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Featuring… A Busy Sherwood Key Club


Reflections and Recognition


When I look back on this year in Key Club, I'm reminded of the connections I've built and the feats of service we've accomplished. I wouldn't have thought it possible that Sherwood would start their first annual Dodgeball Tournament… or that we'd raise enough money to attend our first District Convention! This feat would not have been achievable without the assistance of Tigard Kiwanis. Whether it was making Magic Yarn Wigs for Doernbecher, going on the Walk, Roll, Stroll event at Oaks Park, volunteering at a Groundhog Day movie night, or participating in a bake sale for the Kiwanis Salmon BBQ – the connections between Sherwood Key Club and Tigard Kiwanis have allowed our members so many more opportunities to grow and serve. This year’ s successes would have been impossible without an outstanding officer Board. Skye Whitson comprehends every need and somehow always gets it efficiently done in five seconds. Rileigh Petty puts her heart into everything she does with an air of optimism and genuine caring. And I feel confident to leave Sherwood Key Club in the hands of our very capable Co-President-in-waiting… Jet Nguyen. Key Club was one of the best investments I have made in my high school career; and I wish every student could experience it and the connections you can make when you choose to apply yourself and give to others.

Spring brings new opportunities and new growth!

Four members attended the March Division Council Meeting, held in Tualatin. They made cloth menstrual kits for people in developing countries who may not have access to necessary sanitary supplies.

A service project with several clubs in the division

Writing letters to our troops over-seas, letting them know how much we appreciate their sacrifices…

DCON attendees from Division 64 met at the LTG’s house to create a division spirit stick and to make plans for District Convention.

Three members helped at the March Good Neighbor Center dinner-making project. It was fun to do a joint project with the Kiwanis.

To find out more about the Kiwanis organization you can check out the following website or connect with the club officers:

• Kiwanis Club of Tigard https://k05921.site.kiwanis.org/ (There is a “Contact Us” tab on this site which will allow you to connect with the Tigard club)

• President Robert Bell bellfam2012@gmail.com

• President-Elect Frank Morehouse frank.beth@comcast.net

• Vice President Bill Pennell bpennell@earthlink.net

• Secretary Sue Cummins cummins@sonic.net

• Treasurer Mike McClain mikel_mcc@msn.com

• Past Pres George Deibert georgerdeibert@gmail.com

• Pacific Northwest Kiwanis District https://www.kiwanispnw.org

• Kiwanis International https://www.kiwanis.org

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