Purple press 11 2

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Nov. 4, 2014

"There is a Pal in Principal:Strive For Excellence"

either. So I decided I would join the Air Force and I spent four years in the Air Force. So than I thought that college education would not be so bad. To be a teacher I had to go to college so I started my college education when I was 25, it was better for me to wait and serve my country first. So I was very motivated during college, I was on the Honor Roll… I was never on the Honor Roll in High School. (Chuckles)For my masters I had a 4.0. I look at my report cards from High School and I asked my mom “ Why wasn’t I grounded more?” (Laughs) I really should have been in a lot more trouble for my grades.

Christa Lemmons Kyle Dunnings Staff Writer

Kyle: All right so I have nine questions for you. The first one is “ How is the year going so far?” Mr.Marshall: I think this year we have had a really good start. We made some changes with our sophomore class they have a closed campus. We are approaching the day when they can go off campus, if they have shown us that they can. I think that they have done really well with that, and I have kind of enjoyed that. In the past when the sophomores came to the main campus, and they went to lunch they just left. So I really did not get to know that class. Having them on campus for the first nine weeks has been really nice and I know a lot more of the sophomores than I have in the past. So I think that was a good change, and I am hoping that a lot of them qualify to go off campus. Kyle: Sounds like a good incentive. I know WISH was kind of like that. Mr.Marshall: We will see, WISH was somewhat effective but not dramatically I had hoped. I think the kids that had the long lunch loved it and I do still need to provide some of those opportunities for the students; a reward lunch for all my students that are academically sound. Kyle: So that was the start off, what did you think of your principal when you were in High School? Mr.Marshall: My principal was Mr.Dye and I never met him but I always heard him over the announcements, and this is how he sounded “ Good morning West High, please stand and join me in the pledge” That was Mr.Dye. He was not a hands on principal I never saw him walk around campus, he was never in the cafeteria, he was never walking around in our commons area. I cannot say that I remember seeing him at activities, I knew he was the principal but he was unseen. So I really never got to know him. Kyle: I always see you walking around campus. Mr.Marshall: I try to be very visible. I try to get to know the students. Kyle: That will lead nicely to the next question, which is why did you want to be a principal? Mr.Marshall: I didn’t want to be a principal. Kyle: Oh really. All Laugh Mr.Marshall: I wanted to be a teacher, and I really enjoyed teaching.

Kyle: So you were a helicopter mechanic in the Air Force? What kind of helicopter?

Mr. Wayne Marshall, Principal of CHS since 2009. What intrigued me about being a principal is when I was a teacher I had a great effect on a small group of kids, and I felt like if I moved to the principal position I would have a effect on an entire school, and that motivated me to become a principal. I really didn’t know all that being a principal entailed. All Laugh But I will tell you, I LOVE my job, I really do. I just like working with people, I was a mechanic prior to being in college; an Air Force ( Helicopter) mechanic. That was probably what made me want to work with people, because working with machines (Chuckled) made me a little crazy, and it always seemed like I worked better with people than with machines. So when I got out of the Air Force the Air Force helped me go to college so I went and afterwards I became a teacher, then I went to college again to get my Masters degree ( Educational administration)

how to work with older kids. I found it is “ Stimulating” to work with High school kids, you guys are so much more mature, you understand sarcasm, I like that. You have bigger problems than Elementary students do. Sometimes those problems are more serious, but I am encouraged by the young people of today and I try to encourage other people because other people outside the school think that the younger generation is no good. I can always tell [people] there are some, just like in our generation that are in trouble and have problems but most of the students that I know are decent human beings, decent citizens, and more grown up. I enjoy working with High School students.

Kyle: So you did want to be a principal at one point?

Mr.Marshall: Actually no I was at Moriarty High School for six years. I worked in the Moriarty school system for twenty years just before coming to Clovis in 2009 so this is my sixth year as the CHS principal. There is not much of a difference between the two High Schools. It is very much the same job. I think teenagers are teenagers no matter where you go.

Mr.Marshall: I did but not a High School principal (Laughs) I wanted to be an Elementary principal and I was. I was an Elementary teacher for six years and then an Elementary principal for seven years. My boss saw the potential in me to be a High School principal, so she encouraged me to apply for the principal-ship at the High School back in 2003. So I really had to think about that, pray about it, and talk to my wife about it. It led to me applying for it and becoming a High school principal and learning how to be one. I was very nervous about working with older kids, I knew how to work with younger kids but I did not know

Kyle: So it has worked out so far for you? Mr.Marshall: It has, this is my 12th year as High School Principal. Kyle: For the same High School?

