CLH News #239 June/July 2021

Page 1


Editor's Viewpoint

Pages 24-25 Page 28 Pages 30-31

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Products and Services Source Trade Show Preview

Pages 32-37

Hospitality Technology

Pages 38-44

Hygiene and Infection Control

Pages 45-48

Outdoor Spaces

Pages 49-53

Design and Refit

Pages 54-56

Property and Professional

Table Ordering & Social Distancing Set to Be Scrapped on June 21


Kicking Off Summer









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The one-metre social distancing rule along with table ordering are set to be scrapped on June 21, the day the lockdown rules are due to be lifted, meaning all limits on social contact are removed and any venues that have had to remain shut could reopen. Restrictions would also be expected to be eased on mass gatherings, meaning festivals and gigs could go ahead, as well as larger weddings. According to reports, ministers are said to be pushing for an end to the one metre rule, which will also mean pubgoers will be able to indulge in the much missed familiar “tussle at the bar”. On the issue of masks, ministers are contemplating whether to keep them across the country, just in Covid hotspots or leave it up to individuals to decide whether or not to wear them.

At the end of May Prime Minister Boris Johnson told Conservative MPs the ‘one-metre plus’ rule for social distancing “remains set to be abandoned in June”, saying that eliminating the measure was the ‘single biggest difference’ the government could bring about in order to get Britain’s pubs back into action, and that he was eager for the rule to be scrapped by June 21, and according to further reports this still remains the government’s objective. The hospitality & on-trade have been pressing for the easing of restrictions, which has devastated sector, and seen around 21 pubs close every day since the pandemic broke.



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CLH News

Editor's Viewpoint

June/July 2021

Earlier this month in our weekly digital edition (and you can sign up at for a copy of CLH Weekly Digital direct to your inbox each Friday, no charge!) I called on the Prime Minister to stand firm in the face of the naysayers, who are calling for the extension of lockdown.


Peter Adams

Enough is enough! I do believe there are “socalled” experts out there who really would have us locked down forever. There is always a tipping point, a point of no return, and any extension of lockdown would put

us at that point. I am actually writing this on Bank Holiday Saturday looking out of the window at glorious sunshine, and Bournemouth is brimming! The public really have been chomping at the bit to get back to normality and if there is one thing guaranteed to get us there it is good old British hospitality, a pub, bar, restaurant or an overnight stay! A report by one of the country’s leading property analysts predicts £22 billion Staycation bonanza this summer, which can only happen if the hospitality sector stays open and is not having to trade with one hand tied behind its back. Aside from the predicted Staycation boost, the on-trade sector has a fantastic opportunity with a summer of sports, beginning tonight (Saturday, May 29) with the Champions League final between Manchester City and Chelsea, and then the long-awaited UEFA Euros and after that the Olympics. Great opportunities to get punters through the door and the tills ringing. Our front-page story leads with the reports that the government will remove the 1 metre social distancing rule and table ordering in pubs. This will go a long way restoring confidence in the sector which has gone to great lengths to comply with government guidelines. Thankfully the spectre of Covid passports seems to have disappeared. A policy too ludicrous for words which could only have been dreamt up by someone who’s never spent a working day in the real world in their lives! Opinion is, of course, vociferously divided on the pandemic, vaccinations and Covid passports. My opinion is if people have to show a Covid passports before entering any venue, then said venue is doomed. (This is of course just my opinion)

The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.

There is a charter, organised by Alan Miller, co-founder of the NightTime Industries Association (NTIA), that has so far been signed by business owners from a cross-section of the hospitality and licensed on trade, pubs and bars, nightclubs and restaurants and event organisers. It is called Licensed Premises & Events Charter - OPEN FOR ALL, which means that signatories will not be forcing patrons to show any documentation referring to health status in order to gain entry to the premises. The charter is gathering considerable support and anyone interested in adding their names are urged to visit And here’s hoping all restrictions are lifted on June 21 in the country celebrates its freedoms in the best possible way, enjoying some fine British hospitality!

PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG


01202 552333

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EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Shelly Roche Published by

June/July 2021

CLH News


Table Ordering & Social Distancing Set to Be Scrapped on June 21 Earlier this month, the chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency said the possibility of all coronavirus restrictions being lifted next month is ‘looking good”, however, Dr Jenny Harries Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England urged the public to be cautious to avoid another lockdown, warning that the new Indian variant has become the “dominant strain” in some parts of the country. Professor Christina Pagel, from University College London and a member of Independent Sage, also expressed concerns about the June 21 reopening, saying reopening should be delayed for a few more months. The government does, however, appear to be keen to stick to the final stage of its roadmap out of lockdown. Home Secretary Priti Patel said: "The data is positive in terms of where we are - look at the vaccine information that has been published about the level of protection against specific variants," and Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said “there’s nothing in the data that suggests to me that we should move the day” restrictions are lifted. Professor Adam Finn, a member of the Government's Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, said there might be an "adjustment" to the lifting of restrictions on June 21. He told Times Radio on Sunday: "We're effectively in a race with the vaccine programme against the virus.

Any further restrictions or even delaying the lockdown will have enormous implications on the beleaguered sector, Chief executive of industry body UK Hospitality, Kate Nicholls, said it was "absolutely critical" that the remainder of the hospitality sector is allowed to unlock on June 21. Earlier this month UKHospitality called on the Chancellor Rishi Sunak for further support in helping the sector emerge from the devastating effects of the pandemic, by improving access to capital for businesses and reaffirm its commitment to the Government’s roadmap lifting restrictions after 21st June. In a letter to the Chancellor, UKHospitality warned that the Treasury must stand ready to deliver extra support measures if there is any slippage in the roadmap. The trade association is calling on the Chancellor to encourage the full lifting of restrictions beyond 21st June to ensure that hospitality can return to full strength, along with an early announcement for support should this not be possible. Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The hospitality sector stands ready to play its part in helping to power the recovery, create jobs and reinvigorate local communities, but that will only be possible if our businesses return to viability at the earliest opportunity. “Firstly, we need the Government to deliver on its commitment to dropping Covid restrictions and measures on 21st June. But even then, many companies will be facing huge rent debts and other business costs

so access to capital through loans is critical to ensure they can get back on their feet again as soon as possible. “The revitalisation of hospitality will yield a substantial return on investment – in terms of economic growth, employment, levelling up, high street regeneration and Government revenues. Brighter days are ahead but we urge the Chancellor to ensure that his welcome and substantial support for the sector doesn’t go to waste.” Getting the public back into packed pubs, bars and restaurants is seen as crucial for businesses, as well as the Treasury’s coffers. Chief executive of the British Beer & Pub Association, Emma McClarkin said: ‘Given pubs are financially unviable under the current restrictions they face, being able to reopen without any restrictions at all from June 21 is going to be vital to their survival.’ The possible scrapping of the one metre rule would be good news for the world’s smallest pub, The Signal Box Inn in Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, which at just 2.4 metres by 2.4 metres are unable to seat customers inside until the one metre plus rule is ditched. Pre-lockdown the former Victorian signal box, and now a pub in could “comfortably” accommodate up to six people, but despite the latest May 17 easing, capacity is restricted to what only is permissible within current social distancing and table service rules.

The number of new job vacancies in the hospitality sector rose by 46 per cent in the last two weeks according to new analysis by leading audit, tax and consulting firm RSM. In total, there are 39,167 live vacancies for hospitality jobs in food and drink posted in the last two weeks on job website Indeed, up by 46 per cent from 26,736 postings the week before when indoor hospitality opened – highlighting acute staff shortages across the sector. Of the total vacancies, almost half are listed as chef or cook roles highlighting particular shortages in the kitchen. Paul Newman, Head of Leisure and Hospitality at RSM, said: ‘Giving the green light to opening all indoor and outdoor leisure and hospitality businesses is a real boost for the sector. The pent-up demand is there from consumers but the sector is currently facing a jobs crisis that threatens to hold back its recovery

‘The Brexit/Covid-19 impact has reduced the pool of foreign-born workers by almost 1 million, which acutely impacts the leisure and hospitality sector. Employers will need to throw the net wider and look at retraining employees from other sectors to fill the gap but furlough could hamper recruitment. ‘Uncertainty is leading to zombie employees who are understandably worried about taking the leap into a new job when they have the security of furlough and the prospect of returning to work in the near future – so the pool of potential employees becomes even smaller. ‘If the Government is serious about consumer spending driving the UK’s economic recovery then it needs to consider a relaxation of visa barriers. Currently chefs qualify for a skilled worker visa but cooks don’t and this complexity is adding to the staff shortages. What is needed is a fast-tracked recovery visa system for hospitality workers who don’t meet the current point-based system but who are crucial to the sector’s recovery.’


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Acute Staff Shortage Will Hold Back Hospitality Recovery, Government Needs To Step In Warns RSM




CLH News

June/July 2021

“Solid Sales” in Pubs & Restaurants Point to Nationwide Economic Boost Strong spending data in the first few days of full inside service suggest quicker than expected recovery, as Britain’s restaurants, pubs and bars recorded solid sales. Consumers braved some of the worst May weather on record and made the most of the great indoor reopening suggesting a continued uplift in spending could help the UK’s economy recover quicker than expected. Licensed premises bounced back strongly on Monday May 17, with total sales up 29% from the same day in 2019. UK consumer spending between Monday and Wednesday (May 17-19) rose 10 per cent on the levels recorded for the same period in 2019, before the covid outbreak, which was the strongest increase of any week since lockdown restrictions were put in place in the last March, according to figures from Fable Data, which tracks banks’ transactions. Fable reported a 19 per cent increase in spending for restaurants and pubs between Monday and Wednesday compared with the same period in 2019. Restaurant bookings were 65 per cent higher on Friday and Saturday (May 21-22) than the same period in 2019, according to data from Open Table.

cocktails, sales of which rocketed by 123% over the four days. It confirms recent signs that consumers are seeking drinks that have been difficult to recreate at home, like poured pints and cocktails, and that many are keen to treat themselves to premium options on their return. It has been a big relief to get back to full inside trading across Britain, and these figures show a reasonable start,” says Jonathan Jones, CGA’s managing director, UK and Ireland. “But with many sites still to open and like-forlike sales essentially flat, there is clearly still a very long way to go before sales and profits return to pre-pandemic levels. Pent-up demand, and hopefully some brighter weather, give us optimism that trading will pick up as consumers settle into new habits. But COVID-19 has taken a massive toll on hospitality, and sustained support is going to be needed to help reignite a sector that is absolutely crucial to the UK’s economic recovery in 2021 and beyond.” STAYCATION Expectations of a nationwide economic recovery were further boosted by report stating that the unprecedented demand for a UK staycation this year could help bring a £22 billion boost to domestic tourism, a new study has revealed. The report UK Staycations 2021: A Year of Opportunities, published by commercial property specialist Colliers, predicts that indulgences such as room upgrades, spa treatments and afternoon teas will be the order of the day, as people decide to enjoy some personal pampering using savings accumulated during the pandemic lockdowns.

2020 bookings did not climb above 2019 levels until August when they were boosted by the government support scheme “Eat Out to Help Out” .

The new trend for luxury staycations presents the UK hospitality sector with a unique opportunity, according to the report, which predicts domestic tourism could benefit from an increased spend of £22 billion this year, with the potential for long term benefits of around £5.5 billion a year.

Yael Selfin, chief economist at the consultancy KPMG, said that the latest data “show consumers have embraced the new freedom they were given, particularly in terms of socialising activities”.

Marc Finney, head of Hotels & Resorts Consulting at Colliers, said: “This summer will see a boom in UK staycations, and we are predicting there will also be an unprecedented demand for quality of experience.

Research and insight experts CGA’s breakdown of drinks sales indicates that many consumers were celebrating the return of inside service with

“Our research shows that UK citizens spent £54.8 billion in 2019 on overseas leisure travel, and we estimate that if just 40 per cent of that is

instead spent in the UK this year it would represent an additional £22 billion for domestic tourism. “UK hoteliers have a once in a lifetime opportunity this summer to attract people who would previously have chosen to travel abroad for holidays and weekend breaks, and if they get it right by giving guests an exceptional experience, they will benefit from future bookings and transform the domestic tourism industry instead of just experiencing a one-off bounce. “Although the percentage of people who holiday in the UK next year is likely to be lower, there would still be significant benefits if only around 10 per cent of those who would previously have gone abroad instead choose to holiday here, as this would add around £5.5 billion to the domestic tourism industry.” The report highlights that even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic the UK had a high level of domestic leisure travel at 65 per cent of all overnight spend in 2019, totalling £96.6 billion, and this increased to 71 percent in 2020. It shows that people now have more money to spend on holidays and weekend breaks as a result of being unable to spend much during lockdowns, resulting in savings ratios in 2020 reaching 15.8 per cent of income against a long-term average of 6.5 per cent and creating £140 billion of additional savings, of which some is expected to be spent on travel and hospitality. The report predicts that the top UK locations for continued staycation demand in 2021 will be Bournemouth; Eastbourne; Plymouth; Brighton; Bath; Norwich; Blackpool and Southampton. These cities and towns were all popular staycation destinations in 2020 and are expected to continue to attract domestic holidaymakers this year. While the trend last year was for coastal and country destinations, the report predicts an increase in demand for city breaks in 2021 as a result of the reopening of cultural attractions such as theatres and museums, as well as the return of sporting events and concerts. Colliers anticipates that the main beneficiaries will be London; Edinburgh; Glasgow; Manchester; Bristol; Cambridge; Liverpool; York and Stratford upon Avon.

No Return for Eat Out To Help Out says Chancellor Chancellor Rishi Sunak has indicated that there will be no return for the Eat Out To Help Out scheme this s summer.

scheme giving everyone half off meals in pubs and restaurants - in a bid to boost the economy.

The chancellor said he is “proud” of the Eat Out to Help Out scheme from last summer but signalled that another similar scheme would not be needed again.

The august 2020 Eat Out to Help Out scheme enabled restaurants, cafés, pubs to offer a discount to customers dining in their outlet and obtain a reimbursement from HMRC, with more than 49,000 businesses claiming £849m through the scheme during August 2020.

Mr Sunak said that the Government “doesn’t have the same concern we had a year ago” about how people would react when restrictions were eased last summer. At the end of the lockdown in 2020 the Government launched a

"Last year we were worried about whether once things reopened people would get out there and spend,” he said. He added: “There was a lot of information, talk, and polling and behav-

ioural studies – people were very anxious, so we weren't sure that even once things were open that they would get back to doing things that they love doing, whether it's going for a meal, go shopping, seeing their friends. "And that's why we were a little bit interested in trying to incentivize that behaviour last time. "I think this time around, we know now, both from our experience and from looking around the world, that actually, once you reopen things it seems that people will get out there and do what they do best, which is, go have fun. So, I think we've probably a less role really for government to encourage or incentivize that."

Calls for Chancellor to Cut Beer Duty by 50%

June/July 2021

CLH News

tives previously banned countries from charging a different rate for beer sold on draught in pubs compared to beer sold in bottles and cans in supermarkets. British drinkers pay 54p in duty on a pint of 5% beer, whereas some countries in the EU hey as little as 4p According to CAMRA, the average price of a pint in a pub is £3.36, compared to just £1.34 from a supermarket. A pint of draught beer or lager is something that cannot be replicated at home and is what makes Britain’s pubs so special.

Trade organisations and spokesperson representing the licensed-on trade, operators and beer drinkers are calling on the Chancellor to cut in duty paid on beer sold on draught at the pump in the UK’s pubs. A coalition of industry trade bodies has written to chancellor, Rishi Sunak, calling for duty on draught beer sold in pubs to be halved, which will save drinkers and average 21p a pint, stimulate job growth and save pubs from potential ruin this summer. The signatories include the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) the British Institute of Innkeeping (BII) and UKHospitality (UKH). The reduction would be limited to pubs, bars, and taprooms, who have been forced to close during the pandemic, as opposed to supermarkets who have continued to operate throughout lockdown, while the hospitality and on trade sector, as well as breweries were forced to pour beer down the drain. A significant duction in duty of approximately 50% on draught beer duty would encourage people to drink in the pub, creating thousands of jobs in Britain’s pubs and brewing industry, and could mean a saving of over £15,000 for the average pub. A cut would also lead to a “Brexit bonus” for the UK’s beleaguered pubs and drinkers, since EU direc-

Eighty per cent of all drinks sold in Britain’s pubs are beer, so a specific duty cut for draught beer and lager will help secure the future of these national treasures and the local brewers who supply them. Pubs in Britain pay an average of £142,000 a year in taxes, with one pound in every three spent in pubs going on tax. James Calder, chief executive of SIBA, said: “The majority of beer produced by the UK’s independent brewers is sold into pubs. A lower duty rate for draught beer would support the government’s levelling up agenda by investing into communities, supporting wet-led pubs struggling to recover from the pandemic, and brewers, and securing the employment of thousands in hospitality, particularity amongst young people.” Tom Stainer, chief executive of CAMRA, added: “Even prior to covid, beer drinkers were seeing too many of their favourite locals closed for good. A cut in duty on draught beer is the perfect way to help them recover post-covid, as well as encouraging customers to return to the pub, where they can enjoy not only locallybrewed beer, but all the social benefits of drinking in their local with friends and family.” Chief Executive of UKHospitality Kate Nicholls said the government’s creator regime which takes into account the benefits of the out of home sector, she said: “The last year has been horrific for the pub and hospitality sector. Reducing draught beer duty would be a critical signal, helping us create jobs and generate sustainable economic growth”.



Limiting Capacity in Pubs & Restaurants 'Does Not Reduce Risk of Catching COVID-19' system, said Professor Bazant. “Our analysis also shows that many rooms that have actually been closed do not have to be closed. Often the room is big enough, the ventilation is good enough, the time people spend together is so big rooms can be even at full capacity safely operated, and the scientific support for reduced capacity in these rooms is really not very good, “explained Bazant. “I think if you enter the numbers, even now, for many types of rooms, you will find that no occupancy restrictions are required.”

Research has revealed that reducing capacity does not cut the risk of catching Covid in well-ventilated indoor spaces Professors Martin Bazant and John Bush from the world renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) say the ‘six foot rule’ that encourages people to socially distance in public has no solid basis in science. They explained that the risk of being exposed to the coronavirus indoors is the same whether people are six feet or 60 feet apart, and that this risk is low in well-ventilated spaces. Bazant and Bush developed a model to calculate indoor exposure risk based on time spent inside, air filtration and circulation, immunizations, respiratory activity, variants and mask use. The guideline they developed suggests a limit for exposure time, based on the number of people, the size of the space, the kinds of activity, whether masks are worn, and the ventilation and filtration rates. Opening windows or installing new fans to keep the air moving could be just as effective or more effective than spending large sums of money on a new filtration

“We argue there really isn’t much of a benefit to the 6-foot rule, especially when people are wearing masks,” Bazant said in an interview with CNBC. “It really has no physical basis because the air a person is breathing while wearing a mask tends to rise and comes down elsewhere in the room so you’re more exposed to the average background than you are to a person at a distance.” Bazant said that guidelines enforcing indoor occupancy limits are flawed and the important variable the CDC and the WHO have overlooked is the amount of time spent indoors. “What our analysis continues to show is that many spaces that have been shut down in fact don’t need to be,” Professor Bazant told CNBC. As for outdoor social distancing, Professor Bazant says it makes practically no sense and that outdoor social distancing with masks on is “kind of crazy.” “When you look at the flow of air outside, the infected air is swept away and is very unlikely to cause transmission. There are very few recorded cases of outdoor transmission.” he said. “Crowded outdoor spaces could be a problem, but if people keep a reasonable distance of about three feet outside, I feel pretty comfortable with it even without masks."

June/July 2021

CLH News


No-Shows Blight Busy Reopening for Hospitality Operators Bookings have been a big consideration for consumers in the early days of hospitality’s reopening—but one in seven already admits to not fulfilling them. Those are some of the messages from CGA’s latest Consumer Pulse survey, which provides extensive insights into the habits of people returning to pubs, bars and restaurants in England. With space at a premium and consumers returning confidently to the On Premise, CGA’s research suggests many outdoor areas have been very busy. This has prompted drinkers and diners to plan their visits in advance, and nearly three quarters (73%) of those who went out during the first week said they had reserved tables before doing so. However, one in seven (14%) consumers have not fulfilled their bookings. While some cancelled their reservations ahead of time, around one in 12 (8%) admits to being a no-show after failing to tell their venue they would not be visiting. No-shows have been a major operational challenge for operators who are trying to balance a limited supply of tables with high demand from consumers. Some have been caused by the unpredictably of the spring weather,

June/July 2021

CLH News

and consumers deciding that conditions aren’t good enough to sit outside. But a significant number of consumers also admit to over-booking—reserving places at multiple venues with the intention of cancelling or skipping some of them. The Consumer Pulse survey shows that well over a third of no-shows either forgot to cancel (23%) or ‘couldn’t be bothered’ to do so (13%). A quarter (27%) claimed they had tried to cancel bookings but weren’t able to reach the outlet, while 17% said they were embarrassed about cancelling. This suggests some operators might need to do more to help consumers cancel, and give themselves a chance to replace lost bookings. “Pubs, bars and restaurants have worked so hard to reopen under tough conditions and with limited space; the last thing they need are cancellations and, even worse, no-shows,” says Karl Chessell, CGA’s business unit director, hospitality operators and food EMEA. “It’s a tricky problem to solve, but bookings are going to be at the core of operations for a long time to come. Venues may need to consider and communicate new policies around their reservation terms, and make it as easy as possible for people to cancel so they can reallocate valuable space.”

The Burnt Chef Project Takes On The Skies In Mammoth Fundraising Skydive

The Burnt Chef Project is raising funds for its ongoing work through a national charity skydive. The skydive is aiming to be one of the biggest in the UK with over 20 locations to choose from and jumps available throughout the first week in July.

lenge mental health stigma. The project is looking for fundraisers to get involved with the sky dive and help fight the continued campaign to challenge mental health issues within the trade.

The Burnt Chef Project is looking for fundraisers to participate in the sky dive and join the continued campaign to challenge mental health stigma within the trade.

Kris Hall, founder of The Burnt Chef Project said “We wanted to do something that was awesome, pushed our boundaries and raised money for our ongoing work. The sky dive feels like a perfect way to shout from the rooftops (or far above!) about our fight to end the stigma associated with mental health in the hospitality industry .We’re want to get 100 people involved to make this one of the biggest national skydives the UK has seen!”

The non-profit hospitality based project, is a campaign, toolkit and clothing brand which seeks to chal-

If you’d like to take part in the sky dive head to to register.

The charity is now calling on brave or thrill seeking hospitality professionals to get involved and commit to the sky dive whilst raising £400 for the charity.




CLH News

June/July 2021

Re-Negotiating Your Commercial Lease

effect, but not if it is perceived to be genuine. The right balance must be found.

Both parties need to participate in the communications as it cannot be a one-sided conversation and listening is the most important skill you can have. Everyone knows from social interactions, that bulldozing through a By Amanda Hamilton, Chief Executive of the National Association of Licensed Paralegals (NALP) - conversation, being opinionated, demanding and manipulative, will induce a reaction of: …’wow, I don’t like this person. I need to get away as quickly as For most hospitality businesses the helps you to understand the kind of person s/he is. Trust and honesty is possible – I’ll just go and get another drink…’ We have all been there! biggest expenditure is paying for com- key, and given the unprecedented circumstances, you may be able to come mercial premises. Having, no doubt, to some agreement in spite of the clauses(s) in the lease. On the other hand, being in the company of someone that is listening to suffered a very tough year, is there what you have to say, and nodding occasionally, validates what we are saying In any negotiation it’s imortant to understand the other party’s point of anything you can do to mitigate the view and say so, or say something complimentary. For example, you could and is perceived well. financial burden of your lease? start off the negotiations by saying something along the lines of: At the end of the day, everyone has a different negotiating style. However, The answer is, yes! But of course ‘I know the last year has been difficult for us as I am sure it has been for there are a few tips to hopefully get you to your win-win scenario: there are no guarantees, as your landyou too…’ or 1.Understand who you’re dealing with. The more you know your Landlord and the lord would have been going through ‘I really like these premises and I think you do a good job on every level. similar circumstances, but a reasonkind of person she/he is, the more you will know how to pitch what you want. It ticks all the right boxes for the business...’ able approach to any negotiation 2.Know what you want to achieve. should prove fruitful for both parties. Then you could go on by saying… 3.Put yourself in the shoes of the other party and/or say something complimentary. The first thing to do is to check ‘... but I hope you can understand that in order for both our businesses your lease to see if there is any 4.Don’t come on too strong or too sugary sweet. Integrity is the key. to get back on our feet and up to full strength, we need to have a reasonadverse clause in there that may pre5.Listening is the best skill. able stepped approach to the payment of rent so that we can build up our vent you negotiating. For example, a business again. I would like to retain my lease with you, but I would appreOnce you have reached your goal, then ask a professional paralegal to clause stating that ‘there shall be no ciate a bit of leeway...’ assist you in drafting an agreement to reflect the negotiation you have rent negotiation after one year’ or ‘negotiation on rent will only be acceptreached. Paralegals charge a lot less than solicitors and can perform many This is the diplomatic approach, rather than demanding a reduction: ‘It’s able after three years’ etc. unfair to expect me to pay the full rental after what’s happened. You should of the same tasks, including drafting agreements or changes to your lease. You should also check the length of any ‘notice’ period, e.g. the notice reduce the rent…’ If negotiations fail or things unfortunately turn unpleasant, then a paraleyou need to give if you wish to leave. The last thing you want is to start gal may be able to help here too. Sometimes taking the emotion out of the It’s always best to start thinking in terms of what you want to achieve. If negotiating and threaten to leave in a month and then realise that you are negotiation and letting independent third parties continue the talks, can your goal is to stay in the premises then you can aim your negotiations in legally bound to give three or six months’ notice, or that there is a clause help bring things back to the real issue of the lease negotiation. that direction rather than say to yourself, ‘I will only accept this amount of stating: ‘there will be no break clause in your lease for two years from the reduction’ or ‘I won’t accept that…’. date the lease commences, or from the date your lease is renewed’. Finally, if all negotiation fails and your landlord will not budge, then legally By understanding exactly what is in your lease you will find it easier to work with your landlord to find a mutually agreeable solution. If your landlord is approachable, then building a rapport with him/her

Being too acerbic can have a really adverse effect. If you are too forthright, the other party will close ranks and not be willing to give an inch, as this could give the impression of a lack of integrity and being disingenuous. However, being too sweet and accommodating can also have the same

there is probably very little you can do. If there is a fixed rental period, then you could try again when this ends, or if the lease allows, you can give the required notice and look to relocate to premises with a lease that better suits you.

