Product Guide
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Welcome to Reprocentre.IE, the Information Exchange from Irelands' premier supplier to the printing and graphics industry. As our company heads into it's fifth decade serving customers the length and breadth of the island I'm happy to outline the suppliers, services and products we represent. Reprocentre.IE will encompass this printed catalogue as well as a digital version on our web site which will be updated via email alerts at regular intervals. We offer a wide range of equipment, service and consumables for the majority of Irish commercial, packaging, newspaper and sign and display companies. Our long term customers understand this, but some of you who are new to our company may not be aware of the depth of expertise we offer. This is the primary reason behind our information exchange. As the printing industry in every form understands, the pace of change is relentless. At Reprocentre we've had an exciting year, introducing a sophisticated on line ordering system for account customers, which is connected directly to our warehouse in Dublin. Our twice daily delivery service for the Dublin region continues to provide efficient, just in time service. In addition we now offer same day deliver of up to 5 meter wide rolls from a huge variety of substrates, and all from stock. We also act as the services agents for a variety of international suppliers, several of whom entrust us to provide out of hours cover to customers including newspaper contract printers. Our stock of parts, together with our factory trained team of 10 engineers ensures minimal downtime. In the event that a part is required from abroad, our efficient service administration uses the latest methods to ensure prompt delivery. Looking forward we can see an expansion of 'traditional' printing to encompass new technologies and methods, which Reprocentre have always communicated to the Irish market in a timely manner. This catalogue will give you an idea of the range of products we offer, but is by no means a comprehensive listing. Please feel free to contact our sales team and why not check out our newly launched web site.
Brian Crawford Managing Director
DUBLIN tel: (01) 409 3100 email: web: Nangor Road Business Park, Clondalkin, Dublin 12
BELFAST tel: (028) 9083 9835 email: web: 51 Mallusk Road, Newtownabbey, Antrim, BT36 4FE
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About Us
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Service Department
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Large Format
page 12
Cutting Tables
page 22
Computer to Plate
page 24
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Display Finishing
page 32
page 34
Case Studies
page 38
page 40
Consumables - Plates
page 46
Consumables - Media
page 50
Consumables - Rigid
page 52
Consumables - Ink
page 54
Copyright Š 2010 Reprocentre Group Designed and Produced by
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Eoin Honan
Shane Price
Sales Director
Technical Director
A time served scanner operator, he worked in Dublin, Belfast and Boston before joining the Group in the late '90's. With a well deserved reputation as an all round perfectionist, he joined the Board in 2004 and ensures that customers requirements are understood by suppliers.
Technology has been the driving force for Shane, both at work and at play which is why he's responsible for finding new suppliers and what they bring to our customers. As Reprocentre's Newspaper specialist for many years, he recently took on the Horizon finishing systems.
email: mobile: 087 2505765
email: mobile: 087 2587965
Alan Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien
Tom McIntyre
Alan came to the group in 2005 from a specialist packaging background with a major multinational. He represents us with exceptional diligence and technical competence. Working closely with Esko Artworks and Agfa on our workflow software offerings, Alan also has taken up the KBA mantle as one of Ireland's leading press suppliers.
Tom is responsible for our industrial inkjet products and has transformed the market here. He came into the trade from a photographic background. This helps explain his passion for achieving the highest possible quality and the greatest accuracy in reproduction.
email: mobile: 086 8230770
email: mobile: 086 8229835
Bernard Hoey
Bill Forde
General Manager NI
5 years ago we would never have considered creating a role for a media specialist, but such is the rate of change in our industry that we need the knowledge that Bernard brings. He worked for many years advising the sign and display market. He has become our representative for industrial inkjet media and ink.
Bill joined the group in 1999 with the purchase of Offset distributors. He has a unique gift for identifying the right solution for complex problems. Originally an engineer, he now leads our sales efforts across Ulster whilst retaining his deep understanding of print and finishing equipment and processes.
email: mobile: 087 4118123
email: mobile: 077 10126935
Larry Kelly
Derrick Kane
Service Director
Service Manager
One of our longer serving employees. Between arranging training on new equipment and resolving technical issues in the field, he's in constant communication with suppliers, customers and our engineers. He is in charge of the largest number of staff, many of whom now work a 24/7/365 rota.
Originally qualified as an electronics engineer. He quickly took on the imagesetters and later CTP devices that came into printing in the 80's and has lately been heavily involved with our industrial inkjet customers. Highly regarded by colleagues and customers alike.
email: mobile: 087 2524655
email: mobile: 087 2626290
Engineering Frank Noone, Declan McBride, Alan Keane, Derrick Kane, Service Manager, Ciaran Gavin, Darren Flynn Robert Galbrait NI, Stephen Brady NI A key strength at Reprocentre, our factory trained staff operate a rota to provide contract service out of hours. Operating from both Dublin and Belfast they combine youth with experience, as well as a deep understanding of the processes and people which represent our customer base. Derrick Kane, Frank Noone and Ciaran Gavin all started with us in the 80's, while Alan Keane, Darren Flynn, Robert Galbraith and Stephen Brady provide specialist knowledge on specific product lines.
Accounts Edele Core accounts & service co coordinator, Mairead Kane, Credit Control, Richard Noble, Financial Director Bernie Murtagh, Jacqui Brady Office Administrators NI In our Dublin office Mairead Kane, Edel Core and Kathleen Geary together with Bernie Murtagh and Jacqui Brady (in Belfast) have many years of experience with our customers and suppliers, providing telephone support for orders as well as accounting and administration for the Group.
Richard Noble Financial Director Richard joined the company in time to guide the sale by the original owners (in 1988) to IWP plc. He is a key part of the executive management with an unusual tolerance (as an accountant) for salespeople, which is invaluable when times are challenging.
Warehouse & Distribution Barbara Keenan, Purchasing Manager, Chris Shelly, Karol Junczyk, Keith McGrath warehouse & delivery Barbara Keenan is the manager of this, the hub of the company. She is responsible for a 1,200 SqM warehouse, two delivery vans, 700 pallets positions as well as a wide variety of equipment to deal with all the machines and consumables we supply. Chris Shelley, Keith McGrath drive the vans and Karol Junczyk picks orders as well as locating incoming goods.
On-Line Ordering
Since late 2008, an online ordering systems allows account customers to place orders at any time. The systems is live to our warehouse, ensuring the shortest possible time between order and delivery. It complements our FreeFone FAX (1-800-777-333), email ( and telephone (01-4093100) which combine to provide the most flexible order handling in the industry.
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ers rely on Irish newspaper print Service Group
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In less than 45 Minutes you could save up to
â&#x201A;Ź10,000 per year. *
From the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest ink manufacturer comes a super range of eco solvent inks for Roland Ink changeover can take as little as 45 minutes, with an average yearly saving of up to â&#x201A;Ź10,000* Easy to install and use - no engineer required, chemical compatibility means no flushing required Colour and performance matched to original inks, allowing seamless use of existing colour profiles
tel dublin: (01) 409 3100 tel belfast: (028) 9083 9835 email: web: nangor road business park, dublin 12 * Figures based on consumption in a commercial environment.
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Brian Barrett Signs Brian Barrett Signs & Joinery was established in 1989 and to-day is one of Northern Irelands leading specialist firms in the manufacture and erection of “For Sale” signs for estate agents. Located on the Crumlin road in Belfast the company is now also a mayor supplier of shop front signage, internal signs, building wraps and vehicle wraps, window graphics, banners, flags and much more. With a growing fleet of more than ten vans decked out in the smart blue and silver livery of the company’s colours Barrett Signs to-day epitomises a company which has built up a reputation over the years for high quality work, service and reliability. Managing Director Brian Barrett said; “I reckon that most people in Ulster have seen some example of our work because we erect and maintain signboards for nearly 140 estate agency branches throughout the province including household names such as the Halifax, Eric Cairns Partnership, Ulster Property Sales, Gerry O'Connor and lots of smaller agents.We are the only sign company in the North of Ireland that has its own vehicle mounted cherry picker which allows us to install any size of mesh banner on a building including a full wrap. However with the recent recession the company was extremely lucky due to the fact that we had also developed other business sectors such as display, shop fittings, that sort of thing which provided a cushion and meant that we didn’t have all our eggs in one basket.” Barrett Signs production capabilities centre around two Roland DG printers, a SOLJET PROII and PROIII, both of which produce the majority of the companies print needs up to 64 inch. However like so many other sign companies today raw material costs and professional backup service are key elements for the company. “Bill Forde from the Reprocentre in fairness has always dropped in to us if he had the opportunity to see if he could do anything for Barrett Signs,” said Brian. “A while ago he offered me the opportunity of reducing significantly my ink costs by changing over to a non-OEM range called Streamline from Sun Chemicals. Bill also offered me very competitively priced vinyl supplies as well. To be honest they just seem to be a very professional and friendly outfit to deal with”.
DP Imaging In 2002 DP Imagining started life as pre-press company with one Avantra imagesetter. Six months later the company installed its first CTP system, an 8 up ESKO PlateDrive followed by a 4 up Agfa Palladio to supply digital plates to printers in the Dublin area. Based in the Ballymount Industrial estate DP Imaging’s three directors, Paul Brierton, Patrick Brierton and Jason Cassidy all come from a pre-press background and initially formed the company to offer a competitive and fast turn around plate making service to printers who did not have this facility. However about 4 years ago DP Imaging began to notice a downturn in the pre-press area and decided to start looking at various other options which would generate additional revenue for the company. Paul Brierton said; “All three of us decided that digital large format print was probably the best sector for us to invest in going forward,” he said. “We held discussions with many suppliers, including the Reprocentre and as in the past they came up with the best entry level machine for us in the Agfa range. This was a hybrid UV cured flatbed and roll to roll printer which was competitively priced and which allowed us to print on a wide variety of substances.” Initially DP Imaging used the Anapurna for trade work such as posters, boards and also as a learning curve in large format printing. After about a year DP Imaging decided to develop and expand its sales in this sector because up till then it was still very much an add on to the companies existing pre-press business. The result was that in January 2008 the company moved up another gear with the purchase of a HP 9000 64 inch solvent machine from the Reprocentre to expand capacity to print short run posters, vinyl and billboards.
Typeform As one of Irelands leading “Pre-Media” companies Typeform has established itself over the last twenty seven years as a high quality supplier of digital colour for print and publishing. Located in the Portside Business Centre, East Wall Road, Dublin 3 the company specializes in Pre-Media services for Print and Web. Alan O’Reilly, systems director at Typeform explained a little about what the company does. “One of our key services is advertising campaign deliveries and by that I mean we colour manage and deliver artwork to magazines, newspapers and outdoor advertising directly for clients or agencies. Various print sites such as newspapers and magazines will have different colour requirements with regard to total ink weight in order to print a job so we have to colour manage individual files so that they are accepted by the various print processes. For example you can’t take a magazine ad that’s nice and punchy at 320 total ink weight and put it into a newspaper. It has to be transformed and colour managed down to about 240 simply so that it won’t seep through the back of the newsprint and break the web when it’s printing.” Typeform to-day delivers to all the national and regional newspapers and magazines here and in the UK as well as other countries including the USA. The company offers five primary services, Ad campaign delivery, artwork services for typesetting and layout, Image manipulation of digital images, high end drum and archive scanning and pre-press computer to plate making. “Some of Irelands largest print companies outsource their pre-press to us” continued O’Reilly. “Because a considerable amount of printers in Ireland to-day find it difficult to invest in multiple plate making devices as well as upgrading software because it’s so expensive we offer this service twenty four hours a day and take away a major headache for them. All our prepress kit is supplied by the Reprocentre where we have invested heavily in Agfa equipment from them. We have two Agfa Avalon VLF (very large format) plate making devices and one Agfa X 45 which means that Typeform has three plate making devices, two of which are the largest in the country.The company is now probably one of the largest suppliers of plates to the printing industry in Ireland and accounts for about one third of our business to-day.” Typeform has been dealing with the Reprocentre since the company was founded and O’Reilly is very open about his dealings with them. “They are very reliable and have a very good portfolio of products, particularly Agfa which is why over the years we have invested so much with them.We only use Agfa consumables, Agfa equipment and Agfa Apogee workflow supplied by the Reprocentre.”
“We have always found the Reprocentre to be on top of their game”, said Paul. “The range and depth of machinery they can supply is second to none which means that they can always show us two or three similar devices when we are looking to invest in new machinery. As with all suppliers we have had one or two technical issues with machines supplied by them but in every case these have been sorted out to our satisfaction because of the expertise of Reprocentre’s engineers which is a very major ‘plus’ in my book.” In January 2009 DP Imaging expanded further with the purchase of a 3.2 meter HP XP2750 hybrid UV device, again from the Reprocentre including a Fotoba XL320 XY slicer to automatically finish posters with minimum operator intervention required. “This gave us 110 m2/hr output roll to roll and a flatbed capability up to 2.5 m wide and up to 50 mm thickness,” explained Paul. “This meant that we could now produce very high quality outdoor and POS applications including a dual roll facility to print simultaneously two different jobs or the same job side by side to increase production. “ DP Imagining has come a long way from its early beginnings as a pre-press house and to-day 75% of its business is wide format print. Brierton commented; “A lot of our success down through the years is a direct result of the equipment, advice and back up service which we have received from the Reprocentre.”
