Region 6 IL Conference 2018

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2018 CONFERENCE // APRIL 23-24, 2018 HYATT REGENCY // DALLAS, TEXAS National Council on Independent Living - Region 6 New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas & Louisiana

WELCOME REGION 6! We, the Conference Planning Committee, are happy to see you here and eager to talk with you! It has been a long time since we have gathered and much has changed. We are excited to tackle the current climate changes in the Disability community. We are extremely hopeful that Region 6 can strategize, unite and create a new climate change within the movement that surpasses the greatest dreams of our founders. Together, we can lead the movement and make a strong impact in the world that will leave a legacy to assist others for decades to come. We are not here to react. We are here to solidify! We will make history! Please share your fears, hopes and ideas as we spend 2 days discussing the climate changes we are facing. We are fortunate that all of Region 6 is represented at this conference. Every State in Region 6 will present their struggles, achievements and insights - New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas & Louisiana. Over 20 presenters will update us on Disasters, Politics, History Archives of our Movement, Data Technologies, Voting Access, Global Travel, Passion, ADA and Transition Programs. Our presenters are seasoned leaders whose counsel ignites our climate strategies. The most intricate part of this conference is YOU. Each and every one of you is the CLIMATE CHANGE agent for our Region. You are the key to how this plays out. United together in fear and battle; or united with purpose, passion and a beautiful new vision for the growth in our movement. We will make history. You can decide now to change your mindset and change your heart for a CIL EVOLUTION! We appreciate you! Sincerely, Region 6 Planning Committee




Region 6 Representative for National Council on Independent Living

Independent Living Resource Center

Louisiana SILC




Disability In Action

Arkansas SILC






Oklahoma SILC

Texas State Independent Living Council

JACKIE PACHA Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living 2



Heart of Central Texas Center for Independent Living

Venture Alliance Group



APRIL 24, 2018

2:00pm – 5:00pm

8:30am – 4:45pm / Reunion Foyer

APRIL 23, 2018

8:30am – 9:15am

8:00am – 4:45pm / Reunion Foyer

9:30am – 10:30am / Reunion G&H

8:00am – 9:15am

10:30am – 11:00am / Reunion Foyer

9:30am – 11:00am / Reunion G&H

11:00am – 12:00pm / Reunion G&H

Exhibit Set-up

Registration and Exhibits Open Breakfast – On Your Own

Welcome with Julie Espinoza and Keynote with Lex Frieden

11:00am – 11:30am / Reunion Foyer Break and Visit Exhibitors

11:30am – 12:30pm / Reunion G&H

Registration and Exhibits Open Breakfast – On Your Own State of the State

Break and Visit Exhibitors Multi-State Voting Panel

12:00pm – 12:30pm / Reunion Foyer Break and Visit Exhibitors

12:30pm – 1:30pm / Reunion G&H

Invited Panel

Invited Panel and Luncheon with Cheryl Grenwelge and Jackie Pacha

12:30pm – 1:45pm / Reunion G&H

1:30pm – 2:00pm / Reunion Foyer

Luncheon with Michele Erwin

1:45pm – 2:00pm / Reunion Foyer Break and Visit Exhibitors

2:00pm – 3:00pm / Reunion G&H

Session B1: Putting VALUe back into eVALUation

2:00pm – 3:00pm / Reunion E&F Session B2: Power in Numbers

Break and Visit Exhibitors

2:00pm – 3:00pm / Reunion G&H Political Climate Change

3:00pm – 3:45pm / Reunion G&H Wrap-up Session

3:45pm – 4:45pm / Reunion Foyer Visit Exhibitors

3:00pm – 3:30pm / Reunion Foyer Break and Visit Exhibitors

3:30pm – 4:30pm / Reunion G&H

Session C1: ADA Technical Assistance Trends and Status for the Southwest Region

3:30pm – 4:30pm / Reunion E&F Session C2: Reaching Up



REUNION G&H // 9:30-11:00am Welcome Region 6

JULIE ESPINOZA, NCIL Region 6 Representative

Julie Espinoza welcomes Region 6 and discusses our goals, possibilities and needs. The role participants play as our speakers give us options for passion, strategies and wisdom. Julie Espinoza is a Social Worker and Disability Rights Activist. She has worked at Centers for Independent Living for over 25 years. Ms. Espinoza is the REACH of Plano CIL Assistant Director, the Region 6 Representative for the National Council on Independent Living Board of Directors and the World Independent Living Center Network North America Representative and Co-Chairs the International Subcommittee with NCIL.

