Lancaster city alliance 2013 2014 annual report

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Photo by PhotÓlé Photography


ANNUAL REPORT 2013 / 2014

To Our Lancaster City Alliance Stakeholders: With great pride we respectfully offer you Lancaster City Alliance’s inaugural Annual Report! Contained within we highlight specific activities and priorities that constituted our first year Marshall W. Snively, Robert P. Macina, Robert C. Shoemaker of operations. As the Lancaster City Alliance (LCA) opened its doors on July 1, 2013, and with the momentum of the ongoing community contributions of the James Street Improvement District and the Lancaster Alliance, our first year of operations featured a specific commitment to existing expectations and an immediate opportunity to take on additional strategies and challenges to further promote the growth and development of our vibrant City. To assume and deliver on such an early and full body of work is quite rewarding, and we have been humbled by our stakeholders’ immediate and ongoing support and participation in our activities. With community economic development, quality of life and fostering meaningful partnerships core to our intentions, we have been successful in engaging on all fronts. As we prioritized carrying forth the respective bodies of work for both organizations, retaining the expected level of delivery to our long-standing constituents and financial supporters was paramount. We firmly believe it is only with the backdrop of retaining existing commitments that we can venture into new opportunities to better Lancaster City. To share our first year highlights, we offer: •F orming a concise LCA Governance Board and seven Executive Leadership Teams (see sidebar), with those Teams being focused on areas core to our mission and delivery. We are thrilled to see the early advantages of this model as our Board and Leadership Team members partner with LCA Staff in a disciplined approach to specific opportunities. Guiding Principles have been established to promote intentional dialogue among all our volunteers, with creativity encouraged and new, dynamic outcomes as our goal. •C reating our first Strategic Plan, containing our Values Statements, Mission, Vision and “We Will” commitments to the community. We were so fortunate to have incredible participation from key community leaders in defining our priorities and success indicators. Our pledge is to commit to the organizational strategies identified within the Strategic Plan by measuring our progress accurately and adjusting priorities as needed. •A ccomplishing a successful financial year, including a year-end surplus of revenue over expenses and responsible reserves. As our organization was the result of a true consolidation, we were required to file an application for a new 501(c) 3 status with the Internal Revenue Service. We learned of our approved application and 501(c) 3 in June 2014, and we greatly appreciate your support in the continuing financial support we receive. • Leading the most significant Economic Development Strategic Plan for the City in over 15 years. The Plan, named Building on Strength, will be a community-owned plan to chart our strategies and priorities for the City’s economic development for the next decade and beyond. The planning process began in earnest in June 2014, and will conclude in May 2015.

Photo courtesy of Richard Hertzler, Sunday News, Lancaster, PA. Front cover photos by Kathlene C. Sullivan unless otherwise noted.

We accepted this responsibility at the invitation of Mayor Gray and are committed to an intentional process that engages the community in creating actionable, deliberate strategies. • Continuing to build and nurture partnerships that have a measurable impact on the progress of the City in the areas of Municipal Finance Reform, Economic Development, Neighborhood Development, and attention to maintaining our Clean and Safe environment. LCA hosted regular Chairperson’s Council meetings three times during our first year, bringing together the economic development nonprofit leadership and legislators to report respective progress on specific actions underway and come to consensus on strategies for the City’s benefit. • Managing our ongoing engagement with the merchant and business community, understanding that their success is the key to a thriving Downtown and the backbone of economic success. LCA continues the legacy management of the Lancaster Downtown Investment District (DID) and during our first year began the process of renewing the DID Plan. The evaluation of DID boundaries, level of assessment and services to be provided highlight the renewal process. • Committing the needed resources to continue the development of our neighborhoods (existing and new areas of the City) and impacting a clean and safe environment. We are proud to offer technical assistance in promoting neighborhood pride and mobilization and exploring specific opportunities to engage new neighborhoods previously not served. Our Bike Ambassadors and Clean Team have embarked on new training, expanded hours and helpful technology to enhance the experience of our residents, employees, students and visitors. • Developing our LCA Staff, of which we are quite proud, and pleased with their willingness to step out of their respective comfort zones to build an impactful Team and work shoulder to shoulder with you, our Stakeholders, to create uncommon outcomes. We will continue to prioritize professional growth and development of our LCA Team going forward. In closing, you, our Stakeholders, are of the highest priority as we go about our work. Thank you for the support you’ve demonstrated in our first year of operation. We are proud to present to you our achievement over the last year and sincerely look forward to your ongoing engagement and partnership!