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Horizon Horizon Graphics was formed in 1995 to offer the marketplace colour reproduction and a full screen printing service. Over the years it has invested heavily in a range of new technology and today is one of the countries leading suppliers of digital, screen and litho print solutions in Ireland. Recently it added to its already formidable digital division by installing a HP Scitex Turbojet TJ8350 wide format printer supplied by the Reprocentre to increase productivity and free up additional capacity on its other digital and screen presses. The company has two production plants based in north Dublin and the new machine will be primarily used for outdoor media and point of sale posters. This new investment considerably increases Horizons digital output capabilities to the point where 60% of its printing will now be run digitally. Derek Gillen, sales director explained why the HP Scitex Turbojet TJ8350 was so badly needed. “Horizon already has a HP XP5300, a NUR Fresco III, a Nur Tempo II, as well as two Esko Kongsberg cutting tables, an i-XL 44 and an XP 44,as well as a Roland Pro III and two Canon IPF 9000’s on the LFP side” said Derek. “And on the small format side we have the Xeikon 500 which has been very successful for us. Since a lot of our work is billboard and outdoor posters we needed a fast machine for this business so that we could free up some of our other machines including our screen presses to further develop new markets and increase Horizons presence in sectors where we currently are not that strong. On a typical outdoor billboard campaign it’s worked on what’s called a two week cycle. So every two weeks there is a change of advertisement on these sites and we have to deliver one week in advance of each new campaign which places considerable pressure on our production. Using our screen presses if we had to produce a forty eight sheet poster run we would have to make all the individual screens, print, and then the sheets would have to be cut down on a guillotine and collated by hand.With the new HP Scitex Turbojet TJ8350 all the colours are printed in one pass and digitally collated.This means that they are printed in the order which the billposter company requires them and because we also purchased a Fotoba cutting unit as part of the overall package the output from the printer is trimmed and stacked in line as well.” Ken Kavanagh, managing director of Horizon added, “If you look at the bigger picture to-day, in store point of sale corrugated units are printed either digitally or screen.The HP Scitex Turbojet TJ8350 will free up production time on our flatbed Tempo and screen presses to expand and significantly increase our presence in this market sector because we also now have the finishing capability of the Esko Kongsberg cutting tables which we purchased from the Reprocentre. In November of last year Horizon received a green accreditation and the ISO and what this does is make us more environmentally friendly because there is no waste with digital print.When you print a poster on a screen press you have to allow for at least 10% over’s whereas with the new HP Scitex Turbojet TJ8350 for example if someone orders 200 posters that’s what they get and we don’t have any over’s to throw out at the end of the run.The other great bonus with this printer is that because it also has variable data we can now service 100 different sites around the country for a client and be specific to each individual one in terms of localized print needs.The Turbojet is a machine that really takes traditional screen printing on, in terms of production, going forward I reckon Horizon will not produce a 48 sheet poster ever again using the screen process”. Derek Gillen explained some of the other advantages that large format printing offered Horizon. “We are getting a very good reaction from clients in particular because there will be no cutting box required for floor units or cut to shape point of sale items which can be a significant cost especially when doing a floor unit,” he said. Horizon has also developed in partnership with another company an eco-friendly PE material with plastic eyelets for banners which is 100% recyclable. Ken continued; “Horizon now has all the print and finishing equipment it needs to finish a job from start to finish including welding machines.To-day we can produce everything from a business card, brochure, all the way to banners and billboards and most importantly we don’t outsource anything at all! In fairness, a lot of our growth down through the years has been the result of sound investments in state of the art machinery and the Reprocentre has played a large part in that process.” With a customer base that encompasses retail, banking, food, clothing, motor and the alcoholic beverage industry Horizon’s clients now span the complete spectrum of Irish business. Contact: Horizon Graphics, 00353 (0) 1 8681257,
Bandon Office Supplies When Bandon Office supplies was nearly washed out of business during last Novembers severe flooding, it’s a testament to the fortitude of the company that it is now back trading, after re-investing heavily in its pre-press and litho area as well as expanding its wide format sign division with the recent purchase of a Agfa Anapurna M 64 inch UV printer. Bandon Office Supplies was founded in 1977 by Brian Merrick and today is a leading supplier of signs, general print, and office products in the Munster region as Print Manager, Robert Merrick explained. “It’s no lie to say that on the 19th of November last year we lost virtually everything here except for one Roland DG VersaCAMM VP-540 large format print machine.We suffered severe flood damage, in places eight foot deep but it was a case of “all hands on deck” and since then we have managed to get back up and running again. Because we had to replace virtually everything that was destroyed, particularly our litho press, in a peculiar sort of way it forced us to evaluate exactly what type of printing equipment and software we needed going forward. One of the areas which we wanted to automate was the prepress litho section so we purchased an Agfa Palladio B2 Ctp with an Apogee upgraded workflow from the Reprocentre.” Bandon has three full time designers and prints for a cross section of clients in Cork as well as some trade work for smaller printers in West Cork. Robert commented that the company already had a sign department and it was just a natural progression for them to open a digital division. “A lot of people were asking us for posters and we were not able to facilitate them with the machinery we had which was a Gerber edge and a plotter for cutting out vinyl letters,” he said. “However the requirement for that type of business is much less now because everything to-day is really printed wide format which is why we initially bought a Roland DG VersaCAMM VP-540. Bandon Office Supplies has been dealing with the Reprocentre for many years on imagesetters, film, plates, and an Agfa CTP system.We knew Reprocentre’s track record and at the end of the day it all boils down to service because there’s no point in having the best machine in the world if you cant get good backup to keep it running. What I also like about them is the fact is that I can phone at anytime even outside working hours and they will give me the information to get us up and running again which is worth more to me than anything else.” Bandon Office Supplies already had plans in place to upgrade its signs division so as part of the necessary re-investment after the flooding it decided to purchase an Agfa Anapurna M 64 inch UV hybrid printer from the Reprocentre. “This new investment gives us the flexibility to print onto roll or uncoated rigid substrates such as aluminium for indoor and outdoor sign & displays it also eliminates a lot of time and costs associated with mounting and laminating on Corrieboard etc. Although its impossible to print everything on just one wide format printer the Anapurna is about three times faster than the Roland.” Bandon is situated at the gateway to West Cork and with a population of nearly 12,000 Bandon Office Supplies believes it now has the capability to provide an excellent service level for signage, general print, and office products to the area and indeed most of Munster.
Freeney’s The Freeney name is legendary in the sign business. Generations of highly skilled signwriters and artists have earned a reputation for providing quality work. High standards have kept Freeney’s at the forefront of the sign business in Ireland for almost 100 years. In 1988 Freeney’s first invested in computer driven technology, which has since revolutionised the sign industry. Year on year growth has been repeated by continued investment in the most up to date technology. Tom Freeney states, “Installing the new HP Designjet L65500 is consistent with our strategy to remain leaders in our chosen market” HP Designjet L65500 Printers use Latex Inks and can produce signs and graphics on a wide selection of flexible media for a diverse range of outdoor and indoor applications. The outstanding image quality and wide color gamut help to create eye-catching graphics with rich hues and vibrant tones. The prints offer excellent durability and display permanence. Prints produced with HP Latex Inks are odorless. At least they have no odor beyond whatever smell is inherent to the substrate. This is especially valuable if the graphics are going to be used in food stores, restaurants, fitness centers, medical facilities or anywhere else where print odors might be a concern. HP Latex Inks are water-based. They are free of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) and require no special ventilation. An expanding range of recyclable media is available for the printer and most of these can be returned for free recycling through the HP Largeformat Media take-back program.
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HP Scitex FB7500 (uv curable) The FB7500 is the latest offering from HP, designed for fast-paced, industrial printing environments, the HP Scitex FB7500 Printer is a versatile UV flatbed printer designed for high-quality point-ofpurchase/point-of-sale applications, exhibition graphics, signage, backlit displays and posters. With maximum speeds of up to 500 m2/hr (5,380 ft2/hr), a low cost per sheet, outstanding media versatility and an efficient, automated workflow. The combination of productivity, quality and versatility afforded by the HP Scitex FB7500 Printer provides screen and large-format offset print service providers an easy transition into digital printing. Aiding in this transition, HP’s Scitex X2 drop-on-demand piezoelectric inkjet printheads are highly durable and reliable, as well as operator-replaceable to provide easy serviceability. Ideal for industrial inkjet applications, the HP Scitex X2 Printhead brings together silicon-based microelectromechanical systems technology and innovative piezoelectric inkjet technology to take industrial wide-format quality, productivity and reliability to a new level. Supporting a resolution of up to 500 dpi in the HP Scitex FB7500, the new printhead delivers the heavy ink flows required for high-speed, high-quality printing.
HP Scitex FB6100 (uv curable) Hybrid with high image quality, rigid substrate versatility and high speeds of up to 100m²/hr. Deliver high print quality fast. Create quality graphics that pass the scrutiny of your most discriminating client. Produce a wide range of brilliant 8-colour output with 28 picoliter ink drops. Ensure highquality prints with this printer's smooth print feature. Simultaneously print multiple sheets of rigid media, such as pre-cut sign boards, at one time with a 3.2 x 2 m table. Primary applications: Directional rigid signage, Displays, Exhibition, event graphics, Indoor posters, Interior decoration, Murals, Point of sale/display, POP/POS, POP rigid, Rigid exhibition and event graphics, Speciality rigid applications.
HP Scitex XP2750 (uv curable) A 3.2m wide-format UV printer that delivers superior image quality on flexible and rigid substrates at high printing speeds up to 110m²/hr You don't have to sacrifice quality for print speed. Meet customer's printing needs with a wide-format printer that creates high-quality applications, even at productive speeds of 77 m2/hr (820 ft2/hr) when quality is critical, switch to 8-color printing mode. Customize your glossy prints with the standard HP Scitex XP2750 Shutters Control Kit. This kit controls UV light exposure, delaying the curing process and producing glossier prints. Primary applications: Banners, Displays, Exhibition, event graphics, Exterior signage, Indoor posters, Interior decoration, Murals, Point of sale/display, POP/POS. Also available as Roll to Roll only HP Scitex XP2700.
HP Scitex FB950 (uv curable) A 2.5m wide affordable UV industrial industrial hybrid solution with great image quality. Impress your most demanding customers with high-quality prints on both rigid and flexible media and open your business to new markets. Benefit from unlimited possibilities—print on heavy, thick, or uneven material and deliver high speed with amazing quality. Primary applications: Exterior signage, Outdoor furniture, Point of sale/display, POP/POS.
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HP Scitex Designjet L65500 (latex) 2.6m environmentally friendly printer with water based odourless inks, with a top speed of 79m²/hr. Offers outdoor and indoor application versatility with print-quality and display permanence comparable to low-solvent printers. Reduce the impact of printing on the environment. Deliver faster at high print speeds and improve productivity. Print rich, saturated colours and deliver applications with the six-color HP Designjet L65500 printing system with HP Latex Inks. Astound customers with high-resolution, up to 1200 dpi prints. HP Latex prints achieve up to three years display permanence unlaminated, five years laminated and provide scratch, smudge, and water resistance comparable to low-solvent inks. Primary applications: Banners, exhibition, event graphics, exterior signage, interior decoration, light box films, murals, POP/POS, posters and vehicle graphics.
HP Scitex TJ8350 (solvent) HP Scitex TJ8550 (uv curable)
High production printer with drum technology generating cut sheet output (1.6 x 3.7 m) up to 480m2 per hour. One of the fastest wide-format digital presses available, the HP Scitex TJ8350/8550 Printer delivers print speeds of up to 480 m2/hr. Offer your customers faster turnaround times on long print runs, while adding on-demand capability. Print brilliant applications from billboards to display-quality signs with custom print modes and six HP Scitex Inks. Deliver prints with up to two years of outdoor durability. Print on a wide range of flexible media from high-end to low-cost, uncoated media. Add two-sided printing capability with the double-sided printing upgrade. Primary applications: Banners, billboards, double-sided banners, exterior signage, light box film/paper, Point of sale/display, POP/POS and posters.
HP Scitex XL1500 (solvent) 3.2m and 5m versatile printers with printing speeds up to 124sqm per hour. Dye Sublimation upgrade available for textile printing. Print a wide range of super-wide format applications on almost any flexible media of any format or size. Easily switch between four, six, and eight color printing and select among printing modes for print quality options. Print double-sided applications. This high-speed printer delivers a rapid return on your investment. Multi-roll printing, load file while printing, and a dedicated RIP enable a productive printing system. Primary applications: Mockups, displays, POP/POS, billboards, building wraps, exterior signage and murals.
HP Scitex XP2300 / HP Scitex XP5300 (uv curable) 3.2m and 5m printers focused on productivity and low cost per m² up to 300m²/hr. Minimize your ink, media, and operator expenses and increase your profitability. Cost-effective billboard ink and the ability to print on inexpensive media reduces your running costs. Enjoy a low cost per m2 at top print speeds. Increase workflow efficiencies. HP Scitex Operating Software automates tasks and reduces operator errors. The on-core collector facilitates continuous production, and fast billboard print speeds enable you to deliver more quickly. Your customers want more. Now you can deliver faster with industry-leading print speeds, quick-drying UV inks, and productivity features like the HP Scitex XP5300 On-core Collector and the HP Scitex XP5300 Multi-roll Printing Kit. Produce outdoor signage at high print speeds and point-of-purchase displays with one printer. Depend on an industry-renowned, proven product and technology, designed to support real 24/7 production environments. Primary applications: Banners, billboards, building wraps, displays, exhibition, event graphics, exterior signage and murals
HP Scitex XP2100 / HP Scitex XP5100 (uv curable) 3.2m and 5m UV printers with good image quality at high print speed up to 150m²/hr With UV-curable inks, your output dries instantly, giving you more time to focus on what's important: your business. Industrial print speeds and multi-roll printing provide the turnaround time you need to meet clients' demands. When the application demands high-quality, vibrant colors that impress, the HP Scitex XP2100/5100 Printer delivers. Produce output with up to 720 dpi resolution (apparent), a wide color gamut, and vivid colors with 8-color printing. Provide more opportunities for your business: choose 4- or 8-color printing, traditional roll-fed or inexpensive, uncoated media or print precise backlit or blockout applications with the optional Double-sided Printing Kit. Primary applications: Banners, billboards, building wraps, displays, exhibition, event graphics, exterior signage, indoor posters, interior decoration, murals, point of sale/display and POP/POS.