National Anthem Performed by Breggett Rideau Region 6 Advocacy Awardee 2017 - Secured Texas Legislation ensuring all Children in Special Education Classrooms can have a camera present to prevent and identify abuse of children with disabilities. A Grass Roots Project dedicated to bring awareness to and funding for the PROTECTION & SAFETY of Special Needs Kids in Schools with CAMERAS!!! BREGGETT RIDEAU, Not on Lil’T’s Watch

4 // April 23, 2018

Master of Ceremonies

BILLY ALTOM, Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living

Billy Altom is the Executive Director of the APRIL. APRIL is a national membership organization dedicated to advancing the rights of people with disabilities living in rural America. APRIL provides leadership and resources on rural independent living through a national network of rural CILs, SILCs and individuals concerned with the unique aspect of rural independent living. The goal of APRIL is to work together to find solutions to common problems and to bring rural issues in independent living into focus on the national level.

Keynote: The CIL Evolution The changing times of CILs and SILCs politically, socially and during climate disasters have become common features of the IL movement. Our current choices and growth must change as well. Lex Frieden is Professor of Biomedical Informatics and of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) and he is Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Baylor College of Medicine. LEX FRIEDEN, Independent Living Research Utilization

Mr. Frieden also directs the ILRU – Independent Living Research Utilization Program at TIRR Memorial Hermann in Houston. ILRU is a research, training and technical assistance program on independent living for people with disabilities and seniors. Mr. Frieden currently serves as chairperson of the United Spinal Association. He is the convener of the National Advisory Board on Improving Health Care Services for Seniors and People with Disabilities, partnering with Amerigroup Corporation to better serve the health insurer’s members who utilize long-term services.


April 23, 2018 // 5


REUNION G&H // 11:30AM-12:30PM Integrating Disability Into Emergency Management: Preparing for the Future Strategies for the future of CILS and the IL movement as disasters strike... again and again and again.

CHRISTY DUNAWAY, MS Emergency Management Agency

PAUL TIMMONS, CEO, Portlight Strategies, Inc.

6 // April 23, 2018

Christy was born and raised in Jackson, MS. She has a BA from Millsaps College, a Masters from Mississippi College and an Honorary Doctorate in Public Service from Millsaps. Christy has been a disability rights advocate for over 35 years. Christy began her career with the MS Department of Rehabilitation Services. In 1995 she went to work for LIFE of Mississippi, the state’s Title VII, Part C CIL, where she was Executive Director until her retirement in August of 2014. From 2014-2016 she operated Dunaway Consulting providing information, training and technical assistance regarding aspects of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Emergency Planning. In 2016 Christy accepted a full time position with the MS Emergency Management Agency as the agency’s first Disability Integration Advisor, ensuring that all aspects of emergency management in Mississippi are fully inclusive. Christy is the Chairperson of the Emergency Preparedness Sub-Committee of the National Council on Independent Living. Portlight Strategies, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization, founded in 1997 to facilitate a variety of projects involving people with disabilities, including post-disaster relief work. Portlight’s longest running disaster recovery effort followed the devastation of Superstorm Sandy in the shore communities of New Jersey and parts of New York City, and lasted for 18 months. During that time, Portlight replaced lost durable medical equipment and ramping, assisted residents in purchasing and installing accessibility equipment that was made necessary after their homes were elevated to meet federal flood insurance requirements.

Through ongoing programs like our Getting It Right conferences, Paul Timmons works to promote self-determination of needs and issues with respect to disaster preparedness and response. He fosters community relationships with other agencies to promote inclusiveness in disaster preparedness and response plans and to demand provisions for transportation and shelter accessibility.