Robert P. Macina Board Chair, LCA

Robert C. Shoemaker President and CEO, LCA

Marshall W. Snively Executive Vice President/COO Executive Director, DID

The unique structure of the LCA has allowed our 47 volunteers, who make up our seven Executive Leadership Teams, to make a deeper and more impactful difference in our community in their selected areas of focus. The majority of the representatives offering their time and talents to the Leadership Teams were previously Board members of the Lancaster Alliance and James Street Improvement District. Through their focused initiatives they are making a meaningful difference in the organization and the Lancaster community. Below demonstrates the focus of each Team, and throughout our Annual Report, you’ll find illustrations of the work each has undertaken since the inception of LCA one year ago. The Advocacy Team maintains strong relationships with the City of Lancaster and County legislative delegations while asserting ourselves to influence public policy critical to the success of Lancaster. The Chairperson’s Council Team remains instrumental in bringing topical agenda items to the economic leaders and elected officials encouraging decisive conversations around topics effecting the economic health of the City. The Community Safety Team focuses efforts in maintaining a clean, safe and enhanced quality of life throughout the City of Lancaster. The Development Team assesses the financial health of the organization while supporting staff in communicating the value of the LCA. The Economic Development & Planning Team was tasked by Mayor Gray to lead the effort on a community-owned economic plan for the City. The Marketing Team focuses on marketing the valuable resource of LCA to community residents, visitors, businesses and property owners as well as positioning Lancaster as a wise investment furthering the economic vibrancy of the City. The Neighborhood Development Team continues to manage legacy relationships in Northwest Lancaster while collaborating with stakeholders across the City to empower neighbors to work together to enhance their communities.

Greening our City LCA continued its partnership with the City of Lancaster and property owners to advance green infrastructure projects in several City neighborhoods. LCA planted 88 trees last year, partnering with the City of Lancaster and leveraging funds from the Elm Street Program and the Lancaster County Community Foundation’s ExtraGive Campaign. LCA conducted field work to identify locations for new trees and worked with neighbors to encourage high participation in each block. LCA communicated directly with property owners and coordinated with the City Arborist to select the tree species for each location. Additionally, LCA recruited 37 Spencer Advertising/Clipper Magazine volunteers to assist in the installation of trees along W. Lemon Street and W. James Street (pictured).

LCA coordinated neighborhood engagement and all required property owner agreements to complete the City’s second green alley project in the area of N. Prince Street, W. New Street, N. Market Street and W. Clay Street (pictured). The $87,000 project was selected based on community support and its potential to divert stormwater from the combined sewer system and eventually into the Conestoga River. The project included removal of the badly crumbling top layer of the alley, installation of an infiltration trench and restoration of the alley surface with porous pavement. It is a significant improvement for neighbors who use the alley for access to parking at the rear of their properties. It is estimated that this project will save between 200,000 – 300,000 gallons from flowing into the City’s sewer system each year. The installation of sidewalks along Harrisburg Avenue to connect Race Avenue to Long’s Park is one component of the multi-modal plan.

Advocating for Multi-Modal Transportation LCA actively participates in advocating for broader transportation choices. LCA continued to advance the Harrisburg Avenue Multi-Modal Plan, which calls for sidewalks and on-road amenities for bicyclists along the heavily traveled Harrisburg Avenue between Race Avenue and Long’s Park. Additionally, a route between Buchanan Park and Long’s Park that utilizes existing roadways, but carries less traffic south of Harrisburg Avenue, is under development. LCA continues coordinating with PennDOT, City of Lancaster, Lancaster Township, Manheim Township, Franklin & Marshall College, and Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority to discuss opportunities for improving conditions along Harrisburg Avenue with a goal of implementation occurring following the city’s completion of a Comprehensive Bicycle Plan in 2015.

Volunteers planting trees



Mackin Engineering

Focusing on Neighborhoods LCA continues our pledge to empower City neighborhoods while maintaining our 10-year presence and legacy commitment to the Northwest quadrant. Over the last year, and under the guidance of the Neighborhood Development Executive Leadership Team, LCA explored opportunities to advance communities throughout the City. Specifically, LCA is actively partnering with Neighbors United, a grassroots neighborhood group covering a 10block area in Northeast Lancaster City, to develop a neighborhood improvement strategy which includes new trees, trash receptacles and the expansion of the LCA Bike Ambassador program to this area.

Kathlene C. Sullivan

Green Alley Before

Kathlene C. Sullivan


Kathlene C. Sullivan

Kathlene C. Sullivan

City residents are the key component in the development of the Economic Development Plan

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Addressing Legislative Challenges to our City Through the leadership of our Advocacy Executive Leadership Team, the LCA remains engaged in critical dialogue with our government leaders to face and combat numerous challenges facing Third Class Cities like Lancaster. Topics addressed over the last year included binding arbitration, pension reform and prevailing wage requirements, all a hindrance to the health and vitality of the City of Lancaster. Marketing the City to Investors LCA continues to market the City to prospective retailers, businesses, developers and investors. Last year, LCA represented the City at the annual International Council of Shopping Centers regional conference in Atlantic City, meeting with prospective retailers and developers. Also, and for the first time, LCA (in partnership with the City and Economic Development Company) produced advertisements in the trade publication, Urban Land Institute (ULI) Magazine, and attended the ULI National Conference. Through these two conferences, Lancaster City was promoted to over 2000 real estate professionals. Under the guidance of the Marketing Executive Leadership Team, LCA began developing new materials to highlight the Lancaster marketplace to investors as well as promote the City Revitalization and Improvement Zone (CRIZ) and other incentives to attract increased business growth and development.

