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Bio-Nano-Machines for Space Applications Presented by: Ajay Ummat (Graduate Student, Northeastern University, Boston) PI: Constantinos Mavroidis, Ph.D., Associate Professor Computational Bio Nanorobotics Laboratory (CBNL) Dept. of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts

Researchers Computational


Dr. M. Yarmush Dr. C. Mavroidis Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering, Northeastern University

Ajay Ummat PhD Student Northeastern University

Atul Dubey

Gaurav Sharma

PhD Student Rutgers University

PhD Student Northeastern University

Kaushal Rege Research Fellow MGH / Shriners

Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Rutgers University and MGH

Monica Casali

Zak Megeed

Research Fellow MGH / Shriners

Research Associate MGH / Shriners

Consultants Biology and Biomedical Engineering Dr. Marianna Bei, MGH


Dr. Elias Gyftopoulos, MIT Dr. John Kundert-Gibbs, Clemson University

Dr. Jeff Ruberti, NU

Dr. David Budil, NU

Micro / Nano Manufacturing

Dr. Ahmed Busnaina, NU

Dr. Silvina Tomassone, Rutgers Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Dr. Albert Sacco, NU Dr. Demetri Papageorgiou, NU

Dr. Fotis Papadimitrakopoulos, UCONN

Introduction and Objectives

• Identify and study computationally and experimentally protein and DNA configurations that can be used as bio-nano-machine components

• Design two macro-scale devices with important space application that will be using bio-nanocomponent assemblies: – The Networked TerraXplorer (NTXp) – All Terrain Astronaut Bio-Nano Gears (ATB)

The Roadmap Automatic fabrication and information processing

Bio Sensors A bio nano computational cell

DNA Joints

A bio nano robot Representative Assembly of bio components

Distributive intelligence programming & control A Bio nano information processing component

Assembled bio nanorobots

HA a-helix Bio nano components Bio nano swarms STEP 1



Research Progression

Conceptual automatic information floor STEP 4

Space Applications

Our current research is focused on two main space based applications:

• Networked TerraXplorers (NTXp) – Mapping and sensing of vast planetary terrains

• All Terrain Astronaut Bionano Gears (ATB) – Space radiation detection & protection system

Space Conditions / Design Requirements

Space Atmospheric Environment •

Targeting Martian environment

Atmosphere Æ Carbon-di-oxide for energy production for bionano robots. Certain micro organisms – “Methanogens” (H + CO2)

Temperature Æ -140 to 20 degree C (require thermal insulation and thermally stable bio-components)

Pressure Æ 6.8 millibars as high as 9.0 millibars (1000 millibars on earth) – Materials of sustaining internal pressures – Bio-components which can sustain in lower pressures – Transport mechanism through skin layer (NTXp)

Space Conditions •

Topography Æ Scale of the bio nano machines (within meters or miles) and the area of landing and deployment

Local dust storms Æ The design for NTXp – capable of flowing through the local storms or resist it or both

Radiation Æ UV radiations between the wavelengths of 190 and 300 nm. Strong oxidants on the upper surface of Mars (radiation resistant and oxidant resistant skins!)

Identification of Bionano Components •

Focusing on components from micro-organisms

A positive correlation The degree of stability of the organism Æ The degree of stability of their proteins

Studying enzymes (for their dynamics and model and ease of accessibility) - One key component is - RNA Polymerase

- Found in many micro organisms - Thermoplasma acidophilum, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, Thermoproteus tenax, Desulfurococcus mucosus

Extreme Micro - Organisms D. radiodurans

Deinococcus radiodurans

Cold-acclimation protein – a protein from Pseudomonas

Some key attributes required for the bio nano machines and components: – Radiation resistant – Thermal resistance (high / low) – Acidic environment resistant – Dry condition resistant


Computational Framework

Characterization of Bionano Components • A control mechanism (chemical pathway) and its dependency on external parameters (such as, pH, temperature, chemical signals, enzymes) • The change in the external environment triggers changes in the bionano component: - conformation changes - variations in the pattern of their self-assembly •

These changes (for instance) demonstrate motion and a desired trajectory


Synchronization of individual bio-components

Stochastic, less understood dynamics, complex chemical pathways

Computational Framework •

Identification of the protein from the mentioned organisms Æ characterization with respect to the following three main parameters: - high temperature variations - dry conditions - space radiations

Stability analysis Æ Stability in various conditions is desired, such as, dry conditions, high temperature variations and radiations.

S dry = f ( x1a ;y1b ;....;t ) S temp = g ( x2 j ;y2 i ;....;t ) S radiations = h( x3v ;y3u ;....;t ) •

The overall stability is a complex variable of all the individual stabilities β ν λ S net ∝ F ( S dry ; Stemp ; S radiations ;t)

Framework for bio molecular dynamics

Reversibility Dynamics •

Reversibility dynamics in context of Variational dynamics

Space Radiations on Bionano System

Radiations can produce many effects – break bonds, change the structure, destroy the amino acid residues, form other bonds

Coupling of radiation at atomic level – Hamiltonian for Radiation is coupled to the atomic system

H ≡ H RAD + H ATOM + H '' –

H ''the term coupling the electrons of the atom with the radiation. Radiations

can produce many effects – break bonds, change the structure, destroy the amino acid residues, form other bonds

is the sum of A coupling terms Hn Æ H = ''




Space Applications – Networked TerraXplorers (NTXp)

Networked TerraXplorers (NTXp) Mapping of vast planetary terrains

A realistic scenario where the Networked TerraXplorers (NTXp) are employed. These meshes would be launched through the parachute and these would be spread open on the target surface. These NTXps could be launched in large quantities (hundreds) and hence the target terrain could be thoroughly mapped and sensed. A single NTXp could run into miles and when integrated with other NTXPs could cover a vast terrain.

