Final clothworkers jan 2017 newsletter

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Winter 2016-17 • No 16


The Master’s Welcome

Approaching the halfway point of my year in office, I am witnessing first-hand how active both the Company and Foundation are in a number of areas. 2016 was a busy year with some particularly noteworthy developments. Property Highly apparent on the property front is the extensive reconstruction of Angel Court around its original core, which will present a wholly different face to the City when compared with its predecessor. In addition, the 120 Fenchurch Street Front cover: Scots Guards at Clothworkers’ Hall

development is moving upwards fast. It will be fascinating to witness the bulking out of this substantial building during 2017. Further information on the Clothworkers’ property portfolio is on pages 12 and 13. Investment

distinct implications for the

were no major changes to the

Foundation – also by the Trustees.

principal directions of travel, but rather continuation in an

The strategic investment review was completed by the Finance and

Grants policy

‘evolutionary’ vein. It has sought to

Investment Committee. This was

At the same time, the Foundation

build on what has been achieved,

subsequently approved by the Court

concluded the quinquennial review

including consideration of the

and – because of the separate and

of its grant-making. As in 2011, there

findings and recommendations of

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external evaluations and research funded by the Foundation. The current set of proactive programmes – Better Futures, Conservation, the Dramatic Arts and Visual Impairment in developing countries – are all progressing well and, within each respective sector of activity, are raising the profile and reputation of the “Clothworker” name in a positive and benign fashion. Vocational training Discussions are ongoing with potential partners in support of initiatives in the areas of vocational education and training, including apprenticeship schemes. A number of these initiatives are being developed in harness with other Livery Companies. City connections We have been seeking closer association with the Civic City by improving our connections with other Livery Companies, the City Ward representatives, Common

to Aldershot for some members of

seasonal gesture in favour of those

Councilmen and Aldermen. Aiding

the Clothworker shooting team.

less fortunate than ourselves.

very own Common Councilmen –



Deputy Jamie Ingham Clark and

As previously reported, we sponsored

In many other respects, the

Dhruv Patel. The former gives an

(working with partners) the first

Company and Foundation hits 2017

interesting insight into his role in the

round of Charity Governance Awards

with notable momentum. I take the

City on pages 8 and 9.

in 2016. By any measure, the project

opportunity to express my

proved a success, with favourable

tremendous admiration and thanks


feedback – notably from the Chief

to the dedicated and professional

Over the past twelve months, links

Executive of the Charity

team of staff who support all

have strengthened with our four

Commission. The 2017 round is now

Clothworker activities with such

Service Affiliates following the


good humour.

the Livery to provide a liaison role.

Crisis at Christmas

Michael Jarvis

There have been memorable

I am glad to report that over £2,000


engagements – a visit to 47 Squadron

was raised for the charity, Crisis, at

at Brize Norton, a lunch at the Hall

the St Thomas’ Eve lunch. Many

for an eclectic group of Scots

thanks indeed to all who supported

Guardsmen, followed swiftly by a trip

our wish to make a communal and

our efforts in this area are our two

introduction to each of a member of

Winter 2016-17 | THE CLOTHWORKER | 3

Peter Luttman-Johnson (1919 – 2016)

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Obituary Peter Michell Luttman-Johnson was born in London in November 1919, the

Master and Assistant Emeritus.

eldest of three children. Two years later a brother, Giles, was born, but died in

Peter greatly enjoyed the

infancy. There followed, six years later, the arrival of Jenifer (subsequently

Clothworkers, and made many

Coombe-Tennant). The family lived in London and in Sussex.

friends there. It has been suggested that he was the longest serving

Peter was educated at Winchester,

officer, helping German refugees and

Liveryman in the Company’s history,

following in the footsteps of several

displaced persons.

and his tenure is unlikely to ever be exceeded.

generations before him. In 1938 he went up to Trinity College, Oxford,

After the War, he went into the City

where he read Modern Greats. When

of London. Following a short training

He was a District Councillor in

war broke out, he enlisted, and was

stint with Durlachers, a stock jobbing

Chichester until 1991. During this

at Trinity for only four terms before

firm, he joined Allen, Harvey and

time he also served on the Courts of

being called up. He was nonetheless

Ross, a discount house, where his

the Universities of Sussex and

awarded an MA, Oxford having

father was a partner and director,

Southampton, was governor of a

decided that joining up merited the

and where he also subsequently

number of schools and served as

award of a degree.

became a director.

