Brochure ClimaDesign

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postgraduate Master‘s course (M.Sc.)


postgraduate Master´s course ClimaDesign

studies prologue


presentation study program




study plan


semester overview


structure and content semester 1


structure and content semester 2


structure and content semester 3


structure and content semester 4


information about living in Munich about Technische Universität Mßnchen


information for international students


health insurance for students


loans and scholarships




free time


cooperates I coordination ClimaDesign


adresses I contacts




preface master‘s course director Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Auer The building sector is responsible for approximately 40% of all of the energy demand. An estimated 50% of the world‘s population live in cities. In Germany, approximately three-quarters of the population live in cities or their suburbs. The EU Carbon Roadmap states that in comparison to 1990, the CO2 emissions of the building sector should be reduced by 90% by 2050. This will have significant effects on our environment, and the architecture of buildings and cities will change dramatically. The requirements for energy efficiency and comfort cannot be solved by technology alone. Passive design strategies balanced with active ones must be hybridized to a well-orchestrated system. The goal is that architecture and technology become a synergetic unit. The design of a sailing ship is analogous to synergetic principles for building design. Due to its shape and lines, the sailing ship is driven by wind to glide, without the use of fossil fuels. The philosophy of ClimaDesign is analogous to this system. The aim is to develop buildings that offer maximum comfort while minimizing the use of energy and technical systems. Building efficiency and user comfort are connected with architecture. It is necessary to approach building design holistically. In the current environment a variety of potentials and synergies can be found. A holistic approach to design, however, requires expansion of the focus from the individual buildings on the district to the level of the urban context. It is important that architects and engineers are prepared for the coming challenges in architecture. A large perspective of the requirements for the built environment reveals the need for interdisciplinary teams which operate in an integrated design process. This is the central aspect of the ClimaDesign education. Less is Future!


Faculty for Architecture

Der Gebäudesektor ist verantwortlich für ca. 40 % des Energiebedarfs, weltweit leben ca. 50 % der Menschen in Städten, in Deutschland leben etwa dreiviertel der Menschen in Städten oder deren Speckgürtel. Die Carbon Roadmap der Europäischen Union sieht vor, dass im Vergleich zu 1990 die CO2 Emissionen des Gebäudesektors bis zum Jahr 2050 um 90 % reduziert werden. Das wird sich auf unsere gebaute Umwelt auswirken, die Architektur von Gebäuden und Quartieren wird sich verändern. Die Anforderungen an Energieeffizienz und Komfort lassen sich nachhaltig nicht durch eine Hochtechnisierung lösen. Vielmehr geht es darum passive Strategien anzuwenden und gezielt auf aktive Maßnahmen abzustimmen. Ziel ist es, dass Architektur und Technik eine synergetische Einheit bilden. Hierbei lassen sich von der Konstruktion eines Segelschiffes Prinzipien für synergetisches Entwerfen von Gebäuden ableiten. Durch Form und Linienführung gleitet es angetrieben durch Wind, ohne den Einsatz fossiler Antriebsenergie, durch das Meer. Vergleichbar ist die Philosophie von ClimaDesign – Ziel ist es Gebäude zu entwerfen, die mit einem Minimum an Energie und technischen Systemen ein Maximum an Behaglichkeit bieten. Denn die Gebäudeeffizienz und der Nutzerkomfort sind eng mit der Architektur verbunden. Zudem ist es erforderlich den Blickwinkel zu erweitern. In der gebauten Umwelt lassen sich eine Vielzahl von Potenzialen und Synergien finden. Ein ganzheitlicher Planungsansatz erfordert den Fokus vom Einzelgebäude über das Quartier auf die Ebene des städtebaulichen Kontextes zu erweitern. Es ist wichtig, dass Architekten und Ingenieure auf die kommenden Veränderungen in der Architektur und die Internationalisierung des Marktes vorbereitet sind und diese Situation als Chance nutzen. Ein ganzheitliches Verständnis der Anforderungen an die gebaute Umwelt erfordert interdisziplinäre Teams die in einem integralen Prozess agieren. Dies ist der zentrale Aspekt der ClimaDesign Ausbildung. Weniger ist Zukunft!


preface master‘s course founder Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Gerhard Hausladen Due to the finite nature of fossil energy sources as well as to the increasing environmental awareness, strategies to save energy in the context of building and urban design are essential issues for the design process. For nearly all disciplines in the building sector the design and construction process has changed in recent years. Creating structures and construction for the future does not imply designing highly technical objects. The focus should be on enhancing the interaction between passive and active building components. Building structures with the utilization of technology is meant to increase the well-being of its occupants. Buildings will be sustainable if this requirement for comfort and well-being is achieved by using less energy and reducing CO2 emissions. For this purpose, an early interdisciplinary design process is required. In addition to the knowledge of each discipline, the utilization of collaboration and communication will be crucial for the success of future projects. In 2007, ClimaDesign started as the first interdisciplinary post graduate program at TUM to teach and practice a holistic design process which is absolutely necessary for successful and sustainable future planning. The range of topics includes urban context, energy supply structures of cities and communities, and detailed questions of integration of technical supply systems in architecture. This advanced knowledge, and the ability to think and act in an interdisciplinary planning team, will give the graduates of ClimaDesign the opportunity to develop concepts for buildings that meet today’s, and future, needs.

Vor dem Hintergrund schwindender fossiler Energieträger und einer damit unumgänglichen Notwendigkeit des Energieeinsparens im Kontext der Gebäude- und Stadtplanung sowie durch ein gewachsenes Umweltbewusstsein hat sich der Entwurfs-, Planungs- und Bauprozess in den letzten Jahren verändert. Die Zukunft des Bauens stellt sich nicht durch hochtechnisierte, sondern durch aufeinander abgestimmte passive und aktive Gebäudekomponenten dar. Gebaute Strukturen und der Einsatz von Technik sind lediglich Mittel zum Zweck, das Wohlbefinden des Menschen sicherzustellen oder zu steigern. Gebäude werden dann zukunftsfähig sein, wenn diese Anforderung an den Komfort mit geringem Energieaufwand und ohne Umweltbelastung erreicht wird. Hierzu ist ein frühzeitig interdisziplinär gestalteter Prozess unumgänglich. Neben gutem Fachwissen jeder einzelnen Disziplin wird zukünftig die Fähigkeit der Zusammenarbeit und der Kommunikation über den Erfolg von Projekten entscheidend sein. Als erster interdisziplinärer Studiengang an der TUM, im Wintersemester 2007 gestartet, verfolgt ClimaDesign seither das Ziel den ganzheitlichen Entwurfsprozess zu vermitteln und damit die Grundlage zukünftig erfolgreicher Planung zu schaffen. Das Themenspektrum umfasst den städtebaulichen Kontext, Energieversorgungsstrukturen von Kommunen und Gemeinden ebenso wie detaillierte Fragestellungen des Gebäudeausbaus und der Integration haustechnischer Systeme in die Architektur. Das erweiterte Wissen sowie die Fähigkeit interdisziplinär zu denken und agieren, wird den Absolventen dieses Studiengangs die Möglichkeit geben, Konzepte für Gebäude und Stadtquartiere entwickeln zu können, die den Anforderungen über unsere Zeit hinaus gerecht werden. Architekt architect