Neighborhood centers, such as S. Duke, are areas of focus for the Economic Development Plan

Building on Strength— Leading Lancaster into the Next Decade Last year, and at the request of Mayor Gray, LCA developed and released a Request for Proposals (RFP) to invited qualified consultants to partner with us in leading the new Lancaster City Economic Development Strategic Plan. The purpose of this important initiative is both to continue and expand the revitalization of the City through the creation of the next Community-owned action plan, focused not only on the Downtown core but our major gateways and neighborhood centers throughout the City. Through assessing current trends, opportunities and community needs centered on these focus areas, the end result will be a broad, vibrant Economic Development Strategy with detailed goals and tactics that will serve to lead the City of Lancaster throughout the next decade and beyond. In May, LCA contracted with a consultant team led by Mahan Rykiel & Associates of Baltimore, MD.; Arnett Muldrow & Associates of Greenville S.C.; and local firm RGS & Associates. Managed by LCA’s Economic Development and Planning Executive Leadership Team, a key component of the year-long planning process is the participation by the public in arriving at the best end product, and LCA has enlisted a steering committee, several working and focus groups from a wide spectrum of City users, residents, business and property owners to partner with us in strategizing the next 10-15 years for our City. Thanks to the generosity and commitment of our community, the LCA was successful in securing the funding for this $180,000 initiative. Those donors, as well as our many other supporters and volunteers, are recognized within this Annual Report.

LCA ad in Urban Land Institute (ULI) Magazine 5

QUALITY OF LIFE Clean & Safe As of May 1, 2014, in order to provide more comprehensive and improved Clean & Safe services in the Northwest and Downtown, LCA began utilizing a single vendor (Block By Block, Inc.) for our DID Clean Team and Bike Ambassador programs. This new contract provides new technology to make reporting quality-of-life issues more efficient and, while saving money, it also allows for additional hours to our Clean Team operations, creating more visibility and cleaner sidewalks on the weekends in peak season. Bike Ambassadors Making a Difference Last year our LCA Bike Ambassadors assisted with giving direction almost 1,400 times to visitors of our City, actively and regularly communicated with over 18,000 businesses and residents while logging about 20,000 miles on their bikes. They contacted the City Department of Public Works, Housing and SWEEP departments over 100 times to report infrastructure items needing repair and contacted PPL 35 times to report malfunctioning street lights.

Safety Partners of Lancaster Continues to Grow Under the leadership of LCA and our Community Safety Executive Leadership Team, the Safety Partners group has seen five new organizations added to the roster. The group is now 44 members strong and represents 26 businesses and organizations that meet bi-monthly to discuss and share safety concerns as well as prepare for large public events that have the potential to affect City employees, residents and visitors.


Kathlene C. Sullivan

The Ambassadors were responsible for abating over 140 graffiti tags from public spaces and reported over 1,100 incidents of excessive trash and unkempt properties, of which most have been abated. Additionally, in cooperation with the City of Lancaster Police Department, our Ambassadors aided in registering over 90 bicycles owned by City residents over the last year, bringing the total to 170 registered bikes since the program began two years ago.

Abating Panhandling Under the guidance of the Community Safety Executive Leadership Team and at the request of Mayor Gray, LCA, in partnership with Downtown merchants and service providers, addressed city panhandling concerns through an educational approach designed to promote to the public that “It is OK to Say No to Panhandling.” Posters and postcards were developed by LCA partner Spencer Advertising & Marketing for distribution to City businesses, residents, customers and employees. Because our Lancaster Community is so generous, for those who wish to give, the materials also included information for worthy service providers. The campaign has been well received with a marked decrease in solicitations in the Downtown area.

Ambassador with international tourists

Fostering Clean Communities Through LCA Trash Receptacle Program The Lancaster City Alliance continues our Trash Receptacle Sponsorship Program in the Northwest area of the City. The receptacles are purchased and installed through donations and grants awarded to the LCA and are emptied and maintained by neighborhood property owners, businesses and residents. To date, 54 trash receptacles have been installed throughout the Northwest community by the LCA. The Neighborhood Executive Leadership Team, is working with adjacent communities to expand the program which helps alleviate over 42 tons of trash from our community’s sidewalks each year.