High Sheriff of West Sussex in

On completion of his officer training,

He joined Princess Louise’s

he joined the 15/19 Hussars (his

Kensington Regiment, a Territorial

In 1961, Peter married Barbara

father having served in the 19th

Army Regiment into which Phantom

Sclater-Booth with whom he had

during the Great War). The 15/19 had

had been amalgamated after the

three children; Anne in 1962, William

suffered such losses in the retreat

War. He subsequently commanded

in 1963 and Catherine in 1966. After

from France that the Regiment

the Regiment, retiring in the early

Barbara’s death in September 2000,

existed in little more than name, and

1960s, having reached the rank of

he married Anna Rice, and gained a

for several years he was engaged in

Lieutenant Colonel.

step-daughter. His first grandchild,


Eleanor, was born in 1999. She was

various training and staff jobs around England. He finally found a

At the age of 21 Peter was elected as

followed by four grandsons, two step-

role in an organisation called 3 GHQ

a Liveryman of The Clothworkers’

grandsons and a step-granddaughter.

Regiment, or Phantom. He crossed

Company, with which his mother’s

the Channel after D-Day and spent

family, the Hornes, had been

Peter died on 1 October while on

the rest of the War in Europe

connected for many years. He was

holiday in Spain; after a good lunch,

attached to the American Army. After

elected Warden in 1974, served as

beside his beloved wife, and in the

VE day he remained for some

Master in 1985 and thereafter

most peaceful fashion that he so

months in Germany as a serving

remained on the Court as a Past

richly deserved.

Deaths We regret to announce the recent deaths of: Gwendoline Harley, Freewoman Ann Hutchins, Freewoman Alison Davis, Freewoman Michael Darton, Freeman

Winter 2016-17 | THE CLOTHWORKER | 5

New Freemen

Elsie Houston

Emily Jenkins

Sarah Jenkins

A 3rd generation Clothworker, Elsie

Twin sisters, Emily and Sarah, are 5th generation Clothworkers and the

is the daughter of Liveryman,

daughters of Colin Jenkins, Freeman. The family connection dates back to

Charlie Houston. Her grandfather,

1871 when James Charles Harley was apprenticed to Benjamin Deffee, a fish

A William Houston, is also a

salesman. He was subsequently made Free by Servitude in 1878.

Liveryman of the Company, having been made free by Redemption in

Emily is in her third and final year at the University of Newcastle where she is


reading History. In her spare time, she enjoys rugby and travelling, and is also interested in current affairs.

Elsie is at Exeter University studying International Relations, and has a

Sarah is in her third year of Medical School at the University of East Anglia.

particular interest in women’s rights

In her spare time, she enjoys running, travel and film.

in the MENA region. In her spare time, she enjoys art, skiing, shooting, business and travel.

Oliver Jones Oliver is a 4th Generation

Oliver is currently at Sheffield

Clothworker. He is the son of Robert

Hallam University studying for a

Jones, Liveryman, and grandson of

Masters in Aerospace Engineering.

Richard Jones, Master 2002-2003.

In his spare time he enjoys flying,

The family connection goes back to

scuba diving and skiing.

1927 when Sir Henry Frank Harding Jones (Master 1972) was made Free by Redemption.

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Affiliations 47 Squadron

both F Company and 1st Battalion,

During a busy year

the former taking time out from

of Centenary

ceremonial duties at Wellington


Barracks, and the latter from training

47 Squadron found

in their role as armoured infantry.

time to host a group

It was a most convivial occasion,

of Clothworkers on

clearly enjoyed by the guardsmen

a visit to Brize

and their partners.

Norton. Perfect weather meant the highlight for most was a

There followed an invitation for members of the Clothworker

Relations with our Service Affiliates

flight in a Hercules. Despite his best

shooting team to visit them in

continue to flourish.

efforts, the Master was not, however,

Aldershot. The team were to witness

permitted to take the controls!

some of the gruelling training the soldiers must undergo, have lunch

Following the successful model of Assistant, Tom Ingham Clark,

Scots Guards

with the Regimental Colonel (and

working with the Scots Guards in a

In November, we were delighted to

Clothworker), HRH The Duke of Kent,

liaison role, we have recently

welcome a large contingent of Scots

and visit the indoor range for a bit of

appointed three Liverymen to assist

Guards to lunch at the Hall. Our

rapid fire.

in the same way with our other

guests included representatives from

Affiliates – Andrew Yonge with HMS Dauntless, Hugh Shuttleworth with 47 Squadron and Amy McVittie with the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry. Andrew and Hugh have already made visits to Dauntless and Brize Norton respectively, and Amy is keen to get started. There are currently a number of initiatives and events under discussion, details of which will emerge over the coming months. In the meantime, there follows a brief report on some recent highlights.

