The Clocktower, Vol. 87 Issue 9

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Clocktower Wednesday, November 7, 2012| Issue 87.9



Seeing all of the mission booths set up last week may have some of you thinking you want to serve as a missionary in another country. Tabitha Schumacher, or Tabby (as most Anna Pongo of her friends call her), pondered the same question before God sent her off to Buea, Cameroon. Tabby and her friend Mary Erickson were looking for a place to go to serve as student missionaries together. They tried one place after another, each looking like it was going to work out—then the proverbial door slammed in their faces. Just when they had given up trying, Tabby prayed and told God that He would just have to put the answer in her lap. She wouldn’t look anymore. Around that same time, Mary sent out one last request to the people in Cameroon, explained the situation, and told God that she wanted a response now. The next time she checked her email, there was a reply saying they were accepted. Two days later, a letter of invitation came in the mail so they could get their passports.

Tabby said that through this experience she learned one powerful lesson: “God’s timing is perfect.” He wanted Tabby and Mary to be in Cameroon. While there, Tabby worked as a tutor for students and Mary worked in the hospital. According to Tabby, some days she felt like it wasn’t worth it. But looking back, she realized that even though big things didn’t change in dramatic ways, all the little things combined

I first heard about the FootPrints drama group from an old classmate at CVA. He couldn’t stop talking about how cool it was and how well their program went a year ago. Josh Marshall This sparked my interest, so I sat down with the leader of FootPrints, Bobby Nabor-Patt, to learn more about the group. JM: What does FootPrints do? BNP: FootPrints simply serves God while trying to bring innovation to ministry. JM: Why do you enjoy leading/being a part of it? BNP: I enjoy doing it because it gives me a chance to express my artistic side as a writer, which is something I love. And I love working with amazing people who not only bring a lot more to the table than I do, but make me a better artist. JM: What does being a part of FootPrints mean to you? BNP: It means everything to me because it is something I feel God gave to me to use in His honor. JM: What’s your favorite aspect of the group?

BNP: My favorite aspect of FootPrints is the writing. I love bringing and creating concepts that spark people’s thoughts. JM: I understand FootPrints has a program coming up. When will that be? BNP: The program is November 30 and it is our best project to date. I feel that this is a project that’s gonna take FootPrints to the next level. JTM: What are your hopes for it? BNP: My hope for the project is that it has people begging for more from the group. This is a ministry that is here to stay and when I’m long gone I want this project to be the thing

to mean a lot. When asked what she would say to people considering student missionary work, Tabby replied, “God is already talking to you. It might be in a roundabout way that it happens, but if He’s talking to your heart, it will work out.” Have you been called to do mission work? Tell us about your experience on our Facebook or tweet and tag @ ClocktowerASB. You could be published!

Tabby Schumacher and Mary Erickson, following God’s call in Cameroon.


that really put FootPrints on the map. JTM: Is there anything else you’d like to add? BNP: Honestly, at the end of the day, I’m just the guy who presents to the group the blueprint that God has placed in my imagination. My other directors and actors are what bring that blueprint to life. Without God, this project wouldn’t exist and I certainly wouldn’t be able to work with some of the coolest people around. How have you been blessed by innovative ministries such as FootPrints? Post to our Facebook or tweet and tag @ClocktowerASB. You could be published! Keep an eye out for FootPrints’ next production!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Adventure in the Alhambra Taken from a blog post by Shelby Seibold, an ACA (Adventist Colleges Abroad) student in Spain. Breakfast this morning was amazing. There were Shelby SO many pastries filled with Seibold chocolate! We took a trip to the Alhambra. Luckily, I got into the only English tour group. Since this was my most anticipated event of the trip, I wanted to catch every bit of history I could. Once we got into the Alhambra, the tour guide had to practically drag us from place to place since we couldn’t stop gawking and taking photos. No number of photos will ever be able to show how perfect and geometric everything is. At some point you actually wish for a blank wall without tiny inscriptions to give your eyes a rest. The tile work was beautiful and only in green, blue, gold, and white. There are no humans or animals represented in any of the art or architecture except for one fountain with lions, which was a gift from the Jews. Apparently they didn’t get the memo.

