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GL & PGL News

A lodge was named Liberte Che rie, which means cherished liberty and was created on November 15th 1943 by Belgian resistance fighters and located in Esterwegen Concentration Camp (Hut 6), Lower Saxony, Germany.

The seven Freemasons who created the lodge are: -Paul Hanson (master, died 1944) -Luc Somerhausen (survived) -Jean Sugg (died 1945) -Franz Rochat (died 1945) -Guy Hannecart (died 1945) -Ame de e Miclotte (last seen in 1945) -Henry Story (died 1944)


A memorial (front page) was unveiled by both Belgian and German freemasons to commemoratethesebravebrethrenwhohopefullyreceivedsomesolaceintheirlodge.Theaboveis the latest sculpture to remember the brethren.

New York Resolutions

The photo shows a set of Resolutions sent in 1881 from three New York Masons to a West Virginian Mason. The Resolutions highlight one of the many incidents documented during warfare whereby Masonic Brethren helped each other across enemy lines. In this instance, the three New York Freemasons of the Tenth Regiment, New York Volunteers were dying on the battlefield after the Second Battle of Bull Run, when a Southern Captain, also a Freemason, came upon them. Captain Hugh Barr, of the Fifth Regiment of Virginia Riflemen, C.S.A., recognized his Brothers by virtue of a Masonic symbol on the shirt of one of the fallen soldiers, and immediately called for his surgeon, who saved the lives of all three Northern soldiers.

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