professional Fachplaner planer

engineer Ingenieur



ClimaDesign study program


Faculty for Architecture


ClimaDesign‘s philosophy

A sailing ship is the epitome of a synergetic design. Due to its shape and lines it glides driven by wind, without the use of fossil fuels, through the sea. Comparable is the philosophy of ClimaDesign. The aim is to develop the concept of buildings and districts that can “do more with less” and provide maximum comfort with minimum energy.

The postgraduate Master’s degree program ClimaDesign at the TUM, with its Faculty of Architecture, is intended to further develop the specialization and scientific research of energyefficient design and construction, building climatology, and architectural design quality. ClimaDesign also prepares individuals for key positions in professional, research and development settings at the national and international level. In the designing of buildings, complexity has increased steadily since the end of the 20th century. Political and legal requirements to optimize energy efficiency, greater use of renewable energies, but also social demands on the climate and resource protection characterize today‘s construction industry. This requires interdisciplinary-trained engineers in the field of sustainable construction so that they can act as interfaces between the disciplines involved in design and construction. To achieve this approach, thinking and working methods of other disciplines must be learned. Objectives of the advanced Master‘s degree program ClimaDesign include such cross-disciplinary knowledge and strengthen the dialogue between the engineering disciplines involved in the construction process. While it is common practice today, the aim is not to design buildings and systems independently from each other, but to form an integrated unit

which responds to site conditions and utilizes local potentials. For this holistic designing approach, it is no longer adequate to consider only the single building without it‘s integration into the surrounding context. It is much more important to expand the focus from individual buildings to integrate the larger context. The curriculum includes, for example, synergetic sustainable building design in an international context, building technology, building physics, renewable energy, thermal simulation, climate-responsive design, fluid dynamics and building aerodynamics, lighting design, urban ecology, urban climate, sustainable neighborhood and city planning, energy design for cities, project management, soft skills, among other topics. The unique features include interdisciplinary, global networking with other universities for joint workshops and former ClimaDesign students within the growing ClimaDesign network, as well as the practical reference to private enterprises. The part-time study model in compact scheduling presents the most current topics of the curriculum.




target group and admission requirements The course is aimed at graduates in the fields of architecture, civil engineering, environmental engineering, supply engineering or similar engineering disciplines related to building design and construction. In individual cases related disciplines may be admitted when they can meet appropriate qualifications. Qualified candidates have obtained a qualifying university degree with a minimum of 210 ECTS (7 semester full time) from a national or international university. Through the acquired degree, specialized theoretical knowledge, methodological and cognitive skills in the fields of architecture should be present. The ability to work scientifically and methodically is provided as a general engineering science understanding. Interest and affinity for math, engineering, and design tasks are required. Students should have integrated professional knowledge in their respective field and possess the skills to apply their knowledge and understanding of their professional activities and develop solutions to problems in their area of expertise. In addition, at least one year of relevant work experience is required after earning an academic degree concerning the built environment, as well as passing an aptitude test in form of a personal selection interview. For applicants with a Bachelor‘s degree with less than 210 ECTS points, a declaratory procedure in Annex 3 of the FPSO can be applied. academic degree - Master of Science Completion of the individual modules are acquired through a module examination. Nature and duration of the individual tri-


Faculty for Architecture

als are given in the examination regulations, examinations, any written or oral examinations, such as project work, and presentations. The successful completion of the course will be confirmed by the Technische Universität München. The University will supply a diploma and certificate (+ Diploma Supplement + Transcript of Records, see ASPO) with the acquired academic degrees. study in compact weeks The modules are offered in compact weeks. This means that each module is generally 6 to 12 days per month, the remaining three weeks are used for self-study and professional activity which should be in the field of energy and sustainable planning. skills and qualifications The graduates of the Master ClimaDesign acquire an additional multidisciplinary qualification in the field of energy-efficient construction. Based on the individual‘s previous knowledge, they expand their professional practice to act as an interface between all planning disciplines and to fill key positions. tuition The fees are € 5,000 per semester. group size About 20 to 30 students are accepted per year. Therefore, we can ensure a high quality in teaching and elite training.


overview application documents

the application documents must be submitted on time in paper form in German or English

deadlines for application

certified copy of University degree certificate

application period January 01 - May 31

Transscript of Records (certified copy)

CV mentioning relevant projects and fields of activity

letter of motivation - A written justification [not more than two A4 pages] for the choice of the degree program ClimaDesign in which the specific talents and interests for suitability for this Master’s program at the Technische Universität München are explained

confirmation of employment of at least 1 year, references

letters of recommendation [employer or project partners] of a maximum of two A4 pages

proof of adequate knowledge of the English language (certified copy): this is for students whose native language or language of instruction is not English - TOEFL Internet based Test ‘IbT’ [min 88 out of 120 points] Computer based Test ‘CbT’ [min 234 points] Paper based Test ‘PbT’ [min 605 points] or - IELTS [min 6.5 out of 9 points for each test section] or - Cambridge Main Suite of English Examinations [Level C1] or - minimum mark of “good” in English [at least 10 out of 15 points] on a national university entrance exam [Abitur] or - practical work experience in an english speaking country for at least 1 year

photocopy of identity card/passport

recent passport photograph

proof of student health insurance

Application only possible for winter semester To apply, use TUMonline at Click on the link “Applicants” or apply directly at onlinebewerbung

Send the completed forms and documents to: Technische Universität München Immatrikulationsamt Arcisstraße 21 80333 München

