CLH News #213 June 2018

Page 1


Alfresco Dining

Pages 24-25

Food Safety

Pages 26-27

Hospitality Technology

Pages 28-31


Pages 32

RETURN TO PROFIT Let us help you put your business back into profit


Editor's Viewpoint

Products and Services

Pages 33-37

Design and Refit

Pages 38-39

Property and Professional



JUNE 2018

Alcohol Tax “Windfall” for the Treasury

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The UK alcohol industry, said to be the one of the most heavily taxed un Europe, continues to give the Treasury a “boost to the coffers” and demonstrates the industry can remain a lucrative source of revenue without the need for further duty increases. A freeze on alcohol duty at last November’s Budget has given the Treasury a massive £67 million boost in just four months. The latest HMRC figures show collections, from December to April, of £3.291 billion on wine and spirit duties, up from £3.224 billion on the same period last year - a 2% increase. Wine and spirit duty collections continue to increase to record levels. The Treasury is set to cash in on a projected £7.7 billion from wine and spirit revenue for the financial year 2017/18, up £140 million on the previous year. The Treasury windfall comes after the Wine and Spirit Trade Association called for government to back the UK’s wine and spirit industry and help ease pressure on cash strapped consumers by freezing the UK’s excessive duty rates. Duty hikes were expected at the November Budget but politicians listened to the WSTA, business and consumer concerns and scrapped planned duty rises.

The freeze in duty meant savings of 8p per bottle of wine, 11p on sparkling wine and 31p on an average priced bottle of spirits for consumers. The WSTA argued that a freeze would be a win/win for both the Treasury and the wine and spirit industry, and according to latest HMRC figures, the WTSA has been proven right. The numbers show that between December 2017 and April 2018, all alcohol duty collections – including wine, spirits, beer and cider - increased by 2% on the same period last year, bringing an additional £86 million to Treasury coffers - despite the decision not to increase the rate of duty. Of this, £67 million came from wine and spirit sales alone, meaning that the wine and spirit industry accounted for 78% of the increase. Wine collections have so far increased £33m (+2%) and spirit collections increased £34m (+2%). Wine remains top of the revenue collections table, totalling 37% of duty collections but accounting for only 18% of sales by volume. It is only the second time in 15 years that wine duty has been frozen. Miles Beale Chief Executive of the Wine & Spirit Trade Association said: “We have always said a freeze to alcohol duty is a win/win for both the

Treasury, the wine and spirit trade and consumers. We hope the latest windfall to Treasury coffers coming from the Budget freeze encourages the Chancellor to continue to stay in touch with what consumers want and support an industry which is proving to be a real asset to British business by rebalancing the UK’s excessive duty rates in this year’s Budget.” In March, the WSTA met with the new Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, Robert Jenrick, to highlight how important it is for the UK to redress its excessive alcohol duty rates. Following Brexit’s impact on the pound, and rising inflation, the wine and spirit trade have faced a tough trading landscape. A cut or freeze will save great British wine and spirit businesses - which support over 550,000 jobs thousands of pounds, which can help businesses to invest, grow and create even more jobs. Prior to last Novembers budget CAMRA highlighted how the tradition of going to the pub is becoming an unaffordable luxury for the majority of Brits as new research shows that just 15% of UK beer drinkers now think that the price of a pint in the UK is either very or fairly affordable. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3...


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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

Editor's Viewpoint

June 2018

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Welcome to the June issue of CLH News, and welcome to any new readers, we are free to trade hospitality and licensed publication and very much hope that you find us interesting and useful! Once again the issue of alcohol tax raises its head. The freeze on alcohol duty has as Miles Beale Chief Executive of the Wine and spirit Association said “being a win-win situation” for the Treasury and consumers, last Novembers budget saw alcohol taxes continue to rise with inflation on highstrength, low-cost drinks like white cider in 2019, however, EDITOR taxes on all other drinks will stay at the same rate. The Chancellor Philip Hammond cited tighter household budgets and declining pub sales as key reasons behind his decision. Hammond said at the time “Recognising the pressure on household budgets and backing our Great British Pubs, duties on other ciders, wine, spirits and on beer will be frozen. This will mean a bottle of whisky will be £1.15 less in 2018 than if we had continued with Labour’s plans a pint of beer will also be 12p less.” The Chancellor was of course referring to the alcohol duty escalator put in place by the previous Government, which automatically raised the duty by 2% above inflation. In 2011 alone it added 4p to the price of a pint of beer 15p to the price of a bottle of wine and 54p to the price of a bottle of spirits. Those rises were untenable, and if ever there was an example of adopting a more sensible approach to taxation, the proof here “is in the pudding”. Freezing alcohol duty in November has actually brought an extra £67 million to the Treasury. Readers will see in this issue the World Cup alone is expected to give the economy almost a £1.4 billion boost, if England make it through to the second round and this will rise to £2.7 billion should England make it all the way to the final. Of this huge boost pubs restaurants café’s and clubs are expected to see almost £200 million of this for the first round rising to an estimated £500 million should England make it to the final. It is also great to see that it is not only pubs capitalising, I watched the Spain-VPortugal game in an Italian restaurant last night, an absolutely fantastic atmosphere! Freezing alcohol duty has created more revenue for the Treasury, an irrefutable fact. And although the cost is still significantly higher than consumers would like, it is less than what it would be under the previous government’s alcohol fuel escalator. Imagine the hardship for any pub/bar hotel or restaurant serving beer which would be 12p more than it is now. I see no reason why this great example cannot be transferred to the other “hot potato” for the tourist industry, tourism VAT. Readers will be well aware of a campaign which we vociferously support “cut tourism VAT ( It’s worked in Europe, and currently we are one of only four countries who have not taken advantage of the ability to cut VAT on tourism and this is cutting tourism on accommodation, cultural services, theme and amusement parks restaurants and catering. It puts the United Kingdom at a huge disadvantage. In Belgium tourism VAT is 6%, Germany 7%, Ireland 9%, France and Spain 10%, Sweden 12%, United Kingdom 20%. According to research by Deloitte/Tourism Respect £4.6 billion would be raised to the Treasury, hundred and 21,000 jobs would be created over the next 10 years. So once again I would urge readers to visit the cut tourism website and register your support! I would also take this opportunity to ask a big favour! We have been publishing for 18 years and have never charged for our publication, we are an advertising led title, it is how we operate and could not provide the service we do without it! Part of our service is digital promotion for our advertisers, and I would ask you to sign up online for our twice-weekly digital newsletter, bringing you a roundup of the industry’s latest News plus offers from our reliable and trusted advertisers. This enables us to continue our free to trade publication and provide the best possible service to our advertisers so please sign up at and please follow us on Twitter! @CLHNEWS

Peter Adams

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PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG


01202 552333 FAX: 01202 552666 @CLHNews CLHNews

EDITOR Peter Adams

SALES EXECUTIVES David Bartlett Guy Stephenson


PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Shelly Roche Published by

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1... CAMRA warned that without urgent action, thousands of community pubs could be wiped off the map, with its own research revealing that in some cases English pubs will need to sell more than 20,000 extra pints of beer every year to cover the rises in their business rates, which will lead many landlords to either put up their prices to make up the cost or close their doors forever. Yet as prices at the bar continue to rise, many pub-loving Brits are finding they can only afford to drink at home. The then National Chairman Colin Valentine said: "The British pub is unique and has been rooted in Britain's history for hundreds of years. All the evidence shows that drinking alcohol in moderation in the company of others is good for people's wellbeing, yet the opportunity to get together and enjoy a beer is being taken away from swathes of people on lower and middle incomes, who are increasingly viewing a pub pint as an unaffordable luxury.

A recent YouGov survey of 40,000 people revealed that the average cost for a pint of beer is 60p more than what pub-goers think is reasonable with the national average coming in at £3.00. The YouGov findings were then matched up with the true average prices across the country, as reported by the Good Pub Guide 2018. The survey revealed visitors to London can sometimes be surprised by the eyebrow-raising price of a pint in the capital’s pubs. Londoners venturing outside the south east also often raise their eyebrows when getting a drink, albeit for different reasons, being delighted to receive significant change when buying a beer with a fiver. To help people understand more about alcohol taxation the WSTA have created a video which can be viewed at

May Sun Shines On Pubs, But Casts Shadow On Restaurants

Hot weather in May helped boost trade in Britain’s pubs, but hit restaurant sales. Overall, the country’s managed pub, bar and restaurant groups saw collective like-for-like sales up 1.4% on May last year, according to latest figures from the Coffer Peach Business Tracker. While managed pubs saw collective like-for-likes jump 3.5% for the month, with drink-led outlets doing best, casual dining brands saw like-for-like sales drop 2.1% against the same period last year. “It’s a familiar story. When the sun shines people head for the pub, or more precisely the pub garden. In contrast, restaurants do better when it’s dull and damp. Weather remains the biggest factor when it comes to sales in the out-of-home market. It’s the way it is,” said Peter Martin, vice president of CGA, the business insight consultancy that produces the Tracker, in partnership with Coffer Group and RSM. Regionally London did marginally better than the rest of the country with like-for-like sales up 1.6% against 1.4% for outside the M25, with the difference between pubs and restaurants mirroring the national picture. “The effect of the Royal Wedding on trade is hard to judge, but if anything, it may have depressed sales with

many people staying home to watch on the TV,” said Martin. “The good news is that overall the sector saw an uplift in trading in May, which contrasts with the 1.2% fall in April. The public continues to go out to eat and drink, and confidence among operators is also returning, if not yet to pre-Brexit levels,” he added. Mark Sheehan, Managing Director of Coffer Corporate Leisure added, “It’s always easy to blame the weather. But it was a long wait until May when the pub sector got the benefits of some sunshine. “With the World Cup underway and forecasters predicting more scorching weather to come, the pub sector looks set to enjoy a bumper summer – assuming England make it past the group stages,” said Paul Newman, Head of Leisure and Hospitality at RSM. “In contrast, it has been a tumultuous 2018 for the eating out market. That said, the recent acquisition of Pret A Manger and Rosa’s underline the enduring attractiveness of growth opportunities for overseas investors in the sector. We expect further deals to follow as wellcapitalised businesses look to take advantage of better sites at lower rents.”

Nuts About KPs? Over £10k-Worth of Prizes in KP of the Year 2018 Awards! The search is on for the KP of the Year 2018. The competition, which is the brainchild of warewashing specialist Winterhalter, is now in its fifth year and looking to build on its increasing popularity. With that in mind, the prize fund now tops £10,000 – and every single KP who is nominated gets a special gift.

of The Stafford hotel, St James, London. He was nominated by Mark Surguy, The Stafford’s hotel manager, who said, “José has a work ethic that cannot be compared. He’s always smiling, he holds himself and every member of his team to the highest standards. Nothing is ever too much for him.”

“Every year the standard of entry goes up and the pressure intensifies,” says Winterhalter managing director Stephen Kinkead. “And every year we hear stories of KPs doing extraordinary work that goes way beyond the call of duty.

Stephen Kinkead added, “José was a truly worthy winner and he was the unanimous choice of the judges. Now it’s time to find his successor!”

“What’s great about this competition is that so many people in the industry support it. That’s partly because so many of us started out as KPs – including me!” Amongst the high profile chefs who have voiced their support for the KP of the Year competition is Paul Ainsworth. "I started out as a KP,” he says. “It’s such a hard job! We can’t function without them. To be able to celebrate kitchen porters is great – the KP of the Year is a brilliant idea.” The winner receives a trophy, £1,000 cash, and a celebratory dinner for family and friends. They also win a brand new Winterhalter for their work place, worth up to £8,000. Two runners up receive cash prizes and every entrant gets a special KP of the Year apron, in a presentation tin, created by Oliver Hardy. Last year’s winner was José Núnez,

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Alcohol Tax “Windfall” for the Treasury

"Many landlords are in a tricky situation in that they are forced to either raise their prices or close their doors forever. It is the people on lower incomes will be hit the hardest and will then choose to drink at home. In addition, thousands of local pubs are at risk of closure, bringing devastating consequences for their local communities.


June 2018

Responding To Negative Restaurant Reviews 4

Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

June 2018

Comment from Dylan Chadwick, Content Marketing Specialist, QSR Automations

Customers usually read online reviews of a restaurant before they visit. The UK’s Bright Local reports that by 2017, 85% of all consumers, regardless of industry, were using reviews to make a decision. Even more tellingly, 94% of UK consumers who check the net for opinions, say online reviews have driven them away from a business. Let’s take a look at the types of review operators can expect and some suggestions for handling them successfully. For restaurant owners, reviews are nothing new. Before the advent of social media and the internet, elite food journalists printed restaurant reviews in newspapers and focused their attention on the highend eateries and world-famous chefs in big cities. These journalists could make or break an upcoming restaurant, enticing or discouraging diners with their descriptions of the establishment. As such, operators fought hard to please these reviewers, knowing that bad press could cripple their business. Time has levelled the playing field, allowing anyone with an internet connection, not just seasoned journalists, to review a business online. Nowadays, we review restaurants of every shape and size, not only the black-tie venues. Web connectivity means this information spreads – instantly – available to a worldwide audience who’ll use these reviews to make their own buying decisions.


positive experiences, using vouchers or special promotions.

“A nice ambience and great food. I can’t wait to see how they develop their menu and hope to see more seafood options in the future because the coconut shrimp was to die for! 4 stars!”


These reviews are of the “fair and balanced” variety. They tend to focus on the positives of the restaurant, with criticisms being minor, constructive and general. These reviews give the operator a chance to exhibit some customer service, while responding to a “soft critique”. When responding to these reviews, operators should thank the customer, first and foremost. They then need to address the question or soft criticism (“We’re testing new main course dishes as we speak…”) and, where appropriate promote any related specials. Responding to these comments shows an operator is willing to engage with customers. Operators might also consider setting up a Google Alert, which sends a notification when a new review of their restaurant has been posted. These alerts save time, removing the need to continually search for reviews. Operators should focus their efforts on favourite review sites, such as TripAdvisor but must not forget to keep an eye on social media too. Restaurants should have an online review policy in place. While they probably won’t train every employee to use it, reactions to reviews are far less likely to be impulsive when there’s a plan. Operators should always remember that often, unpleasant experiences motivate customers to post negative reviews. It is therefore important to encourage customers to post about their

“What an atrocious hell-hole. After the night I had there this weekend, I wouldn’t wish this place on anyone. Was promised a 15-minute wait, was there for 55 minutes before they seated me. The staff couldn’t have cared less, even when they could see my screaming kids. AVOID! 1 star (but I’d put zero if this site would let me!).” These are the reviews that come in a little ‘hot’ – the ones operators don’t want to read but for which they need to prepare. An acutely negative experience usually prompts these reviews, and their tone ranges from slightly miffed to absolutely livid. Profanity comes with the territory (though some review sites have policies about this) and, occasionally, personal appraisals as well. The first thing for operators to remember when these reviews come in, is that it’s ok to let them sit for a day or two. Operators should not get flustered and put out an emotional response but take honest stock of their feelings before proceeding. If they still feel compelled to contend with the reviewer, operators should wait and make sure they approach the situation calmly. When a hot review seemingly comes out of nowhere, restaurants should also bear in mind that 80% of customer complaints happen online rather than in-house because the internet offers a more accessible soapbox. It is not advisable to dismiss a negative online review because the customer failed to bring it up with staff at the time. Finally, operators should take a hot review for what it is, understand that the customer had a negative experience and empathise with that. Responses should not contain excuses or significant efforts to defend the restaurant; that can appear disingenuous. Instead, the reply should convey a sincere apology for the experience and attempt to move the conversation to email so the restaurant can offer the disgruntled customer a resolution.

TURNING A NEGATIVE INTO A POSITIVE Frankly, customers have more opportunities to vent their frustrations than ever before, and negative reviews are not a minor issue. Some studies suggest the addition or subtraction of a restaurant review star rating will impact their revenue by 5-9%. Prospective customers see negative reviews and change their minds based upon them. Anyone can write an intense criticism in the heat of the moment and as a restaurant operator, it can be difficult to decide whether to respond to online reviews. Here is a rundown of the different types of review, some suggestions for responding to negative posts, and advice on establishing a procedure for handling restaurant criticism generally.

Sometimes, a review comes in and, as wellmeaning as it might be, it’s a little hard to follow. Firstly, operators should try to understand the intention of the post. Before responding, however, operators need to gather some details.


The date of the visit The tone of the review Whether a specific incident has been referenced The names of any staff involved

ABOUT THE REVIEWER: • Are they a regular customer or was this their first time? • Are they a ‘habitual’ reviewer? Do they review every new business that opens where they live? • Do they tend only to post negative reviews? Or positive?

ABOUT THE ISSUE: • Ask the staff who was working whether there was an incident and gather their side of the story • Determine the severity of the claim from a legal standpoint The operator should only respond when all the pertinent facts have been gathered. In some cases, a general “thanks for visiting” will do. In other cases, if the operator has verified with staff that an incident did take place, they will need to respond to a claim directly. If the event didn’t happen, and the operator can prove that, they can gently acknowledge it. When responding to these negative reviews, operators should always do so in a way that facilitates solutions, acknowledges criticism and, if appropriate, try to move the conversation to email or direct message. Though negative online restaurant reviews can be painful, they’re often the first step towards making improvements. Operators can use reviews as a form of market research to spot trends and inconsistencies in their offer, whether it’s in food quality, wait times or customer service. Additionally, automated solutions, such as a Kitchen Display system, can utilise an operator’s kitchen data to prepare and quote orders more efficiently, creating a streamlined operation and happier customers. When responding to an online review, positive or negative, operators are showing there is an open door. Online criticism, and how to respond to negative restaurant reviews, isn’t an exact science but there are a lot of universal principles. Operators can take this summary and make the most of their online experience.

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The Insane Rent Review Market

June 2018

CLH News


By Tim Martin, Founder And Chairman Of JD Wetherspoon

“I knew you were trouble when you walked in”, laments singer Taylor Swift, referring to an unreliable boyfriend. Her words summed up Wetherspoon’s view, when Jamie Oliver took a restaurant lease in St Albans a few years back, at about double our rent per square foot. In reality, in spite of the veneer of sophistication, it only takes one optimist to agree a daft rent and every tenant in the town ends up paying something similar. In the recessions of the last 50 years, subsequent tenant default has often been followed by landlord default and, sometimes, by bank default too, as occurred in 1974/5 and 2008/9. Unfortunately, it wasn’t just Jamie and St Albans. Dozens of restaurant chains followed suit, often opening together in the same developments around the country. A similar pub boom in the 1990s was followed by an inevitable crash. But for several years after the crash, rent reviews seemed to follow an insane upward trend. From that time, 16 or 17 years ago, Wetherspoon has agreed virtually no open-market rent reviews, either buying freeholds, or taking new leases with fixed uplifts and periodic ‘break clauses’. Another danger of the typical concentration of new restaurants is that a good individual business can be tainted by a failed overall development. Restaurateurs, like their pub cousins from the 1990s, have been victims of what the great investor, Warren Buffet, calls ‘the institutional imperative’- if everyone else has opened in a development , it’s safe for you to open up there too. Except that it isn’t, of course. So Carluccio’s, Prezzo, Jamie’s and Byron, all subject to financial reconstructions, have often opened within a stone’s throw of each other, creating a circle of incompetence, or reverse alchemy. And those who trade nearby, often longstanding locals, have been victims of massive rental hikes as a result. Wetherspoon has normally, but not always, stayed away from these developments, and has been wincing for years at the rents being paid- and congratulating ourselves on our foresight regarding open market reviews. But we’re not as clever as we thought. One epicentre of rental insanity is the Trafford Centre in Manchester, a mainly retail development. Some years ago, Wetherspoon agreed to take a lease of a failed restaurant there, at a rent of 10% of sales, or £220,000 per annum, whichever was the higher. Reviews would also be at 10% of sales, or open market. Although we don’t normally agree to open market reviews, we did here, reckoning that 10% our trade, which is normally much higher than rivals, was the maximum we’d be asked to pay, in practise. But a year or two ago, just before branded restaurants started to collapse, a major pubco, in a rush of blood to the head, took a smaller unit than us in the Trafford Centre, at a higher rent, reflecting the rents of recent restaurant lettings- which they now deeply regret. Based on the percentage of sales formula, Wetherspoon

had been paying about £230,000 per annum in the Trafford Centre, slightly higher than the base rent agreed a few years back. At the review, the landlord’s surveyor argued that the rate per square foot, based on the most recent lettings, would give rise to a rent of £691,000 per annum at our pub. The matter was referred to an arbitrator, who decided that the market rent was £415,000, about 20% of our sales, and just enough to ensure that the pub makes no money. If Wetherspoon can’t earn a buck here, it seems unlikely that the dozen or so nearby restauranteurs will thrive. One company has three restaurants in the centre and is reported by the press to have lost £78 million in its last year. So what’s the moral of this typical rent review saga? Maybe you can blame greedy landlords, who are careless of tenant profitability, with inevitable ramifications for service and standards. Or maybe you can blame the surveyors who should, by now, have created a system to limit the property industry’s chronic tendency to boom and bust. Or you could blame the rigidity of the rent review rules, which lack perspective or common sense, and have scant regard for the avalanche coming down the mountain. Or you could blame operators like Wetherspoon for agreeing to these deals in the first place. Whatever the answer, the property market is again making a bad situation worse, by pushing up rents in the teeth of a vicious restaurant recession, and in a climate where three or four pubs are shutting down every week. In her song Taylor Swift ended up “lying on the cold, hard ground”. Many restaurateurs and retailers now feel the icy blast, and would bail out of developments like the Trafford Centre, as would Wetherspoon, given half a chance.