Winter 2016-17 | THE CLOTHWORKER | 7

Civic City Avid readers of Clothworker publications will have noticed in recent editions

All of this does, of course, take time.

an increased focus on the Civic City. On this note, I have been asked to write

Committee meetings are usually

something of my experience as a Common Councilman, since my election in

held either side of lunch but, in


accordance with Standing Orders, no meeting can last more than two

Firstly, I think it helps to understand

includes the nominees of businesses

hours (I have often tried to bring

the franchise, and the eligibility

in the City. This makes the Court of

this into effect in other

criteria. The Court of Common

Common Council unique; it not only

organisations I work with!).

Council is the City of London’s

provides all the usual services of a

primary decision-making body. It is

local authority, but also endows the

As a local authority, the City

made up of 100 Councilmen

Mayoralty in its financial services

Corporation requires the employers

representing the 25 City Wards (the

ambassadorial role.

of any person serving on its committees to permit unpaid leave

number per Ward depending on its size). In addition, there are the 25

The Court operates on a committee

to allow the employee the

Aldermen (one for each Ward)

basis. All Members sit on at least one

appropriate time to do so. That said,

making a total of 125 Members.

committee, there being a maximum

this is clearly something an

of eight permitted. This allows a fair

individual should address with their

distribution of representation.

employer before embarking on a

To stand for election as a Common

journey to election. In my case, one

Councilman, an individual must be either a voter or resident (hold

I represent a small (but, of course, the

day’s unpaid leave per month was

property) in the City, and be a

best) Ward and, as such, am directly

considered not unreasonable

Freeman of the City of London.

allocated to three so-called Ward

bearing in mind that, as with public

Common Councilmen are elected for

committees. In addition, I have been

service generally, the benefits apply

four years and, by tradition, stand as

privileged to be elected by my peers

to both employer and employee.

independents; however, there is still

to a number of others. Given my

plenty of politics involved!

professional background, many of

In addition to the local authority

these are of a financial, or regulatory,

and financial services functions of

The electorate, as is the case

nature but I am proud to have also

the Court, ‘The City’ acts as

anywhere else in the country,

taken on Licensing, covering the circa

corporate Trustee of many charities.

comprises the residents, but also

800 licensed premises in the City.

One of the better-known is perhaps

Jamie with the rest of the Billingsgate team at the Fish Harvest Festival

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Dhruv Patel After graduating from Imperial College, Dhruv joined Barclays the City Bridge Trust, but there are

Capital and completed their

many others. In this vein, I am

graduate training programme.

delighted to promote the Clothworkers’ common purpose of

He is now a businessman with

Trusteeship amongst my colleagues

interests in real estate development

in the Corporation.

and investment, the Lloyd’s of London insurance market, and community

Progression from Common

pharmacy. In 2005 he set up the

Councilman might be to serve as an

City Hindus Network and chaired it

Alderman. To stand as an Alderman,

for five years. In 2013 he was

a candidate must be a Liveryman,

elected as a Common Councilman

oversees a circa £3bn portfolio, and

and be qualified to stand as a Police

for Aldgate Ward and, in 2015, was

on its Multi Academy Trust,

and Crime Commissioner. Aldermen

promoted to Chairman of the

currently with five schools in the

are elected for six years and have

Community and Children’s Services

neighbouring boroughs of

often served previously as Common

Committee for the City Corporation.

Southwark, Hackney and Islington,

Councilmen, although this is not a

This Committee has responsibility

and an ambitious programme to


for the delivery of circa 70% of the

increase this number.

Corporation’s Local Authority I attend most Clothworker events

functions. It was recently awarded

Through the Corporation, Dhruv is a

and, if you are keen to engage in the

an Ofsted rating of ‘Good’, with

Governor of the East London NHS

City in some way, do please seek me

‘Outstanding’ elements for both

Foundation Trust, and a trustee of

out – I would be only too pleased to

Children’s Social Services and Adult

The Lord Mayor’s 800th Anniversary

talk to you. Alternatively, you can

Education, including apprenticeships.

Awards Trust charity.

contact me, or my fellow

In addition, the Committee has

Clothworker and Common

been working towards achieving the

Dhruv joined the Company, by

Councilman, Dhruv Patel, via the

Corporation’s target to build 700

Redemption, in 2015 and is


social housing units by 2025.

currently co-opted to the

Deputy Jamie Ingham Clark CC

Dhruv also sits on the Corporation’s

He is also a member of the Aldgate


Property Investment Board, which

Ward Club and the City Livery Club.

His training concentrated on the

just the Corporation’s infrastructure

insurance market and he has had a

but also that of the City of London

number of roles specialising in the

Police. He is also Deputy Chairman of

Lloyd’s market during his career. In

the Crime and Disorder Scrutiny

2006 he set up his own consultancy,

Committee. He was appointed

specialising in compliance and

Deputy for the Ward of Billingsgate

corporate governance work.

in 2015.

