CLH News #257 June/July 2024

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“Support Your Local” Parties Urged

As Sector Demands Meaningful Reform

As the Euros kick off the UK hospitality sector is gearing up for what promises to be a monumental summer of spor ts

With trade bodies forecasting an additional 20 million pints to be sold during the tournament, and the tantalizing prospect of a £800 million boost should England clinch victor y, it's clear that the nation's pubs and bars are set to experience a significant uplift

This remarkable surge on ace again underscores the pivotal role the sector plays in British society, with two in five Brits planning to watch the tournament in a pub

Here at CLH News, we were attending a trade event in London for the first game between Scotland and Germany Watching the game in a packed pub was a testament to the vibrant and communal atmosphere that pubs uniquely offer despite the inevitable dip in spirits following Germany’s third goal

These shared moments of joy and camaraderie are difficult, if not impossible , to replicate which highlights why pubs remain a cornerstone of our social fabric

However this buoyant period also ser ves as a poignant reminder to political par ties of the chronic under valuation and over taxation that has plagued the sector for years

Since the turn of the centur y, a staggering quar ter of British pubs have closed their doors For ever y £3 spent in a pub, £1 is swallowed by tax Pubs are saddled with business rates four times higher than comparable businesses and are left with a mere 12p in profit from a £4 80 pint This level of taxation is akin to highway robber y, with successive governments behaving like modern-day robber barons

In this context the Green Par ty's pledge to cut VAT for hospitality although unlikely to lead them to office , is a refreshing stance It's hear tening to see a political commitment to alleviating some of the financial burdens faced by the sector We at CLH News hope they gain seats in parliament to push this campaign forward

So as we raise a glass to a potentially victorious England tournament win, let s not forget the ongoing challenges the sector faces

A fairer deal for this essential par t of our community and culture is long overdue and the next government must place comprehensive reform at the ver y hear t of its term in office I can always be contacted at edit@catererlicensee .com

I would also encourage our readers to sign up to receive our weekly digital edition at www.catererlicensee .com and also follow us on X @CLH for all the latest news and developments from the sector

“Support Your Local” Parties Urged

social fabric ”

This should include cutting the rate of VAT specifically on beer and cider sold in pubs in recognition of their community value , including for traditional ‘wet-led’ pubs that do not ser ve food This would help to reduce the rate of pub and brewer y closures which deprive consumers of their much-valued locals


Kate Nicholls Chief Executive of UKHospitality said: “We are delighted to see the Conser vative Manifesto commit to delivering UKHospitality’s call to fix the unfair burden of business rates on hospitality businesses

“Last year in our manifesto we called for total reform of the broken business rates system that sees hospitality businesses pay three times their fair share ”

UKHospitality has led engagement with Angela Rayner’s team on its plans for workers As a sector that provides jobs and oppor tunities for ever yone across the countr y we look forward to continuing that relationship


Responding Par ty General Election manifestos, C AMRA Chairman Nik Antona said: It is encouraging to see the Conser vative manifesto reconfirming the par ty’s commitment to the new system of alcohol taxation and the lower rate of duty charged on draught beer and cider ser ved in our pubs, social clubs and brewer y taprooms – so that tax on pints in pubs is always lower than that on supermarket alcohol

landowner levy OPEN LETTER

The BBPA have called for an extension of the current 75% (retail, hospitality & leisure) relief for pubs until business rate reform is in place They are also calling for long-term sustainable reform to business rates which would negate the need for crisis ‘ad-hoc” relief schemes

In an open letter to par ty leaders the BBPA also highlight the issue of taxation: “Our sector is among the highest taxed sectors in the economy For ever y three pounds spent in a pub, one pound goes straight to the tax man ” the letter states, adding: “The upcoming Euros Championships brings into sharp focus the extent to which beer remains over-taxed British beer drinkers cheering on England and Scotland pay 54p duty per pint compared to German or Spanish fans paying less than 5p 1 Combined with high costs such as energ y, publicans currently only make an average 12p profit on the average £4 80 pint in the UK ”


The Green Par ty are to only par ty promising to reduce the rate of hospitality VAT in its general election manifesto Green Par ty co-leader Carla Denyer said: “We need to give a hand to hard-pressed small businesses in the hospitality sector which have been hit by Covid and the cost-of-living crisis The temporar y 5% VAT rate should continue and extend to all activities in the cultural and spor ts sectors, and leisure activities Indeed, we would be more ambitious, zero-rating all these activities for the life of the next Parliament REDUCE CLOSURES

C AMRA Chairman Nik Antona said:” C AMRA welcomes the Green Par ty s continuing commitment to reducing VAT for the hospitality sector alongside their proposals to review planning regulations to protect the night-time economy and give local councils the powers to exempt socially essential local enterprises from paying business rates – which we would argue should definitely apply to pubs which are a vital par t of our

“We need a permanent, lower rate for hospitality that lets businesses invest in high streets, creating places people want to live and work ”

Hospitality is a unique sector in being able to provide jobs for ever yone ever ywhere and we ’ re pleased to see a commitment to fund 100,000 apprenticeships for young people However, problems with the existing Apprenticeship Levy system need to be fixed first and reform of that levy is a high priority for the sector

“We are also pleased to see a pledge to review the nighttime economy in order to harness the power of hospitality, which is the beating hear t of our vibrant nightlife in this countr y

Commenting on the Labour Par ty pledges Ms Nicholls said: “The commitments from the Labour Par ty are testament to 18 months of hard work by UKHospitality engaging with Labour on the sector’s priorities and shaping its policies

“It’s clear they have listened and acted on our recommendations, which will enable hospitality to continue to create places where people want to live work and invest

“We are delighted to see a commitment to replace the broken business rates system and reduce the burden on high street businesses

“Hospitality pays three times its fair share of rates as a propor tion of its turnover, and lowering the burden can easily be delivered within the first 100 days of an incoming government through the introduction of a permanently lower rate for hospitality and other high street businesses

“Reform of the Apprenticeship Levy would be transformational for our investment in skills and help us attract more people into the rewarding roles we have to offer

“Reform of the levy would crucially free up funds to enable the rollout of our successful skills pilot to help people out of work into jobs in hospitality

“As Sir Keir Starmer said in his message to our conference

“C AMRA is calling on the next UK Government to commit to extend the discount on tax for draught beer and cider to turbocharge this new alcohol duty system and give consumers, local pubs and independent breweries the boost they need to sur vive and thrive ”

“In addition, the Conser vative proposal to review the night-time economy in England with a view to reversing the decline in pub numbers would provide an oppor tunity to show how transforming tax regulation and planning laws could help save the nation’s much-loved pubs being lost to the communities they ser ve ”

Commenting Labour’s manifesto C AMRA said it was pleased to see it includes a commitment to change the outdated business rates system to make it fairer between online enterprises and bricks and mor tar businesses like pubs which are massively penalised in the current system

“Any changed system must make sure that pubs no longer pay a dispropor tionate share of rates and that a new, fairer business rate regime recognises their community value to help keep our locals open and thriving as a vital par t of our social fabric ”


On Liberal Democrats General Election manifesto, Nik Antona said:

“It is encouraging to see commitments to overhauling the broken business rates system in England which is desperately needed to help save our pubs, as well as on strengthening powers to allow community assets like pubs to be protected and introducing a dedicated Minister for Hospitality and Tourism

“Whilst the devil will be in the detail, the Liberal Democrats plans to replace the current business rates system with a new Commercial Landowner Levy based on land value rather than entire capital value could see more propor tionate business taxes for the hospitality sector in many par ts of the countr y and an end to the current system which disincentives investment in pubs

It is vital that the next Government radically reforms the business rates system to stop pubs overpaying by around £500 million each and ever y year – and to make sure online businesses pay their fair share compared to bricks and mor tar businesses like much-loved community pubs "

The Benefit Of Taking Wellbeing Seriously

The Factories Act of 1833 kickstar ted a culture of health and safety in the UK, and this year marks the 50th anniversar y of the Health and Safety at Work Act But hospitality employees aren’t just risking their physical health and safety when they go to work Richard Stockley, Managing Director of RRC International (www.rrc, makes the case for taking workplace wellbeing and psychological stress seriously

Slips, trips and falls, contact with hot surfaces and harmful substances, injuries from lifting, cuts from knives or dermatitis from cleaning chemicals there are plenty of examples of health and safety risks for those working in the UK’s hotels, pubs restaurants

But thankfully the sector has developed an extremely good health and safety culture over time According to HSE data, among accommodation and food ser vices businesses, the rate of fatal and non-fatal injuries per 100,000 is among the lowest of any industr y

We have broadly got our collective heads around protecting our physical health and staying safe from harm, but we are far less familiar with our psychological needs The next frontier for health and safety therefore is mental wellbeing where the data is less promising

In a study for the Royal Society for Public Health over four out of five hospitality workers repor ted increased stress as a direct consequence of their job Almost three quar ters (74%) had experienced verbal abuse from a customer and only around one in ten had received training to suppor t health and wellbeing This was back in early 2019 Since then COVID, worker shor tages due to Brexit and inflation have all piled on the pressure As a result, the remaining workers in the sector are among the most stressed in the UK But is it the business owners ’ responsibility to address this?