MICHELE ERWIN, Founder and President of All Wheels Up

Michele Erwin is the Founder and President of All Wheels Up. Her interest in accessible air travel began in 2011 when it became clear traveling with a person who has a severe physical disability and uses a wheelchair was not safe. Today, Michele works to further accessible air travel through research related initiatives. All Wheels Up is the only organization in the world currently crash testing wheelchair tie-down systems and wheelchairs for incabin use. Michele has been interviewed and quoted in multiple publications/media such as the BBC, Yahoo Travel, Aljazeera America Magazine, the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation travel blog and other notable travel and disability blogs. Most recently Michele was a speaker at the Virgin Atlantic inaugural Wheelchairs for In-cabin Use Symposium. She has also presented her work to the FAA, DOT, Congress, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, the United States House Transportation Committee, RESNA, multiple airlines, plane manufacturers and the Access Board. Michele was recently nominated for the “2017 RARE Champion of Hope� by Global Genes. The United States House Transportation Committee considers All Wheels Up a leader in the field. Michele Erwin has grown a small grass roots organization with no name recognition into an organization being spoken about in congressional meetings and by airlines around the world. Michele is now working with groups in the EU, UK, and a part of an April 23, 2018 // 7

(Luncheon with Michele Erwin continued)

informal coalition for accessible air travel in the United States. The organizations in the US informal coalition for accessible air travel consists of Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA), Easter Seals, and MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association). Not only does Michele and All Wheels Up have the support of many organizations that support the disability community, but Michele and All Wheels UP have the support of Virgin Atlantic and Airbus, companies that have requested her help in making accessible air travel possible. Michele has made an impossible discussion a now important topic of conversation based on the research and facts.



REUNION G&H // 2:00-3:00PM Putting VALUe back into eVALUation

JUDITH STEED, The Independence Center - Colorado Springs

8 // April 23, 2018

Learning to measure what we value in Independent Living is imperative. This increases the positive outcomes of our efforts and our ability to measure impact. This supports continuous improvement and helps to celebrate the work we perform. This presentation will explore traditional measures, why changing our focus to what we value is better so we learn and improve the work in meaningful ways. Identifying key outcomes and using innovative methods to accommodate persons with disabilities are key to effective evaluation of Independent Living programs in service of improving the lives of our consumers so our wider communities may thrive.

Judith Steed is the Quality Assurance Coordinator for The Independence Center (IC) in Colorado Springs, CO. Her joy is in leveraging evaluation to celebrate truly valued outcomes and to reveal challenges, that when solved, lead to continuous improvement. Having 20 years experience, Judith brings a passion for process mapping, facilitating strategic and tactical conversations and intentional cross functional collaboration. Her extensive experience with methodological innovation and a love of data analysis helps to accommodate people with disabilities. Judith enjoys making meaning to enhance understanding and use of data. Working closely with The IC teams, she identifies key programmatic outcomes & outputs, designs projects to measure them and reports regularly to The IC Board. Previously, Judith worked for the Center for Creative Leadership as an evaluator of management training and presented at multiple professional conferences as a subject matter expert on evaluation.


REUNION E&F // 2:00-3:00PM Power in Numbers Individual Responsibility in Data Driven Advocacy

MACK MARSH, Access Empowerment

Mack will demonstrate how small actions every day can improve access to the community for people with disabilities. Details of how Parking Mobility went from an idea to an effective program to end accessible parking abuse using data driven results. A new program designed to save lives in disaster situations through the Plan Prep Ready program will be debuted. Participants will learn how to use new and emerging technology to easily engage in daily effective advocacy.

April 23, 2018 // 9



REUNION G&H // 3:30-4:30PM ADA Technical Assistance Trends and Status for the Southwest Region This session will provide an update on technical assistance related issues and activities of the ADA Center that serves the Southwest region (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX). We will discuss technical assistance trends as expressed through the volumes of ADA related consumer calls and requests received by the ADA Center. We will also discuss ADA Center activities and initiatives in response to those needs throughout our region.

