Animal mutilation part 2 of 5

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ballbutalsotheeyelid,rnemtaranes and

all,1'_hcre was lopemore. Much snore.

'0 .

' -'-"*5-' -' -. ° "'1'" ."-7.=.=.;..§t _" rm: reaaorsna,mnea _' in April I914, the tsttttilators wereat


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it againlo Ncbraslta, altlt the same



familiar anoduroprraadi: Blood was drainedlo someinstances; therewereno

footprints: andvarious organs werere-

snovod. Qlllilreotly attrgirally. I-ligh Otiseialsagainleanedtowardthe predatory

eoyotelcrowlracooo-with-arseai .t.h_.-



ory. Ilse toll 0! Ittatel,as anutilsticn


Sdeaseshadheeareponedt .~ _AND SELECTED oncaaus REMOVED _ _ lvemome theornhuslrcr State. _ - -' -' .. 8!! i-isuR%|cA|_Pt=:Ec|s|o~. mom SATANIC cutrtsts. ~ As in Kansas.e rtastorthat die muSUSPE r SGRAN

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Ed-.é*rstt oftsts,tr1£re1-me about F 40 frightening cattlernutilations in

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aoroetitnes stopped out-cl-state vehicles


a cow-bloodcheck. Sense

sonlo a pickupapparently triedto wi:-| an aircraftthat waschecking'a pow:

j 77* becrtzmtltilated had been caused h;natti-linenear_Grattd Island, l92'_eltra asa statementstriggered a

en coun

result. the state National Guard ordered

itschoppers to y

ata srtieitnuns of Ibis?

feet rather than at the narrnallosvofdc feet. Sheri! Herb Thompsonoi hard-h.:

Kansas. roostof themoccurringin thel2 Kansas counties aectod, with rig U. S. ll. whichrunsttorth manyotlicials maintaining theirbelief Knox Countyreportedthat. on :92err.l

through Kansas into Nebraska. Nebraslta , that humans were involved. _i


-. 1.



tiesin north-central M *1. hit of .. outrage circles 1for '_ i W inlawentororrnent _ __-_ _ 441-

ral tactors. Such

a a. -

roads from dawn to dusk. Ranches



lilatiottawere tlta lets OI helicopteroquippeddevil worshipers. or *tertil;.§

ritttali$la." beganto spreadanion;the goodlarmersoi Febtaska.Shotgunsoting vigilaotes tookto ridingtlteback

. ."

' Ao

hullsbeganreferringto theacta.snounrea

throughout thesteamer. and by $o|r&#39

alsohad some mutilated rnooa. .

'hel' tserasectson nlpl-ts

oocaatorls. lcopters _ _ . _g Therewereseveral bitsof evidence when_'snutil.:tions_ oecurn=d._l'h were

Kant-ts sltcridepartments. thehigh* thatpointed away from predators. Therealsocoptets spotted it-st._.s92er thehorde:


vestigstioo seemed battled. as did the ltor esarnple. One cowwsseven founditt

waypatrol andthestate bureau oi in- was theabsence oiblood andfootprints. 4-lo labia;there ondutylids, a_Honey .'-1' u w

taroier was shot-ct lrottt a co;-.= -victirniacd cattle ranchers. Theranchers l a large rnudhole. butstillthere were no Crick that is-are noideotictttiort number. tracks.Then, therewas a peculiarab-

In the hllo|~l9l4.

as-the tout:

senceof danglingguts and scatteredll taperedoli it NCbl'Hok.; the lying as-ere usedto thenocturnal depredations ~'¬ hunks of esh predatorsdo not readJ tnttl.ilation .Ia showworkeditswaytapin! of predators. but theyhad neverseen -_EmilyPost!.Also.though manyanimals'$outh Dakota andotterintoldinaeso: likethesurgical precision and 5 -.a a_ '2 anything were tound it secludedareas.otherswere Again.copiers andborutggorinanwe at-_ 0

. . __


snetlsoriicai discrimination with which

these animalshad been choppedup:

some with their ears "and tongue and.

rnuetfia evidence _and the authonu

found near lsarns orafew tact irons

farmers ta-indowscloser toelvsay.-an eye removed; otherswith a sleeping

iliaationthanpredators usually roam. _ chose neckfleshcutcleanlyaway:aodnearly r And then therewere the helicopters. withotn led ight plsns_were g all at therowith the anusand genitals Helicopters quiteoftenin thealllieted counoeatlyeacised-_ -'--' sighted ties, aotnetirnes hoveringabove cattle 11'te removalof cow trttlrasand bull swishoi tail. theirstdders andapatch ot

wereootableto donps caused speculation thatweirdospens.Butauthorities

or to locatetheir wereinvolved. Suspicion lell uponone catchthe choppers andrefueling areas.Oneoi the or snoreot the following: I! sheirre- landing

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btrtaprerr erottrarttf m rere ca _-__-~.

. -<1--L--J--.= -

-3 s

caused by disease.The cbplcr-ctttisinp satanisthypothesis was so compelling. however. that nooneat-atyetreadyto entertainthetheorythat the bull hadbeen irrj.-cred with Clostritliabacteriaor toa-


beenfor a hirnch of airhorne ltrrltcya to

_ _ ; W-

_:_'__ -.1 e_

irtperhapsfor experimental purposes. For indeed. how diflieult it would have

lneate a

cold, dead animal in the dark!

Andpnal-death t-nuties 92s1ault.l havehadto he ready for weird smells alto. as



fumesfrom s rottingcotscauses one to seriouslyconsiderpuking as a highpriorityactivity.,- .' ' .I_, _. .'I9;" _-" " - -'t'rra trroatror.a_- H The incidentthat ultimatelybrought

I _ ta. 1

the UFO-sleuth nexusinto the trttttcpieture occurred in rnid-DeeernlaerI974.

uhcna cowwasfoundchopped up at the [ants or Frank Schilclbien. near Kimball. Minnesota.At the sanaetirne. there

werea numberol UFO late. After a


sightings in the

rather cursoryexamination

of themutilation site. I Minnesota ying-


aatteerbull and avowed Sasquatchoun-


_tactee! earned Terry Mitchellcanteto


the conclusion that hoveringalienshad

lbcarraed s high-energy rayat thecow. --There were also suspiciously broken bran-that. rrndoabtedly caused. so Mitchellt theorywent. by heedlesssattccrite aeronautics: and tltcntherewerestrange iodcrtraiionsin the ice on the la_rrner's thewindand by




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4' ll I Ilhtrrrr-sac, orlurmart .raeri<£._ji=;;.§.;q-&#3

highlyrespected Dr. ll!-nel hadtakenan leant--although, again.the partsot the Interestin the tntttilations.One oi those

animal taken were_thote seldom round-inwho heard the news was lerornc Clark. moredetailsof the cult oi Saran, the anyhut a tveirdos casserole. Neverthe-


-"3' 5-F lclt. Mitchell's theory created a '5 a _


tion:sincetheyrst occurred in hishome overtheneatlewmonths. thecattler..-

lilationa aptcasl like I psychotic epide:: Clark wroteto agentFliclaingcr in lana- hto 22 Westernstates.'.-_---_--_ ,y F-ltsras at thispointthatserious saucerary 191$andrelatedtheallegations ol a -¢raa>Jrtdentsdecided to getinto the case.Dr. convict turned tn.Kenneth lattlzston. rue aasnrsronscearsaro 'O 1. Allen Ilyttckrdirectoroi the pres52- Flicltingefaurging, Clark sir;-2 O ' a.t_rrr.a aaran -tigious Centertor UFO Studies andproabovrinlatet9T4. ' -



a UFO researcherof atllltcreknown.ttho seedsoi a largeand ntytteriotta Fed:-.; media had beeninvestigating the cattlemutila- hvestigatiortwere hrotrglttao shoo: at.

viewonTonsSnyderls NBC Tomorrowstareoi Minnesota in thespringot D13.




F113 htt'l'fll.A'tlON htYS'tEltY Moat terrifying attheail, 8trn.krro'rr' r....rrterl glut! !_!_re anfnrrrl mlrlilnrior are aearehers across Unite-I Slatesthat the UFOlk like steal:as rntrehasmost Amer-



Schifelbien himself; the

]aondobt-iotraly gotradby UFO landing saucer circles wereactually sraweovered ' hear-andpeculiar circlesin -thesnow, Silage . srhich appeared in an aerialphoto. .' Word spreadquicklyantongUFO re-



Iesaorof astronornyat - hlorthwestern Dtttinghis manymonthsof has-estigmagainto Banlttlon.who had horntr:.:-.rlcrred to hlarion Federal Penitentiary;: tion. Clark had talked with RossDoycn, Illinois Ianltstortrepliedwithaeter-e2:?Urtersily. Minneapolis a Kansas state senator who.-in late I973, investigation Ilit Ind the horrifyingallegations ::-&#3 had lound a $00-poundheiferdeadon tlnued to low. In I letter ol .Ia:tuar'y 3;. his lartn, with a sis-inchholecarvedin I973. tor instance.Ianltaltlll averreeLa: its belly.When a reportof the incident hull sex organshad beenen-theddea 1: wascarriedin Kansasrtea-tpapers, Doyen Gt Indies of I Ital-ttlg' rttrtataayc:~.&#39

toldClark.hewascontacted by Banhscon, murdered

sotnevlaere it

the Mir!-" tar.

who at the time wasserving's sentence lanltston alsoeotstintledlossltthar he ae tor bank robbery at the l.ea92'enwortla_ transferred to a hiinriesota prison.1112:: Kansas! Federal Penitentiary. Banltsten ltc wouldhesafefrominmaterepriufe. wroteto Doyertthatthernutilationfttere Flicltingercontacted the UnitedS2: the work oi s clandestinesociety of District Attornefa olloe in Minuet:-: Satan.whichhad decidedto eapantlit's is. and the U. S. Attorneyappraaa. publicviciotrst-test.. . ._ Federal ItadgcMyles Lord. a res;~::-.-. Doyendid not placernueh_c1'edihility_ Minnesotaliberaljurist.JudgeLora can in Benltstotfsstory.but this did not deter

taeted the warden at Marion Penitezze.-1

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Ila;-go _ _ -'.,,_._92 b;___' ~a_=_::,92.g.;¢&#

-mt: tturrtartozt m's He raidthat Jtttf the eat: member: It yerted ubqur hump} vii.-.;,:i;¢z Q

.. _. _ neat rtep. but he hm! though! they~F were [rm engrrgrrrg in Sdldnft jive-and hyperbole. g.I_I§:' _ >~* -_--lg-3-It|I|III|IIIIIIIl Itxt14_ I_'_~T__ _


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{Continued Jrorn gage $2! was taken

a 9.

lrorn Marion to the Dakota Countyhit. in "I-lastieit. Minnesota,by U. S. Marahah.On February ldth. agentFiieltinger


conducted hit rst irtterr_ogation;tnith him, n 01 s .>__ -a -I Iv! E .'. -0 0' .

as observers,viere lerorne Clark and a

former Army yaratroop =eommaado named Brad Ayers, actitewith theCenter lu¢UFOSttrdica.-



-9292'hile_elaiming not to havebeena member elthe rrtutilationmob hirntelt. iinitsfoa iiieied during the iatea-ie--' _ dtat be had beenin correspondence with



gertg naernbeqqt the mob _llottrttl the __ ¢dhntry.'1'Ic aaitl itliit he 556ollg?ttaIIya_ -


Iteard about the group{tern otherinmates Qhad

P ' -

retarded his conversations in a

notebook crarrtrned with prison-cell goa-

uip. He then outlinedaaeertario that

ahed light on m_arty puzzling aapecta ol


the tnutilatiortt.


. Bankaton asserted that the groupuseda

pvierfui animaltranquilizer called ?C? oi

Ea g .1

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-an calm the cattle. They next heid amyl nitrite to aft animal: noseto cause

ll-l'heart-to rapidIt'..tben _ withdrew blood via a' |e veterinarian syringe. I92..ea III lvvafa '4aQl.0:nll L-'-tuneup Ila;can-an annaa IUGIG a.--nGIG anti aruucwb can

walked on pieua of cardboard: in anew. they med biotnorehea to melt the tracks" around the artintatr. On: reason for eru-


0 .._ ,.~'_¥l[_ B.anlutma claimed,


. -thattiieniuatationr natal:-appear_-to be.


drew-orlt of eatraterreetrra

- lanluton

stated that at _Le:tve_n92wurth

fig- it'-Pertitcttti:°r{ Q69. had he the r_riet around teartrrer_a=ehapte_r of a,li.92QB§ n_iotor-';'q~cie- gang and that-this bike? '1aI]ted-

-- GI --r'i-ttie 1.0 Q. W I ICi

tttiiatia-1:. % biker -' ' aha deaeribetfbia capcrietteca in the Air

aeribed tvaa a!t-Caucasian; Rwaa


tremely anti-blztltand anti-Mealean. lta adherents, in lacl, could bc tailed Salamaeelta. Aral what was the name oi this

organization? lrt bit letter!-and IIt-va aeen someI5 oi them-Banbton refers

to ther-turiiaiors aimpiy at re faeeuhi ii

Fliekinger, however. both lanltatnn and Dugan aaltied atell-known national organization devoted Id the Ironhip _ of Satan. . , -Leavenworth "92--~-- i

- wheve beee

_ Penrteatiaryhim: w:=at

ied l_heea9!law'v§ bomber.

