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Spiritual Alchemy
The second book in the series by Bro. Chris Earnshaw is now reviewed. denly take on a new meaning.
The second degree of Freemasonry is essentially an alchemical degree, which is introduced in this book “Freemasonry: Spiritual Alchemy.” Alchemy had been discovered by the Chinese around 500BC, and they quickly realized that transmuting lead into gold was impossible, however they also discovered that it was possible to affect a spiritual transformation in man. This story travelled along the Silk Road to Europe and also by Arab traders into the Middle East, where people continued to try to make gold. With the Moorish invasion of Spain followed by the Reconquista in 1492, after 700 years of Moorish rule, the secrets of alchemy arrived in northern Europe and eventually England.
The secrets of alchemy were deemed to be too valuable for the hoi polloi so they were encrypted, often using steganography. In this second book in the series, the second degree is analyzed for its alchemical input, especially in relation to three important alchemical texts. This book explains that the monitor, cipher, which is used in lodge is in fact a more complicated cipher than meets the eye, with important alchemical lessons hidden in it. The symbolism used in the degree and even on the aprons of the degree when analyzed in terms of alchemy sudAt the same time as Freemasonry was growing in England, so was the Royal Society, and there was much cross-pollination between the two. Many of the first Grand Masters were presidents of the Royal Society, and viceversa, and because the Royal Society did not have premises large enough to hold lectures, the Society’s lectures were often held in Lodges. However, there was friction as scientists were thought to be atheists, and in the same way in the early days
Freemasons were also thought to be Deists. The growth of the Royal
Society and the organization of
Natural Philosophy into organized sciences led to the demise of the practice of alchemy, which was then thought to be a discipline inhabited by “mystics and superstitious fools.” At the same time, Freemasonry rewrote the rituals of Operative Masons to incorporate alchemical secrets for a certain reason. This is explained in this book, which follows on from the “initiation by light,” and the Mason takes a further step forward in his ultimate perfection.
Twenty-five Signposts show that there is even more for the Mason to discover than “a peculiar system of morality,” and discovering these is the start of the quest, that is completed in the Third Degree.
Christopher J. Earnshaw PhD 33° is a British Citizen living in Tokyo and author of the “Spiritual Freemasonry” books. He is a Past Grand Historian, Grand Lodge of Japan, Past Master of the Research Lodge, Grand Lodge of Japan, Scottish Rite 33° IGH, Past-Chairman of Education Committee, recipient of the Order of Merit, Grand Lodge of Japan, for educational activities and a Past Master of Sinim Lodge, Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Social Media Links: Spiritual Freemasonry videos: http://youtube.com/c/spiritualfreemasonry Twitter: @AuthorEarnshaw: https://twitter.com/AuthorEarnshaw Podcasts: Freemasonry in 7 Minutes or Less: https://anchor.fm/earnshaw-christopher Website: http://chris-earnshaw.com
Valletta Masonic Hall
Why did you become a Freemason, from the very start? Did you hear good reports, and wished to take a part? Like joining in the fellowship and to help with Lodge charity. There’s nothing like the Craft, to embrace solidarity.
We need honest men to act as mentors today, To guide the new initiates, and lead them on the way. To lead by example, that’s the only way to go. With the mentors’ guidance, watch the new member grow.
When he finally reaches that coveted Chair, He won’t be ruling on a wing and a prayer. He’ll rule with confidence, and moral determination, And maintain that attitude throughout his tenure duration. One year in the Chair, sometimes, is not long enough, To get through all of the degree stuff, that’s been learned and planned for weeks on end, but it really hasn’t been a waste of time to spend, because it won’t be long when the opportunity arises, to take that Chair again; Masonry is full of surprises.
A proclamation may occur, you never know. Then he must carry on and go with the flow. When he finally moves aside to the PM’s chair, proudly achieving his goals, well knowing; he’ s on the square.
~ Cactus 2021
Thanks to Bro. Al Williams PM Continuity Lodge No.242 in Australia.

Comparatively little is known about previous occupants of the hall, but according to the rent books it was let from 1767 to 1754 to the Commander Fra. Alberto Mirelli and from 1784 to 1798 to Conventual Chaplain Fra. Giovanni Domenico Barbaro.
The Maltese Government rent books show that from 1879 to 1901 the house was the Malta Headquarters of the Eastern Telegraphy Co. After remaining vacant for six years it was leased in 1907 by Bro. A.M. Macfarlane Grand Master for 25 years as a Masonic Hall, and has been in use as such ever since. Except for a short period during World War II when it was badly damaged by enemy action.
By a Deed signed on 16th July 1952 the Masonic Hall Committee now holds 6 -7 Marsamxett Street for 99 years.

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