Our prices are reasonable after being carefully calculated. And you look hip. For this we offer no apologies whatsoever Helen Mirren, 67 Platinum-blond hair and a lipsticked smile is a formula movie stars have long employed to devastating effect. With each item, ask yourself the a questions. Even the most genetically blessed find that while cheekbones may last, the spell cast by youthful beauty loses its power to bewitch. This page was last updated: Mar-31 14:58. Not only that, but a sparkly necklace reflects the light back up onto your face — a bit like having your own portable light filter. Trainers A sin against fashion. Opt for a classic look with a pair of sophisticated T-straps or sleek, neutral-toned pumps. Not the life path of a woman who shies away from a challenge Photograph: Rex Features Catherine Deneuve, 69 I have been watching Deneuve watch fashion shows for years, and I have come to this conclusion: nobody, nobody, does Classy Boredom like Deneuve. But outfits need to be