We also got to see the only room with the original stained glass left intact. Here is where the sultan sat. He was backlit so that everyone who came in could only see his silhouette and not his face—but he could see theirs. Later, this is the room where Columbus asked Ferdinand and Isabel about sailing around the world in 1492. Even though this was an Arab structure, once the Moors were pushed out of Spain, all the monarchs just kept using it and changing it for their own purposes. At the end of the tour we were very tired and ready for free time. After a quick falafel dinner, we decided to hit up the shops we had seen the day before. Leather purses, brightly colored Moroccan lamps, and harem pants (not as bad as they sound) hung for sale in all the stores. We spent several hours shopping and looking, enjoying every minute. Somehow I ended up with a pair of hippie pants, but now that I have them, I’m so glad! They are so comfy and I feel just like Genie (as in...I dream of. Yes.).

As ACA students, Shelby Seibold and Rachel Blake are spending the year in Spain learning the language and seeing the sights.

Have you had any adventures abroad? Submit your articles to our email at and you could be a paid, published author!

I Can Make a Difference Hello, Union College! Are you eager to help out the Lincoln community? You prove everyday that you are. Here’s Joseph yet another chance. Wauran Every year, millions of people don’t have the money to feed their families or themselves for Thanksgiving. But we can be part of making sure this doesn’t happen. By simply doing something. By doing something simple. One person, and one can can make a difference. Help by donating a canned or boxed food: canned corn, green beans, mushroom soup, pumpkin, evaporated milk, or cranberry sauce and boxed mashed potatoes or stuffing mix. Your donation will add to the food pantry at the Good Neighbor Center, Lincoln’s Adventist community service agency. If you don’t have any of these food items just lying around your dorm room or apartment, hop in your car or

hitch a ride with a friend and go buy some! Even a 35-cent can of corn can make a dent in hunger. Once you have your “cans of good,” just drop them off in any of the specially marked boxes located in the Dick Administration Building (lobby), the Don Love Building (landing between the Student Center and Library), the Ortner Center (desk), Rees Hall (lobby), and Prescott Hall (lobby). These boxes are here for only a limited amount of time, so let’s get out there and help those in need. Once again, it’s time to show Lincoln just how much Union College cares about our community. Thanks for giving! Collection boxes will be available until November 15. Look for more information in your email and on posters around campus. Have anything to tell the world? Submit your articles to our email at and you could be a paid, published author!



I’m going to get very real for a moment: I’m in love. It’s the kind of love that leaves me blushing when he says he loves me too. Play “England” by the Nationals or “Yellow” by ColdKatelyn play and I will be completely Kovalski caught up in thoughts of him. I’m surprised by how enamored with this guy I am, considering I used to be the world’s biggest cynic about love. In the last newspaper I wrote for, I penned an article denouncing the “L-word” altogether. I wasn’t perpetually single, nor disillusioned by a bad breakup; I was simply scared of losing love and getting hurt. As C.S. Lewis once said, “To love is to

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The L-Word be vulnerable.” Everything changed when I began dating my best guy friend. I could not bring myself to admit that I was falling in love with him; convinced that love never lasts, I didn’t want to lose my best friend. It only seemed natural to read Song of Solomon for a little advice. Song of Solomon perfectly describes pure, honest, eager love. A verse reiterated throughout the book reads, “I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me” (7:10). As I read and re-read the verse, it was as though God added another word: “I am (only) my beloved’s, and his desire is (only) for me.” It expressed the kind of lifelong love

and desire that I never before had believed in. Maybe, if I loved the way God inspired Solomon to describe, I could keep the friendship alive and our love could last. Over a year has passed, and even with a thousand miles between us, we’re still crazy about each other. I’ve found the one “whom my soul loves” (3:1). Are we going to last? Maybe. Maybe not. But through this beautiful book of the Bible, God has convinced me that love is worth the risk. What are your thoughts on love? Post them to our Facebook or tweet and tag @ClocktowerASB. You could be published!