9292loh.1'aaa92 .fhia_'aame aroundexpert, aapiosivc iartk

todru;aattbetirne,'be conrmed, _vaa latchedia 0 a-a

Force, ta-here be bad driven i general ' around to inspect various missile eiba. In-_

rag qomc.iIl Alaska I-le~toId Bank




_ Q} -

" . .' - _ Dr -_ .-_.-_. . -- -' - _._ .&#3 _ mt: ItUt1t.At't0.92l tltY$l't. Te-.rn.r had its own prime .:..' mrarrlr agipects: rt grgrp called glre Soits Sttlatt. InI974, oKilgore College smdcrtt had ts-ritten that this 3'-Yp performed doting. r_ltrrnl.s;




tfoatittttnf fromputt 93! Investigationheadol eattleItt fact, thereare more h unclear. I havereadone report,pre- cattle than peoplein 'lesasantI it h t pared byFlickingeranddatedApril I0, obvious thata groupof tttonc}-rd mutitars,in whichmanyotherreportsanti iatorscouldchopawayprettymuchto int-estigstiorn are mentioned. For a few the tune ol their own lolly. More than, months in 197$, the Federal iosernment


Q1» -.r

satanic suspects In thetnutitatrons ease!a&#39 groupcalledtheSonsof Satan.In I97-t, a IiilgoreCollege prudent hadwrittena

paperin which hesaidthatthisgroup

performeddawn ritualsin tshich'catt

500.000cattlercportotlly dieeachyear were chopped_up.The student's then-e a few apparently illtjestigatetl satanic organiza-In Texasfrom was dcttroyed by M9 or more of lit tions andactivities all overthecountry. hundred ntoos ttttttilaled bynightstealthteachers,who felt that the material las The tnotives of the informants also wouldnotbesignicant. oursword ot thepaperreached rctnaiaa hit unclear. Bantston. for InThe Tears rnutesreachedpuhlicot- disgusting.


of the I'esa uante,appearsto have wanted to ntske tentionin NoscntbcrI914 and thenap- I. 0. employee ,I tlr-tlsothat he couldhe transferred-topeared to atop. More castesoccurred it and SouthwesternCattle Ilaiscta Ass-oci-. wasIttvestigating&#39 a at-rte iail in his homestateof Missis- early I915, with parallelsto easesin alion,'who Tinslcy Incatetl thestudent and tsptia healsoscentsfront his Iettcrsto other slates.On JanuaryZltth. for ht- latiuns; with in-e wanteti to mate somemoneyfront stanee,HopkinsCouittysheri Paul IL iii%icsiamuadTessa,taiizing


-;' -I. I

oralofthestudent's sources. _ _ ' -the yttltltcation of hisstot;y. pan Duran Iones announced that_ahlootl-slurping ?'.l_92'-gtc92s'gf motorcycle gang in Cali__tS=.ttte;_';iiueqs.t infoitnant, transits iii-.3groiiis'cstttr.; tttett oie-taisvttt Disciples was heliescdresponsible for the muses. fornia that also called itstrlt the Sons cf In Kaufman County, east of Dallas, Satan:In I970, a packof its snenthers Forreasons unknown,Federalol- mysterious anOrange County tsoman and, helicopters werereportedand murdered kialsdecided in the_latespringof I975 police acoordingtoayoungmanwhohter oflicers started directing thcir'sputmt to pursuethe investigation further. lightsinto the nightsky.And Tess au- molested. dleretiherhart to Satori by Oneapparent problemwith the inform- thorities tended to ascribethe mules to placing It in thewoman's stationIagort antfstuty wastheirallegations regarding those coyotes with table rnanncra and andsetting thevehicleatire.The leaderof thenational leaderof thernutcmob.Acthe CaliforniaSonsof Satanclaimedto stomachs bigenoughto holdeight aeuttiing to ianitstonand ugan, this of rnoobloodetren though,as in other heleng to a largersaianic organization

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exchange his testimonyfor a reductiohoI hiss.-ten-year sentence. ..

I .-

_ Itaa_hatI sen-ed a sentence In Les92-enthatregt.g1_a_rly sacricedItturtanyictit-rts there.wereInstances in I'esas_ ' hath on a, hank-robbery conviction_sts_t_a;_ it oercrhonics Iti Northern andSouthern where predators had uncharacteristically ,'.tIhicls _accurate! andhadrecentlyts-oidcsl -cattle that had haen tnutilattnl. California. l_Zolorado Investigator be- atovolto Austin.'Teaas also accurate!:




-I Z

lieves thattheSons ofSarah areinvolved I cow lies dead for I hunter, uhen 1_exasreporter John Usually, when thag.tlse of Iew days.theripening fumesspreadwide-r is thentutilationgand hlatcigobtainedthe allegedleader's ltIs'ciatldhsiirte.laact quicklyarriveby Iand,-- Ute|rtuti_la'tiona wl andjail history. it indicatedthat he l;- andpredators ha!-war,fa'tu teseatdtrl Iottndtic intlica. ' bl ltcen injail duringmostof thetime air and burrow for the feast.! lion, however.ehat.t'Iae Caltfotnia Ind' "at theinformant~l'eI.~IirhetI he wit roam- -- -Also,-in JanuaryrthcFort Wurtlt Star's ljeitas Sons ptSatan acre connected. '; . Telegrampaid for tosionlogy tcstsloo1' Egfrom state tostate performing hemaIanaty Q Qptetnlacr !9?$. _ I-cite; fauna near drop-'n-a-.-scat and thc_ . Bctugeen --"-jc-usre-'uonia.._ . ,__ ._ -.,

M'aIse_ig o[.t.IteForr' llfonh Ito!1hestjshtiuid _"_a'§i§njIic_ititt arnottnt '':U$arrte,autl1o:ities hclic92c..llte_Hat92]tstOtt_1 Iluganallair waspartofa master escapetine-in the.Iis'e|f zfeleirnaqotc a"ig_ries_ §'rtie and-t_hc blood;nicotine articles eicntt.taiIy pot predicatedon the assumptionthat '1 the trlaterialmostcommonlyusedin themutiIatior£.'.I'hc _ asmall county jail_iseasier to ee than _tranquiliaer theattci-|tion.ot ntate-ttnia Itsguns.In hlar;h,_acoy pep_ attracted

~ 'ai'tg Federalprison.On my '31. Bank- eho north hegano-corro-cl PM to ' of -Bit Sprint: ' ns udder -IorniaotlanIteton,'wht_s sbodid,in fact,escapefrom the jail-in hadbeenrernos-edhutcarefully. with which b sothat apondenoe lusts, Minnesota to which he hatl been the stomachlining hail not beenpunc- Iepoattaltttofltitoltlchnrpealntl ntnydfront_I-lauingsh. along with an- tures! -traitor; loan-on!trot ttnortl: aIsogttr_te_up_withautnt3t92ett& ibr '|irisonerE'when th'c§F"slrcte a'|'a§ie throughasrnallhplcinitscheat. - . Io: hndcd sis hosts:later, Banltstoninsisted There were UFO: repnnol also. In == k aha: prisoner.e murderer, nurnerotn tlyItata-d to go along with the caper. CochranCounty.following


thcterrorthatBanks reportsin cattyhlarch.two D.-pa.meanuhile, hadlacenremandedhtg-object . routes were Ioundjna.largc whi.;st ficltl. tirotspriogandatunn - Ijesas.and hltetIartkttotfs

'n 1


in a'citcIe ot trot-neit. notionaebtle,Dugan escaped, too:hewascap- eachIyits'g

tr 0

30 Iect in diameter. Shcritl , ltd on June I901. during I holdup wheatatsout Ileloplin GlenwoodSprings. Colorado. C. G. Richards checkedthe circles and lankttoalater asserted that Duganhad reported nding some radiation residue. _ Iy late March I973. Teaas investigaetcapdin fear for his Iile. .. -


esantple, feastsDcparuncnt of Put-l_tc

8aIeryagettt.sealic l.lIeltieI-ofpolicean Despite thedoubteaston the satanic- tors had gottenwont or due Federal

_ Iuyst iual tleury.theltutilatiorta continues! to itvettiptionof themuteItulr in Minne- andannottnoeddtatthe err: % at-at-.a-..-r-..-:."tI-at at-as plywaspingtohe aaI|aectcu_"' % qrt:nt"'atstiiaaa:re=ne" itirequeney_ in sota.As scsertiof 3

In Mayower ltctnhersineIuding the _hader--were so-rnriats.

I'eaas,where Iankstonwllohavchis

supposedly residing in Tessa.the late

deportrnont of ptl-lic well as JratIr=lIotll°tt="I="l= o'local polio:departments. oonsluctol surgoing tohernutilatutl. tit: veillanceopct'ali.atsa In-Austin were acute-nan ssuraa wastotalfear-re. - 'Itothplaces Onestara at a snapoi Tens. with its Hurst. Texas, near Fort Worth. hiearttshilc. learning that the .Fr.92Ieral Texas, however.had its own prime 254eountita cuotaining someII,N0.000

fear-lledinnings aswell. _

§ I!

I915.Ihcy wereEspecially commonIn -

Inrcttigatiots hadhccn called otI,_ hlalsei; heg.-anto treat lanisten with one au-

tion. WI:-tn Itutlttttttotntstrtanctnl in a



if-"' - : arrnounced 'Il_l_ii'hIUTll.Al'l0»_ r't$'I'l.-Ill? InUtah, 0-United S!ahL_Jr'por!n _o! .dgrrrrrI_n thatrmanimal hehadautopsied hadbeen Injected ttitlt_hoelet§'rr --


r_ 7

at ._-'y_ . I741

dist.-rung deedeorresrer lor blorenders-out in Augustat the llig Bend people National Park In southTeaas, Makeig Iogirolor expr'r"i'rrtrrrtuI purpose: [emphaegntneted theparksup-erint.-ndent. Iho sisaddedl. The reportalsostated:We watch-|_.but no gatheringlook place. Ire ol theopinionthatthe ItuntanInWhenllanltston promised to deliverI list volsement in nmtilationsis I_lad generot mute-mobnames, Maleig waited Ited by publicityandisonlytemporary. patiently {or several sseclt,but no list A lad! You know:llula Hoops,phonelrtived. '. ' ' " a btioth |"J92til92g,' thetwist, tioltagainst the 0 . lankstonthen eontpouniled his cred- Ivar. and nbw reeteetornyand teenagers by hintingthat I stock- with tceret dried udder sacs hidden in - lriliry problems The report's prophecydid. brol~erI daughter hehadalready ngered their closets. Q 92 .,_Is virtuI member ol thernute-mob wasabout ln fact,cometrue;the mutilarions

I I~

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_ hly'covr tongue hadMenpost it Sacramento, t_Ialil'orn Indthe s

had uIe_d Christmas stamps Iith rotted_a'n_gels on them.-Aha! t tho

I clue! For werenot SqueakyFr: Ind her pol SandyGoodrunningat Sacramento tightIt thatlime.Innou imminentgore-And weretheynot Ittlrid in red robes

and red't.s

Iiad theysentthe tongue? It wasI tioo I svarnever able to Inner.


I couldarrangeto rtasesomeone at untilthe[Ill of I975. I-hen girlslt'theyhadsersttheton - I9 "or! Jometbing possibly baleful to allyceased -_tvt.s=t;, trim; rookthe veiledthreat otutititions occurred it the northwest bad lungedat PresidentFord with andwasin ha. . ' icriouslyand gave the Fort Worthpolice . _' _ 'qv9g..ti.in_t_..a urns on .lll¢'.rttt_tt|;_tttols_ll t partol thestate.

_ 0 .-.-_4

as 92 I


Ir: ?92'.h7 "-' tHllcd ".'lrIsl:'ei rottfote in emI There had been rnutilations on oppnlte erft:..t.-.a.-tiiussmritw o1_4.;-'».no., 1...'n¢., Boulde

' About I month Iher I re.-eis-

e=. I $<t>¢' her I975, I want the policeto have Thry sreadinthcs P_ I"int_otl91$ - snit'..r.'.'=' plentyof leads. _"' - Ir ' by the tall. animalswerebeingcarted up -__ :_Around thistime.CIplainKeithWol- Ill overthe state.ElbertCounty,in patI 0 Jerton, I yery diligent investigatorfrom Iieular.enperienced I surnrner Ind tall of rI'do. for I pnettiy Jedding andI It .