Kyle: So you were a mechanic in the Air Force before college, so you went straight from college to the education system? Mr.Marshall:I did, when I got out of High School I was in construction for about two years. I really discovered I am probably not going anywhere. I was not planning on going to college

Mr.Marshall: H-3, a H-3 is about the size of a school bus so it is fairly large and a very powerful helicopter. It has a huge rotor, it is about as big as the osprey except the osprey is a tilt rotor. Kyle: How long do you think you will be our principal? Mr.Marshall: That is something interesting about working in education every year you sign a new contract. Right now I have a twoyear agreement with the district to be the principal of Clovis High. Right now being a High School Principal is still very interesting to me and there is still a lot to accomplish at this High School. I don’t feel like I have accomplished everything that I want to at CHS. I am guessing that I will still be here for several more years, probably no more than five. My longest job as principal has been seven years, most principals do not stay beyond five. When I was at Moriarty, during the seven years that I was the principal at the Elementary school, there were five different principals at the High School. One of the reasons the superintendent wanted me to move up to the High School is because she wanted someone to come and stay for a while. I came and I stayed six years, and I looked back at the records and I had to go back thirty years before I could find any principal who stayed more than five years. There were probably different reasons why they left, but I think you need to stay in one place for a while to have an effect. If you only stay a couple years you have a very minimal effect. I don’t want to have a minimal effect. I want to have a lasting effect. Kyle: How do you want the students to see you? Mr.Marshall: I want students to see Interview continued on page 2

2 Purple Press, Nov. 4, 2014 Interview continued from page 1 me as approachable and interested. I am interested in the students at this school, I am interested beyond just your education. I am interested in you as a human being. I want you to be successful our mission is “ Preparing All Students For a Lifetime of Success.” We came up with that, the staff and I, the first year I was here. We have stuck with that, and we still believe that. To me success in life has to do with more than just school, it is success in your job, its success in your personal life, in your marriages, in your family, everything. I hope students see me as someone they can come and talk to, someone who is interested in them as a person. Kyle: So this is completely off topic… Do you skydive? Mr.Marshall:…I don’t skydive Laughs Kyle: But I have heard that you are very athletic. Mr.Marshall: I am very athletic. Probably one of the things I did earlier before I was married, and when I was young after I got out of the Air Force was I rode my bicycle from Phoenix AZ to Maine. Three and a half months on my bicycle riding across the United States. I carried everything with me, my sleeping bag, my tent, my little stove; it was like backpacking on my bike. I slept in parks, in people’s front yards, I slept on the side of the road, I met people all along the way. I still have friends from that trip. It was very life

Mr. Wayne Marshall, Principal, in his office. changing. I was 24, in 1985 on May 14 I started my tour and left my mom, waved to her from where I grew up in Phoenix, and started riding. We didn’t have cell phones, if I was going to make contact I would put change in payphone and called home. So my mom never really knew where I was unless I called her. Um…no tracking devices, . I was really out on my own, and so that was a great experience. I have raced bicycles. I’ve got some of the things that I have accomplished. I was third in the state biathlon two years in the age group 25-29. I was training with guys who went to the Olympics’, I qualified for the national time trials on my bicycle. You had to ride 25 miles in less than 56 minutes; an average speed of about 28 miles an hour.

Kyle: That’s….pretty quick. Mr. Marshall: That’s pretty good. Kyle: So how long ago did you upgrade to a motorcycle…because I’ve heard you have one. Mr. Marshall: I have always liked motorcycles; anything with two wheels. I owned my first motorcycle when I was 18. I started racing bicycles when I was 23 so I had a bicycle when I was a kid, we all had bicycles. I had a paper route I rode my bike to school, then when I got a car I just started driving my car, then got a motorcycle. I got interested in the athletic side of bicycles at a time when Greg Lemond was doing really

well; the first American to win the tour de France. Kyle: Final Question anything you want to say to the classes? ( Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors) Mr.Marshall: I am going to think of the perfect thing after you guys are gone. (Laughs) We are not perfect as human beings but I think that we all should strive toward excellence in all parts of our lives. I don’t expect students to be perfect but I do expect students to be motivated, and to be striving towards being a better person, better as who they are and reaching their potential. I think that’s what I would say.

Let's Talk : Our View

My Vote Doesn't Count...Right?