The date stamp is decisive. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Questions about your application Student Service Center + before-your-studies/

certificates of additional qualifications

portfolio with relevant projects showing the work experience max. 10 pages DIN A3






compact study plan and research facilities


Energy + Building

20 ects


Energy + City

20 ects

lecture workshop practice


Building international

20 ects


Master’s Thesis

30 ects

concept project excursion

study part-time modules in compact weeks four modules per semester starts for the winter semester 2 course-related excursions

90 ects M.Sc.


research facilities

ClimaLab - The lecture and work space. Students will have acces to the ClimaLab during their entire study period. The room is equipped with a library, computers and model building material. simulation - Various simulation programs are applied for dynamic and thermal simulation such as specific simulation of light. An examination of current trends in buildings and façades is explored. wind tunnel - The wind tunnel offers possibilities for the development of concepts for facades with natural ventilation as well as for analysis of building dynamics. artificial sky - The Faculty of Architecture‘s artificial sky can be used as a basis for decisions concerning concepts of lighting.

It can also be used for the simulation of light. solar station - At the station for solar research, practical experiments concerning the use of solar energy take place as well as measurements for ventilation and daylight. Innovative concepts for façades can be controlled at a 1:1 scale and can be metrological measured. façade testing facility - The façade testing facility is used to elaborate designing fundamentals for the energy optimization of buildings. fire protection lab - The research lab for fire experiments conducts examinations in order to find out how building parts and materials react to fire.


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MODULE 1 - Synergetic Design

MODULE 5 - Methods and Tools I: Buildings

theory and development of building and technology l synergetic design l building climatology l comfort I measuring tools for building climatology l basics of an interdisciplinary and integrated approach in complex building and design tasks I soft skills

thermodynamics: building simulation advanced l thermal optimization of buildings aerodynamics: wind forces on buildings l construction and building aerodynamics l cfd simulation l wind and environment l airflow inside buildings l wind tunnel light: lighting design l lighting simulation l artificial light l daylight l artificial sky l lighting technology I art and light


synergetic design - building, climate and location l climate data evaluation l energy flow l renewable energies l thermodynamic basics I human beings and comfort I static energy balancing l building simulation 1l optimize energy usage for buildings l passive concepts l humidity l acoustics l innovative building materials I soft skills 6 ECTS

MODULE 3 - Project I: Passive Strategies

topic: synergetic building design I focus on: passive strategies, faรงade, building climatology, energetic optimization l construction I design methods within interdisciplinary teams l soft skills: visualize and present


Processing of episodic sub-tasks MODULE 6 - 7 In-depth elaboration of the project work MODULE 8

MODULE 2 - Human Beings & Building Physics



Processing of episodic sub-tasks MODULE 1 - 2 In-depth elaboration of the project work MODULE 3- 4


MODULE 6 - Methods and Tools II: City

sustainable urban planning I socio-ecological strategies l urban economics l urban infrastructure I urban climate l climate adaptation l biodiversity l soil l green areas l flow of substance and energy l urban energy development plan l energy supply systems l concepts I renewable energies and environments 6 ECTS

MODULE 7 - Excursion I (national)

topic: building and city l analysis and visit of relevant buildings and districts l citylight walk at night l energy supply systems l guided plant tour I architectural documentation I freehand sketching 3 ECTS

MODULE 4 - Building and Technology

Project I: active strategies interaction faรงade + building technology I basics energy markets l renewable energies l heating, cooling, air-conditioning, storing l room conditioning l installation concepts l central and decentralized energy supply systems l building simulation 2 l load management l innovative energy concepts l conceptual fire protection l soft skills

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Faculty for Architecture

MODULE 8 - Project II

topic: city(district) 2.0 strategies for the city in terms of an ecological and climatical optimization l energy concepts on district level l urban planning concepts within interdisciplinary teams I urban planning design principles I law for urban planning I soft skills





detailed study plan





MODULE 9 - Master‘s seminar

scientific background of the master‘s thesis l scientific work l objective and questioning of the master‘s thesis l soft skills: team leadership, negotiate 3 ECTS


Processing of episodic sub-tasks MODULE 10 - 11 In-depth elaboration of the project work MODULE 12

MODULE 10 - Building international

sustainable building in various climate regions l sustainability and cultural aspects I project management l facility management I cost management l quality management I building law for building climatology l intercultural communication l soft skills: conduct of negotiations, rhetoric, mediation, conflict resolution

MODULE 13 - Master´s Thesis

autonomous scientific treatise of current issues with individual and technical consultation. The topics must be approved by the Head of Studies.


MODULE 11 - Excursion II (international)

design studio with partner university/company l analysis and visit of relevant companies, projects, buildings and districts l project work I interdisciplinary workshop l deepening technical english l building culture international I intercultural communication l soft skills 5 ECTS 27 ECTS

MODULE 12 - Project III (Advanced)

topic: integrated building design with free deepening orientation l interdisciplinary teamwork l application of simulation tools l detailed planning l comprehension of all gained knowledge handling the implementation of integrated building projects

MODULE 14 - Colloquium

public presentation of the master‘s thesis l examination talk l discussion and defense





M.Sc. 90 ECTS ClimaDesign

I 13

semester 1

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Faculty for Architecture

structure and content 1st semester

semester 1 Synergetic Design Human Beings and Building Physics Project I: Passive Strategies Building and Technology

The 1st semester is focused on the topic of ‘Energy and Building‘. Specialized theoretical basics will be taught, along with methodological, cognitive, and instrumental tools. These skills will be intensified and developed in the 2nd and 3rd semester. After completion of the 1st semester, students are able to apply synergetic design strategies in the field of energy efficiency, building climatology, building physics, building and design quality. Moreover, measuring tools can be applied, as well as the creation of energy balances and thermal simulations in the field of system engineering and buildings.

The following qualifications will be developed: synergetic design, building climatology, climate-responsive design, building physics, static and dynamic energy balance, strategies for energy optimization of buildings, optimized façade concepts, renewable energy, building automation, energy supply concepts, conceptual fire protection and architectural theory in the context of sustainability. The acquired skills in the 1st semester will be further expanded during the studies and extended by the curriculum and accompanying project work.


