Rewards points and branded chef jackets. The People’s Favourite, a third category based on public nominations, was awarded to the Three Horseshoes in Blyth, Northumberland, which received a prize package of a £1,000 kitchen equipment voucher, branded chef jackets and Amazon vouchers for the front of house team.

This partnership compliments our other unique global platforms; Rugby World Cup, Formula One, and James Bond.” Guy-Laurent Epstein, marketing director of UEFA Events SA, commented; “This is an incredibly exciting time for football in Europe. UEFA EURO 2020 will be hosted by 12 countries for the first time as part of the 60th anniversary celebrations of the competition and the UEFA Champions League is going from strength to strength – firmly establishing itself as the world’s premier club competition. We know the value Heineken® brings through their outstanding engagement with fans of the UEFA Champions League across the globe and we are delighted to extend this partnership for another three seasons. We are also extremely excited as we will be able to call on their experience and innovative marketing campaigns in the build-up to and during UEFA EURO 2020.” EURO 2020 takes place from June 12 to July 12, 2020. For the first time the tournament will be hosted across twelve European cities: Amsterdam, Baku, Bilbao Bucharest, Budapest, Copenhagen, Dublin, Glasgow, London, Munich, Rome and St Petersburg. Heineken®’s renewed three-year agreement as a UEFA club competitions partner will include sponsorship rights for the UEFA Super Cup from 2021 until 2024. The new agreement will also see Amstel become a partner of the UEFA Europa Conference League, UEFA’s new club competition that is set to launch in the 2021/22 football season, as well as continuing their sponsorship of the UEFA Europa League.

Regale Offers MICROWAVE EXPERTISE Established in 1983 by directors Patrick Bray and Barry Clark, Regale Microwave Ovens specialise in the wholesale & distribution of commercial microwave ovens. Regale work with a number of the major microwave manufacturers, including Panasonic, Sharp, Merrychef, Eikon and, new to the market Daewoo. The company holds the title of Panasonic’s No1 UK wholesaler for commercial microwave ovens. Over the years, based on its expertise, Regale became aware of a pattern of problems being reported with commercial microwaves. These included ceiling plates burning, base plates cracking and grease penetrating the works because microwaves are virtually impossible to thoroughly clean. Repairs like this are not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty and so the cost falls on the owner. With so much interest in the Microsave Cavity Liner and now over 16,000 currently in use in the UK, Daewoo UK decided to approach Regale and sister company Cavity Protection Systems Ltd to have a Microsave manufactured to use in the new heavy duty range launched in the UK. The full range of Microsave Cavity Liners has

Worldwide NSF Certification because they help keep the cavity of a commercial microwave oven clean and massively increase the standard of hygiene, making the cleaning of the microwave simple, quick and efficient. It is simple to remove it from the microwave oven, clean, (for example in a pot wash, or a non-caustic dishwasher, dry and replace it back in the cavity of the microwave oven. Very importantly the Microsave costs less than one average call-out and repair and can save hundreds of pounds over the life of the microwave oven (which can also help to extend the life of the microwave)! Regale’s offer a special discount is when the microwave oven is purchased complete with the Microsave Cavity Liner. Regale unbox the chosen microwave oven, check it over, place a Microsave inside the cavity, correctly reseal the box and send out on a ‘next working day’ delivery service free of charge to any mainland UK site (excluding Highlands and offshore islands – which can be arranged at cost). For full details of Regale’s services please see our websites or email Telephone 01329 285518 – Fax 01329 284683 See advert on page 14 for details.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

November 2019

Hospitality Industry Can Expect to Take an Extra £20 Million In Tips Over the Festive Period As people prepare for weeks of festive cheer, the UK’s 2.3 million hospitality workers are gearing up for the most lucrative “tip season” of the year. New research from, the UK’s biggest hospitality job site, has revealed that the hospitality industry can expect to take an extra £20 million of tips over the festive period as people go out more and are more generous with their money. The research shows tippers are on average 22% more generous in the build up to Christmas.’s research reveals that Belfast has the most generous tippers in the UK – with 91% of those in the Northern Ireland capital city leaving a tip.

Meanwhile those in Nottingham are least likely to tip – with just 53% prepared to do so. When it comes to deciding how much people are willing to tip, staff manners (91%), and a willingness to accommodate preferences and requests (89%) are the most important – 87% of customers say they’re won over by the quality of the food and 86% are swayed by speed of service. For hospitality workers that do receive tips, on average they make £29 per day throughout the year and those working in London receiving £75 a day in tips. Meanwhile debate continues about whether tipping

should be automatically included in the final bill – over half (54%) of customers say they would tip more if it was excluded from the bill and was optional. Neil Pattison, director at, said: “The government’s tipping bill is not only an important piece of legislation for the industry but is also a reminder of the value tips bring to hospitality staff. Our research highlights just how much customers appreciate good service and it’s encouraging to know the extent to which hard-working hospitality staff will be rewarded in the run up to Christmas, and indeed year round, through tips.

Soccer Claims 49.1% Of Alcoholic Beverage Sport Sponsorships Alcoholic beverage brands have long used sports as a means of promoting their brands globally, with 30 brands holding active sponsorship deals across 30 different sports in 2018. This was led by soccer with a massive 49.1%, says Sportcal, a GlobalData company. David Harris, Beverage Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “With the huge sponsorship potential, celebrity-endorsed booze launches have picked up massively in recent years with several high-profile brands launching their own beverage lines. For example, Diageo-owned Haig Whisky is being endorsed by former England soccer star David Beckham.”

FC was shirt-sponsored by Carlsberg between 1992 and 2010, which led to a 2017 one-off beer sold by Carlsberg that was claimed to have been produced to the sound of Liverpool football games. A report by GlobalData’s Sportcal, titled ‘Sector Report: Alcoholic: Beverages 2018’, noted that although long-term contracts may prove beneficial, the evolution of the sports industry and media space poses a perpetual risk for both the sponsoring company and the sport. As such, partnerships can reach stagnation with neither party reaping the desired benefits.

brands are signing short-term contracts that help them reduce the associated risks. In 2018, the term for sponsorship contracts signed by alcohol brands for sports events ranged between one to three years, as compared to 2017 contracts that had terms between two to five years.

“In addition, beer brands are using sponsorships to gain entry into the UK market. They are, therefore, keen to promote their product as the ‘official beer of a sport’, as opposed to a particular team, mainly due to the tribalism in many team’s fanbases. For example, a Tottenham fan will never drink an Arsenalbranded beer, no matter how good it tastes. Conrad Wiacek, Head of Sponsorship at This is why promotions such as NFL’s deal Alongside celebrity deals, most collaboraSportcal, comments: “Short-term contracts with Bud Light – which saw branded packagtions with soccer properties are focused on that are renewed on a regular basis can overing catering to every brand in the central team partnerships with the majority come this challenge, with the contract evolvleague – work: they promote their product to stretched across three to five years. Liverpool ing as the partnership evolves. As a result, every fan of the sport, not just for one team.”

Top Lip Toupée Wearers Get Charity Boost Down the Boozer FUZZY-lipped charity champions are being encouraged to boost their fundraising efforts – whilst enjoying a drink and bite to eat.

we are not seeing any particularly spectacular examples quite yet – but as the days fly by, the mos will grow.

Moustachioed men who find themselves in Cumbria can get ‘mo’ for their money if they tuck into some warming winter fayre at the Sun Inn.

“Anyone who does call in to the Sun Inn during Movember can expect a warm welcome, the chance to show their mo to the Sun’s thousands of social media followers – and of course 10 per cent of their food bill donated to a charity of their choice.”

Lakeland Inns, which runs the popular pub will donate 10 per cent of the total food bill to a charity of the mo bro’s choice. Bosses hope s-hair-ing the love with punters will encourage plenty of people cultivating a lip toupee to drop in. Sam Scott is manager of the Sun Inn and also rocks one of Ulverston’s finest beard and moustache ensembles. He said: “It takes real effort to grow a moustache of reasonable quality and we want to reward those people who are taking the plunge this Movember to raise money for a very good cause. “Because we are early into the month of the mo

Alliance Till Systems An independent EPOS system distributor, Alliance Till Systems has been installing and tailoring touch screen terminals and handheld ordering systems to hospitality businesses throughout Scotland and the UK for over a decade. The company’s clients range from small independent cafes to large scale operators with multiple venues and include restaurants, bars, nightclubs and a cinema.

To qualify for the 10 per cent charity donation, diners must have a distinct mo. Mos being cultivated in the safe confines of similar length facial ‘nursery’ stubble will not qualify. Kirsty Mackenzie is managing director of Lakeland Inns. She said: “From Tom Selleck to Freddie Mercury – and of course Ulverston’s very own Ralph Spours – many moustaches have gone down in history for their presence. “As well as doing something for charity, we’re looking forward to welcoming mos of all shapes and sizes in the Sun. Who knows – we might just uncover the next celebrity tache.”

New concepts and ordering solutions are Monitors. key to Alliance success and ensure they are Another key product is the high standard always one step ahead of the competition. NCR Orderman handheld ordering system. They were the first epos reseller in the UK to The Orderman5 is specially designed for the install top of the range Cuisinno Kitchen hospitality industry and is guaranteed to improve your financial success. This unique mobile ordering system can provide you with 25% more sales.

Alliance prides itself on the dedicated service, training and ongoing support it provides to its clients. It works closely with business owners and venue managers to create bespoke solutions based on the individual needs of the client.

Quality First with Proper by SCT

With so many products on the market today, it takes bar snacks of great substance, taste and quality to emerge triumphant. SCT & SCT establishes itself as the clear leader of its field, by combining all of these and more. Its ‘Proper by SCT’ range offers a selection of Proper Pork Crackling, Fabulous Fudge and Delectable Nuts. Nuts make a fabulous edition to any pub or bar offring; with a range of nuts on offer, picking the best ones for your establishment is key.

Kiosk ordering is another growth area and is set to increase with more operators looking to self- ordering kiosks in order to increase efficiency and profits. If you would like more details on epos solutions and services please do call Alliance on 0141 332 5030. Contact or visit Look no further for the perfect pork scratching with SCT & SCT's Proper Pork Crackling, including favourite flavours Extreme Naga Chilli, Sage and Onion, and of course, the Classic Salted. Call 01202 875280, email or or see the advert on page 7.

EPoS and Merchant Solutions from 3R Telecom

3R offers a wide range of hardware: robust, durable EPoS tills from both countertop to self-service kiosks; accompanied by kitchen screens for chefs; along with tablets for waiters; combined with either integrated countertop payment terminals or wireless payment solutions; and much more! Coupled with our signature CES Touch EPoS software, which can come accompanied by a nondependant cloud-based solution, this is the cutting edge in EPoS experience. Touch boasts a wide variety of features such as: a comprehensive table planner for any size establishment; an entirely revised split bill system; extensive stock

control; and intensive operator management and tracking.

3R’s reporting facilities safely stores information regarding your business and can be uniquely tailored to suit your requirements. 3R hold the advantages of providing customers with speed of service, better staff productivity, cost control, stock control, and visibility with operator tracking/ control, and reduced shrinkage. With mix and match offers, quick meal deals or special offers can be created on the fly. In conjunction with our extensive reporting suite, an increase in profits can be realised almost immediately. See the advert on page 15, call on 01992 574 650 or visit

“Based on our research, tips can add over £6,500 onto an average hospitality workers salary each year. For someone based in London, this total is even more, with workers having the opportunity to earn over £17,000 a year from tipping alone. This would mean that a waiting role in London, for example, could command a total annual income of £40,000. I expect that will come as a surprise to many people who see hospitality as a poorly paid sector! “With nearly 20,000 roles available on, it’s clear the sector presents a strong opportunity for career development – and with a tipping culture in the UK, a real difference can be made to earnings.”

Over Half of UK Consumers Want to Eat More Seafood New insights available for UK seafood industry as results of State of the Nation research study are revealed. Seafish, the public body that supports the £10bn UK seafood industry, has published the results of its latest research looking at UK consumers’ attitudes and behaviours regarding seafood. It commissioned the ‘State of the Nation’ research as part of its work to drive further seafood consumption in the UK. The findings of the research revealed that only one third followed the NHS public health recommendation to eat two portions of fish a week. However, over half (55%) of consumers would like to eat more seafood. The research also uncovered some key consumer attitudes and preferences around seafood, with findings showing that that 70% of the fish buying public think that sustainability is important and that telling consumers about the specific health benefits of fish would encourage over 70% of them to eat more. Greg Smith, Head of Marketing at Seafish, said, “The State of the Nation project contains some of our most important research to date, helping us better understand UK consumers. “We know there’s still work to be done to get people eating more seafood, especially as two thirds of consumers aren’t following government health guidelines and eating two portions of fish a week, but it’s really encouraging to see that over half of consumers want to eat more. “This work provides valuable insight into what really makes consumers tick when it comes to eating seafood, and can be used by industry to inform ongoing initiatives, which help positively impact consumption across the supply chain.” The research, which was conducted by YouGov in April 2018, involved a survey of 2,047 adults representative of the UK population. The full research report and a summary document are available to download from the Seafish website

The Red Lioness the UK’s First Women’s Football Pub BT Sport unveiled “The Red Lioness” pub earlier this monthin a bid to get more venues to show women’s football in the lead up to England’s match at Wembley against Germany. Usually known as the Red Lion in the City of London, the pub was remodelled to celebrate and showcase the storylines, personalities and milestones of women’s football. BT revamped the pub as the home of the women’s game and it will be adorned with Women’s Super League memorabilia, photos of legends and silverware. The Red Lion pub is a staple of British culture, the UK’s most popular

pub name. With a change of name to The Red Lioness, BT Sport say they are inspiring more pubs to champion women’s football. The Red Lioness is one of 700 Greene King pubs to sign up to a new BT Sport pledge aimed at increasing the profile of women’s football. The Red Lioness Pledge asks pubs and clubs around the UK to commit to screening all women’s football matches live, from the FA WSL through to internationals featuring England’s Lionesses, as well as creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for women’s football fans. BT Sport will provide advice and point of sale materials for BT Sport commercial venues backing the pledge. If you are a BT Sport Commercial venue you can join the pledge at

Airwave Installs Chromecast System at Hotel Ness Walk, Inverness

Airwave is Europe's leading supplier, installer and integrator of digital television and audio visual equipment has recently completed a Chromecast installation project at the luxurious Hotel Ness Walk. Located a monster's length from Loch Ness, Hotel Ness Walk sits on the leafy banks of the River Ness in the stunning Scottish Highlands. Originally a 19th century house, Ness Walk's Grade B listed building has been lovingly restored, retaining many of its periodic features. Each room and suite offers luxury, intricate design and following a recent collaboration with Airwave, a top quality TV entertainment system. "The ethos of Ness Walk centres around the personal experience" said head of hospitality sales, Wayne Bowring "and this needed to be reflected in the TV system." With this in mind, Airwave installed a hospitality certified Chromecast system, allowing guests to cast content from a smart device onto the guest-room TV. Complementing the Chromecast system, Airwave supplied and wall-mounted a mixture of 43-inch and 55-inch Samsung HGEE690 SMART TV and a Sky-InRoom service. Sky's In-Room service provides guest with a home-from-hone experience with a Sky HD box in each hotel room; with Sky and Chromecast implemented in the same system, Ness Walk's guests are spoilt for choice! For further details see advert page 3.

