VCloud Air Network Guide

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vCloud Air Network Guide


elcoWme to the Service Provider Program

VMware vCloud Air Network overview

VMware vCloud Air Network – customer benefits ●

Cloud services market: a growing opportunity

What you can offer your customers

How the program works

The benefits to your business

Service provider bundles

Products and pricing

Get on board

Welcome to the VMware vCloud Air Network Program A rro w E C S – E M E A ’ s v a l u e - a d d a g g r e g a t o r vCAN is the ideal way to develop, promote and sell hosted services such as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Desktop-as-aService (DaaS), Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), Backup and Replication-asa-Service, Storage as a Service, and various other cloud services. The program includes additional benefits such as a simple subscription-licensing model, and comprehensive marketing support. V M w a r e – t h e m a r ke t l e a d e r: VMware is the global leader, not only in virtualization but also in the Service Provider market. 73% of Gartner’s Magic Quadrant IaaS Service Providers are V SP P Partners. Our partners are present in in more than 100 countries around the globe providing our customers with an unprecedented choice of VMware-based hosting solutions and services. Our cloud-hosted platforms are simple, cost-effective, scalable and built on proven technology, and our unparalleled expertise enables our partners to quickly acquire, service and grow a strong customer base. Quite simply, we know what it takes to compete and thrive in this market. A n d we’ll help you reap the benefits.

For over a decade, Arrow ECS has been working with VMware and VMware Partners to add value and grow their channel throughout EMEA. Our core values are knowledge and simplicity. We deliver knowledge through: • Updated licensing best practice • Technical implementation workshop • Driving business development with partners • Marketing planning and execution And we deliver simplicity through our ArrowSphere xSP Central – a licensingadministration portal for Service Providers, which ensures: • A single point of contact for all new signup, renewal, upgrade and monthly reporting • One central place to handle all your agreements and end-customers Today Arrow xSP Central supports multiple vendor rental programs.

VMware vCloud Air Network overview

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VMwa re vCloud Air

Service Prov ider Ecosystem

T h e world’s largest network of validated c l o u d serv ices b a s e d o n VMware technology, p ro v i d i ng our cu sto m ers with unp reced ented flexibility a n d c h o ic e of c l o u d p ro vid ers o n a local basis.

The VMware vCloud Air Network covers >99% of the cloud TAM*

VMware vCloud Air Network – customer benefits

Choic e

VMware vCloud Air and the VMware vCloud Air Network Service Provider Ecosystem

F l e xibili ty

Multi-tenant, dedicated and virtual private cloud options

Data S o v e re i g n ty B re a d t h and Depth Validated Cloud Services ISV Marke t p l a ce

Over 100 countries providing cloud services on a local basis Multiple compliance certifications and vertical market specialisations XaaS services available including Hybrid Cloud Powered, DRaaS, DaaS and IaaS Validated Hybrid Cloud Ready Applications

Cloud services market: a growing opportunity The enterprise is undergoing a revolutionary change brought about by cloud computing, the consumerisation of IT, Bring Your Own Device and mobility.

Gartner estimates the public cloud market will be worth $43bn by 2015 and is currently growing at an annual rate of over 25% per annum.

A s service providers you will be judged on your flexibility, innovation and service levels. So you need to be using the most reliable, secure and trusted infrastructure software to underpin your services. VMware gives you access to unique suites of products that allow partners to rapidly deploy and manage high performance service offerings, all utilising the same underlying technology foundations, the Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC). This same core technology is already deployed in over 500,000 VMware customers globally. Many of our partners are already taking advantage of the opportunity to transform customers by delivering simple, secure and affordable hybrid cloud solutions. The cloud’s flexibility, scalability and economy makes it a natural choice for organisations looking to simplify IT management and reduce budgets. The VMware vCloud Air Network Program provides you with all the support you need to compete in the cloud services market place.

What you can offer your customers VMware and its partners offer a unique, evolutionary path to cloud computing that reduces IT complexity, significantly lowers costs, and enables more flexible, agile service delivery. Hybrid cloud services offer the ‘best of both worlds’ – agility and low cost, together with high performance, security and portability. The difficulty is that most vendors are focused on either private or public cloud, but not both. This is where VMware Hybrid Cloud Powered service providers offer unique value. VMware Hybrid Cloud Powered services are built on the same VMware technology platform and architecture on which the majority of enterprises have built virtualized data centres. Meaning IT can easily provision compatible public cloud resources, and quickly and securely extend their virtualized infrastructure. vCAN is ideal for service providers who offer hosted services to third parties, such as Infrastructure-as-aService (IaaS) Providers, Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), Application Service Providers (ASPs), Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) Providers.

Infra structure-as-a-Servi ce ( I a a S ) : IaaS represents the foundation of what a VMware Service Provider partner can offer their customers. VMware customers recognise the benefits of cloud computing and frequently consider cloud for new service deployments, application migrations and upgrades in lieu of refreshing their internal systems or acquiring new hardware. Contracted VMware Service Providers will be identified as “laaS Powered” so that customers can easily identify partners offering VMware based services.