Pub Is The Hub: New Research Highlights The Social Value Publicans and Pubs Create By Providing Local Services pub sector reopens. The evaluation undertaken by Cornwall Rural Community Charity, which is experienced in measuring social value, found that for every £1 spent on a project through the Pub is The Hub Community Services Fund, in the first lockdown, between £8.98 and £9.24 of social value was created. This illustrates that one suitable pub diversification project with a grant of £3,000 from the Community Services Fund could potentially create over £27,000 in social value to a local area. The Community Services Fund, which was started in 2013, offers small grants to help pubs diversify and has already supported over 160 pubs to provide more than 30 different types of services including village stores, Post Offices, allotments, community cafés and libraries. Further projects are currently in the pipeline or awaiting funding provision.

The social value that pubs and publicans created by providing local services during the first Covid-19 lockdown has been unveiled in a new report from Pub is The Hub, the not-for-profit organisation that helps pubs to diversify and provide essential local services. The report called ‘The Social Value of Pubs and Publicans providing Services in their Communities’ has for the first time measured the social value impact of pub services. Social value looks at the broad effects that an organisation is achieving with its work and takes into account the wider social, economic and environmental wellbeing benefits that a service or project can bring to an area. Pubs and publicans ensured that essential services remained accessible to local residents at the heart of their communities during the Covid-19 lockdowns and they will be crucial in helping communities rebuild as the

The 25 Covid response pub projects analysed in the evaluation included village stores, communitycafés and takeaways, food delivery services, IT and information hubs, a bakery, a workshop and community gardens. The evaluation analysed various outcomes such as the impact that the projects had on helping support older, disabled and vulnerable people and how publicans worked collectively with local organisations to help reduce isolation and tackle social needs.

THE IMPORTANCE OF PUBS John Longden, chief executive of Pub is The Hub, said: “It proves how vital these services have been during the pandemic. Covid-19 has reinforced the importance of pubs and good publicans in helping local people. He added: “Publicans were often the first in their community to rise to the challenges and recognisethe issues local residents were facing. The important social impact of publicans’ responses to local needs has often been essential to get people through the pandemic.

“As the market fully reopens publicans and pubs are going to be crucial in helping local areas rebuild as well as aiding Government priorities for economic recovery.” Cornwall Rural Community Charity, development and evaluation manager, Gemma Finnegan, who independently conducted the research, said: “We are very proud of this piece of work that has highlighted the important social value of pub services during the first lockdown. "This is the first time that social value methodology has been applied to pub diversification projects and the results have been really positive, demonstrating the wider role publicans and pubs play in their communities. “What is interesting is the major impact that Pub is The Hub projects have had in local areas and communities with only a small grant.”

Coravin Launches Exclusive Line For Trade Partners, Offering More Pours By The Glass ®

CORAVIN®, the company behind the world-renowned wine preservation system, today unveils a brand-new line of devices exclusive to trade partners; the Coravin Pro® Reserve and Coravin® Pro Select Kits. Since launching its first product to consumers in 2011, Coravin® has been revolutionising the way the world drinks wine with its range of pioneering wine preservation systems. Coravin® is now building on its innovative technology to optimise the product and usability for trade venues. The development of the Coravin® Pro Reserve and Select now means that hospitality partners can benefit from 30% more argon per capsule, faster pouring, and reduced wine wastage, ultimately optimising usage within businesses. Previously, on-trade Coravin® programmes have seen establishments increase fine wine sales by at least 20%, being able to add higher price point wines to their wine by the glass menu as well as reducing wine waste by 100% on all bottles poured by Coravin.

CORAVIN PRO® SELECT KIT Designed with everyday wines in mind, the Select Kit includes the new Pivot™ Pro System which is compatible with all still wine closure types and bottle shapes and hasn’t previously been offered to trade. At £208.33 (excl. VAT), it is an entry point device for establishments looking to increase profitability of their wine menus and reduce wine wastage to 0%. With its unique fast pouring, no time is wasted during crucial business times. A Pivot™ Stopper is used to replace the cork or screwcap and the Pivot™ Pro device is inserted to access the wine, pressurising the bottle with Argon gas. The Pivot™ Stopper remains on the bottle until it has been used, allowing it to be enjoyed for up to four weeks by customers.

CORAVIN® PRO RESERVE KIT Fitted with SmartClamps™ for ease of use, the Model Three Pro system

includes patented technology to protect wine from oxidation, allowing venues to pour any wine, in any amount, without pulling the cork. The £291.67 (excl. VAT) device works by inserting a needle through the cork and pressurising the bottle with Argon gas. The cork then naturally reseals the bottle allowing the wine to enjoyed for months, or even years, to come, allowing businesses to offer more, higher price point wines by the glass. The Reserve Kit includes six Screw Cap accessories, unlocking even more wines with the freedom to pour and protect screw cap wines for up to three months. The Select and Reserve Kits include 12 of the exclusive B2B Coravin Pure™ Argon Professional Capsules, offering 300 pours with Pivot™ Pro, and 240 pours with Model Three Pro. The Capsules can also be purchased separately in sets of 12 for £75 (excl. VAT). Zsofia Kiss, Head Sommelier Assistant at 67 Pall Mall says, “67 Pall Mall is really basically built around the Coravin System. We have around 900 wines by the glass, we only use Coravin for everything.” For more information, visit


CLH News

June/July 2021

Best Practice for Reopening Hospitality Venues: Regulatory Considerations By Nicola Smith, a Director Specialising in Licensing and Food Law at Squire Patton Boggs ( indoors). Breach of these requirements might result in prosecution or closure, or indeed review of an operator’s premises licence (for example, on the grounds of failing to promote public safety).

17 May 2021 was a milestone moment for many hospitality premises, permitted to open their doors to customers indoors once more, albeit with a “heavy dose of caution”, but also with hope of the (final) end of enforced closures. Bringing staff back off furlough, recruitment, training and ordering stock according to anticipated demand are all challenges as we travel through the roadmap, but there are also challenges with keeping up to date on regulatory responsibilities. First, there are, of course, ongoing restrictions under health protection regulations affecting customers, currently including social distancing, mask wearing, COVID-19 signage and QR posters, and maximum group sizes (currently gatherings of up to 30 people are permitted outdoors and gatherings of up to six people or two households of any size are permitted

There are also “workplace guides” from the government, with a specific guide covering people who work in or run restaurants, pubs, bars, cafes or takeaways. This guidance covers the requirement to carry out a suitable and sufficient COVID-19 risk assessment, identifying control measures to manage that risk. As part of any such assessment, you should think about elevated risks associated with planned entertainment (such as the possibility of greater transmission risks with raised voices and singing if background music is loud), as well as the service of food and drinks. Local authority officers and police can request a copy of your COVID-19 risk assessment. However, you should also revisit your other risk assessments to consider whether other measures may be required to address risks that may arise from new ways of working and measures put in place in response to COVID-19. For example, consider whether different table placement could impact upon fire escape routes, or whether potentially reduced staff numbers will affect the availability of adequate first aid provision. You may also need to assess any potential risks to health and safety, in consideration of matters such as lack of maintenance and hygiene/cleaning during a period of closure, expired safety certification and/or overdue inspections or tests. In particular, if the water system

has been inactive, you may wish to carry out legionella testing. You may also want to check for pest damage and make arrangements for pest control visits. Finally, it is important to remember and refresh staff understanding of licensing requirements that existed before the pandemic hit and are still crucial to the successful operation of licensed premises. Considerations could include: • If you will continue to provide a delivery service of food and alcohol in addition to service on the premises, remember that long term your licence needs to cover you for sales of alcohol for consumption “off ” the premises, as well as “on” (the current automatic ability to provide off sales if you are licensed for on sales, in most circumstances, is due to expire on 30 September 2021). Check if you have different/restricted hours for “off sales” that would apply to any takeaway or delivery services. • Remember that if there is no designated premises supervisor (DPS), there is no authority to sell alcohol. Therefore, if you have made redundancies, or if some staff have not returned from furlough, you may need to make an application to name another personal licence holder as DPS to allow sales to continue. • Keep under review the number of employees who are personal licence holders (in each premises, where you operate multiple premises/venues) to ensure proper supervision of alcohol sales. • During any period of closure, annual fees will still have fallen due for payment on the anniversary of the original

grant of the premises licence. If annual fees are not paid, they are recoverable as a debt, and licensing authorities are required to suspend premises licences for non-payment (which would remove authority for sales of alcohol/other licensed activities). Therefore, check payment has been made and/or is scheduled. • Check your licence conditions and assess whether you can still comply. Some conditions require minimum numbers of personnel at certain times (for example, door supervisors, stewards and/or personal licence holders). There may also be requirements for refresher training periodically, for example, every six months. • Reminding staff of the requirements under licensing laws and your proof of age policy, and tracking such training, can be an important protection for you if you want to demonstrate that you had reasonable precautions in place to prevent an offence being committed. • Consider liaising with your neighbours to keep them up to date with your plans for reopening. You may need to address elevated noise levels from an increased use of outdoor areas over recent weeks, and it is a good idea to provide contact details so that residents can contact you directly if they experience unreasonable disturbance. • Check CCTV is working and in accordance with any relevant licence conditions. Monitoring CCTV coverage can be important for the effective supervision of customers. Having in place a checklist of issues that may be relevant for regulatory purposes as we come out of the pandemic should help to ensure a successful transition to reopening.

Oxfordshire Pub Offers Post-Lockdown Lifeline To Locals Oxfordshire publican Dan Redfern is opening a library and IT hub at his pub The Cherry Tree Inn in Stoke Row to help support local residents as the country moves out of lockdown.

and gardening books donated by Dan and his chef Matthew Allen. The IT hub will enable local residents and visitors to get online with a designated iPad and volunteers will give help and advice for those who are not IT savvy.

Dan Redfern, who runs the Brakspear pub with his partner Natalie Redfern, decided to transform a small room into the library, with the help and a Community Services Fund grant from Pub is The Hub, the not-for-profit organisation that helps pubs to diversify and provide essential local services.

Dan said: “This room provides a great environment for our regulars to come in and have a coffee and get a book to read. The library and IT hub will be really important in helping many local residents to socialise after such a long period of isolation and lockdown.

The couple stepped in to host the library at The Cherry Tree Inn after a number of local residents asked if it could be moved from the village hall to allow for greater access and longer opening hours. The village hall was only open at certain times meaning access to the library was restricted.

He added: “Since we took on the pub in 2018 we have become the hub of this local area offering excellent food and drink as well as a place for our locals to meet and socialise. We are also planning to offer IT help to local retired residents as well as coffee mornings and even a small cinema when restrictions allow."

The new library and IT hub, which will open on 17 May, when Government restrictions are eased, has over 300 books including around 60 specialist cookery

Microsave and WINIA, A Perfect Match for Short Order Regeneration The benefits of easy cleaning and large reductions in service costs of the Microsave microwave cavity liner are well known, but the advantages of this clever invention can sometimes be lost on smaller cavity microwaves, where the cooking capacity drops to less than ½ Gastronorm size with the Microsave inserted. This is not an issue when the Microsave is used in conjunction with the excellent range of commercial microwaves from WINIA. The extra-large cavity of the 1500W & 1850W range ( 370mm x 370mm x 198mm

WxDxH ) means that with the Microsave protecting the cavity, these ovens can still accommodate a ½ Gsatronorm or two 1/3rd Gastronorm dishes. Perfect for fast turnaround, different item cooking and still only a matter of seconds to clean the oven at the end of service. Regale are so keen to ‘spread the word’ they are offering three free gastronorm dishes with every 1500w and 1850w oven, whilst stocks last. See the advert on page 6 or

NINE ELMS No.18 - Quality Non-Alc For Lovers Of Good Food Award-winning NINE ELMS No.18 is a ruby velven – a new type of non-alcoholic drink, created in London, that has been specially designed to complement good food. Expertly crafted from the juice of four types of dark berry and aromatised with an intricate blend of 20 different botanical infusions and distillates, this intriguing non-alcoholic concoction is full of flavour and character. With juicy red & black fruits, uplifting herbaceous notes, warm earthy spice, gentle acidity and soft tannins, NINE ELMS No.18 is most enjoyable served with rich savoury dishes – try it with antipasti, charcuterie, chargrilled vegetables, roasted meats or cheese. A versatile serve, NINE ELMS No.18 is also the perfect ingredient for creating a range of sophisticated non-alcoholic cocktails. Try combining NINE ELMS No.18 with a good quality tonic, ice and a slice of

orange for a refreshing and stylish twist on this Summer's spritz trend. The striking 750ml bottle can be found on the menus of a growing range of London’s finest restaurants and bars, including Isaac McHale’s The Clove Club, The Frog by Adam Handling and Decimo at The Standard Hotel; a fantastic endorsement of this quality drink. Rapidly making a name for itself as the solution to “What to drink if you’re eating but not drinking?”, NINE ELMS No.18 is a truly inclusive drinking experience that brings people of all backgrounds and beliefs together, whether that’s over a meal, sitting at a bar or simply enjoyed al fresco this Summer.


CLH News

June/July 2021

Business Rates Cap Will Harm Pub Revival Says Colliers The Government must re -consider the £2 million cap it is proposing to place on business rates relief for the beleaguered pub sector, when its 3 months business rates holiday ends at the end of June says John Webber, Head of Business Rates at Colliers, or the systemic closure of pubs and jobs in the sector will just continue.

have left to pay after the 3 months business rates holiday finishes- i.e. from July 1st onwards, what sort of saving a 66% reduction would have meant if granted without a cap and what percentage of discount the pub chains will actually receive on their rates bills with the cap in place.

When the Chancellor announced in the Budget that last year’s 100% business rates holiday for the hospitality sector would be extended three months to the end of June 2021, he said rates bills afterwards would be discounted for the remaining nine months of the financial year by two thirds, up to the value of £2million for closed businesses. However, the cap does not refer to individual properties, but to the businesses as a whole.

Our estimates show that none of the pub chains below get anywhere near receiving a 66% discount on their remaining nine months rates bills and for Greene King, Punch Taverns, JD Wetherspoons and M&B, the discount is less than 6% to the end of the year. Greene King will receive a measly 1.97% % discount on its £101 million nine months rates bill, M&B 2.7% on its £73 million nine months bill.

Research by Colliers has revealed that this means many large and medium sized pub chains will be hit with hefty rates bills from July 1st. The cap will effectively mean that on average the six major pub chains will receive less than a 4% relief on their business rates liability- a far cry from the 66% outlined. We have estimated the amounts the main pub operators will be paying.

No wonder the major pub chains have complained. Phil Urban, the CEO of Mitchells & Butlers, which employs 30,000 people across more than 1,700 pubs, was reported* as saying “The two thirds discount is understandable but it’s capped at £2m, which works for a lot of hospitality businesses but for a company like mine….we’ll have to pay around £75m.”



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He explained that the business can’t reopen profitably until June, and two weeks later will face a cliff edge, while also having to pay more for the furlough scheme. “It leaves us with no breathing space. Essentially the discount is totally irrelevant to us.”


Earlier this year Marson’s boss Ralph Findlay said an extension of the business rates holiday and VAT relief measures throughout 2021 would be the “minimum requirement” needed to help pubs get through the pandemic.


Research Colliers (Estimations)

John Webber Head of Business Rates at Colliers added, “The cap is a sleight of hand. Pub chains were pleased that they received an extension to their business rates holiday- but many are only just waking up to the fact that the cap is for each business group, not each outlet and therefore really limits what most pub chains can expect for the rest of the year. This relief certainly won’t be significant enough to make businesses change their strategy concerning any pub closures or redundancies.” The beer and pub sector has been one of the most adversely affected sectors by Covid-19 and the lockdowns. In 2020 alone, according to the BBPA (British Beer and Pub Association) a combination of restrictions on trade and lockdowns saw sales of beer in pubs plummet by 56%, a decrease of £7.8 billion.

Pubs are hoping to bounce back as the government lifts its Covid-19 restrictions, but currently with pub goers only able to drink outside, full recovery is limited. The sector will only see the full lifting of restrictions on June 21st, just before the business rates cap comes into play in July. Colliers has campaigned for a longer rates 100% holiday. “We feel three months is not enough, given the pressure many in the sector have been through and certainly not enough time to return to normal levels of trading. We recommended a six months rates holiday at the least.” In Scotland a 12 months holiday was granted.

The table above looks at the business rates of the top six pub chains, estimates their total yearly bill, what they

“We urge the Chancellor to re-think his strategy before more jobs are lost in the sector.” says Webber.

Should The Holiday Season Be Extended? By Michele Coe-Baxter, head of leisure and tourism at Duncan & Toplis ( and New Year periods, which could be especially lucrative. Of course, there are good reasons why the tourism season is over the warmer months; the idea of people being blown about on a rainy beach isn’t exactly the most appealing image, and there are also more serious concerns about a prolonged season, particularly around the risk of flooding and the added pressure on healthcare services in rural areas. Flooding can be extremely expensive, but it is also a risk in areas of the country such as Wales and the Lake District where tourism is year-round where the risk is managed through careful planning and sensible precautions.

As we move toward the ending of restrictions, all eyes are on the 2021 season as businesses hope to recoup as much of their losses as possible when restrictions are eased. From March to October each year, coastal towns across the UK come alive for the official holiday season, but there are now calls for businesses to have more time to recover by extending the season. The merits of this seem clear; the longer the season, the longer businesses in the sector can take bookings, welcome guests and generate revenue. It would also keep people in work for longer, extending temporary or seasonal employment and enable businesses to capitalise on the Christmas

But there’s also a question over coronavirus: We all hope and pray that we’ll see the back of it soon, but there are warnings that we may see more surges in case numbers as we approach winter and that could mean more restrictions will be needed. If this is the case, attracting large numbers of tourists from across the country may not be welcome or, indeed, possible, and it could increase the financial cost future restrictions may have. But, on the contrary, having a short season means encouraging more people to visit at the same time, and this could pose a challenge for social distancing, with tourists vying for the limited seating at bars and restaurants for example.

Andigestion’s ‘One For One’ food waste collection service has been designed especially for the hospitality sector! Food waste included in your general waste collection can lead to increased weight charges which

Visit Britain forecasts from January anticipate a bad year for international visitors, but a better year for domestic tourism. Even their gloomy forecast published January anticipated that domestic tourism would increase by 79% compared to 2020, rising to 67% of the ‘normal’ spending in 2019. With the situation in the UK having markedly improved since, this forecast may now be a little pessimistic, so predictions for a summer of ‘staycations’ yet may bear fruit. However, whether this season is extended or not, the British seaside should fare better than other destinations this year: Unlike cities, coastal resorts in the UK thrive from domestic tourism and city-breaks may be less appealing to people who are likely to be more wary of crowded areas and busy streets.

There may also be concerns over the impact a longer season will have on local communities as well as natural environments. But while the drawbacks may be complicated, we should consider how valuable an extended season could be: VisitBritain figures show that the holiday tourism industry in England generated £11 billion in 2019 and the

Hopefully, whether it’s a longer season or not, this summer will go a long way toward helping coastal towns recover, but more help may be required for more businesses which depend on international visitors.

can mount up considerably during a busy season. By having a separate food bin you could reduce or even eliminate the excess weight charges and possibly also reduce the number of general waste collections too.

New ways of working and serving, new procedures and new regulations not only require much of your time and energy but they will have also cost money to implement. So wouldn’t it be a bonus if we could actually help you save money on one vital part of your operation – while also helping to reduce your business’s environmental impact?

However, extending the season won’t be like turning on a tap: The main drivers for coastal tourism are the weather and school holidays, so businesses will need to work hard to give people a more year-round offer if they’re to take advantage of a longer season.

Indeed, if we look back to last summer, research by Springboard suggested that coastal towns fared better than others, with retail footfall last August only having reduced by 24.4% compared to a 30.8% nationwide and 64% in central London.

Transform Your Food Waste Into Green Energy As the hospitality sector begins to open up and you start welcoming guests and customers once again, no doubt there are a thousand things that demand your attention right now.

UK tourism sector accounts for almost 10% of the UK’s total GDP and 11% of all jobs, so even a modest increase in visitors could be a great boost for the economy.

One for One customers receive a designated food bin which we swap for a fresh, steam-cleaned one every time to help keep premises clean and hygienic with no mess, smells or liners to worry about. You can place food directly into our bins whether packaged, unpackaged, cooked or uncooked. As well as keeping food waste out of your general waste bins and potentially reducing general waste collection costs, our highly sustainable recycling service also keeps your food waste out of landfill and transforms it into clean, green and eco-friendly energy. Tel: 08000 141 141 Email: See the advert on page 7.

Get Ready for the British Summer with a New Uniform From Kylemark There’s no denying that the world of hospitality has changed in the last year. With alfresco dining becoming ‘the new norm’, businesses have had to change and adapt; and with this uniforms too. Fleeces, softshells and gilets are now becoming standard as the British summer is, as we well know, not always predictable. Kylemark have been supplying the hospitality trade with branded uniforms for over 24 years attracting happy customers such as Tom Kerridge, Restaurant Associates, Brasserie Blanc and Mellors. We pride ourselves in a service that helps the customer find that unique look, spe-

cial to their hotel, restaurant or pub. We are now delighted to introduce the County Collection; a range of classic UK made cotton canvas aprons that have been paired with a selection of shirts, waistcoats, trousers and tops. Combine this with our in-house branding we can supply you with a uniform from it’s conception to manufacture to delivery, making sure of quality every step of the way. We offer free embroidery, set-up and delivery when you spend over £100. For more information contact our sales team on 01292 618344 or visit or see the advert on page 4.

Natasha’s Law-Are You Aware? Are You Prepared? 16

CLH News

June/July 2021

By Nadim Ednan-Laperouse, OBEFounder of the Natasha Allergy Research Foundation ( In little over 100 days Natasha’s Law will come into force. It requires full ingredient and allergen labelling on all pre-packed food for direct sale that is made on the premises.

independents and the potential for cross contamination in smaller kitchens could actually pose a risk to consumers.

Sandwiches, cakes and salads prepared in this way will from October 1 all come under the new legislation which was backed in a Food Standards Agency consultation by 88% of the public.

The BSA’s comments suggest a significant number of food retailers and the organisations that represent them, are sticking their heads in the sand when it comes to Natasha’s Law.

Most big supermarkets are on track to meet the deadline for Natasha’s Law which covers England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland - indeed,

Organisations that represent outlets who are unaware of Natasha’s Law should be informing, educating and engaging their members rather than fostering a climate of negativity on a critical customer safety matter.

some are already compliant. However, the picture for smaller, independent food outlets such as sandwich shops and cafes is less positive. A recent survey by the British Sandwich Association (BSA) shows around a third of its members are not aware of the existence of Natasha’s Law. The BSA says the number of food outlets unaware and unprepared for the change in the law could be even higher among non-members. The BSA goes on to argue that the low levels of allergy awareness among

It then makes the discredited case that a conversation between staff and customers would be preferable to ingredients labelling, in order to verbally point out any allergens used in kitchens.

Our message is simple. Food allergies are a daily trial for the two to three million people in the UK living with food allergic disease. Lives are at risk, the public has spoken, Parliament has spoken, the law has rightly changed and this attempted back-sliding is irresponsible and unacceptable.

The law is named after my daughter Natasha, who I watched die at the tender age of 15 on a holiday flight to France because she had been reassured by the partial ingredient labelling on a baguette which didn’t mention sesame seeds, a known allergen. The 2018 inquest into Natasha’s death exposed the loophole in the law that was being abused and then Environment Secretary Michael Gove agreed with the Coroner that the law must change. From that point, the shoddy industry practices that put financial expediency and profits before customer safety - and that killed Natasha - had to stop.

Yet when Tanya and I, her parents, were asked for our opinion about the proposed legislation, we agreed that the industry should be given two years to transition and those two years are now nearly up. The FSA has launched a campaign to help businesses prepare for these changes ( This helps identify which businesses and products will be affected by the change in the law. There are now many suppliers to choose from that offer the software and label solutions to meet Natasha’s Law and costs are as low as £15 per month ‘all-in’ for the small operators. The FSA has stated clearly: ‘In the most serious cases, if a customer suffers an allergic reaction because the PPDS rules were not being followed, a food business could be prosecuted by the Local Authority. The courts can issue a significant fine (potentially unlimited) and imprison any individuals that are found guilty.’ With people’s lives at stake, no food retailer should be on the wrong side of the law. Food allergies are an industry issue and businesses large and small have a key role to play in ensuring everyone is able to consume food safely. Tackling the public health crisis around food allergies requires action on many fronts. In 2019 we launched the Natasha Allergy Research Foundation ( to fund vital medical research into food allergies and to address the woefully inadequate provision of allergy services in this country. We are now urging the food industry to do its bit and take urgent action to make sure it is ready for and compliant with Natasha’s Law.

Spurs Star Gareth Bale Signs New Lease on Cardiff Bar S.A. Brain C.E.O Jon Bridge said, “We are excited to continue the relationship

Premiership Football star Gareth Bale has signed a new 15-year lease for Elevens Bar & Grill in Cardiff city centre,.

with Gareth, Jamie and the team and are looking forward to still enjoying a great

Elevens has now become a fully independent venture, co-owned by Wales and Tottenham star Gareth Bale (currently on load from Real Madrid)and his business partner Jamie Humphrys (Elevens Group Ltd), with S.A Brain as landlords. Gareth Bale said: “In a few short years we managed to create something special and unique with Brains; a premium sports bar and grill in the heart of Cardiff. We really enjoyed working with them, but it’s time to look ahead, and it’s exciting to be taking Elevens forward as an independent venue.”

pint of Brains beer and supporting this next exciting chapter for Elevens.“ Elevens Group Ltd managing director Jamie Humphrys said, “Whilst our core offering at Elevens will be the same, the small tweaks to come over the following weeks and months will build on that. We’ll be updating the menu and adding more local suppliers, putting in a secure mobile ordering system to make things

Getting Customers Back Through The Door With so many pubs, hotels and restaurants being closed for so long, opening back up can be quite a daunting thought - several questions and concerns have been raised. HFE Signs are the UK’s preferred suppliers for Signs and PVC Banners we contacted their MD Karl Hunter to see if he could help answer some common questions around re-opening. Question 1 – IF A PUB HAS BEEN CLOSED FOR SO LONG AND BEEN UNABLE TO TRADE, HOW CAN THEY REGAIN THE CUSTOMERS THEY HAVE LOST TO SURROUNDING PUBS THAT HAVE OUTDOOR FACILITIES? Karl: With any marketing, psychology is key, you have to understand your market and analyse your competition. Who are your target audience, drinkers, families, couples or oap’s? With this information you tailor your deals & banners to be attractive to the desired audience. Question 2 – WHAT IF WE OPEN AND NOBODY COME THROUGH THE DOORS? Karl: The main point here is to give notice, 'warm up' your customers, get them excited to come back and even offer some new deals. PVC Banners are ideal for doing this.

easier post-COVID, and our website will be getting a refresh.”