MARISA DEMAYA, Southwest ADA Center

10 // April 23, 2018

Marisa Demaya is the Deputy Director/Training Coordinator for the Southwest ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Center at ILRU, the Independent Living Research Utilization Program in Houston, Texas. As training coordinator she works with consumers with disabilities, businesses and community organizations to inform them of their rights and responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Ms. Demaya graduated from the University of Houston in 2002 with a BS in Professional Writing. Her interest in civil rights of people with disabilities developed through personal experience as a family member of a person with a vision disability. Marisa has been with the Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) program for over 12 years having joined them under separate projects in 2004 and later joining the ADA Center in 2009 where she continues the pursuit of her passion in helping Americans everywhere understand their civil rights under the ADA.


REUNION E&F // 3:30-4:30PM Reaching Up Find your passion so you can Reach Up!

JOANNE FLUKE, Disability in Action

Ms. Fluke has been a strong part of the Disability Community since she was crowned Ms. Wheelchair KS in 2005. She is very passionate about inclusion, that is why she loves to dance and do Zumba. She has worked in several Centers both in Texas and in her home state of Kansas. She graduated from Baker University in 2000. She was a Youth Director for 10 years at the First Christian Church in her hometown Ottawa, KS. She has traveled to Ghana, Africa twice to work with the Disability Community. She is currently a part of the Rehabilitation Council of Texas and she is assisting Abilene to become more inclusive when it comes to the Disability Community.

April 23, 2018 // 11



REUNION G&H // 9:30-10:30AM Sha’ Anderson is the current Executive Director for the Arkansas SILC located in Little Rock, Arkansas. She is a native of Batesville, Arkansas and has lived in Little Rock for the past 18 years. She is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated, the National Association of University Women (NAUW). She is an adjunct professor teaching Master level courses. She is currently pursuing a doctorate through Nova Southeastern University in Organizational Leadership. SHA’ ANDERSON, Arkansas SILC

12 // April 24, 2018

She is a member of NCIL serving on the Voting sub-committee and the Diversity sub-committee. She is also a member of APRIL, NCIL, Arkansas Disability Policy Consortium (ADPC), the Arkansas Respite Coalition, the Arkansas Accessible Parking Task Force, The Children of Exceptional Families Board and the Job Corp Community Relations Committee. She is married to William and together they have six children and one grandson.

Sandra Breitengross Bitter is the Executive Director of the Texas State Independent Living Council. Ms. Bitter is the Vice Chair of the Texas Disability Task Force on Emergency Management and also serves as a Region VI representative for the SILC Congress. Before joining the Texas SILC in October 2012 as a Project Analyst, she was a Legislative Director and Senior Policy Advisor for a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from California Baptist University. SANDRA BREITENGROSS BITTER, Texas SILC


Jessica A. Lewis is the Executive Director of Louisiana Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC). She is a graduate of Southern University where she has obtained a Bachelor of Science in Business Management degree and moved on to receive her Master of Business Administration (MBA). Jessica has worked extensively in matters concerning mental health and individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities along with continuous work in the community for the betterment of society and for individuals with disabilities to live independently. She developed a passion for working with people with disabilities after her involvement in various activities within the community. She loves life and enjoys spending time with family and friends when she is not advocating for individuals with disabilities. Her favorite quote is “All the strength and force of man comes from his faith in things unseen. He who believes is strong; he who doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions.�

April 24, 2018 // 13

(State of the State continued)


KATE UNNA, Deputy Director of ILRC of New Mexico

Sidna Madden is the Executive Director of the Oklahoma Statewide Independent Living Council (OKSILC). She serves on many boards and commissions statewide that work on behalf of people with disabilities, including the Governor’s Committee on the Employment of People with Disabilities. Sidna is also Chair of the Oklahoma City Mayor’s Committee on Disability Concerns and is working to raise awareness to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities and is advocating for the removal of physical and attitudinal barriers in her state. Through these efforts, communities nationwide are using OKC as a model and asking for guidance in structuring their committees. She also serves on several national boards in regards to Independent Living, such as the Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living and the SILC Congress, where she serves as Treasurer, and her organization is the fiduciary agent. Kate Unna is a 36 year old woman who has been living with rheumatoid arthritis since she was 9 years old. After moving to Alaska on a whim, she discovered the IL movement after working with a CIL there, providing services to people with disabilities in a challenging rural part of Alaska. Kate was fortunate to attend the University of Leeds one-of-a-kind Disability Studies program, receiving her Masters degree with a concentration in Social Policy. Even luckier, she found a position at ILRC, the largest CIL in her home state of New Mexico. She recently became a mother— Emmett was born 12/22/17. She is grateful to represent New Mexico at this conference.