This Week in Campus Ministries Don’t forget “One Lincoln, One Hour, One Prayer” every school day at noon in the CVC prayer chapel. Come when you can, stay as long or as short as you wish. It’s a great daily reminder of the value of prayer for all of us. Tuesdays – 9pm in the Lang Lobby (upstairs of Ortner Center) COD (Christ on Demand!) Thursday – “9 O’Clock” in Rees Hall worship room with Mikey and friends. 30 minutes of singing— you figure out what time! Friday – Vesper this Friday will be a “Random Acts of Kindness” experience. Come discover what a $2 bill looks like and what you might be able to accomplish with it! 7:30 in the church. Saturday – V2 @ 5 will be presented by the Fine Arts Division under the direction of Charlotte Messer. Christmas is not far away and we need to start working on details NOW!! Especially for SMs and for children around the world. Pick up a shoe box outside Campus Ministries (and instructions inside Campus Ministries!) for Operation Christmas Child, a chance to pack a box of goodies for a child in a disaster, poverty or war-stricken area of the world. These boxes are due back in CM by November 15 so start now and make some little child’s Christmas joyful.

As the Beatles said, “All you need is love.”

We the Stiff-Necked People We are all ministers on campus, so we must be of one purpose—and that is Christ’s purpose. His mission is to draw people to Him so they can be saved from destruction, and Mikey like Him, our overall purpose Archibeque must be to overflow with the Spirit so much that others cannot help but see Christ and His kingdom on campus and in our lives. We fulfill this mission when people come on campus, meet a Union student, and only see Christ: His love, His power, His grace, His mercy, and His peace. They walk away feeling restored as Christ restores us. Feeling loved as Christ loves us. That was and is Christ’s mission: to save and heal us. How then can we help heal and save people on campus? How do we do as Christ does? We must invite Christ and plead with Him to pour His spirit upon us, so instead of us pouring out what Christ gives us, we over-

flow with His love and mercy and peace, filling this campus and spilling out into Lincoln. And from there the process keeps growing. This task is not something that will be completed in one year. Instead, it is a lifestyle, a walk, which we must all live. It is said that we are not truly leaders as Christians, but instead followers who point others to our true leader, Christ. This changes our perspective because instead of our plans being about us and what we can do, it forces us to say that Christ is the active agent. Christ is the working force behind our actions and plans, both small and large. We can take comfort in this because with Christ doing the hard work, with Christ as our center, our healer, and savior, it is He who will work wonders. When God shows up, He overwhelms the watcher. How has Christ saved or healed you? Post it to our Facebook or tweet and tag @ClocktowerASB. You could be published!



Wednesday, November 7, 2012

For The Coffee Shop Goers

To the nursing student, the pre-med student, the English student in Dr. Fitts’s class . . . who am I kidding? Coffee is the life of a college student. Without that simultaneously Ruby Ruano sweet and bitter, black beverage, most of us wouldn’t be able to make it through those 4 a.m. morning study sessions or dreaded all-nighters. But the same ol’ cup of coffee or warm drink can get a little repetitive. Since I am always looking to try something new, I went on the hunt for some yummy ideas to mix things up with the barista. If you are an absolute Starbucks lover you have probably already heard of the secret menu, and if you haven’t, then you’re in for a treat! And fear not, if you prefer another coffee shop you can steal these great ideas for your orders elsewhere. If you are in the mood for a cereal smoothie, the Captain Crunch will do the trick. Just order a strawberries-and-cream frappe with

a pump of caramel, two pumps of toffee, one pump of hazelnut, and two scoops of chocolate chips. With all the talk of fall, pumpkins are usually the center of attention. The chocolate pumpkin gives it all the attention it needs. Order a pumpkin spice latte with chocolate syrup. It can be made into a frappe or kept as a warm latte. With the holidays right around the corner, Roxi Peterson, one of Union’s coffee experts, has a yummy holiday drink in hand. “It’s a white chocolate mocha with a pump of peppermint,” she explains. Simple, but covers all the bases! So next time you are in a long study session, make sure to try some of these drinks for a boost of sugar, coffee, and deliciousness! If you’re a coffee genius, make sure to Tweet or Instagram ideas the Clocktower can share. Have any interesting beverage recipes? Post them to our Facebook or tweet and tag @ClocktowerASB. You could be published!