Question 3 – WE HAVE TO INCREASE OUR PRICES, BUT WE’RE WORRIED THIS WILL PUT PEOPLE OFF? Karl: Price is always an important factor, but remember its not the only factor, if your staff are friendly, the environment is pleasant and your USP is matched to your audience you will easily be able to justify price increases. Question 4 – WE’RE IN A BUSY TOWN, ALL THE OTHER PUBS ARE FIGHTING FOR TRADE AND PRICES ARE GETTING TOO CHEAP, ITS HARD TO MAKE ANYTHING NOWADAYS. Karl: You have to again think of your niche, a busy town will have lots of choices for the customers but likewise it has lots of customers too, don’t get drawn into the price. Essentially you are there to make a profit so offer something special to your customers. People are happy to pay more for something different - that may be nicer décor, relaxed environment, big TV’s, live sports, live music or barmaids in fancy dress! Don’t be afraid to think outside the box, its not all about the price. Question 5 – WHAT CAN WE DO TO MAKE PEOPLE COME BACK? Karl: You can’t force people to come back and you can’t force people to spend money, people are there in the first place because you have appealed to them, you need to ask yourself what got them through the door in the first place and have you lived up to expectations? If the answer is yes, then they’ll come back. I would emphasise the importance of staff impression, this includes smart appearance bubbly personality and friendliness – your pub is bricks and mortar, your staff are your

business! Karl is the founder and owner of HFE Signs Ltd – HFE Signs have been printing PVC Banners since 1996 and have a dedicated online library for pubs and food. Currently HFE offer free UK delivery with any two banners and also a buy 2 get 3rd free (mixed designs). HFE also offer a free bespoke PVC Banner design service, no wonder people go to them! Visit or see the advert on page 9.

Super Quick, Free Range, Super Easy Range Farm Liquid Egg products are ready to use, easy to handle, and provide convenience for those working in foodservice. All products are free range, 100% pasteurised and meet British Lion standards. Available in Whole Egg, Egg Whites and Yolks, with no product waste or mess - all your eggs in one carton! Range Farm Free Range Hens are free to roam and forage in the natural environment. Freshly laid, our eggs are processed at our state-of-the-art facility in Wiltshire and dispatched to customers in our fleet of refrigerated vehicles ensuring they arrive perfect and ready to use. Range Farm Liquid Egg is sourced from 100% UK based farms so quality and continuity of sup-

ply is guaranteed. We are also conscious of our environmental responsibilities so please be assured that our cartons are recyclable. We provide a range of sizes and packaging according to the needs of our customers, with all Range Farm Liquid Egg products available in pallecons, BIB and cartons. To start cooking with ease and find out how we can meet your requirements, call 01249 732221 or email

See the advert on page 17.

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Range Farm Liquid Egg products are produced from fresh free range, British eggs. Available as Whole Egg, Egg Whites and Yolk supplied in pallecons, BIB and cartons. To start cooking with ease, call 01249 732221 or email


CLH News

June/July 2021

Nearly Half of Brits Are Planning a Staycation as Hotels and B&Bs Prepare For the Big Summer of Spending • 66% of leisure and hospitality microbusinesses, including hotel and B&B owners, have ‘upgraded’ themselves to be more financially efficient over the last year ahead of the ‘Great British Summer’ – with Brits predicted to spend over £12.4 billion on staycations alone in the next 6 months • This comes as a quarter of Brits (25%) plan to book or have booked a British holiday for the summer months • The average anticipated spend of those going away is £497, with the North East and Londoners the keenest to get away (60% and 56% respectively) – and consumers are happy to pay more for ‘green’, spending an extra £11 per night at a guest house or hotel that was sustainable • Businesses are embracing their eco-creds, with 51% of them introducing measures to make themselves more sustainable, such as getting a smart meter or reducing their plastic waste New research from Smart Energy GB reveals how small businesses have been making upgrades to prepare for the ‘big summer of spending’, including getting a smart meter to better manage their bills and become more sustainable. It’s good news for independent hotels, guest houses, and B&Bs, with research suggesting that British staycations are at an all-time high. A quarter of Brits (25%) have booked a holiday in the country for the summer months, and nearly half (49%) are planning to head somewhere in Britain before November. With the average spend on these trips set to be just under £500, it’s no surprise that there is due to be an expected £12.4 billion spent on stayca-

When it comes to environmental upgrades, over half of small businesses (51%) have introduced measures that make their business eco-friendlier, with over a fifth (22%) reducing their plastic waste, 20% deciding to use more recyclable materials, 18% going entirely paperless, and nearly half (44%) embracing a smart meter. Over 1 in 10 (11%) small businesses have installed a smart meter since the start of the pandemic with a further 25% saying they have either applied for one or plan to get one. Of those who have had one installed, three quarters (76%) say they are more conscious about their businesses’ energy usage which has led to an average estimated monthly utility bill saving of £32.80, that’s a huge £394 a year! Smart Energy GB’s Fflur Lawton said: “The last 18 months have been incredibly tough for businesses but with the world starting to re-open, we’re all looking forward to the Great British Summer. Lots of businesses have been looking at ways they can optimise themselves and the experience of their customers, upgrading their booking and ordering and even the way they track their energy by using smart meters. tions in the next 6 months. And, for businesses looking to maximise their profits, making upgrades that boost their eco credentials is the way forward.

Nearly half of British micro businesses are already use a smart meter to help keep track of their energy usage and checking if your business is eligible for a smart meter couldn’t be easier. Every single one fitted across the country is a positive step towards a smarter nationwide energy system.”

Brits are happy to spend an extra £11 per night at a guest house or hotel that is sustainable, with just under half (47%) saying they would pay more for a greener stay.

Smart meters are available for businesses and installations are happening now. To check if you’re eligible for a smart meter, visit

MPs Ask Publicans and Constituents: Tell Us What Pubs Need to Survive and Thrive Post-Pandemic

A cross-party group of MPs wants to know what the Government should be doing to promote the future of pubs as the heart of communities, and what support the trade will need to thrive through reopening and beyond.

produce recommendations to the Government about what action needs to be taken to help pubs survive ongoing restrictions in the next few weeks and months, as well as longer term measures to support the industry in the future.

The All Party Parliamentary Pub Group (Pubs APPG) brings together Members of Parliament from all parties and all parts of the UK and campaigns to protect and promote the great British local.

Launching the inquiry, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Pubs Group Charlotte Nichols MP said: “It’s been over a year since pubs first closed to help stop the spread of COVID-19. We know that the pandemic has had a massive effect on the people who run pubs, and the communities around them.

While Brits usually flock to the pub over Bank Holiday weekends, trade this year will be severely affected even for pubs that can currently open. Now the Pubs APPG is launching an inquiry into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pubs and people to assess the impact of the restrictions of the pandemic and to seek views from landlords, staff and pub-goers about the effects of lockdowns, tier restrictions and support packages on pubs’ prospects for the future – as well as the human impact on licensees, bar staff and consumers who haven’t been able to get down the pub for months during the pandemic. In addition to holding evidence sessions with MPs, the group wants to hear from as many landlords, pub staff and pub-goers as possible about the importance of pubs and what the Government needs to be doing to support them, so they don’t have to close their doors for good as a result of the COVID crisis. Evidence can be submitted on the Pubs APPG website at and will be used by MPs to

Caffè Culture Returns This September Caffè Culture, the UK’s premier trade exhibition for the coffee bar market, will return from 2-3 September 2021 at the Business Design Centre, London, marking one of the first face to face events of the season. Over 4,000 decision makers consisting of independent coffee shops owners and buyers from the multiples and high street chains will visit the show to source the latest products and services needed to run a successful operation. Caffè Culture’s exhibitors will showcase products ranging from tea, artisan food, bakery and chocolate right through to equipment, technology and packaging. Some of the highlights for 2021 include:

“The Pubs APPG wants to listen to the people who have made pubs the heart of so many communities. We hope that everyone, from licensees who run a small village pub to national trade organisations, will get involved and make their voices heard.” Nik Antona, Chair of the Campaign for Real Ale which is supporting the All Party Parliamentary Pub Group’s inquiry commented: “As consumers, we have all missed being able to visit our locals. CAMRA believes that pubs play a vital role in tackling loneliness and social isolation – and we want to play our part in ensuring that pubs can survive the pandemic and thrive in the future. “I would urge anyone who cares about pubs to take part in the Pubs APPG inquiry and share their views on the impact of the pandemic on pubs, and what the Government should do to help them thrive in the future.” • RECONNECT with Victoria Arduino RECONNECT will play host to some of the UK’s finest speciality roasters including; Caravan Coffee Roasters, London Grade, Cupper’s Choice, Crosby Roasters, Hasbean, Ozone, Foundation Roasters, Ue Coffee Roasters & Common Coffee. • NEW for 2021 Speciality Tea Hub This new feature has been launched in partnership with the European Speciality Tea Association (ESTA) to promote the growing speciality tea market. As well as a variety of tea suppliers and an ESTA lounge, the feature will house a Brew Bar to enable visitors to taste some award-winning teas and to learn how to incorporate a more professional and profitable tea offering into their existing businesses. • Caffe Culture Talks programme The multi-streamed Caffé Culture Talks Programme is an

essential part of the show’s offering which has over 50 leading international speakers and panellists. Coffee Studies, The Roasters Forum, People & Culture, and Caffé Insights provide a diverse and specialist series of talks to inform, educate and inspire owners and operators from all types of speciality coffee and hospitality businesses. • SCA Latte Art Competition The SCA UK Latte Art Championship is an exhilarating competition showcasing pouring perfection. Each competitor will showcase their latte art skills in pouring and matching pairs of drinks, with the most complex and visually appealing designs possible. Caffè Culture Show will take place in the Business Design Centre, Islington, London from 2-3 September 2021. Trade visitors can register at

Northamptonshire Pub Company Greedy Gordons Group To Open Two New Pubs The team behind an award-winning Northamptonshire pub and retail company are to open another two pubs in the county. Richard Gordon and Sonya Harvey, co-owners of Greedy Gordons Group, who have run Punch Pubs lease The Red Lion at Cranford for the past four years, are set to open two pubs in the next few weeks, creating 60 new jobs. The Pig & Waffle in Grafton Underwood, near Kettering, which is a private lease with Boughton Estates, is set to open in early June, with Gordon and Harvey hoping it will become a village hub for locals to meet throughout the day for food and drinks, including brunch, lunch, afternoon tea and tapas. A garden kiosk called The Pig Pen, will also in The Pig & Waffle’s garden in mid-July, offering walkers, cyclists and tourists drinks and snacks. The Snooty Fox in Lowick, which was acquired by the Greedy Gordons Group before the Covid-19 pandemic, will finally open its doors in early July. The pub was due to open last April.

Gordon, who has worked in the hospitality industry for 35 years, including in food development for McManus Pub Company and as an area manager for Northamptonshire Inns, said: “Our focus at present is being able to finally welcome customers into our wonderful new pubs and continue to safely maximise trade at The Red Lion. But we have an appetite for opening further sites in Northamptonshire, including Northampton, when the time and opportunities are right.” The team’s efforts in helping local people were recognised in the Northamptonshire Food & Drink Awards 2020/1 with a Local Hero Award. GG Express also helps support Kettering Food Bank, with a donation for every order. Richard says: “The demand for GG Express continues to grow, driven by consumers’ appetite, following the challenges of the pandemic lockdowns, to support local businesses and British suppliers. Our customers are attracted by our restaurant quality produce that they can cook and enjoy at home. We see potential to expand this business with retail sites in Northamptonshire.”


CLH News

June/July 2021

You Received A Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notice: What To Do Next By Suzanne Gallagher of BCL Solicitors LLP ( WHAT IS A HYGIENE EMERGENCY PROHIBITION NOTICE? The Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 (‘the 2013 Regulations’) set out various enforcement powers available to Food Standards Agency or local authority enforcement officers (‘Officer’). Regulation 8 gives an Officer the authority to serve a Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notice (‘Notice’) on a Food Business Operator to address hygiene concerns that pose an imminent risk of injury to public health. The Notice is a serious and draconian step which prohibits certain operations of a food business; it can be tailored to a particular process or, as is often the case, may mean the immediate closure of the premises.


ed i.e. a specific process or all food-related business activity at the premises. The Officer’s details should be included, including contact details.

operator can seek compensation for any loss suffered as a result of its compliance with the Notice.



Failure to comply with a Notice can have hugely damaging repercussions for the recipient. Any person who knowingly contravenes the Notice is guilty of an offence and is liable to be fined and/or imprisoned for up to two years. It is likely that an Officer will prosecute if, on re-inspection, they find evidence suggesting the recipient is conducting business in breach of the Notice.

I HAVE BEEN SERVED WITH A HYGIENE EMERGENCY PROHIBITION NOTICE. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? The Officer will display the Notice at the premises in a position where it is clearly visible. The Officer will then apply to the Magistrates’ Court asking it to confirm the prohibition by way of a hygiene emergency prohibition order (‘Order’). This application must be made within the period of three days beginning with the service of the Notice. If no application for an Order is made within this period, the Notice will lapse. Compensation may be granted to the Food Business Operator for any loss incurred as a result of compliance with the Notice where no application is made to the Magistrates’ Court within the three days.

Notices are issued where the health risk condition is fulfilled. This arises where an imminent risk of injury to health is present on inspection. An Officer will have identified this risk in, for example, a process or treatment or in the state or condition of the premises or equipment used. This imminent risk of injury must exist at the time the Notice is served. There need not have been an injury or a complaint prior to the service of a Notice. Examples of inspection findings that may constitute an imminent risk of injury include serious pest infestations, poor structural standards or evidence of poor cleaning practices.

The Officer should serve notice of their intention to apply for an Order on the Food Business Operator at least one day before the date of the application to the Magistrates’ Court.

Under the Food Standards Agency’s ‘Food Law Code of Practice’ (‘the Code’), local authorities must ensure that enforcement action taken by Officers is, for example, reasonable, proportionate and risk based. The full range of enforcement options available to Officers should be considered, operating a graduated and educative approach to enforcement, and only moving to formal action where an informal approach will not achieve the desired effect. The nature of the non-compliance and previous compliance history will be relevant factors.

A hearing will take place to decide whether to issue an Order. There is no legal requirement for the application to be heard within a specific timeframe, but the Magistrates’ Court should be asked by the Officer to list the hearing at the earliest opportunity. It is expected that the Officer will monitor the premises whilst awaiting the hearing and record any breaches of the Notice or changes in circumstances. The premises are likely to be reinspected shortly before the hearing (usually the day before or on the day of the hearing itself).

It may be possible to avoid the service of a Notice, for example if a Food Business Operator agrees to a voluntary prohibition and signs an appropriate undertaking not to reopen without approval. The Code states that a Food Business Operator should be advised to take legal advice in this regard; an important safeguard when moving outside of the statutory process with its various procedures and safeguards in place.

The burden of proof for the local authority to meet regarding whether there is an imminent risk is on the balance of probabilities (more likely than not), rather than the higher criminal standard of proof (beyond reasonable doubt). The Food Business Operator is entitled to make representations at this hearing.

WHAT INFORMATION IS INCLUDED IN A HYGIENE EMERGENCY PROHIBITION NOTICE? The Notice should detail the basis upon which the Officer is satisfied that the health risk condition is fulfilled i.e. what exactly poses the imminent risk of injury to health. The Notice should also detail what is prohibit-

The application will include a written statement or report from the Officer setting out what constituted the imminent risk. Photographic or other suitable evidence, including contemporaneous notes, are likely to be exhibited in the statement or report. The Magistrates’ Court will expect the Officer to have gathered sufficient evidence at the time the Notice was served supporting their position.

The Order will be issued where the magistrates are satisfied that the health risk condition is fulfilled, and the required advance notice was given to the Food Business Operator. The Order effectively supersedes the Notice and should be affixed at the premises in a conspicuous location. Any person who knowingly contravenes the Order is guilty of an offence. If the Officer is unsuccessful in securing the Order, the food business

A Food Business Operator is entitled to request that a Notice or Order be lifted. On receipt of the request, the Officer needs to consider the position as soon as reasonably practicable and within a maximum of 14 days. Where an Officer agrees that the imminent risk of injury to health has been removed, a Certificate of Satisfaction (‘Certificate’) must be issued by the Officer within three days. This can be done in advance of the Magistrates’ Court hearing for the Order. If the Officer agrees to issue a Certificate, they are confirming that they are satisfied the Food Business Operator has taken sufficient measures to ensure that the health risk condition is no longer fulfilled; there is no longer an imminent risk of injury to health. A person aggrieved by an Officer’s refusal to issue a Certificate may appeal to the Magistrates’ Court. The time frame for lodging an appeal is one month from the date on which notice of the decision was served on the person desiring to appeal. Where the Food Business Operator disputes the service of a Notice, the matter can be contested at the Magistrates’ Court. In order to contest a Notice successfully, appropriate evidence will need to be collated and technical challenges considered. There is a right to appeal to the Crown Court against any decision of the Magistrates’ Court to make an Order or dismiss an appeal relating to a refusal to issue a Certificate. Pragmatic negotiations with the relevant local authority regarding, for example, the extent of any prohibition can also be possible in certain instances.

WHAT SHOULD I DO IF SERVED WITH A HYGIENE EMERGENCY PROHIBITION NOTICE? The service of a Notice can be hugely damaging for a food business. Loss of trade, loss of resources dealing with the response, reputational harm and costs associated with remedial action are likely consequences. The service of a Notice also generally marks the start of a criminal investigation and, due to the high threshold for such a prohibition, is unlikely to be the only formal action taken i.e. a prosecution may follow. The key question to consider is whether the Food Business Operator agrees or disagrees that the health risk condition exists as defined in the Regulations. This will determine how to remove the prohibition as quickly as possible and resume trading normally: whether to work with the Officer to remove the health risk condition, or whether to challenge the actions of the Officer at Court. It is important to bear in mind that a failure to challenge a Notice could potentially be harmful to a business in defending or mitigating any subsequent prosecution. Businesses should have appropriate procedures in place for the urgent internal escalation of any inspection that may result in a Notice or more informal request for a voluntary prohibition. They should consult with specialised legal representatives as soon as possible in order to understand these serious enforcement processes and minimise the impact on the business.

Heineken Launches Super Pint Campaign Celebrating Sustainability In The On Trade HEINEKEN UK has revealed its new Super Pint campaign, celebrating the Green Pint pubs across the UK serving more sustainable, energy-saving pints Pubs from across the UK, with the support of this campaign, will be able to shout about their green credentials and educate and inspire consumers to make conscious decisions about the pints they drink Over the past seven years, the impact of Green Pint pubs that use SmartDispense technology has resulted in 107m pints of water, and 394 tonnes of CO2

more sustainable pint. The Super Pint campaign will hero the operators that use SmartDispense technology to serve greener, more sustainable, consistent quality pints. With 79% of consumerschanging their purchase preference based on sustainability, pubs across the UK will now be able to shout about their sustainable Green Pint credentials, the Super Pints they are serving and the savings they are making for the planet. HEINEKEN will be driving potential customers to find and seek their nearest Green Pint pub on the ‘Green Pint map’, hosted on Participating operators have also received Green Pint window stickers and access to a digital toolkit filled with social media assets to help them tell their customers all about the Super Pints that they serve.

saved collectively.

Green Pint pubs have collectively saved an incredible 107m pints of water and 394 tonnes of CO2 in the past seven years. That’s the equivalent of almost 340,000 full bathtubs full of water saved, just by enjoying a sustainable pint from a Green Pint pub.

HEINEKEN UK has launched a new awareness-driving campaign for its Green Pint pubs, to help pubgoers understand that they can choose a

A Green Pint pub powered by HEINEKEN’s SmartDispenseTMtechnology saves 83% of water compared to a pub

using a standard dispense system, whilst ensuring their customer gets a perfectly poured pint served at sub-5°C every single time. Richard Stephens, Head of Technical Services at HEINEKEN UK said: “As consumers we are making more and more sustainable purchase decisions. However, when we think of these purchases we’ll often think of cars, clothes or groceries, but perhaps not our choice of pub. Our Green Pint pubs, powered by SmartDispense technology, are at the forefront of the latest innovation in sustainability and waste reduction, saving them time, energy and waste. We want to help our customers tell their consumers about the sustainable choices they’re making as a business, and we think our Super Pint campaign is the platform to do so.” Since its launch in 2013, SmartDispense draught technology has revolutionised the way draught beer and cider is stored and served in pubs and bars across the UK. Connecting dispense technology with service and insights needed to improve quality, reduce waste and save time, it’s an award-winning total business solution for operators. To find out how you can become a Green Pint pub and discover how operators like you are doing their bit for the planet whilst serving consistent, great quality pints, visit:

Tyrrells Serves Up Boost For Pubs with £40,000 Pub Garden Makeover Promotion KP Snacks, the no.1 supplier of Bagged Snacks in pubs and bars and its premium snack brand Tyrrells, are proud to support British pubs this summer with the launch of a brand new competition offering pubs the opportunity to win one of four £10,000 garden makeovers. The £40,000 pub garden makeover competition, which launches on 3 May, will see four lucky winners receive £5,000 worth of Tyrrells branded pub garden merchandise alongside a £5,000 garden makeover donation, to spend on whatever their garden needs most. With branded parasols, planters, blankets and bean bags up for grabs, the Tyrrells pub garden makeover merchandise will help any pub garden look more inspiring and inviting this summer. 10 cases of 40g Tyrrells Crisps for five runners up will also be available. Having an attractive outdoor seating area is one of the biggest draws for people as the weather gets warmer with research showing that over half of drinkers (55%) say the pub garden is their favourite place for a pint during the summer. Keeping this in mind and featuring the Tyrrells flagship tagline ‘Tyrrellbly Tyrrellbly

Tasty’, the initiative aims to support the On Trade Channel recover and drive sales by helping pubs maximise their outdoor spaces. Tyrrells pride themselves on quality, English provenance and authentic ingredients attracting consumers all over the UK. The range also includes vegetable crisps alongside its most known Hand Cooked potato crisp range. With a £53.9m RSV, the brand is growing in value +10.1%[3] MAT in the UK. With an impressive 86 Great Taste Awards across the range, Tyrrells crisps are the perfect accompaniment to a cold beer or glass of wine when out relaxing, socialising and reacquainting with friends at the pub. The competition is open for entry from Monday 3 May to Monday 14 June, with competition entry available at To qualify, pubs need to purchase three cases of Tyrrells 40g crisps, available in Lightly Sea Salted, Mature Cheddar & Chive, Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar and Sweet Chilli and Red Pepper or Tyrrells Veg Crisps via Tyrrells Court Farm on 01568 720244 or from their usual stockists.

Two Pubs Take Top Honours In Scheme Backed by MPs 22

CLH News

June/July 2021

Pubs in Basingstoke and Merseyside have been named joint winners of this year's Community Pub Hero Awards, organised by PubAid and the AllParty Parliamentary Beer Group and sponsored by Matthew Clark.


The winning pubs are The Horse & Jockey in Melling, Merseyside and The Portsmouth Arms in Basingstoke. Judges decided to make two top awards this year in recognition of the very different community support offered by the two pubs. Both pubs received a £500 donation from Matthew Clark to the charity of their choice, as well as a trophy, while winners and finalists received a certificate, to be presented by their MP. PubAid co-founder Des O'Flanagan said: "Judging this year's awards has been a real challenge: we struggled to choose our 10 finalists from an incredibly strong field, and selecting a winner from that shortlist proved impossible! "We decided to give the top award to two pubs who took very different approaches to supporting their communities in lockdown: The Portsmouth Arms started a record-beating pub quiz that has raised more than £66,000 for charities, while The Horse & Jockey cooked and delivered 15,000 free hot meals and sent out 1,000 care packages. Faced with ‘comparing apples with pears', we voted to reward both!" The Community Pub Hero Awards attracted 115 entries, including 60 from MPs who nominated pubs in their constituencies. This is the third year for the competition, which was reshaped and renamed - it was formerly Charity Pub of the Year - to focus on pubs' support for their communities during lockdown, rather than traditional charity fundraising. Richard Hayhoe, Marketing Director, Matthew Clark said: "This year's awards have shone a light on the great support lent by so many pubs to their communities, despite frequently facing uncertain futures themselves. "Like everyone else in the hospitality industry, we're delighted that pubs have started to reopen. And it's been great to see that people have turned out in numbers to support the pubs that supported their communities during lockdown. Let's hope that one upside of the pandemic is that people now understand just how important the pub is to its community." Mike Wood, MP for Dudley South and Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group, said: "These awards have been a great opportunity for MPs to celebrate how landladies and landlords in their constituencies have stepped up to the mark to support their community during the pandemic. Yet again we have seen that pubs are the antidote to isolation."


The Horse & Jockey, Melling, Merseyside Licensees: Adam & Suzanne Franklin MP: Bill Esterton Licensees Adam & Suzanne Franklin at The Horse & Jockey cooked and delivered a total of 15,000 free hot meals to vulnerable and shielding local residents, sent out 1,000 care packages, shopped for the community and collected and dropped off medication. They also ran a ‘listening ear' service, calling everyone on their hot meal service to check on them and offer a chat. In all of this, they were helped by a band of 50 volunteers, who came forward within hours of an appeal from Suzanne. After the end of the first lockdown, the pub created a permanent community kitchen to continue helping those in need.

Oliver - and one for adults at 8.00. Participants could join for free, but were asked to make a donation to a charity, chosen by the pub and changing every week. Within a few weeks, the quizzes had raised more than £9,000 for charity and had more than 100,000 views, not just from the UK but globally. Every week, Rich came up with a new theme for the quiz to keep it fresh, and had a few star guests. In May, Rich broke the Guinness World Record for the world's longest quiz master session, achieving a 34-hour, 50-minute quiz which raised more than £21,000 for The Pink Place Cancer Charity in Basingstoke. In total, the Portsmouth Arms quizzes have raised more than £66,000 for charities.