Clteasle County. Montana, sheriff:

terror of the sort that talk-show comedi-


departrrsent. trlveledto Marion Peniten- InsIacribetotheItrectaolNe92vYork County. which had been bauly I tiIry to ve ' BanltstonI polygraph City.'I'eople wereafraidto venture tar the I975 mutewave. My family _-eurnination; Bankston Iailedon impor- abroad in country Ivlscrrbelieoptera drove Ilortg Color:tdo'l Rot-&#3 8 tant questions. Halzeigfollowed up by hoveredIt nightand cattleLy " area ot vast teneesth.

calling Illcgedmembers oi themutilationIt_it'I andmutilated in_thc datln.


Itob'including"the allegedleaderInd

,' , tor miles, broken oeeasionally bya

eorts oI latrIrortsan--Ind Iostnd~no'ir92dicItion oi . Despitethe o_'rg'aniaed Whenwearr-ivediIKioi'alrIr 'crtIorcetitent otltciIls_ the tnsltilatiortl Qt» -. ' hrdwkt. -' ' .,' . Ieat, I went b the Iherltfa ofl":e I'rtu:<l uneherlred in Colorado until the .'. -~In earlyOctobhms. st.s.t; mu. '.I Ital snoutlell ittthe fall;thenthey'eInti - learned thata.Itsrri_la.tiogt hadbee I Icathing Irtielc it tIte'8r:r-Telegram


Iot:ranee.- -

- ,-Z'-.


eoveledthat very'tnortu&# I

talking with undersherilllill 9292&

érrw lilt on. eherillamp s-. tins Iinishedin r..s*.."'.92~=I=¢'92t>'¢I92==>-»' 51-I- J .s.ssrz.'it.-trm Q I ' --' I '1', -. ~ blood driILers.or aea-erared S-Itanils: II' leturoed theColohdoStatI&#


,.I92n ._

-u"mm i

I. I-. __bI92h|'92EI-ll ml. h92CIlDH_

iry laltorarory inI-setCollins. III.-re "' -..J,__: oor .Everthe __ael.t-ae,r.vJng_ jailhtzre l°"*"'92 "5 W" M FIN 17'! Illiuken theIninidéi IettiateShort-& "Jae 52:2!-?e!t'gre.¢!-bete-5 eb-

-looIn =os'I.o-psyé: Lllct. oergr.-2 par:1 '|teared, saw... mtnititiorii were d_iseov1- ' bIthcslserillIpe-s.eloppedbs&# at I a ' . ' . . ~ . _ , , , in ten more states. and were becom- 3.end 2""-92 Ivtrtoznat-warrant!- _o. lIl¢|92 vmrdos weresns1stv¢~l..l92I= l|!92".92:'!!l_. dressed rs-sen withI.l92-5:1-b.etl bet 3' he-Wwarv Mid; in.I~1vnIrM_=~_I -'!l.t=g:ri.r;lg=1;=t":=2!'Il I ,'?!e*!e;n .e'I_grt.L&#39 at ! New Mexico.tor ttt.stIrsee,'vounds were


-a ._, P1 .

torthe nit.-m._r.i time chop-u1tI.__ rm_i_s_ty.*'ar, "slate -t-t_4;;sg as _,_' Iound tohave Ierralcd edges. InUtah. I =<...._r ' II .bond. The oott92'erIItl'o on Itout


3. .1'' .-.


- I,-. ..l i 5

_'It"rvr:IYosvr§r.trtot_tts_Iov;uatIcB.92_ -. III-llilililb - _- - "" '

United StItes_DcpIrtmentol Agriculture

92 innounced.thIt .In animal-Q ' I didnotI-antto'beeonte'Inuotved In,-f Elbert County hadhadits_§tIrt

autopsied had been injected with this ease. In New York. where I

eteriaor I toxin;hissuperiors toldhim


therelsadbeensewcralrrnallitern -hostsin ea't'Iy_t92|92 I973. Ind ts visited'lt Iuly. the rIInhe_r I-as1 .--. mutereportits I97-l~'itir.ena and Ihe..,tII.ttilItio|tt_jn press Ittnllf, -30; the gure I-,rs_to well to _aro --'-"-otters: gresy alarntedovcr-the iriniror ' byrill;1ti=' odunty it-in s brsI:&

' s

It be didni shutup, he would be red.

'-;-".;-__-"I_n QlrlIho!B.I-vhere there had


I I Q ' c


I915; l 1' 't'};i mute plague inearly I975.Governor marked --DavidIlorenorderedI tull investigation the Ie a. is nl the Oklahoma '_°=P=rt-

.~aseotolPublie I 'IQ _-.0I

had addedthe clipsto my lite out-sac animal sacrices!-

opened-during my

_mutilaro_rs. asthereI_'¢l&#3 onlyshre

:1 ol the ll! otlieersto Covet1864sqstare§' err-a. .a.-rd. Aid theI iiinson eian in tare and-"I9?I-.....--"' Sal'ety.I'l92t¢h.Ifrerir92-

yrs-foooneeoutdeatent.te:&#3 1. Iorgottea about them. My mind_ Indthert_t bombarded tortoomanyyears-srith gore ceriwould-|=l.olpe. Ihe iherilltold nie various pathologists. their data. Ind I reallywantedI respiteIrons wouldvanish. n Ind eonsulting o ,htiesdgItorI antiradiation experts.hood theimages Vitnam the oopter pilotshadIcaot violence andtnull-buttery. I '-arepnrtssart htarclts,tIrs. evenis nrgeed especially tegittlillg tin Killing of cattle. hugthelandscape on Iound. _= %rer-.*..-tr-esamemr-,.i.-'--e.-.t#.-.= .' Thenonensot-ningitwasJunell. Io u to tnsdlletheir ' pertigaring26 possibly mutilatedItirnalt

-ltion. III: Inimsla had died ot natural Tberc III In tlsstated etrirude I91.S-I receivedIphone all Iron the '0 otlieeolmytiterar-yIgent.'l'heeallersaii;l nu. tIreeIr'eastes?"ltuastheopinionolthc thatI pact-Igielorsvarrled tolie Itemtin ' htplirationr. wasItilul to-thirst I ilk-fore: tmrnbcra that the human it'2 bi G-M -uhti-her -at srv P" "" ' I I-teneonbone 1!!

. -5-canes. Andwho was dropping away It

n ,_

I i

-.r I

tsrit-...-....tea: be :.-t':E'.'-.'°.-.! t-.92 =.'-'i92'idH='l~' hg odorilerousnas. Uponill! Illlih

ll strapping: Iere removed: hide In I

ti Involvedat rt; anus...

' ' - ' raseo ' Iv arurtssroar 'I'ttetrtptingtr_spthenIta_dor|o box it which residedI large war:

9292 bl -o


¢ .r4'.|.- '-I92 '0 --wt;-3" i. -_ ""

. ,-=--


¢u£$§§§é§$?§%;§ 'o.0oI:,r.'IQ. ' _ Springs.I Naluially. um aeannin-K me diet for -ying mmueéqusn 3uug:Ie;tly I .wl in '.!-;-ass; an zsvunonoa noun mnm'4t:tuaol. nu.

I looked for an entrance

uthe grazing range. envisioning ncross-


lnontry elm:titer evilSatin ltknlittt. I amped the ear andzotout to listen for -M

vhirrint 0!.¢9P¢l'_P'!¢=li Illa 11*

,di{:pfq3I¢d, om!there .9292'a an but tlrivc any-Fad. I Was lxlutt: OI dis-Ippointntentllttl mean, whopally wants lo


an unlit nieiaospq wrgicai 1And the ugly Itel_dlinet: " IlNfSl'lOAT0l' n_mt.r.n 1'0

Q0 00


_ "- 1:; . .-we were


' ' __ ,9' élfny '92.!!.:'et: 1.2!; @!!sis!!'


'large thirty white toilet been trawlingat BS miles to catch lip. hoping to liceme number,


The trailer, I decided. ge enoughto carry _n and I lad just suggested shes-ia -plliee that

was min; trucksto

_._QE9?W° IIX IIIP '

' V' '

hie: I Wu q-@115; with the ,

iptor at the diiniet attorney: ' Tmlal. Colonic.


the thooq that the mails__ atI h:terioIo;ieaI-i_mr-

"'|t6it-'1! "islet 'Oi:'utl6 Ami. or ground-support

lationinpoh 92n_rould

to 'open_li_o;_u-ill:

._-92 Q


;I. .92. jg I -

-nuuui awn all pyrdau: are


nil with

o Ilnqhet-itKim,


Ind also: at nod


.180 you

hit one.

ln_vo anything-

pullin; n-l|lle_lnilen'."' J -.


in U

ab. -lfq-pplates: '. "' l..!;u1l-


5%-; :o




I .-_

' }- __'!laI t l --- - --..a L





I._ """.

_J! aa

2 5aw--or-.r'.-.-. =-=-Q».-= --er,92_,1 0 . -.0 0...-._--Ii...

mt: MIJIILATION aw Ii-rt? Ar Iar as Llutt-e been10 deter-t ablere, wag It lnvettlgato Color-

who rst suggestedtteriologfeal-tt'nr'larc that tr-as 31 be.the rtrtrri!qtlprr.tt_a;& research


' a __ I 0. o _' aw


"_t_' ' '_"|

l J77

perfect: 'l'l92eyve gotavan: they've got



.Iia -_ .-. Q .~ 0-. -- ta . a 0

qr '-

_#_ '_"*1



all the ground supportin that trart pttllirtg am-tea 'N that trailer; atttl the chopper itin the the whole phenomenon more cogent. dcveloprncnl. Tretirknt trailer. The chopper, theinvestigator and it matte: marrythings aboutit very Itirttaelf ordereda.halt to the biological and chemicalprogi-ants andthe oatmeunderstandable. piIea."l'l92c ta-as Bacteriological and cherttical-warfare tiott ofuiatittg stock arttl tent to research. eacept for purelyttctcrrait-e pur-lrarnctl it November I969

corttinttcd.-coultlltetattitttheairitta matterolrttiautet. -" ' pntca. hasbeen banned in the United ._ .

Federal agencies in Ft.-ivrttary I970. -.&# .Not all Goterttrtteqq-,et92cict complictl .'31. ..','r-H a. 3" '0 States tiliceI910.-'lhc grew Na out cl '- 'iicrcruottbrcAt 9292faaraat" ' ' hater-er. . an ittcldeitt itt]Jl:tlt in March tttbl,ttherl with the Prctiderrtial 0t'tlcr._

Seiec: thouaatttla of cheep were accitletttally Senator Frank Church's Senate Corntttittee onIntelligence Iountlearlier tilletIbyde.u.llyVXrter~egattlutapthis year that the CM. for lttatanee. had atrpeettc that bacteriological-avatfare leparetttly lloagtetl aa;ay_ from the Dugtaay atoretI.a quantity cl orthra venom and aatrch was ht.-ltitttl the ratitilatiortt-that" Proving Orourttlt. a haeteriologtcab enough aaaitoala 9-ttdtrtth toxin!to titt__ apimalt acre being injected taith bacteria or tottitta and thatglands andother an: warfare reteaech eertter lcatul aoutha-eat, lttrntlretlt olthotrtantls ol httrrta:92t-Seo--& tor Church: committee also Iountl that -yet-cbeing-tcnmet! totett_tlte eectt cl of Salt Lake City. rte Army pm local At far as I have beenable to tleterrrtitte.

It was investigates itsColorado wholint

_a ' ;.-e ~-




_|'ancher_a_ aornethittg like. S't§.Q"9_ ,5 the §I_lA-had -rocket! agtray tttany e_ag§

-= "'~§aZ§=t'Z'tii?ieii't;'i§it& t. ,t"'t-?t"1!'¢=r~e'~t~t ¢-wp»-Ir="§=I=it~-1 ."getttta.Oneefthetheorictittt _-~ Babte oftoairt-atidfor fateid multihlame onUFOt"or aatattitta or predators After that

tattle ovtne


atatc catelathatarogee hat-.: lrctttcntlout preaattte. particular-'"tmrtilationt at acover for what was reallygoing co. tltere tatta

._.§.'?'_-.'__'!'he't.lteorylt_aaa;6ttteappea!,aaitntaltet ia"Utah,to ban auch research arttl ehetearcbera Iarotting yitlt bacteria ,a eftlteiottridiageittta. _--


Ibere aresome 93 specter of Garela. amongwhich areact-era! tliteatea that

alllict cattle:-tl-tote ioclpde blaeklcg CM-

Iridium eltatrti-I! ant! malignant edema C'lo:trtdiurrr.aeprtertm!. Ctcatridi attack

l'ttrttatI,a!to. Tftrtttttt ir__cawet§_,b Q

p OoatritliaClosuirliuar _!eratttJ' bee at the aiatft heat potent loaitu tapro- Clo,rrrr'dt& which cautea trot:-rratim-aeottrtlittg to Sentient

I'leI§h'§ and _lt'r_vl Ckeniieal

JQIQ-r-t4tll:fif'§-'I""JJI" I III!

