Purple Press @ CHS - May 15

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Editor Laurel Bettison

All Good Things...

The time has come to tell our seniors goodbye. Graduation is 7 school days away! So in order to say goodbye to our seniors we decided to ask them some questions.

Cayla Dallas

When asked what their hardest year of high school was, 8 out of 10 seniors said that junior year was their hardest year. When asked what their favorite year was, over half said it was their sophomore year. Then we asked about favorite teachers Kara

Hansford and Liz Rodriguez said Ms. Little (Ms. Jones) was their favorite teacher. Brandon Baca, Angel Aragon, and Paige Fogarty said Ms. Berry was their favorite teacher. We also asked what some of their future plans were, Cayla Dallas told

Paige Fogarty

Kara Hansford

May 15, 2014

me she wanted to get a teaching degree and then she wanted to open a daycare. Jerry Coronado, the editor-in-chief, of our Purple Press @ CHS said he hasn’t really decided what he wants to do; however, he knows he’s going to college. Paige Fogarty gave one of the best responses. She said, “I want to move to Texas, marry a rich man, and star on the Real House Wives of Texas.” Finally, we asked the seniors for a piece of advice. Cayla Dallas told us,“ Don’t mess around and get your stuff done.” Paige Fogarty said to, “Have fun your senior year.” Kara Hansford told us, “Know your bell schedule.” And Liz Rodriguez said, “The most important thing you need to do is stay on top of your work.” Now, our seniors have nearly made it to the end of their adolescent and teenage schooling, and we’d like to wish them good luck in their future endeavors.

2 Purple Press, May 15, 2014

Senior Farwell

Jerry says that if he were ever given the chance to become an editor somewhere else, he’d love The newspaper to do it all has experienced over again. a lot of ups and If it weren’t downs this year, for Ms. Little yet one member (his yearbook has stuck through adviser when it all no matter he first started), how crazy and he wouldn’t dramatic it got. even had Jerry Coronado thought he is not only the could take on editor of the being both yearbook and the yearbook and Purple Press @ Purple Press CHS he made editor. Ms. sure the class Little was handled their his favorite responsibilities teacher and before Mr. Former Editor-N-Chief Jerry Coronado inspired him to Martinez became reach his full our permanent potential, and made him realize all Teacher. that he could accomplish. Taking on a responsibility like His words of advice to up and that during your senior year coming editors and staff is, “Good shows more dedication than luck!” Mr. Coronado is very anyone in the class has done excited what the real world has in before. Although we’re losing store for him and even though we a member of our team, the Art will miss him dearly, we wish him Institute in Denver, CO will be best of luck and know that he will gaining a fantastic student, since go far. Mr. Coronado plans on attending someday in the future. Denicia Aragon Layout Editor

New Faces, Same Paper

Editor Laruel Bettison Co-Editor Christian Masinani

In our last Purple Press @ CHS issue of the year we want to announce who the new editors and staff writers will be for the 2014-2015 school year. Editors-N-Chief:

Laurel Bettison (’15) Christian Masaniai (’16)

Layout Editor:

Denicia Aragon (’15)

Staff Writer-N-Chief:

Christa Lemmons (’16)

Staff Writers:

Odalys (Oddie) Esquivel (’15) Jerrika Lopez-Wilson (’16) Yesenia Becerra (’17) Jordyn Harrison (’17) Michael Lynch (’17) Samantha Gonzales (’17) Seika Richeson (’17)

Advisor Augustine Martinez, Layout Editor Denicia, Co-Editor Christian Masaniai, Editor Laurel Bettison, and Writing Editor Christa Lemmons.

