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Mackenzie Credle Staff Writer

Looking Back on Purple Press of CHS

Being an Editor is a tough job, especially being the one of the first editors for a newspaper! Ms. Margaret Hinchee, now head librarian at Clovis Carver Library, conquered that tough job. She became one of the first Editors of the Purple Press Newspaper back in 1976. She told me about memories from back then, about changes that she sees from when she wrote and was editor, and she gave advice from her to aspiring writers and the current and future editors. We started by talking about Ms. Hinchee’s most memorable moment from Purple Press. “I remember always getting up early on Saturdays to go down to the newspaper to set the paper for print,”she said. She also remembers Mr.

Margaret Hinchee, fromer Purple Press Editor in 1976, now Head Librarian of Carver Library. Bill Kopf, who was like a mentor to them. I also asked what jobs they were in charge of back then and what were big parts of the paper. She said that editors would assign stories, and

the newspaper always had interviews in the paper about teachers, sports stories, pictures, club news, and big issues, like open vs. closed campus. Sound familiar? That’s because things like that

are still in the paper. Then I asked what changes she saw from when she was Editor, and she said, “How things that concern teens today (story wise) would have been out of our league back


in state for both concert band and marching band. Their competition to once again win that title (hopefully) will be

October 18th. I asked Mitch to tell us about their practicing schedules. Monday thru Friday the band goes out

to the Leon Williams stadium and marches from 7:20 a.m. to 9 a.m. On Monday nights they practice from

5p.m.-8p.m. and on certain Saturdays they practice three times a day from 8a.m.-11a.m., 1p.m.-4p.m, and then

After Ms. Hinchee graduated from CHS, she ended up going to Texas Christian University for a degree in English and Journalism.

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She then pursued a career in Journalism, applying at several entertainment-type magazines and New Mexico Magazine. All her schooling gave her some tips, because Ms. Hinchee also had some advice for aspiring writers and the current and future editors. To aspiring writers, she said, “Write, Write, Write! Journal every day, even if you don’t know what to write about yet.” To current and future editors, “Notice everything around you. Be aware of everything around you. Be aware of trends, and kids who need help.” So being editor back then was a very important job, from setting papers and assigning stories, to editing and critiquing others work. Just like it is today, Editors need to have these qualities like Ms. Hinchee does, because she set the bar for great editors!

Our Road to Number One

Laurel Bettison Editor

First in state in two different categories: concert and marching. That’s right, we’re talking about the Clovis High School Band. Earlier this week I sat down with band president Mitchell Boddy to ask him a few questions. First we asked him to tell us a little about himself. He told us that he got selected to be the band president, then jokingly told us he had no idea how that ever happened. He has however, been playing clarinet since the fifth grade and he’s been first chair “since like the 9th grade,” which probably has something to do with it. After getting past the “all about me” part, we had to get down to the important stuff. The Mitchell Boddy, Band President band. The band is first

6a.m-9p.m.. Now after doing a little bit of math, that’s about 100 hours of marching practice in their season alone, we’re not even counting their summer practice! This year the band is also going to be partaking in a competition called the South Coast Festival which is held in April in Corpus Christi, Texas where all of the biggest and best bands in America come to compete for the winning title. I also asked Mitchell if there were any final remarks he had to say about his band and he told us “we work really hard and we’re really passionate about the music and our band.” And of course afterwards we joked about how they totally deserved every award because they were the best band ever.

2 Purple Press, Sept. 23, 2014

Let's Talk : Our View "Terror Has No Boundaries"

State knows no boundaries when it comes to getting If there was ever a what they want and time to join as one annihilating those nation, it’s now. Not that get in their way. just a threat to us How can we stand by but around the world watching them hurt the Islamic Sate of Iraq innocent and threaten and Syria (ISIS) has our homeland? How become a name to can we watch an event be feared from all like September 11, around in a matter happen before our of months. ISIS is eyes when we can stop using their Islamic ISIS before they have religion to justify the chance to repeat their act of terrorism another tragedy? when “No religion Some say we condons the killing of shouldn’t be fighting innocence” as stated a war that we can’t in President Barrack afford. However, Obama’s speech to The United States the American people isn’t a country that is on September 10th, just about itself. It’s 2014. These Islamic about protecting the terrorists have already innocent and helping taken over territories, the ones that need help robbed banks, forced in general. Through civilians out of their this crisis in Syria, homes, killed and even women and children recruited Americans. have suffered a great Our people fighting deal beneath the against us is going too Islamic Sate’s reign far. Being banished and so have many from Al Qaeda for small religious groups brutality, the Islamic as well. Such as the Denicia Aragon Staff Writer

Islamic State of Syria and Iraq Flag Yazidi people of Iraq who were forced out of their homes, sent to live stranded in the mountains by ISIS. They were given the ultimatum of converting to Islam, giving up their homes, or be killed. Many Yazidi children died from the lack of water and nutrition. Without the United States

military stepping in all the people on that mountain would have perished. “ We owe our American friends our lives,” said one of the Yazidi people as they were being rescued. It’s been said that one person can do a world of good imagine an entire nation.