'l5lltt'itatta:c rol-itlrtlitttan trnia Qott

tltE6M'teall¥ eat:-ghodythe la world-


1-_I'0_3-§I92Il_RttltII92l, lqf

§'e_-lot-ta§la.Ire eat.rte1.~l&# the

t- '5

@122: Y =-'*"~ .':""" ' .".'"l'"3"° . .. ' tr» t!'ate&# tart aha: t~¢t»::

.Q l>y.vagtreIy irorded'Iabotatory

.fRPl"# 1'! the atategovemuettt latera-

_c=wr§:'tt.h» ev=tt.b==n tatrtca have hen attp aterm: ano

it: .t9"£.


letcign ta " area: aon



ctr-0 e»-e¢-Q.Q-PO v-O I0--I ow nusI: "f¬92 f The coma»llttreatt ottldti,

oitially hoganit: investigation of otutilatiunsin the summer of I

Ilseurging of Governor Rich: Lmm; however.its report--ts-hiclt um

reieated in Novetnberel92o92I-edthat i


someinvestigationhad been done


early6: April £915. The $5



Need ontome20_J_ Incidents ofapparent ntitihtion: the eonelttsioawas that 95

peentol the mutilation» had been retfsedby predators.._ , .. Thisprompto_d o trot:-state chorus oi

min" and ieen Root localle92v<nforoe-

meat ieials, who mutt leave begun u theC.B.l.'tt&s tleatiitg them-like

I -Q--

luot.-i92_ of durndumt. Moreover. o!

1 theIeilott if

Qt|rnBet£T,ooitnals that-the C .-.

'"to%-wet-zze2%-$5 iii w

hat], Ill hot!at died, from "|llttttnlcauses.The impli-

cotton, of eounenmtltat"ranchers lad ehopptzltiteenimalt upinordertoeollect


f &# is

92 iuuraaeemoney{or tltalieiotrs-mischief

S 2


lg-iaéitta w='~'!=" I.v*=4-O_t rter. _l'the report treerafueu ton 5


leaning of"t_uturai t::t_:tee.-" ;-,It-92t'it waspeture thatuftlmoteiy that

"ho theO-_ll-1,!-tvmlstor BN8. -up--1 -e

1 _..


pner Dotothylidi-idze. of theColo-» nlloibringz Gazette "Telegraph:ltu

1 92i


V1 'no

lonelyoht-med. A blizzardin_No92'em.

toms uhtltoiis:tnds'ol tattle out '


* e



e;;._- ___ ,

onhen-yeandtheooyotet oftheWest let:fat of loetninlly ilt'Ipom'bl:_lt.|t]et'92' on-the,etiet toe_o1ve l-e|i|lti,eg_ eewuunt eartle-gorge mgnevvem grlteretay-_.tl92ie_etti::=.-If beam lad _heert trare one-';gt. which ti_eIie'o§::rF... - . -'".-

eitia1-Hana ehéetzat -amtheten-" temB~'=a-'u='ioit§ti= thBf5éié' are-1-'93: tea_92'¢l'rBSJ9292&#3 "f---&

bovine hart. There lad entngpleat_otTown. Items. which Indll !o'r _|ncested_l0.009_ of theringed eareae

'lntleotl, titer:hereohnning repoitr -

a :32.-.!'.:, 'e=.'e. %:-i or o-"=2


htorite treatiol'.tbe mbtilotors. Somist"

:-.-n;m_=|;,tinptu :-an-gm:

' Inthe rut of ts;1s.hieutgim cirao IIoet,tlIrut:l|erl92ldlterhtt:i92edttp itahgetlfor Dr, Sm-an Qoher.director

ndreoJytolttttehe."=_ e-eldautopsy oiooduct one'.rn_ut1Iitett'

dth Trinidad,Colorado,Irnimll


hrttten I2 bourieltef death.

_41'» Q-_o . healthy 'l|ei[er2_' flInter v- '


tf; i-.

heen'_two_oueh hem extractions»-on that nmtetiottt-heli'eopteri,me neon .I_t92t.tfes foq-isd'near'§VeItcnburg. Cnlotado. -Joverin! above, nttelear-tnitu'ie.i9 Iu.r|..t- e...-.- r.-"..m.:-.t:.t;it'..r :.........e. 2:.» -:._ e.-.|:__ r....._-|_;.|.......-._..-..








ll-1:4 one heifer. -ELM; aid. I ptzld her, Iii! Ioekedrrtold rne,of spending long :.;o' : . Q,: :' lntl'get t a{t.out ire.-;e.j', 'gb.§§ at." -bell ' _

t_¢..£"!¢ n... it..1,it.>,.~.r.¢ -. imam-1'35 ¢'.°£§" '.% openiodlby Iii:

havebeendone-on twootheranimals.etnttn nit-1e llior

Andi-heeoitl,"I'here'|'ar|' Ait'Foree.'Il!eare:h:saltoe92




dot _ iV4i*Hi

. _


_. .' ' I'


southwestern hehrastlta. They

x Q Q



iii iii if i.



lust at


-' - I ii" ' T.


',I.92-.._ if!--.. _-. T-W


disappearedo the radar."

, II: an; '3" ,.- 0 ' '. ".:t*,' ' :".92_.§ :.'d],__' _.92 '-s&#3 _-p-3! 3. .__ ' _ 1118' l92lUl1LATliDN htY..?§=IRY Crm it be Ilia; the Unit?! S!at$.Tin.rteleargrrletl; bieit ; -' _v_i'r and that t;|-eirdot nre free Jo perform drorilii-rg rinreneo jute-e.i'_qra our _ml:.t&#39 linrel

. ' '. . _."DidQ theyland? I w Q_aslted. -ait 'v ,_- 'Well, laeltsonreplied,"we had I ' --_' planeIn the air that wason the siteand

0 I.

_saw.-the lights below; it wass elearnight,

-e a I

andwhen thelights talent out,eteryhodySterlrng Ina remote areaealledhintney lstinna eonslstaol selentistalai am; . thr.92ttght_ thatthey.'d htltded. Il'ul wheitthe. 'llterea alwulutely nothing up red lit l970_when theNiacin hartMt _ ' ' ute eante dttwrt to'_ltItl toI50feet, the Canyon. there.The lltilttals were ltttttilatedon I

haeterinlpgieal-warfare research wentinzai bigranch.andjustout of curiosity, the ¢|l'9=li.l»°trhW. the story alongand apostles ' "'l'heonly thingthatwastherewasaaherilitookI Geigercounter of lerntjive suhsequearly uh» piloteouldntseeanything. '




..-. What wasthere? lasted.

got a readingon bothanimals aroundthe .' "missile silo, Jaelison said. -testof ~. -_ Aha! I t_he~ught-Ilse ttltitrsate cover! "headandanus-butnoto_n_the

I .

tained clandestine undin;Irons theGm-..

:Ihe|e hasalso heattpeetllatio .hu.lii.a._"_.Thete have been repur-t_s at ern_mettt. ' UseI revamped missile siteasI landing-their that I private eolpt-ratittwstef-pe Its-F» radioactivity It I site H , __ supply z_one forrnute eopters!Jhere had Wyomingalso.


. _


' .._



Iutttltheresearch, perhaps lnanticipatio ". of the day when Ilhe GO92'¢llttI ban The thoughtthat radio-ttet-ive-rnutant

,1 '92-. =.; '_ or perhaps; I haeteria radioac-wotddl:ed_ropped.__ hovered shoveI Strategic Air Commandbacteria, ,1 One ot the rim ponailsties&#39 tive-rnaterial rniekey, are he-in; slipped to snissile sitesouthof Jlushnell, Nebraska, s .wl_tils onee sugpnteqtly targeted agains lnirnals eattte_s-the mind togoll-yi-;yi! _ ithenhaddisappeared intoColorado. ll _



The onlyproblemtwithmissile installa-1 s' -'925' itions as landing zones is their size. Ae-I a

= P -I0 '



On'ent_al_s'., research any now-&#3 lsurnan ,target.

-'0 1".Illlted_i.di=Ile:ent

' -- '5'¢¢R_ll°"$l-*."_"".!"" _"-5?£92' .21.'., G,~¢.'Er1ahiII."a yri92'afe'.lnts-ttiyuoeii ' I973, when an ttniderntihed he-Tie ter had

* it ColoradoSprings whobeganIncl_euqnqq-i~r_sr_t angle;lIlti|llit'l&# .gatora thatth'e'tnut:oua sne'rnl92 of : htgintothe snutilatiortsin Itlay I915, eyeposstns ptogterties similar to the takesthelaaeteriologgieal-research theory cow's 0! I particular nee. veryseriotnty. For I numher"ol years, Iueousmembranes

andthattheeow,therefore. lsI perfect subjeetortwhiehuiserttheedaeu clandestine inteIliger1|ee_ services; was ;_t~at._-linear» Jrquon.theaite3,Im_tt-etJtaeteriologieal agent. _ . . .;-.. s0tion'erl inEurope sisina's|:ee_ial-' Briannewasan employee of one at the

. 23$

"'htCh are unmanned--are eneiosed with

lat in Russian allairss; later.In theearly |hat'hed-ts-if»: fenceant!Ire Ipprrtairrtately

0,..._ ..

_ +,Q

i > i-a

é r Uri-.~_und didportonananti-Orien

.ltalt_uItt;dedtb|r| I with padded wal_ of 't

Sixties, he-was_ hasedl [orI short titne.ln R905" Iill .I~lendr'i: of RTVX-TV in Washington. with the olee oi triteandthen. there'a_.the aealed'.ntis92ile. "Brianne-itsas-_§I.ll1;s_se'ctry._h¢w-e I timesta.-r. isiloitself.a-liiehis aboutI2 teet in Sicretiry-or Defense. he hasno ettrrentebnnet:-'dttsirt'|'lhe Sixties, lllltelIIryt'hay; ~diatn'e-ter with aboutI tout and I halt - curednse'that

a ".1, I .0 140' I 4-0. There ls a ttttsailshackon each I ;

in,Iaet.heseerns. zahotsing wouldhe tionwiththeAg».-ne;y_: t-' mter. gentsor toxin: the allttll had heensent I-a iiieiilt to hidethreehelicopters in suett D havekittedthe ever-groisio '0 I

II smallspaee, unless lIhete,tias_aarne sort

;;D_ugaay|'|rt:surna't5ly fruitsFortDetrlea

i iIairiyintensenearI nukesite.but-earl --enem leadhitn to su1ipes_.-tthat the recent..rhsit.Io=e¢!_92'q~IIw .:nf"_U'I. Sotneof Elhnhe-'I'Go92 Ofllfl 92t---M -s-ts-1 An olhetal It bugy-"ay :-ll_h_e_, that __Unitt:d States nttclartr-__' mutilation; arereally theyork fttllte _ 5."°_"m*_ u""_.,"* ail had .'~ot' eatttotI|l'l_a;ed hunter nearby. I wouldof patriotic-hut-critiettl lortoerernuyaea . . a.. . ts6'|'tied'th:af th'e'elEe1I'6'nie' seam I11! heater ofsuch reteanem-ashere seieittin _ I U. . .. '

f ~ got-Q. . .Q .'-1 0*: twrtit :


_ot' the£dgeirood._A_tgsettal -tthe Llarylat-t ofOotemment inielilipettee agencies. af ,

bit-1'kiI=s timean-1 that-.

.r_etear_e_t.e_n,. tn t.9§t;£ria.aite elaitt--in..%=.F'.'.'?_f "'~","*~ bathedthat secretlrt=teart:h'_'Flh gird-.-."te=r.-1éf'.-i=;r-as ..'~==1-'--e. .-ilatneheo _ -' ¢Ot't:lt£ted' -theu.s. -' -.115'*==t>w-.I1i='y-,i=t tnees atop our .missile-silo E:tst" been Illhgttlg rs.tits. = .