HP Financial Services
As the availability of capital reduces, pressure increases to cut back on medium and longer term cost reduction projects that require immediate capital investment. Using the capabilities of our financial partner HP International Bank plc (HPIB), Reprocentre is pleased to be able to offer a range of initiatives which can support investment levels. These include: • Capital Release Program (CRP) – realise cash currently tied up in the technology estate to generate immediate capital and improve liquidity. • Structured financing on planned or potential IT projects over the next 12 months with a focus on reducing demands on capital and allowing cost reduction programmes to continue We remain committed to providing the levels of product and service excellence you have come to expect from the world’s largest technology company. For more information on any of the issues mentioned above, or to discuss how HPIB can provide support to your business please contact either Sylvia Roche 087-3806399 or Reprocentre. Note: All credit lines are subject to credit underwriting and approval.
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Agfa Anapurna M (uv curable) 1.6m wide flatbed & roll to roll UV photo realistic printer The Anapurna M is a professional hybrid UV - printer, designed to produce quality wide format output in any print for pay industry environment, on a wide range of rigid and roll to roll media. Available in 4 & 6 colour, with white ink and varnish options. The six 12 picolitre heads guarantee printing of good solids, fine text reproduction of up to 6 pt, good tonal rendering and low ink consumption. Next to the 6 (CMYK Lc Lm) print heads this system features a robust and industrial engineered concept, fit for sustained higher work loads. The 1024 nozzles produce top quality prints at 720 x 1440 dpi Available in 4 models Anapurna M4f is a wide format industrial 4 colour UV inkjet printer, designed for printing photorealistic quality POP, displays, posters and exhibition panels. This printer has printing speeds of 15m²/hr. Anapurna Mv is a UV curable inkjet printer for indoor and outdoor applications with a spot and an overall varnish function. Anapurna Mw The white ink function creates new possibilities for printing on transparent material for backlit applications or printing white as a spot colour. White ink is also ideal to print on coloured or dark substrates. Anapurna M² is a high-speed UV curable inkjet system suitable for graphic screen printers, photo shops and sign shops. Top class productivity is ensured with print output at 23 m²/hr. Anapurna M range of printers delivers exceptional results for indoor and outdoor applications on uncoated rigid media, such as corrugated boards, rigid plastics, exhibition panels, stage graphics and advertising panels, as well as roll media such as film, vinyl, paper, canvas and banners up to 4,5 cm thick.
Agfa Anapurna 2500 LED (uv curable) Anapurna 2500 LED is a robustly engineered 2.5 m wide hybrid industrial inkjet printer, designed to produce state-of-the-art large format prints for outdoor and indoor applications on a wide variety of rigid and flexible media. Led technology brings many advantages. Anapurna 2500 LED are inkjet printers using Agfa's proprietary head technology in combination with high performance UV LED curing lamps. LED technology enables output on a wider media mix and an extended range of applications while at the same time you will work with a low total cost of ownership. Wide format printing led into a new dimension The Anapurna 2500 LED prints in 3 quality throughput modes on uncoated rigids as well as on roll media at widths of up to 2,5 m (100") and at speeds of up to 60 m2/h. Applications encompass posters, billboards, fleet displays, POS & POP displays, exhibition panels, stage graphics, construction announcements, ad panels etc. Anapurna 2500 LED produces highly saturated top quality colours at resolutions up to 1440 dpi, using Agfa made UV curable inks.
She Likes Latex... If you like Latex... you will love the new HP Designjet L65500
Productive printing with the environment in mind. Odourless inks, no hazardous waste and all at print speeds of up to 74m2/hr The new 2.5m HP Designjet L65500 Printer is one of the greenest printers around for indoor and outdoor signage. Using the latest non-toxic, odour free Latex Inks that release no ozone emissions, this technology eliminates the need for specialist ventilation and creates a wealth of new market opportunities. Couple that with superb print speeds of up to 74m2/hr and fantastic image quality and you can see why being green can be good for business.
tel: dublin (01) 409 3100 belfast (028) 9083 9835 email: web: nangor road business park, dublin 12
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Roland – Advanced Jet AJ1000i & AJ740i Designed for high-volume printing, the AJ-i produces billboards, banners, backlit, fleet and vehicle graphics, and point of purchase displays at a maximum print speed of up to 90 m2/hr (968 sqft/hr). With 72 mm-wide heads, 510 nozzles per line and 35 pl per dot, the AJ-i offers superior image quality at 45 m2/hr (484 sqft/hr). With Roland Intelligent Pass Control, the AJ-i achieves up to 25 % higher productivity for banner printing in standard print mode. For example, the AJ-i can print five rolls of banner measuring 2.5 m (8.2') wide by 50 m (164') long in standard print mode (bi-direction) in the same time it took the previous model to print just four rolls. Additional performance features, including a heavy-duty tension-controlled take-up system for rolls weighing up to 100 kg (220 lbs), make the AJ-i ideal for long production runs and unattended printing. A powerful drying system quickly dries ink and media for high-speed applications.
Roland - Soljet Pro III –XC540-MT World's First Inkjet Printer/Cutter with Metallic Silver Ink The XC-540MT separates your business from the competition with gorgeous metallic colours that add luxury and value to every graphic. The revolutionary new XC-540MT combines the robust functionality of the award-winning SOLJET PRO III XC-540 54" printer/cutter with the metallic silver ink. Roland Intelligent Pass Control® assures the highest productivity while maintaining smooth gradations and flawless solid colours. By merging unattended printing and automated contour cutting into a single device, the XC-540MT streamlines the production process for labels, decals, POP, banners, signs and vehicle wraps.
Soljet Pro III – XC540 The XC-540 takes quality & productivity to the next level with a host of advanced features including revolutionary intelligent pass control technology for faster production and better overall imaging. Roland Intelligent Pass Control is a 3-dimensional system that precisely controls ink firing at the edge of each pass to virtually eliminate banding and deliver the right density for each specific media. As a result, the XC-540 prints unmatched image quality overall with smoother gradations and flawless solid colours in every print mode. Because Roland Intelligent Pass Control optimizes print quality at high speeds, the XC-540 now achieves twice the productivity in standard print mode In the XC540 Roland has integrated its industry acclaimed Print&Cut technology into one streamlined device.
Add some colour to your life Our partnerships with our ink suppliers offer the widest range of digital printing inks to the Irish market. With our colour expertise, we can produce cost effective solutions to create high impact indoor or outdoor graphics on an extensive range of media.
tel: 01 409 3100 email: web: nangor road business park, dublin 12
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Roland - Versa UV – Print & Cut LEC 330 The LEC-330 prints on a wide variety of media such as paper, film and leather. In addition, it supports card stock, plastic board, polycarbonate and other rigid substrates (except metals) up to 1mm thick for a wide variety of prototyping applications. New high-quality artistic print mode (1440 x 1440dpi) is ideally suited for offset and gravure printers that require sharp, detailed graphics and text for their prototypes. Print quality is further enhanced by Roland Intelligent Pass Control® technology which delivers smooth gradations and flawless solid fills with virtually no banding in every print mode. White ink allows you to print on dark or transparent substrates with brilliant color. The LEC-330 prints your design beautifully in CMYK+White ink and finishes graphics with rich special effects created by multiple layers of clear coat. Choose any combination of matte and glossy finishes and layer them for interesting patterns, even Braille. Use white ink to print on transparent and shrinkwrap film for food packaging prototypes. No additional die cutting is necessary because the LEC-330 prints and digitally die cuts graphics in virtually any shape automatically through one seamless workflow.
Canon imagePROGRAF 5100/6100/8100/9100 The expanding world of Large Format photography and digital Fine Art has never been better served than now. Canon’s extensive range of specialist Large Format devices provides everything you need for today’s outstanding productions and tomorrow’s gallery showpieces. Canon’s range of Large Format Printers for photography and Fine Art give you the confidence to deliver your best work every time. The 12 colour LUCIA ink system delivers exceptionally accurate colours by including both RGB and CMYK inks. This innovative system proves incredibly cost effective too as there’s less of a need to blend colours to produce the results you desire, ensuring a sound return on your investment. You’ll find a comprehensive range encompassing 4 specialist devices spanning A2 (17”) up to 60” printing that are incredibly easy to work with, leaving you to focus all your attentions on those masterpieces in the making.
Canon imagePROGRAF 6000s/8000s/9000s The imagePROGRAF iPF8000S and iPF9000S are 8-colour pigment ink 24” 44" & 60" large format printers, perfect for the production market, with no compromise on quality or speed. Outstanding colour stability, ultra glossy feel and high abrasion resistance for hard-hitting poster campaigns, eye-catching signs or head-turning exhibition graphics. Canon’s large format production printers help you create the best possible results. Big on innovation, these devices effortlessly combine unbeatable productivity, ease-of-use and industry-leading print quality. Each device is designed to offer everything you need for outstanding productivity in sign making, poster creation and similar production applications. The inks feature a mirrored layout which means prints are incredibly fast, a necessity in today’s production environments. The consistent, high quality prints also offer high scratch resistance, reduced graininess and excellent graduation.
Kongsberg XP tables are simply the best digital finishing tables on the market today. In today’s sign and display market, you need to cut it real close to stay ahead of your competition. With a Kongsberg XP table you'll have the highest scores for speed, accuracy and productivity on the widest range of materials. These tables handle everything: from heavy materials (MDF, Re-board®, plexi, triple-wall corrugated…) over foam to folding carton and vinyl.
And there is more than just the robust machine. The i-cut® vision registration system and workflow integration is the global standard. i-cut® makes it easy for every operator to achieve outstanding speed and accuracy. And our layout and nesting software optimize job preparation and substrate usage. Connect with EskoArtwork for the best digital finishing solution to cut it real close. •
Kongsberg XP tables are simply the best digital finishing tables on the market today. In today’s sign and display market, you need to cut it real close to stay ahead of your competition. With a Kongsberg XP table you'll have the highest scores for speed, accuracy and productivity on the widest range of materials. These tables handle everything from heavy materials (MDF, Re-board®, plexi, triple-wall corrugated…) over foam to folding carton and vinyl. There is more than just the robust machine. The i-cut® vision registration system and workflow integration is the global standard. The i-cut® makes it easy for every operator to achieve outstanding speed and accuracy. And our layout and nesting software optimize job preparation and substrate usage. The XP Tooling system: extremely versatile Corrugated converting, POP and signage demand the ability and the versatility to process a wide array of materials, the Kongsberg XP tools handle them all with ease and accuracy. The XP table excels in processing a wide variety of materials. These materials range from single flute corrugated and foam over heavy duty corrugated to MDF, plexi or aluminum. The Kongsberg XP comes equipped with a wide range of tools to make this versatility possible. New standard for milling The Kongsberg XP’s throughput and speed are extraordinary. Several materials can be cut at top speed, 100 m/minute, and an idle speed of 100 m/minute makes the XP more efficient even with materials that demand a reduced feed rate. There are many other parameters that are important for throughput, the lightening quick acceleration of 1.5G, which delivers top speed in about 8 cm (3.2”), the fast, switch-operated change of milling bits and intelligent tooling that automatically recalls setup parameters all contribute to increased productivity.
Working area* MultiCUT – toolwith stations
mm In. mm In.
Overall dimen including conssions ole
mm In.
22 50 x 1980 89 x 78
mm In.
1750 x 16 20 69 x 64
Weight Position accura cy Repeatability Maximum spee d Maximum acce leration
kg lbs
16 10 x 3050 63 3/8 x 12 0
16 18 x 12 70 63 .7 x 50
mm In.
i- XL24
16 10 x 12 70 63 3/8 x 50
Working area* MultiCUT - routwith er table only
Max. material
i- XL Series
i- XL20
Working area* FlexiHead (W x with L)
1680 x 12 70 66 x 50
16 18 x 3050 63 .7 x 12 0 1680 x 3050 66 x 12 0 22 50 x 37 20 89 x 146 1750 x 34 20 69 x 13 5
405 890
580 12 76
± 200 μm ±.0078”
± 200 μm ±.0078” ± 50 μm ±.00 19”
50m/min - 33 ips 5.6m/s² - 0.56G
i- XL42
i- XL44
21 40 x 12 70 84 1/4 x 50
21 40 x 3050 84 1/4 x 12 0
21 48 x 12 70 84.6 x 50 221 0 x 12 70 87 x 50 2780 x 1990 109 x 78 22 80 x 16 20 90 x 64
21 48 x 3050 84.6 x 12 0 221 0 x 3050 87 x 12 0 2780 x 37 30 109 x 147 22 80 x 34 20 90 x 13 5
440 970
765 1683
± 300 μm ±.0 11 8”
± 300 μm ±.0 11 8” ± 60μm ±.00 23 ”
50m/min - 33 ips 5.4m/s² - 0.54G
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Agfa Palladio II Palladio II is a 4-up (B2) flatbed platesetter that brings you a winning combination of automation, reliability, and quality - all in an extremely affordable solution. At 2400 dpi 17 to 20 plates an hour covers most of the printer requirements. With the new Palladio II we address additional applications like smaller newspapers and book printing by increasing the throughput up to 28 plates an hour at 1200 dpi. With the manual input version, the Palladio II M, you can step right into the high quality world of CTP at an affordable price. It will help you increase efficiency and keep your presses rolling. Palladio II is very cost effective due to its reliable violet laser which provides consistent imaging for up to 10-years without replacements.
