5 minute read
Log of Shame
December 29th, 2021
At a hotel on Shaw Ave, a couple was checking into their room for the week at around 4 p.m. As they came out to bring their luggage into their room, they noticed their passenger door was open and their trunk was ajar. Within 10 minutes, their entire car had been ransacked and their things stolen. The travelers lost some clothes and toiletries, but the worst part is these thieves threw our Old Town hospitality out the window! You can never make another first impression!
December 30th, 2021
At around 10 a.m., a tire store on Clovis Ave, reported a theft. An unidentified male had come into the shop looking to buy replacement tires for his car. As the sales associate went to the back to look if they had the set of tires that the customer needed but when they returned, the guy had taken off with two display tires! I hope he goes far, far away because if the good ole boys from town catch him, he will be in a world of hurt.
December 31st, 2021
Around 11 p.m. on Gettysburg Ave, a resident returned home from being out of town for Christmas with family. They were unloading their car from their luggage after a long drive home. When they came back outside to finish unloading, they noticed they were gone from their car! Someone had come along and had taken their brand new Christmas presents while they were unloading their things inside the house! I would be knocking in my neighbor’s door to see if their sticky finger kids were pulling pranks!
January 1st, 2022
At 5 a.m. on Temperance Ave, a call came into officers regarding a group being a nuisance at a fire station. When police arrived, they found three males wandering around the station. They were drunk and were vandalizing the building. All three men were arrested for vandalism, trespassing and being drunk in public. I am not sure what the Fire Department did to these men to make them so mad to destroy the property, but they will be sitting in time out in the drunk tank for a while to think about their bad behavior.
January 2nd, 2022
Over on Clovis Ave before 11 a.m., there was a report of a vehicle break in. The driver window was smashed in with a pipe wrench, which the thief left in the car. The thief got away with two jackets and a hat. Those sound like great items for a getaway disguise. It sure is too bad that they left the wrench with fingerprints! You will be caught buddy, I am sure of it!
January 3rd, 2022
Just before 8 a.m. on Herndon, a women came out to leave for work when she noticed one of her tires was flat. Upon further investigation, she noticed that the tire had been slashed. The woman was late for work but luckily for her it was just one tire. The woman was not sure who would slash her tire so more than likely it was a random act. Hopefully, karma catches up the vandal before the cops do otherwise, they will be under arrest.
January 4th, 2022
At around 4 a.m. on Lind Ave, a report came in regarding a theft of a resident. The resident reported that two of their security cameras were taken from the front of the house! The items that were meant to keep their residence protected, had been stolen. The thief must have been planning to use it to protect their own property from people like them. I call that irony.
January 5th, 2022
Around 5 p.m. on Euclid Ave, a vehicle owner reported their car had been broken into while they had run into their house for a few minutes. Their wallet containing $9 had been stolen from their unlocked vehicle. It is sad when thieves steal from people who themselves barely have anything. Hopefully they enjoy their fast food meal with that $9 because it could be their last.
January 6th, 2022
At 2 a.m. on Shaw Ave, officers spotted a vehicle that had been reported stolen. The officers attempted to pull the vehicle over and proceeded to run the plates. Turns out, it was stolen just a few days before. Luckily, the driver did not put up any resistance and the vehicle was towed away. Since the thief no longer had any transportation, the officers gave him a free ride to jail. You should get a job and buy your own car, pal!
January 7th, 2022
A hair salon on Bullard Ave reported a break-in just after 4 p.m. The thief broke the glass on the front window and stole multiple items including, a hair dryer, four hair straighteners and four hair curlers. The thief must be in need for hair care products and decided to just steal them. I get it, going to the salon is expensive but do what the rest of us with frizzy hair do; get jobs and pay for the products yourself!
January 8th, 2022
Has anyone been so desperate that they decided to steal a heavy car battery from a store? Well, over on Shaw Ave at a big box store around 4 p.m., a man was arrested for doing just that. He attempted to walk right out of the store with the large car battery and was intercepted by police officers. He may have been desperate to get his car in working order so he could be on his way but the only place he was going was to jail. He should have just paid for the battery but instead now he is going to be paying lawyer fees.
January 9th, 2022
Around 9 a.m. a man and wife decided to go shopping at a big box store for some home items. She must have wanted way too much because the man tried to take off out of the store with over $300 in home goods! Little did he know, police were already outside waiting to take him to jail. His wife went from shopping for home goods to shopping for lawyers to represent him.
January 10th, 2022
Over on Finchwood Ave at around 10 a.m., a homeowner reported that their vehicle had been broken into. The window had been smashed and a porta-potty five-gallon bucket had been taken from the backseat of their car! Who is in desperate need for a porta potty bucket? Either way, it is a crappy situation for the owner.
January 11th, 2022
Before 8 a.m. at a technical college on Willow Ave, an administrator had noticed that their mailbox had been broken into and of their mail had been stolen. Some of the mail included checks from students for their classes. Unfortunately for the students, it creates a mess which includes stopping checks and reissuing them. Instead of going around stealing from people, they should get better jobs or go to school like these students so they don’t have to steal from hard working individuals.