Jamie was elected to the Court of

In addition to his professional and

Common Council in 2013 and

Civic City activities, Jamie spent 16

joined the Finance, Licensing and

years in the City TA Regiment, The

Audit and Risk Committees that

Honourable Artillery Company, and

year. Since then, he has been

35 years and counting on the

Jamie trained as a Chartered

elected to the Establishment and

Ceremonial Staff of the Order of St

Accountant with Ernst and

Standards Committees and, in 2016,

John. Jamie joined the Company by

Whinney (now Ernst and Young),

was appointed Chairman of the IT

Patrimony in 1981, and was elected a

qualifying in 1987.

Sub-Committee, which covers not

Liveryman in 1988.

Company’s Property Committee.

Jamie Ingham Clark

Winter 2016-17 | THE CLOTHWORKER | 9

Hugo Robinson (left) at Clothworkers’ Hall.

My experience of Trusteeship The St Giles-in-the-Fields and

activity, namely education, grant-

within the local educational

William Shelton Educational Charity

making, law and finance.

community and assessing the charity’s governance practices.

supports the education of disadvantaged children and young


people in the West End and

My involvement with the St Giles-in-

Time commitment

Bloomsbury areas of London.

the-Fields and William Shelton

For many years, the formal business

Educational Charity came about as a

of the charity had been conducted at


result of my participation, four years

quarterly meetings, held in the

The charity traces its roots back to

ago, in the Clothworkers’ joint

evenings, and lasting between two

an original legacy of £658 10s from

initiative with Prospectus/Reach to

and three hours. However, between

William Shelton in 1661. Today, it is a

help Liverymen find trustee roles. Of

meetings, there was an increasing

grant-making foundation, allocating

particular interest to me was the

need for ad hoc input; accordingly,

grants of approximately £200,000 a

charity’s focus on the education of

a fifth meeting has recently been

year from the income generated by

disadvantaged children and young

introduced to the annual schedule.

its investment and property

people, its location (being close to

The time commitment nonetheless


where I work), and its size – large

remains manageable.

enough to be established, but small There are eight Trustees, and a part-

enough to enable me to make a

Those in doubt should rest assured

time clerk, who manage the charity’s

meaningful contribution to its

that becoming a Trustee is not

affairs. Given its history and links to


something to be wary of; there is a wealth of support available, be it the

the parishes of St Giles-in-the-Fields and St George’s, Bloomsbury, four of

There being no full-time staff, as

enthusiasm and expertise of fellow-

the eight Trustees are ex officio - the

such, the Trustees are active in their

Trustees, the range of training

Rector and a churchwarden from

areas of expertise or interest. To date,

courses and seminars available to

each of the two parishes - with the

I have been involved in a number of

Trustees generally, or the extensive

remaining four trustees being co-

projects, including the major

guidance published by the Charity


refurbishment of an investment

Commission. It is a most worthwhile,

property, the identification of long-

and rewarding, experience.

The aim is to have a balanced range

term strategic projects requiring

of skills represented on the board,

support over a number of years, a bid

with expertise in the key areas of

to raise the profile of the charity

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Hugo Robinson Liveryman

The Clothworkers’ Centre at the V&A Following a £1m lead grant from The Clothworkers’ Foundation to the Victoria & Albert Museum, The Clothworkers’ Centre for the Study and Conservation of Textiles and Fashion opened in late 2013.

Photo: ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London

The Centre, located at Blythe House in Kensington, houses the V&A’s textiles and fashion collection. It is a state-of-the art facility that offers visitors and researchers a valuable opportunity to inspect and study one of the world’s most important collections of its kind, in a comfortable and attractive setting. The V&A’s incomparable collection ranges from fashion accessories and underwear, to heavy tapestry and carpets, and from historic

scenes’ tour of the storage area, a

The Centre offers a light and

archaeological fragments to

visit to the conservation studio to see

spacious study area for small

contemporary haute-couture.

the conservators in action, and

groups; a seminar room for larger

shown highlights from the textile

groups; a small study collection of

and fashion collection.

historical textiles selected to show a

The Master recently led a small group on a visit to the Centre, during

range of techniques; and reference

which they were given a ‘behind the

books and on-site access to the collections database. Three years on, the Centre is thriving. Statistics demonstrate that it is a well-used resource for academics and students, both nationally and throughout the world. In 2015, nearly 2 million visits were made to the Search and Collections database, of which just under half were non-UK visitors. The Foundation continues to support

Photo: ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London

the Museum’s work in fashion and textiles. Most recently, a Conservation Fellowship was awarded for the Museum’s Senior Textile Conservator to lead a research project focusing on practices employed by museums and other collections in cleaning historical and contemporary carpets.