Agfa Avalon N4 Agfa Graphics' Avalon N4 thermal B2 CTP system gives you the automation and imaging capabilities of larger devices, in a compact format. It has a range of speeds and easy-loading features to fit your volume requirements. Avalon N4 gives you fast imaging, increasing the overall productivity of your business. Avalon N4 provides high-quality plate production for small and mid-sized commercial printing and packaging operations that are looking for a first-time CTP system, or want to upgrade existing equipment. Compatible with Azura TS Chemistry-free plates, provides a more efficient alternative to traditional thermal plates. Azura TS completely eliminates hazardous chemicals for more consistent imaging. It reduces production steps, helping to streamline your workflow. Avalon N4 comes with an optional inline punching system. The N4 L50, N4 L100 and N4 L300 plateloaders offer maximum convenience and automation.
Agfa Avalon N8 Introducing the new energy friendly plate setter The second generation models are visually different from their predecessors and have important changes under the hood. As a result of these changes, the units use 28% less power without sacrificing performance. The operating costs are further reduced while the quality of the system remains unchanged. Avalon N8, is ideally suited for Energy Elite delivering high run lengths without the need for post baking whilst Azura TS and Amigo plates offer more ease of use and additional ecological benefits. The new Avalon N8 range comes in various configurations with new productivity specifications. Varying on plate type, imaging speed is up to 12.5% faster compared to the current design. All models now support an extended range of plate sizes between 304x370 mm (12"x 14.6") and 1160x940 mm (45.7"x 37.0") and can handle 0.4mm plates (field option). A new internal airflow design reduces the risk of imaging head contamination to guarantee optimal imaging quality. Avalon N8 also takes advantage of a completely new remote user interface called 'Stay in Touch'. It offers email messaging and a graphic user interface for engine data. The new Avalon N8 is to be introduced to the market in Q1 2010.
Agfa Avalon N 16 VLF The Avalon N16 is a range of thermal VLF platesetters that offer new levels of productivity to computer-to-plate imaging. The 16-up external-drum engine is equipped with 512-channel GLV imaging technology and integrated automation to offer you a customized CTP solution that responds to your needs. The Avalon N16 engines offer you excellent quality and efficiency driven plate production, with 3 different models that produce between 17 and 31 plates (1448x1143mm) per hour. Avalon N16-50 E can be upgraded to the higher speed Avalon N16-50 S and Avalon N16-50 XT models in the field.
Agfa Avalon N 24/36/40 VLF Avalon N24/36/40 are external-drum engines equipped with 512 or 1024-channel GLV imaging technology and integrated automation to offer you a customized CTP solution that is ideally suited for a wide range of applications such as packaging, book and commercial printing. Unmatched plate productivity thanks to GLV technology The Avalon N models apply state-of-the-art GLV imaging head technology. The precision imaging head produces exceptional tonal accuracy and uniformity from corner to corner, plate to plate and job to job. When adding the dual plate option the Avalon N engines can produce between 34 and 64 plates (1030x800mm) per hour. These ultra-high productivity levels became possible thanks to using dual imaging heads with 1024 channel GLV technology. Avalon N automation increases operator productivity to match your volume requirements. The Avalon N24 / N36 / N40 assortment offers a variety of automated features. Internal plate punching, multi-cassette loading and on-line processing guarantees a steady plate production. A drum auto-balance system allows switching between different sized plates. The dual plate loading systems adds even more speed.
Esko Flexo CDI The Esko-Artworks CDi was the first and is the most used laser imager for direct exposure on flexo plates. Introduced in May 1995, it represented a great leap forward in digital flexography. CDI plates offer quality and printing stability that have so far only been achievable in offset or gravure. This allows the Esko-Graphics CDI customers to expand their business by taking on jobs that before were done in offset or gravure. Furthermore it allows them to make good money by producing digital flexo sleeves or plates that yield the best printing quality on the market. Easier printing and consistent results with CDI plates and sleeves make the printers happy too. EskoArtwork & Flexo CTP, a strong history, a great future in flexographic printing Over 90% of all digital flexo plates globally are imaged on a CDI, demonstrating that flexo printers insist on CDI plates and sleeves for their work.
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Agfa Apogee Pre Press Apogee 6.0 Pre-Press Apogee Pre-Press is Agfa’s acclaimed family of software that has evolved over the last decade into a comprehensive range of powerful, versatile, easy to use workflow products. In line with changing industry needs, Agfa has recently updated its Apogee Pre-Press product line-up to help keep ahead of the ever changing requirements of pre-press. Built to Order All Apogee Pre-Press systems are configured to order and the new product line-up has been designed to simplify the process, making it easier for you to select the perfect workflow for your individual circumstances. First, choose a base product which is best suited to your particular operation and select your maximum output size license. Next, select from the range of ‘Enhancers’ to further increase the capabilities of your system. Finally, choose from a menu of additional options to enable you to fine-tune your system to give you exactly what you need. Once you have configured your ideal workflow you can choose the level of training, support and service which is best suited to your situation.
Adobe PDF Print Engine (APPE2) At the ‘heart’ of each new Apogee Pre-Press system (which ever base product you choose) is the APPE. This is capable of natively processing PDF transparency and overprint etc., increasing the system’s ability to cope with the ever increasing complexity of artwork design. The ‘traditional’ Adobe CPSI RIP is also accessible within Apogee Pre-Press to help ease the transition to the new technology.
Apogee Pre-Press Products Render If you just need to render files for output to a film or plate-setter then this may be the version for you. Typical ‘Render’ customers already have a ‘DIY’ workflow using DTP applications to prepare files and impose if necessary and the resultant PDF or PostScript files are complete and ready to output. Proofing (when required), is already being done on an existing system and integration with the proofer is not required. You are basically looking for an up to date RIP, based on the APPE and the latest screening technology. Control As with the render above, you prepare your own output ready files but need something more than just a RIP. You require more control over the configuration of your system and need to interact more with your jobs, controlling spot colours and managing embedded profiles etc.You possibly re-print some of your products and would therefore like the ability to archive jobs from the workflow so that you can regenerate the plates without going back to the original application. If you require an integrated proofing solution, this can be achieved by adding the ‘Hardcopy Proof’ enhancer. Manage You are looking for a complete end to end pre-press workflow and on top of the above functionality, you require it to manage processes such as PDF preparation, pre-flight and imposition. It goes without saying that you need power and stability but you may also need the flexibility to interact with live jobs, for example changing job settings, pages and even press size at the last minute. You may also be considering implementing an on-line page delivery and/or soft proofing system and may even be thinking about the possibility of some basic JDF connectivity in the future.
Automate You are a high throughput printer with tight deadlines. You have identified that further savings could be achieved if you could improve the efficiency of pre-press by adding more automation throughout your system. You need a highly configurable workflow that can make its own decisions based on rules that you provide. Pages should be placed in jobs automatically and jobs should be able to automatically process or continue once certain criteria have been met. In the long term you would like to aim for total JDF integration but you know that you need to streamline and automate many of your existing processes in order to achieve this goal. Proof You need a proofing system capable of producing ‘Contract quality’ proofs to a predefined standard profile (ISO, Fogra, etc) or to your own colour profile. You already have a ‘DIY’ workflow producing output ready PDF or PostScript files (single pages or imposed flats). Proof gives you the ability to output colour managed proofs to Agfa and non-Agfa proofing engines. PDF & Proof You not only need to create ‘Contract quality’ proofs, but also to supply ‘Production ready’ PDFs to your printer or customer. PDFs can be automatically preflight checked and certified to meet any of the current PDF standards. Proof allows you to output to a proofing engine and export a PDF from a single workflow.
Agfa Apogee Portal - Apogee goes online The interactive portal for uploading and approving pages. Who needs it? Apogee WebApproval is the ideal online soft proofing tool for: • Printers: Commercial, Publication and Large Format. • Publishers: Magazine, Periodicals. • Large Corporations: Brochures, Newsletters. • Marketing Communication departments. • Creative Agencies: Promotional Literature, Flyers. • Print Production Specialists. Steps: • The prepress operator creates the job in the Apogee Prepress client. • The job is submitted via Apogee WebApproval. • Your customers are invited to upload their files in an organized way via WebApproval. Or they can upload files to a standard FTP from which they can be processed by Apogee. • Incoming files are automatically processed by Apogee. The results are fed back into Apogee WebApproval. • The customer is invited to review the results. • Files are marked ready for production on the Apogee Prepress server if approved. • The prepress operator is informed if your customer rejects and/or adds remarks. Problems it Solves • Lets you retrieve files and proofs from your customers in an organized fashion. • Saves time and money by eliminating the delivery of cumbersome emails or hardcopy proofs. • Customer is approving ripped data, so no errors on plate post approval.
Esko Artworks – Automation Engine (formerly Odystar) Odystar is a highly automated prepress workflow solution based on PDF 1.7 & JDF. It offers a complete range of prepress tools from preflight, certification and automated document correction all the way to advanced trapping, versioning, imposition, proofing and screening. Easy to use and with unprecedented automation capabilities and flexibility, Odystar provides an important boost to operator efficiency and productivity. Odystar is extremely well suited for automated document handling and sophisticated content correction prior to final output and is highly valued by advertising agencies, publishers, and printers. Highlights • Easy to use, configure and install • Unprecedented level of automation and flexibility • Complete set of prepress production tools • Native PDF 1.7, JDF and Certified PDF • Advanced trapping, retaining all transparencies • Imposition Tools and Integrated PDF 1.7 RIP, with optional Concentric Screening. Odystar technology Odystar is a true client-server workflow solution facilitating a high level of automation. Running on Mac OSX, the Odystar workflow is available in different configurations to fit specific customer needs. This ranges from automated workflow technology to create reliable PDF files all the way up to a highly sophisticated RIP workflow. Using the intuitive inspector, administrators will be able to setup workflows quickly by stringing a wide range of processes together in a logical order. Operators will appreciate the ease of use of the Shuttle client, available for Windows and Mac OSX, to monitor jobs and to submit files with specific settings based on the job requirements.
Dupont Largo 2406 / 4406 DuPont Proofing Systems allow you to master colour from design to press with proofing systems that address the combined needs of print production and the creative community through: accurate and consistent print prediction, colour versatility to proof any colour, prototypes to visualize the end product and worldwide proofing standards. The result is improved colour communications and reduced print production time. Cromalin® Largo is a "plug and play" solution which can dramatically improve your turnaround times and proof-to-press accuracy. With its fast output speed, Cromalin® Largo delivers high quality contract and imposition proofs up to three times the speed of other inkjet printers. This new system offers affordable operating costs, while producing a DuPont quality contract proof. It is driven by the new Cromanet™ CS (Colour Server) colour management software, that produces contract quality proofs with DuPont ink and specialty proofing media. With this new DuPont solution in place, graphic arts professionals will be able to trust that they are producing contract quality proofs consistently and accurately. Proof to proof and proofer to proofer stability and consistency are now easily attainable. Print to print and printer to printer, DuPont brings repeatability and predictability to all your colour reproduction needs, allowing you to "get control of colour" at an affordable start-up and operating cost point. Cromalin® Largo 2406 With 24" width for 4-up proofing, it includes the tools needed to create high quality professional proofs. The Cromalin® Largo 2406 produces exceptional high quality output at extremely fast speeds including four-sided borderless prints. Cromalin® Largo 4406 With a large format of 44" width, the Largo 4406 is suitable for proofing individual pages, scatter proofing a group of images or outputting full 8-up signatures with all colour bars and printer’s marks included. With outstanding quality and fast print speeds, Cromalin® Largo 4406 is a breakthrough solution in large format printing.