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The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Publishing Ltd, Suite 4, Roddis House, Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset. Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage. Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team. Whilst every care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom. All rights reserved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obtained. All material is assumed copyright free unless otherwise advised.


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

June 2018

Dining out Still World Cup Fever: Top 5 Tips For Hospitality Operators Positive as Home Looking To Manage & Drive Footfall During The World Cup Delivery Grows

UK consumers are still eating out even despite an increase in home delivery, according to new research by purchase intelligence platform Cardlytics. The study, based on spending data from over three million UK bank customers, revealed spending on eating out grew only 3% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2018, compared with 9% the previous year. In contrast spending on delivery services increased 17% in the first quarter of 2018, with just eat and Deliveroo the main drivers of growth. Cardlytics said the data revealed casual dining “no longer reigned in the restaurant sector” as delivery services gained a greater percentage of the market. Casual dining used to account for almost half of restaurant spend two years ago but accounts for 40%, followed by quick service (39%) and delivery (16%). Spending on the casual dining sector fell 1% yearon-year in the first quarter of 2018, compared with 5% growth in 2017 and 10% in 2016. The average transaction value in delivery services increased 10% year-on-year in the quarter, compared with restaurants as a whole, which has seen the average transaction value fall 6% over the past three years. . Cardlytics UK commercial director Duncan Smith said: our data shows the restaurant landscape is continuing to shift, with casual and high-end casual dining suffering from a challenging winter period. The cold weather has clearly supported delivery services but, with the seasons changing, there is an opportunity for physical restaurants to entice customers back with new partnerships and diversification of their rewards and offers. With profitability set to be one of the biggest issues for the industry in 2018, restaurant owners will need to take a long hard look at their physical high-street presence and examine whether their strategy is sufficiently different to foster loyalty among increasingly discerning customers.”

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The FIFA World Cup 2018 is here, bringing with it 4-weeks of football fever and increased footfall for hospitality operators. Here, Nick Telson, Founder of DesignMyNight and Collins booking system, now part of Access Hospitality, has called upon his many years of experience helping operators maximise bookings, promote events and streamline reservations, to create five top tips to managing and driving that all-important footfall.

According to industry insight, 66% of the UK population increase their leisure spend during the World Cup. The World Cup presents a great opportunity for hospitality operators to increase footfall and of course profits – however, it’s a competitive market, so it’s important for operators to raise their game to attract that all-important football customer and, more importantly, get them spending.

1. AVOID INJURY EARLY ON No-shows are an issue for the industry as a whole, however, during major sporting events, operators should be even more cautious of leaving themselves with empty seats on match-day. This also goes for accepting large group bookings without implementing pre-payment or card authorisation. Smart operators are bundling packages together and then using their booking system’s technology to take a booking and payment upfront. For example, instead of just a booking, why not offer a ‘guaranteed seat, view of a screen, or a beer and a burger for £20? Operators should also consider using ticketing to sell space and create more of an event feel. We know that customers are delighted to pay for guaranteed seating and a comfortable way to enjoy the football. Gone are the days of young professionals wanting to be packed into a crowded space to watch the game over 50 people’s shoulders.

2. YOUR TICKET TO LIFTING THE CUP Operators can take it a step further and create themed events to coincide with the matches they are showing. Using ticketing technology to create an event box office is super simple. These ticketed events enable operators to make an occasion of each match, which in turn means customers are more likely to spend not only on drinks, but also on food. Ticketing technology also creates a

24/7 box office on the operator’s website to sell the space without any need to get staff involved. Anthony Knight, Marketing Director of Maxwell’s Group, commented: “Raising our game within our bars is really important to us during big sporting events; not only do we offer fantastic and compelling products to entice our customers to enjoy watching live sport in our venues, but we also aim to ensure the booking journey and pre-visit experience are as straightforward as possible. Customers are provided with the information and given great flexibility at the point of booking to create a bespoke package that suits their requirements. We believe that simplicity is key and will be offering premium as well as price-per-person packages, with the flexibility to customise the drinks and food.”

3. MATCH THE MATCH Hospitality operators should be thinking creatively around their food offering. Consider tailoring dishes to reflect key ingredients from competing nations: For example, kimchi added to burgers for South Korea, sushi and tempura for Japan, tacos with guacamole for Mexico and anything involving barbecued meats for Brazil. These simple tweaks go a long way to helping create more of an immersive and quirky viewing experience for customers. Operators should also consider driving loyalty and promoting their wider drinks offer, across the month, with a ‘10th drink free’ loyalty card. Think about a World Cup nation’s drinks list – not forgetting alcoholfree versions for any drivers. Customers can then tick off each nation’s tipple once tried over the course of the month, whilst also voting on their favourite nation’s

Ryan Price, Marketing Manager at Bounce, the experiential ping-pong bar and restaurant commented: “We know the opportunity the World Cup can bring. We have 12-foot screens and a massive space dedicated to the games, a two-man brass band for all major games, half time shows and quizzes, food and drink deals, as well as specialised pizzas from each home nation. We also want to make it a home-away-from-home for supporters from the likes of France, Germany, Poland, Australia and more.”

4. DON’T TAKE YOUR EYE OFF THE BALL It’s been reported that 65% of customers don’t know what to order when they first sit down, so the opportunity for front-of-house teams to make recommendations and therefore upsell, is huge during the World Cup, especially if operators are planning themed menus based on competing countries. Smart EPoS technology has the ability to prompt staff on what to upsell and record individual staff performance, allowing operators to give praise and rewards where due. This kind of data can be used to make shifts more enjoyable for teams, potentially feeding into a staff league table with rewards for scoring against set goals. Consideration should be given to an in-house Cup winner or a prize bespoke to the individual.

5. BRIDGING CULTURES, BRIDGING TECHNOLOGIES The World Cup provides a unique opportunity to unite a nation, however, operators should be thinking about uniting and integrating technology? If an operator is pre-selling packages or taking deposits, it’s fundamental to then be able to integrate the booking system with the EPoS provider. This enables the team to easily see on the till who has a booking, and what they have paid for and/or pre-ordered - all without manual, inefficient work for the staff, and enabling them to provide immaculate customer service during a busy shift.

Restaurant Job Vacancies Drop 11% Over 6 Months

The number of job vacancies in the UK’s restaurant sector* has dropped 11% over the last six months, to 32,900 in April 2018, from 36,900 in November 2017, says Moore Stephens, the Top 10 Accountancy firm. Moore Stephens says that as the restaurant sector’s profits have tumbled in the last year, many chains are being forced to close their unprofitable sites and reduce staff numbers across other branches.

Insolvencies of restaurant businesses jumped 20% to 984 in the last year, up from 825 in 2015/16*. Moore Stephens says that although the sector is suffering from over capacity after rapid expansion of many restaurant chains in the last decade, many of the problems faced by the sector are not of their own making. The sector has been hit hard by minimum wage increases, pushing some to cut down on staff. The minimum wage is currently £7.83 for those over 25, rising from £7.50 last year. There is a target to reach a minimum wage of £9 for over 25s by 2025. Employers in the sector have also been hit by a num-

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ber of other payroll-related costs over the last few years, such as pensions’ costs through auto-enrolment and the apprenticeship levy.

Simon Fowles, Director at Moore Stephens, says: “Heaping more and more labour costs on to employers can only work for so long – sooner or later the economy sputters and employers have to look at their employment costs. “Many restaurants simply cannot afford to remain open at the current level of staffing costs and with consumer confidence so weak there doesn’t seem to be much relief in sight. “Five years ago, it was usual for around a quarter of revenue at most restaurants to go on wages for its staff. Now, if a restaurant spends 30% on staff pay, it is considered to be doing exceptionally well. “Many restaurants are doing their best to avoid redundancies by freezing recruitment or reducing shift numbers by closing on quieter days, such as Mondays, but even that is a painful process.

BBPA Responds to the Cash and Digital Payments Consultation The British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) has responded to the Treasury’s consultation on cash and digital payments in the new economy. Whilst the BBPA has acknowledged the growing trend towards digital payments in its response, it has cautioned the Government’s involvement in the payments market as unintended consequences for cashbased businesses are still being felt. As an example of this, the BBPA has highlighted the recent implementation of the EU Payment Services Directive, which only recently came into force in January 2018. Since its implementation, the Directive has meant that many pubs now require a minimum spend to help offset the cost of providing digital payment services to their customers, without directly passing the cost on to them

through higher prices. The BBPA has noted that this disproportionately effects the local pub that wants to offer convenient services to attract customers, without having to raise prices and risk losing business. The cost of offering a digital payment service can be as much as 20p per use to the publican and as the average cost of a pint in the UK is £3.39 for beer and £3.05 for cask ale (or 5.9% and 6.6%, respectively, of a pint), many pubs must set a minimum spend on digital payments to ensure they don’t cut too deep into their already squeezed margins. Finally, the BBPA has reminded the Treasury in its response to the consultation that cash-based entertainment options ranging from betting machines to snooker tables form an important part of a pub’s offer.

Should the Government continue to legislate around digital payments, the BBPA would encourage them to look at accepting digital payments for entertainment options like these. Keeping two distinct systems is costly and punitive to business and discriminatory to customers. BBPA Chief Executive Brigid Simmonds comments: “A shift towards digital payments across the world of commerce is clearly taking place. Whilst this can be good for busy pubs where payments at the bar are much faster for customers, Government intervention towards such innovation needs to be well thought through. If not, cash-based businesses such as pubs could be unfairly burdened. In due course, it would be good to see an increase in the maximum limit for contactless payments from £30 to £50.”



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

June 2018

One In Ten Hospitality Sector Workers Consider Leaving The UK Due To Brexit workers, equivalent to around 330,000 staff nationally working in UK restaurants, catering, bars and hotels are thinking about leaving the UK as a result of Brexit. This is in stark contrast to hospitality managers’ expectations that only around 4% of their workers are considering leaving the UK due to Brexit.

SIGNIFICANT staff shortages and closures of business will result from Brexit, according to a survey of the hospitality industry across the UK, according to a survey published today. The survey commissioned by workforce collaboration software company Planday and conducted by YouGov reveals that just over one in 10 workers in UK restaurants, catering, bars and hotels are thinking about leaving the UK as a result of Brexit. The survey further reveals that just over one in ten

3% of hospitality managers predict that they will be forced to close their businesses as a result of Brexit, which nationally could equate to around a £1.1 billion loss for the economy**. Almost 1 in 5 (18%) of hospitality managers find recruitment harder now than in April 2017. 16% of hospitality managers do not think they will be able to fulfil their staffing requirements over the next 5 years with domestic workers. John Coldicutt, Chief Commercial Officer for Planday commented: “These findings show to us the depth of the potential impact of Brexit on the UK economy, with the hospitality industry being hit especially hard. There’s clearly false confidence within the hospitality sector with almost three times as many workers considering leaving as managers expect. Now more than ever it’s crucial that managers make sure they have the right infrastructure in place to engage their employees and build genuine loyalty.”

30% of workers expressed some form of concern about their job as a result of Brexit. Topping the list were immigration worries, with 24% (equivalent to around 86,500* people nationally) of staff polled who are born outside of the UK concerned that they would be forced to leave. The other key staff worries amongst all staff focus on expectations of pay decrease (11%) or being made to work longer hours (6%). About a third of managers (32%) who haven’t done so already think they will have to pay higher salaries and will experience labour (21%) and skills shortages (15%) as a result of Brexit. Hospitality managers want more support from the government, calling for the following: Almost half (45%) of hospitality managers want the government to offer some form of assistance to the sector due to Brexit 30% want specific work permits or visas for hospitality workers post Brexit. 37% of workers don’t think the government understands or is representing the needs of non-UK EU workers in the hospitality sector

53% of hospitality workers think that Brexit has made the UK a less welcoming place to live and work To help address some of the issues that Brexit will present, managers in the 76% of firms who say they are Brexit-ready are taking the following action: • Training (10%) or upskilling staff (8%) • 15% are looking at actively recruiting from different markets like older employees or working parents • Increasing salaries (8%), or benefits for staff (4%) • 9% are looking at introducing more flexibility to appeal to more workers Peter Ducker, chief executive of the Institute of Hospitality commented: “Brexit will present some fundamental challenges to our sector if the changes proposed around immigration are approved, given the sheer number of staff and businesses that would be affected. These results clearly show the need across the sector for forward-planning and we are encouraged to see evidence of the industry stepping up to the challenges ahead through increased training and upskilling as well as the many innovative recruitment strategies we know our members are starting to put in place.”

The Digital Guest Directory: Your Easy Way To UKHospitality Calls For Fairness And Transparency For Employers And Employees Integrate Technology Into Your Guests' Experience UKHospitality has called on the Government to ensure that employment in the UK is fair, transparent and flexible for both employers and employees. Responding to a series of consultations in the wake of the Taylor Review, UKHospitality has made a series of recommendations to provide a modernised framework of employment fit for the 21st Century. In its submission to consultations on: Increasing transparency in the UK labour market; employment status; and enforcement of employment rights, UKHospitality has called on the Government to: • Ensure a level-playing field for all businesses regardless of their business model • Provide clear guidance for employers and individuals on their employment and taxation status • Provide more transparency for workers and employers • Support the extension of holiday pay reference periods to more accurately reflect working practices • Maintain flexibility in the labour market for mutual benefit • Make sure that businesses are not able to use differences in tax status as an incentive to employment

• Set out the core principles of employment status definitions in legislation but allow a degree of flexibility for complex cases • Preserve the current three-tier system and rename the intermediary tier dependent contractors UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The UK’s hospitality sector has been a fantastic engine for growth, providing jobs in every region of the country and revitalising high streets. However, the sector is facing considerable barriers to further growth and we need to see the Government act decisively to ensure that employment is transparent and fair for both employers and employees. “Businesses must continuously evolve to keep pace with changing consumer demand and legislative and cost pressures. Hospitality businesses need the flexibility to compete with online businesses in an environment that provides fairness to both employers and employees. The Government has an opportunity to provide even greater opportunities for growth and success, but only if it provides community-based businesses and their teams with a platform from which to operate.”

mote these through push notifications directly on your guests' mobile devices. Here are a few reasons why you should choose Guestfriend:

Mobile devices are in every pocket today. They play a central role in the interaction between hotel and guests. The need of guests for digital services is growing – whether young or old, business or private travellers. Having the right approach to communicate with guests in the hotel is vitally important. Guestfriend, an innovative German software company, offers digital communication solutions that benefits both the guests and the hotel. Give your guests what they want on their own devices and offer them a Digital Guest Directory. Your Digital Guest Directory answers common questions of your guests and informs about offers, services, events and activities. Additionally, pro-

• More time: the digital guest directory supports your team at the reception • More revenue: promote your in-house offers and increase the number of inquiries and bookings • Easy accessible: guests have various possibilities to use the digital guest directory: as a native app for iOs and Android or as a progressive web app – no download required • More service: enhance the guest experience, with ondemand information 24/7 “The digital Guest directory is useful for both our guests and our staff, as all information are available 24/7. It is a really ground-breaking product at a fair price.” – Roland Beer, Hotel Schattauer For further information, contact Guestfriend on +49 831 930 657 0 or visit See the advert on page 13 for further details.

Seafood Restaurant of The Year Competition Now Open Entries are invited for the popular and prestigious Seafood restaurant of the year, the competition is open to all UK restaurants (that include fish and shellfish on their menus), and will seek out restaurants and cafes and other eateries that are demonstrating both excellent examples of the cooking and serving of fish and shellfish, and evidence of fish and shellfish knowledge. The judges will be looking for clear evidence of responsible sourcing of sustainable raw ingredients, successful fish and shellfish promotion on menus, excellent levels of product knowledge both front and back of house, and examples of how customers are encouraged to eat fish and shellfish. Following an initial shortlisting judging process, the Top 10 restaurants will then be visited by a mystery diner judge, which will determine a final top five listing of leading restaurants, which will be revealed in autumn 2018. As consumers in the UK, we have a tendency to focus our seafood consumption on five main species – salmon, tuna, cod, haddock and prawns – and yet on any one day it is estimated that there is in excess of 100 different species of fish and shellfish available for consumers to purchase and enjoy in the UK; a veritable bounty from the seas! While many consumers are often reticent about buying seafood for preparing and

cooking at home, it is however very often a main menu choice for many people when they decide to eat out of home – consumers putting trust in a chef that he or she will expertly prepare and serve an excellent seafood dining experience. This point can therefore be acted upon by caterers by ensuring that there is a good variety of seafood choice on their menus. The Seafood Restaurant Of The Year Competition provides a fantastic opportunity to showcase the wide range of restaurants, pubs and cafes that are excelling in providing customers with top quality fish and shellfish dining experiences.

WHO CAN ENTER? The Seafood Restaurant of the Year Competition is open to all bona fide restaurants, pubs, cafes, etc. in the UK (but excluding restaurants in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man). Entries open May 2018 – Entries close 7 July 2018. All entrants will complete an initial entry form to be submitted to Seafish along with photograph/s of the business entered and some supporting written documentation. For further information about the competition please e-mail

Get Your Business On Board With Seafood Week Businesses across the UK are being urged to get behind Seafood Week by taking part in the eight-day celebration of seafood. Organisers Seafish are calling on the UK foodservices industry to get behind Seafood Week, taking place from Friday 5-12 October, and help the nation celebrate the incredible variety and quality of fish and shellfish available to buy and eat. Seafood sales have increased during Seafood Week in each of the three years that the campaign has run, with businesses who take part often enjoying increased trading and customer engagement. A jam-packed week of festivities is planned to encourage

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Wolfson College is seeking to appoint a new Head of the Catering Department (College Steward). Working closely with the Home Bursar, Events and Conferences Manager, Head Chef and other College departments, the Steward is responsible for delivering a high quality, customer-orientated catering and hospitality service to students, fellows, staff and visitors. It is a busy and rewarding role involved with all members of the College and various aspects of College life. Wolfson College is one of the largest graduate colleges in the University of Oxford, with over 600 students. It has a strong egalitarian and democratic ethos and is increasingly known as one of the most energetic, innovative, and welcoming scholarly communities in Oxford. The successful candidate will be enthusiastic and energetic, with a positive and cheerful disposition that inspires others and sets a good example. He or she will be a strong leader with excellent communication, organizational and problem solving skills, and able to work collaboratively with colleagues at all levels throughout the College.

consumers up and down the country to eat seafood on offer at local restaurants, takeaways, hotels, public houses and retailers.

For further details and information on how to apply, please refer to the College’s vacancies page:

Starting on Friday October 5, each day of the campaign will focus on a different species of seafood demonstrating that the perfect fish dish is out there for everyone, with a range of tastes and textures to suit all lifestyles and budgets. This provides the foodservice sector with the opportunity to showcase a product or dish containing the key ingredient of the day.

The closing date for applications is 21 June 2018 at noon. Interviews will be held on 3 July 2018. Wolfson College is an equal opportunities employer.