THE FINALISTS The 10 shortlisted pubs were:

The Portsmouth Arms, Hatch Warren, Basingstoke Licensee: Rich Curtis MP: Maria Miller Rich Curtis, GM at this Hall & Woodhouse pub, launched a virtual pub quiz on Facebook Live at the end of March 2020, as a way of bringing a pub experience to locked down customers in their homes. The response was enthusiastic and soon the quiz was running twice a day: a familyfriendly one at 5.00 pm - staged with help from Rich's 9-year-old son

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The Angel & Crown, Richmond The Bevy, Brighton The Bowgie Inn, Crantock near Newquay, Cornwall The Clifton Arms, Blackburn The Horse & Jockey, Melling, Merseyside The Mowden, Darlington The Portsmouth Arms, Hatch Warren, Basingstoke The Old Courts, Wigan The Orange Tree, Baldock, Hertfordshire The Portobello Inn, West Kingsdown, Kent

Summer’s Here- “Make the Most of Cider” to drive growth within premium flavoured cider. At the start of 2020, 40% of outlets stocking draught cider on the bar did not range a fruit cider on draught, so there is a huge opportunity to tap into this consumer demand for sweeter flavours when the on-trade reopens.

An unprecedented demand for a UK staycation this year could help bring a £22 billion boost to domestic tourism, a new study has revealed.

New research has found that 83% of British travellers would prefer a UK staycation than travel abroad this year, with this trend set to continue into next year bringing a boost to the country’s hospitality sector. And, after a year of lockdowns limiting social interaction, and postponed events and festivals. the hospitality and on trade has much to gain from the summer staycation bonanza. Taking a positive out of a very difficult year for the hospitality and on trade is that U.K.’s thirst for cider has grown during the lockdown, 2020 was the biggest year on record for the off trade cider category, with sales up 21% year-on-year taking overall value of the category to a staggering £1.3 billion.

SUMMER That trend thankfully continued into the hospitality and on trade .Warm weather in many areas helped to make cider the best performing category when pubs and restaurants welcomed outdoor drinking on April 12! This echoed sales in July 2020 when, spring and early summer saw cider drinkers miss the opportunity to enjoy their favourite drink due to lockdown, July however, saw cider outperform categories such as wine and spirits according to CGA’s “On Premise Measurement Service 2020”. Around 5 million pints of apple cider are poured in the on-trade every week and mainstream brands account for every two in three pints of apple cider. However, a lack of excitement and innovation has prompted younger drinkers to switch away from cider. Delivering the widespread appeal of a modern, refreshing cider that is progressive and forward-looking, Inch’s, Heineken’s new, progressive, and sustainable apple cider on draught has been created to bring vibrancy back to mainstream apple cider and engage younger consumers. HEINEKEN UK Cider Marketing Director, Rachel Holms, says “From sourcing to sustainability, we are progressive cider makers on a mission to do things properly in pursuit of a great tasting British Cider that goes that little bit further to do the right thing. In doing so, Inch’s will drive appeal and help recruit

younger drinkers into the Apple Cider category to drive additional sales for operators.”

SPORT Cider over trade’s considerably during sporting occasion accounting for almost 10% (9.9% of service in the on trade and 10.8% of serves when watching sport. 52.7% of the serves are draught underlying the importance of draft cider when watching sport. The overall dwell time for a cider sport watching occasion is also longer again highlighting the role these occasions play in retaining drinkers in venues and an opportunity to increase revenue the average length of the cider sport watching occasion is 3 hours 19 minutes versus 2 hours and 53 minutes during the average on trade cider occasion. CLH News caught up with to John Gemmell, On Trade Category and Commercial Strategy Director at HEINEKEN UK to discuss the performance of cider as the country emerges from lockdown. How do you think cider will perform in the trade as it reopens after lockdown? What trends do you expect to see in the category? There is a real appetite for new flavours across the wider cider category. We’ve seen the emergence of rosé cider as a subcategory in the off-trade this year (with Strongbow Rosé voted Product of the Year 2021 and exotic flavours continue

With warmer weather and the excitement of the ontrade reopening, we anticipate that initially consumers will be looking to treat themselves when they go out. 60% surveyed confirmed they will be more willing to trade up to premium options and keen to sample new innovations in the category. Recent HEINEKEN consumer sentiment research shows 42% are excited to try new drinks brands and 37% plan to make their on-trade visits more special by choosing more premium drinks and food, making more premium, trade-up options a real opportunity for on-trade businesses. How many variants of cider and flavoured cider should operators look to stock in their outlets this summer? How can a good range be constructed across draught and packaged? Tap space has become increasingly competitive. When building your range, outlets can maintain throughput and quality with mainstream draught cider options, while offering greater choice and increasing the average price per serve through premium packaged cider. Remember to allocate more fridge space to cider for the spring and summer months when this category outperforms. While we expect a spike in trade ups during reopening as consumers celebrate the return to the on-trade, we predict behaviours will soon revert to what they were previously. In 2019, 500,000 pints of mainstream apple cider were poured every day – that’s almost one in every two pints of cider. Strongbow Original is the best-selling cider brand in the UK. It is the most widely distributed cider, with 2019 records showing Strongbow Original stocked in almost 40,000 pubs around the UK, delivering £8,100 per bar per year. It is also one of the least seasonal cider brands, delivering strong throughput throughout the entire year. With such high demand, mainstream apple cider should still be the first tap on every bar. Draught cider is a huge segment in the on-trade and outperforms the total cider category. Looking at a typical year, in 2019 draught cider experienced +1.2% value growth on the previous year. Typically, flavoured draught cider in particular is driving this growth, with both mainstream and premium up +5% and +60% respectively during the same time period . In 2019, 5 million pints of apple cider were being poured every week – that’s around 70% of all draught cider sales. What’s more, 70% of the volume delivered by flavoured draught is incremental to the cider category. Typically, flavoured cider – both mainstream and premium – performs exceptionally well over the summer

months, so operators should look to offer both apple and flavoured options on draught to meet customer demand and maximise sales.

Consumers are looking for the brands they know deliver on quality and taste, so including the well-known, top-performing favourites such as Strongbow, the best-selling cider brand in the UK, will help drive sales through the reopening period, as well as maintain quality due to higher throughputs. Outlets stocking Strongbow Original alongside Strongbow Dark Fruit on the impactful and space-saving Strongbow dual-branded fount have grown their total cider category rate of sale by almost 21%. This demonstrates the benefit of stocking the best-selling apple and best-selling flavoured cider brands together. Outlets can also stock Strongbow Cloudy Apple alongside Strongbow Dark Fruit on the Dual Fount to appeal to younger consumers. Although mainstream flavoured cider is driving growth within the category, premium flavoured cider can be a better option for more premium outlets as it’s more reflective of the pub or bar’s image. Just over 20% of premium outlets stock a premium flavoured cider on draught , so there’s a gap in the market for boosting revenues and matching their cider offering to the expectations of their clientele. Premium flavoured cider accounts for 63% of all packaged cider volume sales and 65% value for on-trade outlets. Maximise the return on fridge space by balancing the number of flavours available to ensure choice but avoiding duplication. With so many flavour variations to choose from, look to curate a diverse offering from a relatively tight range to cover the popular flavour profiles – from exotic to berry options. How can operators best promote their venue’s cider offer? Fuelled by the importance of outdoor space – 53% of people said they would be more likely to visit a pub with a beer garden, increasing to 67% among 25 to 34year-olds – cider should absolutely have its day in the sun for reopening and during 2021. Enjoying a crisp pint of apple cider or an over-ice flavoured cider in a pub garden will be a huge pull for customers returning to the ontrade. Include photos, videos and hashtags across your digital platforms to remind consumers of what they have been missing and to establish your pub as the place to be over summer. With all this in mind, no doubt licensed venues are looking forward to a summer of maximised sales.


CLH News

June/July 2021

Kicking Off Summer In Style Summer of Sport Offers Standout Opportunity If football fans and pub goers needed any more of an excuse to get back to the pub then football is it, and the arrival, better late than never of UEFA European football Championships kicking off June 11 is the biggest opportunity to drive sales since Christmas 2019. New research suggests that 6.9 million UK adults intend to watch the postponed UEFA European Football Championships in a pub or bar. According to a new report from KAM Media and MatchPint, 56% of UK adults intend to watch at least one of the Euros matches on TV, with 13% of UK adults intending to watch at least one match in a pub or bar. Despite the Olympics being less of a traditional sporting event to watch in a pub or bar, it still offers an opportunity. 73% of the UK adult population intend to watch some of the Olympics on TV- 9% intend to watch some of it in a pub or bar – that’s 4.7m people looking for a suitable venue. Sports fans are excited to be back in pubs and bars with 43% saying that 'watching sports' is what they are looking forward to the most about returning to pubs this summer. Blake Gladman, Strategy and Insight Director, KAM Media: “We've been getting accustomed to spending our 'entertainment' time at home over the last 12 months. However, one of the things that people have found most difficult to replicate is the atmosphere for a ‘night out’. It's this unique combination of environment and ambiance that makes the pub so special. When you throw live sport into this mix, and 'big occasion' live sport for that matter, you really hit the sweet spot. The fact that nearly 1 in 2 say that 'watching sports' is what they're looking forward to THE MOST about returning to pubs this summer, shows the power sport has to bring people together.” The new whitepaper found that publicans are backing sports to bring them success this summer. Pubs which already showed sports pre-pandemic are looking to really maximise the summer of sport by showing all the main events; 89% will show the Euros, 83% will show the UEFA Champions League Final, 75% will show the Lions rugby tour and 73% intend to show at least some events during the Olympic games. Publicans are looking at these sporting events as key pillars of their summer revenue. With 41% saying they believe that the UEFA European Championships will be the most profitable event this summer for pubs. Blake Gladman, KAM: “Pubs must consider how to cater for larger groups, with easy and quick ordering, table service and sharing platters. Enabling reservations will be key and give customers the opportunity to pre-order food as well as drinks (e.g. beer buckets for the table, etc.) in order to maximise the commercial opportunity.” The research also flags the opportunity for operators to take advantage of ‘sport at home’ by offering take-aways and ‘at-home hospitality’ options.

HEINEKEN SHARES TIPS AND INSIGHTS TO MAXIMISE OPPORTUNITY On top of over £2million worth of investment provided directly to pubs through its UEFA EURO 2020TM support packages, Heineken® has launched the ‘Heineken® Check In Challenge’ on MatchPint. Fans are encouraged to visit their local in the run up to the tournament for the chance to win over 100 pairs of match tickets. Heineken® is also supporting stockists with over £200k investment in pub gardens to maximise capacity and increase viewing areas.

CREATING THE PERFECT FORMATION Great atmosphere is a vital consideration for UEFA EURO 2020™ fans, so think about how you can enhance this in your venue and bring the tournament to life safely whilst delivering a great experience. Position screens in well-lit and open spaces, outside where possible, to maximise space and promote social distancing while ensuring all tables have a clear view of the game. Check your speakers and volume in advance to ensure fans can hear every moment of the action. Take advantage of tech innovations including Order & Pay services to manage table bookings, speed up service and even take pre-orders! We know that 77% of consumers don’t want to queue at the bar while enjoying sport], so this can help keep your customers satisfied and your table service system running smoothly. But don’t let tech do away with the social connections that your customers have missed – friendly greetings, good service and recommendations from staff truly make the on trade experience! To ensure that premiership service, focus on the pinch points. Is everyone fully trained on the till systems so they can easily process any out of stocks, new lines or kitchen notes? Just like a football team, it’s also useful to allocate specific roles to certain members – like glass collection or prompting repeat orders at table, particularly during the actual game itself which can avoid bottlenecks immediately before kick-off, at half time and at the final whistle. If your squad is well trained and ready, everyone wins.

drink’ promotions or package deals for larger groups, will help extend your trading period and increase spend per head. Refine your menu and encourage pre-ordering of food and drink packages for groups who reserve a table – this will aid your kitchen staff, as well as help manage stock orders. Don’t forget your match-day offers need to be easy to understand and quick to serve, as everything has to be geared to making the most of the big occasion. A whopping £4.7 billion worth of drinks were sold (the equivalent of 546 million pints of beer) over an 8-week period during the World Cup[7] in 2018, so delivering what your consumers are looking for is vital – and that’s beer! Bring in the key beer players, especially classic lager. Lager is the top choice for consumers during sporting events, with 87% of UEFA EURO 2020™ consumers finding the range of lager important. Heineken® is the number one beer associated with sport and Official Beer Partner of UEFA EURO 2020™. Actively sought out by consumers to enjoy while watching the match, Heineken® lager over-indexes on social get-together occasions. What’s more, offering Heineken® on draught means more money through the till as it has the strongest value rate of sale as the sole stocked mainstream premium lager and can command the highest price per pint in the category. Heineken® appeals to the younger consumer willing to spend more money per pint, making it the best mainstream premium brand to back for this year’s tournament. Don’t forget the moderators! With 50% of UK consumers now moderating their alcohol intake, Heineken 0.0 is the perfect alcohol-free option for UEFA EURO 2020™ fans who want to feel part of the occasion. Heineken 0.0 is the number one no and low alcohol brand and delivers twice the rate of sale than other packaged brands in this segment. Drink sales really ramp-up from around 1.5 hours before the match and are often five to six times higher than normal around kick-off. To help relieve pressure on staff, aim to create more serving spaces where possible, particularly outdoors. Make use of countertop draught systems such as BLADE or think about renting moveable SmartDispense™BarPro systems to help you serve more, great quality pints during the tournament. Whatever you do, it’s important to deliver a perfect serve, every time. A fresh, cold, perfectly poured pint is something that consumers can only get from their local and therefore plays a huge role enticing them back into the pub and shaping their sporting experience.

sharing moments, sporting or otherwise, feel like a special experience. Tyrrells Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar crisps can be enjoyed with a sauvignon blanc for a delicious flavour-filled combination, while Tyrrells Mature Cheddar & Chive pairs with white burgundy to deliver fresh and complementary flavours. While Tyrrells Mature Cheddar & Chive pairs with white burgundy to deliver fresh and complementary flavours” “To meet the excitement and vibrancy that the summer will bring, cider can be a more refreshing choice than wine or beer. Our Tyrrells Mature Cheddar & Chive are the perfect pair for a dry cider for a full and rich taste experience. For a more dynamic combination, our Tyrrells Sweet Chilli and Red Pepper crisps can be paired with sweeter ciders based on dessert apples which cut through spice and savoury flavours for a delectable contrast.” See page 21 for details.

WHAT MAKES SCRATCHINGS SO SPECIAL? THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SCRATCHINGS AND THE PUB It’s official - pork scratchings are the ULTIMATE PUB SNACK! In a recent poll by the Daily Mail, pork scratchings topped the list when 2,000 pubgoers were asked to name their favourite pub snack. Matt Smith, Marketing Director for Tayto Group explains, “Pubs hold a special place in British hearts as somewhere to relax, shake off the stresses of daily life and enjoy ourselves. Pork scratchings have long been part of that experience. When consumers talk about scratchings, they often recall the very first time they tried them in the pub, often evoking quite vivid and emotional memories of a close friend or relative who first encouraged them to taste one. A pub without scratchings really isn’t a proper pub!” Pork scratchings are undisputedly linked with drinking alcohol - 83% of pork snacks are consumed with a drink - and drinking is associated with the pub. The combination of a pint and scratching is one that many have grown up with and see as fundamental to the pub experience. Scratchings are the perfect partner to booze as Smith explains, “Scratchings are the perfect partner to cider, beer, wine and spirits due to their unique taste. The fattiness balances the sharpness and carbonation of some drinks, while the saltiness enhances the flavour of a drink and helps get your thirst on - making both the snacks and the drinks even more moreish… especially on a hot summery day. There really is no matching a scratching.” Matt explains, “In every piece of research we have conducted, taste is always the No1 reason for purchase as consumers recognise savoury snacks are a treat and so, have to be ‘worth the calories’. This is underlined in pork scratchings where consumers crave the unique taste so much that 1 in 5 people will simply not buy another snack if they are not available1, making them a ‘must-stock’ item!”


See the page opposite for details.

No offering is complete without the legendary pork crackling agrees Rob Parkin of SCT-SCT.

PROMOTING AN UNRIVALLED OFFERING AND KEY FIXTURES Once you’ve established a winning offering, don’t forget to shout about it! Considering 70% of consumers get their information on an outlet’s offerings through social media, promote the sporting events you’re showing well in advance on your website and social channels as well as on A-boards outside the pub, to drive footfall and sales. Social posts ahead of match days or events will remind people of your venue as a sports destination, helping encourage pre-booking and generating buzz. For best practice, it’s recommended that each specific sporting event gets 2+ posts in the lead up to match-days and that you state all the details clearly on the day of the game. Excite and tempt customers with videos of perfectly poured pints, outdoor space and the exhilaration of match day. Familiarise yourself with the fixtures and plan accordingly – while there’s no guarantee as to the home nations’ performance, let’s prepare to win!

SNACK ATTACK When it comes to satisfying customers in pubs and bars, competition is fierce and continues to grow. Therefore, it is crucial for operators to always be on the lookout for ways to update their products and services accordingly, and meet customers’ growing and changing demands. Sports fans tend to linger longer in pubs, and snacks provide a lucrative opportunity to increase sales and profit. According to research from NPD group out-ofhome snacking pre-pandemic rose by 11% with pubs seeing the strongest growth with spend on snacks increasing by 28%. Matt Collins, Trading Director at KP Snacks said: “The perfect pairing of snacks and drinks encourages consumers to trade up and will enhance the Euro 2020 experience for fans gathering to watch. From tasty nuts, perfect when paired with a cold beer, to premium crisps, KP Snacks, the no.1 supplier of Bagged Snacks in pubs and bars, has the recognised portfolio to help pubs gain those sales.”

"We had seen a huge surge in demand prior to the pandemic. We are delighted to say that pork crackling is as popular as ever, the unique flavour and texture is something that cannot be matched. “All good landlords know how to please the customers and will have a good selection of ready snacks for every drink and every occasion. And simple ready to eat snacks work well! “Bar snacks are quick, convenient and increase profits, keeping the customers content and encourage more drink sales. We are now seeing something of a renaissance for traditional snacks in the on trade sector with pork scratchings in particular which abroad back into fashion!" "At Proper by SCT we have 11 Flavours available of Pork Crackling Snacks, you certainly will not be disappointed."

IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT THE CRACKLING Rob Parkin goes on to explain how the hospitality trade can benefit from offering a range of snack this football season. "Our product range includes Proper Pork Crackling, Yummy Peanuts, Delicious Cashews & Fabulous Fudge, with Allergen Free, Keto, Gluten Free & Vegan and recyclable packaging. "There is something available for everyone in the range. Our yummy peanuts come in the 12 flavours and the delicious cashews come in 9 different flavours, we are proud to say we have something to suit every palate and to go with every pub drink (well almost!)"

“Our snack brand Tyrrells pairs exquisitely with a variety of wines, making

ENHANCING THE ATMOSPHERE Decorate to create a buzz! Dress your venue with flags and team colours to set the mood and create a carnival atmosphere, switching it up from game to game so that customers feel part of the action. If you requested a UEFA EURO 2020™ visibility kit from Heineken®, put your posters up in hot spots like entrances / exits, toilets and in your outdoor space to drive footfall and spend, and encourage staff to get into the spirit by wearing the t-shirts and scarves while serving.

See the advert on page 15 for details of SCT-SCT's range.


Italy, Switzerland, Turkey, Wales


Belgium, Russia, Denmark, Finland


Ukraine, Netherlands, Austria, North Macedonia


England, Croatia, Czech Republic, Scotland



Spain, Poland, Sweden, Slovakia

As 51% of customers want food before the game starts and 37% after the match finishes, offering food and drink deals such as simple ‘burger and


Germany, France, Portugal, Hungary

Avoiding Restaurant-at-Home Disputes 26

CLH News

June/July 2021

By Gabe McGloin - Head of International Sales and Merchant Development for Verifi ( For the hospitality industry, the last 12 months have been more challenging than anyone could have predicted at the start of the pandemic. Walk down any high street, and the numerous ‘closed’ signs coupled with thin foot traffic help to illustrate the economic impact these businesses have endured. To make matters worse, as more food and drink establishments embrace online ordering and food delivery services, these businesses that are fortunate enough to remain open now face a new threat – chargeback fraud.

INCREASED CNP RISK FOR RESTAURANTS The previous year has altered behaviour in dramatic ways; both businesses and consumers have embraced online food ordering as a survival measure. Two-thirds of business leaders implemented or invested in app ordering systems in 2021, as well as on pay-by-app (54%), pay-by-phone (41%), and online booking systems (41%). And consumers have embraced the food delivery market, with over a quarter of Brits ordering deliveries for the first time, or more often than usual, during the first lockdown last year. Recent results from Deliveroo confirm this; orders doubled in the first 3

burden of chargeback liability falls on the delivery service, not the restaurant.

months of this year, a YoY increase of 130%2. All of these factors align for an increase in chargeback fraud.

DELIVERY AND TAKEAWAY DISPUTES Sometimes true fraud occurs, and a stolen credit card is used to make an online purchase. In those cases, the business has no recourse except to return the funds if the customer disputes the transaction. The term “friendly fraud” is applied when the customer claims to not recognize a transaction or to have a problem with the purchase, which they may not be able to prove. For restaurants, a customer may claim that they didn’t place the order, didn’t receive part of or the whole order, or any number of reasons to be dissatisfied even though they’re actually happily fed. Customers who submit such a dispute are abusing the process by filing disputes with their issuer on legitimate transactions in order to get their money back. This practice is effectively delivery and takeaway dine-and-dash.

HOW RESTAURANTS CAN PROTECT THEMSELVES FROM DISPUTES For restaurants, dispute management can mean taking pictures of all items in a takeaway order, so that evidence can be sent to customers who claim that all or part of their order is missing. Restaurants can also create a policy that requires the cardholder to pick up large orders in person and bring the transacting credit card. Doing so minimizes risk by turning a cardnot-present transaction into a card-present one. There is also risk for delivery services, such as Uber Eats and Deliveroo. If a customer disputes a food delivery transaction – fraudulent or not – the

PROTECT THE ABILITY TO TRANSACT ON CARD NETWORKS Every card network, like Visa and Mastercard, sets a threshold for a merchant’s disputes relative to their number of transactions. Additionally, acquirers will charge merchants fees to process the chargeback. To put it plainly, if a business receives too many disputes – fraudulent or legitimate – then that merchant would be burdened with greater cost and loss of revenue, and they could lose the ability to accept credit card payments on respective card networks. To lose that ability would cripple a restaurant. Fortunately, issuer-merchant collaboration tools exist to bridge this gap. When a customer decides to file a dispute with their issuing bank, the issuer can contact the merchant to find out if they would rather simply refund the money instead of incurring a chargeback. In effect, the merchant is resolving the dispute at the pre-dispute stage – before it has a chance to escalate to a formal chargeback. In this way, merchants can protect their dispute ratio and reduce costs related to chargebcks.

MOVING FORWARD WITH OPTIMISM As restaurants depend more on takeaway and delivery services, they are experiencing the natural trend of increased disputes alongside increased card-not-present transactions. Fortunately, by being prepared with the right technology and business practices, disputes don’t have to be another disruption to an industry finding its way in the new normal.

BBPA Launches “Countdown to Freedom” Campaign The British Beer & Pub Association has launched a new campaign urging the Government to remove all remaining covid restrictions on pubs and the wider hospitality sector.

ability to trade as viable businesses. These restrictions include table service only, 1 metre plus social distancing, group sizes of up to 6 indoors and no bar or standing drinking.

Called “Countdown to Freedom”, the new campaign will remind the Government of its roadmap commitment to remove all remaining restrictions on June 21st.

Upwards of 2,000 pubs are still closed, unable to reopen under the current restrictions in place because they are too small to do social distancing or table service only.

It will comprise of powerful news stories and social media posts using the hashtag #Countdown2Freedom, showing the damage current restrictions are having on the viability of pubs, brewers and hospitality businesses and how they threaten to impede their recovery. It will also highlight the freedoms people miss the most from when they could visit pubs and other hospitality venues as normal before the covid crisis.

As more and more individuals across the UK receive their vaccination, the BBPA says all restrictions must be removed in pubs on 21st June if safe to do so.

At present, approximately 95% of the UK’s 47,000 pubs have reopened. However, they face significant restrictions that greatly limit their

Publicans, hospitality operators and interest groups ranging from consumer bodies to trade associations are all encouraged to get involved in the campaign. This will be done by supplying a range of social media assets available for everyone to use to promote the campaign through their own social channels and website, showing their support and the desire of the

hospitality sector as a whole to fully reopen without restrictions.

Anyone wanting to learn more about the “Countdown to Freedom” campaign and request campaign support materials should get in contact with the BBPA via Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer & Pub Association, said: “Despite 95% of pubs reopening, the heavy restrictions they still face are hampering trade and viability. As many as 2,000 pubs are still unable to reopen because of the restrictions and so whilst they remain in place they jeopardise the recovery of the sector. “More and more people are getting the vaccine each day. It’s time for the restrictions on our freedoms to be replaced by the protection of the vaccination and for businesses to get back to trading as normal. “The time is ticking on the Government to stick to its roadmap and remove all restrictions on June 21st..”

Only 2 In 5 Business Leaders Say They’re Trading At Profit But Confidence On The Rise

New survey from CGA and Fourth reveals strong trading during outdoor-only service, but concerns about staff shortages

ted from mid-April, with 58% of leaders rating their performance since then as ahead of their expectations, and just 8% below.

Four in five leaders in the managed restaurant, pub and bar sector feel optimistic about the next 12 months—the highest number for more than six years.

Despite the strong return only two in five (41%) businesses are now either trading at a profit or expect to do so by the end of June, the survey shows. However, it also highlights some big issues facing hospitality over the remainder of 2021, especially around staff recruitment and retention. Concerns over the Indian variant of COVID-19 and the risk of extended restrictions will also temper optimism in the weeks ahead.

The latest Business Confidence Survey from CGA and Fourth shows 79% are optimistic about prospects for the eating and drinking out market in general. Confidence levels have not reached that level since February 2015, and have risen very sharply from the quarterly survey’s results in October (18%) and February (50%). Slightly more leaders (83%) say they feel optimistic about prospects for their own business over the next 12 months. The dramatic upswing in confidence coincides with the easing of COVID19 restrictions and reopening of hospitality. The Business Confidence Survey indicates a solid start to trading since outside service was permit-

Karl Chessell, CGA’s director – hospitality operators and food, EMEA, said: “After the immense challenges of 2020 and early 2021, it is very encouraging to see confidence levels riding so high across the managed sector. The figures are testament to the resilience of operators and the enduring appeal of restaurants, pubs and bars to consumers, and we can be optimistic that sales will follow confidence in bouncing back strongly this


He added: “There’s no escaping the fact that COVID-19 has taken a massive toll on hospitality, with thousands of businesses closing for good and many more still in a precarious position. The road to recovery could be long and uneven, and the sector is going to need sustained support on challenges like rent, rates and recruitment.” Sebastien Sepierre, managing director – EMEA, Fourth, said: “It’s incredibly encouraging to see optimism levels increase amongst business leaders. This positivity is tempered somewhat by the challenging labour market, with many operators struggling to recruit in the current climate as the demand for workers accelerates with the easing of restrictions. As the industry slowly returns to full capacity, the recruitment challenge will be further exacerbated, so it’s never been more important for businesses to look at driving efficiencies and productivity in their management of labour.”

