O F I FA BUSINESSES Retirement? Time for a change? There are countless reasons to sell your IFA business, just as there are countless reasons to get hold of one.
W E A R E A SPECIA L I ST F I NANC IAL S A L E S , CO N S U LTA N CY A N D BR O KE R AGE B US I N ES S . Gunner & Co.’s mission is to work directly with you, whether you are looking to realise the capital in your business, or you are looking for growth through a merger or acquisition. We consider every business to be unique, and therefore finding the right solution for you starts with a thorough understanding of your business operations and your wish list. Only from here can we make valuable introductions which align to both party’s needs. If you would like to discuss options to sell, exit or retire, or acquire IFA businesses, please get in touch for a confidential discussion.