Kyle Dunnings Staff Writer

I hear it all the time, from highschool students to retirement house residents; “My vote won’t change anything.” Now, this thought isn’t necessarily an uneducated thought. The logic lies in overly-large numbers. The people who say this consider the fact that there are around 145,700,000 Americans that can vote in the United States, so how could their one vote actually change the way an election plays out? Well, if one uses that logic then they’re right…one vote cannot really change much…so how about

this… In my three-and-a-bit-years in high-school I have talked to quite a few people about voting and what their opinions on it are. Surprisingly, quite a few (18-year-olds) are very enthusiastic about exercising their right to vote. However, there are an equal amount who follow the previously discussed opinion (their vote doesn’t count). If I were to give a number to the amount of students who agree with this logic, I would say roughly 25 in every senior class (this is an average of my previous high-school, Gulf Breeze High, and my current one, Clovis High). So let’s think about that

number for a minute…25 students, on average, in most every public high-school in the United States. There are, roughly, 19,400 public high-schools (double check me on that, readers…the internet doesn’t always tell the truth). Simple math will show that if 25 students in 19,400 high-schools choose not to vote…then there will be 485,000 opinions and votes that are left out of every single election. That’s quite a big number. An even bigger number when you add all of the 19-and-up-year-olds in the nation… but that’s for another newspaper article. So sure, a student may

feel that his one vote can’t change anything. It makes sense. Burt what if that one student did vote? What if his or her vote causes their friends to go out and vote? Simple…485,000 people will add their votes, their opinions of how they want their country to be run, to the election. And that, readers, is a big enough number to change the outcome of any election and alter the course of history. I myself am planning on being part of that change, and I hope to see my fellow high-school students doing the same.

White House fixture,” says Luke Leitch. A world-renowned fashion designer named Oscar de la Renta passed away at the age of 82 after battling cancer. He was a dresser of the stars, known for his sumptuous

evening gowns and hot red carpet fashion. He found his first sight at fame by designing gowns for the lovely First lady, Jackie Kennedy in the 1960’s; his designs since have been worn by various icons such as: Princess Diana, Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, and generations and generations of Hollywood actors and actresses. Oscar was born in 1932 to a quite wealthy family in the Dominican Republic; he was born Óscar Arístides de la Renta Fiallo. He found out what his passion was though being an apprentice of the Spanish designer Cristobal Balenciaga before working under Lanvin and Balmain in Paris, France. After that he finally launched his own ready-to-wear fashion label in the New York City in 1965! Oscar had the privilege of dressing some of the most influential people of the last fifty years, such as First Ladies such as, Jackie Kennedy, Laura Bush, Nancy Reagan and Hilary Clinton, Politicians, even celebrities that we all know such as

Sarah Jessica Parker, and Beyoncé! From royals to pop stars, he has dressed two generations of beloved leaders. “Sex In The City actress Sarah Jessica Parker frequently wore dresses on the red carpet, while her fictional alter-ego Carrie Bradshaw spoke the designer’s name in hushed tones. “Oscar de La Renta sleeveless silk, full-skirted dress with black patent-leather bow belt - now that is pure poetry,” the character once said.” (www.theguardian.com) Just like any of Oscar’s ebullient gowns, he himself is a work of art that you could just look into and always find a new thing about who he is as an artist. Even though we lost him to a dreadful disease, his legacy still lingers around, he was not only a designer; he was an artist too, a great one! He is one of the little groups of artist that define what art is! He was and still is a great artistic legacy in design.

Remembering Oscar As Pure Poetry

Michael Lynch Staff Writer

“From Jackie Kennedy to Michelle Obama, Oscar de la Renta’s everflattering American take on European couture made him a five-decade

Jackie Kennedy on her wedding day wearing an Ocsar de la Renta.

It's Election Day: Who's Running?

Purple Press, Nov. 4, 2014

Kyle Dunning Staff Writer A very large group of people gathered in a court-house-sized building and sat down to discuss something; freedom. During the summer months of the year 1776 this same group signed a revolutionary document that separated the colonial states from the imperialistic empire of Great Britain. That document is known as the Declaration of Independence. Eleven years later the United States Constitution was rarified and gave