Tune Into Customers’ Healthy Mindset & Grow Sales With Good Earth It’s a good time to review your soft drinks offering and bring in something new that taps into current consumer trends. Good Earth, an exciting new brand, has two premium adult soft drinks which appeal to the growing number of mindful and health aware consumers. “Our drinks are brewed with care and love for the natural,” says Liliana Jaurequi, Brand Manager for Good Earth. On trend Good Earth Kombucha is an intriguing healthier alternative to usual soft serves. Awarded Product of The Year 2021* it’s an indulgent, premium drink experience. Each Kombucha has a base of the best organic teas blended with natural juices and gets a gentle effervescent lift from live cultures. Clean on the palette, vegan friendly, with low sugar and 40 calories, it’s an attractive drink for the discerning. As an ambient range it does not need fridge space and has a shelf life of 12 months, but is recommended served chilled. Available in premium branded 275ml bottles and coming soon 250ml cans, three flavours of Natural; Ginger & Lemon; and Pomegranate & Blueberry are available.

Good Earth is all about delivering natural mindful pleasure, and is a new take on energy for customers that like the lift of an energy drink but want something a little lighter and lower in sugar. If you have customers like this then Good Earth’s new Good Earth Good Energy is worth a look. With vegan friendly, organic natural ingredients it’s a clean tasting, light, and refreshing drink with a natural boost of feel good energy. Blended with natural fruit juices for added vitamin C (7.5% RDA ) each can has 50 calories and 80mg of natural caffeine sourced from Guayusa. Available in Blood Orange & Tangerine and Raspberry & Blueberry. Ethical and environmental considerations have risen up the agenda and Good Earth puts the environment at the heart of its brand. All packaging is 100% recyclable and recognising that it’s nature that’s helped it to deliver the quality of its products, it seeks to give back to nature through the 1% for the planet initiative, donating 1% of its total retail sales to help environmental causes, so a feel good buy all round. Find out more and ask for samples from Good Earth at See the advert on the facing page.. *Kombucha - Winner chilled fortified drinks category. Survey 9,865 people by Kantar


CLH News

June/July 2021

Products and Services

Electronic Temperature Instruments Launches Industrial Non-Contact Temperature Thermometer

Electronic Temperature Instruments (ETI), the UK’s largest digital thermometer manufacturer and exporter of electronic thermometers and temperature probes, has launched the RayTemp® HSE IR industrial thermometer for all types of workplace non-contact temperature measurement. Utilising innovative infrared technology with an easy-to-read LCD display and three-button keypad, RayTemp HSE can analyse Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and play a key role in workplace infection control plans. By aiming at the target and pressing the measure button, RayTemp HSE displays the accurate temperature of any workplace surface.

Keeping Food Hot? We Have All The Answers First of all, you will want one of our world beating Kanga boxes and a Carbon Heater. You can then keep food hot indefinitely and fully comply with HACCP regulations. Sounds too good to be true? Well we only supply premium German manufactured products from stock at incredibly low prices. The insulated box manufactured from top quality expanded polypropylene is a dense closed cell insulation material but incredibly light to handle when empty for example the GN insulted box with a 117 mm internal depth only weighs just over a kilo and yet holds a massive 21 lts capacity. Now combine the Kanga box with a Carbon Heater and the magic begins, hot food all the time!

Our range of Carbon heaters offers two voltage options 12 volts for car operation using the cigarette lighter socket or 230 volt mains voltage for internal or external mains use. The big advantage of the Carbon Heaters they are absolutely fool proof just insert them in the bottom of the box turn on and forget, there are no consumer controls the temperature is pre-set at the factory at 75 deg C. The Carbon Heater is very light at only 700 grammes and does not take up much room only being 10mm thick. Dishes can be place on the Carbon Heater straight out of the oven up to 120deg C. Finally quick and easy to clean just wipe over with a damp cloth. Contact Catering Equipment Limited on Tel: 0121 773 2228 or visit or

Free Your Spirit with Mermaid Gin Mermaid’s relaunch in 2019 piqued the interest of many with its strikingly sculpted bottle, crafted entirely from plastic-free, recyclable and biodegradable materials. Since then, the Isle of Wight Distillery team have been busy, launching Mermaid Pink Gin in the summer of 2019 – a blend of their signature spirit with fresh strawberries grown on the island – followed by Mermaid Salt Vodka in September 2020, with its subtle savoury notes proving a favourite amongst bartenders and mixologists. All Mermaid spirits are island-inspired, using ethically sourced and local, wild-foraged ingredients, with fragrant rock samphire giving Mermaid Gin its signature ‘hint of sea air’. For the perfect serve, Mermaid Gin is complemented by Fever-Tree Refreshingly Light Tonic, a slice or two of cucumber and just a few juniper berries to create an ocean breeze in a glass. Having gained plastic-free and Net Zero accreditations, the team also works closely with its charitable partners, the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust. The Mermaid crew has committed to supporting the restoration and protection of the Solent strait’s internationally important seagrass meadows. As part of the

‘#WilderSolent’ initiative run by Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, the Distillery team are now ‘marine champions’, monitoring and protecting the meadows in the Solent and acting as ambassadors for seagrass. At the Isle of Wight Distillery, home of Mermaid Gin, talented local artist Sienna Anderson has been refreshing The Mermaid Bar. Step inside this seemingly unassuming local pub and you will find a busy hive of activity where all Mermaid spirits are produced. Visitors are invited to relax, watch the stills in action, sample the range of island-inspired spirits and enjoy a Mermaid & Tonic on the terrace, overlooking the picturesque Nettlestone valley. To get in contact with the team for information on stocking Mermaid, as well as point of sale support and perfect serves, call 01983 613653 or email Kevin Travers, Business Development Manager at To find out more about Mermaid and the distillery’s spirit ranges, head to or check out their social media profiles @mermaidgin and @isleofwightdistillery or see advert on the facing page.

For lovers of speciality coffee, the updated WE8 automatic coffee machine is now even more perfect. The WE8 now prepares twelve different specialities at the touch of a button. It now offers macchiato, espresso doppio, special coffees and hot water for green tea at the touch of a button. The new fine foam frother is made from the highest quality materials and has a stunning look and feel. Specially designed for the preparation of speciality coffees with milk foam, it makes cappuccino and other beverages with the very best fine textured foam every time. Recommended maximum daily output 40 cups per day. The GIGA X3c / X3 G2 allows JURA to impressively

demonstrate Swiss innovation and professionalism down to the very last detail. Anywhere where a capacity of up to 150 cups is the order of business, the machine impresses users with its quality, functionality and reliability. Coupled with top performance in every respect, this results in a high tech automatic coffee machine that is ideally tailored to the requirements of hotel breakfasts, restaurants, bars and seminar / conference venues. Recommended maximum daily output 150 cups per day. Visit or email for further information or see the advert on page 5.

JURA - Speciality Coffee

Infrared thermometers can take surface temperatures at a distance, providing accurate temperatures without having to touch the object being measured. The RayTemp HSE incorporates a 1:1 optic ratio (target distance ratio) and a fixed emissivity of 0.95, making it more than suitable for a wide range of applications. Furthermore, each RayTemp HSE is housed in a robust

ABS case that contains Biomaster Antimicrobial Technology, maintaining hygienic values by reducing bacterial growth. The RayTemp can also measure forehead temperature. In this mode, the multi-colour display show’s readings in two seconds, implementing a traffic light system that specifies an individual's general wellness. Green for a healthy temperature and yellow or red indicating whether the person being tested may have a fever. RayTemp HSE can operate within cold or hot environments without issues so long as a quick and easy step is introduced. By allowing the instrument to acclimatise for no more than 30 minutes, this will improve readings and maintain accurate two second results. For more information on RayTemp HSE please visit: See the advert on page 4.

Celebration Packaging Introduces New Range of Reusable, Microwavable Hinged-Lid Food Containers In response to customer demand, Celebration Packaging is pleased to announce that is now able to offer customised reusable, microwavable hinged-lid food containers for back of house / kitchen food prep applications. The reusable containers are made from virgin polypropylene (PP) and can be sent for recycling.

can also be embossed with branding, subject to tooling charges. The new range is microwavable and the rectangular range features air vents in the sides and top lid to allow steam to escape when the food is being microwaved. To make the products reusable, they are top-rack dishwasher-safe, so can be used many times.

The new products are made from high-clarity virgin PP, which allows users to easily identify contents, speeding up meal preparation and avoiding service errors. The packaging is easy to use, as it is delivered nested and stackable, enabling speed of service, and features easy opening lid tabs and a hinged lid.

This new food-grade PP hinged-lid container range delivers on all three priorities as it significantly reduces the amount of plastic used in busy kitchens, can be 100% recycled at the end of its life, and is reusable.

Perfect for portion control, both the rectangular and round containers have 200ml capacity, and a 400ml (deep) round container will soon be available. Custom shapes and sizes are also available, and the containers

Further increasing the versatility of the new PP microwavable and reusable range, filled containers can also be placed in a freezer if required. For more information, visit

Putting reuse at the front of ‘reduce; recycle; reuse’

The Benefits of Custom Gift Vouchers for Your Business This Summer

Vouchers have been a successful lifeline for lots of hospitality businesses during the recent pandemic, providing additional financial support whilst being told to remain closed. They are expected to remain strong as businesses can now re-open and people are looking to spend their money on gifts and days out with their loved ones. People love to give and receive gift vouchers as gifts, and an attractive gift voucher design can act as a highly effective branding tool. Gift vouchers are a targeted form of marketing, and the receiver is almost certainly always motivated to use them. They tend to guarantee at least one visit and making a good impression when they do means you could end up with a brand-new repeat customer! There are many ways you can

keep track of your gift vouchers, whether that be manually or with a fully automated system. Vouchers are versatile and each one will come with an alphanumeric code to prove its individuality. Moreover, according to Reward-It, 72% of people spend 20% more than the original value of their gift cards. This means whilst you are getting improved up-front cash flow, you will most likely get further revenue when the customer redeems their voucher. Customised gift vouchers are increasingly boasting positive benefits to retailers beyond the price of purchase and redemption. Get yours today. For further information visit or see the advert on page 9.

Herald Bolsters Eco-Friendly Range

Having introduced a selection of 100 per cent compostable hot cups, with both double and ripple wall options, Herald is strengthening its commitment to providing its customers with a varied choice of premium, eco-friendly products this summer. The quality disposables supplier is offering a choice of greener products to meet the increased demand from the catering, pub, bar and food to go sectors, with outdoor events back on the agenda, post-Covid, and restaurants and cafes aiming to maximise their takeaway options. Recognising that many new customers are keen to provide fully sustainable and green products, Herald has

prioritised providing an additional ripple wall option to its line of compostable hot cups, along with a selection of sizes. The sizes – 8 oz, 12 oz and 16 oz – acknowledge the needs of existing customers who may want to to make the switch to the 100 per cent compostable product by complementing the lids that Herald currently has available. Other products in Herald’s eco range include a wider selection of single, double and triple wall cups and a choice of eco sip lids. For further information on Herald and its products, log on to or call 0208 507 7900 to order a copy of the new catalogue.

Bounce Back Loans: What To Do If You Can’t Repay? 30

CLH News

June/July 2021

It has been a turbulent time for hospitality, with a large number of restaurants and eateries caught up in a financial crisis that has been sparked by a number of factors including rising costs and ongoing economic uncertainty. Even before Covid hit, many successful restaurant chains were falling by the wayside as we saw the likes of Jamie’s Italian and Prezzo closing their doors.

Business Interruption Scheme. It was designed to offer a be made personally liable for the loan once the compaquick cash injection to struggling businesses to sustain ny has been liquidated. them during the pandemic.


The loans are interest free for the initial 12 months NY CAN’T PAY BACK THE LOAN? and then have a 100% government-backed guarantee for Earlier this year, the Chancellor extended the flexibililenders. Once the first 18 months are up, there is an ty of the loan, meaning businesses are not obligated to interest rate of 2.5% per year and repayments can be make repayments on their loans until 18 months after stretched for up to 10 years. they originally took them out. Covid-19 was set to hit the sector even harder and, The loans can be used for a range of purposes, from keen to buoy up a struggling sector, the Chancellor Businesses first began to receive loan payments in May paying staff wages, covering business rates to covering handed out a lifeline in the form of the Bounce Back 2020, meaning the first repayments are due in May monthly business costs or overheads. However, they Loan Scheme. This allowed businesses to borrow must be used for business purposes and cannot be used 2021. So, if you are continuing to struggle, you can take between £2,000 and up to 25% of their turnover, limitto pay dividends or to pay for personal items, such as a advantage of delaying the loan repayments for a further ed to a maximum of £50,000. 6 months. mortgage or household purchases. Applications for the scheme closed in March 2021, However, if you can’t repay Bounce Back Loans due to Earlier this year, the government rolled out the Pay as and thousands of businesses took advantage of the gova deeper cashflow problem within your business, it You Grow Scheme which was designed to allow for ernment backed scheme to allow them to stay afloat. might be time to look at other options. These can more flexible repayment on Bounce Back Loans over include HMRC time to pay arrangements, options for However, with repayments now starting to kick in, fears that businesses will struggle to repay the money business rescue including Company Voluntary from May 2021, many business owners are struggling to owed with the first repayments being due from May Arrangement, or in the case that your business is not pay back what they owe. 2021. viable, liquidation via a Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation. This allowed companies to be able to delay repayCAN BOUNCE BACK LOANS BE ments by a further 6 months, extend the length of the loan from 6 years to 10 years at the same interest rates WRITTEN OFF? and make interest-only payment for 6 months. However, As Bounce Back Loans are loans to the company, and many will still struggle to pay the loans back due to the not the individual such as the director, if the company severity of their financial difficulties caused by Covid goes into liquidation, the loan will be written off. and the lockdowns. However, if some of the Bounce Back Loan has been WHAT HAPPENS IF I CAN’T REPAY used to pay for non-company items – such as paying the THE LOAN? director’s home mortgage or other household bills – that amount will need to be repaid. If a company can’t afford to repay the Bounce Back Loans and they are discussing their situation with an So, if you can’t pay back the Bounce Back Loan and Insolvency Practitioner, the declarations made by the your company is no longer sustainable, you might condirector(s) at application stage will be reviewed by the sider liquidating through a Creditors’ Voluntary John Bell is director and founder of licensed insol- Insolvency Practitioner and the company’s actions Liquidation (CVL). vency practitioners Clarke Bell and here he explains looked at closely. the purpose of the Bounce Back Loan Scheme and This is a voluntary form of liquidation that allows the This is because when applying for the Bounce Back what business owners can do if they cannot repay company to close whilst settling debts they owe to Loan Scheme, business owners were asked to formally the loan. creditors. declare that the pandemic was the reason that their WHAT IS THE BOUNCE BACK LOAN business was facing difficulties and that before the panA CVL is a formal insolvency process carried out by a licensed Insolvency Practitioner who liquidates the demic the business was ‘financially sound.’ SCHEME? company, stopping it from trading and operating. The Bounce Back Loan Scheme was initiated by the So, if a company can’t pay back the Bounce Back government to help small to medium businesses that (This is opposed to Compulsory Liquidation, where a Loans and the directors are found to have provided were originally excluded from the Coronavirus false information in this declaration, the directors might company is forced to stop trading by creditors who

issue a winding-up petition to the court if a company owes them £750 or more and their payment demands have gone unfulfilled.) Businesses struggling to pay back the Bounce Back Loans may also consider a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA). However, this will only be available to companies that have real chances of business rescue. A CVA is also an option open to insolvent businesses, however, unlike liquidation, a CVA aims to turn the business around and restore it to profitability. A CVA allows an insolvent company to come to an agreement with creditors to repay its debts over a fixed period of time. Whilst a company is under a CVA, the director remains in control and it can continue to trade. This is a process that is also carried out by an Insolvency Practitioner who will work with the company directors and their accountant. An Insolvency Practitioner is also appointed to carry out the CVA and is the ‘Supervisor’ during the length of the CVA – which is typically three to five years.

CAN’T REPAY BOUNCE BACK LOANS? If your company is struggling financially and you can’t repay your Bounce Back Loans – or any other company debts – you should immediately seek professional advice. Get the situation sorted out as soon as possible to get rid of the problem and the stresses associated with it. If part of your Bounce Back Loan has been spent on non-business items (e.g. your mortgage), this will need to be repaid – and your accountant and Insolvency Practitioner can help you with that. The best option might be to put your company into a CVL and you make a redundancy claim to help pay the loan with monthly repayments. Your Insolvency Practitioner will help you with your redundancy claims – many do not charge an additional fee for this, which means there is more money available for your repayments. Most insolvency practitioners will offer you a free, no obligation initial consultation to discuss your situation and agree a plan to help you navigate the next steps for you and your company.

The Source Trade Show Preview

Celebrate at the Source Trade Show in June! Events and show partner Taste of the West will have been trading for 30 years. They are also celebrating 15 years of collaborating together on the Source trade show, which first emerged as Select Food & Drink in 2006! The show has gone from strength to strength since then, bringing the best of the South West to buyers from hospitality, catering and retail.

The Source trade show will be one of the first trade shows for a year – and help stimulate South West trade. The Source trade show has taken place in Westpoint, Exeter annually for more than 10 years, and will be one of the first trade shows for food and drink in 2021, when it takes place on Wednesday 8th & Thursday 9th June. Attracting buyers from retail, hospitality, and catering, it showcases the best the South West region has to offer, from artisan food & drink to essential goods and services. Although not open to the public, this trade show provides an important stimulus for the South West food and drink trade - offering buyers the chance to come and meet suppliers face to face for the first time in more than a year. After all the doom and gloom over the last many months, isn’t it nice to have something to celebrate? Hale Events, organisers of the Source trade show, have cause for celebration too. This year both Hale

“For those buyers wishing to come and see new suppliers and get great ideas for their business, this event takes some beating!” says Mike Anderson, MD of show organisers Hale Events. “We are delighted that government regulations will allow this trade show to happen. All the measures are in place to make this a safe and enjoyable visit. Thousands of car parking spaces, all within 5minutes’ walk of the entrance, lots of space inside, wider aisles, grab and go catering, and new outside space make this a great venue and trade show to come to and reconnect with the market.” (CONTINUED ON FACING PAGE...)

The Source Trade Show Preview

June/July 2021

CLH News

Celebrate at the Source Trade Show in June! (CONTINUED FROM FACING PAGE) Mike continues “We know that suppliers, as well as everyone involved in food retail and hospitality, are looking forward to getting back together to network and find out what is new after a year of isolation. Source can help stimulate this sector, showcase innovation and provide a platform for producers”. For more information about the show, to book a stand, or for trade buyers to register to attend, please call 01934 733433, follow the show on Twitter @sourcefooddrink, or visit

South West Labels

South West Labels are a supplier of labelling guns, thermal label printers & labels. We’re here for retail, industrial and manufacturing businesses. We’re independent, which means impartial recommendations combined with over 30 years experience in supplying these products.

The labelling gun market can be complicated. Many products are known by dif-

Barton Reed & Co

Barton Reed & Co is the leading supplier of quality furniture to hotels, restaurants, public houses and leisure facilities in the South West. We can supply beautiful leather sofas, stylish high bar stools, comfy tub seats, elegant restaurant tables and chairs, and relaxing beds. From laid back, seaside charm to cutting-edge design our extensive product range will suit your style and give your business the look that you want to achieve. We have a huge choice of colours, fabrics and finishes and all our furniture comes with a two-year warranty. Barton Reed & Co is a family-run business and we have been involved in the furniture industry since 1945. Over the years we have forged strong relationships with our suppliers to give you the best furniture available with a service that goes above and beyond our customers’ expectations. Seven reasons why you should choose Barton Reed &

ferent names depending on their use. Labelling guns, price guns, pricing guns, label guns, coding guns and batch guns. Our range of products can meet all needs: Simple low use models, durable machines for industry. A wide variety of specialist features including auto-incrementing guns for batch codes. All equipment is supplied with a one year factory warranty and are designed to give years of reliable and effective service. Visit us on stand H4 to view our products. Co to supply your contract furniture:

• Wide range of styles • Easy ordering and re-ordering • Single point of contact • Short lead times • Direct delivery • After sales service • Two-year warranty on every item Get in touch to discuss your furniture requirements or to order our new brochure – we’re here to help. Call us on 01409 271189, visit or email Alternatively see us on Stand H33 at The Source Trade Show.


Visit CLH News on Stand A2 at The Source Trade Show

The trade show that’s got the South West covered.

YO U R CO M F O R T A N D S A F E T Y • Park free of charge in easy walking distance of the entrance • Large show entrance to avoid queues • Wide aisles • Outside catering and features • Covid-19 measures in place

Presenting you with the latest food and drink products, services and ideas for your business.


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Register online or call 01934 733456. Stands are selling fast - to enquire call 01934 733433. These trade only shows are organised by Hale Events Limited. Telephone 01934 733433.



CLH News

June/July 2021

Hospitality Technology

How Technology Can Change the Hospitality Sector in The UK After Reopening By Kunal Sawhney, CEO of Kalkine ( The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way the hospitality sector operates. One whole year the sector faced stiff challenges as most were forced to shut down their restaurants, pubs, and bars as part of the lockdown restrictions. Some restaurants/hotels scaled up and boosted the use of online order management, delivery technologies and digital loyalty platforms in a bid to survive the pandemic. Now with the opening of the hospitality sector after the restrictions are being relaxed post lockdown, restaurants, pubs, and bars are gearing up to revive their businesses with new hygiene and physical separation measures, contactless orders, and contact-less payment technologies. Technology again has brought in rapid changes in the sectors as many restaurants, pubs, and bars are switching and offering digital solutions. A McKinsey Global Survey of executives in 2020 has highlighted how the pandemic has accelerated the digitisation of all hospitality platforms by a minimum of three to four years, thereby bringing in changes in the business supply chain. The primary challenge for the owners is to adopt the right technologies and use them to communicate with their customers. The government is also working on initiatives for contactless dining, which at present is driving the market growth.

CONTACTLESS DINING One can describe contactless dining as a way to reduce customer physical contact at restaurants and bars. Many eating joints have opted for contactless options where they send the food menu on mobile phones of the customers. Customers scan the QR code provided by the restaurants and can order through them.

TECHNOLOGIES AND TOOLS As restaurants didn’t have customers and visitors till now, delivery platforms were gaining popularity. Now, as the sector is gradually opening, the restaurants should adopt a thorough system to process delivery orders and

manage delivery pickups. Also, to reduce the costs and dependency on manpower, technology excellence will be needed to manage orders and payments efficiently. Prominent delivery platforms, Uber Eats, Deliveroo, Glovo, and Just Eat are known to apply user-friendly means. They provide a sales platform to restaurants and manage the delivery process. More and more restaurants will now have to integrate them into their operational flow. Besides, the restaurants can also take technological assistance to manage inventory and plan supply for their joints. Taking technical help will reduce human error, repetition, wastage and also over-ordering. Talking about the adoption of new technology into the hospitality sector, Rupert Gutteridge, Chief Revenue Officer, pay platform Ordamo, said that the digital and contactless menus and payments are yet to gain popularity as the hospitality sector highly depends on interaction with the customers. The tech platform does not offer you that passion for communication. He added that most restaurant owners fear that full digitisation of the restaurants, pubs and bars will lead to loss of customers. But Covid-19 painted a different picture of social distancing and isolation, changing the basics of operations.

EYE ON FUTURE The benefits of ordering online are many. Restaurant owners should now chalk out a plan to picture a postCovid world and see what all apps can support and complement their operations. Owners can take advantage of the apps or tools to manage customer reviews, delivery, and schemes like voucher distribution and loyalty points. As Gutteridge had mentioned that the hospitality sector, which was always depends on personal touch and communication, may change invariably with the introduction and adoption of contactless menu, payment, and ordering. That would mean the adoption of technology would make the sector less hospitable and warm.

But rather than considering this, one can see that technology can supplement a great service and may open ways to connect with customers beyond the restaurant premises.

Point of Sale Technology Designed for Hospitality

ShinHeung Precision Co., LTD, (also called, SHC) is a leading corporation which provides the best quality precision machines. SHC was found in 1968 and have 16 affiliates in 11 countries. We have 25 offices and factories around the world with HQ and main factory located in South Korea. SHC maintains partnerships with Samsung, LG, Hyundai, Toyota and etc. with its own precision technologies accumulated over the years. SHC took over ECR business from Samsung in 2001, establishing SAM4S affiliate specialized in store automation products such as ECR, PC POS and Receipt printers, having its office in Seoul, Korea. We have human resources with knowledge of more than 30 years of experience in the store automation field. We now produce most sophisticated and diverse products to the world-wide mar-

ket. Our store automation products are extensively used in over 80 countries, having around 100 partners all over the world. Due to global pandemic, the demand for contactless product such as Kiosk for self-ordering & self-checkout has increased rapidly. To correspond to the market’s demand, we have launched 15” and 21.5” Kiosk models for the market’s safety and businesses. Moreover, we plan on adding 32” Kiosk model in the 2Q of 2021. Since 2012, we have been attending retail technology related exhibitions such as EuroCIS, EuroShop, NRF, Computex, GITEX and etc. When we become a safer place for us to freely interact with each other, we would be more than happy to meet you in person and introduce our products. See the advert on the facing page for details.