Kathlene C. Sullivan


Dille rville Rd


N Pr esid ent Ave

Fruitville Pk

Ha rris bu rg Av e

Lincoln St


State St

Jackson St

Lime St

Duke St


Ross St

Queen St


Ha rris bu rg Av e

Prince St

Liberty St

Clay St

New St

Av e

Lemon St

Lemon St

Queen St

Prince St

Mulberry St

Charlotte St

Lancaster Ave

Mary St

Pine St Walnut St

Walnut St

Chestnut St

Chestnut St


James St

Duke St

James St




PENN SQUARE W St rry be aw Str

Vine St

Farnum St


Ma rie tta

Nevin St

Wes t En d Av e

Buc han an A ve Virg inia Ave

Coll ege Ave

Rac e Av e

Frederick St


DOWNTOWN INVESTMENT DISTRICT Keeping Downtown Clean The DID Clean Team managed by Lancaster City Alliance continues their hard work in partnership with the Bike Ambassadors in ensuring a pleasant environment for all who live, work and visit Downtown Lancaster. This past year, the Clean Team collected almost 23 tons of miscellaneous trash and leaves from Downtown sidewalks and removed over 600 graffiti tags and stickers from public spaces. The 2013-2014 winter was particularly brutal, with over 60 inches of snow and the extreme cold temperatures. The DID Clean Team worked tirelessly during the worst of the weather with shovels, ice picks and snow blowers to keep intersections passable for pedestrians. Additionally, the Team aided the City by removing snow from stormwater inlets to allow melting snow to drain and spread over 4,000 lbs of anti-skid material to make sure that the curb cuts in the DID were clear and cindered for safe passage.

Planning for the DID’s Future The DID’s current operating plan expires on April 30, 2015. Since last fall, the DID’s Board of Directors and a special volunteer Task Force have been working to shape a new plan that would take effect on May 1, 2015. A key charge from the current plan was investigating the expansion of the District to encompass a growing Downtown. After much consideration and through community outreach, the proposed boundaries for the new plan include the addition of the properties on the west side of S. Prince Street from King Street to Mifflin Street and all of the properties bordering the west side of Water Street from Mifflin Street to Lemon Street. The proposed four-year plan also maintains the current millage rate of 2.45 mils for the life of the plan. Visit for a copy of the Draft plan. DID Financial Overview for FY 2013-2014 Budget: $390,000

Kathlene C. Sullivan



83% Assessments 13% Tax Exempt Contributions/ Donations 4% Marketing <1% Interest/Other

EXPENSES 34% Public Safety 34% Appearance 24% Operations 6% Marketing 2% Other

The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce & Industry

FOSTERING IMPACTFUL PARTNERSHIPS Collaborating to Improve our City Through the work of our Chairperson’s Council Executive Leadership Team, the LCA brings together economic development non-profit leaders and elected officials in a candid, open atmosphere three times a year to discuss and coordinate community initiatives, such as the City’s Economic Development Strategic Planning initiative, the City Revitalization and Improvement Zone (CRIZ), and new marketing efforts in economic development with our partner organizations. Engaging Our Local Small Businesses The Downtown Merchant Committee, which consists of retailers, restaurants, and business owners, continued to grow in size and in active participation. Meeting attendance averages 40-60 participants. They are impactful monthly meetings focused on fostering the success of our City’s independent businesses through collaborating relevant discussions and planning.

Exit Lancaster

Developing Future Leaders So much of what we do is focused on building for the future. While the “now” can present endless opportunity in and of itself, the LCA Team strives to devote significant time and resources to building for the future. To that end, we take an enthusiastic approach to being a meaningful resource to our youth.

Tec Centro ribbon cutting

During the past year, we have prioritized the following partnerships: • Serving the advisory committee for Tec Centro, Spanish American Civic Association’s bilingual vocational center. Our focus has been on helping build the best partnerships for classroom training and seeking investment from the private sector to fund operations. Tec Centro is moving forward in a very positive direction, with a fall curriculum offering first-time opportunities to a neighborhood intent on an improved quality of life through applicable education and new, significant employment opportunities. • Working with the School District of Lancaster (SDOL) to grow the Community School program and market the SDOL to parents and stakeholders. The District has a rich tradition and has earned noticeable accolades for achievement, all while facing formidable ongoing and new challenges. The SDOL looks to our LCA Team to assure private sector expectations and resources are applied to decision making that impacts the educational accomplishments of our future community leaders. • Bringing groups like Exit Lancaster to current planning initiatives aimed at building a stronger community into the future. As part of our Building on Strength planning for economic development, a dozen Exit Lancaster students were formally interviewed for insight into remedies for current challenges and how this group of high school age achievers envisions the City over the next decade and longer. LCA admires the efforts of groups like Exit Lancaster and takes pride in advising, encouraging and endorsing.


ENGAGING WITH OUR COMMUNITY LCA works to build relationships City-wide, promote businesses and investment and strives to engage leaders from our faith-based community, educators, the business sector, government, grassroots neighbors and non-profit partners. We believe being engaged in our community is essential to understanding the wants, needs and expectations of our neighbors and constituents. As we are committed to decisive

conversations that drive collaborative approaches to opportunities, we see the volunteer activities of the LCA Team as a definitive commitment to being connected and informed as we prioritize our body of work. The LCA Board supports our engagement in the community, and we are thrilled to be able to give back to the community that has so warmly embraced us!

The following is a list of organizations in which our LCA Team actively participates: • ASSETS

• Lancaster City Planning Commission

• C & I Council

• Lancaster City Police Quadrant Meetings

• Central Market Trust & Visibility Committee

• Lancaster Community Safety Coalition

• City Revitalization and Improvement Authority (CRIZ)

• Lancaster Fireman’s Foundation

• Coalition for a Bicycle Friendly Lancaster • Coalition for Smart Housing

• LOOP (City of Lancaster Office of Promotion, formerly MOOSE)

• Coalition for Sustainable Housing (C4SH)

• Lancaster Theological Seminary Advisory Group

• Community Basics, Inc.

