L1 planning, guidelines and urban transformation in italy

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Politecnico di Milano Facoltà di Architettura e Società



CdL di 2° livello in Architettura Anno accademico 2012 - 2013

Projects Evaluation Planning and urban form Consistency of changing proposals with urban and local strategies. Structural schemes and Design guide lines Andrea Arcidiacono

Course on Market Property, Urban Simulation and Projects Evaluation Proff. Luca Gaeta, Alessandra Oppio, Andrea Arcidiacono Tutor: Barbara Piga

Town Planning in the ’80s The morphological issue

In the ‘80 a new cycle in urban development required a deep rethinking in town planning approach Some parts of the city are strongly involved in intensive transformations: derelict lands, former industrial areas, urban fringes The new phase in urban development emphasises the inefficiencies of traditional town plans to deal with redevelopment of included areas, strictly connected to existing urban fabrics. It led to a strong controversy between architects and town planners about the better way to face the new issue

Town Planning in the ’80s The morphological issue Facing the redevelopment of abandoned areas (former industrial sites or State properties, such as customs, good yards etc), located within the existing urban fabrics, one of the new goals for planning is to reach a higher standard in urban quality The planning techniques begin to differ: traditional zoning has failed in keeping the mixture in uses and in social complexity, but above all it has been incapable to control physical development The interest about the physical dimension strongly influenced the form of the plans and changed their normative frames The so called “Progetti norma� (Project schemes) are used, together with usual normative text, to control spatial and physical result of urban transformations as innovative planning tools. Beside norms appear suggestions, guide lines and various graded ordinances The result of this experimentations has been rather negative. Project schemes crystallized the morphological configuration of the project long before real development occurs

Town Planning in the ’80s The morphological issue

Most great cities (such as Milano, Genova, Roma, Napoli, Palermo) keep an old town plan and prefer deregulation to the way of innovative planning Some middle-sized cities face the new course with new tools, most of them concerned with promoting urban changes Urban renewal is a challenge: functional integration (housing, commercial centres, small industries and urban facilities), mobility and urban design as key - points in new plans

Town Plans and Local Projects Spatial Schemes, Norms and Guide Lines for urban transformations. Italian cases study

Bologna Town Plan 1985

Prg Zoning Regulations

Bologna Town Plan 1985

Prg Local Planning Scheme

Torino Town Plan 1995 Ambit 4 Ambit 3

Ambit 2

Zoning Regulations Central “Spine”

Torino Town Plan 1995 Ambit 4 Ambit 3

Ambits 1 - 2

Suggestions for Urban Transformation “Spina Centrale”

Torino Urban Project

“Spina Centrale” Ambit 2


Torino Urban Project

“Spina Centrale” Ambit 1

Pavia Urban Transformation Area 1999

Regulative Scheme

Pavia Urban Transformation Area 1999

Regulative Scheme Building Rules

Pavia Urban Transformation Area 1999


Voghera Town Plan 2000


Voghera Town Plan 2000

Project Scheme

Reggio Emilia Town plan1999

Redevelopment Areas

Reggio Emilia Town plan1999

Environmental scheme

Reggio Emilia Town plan1999

Redevelopment area

Negotiated Urban Projects

Defining the public realm Negotiation procedures in town planning - Contractual procedures are able to improve plan efficacy. It’s necessary that public/ private negotiating has to be “fair”, taking balanced benefit for citizens and developers - Private interventions have to collocate in a planning framework, fixing targets, guide lines and rules in order to achieve balanced private and public benefits - First of all, it’s necessary to fix the framework of public project, assigning nonnegotiable components (infrastructural, environmental and settlement systems); a strategic vision of public project, concerning quantities, planned priorities and quality performances -  in contractual procedures public benefits will be measured about: a)  amounts and qualities of public areas, transferred by the developer b)  urban and architectonical quality c) environmental and territorial sustainability

Public benefit Amounts and quality of public areas -  Quantities of free transferred areas, more than the provided minimum -  Adjust urbanization charges to the real building cost -  Incentives or reductions to stimulate public residential settlements, sustainable buildings (eco design) and energetic saving -  Priority of public facilities in relation with a framework strategy plan Urban and architectural quality - An evaluation criteria which have to be not only financial, but also assess the spatial elements of project quality: architecture, morphology, mobility, environment, open spaces, etc Environmental and territorial sustainability of the project -  Environmental regeneration capability -  Cumulated impact of changing on the environmental and infrastructural systems

