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Kiwanis Amplify

By LTG Susie Meyer


I participated in this program last year and I found it filled with vital information, and I recommend it. Everyone can identify a great leader. But what makes a leader great? It takes education and training. Kiwanis International is training the next set of great community leaders through Kiwanis Amplify, an online leadership development program for those who want to amplify their team-leading skills. Registration for the second class is now open until February 25. The program starts March 7.

Sue Petrisin: Kiwanis Let’s Talk

This program is starting on February 10th 2022 at 6 p.m. EDT, and continues the following Thursdays. Sue was a great guest speaker at our DCM in November 2021. I strongly suggest you attend or watch at your convenience.

What started out as a way for Kiwanis clubs to connect each other during the pandemic has turned into a weekly Thursday night program. Sue Petrisin, the 2015-16 Kiwanis International President was looking for a way to help our Kiwanis clubs support each other, so she started a Zoom gettogether. "I thought it would be a couple sessions and we'd get back to our normal activities," Sue said. Well, that didn't happen and "Kiwanis, Let's Talk" has evolved into a weekly program, joined by Kiwanis members around the globe. It’ s a way to learn about Kiwanis programs, leadership and have a little fun. The sessions are held on Zoom. They are also live-streamed on the Kiwanis of Michigan Facebook page

Greater Po Division

February DCM

It’ s a Zoom meeting on February 21, 2022. It opens at 6:45 p.m. and the bell rings at 7:00. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83517647941?pwd=Z

FMvaW12VGlTcTNTUURlR1Z3cEI4UT09 Meeting ID: 835 1764 7941 Passcode: 6363

rtland Area News

Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp

Mt Hood Kiwanis Camp recently published information about the newly refurbished building at the entrance to the camp. It has become the Rainwater Welcome Center. The building now houses several camp offices and is the camp information center for campers and visitors. The Rainwater Welcome Center is named in honor of the late Lloyd & Carol Rainwater, longtime supporters of Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp and generous donors to the Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp Foundation. Much of the work was directed and done by Campsite and Facilities Director Bryon Rose and the camp staff. The project received material support from OrePac Building Products, International Wood Products, Builders First Source, Sight & Sound Services, and Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp Foundation.


A thank you from LTG Susie Meyer

THANK YOU for supporting this one-of-akind opportunity to help third world populations with assistance for those who are suffering from broken bones. The donation request at the end of this video has expired but it is never too late to financially support this organization. Enjoy the video: 12https://vimeo.com/657549382


Have you looked at the latest Kiwanis magazine? If not, on page 27, “Finding a Home” is a must-read article that is about a member from our PNW District, Cindy Crowther. It is an article that looks at both sides of a being helped by Kiwanis and of being a member.

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