CC’s Corner

standards of physical beauty. - Christa: It is unrealistic to compare yourself to a piece of plastic. Staff Writers - Christa: True, but almost all Writing Editor Christa Lemmons - Christian: Have you seen the and Co-Editor Christian Masaniai girls do it. They seem to believe size of my biceps? that they are not perfect the way - Christa: What biceps? Do you think you would survive - Christian: Starts flexing Did you they are because they do not look the zombie apocalypse? like giant versions of a Barbie doll. forget to buy the tickets to the gun - Christian: … show? - Christian: No. I KNOW I would - Christa: How are you still - Christa: I forgot on purpose, survive. What about you? thinking about this? The answer is friend. Anyway you still haven’t - Christa: No way man. YOLO obvious. answered my Death. - Christian: question. - Christian: Yeah, I’d be like Well, I was - Christian: … Daryl from The Walking Dead. I thinking… - Christa: just need a crossbow. maybe it’s Zombie got your - Christa: Don’t give yourself too a good idea tongue? much credit, bud. You’d be more that they have - Christian: In like Carl, sorry not sorry. something to all honesty, I’d - Christian: What? No way, I’d look up to. probably be the be all, “Pow-pow, bang-bang.” I’d - Christa: As one asking you totally live. you said before if that’s the pizza - Christa: Nah man, you’d be Barbie is a man at the door. more like, “Munch-munch, goodbye piece of plastic, Christian.” maybe you Lesson learned: - Christian: I’m gonna choose to could look up to zombies don’t Left to Right: ignore that comment. But why do your mother but deliver pizza. Writing Editor Christa Lemmons you think you wouldn’t survive? not to something and Co-Editor Christian Masaniai - Christa: I would probably just unreal. Do you think end up opening the door for one - Christian: Barbie should be an icon for of the deadheads thinking they’re Right, but the doll could also cause girls? bringing me pizza or something. the girl to strive for something - Christian: Don’t forget to tip the better than what the doll has to off - Christa: Absolutely not. deliveryman. - Christian: Finally something we er. - Christa: I am just gonna act like - Christa: Possibly, but shouldn’t agree on. you didn’t say that, anyway Mr. girls be proud of who they are? Yes, - Christa: I do not understand Grimes. Why are you so confident I agree females could use Barbie as how almost every female in the that you will survive? world compares herself to such high a way of bettering themselves. Girls

Purple Press, May 15, 2014


today do not usually concentrate on creating a better image of the way that they are as much as they bash themselves with insecurity because they know that there is no way that they can become as flawless as they believe Barbie is. - Christian: Oh, by all means they should be proud. I mean, you have to work with what you are given. I also believe, though, that an individual has the right to believe that they can be better than what they are. Why settle for staying in the same place? - Christa: You are confused, I am not saying that girls cannot try to become better than they are. I am only saying that girls should not compare themselves to a nonexistent thing and tear themselves down over something that they cannot naturally become. - Christian: True, very true. Funny how we agreed on this in the beginning and it turned into a public speech. - Christa: I am only expressing my opinion on what I strongly believe in, we are debating my friend. - Christian: There’s absolutely nothing wrong with defending your beliefs. - Christa: Well, I am glad that we can agree and disagree. Conclusion: Its ok to both agree and disagree.

4 Purple Press, May 15, 2014

"Master Your Habits Before They They Master You" Staff Writter Odalys Esquivel Everyone

has or has once had a bad habit. Whether it was biting their nails, cracking their knuckles, or shaking their leg once they're seated. Some habits are pretty annoying or they just affect your life for the worse. However, breaking a bad habit isn’t hard at all. Some habits can be broken in a short amount of time. While other habits take a massive amount of time to break. It only takes a bit of dedication and willingness. Habits aren’t just tapping your fingers on the desk or always playing with your hair. Some habits can be emotional. Jealousy or anger could be a habit. Even the smallest of things could set off these emotions, because you’re mind is already so used to it, that it was created into a habit. First part of breaking a bad habit is admitting that you have one. Ask yourself why you have that habit and how it started. Ask yourself these questions: Is this habit affecting my life? What’s holding me back from breaking this habit? Is this going to better myself? Don’t make excuses to breaking

habits. Just do it! Change your environment. Maybe your surroundings are what’s keeping this habit going. You’re

riers. Do things that distract you from doing these regular things. Find someone who disapproves of your habit. Tell yourself that

