2 minute read

Supporting Mental Health During the Cost of Living Crisis

By Daniel Stander, an employment lawyer and cer tified mental health fir st aider at Vedder Price LLP (www.vedderprice .com)

The hospitality sector can be forgiven for wondering when it will catch a break After all, the feeling of being in a permanent state of battle since 2020 and facing a cocktail of issues including high energ y costs, debt, consumers tightening their budgets and Brexitrelated trading problems mean that for many businesses, the star t of 2023 is about day-to-day sur vival With warnings being issued by insolvency practitioners that thousands of firms face collapse in 2023, pressure in the sector is immense It is perhaps no surprise then that with 92% of adults in the UK repor ting that their cost of living has increased compared to a year ago, financial pressures and concerns about taking time off work because of deteriorating wellbeing are a recipe for chronic stress levels, and can increase feelings of anxiety, loneliness and isolation, which are key factors for mental ill health

With that being the case , the question arises as to how employers in the sector can best respond?

Put Your Own Mask On First

It can sometimes be forgotten that business owners face an invidious and often lonely situation in navigating such a difficult period in seeking to keep their workforce and supply chain together It is essential that employers take steps to safeguard their own mental health and wellbeing in order that they can be in a position to lead by example in suppor ting their employees Steps such as joining an active mentoring group and/or engaging a business coach can help with fostering positive and constructive influences Talking about mental health can be really difficult and if employees see their bosses speaking out about their own experiences, this can help break down stigma and help to create a more inclusive and open work culture

Create Space For Conversation

Employers should consider how they can best improve the employee experience in terms of wellbeing provi- sion It is cost-effective and sensible to hold regular check-ins with employees to allow oppor tunities for discussions around mental health and wellbeing to develop A manager may not always know what is best to say or may feel that they need to “fix” the situation In reality, most people just want to feel heard and that their needs are approached from a position of empathy

Spot The Warning Signs

“By failing to prepare , you are preparing to fail ” This well-worn cliché has par ticular salience where mental health is concerned In order to combat issues of absenteeism and presenteeism leading to high-levels of turnover and potentially costly disputes, employers should acquire the tools to spot the early signs and symptoms of a mental health issue developing, or of an existing condition worsening, so they can provide suppor t and early inter vention This means ensuring that managers receive high quality, tailored and regular training to help an employer discharge its duty of care to ensure the health and safety of its workforce so far as is reasonably practicable

Signpost Available Supports

Employers can help demonstrate that they take mental health seriously by ensuring that employees are made aware of where to find wellbeing suppor t information both within the business and via external resources This includes signposting to confidential advice helplines, which can be a cost-effective yet vital ingredient to provide employees with access to the suppor t they need, when they need it

Identify What Matters To Build Up Resilience

Employers are recommended to identify what actually matters to their employees and in what context they may benefit from extra wellbeing suppor t throughout the employment life cycle For example , employers should consider whether they can improve their employee experience on pay, including whether it is feasible to allow a propor tion of salar y be accessed early, or to provide benefits such as discounted g ym memberships to give employees a potential outlet to help them build up their resilience

It is clear that effor ts to improve mental health in the sector require a redoubling of effor ts in 2023

Employers and employees alike need not face these issues alone

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