VMware Site Recovery Manager Software Services
Why Vmware vSphere Site Recovery Manager? Cloud computing offers undisputed benefits in terms of agility and cost-effectiveness. But cloud computing platforms are not commodities, with one easily substituted for another. Chances are that some of your workloads can only run onpremises and some can only run in specific proprietary clouds. Once you move a workload to a proprietary cloud, it typically requires rewriting and/or reconfigurations to move back onsite.
Vmware Site Recovery Manager?
VMware Site Recovery Manager is an automation software which provides industry-leading solution for application availability and mobility across sites in private cloud environments. It is an automation software that integrates with a concealed replication technology that provides non-disruptive testing, policy-based management etc.
Methods of CloudSyntrix for analysis
Strategize - Align business and IT objectives; quantify benefits, develop IT strategy Assess - Identify current and future states; enhance people, process, and platform readiness Design - Create the solution design, integration plans, and operating procedures Deploy - Implement, integrate, configure, test, and validate the overall solution design Optimize - Analyze and improve the existing environment and transfer best practice knowledge