• Lancaster Violent Crime Reduction initiative

• Downtown Investment District Merchant Committee

• Lancaster YMCA

• EDC Finance

• Northwest Neighbors

• F&M Public Safety Advisory Committee


• Focus Lancaster

• Shreiner Concord Cemetery

• Friends of Linear Park

• Tec Centro (Spanish American Civic Association)

• Grant Street Coalition

• Thaddeus Stevens Community Advisory Council

• Hourglass Foundation

• United Way Campaign Cabinet

• Lancaster Chamber of Commerce/Foundation

• Young Professionals Network (YPN/Lancaster Chamber)

• Lancaster City Noise Control Board

Downtown Merchant Committee meeting


• Lancaster Housing Opportunity Partnership

• Northwest Ministerium

LCA, A WORTHY INVESTMENT We are grateful for the financial and volunteer support we receive to advance our body of work. Through the consolidation of the James Street Improvement District and the Lancaster Alliance, we were successful in retaining the funding committed to both predecessor organizations while securing new support from businesses, property owners and residents. With the insight and the assistance of the Development Executive Leadership Team, in FY 2013-2014, Lancaster City Alliance obtained three new corporate funders and was awarded four grants to support operations and special projects, such as the Economic Development Strategic Plan, the consolidation to form the LCA and funding for infrastructure improvements such as bike racks, greening and building facades.

(Does not include Economic Development Strategic Plan)

Budget: $1.15M



70% Corporate/Individual/ Institutional 20% DID Management Fee 10% Foundations <1% Public Sector <.01% Interest/other

34% Public Safety 34% Administration 12% Economic Development 11% Community Development 8% Marketing 1% Other

Kathlene C. Sullivan

It is our promise to you, our supporters and partners, to manage an efficient budget while prioritizing outcomes that ensure a great community return on your investment.

LCA Financial Overview for FY 2013-2014

Steepleview Lofts Ribbon Cutting, 2013


A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Our Generous Lancaster City Alliance Donors, Partners & Volunteers Financial Supporters of Lancaster City Alliance

Kegel Kelin Almy & Lord, LLP

Daniel Moyer, IV

Robert and Hale Krasne

Benjamin O’Neil


Lancaster Bicycle Club

Dr. Stephen and Laura Olin

Franklin & Marshall College

Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square

Avi Patel

Fulton Financial Corporation

PAD Partnership

Doug Ranck Plumbing Heating AC

High Foundation

Matthew Petersen

John Reed

Lancaster General Health


Tom and Angie Stephenson

Spencer Advertising & Marketing/ Clipper Magazine

Bertz Hess & Co., LLP


Budd and Connie Callman

Thomas Aichele

Conestoga Copiers

Kevin and Melissa Anderson


Yale and Jane Eastman

Ronald Barton Hair Styling

Barley Snyder

Ecore International

John Caldwell

Burnham Holdings, Inc.

Festoon at the Firehouse

Michael Clapper and Amelia Rauser

City of Lancaster

John and Frances Fleckenstein

Rosalie Cole

Coresource, Inc.

Lancaster Yellow Cab

Shirley Derme

Donegal Group

Lives Changed By Christ (LCBC)

David and Cindy DiSavino

Ecklin Development, LLC

Clark and Ethelmae McSparren

J. A. Fitzkee and Mary Stehman

Engle-Hambright & Davies, Inc.

Richard F. Mula Architects

David and Gina Gerz

Irex Corporation

Don Nikolaus

Michael and Bree Gillespie

Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority

North Group Consultants

James Street Mennonite Church

Andrew T. Scheid Funeral Home

Julia Kohler

J.A. J.R. & T.J. Schwartz Partnership

Jacob Lapp, Jr.

Henry J. Yeager Laboratories

Gary and Susan Leinberger

The Steinman Foundation

M & T Bank Murray Securus ParenteBeard PNC Financial Services PPL Electric Utilities Precision Polymers (Fenner Drives) Pryor & Arlene Neuber Charitable Trust Susquehanna Bancshares Inc. UGI Utilities Inc. Wells Fargo Silver Benchmark Construction

Rev. John and Cynthia Morris

Fred and Blake Albright

Thomas and Vicki Mumma

Abram and Jacqueline Binkley

Barbara Ritter

Carmen & David’s Creamery

Flor Santalo

Cinnabar Real Estate

C. Kenneth Scheid

Patti Connell

Leroy and Mary Schlotzhauer

Ben DiCarlo

Gina Socks

Dougherty Office Supply

Arlene Stewart

ELA Group Inc.

Janice Stork

Gerald and Darlene Fetter

John Thiry

Dr. Matthew Freedman

James Wagner


Rufus Fulton

Kevin Weir

230 Medical Center Condo Association

Dr. Tom and Valerie Gemmill

Soren West

Don and Anne Griswold

Bruce and Barbara Williams

Hazlett, Burt & Watson Inc.