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Module 1 Synergetic Design

Module 2 Human Beings and Building Physics

The module’s focus is on the basics of building climatology and traditional building types in different climates. The basis of architectural theory in the context of sustainability is examined. After the module students understand the difference between different traditional building types in different climates as well as important developments in the architectural history and to derive from these influences active and passive strategies for today‘s construction projects.

This module is dedicated to building physics. A deep understanding of building physics is the basis for designing synergetic buildings at a high level.

Students understand synergetic design and design approaches for architecture based on energy, building climatology and site-specific aspects in order to deepen and apply these in subsequent modules. The basics of building climatology (visual, thermal and olfactory) can be integrated into the design process. Furthermore, students are able to apply and evaluate measuring tools and interpret the results quantitatively. Another important element in this first week of studies is teambuilding. In joint ventures on mountains and lakes, the basis for good cooperation and long-lasting relationships are made.

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Faculty for Architecture

Course topics include the following: climate responsive design, climate data generation and analysis, ClimaSkin - integrative concept and design approaches for architecture based on energy, building climatology and site-specific aspects, interaction façade, building climatology, human beings and comfort, energy cycles and energy flows, thermodynamic basics, material properties, function of insulation materials, innovative building materials, humidity, fundamentals of acoustics, static energy balance, thermal building simulation 1: principles of thermal building simulation (focus on passive strategies). This course content is taught in lectures and accompanying exercises (dynamic simulation, static energy balance, climate data analysis).

structure and content 1st semester



Module 3 Project I - Passive Strategies

Module 4 Building and Technology

In interdisciplinary groups a synergetic building design will be developed. Leading the effort are passive design strategies and their interaction with the main aspects of creative design. From the basics of finding a synergetic design idea, this project develops to the preparation of a professional presentation.

In this module the emphasis is on building technology. At the completion of the module students are able to develop integrated building and engineering concepts by building climatology and energy-optimized aspects.

The objective is to plan scientifically and methodically in order to quantify decisions for the design. Dependencies and synergies between site, building geometry, faรงade design, building services and building physics will be coordinated and brought into a meaningful relationship. After the module, students are able to design innovative building concepts under consideration of construction, aesthetics, building physics, building climatology and energy efficiency-based criteria. In addition, ecological optimization can be integrated in the building design in the early design phase. The instrumental skills of thermal building simulation are expanded. Results can be adequately visualized and professionally presented.

Course contents include: Deepening of Project I with active strategies for buildings, relationships and functions within energy markets, interaction faรงade-building technology, components of building technology from the generation to storage to transfer for heating, cooling and air, design of passive and active systems for summer and winter case, use of solar energy in buildings, energy storage options and sizing, central / decentralized energy supply concepts, design criteria of mechanical and natural ventilation concepts, installation concepts, zero and plus energy, Smart Building, load management, thermal simulation 2: focus on technology, basics of conceptual fire protection.


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semester 2

structure and content 2nd semester

semester 2 Methods and Tools I - Building Methods and Tools II - City Excursion I - national Project II

In the 2nd semester, the focus is expanded from single buildings to the building context. Based on previously-acquired skills from the curriculum, the focus of the 2nd semester is on the topics of ‚Sustainability+City‘.

Based on the acquired skills in theoretical building knowledge, the focus can be expanded from individual buildings to the connection of several buildings across the district, and further to the level of the urban context.

At the beginning of this semester, the instrumental and methodological skills are deepened in the area of building design (Module 5). Students are able to apply dynamic simulation tools and models in the field of thermodynamics, aerodynamics and lighting design. Design decisions can be quantified and thereby made justifiable in integrating them into the synergetic design process (planning scientific work).

Topics of urban ecology, urban climate, sustainable quarters, urban planning, and urban energy development will be taught within the 2nd semester (Module 6-8). Also in this semester, the first excursion takes place. The project work of the second semester is in an urban context in order to expand and develop the methodological and cognitive skills in this subject area. ClimaDesign

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Module 5 Methods and Tools I - Building

Module 6 Methods and Tools II - City

How is it possible to optimize buildings beginning from the first design? In this module, professional design methods and tools are addressed. The focus areas are thermodynamics, aerodynamics and lighting design. Curriculum of this module: Advanced thermal simulation, validity checks, setting up and demarcation of simulation models, basics of aero physics, flow simulation, numerical simulation, influence of wind on buildings, wind and environment, field tests in the wind tunnel, resulting planning strategies for buildings and environment, airflow control in buildings, natural ventilation, dimensioning of ventilation concepts, basics light and lighting, basics of cognitive psychology, daylight and shading systems, light and colour, space creation, functionality and area of application of various illuminants e.g. LED, OLED, artificial lighting design: interpretation and dimensioning, arrangement, control, visual comfort, daylight planning: diagram of the solar altitude, zoning, faรงade, systems, application of tools for lighting simulation, field tests in the artificial sky laboratory, fine arts and art history.

This module shows connections and synergies between the flow of energy, material and urban climatic factors, and their significance to the urban space and the quality of life. Experts from different disciplines demonstrate how to solve planning tasks regarding the architectural and urban development perspective which targets sustainability.

Faculty for Architecture

The focus is on these questions: what defines a city, how does the urban planning process work, and whether cities are good for our planet. Opportunities for environmentally sustainable urban development are presented. Additional methods for modifying urban energy development plans (Thermal calculations, developing new energy potentials, infrastructure of urban systems and conceptual development) will be demonstrated. Planning tools for integrated development as well as identifying connections between the usage of renewable energies and its impact on the landscape are part of this module. It is structured in seminars, lectures, and project work.

structure and content 2nd semester



Module 7 Excursion I (national)

Module 8 Project II

As part of an excursion, exemplary buildings, cities and innovative energy supply stations will be visited. Students will be able to analyze and evaluate buildings and districts concerning their energy efficiency, ecology, climatology, architecture and technology.

A project within the urban context will be developed by interdisciplinary teams. The focus will be on the integrative planning strategies and the interaction of ecology, urban climate, energy efficiency and design quality. At the completion of the module, students will be able to develop innovative approaches and concepts at the quarter level considering ecological, energetic and urban climate aspects.

Content of the excursion: analysis and architectural tours of significant sustainable buildings and neighborhoods, survey and analysis of the urban case studies, analysis and inspection of buildings and neighborhoods with special energy concepts, site inspection, city light walk, energy supply systems such as power plants (fossil and renewable), factory tour, production of innovative building products, architectural documentation and freehand sketching.