It's Time For You To Get Budget Proof By Dan Brookman, CEO of Airship ( and Toggle (

Now, I am an optimist. Those who know me, know that I have a passion for business and generally a positive outlook; especially around the hospitality sector that I’ve spent my working life in. My preset as a founder and entrepreneur is to push for business growth and to seek out opportunities, however there have been occasions over the last year when I shouldn’t have jumped as quickly as I did, consolidation and cost control would have been a better strategy. It’s a tough shout though when you’re pushing for growth. Budgeting though, enables control of costs and as long as you know the costs coming down the track, you can turn dials based on expected revenues. Right now the future remains uncertain but one thing we do know is there’s going to be an immediate boom for hospitality - we’ve seen it already in the volume of bookings and we’ve been incredibly lucky with sunny (if not chilly) trading. This boom might be followed by a lull, or further restrictions, or it might just all get back to normal. But whatever the future, the key now is to control costs,

maximise margins and make the most of this initial surge of customers. There’s going to be a deluge of new data and you are going to want to market to that data. Platforms such as Mailchimp charge based on the size of your lists, some platforms have additional broadcast charges alongside licenses; you succeed and then you pay more money for your success. Whereas Airship and Toggle are #BudgetProof. Any customer can sign-up and the price will be fixed for the length of their contract. This is no matter the size of your database (nor how it grows whilst we’re working together) or the amount of emails that you send. Or the revenue generated through Toggle. Or the amount of support that you use. Now’s the time to choose partners which won’t penalise you for your success. Where you won’t be charged based on volume, where you won’t be refused additional support when you need it. Choose one that wants you to succeed. Visit and

GonnaOrder, The Online Ordering System That Delivers ROI

Looking for a cost-effective, highly configurable food ordering and payment solution for your business? LOOK NO FURTHER! GonnaOrder is here to support businesses becoming truly independent, streamlining their processes and gaining back control of their business.

THE FUTURE OF ORDERING IS DIGITAL While online ordering and delivery were already gaining momentum before the coronavirus outbreak, the pandemic accelerated their adoption. Interactive QR menus, online table ordering, and online payments—all solutions offered by GonnaOrder—are about to become the new norm at the restaurant of the future.

TECH ON THE TABLE: QR MENU & ONLINE TABLE ORDERING Using GonnaOrder’s self-ordering system, table ordering and QR menu technology will help you boost your sales by increasing table turnover and operate in a more efficient manner. Ordering through QR menus empowers your customers to safely order and pre-order faster from anywhere (their table, home, office or on the road). This will result in higher profit margins and greater customer retention—with an end-to-end seamless dining experience.

BREAKING FREE FROM THIRD-PARTY DELIVERY PLATFORMS Third-party delivery companies are causing alarm for many restaurant, bar and pub businesses with their increasingly high commission fees. GonnaOrder not only help you break loose from third parties by digitally controlling customer data and menus with 0% commissions, but also allows you to build customer loyalty with a rich set of features (such as special offers, giveaways, discount vouchers).

BENEFITS OF USING GONNAORDER • 0% commission online ordering app for takeaway and delivery • Dedicated Consumer Mobile App • Improved table turnover with an easy-to-use table ordering system • Branded native iOS and Android App • Streamlined operations with automatic order printing • More repeat customers with frictionless loyalty features REGISTER FOR FREE TODAY! Try it for Free today! Visit: or contact our sales team at

Hospitality Technology

June/July 2021

CLH News


CaterCloud Enhances its FREE Offering - The Secret Ingredient to Menu Management Success and Compliance with Natasha’s Law costing system offers a wealth of enhanced functionality to help caterers gain significant efficiencies in their operations, to control costs and profits. CaterCloud helps businesses ensure food safety remains a key focus. With food labelling regulations set to change in October 2021, as a result of Natasha’s Law, all England-based businesses working in the food industry will be required to clearly label all foods for direct sale, produced and packed on their premises with a full list of ingredients detailing the full allergen profile. Designed to help businesses prepare for this upcoming regulation, CaterCloud provides sub-allergen information and tagging; QR Code menu scanning for live allergen and nutritional information, along with the ability to print Natasha’s Law compliant food labels. CaterCloud also offers customers access to a range of accredited training for allergen awareness and food safety in conjunction with Allergy Accreditation.

Manchester-based, e-f group has released the latest enhanced feature version of its FREE TO USE cloud-based, menu management platform, CaterCloud.

Shop Local The easy-to-use, next generation allergen, nutrition, menu planning and

CaterCloud’s innovative functionality also boasts many other benefits to enable easy to use menu and cost management for caterers across the hospitality, healthcare, education and retail sectors. The flexible menu planner, with a drag and drop feature, allows the user to instantly evaluate rotational menus, costs and nutritional values using the nutritional database with 1,000s of ingredients. All this combined allows your business to assess its performance using the interactive KPI dashboards. The loyalty programmes were the backbone of the global operators’ distribution strategy’, but their power is stripped out when the frequent business traveller is grounded. As the pandemic makes its presence felt, the global players have had to cut their staff and pull back on their marketing as they moved into cash-preservation mode, just as their franchisees desperately needed that distribution support. Hoteliers have been forced to turn to different sources for guests, including construction and key workers, but without the history of looking for solid, reliable sources of revenue, their success is patchy. At Magnuson Hotels, the group has years of experience in bringing in the guests that others have passed by, allowing owners to outperform the market during the pandemic. In 2020, Magnuson Hotels’ local business strategy outperformed the USA RevPAR average by 3X, and largely via a foundation of local business for each of its hotels.

The hotel sector has realised that global brands means global marketing and when the global market falls away, they do not have the people or the experience to bring guests in through the door from alternative markets.

Tom Magnuson, Magnuson Hotels’ CEO, said: “With international leisure and the largest corporates grounded, hoteliers are having to look local to fill beds. “Traditionally, the big, global operators have built their businesses around

Users of CaterCloud have special access to the e-foods’ Buyers’ Club and benefit from its substantial buying power. The Buyers’ Club is made up of a network of trusted accredited suppliers across the UK. Users can purchase food and non-food goods from these suppliers and expect to generate savings of between 5 to 10%. Paul Mizen, Chief Executive, e-f group said: “During the pandemic we haven’t rested on our laurels and we’ve been working hard behind the scenes internally and with existing clients to innovate and enhance the features of our Catercloud system. With the hospitality industry, set to explode again, we wanted to be ready to offer that sector especially, this enhanced FREE software which will most certainly help catering managers and chefs maximise efficiencies, streamline processes and save costs. We continue to be at the forefront of delivering the innovate features the industry needs. As we’ve previously stated this is our way of giving something back to the industry upon which our business was founded.” CaterCloud is without doubt the smartest, most intuitive platform available to caterers. For more information go to or or see the advert on page 36. being able to fill hotels with the top-tier loyalty members, the road warriors who spend over 200 nights a year travelling. But that market does not exist at the moment and it is not clear when it is coming back.” ‘Our strategy always has been to secure 50% of your business base through local segments such as construction, government, transportation, security, medical. These segments always ravel 52 weeks a year, and will protect hotel owners though ups and downs.’ “What we have seen is that SMEs are sending their folks out on the road by car, and that the leisure traveller is also staying close to home, enjoying rediscovering what is around them. At Magnuson Hotels we have always looked for guests which others overlook and during the past year our local teams have been working with care providers and building firms, even monitoring development plans to see where demand will pop up. Where other companies have had to turn to the expensive OTAs, we’re proud to have been able to bring guests in without it costing the hotelier.” See the advert on the facing page for details, email or visit


CLH News

Hospitality Technology

June/July 2021

95% Of The Hospitality Industry Plan To Continue Using Pay And Order Technology Post-Pandemic During the COVID-19 pandemic the hospitality industry has been forced to pivot towards a digital-first approach to deal with restrictions – reinventing what it means to dine in, order and pay at restaurants, cafes and bars.

quickly to survive. 80% of small restaurants now offer a takeaway or delivery service making it hospitalities biggest success in the past year.

New research by card payment provider, Dojo (, reveals whether these technological innovations are a temporary fix, or forecast to be used and implemented beyond the pandemic.

This demand for delivery has prompted a boom in demand for courier jobs. According to a new study by Paymentsense, delivery drivers are the most in-demand job roles for 2020 with over 3.3 million vacancies across the UK.

Takeaway has now become essential with 55% of these owners expect to be dependent on delivery and takeaway services in 2021.

Dojo surveyed 300 hospitality owners and management staff at smallmedium sized businesses and 500 avid restaurant goers across March and April 2021 to find out. 95% of restaurants plan to continue using order and pay technology after the pandemic One of the biggest digital changes to the hospitality industry in the past year has been the methods of ordering and paying. The need for a reduced contact service between hospitality staff and customers has propelled the adoption of mobile and self service technologies. From mobile apps to web ordering, 43% of customers have been using some form of order and pay technology since July 2020. Before the pandemic, this type of technology was in its infancy and only just emerging in the UK hospitality industry. This technology has been pushed to the forefront of restaurant owners minds as a useful solution to enable their establishments to open. 34% of hospitality businesses already use order and pay technology, and 42% of those who don’t, plan to introduce it in 2021. Out of all the 300 owners and management surveyed, a staggering 95% of those using order and pay technology stated they plan to continue using it even after the pandemic is over – meaning order and pay is here to stay.

83% of consumers favour app over phone orders when ordering a restaurant or takeaway Digital menus are the new normal – with 88% of restaurants stating they will continue to use them after the pandemic It is not only order and pay tech that has changed how the hospitality industry operates with customers. The pandemic has also seen a huge increase in the number of restaurants and eateries using online menus, with 57% of them now offering physical and digital menus at their venues. The resurgence of the QR code has enabled restaurants to offer minimal contact for customers. Restaurant goers can now simply scan a QR code present on the table and be presented with the digital menu via their smartphone, improving both efficiency and customer experience. 88% of these restaurants stated they would continue the use of their online menus after the pandemic has subsided. 55% of restaurant owners expect to be dependent on delivery and takeaway services in 2021 With Government restriction only allowing takeaway services for hospitality during the lockdowns, businesses have had to adapt their models

Consumer behaviour was forced to change, but consumer preference has also shifted alongside it – with most reacting positively to the new technology. Out of the 500 customers surveyed, 83% stated they prefer to use a mobile device when ordering food and drinks. This has had a positive impact on brand loyalty and revenue with 29% of consumers more likely to order again from a restaurant that offers online ordering as opposed to telephone ordering, and 27% of consumers more likely to spend more online compared to in-person and telephone ordering. Jon Knott, Head of Customer Insights at Dojo commented: “Technology has played a huge role in our daily lives the past year – it’s enabled us to connect with our loved ones, as well as order our favourite meals, without leaving our homes. As lockdown restrictions ease, it’s important for the hospitality industry to reflect on the changes it’s made to adapt. Perhaps this new tech adoption can help create even more efficiencies and help safeguard trading in the future.”

Table Tap Offers Exceptional Customer Service and Social Distancing at Dusk Top nouvelle restaurant and lounge, Dusk, Brentwood, has installed Table Tap, an innovative solution to help customers and waiting staff communicate from leading telecommunications company, Brentwood Communications. With a single tap on a button, customers can inform staff that a table is ready to order, pay the bill, or simply call for the waiter’s attention without leaving their seat. Sharif Uddin, Co-Owner, Dusk, says: “We have a large alfresco dining area and were concerned there may be crowding in bar areas, with customers ordering drinks or wanting to pay a bill. Thankfully, we decided to trial Table Tap to see if it could help customers socially distance and enable us to deliver excellent customer service.” He continued: “Table Tap has been great, it’s helped us keep customers in their seats, which is ideal for social distancing. We run a very fast-paced dining environment with 28 tables, we pride ourselves on exceptional customer service and thanks to Table


Stop The Spread – Keeping Your Customers Seated & Safe!

The perfect solution ffor or any business looking to add a buzz to their customer e xperience with a experience fantastic Covid compliant service innovation! With a single tap customers can call ffor or attention xpect! and get the rapid response they expect!

Tap, we’re able to be on top of our game.” Table Tap runs over a radio frequency and transmits a signal from a button placed on a table, which connects to a watch on a waiter’s wrist and can be set-up in just five minutes. James Miller, MD, Brentwood Communications, adds: “The idea for Table Tap came about after we installed similar technology into fitting rooms for Nike stores across Europe, which allowed people to alert staff it they wanted to swap items. We knew we could adapt this technology for the hospitality sector, which would be vital as premises re-open, helping customers to remain seated, stick to social distancing rules and still experience quality customer service.” Table Tap is available for free trials, visit

All-in-One Payment and EPOS Solution Gives Hospitality Vendors Flexibility To Cash In On Post-Lockdown Demand

Improve customer experience No wasted server time Proven to Increase sales




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Anderson Zaks, an independent, UK-based multichannel Payment Gateway, together with leading EPOS provider SPARK EPoS, have launched a new mobile payment solution designed especially for the hospitality sector. With the UK lockdown now lifting, restaurant, pubs and cafes are preparing for a forecasted pent-up demand not seen since the ‘Roaring Twenties’ and post war boom. The new solution enables restaurants and cafes to extend their offerings with outdoor service options, including drive thru’s, mobile stores and pop-ups, as they welcome customers back within social distancing guidelines. The hospitality solution works on Android handheld devices and with wi-fi connectivity provides full order menu management, including kitchen printing and order and contactless pay at the table. Even if the wi-fi connection drops out in the middle of a field at a festival, the devices can still take transactions, which means no missed sales. The payment system is

integrated with stock control systems, so orders and payments can be easily reconciled with goods and produce sold for accurate stock management. Staff tips are also managed effectively, keeping staff happy. Iain High, CEO at Anderson Zaks commented; “The recent global disruption has been a difficult time for many businesses in the hospitality and retail sectors. However, experts, not just statisticians and economists, are forecasting a demand for travel, eating out and entertainment not seen since after the last two world wars”

For more information please visit:

Hospitality Technology Less Work and Better Results? Your Guests Hold The Secret

There’s a growing trend amongst your guests, and society in general, that can go a long way to helping you manage your property easier and more successfully. You may have noticed more and more people managing their home life, work days, and holiday trips online via their smartphones or computers. They make notes, keep appointments, research, socialise, do their banking, and book travel. The advantages of this are all based around convenience, speed, and simplicity. It keeps all their information in one place, lets them perform actions quickly, and reduces the chance of losing information or recording something inaccurately. Have you ever thought “there’s got to be an easier way to run my property”? Small accommodation providers can achieve this same

sense of convenience and simplicity with hotel management software. Eliminating your need for physical notebooks or ledgers, manual data entry, and time-consuming admin, software makes running your property as easy as using an app on a smartphone - as so many of your guests do. There will always be a perception that technology is complex and difficult to understand, and only people with a background in tech can understand it. This is not the case at all. In fact some providers design their software for exactly your property type, to the point where you can get started within a day. To learn more about how you can run your property better and get time back in your day, check out Little Hotelier - a solution built specifically for small accommodations. For further details visit the website at

The New Agency Fighting for a Greener Future Launched this Spring, Warrior Agency is an agency doing things differently and delivering a UK first in green services to help transition organisations to a more sustainable future. Founded by Lizzie McManus, Warrior Agency, is an agency supporting the hospitality sector with the usual PR, social media, influencer, digital marketing, design and website services, as well as offering Green Audits and a Green Consultancy service. Lizzie explains: “Warrior’s Green Audit looks at all elements of your business, offering ways you can reduce costs and carbon emissions. We help you plan a steady transition to a more sustainable future, all on

your own terms and in manageable stages. Warrior will be there every step of the way including project creation and inception, employee engagement, reviews, completion, accreditation, and public relations to share your positive news.” The Green House Hotel in Bournemouth was Warrior’s first client for the Green Audit, Olivia O’Sullivan, General Manager, commented: “We’d been searching for this service for several months, and couldn’t find it anywhere, so we were delighted when Warrior Agency launched and offered exactly what we had been looking for. Although The Green House Hotel is well-known for its green credentials, and has been voted the UK’s best eco-boutique hotel a number of times, it’s important to us that we don’t rest on our laurels, and we work hard to remain in that top spot.” To find out more about Warrior’s services visit or email


A bespoke service that helps your establishment reduce its: • Energy • Water • Waste • Carbon footprint A specialist in PR and Social Media for hospitality, Warrior Agency also promotes your positive changes to your audience.

June/July 2021

CLH News



CLH News

Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control

June/July 2021

New Campaign Dedicated To Ensuring Hand Sanitiser Practices Measure Up Skin health and hygiene specialist, GOJO Industries-Europe Ltd, has launched a ‘Hand Sanitiser Integrity’ campaign to help businesses sustain safe and effective hand hygiene practice. When hand sanitiser demand outpaced supply during the pandemic, many turned to dispensers and bottles that could be refilled from large sanitiser containers. According to a recent study 70% of businesses sometimes refill hand sanitiser system cartridges, and 60% of these plan to continue those practices when supply chains return to normal, post-COVID. However, they may not be the safest or most effective solution – and can actually pose a risk to public health. These ‘open refill’ dispensers are typically serviced by pouring product into them and are usually ‘topped-off’ from gallons or drums of sanitiser that are not equipped with pumps for individual, portion controlled product usage. Problems associated with this system include branded hand sanitiser products being refilled with other formulas, products mixing into unknown chemical combinations, inadvertent contamination or degradation, and product tampering. All of which can mean an uncompliant and potentially harmful end product. Furthermore, mixing hand sanitisers can result in a poor user experience, producing a watery or sticky product, and can also cause skin irritation , which can all contribute towards lower levels

of compliance. The wrong product could also jam the pump, rendering the dispenser unusable. To ensure hand sanitiser safety measures up, the integrity campaign recommends buyers should: • opt for products that meet key standards, including EN 14476 and EN 12791 • ensure the product is dermatologically tested • check that refills are sealed to prevent contamination. Smart, safe, and sustainable, PURELL® SANITARY SEALED™ refills simply snap into place on site. Since they are sealed at the point of manufacture, the product inside is protected from contamination. Dermatologically tested, PURELL’s scientifically advanced formulation has been proven to maintain skin health, whilst killing 99.99% of the most common germs that may be harmful. It has also passed key norm EN14476 in just 30 seconds . PURELL remains the market leader, thanks to its focus on formulation without compromise. For more information, call +44 (0)1908 588444, email or visit

Innovative Antibacterial Touchpoint Cover Hospitality Sector Getting Back In The Flow That's Helping Business Reopen Safely! Genesis Biosciences Calling On Businesses To Check Their Drains After Lockdown Global Hygiene company Veraco has become leading innovators in hygiene solutions for frequently touched surfaces like doors, hand rails and touch screens. Their Safe Pad™ range of antimicrobial touchpoint covers are trusted across sectors by the likes of Deutsche Bank, CBRE, Muller, COS, Unilever, Canary Wharf Group, Premierships clubs such as Wolverhampton Wanderers FC and many others. As hospitality and retail are reopening, they have launched the Veraco Clear Range™. They are designed for premium settings where it is important to integrate with the interior design but where hygiene safety is still critical. Veraco products contain a ‘Silver Ion’ technology that attacks harmful bacteria and viruses. The technology kills bacteria by reducing microbial growth up to 99.99 %. It breaks down the biological makeup and prevents its ability to reproduce, multiply and form bio-films.

Antimicrobial silver technology is not new and has been used in hospitals and critical care for a long time. The products work continuously on touch so they provide an important backup to other measures like cleaning and hand hygiene. George Strong from Veraco said “It is really important that we listen to the market and respond to what they tell us. Hygiene safety is critical everywhere but for businesses where the design experience is also critical, that shouldn’t have to be compromised. Our clear range is a perfect solution for restaurants, bars and hotels ” 020 8167 2854 See the advert on the facing page for further details.

With hotels, restaurants and cafés closed to the public for months, many commercial kitchens have been left idle and unused and so too have the properties’ drainage systems. As venues begin to reopen, business owners will need to ensure their premises continue to meet all regulations and hygiene requirements which includes maintaining clear drains.

For pubs, restaurants and all other businesses with commercial kitchens there are strict regulations in place for how waste products must be disposed of, in particular fats, oils and grease (FOG). This is to prevent them from reaching water systems and contributing to the increasing fatberg problem as well as blocked pipes, bad odours and potentially flooding. While grease traps are designed to stop FOG from entering the drainage system, regular maintenance to keep them operating efficiently and with minimal odours is essential. With kitchens dormant for some time, and grease traps left untouched, there is a

chance fatty deposits from prelockdown may have caused blockages which inevitably will require chemical or mechanical treatment.

Genesis Biosciences, which specialises in creating probiotic cleaning solutions, has developed a compact and effective system for easily maintaining drainage systems and grease traps. GD Ultra is a simple to use dispenser system which automatically distributes a daily dose of powerful beneficial bacteria that work to break down FOG. The dispenser can easily be plumbed in to the pipe to feed the probiotics in to the system. One 310ml GD Ultra cartridge will last for three months so once installed, it eliminates the need for manual dosing 'and can ultimately reduce waste disposal costs for those in the hospitality industry. To find out more about Genesis Biosciences’ grease traps and drain maintenance range, visit

Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control June/July 2021

CLH News


Groundbreaking Health Technology Products Support Hospitality Reopening International, said: “We are looking forward to bringing our health technology to the UK. The announcement from the team at Fujita Health University in Japan further demonstrates that ozone sterilisation technology is a viable alternative to the use of chemicals for disinfection.”

A UK business partnership is bringing health technology to the hospitality industry to support businesses as the easing of lockdown restrictions begin. Scientists from Fujita Health University in Japan have confirmed that low concentrations of ozone gas can be used to neutralise coronavirus particles without causing harm to humans. According to the university research, low-level ozone gas in concentrations of 0.05 to 1.0 parts per million (ppm) could be key to neutralising the spread of coronavirus in healthcare settings such as examination rooms and waiting areas. It also provides hospitality businesses with an alternative method to sterilise the air and surfaces in their premises and delivery vehicles without the use of chemicals. Medklinn International, the health technology company that has pioneered research and development into negative ionisation and ozone in the sterilisation process, already provides air and surface sterilisation solutions in ASIA, the USA, Canada, Australia and Germany. Now the business is set to launch in the UK. Daniel Lu, chief technology and innovation officer of Medklinn

Jasun Envirocare Despite the lockdown Jasun has continued to expand its Air and Water hygiene division within the hospitality sector. Post lockdown Jasun has found that its multi-disciplined approach to air and water hygiene combined with the fact that as a filter manufacturer has allowed it to respond positively to client requests whilst others are struggling to meet deadlines and site requirements. Based in Waterlooville, Hampshire Jasun’s service division is able to provide support nationally with engineers covering the whole country. Where clients also require dire damper testing, which is a legal requirement, they are able to combine this with the other services and reduce overall costs. Jasun is working with some of the UK’s largest chains as well as offering its bespoke service to smaller operations, and even individual sole proprietor sites.

Steve Jones, Brand Manager Medklinn UK, said: “We’re really excited to be launching Medklinn UK. Our products are already used by some of the leading global brands in the hospitality industry, including Hyatt, Mandarin Oriental and Singapore’s Changi Airport. We believe that they will be particularly useful as we make steps towards easing restrictions and reopening the UK following the lockdowns over the past 12 months.” In addition to the latest breakthrough in neutralising coronavirus particles, Medklinn products are also proven to be effective in: • Killing 99.9% of harmful microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria, mould and fungi by destroying their RNA and DNA structure • Eliminating volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including those with adverse health effects • Neutralising allergenic organic compounds such as pet dander and the protein

During the lockdown we saw an interesting mix of business seeing hospitality work drop but at the same time we saw a massive increase in demand for air filters, which we make for all sectors including healthcare. Our broad spread of segments allowed us to offer stability to our existing clients and bring stability to new ones, many of whom have seen their service providers go out of business during lockdown. Call 02392 644700 or email

in the faeces of dust mites, which are often the cause of allergies Medklinn UK will offer a range of air and surface sterilisers designed for business use including: • Permanent units for spaces up to 1,000 sq ft such as hotel guest rooms, washrooms, offices and classrooms • Permanent units for large spaces of 3,000 sq ft or more such as hotel corridors, washrooms, restaurants, halls, offices, exhibition centres, supermarkets, food processing and manufacturing plants • Portable units for ad hoc treatments of indoor odours recommended for hotel guest rooms, restaurants and facilities management It will also offer ozone water systems (for washrooms, industrial kitchens, food processing factories) and integrated sterilisation systems (for public washrooms, food processing and F&B outlets and supermarkets). The consumer range from Medklinn will feature two products - one suitable for the home and travel and one for use in vehicles. For further information about Medklinn UK please visit or contact

Helping Hotels and Restaurants to Bounce Back Aspenprint, a leading design and print agency for the hospitality industry have been busy helping hotels, restaurants, pubs, cafes, bars and food outlets to reopen ready for a busy summer ahead, with many Brits opting for staycations within the UK. After a hectic 2020 providing clients with essential social distancing products such as protective screens, branded face masks and specialist wipeable menu material which can even go in the dishwasher, it’s looking like an exciting start to summer 2021. Popular items so far include giant branded deckchairs (perfect for social media snaps!), revamped interior and exterior signage, newly developed menu designs on a range of paper stocks and scores of branded greaseproof paper. Managing Director, Ian Shenton, comments; "We are

proud to expand our wide range of outdoor solutions to include branded parasols, cafe barriers, swing boards, PVC banners in a variety of sizes, as well as giant and normal sized branded deckchairs to ensure customers have the very best outdoor dining experience. We have also launched our new antibacterial laminate which is proven to kill 99.9% of germs which touch its surface and has been tested according to ISO21702 and ISO22 standards. This protective antibacterial coating can be added to menus, brochures, flyers, posters and more and has been really popular in helping our clients to re-open and stay safe. We’re really looking forward to a busy summer helping our clients to re-open." Follow Aspenprint on social media to stay updated with the latest product offerings. Contact Aspenprint for all your signage, design and print needs on 01202 717418 or visit or see the advert on page 7.

Technology proven to kill viruses and bacteria including Covid 19 at prices that don’t damage your profits

Versa Air+Surface Sterilizer Effective against

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Cost effective solutions for spaces 250sq ft - 3000sq ft and vehicles

Distributed by Tunnelight, Telford, UK |


CLH News

June/July 2021

Cleaning, Hygiene & Infection Control Evaness 100% Biodegradable Consumables Range Consumable Supplies brand EVANESS is the only full range of biodegradable products for the catering industry, from various sizes and strengths of bin liners, to clingfilm and food/freezer bags. EVANESS is a derivative from the word ‘Evanesce” meaning to vanish and the technology used in the biodegradable range is scientifically proven to degrade the material if it gets into the open environment and then facilitate the secondary process of biodegradation, without causing micro-plastics.

brought about many concerns over how to store and handle a range of items, which were handled by many a person to avoid the transfer of viruses and bacteria. Consumable Supplies created a Grip Seal bag which incorporates an advanced British technology D2P by Symphony Environmental, which provides protection to the surface of the Grip Seal bag against microorganisms or viruses for the lifetime of the bag and offers a 99.9% Anti-Viral reduction after 1 hour of contact.