The AVL A Licence – A Legal Requirement

When travellers check in at a proper ty, they expect a cer tain level of comfor t and enter tainment Television is indispensable While some may argue that TV is dying in the age of streaming and on-demand content, in reality it remains essential, especially in the UK Television still holds great value for the hospitality industr y However, with the convenience and benefits of offering television come cer tain responsibilities, par ticularly respecting copyright laws Hoteliers must ensure they have the necessar y licences to broadcast content legally

The AVLA licence enables hotels, apar thotels, B&Bs and similar establishments to legally display in public TV channels containing audiovisual works (films series documentaries, car toons and other TV shows) from AVLA s extensive reper toire It covers TVs in bedrooms and in communal areas of the premises (e g in a hotel’s

Regardless of your views on mental health and your responsibility to your employees, if you care about being profitable , you need a psychological health and safety provision

The fact is 13 7 million working days are lost ever y year due to work-related stress, anxiety and depression, according to NICE This equates to a loss of £28 3 billion ever y year As of 2022, 55% of workers believe work is getting more intense over time , so there is the potential that this cost could grow

Getting psychological health and safety right could therefore mean a more present and productive workforce , and ultimately more profit You will also see other benefits, like higher staff satisfaction and retention, and you’ll find it easier to attract younger people to star t careers in hospitality which we are all desperate to do

Creating a process to make worker wellbeing more robust and less woolly is the key to realising these benefits Unfor tunately, there is no silver bullet It takes training, a long-term commitment, and continuous improvement to manage it effectively

Star t by acknowledging the seriousness of psychological wellbeing at work, and formally recognise common triggers of stress in the workplace , such as an increasing workload, a lack of clarity on roles, our working relationships, the culture , tough shift patterns, isolation and exclusion, and external pressures like bereavement, a house move , or getting divorced

With this acknowledged, we recommend setting a foundation with training Relevant NEBOSH health and safety courses include the HSE Cer tificate in Managing Stress at Work, and Working with Wellbeing

It’s then a matter of looking at your policy statement and assessing how much weight is placed on psychological wellbeing Identify the specific risk factors at your organisation, prioritise quick wins, assign long-term actions, and ideally appoint a steering group to ensure your continuous improvement

Much like physical health and safety, managing our wellbeing is about changing the culture of your organisation, which is no easy task But creating an environment that prioritises open conversation, where it’s OK to raise issues, will pay all sor ts of dividends Protecting the psychological wellbeing of your workforce will protect your organisation It’s not simple , but it’s well wor th the effor t

restaurant, bar, etc ) Operating without a licence constitutes a legal infringement of the rights of AVLA’s creatives

AVLA represents the UK largest and most varied community of audiovisual creators, comprising various categories of rightsholders: producers, authors, performers, directors, and visual ar tists The AVLA licence covers an immense catalogue of works and rights not covered by other licensors For clarity, the AVLA licence does not replace the licences of other entities, and vice-versa

Respecting copyright law is crucial not only to avoid legal or reputational risks, but also to suppor t the UK’s world-class creative industries So, by taking an AVLA licence , hotels are securing legal compliance and demonstrating their commitment to ethical business practices, while also helping to sustain and suppor t the creative individuals and businesses working hard to produce the TV and film content that is so valued by their customers

To learn more about AVLA and get the licence , visit www avla uk

AVLA offers a special 10% discount until 30 June

Leaders’ Confidence In The Balance As Revenues Rise But Pressures Persist

Britain’s hospitality leaders remain cautious amid tentative signs of improved consumer spending and relief on some costs, CGA by NIQ s latest Business Confidence Sur vey reveals

The exclusive poll shows

34% of leaders feel confident about prospects for the hospitality market over the next 12 months down by seven percentage points from Februar y figure of 41% The propor tion of leaders who feel optimistic about prospects for their own business in the next year has meanwhile fallen by four percentage points from 57% in Februar y to 53% now It is the second quar ter-onquar ter drop in leaders confidence in a row, following four successive quar ters of growth

However, the Business Confidence Sur vey provides grounds for cautious optimism about trading for the rest of 2024 Two thirds (65%) of leaders say revenue in the first quar ter of 2024 was higher than in the first three months of 2023, while only 14% said it was lower Well over a third (39%) of leaders say consumers ’ average spend per visit has increased over the last six months though only a quar ter (24%) repor t growth in footfall and two thirds (66%) repor t consumers cutting back on the number of drinks they order while out suggesting that many people are drinking or eating less on visits than they did previously, but paying more when they do go out

Business confidence has been weakened by pressure on wage costs, and nearly all leaders said these had significantly (73%) or slightly (24%) increased over the last 12 months Wages rose by an average of 7 9% between Februar y 2023 and Februar y 2024 and by a fur ther 8 9% in April following increases to the National Living Wage More positively, higher pay has

helped to cut vacancies, with only 6% of roles now open down from 10% in Februar y While pay remains a significant burden, some other cost pressures are easing, the Business Confidence Sur vey shows Prices remain high, but the number of leaders repor ting decreases in energ y costs has more than quadrupled quar ter-on-quar ter, from 9% to 38% Those facing significant increases in food and drink costs have fallen from 50% to 31%

Separate CGA research has provided more signs of recover y in the sector The CGA RSM Hospitality Business Tracker shows leading managed restaurant, pub and bar groups achieved above-inflation like-forlike sales growth of 5 2% in March, while CGA’s Cost of Living Pulse has revealed a cautious uptick in consumers ’ spending confidence this year

Positive trends are star ting to speed up investment plans, the new Business Confidence Sur vey shows Half (51%) of leaders say they plan to increase investment over the next year more than double the number (20%) who will reduce it

Karl Chessell, CGA by NIQ’s director – hospitality operators and food EMEA said: “While confidence levels in hospitality have fallen slightly since strong Christmas trading, it’s encouraging to see that revenue , consumer spending and some cost pressures are generally moving in the right directions Increasing investment is another welcome sign that leaders are upbeat about long-term prospects in hospitality Costs remain ver y high in key inputs like pay, and there is some way to go before people’s spending confidence is back to pre-COVID levels But these figures give us cause for cautious optimism that trading will continue to pick up over the rest of 2024 ”

Call To Back Hospitality To Serve Britain




• Reforming the Apprenticeship Levy


In her opening speech to the conference , Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, will say:


“Make no mistake , we are working as hard as anyone to create the economic growth this countr y desperately needs

“But our impact goes far beyond that We make memories and we make places Places where people want to live , work and invest Hospitality can be the difference between a thriving community and a failing one

“The future can be even brighter With the right investment and suppor t, hospitality can grow by 6% each year That’s six times higher than the wider economy It would mean another half a million jobs



Sacha Lord Calls For Incoming Government To Appoint Hospitality Minister

The Night Time Economy Adviser for Greater Manchester, Sacha Lord, has called on the incoming Government to urgently appoint a Minister for Hospitality

Speaking ahead of the publication of par ty manifestos this week the Greater Manchester adviser stated he believes that many of the issues the sector has faced in recent years would have been prevented had a dedicated minister been in situ

Lord said, “I urge the incoming Government to consider installing a dedicated minister for hospitality as a priority

“While the Business Minister, Kevin Hollinrake , has done well in recent months to liaise with the sector as par t of his wider business remit, now is the time for a dedicated minister who is representing hospitality as their sole focus

“The sector has been left to fend for itself for far too long and this has resulted in multiple misunderstandings around policy as well as a wide-spread ignorance among MPs as to the impor tance of the industr y

“From the 10pm curfew and the ludicrous “scotch egg ” rule during the pandemic , to last year ’ s debacle over back of house drug testing and the continuing difficulties on energ y pricing there are countless examples of ideas, statements and regulations which have put the sector at risk

“As the fifth biggest sector in the UK, and one which directly underpins UK tourism with a £93billion economic contribution, I am constantly bemused that there is no individual speaking on behalf of the sector in Parliament, helping ministers understand the plight, concerns and needs of the operators

“Over 23,000 venues have closed over the past three years amid the heavy toll of the pandemic , cost of living crisis and interest rate rises, and now is the time for clear direction and dedicated suppor t Financial stability is just one issue facing the sector, but we are seeing the significant impact of a decreasing workforce as a result of the pandemic and visa regulations combined with energ y costs and business rate increases

“Our sector is struggling and we cannot simply continue to talk into a void

“Appointing a dedicated Minister for Hospitality must be one of the ver y first moves by the incoming Government to demonstrate that finally there is an understanding and appreciation of the impor tance of our industr y ”

High Street Rental Auctions Will “Create Hospitality Opportunities”

But More Pub Protection Needed

generating local investment and creating places where people want to live

“I’m pleased that protections for pub sites have been addressed and this will help protect the cultural and historic role pubs play in our society

“For businesses to capitalise on the investment potential created by these plans, we need to see the cost burden for hospitality addressed Financial headroom is essential for businesses to take advantage of these oppor tunities alongside urgent improvements to the planning system ”

C AMRA’s Pub and Club Campaigns Director, Gar y

Timmins said: “Much of this is a disappointing step backwards for high street pubs “Campaigning to see vacant pubs brought back into use is one of C AMRA’s core objectives and the proposals for High Street Rental

Auctions had the potential to be a really positive move , par ticularly the proposal’s focus on community uses We know that pubs can increase and expand footfall on the high street, and we hoped Government understood this too

“However, it was vital that pubs kept their planning protection under the scheme C AMRA called on Government to ensure that pubs that became par t of the High Street Rental Auction scheme weren’t gutted of their fittings ahead of bids for the premises and this recommendation hasn’t been taken forward – leaving developers a clear path to permanently conver ting these venues

To help get High Street Rental Auctions up and running as soon as possible , the government is launching new trailblazer programme so it can work with a number of communities who are keen to lead the way in quickly implementing the new powers There will also be a £2 million suppor t pot to help them and other local authorities to get star ted across the summer Kate Nicholls Chief Executive of UKHospitality said: “The Government is right to identify hospitality as the bellwether of local economies When hospitality thrives, the high street comes alive When the sector faces challenges, like it does now, we see more and more empty plots available

The proposals to allow vacant proper ties to be brought into use via auction will create oppor tunities for hospitality businesses to move into high streets

“The recent Crooked House scandal has exposed just how far some are willing to go for a shot at redeveloping pubs, and that current planning protections for pubs simply aren’t fit for purpose High Street Rental

Auctions could have been a chance for Government to take a fresh approach and affirm their suppor t for pubs Instead their response to this consultation is looking like yet another missed oppor tunity

“I am pleased to see provision for Local Authorities to set the uses for which bids will be permitted and that pubs are specifically given as a case where this would be appropriate I urge the Trailblazer Authorities that will trial High Street Rental Auctions to make use of this provision, to protect high street pubs from unscrupulous development”

Pushing the Envelope - Why It Pays To Have a Holistic View of Card Payments

In a world where businesses are increasingly facing pressure on resources and margins, having the right payment systems par tner becomes crucial.