J. Fred Witmer

Abacus Development Inc. Caldwell Heckles & Egan Campus Apartments Charlotte Street Associates (Lieberman Earley & Co.) The Drogaris Companies Eastern Insurance Holdings



Paul Johnson Lancaster County Community Foundation Don and Stacie Main Marjorie McCarthy

Extraordinary Give 2013 Donors

Zena Korba

John Thomas and Lori Herr

Molly Adams

Holly Kutz

Theodore Vedock

Rob and Alisa Bair

Kevin Lapp

James Warner and Kerry Sacco

Deborah Barber

Christina Leslie and Kelly Morris

Melissa Watro

Peter and Kara Barber

Robert and Linda Macina

Jeremy and Kirsten Weiss

Stephanie Barnhart

Bruce Martin and John Haney

Philip Wenger

Samuel and Linda Bressi

Susanne Matthews

Dr. Kerry Sherin Wright

Patricia Brogan

George and Jessica May

Dale and Joanne Yoder

Donald and Melissa Brosey

CC and Peggy McCormick

Larry Zook

Phil Calhoun

Jane McMinn

Steve Carlson

Karin Meacham and Gary Ziffer

In Kind Support

Larry and Wendy Clement

Jane Miller

Building Character

Larry Cohen

Elizabeth Modern

City of Lancaster Bureau of Police

Nevin Cooley

Doug Myers

Christiane David

Jim and Dawn Cox

Andrew and Shelby Nauman

Franklin & Marshall College Dept. of Public Safety

Ted D’Amico

Nancy Neff

Tom Dautrich

Kenneth and Elizabeth Nissley

Michael DeBerdine III

Joshua Nowak

Joseph Devoy

Randy Patterson

Lancaster County Community Foundation

Christine Suarez DiRienzo

Mike and Kathleen Peck

Lancaster General Health

Tim Erdley

Elwood and Lori Pickell


Earl and Charlene Fahnestock

Carl and Ellen Pike

Millersville University, Ware Center

Wes Farmer and Hilda Shirk

David Proulx

Park City Center

Faye Forwood

Michael Raffoni

Spencer Advertising & Marketing

Denise Freeman and Michelle Bingham

Anthony Rathsam

Janet Stone

Bonita Reed

Kathlene Sullivan

Faith Gaddie

Ben and Lisa Riggs

Two Dudes Painting

Eric Garman and Giselle Sanchez

Scott and Joeline Riley

Warfel Construction

Paul Gibbs

Stephen Riley

Dr. Kerry Sherin Wright

Jennifer Groff

Karen Roberts

Robert Groff, Jr.

Craig and Dianne Roda

Mark Hackenburg

Stacy Rutherford

Contributions to Lancaster Downtown Investment District

Patricia Haverstick

Jean Sharf

COBYS Family Services

Michael Heller

Robert and Nancy Shenk

County of Lancaster

Matt Hoffer

Sharon Sherban

Salvation Army

Rod Houser

Andrea Shirk

St. James Episcopal Church

Marty Hulse

Bob and Felicia Shoemaker

Trinity Lutheran Church

Robert and Hedwig Hunsicker

Thomas Simpson


Sally Jarvis

Marshall Snively


David Jemison

Jill Snyder

Rick Joi

Danene Sorace

Lawrence Keating and Jan Masland

Elizabeth Sterner

Rhonda Kleiman

Kathlene Sullivan

Freiman Stoltzfus Lancaster Barnstormers


“Building on Strength” Lancaster City Economic Development Strategic Plan Funders Benchmark Construction

Craig A. Roda Fulton Bank

Mary Glazier Millersville University

Ex-Officio Randy S. Patterson City of Lancaster

Bill Gleason School District of Lancaster

City of Lancaster Franklin & Marshall College

Lancaster City Alliance Executive Leadership Teams

High Industries


Irex Corporation

Chair Jim Hoehn PNC Bank

Dennis Cox

Lancaster City Alliance Lancaster County Community Foundation Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority Lancaster General Health PPL Electric Utilities Craig Roda Bob Shoemaker Scott Smith The Steinman Foundation UGI Utilities Inc. Wohlsen Construction Lancaster City Alliance Board of Directors Chair Robert P. Macina Lancaster General Health Vice Chair John T. Reed Barley Snyder Secretary & Treasurer Lori D. Pickell Irex Corporation Peter R. Barber Two Dudes Painting Company Deborah A. Brandt Moxie House, LLC Nevin D. Cooley High Industries, Inc High Real Estate Group, LLC


Vice Chair Jim Warner Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority Tom Baldrige Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry Doug Brossman Burnham Holdings, Inc. Clarence Kegel Kegel, Kelin, Almy & Lord, LLP Bob Krasne Lancaster Newspapers Inc. Don Nikolaus The Donegal Group Chairperson’s Council Chair Rick Rankin Murray Securus Vice Chair Jeff Kenderdine Lancaster YMCA Jane McMinn M&T Bank Community Safety Chair Chris McMurtrie Engle-Hambright & Davies, Inc.