For further information on Seafood Week visit


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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

June 2018

Female Chef Paid Less Than Male Colleague Wins Equal Pay Case A female chef who discovered that a male colleague was being paid between £4,000 and £6,000 a year more than her for doing the same job, has won her equal pay claim. Kay Collins, represented by leading national law firm Leigh Day, pursued the claim against her former employer Compass Group UK & Ireland, after becoming aware of the disparity. Bristol Employment Tribunal found that Ms Collins performed ‘the same or broadly similar work’ to that of male head chefs employed by the group and was entitled to equal pay. Ms Collins, now 58, and from Weston-super-Mare said: “It was really upsetting to find that someone less experienced and less qualified and 12 years younger than me was earning more money than I was. I had worked for Compass for many years and had an impeccable record and yet my male colleague who had worked there for three years and was less experienced than me was earning more.” Ms Collins was employed as a chef for Compass Group from 2006 at its Weston College campus in Weston-Super-Mare, the tribunal heard. She had worked for the major contract catering business for 10 years when she found out about the earnings gap. In Ms Collins’ evidence, the only difference between

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her role and that of her male colleague was their respective job titles. He was called head chef while she was labelled a chef. They both however, ran their own kitchen and Ms Collins had previously run the kitchen for which her male colleague is now responsible. When Ms Collins raised a grievance with Compass Group seeking pay parity with her colleague, the company did not uphold it, responding that he did substantially different work to her. Compass Group came to this conclusion without actually interviewing her male colleague, and on the basis of information given by a more senior member of the catering team within Compass Group which did not withstand scrutiny when the case reached the employment tribunal. Ms Collins lawyer, Nick Webster of Leigh Day said: “Our client had to incur the cost, time and emotion of pursuing this matter through the employment tribunal in order to obtain justice and recognition for the work she provided. She was – and is – an exceptional chef whose employer let her down in the most fundamental way by not paying her on a par with men who did the same or broadly similar work to her.” Ms Collins hopes that by publicising the outcome of her case, other people in a similar situation will challenge gender pay disparity in their own workplace. “This case has had a huge impact on my life. I am not in work because I was dismissed during the action, and I am struggling to pay my mortgage. All I wanted was I was entitled to.”

Seascape Island Apothecary Wins Prestigious Travel Retail Awards British bath & body brand Seascape Island Apothecary ( has recently received 2 top gongs from the prestigious TRBusiness Travel Retail Awards. Voted on by an international panel of travel retail consumers, Seascape’s Travel Essentials Trio Gift Set was named “WINNER: Best skincare, haircare, bath and body product”, beating out several high profile international brands. Containing a 75ml Refresh Hand & Nail Cream, 10ml Peppermint Oil Lip Balm and a 8ml Soothe Sleep Oil - all

award winners in their own right - the Travel Essentials Trio Gift Set retails for £28. Seascape’s Awake Oil / Sleep Oil Duo Gift Set was also named as a FINALIST in the same "Best skincare, haircare, bath and body product” category, giving Seascape 2 of the top 6 positions in the beauty category. Containing the 8ml Soothe Sleep Oil and a 8ml Uplift Awake Oil (also a multiple award winner), the Oil Duo Gift Set retails for £18.00. Whether as a gift set or individually, these various Seascape products make for great additions to any hotel amenity assortment. The 8ml Soothe Sleep Oil has the added benefit of using only pregnancy safe essential oils, making it an outstanding pillow gift for any hotel guest. See the advert on page 9 for details.



Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

June 2018

Majority of Restaurant 75% Of Brits Flocking To UK Tourist Destinations This Year Diners Want Calorie Counts on The Menu

Six in 10 people would be more likely to buy food from an eating establishment that provided traffic light labelling on menus and packaging, our poll has revealed. A UK poll commissioned by ComRes on behalf of Diabetes UK, has revealed that six in 10 respondents say they are more likely to spend their money in an eating establishment that provides traffic light labelling, and almost six in 10 (59%) say they are more likely to eat where there is calorie labelling on food menus/packaging. Almost seven in 10 (69%) say price promotions on healthy food would make them more likely to eat in a particular eating establishment. Diabetes UK’s Food Upfront campaign is calling for mandatory front-of-pack traffic light labelling on all pre-packaged food, and calorie labelling in cafes and restaurants. The findings come from our Food Upfront campaign, which is calling on the government to:

• Commit to introducing mandatory front-of-pack traffic light labelling to all pre-packaged food and drinks, and • Urge medium-to-large food establishments to provide customers with calorie information on their menus with additional nutritional information, such as carbohydrate content, available online or when asked in store. The findings shed light on how the availability of clear labelling on food and drink could considerably influence the spending habits of the UK public. The poll also revealed that almost seven-in-ten (69%) of respondents said they would be more likely to buy food from an establishment that offered price promotions on healthy food options, while 57% said they’d be more likely to buy food, if the establishment offered a ‘reduced calorie’ range.

Almost three quarters of Brits (73%) are choosing to indulge in UK tourist destinations this year, as revealed in the latest consumer survey from hospitality business insurer NFU Mutual.* London tops the list of UK tourist hot spots that Brits plan to visit, followed by the Lake District, Edinburgh and Cornwall. Outside of London, the North of England region can expect the highest number of holidaymakers (33%) at destinations including the Lake District, York, Manchester, Liverpool and the Yorkshire Dales, beating off stiff competition from the South Coast (30%) led by Cornwall and Devon. Darren Seward, hospitality sector specialist at NFU Mutual, said: “It’s wonderful to see that there really is no place like home, with Brits planning to travel across land and sea to explore the breadth of their own kingdom this year. “London flies the flag for the South as the most popular destination in the UK, but the North is also in demand with its countryside outings and city breaks outweighing the popularity of the Southern seaside.”

The top reason for choosing a UK staycation is the ease of planning at short notice (44%), followed by travel being less hassle, and simply loving what the UK has to offer (including countryside, towns, beaches and history), both 38%. People from South Yorkshire are most likely to choose a UK staycation because of feeling safer here, almost double the UK average (40% vs. 21%). The top reasons people feel less safe abroad include the threat of terrorism (64%) and being an easy target to thieves (45%), followed by civil unrest, poorer healthcare, the inability to understand or communicate in a different language (all 37%) and unfamiliarity in different road layouts or being unable to detect bad neighbourhoods (35%).

Darren continued: “The allure of a spontaneous, hassle-free getaway to a familiar place where people feel safe is particularly appealing to people. Price is less important to those aged over 24, however the weak pound should make the UK a more attractive holiday option and deliver a boost for the leisure industry after the late arrival of Spring.”

How Historic Farnham Castle Hides An Up-To-The-Minute Secret…

With a prestigious past dating back to the 12th century, award-winning Farnham Castle must be one of the most historic venues in the UK – but there’s nothing old fashioned about the way it runs its business. Farnham has become well-known as both a boutique hotel and a stunning venue, providing a unique combined hotel and venue experience. General Manager Robert Wright says the customer experience is paramount – and explains why Farnham Castle has implemented not one but two up-to-the-minute software systems from NFS Technology Group to work quietly away in the background so everything runs perfectly.

Farnham Castle uses a roomMaster hotel property management system (PMS) to organise every aspect of running its busy hotel operations, from online booking to food and beverage management, front desk and even

housekeeping management. Farnham has recently added a ground-breaking Rendezvous Events venue management system to create perfect control over its meetings and weddings business. Robert said: “We’re delighted at the way the systems have helped both our bookings and our guest experience.” NFS Chief Executive Luis De Souza said: “Farnham Castle is a superb example of a highclass hotel and a top venue, polishing its already-impressive offering with the help of our technology.” For further information visit or call 01992 514555.

Currently two-thirds of adults in the UK are overweight or obese, which is a significant risk factor for the condition. Further, one in three children in England are either overweight or obese before they leave primary school.

Kingspan Cuts the Cost of Kitchen Waste

These simple steps by the government could make a significant difference in enabling people to make healthier choices, and in turn reduce the impact of obesity on the health of the nation.

Kingspan’s range of smart grease management and food-waste digesting products give commercial kitchens an effortless and secure way to manage FOG/food waste, and save money!

Helen Dickens, Assistant Director of Campaigns and Mobilisation said: “We already know that people living with diabetes want more information about what’s in the food and drink they buy, but what’s interesting is understanding how the availability of better nutritional labelling influence the spending habits of the public as a whole.


“These findings are a clear indicator, not only to the government, but also to the food and drink and service industries, that the public has an appetite to see better information about the food they’re buying, and they’re willing to vote with their wallets. It’s not just good for the health of the public; it’s good for business as well. It’s becoming increasingly difficult for the government, and industry, to ignore the wishes of the consumer. The British public have spoken, and it’s time for government to act, and take this simple, bold step to improving the health of the nation.”

Kingspan’s SmartServ Grease management system incorporates: • Trapzilla Grease Trap which captures up to 95% of grease waste vs existing technology which typically only traps 25% of the grease. It is highly efficient, reducing the frequency of pump outs and can be easily installed or retrofitted into existing trap trenches • Kingspan Sensor Probe and Control Panel (measuring and monitoring system) provides alerts to owners when the trap is full via email and text It maps traps in multiple locations onto a secure remote hosting platform – giving users full visibility and management control

• IFOG Bacteria Dosing Unit - an outlet-pipe bacterial dosing system which is highly effective at digesting fats, oil and grease Kingspan’s engineers can also access the secure hosting platform remotely to identify when a trap needs emptying, ensuring a faster, more proactive, response. Meanwhile tankering services are provided through Kingspan’s preferred partner scheme.

FOOD WASTE DISPOSAL Kingspan’s Waste2-O is a tried and tested, easy to use and cost-effective solution for the responsible disposal of food waste in establishments serving 300-400 meals per day. A single Waste2-O unit can turn 180kg of food into waste water, suitable for discharging through the drain, in just 24 hours removing the need to send it to landfill.

U.C.I lamps have been specifically designed to be energy efficient for use in the catering industry. They are use in heated counters and serveries of establishments such as restaurants, hotels, pubs, hospitals, schools, prisons, army bases, universities etc. This low pressure design offers along service life of 8000 hrs! that’s 60% longer than other manufacturers.

The catering heat lamps are available in two overall lengths of 118mm & 220mm, and supplied in 200, 300 and 500W power ratings.

Accessories available. The novel design features give them stability in catering environments at competitive prices.

All lamps are CE approval and manufactured to EN60335-1:2005 and EN60335-2-30:2003, the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC and the RoHS Directive.

Our heat lamps will keep food warm at a constant temperature which can be controlled by the use of a variable power controller.

June 2018

CLH News


How The Food And Hospitality Industry Can Spice Up Its Marketing 14 MILLION Extra Pints Brand ambassadors, faceto-face marketing and experiential activations can deliver major benefits for restaurants and fast-food chains, driving footfall and engaging new audiences, says Dorian Payne, Head of Operations at StreetPR In the hospitality industry, restaurants and fast-food operators are used to the idea of hiring temporary staff – after all, they rely on part-time waiters and kitchen workers to respond to the fluctuations in demand that is a fundamental challenge in the catering business. But just as you wouldn’t hire an experienced waiter to cook the food, or a chef to wait tables, you shouldn’t hire waiters and cooks to be brand ambassadors. We’re talking completely different skill sets here. It’s all about the right people for the right roll… sorry, role. Your cooks and your service staff are very definitely promoting your business – but they’re doing it by doing the jobs they’re best at. If you want someone to get diners through your doors, then you need trained and professional brand ambassadors who will be able to engage with existing and potential customers. You can deploy face-to-face marketers anywhere where your target audience is likely to be. We’ve got some clients who use our staff as greeters on or around the entrance to their restaurants, starting up conversations with passers-by or people already queuing inside, explaining the concept and the ethos behind the venue and any specials there may be and generally making them feel welcome. It sounds very American, but younger Brits are so used to this kind of direct approach that they don’t have a problem with it. Other clients use brand ambassadors to rove around

nearby to their venues, handing out flyers and samples and generally raising the profile of the outlet. It’s all about getting the passing trade to actually stop and go in.

If you haven’t used brand ambassadors and face-toface marketers before, one key thing to understand is that they work best when they are integrated into your other marketing plans. It’s like cooking itself – all the ingredients in a recipe should complement each other, working in harmony to deliver something tasty and satisfying. The other key benefit of face-to-face marketing is its flexibility – you can spice it up when you need to; it’s highly targeted and very cost-effective. That’s why so many restaurant and fast-food chains use it. In fact, you could argue that they’ve been using it for a lot longer that marketing has existed – there were almost certainly people on the streets of Ancient Rome extolling the virtues of the local taverna. However, there’s a difference between hiring a barker or a tout to drive traffic and employing professional brand ambassadors. To create a meaningful and long-lasting brand these days, you need consistency of message. That’s where companies like StreetPR come in. We’ve worked with dozens of companies in the hospitality industry, helping them promote new restaurant openings, highlight a revamped menu, and help smooth out seasonal dips in trade with targeted promotions and sampling activity. As with any marketing, the first thing client marketers have to do is understand the core business strengths and the market they cater to. These may differ depending on where sites are, whether they are offering fine dining, convenience or fast-food, and even the national cuisine on offer. Don’t forget that the audience profile will also change according to day of the week, time of day and season.

Are you happy with your current user base, or are there groups you aren’t reaching? Who could benefit from your services – parents with kids, older people, time-poor professionals? What do you want your marketing to do? Is it to drive more footfall across your entire estate, or do you want to focus on individual sites? Are you adding new menu items or special offers? Are you opening entirely new restaurants or outlets?

Look at what your existing marketing strategy is, then look at how brand ambassadors can contribute to that strategy and leverage other media channels – or be leveraged by them. Face-to-face activity works really well with social media, for example – you can use it to generate content which can amplify what you’re doing on the street or in your venues. Just handing out leaflets can work really well – so long as the leaflets have the right offer on and are handed out to the right people in the right place at the right time (a bit like delivering the right meal to the right diner in a reasonable time!). We’ve had clients tell us that people are walking in with leaflets they’ve had stuck on the fridge up to six months after a campaign has run (incidentally, you should always consider putting a timelimit on offers in leaflets, ads and even on social media). An additional benefit is that you can run very tightly targeted and highly cost effective campaigns, selecting locations within a set distance from your venues or around those places you know your key audience will be (upmarket High Streets or transport hubs, for example). We’re living in an ‘always connected’ world, so exploit that, and people’s obsession with sharing every element of their lives, to create buzz about your brand and your services. Face-to-face engagement allows restaurant and fastfood brands and marketers to start and exploit conversations around the foods you offer with your key audiences.

Mexican Beer Mash Up Trend: The Clamato Michelada! This summer Clamato is unveiling its new cocktail recipe; The Authentic Michelada!

The Michelada is an imposing drink born in Mexico and people would spar over how it got its name. The most bandied about explanation is that it’s a shortening of mi chela helada or “my cold beer.” When it’s blisteringly hot — and Micheladas are typically thought of as an everyday drink or a morning-after hangover cure — is there anything more refreshing for your customers than a beer cocktail with lots of ice cubes in a tall glass? People are craving for more authenticity, freshness and quirky flavours and taste. Be part of the Cocktail Trend and Stock up to impress your consumers with Clamato. Empire Bespoke Foods is the only authorised distributor for the UK for Clamato tomato juice; a Dr and Pepper Snapple Brand.

Empire Bespoke Foods Ltd has been providing the finest branded foods from around the world since 1997. Based in West London, the business is one of the UK’s most respected food importers, distributors and brand-builders, representing over 100 brands across 13 categories, with an extensive portfolio of products sourced from Asia, Europe and America. For more information on the product range or how to stock, please contact Empire Bespoke Foods on 0208 537 4080, by email, or visit our website See the advert on page 7 for further details.

Sold During World Cup Group Stages - But Don’t Forget the “Soft Option”

The British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) has predicted that England fans will drink 14 million extra pints at the pub during the World Cup group stages, as they cheer on the England squad in their games against Tunisia, Panama and Belgium. The extra number of pints drunk during the World Cup group stages could provide as much as a £42 million boost to the economy, with the Great British pub being one of the main benefactors of a surge in demand for beer as fans cheer on the England team at their local. The taxman will be cheering the loudest as England progress through the group stages of the competition. With beer duty, the extra tax put on beer in addition to VAT, meaning that HMRC could get an additional windfall as high as £6.3 million from beer drinkers and pub-goers watching England at the World Cup. With the friendly timings of England’s group stage fixtures meaning that the Three Lions will play Tunisia and Belgium in the evenings after work and Panama at the weekend, as well as fewer fans travelling to the tournament itself to catch the games, the Great British pub is set to be the place to watch England’s World Cup matches this summer. However operators are being reminded to ensure they consider their “soft options”. Recent reports have revealed that one in five adults are teetotal and 74% of guests seek healthier alternatives, furthermore,27% of young people now state they do not drink at all. With this in mind, it is important for operators to entice people out of their homes and into bars by innovating their soft drinks offering Gabriel David, chairman and founder of Luscombe Drinks, said “For the first time, sales of bottled water have exceeded sales of cola. This has been driven by the trend towards healthier low-calorie drinks with reduced sugar content, and the success of premium sparkling waters. As a premium soft drinks producer we have been working on an introductory range of Sparkling Fruit Waters. However, unlike many of the fruit waters currently on the market, the Luscombe range have a high fruit content to ensure the real taste of the fruit comes through not just a hint” BBPA Chief Executive Brigid Simmonds comments: “When it comes to watching England at the World Cup, only being at the game itself can compare with being in the pub. Millions of England fans will be going to the pub to cheer on the team with their friends, which is both great for the local pub and great for the England team. Let’s hope the England team do us proud!”


Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

June 2018

UKHospitality Invites Labour Leader To Discuss Future Of Sector Workforce

Top Five Security Threats Facing Hospitality Firms

UKHospitality has offered to meet with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to discuss employment in the hospitality sector. The invitation follows an announcement by Labour that it would, if elected, seek to introduce legislation to provide transparency to tipping practices and address sexual harassment. Labour has also reiterated plans to introduce a £10 “Real Living Wage”. The comments were made this weekend at the Bakers’ Union annual conference. UKHospitality has contacted the Labour leader highlighting efforts already being carried out by the hospitality sector to provide opportunities and safeguard working conditions. UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “Labour has unveiled plans to bolster equality for employees, but hospitality employers are already working hard to provide transparency and fairness for their workers. “Clarity and transparency for staff and management alike regarding the collection of tips is welcome and UKHospitality has worked with Unite and sector representatives to establish that via a code of practice. Any legislation on tips needs to provide the stability that UKHospitality has pushed for so that all employers and employees understand the agreed tipping and tronc measures in place. “Measures to address sexual harassment in the workplace are certainly welcome and there can be no place for it within hospitality or any other sector. UKHospitality has been engaging with employee organisations and the Health and Safety Executive to discuss workable solutions to safeguard hospitality staff, particularly those in potentially vulnerable roles. “Plans to introduce a £10 per hour Minimum Wage are laudable in theory, but it is important to recognise that such a move would place extreme pressures on some employers. Any increases to the rate of National Minimum or Living Wage must take into account economic pressures and be affordable for employers. Otherwise, the move could easily have the unintended effect of putting people out of work. “The sector values its workforce enormously and one of the rationales for our ongoing Workforce 2030 Commission is to secure the future of a sector that provides opportunities and careers. “We would welcome a chance to discuss these measures with the Labour leader to see how we can secure support for the sector’s employees and the companies that employ them.

With concerns around data and security affecting 87%* of customers, addressing these issues must be a critical consideration for hospitality firms, a new report from Vodat International, a leading network security provider, reveals. The report, Network security threats and how to fight them, exposes the potential vulnerabilities of in-house networks, which hospitality organisations rely on every day for business-critical operations, from purchase transactions to managing customers’ personal data. Five key security threats faced by hos-

pitality firms outlined in the report include: 1. Vulnerable Wi-Fi networks – without sufficient Wi-Fi security, hackers can access networks, disrupt transactions and prevent businesses from trading. 2. Weak POS Security – cyber criminals can contaminate EPOS systems with malware, affecting hospitality firms operating from multiple locations. 3. Poor network configuration – entry points around a network’s perimeter where sensitive data is exchanged can be highly vulnerable if poorly configured. 4. Inadequate staff education – employees can be the weakest point of a network, so hospitality organisations must ensure adequate staff training. 5. GDPR non-compliance – recent EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) means businesses must understand how and where data is stored and how secure it is.

