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OBs in 1920s & 1940s

First 4 page colour version (front and back shown) printed out for brethren in 2001. However, with an average attendance of ove 100 then it was costing £26/month so a few years later it went online. Below the inside of May 2003 when 242 had its memorable trip to North aand South Ireland.


The picture featured on the left was taken at the Installation of James Steven Murray (who would become Lodge Secretary) on Friday 13th December 1963.

Brother James is pictured with his Installing Masters Brothers David. McCulloch PM and James Ballantyne PM. On the extreme right is Brother John Robertson who was IPM at the time.

11th Annual Ball

This picture was found in an old copy of the Johnstone Advertiser and features an Annual Masonic Ball (we believe) held sometime in the middle of the 1960’s . According to the newspaper report, the Ball which had an attendance of 170 was a “Great Success” and among the many distinguished guests was N. C. Hayes PM who was then the Lord Provost of Johnstone.

2006 Burns Supper

Bro. Des McCulloch officiated at the Burns Supper as master supported by a young SW Bro. Alex Stobo PM and organised by Bro. Peter Smolarek PM.

The visit of Seldon Park Lodge during the anniversary year to do an exemplification A few well kent, young faces!

Finally brethren, as we approach another retsriuction on our lives, here is a link to a video from Burlingame Lodge No.400(EC) entitled The Holy Grail and Freemasonry.

Happy New Year

To submit an article or want added to the mail list, contact the Editor, Grant Macleod:

E-Mail: sec242pm@yahoo.co.uk Website: http://lodge242.bravesites.com/

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