November 2019

CLH News


Getting Christmas “All Wrapped Up”

The season is upon us, and most operators will have been planning for Christmas and the ensuing “mayhem” for months, however some may not be so organised, and may be frantically playing catchup! Still, it’s not too late and as any operator would agree preparation is absolutely essential. Not only is it your busiest time of the year of course it is a great time to welcome new custom and create such a positive impression you are welcome them back well into the New Year. The hospitality and on trade sector fortunately weathers the storm when it comes to consumer spending, for the 2018 Christmas period consumer spending grew by 2% whereas the hospitality and on trade sector saw an increase of almost 13%. According to the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) pubs served 10 million pints of beer and 3 million traditional dinners on Christmas Day last year! Across the festive period as a whole, the BBPA said that 40 million pints of beer were sold in Britain’s pubs, a Christmas present for pubs worth £150 million. BBPA Chief Executive Brigid Simmonds said of Christmas 2018: “Christmas is a very busy time for Britain’s pubs and many see them as a home from home during the festive period. In fact, 10 million pints will be served by pubs on Christmas Day and 3 million Christmas dinners will be served at the pub as well. “The role of the pub at Christmas is far greater than a

place to eat and drink though. In many ways, the pub is the original social network and Christmas is a great chance to use it to reconnect with friends and family. “The pub brings the community together and for those who aren’t so fortunate to be spending Christmas with loved ones, the local will be a great place to soak up the festive cheer and avoid feeling lonely.” And whilst traditional Christmas products such as turkey and Christmas pudding are still our favourite by far the market has moved immeasurably. According to statistics the number of vegans in the UK has grown by over 360% over the last decade to over 3 ½ million, and millennial’s are leading the drive towards vegetarianism. The free from food sector has in recent years enjoyed a period of substantial growth with the sector now valued at an estimated £560 million. It makes great business sense to keep all your customers happy, says the Vegetarian Society, “There is a growing trend of meat-reduction and flexitarianism. This has led to a rise in people seeking out vegetarian and vegan options. When choosing a place to eat, your potential customers will choose somewhere that caters for everyone in their party. By maximising your vegetarian and vegan offering – you’ll boost your business.” So if you haven’t already got the message get planning NOW!!!! Competition is fierce during the festive season, every other hospitality operator will be thinking and planning too, and the chains will be looking to recover some

ground and will be aggressively targeting the market, with every offer under the sun! One point to consider is that value for money is paramount when parties, or families are considering Christmas bookings. And with hotels, restaurants and pubs all vying for those lucrative bookings, whether they are business party bookings, or family bookings, standing out from the competition and making sure you get it right, right down to the last detail is absolutely crucial.

PROPER PLANNING IS ESSENTIAL. It your busiest time of the year and a great opportunity to create a positive impression, so ensure any maintenance issues have been resolved, and prepare for the unexpected. Make sure Beverage is fully stocked or preordered in advance, look back at previous sales to give an indication of not only are busy you were but what with the popular and bestselling drinks. The same of course goes to food, ensure your kitchen a well-stocked and your supply chain is running smoothly and confidently.

ARE YOU FESTIVE? Come on it is Christmas! Push out the boat, make sure your premises look as festive as they can be, and make sure that you are well stocked up with all the festive goodies, tree, decoration, lighting, mulled wine, there is no bigger crime for a party or party organiser than sitting down to a table that doesn’t have a Christmas cracker!!!!!


Make sure you are marketing party deals and entertainment put up posters tent cards banners and flyers, make sure you’re taking advantage of your website and social media. Check out the CLHNews website for all your festive posters available free of charge! Also communicate with your staff. You will be relying on them throughout the Christmas period, and they will be working when everybody else is enjoying themselves. Consider introducing incentives such as personal or collective bonuses, for attendance, timekeeping, achieving targets on Bookings and/or sales. Keep everybody informed in front of house to kitchen, staff let them know what is going on have regular updates and meetings. Make sure all bookings are confirmed, checking details dietary requirements, particularly allergies and ensure that timing and food orders are correct

BE HONEST Most customers during the pre-Christmas rush are in a happy mood. If the food is slow or any other issues arise, deal with it efficiently, politely and ensure that the customers are satisfied once it has been resolved.

MAKE THE CUSTOMERS FEEL WELCOMED AND LOVED It’s all about having fun, staff and customers. Outstanding service through a positive, friendly and knowledgeable member of staff is the key to any great customer experience. Make sure the customers feel that they are not just a number but a truly valued asset to your establishment.

Sleaford Quality Foods Ltd Launch Exciting New Getting Ready for Christmas? Take a Look at These! ‘Free From and Vegan Friendly’ Foodservice Range Sleaford Quality Foods (SQF), a leading cross-category supplier to the foodservice and catering industry has launched a new range in the UK with sustainability at its heart. The new Our Earth range includes products providing full traceability back to source, offering natural ingredients and sustainability without ever compromising on flavour. The range features on-trend products including gluten-free, dairy-free, palm oil-free, vegan, Halal and Kosher diet suitable options.

Initial range includes Gravy Mixes, Bouillons, Stuffing’s, Yorkshire Pudding Mixes and Jelly Crystals delivering unbeatable flavour as part of a balanced diet. Tracey Siddy, Head of Innovation & Marketing at Sleaford Quality Foods commented: "The Our Earth range is the latest move from Sleaford Quality Foods to continually improve sustainability in the food industry with products that can be traced back to source, while providing meal solutions for a range of dietary preferences” "All Our Earth products will be lovingly made and blended in our state-of-the-art production facility in Lincolnshire.” Visit for details.

New and exclusive, we’ve created some great packaging options that fit perfectly with our current products. Our Triangles come in 2 sizes, just right for chocolates, sweets and smaller items, flat-top bags are fabulous for mugs and teddies and we’ve introduced a larger size of gable box. Our gift trays have also been brought bang up-to-date with our Easy-Fold boxes and Sleeves to fit! Simply fold, stick and slide into the sleeve and you have a beautiful gift box, easy to fill and quick to wrap. Available in 3 sizes and 10 designs, with more on their way. Our latest design added to our range this year is our wonderfully festive Christmas Tree design, surrounded by gifts and finished with a traditional message of ‘Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Already a very popular choice. Don’t forget, we can also supply all your shredded packing paper, bows, wicker baskets and empty hampers – all with next day delivery available. 01502 501681

Getting Christmas “All Wrapped Up” November 2019

Grab Christmas by the Baubles This Year – at Peeks! It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas – especially if you visit Peeks. Our party people have been boosting yuletide merriment for more than 70 years and now we have the biggest range ever. Whether you visit us online, flick through our catalogue or go to our enormous party store you will soon be overcome by the seasonal spirit. Our little elves have been busy creating everything anyone could need for the festive celebrations.

If you want to spruce up your seasonal look we have the trees, the decorations and plenty of Santa-style surprises. We’ve got balloons, fairy lights, costumes and crackers and boxes and boxes filled by our packers. There are bells and smells, tinsel and stars, baubles and bunting all shipped from afar. Santa is coming in a matter of weeks – so get your Christmas head on and skate over to Peeks. Visit or see page 13.

Daiba - Be Creative, Be Inspiring and Be Healthy This Xmas Reconnecting with nature using organic, raw and directly sourced ingredients to give our wellbeing a natural boost whilst creating minimum impact on our environment is Daiba Organic's ethos. Our mission is to enlighten humanity and bring awareness to our physical, mental and environmental wellbeing with the power of nature. We discovered the incredible benefits of using raw, organic and naturally sourced ingredients, not only in our diet but also in the products and supplements we use on a daily basis. Earth kind and sustainable lifestyle choices can really make a difference to

Exotic Christmas Pud

our health and wellbeing, we believe these choices should be available to all. Bringing you nature’s intelligence at its best, health boosting ingredients that are packed with essential benefits for your body.

CLH News

Lee Kum Kee - The Brand of Choice

The legacy of Lee Kum Kee all started from a beautiful accident that happened to Mr. Lee Kum Sheung, who was originally a restaurateur in Southern China before becoming the founder of Lee Kum Kee in 1888. He accidentally discovered oyster sauce by over-cooking his oyster soup, which eventually led to Lee Kum Kee becoming the world’s number 1 Oyster Sauce brand for 12 consecutive years* and the brand of choice for Chinese families and Michelin starred restaurants and chefs around the world. Over the years, Lee Kum Kee has continuously innovated with new products to enhance its legacy of success in Chinese products. Nowadays, the single product line has expanded to more than 200 products available across the globe, including categories such as soy sauce, XO sauce, chilli sauce and cooking sauces. As the leader in authentic Chinese sauces, sustainability has been integrated into every aspect of the operation of Lee Kum Kee. The Company proactively improves the product packaging to reduce wastage

Daiba Tea Blends - beautifully aromatic, full of flavour and superfoods. CBD Infused Chocolate - Award winning, herbalicious goodness in a bar. All our products are Plant Based, Sustainably Sourced, 100% Natural and Organic.

and invests in the latest technologies and renewable energy sources to minimise impact to the environment, crafting the recipes of success beyond 131 years. Lee Kum Kee products are widely available in the European mainstream supermarkets including Tesco, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, Asda, Co-op, Morrisons, Ocado and Amazon, and have a very strong presence in all Chinese supermarkets and Cash & Carries. Lee Kum Kee website: Facebook / Twitter / YouTube: Lee Kum Kee Europe Instagram: LKKEurope See the advert on page 19 for details.

Freephone: 0800 917 7943

Supporting you and your lifestyle, let nature be your remedy. See the advert on this page for details.

Recipe courtesy of the Vegetarian Society - See the advert on page 2 Cut all the dried fruit into small dice (kitchen scissors INGREDIENTS can be less messy than using a knife) and place in a 100g ready to eat dried mango shallow bowl. Pour over the sherry and leave to soak 100g ready to eat dried figs for 1 hour, stirring from time to time. 125g ready to eat dried cranberries Combine the suet, breadcrumbs, sugar, flour, car200ml vegetarian fino sherry damom and nuts in a large bowl. Add the orange zest, 100g light vegetarian suet juice and eggs to the marinating fruit and then combine 100g white breadcrumbs with the dry ingredients, mixing well. 100g light muscovado sugar 50g plain flour Grease a 1 litre pudding basin and line the base with baking parchment. Spoon the 1½ tsp cardamom seeds, lightly crushed mixture into the basin and level the top. Cover with baking parchment, pleated to 25g pecan nuts, finely chopped allow for expansion, then cover with foil also pleated and tie with string. 1 large orange, zest and juice Place an upturned saucer in a large saucepan. Stand the basin on top and pour boil2 large free range eggs, lightly beaten ing water two-thirds up the sides of the basin. Bring to the boil and simmer for 3 ½ 15g butter (for greasing) hours topping up with boiling water as necessary.









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Refit of Things Getting intoDesign theandSpirit

November November2019 2019

CLH CLHNews News


years ago. Gin now attracts 14 pence in every pound spent on spirits in the on trade, with pink gin a particularly important driver.

3. RUM IS FLOURISHING TOO While gin is still the clear growth leader, other categories are also growing fast. Sales of golden rum and dark rum are up by 10.9% and 8.6% respectively in the last year, and now have a combined 7.2% share of the spirits market. Irish Whiskey sales are meanwhile up 2.8%. “Rum and Irish whiskey have seen plenty of innovation, as well as solid performance from bigger brands, and are tapping into consumer demand for discovery, new flavour profiles and products with heritage and an interesting brand story to tell,” Jones told the Spirits Summit.


The spirit market is booming! Last year total UK spirit sales were a staggering £11bn. The sector has, over the past 10 years, seen incredible change and innovation, and the spirit sector has been outperforming other sectors for some time. A poll by Survation earlier this year for the UK Spirits Alliance found that 65% of the nation’s distillers reported increased sales of spirits, and also revealed that 84% of distillers plan to increase production over the next 12 months. Nearly a third are planning to more than double their production over the next five years, and 70% expect to increase exports in the next 12 months, while 60% plan to hire additional staff.