Winter 2016-17 | THE CLOTHWORKER | 11

Property City of London commercial property is an exciting topic, which consumes

these opportunities not only to

many column inches, especially in the context of current discussion of the

receive one-off development fees, but

City as the world’s foremost financial centre. Due to certain sensitivities, it is

also to ensure that we share in any

not always possible to keep the Membership fully informed of developments;

increased rental income generated

however, the following is intended as a general, and rather overdue, update on

by the head tenant.

recent activities. At the end of 2015, the Company The total portfolio now consists of

Clothworkers have differed from

acquired a further two direct let

sixteen properties, of which one is

many of our peers is that, rather

properties, and now has a total of

held by The Clothworkers’

than extract maximum capital value

three in its portfolio.

Foundation, and the remainder by

in return for a peppercorn rent, we

The Clothworkers’ Company. The

have granted long leasehold interests

There follows an update on a

portfolio, which is owned freehold, is

for a combination of capital receipts

selection of our properties with

mainly situated in the Moorgate and

and a percentage of the head

ongoing activity.

Fenchurch Street areas, and is

tenant’s rental income.

expected to generate an annual

54 Fenchurch Street In particular, in recent times, the

We acquired this vacant property at

Company has been approached by

the end of 2015 and, over the course

Traditionally, the model has been to

the head tenants at several

of 2016, undertook a full

grant long leasehold interests to

properties, to negotiate development

refurbishment of the office property.

head tenants. Where the

agreements. The Company has used

The strategy was for a cost-effective

rental income of £5.8 million.

Works in progress at 120 Fenchurch Street

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CGI of 120 Fenchurch Street

upgrade of the building, with small

to construct a new

to medium businesses being the

unit for NatWest on

target market for lettings.

Fenchurch Street, whilst finishing the

Six of the seven floors have now

demolition and

been let and, following a successful


application for change of use of the

construction around

ground floor from office to retail, an

the old unit, from

agreement has been signed with

which NatWest


continued trading.

A positive feature of the

The new unit was

refurbishment is the provision of

completed and fully

fifty-eight bike spaces and full

fitted out by October

changing and shower facilities, in

2016, whereupon

the basement. We have reserved five

NatWest moved in.

spaces for the use of staff at the

The old unit has now

Hall, and the aim is to offer the

been demolished,

remaining spaces across the three

and the construction

direct let properties.

of the new building continues below,

120 Fenchurch Street

beside and above the new NatWest

restaurant and café area. These

This was a complex transaction


include Coya (an upmarket Peruvian restaurant), Notes (a coffee shop by

where, originally, the Company owned only 40% of the total site. In

The developer remains on course to

day, and wine bar by evening) and

August 2014, after negotiations with

complete the M&G accommodation

Natural Kitchen (a ‘healthy living’

various parties, the Company agreed

in January 2018, and the external


a deal with Generali, the Italian

landscaping and roof garden in

insurance company, where the

February 2018.

Hamesh Patel Director of

Company took freehold ownership of the total site, and granted a 200 year

1 Angel Court

head lease to Generali.

1 Angel Court has been in the

Finance, Property and Investments

Company’s ownership for many Generali subsequently obtained

years, and the head tenant, Mitsui

planning permission to construct a

Fudosan, in conjunction with

circa 450,000 sq. ft. building, the

Stanhope, have been redeveloping

majority of which has been pre-let

the site since summer 2014. To

to M&G, the fund management arm

ensure the rebuild could be to the

of Prudential, for their new head

same height as the original building,


the structure was stripped back to its core. Now, thirty months later, the

The construction has made

works are nearing completion.

significant progress over the last twelve months, and we are fortunate

The building consists of ‘garden

to be able to see this on a daily basis

floors’ of circa 25,000 sq. ft. and ‘sky

given the building’s proximity to the

floors’ of circa 8,000 sq. ft. These are

Hall. The project has been

being actively marketed by the head

particularly unique, in that NatWest,

tenants, as no pre-lettings had been

who were in occupation of a unit on


one corner of the development site, did not want to move from the site.

The head tenants have, however,

Therefore the developers have had

secured tenants for the ground floor Aldershot

CGI of 1 Angel Court

Winter 2016-17 | THE CLOTHWORKER | 13

Notable Clothworker Sir Robert Menzies Sir Robert Gordon Menzies (1894-1978), barrister, politician and Australia’s

On a subsequent visit to London, in

longest serving Prime Minister, was also an Honorary Freeman and Liveryman.