John M. Levitski PPL Electric Utilities

Vice Chair Wes Farmer Lancaster Community Safety Coalition

David R. Proulx Franklin & Marshall College

Dan Ford Lancaster General Health

Patrick Hopkins City of Lancaster Chris Larsen County of Lancaster Bill McHale Franklin & Marshall College Craig Stedman County of Lancaster Allison Weber Spanish American Civic Association Brian Wiczkowski City of Lancaster Development Chair Joe Crosswhite M&T Bank Vice Chair John Reed Barley Snyder Ben DiCarlo Musser Park Holdings Corp. Economic Development & Planning Co-Chair Tom Smithgall High Real Estate Group, LLC Co-Chair Rob Ecklin The Ecklin Group Ben Bamford Lancaster General Health John Biemiller Economic Development Company of Lancaster County Michael Callahan Benchmark Construction Dennis Cox DID Board/DID Property Owner Paul Fulmer NAI Commercial Partners, Inc.

Ed Gordon Wohlsen Construction Company

Lancaster Downtown Investment District Board of Directors

Craig Kauffman Susquehanna Bancshares

Chair James Wagner Fulton Bank

Chris Stump HARSCO Jeff Vrabel ParenteBeard Marketing Chair John Derr Lancaster Newspapers Inc. Vice Chair Bob Enderlein Eastern Insurance Holdings

Vice Chair Dennis Cox DID Property Owner Secretary Nancy Neff City Resident Treasurer Randy Patterson City of Lancaster Patti Connell Land Transfer Co., Inc.

Dawn Cox Prana Functional Manual Therapy

Christine Suarez DiRienzo McDonald’s

John Lines Lancaster General Health

Tim Mentzer Trinity Lutheran Church

Avi Patel Fulton Bank

Mort Nierenberg Nimble Thimble

Neighborhood Development

Robert Ramsay DID Resident

Chair Holly Kutz Murray Securus

Staff Bob Shoemaker President and CEO Marshall Snively Executive Vice President and COO, LCA Executive Director, DID David Aichele Director of Clean and Safe Services Shelby Nauman Director of Neighborhoods and Special Projects Toby Vargas Finance and Development Manager, LCA Administrative Assistant, DID Colleen Wagner Leadership Teams Manager Tony Wright Operations Manager, Block by Block

Scott Standish County of Lancaster

Vice Chair Chip Sernyak Coresource

Mark Stoner City Resident

Karen Bousquet City of Lancaster

Solicitor William McCarty Hartman Underhill & Brubaker Kathlene C. Sullivan

Chip Cargas Cargas Systems Inc. Steve Cook UGI Inc. Scott Kuhn Wells Fargo, The Private Bank Kerry Sherin Wright Franklin & Marshall College

LCA Team (L to R): Dave Aichele, Shelby Nauman, Marshall Snively, Colleen Wagner, Toby Vargas, Tony Wright and Bob Shoemaker


Volunteers, Committee Members and Sponsors

Bill Gleason School District of Lancaster

Lancaster Downtown Investment District Plan Renewal Taskforce

Dave Greiner, Lancaster Community Safety Coalition

Chair Dennis Cox DID Board/DID Property Owner

Jeff Hatfield, Lancaster Regional Medical Center

Vice Chair Lewis Bechtold Uptown Antiques/DID Resident

Doug Hopwood Community Homeless Outreach

Mike DeBerdine III, Rhoads Energy

Andrea McCue, County of Lancaster Bill McHale Franklin & Marshall College

Abacus Development Peter Barber Boys & Girls Club, Jack Walker Clubhouse Checkers Bistro Chestnut Hill Café Christian Science Reading Room City Line Childcare and Education Center Congregation Shaarai Shomayim

Howard Kelin Kegel Kelin Almy & Lord

John Meeder, Hotel Lancaster

Custom Prescriptions of Lancaster

Tim Mentzer, DID Board/ Trinity Lutheran Church

Tim Meredith Allied/Barton Security Services

Karen Davis and Susan Matos

Jim Miller, Millersville University

First United Methodist Church

Kevin Molloy, Lancaster County Convention Center Authority

Franco’s Family Mini Mart

Josh Nowak, Interstate Hotels Randy Patterson DID Board/City of Lancaster

Earl Fahnestock

Don Pryer, Lancaster Barnstormers

Franklin & Marshall College, Murry Arts House

Pam Richardson, Pennsylvania College of Art & Design

Franklin & Marshall College, Zeta Charter of Phi Kappa

Stacy Rutherford Millersville University

Dr. Matthew Freedman

Anne Schuman Franklin & Marshall College

Grace Lutheran Church

Nick Bendistis, Block by Block

Bill Strickler Franklin & Marshall College

Housing Development Corporation (HDC), Mulberry Apts.

Guy Boyer Community Homeless Outreach

Marty Sullivan Lancaster General Health

James Street Mennonite Church

Mike Bradley, City of Lancaster

John Thomas, Hotel Lancaster

Bob Brown, Park City Center

Joni’s Place

Wayne Wagner, Manheim Township

Tracy Brunke, Lancaster YMCA

Kids and Cultures

Steve Weaver Lancaster Newspapers Inc.