What We Can and Can’t Change

When it comes to friendships, we can choose whether or not we want to do the same activities others do, or simply not participate if something makes us uncomfortable. If Amber Alas our friends are constantly making rude comments or jokes, we can choose whether or not to walk away from them or challenge them. Unfortunately, we can’t change people. But we can change our mentality and how we handle certain situations. “You can’t change the way people perceive you. Whether or not it’s going to affect you is your choice,” says Nicole Ducklow. Are you going to let what others say or do get deep under your skin? When it comes to our work environment, we can change how fast we work, how much effort we put into our work, and our relationWe can’t really change how much money we earn, but we can choose how to save it...or show it off.

ships with co-workers. But we cannot change who our boss or co-workers are, how many hours they give us, or certain deadlines. We have to try to work with what we have. Lastly, when it comes to money, we can change how much we spend during the month or cut down on our list of things we wish we had. If we don’t save money or make a budget, how do we expect to have money saved up for after college? We can’t change our money problems if we have shopaholic problems. So let’s make a choice today. Are we going to change our actions for the best and learn how to deal with the things we have no control over? Because, when it comes to God, He has all the control and all we can do is accept Him. How has your life changed since you’ve come to Union? Post it to our Facebook or tweet and tag @ClocktowerASB. You could be published!

Get creative with your coffee!

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down from the Clocktower Staff Pablo – Thumbs up to the Mavs beating the Lakers! Aphee – Thumbs up to National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWriMo. Addi – Thumbs up to Christmas music! Katelyn – Thumbs up to switching majors! Brianna – Thumbs down to getting behind on worship credits. Joe – Thumbs up to the end of the presidential race. Annie – Thumbs up to “A Novel Idea Bookstore” (it’s downtown N. 14th if you want to check it out)! Josh – Thumbs up to successful homemade pumpkin and pecan pie. Amber – Thumbs up to finally understanding statistics! Ruby – Thumbs up to a week before a week before Thanksgiving!!! Carl – Thumbs up to the start of a new NBA basketball season. Emily – Thumbs up to a great turnout for Bonfire of the Humanities!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Make $1,000 for Three Minutes

If you need some extra dough for banquet attire, if you’re preparing for Black Friday, or if you’re just a broke college student who would love to replenish your bank account, Brianna Schenkelberg here’s your window of opportunity. For producing a three-minute (or less) video you could win $1,000, $500, or $250. Sponsored by Christian Record Services and Union College Division of Humanities, this themed contest deals with understanding the world of the blind and is open to all Union students. To make this even easier for you, Ray Dabrowski, with Christian Record, has given tips on how to win the first prize of $1,000. “Look at it as a professional,” Dabrowski initially advised. He recommends that students “[use] imagination, be creative, be bold, and take risks. Be yourself and don’t copy anybody. Use methodology that you are most familiar with. Don’t take shortcuts because they will be seen.” This is an opportunity for students to acquire not only a generous sum of cash, but

If you could take anyone to banquet, whom would you take? Adam Neep – Rosie O’Donnell or Brad Pitt... they’re about equal. Courtney Gutknech – Jeff Dunham...I would be laughing the whole night! Addi Hudgins – Gerard Butler. Angie Schebo – Mario Lopez.

also gain professional experience and an impressive addition to a portfolio or résumé. Not to mention a slight ego boost or increased respect from your peers and colleagues. Submission forms can be picked up in the Humanities Division. All films are due January 9, 2013 and may be used by Christian Records for promotional purposes. And if you don’t necessarily shine near the limelight, you can still enjoy a viewing of the top videos in the amphitheater on January 16. “What do young people know about the world of the blind? And what can they also suggest, comment on, [and] propose?” asks

Dabrowski. “And of course we are interested in quality and quality of thinking, but also in sharing a new way of looking at an issue that is not going away.” Another thing that may not being going away anytime soon is your school bill. So, call “lights, camera, action” for your shot at $1,000. Even if you are first prize’s runner up, you could still snag $500. Not a bad price for a thoughtful 3-minute production.