67$1' 287 Use EskoArtwork tools to design, produce and manage outstanding packaging. EskoArtwork offers you the most advanced solutions for structural and graphic design in 3D. Add to that the smart pre-press tools for all your printing processes. Plus: expert workflow automation, systems integration and online collaboration. And we can guarantee superior and consistent results with our unique color and output control tools. Connect with EskoArtwork, packaging results.
outstanding â&#x20AC;˘
Esko Artworks - Automation Engine (formerly Backstage) A smart workflow server. Automation and organization. BackStage maximizes productivity, repeatability and consistency in any workflow. This client-server software is about a lot more than just executing background tasks, it is about doing your Jobs faster, cheaper and with a lot less errors. 5 key benefits • Job and data management • Offloading operator workstations • Centralizing operator expertise • Automating to-do's and communications • Amazing integration with other systems (MIS, ERP, etc) Control, information, security, standard technologies The BackStage Pilot client application, used for all control and monitoring, can be run from any Mac and Windows client in a network. Depending on their user access rights, operators or customer service staff will be able to manage Job orders, launch background server tasks on files, open files in any local applications, or just monitor the status of files or Job-orders. As in all Esko Software Suite's components, the latest standard technologies are used: Adobe PDF, XML, XMP, JDF, JMF. Small, Medium, Large? BackStage comes in all sizes BackStage is very modular, so it is easy to tailor to your current needs and to add tools and features that your company may require in the future. Whatever the segment of this industry you are in, BackStage's mission can be a plug-in server for only one Adobe® Illustrator® user (the server component of a DeskPack solution), a prepress production server, controlled background tasks at any automation level a blackbox graphical engine, supporting a business system possibly serving thousands of worldwide users per day. Artpro all packed and labeled to go ArtPro is EskoArtwork’s most popular editor for the pre-production of labels and packaging. This workstation software includes many dedicated functions and tools to prepare the graphics for a wide array of packaging production (litho printing, flexo printing, gravure, silk screen, digital printing). With more than 12.000 licenses sold worldwide, ArtPro has become the standard in the packaging prepress industry. With ArtPro, the prepress professionals can turn designs into print-ready files instantly, resulting in a productivity increase that remains unbeaten by any competitor. Benefits High productivity, packaging dedicated tools and system architecture, real deviceN color space (up to 64 separations), high internal accuracy with ultra deep zoom, step and repeat (powerlayout), trapping, print and plate preview in realtime, full editability of PostScript and PDF, standard exchangeability format in packaging, easy to integrate, easy to learn and open approach for output. Deskpack, packaging on your desktop EskoArtwork has taken the best of its packaging and prepress technologies and put it right inside the world’s most popular design tools. Introducing DeskPack, the only solution that turns Adobe® Illustrator® and Adobe® Photoshop® into full-fledged design and prepress production tools. Working in your favorite design applications, DeskPack significantly reduces errors, lead-time and cost. With high-performance professional plug-ins and the integration of structural design and graphic design, DeskPack contains everything to transform concept designs into print-ready production files without ever leaving Adobe® Illustrator® and Adobe® Photoshop®. Money-making benefits Low cost of ownership, a moderate investment in DeskPack serves any number of standard Adobe® Illustrator® workstations.Your prepress operators can produce higher quality jobs with much higher efficiency within the software that they know. No need to invest in any other dedicated packaging software. Easy transition, no need to re-train operators, no need to abandon your favorite desktop application, no need to change the file format for data interchange and archive, no need to change the established design and production workflow. Extremely short learning curve and low training cost. Fits into any existing infrastructure. Based on industry file standards with compatible file exchange formats. Contributes to reduction of errors, lead-time and cost throughout the packaging supply chain.
Water. Too Vital to Waste.
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the stuff that life is made of. And yet, while it takes just two litres of water a day to sustain human life, up to eight litres per square metre can be wasted when processing conventional CtP plates. All users of :Azura chemistry-free plates are already saving litres and litres of our most precious resource. Since its launch :Azura has become the biggest selling chemistry-free plate worldwide and now itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s joined by the new higher-productivity :Azura TS plate for larger volume users. And because of its excellent visible image, :Azura increases efficiency as well as quality. So while you are saving a vital resource, you are also increasing your bottom line. :Azura. The standard in chemistry-free plates. Agfa Graphics Septestraat 27 2640 Mortsel 020 8231 4929 Tel.: 03-450 98 71
tel dublin: (01) 409 3100 tel belfast: (028) 9083 9835 email: web: nangor road business park, dublin 12
Keencut Javelin The Javelin range of precision wideformat cutter bars is designed to exceed the most demanding standards of accuracy. The Javelin is equipped with lift stands to support the unit between cuts and enable easy placement of work. The Javelin is designed for use as a portable unit or located on an existing work table using the Keencut optional surface mounted Lift & Hold system. Combined with the Keencut Big Bench the Javelin creates a complete cutting table and workstation in any workshop. The Keencut Javelin is ideal for cutting PVC foamboard, vinyl, woven fabrics, foam centred board, honeycomb & corrugated plastics, film, paper, tissue and many more flexible and rigid materials.
Keencut - Big bench Constructed of strong anodised aluminium extrusions the Keencut BIG BENCH creates a solid and precise cutting table and workstation. With concealed corner fixings, built in cutting base plate and subsurface integral Lift & Hold system the Big Bench is a stylish and practical addition to every workshop where precise cutting is essential. Offered in lengths to accept all sizes of Keencut Javelin, Practik or Max Cutter bars the Big Bench is available in three standard widths and can be simply extended or reduced to meet changing demands. Special order sizes and additional shelf fittings are available as an option. Big Bench is simple to assemble and the unique assembly system is rigid and secure. A base plate levelling system provides extreme flatness, consistent clamping and cutting accuracy. Big Bench and matching Keencut Proteus modular units provide unlimited fixture applications for any workshop.
Keencut - Excalibur EXCALIBUR 1000X & 1000XE The unique Excalibur 1000x series vertical cutter features a single sliding counter-balanced head with 3 cutting and scoring tools ready for instant use. Equipped to cut Glass, PVC, foamboard, fomecore, cardboard, acrylic (plexi), xanita and many more semi-rigid materials the Excalibur X will cut 163cm and the Excalibur XE will cut 200cm. With a rigid clamping system, a set-for-life squaring mechanism and the standard wall mounting or optional free-standing kit the Excalibur 1000X and XE provide a noiseless, dustfree and cost effective cutting solution for many of the materials used in a modern sign or graphic workshop.
EXCALIBUR 5000 The unique Excalibur 5000 features two cutting heads offering four cutting tools mounted for instant selection. The integral counterbalance ensures an easy glide cutting action, prevents damage when loading sheet materials, minimizes operator fatigue and increases production. Second only to the new exceptional Keencut SteelTraK the Excalibur 5000 has more advanced features than any competitive vertical cutter. Continually upgraded since its introduction in 1996 Excalibur is ideal for applications where the high performance of the SteelTraK is not required. With a cutting capacity of 163 cm the Excalibur 5000 is equipped to cut glass 6mm, PVC foamboard 13mm, fomecore 13mm, cardboard, acrylic (plexi) 6mm, xanita 13mm, dibond 3mm, polycarbonate, MDF 4mm and much more without noise, dust or significant debris.
Keencut - Steeltrak Building on the huge success of the all-purpose Keencut Excalibur, and recognising the increasing demands of thicker, tougher sign materials, the design brief was simple. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Create a brand new vertical cutting machine exclusively for the Sign Maker. It must be the best manual cutter ever made but offer exceptional value for money. It must be strong, versatile, capable, easy to use, virtually maintenance free and built to last almost indefinitely. It must withstand the closest scrutiny, the toughest tests and deserve a place in every sign making workshopâ&#x20AC;?.
Neolt - Universal 240-305 Professional vertical cutting machine with rotary blade, equipped with electric cutting head and rotary blade to obtain a perfect cut with materials of big consistency (wood, dibond, forex, acrylic, aluminium) up to a max thickness of 22mm and height of 244 or 305 cm. On line a pneumatic blade is installed, interchangeable to cut semi-rigid materials like carton, foam, etc, up to a max thickness of 20 mm. you can also install a blade to cut glass up to a max thickness 2.2mm. An available optional extra is a laser system that enables you to visualize and square quickly, showing clearly one or the other cutting line. Optional extensions can be installed both on the left and right side according to the specific requests.
KBA – Innovations Secure Your Future If you worship innovation and cherish tradition, if you thrive on progress and live for the future, then you are going to love the KBA Rapida 106. After all, which other press offers production speeds of up to 18,000 sheets/hr and has been proving this in daily practice since 2004? Such performance is KBA’s benchmark. The KBA Rapida 106 is the makeready world champion.You don‘t believe that? Well, it has already produced 104 jobs of 1,000 sheets each in a single threeshift day, all under the watchful eyes of independent institutions. But not only speed counts. Shrinking run lengths call for faster makeready and innovative technologies. That’s when KBA DRIVETRONIC technology shines. DriveTronic Feeder – auto presettable shaftless feeder, jerk free, unique to KBA DriveTronic SIS – fully automatic sidelay setup, no-sidelay intervention whatsoever DriveTronic SPC – fully automatic simultaneous plate changing DriveTronic PlateIdent – plate recognition and pre registering CleanTronic Synchro – clean blankets, impression cylinders and inking rollers simultaneously. Manual settings are a thing of the past and a complete job changeover with washing can be reduced to well below ten minutes.
NEW INNOVATION Flying Job Change Change plates while still running the press at 12,000 sheets per hour. Yes, while still printing. Flying JobChange represents a transfer of technology from web offset, where flying edition changes have long been routine, and supports nigh-on continuous production. On a 6 colour press why not use the first four printing units for process colours and the fifth and sixth units alternately for flying imprints in different languages. Flying JobChange also allows four- and five-colour jobs to be printed on long perfectors. An eight-colour press, for example, could print one four-colour job on units 1 to 4 while the next job is set up on units 5 to 8. Once the specified number of sheets has been delivered, production can switch automatically to the new job on units 5 to 8 and the first four units can then be made ready for the job after that. And, of course, your press configuration can still be used without restriction for standard four, five, six, eight or ten colour straight printing and perfecting. Flying JobChange particularly in tandem with DriveTronic SPC and DriveTronic Plate-Ident, expands the choice of production options enormously, and for print enterprises with the targeted job structure it may be the key to staying that vital one step ahead of the competition.
Defined by excellence
Driven by innovation world class printing presses in every key market sector No one has a longer or more illustrious record of success through innovation in the printing sector than KBA. Through their invention of the modern press early in the 19th century, KBAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s founders Friedrich Koenig and Andreas Bauer became respected as the 'founding fathers' of our industry and, in the (almost) two centuries since, KBA has been the major driving force of innovation across the formats and across the printing processes. Now, this year, both the US Patent Board and Germanyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Patent Application Register have recorded KBA yet again as the leading innovator in our field. KBA â&#x20AC;&#x201C; driven by innovation, defined by excellence.
Call Reprocentre for more details tel: dublin (01) 409 3100 belfast (028) 9083 9835 email: web: nangor road business park, dublin 12 51 mallusk road, antrim, BT36 4FE
People & Print Phone +44 1923 819922 Web
KBA doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stop there. Quality is well taken care of too. QualiTronic is a camera-based inline sheet-inspection system that scans each sheet as it enters the delivery or the perfecting unit, and compares it with a reference sheet. Capable of working at maximum press speed, QualiTronic features in a large number of medium and large-format presses, particularly packaging presses.
QualiTronic Mark: QualiTronic Mark tags off-spec sheets which can subsequently be ejected automatically in die-stamping or folding machines, provided they have the relevant capability. QualiTronic professional QualiTronic Professional is an inline density measurement and control system that takes just 150 sheets or so to normalise density. It can also be used on perfector presses.
DensiTronic PDF Another new tool for quality control and documentation when printing sensitive substrates, and sure to be of particular interest to packaging and book printers, is DensiTronic PDF. A scanner attached to the measuring arm on a DensiTronic professional densitometry system scans the sheets at a resolution of 330dpi and compares them with the original PDF. The sophisticated software allows even minimal deviations to be detected and automatically recorded for the customer's benefit in the quality log. Available for KBA presses up to the Rapida 162a.
