Retirement Planning by Life Stage

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RETIREMENT PLANNING BY LIFE STAGE For many, retirement planning is the holy grail of financial planning. What do we mean by this? Retirement planning is a goal with great significance to which many dedicate almost their entire financial lives but it is actually a goal that can be very difficult to achieve. No one has a problem conceiving the dream of retirement, for instance escaping winter in a hot, sunny climate, or playing golf every single day, or helping out by looking after grandchildren. Yet many have a problem understanding that to get “there,” one must begin “here.”

Why Does Retirement Planning Present a Challenge?

There are a number of contributing causes

as they often are in a life stage planning

that make retirement planning a challenge:

approach because we feel there are many


a lack of disposable income that can be

variables associated with retirement planning,

directed towards saving;

and age is just one. One person may start


thinking about retirement when they’re 30 and

the belief that pensions in place will be

more than sufficient for needs;

another when they’re 45. We prefer to focus


on the process based on the financial maturity

changes in employment that see income

levels drop temporarily or permanently;

of the individual.




a lack of defined goals;

The stages we will use to structure this course

unanticipated increased expenses for



medical care; -

providing financially for children


The Thinking Stage: This is a period when retirement is still a

or aging parents;

fairly abstract concept and there are


other financial priorities. However,

living beyond one’s

means while employed; -

it is a period of time in

unexpected events such

which the advisor

as divorce or death of a

can lay some

spouse; -


failure to distinguish life


stages --- in short, retirement

Insurance products

planning at 48 is not the same

are essential at this

as retirement planning at 68!

point to both create and protect assets.

This course will address this final point by suggesting three stages at which retirement planning can occur and the different approaches suggested for each. We have not classified these stages strictly according to age


The Anticipating

Stage: Retirement is on the horizon – even if it is distant! Goals are being set so that it becomes easier to align financial plans with goals and perform a preliminary reality check. Insurance needs become focused on

how insurance can produce income







should inform every recommendation you make or action you take on their behalf.

providing protection for the asset pool that has been created. -

The Experiencing Stage: Retirement

This relationship is made more onerous by

has arrived and it will be experienced

certain conditions:

as a series of stages in which physical


and cognitive abilities determine what

cautious when dealing with the elderly (or the

is possible. Early, mid, and late

very young) to ensure they understand your

retirement each bring their own needs

proposals and that they do not enter into contracts

for insurance.

that may be challenged at a later date by family

client age: you must be very

members; It is important to recognize, too, that not all


people will spend the same amount of time in

newcomers may completely lack knowledge of

each stage. You might find that your client

many financial concepts that Canadians

Matthew moved quickly from the Thinking

understand and take for granted. Ensure you

Stage into the Anticipating Stage; but Cheryl

don’t make any assumptions.

went right from Thinking to Experiencing.


Therefore, these stages are meant to provide

prevent an understanding of what you

an outline of the process, what should be

recommend: it is essential a client understands

happening when, and how to best react to

what he or she is agreeing to.

when the client is new to Canada:

when the client’s language skills may

client need as a result and provide, at all times, recommendations based on suitability.

Suitability is of paramount importance. Suitability is properly assessed for every

Your Role as Advisor

individual (treating couples as an individual

The advice you are able to provide clients

unit) based on the circumstances of that

throughout their financial lives is based on the

individual. If you find every fact-finding

high degree of knowledge you have acquired

interview for insurance need arrives at the

about insurance products and financial

same outcome, chances are you are not

services. This is a reminder of your role as a

following suitability principles. Suitability is

fiduciary with clients of all ages. You have a large degree of responsibility for them because of this fiduciary relationship, and it




the result of comparing many personal

increasingly concerned about agents meeting

characteristics of the client against a product,

suitability requirements. Ensure you follow

its cost, and its intended use.

suitability principles as you work with your clients through their stages of retirement

Suitability should not be glossed over or taken lightly; insurance regulators are becoming


CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LIFE STAGES These characteristics give an idea of where the clients are on the retirement planning continuum. Identifying where they fall is the first step you must take to begin to formulate the advice you will provide. Thinking Stage

Anticipating Stage

Experiencing Stage

Age range

Late 30s to late 50s

50s to mid-60s

early 60s +

Psychological indicator

Not ready to visualize

Can imagine what

Retired! Thinking has

life in retirement; too

retirement might be,

to switch from

many competing

and how time might

accumulating to

demands for time,

be spent. Seriously

spending. Many

money, and attention.

thinking about how to


fulfil those goals. Fear

pressures often

starts to build that

experienced through

retirement income will

loss of social

be insufficient.

interaction at work, and the need to find a purpose to life.


Primarily the principal

The principal

A residence or two,

residence, probably

residence, ideally with

ideally both mortgage-

heavily mortgaged.

a lower mortgage;

free; after age 71

Pension plan at work

may have a

RRSP contributions

may be in place as

secondary residence;

can no longer be

well as an RRSP.

may have non-

made unless to a


spousal plan if the


spouse is younger

accounts in addition to

than 71 and continues


to have an RRSP. Any funds in excess of requirements would go to non-registered accounts.

Retirement savings

Some retirement

RRSP retirement

RRSP is converted to

savings in an RRSP

savings; still

RRIF; locked-in plans;

Red Herring

or through the pension

contributing to the


plan at work.

pension plan at work.


May receive windfall

Windfall could be

Windfall could occur

in the form of

received in the form of

from: receipt of an

severance that can

severance (can

inheritance; by sale of

fund a retirement plan

equivalent job income

the principal

but this is offset by the

be replaced at this

residence in order to

loss of income until

age?) or inheritance.

downsize; from life

job is replaced

insurance benefit on death of spouse.

Accounts that should be in place


RRSP; TFSA; choice

RRIF; locked-in

of locked-in accounts

account or accounts.

to accept funds from registered pension plans.

Greatest threats to retirement

Absence of saving

Delay in saving and

Overspending; risk

and poor debt

reluctance to face the

tolerance is so low

management; divorce.

music: that retirement

that investment

income will be

returns are lower than

insufficient for

the rate of inflation.

dreams; divorce; risk tolerance may be so low that investment returns are lower than the rate of inflation.

Greatest opportunity for retirement

Retirement is so many

It is not too late to

Making the choice of

years away that

begin serious saving

retirement age as late

compounding can

and investing

in life as possible.

have a real and

including through

significant impact on

segregated funds and

savings. Regular

to buy insurance

savings, even in

products like long-

relatively small

term care insurance

amounts, can take

that can have a real

advantage of that.

impact on the size of

Investing can lean

the estate. Using

towards riskier

windfall as a source of

products since there

capital to fund

are many years

insurance products

before the invested

such as an insured

money is actually

annuity or to acquire


seg funds.


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