14 // April 24, 2018


REUNION G&H // 11:00AM-12:00PM Engaging Your Community This session will highlight similar efforts from a multi-state perspective focused on the importance of developing, encouraging, and increasing access to the voting process. Molly Broadway (Austin, TX) will walk participants through tools and resources to ensure that the disability community is engaged, included, and involved in political and election processes – from a Civic Engagement Toolkit to the process of becoming a polling place. Courtney Stone (Colorado Springs, CO) will discuss the creation of the first Highly Accessible Polling Place in Colorado, sharing successes, lessons learned, and opportunities for every participant to begin similar processes in their own communities. We know that voting is important, so let’s all work together to make sure that voting is accessible. Molly provides voting rights information to Texans with disabilities and local election officials.

MOLLY BROADWAY, Disability Rights Texas

Jeff Miller previously worked as DRTx’s Education Policy Specialist from 2006 to 2013, and has most recently helped with several policy issues during the Texas Legislative session. Jeff is uniquely qualified, bringing his commitment to DRTx’s mission, extensive policy expertise, a vast network of collaborators, professional experience working with people with disabilities and his personal experience as a father of a son with disabilities. Jeff received his J.D. at the University of Louisville School of Law and holds a B.A. in Speech Communication from the University of Houston.

April 24, 2018 // 15

(Multi-state Voting Panel continued)

COURTNEY STONE, The Independence Center

Courtney Stone is the Community Organizing Manager at The Independence Center (The IC) in Colorado Springs, CO. In her 4 years at The IC, Courtney has built a community organizing program that has focused on increasing opportunities for people with disabilities to access the election process, public transportation and affordable housing. As a person with a hidden disability, Courtney has championed efforts for a more inclusive community, from increasing frequency of bus service to art events focused on accessibility, and continually hopes to empower individuals and liberate their talents.



REUNION G&H // 12:30-1:30PM Texas Disability History Collection

SARAH ROSE, Associate Professor of History at UT at Arlington

16 // April 24, 2018

The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries’ Texas Disability History Collection is the first disability history archive in the Southwest, and ranges from a 1493 map of the known world to the present. Digitized highlights from the Texas Disability History Collection reflect TDHC’s strengths in the intersecting histories of assistive technologies, adapted sports, and disability rights: Team members from UTA’s Disability Studies Minor, Public History program, and the Libraries will talk about how they are expanding the collection, accessibility features of the digitized highlights, and how you can collect your own and your organization’s disability history!


The Things We Can Do: Collaborative State Agencies This presentation will highlight programs supporting individuals with disabilities. These programs were developed and hosted by a collaborative team that includes Texas A&M University, Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living and Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation. Participants will understand the partnerships’ roles and collaborative strategies that will support others in duplicating collaborative strategies to support programs in their areas.

CHERYL GRENWELGE, Associate Professor, Texas A&M University

JACKIE PACHA, Executive Director, Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living

Dr. Grenwelge is an Associate Professor and the Director of Transition Services with the Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University. Cheryl is director and co-director of eight projects working with disability populations. Dr. Grenwelge received her Ph.D. from Texas A&M University in May 2010 from the Department of Educational Psychology. She has a B.S. in Special Education and a M.Ed. in Education with an emphasis on Educational Diagnostics. She has teacher certifications in Special Education K-12, Elementary Education 1-8, and English as a Second Language.

Dr. Pacha is the founding executive director for the Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living (BVCIL) which is located near the home of Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. She has over twenty-five years’ experience working with people who have disabilities as a Sign Language Interpreter, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Special Education Teacher & Administrator. Additionally, she has taught Adaptive and Assistive Technology at Texas A&M and worked with school districts in establishing structured work experience programs for students with disabilities.