Furthermore, students will coordinate local partnerships that can be made more efficient. Building code conditions are taken into account in the planning. Additional contents are urban and land management, urban planning principles and building law for urban planning.


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semester 3

structure and content 3rd semester

semester 3 Master´s seminar Building international Excursion II - international Project III

The focus of the 3rd semester extends to sustainable design in an international context. Skills in project development, economics and climate responsive design are thought. Additional social competences in working with clients and planners which are necessary for the international design practice are examined. Curriculum of the semester are building in different climatic zones (deepening), project management, cost management, art and architecture international, negotiation, mediation and

team leadership, intercultural communication and rhetoric. An important part is the international excursion, which is closely linked to this semesters‘ project work (Project III). In this project, a specialization in a certain area is offered. Students can prepare a proposal based on individual interests and focus their skills and competencies to expand in the field of dynamic simulation tools. The basics of scientific work in preparation for the Master‘s Thesis are taught. As part of the 3rd semester the period to select a topic for the Master‘s Thesis begins.


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Module 9 Master‘s seminar

Module 10 Building international

Students are able to write scientific papers on a given problem as well as apply and expand knowledge in the area of team leadership in design practice. Course contents of the module include basics of scientific work, working methods and techniques, objective formulation and question the Master‘s Thesis, theoretical and scientific background of the Thesis, team leadership, and negotiation.

Students will obtain thorough knowledge in the field of building in different climate zones and will be able to assess the financial feasibility of a design task and to evaluate the risks and opportunities of a project idea and a construction task. Building measures can be evaluated and optimized according to economic criteria. The skills acquired in the field of intercultural communication can be applied and expanded in professional practice. The students have the necessary knowledge and are prepared for discussion with clients and investors in planning practice.

The module consists of lectures, practical exercises and a scientific seminar paper to train correct scientific work. Improvement and common mistakes are pointed out in joint discussions. In addition to practical exercises, students are trained to use soft skills in the area of teamwork and negotiation.

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Faculty for Architecture

This modules contents include: sustainable building in different climate zones, soft skills, intercultural communication in different countries, building law for building climatology, negotiation, project management: fundamentals of project development and project planning, cost management, quality management, capital and operating cost estimation, cost-effectiveness and comparative payback calculations, arts in architecture. The module consists of lectures, practical exercises and presentations.

structure and content 3rd semester



Module 11 Excursion II international

Module 12 Project III

As part of an international excursion, sustainable buildings and districts are visited. In a workshop with partner universities and companies abroad, a project is being developed. This project work is expanded in module 12. The aim is to develop a sustainable building design in an international context on a scientific basis. Passive and active measures/steps can be adapted for each successive climate in the early design phase. In addition, students are able to present project ideas and communicate them in a way that considers the respective characteristics of the country concerned. Intercultural approaches to planning tasks are understood and implemented in the planning phase.

In this module, advanced design strategies and methods are applied in the context of a holistic design. Students develop innovative building concepts considering design aesthetics and structure, climate responsiveness, and energy efficiencybased criteria in the international context. Relationships between climate, location, use, building geometry, faรงade design, building services and building physics will be coordinated and brought into a meaningful relationship. For the entire planning process solutions will be devised from concept to detail. As part of the module, a combination of different tools such as dynamic and static simulation are chosen freely by the student. Course contents of the module include: application of simulation tools, implementation of a design task involving all the knowledge obtained for the holistic implementation, technology, economics, building physics and detailed planning.

Course contents of the module include: Design studio with partner universities or companies, analysis of architecturally significant sustainable buildings and districts, energy concepts, site inspection, deepening soft skills: intercultural communication.


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semester 4

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Faculty for Architecture

structure and content 4th semester

semester 4 Master‘s Thesis Colloquium

Based on the acquired knowledge, skills, and competences of the first three semesters, the 4th semester is dedicated to the Master‘s Thesis. Each student develops a research/white paper independently and under individual professional supervision. It is possible to work on issues from the student‘s own individual field of work. The Master‘s Thesis can include both a

project and an entirely scientific Master‘s Thesis. The Master‘s Thesis can be a component for a current research project or a real-world construction project from the student‘s design practice. The topic of the Master‘s Thesis should be within the subject area of ClimaDesign. The topics must be approved by the Head of Studies. ClimaDesign

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about the Technische Universität München

history The Origin of TUM goes back to 1868. After the founding of the École Polytéchnique in Paris in 1794, demands of a technical school in Bavaria came up. In the founding year the university operating at the Arcisstraße already started. Today‘s name is there since the 1970s. The Technische Universität München is thus among the oldest engineering colleges and remains the only institution of its type in Bavaria. In 1930 the much older Weihenstephan “College of Agriculture and Brewing” was annexed. In 1957, a research reactor (“Atom Egg”) was built in Garching. In the years following completion of the reactor, the Departments of Physics and Chemistry moved out to the research area in Garching, but the planned move of the entire TUM to Garching was never realised. university campuses TUM academic departments are divided among three sites in the greater Munich arearea with the main campus situated in the centre of Munich (Arcissstraße). The Departments of Architecture, Medicine, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Civil Engineering, Surveying, Economics and Social Sciences are located on the main campus. A second TUM complex is located in Garching, about 10 km north of Munich 28 I

Faculty for Architecture

with the departments of Physics, Chemistry, Informatics, Mathematics, and Mechanical Engineering. TUM’s third campus is 35 kilometres away in Weihenstephan (near Freising) and is home to the Departments of Biology, Science of Agriculture and Horticulture, Forestry and Resource Management, Brewing and Food Technology, Nutrition, Landscape Planning and Landscape Architecture. canteen The refectory of the TUM offers three to four main dishes every day, including one for 1 € and another vegetarian dish, every day. Beverage in returnable bottles are provided by automats in the refectory. It is possible to eat in every canteen of the Munich Student Union e.g. the canteen of the TUM or the LMU. You can pay by smart card or with your student ID. The smart card can be acquired in the administrative office of the canteen against a fee of 10,00 €. For loading the student ID or the smart card there are cashpoints in the entrance of the canteen or in the Cafeteria. Loading can take place with cash or by creditcard. On the main campus are additionally two Cafeterias. In the Audimax‘s Cafeteria warm dishes and snacks are available, which also can be paid cash.