Sestri Levante 1995

Town Plan Structural Scheme

Sestri Levante 1995

Environmental Structure Scheme

Sestri Levante 1995 Urban Redevelopment Program Area “Ex FIT”

Environmental Structure Scheme

Sestri Levante 1995 Urban Redevelopment Program Area “Ex FIT�

Watercolour sketch Aimaro Isola architect

Sestri Levante 1995 Urban Redevelopment Program Area “Ex FIT”

Como 2004

Public Utilities Plan Structure and Strategic Actions

Como 2004

Guide lines for Local Project Schemes

Ivrea Town Plan 2004

Programmatic Resolution Structural Scheme

Ivrea Town Plan

Urban Project Industrial Area ex Montefibre

Roma Town Plan 2004

Plan Structure and Metropolitan Strategies

Roma Town Plan Urban Redevelopment Program L. n. 493/93 (art.11)

Suburban area of Acilia Structural Scheme

Roma Town Plan Urban Redevelopment Program L. n. 493/93 (art.11)

Legenda Structural Scheme

Roma Urban Project Acilia

Territorial Scheme

Roma Urban Project Acilia

Aerial photo

Roma Urban Project Acilia

Structure of Environmental connections

Roma Urban Project Acilia

Master Plan

Roma Urban Project Acilia


Roma Urban Project Acilia

Render Simulations

Roma Urban Project Acilia

Render Simulations

Roma Urban Project Acilia

Render Simulations

Roma Urban Project Acilia

Render Simulations

Roma Town Plan

Integrated Program “Print� (L.r 22/97) Renovating Town - Reference Schemes Local Centralities - Reference Schemes Urban Project Preliminary Structural Schemes for urban and metropolitan centralities

Roma Town Plan

Urban Centrality Romanina

Urban fabrics and Centralities

Roma Urban Project Romanina

Preliminary scheme Environmental and infrastructural connections

Roma Urban Project Romanina

Roma Urban Project Romanina

Preliminary survey Spatial scheme

Roma Urban Project Romanina

Structural scheme Infrastructural system and context relationship

Roma Urban Project Romanina

Master plan Land uses

Roma Urban Project Romanina

Master plan Buildings and public spaces

Roma Urban Project Romanina

Rendering and simulation Buildings and public spaces

Milano Strategic Plan 2000 Organization Document of the Integrated Programs

Spatial Scheme “reversed T�

Urban Project Santa Giulia Rogoredo St

1.111.573 mq

Slp totale 614.900 mq Sup. per verde, servizi e parcheggi 641.048 mq + 628.145 mq (standard qualitativo) = 1.269.193 mq Destinazioni funzionali Slp 270.885 mq residenza 162.785 mq terziario 80.780 mq ricettivo 30.000 mq commerciale 70.450 mq funzioni compatibili 32.000 mq centro congressi Aree e attrezzature di uso pubblico 333.187 mq parco e spazi pubblici 204.960 mq parcheggi pubblici 17.654 mq asilo nido e materna 71.735 mq centro per disabili 1.400 mq centro civico 556.410 mq residenza universitaria

Urban Project Santa Giulia Rogoredo

Urban Project Santa Giulia Rogoredo

Short movie

Urban Project Santa Giulia Rogoredo


Urban Project Santa Giulia Rogoredo


Selected Literature Curti F. (edited by), 2007, Lo scambio leale, Officina Edizioni, Roma Bonfantini B. (edited by), 2002, “Town planning in Milan” , Urbanistica, n. 119 Gasparrini C. (edited by) 2005, “Contemporary city and urban project in Italy”, Urbanistica, n. 126 2001, “The new Masterplan for Rome” , Urbanistica n. 116 Marcelloni M. (edited by), 2006, “An urban project for the Romanina” , Urbanistica n. 130 Roberts P., Sykes H., (Edited by), 2000, Urban Regeneration, Sage Publications

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