Jerrika Lopez-Wilson Michael Lynch Co-Editor Staff Writer The sun is lined up with Saturn this month. Look for your lucky numbers, or lucky signs. Beware of your Horoscopes they could be regretful, they could be pleasurable, or they can make you change your way of seeing things in life. Scorpio- Your “all or nothing” attitude is going to get you in trouble on the 2nd Tuesday of this month. Your mysterious personality has got people wondering about you. Your loyalty to love has caught people eye but watch out because people might take your strong, blunt personality the wrong way. Lucky numbers: 2 Sagittarius-Your ambi

every citizen of the great country the rights that were taken and held from them since birth. Among these rights was the freedom to speak freely, and to bear arms. One of these rights promised to us, even before the constitution was ratified, is the right to vote. “No taxation without representation.” This is one meant to separates us from the rest of the world; a right that makes the United States the great nation that it is, and this right is about to be exercised. That’s right, it is time to vote! Everyone 18 and older, high-schoolers and adults, will

be out at the polls voting for their local New Mexicans to represent them in Congress and the ones directly govern the great State of Enchantment. So the vital question on who to vote for still stands; so who is running? Up to bat for the U.S. Senate are Allen Weh and current office-holder, Tom Udall. So far, democrat Udall does not seem to be threatened by republican Weh who only has 33% of a poll vote while Udall holds a majority 55% Republicans Mike Frese, Steve Pearce, and Democrats Michelle Lujan Grisham, Roxanne

“Rocky” Lara, and Ben Ray Lujan are running for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Congressional District (consecutively) for the U.S. House of Representatives. For governor, Suzanne Martinez, the current governor, is running with Democrat Gary King as her opponent. The voting is close and only the citizens of New Mexico can make the difference! So it is advised that everyone eligible to vote go out and do so and take advantage of the right that makes the United States of America the greatest country in the world.

Splash: A Grain of Salt tious personality has people on your side this month. Although people are confused because you don’t realize you have trouble expressing your thoughts and feeling. You make people happy with your sociable goodhumored personality. Lucky number: 5

Capricorn- You’re observant personality will pay off this month! Your patience for others is what keeps people coming to you with their problems; There will be a lot of that this month. Since you’re composed and reserved and realistic while being nice, people want you around for your watchfulness eye. Lucky number: 8 Aquarius- Instead of keeping your feelings to yourself tell someone how you feel. You will be surprised

with the outcome. You think your way is the right way and that is not always the case. You are a free spirit and at times you just need your space and if you don’t get the space that you need others better prepare for the worst. Lucky number: 7 Pisces- Try to remember that it is okay to help yourself but don’t forget to help others too. Your ability to adapt to any situation will come on handy this month. You will be thrown into some situations that are different than the day-to-day wind that blows through but you will be able to adjust just fine. Lucky number: 3 Aries-You are very adventures and can be reckless at times, you’re independent mind is good at times but it will get you in drama. Your energetic personality has never

left a dull moment in your life good or bad. However, your shorttempered mindset will get you in trouble this month. Lucky number: 9

Taurus- You’re very loving which will keep people on your mind. Your shoulder is always there for someone to lie upon since they find you secure. Since you are very kind, loving, and friendly to people karma is going to come back at you in a good way. Because you’re compatible with a free spirited Aquarius you will find love in that person. Lucky number: 6 Gemini- You can be persuasive and talk your self out of any situation. Your mood swings will get you in a bigger mess than you intended. Watch your sharp tongue because it might cut deeper than you wanted.

Lucky number: 11

Cancer- People take your sensitivity as a weakness, but it is in fact your best quality. Your mood swings pushes friends away and brings your real friends closer. Your spontaneous attitude is going to lead you to find something out that you didn’t want to know. You would have prefer not to of known, but it is for the best. Lucky number: 2 Leo- You’re overly confident attitude has got others keeping their distance from you but your charm has them wanting to come back. You’re so dramatic and you are so unexpecting you give people what the want and that’s what people like. This month will give you a reason to be dramatic. Luck number: 13 Virgo-Your head is on right and you have

CHS Upcoming Events

11/18 Progress reports 11/20 Rookies Meeting at 7:45

Varsity Basketball Banquet CHS Cafeteria 6:30 11/21 All State Band Auditions ENMU

11/22 ROTC Duke City Meet 11/26 – 11/30 Thanksgiving Break

a tendency to stay focused on tasks that are given to you. This month you will need to stay straight headed for the tasks that will be dropped on your lap. Lucky number: 15 Libra- more than your leading on and this month that will come in handy when people come to you with their problems will make a better decision knowing both sides of the story. Lucky number: 4 **Disclaimer** All of these are to be taken with a grain of salt, while producing this amazing content both of us, Jerrika and Michael, had a good time coming up with these horoscopes. They are in no way proven true, or are they? Anyway have fun with your future plans! Watch out for our Splash ;)

*Special Notice – Prom will be held a month earlier this year, and will now be on April 18th.