In a crisis such as this, Americans need to stand beside each other and stand behind our commander and chief. The only way to win a war is to stop fighting against each other and fight for one another as one team and one nation. Giving all the support to our troops defending us is not much to ask from

someone laying down his/her life to keep millions of us safe. So say the pledge with your head held high, with pride, be proud of your colors red, white, and blue. Show that our President’s words are true, “If you threaten America you will find no safe haven.”

Never to be Forgotten

on that horrific day, caused me to count my blessings and made me thankful for all that I have in my life. Even Thirteen years later though I was very young I and we still hold this date can still envision the World in a special place in our Trade Center collapsing hearts. What happened on in front of my eyes. Not that infamous day has left only America pays tribute it's scares on our country, to this fatal day in history, but the lessons we learned But other countries do as have given us strength we well; there are various kinds didn't know we had. To this and ways of showing a love day we will never forget all of ones country. We inlay those lives that were lost, all memorials around the world the lives that were changed, such as Stonehenge. As all those lives that will never another anniversary comes be forgotten. This is going to an end, our patriotic to be a brief article since Stonehenge of 9/11 has so much has already been become more powerful and written on this topic in the meaningful for our nation last thirteen years, but we under God. So again we just wanted to pay tribute know that this story has to the ones affect by this been discussed year after tragedy, that will always year; but, our feelings remain in our hearts as well towards this horrific event as our history. will forever take place and On this September forever remain for us an 11th, I started my day unforgettable experience in with their thoughts in my America’s endurance. A day heart. Remembering all the to never be Forgotten families that lost a loved one Jerrika Lopez Michael Lynch Staff Writers

Be Aware of the Signs Christa Lemmons Staff Writer What is Depression? Depression is a serious concept that a lot of people aren’t aware of or are very apathetic about it. Many of the students at CHS battle with their own sadness on a daily basis. For whatever reason, whether it be family, friends, relationships, or just the mind over thinking. Depression has become a serious issue. Our generation has many young adults who are not happy about their lives and the course it is taking.

It can be minor depression involving stress. Other times it is not severe and someone should take notice. It’s always great to pay close attention to the behavior of your friends and classmates around you. Sometimes people who are suffering from constant sadness are sending out silent cries for help.

these at our age it can seem like such a big deal. When little things start stacking up and building up it might be hard to cope with. It is also said that Neurochemicals are involved in the causes of long term depression, the stress hormone also takes on a big part of some individuals problems.

What can cause Depression? Many causes of depression are normal things that everyone goes through. A breakup, a fight with Mom or Dad, or losing your best friend. In times like

Signs of Depression. The signs are usually obvious. A person who is going through the struggle can be tempermental; Mostly angry. A person can notice a change in their appetite, also by their

mood. Most depressed individuals will keep to themselves and not allow others to get very close. Of course there are always those cases when a sad person will pretend to be enthusiastic about life, and will usually repeat the phrases “I’m okay”, or “ I’m fine”.But most depressed teens and adults are very morose and gloomy. Ways to help Depression. It is possible for everyone to beat the constant battle with depression. Keeping yourself busy, and having a full schedule can be extremely

Purple Press, Sept. 23, 2014

helpful. Also exercise and staying active can improve how someone might see themselves; It boosts their self confidence. Sleeping a full eight hours and giving the body time to heal. It has been said that someone who is sleep deprived or has insomnia may show signs of depression as well. The most important way to help or improve is by just realizing that everyone is important, people do care about the well being of others. Spend time with friends surround yourself with positive energy.


Depression is serious and only becomes a bigger problem the longer someone waits to seek help. Be attentive, and aware of those who want a shoulder to cry on. The ones who want to get better can always find help. Keep life interesting try new things, like being optimistic. No one is fighting this battle alone, there are many others. It is best to remember to try and stay strong, there may be a little rain now and it is grey and dreary but what comes after a storm? A rainbow.

A Fresh Take

Sports Interview with Makinzie Johnson

J’Lea Suqua Kelsey McNaughton Hailey Drake Elizabeth Schuj Ariel Moisant Freshman Staff Writers Sports Interview 1. Name: Makinzie Johnson 2. Age: 14 3. Home location (originally from): Clovis

4. Sports participated in: Volleyball 5. What age were you when you started playing current sport? “I started playing when I was around 8.” 6. What is your biggest accomplishment in your sport? “My biggest accomplishment would have to be making varsity as a freshman. It doesn’t seem real to me. It seems like a dream that is too good to be true.” 7. What would be your ultimate

achievement? “My ultimate achievement would be to get a full ride volleyball scholarship to the University of Texas.” 8. What is your biggest challenge, and what do you do to manage this challenge? “I face many challenges, but would have to say the biggest one is missing my old team. I love them so much; they have been a huge help when I’m feeling down. I would give anything to play with them again but I know they will have a great season and I look forward to watching them.” 9. How does it feel being a freshman on a varsity team? “It feels unreal, I still have trouble believing it. It’s also one of the best feelings in the world; it makes me feel like all the work I have put in and everything I have given up was completely worth it.”

