1 minute read
Lectures from 337
The Lodge, Hope of Kurachee No.337 is the prem- Their master, Bro. Gordon Mickie, started zoom ier research lodge in Fife. Its meetings are the talks way back at the start of lockdown. This idea 3rd Friday April, September, November and Feb- became a huge success and the lectures are now ruary in the Masonic Hall Admiralty Road, Rosyth. preserved in their YouTube channel (below). If As the name of the lodge would suggest, Hope of you have some free time over the festive period Kurrachee was established in the Indian sub- or more likely, the TV is awful then I would comcontinent and was granted a charter on 1842 by pletely recommend you have a look at some of Grand Lodge. The lodge's origins however lie in these talks which cover all aspects of our beloved the military lodges of the British Empire and like Craft. many lodges abroad had to return to Scotland to continue their masonry.
Smallest Lodge in the Room??
Hornitos Lodge No.98 in California might be the smallest lodge building in the world. Any other contenders? However, inside the a different story.