O PLAY…………….. ALL WORK AND N nufacturer last four years Press ma Every September for the thusiasts a motorbike tour for en KBA have been running Knapp and Organised by Christian from the printing trade. the wing in popularity. So far Mark Nixon, the trip is gro n and Scottish Highlands, Devo regions visited include the Wales. Connamara, and in 2009 Cornwall, Cork, Kerry and y. The is Brittany and Normand The chosen route in 2010 cted to planned yet but it is expe actual route hasn’t been k historic WWII sites. I loo include a number of the invitation. forward to receiving my elve and the bikes are for each trip averages tw ers bik of K) and Harley The number m Triumph Bonneville (C Fro . ers rid the are as e eblade. If it has about as divers aha and even a Honda Fir Yam W, BM i, cat Du to e age of the Davidson (MK) are good to go. The averag u yo up p kee can u yo ad to make sure two wheels and ts just say we check ahe Le . ret sec d rde gua y sel bikers is a clo ues. ilable at our overnight ven that there is Complan ava Connemara in the en favourable except for You maybe So far the weather has be of amed the Wet Ireland. ren t go ly ick qu ich wh d West of Irelan s occasion Christian l your boots”, well on thi familiar with the saying “fil . On each trip the rainwater from his boots actually filled a glass with it never ceases to short of spectacular and scenery has been nothing wed from a bike. re enjoyable it is when vie amaze just how much mo making of new friends the these tours is of ect asp st be the ps print industry However, perha t so little discussion of the tha ng azi am Its ic. cra These tyres and having the petrol consumption that. and s thi r we po rse ho all takes place, its d of course “How low haust pipes are megga. An are grippy and these ex off that is). can you go” (before falling
s to arshalled. Thank ned and well m group an e pl l th el ) w K U en be hers Ltd. ot Br y dl The tours have ea (H s tt ian. Of A) and Roger Pi y and safe med pp ha a to pt Klaus Loch (KB ke is d and the speed sh of blood an is kept together de who has a ru ga e) ne ar re (r e se on he t tly. T ays ge working correc course you alw is inks r dr ite of lim d v un re at his a fine (a ro by lly ua us , wants to test th ed sh are always puni transgressions result of a s). e days and as a normally suffice es th gh pect of ou en t no ere is the pros th ds ar w Once a year is A t in Pr this years Irish hael O’Brien of conversation at king place. Mic ta s ur est Cork to l ca lo s two ute taking in W ro a t ar ch one or perhap to d s offered cepts has offere ics in Belfast ha ph ra G ha lp Webprint Con A ve of t. No dates ha le Dave Phillips ul Antrim coas and Kerry, whi tif in au t be ge e se th ea in pl taking icipating rt pa in ed st to plan a route re te but if you are in been fixed yet contact gers crossed. e’ll keep our fin w , er th ea w e As for th
40% Productivity Packaging Printer’s Gain With KBA MSO Cleland’s Growth
Key Role in New RAPIDA 106 Plays Strategy. talled KBA Rapida 106 has MSO Cleland’s newly ins lfast in productivity for the Be recorded a 40% increase print house. based major B1 packaging chosen 106UV with coater was The eight-colour Rapida ategy str ing as part of MSO’s ongo to replace a Heidelberg h hig competitiveness in the to increase capacity and t. pressure packaging marke favoured because of its o als s wa A KB w ne The d, says: “Our key focus executive of MSO Clelan ef chi h, als W nic mi Do y. versatilit litho and packaging e on both conventional anc rm rfo pe r ou ve pro now deliver was to im nly achieved that. We can tai cer has a pid Ra the our customers a work and mix of output which gives ad bro a oss acr y alit qu superior wider choice.” “To prove the or Christian Knapp said: KBA UK Managing direct ee different jobs of thr ran of the Rapida we fits ne be ed spe and y makeread ieved almost 40% 90,700 sheets and it ach and ets she 00 6,0 , ets 4,500 she ared to their existing packaging material comp UV on y vit cti du pro increased press.” ulting increased ved productivity and res pro “Im , ed nu nti co h als Mr W wth.” ll positioned for future gro capacity means we are we changing and KBA’s te pla d h fully automate wit d pe uip eq is A KB s MSO’ al intervention which eliminates all manu tem sys d ee inf SIS nic DriveTro travel than sures a smoother sheet en and ck sto of s nge cha during systems. mechanical or pneumatic ue feature. is another uniq em st sy y dr ri ’ design eaking UV Va ss ‘plug and play -le ol to e KBA’s groundbr pl m si its interdeck impressed with the delivery or in ed us Mr Walsh was be n ca e ridry cassettes required and th and the fact Va of ink coverage nt e th ou s am ce e du th g on the bulbs and re areas dependin ms created vation protects no in s hi T . ed ficiency proble us ef es at in colours im el says gy used. It also ork produced and, amount of ener wn. quality of the w do e tstanding results th go ou s to e ht uc nd lig co od V se pr s e ar em when U ts st sy en ng cal developm matters.” tegrated dampi ise pile But technologi rd of print that n inking and in da ai an tr st t or gh plinth to maxim sh hi e m rb th pe 0m is su 45 it a y, he nc “T on : ie d rther stalle ove effic Mr Walsh livery to gain fu pattern, was in costs and impr de ift t d sh cu an ur to er ho e ed lik 24 fe e a the ing on while w geovers at both KBA, now runn t-to-pallet chan st lle The 18,000 iph pa op st nration on the fir automated no g perfect regist in a w lo at al ts it heights and the ee un sh g s the coatin ic Pro that scan the automated on e tr ar si es en ur efficiencies. D d at d an fe ai l ns r headline inimal deviatio e quality contro Among the othe identify even m There is also th s. eight to ten to he F st is la PD rn e al va th in ot ig on sp the ink ith the or ps w ri st em ch th sheet, even with hi s w re c pa makereadies. htroni 0dpi and com ing to speed up g, and KBA Was lp lo he ity d al an resolution of 33 qu up e hth as cord them in e blankets at w automatically re ink debris on th of nt ou am e th sheets reducing
ge Sharpen Competitive Ed Quality and Productivity Lurgan Teo rí dó Cló w ho ment’ is A ‘company-saving invest olour B2 ibed the addition of a 6-c (CL Print Ltd) has descr ssroom firepower. KBA RAPIDA 75 to its pre business if it wasn’t for the “We would not still be in the first ál Ó Conghaile who was KBA,” said Owner Miche PIDA 75 land to install the new RA printer in the UK and Ire at Drupa 2008. following its World Launch rfect cified B2 KBA as ‘the pe He identified the fully-spe ss and lberg as CL’s frontline pre replacement’ for a Heide to e abl ing be – es for themselv says, “The results speak has been essential to ely tiv eti mp co nt pri r lou co run rtsho offer high-quality would have gone under t economic climate, we our survival in the curren . mers want without the RAPIDA 75 colour book work. Custo re mo % 50 ing let mp co able to do that “Now we are never would have been we and ter fas ed let mp shorter runs co quicker makereadies we sitive way. Also with the all runs out of before in such a price sen wing us to get more sm allo ter fas er ov s job are able to change hter turnaround times. the door to meet the tig cause we weren’t who had moved away be “Some former customers ithout that we would started coming back. W competitive enough have have been closed by now.”
ter’s strategy onnemara prin C e th of rt pa der to investment was se capacity in or ea cr in d an The new press y nc ie counts – ity, improve effic l as existing ac el w as ss ne si to drive up qual bu iveness for new boost competit annual ress-it’ and the xp ‘e e in az ag m these include ht ation. estigious in-flig artment of Educ ep D e th Aer Arann’s pr r fo s ok base within the 0 CAO handbo onal customer iti order of 120,00 ad tr ng ro st sa rs, authors and CL Print also ha ndent publishe pe de in of ix m nd, a ercial clients. region and beyo both the ell as key comm w as es di inter works in bo t pr t as co speaking) t es governmen w ggests, the Gaeltacht (Irish su e e th now in English m in na e al ag du nt As its % of output is ge adva 40 ua ng an la th s e It s. or m ge as h langua ically, although sential. English and Iris ality and und base histor so every level is es a d at te e ea us ed with print qu cr er ho s t id in ns pr co rporated al e ci er regions ha er w “KBA has inco as a comm ufacturers . ey te an m pe on m m or r aj co fo m to e e grippers all th d valu the ability nal benefits an e self-adjusting the RAPIDA 75 io th , at in ys g er la in op st de si to ve in n ed t at Before n it came dow , like the autom otprint and mos y concerns. The to this machine n but a small fo in on tio s rb uc se ca tr es r ns pr productivity ke ou co er d rg duce strong ures from its la vantage and re le. “It also has a ad l ai na gh io on at C s.” er ct a lot of the feat Ó op ra r y M s given us a ke d blue-chip cont g system,” said government an efficient. That ha and the cockin r fo gy g er in en er ry nd ve te n us, it is ant factor whe important for easingly import cr in an is s hi T footprint.
Vacuumatic: Vicount 3 Vicount 3 is Vacuumatic's new generation of single-head paper counting machines for the Security and Commercial Printing industries. Drawing on over 50 years of experience, the Vacuumatic Vicount 3 is the new benchmark for accurate, efficient paper counting and batching. Available with either disc or Pin-&-Blade counting technology and a range of formats and options to suit the widest range of applications, Vicount 3 is without doubt the most flexible paper counting machine on the market. The colour touchscreen with icon based graphics ensures that even inexperienced users can operate the machine efficiently. Options such as airfloat tables, coupon attachments and a wide variety of discs and suction blades extend the range of papers and materials that can be accurately counted. From the basic benchtop machine to the top-of-the-range industrial version, from gift wrap to tax stamps, Vicount 3 is already exceeding the demands of clients around the world.
Vacuumatic -Combined Universal Tab Inserter (CUTI) The Combined Universal Tab Inserter is Vacuumaticâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s compact tab inserter system, enabling accurate tabbing and batching of sheeted piles with the minimum requirements of space and investment cost. Usually pedestal mounted, the unit can be interfaced directly to most printing presses, or triggered via a laser sensor attachment. The CUTI is often supplied to commercial printers looking for greater accuracy in batching their printed products. This can result in minimisation of waste sheets and improved productivity in subsequent finishing processes.
Vacuumatic Universal Tab Inserter (VUTI) The Vacuumatic Universal Tab Inserter is the top-end solution for highly accurate online counting and batching of sheet delivered products such as sheet paper, commercial print and packaging. Mounted to the delivery of almost any sheeter or printing press, the VUTI system enables operators to count and batch good copy, isolate areas of spoil or waste and return an accurate count of delivered piles. Supplied with either a pedestal or mounting kit, the VUTI marker tabs can be triggered by signals from the press or sheeter counting system or from one of a range of independent sensor systems that are available from Vacuumatic. Tabbing systems have been a feature of the Vacuumatic portfolio for over 30 years, the VUTI is the latest in a long line of market leading products in this field.
Horizon BQ-270 - Single Clamp Perfect Binder The Horizon BQ-270 Perfect Binder provides simple operation, automated set-up, and superior quality from the first book to the last, without the need for a trained operator. Book titles are accurately positioned on the spine and automatic â&#x20AC;&#x153;hinge scoringâ&#x20AC;? preserves the integrity of the spine. The BQ-270 is ideal for on demand perfect binding applications.
Horizon HT-30 The Horizon HT-30 is a unique robotic trimmer for perfect bound books. The HT-30 Three-side trimmer features automated job setups and quick changeovers to meet the requirements of the short run print-on-demand book market. The HT-30 operates off-line to trim perfect bound books at speeds up to 200 cycles per hour. A touch screen operator console allows all set-ups to be performed with full automation. Precision stepper motors accurately position all guides and clamps to insure professional quality cutting. Up to 12 inches of books can be loaded into the in-feed hopper, where books are automatically fed for unattended operation. The HT-30 features automated job set-ups and quick changeovers, with the ability to store up to 40 different book jobs in memory. No special operator skills are required. Precision servo motors are employed for accurate positioning of the guides and cutting knives to insure high quality trimming. Single tungstencarbide tipped knife trimming system reduces knife replacement and adjustment time to 1/3 of a normal three-knife trimmer.
Horizon SPF-200A/FC-200A The SPF-200A/FC-200A bookletmaker features high productivity, This is the super-automated Stitcher, Folder (SPF200A) and trimmer (FC200A) from Horizon. With an advanced and fully automated setup through a colour LCD screen and production speeds of up to 4,500 A5 booklets/hr this is a heavy-duty system that will thrive in even the most demanding environments. Available with multiple collating and feeding options this system can handle uncollated and precollated work or both with ease. So if your current booklet making system is struggling to keep up this reliable and robust workhorse is for you.
StitchLiner 5500 The Horizon StitchLiner System The Horizon StitchLiner bridges the production gap between existing flat sheet collating/bookletmaking systems and conventional high-volume saddlestitching lines. Offset or digitally printed flat-sheet signatures are fed from the Horizon SpeedVAC collator to produce true saddlestitched booklets with full bleed trimming, at speeds up to 11,000 two-up booklets per hour. Professionally finished booklets up to 200 pages (50 sheets) are fully comparable with booklets produced by traditional saddlestitchers. Can also be equipped with the high-speed sheet feeder for digitally collated output (up to 27,000 sheets per hour) with guaranteed document integrity using mark, bar code, or CCD camera verification.
Horizon Vac 100 collators The Horizon SpeedVAC 100 collating system is the most productive flat sheet collating system currently available. From a single tower all ten stations are capable of collating up to 9000 straight stacked sets per hour. As the number of bins used increases the SpeedVAC 100 continues to out produce most competitive systems by a factor of two, or in some cases three. This productivity is provided by a unique pulsed rotary vacuum feeding wheel located in each station. Similar to large pile feed folding equipment, this feeding system is capable of high speeds while maintaining the ability to feed the widest variety of stocks with little or no operator adjustments. The Horizon SpeedVAC 100 collating system can be configured from ten up to sixty feeding stations. The system is modular, and additional towers of ten stations can be added at any time to the initial â&#x20AC;&#x153;Aâ&#x20AC;? tower. Simple programming for non-stop productivity is controlled from two buttons on the touch screen. The Standard Horizon SpeedVAC 100 is capable of feeding all towers in the system to the left for bookletmaking into the stitching/folding unit, or all towers to the right into an offset stacker for collation. Any combination of towers can feed in either direction, at the same time, with no slow down in productivity.
Perfecta 76 & 92 Heavy-duty precision guillotines featuring slotless bed and unique 5-minute Perfecta failsafe knife-change system. Doubly-enclosed cast iron frames ensure long life and lifelong stability, intuitive computer controls assist fast and easy operation.The standard UC model offers 6,000 cutting positions within 250 programs, the TVC features 400 programs with up to 8,000 cut marks with recorded comments and a 15" interactive colour screen display. An excellent, computer-controlled high-speed guillotine for changing jobs and higher output. A programmable machine for quick, precise and profitable processing, even of sensitive stocks. Easy operation What is decisive for the flexibility and the high operational comfort of the Perfecta UC is the sophisticated LC display showing actual and desired measurements and clear text information in your native language with two more languages available. Through four directly associated softkeys, it navigates any operator through programming and cutting processes in a well-aimed manner. Safety at any case Perfecta high-speed guillotines bear the official German GS safety certification mark awarded by the trade association and are put to the most severe testing for quality, safety and design. Perfecta has developed the optimum safety package, the High Security Cutting System (HSCS) that is standard on all Perfecta guillotines.
Got one of these? ...
First generation Vicount 1
Up-grade to one of these! Third generation Vicount 3
n. i.