Payment ser vices are one of the most fundamental par ts of a business’ finances, but they’re also an area that’s rapidly changing Ar tificial Intelligence , digitisation, and predictive analytics are already star ting to make a difference to how businesses operate and how they plan

Business owners in the hospitality sector are calling out the emerging trends From the rise of online and remote payments to increases in travel and tourism, the use of cards as a payment mechanism, the need for payment software that suppor ts exceptional customer ser vice and card payments which integrate with other financial products and ser vices


Many businesses want an omni-channel payments approach and this suppor ts our motivation to be able to offer a holistic view of payments, which can really help ser ve as a commercial advantage

Cardnet can evolve with an individual business; comfor table with operating as effectively for small independents, as it can for large corporates It means that any changes to payment needs can be met seamlessly –whether that’s switching from in-person to online payments, looking at multi-currency payments, or buying into a complete omni-channel solution


One of those needs is understanding how digital transformation can create oppor tunities for your business Being able to use and optimise your data is a great example While data is fast becoming one of the most valuable assets you have , being able to access it easily, and analyse and understand what it means for your business can still be a challenge Cardnet have the tools to deliver a business management solution that is expressly designed to make running your business easier because they have data sitting at the top table

You may know your customer by name or what they look like but our systems can help you better understand their actual behaviour, creating a more robust customer profile , and help you take a deeper dive into what they’re actually spending their money on

The insight from your own customer data is great, but it can be backed up by broader data from our wider group We touch more than 25% of the UK card market, which creates access to some strong trend information about where customers are spending, which in turn might be the extra push you need to get ahead of those trends ever yone is talking about We can share that insight with the businesses we suppor t


It s clear that the card is still king when it comes to payments, but as

new technolog y emerges, and payment habits star t to evolve finding efficiencies when margins are tight and customers are watching ever y penny can really make a difference to growth and how successful your business becomes

With an increasing 360degree view of real-time payment activity across ever y point-of-sale channel, and a full range of payment solutions to choose from, security is also impor tant No business can afford to lose money or reputation which is why secure data processing and fully PCI compliant payment devices is a must, regardless of who you

Inquiry Launched into Hospitality Recruitment and Retention Crisis

industries, with workers in the sector turning to different industries to seek employment, andnd many EU hospitality workers returned to their home countries

In July 2023 CLH NEWS repor ted that staff shor tages were causing restaurants and pub businesses to reduce hours and close early as UK hospitality job vacancies rose above pre-pandemic levels

UKHospitality says its members were experiencing a job vacancy rate of 11 per cent, and according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), there are 132,000 unfilled roles in the sector – 48 per cent above pre-pandemic levels

“We’re seeing a third of businesses closing early, closing on cer tain days or adjusting rotas and ser vices to retain staff and protect their wellbeing ” Kate Nicholls CEO of UKHospitality said “In rural and coastal areas, the problem is par ticularly acute The ver y nature of being seasonal means it’s harder to prepare and staff up for the summer

the shor tage occupation list, which would have made it easier for businesses to recruit from abroad

The independent body rejected calls for chefs and hotel, restaurant, bar and catering managers to join the list but did recommend that experienced sommeliers with more than three years ' full time-experience should be eligible for skilled worker visas

Now the All-Par ty Parliamentar y Group (APPG) for Hospitality and Tourism is looking to explore why the industr y has such a high number of staff vacancies and how it can respond

Simon Jupp MP (East Devon) Chair of the Hospitality and Tourism APPG, said: “Staffing challenges in hospitality and tourism has continually been raised by businesses as a persistent problem that negatively impacts trading ”

logistic challenge par ticularly after the double crisis of Covid and Brexit During the pandemic , nearly 80% of hospitality workers were furloughed the highest propor tion out of all UK

Fur thermore , in October 2023 the Migration Advisor y Committee (MAC) decided not to recommend any hospitality roles be added to

Pedalling For Pubs Reaches £1m In Fundraising

a Pavement Away since the initiatives founding three years

This incredible figure is the combined total of money raised across all Pedalling for Pubs and Pedalling 2 Pubs, and has already had significant impact on the improving the lives of people facing hardship across the hospitality sector

The campaign’s debut ride took place in Jordan two years ago, and last year ’ s hugely successful journey took place in Sri Lanka This year 28 riders from across the sector tackled the monumental 400km cycle across rugged terrain in Kenya, from Nairobi to the Masai Mara from the 17th to the 21st of March The 2024 Pedalling 2 Pubs ride has raised an incredible £320k, thanks to riders, donors, suppor ting par tners and sponsors including KAM, Punch Pubs, Greene King, Avani Solutions, Fleet Street, Lucky Saint and Play it Green

This month, 50 leaders from the hospitality industr y took on the Pedalling 2 Pubs challenge for its second year, conquering 230km across

“Given how impor tant the people who work in hospitality and tourism are to the experiences they help deliver, it’s impor tant that the APPG takes the time to investigate this issue " Organisers of the epic charity bike ride , Pedalling for Pubs and UK ride Pedalling 2 Pubs, have announced that thanks to the combined effor ts of campaign sponsors, organisers and riders banging the fundraising drum, over £1m has been raised for the Licenced Trade Charity and

Brewing Success: The UK Pub Sector is at a Turning Point

UKHospitality CEO Kate Nicholls claimed last month that the industr y is now over the worst True last year was difficult Take the pubs sector Over 500 of the UK’s pubs closing More recently however, market conditions have improved

Indeed, Heineken has announced it is spending £39m on reopening 62 pubs, Greene King has announced a new brewer y in East Anglia, and JD Wetherspoon founder Tim Mar tin has identified 130 towns and cities for new pubs

In addition to these signs of recover y from on-trade venues, macroeconomic factors such as easing interest rates and slowing inflation should also provide relief to the pub sector We have already seen consumer confidence increase – a recent CBRE study found 65% of respondents planned to increase or maintain how frequently they visited a pub

Fur thermore the upcoming summer season filled with spor ting championships such as the Euros T20 World Cup and Summer Olympics should also provide the sector with a much-needed influx of new business All this does indeed suggest that the industr y is at a turning point


This combination of renewed confidence from both pub chains and consumers is set to benefit the sector, fostering a robust recover y and future growth Also, despite pubs contending with rising costs, interest rates are forecast to fall With real disposable income set to grow for consumers, along with their confidence , the horizon appears positive for the industr y

At Burgh Island, we too have committed to enhancing our pub, the Pilchard Inn As Devon’s oldest smugglers’ pub, we have hired a new head chef, introduced a new summer menu, and lengthened our opening hours to make the most of the coming summer in anticipation of the arrival of guests looking to quench their thirst in a historic location with excellent scenic ocean views


Growing confidence in the sector can also be seen from Government action The Chancellor’s announcement in this year ’ s Spring Budget that the alcohol duty freeze would be extended to Februar y 2025 was a welcome relief for the food and beverage sector

Additionally, the extension to the 75% discount to business rates for retail, hospitality, and leisure firms is expected to save up to £110,000 per business

However, the Government only froze the small business multiplier for pubs with a rateable value of less than £51,000, leaving larger businesses to shoulder the price of inflation since April, in turn potentially increasing costs for consumers which is a situation whichever par ty comes to power in the for thcoming general election should address


With summer getting underway pubs can also expect an uptick in business with improved weather and international spor ting tournaments One way that pubs can take advantage of the longer days and favourable weather is by amending their opening hours At Burgh Island, for example , the Pilchard Inn remains open seven days a week from 11 am to midnight maximising oppor tunities to attract and ser ve more customers

The 2024 UEFA Euros begin in mid-June , and Brits are expected to drink just over 600 million pints across the 33-day tournament Around half of pubgoers intend to watch games in a pub, with spending predicted to be £2 4bn for the championship – a welcome influx



resilience and potential for growth This period marks a pivotal moment, paving the way for the pub sector to leave the dark days of the past couple of years and reclaim their place at the hear t of British culture

Moderation Nation: A Quarter of UK Adults ‘Zebra Striping’ on Every Pub Visit

The new repor t, ‘2024 Low and No: Drinking Differently’ launches this week looking at evolving drinking habits across the UK, with the clearest indication yet that the UK is a nation of moderators