“Hackers can access hospitality firms’ networks, disrupt transactions and even prevent them from trading altogether,” said Paul Leybourne of Vodat International. “With the British Retail Consortium estimating the annual cost of retail cybercrime at £100m, there is a great deal at stake. Our report highlights not only the top security threats, but also the importance of having robust and secure solutions and processes to fight them and protect their businesses.” *Original research by Vodat to launch the report reveals that a total of 87% of customers are concerned about security and personal data breaches when using free in-house Wi-Fi. For more information on how hospitality firms can fight against data and network security threats, download the full report: /

New Industry Led Charity Assists Homeless into Hospitality Careers A new, nationwide charity, Only a Pavement Away (OAPA) (, has been established to work with licensed hospitality, connecting companies to a rich vein of potential employees as the pool of talent from Europe continues to diminish ahead of Brexit. The charity has forged strong working relationships with like-minded charities including Crisis; The Chrysalis Foundation; The Corbett Foundation and organisations that work with ex–offenders and ex-service personnel, including the Royal Forces Employment Agency. OAPA are currently running trials with a number of pub and bar operators including Pub Love, Brewhouse & Kitchen and Young’s as the homeless and more vulnerable within our society are guided and coached through their transition into the world of work. Full training, together with a network of support from companies and charities, underpinned by a 12-month post engagement support package, ensures that each individual has the best chance of success in turning their life around and boosting their self-worth and selfesteem. Founded by established industry consultant Greg Mangham, who has spent over 40 years working with leading organisations such as Bass, Coral, The BII and Pub is the Hub, Only A Pavement Away seeks to match the hospitality sector demand of 1.3* million employees required over the next six years, with the rising

increase in rough sleepers (up 16% in 2016) and those returning from active service roles and time spent. “Only A Pavement Away crystallised as a result of not accepting all homeless are rough sleepers and that sometimes, through no fault of their own, peoples paths have taken a wrong turn or detour from the norm. I wanted to do something to help, and having worked in licensed hospitality my whole career, there’s an opportunity to nurture a partnership between those charities who manage and assist the more vulnerable with an industry that is looking to fill a wealth of roles and opportunities with people from all walks of life,” said Greg. “Through the support of many other passionate people in the sector the project has been brought to life and now we are working to ensure our partnerships, processes and support package has the solid foundation from which to grow the charity,” added Greg. A team of industry experts have given their time in supporting and shaping the registered charity in preparation for the official launch on World Homeless Day, 10th October which will see the results of the company trials presented to MP’s and Ministers in the House of Commons. Companies wishing to engage with the on-going trials or financially support the charity through charitable donations are asked to register at

Celebrate With LittlePod!

The LittlePod team are proud to announce that they are winners of the 2018 Queen’s Award for Enterprise (For Sustainable Development). The company would like to pay a special tribute to the team at CHL and all of their readers who have followed the LittlePod journey over the last 8 years. Would you like to celebrate with us? To celebrate this award LittlePod are hosting a wonderful Elizabethan inspired event in the beautiful setting of Bickleigh Castle, near Exeter. The theme is based on the Elisabeth the 1st love of vanilla and how she inadvertently saved vanilla for her generation. Guests have the opportunity to stay in one of the smallest castles in the Country. For more information please email LittlePod at or tel. 01395232022. This event is limited to 50 people. An opportunity to stay overnight at Bickleigh Castle at a special price of £140 (dinner + B&B). Chefs why not treat yourself? See the advert on page 11.

Riso Gallo has developed a premium quality frozen Carnaroli risotto for chefs that is ready in only 5 minutes. The Carnaroli rice is precooked in a vegetable stock and frozen grain by grain, known as Individual Quick Frozen Technology. This allows chefs to accommodate requests of single portions, reduces waiting times and avoids wastage. It is also gluten free, alcohol free, dairy free and nut free. Cooked from frozen, chefs add hot stock (or even just water) and chosen ingredients, offering versatility in the number of risottos they wish to offer to their customers. “Riso Gallo has been dedicated in the development of this frozen base over the past year”, commented Jason Morrison, MD Riso Gallo UK. “We are aware of the time chefs need to spend on creating a good quality risotto. A risotto that is cooked but the grain remains al dente. This frozen base offers chefs exactly that.” Riso Gallo has over 160 years of experience in rice production and is now in its 6th generation as a family ran business. 1kg/5 portion Frozen Risotto 8 Packs Per Case, 64 Cases Per Pallet Visit for further information. Call 0113 834 7946 or email, quoting CLH213

June 2018

CLH News


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Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier

June 2018

Labour Pledges Law to Let Staff Keep 100% Of Their Tips Panasonic Corporation Announces Jeremy Corbyn has pledged that a Labour government will take action to ensure all tips left by customers in the hospitality industry will go to the staff. Corbyn said the party would make it illegal for “rogue employers” to take a cut from money intended for their workers. The measure forms part of a package of policies to support hospitality workers unveiled by Mr Corbyn in a speech to the Bakers’ Union (BFAWU) annual conference. “Tips should be kept by the staff who earn them, not employers. It’s not fair or right that in businesses across the country, hardworking hospitality workers have

had their tips pocketed by their bosses under the guise of bogus admin fees, or to cover breakages, till shortages or customer walkouts. Labour will make it illegal for rogue employers to make deductions from tips, so staff get to keep 100%, and customers know who their money is going to.” The Labour party has pledged, if elected to government ,that it would ban businesses from taking a cut of any tips paid via card, as well as charging waiters to work and keeping “optional” service charges. Corbyn also said the party would make law to support hospitality workers by strengthening anti-sexual harassment laws, citing a survey by trade union Unite which revealed that 89% of workers had experienced sexual harassment, while 77% said their workplace either did not have a policy to tackle this or they did not know about it.

The YouGov findings were then matched up with the true average prices across the country, as reported by the Good Pub Guide 2018. Visitors to London can sometimes be surprised by the eyebrow-raising price of a pint in the capital’s pubs. Londoners venturing outside the south east also often raise their eyebrows when getting a drink, albeit for different reasons, being delighted to receive sig-

nificant change when buying a beer with a fiver. YouGov’ survey asked the public what they considered to be a reasonable price for a pint at the pub and compared the public’s opinion against the average prices of pints across the nation as reported by the Good Pub Guide 2018. The results show that national average price that Brits think is “reasonable” to pay for a pint is £3.00 – 60p lower than the usual cost of an actual pint. The place with the greatest difference between perception and reality is in Surrey. At £4.40, the county has the most expensive

pints in the county, however Surrians think the average reasonable price for a pint is £3.36 – more than a pound lower. By contrast, the place with the smallest difference is Herefordshire. Here the average pint will set you back £3.31, only 30p more than the average reasonable price. (In Yorkshire, the other area with the jointcheapest pints, the difference is 47p).

Regale’s ‘Microsave® Cavity Liner’ was developed as a labour and money saving device for commercial operations and has been embraced over the years by major brewery and restaurant groups such as Frankie and Benny’s and Chiquitos, as well as a host of independent operations. It is designed for caterers whose microwaves are in constant use, many for over 12 hours a day, to easily keep their ovens hygienically clean and free from spillages and spills that can lead to damaged ceiling plates, base plates and lens light covers.

While Herefordians and Yorkshiremen might have the cheapest pints, it is the residents of Northumbria and Lancashire that have the cheapest expectations. In both of these areas the average perceived “reasonable” price for a pint is just £2.80.

Iain Phillips, Sales & Marketing Manager, Panasonic UK Ltd added; “The basis of Panasonic’s business philosophy revolves around seven principles and the premise that the Company will ‘contribute to society with cutting edge technology’. As we celebrate our 100th anniversary in 2018, the Company wanted to underpin its commitment to customers and offer a solution to enable all Panasonic microwave users the ability to access the ingenious Microsave® Liner. Regale is our number one distributor, has a business ethos that mirrors some or our own principles and invented the Liner. We have long admired the dedication it shows to its customers so it was a natural fit for us. Panasonic’s professional microwave ovens are built to the highest standards and will offer years of excellent service if they are well maintained. The Microsave Liner, offers easy cleaning for the operator and will protect and extend the life of a microwave oven.”

Budweiser Pledges Free Beer For The Nation If The FIFA World Cup™ Trophy Comes Home Budweiser has announced free beer for the nation. That is, if the 2018 FIFA World Cup™ trophy is won by England and brought back to the country for the first time since 1966. Committed to rewarding fan support and energy, Budweiser – the Official Beer of the tournament – is backing England to beat the world’s best and rediscover the euphoria of 1966; celebrating by giving every fan free beer if this is made possible and raising a beer to all those who never stopped believing in their team. The nationwide gesture is backed by football legend Steven Gerrard, who captained England at the last FIFA World Cup™ and represented the Three Lions on 114 occasions. Budweiser is willing to give away millions of bottles of free beer as part of the celebration, honouring the unwavering commitment of English football fans. To claim their

Panasonic Corporation announces an inventive partnership with Regale Microwave Ovens Ltd in a move that will see the innovative ‘Microsave® Cavity Liner’ distributed around the world. In an unprecedented move, global arrangements will be positioned to enable distribution of the Liner, via Regale, a national, commercial microwave wholesaler, to any catering equipment wholesaler or distributor worldwide. The Liner will be available either fitted within a Panasonic microwave oven, or on its own, where previously only operators purchasing directly from Regale could obtain the pioneering piece of kit, designed to prolong the life of a microwave by making it easier to clean.

The Average Price of a Pint Is 60p More Than Brits Think Is Reasonable The average cost for a pint of beer is 60p more than what pub-goers think is reasonable, according to a survey of more than 40,000 people who were asked what they think is a fair price for the pub favourite, with the national average coming in at £3.00.

Global Trading Agreement with Regale Microwaves

complimentary Budweiser, those of legal drinking age and who are living in England should visit to register as a fan and be the first to know if the offer goes live, and where they can also then claim a voucher for their free Budweiser. Budweiser has also announced Gerrard as their official World Cup Ambassador for their FIFA World Cup™ campaign today, who knows just how important fans are when it comes to spurring on a team for a landmark victory. Fans can engage with the “Light Up the FIFA World Cup™” campaign through Budweiser’s #LightItUp social channels. Twitter: @BudweiserUK, Instagram: @budweiser, Facebook: @BudweiserUK or visit

Barry Clark, Technical R&D Director, Regale Microwave Ovens Ltd, said; “This is great news for Regale. We are very proud to be associated with Panasonic and to see that our hard work over the past few years has been recognised by such a top-quality company that produces the finest quality commercial microwave ovens worldwide. We recognised that commercial kitchens were using their microwaves for more than just re-heating and defrosting and identified that certain breakdowns were occurring on a regular basis, such as burnt ceiling plates, cracked base plates and penetration by grease into working parts. These breakdowns are not covered by manufacturers’ guarantees, and the cost for repair lies with the operator, so we invented the Microsave® as way to help operators avoid down time and costly repairs. This trading agreement will enable us to access a much wider audience of international, national and local catering equipment distributors and builds on our relationship with Panasonic.” See the advert on page 14 for details.

Get Yourself an Advantage!

catering over five days. It starts off with practical workshops aiming to give attendees a foundation base in vegetarian cuisine, THERE’S A growing trend for reduc- er an advantage over your competitechniques and food flavouring, and ing meat consumption and increasingly tors. now includes a whole day of vegan The Vegetarian Society Cookery customers are seeking out vegetarian patisserie training! School Professional Chefs’ Diploma is a and vegan options. Restaurants and Although the course is mainly pracenterprises across the UK are starting blend of expert tutoring, knowledge tical, it also includes a mixture of tutor to respond to this demand, looking to and solution-led focus on helping you talks. A practical exam is held on the to create innovative offerings with minincrease profit margins by offering final day of imal investment – making us the permore inclusive menus. the course before students are prefect choice to maximise your potential One large UK-based Italian chain sented with their Vegetarian Society reported a 150% rise in sales of vegan and meet the increasing demand for great vegetarian and vegan food across Cookery School Professional Chefs’ dishes since modifying their menu in Diploma. Courses run throughout the 2017. In addition provision of vegetari- all sectors of the catering industry. year. For dates, cost and more info visit How the Diploma works an and vegan options will often be the The intensive Professional Chefs’ deciding factor on where groups of Diploma programme aims to train par- or call 0161 925 2000. people eat, and good vegetarian and vegan provision will immediately deliv- ticipants in all aspect of vegetarian See advert page 10.

Grab Your Copy Of Our NEW 2018-19 Catalogue! We've increased our ranges & added new ones, too. You'll find a fabulous selection of quality baskets, hampers, baby ranges, pull bows & shred, PLUS our fabulous new designs of unique gift trays, acetate boxes and gift tags. *NEW*

BLACK & GOLD and WHITE gift trays BLACK, RED & WHITE gable boxes Order yours today! Call: 01502 501681 or Email: or see the advert on this age.

Yim Thai Foods - A New Service To Restaurants, Pubs, Hotels & Guest Houses Yim Thai restaurants were the largest group of Thai Restaurants in the UK in the late 90’s, it’ success was down to giving its customers the very best Thai food available in the UK while offering good value for money. In 2003 we won best Thai chef of the year for the all the UK. The group was sold but the owners having seen the popularity of Thai Food increase in recent years have now teamed back up with our award-winning Thai Chef and her team to produce the same high-quality Thai dishes as a Heat & Serve

concept for your business. Using the highest quality ingredients and authentic products shipped from Thailand. Professionally prepared for you & your customers giving them an authentic taste of Thailand every time. We supply everything from a full menu to one or two dishes while understanding how important a good gross profit is, preparation time and wastage. Call or email today for more information on 0800 6893129 or or see the advert on page 4 for details.

Alfresco Dining

June 2018

CLH News

Bigging Up the Barbeque

recommend offering Beer Can Chicken using hoppy beer types, such as IPAs or craft beers, as these are the best for releasing aromatic flavours. Stand out from the crowd and add a twist on the traditional taste by marinating the meat in cider the night before, in order to create additional taste temptations.

This May was according to records the hottest yet, and summer hasn’t even begun! Now it is upon us thoughts will turn to the joy of alfresco dining, and a hugely lucrative period is approaching. As an operator you will reap the benefits by embracing our desire for “Alfresco Dining” irrespective of the weather! A recent survey revealed that 75% of people “expressed a desire” to eat outside in spite of our unpredictable weather. Tom Styman-Heighton development Chef at Funnybones Foodservice believes that alfresco eating is often about theatre and spectacle commenting “seeing the flames of the barbecue smelling the meat cooking and enjoying the food straight from the grill is all part of the experience. Burgers and hotdogs need to be made and great quality meat and served in freshly baked buns, but when it comes to service it is the dressings, relishes, toppings, dips and sides that add to the excitement and variety” Alice Bexon, Purchasing Manager at Beacon is encouraging operators to take stock of the latest trends to get ahead of the competition and shares her advice on how operators can take advantage of this year’s trends: “Insight” has shown that ‘Beer Can Chicken’ and American True BBQ style are proving popular and could take centre stage on barbeques this summer, closely followed by the inclusion of adventurous meats, such as ox heart, bavette and kidneys. We are urging all operators to look at how they can incorporate these trends by simply adapting their offerings.”

DON’T BE ORDINARY: VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE While chicken remains a hugely popular choice for the barbeque, meat-eaters across the country are getting more creative in the way they cook it. Beer Can Chicken in particular is becoming a favourite; this involves standing the chicken on a beer can directly on the grill to absorb the beer’s flavours and make the meat more succulent. Consumers are also showing an interest in using aromatic beers that offer different flavours. We would

SLOW AND STEADY SMOKING Smoked products continue to prove popular across the UK, with further insight showing that pulled pork items have seen sales growth of £10m from last year alone. American True BBQ, a leading trend currently tickling the nation’s taste buds, is a style of cooking where meat is smoked over a variety of different woods, including hardwoods such as alder and beech, or fruitwoods such as apple or cherry, and slowly cooked for hours until it is tender enough to easily pull apart. Operators are able to deliver this trend by adding slow cooked meats to their menus, with this offering a desired smoky taste to consumers. Operators can further enhance the taste of their slow cooked meats offering by cooking over a variety of different woods. Applewood is a great all-rounder with a sweet finish, whilst hickory wood boasts a strong flavour with a nutty finish. Alice, continues: “By taking into account the growing popularity of smoky, American-style meats, the various methods of barbequing chicken and exploring different types of meat, operators will be able to make their barbeque offering stand out from the crowd this summer.”

SIZE ISN’T EVERYTHING When it comes to equipment “size isn’t everything “ says Rexmartins managing director Wayne Phillips, a veteran catering equipment specialist who says “the convenience of the latest modular kitchen systems allows caterers to utilise equipment in a size and layout to suit them. Everything from state of the art BBQs, rotisseries, hobs, bottle coolers and sink units are available as separate units and as many come with optional casters it’s relatively easy to set up an impressive combination, from which staff can entertain guests as well as feed them.” CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE...

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June 2018

CLH News

Alfresco Dining





“Heat can be transferred by three methods,” says John Fogarty. “Conduction is direct heat, which is excellent for steaks and game at high temperatures, and great for creating the Maillard reaction [the chemical reaction that gives ‘browned’ food its distinctive flavour]. Convection is hot air that is evenly distributed throughout the chamber, which is superb when cooking larger foods like whole chickens and joints. Radiation is indirect heat held for long periods, allowing the chamber to stay hotter for longer, which is great for slow cooking.

Outdoor cooking can be a theatrical experience and giving chefs licence to be creative outdoors can bring job variety and be a workforce motivator. Assigning designated outdoor catering staff provides new skills and training opportunities.

COST EFFICIENCY In addition to aesthetics, equipment which is costeffective to run is key. Cooking equipment using LPG (Liquid Propane Gas) is known to be more energy efficient than other fuels. LPG can heat a large outdoor BBQ to full temperature in just six minutes, which will significantly reduce fuel costs compared with traditional gas BBQs. Barbecue dining need not be limited to the summer season, nor exclusively for outdoors. Many suppliers and hospitality operators believe that the most tempting aspects of a barbecue menu can as easily be promoted and marketed indoors as well as out, and all year round. The Fogarty Charcoal Oven was originally designed in London by owner and founder John Fogarty incorporates dynamic cooking chamber that has up to 12 different grill rack positions allowing chefs to cook a wide variety of foods from around the world and creating flavours like no other. John believes that heat transfer is an essential component in creating the perfect charcoal oven.

“The Fogarty Charcoal Oven uses all three of those to full effect, in a closed-chamber, solid-fuelled oven. It has a solid cast-iron door and frame, with a high-grade stainless steel inside and a heat-resistant look-through, which makes it original. It has a simple open/close airvent control system, and the oven releases smoke at a steady pace, meaning it can be used with most extraction units. There is a temperature gauge fitted to the frame above the door, meaning you will always get a true reading of oven temperature even when the door is open, unlike some ovens that have the gauge attached to the door.”

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Long-Life Quality - White Pavilion Hospitality Gazebos • Long-Life canopy - will last 20+ years • Hurricane proof! - good for 100+ Mph winds • Will take the weather that Jumbo Umbrellas can't • Long-Life pressure treated timber - no further treatment • Stainless steel brackets & fixings • 100% Waterproof self-clean canopy • Heavy duty Ankerbolts included • 2,000 sold since 2007 and All Still Standing • Optionals - 40 non-fade colours, side screens , infrared heaters

• 5 Year Guarantee 'You Can't Get Better Value For Your Customers Or For Your Profits' 'Now Compare Us To The Rest' From £1329 (ex vat) until 7th July or £33 per month with Bluestar Leasing Call Tim or Kath Today - 01653 695 285 WHITE PAVILION GAZEBOS See the advert on the previous page for details.

Cinders Barbecues Limited Launch the StreetWok LP20

The portable ‘StreetWok LP20’ from CINDERS BARBECUES Ltd introduces new technology to an ancient method of cooking, solving problems of noise and skill levels inherent in traditional wok burners. Asian flavours are pouring out of oriental kitchens and into vibrant Street Market catering, where convenience is critical to success. We predict the compact power of our new product will also enable popular stir-fry cooking to find its way into beer gardens next to the ubiquitous barbecue and onto hotel patios as the themed component of a memorable occasion. The StreetWok LP20 packs up to 16kW of controllable punch into a portable appliance weighing only 17kg. This kind of power is usually accompanied by a loud roar, whilst CINDERS

uses a ‘flower head’ array of patented low pressure burners to diffuse the sound and spread the heat around the base of the wok. Spreading the heat also avoids the difficult wok ‘hot spot’ and allows heat to penetrate food faster and more evenly, enabling more reliable throughput without specialist training. Made in Britain and CE safety compliant, the StreetWok LP20 represents a real technical breakthrough and is set to offer fresh opportunities to all sectors of outdoor catering. CINDERS STREETWOK LP20 MRP: £695.00 For purchasing options contact us on or call us on 01524 262900.