At 3:00 P.M. on October 29, the IRR disaster response team members were alerted that in 12 hours, they were going to be on the road, speeding towards Hurricane Sandy. Much like Carl Dupper Captain Planet and the Planeteers, the 12 members of this team assembled their forces and, in this short time, packed first aid kits, food, and other odds and ends they felt were necessary to save the world. Luckily, before they sped off into the night, I was able to talk to Tony Cameron about what he and his crew were off to do. Carl Dupper: Where are you going? Tony Cameron: We are going to Blue Mountain Academy in Pennsylvania, which will be our staging area to help victims of Hurricane Sandy. CD: How long will you be there? TC: We’ll be out there for five days, and we’re leaving at 3 o’clock this morning to start the 21-hour drive. CD: And how long ago did you find out about this?

TC: The disaster response team leaders got emails this morning. I heard about it at 3 o’clock this afternoon and I’ve been getting ready and packing since then. CD: How many other people are going with you? TC: There are nine other students and two leaders. Brian Hauff and Aaron Kent are the two faculty leaders. CD: How do you plan on helping, or what areas are you dealing with? TC: The thing about disaster response is that you never really know what you’re doing until you get there and see what the needs are. We could be doing anything, like passing out food, helping the Red Cross, sandbagging to help prevent flood damage, or performing swift water rescues since we are all swift water rescue certified. So we could be rescuing people from floodwaters or passing out hot chocolate (laughs). It just depends on what we see when we get there.

Hardly a Hero’s Goodbye

Charlotte Messer – I’m a girl, so a guy is going to have to step it up and ask me.... Josh Hester – Queen Elizabeth. Emily Syvertson – the whole cast from New Girl! Jen Carlson – Leif James Ellstrom. Monikah Kelly – Channing Tatum. Spencer Way – Oprah Winfrey. Maureen McCarthy – Louis Tomlinson from One Direction. Tamara Seiler – Prince Charming from Once Upon a Time.

Have you ever made bank by winning a contest? Post it on our Facebook or tweet and tag @ClocktowerASB. You could be published!

Getting ready to brave the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

Give a shout out to your favorite IRR major! Post it to our Facebook or tweet and tag @ClocktowerASB. You could be published!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Oh, You’re Going to the Huskers Game? So Are 30,000 Other People!

Think about what you have been doing for the last 17 years of your life. For most of you, that is at least 75% of your life, which accounts for a large chunk of time. Tyler Ellis Well, 17 years is how long the Cornhuskers have been selling out home games. Let me give you a scale to show how exorbitant this is. The stadium uses beach seating, so the numbers in attendance vary every game. The average attendance is between 30 and 32,000. But let’s just say it’s 30,000. This year there are seven home games, so let’s assume that’s about the same every year. It’s time for some math here. 30,000 people for 7 games a year equals 210,000 people per year. 210,000 people per year multiplied by 17 years is 3.5 million people. That is an outstanding number—and it doesn’t end there. The University of Nebraska has started a project that will add 6,000 more seats to the stadium, allowing the stadium to seat a max of about 40,000 people. Let’s assume that 17 years from now someone writes this exact same article for the Clocktower, but instead of 3.5 million, it will be nearly 5 million people!

For those of you who are wondering, all of this attendance equals major revenue for the University of Nebraska. They make about $34 million a year from just the football program, not to mention the many other sports that they have. This begs the question of whether or not college athletes should get paid—but that should probably be saved for a later article!

Why the Heat Won’t Repeat The Miami Heat may have won the National Basketball Association Championship in the 2011-12 season, but the Heat won’t repeat their victory this year for a couple reasons. Joe Hofmann One reason is the Oklahoma City Thunder. OKC has continued to get better each year. They also made it to the NBA finals and were only blown out against the Heat in the final game of that series. Another reason the Heat won’t repeat is because their star players are old and they get hurt too easily. Last year during the playoffs, the Heat’s forward, Chris Bosh, was out with an abdominal injury and missed some important games. Dwayne Wade, one of the Heat’s best guards, also battled injuries throughout the season. The Heat has veterans who are past their prime. Coaches and teams adapt. Teams wise up to what works one season and learn to defend against or overcome what doesn’t. The Heat didn’t dominate all their games last year and you can expect that teams will continue to learn how to play better against them this year.