Along with gin, rum has driven growth with almost 35 million bottles sold worth over £1 billion according to statistics from the Wine & Spirit Trade Association (WSTA). In 2006, there were around 50 rum brands on the UK market, but now that number is approaching 200, underlining that UK drinkers’ desire to experiment new and different brands is not confined only to experimenting with gin.


Despite a recent fall in both value and volume, whiskies are possibly the most vibrant and diverse category in spirits at the moment, with a growAnd, when it comes to spirits, it’s all about ing emphasis on innovation and experimentathe experience, and cocktails and premium Sales of tion. Their heritage, craft and complexity spirits offer the perfect recipe for cusprovide an opportunity to engage people, spirits have tomers looking for a great experience on to educate them and take them on a jourgrown to almost a good night out. With consumer experiney, creating a richer thought-provoking 1 in 3 serves in mentation driving interest, and plenty of drinking experience. Furthermore, whisky total beverage product innovation, spirits are currently is expected to return to growth, and alcohol one of the big wins for the on-trade. On expected to worth in excess of £2.44 billion trade spirit sales are now worth over £6.5 bilby 2022, which is up from £2.31 billion in 2018. lion and grew by 6.7% last year, and the really good This can largely be attributed to consumer interest in news for pubs and bars is that premium spirits were the products they now purchase, and as repertoire up 14.6% - and almost 70% of premium spirits are sold increases traditional offerings are disrupted as conin the on-trade sumers embrace new products flavours and tastes. Consumers now entering pubs bars and restaurants are more likely to be looking to be inspired rather than stick with predetermined choices This will. of course. raise opportunities to be embraced the challenges to be managed and operators need more than ever to understand the demands and behaviours of the consumer as the landscape continues to shift. In fact, spirits have grown to almost one in 3 serves in total beverage alcohol.

Importantly for the sector, the drinks category continues to be full of innovation taking in not only spirits, but mixers and soft drinks as well. This innovation is reflected in the growing cocktail market in particular, which has expanded far beyond high end bars. Encouraging businesses to give cocktails a seasonal twist Amy Burgess senior external Communications manager at Coca-Cola European partners said “Although cocktails are often associated with summer, consumers are now enjoying cocktails during the winter and outlets are increasingly looking to update cocktail menus to cater for more wintry tastes. As you move into colder months licensees will have an opportunity to create winter themed serves and give customers new drinks to try other than their go to summer drinks” While gin has been the shining star of the category other drinks like rum and whisky are steadily growing.

5. INNOVATION CAN BOOST COCKTAIL SALES Cocktails are a crucial factor in the ongoing success of spirits, and CGA data shows that sales by value have risen by 7.5% in the last year. But as Jones pointed out at the Spirits Summit, there is still plenty of headroom for growth. Making greater and more prominent use of popular spirit brands could be one way to achieve it, and with the stigma around draught or pre-batched cocktails now falling away, different serves may present another route.

We are now approaching that wonderful time of the year, which for the hospitality and on trade sector is the busiest, in simple terms Christmas is BIG BUSINESS in the drinks world! You will be pleased to know that according to insight specialists CGA, during the festive period last year almost 6 million consumers tried a new or different drink, and one third of customers said they were prepared to spend more on a better quality drink. More than half (51%) said they were also influenced by a category they would not typically choose.

As the festive season approaches, Philip Montgomery of CGA said “ Christmas is a crucial time for operators who need to ensure they are making the most of footfall throughout December by encouraging customers to trade up with special promotions, new products and exciting tempting offers”.

The trend towards upmarket brands in out of home drinking continues, with sales of premium spirits growing in double digits in the last year. Of the 964 spirit launches in the last three years, more than a third (329) have been in the premium category and nearly half (454) in the super premium category. But the trend is also evolving—most notably in the way that these brands are becoming more commonplace in mainstream as well as premium venues. Since premium spirit drinkers tend to be big spenders—with an average monthly on trade spend of £104.82, against £78.16 for standard spirit consumers—it is clearly a vital demographic to serve.

In 2018, spirits grew by 7.4% in value to £11.1bn. The majority of this increase was fuelled by gin which grew by +52.2% in value while other areas such as malts (+3.6%) and rum (+4.1%) also saw positive growth.

CGA’s Director of Client Services Jonny Jones at Spirits Summit conference late 2018 says:

1. SPIRITS ARE OUTPERFORMING THE MARKET Spirits now have a 22.1% share of all drinks sales by value, according to CGA’s On-Premise Measurement Service—up by two percentage points in just four years. Some of that growth has come at the expense of categories including beer and wine, but it is also being fuelled by innovation in serve and flavour, Jones told the Summit. “The spirits category is a hugely important revenue driver for the trade, and one that is helping operators to sustain growth in a challenging marketplace.”

2. THE GIN CATEGORY IS STILL BOOMING Observers have been wondering whether the on trade has reached ‘peak gin’ for several years now, but CGA data suggests that point is still a way off. Sales have leapt by a third (33.2%) in the last year alone, and outlets now stock an average of 6.7 gin brands—nearly three times as many as the average of 2.4 just four

The 20 million British adults who enjoy spirits out of home are more likely than average to be engaged and experimental with their drinks. CGA’s BrandTrack consumer research shows that well over half (58%) of spirit drinkers enjoy trying new brands when out. But with so many new options arriving on the market, operators need to be careful not to overload drinkers with too much choice. For suppliers, the challenge is to make new product development considered and compelling, Jones said.

Diageo’s Drinks Report 2019 released earlier this year examined the growth opportunities for alcoholic beverages in Great Britain, with an exciting opportunity to grow the alcoholic drinks category in the UK by £5.2bn.


GIN Gin is still extremely popular, growing 42.2% last year, its fifth year of successive double-digit growth, making it the fastest growing category in total alcohol. “Everyone now wants a piece, and compared to two years ago there are over 200 new gin brands in the UK market, accounting for nearly a quarter of all spirits NPD – a strong effort from a category that still only makes up 20% of total spirits," says Diageo in its report.

VERMOUTH REVIVAL Vermouth is “hot on the heels” of gin, offering a similarly light and refreshing choice that suits the aperitif occasion. According to analysts Kantar Worldpanel searches on Google for vermouth have increased by 30% in the past year “First revived by mixologists as supporting cast in classic cocktails, vermouth has become a trend unto itself, served neat or in a spritz,” says Diageo. “The fortified wines meet the desire for both moderation and botanicals. Craft producers in new regions are jumping into the category, infusing vermouth with contemporary twists and local ingredients.”

Sales in pink and flav oured gin increased more than eight-fold to £392m in the 12 months to mid-May, and around 5.1 millio n consumers now say they drink pink gin—a nu mber that has more than doubled from 2.2 millio n in a year.


Getting into the Spirit of Things November 2019

CLH News


dark spirits, and that opens up the opportunity for mixers. It will be interesting to see if dark mixers can find a way to harness the super-premium trend, and what innovative approaches are taken to ensure that mixers do not “de-premiumise” and very ritualised category for neat spirit drinkers the report said.


Faith Holland of spirits company Diageo said, “Christmas in the on trade is a time and people are very happy to indulge and treat themselves. This create a real opportunity for operators to maximise their sales because drinkers are willing to trade up their tipple is and try new things. Licensees therefore need to make sure there are those opportunities for consumers to do just that if you think about spirits it is all about making sure that premium options.” Putting the art into party is all part of the flavour enhancing experience says Simon Duke director of G&I Spirit Group, which has been founded by a group of bar owners who are passionate about customer services and the upsell of their products.

OVER TWENTY FIVE WHISKY PRODUCING NATIONS AROUND THE WORLD Whisky of course has a long historical association with Scotland, but one could also include America Ireland is famous whiskey producing nations, however, there are now over 25 whisky producing nations ‘with distilleries popping up in new countries at a rate of knots’, according to Diageo. “As the world of whisky continues to grow, we are starting to see an increasing number of niche global brands coming to back bars and supermarket shelves in the UK. Further down the line expect to see new outlets springing up that specialise in the likes of Scandinavian or Australian whisky.” While the whisky category world- wide has grown, it is facing some stiff competition from other categories particularly gin, and according to the report “must make a focused appeal to win over consumers.”.According to the report the category has not done enough to appeal to new drinkers and keep pace with the unstoppable rise of gin, which overtook whisky as the second biggest spirits category in the on-trade in 2018.

G&I Spirit Group’s philosophy says Simon is “to pass on, through our Upsell Programme, super premium spirit drinks that can be a unique flavour enhancing experience, giving our customers a greater characterbased refreshment.” “There was a time when whisky evoked images of old men in leather armchairs, of inaccessible prices, of acquired tastes and above all, of a spirit that could only ever be drunk neat or with a little water. Times are changing and we are seeing pioneering attempts to cut through the complexity, overcome consumer barriers and make whisky a more accessible category for all to discover."

According to Fentimans market report the premium category has been driving the growth in spirits in recent years with sales by value up 6.3% year-on-year. However, as consumers become even more educated and discerning about drinks, a divergence has emerged between what is “premium” and the new “super-premium” category. Sales of super-premium spirits have grown by 24.5% in the last year alone, with consumers becoming more comfortable with paying extra for high quality choice. This market is likely to grow, especially in


In these highly competitive times, it is imperative that operators meet the demands of clientele looking for high quality and fresh experiences when they are out of home. According to a report several years ago up to a third of customers walking into an outlet do not know what they want to order so it makes sense for operators to have a visible selection offering mainstream and premium products, backed by good staff knowledge! The biggest winners as we approach the festive season is spirits, particularly categories that have performed well throughout the year. Furthermore, encouraging customers to try new drinks over the festive period has long-term year-round benefits since one in five customers who try new different drink during this period of two thirds more likely to order that drink again. Your staff’s ability to consistently deliver a superior service is vital to driving sales. So, make sure staff are trained to confidently communicate the extensive range you have invested in to take advantage of consumer curiosity. Being at eye level for your customers, it’s one of the most important areas of the whole bar. It’s where you should aim to highlight both premium and popular offerings as it’s this location that gets the most attention. Drinks in this section will mainly be spirits, a wide range of products can provide your customers with more choice. Increasing awareness of the variety you stock can influence your customers’ behaviour to try and buy.

“To drive whisky back into growth we need to bring new drinkers into the category," says Diageo. "We have to cut through the noise that surrounds the category and focus instead on an evocative flavour led approach, supported by exciting serves.


ness, love and kindness will prevail. We believe people should treat others as they would like to be treated themselves, and also treat them to a cocktail.”

“My brother Rupert and I set up the G&I Spirit Group seeking to create a range of spirit drinks in harmony with life, as well as being delicious and capable of being enjoyed in all manner of ways, including simply over ice. Our spirits are a slightly more complex and rewarding alcohol with a mysterious warmth while ensuring that the “ethanol burn” doesn’t become the star of the show”. “Our belief is in ‘social rituals’ where common courtesies and accepted standards of behaviour will help lead to a constant civilized society in which humane-

If you have an selection of brands, grouping them can be an effective way to increase sales. Separating your light and dark spirits will also help make your bar look more cohesive and make your customer’s buying experience easier with their options more visible. We here at CLH News have also done our bit, we have a great selection of posters for you to download from our website free of charge, which include posters for Christmas, New Year and cocktails and spirit promotions!

CLH News have partnered with the International Drinks Expo 19th & 20th November at London’s ExCeL.

Getting into the Spirit of Things November 2019

CLH News


G & I Spirit Group -“ Putting the Art into Party” JILLIONS GIN – A light and beautifully crafted Gin which burst with Botanicals. Gentle but delicate and best served with long slices of cucumber and a sprig of Rosemary over lots of ice to keep it chilled. A Super smooth Super Premium Gin. 88 GIN – A Citrus Burst in every sip. Super Premium Gin designed with botanicals plus pink grapefruit to give it the zest of life. Perfectly served chilled with tonic and slices of blood orange and lime. Why not throw in a few juniper berries to finish it off. 88 VODKA – Possibly the smoothest Super Premium Gin around and you will look super smooth holding it. A soft balanced citrus gin to be admired and enjoyed. Perfect On the Rocks or with a mixer of choice with slices of citrus fruits. MIS AMIGO TEQUILAS – Smooth and Subtle. The most incredible tequila on the market. All the ingredients are distilled to give the distinct Mexican Flavours of Chocolate, Chocolate & Lime and Coffee. This needs to be tasted to be believed. Designed to be sipped with or without ice, but who can resist the temptation of a shot as well. Forget the salt and lime, it will only slow you down ordering another.

Belgrove Rum

Belgrove Rum was born in the foodie capital of the Lake District, Cartmel, and nestles between the famous Cartmel sticky toffee pudding, and two Michelin starred L’Enclume. Belgrove is a single-origin, pure Demerara rum made from sugar cane grown on the mineral-rich banks of the Demerara River in Guyana. The rum is infused with notes of toasted hazelnut, a touch of Madagascan vanilla, and undertones of chocolate. It’s perfect in a salted caramel Espresso Martini, an Old Fashioned, or with ginger beer.