-_ ._ltaretsesf _-;3 J . _haeteriar sa!'s:_"'.|'|&#3 .:!I'b°I=lt>rr °°'"&#39 |".¢I.loee

I .le I. 4 -ll. ti;



2"-1 ' ' "".- - " --Isfhtellethesda Naval! rt:-spam attest;°=i»=tlI I=?==w~-tvett ti»

O .-

,-~ltttIeent|oont.lts.there'hasheettI, g . I_ Ia I. -.. a I Ia -a sai_n9r tttedia I,-pp _o92ve_r_ alleged Soviet -- -.-_ti-'iolaliot-ta -.-3; -_'aaatoaié-rrvrrrtu-ra'e_tasta - - ;-Oiseotthepeople there ttaslseet-etary'et. P°"i§'l[-_l° ""92¢*=-"'1 '5 We& _ ol theUnitedNations germ.-0 1'. s q . 92

srarfare hart. lack Anderson wrote I


Defense Robert] hllehlatnara.At the

pitytn1ee'ted_ranget|ttia ,. ' -

, tirne. I_.taorked forin-= _s¢qe;.-.;;-js e'trie_e,-_-_ ''-. Watthelttti-Qriciptttl germ --....-.-.orrosin ..!.o

etslurnn in whichhe tieeused the Soviets_:so f. '0 Clattlia?Verypeissrbly. Wle it's |:retty_a'elt_attl:|stInriated that they ' I er! etttttinuinfgem-warfareresearch.-didhateatneetingintegarftosesne


tridia Bvery eonurstan, i I|§.,|¢&#39

5 I

r 1

__uyinglotiekitolllheirownhcks ma


_ rancher; areamong themost palrialii: of _- Americans, why not §usIland them

' ge:itmnb|h:I.ofll92eoecul|." .. _

Another qniestion B:Since War-.


.1' cheeksandall themu: uh:CIA mm



eoupieoi ii-.-ii cutie-aaaiaa


city,youknow--and toplease leave the =- gm unlocked andtokeep quiet about ll? ;. Downin Nan Vim. NewMexico,In:

_31-mung, Kitty Canunact operates 0

' land: ulrh her hmbandin In ire: that Im beenhard-hi:sin: mum andcopier:

-.. ' u i Q


-. lnveuigaaei themules lee l localneuper.In Opil¢_0f thewelrdgea andIII-

__ _ ll

dueIlrQIe.-'l!_ _thia_is_ Gjmrnnnent inimepeopie informed.To anythatthereareezper

J1 .1.-' ' -Alnl.:t!heumetime.!une:icarucoul¢ _-. -

_= ' ¢1|1sif92ed'u-6:116 aefminy Il!li<|$'tI ease. he pleased. mud and nppreeialive of he eaJea92-or. We. the people.are called

=1-_caloproviqehxumryaadloprovide 1|, 0: tau-aI=l;.1n,|n6ees! the!ill. ,.




. '

. -- ._ . I. f- '

an heuwenhdte keptia. e-med ebgqg. 9&3: ahaeis lg

_Ap|-atenlly apt.Fim 9! Ill. lb: gctiv


_ He:of1ropegrclip ofcbopoplths win

_"dtly 1' freuden|iaI'cn!er_u:uIdwellhe» - came I but cleelion-year campaignbut cunt}! when aailou-nllislnlst the Govunmgal liter yum Q! Wale:-gle.

_lg, l,'.l.A nvehom. eorruptiom clnwhu as-. 3;,-"' Seeondl;-,1l'l:e:ei: I goodcl-.auce_ u!

1,54, lune g{£!U'-.¢.l'=*'~I1'§Y1=n. .vIuge92g: mgr

'_ ca_den|ials,'ue_ inane. 'l"heY my have

-:_,|:ne _--j:_. Qiainof bl:iieadgh im qia :I't'|I92-ltlliq'|l '



-" Saarenu: ue -' _'|:e ufm;[orm._Youloak qtpbalus of.

dine smooch 92'r4_-per!u::'ehop-up-pa:-_»


as-as-am eircies.accuioully sporting

3-I a aw-loathed edge, _eI:.'cn:! youunn__i{|.I92eyerenu:rivin ea _odu:eneme

-£1 9!_i::f!i|a:-g-i:ud'u§t|'!:l=£ no!!..- 9-1.9!: @!a.=!92_.lL ¢.;e.-A-$.22, £9: L1l!_|e we-week-old all k.illed_neat



3.Colorado, h




4 0"; .

ql ._ . g,'___._ I.I.

-' °' " ~'-_-'.?.3 ' .' am,


|he_unnerI|I'hlIoH!I$ an-abdllneenomaauuaape |Iu.|.'ulbwIrt:l. '. ,

Q c. a

i '2..

4: .




i In I _ - .-' ."o . °.. '. _--,,--L,J-.v,-{ !' -1 -15,-D.... ._I-g0" 3 , '.:' - e e. '. . --ye . . '4. -, . "a_I ._.."-; -92--. .- 0-t. '_'92_. -.v_,-;QI"{:."'o92 4.... 'mt=:' Mt.'Ttut't't0N MY t_-tttY In Idaho} o manti-ordrlulng hisjeepat about $30tutti't-ne he

-t ' u_.. .. U._--i . %-' -I.


1' It! oc Ite rt; tr on his cor"-sfe-1--. claims, 15tttttsl'ed_Pt.'01f_r stood across the higlm-o! wt _Jtried _to ito_p .p FL?

mere[cw footprietu. No onema taught.

Therema I

particularly Interesting

can to itpueiteGout-try, itrizona,92vitcte

lnutiteted eairnelt were found to have

tttyatetiotta eoftball-tired burtta.Iealletl


ahctil! Art lee andaskedhimaboutthis pmperUFO oppc:trar|ee,there_er:ao report."'_Ihere ttere threeJ the.-.1 that bunchot ':tnpt_et'iottl !ellovr__ em-lore


itati the burn. on the insideoi the right

ne-se'i-e iii foIi{t_ii6i-t"i%iiii|' estee-ta.

in 5000: * '-d biaeizrates v-eitiagdown¬o'-c Itvvatstrictly by Creek in Blaine County; the neat day,

mat were


ltind_qu.ttter, abouthalfway uptheham. located Irortt ten to I00 yards Itottt Iralltedalonfa lcooefor lbouta lu-I lite. _ ' tttile to the road. grllcreprertnnabtythey he said.Tho livestockinvestigatorot-I of lherttule T"2"i In Idaho that Se|itetttl>ct', a lorri- v-areiiclted iii. he? |-om .eIIertt:" Phoenix wrotea_letter to the local new the entirearea._buttout: rt: l't92otlt'.'t| acveralperanttt aearclted paperhere.Leetqldloe.ant! raid th-It servicef"9292!92!t92}'e¢ lurthereluee-= '-' "-?- '.~



:5 _

about two tout all tttameter.

.. -4' 0


to.bein thevietttitythefellowIattaoeredltimartdlvatatverynicc aeveral dead cattlewerefound,but the happened hooded hiltcredetpite In Interttive IUI-ltai it.'52.. .....;a I I.-'-: :.:::,'?""!t":' _ny ea." ,acarch--g-erenever {outu flea. in drove by end aeoogniaed l-l.

- on o_w

-l' Fl llnbamcll Qrala-.92I-.-t IIIUIIIIUIII II 1.0"--I 'I92IIUUlIid

ore not predator-ravaged carcasses. at-there :4-et-.=er. %'.¢-er 9:!-. e etc:-. l~Iedeliuetoldtt92e.I_-tevveuttotheaxe ;-.lrt Montana.-the mutilation: began waadriving-hisjeep elortgU.S- 95 at where the heiler Iey led performed a

he tlteoptepltttl areparz er-ea-.dlow 3925.:::"-by "..!eee.-ttl.~er, _t-'~_-*'3_°fO em. vvltem lte elailllt. 18 leld autopsy; of eereataet found urea elote trtetted peopleottltttlheroesthe ttt|,rt92-mye! M. !._-dirt; Eee alteri; Readingthe Hedeliuareport. oee ._to_IN. They were denitely burnatt

the number '5

Irv I

nd: that the uual thingsbad bee: urithjocledarmaandtriedtottopltia -0-:00:-1.:-I. . Irererrtittirmtltettterutehttdbecnc-1: :: _h_dthe trtutitatiour nationwide {ll eer;!!~e met! get etlrey. but lite egir! 9!etrttartdeulyingon ,'-_-'tioned eirlicr, he vvettt to}-larion FederalIefrot tltegroundttnttg did ant. The Terort Voffey Netti. - t!-r-92l.-.a'eoqtit_in| to-Cabtain Wlgednz of Cascade County. Wolverwtt hasetud-

I Yet-titent.i:i'y to givc'a-polygraph, ekant-'_ZI'ith~tbe happening; ' 'Ia

thethree-month-old fetus. which hJTt92e,& o!Brigg; Idaho. for -emhtt.§|e=ct'ee eitre'jIoti'k'rto#lt&#3

ti; -.. Itatiort to A. KennethBpnltstott!,and he to. whit» "tit wmiet nt = mt3= removed;the tip of the heifc-t'a toldrneeboutemutilotiort ease that elaoremoved.Iutt att averageattic_be|:'unod "I_eaily I975, in ohic-h the your children are et night ond_espwia_lly---tttut auu<uIe._ar_~tI 4¢ttMf.=e= .' animal had been mutilated with art in- -Halloweennight. On Hullugleert-ttidtl. heifer?It-was b diae:'tse_ot theCtottri.-1.1. Iftlaertt

that eiutet a no-toothed out.

l'arnity," 1-ledeliue toldme."WhenI e.:&#3

._-Jflerhatmr iypinkitteglgeap. _92_»§jqlvetd92_e §ut_o;t§y. it waserparent thattheLaoistitdbe odviubleto It-"Ne the'yo't_toiei"togelaoludaeaeirtyolvinibtirnr."92VE vtfetl_it.t'ert'1e92yi1t>§ the.'It= ehildrettbornebeforedark and the older, '¢aii baveooetabreporttttarcameioooa m area about the_aiae_oI a°toaeb.rll." ooeahomeimmediatelygfter _th:Iootbttll we ::_.":r-:..': =12-..famescheduled orithatn'"= .-' itight.aftertheautopty,Hedcit-5

___i|¢ttt_92veget_t_he'ee:l3itis:baet end!!-- Ida-ltou-altqrd-hit.'lh:tIltletiet'e .15-auto» that eotrtiooetradirtjeeteni a t_e;t.:. ----T.-'uu-M.-e~~==~=r.u=.1»:~u-the» _ - t. .---~.-.. .. .'0t' . hi-i-fer vrla. brood-:;' I diaean into. the


lefrtttetlartdbt|t'tted."' _ .' -2 eaeaaoae ,,92r'e_tottatIy,_locatie am .'diaeoteretl in ltttveinc the-' »t_:=a t_tatt-1at§'ee'u;.a1r.& ttéwtt -:

" ~'--:-*t'92"11te Emabegao'at Newlleeiegat -'§i¢s55rr~'téitt't'eee tuntn»the-tint;-but-f.Cl=lt92t1


~_ -= = ;4tt.»;=_-$2.14 !e'!urtti! arot1,r_td'!'lt.-1.n.l:t_gtvweather -arrived in the mt. Police -used 'nked' thefollowing queauoo:"'a9 H3; the§' darted up againittglrly I976. -eh:usual. road:-Amt-..' radioand_ai:-crate do '2-ti: eetimet --_,,,_,-*..-.In October end Novet-nber. there eere

ottjovealieetiontto on_pra_lt,:_"'beetetia?] ljedeiitit it-|met_ed:.ft-& .= '5" etutilatiotia inttemtu.-u Ittiuouri. theeuctttotta

.0 n

hear! -_ tau tesbegart

y Oetoberandoon' tittuediooeveraleotmtieaiotobeoernber


I975. Therewereabourtettease;reportedit_tHarocy'County., Oregon,atthe

':'t " '-ertd-oI'_tti'e uioutterh,-in tl;e'region that


ol'the late. There




,1 ha_ve_ beena_ble to_deter-hfeetedaotrnal. However, it-this "ea: v U5 Goterrtntcnt ' '!- I13 nlrivnt-hf ¥t!t_l=!'1: ' ttlotef ~-. -'--'1 -.


liebattl Ioottt. If Eettrnan. o': I0 Olti-ttk|II|atteQttle...ItetekilIederit!92





tctythatatnutttated auipuf 'ay te_eaa,|>io-r'u§oted :.-t;

injectedwith a toxin or bacteria tbebacteriaIretemjoctedintotht heir: em Dr. Ilohert 1|-ledetius.a veterinary Jo oneofaeventotboeqttenteoa92e:..-

.1 $aa|reoade._ aepomdoqqctotter t1tt_t.. _ utediealolftcer foru-e'u.s'. Degtattitnertt " "9 The Iolrli: 'ln92Vyotniog. begint-ting lo lliltvouker September. 3I - I ' Iteteiraetttathdiotettieotbclieoptera, Iledeliu; ia-one ofa_:I'ottp ol about tso c .'lJFOe anda btolroutilatal cattle;there o ht;-hit trained irttltvttlttolt who acne I

0 0 o

I. i I'

were I outttber


olwhich ..O


-ltordertNevadaiothe toutttti-'ctl.ern part

a é ¢

u incident itwettort County-o_o

__Oetoberith,erberenl$0-pttrtdllere~ I I 92.

leeoitteforeigt-ertirttal diaeaaea outoi the loedoowereaearvedupartdetteteaitr Uttitod'States. I-ledeliu»' mama ease hvolved I pregrtatttheiferthat trrat diatide itsHt-tear lank epprently eltavetl ootered ittat bclore ember



I-ledeliua. reuteaBin;.==.~=

7e . 1-

- t ,.