New recent additions to the product range include compostable bin liners which are manufactured to EN13432 certification for home and industrial composting, and the UK’s first ANTI-VIRAL Grip Seal bag, which although are nonbiodegradable are specifically designed to combat the transmission of viruses and bacteria.

Although the bag can be used for the storage and handling of any items you wish to protect, as the product is Food-Safe, it also offers its use to storing food. The initial bag size offered is 150mm x 200mm, so useful for smaller items and can form part of your existing health and hygiene protection routine.

The pandemic

Consumable Supplies strives to offer unique quality environmentally friendlier products at reasonable prices with a great no-quibble customer service. Free delivery on any order. See the advert opposite or visit

SanOZone Cleans Indoor Spaces of All Sizes for Covid Safety Ozone sanitising is the most effective way to deep clean residential environments of all sizes and it is easier, quicker, and more cost-effective than manual cleaning or fogging. Once in position, an easyto-use key-pad enables the operator to set the optimal ozone concentration for the size of the room. The system then automatically converts the ambient air into ozone that fills the room, sanitising floors,

walls, ceilings, surfaces and equipment. The complete sanitisation of an average sized room will take approximately two hours. This includes the production of ozone, maintaining the required concentration for total cleaning and then returning the room to its usual habitation state. SanOZone is one of the most versatile and efficient sanitisation systems available to healthcare, commercial property owners and facilities management companies. It offers many benefits over manual cleaning and we believe that it is three times quicker and more efficient than alternatives like fogging. See the advert below for details.

Why choose SANOZONE? ■ SanOzone generates Ozone and completes a deep and accurate sanitation cycle ■ Ozone sanitisation is cheaper and faster than alternatives like fogging ■ Swiftly cleans and sanitises rooms of all sizes, removing harmful microorganisms ■ Reaches every corner of location, acting more rapidly than other disinfecting agents ■ Machine generates ozone from the air, which decomposes to oxygen after use

SANOZONE CLEANS INDOOR SPACES OF ALL SIZES FOR COVID SAFETY THE MAIN BENEFITS OF SANOZONE ARE: • Highly efficient in the fight against Covid viruses • Effective against the majority of microorganisms tested • Requires only low volumes of ozone to kill bacteria, fungus, parasites and viruses • A standalone system that eliminates the need for chemical substances • More cost-effective than traditional cleaning operations or materials • Automatic cleaning cycle; easy to move from room to room SanOZone units are fully mobile, easy to programme for hourly or daily cleaning and have acoustic and visual warning indicators for safe operation. As it creates its own ozone, no chemicals or additional cleaning products are required. There are no ongoing costs.

SanOZone Easybox systems are available from Barbel now, with prices starting from £1,750 ex VAT for the Easybox 5

For more information, contact Barbel on 01629 705110, email or visit the website at


CLH News

Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control

June/July 2021

Enhance the Perception of Clean with a Venue That Smells Great Now that the hospitality industry is coming out of lockdown, restaurant and pub managers need to ensure that premises are not only clean and safe, but also restore confidence for returning staff and diners. First impressions count, and can begin before people even see if a venue is clean. The sense of smell is the strongest of the five senses and one of the body’s front-line defence mechanisms, designed to set off alarm bells if a foul smell is detected. According to research, 75% of all emotions generated each day are due to smell, and we are therefore 100 times more likely to remember something we smell over anything we hear, see, or touch. A bad smell is a warning of a bad experience to come.

WASHROOM FOCUS In all premises, to feel safe, consumers need to see – and smell – that the washroom is immaculately clean, but poor plumbing or maintenance, or an inadequate cleaning regime can lead to unfortunate odours which are unlikely to receive 5-star reviews. However, in urinals it is the actual minute-byminute usage that can cause the biggest problem.

“We’ve been solving the most common hygiene issue in urinals for years, as randomly splashed urine causes a headache for cleaners, plus a bad smell and a reduction in hygiene standards. “But there’s something even more important at this unprecedented time. According to The World Health Organisation (WHO), Coronavirus can spread in an infected person's urine. This is called ‘viral shedding’, which means that if traces of contaminated urine become aerosolised and inhaled while using a urinal, the disease can infect others in the washroom1. That’s why P-Wave recently delivered a new angle on splash prevention, coupled with a major step forward in urinal deodorising technology with the launch of a new highly fragranced urinal screen.” To ensure washroom cleanliness and hygiene it is worth installing bio-enzymatic cleaning solutions in cisterns. They release billions of beneficial bacterial to consume bio-materials that cause odours, keeping the bowl clean, blue and fresh, while also reducing water consumption by displacing water that would normally be present. Toilet bowls should not be overlooked, and there are passive highly fragranced solutions which can be clipped over the outside of the toilet rim (under the seat) or hung anywhere.

PASSIVE AND ACTIVE AIR FRESHENERS Passive air fresheners are ideal for smaller areas where consistent fragrancing is important. From simple, highly fragranced units for installation in bins, the back of doors, under a desks or in washrooms, to more powerful units which can be placed near a door or any space with good air flow, the openair design ensures maximum surface area exposure for effective and efficient fragrance release.

Active air fresheners replace aerosols and are better for the environment. Systems are available to freshen small, medium and large spaces. Discrete wall or ceiling mounted systems can comprehensively freshen up to 16m3, and feature an intelligent fan which powers down when the lights go off to conserve the battery. For use in toilet cubicles, lifts, gyms and spas or even on a desk in an office, another motion-actvated solution delivers more targeted, clean and efficient air freshening in small spaces exactly when and where it’s needed, reducing fragrance overload, nasal fatigue, and aerosol residue. Also available are powerful, yet silent active fresheners which feature advanced micro-diffusion technology. Delivering coverage from 200m3 to 1200m3, one option features bluetooth control and advanced programming via smartphone or tablet, while the largest, features fully adjustable start/stop, diffusion and stand-by intervals as well as a weekend on/off function. “When specifying air freshening solutions, restaurant and pub managers also have the environment on mind and only choose and install products and consumables that are 100% recyclable,” says Mark. “As restaurants and pubs reopen, there’s no doubt that first impressions are hugely important and restore confidence. Owners and managers need to do all they can to ensure that staff and guests trust that premises are hygienic, safe and clean. Now is the time to address cleaning and maintenance issues, but also to ensure that premises smell clean and have a pleasant and inviting ambience.” For further information visit 1

Sundeala SD Safety Screens and Sundeala Safe Push Door Plates Sundeala have been manufacturing in the UK since 1898 and we are now proud to offer a wide range of products to help you create physical partitions and keep environments hygienic and safe. Our Sundeala FR Safe Push Door Plates are 100% coronavirus free in 5 minutes and are designed to be attached to doors with no-screw fixings making them easy to remove after use. Safe Push Door Plates require no cleaning and are fantastic for reducing the spread of viruses from high touch door surfaces. Available in 7 subtle shades, we can create bespoke sizes to fit any door and supply each pack of Door Plates with adhesive tabs to ensure easy installation. Our Sundeala SD Safety Screen is an environmentally friendly safety screen, perfect for encouraging social distancing in high foot fall environments to help prevent viral spread via droplets or aerosolisation. Sundeala SD Safety Screens are made from 100% recycled paper fibres and are highly porous as well as being extremely durable and robust. They are a practical, environmentally friendly way to assist with social distancing and

can be pinned with informational and/or decorative posters, signs and paper. Many products in our Covid Compliance range including Safe Push Door Panels and SD Safety Screens are made using our Sundeala FR Board. After undergoing ISO 17025 compliant laboratory testing we are delighted to reveal that our Sundeala FR Board (used extensively in circulation spaces, corridors and other high-footfall areas) is shown to be 100% safe from viral transmission from contact with the surface and 100% coronavirus free throughout after 5 minutes of infection, making it completely safe to touch, cut, sand and recycle. Sundeala FR Board is manufactured in the UK from UK waste materials. Sundeala notice boards protect the environment outside while improving the environment inside. For any more information or to find out how we can safeguard your spaces, contact our sales team on 01453 708689 /

Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control June/July 2021

CLH News


New Ground-Breaking ‘Always-on’ Room Sanitiser System Launched to Help UK Businesses Prevent Transmission of COVID-19 A new ground-breaking ‘always on’ air and surface sanitiser system has been launched to help hospitality venues get back to business by giving customers and staff complete peace of mind. PureSan continuously sanitises any indoor space whilst in normal use, preventing the transmission of harmful viruses and bacteria, including COVID-19. The PureSan window sticker will soon become the internationally recog-

nised hallmark of a space that is continuously sanitised and always clinically clean, ensuring both customers and staff feel safe in a ‘PureSan protected’ environment.

In addition to eliminating COVID-19, PureSan is proven to eradicate over 35 harmful viruses, bacteria and fungi.

The system has been certified and approved by the EPA and NSF, is approved for use on food contact surfaces with no rinse required [NSF rated D-2] and produces no harmful by-products.

PureSan has huge commercial benefits to help hospitality businesses recover from the pandemic, including raising customer confidence and footfall, and dramatically reducing staff absence due to sickness.

Each system has its own SIM card that enables the PureSan team to monitor and control the system remotely 24/7, ensuring hospitality venues can welcome customers inside with confidence. Tested by a UKAS accredited lab in many commercial environments, PureSan is certified and proven to create and maintain a clinically clean indoor area.

The system is highly cost effective with low monthly running costs and can often prove cost neutral with the low cost easily offset by an increase in revenue. For more information, please visit:

Engraved Table Numbers and QR Discs Facilitate Social Distancing as Pubs and Restaurants Re-Open The hospitality sector begins to re-open its doors after yet another long lockdown faced with the continued challenge to maintain social distancing. Government guidelines state pubs and restaurants should encourage the use of contactless ordering from table and should adjust their service approach to minimise staff contact with customers. Brunel has made a substantial investment in additional state of the art engraving equipment in order to produce individually etched table numbers and QR code discs which will provide clear markings and information for the public in order to satisfy the requirement for social distancing. The individually engraved table numbers and discs will enable customers to link to Apps or menus, reducing staff contact and eliminating the requirement for hard copies of menus. “We are working hard to keep the British hospitality industry going through these difficult times and we have invested heavily in new equipment to ensure that we can answer the increasing demand for our engraved products”, said Martyn Wright, managing director of

The Jade Air Purification System The Jade Air Purification System is among the most advanced and effective Air Purification Systems on the market today, bringing the clean, fresh and re-energising air to your business premises. Engineered to maximise the air change rate by moving large volumes without the air drag that often occurs in more inferior air purifiers. The top air outlet design allows air to cascade out the top and efficiently flow throughout the room while keeping the sound volume at an industry leading low level. It's as quiet as a standard household dishwasher. Household quiet, but with the strength to provide healthier air in even the most demanding of environments.

Brunel Engraving and founder of the company. “Many pubs and restaurants have been undertaking major renovations during the lockdown period and we have assisted with their efforts to maintain social distancing by supplying table numbers, QR code discs, signage, PPE Visors and distancing floor stencils which will be used in the new public areas as businesses open their doors to the public once again.” Established over 30 years ago, Brunel Engraving is a pioneering engraving specialist which leads the way in technical innovation. The company has ISO9001 accreditation and its highly skilled team of professional engravers is trained to the highest standards in the UK. In addition to rotary engraving Brunel offers laser engraving, chemical etching, anodic print, dye sublimation print, flatbed UV print and wide format UV print. For further information please contact: 01275 871720 Email: Website: See the advert on the facing page for further information. Our exclusive six stages of technology not only filter the air – we also sterilise it. We diminish everything that is in the air: bioaerosols, odours, gasses, disinfectants, particulates, moulds, viruses, bacteria and fungus. We also re-energise the air to combat fatigue and to give the air a ‘lighter’ feel. Headaches, fatigue, itchy eyes, dry skin, coughing, sneezing, and the need for inhalers are all ways polluted air can cause discomfort and inconvenience. We eliminate the causes of these problems. The Jade is designed with premium in mind, in its beautiful contemporary styling on the outside, its sophisticated technology on the inside, and its airflow performance throughout. Find out more or purchase your Jade unit at


CLH News

Cleaning, Hygiene and Infection Control

June/July 2021

Amaryllis Cleaning Services It’s imperative that businesses within the hospitality industry are on their game. Given the current pandemic, quality clean is now a basic requirement necessary for the industry to function effectively, keeping both customers and employees safe.

Amaryllis Cleaning Services Would you like to entrust the chore of cleaning your business to professionals in order to save on time? Amaryllis Cleaning Services put the needs and requirements of our clients at the heart of everything we do.

Tel: 020 3722 6372 or 07306 888590 Email:

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Amaryllis cleaning services has consistently been delivering to its clients, quality cleaning. Managing some of the most prestigious 5-star pubs and restaurant, Air B n B, hotels etc. Their portfolio management caters to extraordinary standards with meticulousness and attention to detail which cannot be faulted. The company and its staff has continuously gone beyond what’s required in delivery an exceptional service. Why choose Amaryllis cleaning? They have consistently catered to the hospitality industry, before the pandemic and will continue after such as “Their reputation is built on quality” The company makes their clients needs their priority. Amaryllis will assist businesses in the hospitality industry to maintain high standard, elevate those which are struggling at the moment through implementation of proactive viable cleaning

solutions and programs which are unique to their needs. Whilst the cleaning industry is now over run with companies offering the service, quality companies are hard to find. There is a difference with merely offering a service to meet the demand and catering to each company’s needs. Amaryllis cleaning services will improve the quality of your businesses and customer experience. They are a cleaning company of the highest standards which is reflected in their day-to-day operation, staff, policies, procedures and the service they provide. The company is multi-faceted. Offering day to day contractual and one-off cleaning services to hotels, Air B n B, Pubs, Restaurant, Bars, Clubs etc. So, whilst you plan for the future, pulling more customers through the door, selecting wine, ale, spirits for the coming events and seasons, opulently relaxing staycations, your loyal customers anticipates the next mouth-watering taste bud adventure, Amaryllis has already prepared you for tomorrow. Tel: 020 3722 6372 or 07306 888590 Email:

Swiftclean - Air, Water and Fire Compliance In a post lockdown world, as well as food and COVID safety, it is essential to safeguard indoor air quality, water cleanliness and fire safety.

Airborne fat, oil and grease, released by cooking, accumulates in layers in your kitchen extract ductwork, hood and canopy, creating a potential fire risk. This grease must be removed regularly by expert technicians, in compliance with TR19® Grease, which is issued by BESA. A simple wet-film test tells us if a clean is due post lockdown. If you don’t comply with TR19 Grease®, and there is a fire, your insurance provider may refuse to pay out and you could be prosecuted for negligence.

Similarly, you must protect your water system’s cleanliness and protect it from legionella outbreaks by complying with L8, issued by the Legionella Control Association. If you had to shut down due to COVID, your water system should have been recommissioned and flushed through. If your risk assessment is out of date, you must get it updated. Again, you could be prosecuted for negligence if you haven’t complied. Your indoor air quality should also be safeguarded by complying with TR19®, the leading guidance on ventilation system hygiene, also issued by BESA. Clean ductwork means cleaner, healthier air. Visit

Outdoor Spaces The Cinders ‘Classic’ Barbecue The Cinders ‘Classic’ barbecue has exceeded customers’ expectations for decades, due to its unique, patented design. It easily cooks 1000 burgers in one session but being a true workhorse is not its only selling point. Robust, reliable and low-maintenance are just three adjectives to describe a barbecue whose repair costs are typically non-existent over long periods, generating a healthy ROI for many years. The Cinders ‘Classic’ comes as a sixfoot long double grill (TG160), or a halfsized single grill (SG80), with both running on LPG and offering incredible food output for the price of the energy used. The user-friendly grills are easy-tolight and powerful, getting up to tempera-

June/July 2021

CLH News

ture in around five minutes, to quickly feed a queue or facilitate an impromptu pop-up barbecue if great weather arrives. Cinders’ production values are impressive - not only offering a warranty for commercial use, unlike cheap imported barbecues, but also built to ISO 9001:2015 standards. The barbecues have internal self-cleaning too, removing the odious chore of post-barbecue clean-down. The grill merely needs to be left running for a few minutes to burn off residue, which is then brushed away or ejected. Once cool, the Classic can be folded down and easily stored away. Discover more at or call 01524 262900.

Sunshade Services Specialist Bespoke Outdoor Structures Sunshade Services specialise in the design, manufacture & installation of outdoor structures directly aimed at the hospitality sector. There are many things to consider when deciding which type of structure may best suit your needs including appearance, materials, safety, coverage required, planning issues and cost to name but a few. Having a totally flexible approach allows us to offer what we feel is the best all round solution to suit your individual needs. Every structure designed by us can be individually tailored to suit your requirements but allows us to meet any design requirements or site restrictions that may be placed upon.

Many of our structures can also be expanded upon in a modular fashion to allow further or extended coverage of large or awkward shaped areas allowing you to limit your capital expenditure as required. Please either call us on either of the numbers below or email your enquiry to & one of our sales team will get back to you as soon as they are free Contact us for your free no obligation quotation & start saving now. T: 01782 398848 / 07807 063734 e:

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CLH News

June/July 2021

Outdoor Spaces

Enhance Your Customers' Experience with Ambimedia range of outdoor high-brightness, weatherproof TV’s which allow customers to watch TV even in bright sunlight, whilst also extending WIFI networks and installing outdoor sound systems to enhance the outdoor areas in anticipation of the summer season and upcoming sports events. In addition to this, we also provide hand sanitizer stations with a built in advertising display, allowing venues to inform, advertise and promote to a captive audience whilst keeping your staff and customers safe.

Ambimedia Ltd provide audiovisual solutions for a range of environments such as retail, leisure, education, corporate and hospitality venues. We provide a whole range of services from specification and design to installation and maintenance and we have our own, award winning digital signage and background music platforms. We are experts in digital signage and work closely with our clients to create a customer experience which exceeds their expectations, whilst offering a cost effective, user friendly service. In recent months, we have helped many businesses adapt to the changing requirements of the new regulations imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have a

Call us today to arrange a survey with one our technical experts and let us help you transform you venue. T: 01246 906958 E: W:

CambridgeStyle Canopies

CambridgeStyle Canopies have an enviable reputation in the hospitality sector for providing shade and shelter solutions for pubs, hotels and restaurants across the UK. We specialise in offering the right covering solutions to maximise your useable outdoor space with our range of made-to-measure aluminium outdoor canopy systems. Our product range includes:

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• Wall mounted non-fragile or glass roof canopies with up to 6m projection and unlimited length • Free standing canopies with up to 12m projection and unlimited length • Solisysteme Bio Climatic Pergolas with the latest Somfy

technology and up to 7.1m post span • Zip Screens and Sliding Glass doors • Heating and lighting upgrades for all canopy systems Contact us to discuss your needs and arrange a site survey so we can help identify the right solution for your business. We have all the necessary accreditations within the construction sector and provide a no quibble 10-year guarantee on all products to give you peace of mind. Together we can help get business going again! Emails or visit

CambridgeStyle Canopies have an enviable reputation in the hospitality sector for providing shade and shelter solutions for pubs, hotels and restaurants across the UK. We specialise in offering the right covering solutions to maximise your useable outdoor space with our range of madeto-measure aluminium outdoor canopy systems.

Our product range includes:

• Wall mounted non-fragile or glass roof canopies with up to 6m projection and unlimited length • Free standing canopies with up to 12m projection and unlimited length • SoliSySteme Bio Climatic Pergolas with the latest Somfy technology and up to 7.1m post span • Zip Screens and Sliding Glass doors • Heating and lighting upgrades for all canopy systems

Contact us to discuss your needs and arrange a site survey so we can help identify the right solution for your business. We have all the necessary accreditations within the construction sector and provide a no quibble 10-year guarantee on all products to give you peace of mind. Together we can help get business going again!

CambridgeStyle Canopies Ltd 01353 699009 | | “WE’VE GOT IT COVERED - NOBODY DOES IT BETTER”

Previous Clients Include:

Outdoor Spaces

Environmentally Sustainable, Ecodek Solid Decking Boards With the increase in development of outdoor hospitality areas looking set to stay, more restaurants and bars than ever have been reviewing ways for customers to safely enjoy dining and drinking experiences out of doors, using environmentally sustainable, Ecodek solid decking boards. Whilst many hospitality premises have been closed during lockdown, and others open for the sale of take-away orders only, businesses have been using the period to research, consider and install suitable outdoor dining solutions that can accommodate premises’ customer capacity as regulations change and warmer months approach. With its solid composition - intended to prevent water and moisture from rotting the decking from within Ecodek is a long-lasting, ecologically sustainable solution that offers increased resistance to impact damage. Its

solid structure gives it greater noise absorption properties, so it’s quieter underfoot; helping to reduce noise levels in dining environments. Safer and more hardwearing than a wooden outdoor floor surface, Ecodek is a sustainable and effective alternative to hollow boards. It is simple to install, manufactured in the UK and supported with a 25-year guarantee. Split and rot resistant, this hardwearing decking solution is ideally suited to commercial purposes and can be relied upon for customer comfort and safety in both wet and dry conditions. For further information about the Ecodek composite decking solution, including design ideas, environmental credentials, and recommended installation partners, visit or speak to a product specialist on 01978 667840.

Bring In Much Needed Revenue with an Outdoor Menu This Summer

With pub gardens and outdoor seating due to open from 12th April, having an outdoor menu offering will provide a much needed revenue boost for hospitality venues across the UK. We have a wide range of products that will help you create the perfect outdoor kitchen, in any outside space. With the 'super deduction' tax allowance introduced in the 2021 budget, businesses can also reduce their tax bill by 25p for every £1 spent on new equipment purchases, so return on investment can be gained even faster! Crown Verity Professional Barbecues offer a high quality, adaptable cooking solution, with a wide range of add-on accessories for a varied menu. From the compact MCB30 to the MCB72 'King

of the Grill', there is a model for every operator.

Simply Stainless Tabling works alongside Crown Verity to create the perfect outdoor kitchen. Working with our fabrications division we can also offer you a bespoke stainless steel solution for any requirement. Hygiene and safety is still a huge consideration, our Mobile Hand Wash Station & Sanitiser Unit help you to provide hygiene facilities outside for all customers and staff to keep safe. R H Hall offer the full package... From site visit, design and quotation - to supply of the perfect outdoor kitchen!!! Contact our knowledgeable sales team on 01296 663400 or to help you choose the perfect equipment for any operation!

June/July 2021

CLH News



CLH News

June/July 2021

Outdoor Spaces

Café Culture - Pavement Profit and public houses.

We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. We are an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants

Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to

Cantilever Bars

Cantilever designs, manufactures and installs bars for the hospitality industry - and we have been doing so since the early 1990’s. We offer a complete service in bar design that includes operational planning, project management and installation.

Alongside so many of our clients, we found last year a challenge and we are pleased to be working again on many new and varied projects. It is great to share the growing confidence of our customers and be part of shaping the future of hospitality as we move out of lockdown. Reflecting the changing times our office has moved to Stonehouse, Gloucestershire and our team of designers are part of the new wave of flexible working arrangements and are geographically spread from Belfast to Bavaria. The majority of our current projects are UK based, but we have projects running in Paris, Italy and the USA. Our team is friendly, professional and dedicated – we can develop and undertake the full build of your

project or we can work with your design and build team and deliver the operational workings of the bar. We hope that 2021 is a successful year for everyone in this business of ours. If you have a project in mind, we love to chat about bars so give us a call. Tel: 01453732040 Email: Website:

Design and Refit

Bridge Art At Bridge Art, we are art consultants, committed to quality, aesthetic excellence and client satisfaction.

Working in collaboration with designers, the hospitality industry and private collectors, we offer art advisory, develop concepts and customise art programs to meet

June/July 2021

CLH News


individual project needs. Not only do we work with a selection of artists to provide bespoke pieces, we also offer in-house design, producing original artwork, picture editing and professional printing. We pride ourselves on our bespoke picture framing service and have an extensive knowledge on a variety of mouldings, mounts, glass and fittings. Our experienced framers will work with you to accommodate your vision and budget, recommending frame and mount designs based on your project.

Art consultants committed to quality, aesthetic excellence and client satisfaction

We provide the full package, all under one roof, from project-brief to installation. To see more of what we do, you can find us on Instagram at @bridgeart1, or visit our website, If you have an upcoming project or want more information on what we do, do not hesitate to contact us on 01384 380585 or

7 Things to Remember About Commercial Refrigeration Whether you’re unaware of proper commercial refrigeration protocol or you’ve picked up bad habits along the way, there are many foodservice businesses and staff that forget the basics when it comes to running, using and maintaining commercial refrigeration. Any commercial refrigeration is a major investment for a business and so it’s vital to make sure it is used correctly, not only to increase lifespan of equipment but also, critically, for food safety.

This isn’t just a gimmick to create extra work for staff but is vital for food safety and to minimise food waste. 5.DO observe basic food storage rules. Ideally cooked and raw foods should be stored in separate equipment to avoid cross contamination. 6.DO remember that commercial refrigeration requires more attention than a domestic fridge freezer. Vents, condensers and filter areas will attract dust & dirt which must be periodically removed to ensure effective and efficient operation. Regular cleaning and maintenance are vital to performance and to prevent possible breakdowns.

1.DO know what foods should be stored at what temperature. For general produce aim for around 2°C to 5°C. Fresh meat and fish should be stored between -2°C to +2°C while frozen foods should be stored at -18°C or 7.DO pay attention to the climate class allocated to lower. It’s no good just keeping food cold, it needs to be equipment. This denotes the maximum ambient temperastored at specific temperatures to delay the growth of bac- tures that a unit can work in effectively and efficiently and teria and preserve freshness. so dictates where it’s suitable for use. For example, a fridge with climate class 3 is designed for maximum ambient 2.DO monitor and record temperatures. This is good practice for any HACCP plan and also promotes best prac- conditions of 25°C, which lends itself to positioning in a standard storage room. Fridges with climate class 4 or 5 tice and additional food safety. are suitable for use in maximum ambient temperatures of 3.DO clearly label all foods detail30°C and 40°C respectively, therefore ing the contents, prep dates, use by can be situated in the working kitchen dates and the member of staff createnvironment where it tends to be hoting the label. Colour coded day labels ter. are great for at a glance assessment Tele - 01455 234 776 of what needs to be used first. Email 4.DO observe stock rotation and use the first in first out (FIFO) system. Web -

We provide the full package, all under one roof, from project-brief to installation. Find us on Instagram at @bridgeart1 or visit If you have an upcoming project or want more information on what we do, do not hesitate to contact us on 01384 380585 or


CLH News

June/July 2021

Design and Refit

Welcome Your Customers Back With Traditional Pub Chairs

Now that customers are able to enjoy a pint or a pub lunch indoors again, the cosy and inviting atmosphere traditional pub furniture creates is once again a key factor when it comes to attracting customers through the doors. Comfortable seating is key for a night at the pub, which is why Trent Furniture supply a selection of traditional chairs designed for comfort, durability and style. The Straight Leg Mates Chair is a colonial style chair, available in three wood finishes with the option to upholster to match your interior

scheme. Alternatively, opt for the Straight Leg Captain’s Chair with its spindleback design and turned wooden legs, also available as a tall chair. For a traditional chair that is equally at home in a café, restaurant, bar or pub, Trent’s Boston Side Chair is a stylish and versatile choice with the option of adding hardwearing faux leather or fabric upholstery and teaming with the Tall Boston Bar Stool and Boston Armchair. To find out more about Trent Furniture’s fantastic range of traditional chairs, with prices starting from just £48.90 for the Straight Leg Mates Chair, please visit or call 0116 2864 911.