See the advert on the back page or visit

Jägermeister Cold Brew Coffee Christmas cocktails are popular, but we also see shots as a popular serve at this time of year. A consumer will never order just one shot, so this is a serve that is consumed in groups and in a celebratory manor. On average, consumers buy 3.1 shots in a round with one-quarter of annual volume for shots realised in December. This helps drive incremental sales. There is an opportunity here for operators to capitalise on this momentum. Jägermeister is the UK’s favourite shot brand (CGA data to 09.09.19) and is best served as an ice cold shot, chilled to -18C. This is also a great time of year to release innovative products. According to CGA, 51 per cent of UK consumers will try something new if they are told about it. Our latest innovation, Jägermeister Cold Brew Coffee has been met with positive feedback from operators and consumers. The signature serve for this product is an ice-cold shot, shaken and served at -18C. This new product launch widens the shot occasion. As a coffee flavoured liqueur it can be consumed at different occasions throughout an evening, including after dinner making it the perfect addition to the back bar for foodled pubs and bars. Coffee is one of the leading trends we are seeing at the moment, particularly cold brewed coffee, which is used in Jägermeister Cold Brew Coffee.

Chocolate & Lime Margarita Ingredients: 1 x Martini Glass or Large Champagne Saucer 50ml Mis Amigos Chocolate & lime Tequila 25ml Cointreau Juice from 1 fresh lime Chocolate to decorate

Method: Pour the Mis amigos Chocolate & Lime Tequila and Cointreau into a shaker over ice. Squeeze in the juice from a whole fresh lime and shake well. Strain into the glass, this can also be poured over a glass full of crushed ice if you prefer you Margaritas frozen. Decorate with a round of fresh lime and square of chocolate on the side.

Re’al - Inspired By and Created for Mixologists

Inspired by and created for mixologists. Re’al infused syrups scour the globe to source the most pure and authentic falvours. Every product contains up to 40% pure blended fruit with all natural cane sugar, creating a product which is perfect for the professional cocktail bar. We know that a drink is only as good as its ingredients, we hold everything that goes into our Re’al products to a standard of freshness and quality that is unmatched within the industry. Our dedication to creating authentic falvours truly knows no bounds or borders. The only way to truly understand how Re’al is revolutionizing cocktails for the mixologists and consumers alike is to experience it for yourself. So go enjoy a drink made by Re’al, it will change the way your think about cocktails, Cheers!

For more info call 01283 217703, visit or see the advert on page 24.

The Master Blender Collection: Pot Still Rum Dating back to 1703, Mount Gay has cultivated centuries of unrivalled expertise in creating complex rich and aromatic rums. Mount Gay continues to honour its past and this year, we look to the original process of rum-making and are proud to reveal the second release in our limited edition collection: Mount Gay Pot Still Rum. This new expression, using only rums distilled in our double retort pot stills,celebrates the way Mount Gay originally made rum for about 200 years. From the distillery’s inception in 1703 until the early 1900s when a full copper Coffey column was introduced, Mount Gay was a rum made purely in pot stills. To create the small batch of 4,920 bottles, Trudiann Branker, Mount Gay Master Blender, patiently tasted through countless samples of pot still liquid, ultimately narrowing down the selection to a 2009 vintage. For the first expression under her direction as Master Blender, Branker selected a specific batch distilled in 2009, and six months prior to bottling the liquid, she placed it into virgin ex-whiskey casks to enhance the spicy and roasted nutty notes.


Porn Star Martini Ingredients: 1 x Martini Glass 50ml 88 Super Premium Vodka 25ml Passoa Liqueur 15ml Vanilla Simple Sugar Syrup 75ml Passion Fruit Juice Strawberry to decorate

Method: Add the 88 Super Premium Vodka, Passoa Liqueur, Vanilla Sugar Syrup & Passion Fruit Juice into a shaker over ice. Shake vigorously until a creamy top is visible inside. Pour slowly and carefully into the Martini glass letting the creamy head flow first but keeping the ice from falling into the glass. Decorate with a beautiful heart shaped strawberry.

The London Essence Company Launches NEW Original Indian Tonic Water

The London Essence Company has welcomed a new Original Indian Tonic Water to its collection of exquisite drinks crafted from the finest distilled botanicals to deliver the purest flavours. The tonic boasts an aromatic citrus forward profile and crisp refreshing finish. The tonic, like the rest of the London Essence collection of tonics, gingers and sodas, is light and low in calories, at under 20kcals per 100ml, with naturally sourced sweetness and no artificial ingredients. It features a precise balance of lemon and lime, combined with aromatic calamansi extracts, to deliver a unique tropical note, layered with a hint of chinotto and juniper for a bitter tonic finish. These elements combined allow for increased versatility in drinks creation. The Original Indian Tonic Water has been created following the success of The London Essence Company’s signature Classic Tonic, which delivers a contemporary twist on the more traditional flavour profile of tonic water, with a dry and bitter forward profile. Ounal Bailey, Co-Founder of The London Essence Company, says: “At The London Essence Company, we have always set out to skilfully blend the past with the needs of today, and continually review the breadth of our range to meet consumer demand. Our Original Indian Tonic perfectly captures the essence of the diverse melting pot of London – elegant, refreshing and easily accommodating for drinkers.” The London Essence Company collection includes: Original Indian Tonic, Classic London Tonic; Grapefruit & Rosemary Tonic; Bitter Orange & Elderflower Tonic; Pomelo & Pink Pepper Tonic, Delicate Ginger Ale; Perfectly Spiced Ginger Beer; Soda Water; Rhubarb & Cardamom Crafted Soda and White Peach & Jasmine Crafted Soda. The full range of London Essence soft drinks is available in leading bars in over 60 cities across the world including Kwãnt, Coupette and Donovan Bar in London, The Clumsies in Athens and The Old Man in Hong Kong.

Contact for further information.

The Jägermeister Mule Ingredients: 50ml Jägermeister 25ml Fresh lime Top up ginger beer

Method: Build in glass, don’t mix Glass: Highball Garnish: Cucumber

Jägermeister Espresso Martini Ingredients: 50ml Jägermeister Cold Brew Coffee 35ml Espresso 1bar spoon salted caramel spread 12.5ml Vanilla syrup

Lemon Sherbert Ingredients: 1 x Gin Bowl Glass 50ml of 88 Super premium Gin ½ lemon 15ml Vanilla Simple Sugar Syrup 60ml Bitter Lemon mixer Lemon rind to decorate & zest

Method: Fill a Gin bowl glass with ice to chill. Pour the 88 Super Premium Gin into a cocktail shaker, add the vanilla sugar syrup and squeeze all the juice on to from half a lemon. Shake well then pour over the ice in the glass. Add the bitter lemon mixer and stir in. decorate with lemon rind swirl. Pinch a piece of the lemon rind over the glass to release a mist of zest

It Pays To Look After Food Safety At Christmas

November 2019

CLH News


ed to complete the tasks on schedule, and with no cumbersome paperwork to fill in, are able to get quickly back to their core duties. The ability to view the compliance status of multiple sites, in real time, in the cloud-based control centre eliminates the time otherwise spent trawling through compliance paperwork. As Christmas Day falls on a Wednesday this year, the weekend ahead looks set to be hectic, providing pubs a great opportunity to maximise last minute food and drink sales. With the help of real-time food safety management systems, such as Checkit, businesses of all sizes can reduce the stress of the season and focus on capitalising on the Christmas feel-good factor.

When an inspector calls

You may have already noticed that CLH News is getting into the Christmas spirit, after all it is for the hospitality and licensed on trade sector the most important trading period in the year. And given the political turmoil these past weeks and an election to come we could all do with a bit of cheer and goodwill. The run up to Christmas and New Year brings the punters to pubs and restaurants, providing a longexpected and welcome boost to drink and food sales before the lull of January. Christmas 2018 saw pubs and restaurants enjoying the best of seasonal sales, and while the retail sector struggled, Britain’s pubs and restaurants had cause to celebrate over the six-week Christmas and New Year period. Collective like-for-like sales were up a healthy 4.1% on 2017, according to figures from the Coffer Peach Business Tracker. Both pub and restaurant operators saw positive sales growth over the festive season, with pubs enjoying the biggest uplift with collective like-for-likes ahead 5.1% against a 2.4% increase for restaurants. London also benefited more than the rest of Britain, with like-for-likes over the six weeks to January 6 up 5.0% compared to 3.8% outside the M25. December can also pave way for an even more profitable year ahead: with more people visiting the venue, businesses have a valuable opportunity to turn these one-off visitors into repeat customers. Providing everything goes to plan!

Bear in mind it won’t just be menus consumers will be enquiring about when they think of booking Christmas parties or family get-togethers, consumers will be checking out food hygiene ratings before booking Christmas parties. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) constantly reminds consumers to pay attention to “scores on the doors” which rates food outlets on a scale of 1 to 5 and cleanliness, before choosing a festive place to eat. A survey conducted by the FSA analysing consumers’ food related attitudes revealed that 4 in 10 of us are concerned about food hygiene when eating out, adding that 66% of people know the standard of food hygiene at a restaurant, cafe pub or takeaway can be determined by hygiene stickers/certificates found on the premises. Laws state that businesses in Wales and Northern Ireland are legally required to show their rating so customers can clearly see it. However, businesses in England do not have to display their current rating, instead consumers need to go online to review the rating information for food businesses operating in England. Which means that the lovely exterior of a pub/bar restaurant might contradict what’s going on in the kitchen.

David Davies, Managing Director of Checkit, looks at why food safety should be under the spotlight this season: In order to capitalise on the demand and optimise profitability, staff can be stretched to the limit, which may mean compromising on quality, hygiene and health and safety. This can be an issue especially for many smaller businesses that lack the corporate support larger chains rely on to enforce standards. Faced with the challenges of planning and managing the busy season, food safety and hygiene can easily slip off the radar: under increased pressure, kitchen staff may forget tasks or put off filling in the food safety records until the end of the shift or bar staff might prioritise serving customers over daily cleaning tasks, compromising compliance. This presents a real risk to the future of the business. In 2015, a customer died and 33 others fell ill after eating Christmas lunch in a pub, which was later found to have falsified food safety records relating to the way the turkey meat was cooked. As a result, the manager and chef received prison sentences and the pub chain was fined £1.5 million. While this is thankfully an extreme example, it is clear to see how devastating the consequences of food safety failures can be, regardless of the size of the business. Research by Checkit revealed that 75 percent of consumers would never visit a venue that had been implicated in a food safety incident. It is easy to calculate what losing three quarters of potential customers would do to the profitability of any business. Even if no incidents occur, lapses in standards are not ignored by customers. Over 60 percent of diners would not return to a restaurant if the premises were dirty. Yet with staff rushed off their feet catering for large parties, often supported by seasonal part-time workers with little or no hygiene training, it can be a challenge to ensure that the essential compliance checks and cleaning tasks are performed on schedule. With managers often just as busy, possible problems might not be uncovered until it is already too late to correct the issue. So how can managers ensure that all the boxes are ticked during the Christmas rush? When it comes to compliance, knowledge is power. Managers need to have complete visibility over all critical compliance tasks to be able to identify potential issues and take immediate action, before customers or staff are put at risk. Unfortunately many pubs still manage critical food safety and cleaning tasks using paper-based hygiene records, which provide poor visibility over the status of the jobs carried out. Replacing paper records with a digital real-time food safety management system will give businesses the visibility needed to optimise compliance and enable quick reactions to possible issues. During busy periods, real-time food safety management systems provide invaluable support to the manager. A digital system schedules all the necessary food safety and temperature checks on to a handheld device, which then prompts staff to perform them when they are due. This ensures that staff are remind-

Most people know that the food hygiene grading system by the FSA (Food Standard Agency) runs from 0-5. However, as highlighted by our recent appearance on BBC Breakfast, and detailed by our STS Food Safety Consultant, Annabel Kyle, the ratings are composed of cleanliness levels, documentation and the layout of an establishment. It's therefore, not as clear cut as to whether the cutlery is clean or whether there's a dead rat in the jam. Having said this, the score is still a very fair indicator of the overall 'ethos' of an establishment. We spoke to Fiona Sinclair, Director of STS Food Safety, to find out just what needs to happen for an establishment to close down, and why some of them can stay open with a '0'. "To close a premises an emergency prohibition notice (EPN) needs to be served by the EHO (Environment Health Organisation). Service of EPN’s is governed by legislation and codes of practice, and closure is only permitted where there is an ‘imminent risk’ to public health. Examples include uncontrolled pest infestation, an outbreak arising from premises or even flooding with sewage etc. So, a food business can be poor, but if there is no ‘imminent risk’ they cannot be closed. Instead, other enforcement powers can be exercised e.g. prosecution, service of improvement notices, but they won't be shut down. A '0' grading will also be subject to routine inspections at the maximum frequency of 6 months, potentially with revisits in between." Another common misconception is whether establishments get prior warning of when an EHO is visiting the premises to conduct checks. Fiona explains what powers they have when conducting checks: "EHO’s have a ‘power of entry’ and must be permitted entry at any reasonable time. Generally this means when anyone is present on the premises. To not allow an EHO in is an offence called obstruction, for which the business can be prosecuted. Most EHO inspections are unannounced, although some local authorities do announce their inspections to make sure the manager or owner is available to speak with." Bob Mackay, a qualified Environmental Health Practitioner and Technical Director with Navitas Group has previously called for the mandatory display of food hygiene ratings right across the UK which he says creates consistency and greater transparency for consumers and raising food hygiene standards. He comments: “The Food Standards Agency has been making diners aware of how and where they can check food hygiene ratings and should create the impetus for food outlets to raise their standards if they want to be listed by achieving a minimum of 3 stars. However, as our research shows, food outlets should be aiming higher if they want to attract and retain customers and should ideally be aiming to beat or match the competition by targeting a 5-star rating.” According to Bob raising and maintaining food hygiene standards should be a key focus for any food business. He concludes: “Eating out has never been so popular and the choices so varied. Our research shows that people do want to make informed choices and be confident that the food they’re eating away from home has been stored, prepped and cooked safely and correctly and to good hygiene standards.”