Purple Press is a Publication Vehicle for Student Expression The School Board encourages students to express their views in school-sponsored publications and to observe rules for responsible journalism. This means, expression that falls into any of the following categories shall not be permitted: any expression which is false or obscene, libelous, slanderous, or defamatory under state law; which presents a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts, violation of school rules or materials and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school, or which violates the privacy rights of others. Student editors of school-sponsored publications are responsible for determining the news, opinion and advertising content of the publication. The publication’s adviser is responsible for supervising the production of the publication and for teaching and encouraging free and responsible expression and professional standards of journalism. The views expressed in The Purple Press are not necessarily those of Clovis High School or the Clovis Municipal School Board of Education. Advisor: Augustine Martinez Editor-In- Chief: Denicia Aragon Co-Editor: Jerrika Lopez-Wilson Staff Writers: Christa Lemmons, Mackenzie Credle, Kyle Dunning, sand Michael Lynch Publisher: Clovis News Journal • 521 Pile St PO Box 1689 Clovis, New Mexico 88102 (575) 763-3431


Left to Right: Michael Lynch, Mackenzie Credle, Christa Lemmons, Kyle Dunnings, and Mr. Augustine Martinez Advisor/Teacher. Bottom: Denicia Aragon Not Pictured: Jerrika Lopez-Wilson

4 Purple Press, Nov. 4, 2014

Marching Into First Place In Style

Mackenzie Cradle Staff Writer

The Clovis Wildcat Band is something to be feared. Being the number one marching band in New Mexico, taking almost every award when they compete is what they are known for! They are Grand Champions and the highest scoring band from New Mexico at the Tournament of Bands is what they have accomplished. Of course winning is the usual for the Clovis Wildcat Band, because of the hard work of the members and directors; this is how they became the best marching band in the state. Winning is fun, but serious work goes into preparing for a competition. The band practices Monday

through Friday, Monday nights, and have had two band clinics this season. According to band students, they used to practice a lot more than this. So what changed? The members stepped up. One of the band directors Mr. Brandon Boerio said what makes this band special is “The students being overly committed and all their hard work.” Many bands have superstitions before a competition, but not the Clovis Wildcat Band. The head band director Mr. Bill Allred said “practice and hard work overcomes superstition.” When asked the secrets to success, Mr. Allred quoted Henry Ford, “the harder I work the luckier I get,” Working hard can be

Directors (Left to RIght) : Allred Powell and Boreil tough without the right attitude. Thats why it is great that this team has spirit. Mr. Allred said that this band is “proud but never satisfied,” and “committed not complacent.” This

bands closeness is part of it’s success. “Yeah, we’re like a big family,” said band president Mitchell Boddy. “Spending three months straight together, it’s hard not

to be.” So wrapping up the season with these victories is truly the only way to be expected. The almost perfect season and closeness of the Clovis

Wildcat Band tells you there is only one way this band ended the marching season, and that is by marching out in style.

have come to change. At first it was Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley, Johhney Cash, and The Beatles, to Usher, Justin Bieber, Adele, and One Direction. The sound of music has changed a lot, with the pace and different styles.

alone you can always just listen to a great song to lift your spirits. Music will never run out on you, it was made to be heard; it was made to help. Music is life, it is the words you think and the words you feel only it has a tune along with it.

life remember this, if you have some sort of device that contains your favorite song you have it made. You have everything you could ever need, put those ear buds in and block out all your negative thoughts. Music can cure all of those bad vibes if you just let it.

The Beauty in the Melody

Christa Lemmons Staff Writer

The tunes that are stuck in your mind, the melody that makes your day. It is music! A wonderful creation that can create hope, happiness, and make you feel as if you can accomplish anything. The amazing thing is, is that there are many genres of music. Such a wide variety

mainstream sound. A new favorite song can be out there right now waiting to be found. It could be like finding the love of your life, the Did that there are many different only difference is you songs out there that don’t have to buy your have never been discov- favorite song dinner. ered, or listened to by very few, if not anyone. Is it not cool to It could be a marvelthink about how much music has evolved over ous idea to try and not stick with just the the past few decades; popular music; or the just like how people of music that you will never become bored because there are so many choices.

Another awesome thing about music is it is always there. If you ever feel isolated or

If you feel like you don’t have much worth anything in your

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