April 24, 2018 // 17

POLITICAL CLIMATE CHANGE REUNION G&H // 2:00-3:00PM Political Climate Change The political landscape is changing daily and often leads the IL movement in a reactionary mode. How can Disability Activists be proactive and continue the movement in a manner of choice and strength while also maintaining the groundwork that has been accomplished? How can we move ahead and thrive? Kelly Buckland is the Executive Director of the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL). Before moving to Washington to lead NCIL, Kelly was the Executive Director of the Idaho SILC and, previously, the Executive Director of LINC, a Center for Independent Living in Boise, Idaho.

KELLY BUCKLAND, National Council on Independent Living

BOB KAFKA, National Organizer ADAPT

18 // April 24, 2018

Bob Kafka, co-founded the Institute for Disability Access (IDA), a disability rights education and training organization. He serves today as its Co-Director. He has served on the US Dept. of HHS Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) HCBS Committee that was instrumental in the design, passage and implementation of the $1.75 billion Money Follows the Person Demonstration program that is getting folks out of institutions. His goal now is to FREE OUR PEOPLE! By implementing the Supreme Court’s Olmstead decision as well as passage of the Community Choice Act. Bob is the REV UP Organizer for Texas and the Organizer of the Texas Disability Issues Forum 2018.


REUNION G&H // 3:00-3:45PM Climate Change Solutions Musical style networking and strategizing session provides all attendees with marching orders and teamwork. Region 6 members want to hear your strategies so we can move forward together and lead the movement into a powerful new chapter. REGION 6 NCIL




A New Life of Independence!



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San Antonio

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El Paso

April 24, 2018 // 19

EXHIBITORS Amerigroup RealSolutions in Healthcare

CIL Suite CIL Management Suite is your total Independent Living Center management software package. It is web-based, making it easy for you to use, and only requires an internet connection. No special computer hardware or servers are required to run the software or to save your consumers’ information – all your important information is stored and backed up on our secure servers. Built to be easy to use, with just a few clicks of a mouse, you can easily track time spent with consumers, add a new consumer to the Independent Living Center’s database, run customized and standardized reports, and much more!

Disability in Action, Inc. Center for Independent Living; Abilene, Texas.

Humana Humana Inc., headquartered in Louisville, Ky., is a leading health and well-being company focused on making it easy for people to achieve their best health with clinical excellence through coordinated care. The company’s strategy integrates care delivery, the member experience, and clinical and consumer insights to encourage engagement, behavior change, proactive clinical outreach and wellness for the millions of people we serve across the country. 20

New Life Medical Equipment Complex Rehab Mobility Equipment, Assistive Technology, Home Modifications, Durable Medical Equipment

Qramp Modular Ramping System

REACH, Inc. Our mission is to provide services for people with disabilities so that they are able to lead self-directed lives and to educate the general public about disability-related topics in order to promote a barrier free community.

REV UP! Register, Educate, Vote, Use Your Power! Full political participation for Americans with disabilities is a top priority. REV UP TEXAS & American Association of People with Disabilities works with state and national coalitions on effective, non-partisan campaigns to eliminate barriers to voting, promote accessibility of voting technology and polling places; educate voters about issues and candidates; promote turnout of voters with disabilities across the country; engage candidates and the media on disability issues, and protect eligible voters’ right to participate in elections.


Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities The mission of the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities is to create change so that all people with disabilities are fully included in their communities and exercise control over their own lives. Through innovative projects and advocacy, we work to improve the lives of Texans with disabilities.

Texas State Independent Living Council The Texas State Independent Council is a non-profit entity operating as a 501(c)(3) and was founded in 1989. Texas State Independent Living Council is tasked with partnering with the Centers for Independent Living in Texas to develop and monitor a comprehensive State Plan that develops goals and funding for Independent Living services in Texas. Other roles of the Texas State Independent Living Council are systems advocacy, education of the public regarding disability-related topics, and establishing a provision of technical assistance concerning the Independent Living philosophy and approach.


University of Texas at Arlington: Disability Studies Minor The University of Texas at Arlington’s interdisciplinary Minor in Disability Studies explores the experiences of people with disabilities—one of the nation’s largest minorities—as well as the ways in which conceptions and representations of disability and “the normal” have shaped human experiences more generally. The first such program in the South, the UTA Disability Studies Minor offers regular events open to the public and is also collaborating with UTA Libraries to build the Texas Disability History Collection:


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