2 minute read
Championing Trusteeship
Our fourth annual Charity Governance Awards ceremony was on 22 May 2019. We organise the event with partners NPC, Prospectus and Reach Volunteering. Our Professional Judges were impressed with the high standard of entries, and delighted to receive submissions from charities large and small all across the UK – including charities in England, Northern Ireland and the Scottish Highlands.
Each winner went home with an award designed by textile artist Elizabeth Ashdown and a £5,000 unrestricted grant for their charity. Winners included charities working in arts, culture, community development, education, health and more. For the first time ever, we awarded a joint prize: Derry Well Women and the Muslim Women’s Network UK both received a prize for the Improving Impact (4-25 staff ) category, demonstrating the success their trustees are achieving in support of their work for women and communities in the UK.
We could not be more inspired by the winners – and indeed, all the shortlisted charities – this year.
• Board Diversity and Inclusivity: SignHealth
• Embracing Digital: Parents and Children Together (PACT)
• Embracing Opportunity and Harnessing Risk: Coventry and Warwickshire Mind
• Improving Impact (0-3 paid staff ): Green’s Windmill Trust
• Improving Impact (4-25 paid staff ): Derry Well Women ( joint winner)
• Improving Impact (4-25 paid staff ): Muslim Women’s Network UK ( joint winner)
• Improving Impact (26+ paid staff ): YMCA North Tyneside
• Managing Turnaround: Dementia UK

Judges Thomas Lawson and Tesse Akpeki present Nazmin Akthar, Muslim Women’s Network UK, with the award for ImprovingImpact (4-25 staff).
Past Master Michael Jarvis, who chairs the Awards for us, said,
Read more from the Charity Governance Awards website: www.charitygovernanceawards.co.uk.
We’re grateful the nearly 60 Clothworkers who helped us in the first round of judging, allowing us to create a ‘long list’ of entries for our second round by Professional Judges. If you’re interested in serving as a Clothworker Judge for 2020, please register via the link from the September e-newsletter.

Panel speakers Alan Edwards (Trustee, Bliss), Girish Menon (CEO, ActionAid) and Lesley Michaelis (Chair, Home-Start Slough).
30 Sep (4.00-6.00pm) Where do trustees fit with the debate on diversity and inclusion?
18 Nov (4.00-6.00pm) Trustees and the Theory of Change: Everything You Need to Know
Find out more and reserve your free place on the NPC website: www.thinknpc.org.uk/events-and-training
30 Oct to 4 Dec (Wednesdays, 6.00-8.00pm) Co-sponsored by The Company and Close Brothers, this programme is delivered by Cause4 in London. It is a great opportunity to develop leadership skills and learn more about serving as a trustee. Aimed at new and potential trustees. Free for Clothworkers! For registration information, email reneeladue@clothworkers.co.uk.
Not in London? Cause4 will host training in Glasgow (9 Oct) and Manchester (13 Nov): www.cause4.co.uk.