Horizon Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS): Qualified partners can offer DaaS to their customers based on VMware Horizon™ DaaS. For customers, it represents a quickly deployed, affordable cloud-based virtual desktop solution. Only VMware Horizon DaaS platform offers Service Provider partners a scalable multi-tenant solution with a grid-based architecture based on industry leading vSphere® technology. Partners qualifying for a VMware DaaS service offering will receive a ‘Horizon DaaS Powered’ badge to promote their service offering.

How the Program works To start, every new partner joins the VMware Partner Network at the Enrolled tier. Enrolment in this tier gives partners the opportunity to learn more about the different programs VMware offers and takes the time to decide which program suits them. In the meantime, you’ll also get the chance to start acquiring the necessary sales and technical solution skills to accelerate towards the first transaction. To progress, complete the VMware Partner Program agreement, choose the contract level with the associated minimum commitment that matches your business requirements and sign a vCAN rental contract with an authorised vCAN aggregator. Each VMware product available in the program has an associated points value. Your chosen aggregator will be able to provide you with your price per point, which will depend on the contract level and minimum commitment.

You can then advance to the Enterprise and Premier tiers by gaining the relevant number of VMware Certified Professional (VCP) certifications. Your VMware Service Provider Program membership will renew automatically for successive one-year terms, providing you’re still meeting all the requirements.

Eligibi li ty: In order to enrol and progress through the program, you’ll need to build up a minimum contract value (see next page) and a set of role-based accreditations consisting of training and certifications. You’ll then need to track vCAN product usage on supported products and report monthly usage through the vCAN Business Portal.

How the Program works PREIER

Minimum m o n t h l y V S P P rental contract: Professional – minimum 3 6 0 points Enterprise – minimum 10,800 points (or 3,60 0 point plan for developing countries) Premier – minimum 100,000 points A s part of the Service Provider Program you can benefit from: • a flexible business model, including incremental volume discounts, that raises the benefits as you increase your commitment • the world’s largest cloud ecosystem as part of your service offering • flexible access to VMware software on a monthly subscription basis • low start-up costs for minimal upfront capital investment • guaranteed pricing with 12-month fixed price contracts • inclusive Production Level support


VMware v C l o u d U s a g e Meter: To facilitate reporting of the VMware vCloud® Service Provider Bundles, VMware has developed the vCloud Usage Meter. This tool automates the collection of usage data for supported products. For additional details, visit the vCAN ENROLLE Program Guide on Partner Central. D VMware vCloud Usage Meter must be installed to monitor and report usage of the all vCloud Service Provider Bundles and qualified products. Other products must be monitored manually by the Service Provider and reported to the Aggregator in accordance with the Aggregator’s reporting process.

The benefits to your business Discove r the business benefits of b e i ng a H yb r i d C l o u d Po w e re d Service Partner In addition to belonging to the Professional, Enterprise and Premier tiers, service providers can further differentiate themselves by becoming a Hybrid Cloud Powered partner. To do this, they must be at the Enterprise level or higher and have launched a validated public-facing service utilising vCloud® Director. Further details on this program can be found on the following link: w ww.c l o ud s yn tr i x.c o m /so l u ti on s -vm w are -vc l oud - exte n d -you r- da ta- c e n te r. h tm l

B y b e c o m i n g H y b r i d C l o u d P o w e r e d y o u will: Accelerate your time to market – use the industry leading, secure, robust and trusted virtualization platform as the foundation for your public cloud. Differentiate your service – take advantage of the built-in solution benefits of scalability, elasticity and security inherent to vCloud Director to focus on differentiating your cloud offering. Grow your customer base – VMware-based services are compatible with existing VMware environments at over 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 customers worldwide, allowing you to expand your business and your revenue base.

Service provider bundles VMware and its partners offer a unique, evolutionary path to cloud computing that reduces IT complexity, significantly lowers costs, and enables more flexible, agile service delivery. Pro d u c t bundl es: The vCAN portfolio includes a number of specifically designed bundles to provide all of the elements required to deliver a flexible, secure and resilient cloud service.

v C l o u d Prem i er P l u s Bu ndl e : 10 point value / 1 G B reserved RA M (based on monthly usage) Provides the key components needed to deliver an enterprise-class cloud service together with management and automation capabilities. Targeted at Service Providers that want to enable enterprises to extend their data centers to the public cloud with agility, compatibility and security in a multi-tenant infrastructure, while providing improved S L A s and capturing new revenue streams through add- on services to customers.

v C l o u d Prem i er Bund l e: 7 point value / 1 G B reserved RA M (based on monthly usage) Provides the key components required to deliver a feature-rich enterprise-class, cloud Infrastructure-as-aService.

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