1953, Menzies was made Free of the City of London. He had luncheon

After winning a landmark case in the

Burton Tankard. All honours were

with the Company during his visit

High Court of Australia at the age of

granted ‘in recognition of the

and dining with the Court seems to

25, Menzies became involved in state

invaluable services of Mr Menzies

have been a feature of all his

politics, entering Victoria’s upper

and to mark the ever strengthening

subsequent trips to England. In his

house in 1928. In 1934 he was

bonds between Australia and the

later years, when a stroke made him

persuaded to stand for the federal

Mother Country’. The links were

unable to travel, Sir Robert kept up

seat of Kooyong, a seat he held until

further strengthened when another

with Company affairs by

his retirement in 1966, and became

Honorary Liveryman, Field Marshall

correspondence, and in 1976 his wife,

Attorney-General and Minister for

Slim became Governor- General of

Dame Pattie, travelling to England

Industry. He was heavily involved in

Australia in 1953.

alone, lunched with a number of Past Masters and their ladies.

the creation of a new party – the United Australia Party – in the early

On his return to Australia, Menzies

1930s and saw them subsequently

found that the political climate was

In 1956, Menzies was again in London

voted into power. Menzies was

turning against him, so he resigned.

and offered to provide a new Master’s

elected party leader and therefore

A short while later the Victorian

Chair for the current sixth Hall,

Prime Minister, in 1939. Soon after, he

Clothworkers’ Hall was destroyed by

which was then under construction.

had the task of declaring Australia’s

enemy action, meaning that his

The chair was presented in 1958, the

entry into the Second World War.

admission was one of the last

year in which the Hall was opened.

ceremonies performed in the old Hall.

It is made from Australian black bean

In 1941 Menzies spent four months in

On hearing of the Hall’s fate, Menzies

wood and was built in England. The

England, participating in meetings of

despatched a telegram expressing his

Company’s coat of arms appears at

Churchill’s War Cabinet. This was

sympathy on the loss suffered by the

the top in gilt, a ram’s head is carved

when he was invited to become an


at the end of each arm and, given the shared interest in wool, tools

Honorary Freeman and Liveryman by Master Tom Girtin.

Undeterred by the disappointment

employed in the craft of clothmaking

surrounding his resignation, Menzies

are carved on either side of the chair

In the letter of invitation, the Clerk of

continued his political work. He

back. The donor would first have seen

the day, Major Pothecary, wrote ‘we at

helped create the new Liberal Party,

the chair when he lunched at the

Clothworkers’ Hall have always felt

and was elected its inaugural leader

new Hall in June 1959.

conscious of very special links

in August 1945. At the 1949 federal

between Australia and this particular

election, Menzies led a coalition to

In 1961, Menzies was granted an

Company in regard to the wool

victory and returned as Prime

honorary degree from the University

industry which is our chief concern


of Leeds, with which the

here’. Menzies was made Free and admitted to the Livery on 26

Clothworkers’ Company has always had a

March 1941. On the same occasion he was presented with a replica of

Detail of Master’s chair

the Company’s

image 3: Kaitlin Barber’s binding

14 | THE CLOTHWORKER | Winter 2017

very strong connection. Over his lifetime he received honorary degrees from numerous universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. He was Chancellor of Melbourne University and took up a scholar-inresidence position at the University of Virginia when he retired in 1966, having resigned voluntarily as Prime Minister, and from Parliament, aged 71. He was considered to be at the peak of his power at that time. In 1966, Menzies became the first Clothworker to serve as Warden of the Cinque Ports, succeeding Winston Churchill in the office. In recognition of his new post he was sent a set of armorial table mats by the Company for use in his new official residence at Walmer Castle near Deal in Kent. Menzies died at his home in Melbourne in May 1978. He was accorded a state funeral in Australia attended by HRH The Prince of Wales, and a service of thanksgiving was held in Westminster Abbey in July the same year. In 1965, Menzies’ son, Kenneth Leckie

Portrait of

Menzies, was offered the Freedom by

Robert Menzies

Patrimonial Redemption (because he had been born before his father had become Free of the Company).

1963, with mantle, star, sash, collar

him. Stafford worked for eleven

However he was subsequently unable

and badge. Government House in

Australian Prime Ministers over 35

to attend the ceremony and was only

Canberra is understood to be the

years, as a driver and cabinet officer,

made Free in 1971. Dame Pattie

building in the background.

and he and Menzies became lifelong friends. In a radio interview late in his

Menzies was made Free by Courtesy after the death of her husband. Their

The portrait was painted by order of

life, Stafford talked about sitting in

daughter, Mrs Margery Heather

the Court at a cost of 1000 guineas.

for Menzies in his robes: “I stood in for

Henderson, was made Free by

Menzies suggested two Australian

Sir Robert when William Dargie did his

Presentation in 1996.

artists for the commission, with

painting … And … Dargie painted the

Sir William Dargie (1912-2003)

thing around my chest … And I sat there

A portrait of Sir Robert hangs in the

selected as the artist. Dargie was

for a couple of hours because he [Menzies]