We are an independent supplier serving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas. We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses. We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available. For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet imports next season. It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual

bumps and scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job. We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industry and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand. Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders, waiter stations and planters all to you requirement. If we can help you do drop a line to

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

June 2018

CLH News


Alfresco Dining

Country Benches - High Quality Benches

Country Benches is run by a vastly experienced and time served tradesman who has been serving in the trade for over 25 years. The business was started 15 years ago and we have provided our services independently ever since. In this time he has developed the business into being family run, amassed a loyal customer base and welcomes new customers on a regular basis. Country Benches creates high quality benches, picnic benches and garden furniture. We only work with the best quality of wood to bring you the highest standards

of benches and garden furniture. Country Benches can create benches to exact specifications as well as offering a large variety of standard design garden furniture. Call Country Benches to see what we can do for you. Although based in Bedfordshire we cover the whole of tAll our products are built to order and delivered within seven days and we also operate a "payment on delivery" basis. So contact us today so that we can build your order to your exact specifications. For further details see advert this page.

Beachside Café Gets New Look Thanks To Broadview

Dorset shading specialists Broadview recently designed and installed a Sunrain outdoor structure for Bayside Cabin, a beachside café in Gosport, Hampshire. Having seen a previous Broadview installation for another hospitality business along the South coast, the owners of Bayside Cabin approached the Poole-based team for a similar structure that would offer them increased seating as well as a unique and flexible space that could be hired out for wedding, parties and private functions. Following an on-site consultation, Broadview recommended a bespoke Sunrain structure to give

days but also a perfect space for weddings and special events.

Integrated LED spotlights with dimmable function were also installed to give the space a bespoke ambience and personality for use during evening celebrations. them the look and feel of a marquee. Measuring 12 metres x 10 metres and boasting a fully retractable roof that retracts back to a high centre point to give the illusion of a marquee, the space has not only offered increased covers on a daily basis with the option of AL Fresco dining on fine weather

The owners of Bayside Cabin are thrilled with their new additional space and the project has become a showcase for Broadview to show other hospitality businesses just what can be achieved with an outdoor structure. Tel 012020 679012 Web

Leisurebench Announce New Products


Brand new high pressure laminate Carino table tops that are extremely tough and resistant to UV, cigarette burns, scratching and high or low temperatures. There are several designs in a modern or contemporary style. The sleek 12mm thick table tops can be fitted to any of our bases at no extra cost and are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.


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SPECIAL OFFER June/July Buy 7 Get 1 FREE

Our new Madrid collection comes in various combinations ranging from sofa sets and coffee tables to bar

chairs and tables. All are made from weather resistant resin reinforced with glass fibre for extra strength and durability. The range has the aesthetic appeal of rattan, but will never unravel, rust or decay and is suitable for outdoor and indoor use.

GUERNSEY PICNIC TABLES The new Guernsey picnic tables are designed to be more user friendly than traditional ‘A’ Frame picnic tables making it easier to sit on or alight from them. They come in three sizes and are made from 32mm thick FSC pine. For further details visit our website or telephone 01949 862920.

Alfresco Dining

June 2018

CLH News

Kirklees Developments Ltd Catering Equipment

toes etc. can be cooked in the optional basket attachment & tall chefs may specify the optional adjustable carving brackets. Carving trays are also available. Our newest product is our Decarboniser soak tank. Designed for ease of use and robustness. Fabricated from stainless steel with 150Litre usable capacity. Simply switch it on, leave your pans and grills in it overnight, take out the clean stuff in the morning. Tel: 01484 401134 Email: Web:

With over 35 years’ experience of designing and manufacturing barbecues and a variety of gas appliances with C.E approval Kirklees Developments. Our range of catering barbecues are now fitted with Flame Failure Gas taps giving additional safety whilst maintaining the usability that our customers have come to expect. The 200lb pig roaster, the largest on the market, has an optional viewing window and wooden handles for comfort. It`s geared motor unit is 4 times the power of smaller roasters in its class. Chickens, jacket pota-

Complete Your Venue...

Alukov, the largest manufacturer of telescopic enclosures in Europe, is introducing the unique dome ORLANDO. The pod provides the extra outdoor room many of us need. The use of the pod is endless, you can create a beautiful dining area and enjoy the alfresco experience, tranquil yoga or meditation space, upbeat gym, reading room, funky playroom for children, tea room for grown-ups or enclose your spa. The choice is yours. Alukov offers two shapes, round ORLANDO and oval SUNHOUSE.

double sliding doors and as an option ventilation in roof or curtains for more privacy. This enclosure allows you to turn the otherwise rarely used outdoor space into additional seating you can use practically all year around. Orlando Pods are the perfect enhancement to your business premises, allowing guests of your hotel, restaurant or cafe to use your outside seating facilities all Both pods are available in two sizes year round. It’s like adding a brand new room to your property, and - small and large. There are five colours of the aluminium frame and one which has many versatile uses. two polycarbonate fillings (tinted For prices ad details call Alukov and clear). The structure requires UK on 0118 909 98 44 or mobile level, solid base (concrete, slabs, 079 555 22 502, email: decking etc). Each pod has large

ILF Chairs - Contract Seating

ILF have been supplying top quality indoor and outdoor chairs and tables for over the past 25 years to the hospitality market. We offer a wide selection of products to suit all tastes and as importantly budgets! We pride ourselves outstanding personal service with the motto ‘ No job is ever too big or too small – it’s customer satisfaction that counts’. ILF offer a complete range of outdoor

furniture, perfect for your alfresco dining spaces. Including aluminium stacking chairs - armchairs are also available. Delivery times are generally 4 weeks from order, but we can also offer a “fast track” service for certain products. Why not contact us at or on 01293 783783 and find out how we can help you fulfil your seating and table needs.

Spring /Summer outdoor seating all stackable

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Food Safety & Temperature Monitoring Food Safety- Don’t Make the Headlines for the Wrong Reason June 2018

As we enter the hospitality industry’s busiest time of the year, the issue of food safety becomes even more paramount. In recent years, rigorous food safety standards and strict hygiene regulations have been established to ensure that all food prepared and sold in the hospitality and catering sector is safe for consumption. Errors, breaches in food hygiene can devastate any hospitality business. Readers may recall a recent case regarding meat supplier Russell Hume, which began with pub group JD Wetherspoon pulling meets from its menus in January after the Food standards agency (FSA) conducted an investigation into Russell Hume. The then healthy business with a turnover of over £130 million recording healthy profits was subject to an unannounced inspection of its Birmingham site where concerns were raised that hygiene regulations were being breached. The FSA then investigated other sites and locations where its products were stored. At the time the FSA cited on the evidence gathered that there where systematic and widespread issues which was deemed extremely serious, including non-compliance, and procedures and processes surrounding used by dates. Whilst there were no reports that people have fallen ill from the meat supplied the incident led to the company going into administration within weeks. Another case which hit the headlines in July of last year was an Essex pub which saw the owners fined a staggering £42,000 and was stopped from selling food following food hygiene and safety contraventions which were described by an inspector as “the worst he had seen in 30 years” and resulted in the pubs subsequent closure.

Research data on food poisoning outbreaks has found that five major risk factors occur repeatedly: • • • • •

Improper food-holding temperatures Inadequate cooking Contaminated equipment Food from unsafe sources Poor personal hygiene

Mainstream media report on a regular basis hotels pubs and restaurants who have fallen foul of hygiene inspectors, and there is of course the court of public opinion, review sites and social media where a reputation that has taken years to build up can be trashed in an instant. Five-star food hygiene ratings should according to authorities be within any operators grasp, yet there are businesses which still fail to achieve what customers considered to be an acceptable standard. Food hygiene authorities can visit business premises to

inspect them to check for compliance with legal requirements. It can include taking samples for scientific analysis and inspecting records. This can result in: • A formal request to improve any failings • A legal notice stating what actions must be taken, or what processes, equipment or premises must not be used • Prosecution for serious failings to comply with the law Speaking to CLH News food safety specialist Mike Williams director of STS said “Recent news from the USA has once again highlighted that it’s not always the foods you expect to be vehicles for food poisoning bacteria; an E.coli outbreak, which has so far caused 5 deaths and made 197 others ill, has been linked to prepared Romaine lettuce. Whilst at this point the outbreak is not necessarily directly associated with poor temperature control, it serves as a timely reminder that all foods need to be carefully controlled to make sure that they are safe.” “Controlling the temperature of foods is relatively simple but you need to ensure that you have the right equipment – starting with a probe thermometer and antibacterial probe wipes. The probe needs to work properly; you can test this by simply placing the probe in boiling water (in a pan, not a kettle) and checking that it reads 100oC, then also in some iced water to check that it reads 0oC. If that works, then you are good to go. Always make sure that you clean the probe with an antibacterial probe wipe before use and test foods in their thickest part. If you are checking temperatures of foods in pans, make sure that the probe doesn’t go through the food and touch the pan. Don’t forget to always wipe the probe again with an antibacterial probe wipe after testing food.” At this time of the year, there’s plenty of guidance about barbeque safety and what to do to ensure that the food you serve is safe. As a minimum, you should ensure that you do the following: Food temperature control is enormously important at any time of year, not just during the summer months. Whether kitchens are hot or cold, whether food is being cooked outdoors or in the main kitchen, maintaining the correct temperatures is critical to maintaining food safety. Whilst the current US E.coli outbreak has not been directly linked to temperature, poor tempera-

ture control of prepared salads can result in bacterial growth - especially if they have been prepared in conditions which can result in cross contamination. For example, if dressed salad items are left out in the sun for long periods of time, any pathogenic bacteria within may multiply to levels which can cause food poisoning. That’s why it’s vital to limit service times if it’s not possible to ensure that food is kept adequately chilled. One last point is record keeping. While it’s important to check temperatures, it’s equally important to maintain records of these checks. These can help protect you if your business receives an allegation from someone who says they’ve become sick after eating there. Records should be taken daily for fridges and freezers, cooked and reheated food and any foods that are held hot or cold. Make sure that you check the temperatures of food when they arrive on deliveries and record these as well. Making sure that your food maintains the correct temperature throughout your chain of service is paramount to ensuring that you don’t get the dreaded call saying your guests have become ill. By protecting your food temperature chain, you will also be protecting both your customers’ health and your reputation.

DIGITAL RECORDS-ELIMINATING PAPER Checkit’s digital food safety technology is transforming compliance for every size of business. It alerts teams when checks are due, provides automatically created and tamper-proof digital records and makes it easier for businesses to improve standards. Checkit’s Managing Director David Davies says; “Unlike paper-based checklists that are a hindrance to workers and hide information from management, Checkit ensures the efficient execution of routine activities, providing top to bottom visibility of work as it happens. Checkit is used by a fast growing number of catering, hospitality and food manufacturing businesses including Jamie’s Italian, George’s Tradition, The Ritz, One Aldwych and Compass Group to mention some. The system consists of wireless temperature probes and a handheld digital device incorporating pre-programmed interactive checklists. These checklists can include all the hygiene checks required to comply with the Food Standard Agency’s (FSA) Safer Food Better Business pack or the company’s own food safety management system. He adds “Crucially, if a task has been overlooked, managers are instantly alerted and can take steps to address the issue before customers, or valuable stock are at risk. In many cases, by just cutting waste, the system pays for itself. And what’s interesting is that the benefits extend beyond the core of food safety. The same disciplines of routinely doing the right things well and monitoring key

CLH News


• Cook foods in the main kitchen and finish them on the barbeque to give that chargrilled flavour • Make sure that foods are kept in refrigerators or purpose designed cool boxes until needed for service. Keep raw and ready to eat foods separated • Cook little and often – don’t just cook everything you have and leave it out for guests to eat when they want • Make sure that you wash your hands and avoid contact with raw meats as much as possible • Limit service and display times to as short a time as possible • Check food temperatures regularly, ensuring that all burgers, chickens, kebabs etc. have a core temperature above 75oC control points have benefits across many aspects of operational management, and staff not spending time on paperwork spend more time focused on customers.” As suppliers of specialist temperature measuring equipment supplied into food manufacturing, food service, catering and retail businesses, Comark is well placed to understand the importance of HACCP and food safety training. “Comark continues to innovate food safety solutions” said marketing manager Alison Butler, “Using Comark’s BT125 Bluetooth Pocketherm, the Bluetooth version of our tried and tested Pocketherm folding thermometer, together with the free Comark Kitchen Checks App; you can build and operate a complete HACCP program without the need for pen or paper”! Designed for use in the kitchen and other food production areas, the BT125 Pocketherm Thermometer transmits temperature data via Bluetooth to your smart phone or tablet, managing all your HACCP temperature recording in one place. Load all your required critical control checks on refrigerators, coolers, walk-ins and freezers. You can also monitor receiving at the back door and essential cleaning checks. Using corrective action prompts, any exceptions are dealt with in the same way every time regardless of shift and staff changes. Essentially it is your current HACCP Plan, your way – but now in a free app! The data is stored in real time and immediately available for reports and audits. Going paperless means tamper-proof records, less time filling in paperwork and leaves you and your team more time to serve your customers.

June 2018

CLH News


Hospitality Technology DOCSIS – Delivering SMART TV Through Coaxial Infrastructure Featuring IP-over-coax functionality, Samsung’s HE694 display is an exceptional alternative for hotels who wish to implement IPTV but lack the resources to rebuild their infrastructures. Today’s digitally savvy guests are becoming more and more demanding, a guest-room SMART TV is no longer seen as a luxury but as a standard amenity. Until recently however, a significant barrier has prevented many hotels upgrading to a smart TV system. Smart TVs require wired ethernet. The subsequent installation of this and the replacement of existing coaxial cabling (that runs throughout the majority of hotels) is expensive and disruptive. Step forward DOCSIS technology… DOCSIS (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification) is an international telecommunications

standard, enabling the delivery of an IP service over coaxial cable. Simply speaking, this allows the distribution of a smart service without having to upgrade existing coaxial infrastructure. The upgrade of a hotel's network infrastructure to incorporate a CAT 5/6 (ethernet) system is not always possible. Typical barriers include a lack of available funding, concerns about guest disruption or complicated building regulations. DOCSIS provides another option. A DOCSIS enabled television is a little more expensive than a similar sized SMART TV, however this differential is dwarfed by the cost-saving against an ethernet cabling installation. Airwave and Samsung provide a DOCSIS solution, models are available in 32” - 49" sizes - to find out more, call 0845 555 1212 or

Hisense The New Name For POS in The UK

Most people recognise Hisense as one of the world’s largest producers of TV and electronic consumer goods and they are correct in that the corporation achieved revenue in excess of US$15.7 Billion in 2016. Since acquiring NCR’s manufacturing facility in China in 1991, Hisense has become China’s leading supplier of POS technology products proudly boasting a 65% share of the Chinese tier one market. YCR Distribution Ltd one of the UK’s leading independent distributor of POS hardware and Hospitality

software solutions continue to expand its market by offering Hisense POS & tablet solutions that are ideally suited to the hospitality industry. Hisense POS is fully compatible with our in-house developed Samtouch Hospitality software along with other leading software solutions available in the market. For a demonstration of Hisense POS hardware or our Hospitality software solutions then please contact our Sales team on 01924 438238. eMail Demonstration available nationwide.

With our Fully Managed Service Rental you can rent any of our award winning paging systems with no capital outlay. Whether you are a small restaurant operator with a single site or a multi site, multi system operator with our new Fully Managed Service Rental we supply the latest systems with full maintenance & support on a low cost monthly rental.

tomers and we are often asked if we can supply systems on a rental and have all the repairs and support included. We understand that when a customer uses a paging system it becomes an integral part of their day to day operation and they don’t want to mess around or incur further costs if something goes wrong. When pagers are used on a daily basis they do get a fair amount of abuse, they get dropped frequently and eventually something can fail.

Pager Call Systems Announces New Fully Managed Service Rental

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• All equipment, repairs & maintenance included • One simple monthly payment • No external lease or finance rent direct from the manufacturer • Dedicated service support line • No long term contract (only 3 months minimum term) • Ofcom license included in package • No risk, you don’t like it kick it out • Can’t be repaired? No problem we will replace it • Low cost replacements for any lost items Chris Hawkins Director at Pager Call Systems comments “We have listened to feedback from our cus-

“With our Fully Managed Service Rental everything is covered and if something fails that puts a system out of action we advance replace the item and will have the system up and running the next day. “With our rental option there are no lengthy contracts, no big up front payments and no third party leases, you rent directly from Pager Call Systems and simply pay monthly for your system and with systems starting from only £47 per month it’s an affordable option. We are confident our rental option will offer total cover and total peace of mind for our customers”. Call Pager Call Systems on 0845 6444109

Fully Maintained Systems All Inclusive Low Monthly Rental A Recipe for Success

Clear & Transparent Terms:

• Professional pager systems

• Fixed monthly rates

• Improved customer experience

• No upfront or additional costs

• Efficient working practice

• Only 3 month minimum term

• Improved profitability

• Includes all service & repairs

• Prompt communication

• ofcom licence included

10 Pager Server Call System

20 Pager Guest Call System

• 10 x rechargeable staff pagers

• 20 x rechargeable Ultra pagers

• Kitchen Transmitter (Shelf /

• BMTX transmitter

Wall mount)

• 20 position charge rack

• 10 position charge rack

£84.00 ex VAT per month

£47.00 ex VAT per month

With our Fully Managed Service Rental you can rent any of our award winning paging systems with no capital outlay. Whether you are a small restaurant operator with a single site or a multi site multi system operator our new Fully Managed Service Rental provides the latest systems with full maintenance & support on a low cost monthly rental directly with us (no lease or external finance). @PagerCall


Phone: 0845 6444109

Unit 21 Babbage House Northampton Science Park Moulton Park Industrial Estate Northampton NN3 6LG t: 0845 6444109 e:


June 2018

CLH News



"Keep Your Act Clean” - Warewashing Solutions equipment? Glenn Roberts, chair of CESA says “Technology is moving fast in the world of warewashers, so it pays to get expert advice before making that all-important purchase. Here is that advice to help you assess your options.” As warewashers become more specialised, manufacturers are working to simplify operation with control systems that include training aids, such as animations or videos. Sustainability should be at the heart of any buying decision. Even more so with warewashers, as not only are they big consumers of power, water and cleaning chemicals, but they can also create significant amounts of waste heat and humidity that the extraction system has to work hard to cope with. A machine that uses more resource-efficient technology can make a big dent in running costs.

Once again CLH News puts warewashing “under the spotlight”. There are an estimated 270,000 food service establishments in the UK, trying to put a figure on the number of dirty plates, cups, saucers, knives forks and spoons, used in them as well as glassware would be a very difficult task. “Back in the day”, the checklist when choosing a suitable dishwasher would be

• Will it fit the space that I have? • Does it clean properly? • how much will it cost me? And perhaps the warewashers of yesteryear, when we had restricted licensing hours and dining out, was reserved only for special occasions, did not work as hard as those of today, nowadays, thanks to the casual dining revolution, extended licensing hours and the more liberal attitude generally to eating out there has been a boom in the Brits dining out. According to a survey we British will spend on average £288,000 in our lifetime eating out enjoying dishes from all around the world, Birmingham is the Curry capital of the UK, Glasgow are the biggest fans of tapas, Edinburgh are the biggest sushi fans, Leeds is the fast-food capital of the UK, and Liverpudlians are the greatest lovers of traditional food.

