6 minute read
Log of Shame
December 15th, 2021
Around 2 p.m. in the 2100 block of Shaw, a report of found narcotics came in. When officers arrived, they found two pounds of marijuana laying on the ground. It appeared to have fallen out of some unlucky person’s bag. Thanks to the good Samaritan who called it in! Now there are less illegal drugs being distributed on the streets.
December 16th, 2021
At a doctor’s office building on Herndon, there was a report of a suspicious vehicle sitting in the parking lot with an occupant inside. Security had asked them to leave a few times, however, they did not. When the police arrived, they found the occupant smoking crack in their car! The officer was able to remove the occupant from the car and began searching him. The occupant did not take kindly to this and tried to run; however, he only ran into the officer’s back up. It turns out the man had active warrants. I hope that last hit of crack was worth getting caught and thrown in jail!
December 17th, 2021
At a pop-up store on Herndon, a robbery occurred over night. The store employee came in the next morning a little before 9 am when they noticed that the lockbox on the front door was broken into, and the key removed to use on the front door. When the employee checked the store, they noticed that a little over $1,500 in cash was stolen and some gift baskets full of select meats and dried fruits. Someone must have really wanted those delicious sausages from the gift baskets. I agree, they are good but not worth going to jail for!
December 18th, 2021
At a restaurant on Shaw Ave, a family was dining at around 5 p.m. When they came out to their car to leave, they noticed that their driver’s door handle had been broken off and their car had been gone through. The thief got off with a few coins and a few CDs. That Kenny G CD will be a great Christmas gift to the thief’s grandma. I hope losing your morals was worth the CD and 45 cents!
December 19th, 2021
For the second time today, a man had a run-in with police at an abandoned store front on Shaw Ave around 8:30 a.m. The first time, the police sited the man for trespassing and was released. The second time occurred around 8 p.m., the man was caught doing drugs in the same spot! This time, he was booked into county jail, and rightfully so. Not sure it was very bright to blatantly disregard the first warning and then continue with your lewd activities in the same spot! Get a clue, friend!
December 20th, 2021
At around 3 p.m. on Armstrong, a homeowner returned home from shopping and noticed that their big pile of wood was missing. The owner had just spent the previous day chopping the tree down for firewood and had piled it up to get ready to use with the cold weather rolling in. Unfortunately, someone took it upon themselves to come onto their property and to take the wood for themselves! Everyone knows, wood is not cheap now days nor is electricity but that is no excuse for stealing from someone! Hope you got a splinter using that fire wood!
December 21st, 2021
At around 8pm while a customer was Christmas shopping, her car was broken into. When she came out to put her purchases in the car, she noticed that the car door was open. She noticed her backpack had been stolen which had a bunch of quarters, keys,and a notebook. The thief must have been highly disappointed to only find a few quarters and a notebook. He should be able to buy himself a soda and a candy bar for Christmas now while he reads her journal entries!
December 22nd, 2021
At a shopping center on Herndon Ave, a man and two females were Christmas shopping. During check out, employees stopped the male. Turns out, he had stolen items hidden in his jacket. When the females found out that he had stolen items, a domestic disturbance ensued. Officers were called to the scene. When they arrived, multiple arrests occurred. The male was arrested for shoplifting and the females were arrested for assaulting the male and for resisting arrest. All three were hauled off to jail and spent a very merry holiday behind bars.
December 23rd, 2021
At around 9 a.m., a Clovis resident were heading out to a laundromat to do laundry before their Christmas party with family. The resident noticed that their car window was smashed and all their quarters they had been saving was taken from their center console! Not only did they have no quarters to do laundry, but they also now had to pay to get their window fixed. I hope they enjoyed the $15 dollars in quarters. What a nice Christmas gift!
December 24th, 2021
While at a shopping center on Shaw Ave, a couple was finishing their Christmas shopping. As they came back to the car, they noticed that their trunk was slightly ajar. After further investigation, they noticed all their gifts were stolen from their car! Who was the thief, the grinch? Hopefully, the thief has an epiphany just like the grinch did.
December 25th, 2021
On what should have been a great morning, a resident on Orangewood Ave went out to their car to get ready to head to their family’s house for Christmas brunch when they noticed their car had been broken into! The owner noticed that their brandnew hammock they just bought for their backyard was stolen. So if your criminal kid brought you a hammock for Christmas you can bet he’s suspect #1!
December 26th, 2021
Over on Ashlan Ave at around 5 a.m., a vehicle owner reported that their car had been broken into. The unknown suspect had smashed the window and take a backpack from the backseat. The backpack had fishing bait and some marijuana. The thief really did take the bait in this case.
December 27th, 2021
At an apartment complex on Willow Ave around 10 p.m., a couple was asleep in their bed when two female assailants broke into their apartment and tried to rob them at gun point. Unfortunately for the assailants, neighbors heard the commotion and called police who at once rushed to aid the victims. The two women were soon taken into custody and booked into county jail. They thought it would be a big break to rob someone after Christmas but as it turned out, the only thing they got was a trip to jail, a new orange jumpsuit and some canned Turkey in a jail cell.
December 28th, 2021
A women reported that her ID had been used to fraudulently apply and obtain unemployment benefits. She noticed there was an issue when she received letters in the mail from the Department of Unemployment with her name on it. She at once knew something was wrong since she was still working. What kind of lazy bum tries to steal anther person’s ID to take their unemployment benefits? Get a job, you bum, and you could have your own money, too!