Top tips for food outlets to improve and secure food hygiene ratings: 1. Take pride in what you do - smart clean staff and well maintained and clean premises can only give a good first impression. 2. Education is key – ensure management and staff are trained to a level that ensures they may carry out their work with competence and confidence. Level 2 food hygiene is considered the standard level of training for most food handlers, with managers/supervisors benefitting from completing Level 3 managing food hygiene. 3. Ensure that all foods prepared and served are covered by a HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point). This appears a bit of a mouthful and the formal terminology can cause some people to shy away from it. In simple terms, a HACCP is a formal process specifies the controls necessary to keep the food safe along its entire journey from the moment of purchase, all the way to the point of sale. 4. Follow food safety rules to control the risk of cross-contamination. Segregate raw and ready to eat foods during storage and provide separate raw and ready to eat food preparation surfaces and equipment. 5. Monitor and maintain the chain of temperature control. Check and record your storage, cooking and display temperatures to demonstrate that all is under control. 6. Ensure your staff have the confidence to implement and record corrective actions when controls have not been achieved. This may mean rejecting food deliveries that do not meet temperature requirements, or food not achieving correct cooking temperatures. 7. Keep all records up to date, logically filed and readily accessible – lost or poorly kept records do not give a good impression for confidence in management, and can be one of the drivers of a low food hygiene rating. 8. Introduce a proactive pest control contract with a competent contractor. Why wait for problems to develop when you can receive advice on proofing and general housekeeping arrangements, and have measures already in place to deal with ‘lone intruders’ before they take hold. 9. Consider going digital and getting the edge – installing a digital temperature monitoring system provides a reliable extra pair of hands for a fraction of the cost so your team can focus on preparing and serving safe food to your customers. 10. Plan ahead and invest in your businesses’ reputation. Seek professional advice from one of Navitas’ qualified Environmental Health Practitioners who can advise on, and verify, the effectiveness of your food and safety procedures.

It Pays To Look After Food Safety At Christmas Allergens-when mistakes can prove fatal

The very tragic death of Owen Carey at Byron’s Restaurant could have been avoided by using a simple app, says Julie Moran director of Allergymenu. “Restaurants can no longer use the excuse that they can’t provide a clear and easy to use information to their customers.” “We launched earlier this year after discovering the shocking lack of information and poor communication in restaurants to provided allergen information along with helping many of those with complex food preferences.” “Mistakes can be made that can be life threatening, however this app allows the chef to control directly the information provided to the consumer, reducing the risk of error significantly though staff communication and putting the customer in control of their choices.”

All candidates get access to a free online version of our open learning modules and an online testing portal to help them get ready for their exam, or to generate a company training record. Candidates can also study our Introductory level food hygiene in the seafood industry programme, a short three to four hour taught course, delivered at a venue that is suitable to your business. This is ideal for a group of up to 15 trainees and can be taught in eight languages including English, Welsh and Polish. Trainees complete a 20 question multiple choice exam at the end of the course to achieve a nationally recognised and regulated qualification. If you are the owner, manager or supervisor, you may wish to consider our Intermediate food safety qualification. This online eLearning programme allows the student to study at work or at home which means you can learn at a time, place and pace that suits you. A tutor is also allocated to provide telephone support. No travelling to college is involved and when you are ready, we’ll organise the exam at a place and time that is appropriate to you. Learners who pass any of the exams for the programmes outlined above receive a nationally recognised and regulated qualification from Seafish and the Royal Environmental Health Institute for Scotland. To book a course, email or telephone 01472 252300.

Keeping Clients clean and fresh

Allergy menu gave a talk to CIEH (Chartered instituted of Environmental health) to help raise awareness within the industry that there is now a simple and cheap solution to the problem, and it will save lives.

HOW IT WORKS The App allows customers to filter the restaurant’s menu at the click of a button by the full range of legislated allergens, allowing to view the menu in an easy way. The Chef can manage all the dish information and allergen information to ensure its accurate and can be updated at a moment’s notice when a dish changes, so its always up to date. Sharon at Arbuckle’s Restaurant in Norfolk have said: "Brilliant app worth every penny, your customers will be delighted with this easy way to sort your menu into the dishes they can select avoiding their individual allergens. Not difficult to enter all your info and once loaded is a brilliant tool loaded onto a tablet or ipad in your business.. This little app has put our business ahead of the rest and proved to be a real asset, great opportunity to stand out from the crowd."

Flexible training that suits you and your business Do you want to motivate your workforce, improve the experience of your customers and ensure your business reputation is first class?

Successful food businesses are often the ones that invest in developing their people with regular learning and training. Seafish, the public body supporting the £10bn UK seafood industry, offer a variety of flexible food safety and health & safety training programmes to suit the needs of people working in a busy seafood business. Our Elementary level programmes can be studied using our open learning self-study workbook. The food hygiene pack is available in Lithuanian, Polish and Portuguese as well as English. Once a candidate has completed their study programme they can take the short invigilated exam that leads to a nationally recognised and regulated qualification. The exam is a 30 question multiple choice test and our UK wide community of invigilators can usually organise an exam onsite at your business at a convenient time.

With up to 85% of customers considering cleanliness as important as the quality of food served a great way of enhancing customer experience is with the use of refreshing and hygienic wipes, says Luke Woodward of Refreshening. Refreshening, a leading supplier here in the UK of the highest quality of individually wrapped cleansing wipes providing an effective and hygienic way for your clients to cleanse & refresh, whether it’s on the move or to freshen up before, during or after they eat. “Our individually wrapped cleansing wipes are becoming increasingly more popular because they are convenient, time saving and very cost effective. These are used as an alternative to dry paper napkins which are not always suitable and sometimes don`t clean thoroughly.” “Hygiene and cleanliness are an ever-growing concern within all food service industries from fine dining to street food. People tend to wash their hands before, during and after meals depending on what food is served and this facility may not always be available or convenient to them.” “We can offer a variety of different size cleansing wipes and also personalise the outer wrapping for a fantastic marketing tool to promote your brand. Choose from our stock ranges or personalise the outer wrapper for a more personal touch to promote your brand.” Refreshening is leading the way again by introducing a new unique cleansing wipe material that is actually 100% biodegradable, alcohol free and 100% flushable. (See advert on page 7 for details.)

Radisson Blu ADOPT TME Food Temperature Monitoring Upscale hotel chain Radisson Blu Edwardian, has rolled out TME’s MM7000 Combined Temperature Monitoring System at 12 of its London hotel restaurants. “Now we can track all temperatures from one location: daily spot checks and 24 hour monitoring. All records feed into one system so it’s much easier to keep on top of everything,” says Radisson Blu Edwardian Central Maintenance Manager, Imtaiz

Ahamed. “We can resolve food safety issues more efficiently too; alarms in each kitchen ensure chefs knows immediately when there’s a problem - like a fridge door left open - plus we get text warnings off-site so staff can be alerted remotely too.”

FOOD SAFETY IN A FLASH Imagine instantly recording the temperature of everything in your kitchen: fridges, freezers, ovens, food deliveries - even an individual burger or plated meal - all in a flash: no need to write anything down or key in data, just scan a barcode and move on. Add to this, the knowledge you will receive instant alerts to out of temperature events across multiple sites, and you begin to see the potential of TME’s MM7000 Combined Temperature Monitoring System. The MM7000 System offers integrated paperless spot checks AND 24 hours monitoring, pairing handheld barcode scanning thermometers with fixed wireless radio monitors. Results are tracked remotely across a number of sites, with problem temperatures communicated via Bluetooth or radio signal both on-site and off-site via on-screen prompts, audio visual alarms, text and email.

HOW DOES THE SYSTEM COMPARE? Other paperless recorders still rely on screen input, increasing time, cost and the potential for human error. Plus their pre-set menus don’t offer the flexibility of personalised barcodes. Barcodes are universal, free and easy to produce, and can include high/low alarms and onscreen prompts. Unlike others, TME’s Bluetooth barcode thermometers also record with or without Wi-Fi connection.

WHAT ABOUT VERSATILITY? Open source software and compatibility with commonly used office database systems makes the system easy to manage and integrate. Its modular approach, involving interchangeable temperature probes, is suitable for all commercial kitchen applications – from sous vide cooking and regeneration to cold store monitoring and goods-in.

IS THE SYSTEM AFFORDABLE? Depending on operation size, costs per site can be as low as £450 for a fully integrated system. MD, Tom Sensier: “Our paperless system records not only the date and time of every temperature test but also the exact identity and location - whatever and wherever it is. Pair this with a powerful network of radio transmitters and fixed sensors and you have the ultimate in temperature due diligence.”

November 2019

CLH News


Products and Services

Jura - For Lovers of Speciality Coffee One Icemaker to Supply Them All…

For lovers of speciality coffee, the updated WE8 automatic coffee machine is now even more perfect. The WE8 now prepares twelve different specialities at the touch of a button. It now offers macchiato, espresso doppio, special coffees and hot water for green tea at the touch of a button. The new fine foam frother is made from the highest quality materials and has a stunning look and feel. Specially designed for the preparation of speciality coffees with milk foam, it makes cappuccino and other beverages with the very best fine textured foam every time. Recommended maximum daily output 40 cups per day. The GIGA X3c / X3 G2 allows JURA to

impressively demonstrate Swiss innovation and professionalism down to the very last detail. Anywhere where a capacity of up to 150 cups is the order of business, the machine impresses users with its quality, functionality and reliability. Coupled with top performance in every respect, this results in a high tech automatic coffee machine that is ideally tailored to the requirements of hotel breakfasts, restaurants, bars and seminar / conference venues. Recommended maximum daily output 150 cups per day. Telephone- 0800 304 7470,, Web- See the advert on page 9.

How To Decide Which EPOS Is Right For Your Hotel Restaurant Some of the finest dining in the UK now takes place in hotels, and food and beverage is a huge contributor to any hotel business. But which hotel EPOS software should you choose? Aloha by NFS is the dedicated hotel EPOS software that offers tight control over restaurant operations – and helps create an amazing customer experience that encourages repeat business. Aloha is the proven enterpriselevel EPOS for multi-site management without duplicating head-office roles. Web reporting provides a realtime online view of your hotel restaurant operations wherever you are, and it includes powerful

stock and labour management solutions. Aloha also allows effortless charging of F&B to guests’ rooms, and integrates with your hotel revenue reporting platform. Serving staff at hotel restaurants use handheld Pulse devices or tablets to relay orders direct to the kitchen from tableside. Aloha hotel EPOS software, with its rapid ROI, is helping to provide hotels with that competitive edge to win diners, to control multi-site operations and costs, and to deliver an outstanding guest experience. Find out more about how hotel EPOS can help you boost your revenue –

A Christmas Cracker from Forward Vending! Tis the season to be Jolly and profitable, Forward Vending and Catering Limited have been serving the hospitality industry for 30 years plus are proud to offer this Christmas Cracker! Take either of the machines in our advert on page 3 before Christmas and the machine of your choice will come complete with the entire package to get you up and running to include Espresso Cups, Cappuccino

cups, Latte Glasses and starter packs of coffee. The rental of a machine is £2.50 per day, which means one coffee Sale per day covers the cost of your equipment leaving plenty of profits to roll in, plus providing customers with fresh bean coffee drinks. Offer Subject to status and while stocks last. Please call us to reserve yours now 0800 44 44 43. See the advert on page 3 for details.

Autonumis Introduces Mark III Generation High Efficiency EcoChill Greener Bottle Coolers

Autonumis have just announced the launch of their latest Mark III generation of EcoChill Bottle Coolers. First to be released is the standard double unit which will be followed by the single and maxi-double later. The new Mark III generation version has a completely new refrigeration system designed to utilise the latest in low energy compressor and fan technology. Other low energy features include an uprated digital thermostat, more thermal insulation in the cabinet and argon filled heat reflective sealed glass units in the doors. With these technologies in place the energy consumption of the latest design has been reduced by more than 25% compared with that of the outgoing models

and over 43% since the original EcoChill range was launched 12 years ago. Some of the energy saving features have found their way into the standard Autonumis Bottle Cooler range, called Popular, which is being re-launched alongside EcoChill. Energy savings in this range also show a 25% improvement over existing models. The UK manufacturer prides itself in offering these high performance, exceptionally reliable Bottle Coolers without a premium price. For more information call 01666 502641, visit or see the advert on page 15.