Morgana - FSN The FSN has a powerful suction feeder that will feed a wide range of paper weights. Positive control of the paper from feed to delivery ensures unmatched and consistent register of numbering action. The sheet spacing system uses electronic pulses to feed the paper and the bottom feed, top leading operation allows non-stop production. The Morgana FRN 5 and FSN rotary numbering machines, offer state-of-the-art design, rugged construction and stand-alone operation - freeing you from time consuming numbering on-press. Their rotary action delivers tremendous productivity gains because numbering, perforating, scoring or slitting can be accomplished without the sheet stopping. You are assured of sequential numbering because the machines will not cycle until the sheets or sets are presented to the machine. All Morgana numbering machines use rotary numbering action. The operating principles are similar to those used on litho presses. Point contact ensures superb quality on single sheets and unmatched definition when crashing through multi-part sets. Simple adjustment to the platen pressure compensates for varying stock thicknesses.
Morgana - Autocreaser 33 & 50 Make-ready is incredibly simple and quick and you should only ever need to use one sheet for this, therefore eliminating the expensive click charges encountered when setting up other machines. The AutoCreaser 33™ can handle a sheet size up to 630mm x 330mm automatically and longer if you hand feed, while the Autocreaser 50 is capable of creasing sheet sizes to a maximum of 700mm x 500mm and weights in excess of 350gsm. The AutoCreaser uses the latest digital measuring technology to ensure a high degree of accuracy and up to 16 creases can be positioned on a sheet in one pass. Micro adjustment to 0.1mm can be made and for those often repeated jobs, up to 9 pre set applications can be stored into the programme memory and retrieved at the touch of a button. The AutoCreaser uses a heavy duty creasing die and matrix to give unmatched quality on a wide variety of material, particularly if the grain is running in the wrong direction or where cracking occurs on the substrate caused by the printing system. Whether it be on the grounds of cost, productivity or ease of operation the Morgana range of creasing machines offer unmatched performance and value and are testimony to the Morgana policy of designing first class solutions for document finishing problems.
Morgana - Digifold The latest addition to the Morgana portfolio is the DigiFold™, the world’s first integrated creasing and folding machine.The system is a totally new technology that finishes even the most sensitive of materials. The DigiFold™ is aimed at the ‘print-on-demand’ market and handles output from digital colour printing systems and heavy cross-grained stocks printed by conventional litho. Fully automated, compact and easy to use, the suction-fed DigiFold™ is the only automated folder using a creasing rule and matrix with the ability to crease material prior to folding. Unlike scoring which breaks the surface of the material, the creasing rule and matrix mechanism prevents cracking during the folding process. The creasing element of the system is the AutoCreaser™ but the patented folding element is entirely new and uses a number of highly innovative operating systems to ensure that finished documents are creased and folded without any cracking. The DigiFold™ uses a series of very large diameter fold rollers and a 'flying knife' to gently push the material between the fold rollers. A combination of large diameter rollers and the knife, which is speed matched to the material reduces the possibility of marking or scratching of the finished work.
Morgana - Digicoater The DigiCoater 33 is our entry level coater and is ideal for those printers working with litho presses and digital print engines whose sheet size is a maximum of SRA3. The DigiCoater 33 comes with 3 tanks and 1 coating roller and can be used for UV coating or priming (HP stocks) but not for doing both at the same time. The tanks are fully enclosed within the body of the machine. The DigiCoater 33 is controlled by a sophisticated touch screen panel making operation a very simple process. Full control over coating thickness and stock thickness are controlled by calibrated levers on either side of the coater. A choice of suction feeders is available depending on the work being produced. A top feeder would be specified for large quantities while a bottom fed device would be preferable for smaller quantities and continuous running. All feeders offer total sheet control to the operator and ensure that all sheets are presented to the DigiCoater at the correct speed. The DigiCoater 33 has an integral catch tray but can also be ordered with a fully featured jogger either at time of order or at a later date. Cleaning down the DigiCoater 33 couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be easier. It is a semi automatic machine so the operator simply has to move a lever to move the pump from the varnish tank to the cleaning tank for the clean down cycle and back again once complete. There is an optional Digi-IR unit available for coating wax based toners. This unit is placed in front of the coater and heats the toner prior to coating to ensure complete adhesion of the UV varnish to the toner.
Watkiss DigiVAC Collators The revolutionary patented suction feed system takes sheets from the bottom of the stack, allowing bins to be loaded on the run. A conventional collator stands idle up to 50% of the time while the operator reloads the bins; so the productivity gains of the DigiVAC are easy to see. Feeding from the bottom of the stack means the paper presentation to the feeder is always constant, so feeding is consistent and reliable. The stack of paper is floated on an air bed, with the individual sheets fanned apart by air separation. This is gentle on delicate papers and it will not scuff the toner on digitally printed work. The DigiVAC is a modular system, choose from DIGIVAC Standard or Plus 8 or 12 bins per tower, single or two tower, two stackers, criss-cross or straight are available.
Watkiss - Booklet Makers The Automatic Stitch-Fold and Trim are the professional choice for high production stitching, folding and trimming online to Watkiss collators. The change over from one booklet size to another is fully automated. A single control panel operates the entire process of collating, stitching, folding and trimming. This allows job-wide set up which is faster and easier for the operator. All the settings for sheets size, fold and stitch position, book thickness and trim margin are set to within 0.1mm from the colour touch screen. Pre-defined settings for standard sheets sizes make setup fast, precise and easy. Additional memories store custom jobs settings for future use. The Stitch-Fold is unique in having a near vertical infeed of the collated set into the unit. This results in excellent sheet knock-up which, followed by tamping at the end and on both sides, ensures well aligned sheets and professional looking books every time. Different sheet sizes can be included, for example, a loose A4 sheet inside an A4 booklet.
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Agfa Violet Plates Lithostar Ultra. Agfa's Lithostar plates produce high-resolution image quality for a wide range of Violet visible-light imaging devices. Lithostar plates are designed for superior print results, including commercial and newspaper printing applications. Subject to press conditions, Lithostar accommodates print runs of 250,000 and higher. Lithostar is a robust plate is easy to handle and resists scratching, for fewer remakes. Lithostar Ultra is compatible with almost every brand of visible-light CTP device.
N91v N91v is a negative-working aluminum plate that is designed to provide excellent results. It is the world's leading Violet visible-light CTP system. N91v is compatible with all violetlaser systems with a 30mw laser or higher. Improved ink-water balance lessens the consumption of dampening solution, and reduces dot gain. N91V delivers excellent results for long run newspaper production. Print runs of 250000 upwards can typically be made without baking, subject to press conditions.
N92v Like N92v, this photopolymer printing plate is sensitised for violet visible laser, but it brings enhanced productivity and quality features that meet the exacting demands of todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s newspaper printers. Agfa Graphics' high performance technology is designed to provide unmatched plate performance with low cost of operation. N92-V testifies to Agfa Graphics' unremitting commitment to the Graphic Arts industry and newspaper publishing in particular.
Agfa Chemistry Free Plates Azura TS Agfaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Azura TS is a thermal, negative working plate for low/medium volume commercial printing where simplicity, robustness and reliability are important. It provides the high quality imaging youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d expect from a thermal system, without chemical processing. Elimination of chemistry removes all process variables and simplifies platemaking giving you clear consistent results. Azura TS users benefit from one of the simplest, most reliable and predictable CTP technologies ever created. Azura TS uses ThermoFuse technology to physically bond images to the plate without any chemical processing. The result is highly stable and predictable thermal imaging, without any compromises on press. This built-in simplicity gives Azura TS users an inherently wide working-latitude with fewer variables and higher reliability than other forms of CTP. Azura TS is the recommended technology for printers who require the ultimate in predictable, stress-free, CTP technology. Because it requires no chemical processing, it reduces waste and eliminates prepress steps, helping you create a more streamlined workflow. Azura TS is an excellent option for low/medium throughput thermal CTP users. It is available in sizes for 2up, 4-up and 8-up printing applications. Azura TS can hold up to 2-98 % screen tints at 200 LPI, and delivers runs of up to 100K, depending on press conditions.
Agfa Thermal Plates Energy Elite: Energy Elite is a no-bake thermal plate designed for todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s press environment offering full compatibility with alcohol free and alcohol replacement founts, as well as UV inks, without the need for baking. Energy Elite plates can be used in all leading 830 nm thermal CTP systems and its very high sensitivity enables maximum productivity and plate throughput. Just when you thought that there was nothing new in CTP, Agfa Graphics, the leader in thermal, violet and chemistry-free plate technology, brings you the next new advancement in plates. Recipient of a 2007 InterTechâ&#x201E;˘ Technology Award from PIA/GATF for technical innovation, Agfa's Energy Elite no-bake plate is receiving rave reviews from customers all around the world.
Amigo Amigo brings the benefits of ThermoFuse, as proven by Azura, to a broader audience of higher run-length and VLF printers. It is a daylight working thermal plate for maximum convenience and can be processed in all plate processors. It delivers the ultimate in convenience, reliability and quality to the most demanding pressroom. Amigo uses ThermoFuse technology to deliver robust, high resolution plate performance. Amigo is able to deliver the highest quality press results with remarkable chemical resistance and extraordinary processing latitude thanks to the use of physical, rather than chemical, plate processing. This means simple platemaking with consistently high quality, plate after plate without the variables seen with other non-ThermoFuse technologies. Plate processing is simple and clean, Amigo can tolerate processing variations with the same wide latitude as it can tolerate exposure variations. Amigo is a multi-purpose plate that has proved suited to many different types of press work. Amigo will operate on any suitable 830nm thermal platesetter and is a forgiving plate, which will tolerate fluctuations in laser energy with practically no effect on image quality.
Thermostar P970 Thermostar plates are designed for fast, high-resolution, imaging without pre-heating or special handling. Engineered for medium to long run lengths, Thermostar plates deliver consistent, precision imaging for commercial and packaging applications. Thermostar plates can be used in all leading thermal CTP systems 830 nm with excellent results.
Azura V Based on proven photopolymer technology, Azura V combines outstanding lithographic quality with easy handling and excellent durability. However, because it is a chemistry-free plate there is no need for a developer, meaning that one of the main variables affecting image consistency disappears. This chemistry-free plate works with all mainstream violet CTP units currently in use at print sites across the world and emitting at least 30 mW. The plate is gummed with industry standard plate gum, during which process the soft unexposed non-image area is easily and cleanly removed. Although a chemistry-free plate, press operators will readily accept it as it looks, feels and behaves as any other metal offset plate. Azura V combines fast, accurate and wide-latitude plate exposure with chemistry-free processing, while ensuring predictable, consistent performance on press. Azura V provides the solid foundation for consistent press performance. Advanced electrochemical graining and anodising yield the reliability and robustness needed on press and the durability required to produce long press runs.
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Kodak Violet Plates Violet Print Violet light plates from Kodak provide more choice for today's CTP customer by delivering violet laser technology with the quality you expect from Kodak. The plateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s strong final image color is fully compatible with plate scanners, making inspection and deletions easy. Violet Print Plates are durable as well, rated for run lengths of up to 200,000 impressions and can be baked for extra tough press conditions.
Kodak Violet News Gold Digital plates offer fast imaging and processing for newspapersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; demanding high-productivity environments as well as resilient press performance and low developer consumption. Violet light plates from Kodak bring violet laser technology with Kodak quality to newspaper printers already running a violet CTP system. They are rated for run lengths of up to 200,000 impressions and can be baked for extra tough press conditions.
European Graphics EG Thermal Plate Positive thermal plate to expose on CTP devices with IR laser diodes. Medium to long runs. The coating is sensitive to infrared diode laser (IR) at 830 nm and the plate offers full compatibility with alcohol free and alcohol replacement founts. Standard guages available: 0,15/0,20/0,30/0,40 mm.
EG Analogue Plate Positive analogue plate. Medium to long runs. The plate can be exposed in a printdown frame with metalhailide or UV lamps.Standard guages available: 0,15/0,20/0,30/0,40 mm.
Imagesetting Film We offer a range on imagesetting film from Agfa, covering most imagesetters available in the market. Agfa has been the trusted name in professional imaging for more than 100 years. Alliance film demonstrates that experience, delivering superior image quality with ease of use. You are sure to find workflow compatible film in the Alliance selection. Each variety is designed to meet your demanding production needs.
Recording (Rapid Access) HeNe Alliance HN, HNm, HN7, HN7m Red-sensitive film, intended for exposure in recorders with HeNe laser (630 nm) or red laser diode (670 nm). Alliance HNS High-speed red-sensitive film, intended for exposure in recorders with HeNe laser (630 nm) or red laser diode (670 nm). Alliance DigiDot HND High-speed red-sensitive film, intended for exposure in recorders with HeNe laser (630nm-670nm) or red laser diode with hard dot capacities. LED Alliance LD, LDm Red-sensitive film, intended for exposure in recorders with LED array (660 nm). Infra Red Alliance IR, IRm: Infrared-sensitive film, intended for exposure in recorders with infrared laser diode (780 - 820 nm).
• Printing Plates Thermal and conventional in a full range of sizes
• Wide Format Media A full range of wide format media for use with UV, Solvent, Eco Solvent, Dye, Pigment and Latex based inks
• Superwide Media A full range of superwide products, including Frontlit, backlit, and mesh in sizes up to 5m in width for use with all ink types
Film Developer and Fixer Reprocentre Group will keep you informed as the range continues to expand.
Products Include
Reprocentre Group is now the sole distributor for European Graphics in Ireland
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Wide & Superwide Media for Solvent & UV printing We stock a wide range of products in our Dublin warehouse, with sizes from 1.067 - 5m in width.