Furthermore, the hospitality industry’s busiest time of the year will now get an even bigger boost now the World Cup is underway. A survey by Vouchercodes has revealed that the UK economy will get a £1.33 billion boost during the World Cup rising to £2.72 billion if England reach the final. £193 million will be spent in bars, restaurants café’s and clubs and this too will rise to £488 million again should England reach the final.


of consumers would be put off eating or drinking in an establishment where they were served with dirty crockery or cloudy glasses.


of consumers say they have experienced this in the past


say they would not Over return to that establishment again Source: Classeq survey

This huge uplift in sales will also equate to a huge increase in the use of crockery, cutlery and glassware, and your kitchen or behind the bar workhorse will be operating at full capacity. Streaked glasses, sauces smeared on plates and crockery will do nothing to enhance your reputation. So what should factors should you take into account when you are considering purchasing where washing

On the other hand, functionality has to be key – so make sure that the machine you choose can tackle the task you need it for. There’s no point in buying a system that cuts costs but doesn’t do the job. Modern quality warewashers should be both efficient, in terms of their consumption, and effective in terms of their performance. Cost saving technologies to look out for include machines with reduced wash tank capacities, more efficient rinse systems, heat exchangers that recycle energy normally lost in waste water or steam, designs that eliminate the need for heat pumps on larger machines, and machines that operate vent-free, taking out the need for direct ducting and extract fans that use energy continuously. Getting the right detergents is just as important as getting the right machine. New chemicals have been developed in recent years, designed for use at specific stages of the wash cycle. The additional savings in energy, resources and time these chemicals can bring can easily justify the initial expense. You should ensure staff are fully trained to use warewashing equipment correctly, as misuse and abuse are two of the biggest reasons for equipment breakdown. Some warewashers alert users to potential problems so make sure your staff respond to these alerts immediately.

MATCHING BUSINESS NEEDS “The most crucial factor to consider when looking at Warewashing equipment for a bar is to check whether

it has the capability to match your business needs.” Adam Lenton, Marketing Manager, Classeq. “Before making any buying decisions, operators should consider how busy they get at peak service times, what needs to be washed (glasses and/or crockery?) and the length of the washing cycle, to ensure they buy a machine that can keep up with footfall. Once they’ve confirmed the size of the machine needed, then it’s time to consider price. It’s important to not only take into account the initial upfront fee but also the life-time running costs of a machine – something which can often be overlooked. How much water does it use per cycle? Will it provide reliable results wash after wash? How much energy is lost when heating up the water? “Operators, need to also think about where the machine is to be sited – back or front of house? They also need to think about the returns process for items coming into the washing area if the machines are to be used for crockery too. For example, where is crockery stored, is a separate station for dirty glasses needed, what will the set down areas look like and where will the dishes be scraped or rinsed before placing into the dishwasher? Stations need to be clearly defined to avoid confusion and ensure an efficient process. These considerations contribute to the type of machine you will require and how much space to dedicate to the warewashing area.” “At Classeq we recommend installing warewashers which feature straightforward button controls and universal signs – making it as easy and straight forward as possible for staff members to operate. Take our new Standard and DUO ranges, for example, which all feature simple two-button controls and digital displays, making them incredibly user-friendly. Maidaid Halcyon has achieved the impressive milestone of supplying cost effective, high quality products to the professional catering industry for over forty years, and are firmly established as leaders within the industry.


The Dishwasher Man Commercial Dish & Glasswasher Solutions

Dishwashers Glasswashers Ice Machines Fryers Tea Urns Ovens Microwaves Tel: 07801 328 376 Email:

Warewashing CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE... Specialising in commercial warewashing equipment, and icemakers, Maidaid Halcyon machines have a longstanding reputation in the UK marketplace for durability, reliability and serviceability.

June 2018

CLH News

HOW CAN THE LATEST WAREWASHING MACHINES IMPROVE YOUR BUSINESS? Paul Anderson, MD of Meiko UK explains. “Customers want sparkling results, no leaks and no breakdowns, but fast response and a first-time fix in case anything does happen. “The latest generation of premium-quality Meiko dish and glasswashers are the most reliable ever and they wash better than ever. “Fitted with integral reverse osmosis water treatment, they do not rely on water softeners, saving customers space and the time and trouble topping them up with salt and dealing with leaks. “There is a choice of warewashing companies, so choose the one who provides ongoing training support, especially if yours is a chain business where you need consistency and close customer support.

"Our approved distributor’s network is expanding and our client base is growing, so we must be getting it right!" says Sales director Julain Lambert. " As part of our ongoing commitment we encourage distibutors and sales technical employees to attend specialized free of charge training days at our Brackley headquarters, feedback of which has been very positive. As a testament to this we would refer to the awards we have received during the past couple of years." "The features of the Maidaid Evolution range are pretty unique within the warewashing market in the UK today – when it comes to cleaning and hygiene this is the premier range in its price category available on the market today." added Julian. Maidaid Halcyon can also offer the C, D and Amika ranges of glass and dishwashers that provide a suitable solution for the smallest country pub to major city centre venues. With extensive experience in supplying warewashing solutions to our UK distributers we are uniquely placed to provide a model that fits any sites criteria of capital budget and specification.

“Technical support and first-time fix rates should be higher than 95%.

Maidaid Halcyon was a double industry award winner during 2016 for its dedicated comprehensive training, and picked up the Supplier of the year ‘Heavy Equipment’ in 2017.

“New generation machines are changing the way kitchens operate because they save time and trouble for customers...and that’s improvement worth having.”

“Meiko is also the only manufacturer willing to back its machines 100% by offering a “NO Bills” guarantee; once you’ve bought the machine, for a three or fiveyear term, you have nothing else to pay including maintenance and the best breakdown repair in the market.


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June 2018

CLH News



HARD WATER It is estimated that hard water is responsible for up to 70% of equipment failure, be it a warewasher, coffee machine, steam oven and a wide range of catering equipment. As such, it is important to consider water treatment as part of your capital equipment expenditure to help eliminate unnecessary costs to your business and damage to your reputation in the future. With warewashers in professional kitchens, pubs, clubs and restaurants using high volumes of water it is important to have the correct water treatment system in place to prevent limescale build-up which may otherwise lead to machine failure, expensive breakdowns and unwanted machine downtime. One size does not fit all and it’s important to review your water hardness, machine capacity and volume of water going through your system to ensure you have the correct system installed to prevent limescale buildup but also provide protection from aggressive minerals to extend the working life, running cost efficiencies of equipment and reduced energy bills.

Warewashing Director at Monarch Water, commented; “Water treatment equipment should be seen as an investment and insurance to help maintain a successful business rather than a cost. With professional advice, wholesale benefits can be achieved from the point of its installation, providing appliance protection, energy bill and labour savings by virtually eliminating the scale build-up caused by the calcium and magnesium.”

ENERGY EFFICIENCY Crystaltech, the UK’s largest independent warewasher installation and servicing company, has exclusively developed a reverse osmosis (RO) system which pushes purified water through the wash cycle, which requires fewer chemicals at lower temperatures to deliver perfect results and can reduce the need for cleaning chemicals by 70%, making it a much more energy efficient proposition. It also removes the need to hand polish glassware post wash, therefore saving valuable staff time and potentially transferring germs with cleaning cloths.

Hard water is responsible for

70% of equipment failure.

Kevin Johnson, Managing

One of the latest developments for Winterhalter is the introduction of a “Pay per wash” (PPW) initiative harnessing the possibilities afforded by connectivity to the Internet . Put very simply operators rent the machine with a package including racks water treatment chemicals and the only pay a fixed price per wash. The initiative is proving very successful at The Manor, one of five pubs in the beautiful Cumbrian village of St Bees. Despite the competition it’s very busy with nine bedrooms achieving 85% occupancy. Owner Alan Glass says that, while it’s a wet-led pub, “it’s also driven by food.” It’s popular with walkers, tourists and business people and its lounge, bars and dining room can cater for up to 100 covers. Quality is a priority and the Manor’s old glasswasher and dishwasher were letting things down – they weren’t getting glasses and dishes clean enough. Alan started looking into alternatives and read about Winterhalter’s new Pay Per Wash scheme in a trade magazine. “I received a brochure through, appreciated what I saw and we went from there. I’ve been happy ever since!” With Pay Per Wash (PPW) there’s no upfront cost – Winterhalter supplies the warewashers for free. The operator literally pays per wash, by buying credits online which are automatically logged into the machine via internet connection. The PPW fee also covers the cost of chemicals (delivered by Winterhalter), service and repairs. Alan is currently running an evaluation of the costs, compared to buying the machines, chemicals and service outright.


An estimated of the UK suffers from the effects of hard water.

Ensuring that you have the right water treatment also helps with your businesses daily cleaning routines. With the introduction of a suitable water treatment system including water softeners, scale prevention systems, reverse osmosis and demineralisation systems that not only prevents limescale build-up but also reduces costly and labour intensive hand polishing, otherwise required to maintain cleaner, sparkling finishes on your tableware and glasses.


“Both the glasswasher and the dishwasher are really good machines, their quality of cleanliness far outweighs our previous machines,” says Alan. “The glasses and plates actually sparkle!” Derek Maher from Crystaltech, a leading expert in achieving perfect warewashing results within the hospitality and catering industry and advises, “To lengthen the life and maintain the output of a warewasher, we recommend that staff are given training on the basics of keeping dishwashers clean, including loading properly and using the right level of chemicals. Daily cleaning of the filters and inside of cabinet and ensuring that the chemicals are topped up and machines are kept clean and food residue is removed prior to loading are all key factors in using warewashers in the best possible way.”

FEEDBACK One of the most essential considerations to take into account is feedback. Feedback is direct insight from customers and is invaluable . DC Warewashing & Icemaking Systems has rolled-out their new Optima Range of warewashers. Using the latest technological advances, the state-of-the-art Optima machines offer ‘Intelligent Warewashing Solutions’ for outstanding performance whilst minimising environmental impact and reducing running costs.


TIPS FOR LOOKING AFTER A COMMERCIAL WAREWASHER: Pre-rinse: • Remove all solid material by pre-scraping • Pre-rinse speciality food or drink containers, such as those for cream

Loading: • Ensure you have the correct baskets for the items you are washing • Fill baskets to their capacity • Check plates are racked correctly

Machine preparation & operation: • Ensure the interior of the machine is thoroughly clean • Check that wash jets are clear – clean them every seven days • Check that filters are clean and clear – wash them daily • Ensure chemical containers are sufficiently full for the washing session • Only commence once wash and rinse water have reached operational temperatures • If a water softener is fitted, regularly generate with salt • Regularly change wash tank water • Always allow the machine to complete its wash program • Allow cleaned crockery to air-dry after removing from machine

Shut down & maintenance: • Drain and rinse out machine after every washing session • Clean filters • Leave the door/hood slightly open to allow the machine to air-dry

Important DON’T’S: • • • •

Never interrupt the wash program Never forcibly increase rack throughput Never overload baskets Never use the machine until it is up to operational temperature • Never add any detergent or other product not recommended for the machine

Warewashing CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE... Bob Wood, director of DC warewashing and icemaking systems examined the market, conducting extensive research and consultation Bob said: “We listened very carefully to the market and to what our distributors and customers were saying. The same message came across loud and clear: advanced innovative features and energy-efficiencies need to be balanced with reliability, performance and affordability. We believe DC Optima machines, with their intelligent warewashing solutions, strike this balance perfectly.” The DC range consists of undercounter glasswashers, dishwashers and passthroughs, Optima models transmit user-friendly information on the status of the machine via an easy-to-use TFT display which also provides usage data, and advanced diagnostics to improve operational efficiencies, maintenance and servicing. Models include the Optima undercounter (OD50AD), Optima XL passthrough (OD1425A) with an additional 33% capacity and the Optima doublehood passthrough (OD1450A) with revolutionary independent washing zones which allow for double capacity (1,000 plates an hour) in periods of high demand. Features of DC Optima Warewashers include: • • • • • • • •

Colour TFT display with simple, intuitive controls 4 adjustable cycles Wash and rinse temperatures displayed Break tank & drain pump fitted as standard Quick response digital temperature sensors Chemical pumps with dosing adjusted from control panel Heavy-duty wash pump Superior peristaltic detergent and rinse aid auto-dosing units • Switchable thermostop • Insulated cabinet and door • Insulated boiler

SALES & AFTERCARE Hughes Pro, a specialist provider of commercial laundry and dishwashing equipment, believes that after-care is a vital part in the supply chain. Hughes Pro is one of the fastest growing Miele Professional dealers since 2012, providing services for

June 2018

CLH News

Miele and their national customers in 14 postcode areas and are now main dealer for Alliance, the world’s favourite commercial laundry products. "Customer aftercare is of paramount importance and adds to our core value of QUALITY," says commercial manager Edward Robinson. “Customer confidence in the unlikely event of a breakdown or accidental misuse of machines is vital. Warewashing plays an integral role in catering operations, and buying doesn’t end with the purchase.” “All our work is fully guaranteed and undertaken by well trained, well equipped engineers to the highest standard. Engineers are proficient in the well-known brands Miele, Amazon, Schulthess, IPSO, ADC, Primus, Huebsch, Electrolux, Maidaid, Hobart and others, and Hughes Pro are holders of multiple contracts and agreements including ESPO framework 24.”

Alliance Online 0844 4994300 CESA Classeq 0844 225 9249 CrystalTech 0370 350 2424 DC Products 01749 870055 Hughes Professional 0800 052 0555 Maidaid 0345 130 8070 Meiko 01753 215120 Nextdaycatering 0344 8754875 Winterhalter 01908 359000

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June 2018

CLH News


Products and Services

Walkers Shortbread Top 4 Reasons to Choose Infrared Lamps for Catering UK POS - The UK's No.1 Launch New Foodservice POS Display Specialists Snack Packs Range Purveyors of the world’s finest shortbread for 120 years, Walkers Shortbread provides a range of luxurious products with unparalleled provenance to the foodservice industry. Hosting an unprecedented offering, the range includes the iconic pure butter selection of shortbread classics, rounds and finger variants; providing an array of premium shortbread suited to everyday snacking occasions. Further driving innovation and expanding on the popularity of the traditional food service offering, this year Walkers Shortbread launched a new range of luxury biscuit snack packs providing tantalising flavour combinations presented in distinctive new look packaging. Introducing 6 new variants designed to appeal to the existing luxury hotel customers and new market sectors, the range includes: Viennese Vanilla Bean Swirls, Buttery Oat Shortbread Round, Milk Chocolate & Hazelnut Biscuit, Dark Chocolate & Ginger Biscuit, Chunky Granola Chocolate Chip Biscuit and Chunk Oat & Raspberry Biscuit – all available in single and twin packs between 20g-30g. Baked to Walkers traditional methods and using only the finest ingredients, the refreshed contemporary packaging also accompanies the long-standing traditional biscuit favourites, including Belgian Chocolate, Stem Ginger, Fruit & Lemon and Oat & Honey Biscuits. A quality selection suited to cater for an array of snacking occasions especially breakfast and elevenses. The Walkers Shortbread snack packs are available to purchase online:

Hoshizaki Prepares For The Summer Season With Enhanced Stock Holding

In preparation for the busy summer months, Hoshizaki, the world’s largest manufacturer of commercial refrigeration and ice machines, has enhanced its UK stock holding to manage expected demand. The move to concentrate on stock holding in the UK is designed to deliver a more efficient service to customers and achieve the consistent, high standard and hassle-free logistics expected of the market leader during this key trading period. Including units in the Compact, Snowflake and Standard Plus range, ready to ship stock is available in the most common formats, such as single and double door uprights and undercounter refrigeration as well as a host of ice machines in varying sizes and setups. Director of Sales and Chain Accounts at Hoshizaki UK, Simon Frost, comments on the developments to stock holding this summer, saying: “Naturally, the summer months are some of the busiest for Hoshizaki, particularly as the warmer weather places extra demand on existing appliances and operators focus their attention on storage capacity, and the space and kitchen efficiency required to maintain fresh, alfresco summer menus. We have identified the most popular units from right across our refrigeration and ice machine portfolio, dedicating a substantial area of our warehouse facilities to these appliances. This means that we can ensure a level of stock in the UK, which will dramatically reduce delivery times and allow us as a business to manage an efficient supply and logistics operation. This enhanced stock includes all of our most common upright and undercounter fridges and freezers as well as ice machines to suit varying operator requirements. Those appliances not held in stock are also expected to see an uplift in availably thanks to the integration of the Hoshizaki and Gram teams in the UK and the implementation of a new IT system at the start of the year. For more information on the service and delivery from Hoshizaki UK, or to find out about the refrigeration and ice machine equipment in the company’s portfolio, please see or call 01322 616 900.

At Under Control, we have 10 years of expertise and we use this wealth of experience to generate the most efficient control instruments. We have a range of infrared lamps that are suited to different industries, including hospitals, hotels, prisons, pubs, schools and universities. Our infrared lamps ensure stability in the working environment as well as a sustainable source of heat. The heat derived from our infrared heaters is direct, which is ideal for keeping food warm for longer.

KEEP FOOD WARM Notice in a restaurant how an infrared lamp is installed above a gantry or hotplate? This is how your food is kept warm, prior to it being served. At Under Control, our food warming equipment has a warm up time of 1 second- this is highly efficient and desirable if you want to ensure you are serving your customer’s hot food, as well as saving energy! Our infrared lamps don’t require any preheating; therefore, we provide you with the convenience to keeping your food warm instantly. An infrared lamp guarantees a constant temperature, which is perfect for maintaining the temperature of food. With this said, the temperature can easily be controlled, allowing you to adjust the temperature dependent on how hot you require the food to be maintained. You can even turn off the lamp if it is not being used, without having to worry about long heating up periods when you need to use it again.

CLEAN AND EFFICIENT PERFORMANCE Whether it’s a heated counter, hard glass, screw-in lamp, double ended or linear lamp; it is our aim at Under

Control to specifically design your infrared lamp, taking into account your needs for design and functionality. Undoubtedly, infrared lamps are perfect if you’re looking to generate heat instantly, they’re highly efficient! In terms of efficiency, at Under Control, we have been able to reduce the operational time, keeping your electricity bills to a minimum and allowing you to use the bulbs as, and when you require them. Did you know that our infrared bulbs and lamps can last up to 60% longer than any other instrument company?

EASY INSTALLATION How hard can it be! At Under Control, we cannot express enough how useful our food warming equipment is, especially infrared lamps. When it comes to the installation, we have quite literally got it all under control, all catering bulbs are installed with “click-fit” connectors. You simply need to click your bulbs into place, it’s as easy as that! Sometimes an infrared lamp doesn’t have protective glass but this is no concern, we can provide you with protective glass that provides suitability for the catering industry, making them suitable for withstanding high temperatures! The installation process is easy; you can choose the orientation of the lamps (whether they are to be installed horizontally or vertically) plus you have the opportunity to choose between gold, ruby, clear or reflective lamps, suiting the design of your catering needs. See the advert on page 3 for details.

With the nice season and the clock change fast approaching, businesses can expect to see an influx in evening customers. Ensure your POS reflects the seasonal change to avoid missing key sales. As the much anticipated lighter evenings and warmer climate arrive, consumer habits start to change. More people will now venture out in the evening to pubs and restaurants, and people start to think about their outside space. It is crucial that your business responds to these changes to receive maximum benefits. Give both your indoor and outdoor POS displays a refresh. Menu holders, snap frames and chalkboards are essentials for any hospitality business, so make sure yours are looking their best. Pavement signs will help give people that extra push to go out for that Thursday drink, whilst a new café barrier system will encourage some early al fresco dining. At WWW.UKPOS.COM you can find everything you need to maximise your sales all year round. Order by 5pm for next day delivery. Visit, email or call 03332 207 322 today! See the advert on page 9 for details.

Carpigiani ‘Freeze And Go’ Takes Gold At Commerical Kitchen Show Girbau Extends HS 6 Washer Range

Carpigiani’s latest innovation - the Freeze&Go, the most compact countertop professional batch freezer in its class – had its worldwide launch at this year’s Commercial Kitchen Show, taking a prestigious ‘Gold’ in the event’s Innovation Challenge in the process. The brand new Freeze&Go harnesses the power and reliability of Carpigiani global leading technology, producing 5kg of fresh, high quality gelato or sorbet per hour, and up to five portions in just six minutes, despite its incredibly compact 300mm width. Renowned for manufacturing the world’s finest artisan gelato, pastry, soft serve ice cream and dessert equipment, Carpigiani has created the revolutionary new Freeze&Go to allow chefs to create wonderfully fresh gelato and diverse dessert offerings, on demand and without wasting valuable kitchen space. With the machine’s ability to rapidly produce small batches of gelato or sorbet, chefs can build a menu around fresh, seasonal ingredients, packed full of vibrant flavours, without wastage. Achieving the renowned texture and unique flavour of artisan gelato, the Freeze&Go has been designed to maintain the optimum temperature and mix consistency to create innovative, highly memorable multi-textured

3R EPoS Systems

desserts or hors d'œuvre. Ideal for chefs and operators looking for a solution to creating limited portions of authentic gelato or sorbet for maximum freshness, the Freeze&Go is able to product up to 5kg per hour. Finished in an eye-catching cream colour, reminiscent of the Carpigiani heritage, the new Freeze&Go is ideal for use both front and back of house.” Just a day after launching, the Freeze&Go achieved an outstanding Gold in the Commercial Kitchen Show Innovation Challenge, with judges praising the machine for having a ‘great design’ and saying ‘it will revolutionise the fresh gelato market.’ The brand new Freeze&Go will be in use during the Carpigiani Gelato University Foodservice Professionals training program based in London. Led by Carpigiani UK’s Development Chef, Michele Stanco, formally the Executive Pastry Chef at Heston Blumenthal’s, 3-Michelin Starred, Fat Duck restaurant in Bray, the course has been designed uniquely to meet the needs of professionals looking to expand their knowledge and experience of using gelato, with the aim of developing new techniques and ideas.