Historically seen as the reser ve of designated drivers, we ’ re now seeing a significant number of people incorporating alcohol-free drinks into occasions they are also drinking alcohol A quar ter of the UK population are moderating their alcohol consumption through the practice of ‘zebra striping’ - when an individual alternates between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks within a single visit

When you include situations where an individual is combining alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks whilst not necessarily ‘zebra striping’, this figure rises to 2 in 3 UK adults (78% of 18–24-year-olds)

Moderation of alcohol is now a year-round habit for UK adults, the repor t finds 3 out of 4 UK adults who drink alcohol, have said they are currently actively moderating their consumption of alcohol across 2024 Backed up by last year s sales data, many Brits moderating during the summer months as during the festive season and Dr y Januar y, boding well for the big summer of spor t ahead (Circana BWS all outlets 52wk to w/c 26 08 23)

A notable decline in the number of UK adults consuming alcohol more than once a month has been repor ted with the figure dropping to 88% in 2024, down from 93% in 2023 (95% in 2022) This coincides with 11m UK adults (16% of UK adults) tr ying low and no alcohol beer for the first time in the last 12 months

According to KAM Insights, more than 1-in-5 18-24s claim to not

53% of 18–24-year-olds repor t visiting a pub or

areas including major supermarket lunchtime meal deals, the research highlights the UK’s attitudes to them in different settings The repor t found that 76% of UK adults find it acceptable for a colleague to drink alcohol-free beer at their desk at work, with this rising to 85% amongst 1824s

Katy Moses, MD at KAM said: “Increasing numbers of UK adults are actively moderating their alcohol consumption, whether driven by a desire to improve their physical or mental wellness or to save money Active moderation (where people are actively changing their behaviour in order to consume less alcohol) is happening across all age groups and all days of the week – 1-in-4 UK adults say they employ tactics to moderate their alcohol consumption to some extent ”

“What’s key, however, is that a decrease in alcohol consumption doesn’t mean a decrease in the demand for great experiences in pubs, bars and restaurants People don't want to miss out on all the occasions where alcohol is normally present, going to the pub with friends, celebrating a bir thday, enjoying a beer while watching spor t, for example The research identified that many are drinking differently now when they go out and embracing new moderation tactics such as alternating between alcoholic and alcohol-free drinks in the same evening known as zebra striping The future of socialising in the UK will cer tainly be less centred around alcohol ”

The full repor t is available here: https://kaminsight com/insights/low-and-no-2024/

Energy for Rural Hospitality Businesses –

New Rules On Tipping – Are You Prepared?

New rules on tipping set out in the Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023 (known as the “the Tips Act”) are expected to come into force on 1 October 2024 A statutor y Code of Practice is expected to come into force at the same time

The Tips Act will regulate how employers allocate tips among workers by introducing obligations to ensure that workers receive "tips, gratuities and ser vice charges" in full, and that those tips are allocated in a fair and transparent way WHO IS PROTECTED?

The new rules apply to workers, not just employees This includes agency workers


The Tips Act applies to "qualifying tips, gratuities and ser vice charges", which means all employer-received tips (usually those paid on a card) and cer tain worker-received tips (usually cash payments)

Worker-received tips generally only fall within the definition of "qualifying tips, gratuities and ser vice charges" if they are subject to employer control An employer is likely to have control over cash tips if they are involved in their distribution

The Tips Act applies to the actual amount paid Any charges for using a credit card will not reduce the amount that must be allocated to workers


Employers will be required to ensure that qualifying sums are allocated fairly between workers at the place of business where they work The fair allocation and payment of tips must be made by


workers There may be legitimate reasons why employers choose to allocate different propor tions of tips to different workers

However, relevant factors are:

• Roles e g front-of-house and bac kroom staff; Hour s worked dur ing the per iod when tips were received;

• Individual/team performance;



years Workers can request access to these records

Failing to comply with the new rules may lead to claims in the employment tribunal Where a tribunal upholds a complaint about fairness or transparency, it can order the employer to revise previous allocations of tips, issue a recommendation on a previous allocation and/or


Publicans Urged Celebrate Contribution Of Volunteers To Their Local Areas

teers, or for

are community-owned and suppor ted by unpaid heroes, Thank You Day offers an ideal occasion to recognise their contribution

Together, the organisation behind Thank You Day, is encouraging publicans to get involved by hosting events and activities, or par tnering with other organisations to put on community takeovers and local events as a way to say “Thank You”

Olivia Williams, Together’s campaign manager said: “Pubs are the perfect place for this celebration They are natural gathering spots for communities to come together and give thanks ” She added: “Organising a Community Takeover in your pub for Thank You Day is simple You could host a ‘cheers for volunteers’, a ’ BBQ-Thank-Q’, afternoon tea, live music event with a local choir (last year some pubs teamed up with WI choirs), or a dinner and quiz for local volunteer groups ”

Pub is The Hub, The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA), the Royal Voluntar y Ser vice , the WI, Scouts, National Lotter y, Music For Dementia, Alzheimer’s Society and the National Association for Social Prescribing are among the organisations suppor ting this year ’ s Thank You Day initiative

John Longden, chief executive of Pub is The Hub, said: “Publicans are often the community connectors in their local areas and help to drive togetherness through the range of ser vices, activities and events they

Stella Artois Launches ‘Perfect Serve’ Campaign

Great Customer Service and its Role in Successful Restaurants

In the restaurant industr y, customer ser vice is integral The way customers are treated and their overall experience can make or break a business, as happy customers often come back and recommend restaurants to family and friends

When it comes to the success of a restaurant, however, customer ser vice may be overlooked in the face of more tangible factors such as menu options and ambiance – but delivering customer excellence is just as impor tant, if not more so Poor customer ser vice can lead to negative reviews and a drop in customers, while customer ser vice quality creates loyal regulars and valuable word-of-mouth marketing

Creating positive experiences for customers star ts with understanding their needs and providing them with exceptional ser vice This means demonstrating hospitality, cour tesy and respect, as well as being attentive to customers and being proactive in helping them with their questions and requests to establish that all-impor tant positive customer relationship

The impor tance of communication in the hospitality industr y cannot be overstated Excellent communication skills are essential for restaurant customer ser vice and management Good communication involves active listening, understanding customer needs, and responding in a polite , efficient manner Paying attention to the small details can contribute to a positive customer experience This includes proper table settings, ser ving food promptly and using appropriate language when conversing with customers

Providing excellent customer ser vice in the hospitality industr y can be

challenging especially during busy periods and there are three challenges that restaurant professionals need to navigate efficiently to deliver exceptional customer ser vice:


Customers can be a challenge , especially when they are not happy Restaurant customer ser vice professionals need to remain calm and professional when handling complaints and feedback while also working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible This will involve listening to customers, understanding the issues, and taking the necessar y steps to resolve it While customer satisfaction is impor tant, restaurant managers need to ensure that they are also achieving business objectives This may involve finding the right balance between providing great ser vice and running a profitable business However reputation management is ultimately key here , as negative customer experiences can easily be shared online




Technolog y in hospitality is fast evolving and may involve investing in software that can track orders manage reser vations or even provide feedback to customers By taking advantage of technolog y, restaurant managers can ensure operations are smooth and efficient Some of the benefits of investing in technolog y solutions include automation of processes – technolog y can automate functions such as order taking or reser vation management, freeing up staff to focus on more impor tant tasks; increased efficiency – by streamlining processes with technolog y, restaurants can become more efficient and reduce costs, and improved customer satisfaction – technolog y can help provide customers with a better experience , from faster order processing to creating more personalised experiences


Restaurant customer ser vice teams can take advantage of data and analytics to make informed decisions and boost customer engagement in

hospitality through better branding and marketing Data analysis can help restaurants identify customer preferences and ensure that they are meeting customers’ needs This information can be used to create targeted promotions, adjust menus or even improve the overall guest experience For example , restaurants can use customer data to identify the most popular dishes or drinks and then promote them accordingly They could also use customer feedback to identify areas for improvement and make relevant change

As good as a restaurant may be at delivering excellent customer ser vice , though, there will always be times when customers are dissatisfied Restaurant managers need to hone their skills in dealing with customer complaints as this could make or break a restaurant’s reputation So what, practically, can restauranters do?


