Business Continuity as a Service
Company Snapshot •
Founded: 2007
Headquarters: Norwalk, CT
Additional Offices: Boston, London, Rochester, Toronto, Australia
Employees: ~500+
Distribution: ~8,000 MSP & VAR Partners
Endpoints Protected: 5 million+
Datto’s Private Cloud: 150 Petabytes+
Devices Syncing to Cloud: 45,000+ Austin McChord, CEO
©2015/Company Confidential
The Need for Business Continuity •
The need to have IT systems up and running 24/7 is becoming important for businesses at every size. Business simply doesn’t get done without it.
Customer tolerance of downtime is effectively zero.
While IT Technology is generally getting more reliable, new security threats like ransom-ware are making backup more critical than ever.
Datto solves the Backup and Business Continuity challenges for SMB and mid market companies.
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Protecting Business Data No Matter Where It Lives •
Hybrid cloud protection for on premise physical and virtual machines.
Unique technology allows for nearly instantaneous virtualization of failed systems both locally and in the cloud bordering on high availability.
Management UI allows a managed service provider to manage hundreds of devices protecting thousands of servers from a single pane of glass.
SaaS Application protection through cloud to cloud backup.
Provides protection from deletion, corruption, and mistakes.
Has the ability to migrate data cross SaaS instances and applications allowing business to truly “own” their SaaS data. ©2015/Company Confidential
Traditional Backup vs. Business Continuity
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Datto Appliances
Purpose-Built Business Continuity Appliances • Capacities from 500GB to 60TB to meet the needs of any size company • Can recover a failed system in ≈6 seconds
• Simple to deploy and manage • Powerful custom designed hardware
• Every appliance backs up to the secure Datto cloud • Physical and Virtual Appliances ©2015/Company Confidential
Our Proprietary Technologies Make Datto the Best Solution By taking a “screenshot” of each completed boot process virtually, Datto tests the backup integrity and proactively identifies boot-ability issues. Screenshot Verification
Instant Virtualization
With Datto, backups can be virtualized either locally on the Datto appliance or remotely in Datto’s secure cloud, in mere seconds, with the click of a button.
With image-based backup an image of the workstation or server’s operating environment is taken and stored as a place in time for that machine. Image-Based Backup
Datto’s Inverse Chain Technology avoids broken backup chains and enables virtualization to happen almost instantaneously. Inverse Chain
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Purpose-Built, Private Cloud •
Datto maintains its own private cloud infrastructure
150 Petabytes+ protected in Datto’s global data centers
Datto designs and assembles our own cloud hardware —specifically designed with business continuity in mind
All data is protected by AES 256 encryption both in transit and in the cloud
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Protecting Your Company’s SaaS Data •
Backupify is the world leader in SaaS data protection
Business data is fragmented and stored in more locations than ever before 74% of companies are using SaaS 83% are using public cloud
Reliance on digital infrastructure is systemic to our economy
Downtime and the associated revenue loss is unacceptable
Not protecting this data is no longer an option
©2015/Company Confidential
Datto Product Family (May 2015)
Instant Virtualization
Local & Off-Site File Restore
Inverse Chain Technology
Screenshot Backup Verification
Virtual Machine Export
Bare Metal Restore
Unlimited Cloud Storage Options
Protect SaaS Data 24/7/365 Tech Support
©2015/Company Confidential
Business Continuity as a Service