Incorporating entertainment into your pub/social club/holiday park offering is a sure-fire way to improve your revenue streams. Entertainment will, on the face of it, attract more punters and with more punters there will inevitably be greater spend and hence, greater revenue. But while that may sound like basic maths or even straightforward common sense, it isn’t necessarily that clear cut. The level of revenue generated depends very much on the type of entertainment on offer. As a publican (or indeed holiday park operator), what options are out there for you when it comes to entertainment? Well, a Pub Quiz Night is a prime opportunity to attract a crowd. And when it comes to quizzing, our pub entertainment system, The Entertainer, does all the hard work for you; creating a balanced quiz with no need for lengthy swotting from your team to pull together the questions, or to select the tunes for the music round. Speaking of music…karaoke is another excellent option. People love a good singalong, with terrible singers all part of the entertainment! The Entertainer acts as a de facto karaoke machine, providing all the necessary elements

for it to work, including thousands upon thousands of fully orchestrated modern and classic karaoke tracks. And how about race nights? The Entertainer allows you to screen races – be that pub horse racing or even pig racing. The great thing about our pub entertainment system is that it minimises overheads. With such an array of entertainment on offer, you don’t need to spend a fortune to host an exciting pub event. It’s literally a case of selecting what you want to do on the touchscreen and hey presto, you’re doing it! You’re then free to enjoy the increased revenue for what it is. While we’re waxing lyrical about both its capabilities and how to maximise revenue streams, you can even advertise via the Entertainer to promote your various entertainment nights during pub games, or you can even involve local businesses and services – helping to draw in extra revenue as they pay for the privilege of your TV advertising. The Entertainer ticks all the boxes, providing easily accessible, all-in-one entertainment for any revenue savvy publican. Tele- 01572 771 363 Web -

For big venues using a lot of ice, a single, high volume icemaker with an ice transport system can be the most cost effective solution. It can also be the most flexible, since ice can be transported to wherever it’s needed. Now Hubbard has launched the Scotsman SIS ice storage and transport system. The system combines a storage bin, mounted on legs, and a shuttle cart, which sits below the bin and is used to move the ice to wherever it’s required. The SIS system is designed to accommodate a wide choice of Scotsman modular icemakers, which will be sited on top of the bin. The first SIS unit to be launched is the SIS 300, which has a bin that can hold up to 137kg of ice. The SIS 300 bin is constructed from stainless steel, with a hygienic, easy to clean polyethylene interior. Ice from the machine drops into the bin, where it is held until required. The shuttle cart is filled through a sliding guillotine door, which is easy to open and close. The system’s base has a built in drain for the bin and the cart. The SIS shuttle cart is made of



No more grubby, tatty, sticky, greasy menus. We’ve all done it, we’ve all handed a customer a menu that really isn’t as clean and tidy as it should be. You’d never give a customer a chipped cup or plate, let alone one that’s dirty. Would you? So why do it with a menu? Well, now you don’t need to. Ever again. Our SuperTuffMenus® solve this

polypropylene and can hold up to 73kg of ice. Its swivel wheels and ergonomic handlebar make it easy to manoeuvre, while rounded corners provide protection in transit. The SIS 300 is compatible with Scotsman modular ice machines which make a variety of different cubes. They include the N0 622, which makes up to 292kg of nugget ice per day; and the MF 46, which produces flake ice and has a capacity of 330kg per day. The SIS 300 is available from Hubbard distributors and has a list price of from £4,500 plus VAT, excluding the icemaker. The storage bin measures 884mm wide by 1025mm deep and 1343mm high (not including the icemaker). Hubbard Systems is the UK distributor for the market-leading Scotsman range of icemakers, which is available via dealers nationwide. Hubbard Systems is part of HTG Trading Ltd. For more information and details of local stockists, freephone Hubbard Systems on 0800 616559, call 01473 350045, email or visit problem. You can wash them every day in hot, soapy water, spray them down with sanitiser…they just go on and on, and in great nick. Probably outlasting your prices (presuming you update your prices at least once every couple of years..). As well as always being clean, they’ll save you money too- because you’ll need fewer, less often! They last more than x10 longer that a conventional, card, laminated menu. We’ve reduced menu costs for some by as much as 70%! SuperTuffMenus® are guaranteed to stand up to wine, beer, hot tea and coffee, fizzy drinks, ketchup, mayo and even blood, sweat and tears… Seeing is believing. Sign up for a free sample and find out more at

Trianco - Cooking Up Plans For Success

Talk to any foodie about the biggest cooking trends of the past few years, and they will no doubt mention smoking. The appetite for smoked food – anything from ribs to cheese – shows no sign of slowing and Sheffield-based manufacturer Trianco is looking to capitalise on this. Trianco – best known for making boilers – has developed a range of high-end barbeques and smokers aimed and the domestic and restaurant markets, which is being sold under the guise of its new brand, Grizzly Ovens. “It has taken over a year to develop the range,” explains Peter Beighton, managing director of Trianco. “There is a big push towards smoking food for a long time. You can leave these ovens to cook low and slow overnight. On the back of the Grizzly oven there is a hopper that you fill up with charcoal and a mix of flavoured wood and that will burn low and slow for 15-18 hours at around 100 degrees. Or, you can opt not use the hopper and use the grill as normal and cook at 250-350 degrees.” Wood pellet versions are also available self lighting is standard set your

desired temperature on the digital panel fill the hopper with your chosen flavoured pellets its as easy as that. The ovens are available in three contemporary colours or brushed stainless finish and can be customised to suit the customers’ requirements. While the Grizzly Oven range was only launched a month ago, Peter says that the company has received a lot of interest in them and already sold some into restaurants including the famous Bushmills Hotel in Ireland, as well as to domestic users. The company also has distributors in Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland for the range. Now, the company is focused on promoting the ovens. For instance, Grizzly Oven will be attending the Restaurant and takeaway show 19th and 20th of November. Peter adds they are looking for more distributors for the products, including overseas – “it’s always summer somewhere,” he says. For further information, visit

The Complete Entertainment Solution from Mediatheme Williams Launches Variable Temperature Chef’s Drawer The latest addition to Williams Refrigeration’s Chef’s Drawer range is a variable temperature model that can be switched from a refrigerator to a freezer. The concept behind the Chef’s Drawer is to bring robust, practical refrigerated storage right to the cook face. An individual refrigerated drawer, it is made of stainless steel throughout and can cope with ambients as high as 43°C – making it ideal for busy commercial kitchens. The new Chef’s Drawer, model VWCD1, it is just 670mm deep, thanks to its refrigeration system being mounted to the side, as opposed to the rear. It can fit beside or under a standard 700mm work surface, leaving 30mm at the back to make it easy to plug in to a 13 amp supply. Like the established models in the range, the VWCD1 accepts 2/1GN pans, up to an impressive 150mm in depth, compared to just 100mm for some competitor models. The ability to suite the new Chef’s Drawer into tight corners will be a major benefit in smaller kitchens, or any site looking to save space. The robust construction means that two drawers can be stacked – doubling

the footprint capacity. Crucially, the height of two stacked VWCD1 units is just 838mm, including castors, so they can fit under a 900mm high worktop. The VWCD1 is designed to be easy to live with. Practical features include removable drawers and fittings for cleaning, a cassette-type refrigeration system for ease of servicing and maintenance, and swivel and brake castors, which make it both easily movable for positioning and cleaning, and rock steady when locked in position. The castors come in a choice of sizes, and there’s also the option of adjustable legs, so the height of the Chef’s Drawer can be specified to match the site’s needs. Like the other models in the Chef’s Drawer range, the new VWCD1 offers a greener refrigeration solution. It uses natural R290 refrigerant and an eco-friendly high performance, high density polyurethane insulation. The Chef’s Drawer range is available from Williams distributors; list prices for the new VWCD1 start from £2,300. To learn more about Williams extensive product range visit

4 Seasons Outdoor

Design and Refit

November 2019

CLH News

A world of many possible combinations, classic and traditional, modern and clear-lined, robust and solid or young and minimalistic. An extremely innovating world but yet recognizable and familiar thanks to the clever finishing, to the very last detail. High Quality against a mid-range price. Visit our website for the complete collection:

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Sims - The First Port Of Call For Banquette Seating We are a family run business with 3 generations of commercial furniture manufacturing experience. Unlike other suppliers we manufacture all our seating inhouse, no importing, no subcontracting. We have full control over every aspect from design to installation to ensure every product leaves our workshops punctually and to our reputable high quality. Proudly offering 2 versions of Banquette Seating, firstly our “Premium Made to Measure” Banquette Seating which is built to your exact design, shape and size, then installed by our professional installation team. You can have any-

thing from floor to ceiling designs to seating that perfectly follows the walls in a period setting. Secondly our “Modular Banquette Seating” which is freestanding, set size units for you to mix and match to best fit your space. Made to the same high standards as our premium range without setup costs, site visits and installation fees. Also, we offer a range of furnishings – tables, chair and bedroom furniture. To request a brochure or to discuss your requirement further please contact our sales team on 01945 450957 email Web

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November 2019

CLH News


Design and Refit Add High Quality Art to Your Business with Global When considering the refurbishment or presentation of your venue it may be a wise move to look at some pieces of quality art to give a feeling of class and prestige to your business image. Hotels, offices, restaurants and pubs can benefit aesthetically and financially from investing in quality original art which is both unique and profitable. GLOBAL ART Acquisitions and Investments Ltd are based above the Antiques centre at the Bridge House Longham BH22 9AN. We have an extensive selection of unique art available for the discerning client with prestigious premises and customers.

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Contract Furniture Group has been set up to offer quality contract dining furniture to the hotel, restaurant, pub trades and leisure industries at realistic prices. We carry a lot of our range in stock so we can help you to meet your deadlines. We also offer a unique source and supply service; if you send us a picture of an item we will do our up most to supply to you at the best price.

Woodman Chairs is a long established, dedicated chair manufacturer and wholesaler who make most of their own chairs. We offer a wide and varied choice of solid oak and beech chair and table styles – both modern and contemporary – with many finish and seat options. Included in our range is an exciting choice of sturdy bar stools and bar tables. The fact that we make gives us greater control and flexibility. It also enables us to offer bespoke chair and chair frame or component production to end customers or other suppliers and manufacturers looking

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With over 35 years of experience, Global Art Gallery offers artworks by a number of diverse artists and pieces from selected private collections from around the world.



You won't find lots of prints in expensive frames at Global just lots of original art at realistic prices.

Further information is available from James Hartey on 07894 555107

Art is now the number 1 financial asset and retains it’s value better than other asset classes so that you can appreciate your art as your art appreciates. Take time to come over and visit us Thursday to Sunday 10 till 4 and see what a fantastic selection of works we can offer, you won’t be disappointed or Telephone James Hartey on 07894555107.

Contract Furniture Group

Woodman Chairs


GLOBAL ART is also the home of the world’s number 1 reformed art forger BILLY MUMFORD’S collection. Billy put £6 Million pounds worth of forgeries through the major auction houses of the world before spending 2 years at her Majesty’s pleasure in Brixton and Ford prisons.

All our furniture is manufactured to the highest standards, we only use hardwood frames which are glued screwed and dowelled for strength. crib5 interliner (if required) sprung seat areas or webbing and top quality Italian leathers and fabrics. For further information, call 0115 965 9030, visit or email

for their own design or seeking to create a unique range or theme, again in both oak and beech, raw or finished. Always keen to innovate, Woodman are constantly introducing new styles and have recently added Carver options to their more popular dining chairs and have further expanded their range of bar stools to include rush seated and fabric pad options. Here is a simple decision that won’t require a Referendum! If you want your customers to have the best choice, with honest quality, at affordable prices, with decent lead times and no minimum order, then you need only vote Woodman for your chairs. For further details call 01884 841789, visit or email

We spend around a third of our life in bed and we know that a good night’s sleep is essential to our health and wellbeing. Top hotels throughout the world invest heavily into their beds and bed stock as they understand that a good night’s sleep results in profitable, repeat business.

With over 25 years manufacturing expertise, the most up to datetechnical advice and a selection of quality raw materials, from which they have developed a comprehensive range of beds and mattresses for the contract market, Restfull Nights is an expert in sleep. The Restfull Nights mission statements are “Quality doesn’t have to be expensive” & “Quality beds for every lifestyle” and the company adheres to these statements on a daily basis, through its products and services.

John Law, Restfull Nights, said: “We manufacture a range of different specifications derived from what we understand to be specific hotel brand requirements. In addition, we offer a bespoke build service, which can be tailored to a client’s own specifications.

“We manufacture all our products to order using the highest quality fillings and assemble with our state-of-the-art machinery, giving us the opportunity to provide a fast turnaround on orders, and a swift and reliable delivery service.”

“The hotel sector is one of our favourite sectors to work with and it appears to be a growing market. Our beds ensure our clients’ customers get a guaranteed Restfull Night’s sleep, meaning they will return to the same hotel in future and not to a competitor.”

In addition to a collection of beds, Restfull Nights offer a range of top quality sofa beds in a variety of styles and sizes, to fit most room designs.

John added: “We believe Restfull Nights can offer you a first class service with a quality product competitively priced – so why not give us a call or send us an email? You have nothing to lose and everything gain, including a Restfull Nights’ sleep.”

Proud to be associated with the supply of beds and mattresses to Barrow-in-Furness Holiday Inn Express - Opening soon.


November 2019

CLH News


Design and Refit

MST Auctioneers

MST AUCTIONEERS Ltd specialise in handling & auctioning a wide variety of goods. We act for Insolvency Practitioners, Receivers, Bailiffs and Solicitors as well as large PLCs. We are members of The National Association of Auctioneers and Valuers (NAVA). For the past 25 years, we've provided a unique disposal service tailored to suit, liquidators, banks, receivers as

well as private and corporate vendors. We carry out probate valuations and conduct complete house and commercial clearances. We have the largest Auction venue in the South of England. Our regular monthly Auctions occupy 45,000 sq.ft. of undercover space, selling over 2500 lots from 3 rostrums over two days. We have storage and removal facilities. In addition we have forklifts for machinery up to 5 tons. We also hold regular Auctions ”On Site” and "On Line" See the advert on page 32 for further details.

