Dos airgram subject ufos v2

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well ~nown in ~nntevJrlco for his lon~-ranve ~;l~cr forec~ctc wbich i ore frequently referrert to tn the local press. The .astrono=er, Ismael ! lr.YES Febles, 1s dJrector of • ~rJYate ohseryatory ~Jch be call. ·;~taTe. Obscnalory. R-:yes showcid In £tIbauy (If(ieer ..twenty color Ili!!!!s of' tho lloYClllbeJ," 12 p.cllpse of tbo sun 11: euch of "'blcb I SGuccrllke object 1f:ll • "Jaible in the.!ore!!roun~ in nTious peslti"ns tbrough.o.ut tb., r:ycle -' of tbe slides taleen turing uc two-hour "uration or th: eclipse, Beyel .. ·said he hUI not shown the sli~es to anyone else Jet nn~ wJshes to otter .•. . .thCIT to I suiUM. scicntHlc Il!jl!ncy or Lhe 1J:tl1ctl Sutes Covet'M;cnl. .' AHbol1!1h be £Ientioas 00 price. lib I'lInn('t' indicates that hn or.:prcts t'Clr.uncr:ltlon other than sdenLJ rJc f:v::e. ':l1C! Tnb:sssy OIlJcer :rlln srollo to neyes toltl laSo th.Jt :bere 1f:lS 110 one In lhe Country rc:= qurol1!\C"\ to Il~"e even .11 prellQlnat'y aucnJr.t'n·t ct ..he 1)1"". I1l1t t"at hf! WO>lIl:1 "r!:I!1 I. 1.t'1l IlIQUcr tl) tho otlcnLlon.o( tbe c;ctC'l'line ~\!.cbe in Duenos ,Urll'. :.. ~yes :lccl!t'lec! thh suq!lulioll ::Inci s:alci be ~Qll! ke-cr•. Ills Illnes secr"t " 1 .' tor I rO~lonftblo r~rJo~ ot tiRe vnlil h~ b~~rs Cron the ~b:alsy. i .ralb~r





tho ~b.SS7 haa been Yilltf~ b1. lOCAl ~ftteu~ AltTon~er'who



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2. ''The tJrbllSsy hn cbcc!:ed ,,1 til tlao sdentlnc coar.vnlf.y In UrllQu:lY In :Dn I~temrl to est:abllsll Irye." rrrut~tton ~Lh his c:o}lp.a!lurs. 'rho .• CIaalmun of' tb~ .,hlronur.y O"r-:arfl:lcnt al the Cnlverslty of tho nllr·ubUc .. ··and other reput:lhle 10cOIl sc1el'tlsU have rCl'0rlM "hat ley..s h:a. no '. ·.~l\lYl!rsllY trRlnho :Inti Is cOlllr.letely w!ll,out UlIn"11l9 1n tho sclentllic' ·co~unlty. Local ,I ~lst. aro generally l~eptJcQl oC bJ. ~rk ftnci .'.


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r....bllny bns lce,:1 vcd on Reyes, tlae E=bossy OffIcer ~ho ylc~~ the slide. belicves thal~:J~cr Rryes has indeed phoLognphCl1 an htcrc;ting Ilerhl phcnor.aenoll -W-.".. ~nnllot bo

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