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Favorite Class/Teacher
What was your favorite class and teacher? What will you miss the most? The least?
Mark Leszczynski: AP English III class with Ms. Andrea Miller-Hamilton. There are many close contenders like AP Psychology with John O’Reilly, AP US History with Christopher Henry, AP Calculus with Melvin Klenetsky, Economics with Mr. O’Conner, World History with David Onacilla, Biology with Megan Graziano, and AP Biology with Joseph DeLuca. I’ll miss seeing my friends every day the most. I definitely will not miss the hallways and the people who walk very slowly in front of me.
Yasmina Abufasha: Ms. Andrea Miller-Hamilton, who was my junior year English teacher. She has always acknowledged the effort that I put not only in the classroom, but also in all other areas of my life. She has been the person that I go to for advice and has always been willing to lend a listening ear and a helping hand. Our conversations are always so vibrant and interesting. It is these interactions — not just with Ms. Miller-Hamilton but also with other students and teachers— that I will miss the most. What I will miss the least is probably having to wake up at 5:30 am every day to go to school, as I value my sleep.
Krishi Patel: I enjoyed AP Language and Composition, which was taught by Ms. Andrea Miller-Hamilton. I will miss being able to freely write and learn about new ways of writing. I liked that the class was diverse with what topics we dove into, which also made it fun. Ms. MillerHamilton’s method of teaching also helped me because she made it so that she was preparing her students for college. I now actually enjoy writing essays.
Gabriela Wojcik: I liked AP Language & Composition during my junior year and Ms. Andrea Miller-Hamilton was my favorite teacher. She taught me how to think critically about everything that I read and to freely express my ideas. The skills that I learned in her class will stay with me and help me throughout my pursuits. I will really miss performing as part of the Clifton High School Orchestra.
Gabriel Zapata: Mr. Richard Alberghini’s auto mechanic class because it was fun and we learned a lot. We had jokes, but we mainly worked hard and tried to finish the job. I hated the brake jobs — some were a pain and some were just regular brake jobs.
Jineen Khalil: Definitely CAST with Mr. Michael Mccunney. I will miss being able to produce videos with my friends and students from SHC and just being able to work freely as a group. I won’t miss editing videos since it can take anywhere from hours to days.
Jeremiah Gerena: I will miss Mrs. Lori Lesler and her Sign Language class.
Albaraa Gebril: Mr. Christopher Henry, an AP American History teacher, put into perspective the level of commitment, obsession, and passion for pursuing anything in life. Watching him teach with such passion and vigor inspired me to further push myself academically and expand my horizons of knowledge. I will miss the close bonds that I have developed with the faculty and students. I will miss Key Club service projects, learning about Islam with the Muslim Student Association, and planning events with the Student Council Association. I will not miss the strict and periodically illogical school rules to socialize students.
Attila Tamas: CAST showed me the ins and outs of every movie that I ever watched after learning it. I will miss filming the morning news for the high school.
Fernando Rosa Mejia: Ms. Danella Pellegrini, and I enjoyed chemistry and math. I will miss the moments spent in class and the good conversations with the teachers. I won’t miss the class assignments.
Aleksander Prelich: World History with Mr. David Onacilla. He always made class easy to understand. I was always able to get involved with the lessons. I won’t miss Stage Craft class. That class was the absolute bane of my existence. I didn’t apply for it, I was forced to take it, and the school wouldn’t switch my class.
Romeo Gonzalez: Mr. Bryan Stepneski’s seventh period Band class. I will definitely miss playing amongst our school’s greatest musicians. I will not miss any of my first period classes over the years. No hate to Ms. Kaitlyn Czubkowski because she’s the best.
Sergio Ortega: In my freshman year, I had a teacher who used to sing me a song from an old Sergio Valente commercial. The teacher’s name was Ms. Renee Holland. My favorite class was Algebra 2, and I think I loved the class because it was my first math class that I got a grade greater than 95. My classmates used to ask me if I could check their work and explain the process. I’m going to miss all of those funny moments with teachers, classmates, and friends. The thing that I’m least going to miss is homework.
Emily Antinori: I enjoyed Spanish in my freshman year. Mr. Nicholas Bigica was my favorite teacher.
Emely Mata: World Language teacher Lindsey Cinque is always happy, gives good energy, and is always fun. She will never disappoint and you can count on her.