information for international students

contact points for international students

Visa Applicants who are citizens of EU/EWR countries, or of one a few select countries, do not require a visa to enter Germany. Citizens of all other countries require a visa to enter Germany. For more information about student visas, visit the website of the State Department (Auswärtiges Amt).

contact the foreign national department in case of individual requests: You can also contact the German Federal Foreign Office

or the German Mission in your home country



Uebersicht_node.html .

entry regulations Students from EU / EWR nations and many other countries including the US, Canada, Japan, Republic of Korea, Israel, Swizerland, Australia, and New Zealand, enter Germany without any visa. Students from another country need to apply for a student visa at the German embassy or consulate in your home country. A visa must be applied for well in advance of your departure (at least 2 months ahead of time). International students who have proof of admittance to a German university will be issued a so-called student visa (“Studentenvisum”). It is possible for applicants who are interested in studying in Germany to be issued a study applicant’s visa (“StudienbewerberVisum”). This visa enables an applicant to collect information about studying in Germany or to obtain admission prerequisites for studying at a German university. Please do not travel to Germany on a tourist visa! This cannot be changed into a student visa, and students are not allowed to study in Germany on a tourist visa. More comprehensive information regarding visa application requirements is available from your German Embassy or Consulate. After the entry a residence title must be requested. The information given above is a general information. Please

international office IO The International Office (IO) of TUM is very important for international students as it is responsible for all aspects of international relations with other universities. Please feel free to contact an office staff member if you face any type of problem (Foreigner‘s registration office, Health insurance), which could occur during your stay in Munich. The Welcome Office of the IO functions as an information center for international studying, graduate students and guest scientists. Further information for foreign students can be found in the manual for international students of the IO. Arcisstr. 21 80333 München Phone +49 89 289-28382 E-Mail: Appointment set up per mail

resident registration office In Germany all residents and visitors whose stay exceeds 3 months must register with the authorities. Once you have found a room or apartment, you must register at your local resident registration office within one week. If you move to other ClimaDesign

I 29

international students I language courses

accommodations within Munich or move out of Munich, you must register your new address or notify the office that you are leaving Munich.   Kreisverwaltungsreferat (Bürgerbüro)   Ruppertstr. 19 , 80337 München   (Subway: U3/U6, Station : Poccistraße)   Phone   Open: Mon, Wed, Fri 7.30 am – 12.00 am Tue 8.30 am – 12.00 am 2.00 pm – 6.00 pm Thu 8.30 am – 3.00 pm   Kreisverwaltungsreferat, Amt für Ausländerangelegenheiten   Ruppertstr. 19 , 80337 München   Room 1047, 1048, 1051, 1052, 1059   Servicepoint: Tel. +49 89 233-25134   Open: Mon, Fri 7.30 am – 12.00 noon Tue 8.30 am – 12.00 noon 2.00 pm – 6.00 pm Wed by appointment. Thu 8.30 am – 3.00 pm

Munich employment office / Arbeitsamt The “Studenten-Service” - of the Munich employment office – helps students find jobs that last from several hours (“Schnelldienst”) to several weeks. Studenten-Service des Arbeitsamtes Tumblinger Straße 21, 80337 München (Subway: U 3/ U 6 - Station Goetheplatz) Short Term (Schnelldienst): Phone (089) 530980-30 Long Term: Phone (089)530980-33 or –36

You will need to present the following: • proof of enrolment • personal identification card or passport • a passport-size photograph student residence permit For registration you need: Passport and the registration form (available at the registration office). Students from the European 30 I

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Community and all EFTA states (except Switzerland) automatically receive a residence permit by mail from the foreigner’s registration authority (“Ausländerbehörde”) after registering at their local resident registration office and filling out the socalled “Selbstauskunft” (information form) regarding the right of ‘freedom of movement’. Students who are entering Germany without a visa have to fill out a residence permit application which can be obtained at the local Foreigner’s Registration office, within 3 months after entering the country. Students from all other nations must obtain a student visa in their home country before they enter Germany. You will need to present the following in order to obtain a residence permit: Formal application, completed residency permit form, valid passport, letter of admission (“Immatrikulationsbescheinigung”) from the TUM, proof of health insurance, proof of financing, if applicable, a student visa, passport-sized photographs. The fee is 60 € for first permit and 30 € for extensions. In case you do not have all of the above documents they will give you a provisional proof of application for a residence permit. Please have original documents with you as well as copies. language courses at TUM The Language Center offers students the opportunity to improve their skills in many different languages. Courses and seminars in seventeen different languages (e.g. English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and German as an foreign language) are available during the semester as well as in block courses. Further information pertaining to current course offerings and schedules can be found in the Language Centre’s display case, located on the ground floor of the Student Service Centre.

Sprachenzentrum TU München Room 0172a Phone: +49 89 289-25457 Open: Mon – Fri 9.30 am - 12.00 noon Mon – Thu 2:00 pm- 4:00 pm

health insurance in Germany

health insurance in Germany

Every student in Germany is required to have a health insurance. In order to get enrolled at a German university, you have to prove an adequate health- and nursing care insurance protection as well as paying the insurance dues. So, foreign students have to take care of a confirmation of their national health insurance in Germany even BEFORE the enrollment. (Travel insurance is not enough)

Widely used national health insurances are:

health insurance for students The student sickness insurance is valid until the age of 30 or the 14th term. The health insurance for students costs 65-67 â‚Ź per month. Exceptions are a second degree and postgraduate course as well as master courses. The age limit is at max. 30 years, but you can have more than 14 semester.

private health insurance Private health insurance companies are sometimes cheaper than the national ones. However, you have to stay in that insurance for the rest of your studies! Students, who take part at the Master‘s degree ClimaDesign extra occupational, stay insured as an employee or freelancer. In case of an accident during the course time, the insurance of the university is liable. Even if you are insured by your employer, you are additionally insured by university.

national health insurance The insurance contribution at a national health insurance depends on the income of the single insurant and the tariff of the particular health insurance company. The national health insurance is an advantage for families with children due to the fact that the children are non-contributory co-insured.