PVC Banner Products Frontlit PVC, available in coated and laminated Mesh, available in coated and laminated Backlit, available in coated and laminated Blockout, available in coated and laminated Black/White. available in laminated Airtex & Artist Canvas
Display Products Roll Up media, available in sizes 914, 106 & 1270 – 220 microns grey or white back light block Pop up media, available in sizes 1067 & 1270 – 350 microns Clear Cling Gloss 150 microns for easy window application 914 White Cling Gloss 150 microns for easy window application 914 & 1372
Polyester material for UV printing Hi Fi film PMX970 DIFFUSER 1560 x 50M 190 microns Hi Fi Film PMX559 WHITE Block 960 x 50M 165 microns
Paper Products for Solvent & UV Blue Back Paper - 1370 & 1600 widths Poster Paper - 150 & 200gsm in widths 1370, 1600 & 2.5m wide Scrolling Paper - Scrolljet media 3100 x 100m 175gsm Motionjet 915 Poster Paper - 3200 x 100m 150gsm
Window Visions Products, See-Thru film (or ‘One Way Vision’ film) for static applications and mobile advertising on glass surfaces. Window graphics onto flat glass surfaces showing advertising on one side and allowing for ‘see through’ view on the other side. Designed for solvent based inkjet printing on most wide-format printing equipment. 2 years outdoor durability.
Please contact us if you have any specific requirements We have a facility in our warehouse to cut down any of the above roll media to whatever width our customers require.
MacTac Self-adhesive Vinyl Products The JT5800 & Printvinyl range for short to medium term indoor or outdoor advertising and promotion on flat or slightly curved surfaces. Especially designed for solvent based & UV inkjet printing on wide-format printing equipment. 2-4 years outdoor durability. The JT5900 range for long term outdoor advertising or promotion on flat or curved surfaces. Especially designed for solvent based & UV inkjet printing on wide-format printing equipment. The PM version is particulary indicated for printers using ecosolvent or mild solvent inks giving superb print results for high quality & high resolution printing. 5-7 years outdoor durability. The JT5500 range for Long term outdoor very conformable film for vehicle markings on flat, curved, embossed or riveted surfaces. Especially designed for solvent based & UV inkjet printing on wide-format printing equipment. The PM version is particulary indicated for printers using ‘eco-solvent’ or ‘mild solvent’ inks giving superb print results for high quality & high resolution printing. 10 years outdoor durability. Illuminated Signs transform the room, give it life and new dimensions with backlit graphics. MACtac’s unique products for backlit make your concepts a reality. IMAGin JT 5728 P and JT 5827 P are printable films especially designed to realize illuminated signs (light boxes). Glass window Films use the constantly changing movement of the sunlight to create a rich and lively atmosphere. Light entering the interior creates multiple shadow lines and shapes on the floor and walls of museums and public buildings. Architectural Graphic Films for building front decoration or city beautification, special MACtac self-adhesive films can be applied outside. Graphics on MACtac films WW 100 can even be applied directly on brickwork or concrete. WW 200 films are especially designed for short term indoor wall posters on smooth, flat surfaces. The special ultra-removable adhesive allows you to apply the product, reposition it, and remove it to re-apply it at a later date (save the liner for storage) without leaving behind adhesive residue. Floor Graphics we offer a range of digital printable films perfectly adapted to realize complex floor graphics. This printable media must be laminated with slip resistance Permaflex laminates: PF 6400 (1 month), PF 6301 (3 months), PF 6300 (6 months), PF 6200 (9 months).
Wide Format Media for Dye & Pigment water based printers European Graphics Media The media is manufactured by leading european manufactures. we offer a wide range of instant dry poster paper & photo paper in pearl, satin, matt, self-adhesive products, roll up films, pop up films, front & backlit films, artist canvas and proofing papers. Please contact us if you have any specific requirements Agfa Selectjet was developed for screen and flexo printing. Agfa’s SelectJet film lets you make black line and halftone images and color separations on high-density inkjet film for screen and flexo printing. Inkjet film for digital prepress, screen printing and sign making. SelectJet film is an easy, economical choice. Its instant-dry ink receiving layer and ability to operate in full daylight conditions with no chemistry make it easy to use. Low investment and operating costs save you money. SelectJet films are compatible in most screen and flexo printing environments. Films are available in special and standard sizes.
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Rigid Display Speciality Product UPM Wisa Image, WISA-Image is a special plywood overlaid with a unique coating system, suitable for both digital and silk screen printing. The panel is a functional substrate for various structural (outdoor)sign and advertisement applications and offers a excellent adhesion when printed using the UV process. WISA-Image is the next-generation printable material for intelligent outdoor advertising. The ecological plywood panel delivers superior performance and is the economical solution for demanding conditions WISA-Image respects the environment from start to finish. Wood is a renewable natural resource, with a certified origin. Manufacturing plywood panel requires less energy than competing products. WISA-Image also lasts longer and its life cycle can be extended further by recycling it as a construction material. In the end, the plywood panel can be used as a bioenergy source. WISA-Image offers a specially treated scratch-resistant printing surface. The best protection against fading colours is achieved by using UV printing inks. Colour and image reproduction is bright and sharp on this panel. WISA-Image offers a matt surface and print result on plywood panel, which reduces surface reflection. Thanks to minimal thermal expansion, the image does not crack or tear over time. According to UPM tests, the print result on the surface of WISA-Image retains its superior quality for up to four years in outdoor use. Printing on the durable plywood surface is quick and effortless on a silk or digital printer. Light WISA-Image is also easy to install and handle. Heavier plywood panels can be used for fences or outdoor advertising, while lighter panels can be fastened to walls or fences. WISA-Image is ideal for outdoor advertising that calls for long-term solutions. This includes sports stadiums, roadside billboards, construction sites and fences. WISA-Image also stands for innovative design, as the plywood panel is easy to work with.
Enironmenta lly certified, d igitally printe d panels.
Large format ph otos and designs printe d directly onto constructiona l, exterior plywood. Saving time an d
No need for m ultiple visits to site as the pane ls wih the marketing mes sage go up in one applicat ion. -Environmenta lly certified. -Fully Exterior. -Non reflective. -Graffitti resist ant. - Direct applic ation, no peelin g.
For more infor mation call ou r offices..... 0
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Reprocentre supply a wide range of Digital ink covering almost every wide format printer installed in Ireland.
HP INK for Industrial Printers HP Scitex inks are formulated and manufactured by HP to work together with HP Scitex large-format printers. Designing and developing the printhead, ink, and printer together creates high-performing, dependable printing systems — just what users need to achieve great results. The HP Scitex inks offering includes solvent, UV-curable and water-based inks, all available in a variety of formulations. Used with HP Scitex printers, the inks produce dry, ready-to-use, durable images with a large color gamut on a wide variety of rigid and flexible substrates. The inks are designed for specific HP Scitex printing systems, ensuring accurate color reproduction and compatibility.
Solvent inks Most solvent ink series offer a choice of ‘Classic’ and ‘Supreme’ grades, which are not simply ‘Economy’ and ‘Premium’ versions, but are formulated to meet specific application requirements. Classic 'Classic' is the most cost-effective ink series and is designed for outdoor durability for up to one year, making it attractive for shorter-life applications. Supreme 'Supreme' series inks offer a longer UV durability of up to two years, and other benefits that make them the preferred option for their target applications.
UV-curable inks HP Scitex UV-curable inks deliver high image quality while enabling printing practices with reduced environmental impact. Designed for different HP flatbed, hybrid, roll-to-roll and roll-to-sheet printers, they are offered in 4, 6 and 8 color configurations, feature an extensive color gamut, and provide excellent adhesion to a wide variety of media, with high durability and optimized outdoor fade and abrasion resistance. Most HP Scitex inks are produced by HP in their own state-of-the-art factories to strict quality-control standards. Each batch is tested and certified to meet an array of rigorous physical, chemical, and colorimetric specifications. Because the properties of ink can affect everything in the printing system and hence productivity and output quality every change in HP Scitex ink formulations undergoes exhaustive testing both in the laboratory and in production environments. This investment in quality control means that every liter of HP Scitex inks is optimized to perform to HP's exacting standards. HP’s ink manufacturing process includes more than 20 quality parameters, including color space, color strength, gloss, transparency, scratch resistance, durability, flexibility, adhesion, environmental legislation, shelf life, light fastness, abrasion resistance, viscosity, sensitivity to temperature, printer drying capacity, print speed, dot size, surface tension, particle size and more. As part of HP's long-term quality commitment, one liter of every batch of HP Scitex ink manufactured is kept for monitoring purposes. Plants that produce HP Scitex inks are ISO 9001 certified.
Agfa Anapurna Ink Anapurna inks are piezoelectric UV curable inkjet inks that have been specially designed for use in the different models of Agfa's multi-pass, wide format Anapurna printers. The Anapurna inkjet inks are stable, fast curing and easy to handle. These digital inks print in sharp, vibrant colours on a wide range of flexible and rigid, coated and uncoated media. Generating high image quality, they offer an ideal solution for various indoor and outdoor applications. Anapurna inks have been formulated based on the highest quality pigments. This ensures high fade resistance for long-term outdoor applications. Accelerated weathering tests on different substrates indicate an outdoor durability is more than 2 years and probably more than 3 years under western european outdoor conditions. Anapurna inks have excellent ink characteristics which result in outstanding images, optimal jetting behaviour, fast curing ensuring high productivity, excellent colour gamut, sharp vibrant colours for indoor and outdoor applications, good adhesion on a wide variety of rigid and flexible, coated and uncoated substrates, such as PVC (vinyl, rigid and foam board), PET, papers, corrugated board and Dibond.
DuPont UV inks Combining the many years of color science knowledge from multiple divisions enabled DuPont to provide extraordinary UV curable expanded gamut inks. Great colour, cure uniformity, long shelf life, and versatility characterise the DuPont UV curable inks. Available as part of the Cromaprintâ&#x201E;˘ UV systems Cromaprintâ&#x201E;˘ 22 UVse Uses a 6-color (C,M,Y,K,Lc,Lm) gamut enhanced, plus in-line white ink set.
Colorific Inks for Roland AJ740 & AJ1000 The Roland AdvancedJet is a superb production printer, the only improvement we could think of was to reduce the running costs. Now you can - using Colorific ink. PRO-AJ ink offers plug and play compatibility, for mix and match use, and delivers greatly reduced cost per print. No re-profiling, no flushing - just plug in our PRO-AJ cartridges and start saving. We bring those inks under the Colorific umbrella, which means when you purchase an ink solution that bears the Colorific brand, you are buying into a proven solution that will give you the optimal performance and reliability that you need, on every single image that you print.
Nazdar/ Lyson Photochrome Pro Inks for Epson Designed specifically for the Epson 4800 and 7800/9800, PhotoChrome Pro is the best third party ink solution on the market today. PhotoChrome Pro uses the latest high gloss pigments to provide fantastic colour reproduction, even on ultra-glossy papers. The neutrality of the grey channels allows for accurate proofs with low metamerism and excellent colour stability. PhotoChrome Pro is available in 220ml pre-filled cartridges and in bulk if requested.
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Sun Chemical Streamline Products for superwide printers The Streamline range of digital inks are designed specifically for a variety of wide and super-wide format printers. These inks come in high-quality solvent, oil and water-based options. Streamline super-wide format inks are formulated to have similar color and physical properties to the original inks, so that existing color profiles and printer settings can be applied in most situations. In addition, they boast excellent adhesion, jetting properties and long print head life. All Streamline inks are supported by our unrivaled technical and engineering support.
Mimaki JV3 and JV33 The Streamline series of inks has recently been updated to improve performance on Mimaki JV3 and JV33 printers. These inks also boast superior jetting properties at high speeds.
Seiko ColourPainter / HP Designjet 9000/10000 The streamline Optima inks specifically formulated for use with Seiko ColorPainter S65/S100, OCE 6060/6100 and HP 9000/10000 printers, Streamline Optima Series inks produce colors and physical properties that are similar enough to the original inks that most existing color profiles and printer settings can be used. In addition, excellent jetting properties give these inks reliable long-term print head stability.
Roland Soljet The streamline ESL inks specifically formulated for use with the Roland Soljet printer range, Streamline ESL (Eco-Sol Light) solvent based ink jet inks have been formulated to meet the stringent demands of the latest wide format printing equipment. They combine high quality, bright strong colours with low odour and excellent reliability. Formulated for compatibility with Roland Eco-Sol Max inks.
Ink for Wide format printers We supply original OEM ink for HP Designjet, Epson, Roland & Canon wide format printers, in addition we also supply ink for the DuPont range of proofing devices.
Defined by excellence
Now at B2, you can be too. KBA RAPIDA 75 -
15,000 sph super-B2 format press 2-8 printing units, coating & perfecting options Feeder pile edge alignment, suction belt feed table, vacuum side lay 7 oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;clock double sized impression and cylinder arrangement Unique KBA universal gripper system SAPC and remote controlled carbide ink key blades as standard Simultaneous impact washing of blankets and impression cylinders High performance fast reacting single train inking units High pile delivery as standard Small footprint and low energy consumption
Now KBA has incoporated the generations of innovation and groundbreaking technology developed for our larger formats into the new super-efficient, high print quality RAPIDA 75 super-B2 press. So, when it comes to being defined by excellence... at B2, you can be too!
People & Print Phone +44 (0)1923 819922 Visit
tel dublin: (01) 409 3100 belfast: (028) 9083 9835 email: web: graphic house, nangor road business park, dublin 12 51 mallusk road, newtownabbey, belfast BT36 4FE