Square One Interiors Starting out in his garden shed, Jamie never thought that his new range of reclaimed furniture would become as successful as it has over the past 2 years. Having had a history in design and furniture design, an idea was born and he decided to run with it. He loved the idea of a rustic looking, industrial range which was also eco friendly and sustainable. He soon found that a modern twist was also achievable, by using bright colours on the steel frames, as

well as several different wood finishes which would compliment the overall design. Making furniture from scratch also

had its benefits, as Jamie soon found that businesses would approach him with specific needs and requirements, meaning that he was able to provide a fully bespoke service, as well as offering design and advice. Since his humble beginnings in the garden shed, Jamie and the company have now work with hospitality operators, pubs, bars and hotels, as well as some large contract furniture companies and high street names. Our portfolio and workforce are growing and we are very excited to be working on some fantastic projects moving forwards, so watch this space! For further details visit

Drakes Bar Furniture - UK Bar Furniture Supplier We pride ourselves in providing the best quality items at great prices with fantastic customer service and can supply bespoke tailored made furniture such as booths, tables, seating or ‘off the peg’ items. Drakes Bar Furniture not only sell chairs, stools, tables we also design build and install all types of fixed seating, pews and booth seating for pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants and clubs. When fitting out a premise the seating is almost paramount for a successful space. Fixed seating, booth seating or banquette seating as its also called can come in variety of colours, finishes, types and styles. Below are just a few examples showing what we have done in the past. With clever planning, seating generates a great flow for customers and staff

around a pub, restaurant, cafe or club. It can be used to divide areas, create new spaces in a room and offer intimacy allowing for the perfect social meet up. The beauty of bespoke fixed seating is that we can make the most of and take advantage of your space and features. We can come to your venue and measure up, give you advice and show you examples of our past work, finishes, types and styles. We have a wide range of Bar Furniture, including tables, stools, chairs, outdoor beer garden, fixed seating and banqueting furniture. If you require a bespoke quote either call us on 01422 839 690 or you can send us an email. See the advert below for details.

Design and Refit

November 2019

CLH News


Grey Simmonds Food Service Equipment As a leading design house specialising in the design, production and installation of commercial bars and kitchens, Grey Simmonds Food Service Equipment have worked with a variety of clients ranging from small cafe restaurants to large pub and hotel chains.

ect through from start to finish including site survey, preliminary sketches, CAD drawings, Design and budget approval, equipment sourcing and final installation. This means our clients have one point of contact for the entirety of the job making each stage as seamless as possible.’

The company’s CAD manager Oliver Hardwicke says ‘Every single project we undertake is unique. Whether it be a small cocktail bar or a large scale restaurant kitchen refurb our job is to create bespoke, functional and cost effective catering spaces.’ ‘Our company credo is ‘Consult, Design, Install’. We see each proj-

Whilst Grey Simmonds Food Service Equipment are experts at commercial warewashing solutions, they also supply the leading brands of commercial catering equipment, from cookers to refrigeration and everything in between at a competitive price. They can source bespoke and specialist equipment to ensure you find the perfect product for your kitchen or bar. The company has a vast portfolio of successful installations from the smallest glasswash station to full commercial kitchens. You can see examples of their case studies at See the advert on page 4.

Retain Payment or ID Cards & Be PCI Compliant Whilst Increasing Profits When a vendor retains a credit card or debit card, or indeed handing over his or her ID card as security against running a tab or renting sporting or other equipment, there is always some uncertainty about the safety of the card whilst out of the customers’ possession. CardsSafe® eliminates the need to worry about any loss or theft as it is the simplest and most efficient way to ensure the card’s safety from potential misuse. The CardsSafe® system has now become the “best practice” way of handling credit and debit cards in the hospitality and leisure industries. More than eighty thousand boxes are in use every day and hundreds more are added every week. Customers who share their experience with our staff report these benefits:

• Chargeback drops by more than ninety percent (90%) • Walkouts are reduced by at least fifty percent (50%) • Tab mistakes drop significantly and finally, • There is a major uptick in sales If you are concerned about how CardsSafe works within the PCI scheme, Alan Gill from the independent PCI certifying company Orthus Limited states: “The PCI DSS standard encompassed 264 controls. CardsSafe helps to reduce the need to meet all of these through ‘compensating controls’ which allow businesses to comply to the standard without having to change the way they operate”. In addition to the commercial benefits the CardsSafe® solution therefore helps merchants become PCI compliant, which truly gives peace of mind for all!

To order, please contact CardsSafe Limited on either of: Phone: 0845 5001040 or visit

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Telephone: 01604 890956 Email: or

Find the perfect fit for your budget from our extensive range of tables and chairs. Prices on application.

Large selection of sizes and styles of tables and chairs.

• Bespoke fabrics and leathers • Bespoke polishing service • Ranges of pine and oak fixed top tables

November 2019

CLH News


Design and Refit

Stylish, Modern, Wholesale Contact Chairs from Regent

Established for many years has become one of the largest independent importers and wholesalers of furniture in the UK supplying the Trade. Our aim is to provide customers with a comprehensive product range, first class service and outstanding value. We have had a reputation for introducing ranges of good quality furniture at competitive prices that have become established into the furniture market place and continue to be best products for our customers. We are continually sourcing new and exclusive designs to join our comprehensive product range. We have a large warehouse with facility which enables us to carry stocks of furniture this allows us to operate a fast, reliable service.

We have a large purchasing department with many product specialists. Every day they search for new trends and designs. They travel regularly to all corners of the globe to investigate, test, and buy new products. also invests a lot of care and time into the quality and packaging of their products. recognise the great importance to a personal approach, which is very much appreciated by our customers. logistics department collects and checks all orders and prepares them for collection. Our entire logistical process is focused on speed, accuracy and punctuality. With our thorough planning and dedicated, motivated employees, orders are processed in a very short timeframe. See the advert on this page for further details.

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

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We are an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses. We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual

bumps and scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to

Design and Refit

November 2019

CLH News

MyTent Custom Stretch Tent Design and Management Service MyTent is a custom stretch tent design and management service provided by Intent Productions Ltd : Stretch Tent Specialists since 2006 MyTent is a superb solution for extending your indoor space, covering your garden or rooftop and weatherproofing your outdoor area. Many pubs and bars across the country enjoy MyTent’s canopy design and installation service – brilliant for pubs or venues who love their summery beer gardens but want to continue using the space during the winter months. The process is simple we first visit your site to discuss

your requirements, then provide bespoke 3D designs as a visual reference of your tent in situ. The tent can also be branded with your logo, or that of a drinks brand or supplier. Once the tent has arrived our team come with specialist rigging equipment and install the tent safely with minimal disruption. When your stretch tent is no longer in use our team remove, clean and store the canopy until you need it again. Get in touch to see how we can transform your outdoor space for the winter months. Visit or call us on 0208 947 2465

WaterCare’s No. 1 Low Level Combi Pump Solution

Specifically designed and developed by WaterCare’s own research at the request of a leading combination oven manufacture requiring wastewater from their oven to be pumped away at a height of just 40mm from floor level. WaterCare’s CombiPump range has now become an almost essential part of any commercial kitchen set up where floor gulley drainage is absent or where ovens are sited away from the drainage points of the kitchen such as islands. Having an operational ability to pump away to a 9-metre head and to withstand water temperatures up to 96°C together with a choice of capacities to suit any size oven means the CombiPump series is the ideal alternative to expen-

sive alterations of existing drainage systems. WaterCare’s CombiPump has a capacity to pump away up to 160 l/pm which not only means it can be connected to 2 ovens but can also be used in various other circumstances where drain water is required to be removed and no immediate drainage is available. The Combi Pump is available in two sizes, each colour coded for easy identification. The CombiPump4 comes in a light blue cabinet and the CombiPump7 in a distinctive midnight blue. For more information on WaterCare’s CombiPump range, visit or combipump/. Web: Tel: 01279 780250

Trent Furniture - Contract Furniture Supplier Trent Furniture is a leading UK supplier of quality contract furniture including furniture for pubs, bars, restaurants, hotels, cafes and clubs.

At Trent Furniture we have both the experience and range to offer you the very best selection of furniture for your individual needs.

We are a long-running and well-established business which formed in 1960 and we are incredibly proud of our proven record of successfully supplying contract quality furniture to the pub, bar, club, hotel and restaurant industry over the many years we have been trading.

Quotations can be requested and orders can be placed by contacting us through the website, via e-mail and by telephoning our sales office on 0116 2864911. Our sales team is available from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising


November 2019

CLH News


Property and Professional

Dark Kitchens & Vindaloo (Visas) When it comes to immigration for restaurants, vindaloo is the dish of the day. But the changes to the immigration rules that give us the so-called “vindaloo visa”, have wider reaching implications for the food industry than just Indian takeaways. The food delivery industry is in the midst of significant technological disruption, with the proliferation of dark (or virtual) kitchens catering exclusively to the multi-billion pound delivery market via app-based business models. The updated immigration rules provide significant opportunities not only for chefs, but techies too. Let’s Start with a Vindaloo What is this “vindaloo visa” that is getting so much attention in the hospitality industry?

The first point to note is that it is a misnomer. The “vindaloo visa” is not a standalone visa but rather an exception under the Tier 2 visa route for skilled workers. UK-based companies holding a sponsor licence can sponsor non-EEA nationals to work in the UK under the Tier 2 route where they are deemed to be “skilled workers”. Those not deemed to be skilled, which includes chefs, can still be sponsored via the Shortage Occupation List. This exception is not limited to chefs working in Indian restaurants. It is open to all businesses that require chefs. But being a chef is not enough on its own. Businesses will still need: •a sponsor licence; •to pay a minimum salary of £30,000 all in; •have a position available as a Head Chef, Executive Chef or Specialist Chef (1 each per establishment) or Sous Chef (1 per every four kitchen staff); and •the individual to have at least 5 years’ experience as an Executive/Head/Sous or Specialist Chef.

Chefs operating out of restaurants with a takeaway offering did not previously qualify for sponsorship via the Shortage Occupation List. This was because, according to the Home Office and the courts, restaurant offering a takeaway service were “far less associated with the finest cuisine prepared by the top 5% to 8% of skilled chefs”. With the growth of the app-based food delivery market, the landscape has now changed. A takeaway offering is no longer so indicative of skill and quality. Fine-dining establishments and typical fast food outlets appear side by side, fighting it out on apps to meet our cravings. The changes to the Shortage Occupation List reflect this evolution in consumer habits and the “vindaloo visa” is now available to establishments regardless of the offer of a takeaway option. Followed by a Dark Side Serving Dark kitchens are the new kids on the block, or actually not on the block at all. That’s the whole point. These are the WeWork of kitchens: fully-equipped commercial kitchen units, entirely separate from a restaurant or takeaway counter, that make meals exclusively for app-based delivery services such as JustEat, Deliveroo, and UberEats. These standalone units can be found in industrial estates and disused carparks where proximity to places

of high demand for takeaway food, such as offices and residential areas, are a key consideration. Companies operating out of these dark kitchens may benefit from the “vindaloo visa” to employ chefs but these app-based companies are more likely to benefit from other changes made to the Shortage Occupation List. A wide range of technology, software and web design roles have now been added to the Shortage Occupation List. This enables those disruptive start-ups operating in the app-based delivery market to take advantage of a less expensive and more streamlined process to employ nonEEA nationals in the UK, where they can cook up data rather than a dupiaza. For Dessert? The food delivery industry faces rapid and unexpected disruption from technology similar to other parts of the hospitality industry, think AirBnB and Amazon Fresh. Whilst the law moves more slowly to assess and react to these technological and social changes, there are often opportunities presented by tweaks such as the “vindaloo” and “tech” visas via the Shortage Occupation List that can help give you an edge in an ever-more competitive environment. Ross Meadows is a Partner and Philip Leonard is a trainee solicitor at Oury Clark Solicitors

Government Must Examine Alternatives to 'Broken Business Rates System' MPs have urged the government to seek alternatives to the “broken” business rates system which they say is placing an unfair burden on struggling high street retailers.

REPORT SUMMARY The Government must explain whether it is deliberate that, since Business Rates were introduced in their current form in 1990, the revenue they have generated has outpaced inflation. Throughout this inquiry, the Committee has been told that Business Rates do not fall upon all business equally, for example, they place a far greater cost on physical businesses, such as those on the high street, than those that rely more upon an online presence. Tweaking the current system of Business Rates through an increasingly complex web of reliefs does little to address the negative aspects of this tax and simply demonstrates how broken the system is. Business Rates are an important source of revenue but the Government must explore alternatives to address their negative impacts. The Committee considered alternative options to replace or reform the current system. However, further work is needed to fully model the proposals. The Government should take a deeper look at possible alternatives and prepare a consultation in time for Spring Statement 2020. In the meantime, improvements could be made, including improving reliefs, reducing statutory limits for responding to appeals, and ensuring that the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) is properly resourced.

KEY POINTS • Business Rates generated £31 billion of income for the UK Government in 2018-19. Since Business Rates were introduced in their current form in 1990, the revenue they have generated has outpaced inflation. The Government should acknowledge this and explain whether it is Government policy to allow the growth in Business Rates to outpace inflation. The Government should also set out its views on the fact that the UK has one of

the highest property-based taxes in the OECD as a proportion of GDP, and address the impact that the level of Business Rates has on the attractiveness of the UK as a destination for investment. • The Committee was presented with numerous alternatives to the current Business Rates system, including a land value tax, online sales levy, profits tax, single consolidated tax and hybrid tax. Further work is needed before the Committee could recommend any proposal as a clearly superior alternative to Business Rates. But it should not be left up to business to develop and evaluate detailed proposals. With the changing nature of the economy, and with the high street in decline, the Government must be curious, proactive and creative in exploring alternative options to such an important source of Government revenue. The Government should prepare a consultation on alternatives in time for Spring Statement 2020. • The number of reliefs that are needed for Business Rates to work add a further layer of bureaucracy to an already complex system. HM Treasury should review all Business Rate reliefs to ensure that they remain necessary. The current system acts as a disincentive to investment, as investment can lead to an immediate Business Rates revaluation based on a presumption of increased turnover. This contradicts wider Government aims to boost productivity and encourage investment in energy efficient technology to lower the UK’s carbon emissions. • The new Business Rates appeal system Check Challenge Appeal (CCA) was introduced in 2017 to reduce the number of speculative appeals. However, the VOA told us that as of March this year, 16,000 appeals made to the 2010 listing remained outstanding, years after they were first raised. This is unacceptable; the VOA must resolve them urgently. Such long delays bring the work of the VOA into disrepute and undermine trust in the UK tax system. The Government should reduce the statutory limit for Checks and Challenges

to a maximum of six months. • The CCA system has been in existence for just over two and a half years, during which it has remained in beta mode, and has encountered numerous problems. It is unacceptable to bring in a system that creates so many difficulties for taxpayers, for example, ratepayers with multiple properties. The VOA must address these problems. The VOA must also ensure that, if the gap between revaluations reduces from five years to three years will increase demands on the organisation, it is properly staffed to deliver its specialist role. Commenting on the Report, Alison McGovern MP, the Treasury Committee’s lead member for this inquiry, said: “It’s abundantly clear that the current Business Rates system is broken. The tax represents an increasing burden on businesses, particularly those with a physical high street presence struggling to remain competitive. “The Government must ensure that business rates align with its aim to boost productivity and do not disincentivise growth. For example, many firms have moved away from being dependent on plants and machinery, which were last re-defined in the system in 1993. “It’s unfair on the manufacturing sector, therefore, for their business rates valuation to be included in their essential operating equipment, where other businesses are not equally affected. “Odd reliefs here and there are nothing more than sticking plasters to a system in urgent need of reform. “The Committee was presented with numerous alternatives to the current system, but none of them had been sufficiently modelled to examine who would be the winners and losers of any change. “The Government must examine such alternatives in time for Spring Statement 2020.”