AOK Barmer Betriebskrankenkasse (BKK) DAK Techniker Krankenkasse


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loans I scholarships

BAföG The financial support comprising a loan which has to be paid back after finished studying is defined by the Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz. To apply for incentives the student mustn‘t have attained 30 years of age and has to provide proof of German citizenship. However, expectations are possible. The duration of funding depends on the standard period of study of the respective studies. Studentenwerk München - Amt für Ausbildungsförderung Leopoldstr. 15 80802 München Phone: +49 89 381 96-0 E-Mail:

study loan of the student union The condition for a study loan is a successful study conclusion within the average period of study. The duration amount is up to two terms for doctorates. In addition it is possible to request for a loan for second degree and postgraduate course as well as master courses. Request forms are available against a fee of 0,50 € at the entrance of the student council. The request for a loan must be submitted personally at the credit bank of the student council. Darlehenskasse der Bayrischen Studentenwerke e. V. Leopoldstr. 15 80802 München Phone: +49 89 38196-263 Consulting hours: Mon, Tue, Thu 9.00 a.m. – 12.30 pm

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1.30 p.m. – 4.00 pm

education loan of KfW Förderbank The amount of the education loan of the KfW promotional bank is independent of the income of the applicant. The principle amount is up to 300 € per month and is allowed up to 24 months. Repayment takes place with extremely low interest rates. The credit is granted for shorter periods, at minimum of three months. The remaining amount can be taken up later again. The division of the total credit into more than two parts is not possible. By the support of federal government cheap interest rates can be obtained. Conditions for promotion are a maximum age of 36 and a study at a university. Bundesverwaltungsamt 50728 Köln Phone: +49 1888 358-4492 Fax +49 1888 358-4850

general university scholarships at the TU München The Technische Universität München offers scholarships. The grant amounts from 150 € up to 1.000 € per term. It supports German students and Bafög authorized international students. Qualifications are minimum 1-2 completed terms at the Technische Universität München, good course achievements and financially needs. scholarship for international students in the Freistaat Bayern The grant amounts up to 500 - 1.500 € per term. Requirement are: excellent grades and a low income. The Applications are available at the scholarship office at the TUM and online. The closing dates are at the end of March and at the end of September.

loans I scholarships

contact- and graduation scholarship from DAAD For the exchangestudents from international partner universities and for international students from the TUM. The grant amounts up to 585 € monthly. Qualifications are good course achievements. TUM, Mrs. Marlene Schneider Stipendienstelle Phone +49 89 289-22252 E-Mail: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Zentrale Geschäftsstelle Bonn Kennedyallee 50 53175 Bonn Phone +49 228 882-0 E-Mail:

postgraduate scholarship program from the Karl-Max von Bauernfeind-Verein Intended are graduated scholarships in particular for women with children and for students who were involved in student matters or interests. The financial aid goes up to 1.300 € per month and is intended for students and graduated students. Precondition is achievement above average, and pre-qualification is necessary. For applying a formless letter is enough. TUM, Frau Signe Tuborgh \ Frau Eva Pettinato TUM GS Boltzmannstr. 17 85748 Garching Phone +49 89 289-106 04 E-Mail: \

annual scholarship program of the Freistaat Bayern for students from mid- and Southeast European countries The annual scholarship serves to finance a doctoral- (PhD), secondary- or postgraduate course at a Bavarian university. The scholarship is for graduates (foreign students only) from Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. The grant amounts 8,400 € p.a. and is paid out monthly with installments of 700 €. Single parents or persons with an unemployed spouse and at least one child can achieve a grant amount of 10,320 € (860 € per month). Requests may be submitted for an extension up to 3 years.

Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa BAYHOST Universitätsstr. 31 93053 Regensburg Phone +49 941 943-5046

*TIP* List of scholarships on the TUM website: stipendienstelle/stipendien Further Scholarships: German

International stipdb en/


I 33

living in munich

Finding an apartment in munich is hard but not impossible

residential quarters within the city

internet links

Maxvorstadt/ Schwabing: Around the Ludwig-Maximilian University (LMU) and along the Leopoldstaße are many restaurants, bars and coffee shops. Flatsharing communities are quite common in this area but you can also find single apartments which are mostly high-priced because of their central location and the fact that they are historic buildings.

Glockenbachviertel: Here you can find many interesting little shops, bars and antique stores. Rental price is also quite high.

Visit TUM website for information:

Westend: This district is multicultural and has affordable prices. Also convenient is the short distance to the Theresienwiese and the walking distance to the Munich Central Station. Milbertshofen: In the north of Munich near the Olympic Stadium where you can also find affordable flats. Giesing: This area is one of the lowest-priced residential areas of Munich. 34 I

Faculty for Architecture

Extra categories for students: It is worth to look up flats in the newspapers, like in the ‚Süddeutschen Zeitung‘ or ‚Kurz und Fündig‘. On the notice board of the refectory in the Gabelsbergerstraße it is possible to find interesting offers.


further possibilities

temporal living

Accomodation offers from the student union The student union allocates a large number of dormitory rooms and has an agency at its disposal for private rooms and flats via internet. More information: http://www.studentenwerk-mhn. de. The housing referral service offers contacts to landlords of single rooms and flats free of commission.

Concept living munich Modern designed, new boarding house with three different types of appartments, starting from 40 €. Pfälzer-Wald-Str.2 81539 München/ U2 Bahnhof Giesing Phone +49 89 66008910

Helene-Mayer-Ring 9 80809 München U3 Olympiazentrum Phone +49 89 357135 - 20/-26 E-Mail:

Mr. Lodge Home- and appartement renting Barerstr. 32 80333 München Phone +49 89 3408230

Service package for overseas students The service package provides a room in a housing area of the student union, a welcoming package including a sleeping bag, a pillow and bed sheet, international tutors who will help you to orientate in Munich, an invitation for a guided city tour, the possibility to participate on excursions and workshops, information about interesting events, contacts to other international and German students. Application available only at the international office of the Technische Hochschule München.

Mitwohnzentrale Ready-furnished and unfurnished appartements and homes Service agency for private lodgings. The online booking system for rooms, apartments and holiday homes in munich.