Finally, during the offseason the Los Angeles Lakers acquired free agents Steve Nash and Dwight Howard. With these two star players in their lineup, the Lakers look like a team who could challenge the Heat for a championship and possibly repeat as champions back-to-back. Kobe may be trying to recover from a strained right foot, but this NBA season will be full, unlike last season when most was lost due to the lockout. This means Kobe can take his time and get healthy so he can get back to doing what he does best: winning games. What are your thoughts on the Miami Heat? Post them to our Facebook or tweet and tag @ClocktowerASB. You could be published!

Have you ever gone to see the Huskers play? Post the details to our Facebook or tweet and tag @ClocktowerASB. You could be published!

The Heist Steven Foster Every year, an album comes out that changes your musical perspective. The Heist (2012) is that album. And the geniuses behind it are none other than Seattle-based Macklemore and his accomplice Ryan Lewis. The Heist is a refreshing new approach to modern day hip-hop. Sure, it tells the tale of a white kid battling addiction, but instead of promoting party-ready substances, many of the songs portray a struggle with sobriety. Positive. The song “Same Love” argues for sexual orientation equality, while “Jimmy Iovine” shows how Macklemore was expecting to pull off a record deal heist but instead was offered an industry standard crook deal. The Heist offers beats that will have you remembering the 90s one moment and looking towards the future the next. Macklemore’s latest wins big in originality, but the beats and lyrics will have you raving as well. Listen to the clean version of this masterpiece on Spotify! Do the Heat have a chance at another championship?


Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The CT Staff Editor-in-Chief Pablo Colindres Copy Editors Addi Hudgins Emily Syvertson Aphee Messer Layout Kristen Vogler Religion Katelyn Kovalski Special Interest Ruby Ruano Amber Alas On Campus Annie Pongo Josh Marshall Division News Carl Dupper Brianna Schenkelberg Sports Joe Hofmann Tyler Ellis

Supercalifragilistic expialidocious

Zack Posthumus


What is smarter than a talking bird? Answer: A spelling bee

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order online @ Ordering is from 8pm-11:30pm

The Clocktower encourages reader feedback and strives to maintain accuracy. If you have comments, please email us at The Clocktower is published weekly during the school year by the Associated Student Body of Union College, 3800 S. 48th St, Lincoln, NE 68506 except on weeks containing or following a break. The opinions expressed are the opinions of the writers and are not to be construed as the opinion of the editors, Associated Student Body, Union College, or the Seventh-day Adventist Church.


UPDATE Hey Union! Thanks for helping ASB raise $744.22 so far for Love146 and the fight against human trafficking. Also, don’t forget to sign up for Banquet (November 11 at the Cornhusker Hotel) in Student Services!

Senate has started off the year well with more than 17 members from every class and major representing every residence hall as well as village students. Meetings have Rebecca been productive in selecting Chisum committees that include the Appropriations Committee with Geoff Doctoroff as chair and the Technology Coordinating Committee led by Mason Lazar. Bills have also already been brought up, including longer café hours, additions to campus security, improvements to Larson, and adding a wider variety of varsity sports. There has also recently been discussion about a new form of communication on campus that would replace the plethora of emails students receive each day. Instead of emails, students can “opt” in to different programs such as the clubs they’re involved in, campus security, and “for sale” items. With this new system from Orgsync, unrelated emails would stop and communication would become much more efficient throughout campus. Other Adventist colleges have already started using Orgsync, such as La Sierra, which reports positive feedback on the system. Have

Get Your Clocktower On

friends at La Sierra? Ask them about how it works! We are really looking into this and want YOUR feedback. Senate welcomes your suggestions and thoughts. We hope to start up a new Facebook page soon where we can keep you connected and you will also be able to post your concerns and ideas to improve campus life. In the meantime, if you have any suggestions you can contact Thandani Dube, Senate Chair, at or ask around to find out who the Senate representatives for your hall are!

Instagrammers! At the next ASB event, take a picture with your friends on Instagram and hashtag @ ClocktowerASB. Your picture will appear on our Facebook and may be included in next week’s Clocktower!

Happy picture taking!

Thumbs up for the Warriors and Gymnaires!

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