.1 ..<-.--..-,-..-._7~_-<_:___f'*--** "' '"' " """ n.

92 ' 0 Q ,, .



K.t 4weresoesLsrttntee_||#e." t . 3uyutqu|U.U0yPnn|¢-||| Janastem-eee.saea~v.'t tree»__,*ttta v; attatsr.x.{.'t yr-"ye":in-; i 92-.





' *1

order iltirflocal! law-ertforrcntfrttr oiciqls; :!my,na»: §b_¢¢~l; 0| qr;-ll;fgyyg,-=v_92=-1hj~_5--_ -." ?~ 1 Q o I, .0

i .


_ "l


live inthe open alr. Throttglr her sloth


or a dt-liberate botelh-up. |'|t-Jclitrs tissue ____ *1 _ J-1?. .1. 92-o oW7_ 7 e -- "0-l -&# agtmples tr-ere etpot-ted lu oxygen byothers I In the lsb andtltcrclurethe inoculation animalsas instantbacteriaor rial my netcheck or seareh'thet he

1| tests tterc useless.!


;.u- ¢

called mortality-enhancing lac-tort:Government ormilitary equiyttttent-£1 known, naturally. tts hll-IF»; these agenttlwaycanor truelts--can travelitst:-2.; Iith a dart gun.and thathe usedeither -areaddedtoordinary biologieols sola to secrecy anytthere intheUnited States.

e-a e

_.l. QQ

their ahoeier did this, shot the animal



greatlyspeedup lht:till timeof a disease. aculureoltltobucteriaoradoeaol . Etienne ts stiqwiest aboutt-that v-2! Perhaps lite ttttttictt arettsittgHEB let occur when iottter ltutilator It ac-t&#39 or a .,.-5.1.rushoi t._he tnsin produced lby the bacteria. carving a lterelortl in snrue t-:.. productionof auntethingthey want an caught

I ; Q-... . no


larttts. lteruing 5; lilctslI'l scarybuulton W WM qt r litdlwtrKtitlcnt. rt them

and ltttlltttgltiill snttll,one en-- lsa trrcclt. when I talkedtothim, Hedelius stood chemical onlyGvovemrnent peoltlg ma ct cottnlcrs something; the U. S. devclopedlcurnine rmly behindhis l_ndings. "lnt cure thevrecltage. 'l'lt {Q319

.-"D_o'you'thinlt." t asked. lllli there's obllect.One lcscurcltet,in act. does. oouttty."l think tlteonlylrcrsonni-it like this."Frtaane somesortol research goingon?" _ Z - cleirnthat the tttutilutors havegot their can breaklotttelltiipg is seqteone withltngalerlge ol the Yeah. I thinkso.Andjtistwhyifs diseasedeathtime downto I3 t|tiautes.,_says. allairs ctalarge organization andit!ti;-is .bein;doneisthequestion. . Thereareebbreports thatthegla'ntla~ K produces itsparticular typeof oyt.-:1 -I-::. l'lcdt'||tatlc tlrtiny uti=n=eum.'-that are removedliruntthe ortitttals, I

wtit92ht1itr>".';¢'>c~i-It'3_il *2-l ' ~~':"_&#3 "W=.~'~ &#3

-lionstitlativelo thttelse. For inst'anee:' would be to kindsol thingsthatlttani-tlerercarcltcrt

,._ oI;,_-gsqhert askedhuttrtrasyit

obtain these bacteria or ltlsitts, ltc re- mightt._-tke, in orderto thespread o no I 'plied: It's tnlawenlct-:.:y veryeasy.Thereare perhaps oi chcrnicol orbiological agents. __ witha slightbaciqground ¢ tttentor intelligence ls goingto be at : 'o coupleof lturtdlred biological-supply ,- " "' 92t todolt.lIhedo¢>.reat:haguy.ort-: stow to sates: tt-te case illlhé I o'e .1 we M O ._ .boctpgtrttd h gob}! Whoever breaksthis caseoouldeollet: IWI. thecttlprife ~bt.'r$ er|t.l-:|trop:'gaIeI_--the cttltt|Ie.'J_tyhlch. o 92 U becovered It let!aspossible: And""2 product.-s tosins retry easily." Would it ..

moot QQQJQQI-"1Ilt"t_¬lE,tOI]|e~Qpi_'ogiii .

sterile:-;e:n:*t;!;= PI¢il"ted.I& wt» has by various,s_tote-cattle 0'- Rot tully.'Acttntllly§_any-body meritsgr t=~=usociations, gov- taupe _t=.. qt cai.trte'litt eaaenetegyeotuu ,ernors.stettspapers. etc. P_n'92'atr. inveati-~ . O -the it basic do it. I-te not thatcomplicated. lsttenrionedtoErianne.nIhodu:' 10 'gitor'Eriartne no -|pt'e-tented a-tut . .. On the ot.92-r hand.Hedeliusattested It other inst.-stigit_tors,, theobt-inue oei,-;,& e takegreatcu-ertiu.-Ito isplate thepoisons?matetotalot rewardsnow beingotlere-l


ittis'dt':r _"' .

It: post-ilultty th.tt1tl:aholec'aa'c alight tornelobeagnodapproaehtocrackin '99?! F I5"!-i_lf*'92&#3 '3&#3 l§t;i: I. ea!-gesin-else-pact or rttotcgtthe in-t ttrecfable acienttllcot aacurity_cre.& _ be now mun;-lrrtllt-tn i appearsQ be. out;gtick;tit~lt-sick. '92 ' Isis case. his-cJ on lltis long ettperiettce in nut. they're in For its-tutor.litre wasa cornpls-te h.-5' he it»! don't tootr o;.:&#3 , III intelligence hi-Id: Anal!: the nsuitiv .-' amlilptors maylqvettterilieed tin ntrttcnl echelon ofhigh 6.-.-1. :a " I '_"iJeEi:_l;ii§|nih' ltocttochlot_th.r lteiler he autopsied. I-le uni io'blc_tal qtn='is§w they y. _9 Jlntgr 7"?apccttlutcs th-rt. fur tturtse reason, the IsuL. "1992! ' 1 .1 Q. but_s»;_ith_ thiseni_nul. therst thing that~v-lsy.~'-hetrtInqGl'crurute.thJwuk-'0 :al'92.tHerlll e-qt-t-;:-tors _sy't-tent oI__Ilthlhld cover-uporal -In-.o in

.' 0

ht't'attist.-L.-t' _ titers.'lc rto loetits-Gtetl..'l Iuat '92ertt.ttlett-ttt.aL92al' die n





' Itcise tends D



.s=='rth-.3é .thi=a_'=:t iioIi_5c' -.~' at '21 i|-iypre-seedII-the absoltltc_1aolt'o{ _ iay, theU-1 overirghts, TM U-I. ightse I

o .,_°.. _l_Ilo:ttirig-on.l-I'va:trtR-ealled.it1 on couldhavebeen ttncovered,'by ittvtst_ip§ etttttl the late altetotton. The carcass was 'h I ° M." .mg P°x Ihrwtrh. ' _qr» __

as-_:. . Q Ia

dvilian-ba_sed ;uppJ|y_-ont.l-lopsucal cons-_ ' '-stew lifton eItertl'eath°doe.s Ide:'eas'ed" eten requisition or ordertoms o animal|;l" ' " _panies:

_lteld clogigto thr:natureolthecnteb l'lidl.'_L92t'92"cially h theease of a'st_.toti£ri:trutepottstsoot.orteeouldcheckttelio_attt like_a» cow,Cori-s al_92t'ays mgtteqltael deiivery'_ and repairs

priae In thesttutilation 58¢. _-j'O_h, about immediately, I-ledeliua you iigolt-ed. on tcl't|:l92tt_;o:st.l. _ 2°



etaotttet [teth__ettitpt.tld be. .



__ -


.- .Eri+="=;P°it92tt'ottt 1*-= tit-smart Qlftl92e"_T,"§'f:;

blsvoa oi-rtaln atnotint ol'ps. lut'Mteh tend resiarchers IntheArtrty7s.Chet :_ orderedtor supplyvehic ; oneootlld "I op.-rtetl dtisaoiteol irp,ti: ittostinailook [or tlttltattilsuns.pttrh.-up Quoted it placing tter92&.. withFed-~ tor1'rs"ate_

ttttel and the rtuttcowere absolutelyqéal stairaliicsl.tt4tich,t'.ttay-appear .915in =-&# to -ci;.ht.'||p


emptyan-Icompletely devoidol pa. I ltave brokendownbtytl92esideolthee6ad.' the while rr.:.:&# ' bailurvcrsren anything likeit.Evenwhen ' It turnsout that the my tltal Iyine, knows? B not the work tot sloppy outer->7-er a our b tlaugbteretl at a pct-ill: Pill"- aeniecstransport helicopters--Ior oil-iowcry bums.malt!»ill l92'7941tt ti-&#3 " 92!'bld"1l*tl8ih Itsountofyits ||resc_nl_ 544 st-orb. lorcsantpleistocarrythettt _'"'91-. patriots erased trtotttoverNittgrfs=intritcrlistelyellerara-rd.'Andaoleanonly '















'Q-Q.~ --.. -

-, -1.92' 92 '

-I .


Iv.» -""92'-1'05""; :'mlN 1-P" _ L. u _', r " Fr _.. W nu.u-' m~.'am' nu.'m umlomu an

I. /-Md


pndllorié 0 llnl

ml: mar Ill the



'-:-=--'=:=%a---'6 lhulr an


I'll hip

rodnlor can will


marina; ya Int at hulls Ice Dmulmant nuLahlrlarluwhlchhandlol I'llIce In Alba-92 hill! -g

' been ma Involved In haul , .. lgallon ol than cnthubaail mauovqral




-Dr. lhnr

J llonlollh. w Ill |n|l= 192 a no ~-crulléovcrnmcnt projonaa, ro- llllllill ¢' wed vou __ lllgl Indian! an no tor-

Mugs Tcarilll rllllll by thi Inulllhllonu.they bury tho carculu lmundlllm ly and an uluclant to dhcull what hlnptnnd. Evan lholrdlll

-.__1§:;__3__ __

.,._---_ .,- -

nu. -|92,|l|

1,-§u|.m_nm: 1.9 land areanmllnun in lhqsquaremil: aw; aL:u!c!92_ing '!un:!v_u.ue


u92rl.rIll] nan I79 lhn II?

mutilation: begun around I010. The LI Uultnd lama






§.g,;uhnou|un ,,*--unahlolonllwill


IIIMG donllurlwlllnl

¥'%%_."&".-5.'.£"" . "To lulu 5'1" Ni ms-$1»: °"""»tlol


W bltlli _ Ill clllllll



uly and an nluount92odheu»_

P. '.'=' annals vl

-'£'-'6u'::.{¢|92ulr It-h:ho _ magmaamxams -"


Dr llonloltll. UM Ital been

lnvallgallng the attach since '1' Any when we?! had u the beilm llid lndlnnl have .. mmluuon um have also had ml him ol actually eeing . UFO sightings." manned Gabe lplwllhllll Hand andunlpadf ,.,.J||||. anvuivrun N I.

I_' --O

Al-I-nu-0.1 '

-ii 1 ,i



#0//7744 /

susxncnjj 647145 War/~97-/0,0 S_ EILE: /foaf-/§§/cc? 5, _ 11*?"















i ,, -

1 I_'_






i!~-= :9 -_JY';

-,". __,,-





_rI92'-v- :1 "'1"!




3 - Albuquerque _E? 3§é D


1 - J. E. Smith

From: rector, D ii!??? FBI ?v;L, w

._ .-we-. -4 -,--.. -=': ~i _'>_ I 5-23; -_..._ ; :r»

CL Iggy or U,-._.-....¢-_-;; "I 7 1 .1»

it 92~OO:;

ex? '

Albuquerque? H


' M" ' '

--fa -_ ,1-|-,--,»

Re Bureau

51$II-"'=*-"-. -12


for the

containing numerous


concerning captioned

information of


eirtel to

Albuquerque, 3/6/79.

Albuquerque Division

documents from matter. It

the Albuquerque

is a'package

the Department is forwarded

Division. '

of Justice

for the

Enclosure ---9-_ --'; 4.5 .":7. =._II.| -.._:4


.-5' 1?

_=="_._._=,| !Z


:'- 92-,' if?