Detailed Mechanism of NTXp

System Level Design of NTXp A


Design Parameters & Constraints

External sensing Æ Creation of ‘tough’ external micro channels

Reaction initiation Æ Presence of charges (+/-) on the NTXp surface

Skin Æ Existence of an external insulating and radiation resistive layers

Intermediary exchange layer Æ Small tubular structure for enabling active transport of ions or charges across - Connecting the micro channels and the bio-nano sensory module.

Inner sensing layer Æ Sensing the absorbed constituents and transferring the information of the measured parameters to the signaling module.

Sensor – Signal Dynamics • Capable of converting the sensed parameter to a parameter which could be used for signaling • Form Æ flow of electrons, or variations in the concentration of ions and their gradients

Flow of Signaling Parameters Sini →{ f , g ...} n

Sout = p{∑ S } i in



Sout = p{∑ (ai f , bi g )} 1


I p{∑ (ai f , bi g )} 1

• This correspondence table decodes the input variables, f and g (or more) into pure signaling variables, say, (x, y, z). • Decoding Æ reaction between the sensory input and the signaling module

Nanofluidic Transport Mechanisms •

Nanofluidics actuator / pump for NTXp transport mechanism

Space Applications – All Terrain Bionano (ATB)

The All Terrain Bionano (ATB) Gears for Astronauts

Outer Layer Interacting with the Space Suit

Middle Layer Signaling & Information Storage

Inner Layer Interacting with the Astronaut

The layered concept of the ATB gears. Shown are three layers for the ATB gears. The inner layer would be in contact with the human body and the outer layer would be responsible of sensing the outer environment. The middle layer would be responsible for communicating, signaling and drug delivery.

Space Radiation – Molecular Damage •

Space radiation – damage to DNA, breaking of bonds, mutations leading to cancerous conditions

Monitoring of the space radiations for the astronauts is the key requirements. Our existing design deals with radiation detection

Equivalence of Damage Effects •

Health hazards from the space radiations - creating equivalence energetically

System Level Design of ATB

Overall Structure of Layer A on the ATB • Structure of the Layer A – vertical as well as horizontal directions • Non – continuum design (in patches) • Complimentary acceptor layer for electronic connections

Design of Layer - A • A surface view of the radiation detection layer – the probabilistic reaction layer is represented by spheres.

• The molecular components utilized to make these reaction pathways • Survival of the molecular component

The Number Game – Homological Settings • Represents maximum probability regime for the reaction. • Contains all the machinery (bionano robots) which will react with the radiation

Probabilistic Reaction Centers •

Sphere Æ modular design strategy

Probabilistic arrangement of radiation reactants and their signaling pathways

Electron / ionic transport reactions

Fe+++ + e- « Fe++

Electron Transfer Reactions •

Electron transfer reactions plays a key role in bioenergetics

Fermi’s Golden Rule describes the rates of the reactions

• Light (radiation?) triggered electron transfer initiation Æ takes place in the reaction centers of the Layer A

Structure Of The Photosynthetic Reaction Centre From Rhodobacter Sphaeroides Carotenoidless Strain R-26.1

Radiation Resistant Bacteria The many characteristics of D. radiodurans: •

An extreme resistance to genotoxic chemicals

Resistance to oxidative damage

Resistance to high levels of ionizing and ultraviolet radiation

Resistance to dehydration

A cell wall forming three or more layers

Repairs chromosome fragments, within 12-24 hours Uses a two-system process i. Single-strand annealing Æ single strand re-connections ii. Homologous recombination Æ double-strand patch up

Deinococcus radiodurans

RecA protein Æ responsible for patch up and associated reactions for DNA repair

This bacterium might contain space resistant proteins and other mechanisms

Experimental Work • Peptide Selection – Loop 36 (chain of 36 amino acids) • • • •

Protein Expression Protein Purification Site-Directed Mutagenesis Characterization of Protein Conformation as a Function of pH - Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (still to perform)

Future Activities • ATB gears for astronauts a) Design the reaction mechanism for radiation detection for ATB b) Design a detector layer complimentary to the Layer A c) Integration with the electronic systems

• NTXp a) Surface chemistry (water / mineral) detection network b) Multi channel pumping / actuating mechanism for transport c) Space condition tolerant outer skin for NTXp

Future Activities • Computational framework a) Integrate homology modeling of protein to expedite the design process b) Computationally analyze the effect of radiation c) Analyzing the radiation effects in ATB and how the ion / electron transfer effects could be related to intensity of radiation damage. • Experimental a) Characterization of various bio-nano components b) Techniques from NMR would be used to exactly characterize the peptide structure when it changes its conformation c) Explore the radiation resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans for possible radiation resistant bio-mechanisms and proteins d) Experiments with carbon nano tube structures and bio-nano components

Publications / Presentations • Chapter in CRC Handbook on Biomimetics - Biologically Inspired Technologies, Editor: Yoseph Bar-Cohen, JPL • Chapter in The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, 3rd Edition, Editor: M. L. Yarmush, • Paper Presented at the 7th NASA/DoD Conference on Evolvable Hardware (EH-2005), Washington DC, June 29 - July 1, 2005 • Interview at The Scientist Volume 18 | Issue 18 | 26 | Sep. 27, 2004 “Alternative Energy for Biomotors” • Interview at the http://science.nasa.gov/ • Our research webpage: http://www.bionano.neu.edu


NASA Institute of Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Phase II Grant, September 2004 http://www.niac.usra.edu/

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