When resolving customer complaints, restaurant managers should strive to make their dining experience as positive as possible , and could do so by:

Apologising and acknowledging the issue: it is impor tant to apologise for any mistakes or dissatisfaction that may have been caused by your business Showing understanding and owning up to mistakes can help to diffuse the situation

Providing a solution: this could be a discount for a meal that was not satisfactor y, or offering to re-cook a dish that was incorrectly prepared Showing customers that you are willing to put in the effor t to make things right is a great way of building trust and ensuring customer satisfaction

Offering a freebie : one type of ser vice recover y could consist of offering a free drink or desser t, or a complimentar y appetiser

By using these techniques, restaurant managers can turn negative feedback into positive experiences This can help to build a loyal customer base , leading to more repeat business

Demonstrating excellent customer ser vice at restaurants, in turn, sets them apar t from the competition creating a lasting impression on customers that can lead to increased revenue and long-term loyalty

New Insights Reveal Top Reasons For No-Shows

(September – November) tends to be the worst season when it comes to people not honouring bookings

hange of p ans (27%)

• Other s in the group cancelling (21%)

• Peop e booking multiple venues to ensure they would get in somewhere (20%)

• One member of the group falling ill (20%)

• Forgetting about a booking (15%)

The sur vey of more than 1,000 UK adults, shines a light on the ongoing issue of no-shows and the impor tance of educating customers on the impact this has on hospitality businesses

New research also revealed that Sunday is the day in the week when no-shows are most likely to occur and that on average Autumn

Figures from a recent GO Technolog y repor t from Zonal and CGA by NIQ* has also found that 77% of people find not being able to amend or cancel bookings online a key frustration in the pre-visit customer journey A fur ther 34% stated that if they experience frustrations pre-visit, such as being unable to amend or cancel bookings online , they would find somewhere else to go

This all underlines the need for operators to tackle no-shows, which cost the industr y £17 59bn per year in lost revenue One way to mitigate the risk of no-shows occurring is by ensuring the booking journey is easy-to-use for customers – enabling them to book, amend or cancel bookings within a few clicks

Tim Chapman, Chief Commercial Officer, Zonal, said: “People not honouring their reser vations continues to be a challenge for the indus-

The UK’s biggest RTD brand in the on-trade categor y*, VK, is entering the alcohol-free market for the first time with the launch of ‘VK Blue 0 0%’

The launch comes following shifting market dynamics and consumer behaviours, which have seen low and no-alcohol products become the fastest-growing categor y in the ontrade sector in the last year, according to Neilson (NIQ) data

To suppor t its development, VK commissioned research among students in key university towns across the UK, in a bid to better understand evolving drinking habits within the 1824 age demographic

The findings reveal nearly half (49%) of students now consume less alcohol compared to the previous year, with 32% intending to fur ther reduce their intake in the coming months

The primar y motivation for 79% is a focus on mindful socialising and connecting with only 6% driven by the ‘buzz’ of alcohol

VK Zero maintains the signature fruity flavour profile synonymous with VK Blue but with 0% alcohol content, providing a more inclusive option by appealing to those looking to reduce their alcohol consumption or abstain

Unlike many competing brands in the categor y, VK Blue 0 0% offers an added caffeine boost (32mg per 100ml, similar to standard energ y drinks), ensuring consumers stay energised throughout

tr y Plans change and that cannot be helped, however in order to reduce the risk of no-shows, we need to continue finding ways to educate consumers on what impact this has on their favourite pubs bars and restaurants The figures also highlight a correlation between people not honouring their reser vations and the ability for customers to change or amend bookings Operators that have digital systems in place , enabling customers to manage bookings online will be able to reduce no-shows from happening, as well as remove any potential customer frustrations during the pre-visit journey, improving the overall customer experience ”

In response to the ongoing issue of no-shows and in suppor t of the industr y Zonal launched their #ShowUpForHospitality campaign in September 2021, to help operators tr y mitigate the risk of no-shows, as well as to raise awareness of the impor tance of consumers turning up to a booking or informing a venue if they can no longer make it

their night

Craig Chapman, spokesperson at VK, explains: "We are proud to introduce our ver y first VK Zero available in our ‘OG’ Blue flavour Our loyal VK fans are at the hear t of ever ything we do, so recognising the changing drinking culture among 18-24s and suppor ting these choices through product innovation is incredibly impor tant to

The ‘Karaoke Room Effect’:

Academic Research into UK Hospitality Venues Reveals

Financial Benefits of Giving

British bars and restaurants installing karaoke systems experience a 12 2% increase in ROA, according to research by Finland’s Aalto University Finland’s Aalto University (www aalto fi/en) has under taken the first ever research project into the financial impact of karaoke rooms within UK bars, restaurants, and other hospitality venues At a time when the UK hospitality industr y is under increasing pressure (over 6,000 hospitality venues closing their doors between December 2022 - December 2023 according to data from CGA by NIQ and AlixPar tners), the findings present a potential silver bullet for the sector : the study of 53 UK venues during 2018-2022 revealing venues with karaoke experienced a 12 2% increase in return on assets (ROA) when compared to a control group without THE KARAOKE ROOM EFFECT - KEY FINDINGS FROM AALTO UNIVERSITY STUDY, AND ADDITIONAL RESEARCH

Customers the Opportunity to Sing

The research was commissioned by Singa ( the Finnish star tup revolutionising the karaoke industr y by providing innovative , professional karaoke software that gives venues access to a fully licensed song catalogue (frequently updated to add new hits), and customisable display and room management capabilities Singa currently provides professional karaoke tech and business consultancy to well-known UK hospitality venues such as Boom Battle Bar and Roxy Leisure (both of which featured in the analysis) Singa asked Aalto University researcher Ngoc Anh Pham to explore the impact of karaoke rooms on financial performance in UK hospitality venues Aalto University is the leading university in Finland and, created through the merger of Helsinki University of Technolog y, Helsinki School of Economics, and the University of Ar t and Design Helsinki in 2010, is in the top universities for business and economics worldwide The study reveals a 12 2% increase in ROA for venues with karaoke compared to those with no such facilities (ROA measures how effectively a business uses its assets to create profit) In addition to booking fees additional revenue is shown to be created through attracting a new customer base and a corresponding uptick on beverage snack, and other purchases

The benefit to the business is not only financial but has a positive experiential impact on patrons and customers who are able to enjoy an engaging and fun social activity with friends, increasing likelihood of return

The Aalto University insights suppor t the findings of European research conducted by Singa In spring 2018, Singa analysed 37 European venues, finding that karaoke resulted in a 31% increase in the number of customers, alongside a 35% increase in average customer spend In those venues that hosted occasional karaoke nights a 42% increase in average customer spend during these special events (2-4 times a month) was obser ved

The business benefits of a karaoke room can also be viewed in light of the current trend towards experiences, including ‘competitive socialising’

According to research from Savills published in November 2023, the competitive socialising sector has grown at unparalleled levels over the past five years (with a 38% increase in competitive socialising venues since 2015) This reflects a growing trend amongst Gen Z and Millennials for favouring defined experiences over ‘things’, and with sobriety or drinking less becoming more popular for Gen Z (the ‘sober curious generation’), venues which offer alternative enter tainment options are increasingly appealing to previously underser ved customer groups Competitive socialising is not a new concept - dar ts or pool being a mainstay of UK venues for centuries - but new options are increasingly sophisticated and often tech-enhanced

To fur ther demonstrate the interest in competitive socialising - and karaoke in par ticular - UK Google Trends data shows a marked volume increase in searches for ‘karaoke room ’ , with interest (measured by Google searches) more than doubling over the last five years (analysed up to Februar y 2024)

Atte Hujanen, Co-Founder and CEO at Singa, comments: Our research confirms that Britons want escapism through song Anecdotally, I have always known that karaoke brings a huge benefit to hospitality businesses through the joy it brings, but for the first time the positive business impact to British venues can be quantified Hospitality as an industr y has faced serious challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic and more recently the cost of living crisis in the UK and it’s clear that karaoke can help venues adapt and continue to thrive by offering local communities additional fun, social experiences ”

Hospitality Insolvencies Fall But

Operators Aren’t In The Clear Yet

Recent company insolvency statistics show accommodation and food ser vice insolvencies decreased by 17% in March 2024 (to 280, from 338 in Februar y) and were also down 17% from March 2023 (339)

Saxon Moseley head of leisure and hospitality at RSM UK comments:

“The hospitality industr y has been in the doldrums since 2022, primarily driven by soaring overheads and reduced demand Last month’s dip in company failures shows the tide may be turning as consumer confidence returns This brings hope that the second half of the year will show a continued improvement with interest rates and inflation both expected to fall which should ease cost pressures on businesses and put more money in consumers ’ pockets ” Gordon Thomson restructuring par tner at RSM UK added:

Despite these positive indicators and the likely boon of the European football championships the trading environment remains turbulent and continued cost pressures continue to plague the industr y With many businesses operating with less than three months of working capital, it is essential that management teams focus on delivering lean operations, while optimising the experience to attract discerning customers ”

Get a Grip on Food Prep with the New Onyx from Williams

The Pubs Code Adjudicator

A Champion of Fairness

if they were free of tie It is all about fairness and allowing tenants’ businesses to succeed ”


“I am the Pubs Code Adjudicator, or PC A, having recently been reappointed for my second term a fur ther three-year period It is my responsibility to enforce the Pubs Code , regulating the relationship between pub companies and their tied tenants My team and I want to empower tenants to negotiate and find the best deal for their businesses by ensuring the pub companies obser ve the Pubs Code and provide tenants with the right information, at the right time

“A key objective for the PC A is to boost tenants’ awareness of their rights and the legislation in place to suppor t them – which is why I am doing this inter view For a fair relationship, both sides should be informed, and we are here to facilitate that ”


tenants more rights and greater protection in their relationship with their pub company The Code exists to ensure tied tenants are treated fairly and lawfully by their pub company, and that they should be no worse off than they would be

We have a wealth of information on our website - www gov uk/pca, including tenant factsheets These are designed to answer the major questions that tenants ask the PC A about the Pubs Code and its processes I urge all tied tenants of the six pub companies to take a little time to read more about us We want to be more visible to the industr y and you might have caught us at events recently, such as at the Nor thern Restaurant & Bar show, and at the National Pubwatch Conference ”

“We run an Annual Tied Tenants Sur vey where we speak to 1,200 tied tenants to gather their views and opinions on the Pubs Code and their

pub company This is an absolutely critical piece of research to ensure effectiveness of the Pubs Code help the regulated pub companies understand tenant satisfaction levels and where they need to make improvements as well as enabling the industr y to see comparisons between those pub companies

