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President’s Message
Always, remember we are assisting our Special Children with our 50/50 raffle and our special fundraisers which are listed below.
I ask that everyone continue to donate generously at all times for our Special Children and Adults. Our students and clients are very special to all of us and to see their happy faces whenever we are at the Center, is fantastic.
I would like to thank all teachers and staff in making sure that our children and clients have the opportunity to grow each day. Your dedication to your students and clients is second to none. This is our MAIN mission with NJEDDA and our committee.
We had several Fundraisers which were successful. Twice to Thatcher McGhee’s Irish Pub and Eatery. This was a Dine and Donate for us and they graciously donated back to us 20% of all sales for the weeks we were there.
These events were wonderful, and I am sure everyone really enjoyed going out to dinner and being with friends and family.
The other fundraiser for Dine-In or Takeout was at Uno Pizzeria & Grill. Here the establishment donated back to us 25% of our checks.
I would like to thank all my committee members for all their dedicated work, time and effort put forth into this committee. It has been a great pleasure working with everyone.
Thank you, Gene Schnaidt, for stepping in for me, Joanne Stolarz for always backing me up, and Nick Trentacoste for assisting me with every 50/50 Raffle drawing night.
I could not have completed my year as President of the Special Children’s Committee without Vivian Bender, always being there and answering all my questions.
Thank you, Rachel Herrington, for putting up with me and you have done a fantastic job with our Agency and all the many efforts in making everything run as smoothly as possible.
I would like to wish our incoming President Gene Schnaidt good health and many enjoyable hours being President of the Special Children’s Committee.
I’ll be there to assist you in any way I can. I am extremely proud and honored to have been the President, once again, for the Special Children’s Committee at NJEDDA.
Donna A. Tutuian President 2022 - 2023 Passaic County Elks Special Children’s Committee