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GLoS Diploma
There is much symbolism in the certificate of the high and sublime degree of a MM –the highest degree in Freemasonry. Starting at the top is the title used by GL. You will note the spelling of antient – a t not a c. This is the old spelling first used in the masonic documents known as the Schaw Statutes of 1598 and 1599 which can be viewed at GL.
Below the title is the sun and moon with the all seeing eye in the centre; the sun to rule the day, the moon to govern the night and the all seeing eye representing God TGAOTU. The 7 stars represent the 7 liberal arts and sciences indicating that we should strive to make a daily advance in masonic knowledge.
The banner states “Let there be light and there was light” taken from the Book of Genesis, the first book of the OT. It alludes to the man who has left the darkness of the outside world and has been initiated into the light of Freemasonry.
Similar to the EATB, the 3 columns represent the D, I and C columns of the SW, the master and the JW and also W, S and B. At their bases are the WT – the square, level and plumb rule of the master and wardens. Between them is the carpet reminding us of the opposites that we encounter in life’ s journey and that we strive to make the right choice. On the carpet is the rough ashlar with the tools of an EA and a lambskin apron. On the other side is the prefect ashlar with the FC’s tools. This represents the journey of the young apprentice trying to become a perfected MM through diligent work. In front of the I pillar are the MM’ s tools and plan which we require throughout life.
At the front centre, are the 3 great lights –the VSL with the s and c resting thereon with which you are very familiar. This symbolic lodge rests on 3 steps alluding to the master and wardens, the 3 degrees, F, H & C and many others. Underneath is the GL seal granted by Lord Lyon, King of Arms in 1986.