Left to Right: Sophmore Skyler Sambrano catches Denicia Aragon in her bad habit.

probably stressing about something or there is possibly some peer pressure around you that causes your bad habits. Limit your interactions with things or people in your surroundings who trigger it. Maybe you only do something because others do it and it then turned into a regular thing. If you were to hang around different people you could slowly but surely break your habits. To break these habits a good and positive thing to do is create bar-

you don’t need to do that in order to be satisfied. Little by little you will be distracted and not have to worry about annoying habits. Instead of thinking about not doing it, distract yourself. Distraction is the best thing you can do. It takes your mind off of it. It helps you to not focus on it. For example: when smokers try to stop smoking the best thing they can do is eat some snacks, chew some gum, or get a sucker. They’re distracted and slowly but surely they

will no longer need to smoke to feel satisfied. Breaking a habit won’t happen over night. Of course it takes time. Patience is key and it will come to you. It takes dedication and time. Some habits break faster then others but it also depends on the person. Sure some habits are small and not only affect your own life but it could possibly be affecting someone else’s life, and not for the better. Some habits are bad, some not so bad, and some are just annoying. Habits are addicting, but you don’t really need them. Not all habits are bad. Some could actually be pretty good. Being organized could be a great habit. Being organized in school or work or even at home. This is a good habit to keep. Eating healthy is an even better habit! You create a habit of drinking water or healthy beverages. Not all habits have to be broken and not all have to be bad. Just as long as it’s not affecting your life or someone else’s life in a negative way then it shouldn’t be broken. The next time you need help defeating a bad habit, you will already know the steps necessary to breaking one.

Purple Press, May 15, 2014

Peeves are the Worst Pets


Staff Writer Jerrika Lopez-Wilson

Have you ever thought of things that bug you? I’ll tell you what bugs me: tons of things! In a town as small as Clovis, you will see the same people everywhere doing the same annoying things that drive me nuts! “It’s your mouth, you can say what you want to”, as Miley Cyrus once said. But why do people have to say “like” after every other word? For example, I was at Guy Leader softball field, and I walked by a group of girls talking to their friends, saying “And I was like dude like seriously like do you know like who my family is like seriously like what’s your problem.” I almost cried I was laughing so hard that girl said “like” more then I’ve ever said it in my life! I also cannot stand when people say cheesy catch phrases. For example,”hot dog” or “love, peace, chicken grease,” what does that even mean? “She’s all that and a bag of chips” who made that up? What are they referring to when they say that? Seriously!

Left to right: Alysia Hampton and Denicia Aragon

Here’s another one; I love going to the movie theater, but I haven’t been there lately due to my bad experiences. Imagine you’re sitting halfway up the theatre, it

is pitch black, the only light is the screen and all of the sudden you see this bright light behind you, lighting up the theatre and you hear click, click, click, click, you turn

around and there is a girl texting. I don’t mind if you text but please be courteous of other people and turn down your brightness and volume. PLEASE!

6 Purple Press, May 15, 2014 All joking aside, has your mother not taught you to keep your hands out of your mouth? What are you, three? I cannot stand when people bite off their nails and spit them anywhere and everywhere in public. I hate when people chomp on their fingers as if there is a nail there but they’ve already bitten to the nub. You sound like a camel! You drop something you pick it up. You spill something you clean it up. You use all of something you throw it away. It’s common sense! I hate when you’re in the shower, you start wetting your hair and get ready to put shampoo in and realize the bottle is empty! You can’t get out you’re already wet, so you have to turn the water off, dry off, get out, get more shampoo and conditioner, and start all over. Come on people that thing on your shoulders, it’s called a head, you should use it sometime, and you’d be surprised! I don’t know about you, but I check the weather in order to know what to wear. Just the other day I checked the weather and it was SUPPOSED to be 87 degrees with 3 mph winds so I thought, “okay its gonna be a nice day. I will do my hair cute, I’ll crimp it