Livery Hall as part of a scheme of

commissioned subsequently to paint

was so busy he couldn’t make it … it was

portraits of twentieth-century

the portraits of HRH Princess

quite interesting. He painted in the face

Honorary Liverymen and Women,

Alexandra and HRH Princess Marina


and is paired with the portrait of

which also hang in the Livery Hall. The portrait was flown to London and

Field Marshal the Viscount Slim, Governor-General of Australia from

The portrait is undated but was

framed just in time to be hung for Sir

1953 to 1960, painted by Simon

painted during 1963-1964, in

Robert and his wife to admire it in

Elwes. Both portraits are displayed in

Australia. A story about the painting

situ, at a luncheon in July 1964.

antique eighteenth-century frames.

emerged a year ago in the Guardian:

The portrait shows Menzies full-

as Prime Minister, Menzies was rather

length in the robes of a Knight of the

busy so he asked his close friend and

Thistle, an honour he received in

confidant, Alf Stafford, to sit in for

Winter 2016-17 | THE CLOTHWORKER | 15

Designer Bookbindings The Company continues to support the endangered craft of bookbinding, and

Agnes Miller Parker [Victor Gollancz,

recently commissioned three new bindings from established bookbinders to

Covent Garden: 1936]. It is bound in

add to its growing collection. We hope to receive the completed works over the

grey goatskin with underlays of ink

course of 2017.

dotted calfskin and Zerkall paper, with onlays of coloured gampi (a Japanese tissue made from the inner bark of the gampi bush) and cushioned calfskin. The edges and endpapers are decorated with soft pastel. The design represents the wood through the four seasons and includes silhouettes of woodland animals – birds, rabbits, deer, a squirrel and even a snail. This binding also won her the Mansfield Medal for Best Book in the Competition. Yuko Matsuno’s binding

Prizes at the 2016 Annual UK


Bookbinding Competition, organised


by Designer Bookbinders, were


provided once again in the Open Choice category, where binders choose their own titles to bind. This category consistently attracts high quality designs and 2016 was no exception. The Clerk and Archivist were delighted to attend the private view in November and discover that the bindings which had caught their attention in the exhibition were in fact the prizewinners. First prize went to Yuko Matsuno for her binding of Through the Woods: the English Woodland – April to April by H E Bates, with 73 engravings on wood by

16 | THE CLOTHWORKER | Winter 2016-17

Second prize went to Kaitlin Barber for In Smoke: ten variations on Eugenio Montale, poems by Gary Michael Dault and wood engravings by Alan Stein [limited edition hand printed by the Church Street Press, Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada: 2004]. It is bound in hand-dyed fair goatskin, with debossing (the opposite of embossing which is a raised design) with leaves on the back board and cold gold debossing with leaves on the front board. The design was inspired by the recurring theme in the poems of the natural world and imagery of forests, foliage and gardens in relation to growth and the fragility of love. Both binders also won awards for their bindings of the competition set text which was Vita Nuova by

War Memorial

Dante Alighieri. A permanent poppy wreath has

when she visited the installation at

been commissioned and installed

the Tower in 2014.

on the Company’s War Memorial in St Olave Hart Street.

The wreath on the Company’s memorial is a naturalistic cascade

The memorial, which honours those

rather than a traditional circle,

Clothworkers who fought and lost

hanging over the top and part-way

their lives in battle during the First

down the sides. Each poppy is attached

and Second World Wars, was

to its own brass rod, patinated to a gun

commissioned, installed and

metal steel finish and bent to look like

dedicated in time for the centenary

a stem. The poppies are screwed onto

of Armistice Day in November 2014.

the threaded rods and secured with glue, which can be chemically reversed

The Company subsequently

should we ever need to remove one.

purchased eighteen red ceramic

The result is stunning, with the deep

poppies – one for each Liveryman

red of the poppies bringing the grey

lost – from the Tower of London’s

slate alive.

poignant installation ‘Blood swept lands and seas of red’. Colin Bowles,

Members of the Superintendence

who designed the wreath, had been

Committee took part in an act of

involved in the installation of the

remembrance and dedication of the

memorial in the church and also

wreath, led by Oliver Ross, Rector of

designed a freestanding wreath of

St Olave’s, in the week leading up to

ceramic poppies which was

Armistice Day and Remembrance

presented to Her Majesty The Queen


Winter 2016-17 | THE CLOTHWORKER | 17

Anawim – Women Working Together Anawim was set up thirty years ago to help women in the Birmingham area

from short prison sentences. The

who have multiple and complex needs, to lead stable and fulfilling lives with

message from Anawim to the

their children and families.

Government’s 2015-16 ‘Transforming Rehabilitation’ programme, which has

On 13 December, they welcomed The

residential accommodation, the JABBS

led to stress in service provision for

Rt Hon Baroness Jean Corston (their

Foundation providing the lion’s share

women offenders, is that one-to-one

Patron) and The Archbishop of

of the funding.

work within prison, and then in community care, works to prevent

Birmingham, Bernard Longley, to officially open the charity’s long-

The Anawim Centre is a ‘one stop

reoffending and change the lives of

awaited new residential building,

shop’ for vulnerable women across

women offenders.