I 35



view from the Englischer Garten

culture near the TUM


Munich has a wealth of cultural attractions and museums. The bus number 100 stops at 24 museums between Hauptbahnhof and Ostbahnhof. Interesting is for example the Collection of antiques, art galleries, the Haus der Kunst and much more.

college sports The program of the ‚Zentraler Hochschulsport‘ (ZHS) offers a range of sports. In the delivery points of the TUM you receive the program booklets of ZHS at the beginning of each semester. Tokens and course fees vary between 7.50 € and 30 €. More information is available under

The Alte Pinakothek, is one of the oldest and most important art galleries in the world, with paintings from the Middle Ages to the Rococo. The Neue Pinakothek, offers european paintings and sculptures from the late 18th to the 20th century. The Pinakothek der Moderne, combines art, graphics, architecture and design from the period of the 20th and 21st centuries. Courses are offered in both fixed as well as changing exhibitions. The Lenbachhaus shows a collection of the „Blauer Reiter“, paintings of the 18th and 19th century, of the Münchner Schule, the art nouveau and the Neuen Sachlichkeit. The Haus der Kunst, presents exhibitions with changing themes and retrospectives. The Museum Brandhorst includes more than 700 works of pioneering artists of the 20th and 21st century. With the artists Cy Twombly, Andy Warhol, Sigmar Polke, Damien Hirst.

other sports in Munich In addition Munich offers a wide variety of sporting and relaxation possibilities. A detailed overview is available under www. under -MBäder-. More information and addresses under under the heading Recreation / Fun. public transportation Munich has a well-developed rail network (S-Bahn, Subway, trams) and numerous bus lines. For night traffic there is a separate night schedule. Zentrale Zeitkartenstelle im MVV Poccistr. 1 80336 München (U3/6, Bus 31) Monday- Friday 08.00 am - 06.00 pm or

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gastronomy - against your hunger

gastronomy - against your thirst

Vorhoelzer Cafe: 5th foor at the TUM, next to our chair. Big terrasse with one of the best views over Munich, changing daily dishes from 4,00 to 7,00 € one could imagine Munich without its beer gardens...

Steinheil 16: Steinheilstraße 16, behind the TU: Here you can get the probably biggest schnitzel in town to an even fair price. Tafel und Schwafel: Augustenstraße 80, well arranged small cozy café with changing dishes. SODA: Schellingstraße, a bite to eat to small prices. The food is non common and everyone finds his favourite plate.

Augustiner: Arnulfstraße, near Cental Station, a typical munich beer garden. Hofbräu: At Wiener Platz, big but charming. Just like you would picture a beer garden. Hirschgarten: In Parkanlage Hirschgarten, near Romanplatz, original beer garden under treetops of chestnuts, really cozy. Better be reached over the stop Laim than the stop Hirschgarten. Chinesischer Turm: In the middle of Englischer Garten.

Café Altschwabing: Schellingstraße 56, breakfastvariations till 16.00 o‘clock. Fresh salads and special meat dishes between 5,00 – 6,00 €. You willingly stay there a bit longer and even if you just admire the pompous ceiling. Tresznjewski: Barerstraße, corner Theresienstraße, Café - Bar, everything you want - you‘ll get it here. Above all, dishes till late into the night. Absolutly tasty is the giant burger!

Seehaus: In the middle of Englischer Garten as well. Directly located on the shores of Kleinhesseloher lake. Due to its location in the lake house there is the most beautiful evening sun in Munich. It‘s possible to rent boats. Max-Emanuel-Biergarten: Nordendstraße, in a nice backyard unter treetops of chestnuts.

STARO Pizza & Pasta: Theresienstraße 56, cheap take-away Italian, but you can also eat there. Every single-pizza and many dishes for 3,90 €. lo studente: Schellingstraße 30, pizza and pasta to a fair price, daily dishes to special offers Cafe Puck: Türkenstraße 33, breakfast till 18:00 o‘clock, on sundays till 20:00 o‘clock, special dishes for lunch Seehaus


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cooperates I coordination ClimaDesign

coordination ClimaDesign Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design, Prof. Thomas Auer For all requests concerning the master´s course:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Hausladen UT Austin – Prof. Petra Liedl HS Augsburg – Prof. Elisabeth Krön Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hauser Prof. em. Dr. eh. Klaus Daniels Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Hegger M. Sc. Econ.

E-Mail: Phone +49 89 289-23846 Phone +49 89 289-23815 cooperates TUM Institute of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building, Prof. Werner Lang Associate Professorship of Architectural Design and Building Envelope, Prof. Tina Wolf Sustainable Urbanism, Prof. Mark Michaeli Institute of Building Physics, Prof. Klaus Sedlbauer Associate Professorship of Landscape Architecture and RegionalOpen Space, Prof. Dr. Sören Schöbel-Rutschmann Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management, Prof. Stephan Pauleit Centre for Urban Ecology and Climate Adaptation, Dr. Daphne Gondhalekar, Dipl.-Geogr. Jan Tigges Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, Dr.–Ing. Pernpeintner Institute for Energy Systems, Dr. Ing. Peter Tzeutschler Chair of Spatial Arts and Lighting Design, Prof. Hannelore Deubzer Institut of Industrial Design, Prof. Fritz Frenkler Munich Center of Technology in Society, Dr. Michael Droß Associate Professorship of Architectural Design and Timber Construction, Prof. Hermann Kaufmann cooperates professorships 38 I

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partner companies Transsolar IB Hausladen Henn Architects Horden Cherry Lee Irene Burkhardt landscapedesign and urbanplanning Auer + Weber + Associates GmbH Ackermann + Partner Architects BDA Wolfgang Brune Architects BDA LANG HUGGER RAMPP GmbH Siemens Building Technologies GmbH & Co. oHG Lichtlauf Lichtakademie Bartenbach Luxophil k.r. Müller BBM Solem Consulting Solarcomputer Häberlein & maurer Ragonesi Strobel & Partner AG AFC Air Flow Consulting AG SCHOTT JENAer GLAS GmbH TROX M-Wert Lutz & Abel company lawyer and more

addresses I contact

Technische Universität München

Information Office of the Student Service Centre SSZ

Faculty of Architecture Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Auer

Questions concerning your admission, proofs and certificates, StudentCard, administrative leave, change of adress or dates, re-registration and exmatriculation.

Arcisstraße 21 80333 München Phone +49 89 289-22475 Fax +49 89 289-23851 E-Mail:

Arcisstr. 21 80333 München SSZ Service Desk Raum 0140 Phone +49 89 289-22737 E-Mail: Open: Mon - Fri Mon - Thur

9.00 am- 12.00 noon 1.00 pm - 4.00 pm

Main building I on the main campus of the Technische Universität München 5th floor (next to the White Room) Access only via the means staircase

Changes and updates of content and topics are possible. ©

2014 Andrea Kaiser, Julia Drittenpreis


I 39

Technische Universität München Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design Professor Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Auer Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München

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