Presentation Slides Reviewing Dan Saffer's 'Designing for Interaction'

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Dan Saffer’s

Clint Rule IACT 701

An excellent primer on IxD

Aims for a balance between specifics and generalities l

Lots of examples, interviews f l

Chapter 1

What Are Interactions and Interaction Design? Why Interaction Design? A (Very) Brief History of Interaction Design A Stew of Disciplines p Products and Services Why Practice Interaction Design?

“An interaction is a transaction between two b entities, typically an exchange of information, b but it can also be an exchange of goods or l b h f d services.”

   

IxD is about behavior IxDers design for the possibility d f h b l of interaction. f IxD is an applied art—not a science IxD is contextuall

Technology‐Centered T h l C d  Observes technology, transforms into something

useful useable and pleasurable to use useful, useable, and pleasurable to use 

Behaviorist  Focuses on functionality and feedback: how

products behave and provide feedback based on what the people engaged with them are doing 

Social Interaction l  Revolves around facilitating communication

between humans through products. between humans through products

Chapter 2

User‐Centered Design Activity‐Centered Design Systems Design Genius Design

Chapter 3

What is Design Strategy? Framing the Problem Determining Differentiators Visualization and Visioning Project Planning and Roadmapping

A combination of defining a b fd f vision for the end state of a project and determining the project, and determining the tactics needed to execute on that vision.

Framing the Problem  Establish a border around the problem  Determine the details of the parts

Determining Differentiators  Value proposition ▪ Price point & quality ▪ Behavior of product and the behavior it engenders

Visualization and Visioning  Creative synthesis of the strategy process up to

this point

Chapter 4

What is Design Research? R Research Planning h Pl i Conducting Design Research Research Methods

Design research is the act of investigating, through various means, a product’s or service’s , p potential or existing users and the context of use.

  

You go to them You talk to them You write stuff down ff d

Focus on what is truly essential h l l  Patterns  Phenomena

“Research can help us improve our hunches, but research should inform our professional judgment, not substitute for it.” J.J. Garrett d b f

Chapter 5

Preparing the Data Analyzing the Data Conceptual Models Personas

Structured findings are df d research data put into a form that can be easily understood that can be easily understood. They can be stories, models, y , , visualizations, personas, anything that makes the unfiltered data into something helpful and actionable.

  

Preparation P i Analysis Conceptual Models  Visual tools that allow the most relevant pieces of

data to be surfaced and considered in a new light. The sum of its parts add up to something new. 

Personas  A particular type of conceptual model, used for

demarcating users by behavior, motivations, and expectations. expectations

Chapter 6

Creating Concepts Creating Design Principles

Creating concepts  Structured brainstorming

Design principles  What is known about users,

context, design strategy  Best ideas/themes from ideation  What the designer thinks is necessary for success; expertise

Chapter 7

Constraints The Laws and Principles of Interaction Design Frameworks Documentation and Methods of Refinement Controls Non‐traditional Inputs

Execution of a concept is all about defining the details of the concept, fleshing it out until works in a functionally‐ y and aesthetically‐pleasing way.


Laws and Principles of Interaction Design d l f

Documentation & Methods of Refinement f f  Wireframes  Service blueprints


Chapter 8

Interface Design Prototyping Testing Development

This phase of design is about refining the parts of the design that cannot be easily done with paper documentation, p p , namely timing, animation, movement, and interaction.

Interface Design

Prototyping  Lo‐fi & Hi‐fi  Service

Designer’s role


Chapter 9

The Next Five Years of the Internet Intelligent Agents Spimes and the Internet of Things Human‐Robot Interactions Wearables Ubiquitous Computing

  

Next Five Years of the Internet f Human‐Robot Interactions “Ubicomp” b


Ethics in Design Deliberate Choices

To design is to make ethical choices.  In other words, design is ethics.

To be an interaction designer requires principles, because interaction designer guide what the interactions between people should be via the products and services they create.

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