Dawn House. Other VIP guests

the Birmingham area. For three

included The Lord Mayor of

decades, the charity has worked with

The mission of Anawim, “to support

Birmingham, Councillor Carl Rice, and

women who have multiple and

women and their children, especially

representatives from the JABBS

complex needs, and has become a

women vulnerable to exploitation” has its


nationally recognised expert in this

origins in two religious sisters, Sister

field. The House of Commons Justice

Madeleine and Sister Mairie from the

The building is situated next to the

Committee report ‘Women offenders:

Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the

existing Anawim Centre in Balsall

after the Corston Report’ agrees that

Good Shepherd. The sisters, while

Heath. The ground floor incorporates

support for women offenders is best

working in Balsall Heath in the 1980s,

a new reception area, office space and

delivered from community projects

took in prostitutes from the street

a crèche. There is provision for the

such as Anawim and concludes that

and gave them shelter. It was a great

prison team who work from Anawim

“Women’s community projects are central

joy that they were both present at the

in HMPs Foston Hall and Drake Hall,

to providing a distinct approach to the

opening of the new provision.

and one-to-one meeting rooms. On

treatment of women offenders. They offer

the first floor, there are six architect-

a challenging environment for women to

The Chief Executive of Anawim, Joy

designed residential units providing

serve their sentence, as well as a broad

Doal, spearheaded the latest

safe, temporary accommodation for

range of practical and emotional support to

development, alongside an able Board

women on release from prison. The

enable them to change their lives for good”.

of Trustees. Joy held the day together with great style and invited Baroness

new facility will enable them to provide 24 hour care and support for

Prior to the recent privatisation of the

Corston to speak about her vision for

those who need it.

Probation Service, Anawim ran a

the care of vulnerable women. The

successful programme for around 250

event was rounded off by a hilarious

Anawim works closely with Midland

women on Orders per year. The

auction and a buffet lunch for all.

Heart and other long term social

reoffending rate was between 1% &

housing providers. In 2015, The

6%; this compared favourably to

Dr Carolyn Boulter, DL

Clothworkers’ Foundation agreed a

probation, which was around 8%, and

First Warden

grant of £100,000 towards this new

the appalling 63% for those released

18 | THE CLOTHWORKER | Winter 2016-17

Clothworkers’ Theatre Award The Clothworkers’ Theatre Award is an annual award of £150,000 to a regional

Theatre, won by Sir Ian McKellen,

producing theatre. It is part of the Foundation’s £1.25m five-year proactive

and The Gielgud Award for Excellence

Dramatic Arts initiative.

in the Dramatic Arts which went to Vanessa Redgrave in recognition of her career on stage and screen.

The nine producing theatres from

The award, the only one with a

the Northeast and Northwest region

monetary value, was again presented

were invited to compete for the 2016

at the high-profile UK Theatre

Previous award winners were York

award. The winners were Northern

Awards Lunch at Guildhall in

Theatre Royal (Yorkshire region) in

Stage who will deliver a two-year

October. Ours was one of two awards

2015 and Theatre Royal Plymouth

programme to assess training and

won by Northern Stage, which also

(Southwest region) in 2014.

develop practical theatre skills for

won The Renee Stepham award for

Producing theatres from the East and

young people from diverse

Best Presentation of Touring Theatre.

West Midlands will be invited to

backgrounds in deprived areas of

Other awards on the day included

compete for the 2017 Clothworkers’

Newcastle and Gateshead.

Outstanding Contribution to British

Theatre Award.

Winter 2016-17 | THE CLOTHWORKER | 19

Dates for Your Diary Young Livery Dinner Wednesday 22 February 2017 Masters’ and Clerks’ Dinner Tuesday 7 March 2017 Young Freedom Reception Tuesday 21 March 2017 United Guilds Service and Luncheon Friday 31 March 2017

The Clothworker | Design by Chris Monk | Printing by Trident Printing |

Civic Dinner Thursday 6 April 2017

Royal Geographical Society Lectures All lectures take place at Clothworkers’ Hall commencing at 7pm The cure for catastrophe Dr Robert Muir-Wood Wednesday 8 February 2017 Aurora: in search of the northern lights Dr Melanie Windridge Tuesday 28 March 2017

Remember that all the pictures from events where we have had a photographer present are available to download free of charge in the Members’ Area of the website.

20 | THE CLOTHWORKER | Winter 2016-17

Make sure we have your current email address as we send the majority of event invitations by email. Contact if you have any queries about our events.

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