“We issue advice and guidance to the industr y and I have the power to investigate suspected breaches of the Pubs Code I am also responsible for providing an arbitration ser vice for the resolution of Pubs Code disputes Cases are managed by the Char tered Institute of Arbitrators on the PC A’s behalf The PC A can only help to settle disputes which are in scope of the Pubs Code Each pub company has a Code Compliance Officer which manages Pubs Code disputes informally For other matters, tenants should refer to their pub company ’ s complaints procedure or take independent legal advice ”


“Clearly the economic climate has brought challenges all around The PC A exists to empower tenants, address disparities of information available to them, and ensure their tied relationship works for them, which should ultimately contribute to better business and promote resilience within the trade I believe the PC A can play a par t in strengthening our industr y by encouraging transparency from pub companies about their Pubs Code compliance and promoting their best practice

For more information, please visit www gov uk/pca or follow @pubscodepca on social media

Card Spending Slows To Three-Year Low But Pubs & Bars Still Showing Growth

2024 sees Winterhalter celebrate the 10th Kitchen Por ter of the Year competition, which aims to recognise the amazing work so many kitchen por ters do to keep the UK’s foodser vice industr y in peak condition

Since it was first held in 2013 KPOTY has become one of the biggest and most prestigious awards in the industr y, and has been praised for its focus on the vital role kitchen por ters play in catering and foodser vice In many businesses KPs are the secret weapons of the kitchen, going above and beyond their standard duties to keep them running smoothly For many of the biggest names in the industr y the experience they gained during their time as KPs ser ved as the foundation to their future career

Over seven hundred nominations have been made over the previous nine competitions, representing all sectors of foodser vice including the UK’s best hotels and restaurants pubs bars and clubs and institutional and contract caterers demonstrating the importance of KPs throughout the industr y

“When we first came up with the idea for KP of the Year we had no idea that it would get the response it did,” says Stephen Kinkead, Winterhalter UK’s managing director “It’s all about putting KPs and the work they do in the spotlight It s humbling to read the nominations – learning about the dedication and effor t so many of them bring to their jobs is always inspiring ”

The KP of the Year 2024 will be awarded the prestigious KPOTY trophy, as well as

£1000 in vouchers and a celebrator y meal for friends and family in a casual dining restaurant of their

Along with this, three highly commended KPs will receive vouchers to hospitality experiences, and ever y nominee will get a bespoke KP of


How To Enjoy A Strong Summer Period

For many hospitality businesses, success means having a busy and profitable summer With major spor ting events such as the 2024 Paris Olympics and Euro 2024 along with local city and town centre ar ts, culture and music events, there are certainly many additional oppor tunities to make the most of

However, if 2024 so far hasn’t been kind to your business and it is struggling then taking swift action is key to your sur vival


Cashflow is king and it is essential to know what payments are coming up and to look at areas where you can make cost savings to enable you to meet them You can t control your fixed costs such as rent but you can control your payroll and suppliers and that is often the place to star t to maintain a healthy cash position

Attracting new customers – this may sound obvious but sending out a couple of emails inviting people to drop by isn’t going to cut it, so give more thought to your summer promotions Can you fill up your quieter times by attracting clubs or societies or making new groups of customers more welcome

This is where getting to know your local community is key For example , is there a running, fitness or cycling club who would like somewhere to meet up for a healthy meal after a workout One in five of the under 25’s now doesn’t drink any alcohol, so can you offer a greater range of non-alcoholic drinks for those who prefer to keep a clear head?

Focus on delivering value and an experience rather than just discounting prices When you must return to full prices it is likely you will lose those customers who were just attracted on price alone and your regular customers will have got used to the lower prices

Many businesses do more harm than good with poorly thought-out promotions


Businesses struggling with cash flow need to understand HMRC’s position as a secondar y preferential creditor whose claims are paid after preferential amounts are paid to employees HMRC will allow you to make an arrangement to pay if you can’t pay on time however they are less generous on terms than they were during the pandemic Communication with them is key if there is no other alternative

Communication with your landlord is also impor tant if you are not able to make rent payments in full for the next quar ter If you are in a prime site , they are likely to want to remove you straight away however for those medium to poor sites they might be more accommodating as they will be keen to avoid taking on the responsibility for business rates if they were unable to relet it quickly Talk to them about what you can pay, but don’t take advantage of the situation as you will ruin your

longer-term relationship

For businesses which would be otherwise profitable if they were not saddled with unser viceable debts then it is wor th considering whether a Company Voluntar y Arrangement (CVA) or a Prepack Administration are suitable A CVA can be used where creditors will be willing to accept a compromise on their debt however you will need to have the suppor t of HMRC in relation to their preferential debt (VAT and PAYE) as well as your secured creditors If an agreement cannot, or is unlikely to, be reached with creditors, then a prepack sale may be a constructive solution A prepack sale , to either an independent third par ty or connected par ty, can free a prospectively profitable business from historic liabilities, whether because of the Pandemic or other unforeseen shock, which has led to an unser viceable debt burden

Typically, a sale takes place , so the business closes one day and reopens the next, to minimise the impact of a protracted insolvency period The benefits of a prepack may include continuation of employment for the workforce , a viable tenant for landlords, a profitable business able to pay taxes going forward and continuation of supplier/customer relations The prepack should also provide the best return possible to existing creditors from the distressed position the insolvent company was facing It is inevitable that creditors will face losses in a prepack and so ever y effor t should be taken to ensure it is the best solution available to the company and its directors prior to embarking on the process If a director is considering a CVA or Prepack specialist advice should be sought to ensure that the process is transparent, and the transaction has the best prospect of success

The King Supports Pub Is The Hub With Donation To Support Pubs

publicans and rural communities that would benefit from the help and suppor t from Pub is The Hub Pubs and publicans are vital to rural communities adding real social value and being par t of the glue that binds local areas together ”

Cold Food, Long Waits - Britons’

Biggest Hospitality Bugbears

Speed of ser vice and hot food being ser ved cold, are the biggest points of friction for pub, bar and restaurant customers, research from Zonal’s latest GO Technolog y repor t in par tnership with CGA by NIQ, shows

The sur vey of more than 5 000 British adults highlights customers’ biggest annoyances when going out for food and drink and what can be done to fix them

When asked what the top five bugbears are , the following reasons came out on top:

1 A long wait for food and dr ink (91%)

2 Hot food ser ved cold (91%)

3 Broken promises on a special deal/loyalty discount (88%)

4 Food ser ved at d fferent times (87%)

5 Waiting for their table to become avai able (86%)

Other frustrations mentioned as par t of the research include items being out of stock (82%), menus being difficult to use (82%) and staff not having enough knowledge (80%) Respondents also find having to wait to receive and settle the bill (77%) or not being able to split the bill (64%) frustrating

The sur vey also highlights customer’s top pre-visit frustrations More than four in five find poor information, such as out-of-date or missing menus online frustrating Booking platforms are also a point of annoyance , with over three-quar ters saying not being able to cancel or amend a booking is their biggest bugbear (77%) Alarmingly, three in five (61%) of those who found it difficult to amend a booking online said it would cause them to find somewhere else to go or think twice about visiting the venue in the future

This highlights how impor tant the pre-visit element of the overall hospitality experience is By addressing

potential pre-visit bug bears early on, operators can retain customers and avoid losing valuable business

Commenting on the findings, Tim Chapman, Chief Commercial Officer, Zonal, said: “Consumers are becoming more expectant of the venues they visit and demand an even higher level of ser vice , so it’s vital that operators deliver on this Venues that don’t tackle these issues head on, run the risk of losing customers and ultimately, damaging their bottom line

“Technolog y can act as a helping hand in suppor ting operators meet the demands of consumers Online booking systems and digital kitchen management tools can help to automate ser vices that would otherwise be time consuming or laborious for staff, allowing them to focus on the most impor tant thing – delivering an excellent customer experience

Karl Chessell, Director - Hospitality Operators and Food, EMEA, CGA by NIQ added: “The large majority of consumers visits to restaurants, pubs and bars are happy and hassle-free But things inevitably go wrong sometimes, and this GO Technolog y research shows the damage that poor experiences can do to venues ’ sales and reputation From researching a visit to paying the bill understanding where and how frustrations emerge along the guest journey is the first step towards fixing them, and by getting on the front foot operators will effectively remedy annoyances No operator is able to get ever ything right all of the time , but the best ones turn problems into solutions and negatives into positives

Cleaning and Hygiene

But Don’t Forget the Importance of Cleanliness & Hygiene

lineup that includes the Euros, the Olympics, Wimbledon, and

of motor spor ts events, pubs, bars, and restaurants are preparing for a surge in footfall This period is not just an oppor tunity for social gatherings and celebrations but also a significant revenue driver For instance the Euros alone are expected to see a staggering extra 20 million pints sold during the tournament, compared to normal sales levels

However, with great oppor tunities come great responsibilities, par ticularly in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene As spor ts fans gather in large numbers, the potential for premises to become untidy and unhygienic increases Establishments must be prepared to manage this influx effectively ensuring that their venues remain appealing and safe for all customers