10. What is your HYPE song? “My hype song, well I don’t have one, I guess it’s whatever is playing during warm-up’s.” 11. What was the best advice you were ever given? “I have always been told, “Stay humble, work hard, never quit, and you’ll succeed.” 12. Do you have a saying or motto that you live your life by? “My motto is, “Everyday is a blessing, make it worth it.” 13. Where or who do you draw your inspiration from? “My inspiration would have to be Haley Eckerman.” 14. Where would you like to play college ball? “I would like to play for the University of Texas.” 15. When you graduate would you like to pursue a career in sports? “Yes, I would like to continue to play after I graduate.”

Purple Press is a Publication Vehicle for Student Expression The School Board encourages students to express their views in school-sponsored publications and to observe rules for responsible journalism. This means, expression that falls into any of the following categories shall not be permitted: any expression which is false or obscene, libelous, slanderous, or defamatory under state law; which presents a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts, violation of school rules or materials and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school, or which violates the privacy rights of others. Student editors of school-sponsored publications are responsible for determining the news, opinion and advertising content of the publication. The publication’s adviser is responsible for supervising the production of the publication and for teaching and encouraging free and responsible expression and professional standards of journalism. The views expressed in The Purple Press are not necessarily those of Clovis High School or the Clovis Municipal School Board of Education. Advisor Augustine Martinez Editor-N-Chief: Denicia Aragon Co-Editor:Jerrika Lopez-Wilson Staff Writers: Jerrika Lopez-Wilson, Christa Lemmons, Mackkenzie Credle, Christian Masaniai, Laural Bettison, and Michael Lynch Publisher: Clovis News Journal • 521 Pile St PO Box 1689 Clovis, New Mexico 88102 (575) 763-3431

An Academy of Interests

4 Purple Press, Sept. 23, 2014

J’Lea Suqua Kelsey McNaughton Hailey Drake Elizabeth Schuj Ariel Moisant Freshman Staff Writers

weeks of high school were pretty good.”

Ashleigh Merritt- I

expected stricter rules and more people

Freshman Academy Interview Questions

Question 1 -

Less rules and more activities.

Tony Betts– “I expected it to be harder but more chill. My first

Nicolas Zubiate-

Band and choir; wants to be involved in zoology Jamie Duran– “I’m involved in band. Band is amazing.”

James Skuse– “I am

What did you expect from coming into high school?

Dominic Woods-


above: Asheigh Merritt

Question 2 What are you involved in or what do you want to be involved

involved in the swim team. My first week of high school was good; I saw a lot of my friends and met new people.” Brett Beckwithinvolved in choir; wants to be involved in basketball, football, and boxing.

Colby Joe Coinier-

I’m involved in Student

Council and Choir.

Question 3 What are your 3 goals throughout high school?

Amari Grimes- My

3 goals are to get a scholarship, to pass

with a high G.P.A., and to not lose my glasses.

Chris Gurule- My

3 goals are to pass with a high G.P.A. get a scholarship to Florida State and get a decent paying job.

actually more exciting than I thought it would be.

Jeremiah Mondragon- It was good because I got to see all of my friends from middle school.

Question 4 How were your first few weeks of high school?

Mackenzie Volker-I

liked it a lot because I like being around people. above: Amari Grimes

Nikki Cornejo-

It was good, it was

above: Jeremiah Mondragon

A Special Week Comes Home

This week is one of the best weeks to be a student at Clovis High School, and this week is know as Spirit Week at CHS. On this special week there is so many events going on, and even the faculty can participate. Monday it was Twin Day, friends dress alike in casual clothing, costumes, even formal wear! Today is Tie-Dye day in which we create our own colorful clothing, wear bright colors, and unique patterns that make you stand out. Tomorrow is called “on Wednesdays

we wear pink”. Which is addressing a favorite movie “Mean Girls”, which is a movie that is well known in today’s time. Thursday is Cowboys and Indian’s Day, this day is pretty much self-explanatory we feel no need to go into depth. Also on Thursday night we host an annual bonfire to burn all the bad luck out and bring new life into the new year. Friday is Purple and White Pride day. On this day we all wear our spirit outfits on which we show our pride for school and our football team who

Faculty twins Kaitllen Johnson (English) Sandra Hudson (English)

will be playing the Alamogordo Rams at Leon Williams Stadium at 7 o’clock p.m. On Friday we will be having a homecoming prep rally which will be featuring the Homecoming court. The prep rally is open to all students and faculty. We will also be having a cart parade Friday morning after the prep rally. This will include clubs, organizations, and even sport teams. During this parade each cart will be going to every hall way passing out candy, noise makers, anything

to get our spirits up for the pep rally. Also on Friday night during the football game’s half time the homecoming court will be presented then selected. The cheerleaders will be tossing out t-shirts and little footballs to the audience to get them pumped up. As you see this week is very big in our school. We take pride in being a wildcat and we support our organizations. We wish the best of luck to our football team, go out there and kick some ram butt.

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