' 5 / n I15-ll //?z//

n-Pi '.i- ;.

5 -EC-5.9..


»~"-e;--;' 1_ '_ 11 I

Anoc.Dir._.__i .:r,_.__., _-_.


'8-';'i2;t'" 11.5 ' me, B mo F.-



o mm 1:; 1919


C111. hr. i.._

Hm.llhll.i___ -'i.._

Lebellhq i,._ Legal Con._......._ ~ Flu. I lnsp. ...__

Ru. Hglli. ..i ,.



vj '

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- S9!.; ... - -5% ii--:5

January 10,


'1»."_,_- -91; Q12?-L; '

Honorable Harrison United S tates Senate t*2"? _1'?-1' ten!!!

1251 DSOB


E6 sohmitt

WI H.-HM".l

Washington, D.C.

I-Z7--' .--, .J


-: _.

-;;_-. .-J




'92 Dear Senator

As I


told you

over the

telephone yesterday,

have asked Philip Heymann, head of to look into our jurisdiction over

problem with

which you

touch with T J.wnglnh ;_Q=

you at one of

Division, mutilation

We will

be in


§I'!-|'QI111! 5- 3;;-I 92_5; ,;92,, §,,.92"J.-92-92 92-92.-5 J-we-go

existence of

the cattle

are concerned.

an early


the Criminal

the strangest

c::n1+- 1::-92 .»92....92.. ..... .-...-.-_.-......


"l','.'!-"1 _.._...

phenomenon: _

.;-,-.11 Q §'_.';'l

'-';§-;'-:1 warn regards. -3-'*-_-'.'-T51 --J-. _-.



1'-. ' J, '. s

Griffin B.




:63 -' #-"' bcc: w/materials


to Terry



Phil Hevmenn

have someone

this matter YSen,M$ch@itt I

at an is our

there have.been mutilations in

_____._L .._.l__L1__

recent montns.

look into

early da freind an

about 60 New Mexico


g_a g$?un



1 0


NEW'.uEx|co srncrs POLICE DEPARTHEHT mi----ii-_


:' 1: --











1 -



New Mexico State Police

we are -e

in receipt

Harrison Dulce,

Schmitt, New

Rio Arriba

-,_ -;._.,1-I Q1-.. . -.¢92 r _.,-»


' _._

' D





M. S: cunvet

Dear Captain:

:____ ._.,.



Espanola, NewMexico-P



. viwé J'u1.Y 197



.__ .




1 1.


of correspondence from the



' '



State Senator, and Mr. Manuel S. Gomez, regarding livestock mutilations the past two years.

County for

in -



Kindly instruct Officer GabeValdezto submit copies of all his reports concerning this matter to this office; in order that we may'forward themto SenatorSchmitt's



Very ' ,1 ..._, ;-'


yours, _



W. J..





" »

State Police Division

Criminal Justice Department ¢¢= File]. __ ' ,'


, _

The Honorable Harrison Schmitt, State Senator MEV/WJB/cl









' .' .




mcrosuma ronLETTER DAT!-§_D Aususr Ia, ".1976, ToI-IR. wmusr.-s'. lcowgz -


I. i




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J55 ,ix

*1 92'l


Elnitsb SwansIrpartmrut of fustice P jASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL

9 i.zc:s:.:cnv:

> 92 L I


' January

3, 1978


v J 1 92

TO: Criminal

,:.. 4-!


On December 29, 1978, Schmitts administrative


oa11n _-.-_ OLA

racarinc +hp -_---._-as----_--3

John Ryan, assistant, q+a+ns 0F ---- _-----_

this matter. OLA only correspondence yesterday

learned that discussed this General. The in the matter to


the Senator matter with AG agreed

has personally the Attorney to have

Criminal Division determine whether

is any

look into or not


basis for

federal intervention.

J. -i _| > i 1 _| r1

I V. r" '



received this but we have

I '

someone this '



___ _


1u.-;-:- -. -


"'-?.-= '-""""' us.n .. |-r'-1. tr.-1 °-5_ . . . F-_¢ nl-oer. . ; is

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"'92r -. 2-'-veg"

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'fa_<E!1. snob-B--Hen"--'-r t

__ D






Rippersof the range --¥IIi'1npro.v¢Y<3T1m 1 -_ " .».-,92-j,J1"F".-A-a-l_n-T-;1;r:: -1-rk,+;.-.1 1 '

- "' .I I1I . I I'92 W B 1 oI 92.' 1 0-



'_. _4,;I;;_-Q- Q...




.-'.f"§?f! I5 ' ""5:

Can- 92 ,-,. ,1 -_s 'so often happens with capitationof a goatin Topanga crime, it's a question of yon. Five years later the question l ' ._ viewpoint, really. Given seemed to bewhether excised animal had,so to speak,become part l _: the rate of humanslaugh- p'a'rts


__;'_.'__F ,,.


I -"-*-ter in anylargeAmerican of the currency of satanic groups; l

city, it might not seem too important

whether a sliced cowis tongue was ,

that betweenApril and Septemberof

now an essential part of the ritualist's working equipment. 1

this year 129 cattle were mutilated in the state of Colorado. As a matter of fact, in 1974, there were about 3,750.000 cattle grazing in Colorado and around 37,000 of these died of natural causes, so we are not talking

So far, after someinvestigation,

Sanders has found nothing to con-

'. .1.-.>=.~'

1; *~~ g;%./. 1 _.

9 _

nect the tonguefrom Sacramento é with the mutilation:

in the Midwest.

But he did, in the course of a drive about an event of prime importance acrossthe country, nd himself standing in the oice ofthe sheriff of to the ranching business. But no rancher in Colorado is takElbert County, Colorado, looking at a Polaroid photograph. It showed a ing this comfortable view of the matter. What the ranchers dislike is the cow with its udder bag and rectum removed. The cow had been pregnant idea of driving across their pastures and the photograph also showed s and nding. as one did last August,

gig-i 1*

,2-Eagle 2%

a dead bull with its pepis, rectum, 1

testicles, tongue and an eye excised with surgical deitness and absolutely no trace visible of the surgeon or surgeons involved. .' Over the past couple of years, hundreds

of such mutilation"



- ii



:-;i. _ at-ii-Ell I'D




- __

l l


have oc-

I|".-'.?il,g"i3.3,-Q:-"P",¬._p,u-g'J._f§'.XI"'-'4-92 92- .,.-"- curred in Colorado, Minnesota, Ne-

.¢.. braska,Kansas,Oklahoma,Wyoming, -':"'l'_--,' -.;'r.=92-.e--+-_-'~=E:6,E 3-"-1; 1&1 __?.;£'§1."_| - ., .1» South Dakota, Montana, New Mexico

92 _:7""» ' i

;. '

.' I


_-.r- .- ,---' r." ,' . ','v ov J' and Texas. In fact, if you follow this



92' 1

;92' _92§-. __ A


3-.-=:_n':r ,1" T;-5" '-3. J"-._

kind of thing. You may have noticed the odd item in the newspapers about the cattle-cutting craze. I'd seen such items myself but not taken too much of an interest till my good friend Ed



92 i tqt &#3





I-' J1

_--.. L -!_

ii2 .r_¢_.--»- "re' I-..l*-"*l._->.ii§+;-,?-?1T<?ii.?.§'<' I Sanders

Exciting. innovative design. Eagle '76 is genuine pewter: design allows for flexible size. Only $1 5.95.

told me last fall



anonymous person in Sacramento had sent him a cow's tongue in the i mail. Now, Sanders is the author of

The Family, s ne and eerie book

about the Manson group. Like my'self, he had taken only s passing in-

terest in cattle mutilations. The aradjustment to tit anywrist ,92 CochranCompany rival in June of what he likes to call

- 6558 ColdwatcrCanyonAvenue

the linguo bovineea-ciao,packedin s shoebox, at the ofliceof his literary

F Studio ¬iry, tfaiiiornia W60-t agent escalated his attention remark-

Please send me..__Eagle '76 at$15.95-1 ably. In June, you may remember, 92

long,thin, unborncalt"sneckandii head, which the mutilators had cut

andpulledoutof itsmothersuterus.92 The calfs tongue had been cut out. ». As Sanders later remarked

to me. he

could understand why the ranchers


' l

Themutilation casehistories makev

for depressing reading. In Minne- ;; sota, in the fall of 1974, a youngcow l was found

dead with

its sexual or-






and with the tip of its nose, its tongue. left ear, udder and vagina all removed with a knife. And on and on, from Texas to Colorado to Mon-

without leaving evidence of apumping machine, c! make the neat surgical incisions that were used to remove organs and extremities, or d!

tana. Behind

teleport so as to be able to perform


' __

mutilation is not, as aspokesman in II the Justice Department stiffly in- I formed me. afederal offense. Flick-l

a-ays leavecounty sheriffs and.!!et- two such

inger became involved because three prisoners infederal institutions sud- 3 denly wrote to various authorities

erinarians saying

announcing that

them the mutilators al-

seen anything like it before, and local

operations on the same night, hundreds of miles apart." It would be interesting to know

authorities on

what Bonewits

they have black ritual



ing on the importance of always using fresh warm blood, if drinking the stuff

is called

A survey literature on to indicate


of newsclips

and other

cattle mutilation seems that the whole business

would consider


talents of aprofessional; but he was right in thinking that at one point federal and state investigators did think that

occultists were


For a time. indeed, they thought a solution to the great mutilation wave

not only did they

know the satanic cult practicing the 3 mutilations, but that this same group i had compiled


list" of


l l

tended assassination victims. Among the alleged targets were Senator Hu-

bert Humphrey and a federal judge

ip Minneapolis. '~_ . The U.S. attorney in Minneapolis, Robert Renner, put A.T.F.s Flick-

started with the mysterious death of Snippy. Snippy wm shorse whose mutilated body was found on aranch near --Alamosa, Colorado, eight years ago. Snippys throat had been cut and

was at

esh from

how this group would mutilate cattle

it to me, "We thought it was the only agency freewheeling enough really to do something." The informants con- l tinned to pour out their stories:

between midnight

small city

the head

moved. Also

and neck

removed were




Early in 1'.!'i4, estudent at Kilgore Junior College in Texas wrote a paper on 'fThe Sons of Satan," which contained detailed

descriptions of

and sunrise.


brain and stomach. Snippys owner

ritual would

was convinced

sunlight started to lter down on the animal through the branches of a tree. In the absence of trees, the adept: would hold abranch over the beast and proceed as usual with this substitute.! '

that his

horse had

been "zapped by a flying saucer." Snippys bones may still be viewed in the museum in Alamusa.

at Adams

State College

U.F.0.'s are still being

blamed for

the cattle mutilations. Some of the craze simply see no

students other ex-

planation. Carl Whiteside, of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, evidently felt itnecessary to contest this hypothesis, since he told me seriously, We do not feel these people have any magical quality that puts them in the realm of the supernatural or some alien planet civilization. The occupants of U.F.O.'s have not so far appeared to refute slanderous allegations about their attitude toward terrestrial livestock. People associated with occult groups, on the other hand, have been vehemently trying to distance themselves from the unknown


Back at


start of the year, after twenty-three mutilations in Texas, aself-professed witch in Dallas told a local reporter she thought they were the work of a satanist group from Fort Worth." These Texas

cattle had

The teacher at KilgoreJunior Col-lege was sufliciently revolted by the theme's details to destroy it forthwith. The student said he had heard the story from afriend familiar with the satanlsts. An English professor from Pennsylvania told John lllalzeig of the that he

in Gnostico.

somewhat bizarre



member of


0 . J


near future.Just enough of the in-Q formants' storieschecked out

Elickinger and eral states

to cause

investigators in

to continue

the hunt



the allegedly .four-hundred-strong band of rich cattle-mutilating satanists. Reputed leaders of the group in Tegcas were polygraphed. All survived such examinations.

was that

One of

the group

from animal

the claims

was escalating

to human


and police earnestly scanned all cases of ritualistic

murders that

Fliclcinger himself


was threatened

and his door claubed with blood. Sometime in the summer of this

year the federal investigation came to an abrupt end. All that aperson inthe Justice Department associated with the

case would

were looking

tell me was,


into alleged

threats to

from the

same type

elected ofticials

of people involved in cattle mutilations and we were unable to come up with anything at all. This was not particularly illuminating, but John

only arank

ha 'n.Jon-inf;

Where shelives new on top of ohill!, she wonders about choking. This ison days when rocksshift placeand daisiesare spineless


np ,1;-Hy

'-, '

or his wife, whosoiled herpotato andmissed hisgoing.

with west wind or their bucks. She watchesbirds,

teur would believe it possible to get usable psychic energy out of such mutilations, and arank amateur would not be able to a! levitate so"

dining among friends at Top of 21, orestaurant for people on top of it off. His friend: thought

him Ialighing, then mildlymied, red-faced -

the Church

gators is that occultists of some sort are involved. This of course is sheer




of Satan, "the favorite theory right, now among state and federal investi-

l -I"R

reasons. Cattle

Gulf Coast

Oscar Pricedied withohunk of steakin his rhroot,

was even

"Despite the obvious it, said Isaac Bone-

scapegoating, since

Star-Telegram with the Sons

near the

have its water deliberately poisoned; . two people in another Texas town; would suffer dismemberrnent in the

been drained

more alarmed. iiloglcality of aformer

Fort Wort].-. was familiar

of Satan group. had some of its mornbers in his class, and had seen some girls who'd cut o' their ngers and pieces of their ears and things like that." Their primary thrill, he added, was to eat their own flesh. All this information was passed on to Don Flickinger, an Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agent in Minneapolis. Early this year Flickinger became the main federal investigator of the mutilation phenomenon, for

of their blood, which the witch thought was consonant with satanic addiction to blood. They give.witchcraft abad name, she added. A writer

be completed just as

inger on the case because, ashe put

how ycarchers take loadand orelgone. -It

is frightening: all this shifting andbending and ying. The thing obou: choking, too. She mirsrs Oscar, she Mys.




liialceig at the Fort Worth Stor-ToIe-

plain the

large number of U.F.0. the affected states. .Cynics say that small predators are responsible for many of the alleged mutilations. This may sometimes be the case, but Carl Whitesirle, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation ollicer, told me that out of all

wanders onto

the dead

thing you know these

srms.... The thing that and frightening to them is body can get onto their ri actually cut up an animal

gro-in hadalso beenreceiving letters sightings in from two

of the


victed armed robbers in the Marion federal prisonand was able to conclude that the -federal investigators had. become convinced that the informants were putting out alot of

l l

bogus information in an attempt to get moved to prisons from which it fact that

all three

informants had


deed made escape attempts.


