Embracing the Gospel value of welcoming the stranger, the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) promotes the dignity and protects the rights of immigrants in partnership with a dedicated network of Catholic and community legal immigration programs.
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37% Grants & awards
22% Services
1% Other contributions 5% Other income 5% Government funding
88.6% Program services
Welcoming the Stranger
Grants and awards: 37% USCCB support: 30% Services: 22% Government funding: 5% Other income: 5% Other contributions: 1%
30% USCCB support
CLINIC has the largest network of charitable legal immigration programs in the United States. This network includes over 250 affiliate organizations in over 400 sites and spans 46 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
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2013 Financial Highlights
Community-based organizations were welcomed to the CLINIC network in 2013. These organizations offer vital services to thousands of immigrants seeking legal help to gain citizenship, access to social services, and reunite with family members. More than a quarter million people were directly impacted by CLINIC affiliates.
170 Dioceses and religious communities were represented by CLINIC’s Religious Immigration Services (RIS) in 2013.
3.9% Fundraising 7.5% Managing & general
$6,544,984 Full annual report and financial disclosures available online at https://cliniclegal.org/ financial-accountability
To support the ministry of the Catholic Church in the United States, CLINIC assists foreign-born religious workers to immigrate and remain in the country legally.
680+ Religious workers were represented in 2013.
Promoting Dignity Since the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was implemented in August of 2012, nearly 90 percent of CLINIC affiliates have provided DACA services in communities across the nation. CLINIC and its network play a crucial role in facilitating integration for these brave young people.
500 Radio stations nationwide aired English- and Spanish-language public service announcements (PSAs) directing DACA-eligible youth to CLINIC’s network of high quality, affordable legal services.
62 Mini-grants were provided to affiliates to support DACA work.
Protecting the Rights of Immigrants Through involvement in CLINIC’s Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) Pro Bono Project, committed volunteers, trainers, and mentors donate their time and talent to provide access to justice for vulnerable asylum-seekers and long time lawful permanent residents of the United States.
3X Immigrants appealing their deportation orders who are matched with counsel through CLINIC’s project are 3 times more likely to have a successful outcome than immigrants without representation.
437 Immigration-related measures were enacted in 45 states and the District of Columbia in 2013—a 64% increase over 2012. Many states permitted undocumented students to qualify for in-state tuition, and states, counties, and cities increasingly limited their cooperation with immigration enforcement. To support affiliates, Catholic conference directors, diocesan staff, and other advocates, CLINIC reviews state and local legislative and policy issues and disseminates analyses, data, and talking points and offers trainings for advocates.
700+ Advocates were trained to impact local immigration policy decisions. CLINIC offers training on all the core immigration law and program management issues that skilled advocates need to know. CLINIC’s new menu of offerings on hot-topics in immigration includes: • E-learning courses on ethics and on appeals and motions •S elf–directed e-learning course, Fundamentals of U.S. Immigration Law • The New Unlawful Presence Provisional Waiver • Rapid e-learning course, Overview of Representing Children in Removal Proceedings
5,741 People participated in CLINIC training programs.