Lancaster Arts Hotel

Bob Wegman Lancaster Bible College

Lancaster General Health

Marie Zubatsky, Hager Condo Association/DID Resident Lancaster Safety Partners Gael Aime Lancaster Parking Authority David Amico, City of Lancaster

Larry Cohen Lancaster Parking Authority Serena Evans, Lancaster County Convention Center Wes Farmer, Lancaster Community Safety Coalition Susan Follmer Fulton Financial Corporation Dan Ford, Lancaster General Health


Ron Hill, Lancaster Bible College

Trash Receptacle Sponsors

Friendly Mini Mart

James Street Properties

Lancaster City Alliance

Cliff Wenger, Blakinger Byler & Thomas, P.C.

Lancaster Theological Seminary

Mike Wetzel Franklin & Marshall College

Gary and Susan Leinberger

Brian Wiczkowski, City of Lancaster

Laquan’s Barber Shop Peg Mellinger-Hess Frank Metzger

Tim Frey, City of Lancaster

Bethany Woodcock Water Street Ministries

Rachel Gallagher, Park City Center

Tony Wright, Block by Block

Otterbein United Methodist Church

Andrew Wurst Lancaster Barnstormers

Queen Street Linens

Brent Olejack

Ross Elementary School

Bicycle Rack Sponsors

Aaron and Dottie Rowe

Campus Grill

Saint Anne’s School

Commonwealth on Queen

Slugger’s Pizza

Dogstar Books

Mickey Smith

Friendly Mini Mart

Splits & Giggles

Huber’s West End Market

Steak Out

Slugger’s Pizza

Brian and Elizabeth Sterner

Splits & Giggles

Ian Tangert Thomas’ Campus Deli Unitarian Universalist Church Universal Church Deb Weaver Wharton Elementary School Danny and Nancy Whittle

“Building on Strength” Lancaster City Economic Development Plan Steering Committee

Ed Gordon Wohlsen Construction Company Sam Houser Franklin & Marshall College Craig Kauffman Susquehanna Bancshares Melody Keim, Lancaster County Community Foundation Bob Krasne Lancaster Newspapers Inc. Randy Patterson City of Lancaster

Ben Bamford Lancaster General Health

Tom Smithgall High Real Estate Group, LLC

John Biemiller, Economic Development Company of Lancaster County

Christopher Stump, HARSCO

Mike Callahan Benchmark Construction Dennis Cox DID Board/DID Property Owner

Jeff Vrabel, ParenteBeard Shane Zimmerman The Steinman Foundation

Rob Ecklin, The Ecklin Group

Kathlene C. Sullivan

Superstar Grocery

Paul Fulmer NAI Commercial Partners, Inc.


Kathlene C. Sullivan

“Building on Strength� Lancaster City Economic Development Plan Working Group Thank you to the following business and property owners, City residents and community leaders for your assistance and guidance as we develop the Economic Development Strategic Plan.


Gene Aleci

Dawn Cox

Cynthia Kettering

Shanon Solava Reid

Adam Althouse

Charlie Crystle

Jessica King

Tony Reveron

Cory Amman

Brian Davison

Anne Kirby

Diane Richards

Vy Bahn

Joe Devoy

Emily Landis

Elvin Rodriguez

Ed Bailey

Ed Drogaris

Kevin Lehman

Fran Rodriguez

Jen Baker

Andy Esbenshade

Jessica Mailhot

Fritz Schroeder

Shaun Balani

Tony Essis

Margie Marino

Bob Shenk

Tom Baldrige

Daniel Falcon

Ryan Martin

Heidi Shirk

Deborah Barber

Hawa Good

Melanie Martinez

Jim Shultz

Peter Barber

Doug Groff

Jeff McLain

Melanie Snyder

Dan Beck

Emma Hamme

Mike McMonagle

Scott Standish

David Bender

Mary Colleen Heil

Noah Miller

Steve Verkouw

Ryan Benner

Larry Helicher

Erica Millner

Lydia Walker

Dan Betancourt

Jeremy Hess

Jason Negron

Jeremy Walter

Mike Biggerstaff

Gary Hobday

Dan Nguyen

Allison Weber

Monica Billing

Ole Hongvanthong

Greg Orth

Dawn Weiss

Bob Brandt

Tracy Horst

Jeffrey Owen

Samuel Wilsker

Melissa Brosey

Wendell Huyard

Tom Ponessa

Denise Witman

Mark Buckwalter

Charlotte Katzenmoyer

Charasay Powell

Henry Yaeger

Chris Caldwell

Greg Keasey

Stephanie Reese

Alice Yoder

Steve Carlson

Clarence Kegel

James Reichenbach

Our apologies to any we may have missed or listed incorrectly. If we have erred, please contact our office so we may correct our records.

Photo by Lancaster Family YMCA


All photos by Kathlene C. Sullivan unless otherwise noted.

354 North Prince Street, Suite 110 Lancaster, PA 17603 Tel (717) 394-0783 Fax (717) 394-0784 09/14

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