The financial implications of these events are monumental The Euros, in par ticular, are anticipated to be a major draw for patrons The predicted sale of 300 million pints underscores the vital role that pubs and bars play in bringing people together to enjoy live spor ts The economic boost from these sales estimated to be up to £1 4 billion highlights the importance of the on-trade sector to the UK economy This influx of patrons provides a unique oppor tunity for establishments to not only increase their sales but also to enhance their reputation and customer loyalty


With increased footfall comes the challenge of maintaining high standards of cleanliness and hygiene Spor ts fans are known for their enthusiasm which can sometimes translate into a more 'boisterous' atmosphere This can lead to spills, litter, and general wear and tear on facilities


Implementing a comprehensive cleaning regime involves several key steps:

1. Regular Cleaning Schedules: Establish frequent c leaning inter vals , especially dur ing peak times , to ensure that premises remain c lean and presentable This inc ludes regular w p ng down of surfaces , c leaning of restrooms , and ensur ing that floor s are free of spills and litter

2 Staff Training: Ensure that al staff are trained in proper hygiene practices and under stand the impor tance of maintain ng a c lean environment This inc ludes train ng on how to handle food and beverages safely, as well as how to quic kly and effectively c lean up spills and other messes

3 Adequate Supplies: Keep an ample stoc k of c leaning suppl es on hand, inc luding disinfectants , c leaning c oths , and f oor c leaner s This ensures that staff can quic kly address any issues as they ar ise

4 Waste Management: Implement effective waste management pract ces to handle the increased volume of rubbish This nc udes regular emptying of bins and proper disposal of waste


The cleanliness of a venue is directly linked to its reputation Patrons are unlikely to return to or recommend a place that they perceive as dir ty or poorly maintained In contrast, a clean, well-maintained establishment enhances the overall customer experience , encouraging repeat visits and positive word-of-mouth

As the various spor ts competitions progress throughout the summer, it is crucial for establishments to consistently maintain high standards of cleanliness and hygiene This not only ensures the safety and comfor t of customers but also helps to sustain the initial boost in business brought about by these events

The summer of spor t presents an exciting and profitable oppor tunity for the UK hospitality and licensed on-trade sector However, the key to capitalizing on this oppor tunity lies in maintaining impeccable standards of cleanliness and hygiene By doing so, establishments can ensure that they not only attract customers but also keep them coming back long after the final whistle has blown

In a season where ever y pint poured and ever y meal ser ved counts, the impor tance of a clean and welcoming environment cannot be overstated As the spor ts fans cheer and celebrate , let us ensure that our venues shine just as brightly providing a safe clean and enjoyable experience for

Cleanliness is Always in Season

Food Safety

Are You Natasha’s Law Compliant? Many Still Aren’t

Double Down on Temperature Management to fight E. Coli

ter k t so it s with n reac h at all times

• New thermometer s supp ied w th FREE calibration cer t ficates and annua reminder s at no extra cost to ensure you are up to date with your food safety protocols MD Tom Sensier : I m really proud of our money-saving food-safety kits for their quality, value and performance

Our C A2005-PK combines a high accuracy thermometer with 6 colour-coded probes you can stick in the dishwasher And for fast-paced kitchens, you can’t beat our MMWALLKIT: a heavy duty thermometer and probe complete with hygienic wall storage – recently filmed in action on one of the UK’s most popular TV food competitions!’

To help businesses even fur ther, TME is offering 25% off online orders Visit www tmethermometers com for more details Offer ends on 30 June 2024

The Kelsius Digital HACCP and Wireless Temperature Monitoring System

The Kelsius digital HACCP and wireless temperature monitoring system provides the hospitality industr y with a one-stop food safety system that protects food, customers and a business s reputation Digital probes allow for food temperature checks right before ser vice recording and date-stamping temperatures and data Automated sensors provide effor tless monitoring of fridges, freezers and other units Data is stored securely and can be accessed through a user-friendly por tal allowing for full regulator y compliance and traceability with access to repor ts and data at the touch of a screen

or freezer failure or doors left open

Designated managers and super visors have visibility of aler ts corrective actions and user data on site or remotely, providing peace of mind that food safety procedures and processes are being followed

The sensor system will aler t staff in real time where a temperature falls outside predefined

To learn more visit www kelsius com

Products and Services

793 Spirits Co. Holy Island Bloomsbury

Bloomsbur y Flowers is a renowned luxur y florist in the hear t of London’s Covent Garden area, recognised for using seasonal blooms and foliage

Bloomsbur y Flowers is extremely creative , dedicated, knowledgeable and passionate about the ar t and craft of floristr y Established for 30 years, it offers interior and exterior planting as well as gorgeous fresh, silk and dried flowers, always arranged with elegance and understated English glamour

It considers flowers and plants essential to interiors as they add natural

Jangro the largest network of independent janitorial distributors in the UK and Ireland, is proud to present its new Catering & Hospitality Supplies 2024/25 catalogue Boasting a fresh new look the latest edition is the ultimate caterer’s companion, offering a wide range of quality brands and choice at competitive prices

Enabling establishments to keep up to date with trends, the catalogue offers all the equipment and supplies required to stir up positive customer experiences From front of house to back of house , casual to fine dining, the latest crocker y and table presentations to environmentally friendly catering disposables Jangro s new Catering & Hospitality 2024/25 catalogue has it all Jangro is committed to becoming a more sustainable business and helping its customers reach their own green goals This new edition, therefore , offers a plethora of eco-conscious products, from food packaging containers, which are recyclable , compostable , and fully bio-degradable , to Jangro’s award-winning and innovative ntrl range of vegan cleaning solutions

The ntrl por tfolio comprises 13 products ideal for cleaning surfaces in a variety of environments, from kitchens through to washrooms Registered with The Vegan Society’s Vegan Trademark, all formulas are 100% biodegradable , contain zero petrochemicals, and

TUGO - Innovative Food Solutions

We’re TUGO, a passionate team of food ser vice fanatics, committed to creating the freshest, most flavourful globally inspired food concepts

Our adventurous spirit, agility and positively restless dedication to innovation is what sets us apar t developing food concepts to suit operators across food ser vice

From our vibrant global street food to our hand-stretched fresh dough pizza & authentic corn tor tilla burritos, We seek adventure globally and are passionate about our produce as we are reducing our environmental impacts


From menu innovation and concept development, through to product training, marketing and sales suppor t We provide the tastiest, most

LittlePod’s Innovative Vanilla Paste in a Tube Popular All Over the World

LittlePod’s innovative vanilla paste in a tube is proving popular in professional kitchens all over the world

Hailed as ‘ a much-needed evolution for the kitchen’ we ’ re preparing to introduce our most-popular product to chefs in China following a successful trip to the Far East

From Tallin to Tokyo those using our versatile vanilla continue to recommend and endorse LittlePod

“We think our products speak for themselves,” said Janet Sawyer MBE BEM, the East Devon-based company ’ s founder and managing director who has been out and about speaking to chefs both at home and abroad in 2024 “We continue to receive recommendations and endorsements from customers all over the world Their comments are wor th more than anything we could say

During a recent trip to Japan, where LittlePod exhibited at FOODEX 2024, Janet renewed acquaintances with Frederik Walther – the Executive Chef at the British Embassy in Tokyo “Frederik said LittlePod’s vanilla paste is an ‘upscale product with a beautiful design and a fantastic stor y ’ ” said Janet “Frederik is recommending our vanilla paste to chefs in Japan ” Janet also met with LittlePod’s distributor in Hong Kong, Frances Ma, who is planning to expand her operation and take our products to China

Frances said, “LittlePod’s vanilla paste resonates with people in the Far East because it is such high quality It is convenient to use and the tube has a cool clean and elegant design LittlePod’s vanilla paste is natural and real This isn’t just another product from off the shelf ”

Closer to home our vanilla paste in a tube continues to prove popular in Europe with Juta Raudnask, a long-time LittlePod retailer in Estonia, amongst those helping us spread the word

“LittlePod’s natural vanilla paste exceeded all our expectations ” said Juta who sells LittlePod’s products at Umami, a gourmet food store in Tallin and Tar tu “It is loved by all kinds of people in Estonia, from families to professional chefs working at

Janet added, “LittlePod’s natural vanilla paste is versatile – it makes using real vanilla so

When LittlePod launched in 2010 we were the first to bring a vanilla paste in a tube to market It has been our most popular product ever since

Bidfood Reveals Its First Group of Listed Suppliers On The Path to Acceleration Through its SME Scheme, Open Doors

After the successful launch of its SME scheme last October, Bidfood, one of the UK’s leading foodser vice providers, is proud to announce the initial group of suppliers selected through the Open Doors Programme

Aimed at small food and beverage suppliers, the Open Doors Programme identifies the most innovative businesses tr ying to establish themselves within the industr y and raises awareness of their products so they can make their mark in wholesale

Despite the recent deceleration in inflation, the share of small businesses aspiring to grow this year has significantly decreased during the last six months Small businesses within the food sector have shown the biggest drop in confidence that their business will grow at more than 70%

As a result, Bidfood’s Open Doors Programme has continued on its mission to unlock the potential of emerging suppliers, suppor ting their development journey, while also providing its customers with first-hand access to some of the most interesting brands out there

Following a three-step development journey to nurture , champion and finally accelerate , the initiative has resulted in seven brands being officially listed with Bidfood along with a selection of their products:

• Bio&Me – A B-cer tified brand, Bio&Me has a range of handy on-the-go porr idges created to suppor t gut health Bio&Me is also par t of the ‘Buy Women Built’ community whic h shines a light on brands built by women