Our State-of-the-art EPoS systems are designed to become an essential part of your business. Assembled with detailed reporting functionalities which will help to minimize your cost whilst maximizing profits, they are excellent for both multi-sites and single-site businesses. Built on over 16 years of experience, 3R EPoS reporting facilities safely stores information regarding your business and can be uniquely tailored to suit your needs. Whether you own a convenience store, restaurant or a bar, the 3R EPoS system can integrate products that are unique to your business. This can include the ability to store

new promotions, daily specials as well as adding local dishes to the menu. 3R EPoS systems will contribute to the success of your on-going business as it includes the ability to inform managers when your stock is reaching minimum levels thus allowing you to re-order stock accordingly. Furthermore, 3R EPoS systems will calculate and suggest what should be ordered based on current and archived sales, recent orders and current stock level thus saving time and money. In order to also boost your sales and gain customer satisfaction, 3R EPoS systems also offer a range of handheld touch screen devices. Such benefits can contribute to your cost savings and enhance your purchasing ability across your business. For more information on our services please contact our dedicated team on: 01992 574 650 or see the advert page 9.

When he was younger, Robert Parkin of SCT & SCT Ltd was told a simple phrase: “The Bitterness of Poor Quality Remains Long After the Sweetness of Low Price is Forgotten”. This has coloured his approach and to this day SCT will never produce cheap snacks but guarantee their snacks are of the highest quality & tick all the boxes today’s consumers requires. SCT is now going from strength to strength, with sales increasing around the country. Some of the establishments we supply have now taken out other snack products, as they have found SCT's to be so good. They offer a great return in the market and are low in carbohydrates, gluten-free and sugar-free, which is exactly what the consumer wants these days. With our range of 9 exciting flavours, SCT are ticking all the right boxes.

However, they have found some that establishments with limited back-bar space needed a product to help them use that effectively, while others wanted something a bit more upmarket. With the help of Paul Davis Designs SCT have upgraded their labels and now supply all their flavours in Utopia clip seal glass jar. The Pork Crackling can be in either a 3L or 1.5L jar and with an additional 1kg – 2.5kg – 5kg of crackling that will increase your margin. In addition, due to demand SCT have launched a nut range: Cashews, Almonds, Walnuts & Peanuts in the following flavours, Salt & Pepper, Garlic, Chorizo, Sweet Chilli & Extreme Chilli. SCT are a family run business that has its feet firmly on the ground and enjoy meeting new businesses to work with. Email, call on 01202 875 280 or see advert on page 9.

The Finest Quality Snacks From SCT

Girbau has expanded its HS 6 Series of washer extractors with the launch of a new model. The HS-6085, with 8595kg capacity, fills the gap between the smaller HS-6057 (63kg) and range-topping HS6110 (122kg). Girbau now offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of high spin washers, with nine different models ranging from 9kg to 122kg in capacity. The most popular models for hotel laundries are the HS-6017, HS-6024, HS-6032 and HS-6040. Girbau’s Smart Load function available on all INTELI machines offers additional in-use economies by automatically weighing loads and optimising water, energy and chemical consumption. Like all washers in the Girbau HS 6 Series, the new HS-6085 has Water Technology List (WTL) approval for water efficiency meaning that businesses buying new machines can benefit from 100% tax relief. The HS-6085 offers a market-leading centrifugal spin force of 386G to leaves clothes with residual moisture levels as low as 48%. This very high water extraction ability offers laundries significant energy and cost savings in the subsequent drying process. The new model comes with Girbau’s INTELI controls and EasyLoad function for ergonomic loading and unloading without the need for a pneumatic loading system. Girbau’s TILT control is also optional. For more information call 01462 427780 or visit:

BC Softwear

BC Softwear are delighted to announce the launch of ‘PURE SPA LINEN’ a brandnew collection of luxury Spa Linen. Barbara Cooke, Managing Director of BC Softwear comments ‘this collection has been created with some of our most exclusive clients in mind. ‘PURE SPA LINEN’ is made with pure white 100% combed cotton. The design has a sharp line of embroidery along the length of the sheet on either side, to add a level of elegance to each sheet. This linen has a superior thread count of 300, which feels incredible soft to the touch, and cool and gentle on the skin. SupremeSoft Jumbo Treatment Sheet To complement the feeling of luxury, BC Softwear have developed a new ‘SupremeSoft’ luxury treatment towel using the super soft ‘Supreme’ towelling. ‘SupremeSoft’ jumbo treatment towels are made from a luxury fleece on one side, and absorbent cotton on the other side. In addition to its softness to the touch, this material has been proven to have outstanding savings, both in laundry drying times and thus energy savings, but also in longevity, Custom Made Spa Linen Valance To complete the look you may choose to add a custom made valance. This valance will cover the lower part of the couch on all four sides, down to the floor to create a neat silhouette for the treatment bed. See the advert on page 8 for details.

Design and Refit Time For A Summer Makeover?

June 2018

CLH News


increased their refurbishment spending by 57 per cent in 2016 alone, according to new research from business financiers Funding Options. With hotels capital expenditure rising from £1.03bn in the previous year to £1.62bn in 2015/16.

Whether you’re a pub hotel or restaurant new custom is coming through the doors, and there’s an article from Tripadvisor in this issue states many people turn to review sites before they visit, however wonderful “tool though it is”reviewers are increasingly leaving negative reviews if they are not happy.

• Worn • Dated • Tired • in need of TLC are just some of the politer decor reviews people leave about pubs hotels and restaurants The coming months are anticipated to be the busiest for years, and once you have them through the door you want them going away telling their family and friends and coming back, so first impressions will have a huge impact on how your business progresses in the future. Makeovers rarely do not have to cost the earth, many hospitality businesses have transformed themselves with pretty small budgets. The golden rule? Apportion your capital carefully and to get deeply involved in the entire process. Competing pound for pound with global chain outlets simply isn’t an option for many independent hotels, restaurants and bars. Especially given that UK hotels

• Establish your goals: “Decide what your target is,”. Are you trying to freshen up your decor or to rebrand yourself? Are you retaining your basic blueprint, or do you want to add revenue-generating space, like more seats, a bar or a private dining room? Turn as much space as practically possible into generating areas, both outdoor and indoor. • Work within your means :A good deal of your budget can be easily eaten away through the repair of areas which whilst important are not revenue generating. For this time of year if they are in working order and simply require maintenance, then leave for another day. • Track the trends. The industry is going through a revolution! And the independent sector is perfectly placed to capitalise . The casual dining sector is experiencing a turbulent times with many closing multiple sites, changing tastes increasing use of technology, and growth in home delivery all provide opportunities for growth. So If you haven’t remodeled your operation for years, you might need a “reboot” rather than just a tweak. Use this opportunity to examine industry trends and to see where you fit in, while also differentiating yourself.

P CL lea s H re 2 e sp 12 qu on w ot di he e ng n

One thing we quote often here at CLH News is “you never get a second chance to make a first impression”! And given the time of year you probably won’t be planning a major refit, but with the summer season now upon us, and with tourist predictions very positive for overseas visitors and staycations, not to mention the World Cup, a makeover might not be a bad idea.

SOME QUICK TIPS! • Decide whether the time is right: “If you wait until it looks like it’s time to refurbish no matter how light then you’ve waited too long,” Identify and invest in key unique features that lend the business character, and take advantage by enhancing them. Carrying out a thorough check of your establishment in order to spot any physical deterioration will quickly bring to light if it is time to consider a makeover. Any wear, tear, stains, rips, fading of fabrics, peeling wallpaper, unpleasant smells or cold room temperatures will indicate an upgrade should be on the cards. The whole room may not need refurbishing, it could be that changing one element could freshen up the entire space such as replacing the carpet, updating the wallpaper or reupholstering your seating. It is easy for costs to spiral out of control during a refurb as unexpected costs often rack up.

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Thatching contractors Est 1966 R.V. Miller Ltd can cater for all your thatched roof needs from the smallest garden project to any country hotel, pub or leisure facility. Based in the Isle of Purbeck we have been in the business for 50 years and are one of the largest thatching companies in the country. Specialist experts in thatching, we are able to assist with queries on new builds, re-thatching, ridging, general repairs, listed buildings and any other aspects of the thatching trade. Rod and John are both members of the National Society of Master Thatchers and the Dorset Master Thatchers Association.

Thatching - Repairs - Re-thatch E: T: 01929 462465 M: 07786981590 Belhuish Farm House, Coombe Keynes, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5PS

June 2018

CLH News

Design and Refit


MST Auctioneers Ltd

MST AUCTIONEERS Ltd specialise in handling & auctioning a wide variety of goods. We act for Insolvency Practitioners, Receivers, Bailiffs and Solicitors as well as large PLCs. We are members of The National Association of Auctioneers and Valuers (NAVA).

For the past 25 years, we've provided a unique disposal service tailored to suit, liquidators, banks, receivers as well as private and corporate vendors. We carry out probate valuations and conduct complete house and commercial clearances. We have the largest Auction venue in the South of England. Our regular monthly Auctions occupy 45,000 sq.ft. of undercover space, selling over 2500 lots from 3 rostrums over two days. We have storage and removal facilities. In addition we have forklifts for machinery up to 5 tons. We also hold regular Auctions ”On Site” and "On Line" See advert on page 28 for further details

Suppliers of 1920s chairs to pubs and restaurants nationwide 30 years experience We can supply chairs in original condition and fully refurbished

With more people coming through the doors to enjoy the good weather and summer events, having enough furniture in place to cater for the waves of sun-kissed customers is a common problem for facilities and catering managers. But missing out on the extra revenue that summer can bring simply because you haven’t given enough thought to your furnishing is a wasted opportunity. When space is a premium, folding tables and stacking chairs that can be conveniently stored away provide the perfect solution and mean you won’t be turning customers away this summer.

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Telephone: 07970 714959 • Email:

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By using folding tables and stacking chairs, eating areas can be transformed to accommodate more people in the blink of an eye, and seasonal events such as the 2018 World Cup can be handled with ease. From steel to aluminium, gold frames to silver, Trent Furniture stock a wide range of stacking chairs starting from just £13.90 (excl VAT) per chair. Likewise, folding tables come in a selection of sizes, shapes and styles, starting from £32.90 (excl VAT). View the full range of tables and chairs at Call 0116 2985 852 for more information.

Sims Contract Furniture Ltd - The First Port Of Call For Banquette Seating We are a family run business with 3 generations of commercial furniture manufacturing experience. Unlike other suppliers we manufacture all our seating inhouse, no importing, no subcontracting. We have full control over every aspect from design to installation to ensure every product leaves our workshops punctually and to our reputable high quality. Proudly offering 2 versions of Banquette Seating, firstly our “Premium Made to Measure” Banquette Seating which is built to your exact design, shape and size,

then installed by our professional installation team. You can have anything from floor to ceiling designs to seating that perfectly follows the walls in a period setting. Secondly our “Modular Banquette Seating” which is freestanding, set size units for you to mix and match

Style Seating

Prices from £35 (original condition) to £75 (refurbished) Delivery in 10 to 21 days on orders of 10 - 150

Looking For A Convenient Way To Manage Your Busy Summer Periods?

Style Seating are one of the UK's longest and most established manufacturers of banqueting and conference furniture. Over many years the range of products has expanded to encompass not just quality banqueting and conference furniture manufactured in the UK, but also furniture which is ideal for use in restaurants, reception areas, cafes, places of Worship, social clubs, break-out areas, meeting rooms and educational situations to name but a few of the many applications where

to best fit your space. Manufactured and delivered to your doorstep ready for you to layout. Made to the same high standards as our premium range without setup costs, site visits and installation fees. Saving you up to 50% on competitors seating. Also, we offer a range of furnishings – tables, chair and bedroom furniture. To request a brochure or to discuss your requirement further please contact our sales team on 01945 450957 email Web

the Style Seating combination of flexibility, practicality, quality, value and choice provide a range of seating solutions working for you. Our sales team will be pleased to answer any questions you have. Our team have a vast knowledge of our product range and can always call on our inhouse technical department if you have any specific questions or requests. Over 5,000 Customers and over 700,000 chairs made and counting. If you want quality products on time and on budget then you're at the right site. Reader Enquires Telephone- 01945 580099. Website- British Contract Furniture Association Member FIRA tested products SATRA tested products ISO9002 & ISO14001

Design and Refit

Pro Auction Valuers & Auctioneers

Pro Auction Limited are one of the leading specialist valuers & auctioneers. Providing a comprehensive range of services to ensure that the full value of surplus or redundant assets are realised, to maximum value, be that by a private treaty, tender or auction.

Auctions are conducted on a regular basis, throughout Europe in the Hospitality, Catering & Leisure sectors. We provide valuation and sale advice on all classes of industrial and commercial business assets. Auction sales are conducted both on site and webcast through our world-wide bidding platform. Pro Auction runs both traditional and online auctions throughout Europe, using the latest auction platforms and software, developed to meet the demands and needs

of both the seller and purchaser.

The company provides expert advice to insolvency practitioners, corporate recovery specialists and turnaround professionals. It is widely acknowledged as a leading provider of machinery and business asset advice – from initial valuation to exit strategy planning and implementation – helping clients through the whole process. Pro Auction focuses on customer service and has maintained many loyal, long-term clients, thanks to its personal approach, integrity and high standards of professionalism. Its relationships with clients are always partner centered. Contact Pro Auction Limited on 01761 414000 or email

HotelContractBeds - Premium Quality At Affordable Prices We’re one of the leading suppliers of contract approved beds and mattresses within the UK. Manufactured by ourselves, we pride ourselves on high quality whilst also providing comfortable low trade prices. While of course we offer all the standard UK sizes for beds and mattresses, we also provide an affordable bespoke service that will enable you to get the exact bed, mattress or sofa bed required for your establishment. We work on a no minimum order value policy, meaning you may order

as much, or as little as you need. This enables us to supply the big hotel chains, while also providing top quality to the smaller and independent hotels.

Delivery is free of charge for all mainland UK orders with an estimated time of 3-5 working days. And what’s more, you can be assured that every contract bed manufactured and supplied via HotelContractBeds - including our memory foam mattresses, sofa beds, zip and link beds and divan sets complies with BS5852 and Crib 5, ensuring that they pass stringent fire safety inspections. Call our sales team on 01234 834693 or visit

Contract Furniture Group

Contract Furniture Group has been set up to offer quality contract dining furniture to the hotel, restaurant, pub trades and leisure industries at realistic prices. We carry a lot of our range in stock so we can help you to meet your deadlines. We also offer a unique source and supply service; if you send us a picture of an item we will do our up most to supply to you at the best price.

All our furniture is manufactured to the highest standards, we only use hardwood frames which are glued screwed and dowelled for strength. crib5 interliner (if required) sprung seat areas or webbing and top quality Italian leathers and fabrics. For further information, call 0115 965 9030, visit or email

June 2018

CLH News


June 2018

CLH News


Design and Refit

Retain Payment or ID Cards and Be PCI Compliant Whilst Increasing Profits

When a vendor retains a credit card or debit card, or indeed handing over his or her ID card as security against running a tab or renting sporting or other equipment, there is always some uncertainty about the safety of the card whilst out of the customers’ possession. CardsSafe® eliminates the need to worry about any loss or theft as it is the simplest and most efficient way to ensure the card’s safety from potential misuse. The CardsSafe® system has now become the “best practice” way of handling credit and debit cards in the hospitality and leisure industries. More than eighty thousand boxes are in use every day and hundreds more are added every week. Customers who share their experience with our staff report these benefits:

• Chargeback drops by more than ninety per-

cent (90%) • Walkouts are reduced by at least fifty percent (50%) • Tab mistakes drop significantly and finally, • There is a major uptick in sales If you are concerned about how CardsSafe works within the PCI scheme, Alan Gill from the independent PCI certifying company Orthus Limited states: “The PCI DSS standard encompassed 264 controls. CardsSafe helps to reduce the need to meet all of these through ‘compensating controls’ which allow businesses to comply to the standard without having to change the way they operate”. In addition to the commercial benefits the CardsSafe® solution therefore helps merchants become PCI compliant, which truly gives peace of mind for all! To order, please contact CardsSafe Limited on either of: Phone: 0845 5001040 or visit

The Answer To All Of Your Heating Problems! At Sol*Aire we pride ourselves on friendly customer service. We are a family-run business based in North Yorkshire, manufacturing and distributing quality heating products to the UK and worldwide. As heating specialists, we sell Heated Towel Rails (for electric, central heating & dual fuel), Designer Radiators, and an exten-

sive range of Adax & Olsberg WallMounted Panel Heaters (a.k.a. convector radiators).

• Various easy to install electric convector panel heaters from UK stock. • WiFi controlled models available. • 5 years manufacturer’s guarantee. • Huge selection of electric and plumbed towel rails available from stock. • All fully ERP 2018 Compliant • Next day delivery where possible. Our aim is to provide you with straightforward and helpful advice;

Woodman Chairs

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Woodman Chairs is a long established, dedicated chair manufacturer and wholesaler who make most of their own chairs. We offer a wide and varied choice of solid oak and beech chair and table styles – both modern and contemporary – with many finish and seat options. Included in our range is an exciting choice of sturdy bar stools and bar tables. The fact that we make gives us greater control and flexibility. It also enables us to offer bespoke chair and chair frame or component production to end customers

whilst supplying quality, innovative and stylish products at affordable prices. We have 1,000’s of items ready to ship, most of which are manufactured in Northern Europe. We are extremely selective of our global supplier network; ensuring that they are market leading in quality and ethical standards. Our aim is to provide you with a fast and pain-free service. Call us on 01325 717899. Remember, there are no stupid questions! See the advert on page 17.

or other suppliers and manufacturers looking for their own design or seeking to create a unique range or theme, again in both oak and beech, raw or finished. Always keen to innovate, Woodman are constantly introducing new styles and have recently added Carver options to their more popular dining chairs and have further expanded their range of bar stools to include rush seated and fabric pad options. Here is a simple decision that won’t require a Referendum! If you want your customers to have the best choice, with honest quality, at affordable prices, with decent lead times and no minimum order, then you need only vote Woodman for your chairs. For further details call 01884 841789, visit or email

Allen Pavitt Contracts Allen Pavitt Contracts is Europe's leading manufacturer and supplier of hospitality products. Our designs include the very latest style in banqueting and conference furniture currently leading the way for comfort and ease of use. All of our products are manufactured in the UK and include dance floors, folding tables, stages, conference chairs and tables. These are all guaranteed to perform in the most testing conditions within the busiest venues. We are particularly proud of our modern locking portable dance floor system with 21st century technology replacing high maintenance products! To assemble simply push togeth-

ILF Chairs - Contract Seating ILF HAVE been supplying top quality indoor and outdoor chairs and tables for over the past 25 years to the hospitality market. We offer a wide selection of products to suit all tastes and as importantly budgets! We pride ourselves outstanding personal service with the motto ‘ No job is ever too big or too small – it’s customer satisfaction that counts’. In this demanding Health & Safety led market place we guarantee that all our fabrics and fillings meet

Design and Refit

There are no problems involving damp and property preservation Sterling Preservation cannot tackle. Sterling Preservation provides reliable remedies for property experiencing Rising/Penetrating Damp, Wet/Dry Rot, Beetle Infestation, Condensation, and Fungal Decay. Additionally, Sterling Preservation can install Tanking/Cavity Drain Systems, making a dream of

CLH News


er and the locking floor is ready to use and will not come apart. Hard wearing laminate surface ensuring service free lifetime use. To compliment our exhaustive range of standard products, we also build bespoke items for other areas such as theatres and concert venues. Compatible with our other UK suppliers such as Burgess, our furniture provides the very highest standards of reliability, giving every confidence to the discerning hotelier. Other products within the range include table cloths, skirting, valances, chair covers and conference cloths. These are made to fit our chairs and tables plus those of other manufacturers. We would be delighted to discuss your requirements, and provide free no-obligation quotes call us now on 01404 890290 and visit or

STERLING PRESERVATION LIMITED Large Enough to Cope – Small Enough to Care Established 1987 – Celebrating 30+ years!