Thus ended

federal involvement

the investigation tions and

of cattle

thus also



ended the

to the


nary school at Colorado State University six were fresh enough to be amenable to autopsy. One had been the victim of apredator, ve had denitely been mutilated by humans. In all cases, he added, the animals

would be easier for them to escape. This view was strengthened by the


animals sent

no trace.

had died

of natural

causes and

tracks or

even evidence

of the

l Some investigators

furtive use

believe that

of helicopters


;-3: ..p-----.-_-_.-

-..-- ...

to orthodox slaughter. You steak for titted over


over the

summer. Whitesirle

ranchers were

question of viewpoint. Criml what you care to see. - And

how to

.-__ I................

----....*__* %

"The Sporlables are seven brand-new black and while television sels lrom


solve the


jolly All.-F. ofeial told roe swer is to get two guys dr as abull with specially large stand them on the range an It could work, I suppose, bu! see that the. investigators an deeper tt B -iii


RCA-featuring twomodels withbattery packsbuill righl into lheirbases. Pullthe _olug on eilher ACIDC model and you'll slill gel up tofour hour's of grealviewing. An advancedVHF tunerhelps keepthe pictureclear almostevery-.-.-heregoes. "3 it

and ntil. of one

unknown cow molesters. It: ironic tension between homi tistics versus humdrum deat roads. As I said at the stal

said the

literally up

alifetime the fate

Whose organs have been slice

blue plastic valise on his land. In it were acow's tongue, an ear and n scalpel. The day I spoke wiih. Whiteside he had just returned from ameeting of threehundred ranchers in Kiowa, Elbert County. Elbert County suffered sixty-three cases of mutilation

would ex-

road s

time you drive around the 1 states. Ed Sanders, who is a an, told me that one of thei driving around mutilation was seeing trucks trundling

summer aColorado rancher found a

use of



spooked become involved i


helicopters-has ever been detected. Many ranchers believe that helicopters have been used, partly because alarge number or sightings oi" l unidentied helicopters have been reported, partly because it seems this is the only form of transport allowing easy access to remote rangeland.


der." So be careful about

mutilations had occurred post-morconvincing series oi leads anyone has whicn he said produced curious yet come up with. ' questions: Are the cattle being , _What are we left with?-In the hun- killedand mutilated by the same peodreds of cases of cattle mutilations, ple, or do the mutilators oome upon no one has ever been seen at or near them and do the cutting?" the scene of the crime. No trace of Out of all the investigations only car one clue has emerged. In the late l the perpetrators-footprints,


What we're afraid

we are going to have aho 01-Ir hands. Aperson runs o




1.-nwnavnw MI _

.9 +...-5

See the entire HCA line. including the smart. new. indoor "Sponables" AC only! Sghd St3te']'92/ -

with thesame greatpicture andsound. Nowshowing atyour RCADealer. _ " "

-'2 -' .g '" Gate-IO ""*,;vnr _ __ ' .__-ye 1= -as .- ' ' i . <5 .' -j_ - _-_

-92 4s I.


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' FIt0,3-__ I _v


6 {__. .

rm-'r.n'm.:. ;'n'-;P.i.:.~s." -* .___'

roost .4 them adopted aw:titL.-.1-see P.ilSTEl'tlES: ;;|;i||,,t.-_And sortieof the Statesidefugi-



ter yearson the lam. "l low do I know The MidnigittMarauder rizarreevents.hlanypr-rs]-It-_ |m|;,,""mg theywon't lockme up and put me back Each clay, just hr-lore dusk. ranchers Sltll" oi the 92ir.'liIns werehint-t;_ _92.,;5,;.-1,; in the Army?"askeda dieharddcserter and iarmllands pile into pickup tmeks that's oi witt-hcraltrnoy lt;t92't& in New York. and fan out acrossthe rolling prairie oi donethe foul deeds.It ;-mitt}I. ,,,m,._

tive; l|;ttl |grmvndo92vnri|tht paranoid ni-

Wlren the Clemency Board-lteadcd

nortlteasternNebraska.They park mostly one setting up a fertility cult oi _92|7|||ron ridges or hilltops. where they can kind, says llichard Thill, a Genitournrr New York Sen. Charles Coodell scanthe pastures and the narrowroads studies professorat the l.lniver_92'ite oi lu-ttins its worlr, some oi the resistors that wind throughthem.With riliesand l92'tlJla§l< who teachesnoncreditw-itehfears may be eased. Coodcll's dovish shotguns leaningagainsttheirtrucks,the cralt courses,"or it could be someone 92-icws will be holstercdby thoseof other men watch nervously.smokingcigarettes puttingyou on. If they are puttingyou hoard members, including National Ur- and talking with each other over a net- on, they are pretty sick. A icw residents radios. Some of report sighting strange creatures reban League director Vernon E. Iordan tvorlr of citizen's-band and the ltev. Theodorellesburglt, res- the men will standguardall night,yet semblingbears and gorillas.and at least

hy an outspoken critic of the war, iot-

ident ofNotre Dame and a former lieadnoneof them really knowswhat he is

one Ianner claimsthat a shiny UFO lookingfur. "I've never seen anything landed in a eld where a slaughtered

oi the U.S. Civil lli 'hts Commission.

Inc panelists clirarly have

some very diilicult problems __aln:.1dweigl1ing,for example, _ time servedin iailagainsttime



owéd lor alternate service, or hattle honorsagainsttime spent

-_ _.

animal was later iound.

.1 . - . -,.-.-.. --A_.5.-. -.~_.-.


'._,' ._

ttusttrrs:Stillothersthinkthekillings may he the work of marijuana srnu|.'.-

glers,who supposedly use scarchligl|t-

equigpecl helicopters tohan-est the wild - "".l§§:Tl.l T7 .

stan s

of pot known to grow in Ne-

h-taska.. A helicopterolten has been seen tained some hawltish tnemhers . _' ' "ii ' . -' lint-eringover the rangearound the time AWOL.


the board con-


--' - '1' -

who might opposeleniency, in'

oi a mutilation,and someranchersswear they have ht-en chased down lonely

cltrdirn:retired Marine Corps.

Gen. Lewis Walt and james Ma!-e, executive director of Paralyzed Veterans of America. Stiil, the Ford plan had the virtue oi all compromises.Said lh-slmrglr: "As long as Nixon was in, these guys could rot as

roadsby choppers. llclicuplersare also

said to have ln:t'n usedin cattle rustling, and some stoeknten think the mstlers

may be eollectinttblood and organsas


lures ior cattle grazirn:on the open range this iall.

iar as he was concerned. It's the tlitierence between tm chance and some chance.

it-EDIANS: Blazing Saddles lt didn't look like tnut-l' of a


As the tensionrnountetl,law-enlorcement ollicials held statewide r.1n|h.-renr:es to silt the accounts and to calm the tille-

toting cattlernen. Theyorganized a posse for a iruitlessscan.-h of thearea.The plot this-kt-ned when autopsieswere conducted on some of the dead animals. The


hnrrh-rcrossing.The sign by the side of the road merely dc?_"I'92''1 |n:nnlerl:110-centtoll from parsing motorists, most oi whom . _"I i.r='-"1-1-1-"'.b sli-_!n't even stop. But the rnili-F taut Knntenai Indians manning the roadsidepicket lines outside Ilonncrs Ferry, Idaho, weren't W kidding. After years oi fnistratinn tryingto dealwith fashington,the like this," says State. Sen. Inles Bor6? mernhersoi the Kootcnaitribe linally bach, who has representedKnox County lost patiencelast week and declaredwar for eighteen years.""Folks are almost on the United Statcsby registeredmail. hysterical. Since last May, more than 100 cattle Their challenge_wasdeliveredin o letter to PresidentFord demandinga have been found dead and grucsomely 128.000-acre reservation,plus as mnch mutilated in Nebraska,Kansasand Iowa.

arpotlf: Tribearnon soliciting tolls u

doctorsreportedthat mostoi the animals had died oi natural causes,such as hacterial infectionsand kidney disease, or

from stvallowingnil that had her-n dropped on the range. Aiterwarrl, the medical reports r.-nnclnt.led,the eareasseswere chewed lay predator coyotes, wolves, lruzzards, eagles or even magpics.

Cuts: The esplanatiendoesn't suit everyone.92.92'hy didn't we noticethissortoi thing in other years?"asks one skeptic. Tilt: prfdaltlrs are not wolves," irtisti Senator Burhach. "Tin-_vare a sern_irlonu.-stieatcd, two-legged animal called man. Noting that many oi the cuts seemed to have been done with a blade, Cord:-n Gruher, an organizer of the pa-

trols,remarked:I've rt to seea coyote

who can chew astraight edge.

Some olhcialsare beginning to worry

that the real dangeris not someghostly the keyed-upvigilante: themselves. After two slugspiercedthe

fl gnnrinu-rr|:92n'e I '1" .... vlinq Q1 0 ...:tl:.... I92JI I... r-I-.-.t |'l._ mum.-= ._.n It-slrn ................... fnrrn .... .. n ..n.s:...a IQ IIIQIIIUII lllllall I-....I lBII92.l IIIY b92lI'BI II hotel-.r-r,hot

rnenthad paid for in 1962at the rateoi

36 cents an acre. To hack it up, they threatened





Madison, Neh., a cow was killed with n lrlnnt instnnnentlast Innc and her udder and sexualorganswere cnt o|'l'. Wlren a chec-ingpowerlines,the NeliraskaNa-

canopy ofa utilit!'-mntpai helicopte

and businesses squattingon their ancient veterinarianexaminedthe corpse,he tribal lands. Idaho's Gov. Cecil Andrus

found that all of the animal's blood had

sent in GDlawmen to keep the highways heen drained. On the nearhy ranch of Stringliehl, a month-old hull call clear, hut tensionssoon eased. The Bu- 92'em re.nt of Indian Mlairs invited tribal lead-

was clubbed to death. Its blood was

r.-rsto lvegin negotiations,and the citi7.1-nsof Banners Ferry relaxed. The Indianshave told us that they don't want

drained oil, too. and someone cut a

a war,"saidonesyrnpatlrctic hmal.They knowit's ton|:lIfor ti? peopleto geto reactionfrom 92i'ashin;:tnn, D.C." o




hole in the calls side, removingthe

tionalGuardorderedits helicopter pilots

to cruisecross-country at hittheraltitudes

than usual-lzenerall - 2,000 feet instead

of1,000-to avoid heing fired upon lay

frightened ranch hmnls. "1 would hale to think what would lrapprn," a Guard spokesman told hit:92t's92921-:t:I;&#39 9292'illiam

intestines rindcoiling them neatly nestSchmidt,ii

to put iiiiii

Rumor and anxiety have prodnecd a

hostof unpmvcdthr-_ories to explainthe

oneoi our pilotswasforced a disalrlrrl chopper in a

Ea!-lure atniglit. Stnnt~rnn&#39 n|i_eht get ilh-d." Neusweek. §rplr-ruin-r 30, 191'-I

' ______1 .7"




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