• Boundless ¬– Using act vated ingred ents , Boundless snac ks suppor t gut hea th and are free from the top 14 allergens They're also member s of the ‘Buy Women Built’ community

• Flawsome! – Another B-cer tified brand Flawsome! produces a var iety of juices , sparkling fruit water s and hea th shots made from wonky and surp us fruits

• Ninju – A true kitc hen table star t-up, Ninju s a range of fruit and vegetable-based c hi dren’s dr inks pac kaged in 100% rec yc lable car tons

• OGGS ¬– Offer ing a vegan alternative to eggs OGGS is the th rd B-cer tif ed brand out of the newly listed supplier s and will soon be a par t of the ‘Buy Women Built’ community

• TeaJoy – Designed to ser ve the growing

Sustainable Resources

Foodles Partners with ReFood to Eliminate Unavoidable Waste

As par t of a strategic drive to fur ther enhance its sustainability credentials, B-Corp Cer tified corporate catering business Foodles has par tnered with ReFood to eliminate unavoidable food waste generated across its national operations


operational across the continent Michaël Ormancey, cofounder and co-CEO of Foodles, commented: Since setting up our ser vices in London, we ’ ve seen a variety of companies sign-up to receive daily deliveries We aim to offer

Elevate Your Space with Floral Image

Salvaging Solar Investments

Outdoor Spaces

New Stock Chair Ranges from ILF

Gala Tent


Outdoor Spaces

Keeping Your Cool

The Perfect Refrigeration Solution for Your Outdoor Catering Needs

The Perfect Refrigeration Solution for Your Outdoor Catering Needs

IceBox UK provides the ideal solution to your refrigerated storage requirements when hosting outdoor catering events

Our extensive fleet of chiller and freezer trailers will keep your food and drink at the desired temperature and avoid food spoilage

Trailers are delivered and collected to / from the event / host location by our experienced staff who will situate the trailers in the required location and set them running at your required temperature.

• Nationwide delivery & collection service

• Chiller and freezer trailers available

• Powered by generator or standard wall socket

• Internal racking supplied per your requirements

• Short and long term rental rates available

• Rapid Response™ programme for emergencies

• Account facilities available subject to status

Versatile and Innovative Labelling Solutions for Hospitality

With the rise in multi-channel ordering in the hospitality industry in recent years accompanied by increasing demand for customer collection third party delivery and legislation around accurate ingredients and allergy identification, the requirement for efficient food and beverage labelling has surged Without a doubt, amongst the range of labelling solutions currently available linerless labels stand out for their eco-friendly properties and operational efficiencies

In contrast to traditional labels with a backing paper direct thermal linerless labels are self-adhesive labels which can be applied directly to products or packaging Such labels are supplied with varying levels of adhesion from high adhesive permanent labels to low adhesive repositionable labels which can be applied to virtually any surface and be removed easily and reapplied without residue

For all linerless media, a key benefit is the reduction in waste With no backing paper to discard, linerless media offers significant paper saving properties with more labels per roll than standard label rolls Thanks to fewer roll changes as well as the advantage of reduced shipping costs and storage space requirements given linerless labels are more compact than traditional labels, cost savings can be achieved alongside enhanced operational efficiency and sustainability

In terms of label size linerless media is available in a range of widths, enabling businesses to create labels for any product type including larger labels for food deliveries to smaller, more compact beverage labels Equally, variable length linerless labels enable the printing of shorter orders or labels with less information on minimal paper, further promoting efficiency

As demand grows for labelling products in a variety of sectors, international POS hardware solutions provider Star

Micronics has introduced its mC-Label3 and TSP143IVSK printers designed to print permanent and repositionable labels, food orders, delivery and takeaway labels

The printers respond to the growing requirement for allergy and food labelling, clear delivery and takeaway customer order labels, particularly with linerless media Low adhesive, repositionable labels can track an order through the entire preparation process from initial order to delivery providing the potential for greater order accuracy and efficiency

Thanks to its ability to print on a wide range of liner-free media including low adhesive re-stick labels as well as high adhesive permanent and semi-permanent labels, the Star mC-Label3 printer offers the ideal solution for printing different sized and types of labels from one easy-to-use device This includes variable length food and allergy labels, nutrition information as well as food delivery labels and bag seals from web-based apps or local services

In addition to a range of label printing options including fully adjustable label widths from 25mm to 80mm wide, the mC-Label3 features black mark and GAP sensors

Capable of printing traditional liner pre-sized labels, continuous label rolls and receipt paper, the printer is ideal for businesses that use a variety of media or are planning to move from traditional labelling to linerless media in the future

Incredibly user friendly and with paper position, paper width detection and simple drop-in loading different media can be loaded with ease and given its jam free operation reliable printing is ensured Star’s Cloud-based free labelling app offers a wide range of pre-designed label templates, whilst the one touch label function allows for storing and printing of up to three label designs

Alternatively for businesses seeking a compact linerlessonly label and order printing solution the TSP143IVSK boasts optimal versatility and ergonomic design, printing on low tack linerless re-stick media from 40mm to 80mm Moreover the TSP143IVSK benefits from the power cable interface cables and paper guide included at purchase as well as a 4-year warranty as standard

In line with today s multi-channel ordering and printing expectations in hospitality, the mC-Label3 and TSP143IVSK benefit from multiple interfaces for local PC, network, tablet and Cloud connectivity Furthermore both printers include Ethernet LAN and USB-C connectivity as well as direct sync and charge with supported tablets, together with hub connectivity to connect a scanner or customer display

mC-Label3 additionally features Bluetooth connectivity, whilst the printers equally benefit from a Wireless LAN option with Star s MCW10 module Star s CloudPRNT™ technology is included as standard on both models for printing directly from central ordering platforms and websites

With CloudPRNT widely used by hospitality establishments worldwide as part of an online ordering platform or ecommerce solution Star also provides StarPrinter Online a fully managed service for businesses to manage the printer estate with minimal set-up time and cost as well as near zero integration For enhanced online visibility of connectivity and print jobs over an entire printer estate the service additionally offers device management via an online dashboard to provide an overview of all devices and activity including reliable tracking of print jobs with notification of device status changes barcode scans new device connections to a group, etc Additional printers and peripherals can simply be added without the need for server upgrades, further enhancing the versatility of the service

About Star Micronics

With over 75 years in the POS industry and a global presence Star s strength and success is built upon product innovation alongside established relationships with leading software partners Its experienced technical team boasts in-depth technical and integration expertise to provide unique tailored solutions for an evolving hospitality industry Offering the versatility required to integrate traditional tablet and cloud-based POS systems, Star ensures successful installation of its products into major hospitality operators as well as smaller independent venues

As a complete point-of-sale hardware solutions provider Star offers a wealth of options including a wide range of unique desktop POS, mobile and self-service terminal printers for printing receipts, tickets and labels from traditional systems, tablets and mobile devices as well as from web and cloud-based apps In particular, Star’s compact and versatile cloud solutions are ideal for a variety of applications including Click & Collect food orders, home delivery and online or at table food ordering Additionally, Star provides tablet stands, display stands, barcode scanners and cash management solutions to complete the hardware offering

Hospitality Technology

Address F&B Profitability Before It Takes You Under, says Guestline

WaiterMate Debuts the World’s Fastest, Most Efficient Mobile EPOS

Technology To Enhance Hotels Sustainability

eliminating energ y waste can really make a difference

Following on to the hotel staff, housekeeping is many times overlooked with teams left to wonder through the hotel looking for rooms to clean Monitoring “Make Up Room” and “Do Not Disturb” signals (MUR/DND) in a centralised system help increase the overall efficiency as teams can be assigned to those par ts of the hotel that require more immediate attention

Combining this information with room occupancy and access controls enhance guest privacy and provide deeper knowledge of how our hotels work, for example giving information on how much time it takes to clean each room

Another big cost centre control systems help reduce drastically is Maintenance , as these solutions allow the use of predictive and preventive

policies Sor ting issues before they become fatal or even before they appear decreases the amount spent in replacing broken units (for example AC units) but also minimizes the risk of refunds to guest because things are not working or because there has been an AC leakage nobody noticed before

A robust long-lasting control system combined with a Building Management System (BMS) that integrates with our hotel’s PMS is vital to get to know how our building operates to optimize all those little things that end up costing several thousand ever y year

These are the type of solutions Zennio develops and delivers in over 100 countries, helping hotels all around the world become more efficient and sustainable and suppor ting all projects locally and remotely to make sure ever ything works ever y day

For fur ther information see the adver t on page 38

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

New Stormboost, Mains Water Booster Pump, Now In Stock at Pump Technology Ltd.

Caterquip Ventilation

• Be ready for your inspections

• Damaged fridge seals are unhygienic

• Make your fridge more energy efficient with a good seal on your fridge

• We provide custom seals for cold rooms, discontinued models, and units with no identification information

• Next-day delivery service

• Discounted prices on large orders

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Focus On Blue Seal's New Induction Technology

Stay Cool with Gasket Guy

Design and Refit

The Absolute Solution To Your Interior Design Needs

Design and Refit



Mayfair Furniture

Cater For The Crowds With Brilliant Bar Stools Design and Refit

Restaurant Furniture Store

Property and Professional

Capitalise on the Summer Season with a Capify Loan


Motivation, guidance and Development MARKETING

We will help you build a workable , planned Marketing Strateg y From Digital Marketing such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online advertising, to print design, Promotions and offline adver tising, your

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