New Weekly Figures Analysis & Reporting Service David Hunter has been in the business for over 30 years, and with his vast amount of experience has become an expert in ensuring that businesses reach their full financial potential. For years he’s provided a bespoke Mentoring & Consultancy service to a select few, and he has always provided with that, free-of-charge weekly figures analysis and reporting … yes, weekly. David has now come up with a way of making his amazing Mentoring & Consultancy service more accessible to the wider market, and for a lower monthly fee. Instead of being charged for monthly consultancy, you can now access David’s knowledge and expertise via his already-established and very well-used weekly figures reporting system. He will send you weekly reports on how your business is doing and will

throw in FOR NO EXTRA CHARGE AT ALL, four half-day on site Mentoring & Consultancy visits per year (or two full days, depending on location). He will also always be at the end of a phone for you, or email, if you needed him, and he also has access to legal experts as well as a ‘’tried and trusted’’ Bowden Group Alliance colleague who can advise you … again FREE OF CHARGE … on how to save money on your utility bills. If you have a Pub, Restaurant or Hotel business which is facing financial or operational challenges … why not let David have a look, and help you maximise your full potential. There is no cost to David having a look at your figures, and letting you know what COULD be achieved. Call David Hunter confidentially on 07831 407984 or on 01628 487613.

The Spotted Dog Flamstead, near St Albans Hertfordshire Leading National Licensed Property Agents Guy Simmonds have been instructed to sell the highly impressive and traditional freehouse, the Spotted Dog; situated in the highly sought after and affluent location of Flamstead. National Sales Director Martin McConnell said, “This delightful inn is offered for sale on an extremely desirable NEW 10 YEAR ‘FREE OF TIE’ RENEWABLE lease and provides a superb opportunity for a new entrepreneurial hands-on fully focussed partnership to build upon the existing solid core trading foundations to create a thriving and highly profitable business.” This wonderful pub features a welcoming

Lounge Bar (circa 20+), a cosy Snug (circa 10+) and a versatile and multi-functional Restaurant (circa 30 covers). The owner’s accommodation briefly comprises: 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchenette and a shower room. There is also a delightful paved Courtyard Garden (circa 15). McConnell added “This is truly an extremely rare chance to purchase a superb business opportunity and home with a wonderful quality of life in this enviable locale!” Price: £75,000. Tenure: NEW 10 Year Free of Tie Lease. Rent: £25,000 per annum. Landlord: Private. Contact the agent, Guy Simmonds, on 01332 865112.

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Property and Professional

November 2019

CLH News


Sold: High Quality Licensed Café And Restaurant In Sidmouth The Anchor Inn, Sutton Gaunt, Ely, Cambs on the Market

Stonesmith are delighted to be marketing the sale of Lodgehill Hotel, a substantial detached former farmhouse set in around 2 acres, with views over the Exe Valley. With origins reputedly dating back to 1785, today Lodgehill Hotel trades as a licensed country hotel, with restaurant and tea gardens. The property offers 10 individual Ensuite Letting Bedrooms, character Lounge Area with Bar (16), Restaurant (22), Kitchen with Ancillary Areas and 2 Bedroom Owner’s Accommodation. The property stands in around 2 acres of grounds, which incorporate a Walled Formal Garden, Lawned Areas, Vegetable Garden,

Hotel & Pub Rescue FAST LOANS, MORTGAGES & RE-MORTGAGES For all your problems

• • • • •

Negative cash flow Supplier debts HMRC arrears Utility and business rate arrears Redevelopment and refurbishment Let us take control of your problems and shield you completely from all the pressure you are facing. We will deal with all your creditors and their litigators allowing

Greenhouse and Car Parking for around 16 vehicles. Lodgehill Hotel occupies a peaceful location with prominent signage alongside the A396, the main Exeter to Tiverton road. Lodgehill Hotel has been owned and run by our clients for over 13 years and currently trades as a comfortable farmhouse style licensed hotel offering evening meals and a bar to residents. The freehold business is on the market for £575,000. Full property details are available from the website and viewings arranged by calling 01392 201262.

you to concentrate on your customers and the business. We promise to identify effective solutions and options to keep you trading, or, if you prefer, a seamless and managed exit with no adverse effects on you for your future plans. For leasehold and freehold premises Every problem has an answer -call today without delay! (0118) 380 0949 (07538) 161544

The Willow Bridge, Sidmouth Sold by Bettesworths Leading Licenced & Leisure property agents, Bettesworths are delighted to announce the sale of The Willow Bridge Guest House in Sidmouth. Bettesworths were instructed to market the freehold of the property at an asking price of £730,000 and the sale has recently been concluded to Mrs S Cabrini and Mr P Smith at an undisclosed price. The Willow Bridge is a very well presented six bedroom guest house nestled within the an award winning, beautifully appointed cottage garden. The property overlooks the River Sid & within easy walking distance of all amenities Sidmouth has to offer. The purpose built owner’s three bedroom accommodation is well appointed and modern and has a

private courtyard. Genevieve Stringer, the head of the catering arm at Bettesworths commented, ’The Willow Bridge is a lovely example of the quintessential British Guest House. The property has been well maintained and there was a high level of interest when the property came to the market. I would like to take this opportunity to wish the previous owners every success in their future endeavours and to congratulate Mrs Cabrini and Mr Smith on their purchase of such a lovely property and to wish them every success.’ If you are interested in marketing your business, please contact us for a free and confidential market appraisal on 01803 212021 or

Leading National Licensed Property Agents Guy Simmonds have been instructed to sell this most impressive and well established country inn, hotel and restaurant in a sought after riverbank location in Sutton Gaunt, close to the village of Sutton in rural Cambridgeshire. Available Freehold or on a new 15 year Lease option. Senior Valuer, Geoff Bryan said this excellent restaurant and freehouse is full of rustic charm and character and has been well maintained to a high standard throughout. This long established popular and thriving business has earnt an excellent reputation for high quality destination dining from the local community and surrounding area also drawing trade from the nearby market towns and the City of Ely. The high standard letting rooms and suites are very popular with the many visitors to the area all year round especially during the summer months and with the added benefit of the superb indoor and outdoor facilities it is a sought after venue for wedding receptions and family gatherings. There is further growth potential for new owners to build on this

already successful business by promoting the letting accommodation more and by holding regular festivals, events and hosting more wedding receptions etc. This well-appointed establishment has a welcoming bar (circa 12), impressive 3 section restaurant (circa 65) with exposed beams and Tudor panelling, two high standard double bedrooms and two suites, two bedroom owners accommodation, fully equipped commercial kitchen, Rosette and AA 4 Star award for accommodation and 5 star food and hygiene award, riverside patio, large two tier enclosed garden and patron’s car park. Mr Bryan added that it is a rare opportunity to acquire this successful and thriving business in an enviable location with real growth potential and a desirable lifestyle. Price:£499,000 Freehold or £50,000 Leasehold. Tenure: Freehold & Leasehold. Sales Criteria: £636,576 (Inc. VAT) year ending December 2017. Trade Split: 20% wet, 70% food, 10% accommodation. Contact Guy Simmonds on Tel: 01332 865112

FAST COMMERCIAL FINANCE FOR ALL EMERGENCY SITUATIONS Call For All Business Debts us t o d a Complete or Partial Re-Finance y witho u Redevelopment & Refurbishment dela t y Purchase & Expansion Cashflow Correction & Working Capital

All cases considered, please call in confidence to discuss

01183 800949

07538 161544



PRICE: £575,000


PRICE: £15,000


PRICE: O.I.R.O. £25,000

• Well Established & Successful Restaurant with Letting Rooms • Fantastic Opportunity to Purchase a Freehold Premises in Heart of Town • Restaurant Seating 28 Trading Evenings Only • 3 Beautifully Refurbished Bed & Breakfast Guest Rooms • Benefits from Self-Contained Owner’s Accommodation



REF: 3533

• Huge Reduction to Facilitate a Quick Sale • Attractive & Prominent Daytime Eatery • Situated in the Centre of the Popular Coastal Resort of Teignmouth • Smartly Decorated L Shaped Trade Area and Alfresco Seating • Would Ideally Suit a Couple or Chef Patron

PRICE: £450,000



REF: 2802


• Long Established Café Less than 200 Yards from the Seafront • Highly Visible & Well-Equipped Unit Ready for 2020 Season • Currently Run as a Life Style Business by Owner’s Choice • Internal Seating for 28 & External Seating for 10 • Genuine Retirement Sale


REF: 3547



REF: 3459

REF: 3509



• Established & Popular Takeaway • Prominent Location Within Densely Populated Area • Specializing in Fish & Chips, Burgers, Chicken & Kebabs • Potential to Increase Trading Hours • Of Interest to Investors & Owner Operators

PRICE: £110,000


• Stunning Country Inn Situated on Beautiful Exmoor National Park • Character Trading Areas with Beautiful Views Over Trade Garden • 4 Well Appointed En-Suite Letting Rooms • Separate 2 Bed Owners Cottage/Holiday Let & 1 Bed Owners Flat • Attractive Property in Sought After Part of the World/Viewing Recommended

• Substantial, Traditional Inn Close to the Border of Devon & Cornwall • Several Character Trading Areas to Accommodate Over 200 Covers • Extensive Ancillary Space & Flexible Owners Accommodation • Elevated Outdoor Terrace with Far Reaching Views Over the Tamar Valley • Turn-Key Opportunity - New Free of Tie Lease to Be Negotiated


PRICE: £795,000

• Stunning, Historic Thirteenth Century Coaching Inn and Hotel • Set in One of the Most Picturesque Districts of South Devon • Several Character Trading Areas, 14 Letting Rooms & Separate Coach House • Completely Refurbished Throughout • Unique Property & Excellent Business



PRICE: £135,000 PLUS VAT

MID DEVON Substantial Detached Country Hotel & Restaurant 10 Ensuite Letting Rooms Lounge with Bar (16), Dining Room (22) 2 Bedroom Owner's Accommodation Set in 2 Acres with Extensive Woodland Area

FH £575,000


DARTMOOR, DEVON Character Destination Dartmoor Freehouse Prominent & Landmark Trading Position Character Trading Areas (64+) 3/4 Double Bedroom Owners Accommodation New Free Of Tie Lease

LH £15,000


EXETER, DEVON Extremely Well Presented Renowned Restaurant Established and High Quality With 48 Covers Occupying Sought After City Centre Location Impressive Levels of Trade & Tremendous Potential Must Be Viewed

LH £49,950


EAST DEVON Substantial Detached Country Hotel Set in 3.5 Acres of Private Grounds Situated Close to Stunning East Devon Coast 13 Letting Rooms & 1/2 Bed Barn Conversion 3 Bedroom Owner's Accommodation

FH £795,000


TAUNTON, SOMERSET Attractive & Well Regarded Licensed Cafe & Restaurant Trading on a Predominately Day Time Only Basis Main Restaurant 45+ & Al Fresco Seating For 32 Impressive Town Centre Business Must be Viewed

Stylish & Exceptionally Well Presented Restaurant Comfortably Seating 70 Customers Internally Al Fresco Dining For 40-50 Customers Currently Closed Outstanding Catering Opportunity

LH £99,995

FH £210,000




REF: 3322

• ‘Landmark’ South Hams Freehouse in Waterside Village • Award Winning Pub with Character Trading Areas • ‘Beer Garden’ for Circa 40 with Commercial BBQ Station • Stunning Boutique Letting Apartment • Very Successful Business with Turnover in Excess of £670,000 ex VAT



REF 3567




Established Day Time Only Catering Business Well Presented Throughout Profitable Business Opportunity Potential to Develop All Aspects of The Trade Excellent Levels of Repeat Business

Extremely Well Presented Character Detached Inn Occupying a Highly Visible Landmark Position 4 Double Bedroom Family Sized Owner's Accomm Character Bar (28), Restaurant (52), Beer Garden 4 High Quality Ensuite Letting Rooms

Extremely Well Presented Bar & Restaurant Free of Tie Opportunity 3 High Quality Ensuite Letting Bedrooms Self Contained 5 Bedroom Owner's Accommodation Refurbished To High Standard & Undoubted Potential

LH £49,995

FH £495,000




LH £75,000


01392 201262

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