Damp Proofing and Timber Preservation Treatment

the exacting BS5852 Crib 5 fire regulations. The majority of our products are available in a choice of frame colours and we can offer an extensive choice of fabrics including real Leather and Faux Leather. In addition, we also able to offer a full service on bench seating and re-upholstery. Delivery times are generally 4 weeks from order, but we can also offer a “fast track” service for certain products. Why not contact us at or on 01293 783783 and find out how we can help you fulfil your seating and table needs.

Sterling Preservation - Damp Proofing and Building Renovation Sterling Preservation is a member of the PCA (Property Care Association) and for 30+ years has built an excellent reputation across Devon, Somerset and Dorset for Damp Proofing, Timber Treatment and Building Preservation. Our fully trained and qualified teams have a wealth of experience in the industry and all jobs whatever the size, are carried out to the highest standard using best quality materials and latest codes of practice.

June 2018

transforming a basement or cellar into a usable living space a reality. Sterling Preservation conduct professional surveys, compile a comprehensive report, recommend the necessary treatment for a long-term solution and provide a 10 year guarantee on both dampproofing and timber preservation treatment. Clients receive honest quotations for all Sterling Preservation work.

Head Office: Little Haydon Farm, Stoodleigh, TIVERTON, Devon EX16 9RU

DEVON 01884 881200 | SOMERSET 01823 480200 DORSET 01308 458898 Mobile: 07771 666938 (24/7 txt/msg)

Sterling Preservation sets the highest professional standards in quality Damp Proofing, Timber Preservation and Building Renovation projects. Contact DEVON 01884 881200 / SOMERSET 01823 480200 / DORSET 01308 458898 Mobile: 07771 666938 (24/7 txt/msg)

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

June 2018

CLH News

Property and Professional


For Sale By Leading National Licensed Property Agents Guy Simmonds The Hospitality Business Mentor from The Bowden Group A Leasehold Inn has been brought to the market by Leading National Licensed Property Agent Guy Simmonds :- The Stonehenge Inn, Durrington, Salisbury, Wiltshire This extremely busy and recently refurbished Inn with Letting Bedrooms has an excellent location just off the A345 road, on the edge of the village of Durrington. This successful business sits within 2.5 miles of the UNSECO World Heritage Site of Stonehenge and benefits from its considerable tourist trade, accommodating coach parties with its large car park.

This refurbished property is made up of a Lounge Bar/Dining Area (circa 40), Restaurant (circa 60), Rear Patio Terrace Area (circa 60) and Front Patio Area (circa 40) along with its lucrative 7 En-Suite Letting Bedrooms. Asking Price £140,000. Enterprise Inns Leasehold. Turnover for y/e 12/17 circa £667,200 (incl. VAT). Rent £43,000. Trade Split circa 33% Food, 33% Wet & 34% Accommodation. Contact the Sales Agent – Guy Simmonds – on 01332 865112.

David Hunter is the Hospitality Business Mentor – he works with owners and investors in hotels, restaurants and catering businesses. Ensuring the business performs and makes the required profit, is what David does, and he does this by:

Other areas that David advises on include:

• Marketing – general and specific (ie promotions etc) • Human Resources (HR) - including all the legislation, and disciplinary posi-

1. Setting realistic targets for the business, and creating budgets and forecasts 2. Monitoring Sales, Gross Margins and Labour costs very closely 3. Mentoring the owners and/or managers of the business to help them achieve their objectives

Call David direct on: Mobile 07831 407984 or by email on

Well Presented & Established Traditional Café/Takeaway, Exeter, for Sale ANDREW GREENWOOD BUSINESS TRANSFER AGENT AWARD WINNING, HIGH CLASS TEA ROOM & COFFEE SHOP WITH ANCILLARY RETAIL SHOP, AMIDST CONSERVATION AREA, IN AFFLUENT MID-HAMPSHIRE TOWN. Situated in pretty Georgian town. Offering teas, coffees & light home-made meals. Attractively decorated, character property has 36 covers, plus pavement seating for 12 & rear courtyard seating for 20. Catering kitchen. Same hands 13 yrs. T/O £6,000 pw. Recorded T/O £255,000 p.a. (ex VAT). GP 65%. Closed 4.30/5 pm – no eve opening. Leasehold at current rental of £13,800 p.a.x. (new term avail). – £150,000 O.N.O. + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3729) LICENSED BISTRO, AMIDST MAIN ROAD PARADE, CLOSE TO RAILWAY STATION, IN CENTRE OF NEW FOREST VILLAGE. Run on a chef/patron basis. Tastefully decorated. 11 tables seat 36. Catering kitchen. 2 first flr store rms. Sunny Trade Garden – seats 12+ & lge gge/store. Open 5 days. T/O £1,500/£2,000 pw. Recorded T/O approx. £80,000 – (not VAT reg.). 10 yr lease from March 2017 at £9,000 p.a.x. - £45,000 ONO + S.A.V. (Ref. C.3758) WATERSIDE BAR, RESTAURANT AND HOTEL WITH 10 LUXURY BEDROOMS, SITUATED ON THE FRINGES OF THE NEW FOREST, HYTHE MARINA VILLAGE, HAMPSHIRE. Run under management. Adjoining 70+ cover restaurant & bar with waterfront views plus terrace seating for 40. Catering kitchen. 10 en suite letting bedrooms for 22 guests. NB. No owner’s accomm. Approx. £500,000 spent on refurbishments in the last 8 years. Rec. gross T/O approx. £860,000 (inc. VAT). Accounts available. Held on two 25 year leases from 2010 at combined rental of £60,000 p.a.x. – OFFERS IN EXCESS OF £200,000 + S.A.V. (Ref. F/C.3750)

romsey (01794) 522228

This well presented and established high turnover daytime only cafe and takeaway, is available for sale on a leasehold basis by licensed property specialists Stonesmith of Exeter Terry’s is a busy and well established traditional cafe and takeaway, with an impressive following, serving an easy to prepare and popular menu. The business operates from spacious, purpose equipped and furnished premises, which have been the subject of significant investment in recent years. The café offers

The Albaston Hotel is possibility one of the best presented hotels Bettesworths have listed in recent years. The property has been completely renovated from top to bottom with amazing attention to detail and excep-

Visit the website at or the Blogsite at

The Vine, Great Bardfield, Essex for Sale Leading National Licensed Property Agents Guy Simmonds have been instructed to sell the highly impressive and traditional 20th Century freehouse, The Vine; situated in the highly sought after and affluent location of Great Bardfield.

seating for over 60 customers. Currently trading daytime only hours and run completely under management, the business enjoys strong levels of trade and offers the opportunity for incoming operators to purchase a popular business with undoubted potential and the option for the business to be either owner or staff run. This highly profitable business is for sale on a leasehold basis, for £99,950. Full property details are available from the website and viewings arranged by calling 01392 201262.

Channel 4’s ‘Four in The Bed’ Winners Put Hotel Up For Sale The Hotel that won the ‘Four in the Bed’ TV series in 2015 has been put up for sale with leading Hotel Agents Bettesworths. The Albaston Hotel is situated on St Marychurch Road, just above Torquay's town centre and boasts views from upper floors over Torquay seafront and beyond.

tions. • Reward and Bonus schemes – always linked to achievement of objectives • Customer Service - including Hospitality skills training Do contact David for an informal chat, or make an appointment to meet with him.

tional interior design. The property was completely renovated over a three year period with significant investment in the infrastructure and decoration of the hotel.

National Sales Director Martin McConnell said, “This delightful village inn is offered for sale on an extremely desirable ‘FREE OF TIE’ lease with approximately 6 years remaining and provides an extremely well-established trading foundation that can be fully emulated by a new entrepreneurial hands-on fully focussed business partnership; yet still offers excellent potential to increase the turnover and profits.” This wonderful village pub features a welcoming Lounge Bar (circa 45+) and a versatile and multi-functional Restaurant (circa 30 covers). There is a fully equipped Commercial Catering Kitchen and the family accommodation briefly comprises: 3/4 bedrooms, lounge, office/bedroom and bathroom. There is also a good sized Beer Garden and Patron’s Car Park. There is also Planning Permission for an additional 5 Letting Bedrooms.

The freehold of the Albaston Hotel is being marketed at ‘offers in excess of’ £750,000, to include trade inventory and goodwill. Further trading information will be provided to bona fide interested parties following a formal viewing arranged through the Sole Selling Agents Bettesworths 01803 21 20 21.

Price: £175,000. Tenure: Free of Tie Lease – 6 years remaining. Rent: £26,000 per annum. Turnover: Advised current turnover circa £520,000 (incl. VAT). Trade Split: 60% wet and 40% food. Landlord: Private. Contact Guy Simmonds on 01332 865112 for details.


PRICE: £599,950


PRICE: £39,950


• Substantial Grade II Listed Thatched Country Inn with Letting Rooms • 100 + Covers Over 4 Character Trading Areas • 8 Very Well Appointed En Suite Letting Rooms • 1 Bed Owners Cottage • High Turnover Business - Further Growth Potential


REF: 3104

PRICE: £750,000


PRICE: £19,950

• Stunning Country House Hotel in a Beautiful Valley in Dartmoor National Park • Set in 36 Acres with 7 Beautifully Presented En Suite Letting Rooms • Separate 2 Bed Owners Accommodation • Residents Lounge, Dining Conservatory and ‘Middle Lounge’ • Unique Opportunity to Acquire a First Class ‘Home & Income’ Property



REF: 3108


REF: 3088

REF: 3179


• Attractive Cafe/Bistro/Bar Premises • Lock Up Unit Which Would Lend Itself to a Variety of Catering Styles • Elegantly Refurbished Including Kitchen Refit in June 2016 • Excellent Opportunity for Couple or Chef Patron • Situated in Highly Visible Location in the Heart of Paignton


REF: 2850


PRICE: £575,000


• Well Located & Beautifully Presented Character Freehouse • 3 Interconnecting, Charming Trading Areas • 3 En suite Letting Rooms Plus Owners 1 Bed Flat • Outside Trading Area & Car Park • Fabulous Pub & Business in First Class Location


• Sympathetically Refurbished & Beautifully Present Restaurant • Stunning South Hams Location Close to Award winning Beaches • Spacious Customer Seating for 45 • Superior 3 Double Bedroom Accommodation with Sea Views • Fabulous Opportunity to Acquire a Successful Home & income Business





Exceptional Licensed Cafe and Restaurant Prime Town Centre Trading Position Impressive Sales Figures - £274K Great Potential Completely Refurbished and Purposefully Equipped Commercial Catering Kitchen

Thriving Licensed Cafe & Restaurant Established Town Centre Trading Position Currently Trading on Daytime Basis Only Licensed Cafe/Restaurant Area (45+) Al Fresco Seating for 32 Potential to Increase Trade

LH £75,000


EAST DEVON Popular Seafront B&B & Apartments Sought After East Devon Coastal Resort 5 Quality En-Suite Letting Bedrooms 2 Self-Contained Letting Apartments 3 Bedroom Owners Accommodation Patio (20), Car Parking (9), 2 Garages Impressive Levels of Trade & Profits

FH £950,000


LH 120,000


Award Winning 4 Star Guest House Detached Licensed Business in Around 1 Acre 6 Letting Bedrooms, Guest Lounge, Dining Room 1/2 Bedroom Private Owners Accom Gardens, Guest Car Parking, Barn & Stable Block Excellent Lifestyle Business with Undoubted Potential

FH £750,000




Established & Popular City Centre Cafe Daytime Trading Only Cafe Seating Area (66+) Run Under Full Management Busy & Well Known Catering Business

Well Regarded Licensed Restaurant Bar Area (12), Dining Rooms (45) Impressive & Spacious 4/5 Bed Pvt Accom Private Walled Patio Garden Area First Time on Market for Over 30 Years

LH £99,950

FH £390,000




PRICE: £95,000

REF 3095





• Very Well Presented 6 Bed Guest House Nestled Within Beautifully Appointed Gardens • Overlooking the River Sid & Within Easy Walking Distance of all Amenities • Owner’s Modern Purpose Built 3 Bed Accommodation with Private Courtyard • Easily Accessible Parking for 8 Cars • Successful Business with Scope for Further Growth


PRICE: £795,000




• Fabulous 17th Century 20+ Bed Hotel • Located within Dartmoor National Park • Well Established Business Presented to an Extremely High Standard • Under Management • Genuine Potential for Owner Driven Growth




REF: 2645


• Prominent Harbourside Licenced Fish & Chip Café & Takeaway • Well Established & Highly Successful Business Trading Seasonally • Internal seating for 60; Al Fresco seating for 50 • Well Equipped Kitchen & Ancillary Areas • Potential to Extend Trading Period

PRICE: £150,000


REF: 3049

WEST DEVON Substantial and Impressive 3 Storey Georgian Villa 6 En-Suite Letting Bedrooms Letting Apartment & 1 Bed Letting Cottage Impressive Levels of Trade & Ongoing Bookings Attractive Boutique Bed and Breakfast Exceptional Business Opportunity

FH £795,000


NR BRISTOL AIRPORT Stylishly Refurbished Destination Inn Highly Visible Landmark Trading Position 7 Quality Boutique Letting Bedrooms Bar (36+), Games Room (14), Restaurant (36) Al Fresco Seating (70+), Car Park (30+) Around 0.75 Acre Grounds Impressive Growing Trade Levels

FH £650,000



SYMONDS YAT, GLOUCESTERSHIRE On Instructions of The Forestry Commission Purpose Built Log Cabin Catering Facility Established Since 1950s & Open Year Round Refreshment Kiosk and Servery Counter Canopy Bench Seating (16), External Seating (100) New 5 Year Lease No Premium Payable



01392 201262

Property and Professional

June 2018

CLH News


Is Your Business In Trouble? Are You Having Sleepless Nights? Do you have serious money problems, are you facing legal threats, are you avoiding the post, your phone and your emails ? We can sort out all your financial and legal problems no matter how severe they are, our success rate is 100% Let us take control of all your problems and shield you completely from all the pressure you are facing. We will

Earn A Living In France Leggett Immobilier FRANCE is proud to present its’ brand-new service aimed at helping international clients buy small businesses in France called Leggett COMMERCE & ENTREPRISE. Since the Brexit vote in 2016, we have monitored a great increase in the number of British citizens wanting to fast-track their plans of moving to France and to have a stream of revenue attached to the property they

deal with all your creditors and their litigators allowing you to concentrate on your customers and the business. We promise to identify effective solutions and options to keep you trading, or if you prefer, a seamless and managed exit with no adverse effects on you for your future plans. Every problem has an answer! Call us today without delay on 01183 800949 / 07538 161544.

Hotel & Pub Rescue Ltd would buy. The most popular properties being B&Bs and Gîtes in particular. A team of specialized agents has been put to your disposal to help you find the perfect business for you whether it be a restaurant, Gîtes, hotel, B&B etc. Our bilingual team works closely with dedicated English-speaking lawyers, notaries and accountants, specialising in helping international clients setup their business in France. Get ahead and call us now! Contact: Timothy Austin Smith Tel.: +33 (0)5 53 60 79 08 Email:



Terry Osborne Pub, Hotel & Restaurant Insurance Specialists We at Terry Osborne Insurance Services are a specialist Insurance Broker in the Hotel, Pub, Guest House and B&B sector offering an impeccable service at a reasonable premium. As a family run business we pride ourselves on our personal service with clients all over the UK we are pleased to offer our expertise and advice. As with everything in life you

seem to get what you pay for! As trade specialists we are keen to offer a competitive premium without compromising cover as in too many cases clients only realise that their cover has been compromised to lower their premium after a costly claim, which is all too late. At Terry Osborne Insurance Services Limited we aim to ensure that our premiums are not reduced by cut-

ting our coverage and we are continually checking the market to ensure that we are providing a quality service at a competitive price. For further information contact TERRY OSBORNE Insurance Services Ltd on 01622 745 297, email or visit

The Corn Exchange, Standard Quay, Faversham The grade II listed ‘Corn Exchange’ will now be home to an 80-seat ground floor restaurant and bar, and the first floor to a 110-seat restaurant and function room. The alterations have left almost all the original structure and most of the internal fabric unchanged to preserve the history of

the building. The building includes a fully prepared commercial kitchen with food prep and storage, customer toilets and free parking. See the advert on this page for further information.

66 Preston Street, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8PG Office: 01795 531622 Email:

Corn Exchange, Standard Quay, Faversham, ME13 7BS

Standard Quay will soon become a “bigger gem than it already is” with its latest addition – The Corn Exchange

The grade II listed ‘Corn Exchange’ will now be home to an 80-seat ground floor restaurant and bar, and the first floor to a 110-seat restaurant and function room. The alterations have left almost all the original structure and most of the internal fabric unchanged to preserve the history of the building.

The building includes a fully prepared commercial kitchen with food prep and storage, customer toilets and free parking.

For Lease £48,000 PA Long Lease Available, Flexible Terms & Conditions

• Emergency rescue & debt management • • Creditor problems & legal actions • • HMRC, utilities & business rates arrears • • Secured & unsecured financing • • Cash-flow funding & Investor finance • • Business & appraisal plans • • Planning consents & redevelopment • Ca ll us • Project management • toda y • Business purchase • witho ut For Hotels, Pubs & Restaurants delay (Leasehold, Freehold, single & multi-unit)

01183 800949

07538 161544

CK DIRECT SETS LUXURY STANDARD MANUFACTURER’S VENTILATION TECHNOLOGY ENHANCES THREE MICHELIN STAR RESTAURANT IN LONDON. The high efficiency of Air Jet kitchen ventilation systems reduces the effective net exhaust volumes, whilst improving extraction efficiency and minimising fan and ductwork size. Air Jet hoods prevent the heat and impurities produced by cooking appliances from spreading to the work area. The hoods deliver a small air flow to push the upwardflowing thermal current toward the filters. Included inside CK Direct’s hoods are unique Franke Cascade filters, which remove 95% of grease particles sized eight microns and above. These save on energy and maintenance, as the pressure loss is low, and the stainlesssteel filters are easy to clean. CK Direct senior design engineer Martin


Direct has had the

amazing opportunity to implement brand new ventilated ceilings and air jet canopies in a three Michelin Star restaurant. The London-based restaurant was the perfect candidate for the latest additions to CK Direct’s product range. During the restaurant’s 8-week refurbishment, the existing extract systems within the kitchen and rooftop were stripped out and replaced. Roof mounted air handling units, extract and supply fans, air conditioning and toilet ventilation were all fitted to service the launch of the showpiece ventilated ceiling, Air Jet canopy system and the new Air Jet extract hood.

How do these new installations improve the restaurant?

Culham was thrilled to see the new products in action at such a highprofile establishment. “In this, and also past cases where CK Direct has had the opportunity to introduce its services to a renowned restaurant, we’ve relished the chance to show what we’re capable of. Time and again we’ve seen that our innovations in ventilation are exactly what these establishments are seeking.” Martin continued and explained that refurbishments like this one will not only benefit the restaurant’s employees, but their customers too. Cleaner and safer kitchens are a win-win!

You can find out more about CK Direct’s commercial kitchen ventilation and extraction systems on its website:

Ventilated ceiling


The modular ventilated ceiling system is perfect for kitchens with an extensive range of cooking surfaces. It’s recommended for kitchens where natural points of extraction such as windows cannot be utilised – in other words, places like a residential area in London.

The three Michelin star restaurant in London features CK Direct Air Jet canopies.

The ceiling system is ideal for cooking areas that are viewable to the public. The consumer can see the staff hard at work, whilst the staff retain a safe and clean environment.


Air Jet canopy system

is suitable for

CK Direct’s Air Jet canopy system allows the kitchen ventilation system to provide sufficient capture and containment at a minimal exhaust flow rate. It creates negative pressure along the front edge and side of the hood, assisting in containment of heat and effluents in the critical work area.

kitchens with an

CK Direct’s ventilated ceiling

extensive range of cooking surfaces.

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