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from SHAGN Brochure
In recent years, SHA has been lauded for its growing commitment to academic excellence. Our drive for constant academic growth and achievement comes out of the belief that every child should be provided with the tools they need to succeed in life. Small classroom sizes and dedicated staff members make for a learning environment that is both fun and effective. Our students are treated as young scholars, encouraged to think critically and apply what they’ve learned to all areas of their lives. It is these skills that they will carry on with them, enabling them to flourish and grow in whatever envionrment they find themselves.

Innovative Learning
SHA will be launching new coding, robotics, and engineerng programming this upcoming school year! Having been selected by CIJE* as one of only thirty-five schools that will be working with them to pilot a new engineering program where traditional book-based science instruction is replced with hands-on, experiment-based courses. The program is designed to encourage our students’ natural curiosity and provide a fun framework in which they can explore the worlds of physics and engineering, as part of our ongoing commitment to innovative STEM learning.

Encouraging Educators
Over the past two years, SHA has partnered with Yeshiva University’s professional development program to bring teams of PLCs (Professional Learning Communities) into our classrooms. These teams work with our staff on differentiated instruction, assessments, and classroom management. This exciting initative has enriched the ongoing training and consultation programs offered to our staff members and proved an invaluable resource for both our staff and students here at Silverstein Hebrew Academy.
*Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education