Simon Charles Auctioneers

Join the 1000’s of businesses, large and small, who sell with Simon Charles Auctioneers every week, and connect your stock with our buyers.

Whether your business is looking for an additional low-cost sales channel, or to increase revenue from surplus inventory, or simply looking to just free up warehouse space we can provide tailor made solutions for you. As one of Europe’s largest auction houses, and with over 70 years’ experience, we work with hospitality, manufacturing, leisure, and industry across the UK to

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bring quality new and used equipment to auction.

Having a re-fit or are-model? Then why not make money from the outgoing equipment? Give redundant commercial catering equipment a new lease of life and a new home by selling it through our auctions. We hold weekly online auctions and have a buyer base exceeding 280,000+ buyers. All our products sold quickly with 7-day payment terms. If you would like to know more, contact us now to speak with one of our specialist consultants at

Design and Refit

June/July 2021

CLH News

Flameless’ Unique Fragrance Diffusing Candles Flameless’ unique Fragrance Diffusing Candles use proprietary technology to give you the ambience and fragrance of real scented candles, slowly diffusing a natural fragrance made from essential oils, with the added benefits of safety and convenience. Simply use the Flameless remote control (included with each candle) to turn on your Flameless candles as you enter the room or control candles in high or difficult to access places, such as shelves or mantelpieces. The remote has a variable security timer that can be set for 4, 6, 8 or 10 hours so that your candles come on at the appointed hour and turn off after the set time. Flameless candles can safely go where real ones can’t, which makes them ideal for hotels, restaurants, bed & breakfasts, care homes and those places with young children, pets, the elderly and the

merely forgetful! Features Include: • Made in Real Ivory Wax • Exclusive Flameless technology creates a lifelike flame • Flameless diffusion system dispenses natural essential oil fragrances • Use with Flameless Fragrance Pods (sold separately) • 550 Hour Run Time • Includes Remote Control with variable security timer • Includes 2 x D Batteries • Height 21cm, Diameter 9.5cm Flameless Candle’s are exclusively distributed by Virtual Candles Ltd Email: Telephone: +44-1622-845-995 Web:

CardsSafe Pays for Itself!

The CardsSafe system is specifically designed to securely retain customer credit, debit and ID cards while the cardholder runs a tab or trial a product or service. Staff can retain customers’ bank cards, store them securely in the CardsSafe unit while their customers enjoy the facilities. When they are ready to return the items or pay their bill, they hand back the key, and their card is returned by staff. CardsSafe is now used by over 5000 major brands in the UK. In the hospitality industries, Young’s pubs, Hilton Hotels, and many independent restaurants and bars. The system helps them to increase spend, prevent walkouts and fight credit card fraud. “Average spend is up and chargeback has virtually disappeared after we installed CardsSafe, which really puts our customers’ minds at rest.” Timothy, Bar Manager at Youngs. For bars and restaurants, the CardsSafe system also helps to eliminate walkouts. For businesses who retain

cards, the temptation for their customers is eliminated, saving the establishment hundreds of pounds per year. To increase spend, there is a solution. Phil Dixon, previous advisor to the BII, was adamant that “If you want to increase spend, you must retain cards.” A simple solution, and one that could be a quick and easy win. CardsSafe is affordable and pays for itself. Each unit, which contains ten card drawers, can be hired for just £9.99 per month. Each hire comes with customer service troubleshooting and free replacement keys. Additional units can be added at any time. The question is, can you afford not to consider CardsSafe as a part of your business? “Turnover increased significantly after CardsSafe was installed, and the system easily pays for itself.” Siobhan, The Prodigal (Barracuda) Sign up to CardsSafe here Or call 0845 500 1040

Southern Contracts is one of the UK’s leading suppliers of industrial laundry, catering and commercial cleaning equipment. We work for many hotels, restaurants, holiday parks, cruise lines, care homes, offshore platforms, marine companies and local authorities, the NHS, the MoD as well as schools and colleges. Founded in 1964 to initially supply and maintain commercial laundry equipment, we are still family run today and are proud to have become a global supplier of not only laundry equipment, but also professional kitchen appliances and commercial cleaning equipment, to well known independent and national clients. We pride ourselves on delivering the very best products and service to our customers. By stocking the leading products of commercial washing machines, industrial tumble dryers, cleaning and catering equipment, we are able to offer independent and unbiased advice to ensure your purchase precisely meets your requirement and budget; our expert team of technical staff are on hand to ensure your business is supported through every aspect of your purchase. From initial advice on current government standards (eg. infection control for commercial washing machines and meeting government legislation with regard to kitchen appliances) we understand the importance of minimal disruption to our clients and cover all aspects of installation to customer training and ongoing maintenance service and repair.

For more information regarding our services for : • Laundry equipment • Kitchen appliances • Commercial cleaning equipment

Contact us now on 03301 222888 Follow us on : Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn



CLH News

June/July 2021

Design and Refit

Space-Ray - We Know Heat Space-Ray is an industry leading manufacturer and supplier of high quality infrared radiant and warm air heating systems. With electric heaters, radiant tube heaters and radiant ceramic plaque heaters we know we have the perfect heating solution for you. Our heaters are popular for large open areas and buildings such as patios, restaurants, outdoor and indoor bars, sports facilities etc. Space-Ray heaters can help to maximize the revenue potential of outside areas by providing targeted heat where you need it. Many of our heaters are IP55 rated to protect against the elements, making sure your heaters stay in top working condition no matter the weather con-

ditions. We take pride in our entire family of commercial heaters and our commitment to quality standards in the design, manufacture, and performance of Space-Ray products — heaters with low maintenance at a competitive price, and a proven record for long life. We have a dedicated and experienced external and internal sales team ready and willing to help satisfy your heating needs. Contact us now at, or 01473 830551

Capricorn Contract Furnishings

Capricorn Contract Furnishings are now firmly established as one of the country's largest stockist and supplier of quality contract furnishings to cafes, bars, restaurants, pubs, clubs and hotels. Capricorn are based in a 40, 000 square feet showroom and distribution warehouse on the outskirts of Exeter in Devon. From within the distribution area we are able to offer a next day delivery service on thousands of products including tables , chairs , stools and lounge furniture.

See the advert on page 3.

Customers are encouraged to visit our large showroom to view an extensive range of furniture ideally suited for the leisure market. Here you can relax and let Capricorn help and advise you with your requirements. Opening hours for the showroom are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. For more information or a Capricorn Contract Furnishings catalogue and price list contact Brian Pengelly on 01395 233 320, or visit

Drakes Bar Furniture - UK Bar Furniture Supplier We pride ourselves in providing the best quality items at great prices with fantastic customer service and can supply bespoke tailored made furniture such as booths, tables, seating or ‘off the peg’ items. Drakes Bar Furniture not only sell chairs, stools, tables we also design build and install all types of fixed seating, pews and booth seating for pubs, clubs, bars, restaurants and clubs. When fitting out a premise the seating is almost paramount for a successful space. Fixed seating, booth seating or banquette seating as its also called can come in variety of colours, finishes, types and styles. Below are just a few examples showing what we have done in the past. With clever planning, seating generates a great flow for

customers and staff around a pub, restaurant, cafe or club. It can be used to divide areas, create new spaces in a room and offer intimacy allowing for the perfect social meet up. The beauty of bespoke fixed seating is that we can make the most of and take advantage of your space and features. We can come to your venue and measure up, give you advice and show you examples of our past work, finishes, types and styles. We have a wide range of Bar Furniture, including tables, stools, chairs, outdoor beer garden, fixed seating and banqueting furniture. If you require a bespoke quote either call us on 01422 839 690 or you can send us an email. See the advert below.

Design and Refit

Anything’s Possible with Saniflo Saniflo is one of the most widely recognised brands in the UK plumbing market thanks to its range of pumps, lifting stations and macerators that enable domestic and commercial customers to install bathroom, kitchen and washing facilities almost anywhere – particularly when gravity drainage is not an option. As well as models that are installed indoors to pump out waste, there is now a huge choice of models that can be sited outdoors and installed underground. These robust liftings stations pump black and grey waste from single buildings or multiple small buildings. Recent additions to the range include grease traps and water salvage pumps.

Saniflo’s sister company, Kinedo, manufactures shower products for domestic and commercial settings. The range includes integrated cubicles that feature internal and external panels and door, shower tray, shower valve and head in one easy to install package. A range of contemporary shower enclosures and premium shower trays complete the portfolio.

June/July 2021


The company has an unrivalled reputation for after sales service which is enhanced by its unique nationwide network of 100 service engineers supported by the technical support team based at Saniflo UK. Visit for further information.

Seating with Wider Appeal from ILF Chairs Hospitality has now got the Green light last to re-open outdoors from the 12th April. Will you be ready and able to cope with the rush? Will your Café, Restaurant, bar have the right outdoor ambience and comfort to stand out from the rest and make your customers want to come back? Never fear, ILF Ltd. have the solution with a comprehensive selection of outdoor chairs and tables in many finishes and colours which we are able to sup-

ply quickly from either our UK location or our European location. We have selections of seating in aluminium, resin, plastic, polycarbonate, teak and imitation rattan plus, there are also tables and barstools for exterior use. Whatever your outdoor furniture needs might be we at ILF are here to help. Why not contact us on 01293 783783 or send an email to:-

Sims - The First Port Of Call For Banquette Seating We are a family run business with 3 generations of commercial furniture manufacturing experience. Unlike other suppliers we manufacture all our seating inhouse, no importing, no subcontracting. We have full control over every aspect from design to installation to ensure every product leaves our workshops punctually and to our reputable high quality.

Secondly our “Modular Banquette Seating” which is freestanding, set size units for you to mix and match to best fit your space. Manufactured and delivered to your doorstep ready for you to layout. Made to the same high standards as our premium range without setup costs, site visits and installation fees. Saving you up to 50% on competitors seating.

Proudly offering 2 versions of Banquette Seating, firstly our “Premium Made to Measure” Banquette Seating which is built to your exact design, shape and size, then installed by our professional installation team. You can have anything from floor to ceiling designs to seating that perfectly follows the walls in a period setting.

Also, we offer a range of furnishings – tables, chair and bedroom furniture. To request a brochure or to discuss your requirement further please contact our sales team on 01945 450957 email Web

OUT OF SIGHT, NOT OUT OF THE QUESTION. Where conventional plumbing fails, Sanivite®+ delivers the possibilities. With a powerful pump, four inlets and clever, compact dimensions, Sanivite®+ can connect to sinks and appliances from any concealed unit. So don’t dash your dreams of a kitchen island, make it a reality with Sanivite®+.

Anything’s possible. Visit to see how.

CLH News



CLH News

Property and Professional

June/July 2021

Help Is At Hand For Businesses Weekly Figures Analysis & Reporting Devastated By The Covid–19 Virus In 2020 Service from David Hunter David Hunter has been in the business for over 30 years, and with his vast amount of experience has become an expert in ensuring that businesses reach their full financial potential. For years he’s provided a bespoke Mentoring & Consultancy service to a select few, and he has always provided with that, free-of-charge weekly figures analysis and reporting … yes, weekly. David has now come up with a way of making his amazing Mentoring & Consultancy service more accessible to the wider market, and for a lower monthly fee. Instead of being charged for monthly consultancy, you can now access David’s knowledge and expertise via his already-established and very well-used weekly figures reporting system. He will send you weekly reports on how your business is doing and will

throw in FOR NO EXTRA CHARGE AT ALL, four half-day on site Mentoring & Consultancy visits per year (or two full days, depending on location). He will also always be at the end of a phone for you, or email, if you needed him, and he also has access to legal experts as well as a ‘’tried and trusted’’ Bowden Group Alliance colleague who can advise you … again FREE OF CHARGE … on how to save money on your utility bills. If you have a Pub, Restaurant or Hotel business which is facing financial or operational challenges … why not let David have a look, and help you maximise your full potential. There is no cost to David having a look at your figures, and letting you know what COULD be achieved. Call David Hunter confidentially on 07831 407984 or on 01628 487613.

To advertise in



Guy Simmonds have purchasers URGENTLY seeking Freehold and Leasehold licensed property.



call our sales team on

01202 552333

or email sales@

The Government is backing a new lending scheme that is aimed at getting funds out to struggling businesses that have seen profits impacted by coronavirus and whilst hotels, restaurants and public houses along with B&B’s and other hospitality businesses all struggled through the lockdowns we are pleased to let you know help is at hand. Loans will be based upon 2018 & 2019 accounts, as opposed to last year’s figures.

Repayments will be anything up to a 25 year profile, meaning repayments will be low and give the best chance for business recovery. Loans will normally be secured against the freehold, or long leasehold value, but can be used for any purpose including refinance, debt consolidation, providing additional working capital and even purchasing of another busi-


Professional brokers, Global, have 31 years’ experience in introducing business owners to helpful and competitively priced banks, often not on the High St. but based in The City, with regional offices and a fresh modern way of working and providing business loans nationally. Global will help you with the funding options and chat to the lenders to obtain the best terms before presenting them too you. Once you choose a loan option, Global will work to obtain an approval from the lender prior to any business valuation, so you know the bank is supportive and wants to take the process forward towards a loan pay out. See their advert on this page and email them basic details of your requirements to see what may be on offer to you.

The Owl & The Pussycat, Teignmouth for Sale Award winning Licensed & Leisure Commercial Estate Agents Bettesworths are pleased to be marketing a wonderful catering opportunity in the soughtafter town of Teignmouth, South Devon. Not only is this property located in a beautiful part of the country but is being offered on a 999 year lease, a rare commodity these days. The Owl & The Pussycat Restaurant is located by the junction of Fore Street and Bank Street in the heart of Teignmouth. Its central location is ideal for access to both the ‘Back Beach’ area of Teignmouth and the Seafront & Den. The lock up premises forms part of a Grade II Listed, three storey building, with elegant

proportions and feature bay windows with white washed elevations fronting the paved Teign Street. This beautifully refurbished restaurant with focal bar seats up to 60 internally and benefits from a trade 'courtyard' to the rear with a sunny aspect seating 30+. The premises also has a pavement licence for seating to the front of the restaurant. The commercial kitchen facilities are first class and include ancillary storage and wash up areas. A viewing is a must to fully appreciate the high standards of this restaurant. The premises is being sold at an asking price of £210,000. For further information please contact Genevieve Stringer on 01803 212021 or email:

Spring into Action with Guy Simmonds!... and Prepare for a Good 2021 British Summer! By Stephen Taylor, Managing Director, Guy Simmonds ( After an extremely long winter, where we have endured another lethal wave of Covid19 and high prevalence, resulting in a full lockdown for the country, the hospitality industry and our beleaguered publicans - how does this Spring re-opening and forthcoming Summer trade bode for the licensed trade? Our last property update documented how the licensed property market was extremely challenging and naturally affected by the pandemic. However, whilst the market, values, profitability and volume of licensed business sales was obviously reduced, at Guy Simmonds we are pleased to have a healthy pipeline of both freehold and leasehold businesses under offer, following a relatively good number of completions taking place over the winter 2020/2021 period. Sale prices for leases and freeholds at Guy Simmonds are covering a broad spectrum, ranging from around £10,000 to circa £1.5 million. We have many further completions throughout the country scheduled for this Spring and Summer 2021. Indeed we are experiencing a shortage of freehold and leasehold businesses to replace recent sales. We have prospective cash purchasers actively and urgently seeking freehold and leasehold pubs and licensed property/businesses nationally to buy now, and they are extremely optimistic of being able to achieve a good trading level this 2021 summer and thereafter. We also offer our specialist expertise whereby we advise retiring freehold owners upon the option of retaining their freehold premises and creating a new free-of-tie lease lease, for their annual income. We advise upon achievable, sustainable rent and terms, (crucial during covid19 prevalence) and find a suitable lessee and have provided this expertise and resulting success for over 30 years. We have purchasers looking to buy due to deciding upon a change of lifestyle, or as a result of being made redundant from other sectors or corporate positions. We also have professional purchasers looking to buy freeholds at sensible figures for investment or/and instructing us to find them a suitable lessee for long

term rental income. Of course values have been affected due to the pandemic, due to the reluctance of banks to lend and since the level of profitability has been severely impacted, often reducing the goodwill element of a business which a purchaser is prepared to pay. Nevertheless, providing a vendor is savvy and realistic, in line with market conditions, sales are still taking place at Guy Simmonds. Freeholds are still hugely popular and finding professional and private buyers, especially since the freehold ‘bricks and mortar’ element of a going concern business always has an intrinsic value. Also a freehold has current/future value for potential ‘change of use’ to residential, which is of course a very buoyant sector at present. We now have to assume Covid19 is endemic, and we will have to learn to live and cope with it in our personal and business lives for the foreseeable future and to plan/react accordingly. Consequently, uncertainty will of course continue to prevail in these unprecedented times, with current and probably future variants of concern, potentially undermining our hugely (thus far) impressive vaccine roll out. However, and with our ‘glass of real ale half full’, we can hopefully look optimistically forward to another summer and thereafter of very good trade in the hospitality industry, with our great resilient operators and publicans again achieving excellent gross profits. This late Spring and Summer should also see our industry hugely benefit from the ‘holiday staycations’ and people who instead of taking holidays abroad, elect to stay in the UK to visit and spend their ‘pent up’ accumulated winter savings in our hugely appealing pubs and restaurants. For those publicans and freehold owners thinking of selling at this possibly optimum time or in the future, please email with your preferred contact details and best telephone number to: We will then contact you in confidence and with no obligation, to discuss values, your exit strategy and crucially offer honest and realistic advice for you, during these challenging times.

Property and Professional

Capify - We’re Here To Support You For over 13 years, Capify has worked closely with the hospitality sector, providing them with much-needed funding when some of the more traditional routes for financing have been closed to them. Now is no different as we have a £50m fund to help your business recover as the economy begins to open up again.

• purchasing new catering equipment Capify's lending criteria will consider the challenges of the past year for each business. Our flexibility means we will try and look beyond your credit history when assessing your application and instead, we will consider whether your business has the potential to deliver solid and sustained growth.

To find out more click here - - or call us on 0800 151 0980 to speak to one of our specialist finance sale team.

• hiring additional staff

For Sale: Well Established Coastal Town Fish and Chip Shop Offering Owner’s Accommodation

The premises briefly comprise:Customer Servery and Seating Area, Preparation Kitchen, Purpose Equipped Wet Room/Chip Preparation Room, Refrigeration Room and Store Areas, Al Fresco Seating for 16 customers to the front of the property. Self-Contained 2 Double Bedroom Owner’s Accommodation on the upper floors with Sitting Room, Fully Fitted Kitchen and Family Bathroom.


For those businesses not yet open, you can register your interest in the fund today.

• managing short-term cash flow issues • purchasing extra food and drink • making your premises Covid safe

The well presented premises also offer potential for incoming operators to develop the style of trade to suit their own requirements, should they wish.

CLH News

If you'd like to find out how much finance you qualify for to help you continue your post-Covid recovery, click here - You'll be taken to Capify's website, where you can get a no-obligation quote within minutes. You'll also be able to find out more information about the business loan and the unique and straightforward repayments.

A Capify business loan is easy to apply for and can be approved and paid out in as little as 24 hours. Our business loan's flexibility means that you can use it for any business purpose, such as;

Stonesmith are delighted to be marketing the sale of this well established and profitable coastal town fish and chip shop. Presented to an extremely high standard throughout and offering a lucrative takeaway business combined with impressive self-contained 2 Double Bedroom Owner’s Accommodation.

June/July 2021

Market Plaice Fish Bar is an extremely well-regarded business which has been the subject of continuous investment and improvement by our clients during their 17 years of ownership. The business offers a range of traditional fish and chips along with burgers, pies, sides, condiments and hot and cold drinks. All food is freshly prepared to order. The business has an excellent reputation ensuring impressive regular and repeat trade year-round. The business is offered for sale due to retirement and a viewing appointment is essential in order to fully appreciate the high standards inherent throughout all aspects of the business and property. The freehold business is on the market for an asking price of £345,000. Full property details are available on our website: and viewings arranged by calling 01392 201262.

Phoenix Specialist Risk Solutions Much like the mythological bird, Phoenix Specialist Risk Solutions was born from the ashes of an industry which has grown tired and disassociated from the people it is designed to protect. Phoenix is built to be different, our main focus is you. We have built our business with care at the core of everything we do. We strive to offer a quality personalised service which is tailored to each individual’s needs — we listen to you, get to know you and aim to support you every step of the way. Your business is in most cases the biggest risk and the biggest asset you will ever have from the initial days of worrying about business levels and cash flow through to staff and HR issues and then back to business levels and cash flow, a revolving cycle. Within your business you will also have your trusted partners, your accountants and bankers, do you include your insurance broker? If not why not?

Commercial insurance should not just be about the lowest possible price, it should be with someone you can work with and trust, someone flexible to the changes your business faces and someone who can advise you of which covers you may like to consider and not just the ones which you are legal required to have. Does your business description on your policy actually match your business, are your sums insured reviewed and adequate, do you have seasonal stock increases? Have you declared the accurate turnover and wageroll? We work with you to help you establish and maintain an insurance program which meets your needs and provides the best value for money. See the advert on page 13 or visit

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising T H E W E S T C O U N T RY S P E C I A L I S T S


PRICE: £39,950


PRICE: £20,000

• Established Café Business in Excellent Location • Lock-up Unit Situated on Paignton’s ‘Golden Mile’ • Internal Seating for 30, Covered External Seating for 8 • Strong Local Customer Base with Seasonal Boost • Successful Business Ideal for Owner Operators


REF: 3648

PRICE: £210,000


• Versatile Catering Premises in Excellent Location • Well Equipped Commercial Kitchen & Seating for 40+ • Smart Interior Suitable for a Variety of Catering Uses • Successfully Operating as an Italian Restaurant, Evenings Only • Reduced to Facilitate a Quick Sale



REF: 3250


PRICE: £150,000


REF: 4025

• Well Established and Successful Restaurant • 32 Cover Dining Area on First Floor with Harbour & Estuary Views • 3/4 Bedroom Apartment – Could be Used for Holiday Letting/Staff/Owners • Highly Profitable Business, Ideal for ‘Owner Operator’ Couple • Must be Seen to be Appreciated – Retirement Sale



REF: 4008





• Character Grade II Listed 16th Century Coaching Inn • Situated in the Central Square of Historical North Devon Town of Great Torrington • Traditional Bar, Lounge Bar with Open Fire and Restaurant with 60 + Covers • 3 En-Suite Letting Rooms & 5 Bedroom Owners Accommodation • New Free of Tie Lease - Guide Rent of £35,000 Per Annum


• Stunning Grade II Listed Thatched Country Inn • Completely Rebuilt & Refurbished in 2017/18 • Very Successful Business with Far Reaching Catchment Area • Extensive Trading Areas Inside and Out • Viewing Essential

• Stunning Ground Floor Lock Up Restaurant • Elegant & Informal Fine Dining Restaurant Beautifully Refurbished in 2018 • Total Internal Covers up to 60, Total External Covers 30+ • Fully Equipped Commercial Kitchen and Ancillary Spaces • Turnkey Operation Held on a 999 Year Lease





Attractive and Successful Coffee Shop & Lifestyle Boutique Business Prime Trading Position Extremely Well Presented and Profitable Business Opportunity 2 Coffee Lounges & Retail Areas (39), Courtyard Garden (20)

Well Established And Profitable Fish & Chip Takeaway Impressive Self-Contained 2 Bedroom Owners Accommodation Benefits From Considerable Investment & Expenditure Retirement Sale After 17 Years Ownership

Impressive and Beautifully Restored 17th Century Character Inn & Restaurant 8 High Quality Letting Bedrooms Bar, Dining Room & Snug Areas (54+) Patio Trade Terrace & Customer Car Parking Owner's Private Apartment & Additional Land

LH £85,000


FH £345,000


FH £465,000





Free Of Tie Dorset Pub With Wet Sales Only Situated In Sought After Coastal Town Extensive Open Plan Trade Areas (70+) 2 Double Bedroom Private Accommodation Customer Car Park (30), Trade Gardens (90+)

Exceptional Waterfront Licensed Café & Restaurant Impressive & Stunning Trading Location Main Café & Restaurant Seating 60+ Located In A Popular & Highly Sought-After Town

Quality Coffee House & Restaurant Occupying a Prime Trading Position Presented in Excellent Order Throughout 2/3 Bedroom Owners' Apartment & Private Parking Main Cafe (40) & Al Fresco Seating (8)

LH £60,000


LH £75,000


LH £85,000


REF: 3803


• Former Wildlife/Tourist Attraction in a World Class Location • Comprising Outdoor Landscaped Area of Approx: 4,600m2 (50,000 sq ft) • Large Restaurant, Retail, Plant Stores & Ancillary Areas • Scope for an Enormous Range of Possible Future Uses • Interest Invited from Serious Potential Occupiers for Proposed Uses/Development of this Unique Site by 16th July 2021





Country Village Destination Inn

Car Park (50) Patio & Beer Garden (50+)

Substantial Former Farmhouse Refurbished To A High Standard Flexible Business & Home Opportunity Offering 6 Individual Bedrooms Sauna, Hot Tub, Gardens & Private Parking

Immaculate Detached Village Guest House 5 Quality Ensuite Letting Bedrooms Superior 2 Bedroom Owner’s Accommodation Commercial Kitchens, Car Park & Gardens Profitable Lifestyle B & B Business

FH £495,000

FH £549,950

Set in Around 0.6 Acres Bar Areas (32+), Dining Room (43) 4 En-Suite Letting Rooms, 3 Bed Private




FH £650,000


01392 201262

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