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Springing into action

5 Tips for managing your spring semester

Here we are in the home stretch of the semester. We are within reach of finals and the coming anxiety is looming in the distance. But how can a college student achieve greatness in such little time? I am here to tell you that there is always redemption in sight and never to forget your goals. Here are five ways that you can strengthen your last weeks of the semester.


Write Down Your Goals:

Friday, March 31 was Trans Day of

A strategy I use every year after returning from spring break is to write down my goals and a checklist of things left to accomplish. Doing this gives me hope for the future because I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can see my way out of this semester and complete it unscathed.

Get Study Help:

We all know that those big tests can be damaging to our grades, but what about those smaller hits? Each and every one of those tests can make or break your grade in a class. Whether it is two or three percent, it can be the difference between a letter grade. Each and every point counts, so now is the perfect time to ask for help. Whether it is a theory you don’t understand from one of those four hundred-level classes or maybe a simple idea from a general education class, there is never a dumb question.

Make Time for the Things You Enjoy:

With all of the homework and cramming for tests, you still need to make time for the de-stressing activities that get you out of your room. It could be as simple as a walk in the park or a drive around town. It doesn’t have to require spending money, but it should get you out of your study atmosphere. This will help your mind recognize that you aren’t studying and it’s time to relax.

Stay Positive:

While being inside for extended periods of time can be detrimental to your health and attitude, a short break may change that for the better. It is good to remember once in a while to stay positive through tough times. We all know the troubles that college can cause, but perseverance is key to success. Through every presentation, test, and project stay positive and keep a level head.

Manage Your Health:

It is important to be aware of not only your friend’s health and well-being but your own as well. Stress can cause a lot of problems to the body and it is not pretty. Make sure to not only check up on your friends but remember the person that you look at in the mirror every morning. They are important and needed too. To all the students that are surviving out there, hang in there and you’ll make it!

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