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AiR FoRCe junioR RotC

Why we do it?

The mission of Air Force Junior ROTC is to “Develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.”

Air Force Junior ROTC is not an USAF accessions program and cadets are never under any obligation to join the military. Air Force Junior ROTC is a Title 10 US Code mandated citizenship training program that is designed to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship, promote community service, instill personal responsibility, character, and selfdiscipline. The program achieves this through classroom education in air and space fundamentals and hands on learning opportunities in a number of fun and challenging extra-curricular activities.

The Air Force Junior ROTC program is grounded in the Air Force core values of “integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do.”

Both the mission and our core values hinges on service to our community. In Clovis, no two events epitomize the “Clovis Way of Life” more than ClovisFest and Big Hat Days. We are honored to help make those events happen!

Our kids love the feeling of getting up early in the morning and transforming downtown. When they start, the streets are dark and empty. When the finish and turn around, the whole town is transformed. It’s satisfying and they love interacting with the vendors and other members/ volunteers with the Chamber of Commerce. It’s good advertising for our program and great networking for our kids. It’s our pleasure to serve.

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