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Grand Procession in Greenock

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RAM Degree

RAM Degree

The report has been taken from the Freemasons’ Quarterly Review:

Friday, 15th June 1838: the foundation stones of the Greenock, Paisley, and Glasgow Railway, and the large cotton mill of the Shaws Water Cotton Spinning Company were laid with Masonic Honours at Greenock. As only a few days’ notice had been given of the intended ceremony, it was generally supposed that the procession would have been confined almost exclusively to the parties interested in these great undertakings but, contrary to expectation, the turn-out was one of the most respectable and evinced the enthusiasm of the inhabitants at the commencement of works which will most unquestionably conduce to the prosperity of Greenock.


By one o'clock the master wrights and the master coopers, hearing their respective banners—the managers, office-hearers, and members of the Mechanics' Institution, and Trades' Library, carrying a very neat model of a railroad carriage and train—the trades marshalled under their respective flags—the Port Glasgow Doric Kilwinning, and the Greenock St. John's Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons accompanied by Mr Wells' equestrian company carrying each of them a banner, the horses superbly caparisoned , assembled with hands of music opposite the Town Hall , where they were joined by the Magistrates and Town Council , the Harbour and Water Commissioners, the Railway Directors and Shareholders and the Proprietors of the Shaws Water Cotton Spinning Company. The procession proceeded to Dellinghurn Street where the foundation stone of the Greenock, Paisley and Glasgow Railway was laid with Masonic Honours by the Depute Provincial Grand Master, Adam M'Leish Esq, Provost of Greenock, amidst the enthusiastic cheering of the Brethren of the Mystic tie and the vast concourse of spectators, and the discharging of cannon. Provost M'Leish addressed the assembly and in a neat and comprehensive manner alluded to the great improvements that had been made in steam navigation since the appearance of the Comet, the first steamer on the Clyde, and contrasted the then quick passage of four hours with the tide, and the impossibility of effecting the passage against the tide with the expeditions manner in which the voyage is performed at present.

The procession after giving three times three cheers and one cheer more for the success of the undertaking and being thanked in the name of the Railway Directors by John Kerr Esq., proceeded to the site on the Shaws Water on which the Shaws Water Cotton Spinning Company's Mill is to be erected. The foundation stone of this truly laudable undertaking was also laid with Masonic Honours and Provost M'Leish, in addressing the spectators, congratulated them on the commencement of such an important work as the Cotton Mill.

The day was exceedingly fine and the turnout of the fair sex of all ranks, and others who did not join in the procession was very great. The procession had an imposing appearance, particularly that part of it formed by Mr Wells' equestrian company and instrumental band, and afforded much pleasure and satisfaction. The shops were shut, and for three hours it was a holiday in Greenock.

Opening of the Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock & Ayr Railway, 11 August 1840

King Edward (1894 –1972) succeeded to the throne 20th January 1936 and abdicated 11th December 1936 due to marrying Mrs Wallis. However, his masonic details are very interesting and it’s clear he was an active freemason.


1919 2nd May Initiated Household Brigade Lodge No.2614 Deputy Master 1921

1923 Joined St. Mary Magdalene Lodge No.1523 Master 1925

1925 Joined Lodge of Friendship & Harmony No.1616 Master in 1935

1932 Joined Royal Alpha Lodge No.16

1922 Appointed Senior Grand Warden (photo)

1924 Appointed Provincial Grand Master Surry

1924 Appointed Hon. Senior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of Ireland

1924 Elected an Hon. Member, Grand Lodge of Scotland

1933 Affiliated to the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary’s Chapel) No.1

1936 Elected Past Grand Master (photo) -abdicated in December of this year.

Royal Arch:

1921 Exalted United Chapter No.1629 (now United Studholme Chapter No.1591) MEZ 1927

1930 Joined Grove Chapter No.410 Surrey

1930 Appointed Grand Superintendent Surrey

Ancient & Accepted Rite:

1921 Perfected in United Chapter Rose Croix No.169

1932 Promoted to 33rd Degree & Hon. Member of Supreme Council.

Royal Order of Scotland:

1933 Entered in the Grand Lodge Edinburgh

1934 Deputy Grand Master & Governor of Scotland

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