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Grand Lodge News
Bro. M. Speirs has recognised the fact that many Lodges no longer have an organist and, as we all know how much music can add to the solemnity and dignity of a ceremony, he has produced a package suitable for all Lodges. For any lodge lacking an organist he can supply for a fee, all your degree music (hymns, entrance, exit, collection) playable on laptop, tablet, smartphone or CD player in mp3 or CD format. All orders are bespoke and individually recorded to your specific requirements. Click Here to make enquiries:Bro. M. Spiers
Although our Lodges have been unable to meet, it hasn't stopped the fantastic work being done around the world by our Members with now well over £1 Million pounds of support being distributed. A 2 minute video can be seen here.
More good news from PGL Renfrewshire West who have donated £2000 and iMac PC to 32nd Scouts in Greenock. Bro. Robin McIntyre PGM has the cheque and Bro. Alex Galbraith PPGM the certificate marking the occasion.
Another source of five lecture comes from Greenock Kilwinning No. XII which can be accessed at: (1) No XII Zoom Meetings - YouTube