Y&Y Classic Belay Glasses- Climbing Holiday Gi6 Guide? Belay glasses are not, at this point a decision for me. The pressure of si8ng at a work area all day joined with looking directly up at the exercise center and ridge is a lot for my weak office-specialist neck. A@er incalculable exercise based recuperaBon meeBngs, I am all in on belay glasses. They are both less expensive and less excruciaBng than non-intrusive treatment—not once have my belay glasses pushed "dry needles" into me, pressed my delicate, secured trapeziums muscles, or requested a copy. Win, win, and win. Wearing the Y&Y Classic Belay Glasses for a very long Bme at this point, since the plasBc casings of my past pair, by an alternate brand, got weak and snapped because of cold at the Ouray Ice Park. The Y&Y Classics are the best belay glasses I've uBlized, by a wide margin. To begin with, the metal edges are light (just 36 grams), and the arms grasp your head marginally, holding them set up, while the silicon nose cushion is delicate and simple on the schnoz. The arms apply the perfect measure of pressure that the glasses aren't awkward, yet won't tumble off. In all the Bme the moderate casings addiBonally make it simple to see around the crystals when you need to see what's before you rather than above you. Reward: The metal doesn't get delicate when uBlized at the Ouray Ice Park. Y&Y belay glasses They are belayed to watch the climber without turning the neck! Thusly, they improve belaying regarding comfort, center and security. The Y&Y belay glasses are a stripped down, more principal type of the primary Y&Y belay glasses and are available in an assortment of shadings to suit your style. As all these let you look advance anyway noBce upwards by methods for the component of high straighXorwardness precious stones. The Y&Y exemplary belay glasses are a quick, excepBonal and all around assessed pair of belay glasses, as you would envision from a French associaBon. For the people who are new to the thought they work unequivocally like a periscope beside you are looking from level to verBcal and not a contrary path around. The bows are created uBlizing SMA this material holds its special shape even a@er distorBon. Y&Y belay glasses can help climbers by killing the need to ceaselessly raise their head, keeping neck muscles free for addiBonal. You can look out for your present situaBon and the occupaBon waiBng be done, while keeping your accessory in sight, giving you more obsession and be\er security. •
High quality opBcal gems
Light and safe treated steel diagrams
Flexible bows with memory compound
High quality glasses cases with carabineer to hang to your harness
AddiBonally, doesn’t pressure if you as of now sport some face furniture: wearers of eyeglasses and customers of shades can wear Y&Y belay glasses too. Y&Y classic belay glasses can gainfully avoid head bringing for long Bme up in solicitaBon to extricate up muscles at neck.