or something.” So, I get up early to do my hair, I’ll go to school with my hair looking perfect. I go outside and it’s cold and windy, and now my hair looks like a lions mane and it’s not cute! I was so mad the weatherman lied! I guess it wasn’t his fault, it’s Clovis weather and we all know how that goes. I try to be that girl who talks to everybody, whether you’re a jock, play clarinet in the band, or don’t talk to anybody at all. I always try to make people smile even if you’re having the worst day of your life. But one thing I cannot stand is when people will talk to you in class like you’ve know each other your whole lives, but are scared to talk to you in public. Why do people do that? Do I have a spider on my face? Do I have 10 million swords sticking out of my face? Seriously, I see you looking at me, wave, say hi, something, don’t just stare and make it all awkward. People, think about what you do, everyone of you reading this has either seen somebody doing these things, knows somebody who does them, or it’s you! Come on guys, quit driving me nuts!

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"What Time is it?"

Writing Editor Christa Lemmons

Summer time is here again. It has been a great year and it is sad to see it go. On the other hand it is exciting to think that students have time to relax and rest up before the next school year. Lets talk about the problem at hand, no more homework, no more assignments, projects, or drama, now there is officially nothing to occupy the human mind. So the biggest problem is, boredom. Remember that you do not have to stay locked in doors all day. There is a wonderful thing

I like to call “outside” have you ever been there? There are parks everywhere around this town if you are that desperate for entertainment that does not involve technology, or sitting around your room. Be creative and just think: you will have so much free time being active will not kill you. Ride a bike, climb a tree, walk to the mall. Do something. The summer is what you make of it, do not use the “Clovis is boring and there is nothing to do” excuse. Make your own fun, as long as it’s legal. Enjoy your three months off CHS students.

Purple Press, May 15, 2014

Creating Better Citizens for America

Editor Laurel Bettison

Clovis High School’s JROTC program, which has been around since 1965, has accomplished many great things this school year. Such as placing three times in Drill and Ceremony as well as having several other individual awards. The Air Commandos team, which is a PT or Physical Training team, placed in two events at their last competition and like Falcon Guard (Drill and Ceremony) had several individual awards. This year

JROTC also formed their Marksmanship team, which didn’t place this year in events but did exceptionally well for a new team. JROTC also likes to partake in the community and had a total of 1800 community service hours. JROTC takes part in base events as much as possible too. They did Drill and Ceremony for the base’s National POW-MIA Week and they’re going to take part in the Air Show which is over Memorial Day Weekend.


From left to right: Gage Fortenot, Addison Ward, Ceilidh Webster, Damien Hoffman, and Kyle Dunning. Purple Press is a Publication Vehicle for Student Expression The School Board encourages students to express their views in school-sponsored publications and to observe rules for responsible journalism. This means, expression that falls into any of the following categories shall not be permitted: any expression which is false or obscene, libelous, slanderous, or defamatory under state law; which presents a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts, violation of school rules or materials and substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school, or which violates the privacy rights of others. Student editors of school-sponsored publications are responsible for determining the news, opinion and advertising content of the publication. Subject to the limitations of board poicy and state law. The publication’s adviser is responsible for supervising the production of the publication and for teaching and encouraging free and responsible expression and professional standards of journalism. The views expressed in The Purple Press are not necessarily those of the staff, faculty, or administration at Clovis High School or the Clovis Municipal School Board of Education.

John Jacoby

Advisor Augustine Martinez Editor-N-Cheif: Laurel Bettison Co-Editor: Christian Masaniai Layout Editor: Denicia Aragon Staff Writer Editor-N-Chief: Christa Lemmons Staff Writers: Jerrika Lopez-Wilson, and Odalys Esquivel Publisher: Clovis News Journal • 521 Pile St PO Box 1689 Clovis, New Mexico 88102 (575) 763-3431

8 Purple Press, May 15, 2014

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