4 minute read
Log of Shame
October 20, 2021
Two male subjects stole two costumes from a Halloween mega store. Despite their best efforts, they were neither scary, nor invisible ghosts! People we’re able to give police full descriptions of the nerds including their getaway car. Wha-wha-wha. Epic fail.
October 21, 2021
Some dude was arrested for having no license, no registration and no insurance on the car he was driving! Dude, until you can get all that legit, you may consider using your horse for transportation. At least you won’t build up more tickets and can save up! Live right by the law, son!
October 22, 2021
A man was arrested for having narcotics on his person and being under the influence. He insisted it was not his fault. (Insert my dumbfounded face here!) However, I never seem to get accidentally arrested for accidentally having narcotics in my pocket so perhaps maybe taking some of that blame might be a great idea!
October 23, 2021
I’m amazed at how many accidents occur on Peach Ave. A non-injury collision occurred on Peach Ave that was not so possibly peachy portraying a rather peppered pride of driver and passengers. (Say that 10 times fast!)
October 24, 2021
An owner reported some did property damage over on Fowler Ave when his business was tagged with graffiti. I feel like men who feel the need to destroy other peoples property with their spray can art should not only have to clean it up but perhaps even wearing dunce hats and prison uniforms!
October 25, 2021
A young man was arrested for terrorist threats when he proceeded to call another dude on social media everything but a Christian. He ran his mouth (via his phone keyboard) so much he started the threatening someone and then, well, the police were called.
October 26, 2021
Two mailboxes were pried open at a community mailbox. Either one had anything of value in them, thank goodness. However, if they put this kind of effort into doing literally anything positive with their lives then maybe they would being prying mailboxes.
October 27, 2021
Over on Twinberry, a resident had contacted police to report a theft. She told police that she had left her red dress drying outside on the porch and when she went out to check on it, it was gone! It is too bad that people can not let their clothes dry on their own property without someone coming and stealing them. Hopefully, the thief gets caught red handed with that red dress!
October 28, 2021
A local pharmacy reported a theft around 3 a.m. An unknown male had taken major amounts of antihistamine and other cold products. The man must have been desperate to stop sneezing. Those seasonal allergies are no joke, but a theft charge is not worth some sleep and relief from sneezing.
October 29, 2021
On Alamos Ave around midnight, a resident of an apartment noticed her recently ex-boyfriend yelling outside. She called the police to report it, they came out but her ex-boyfriend was gone. When she went to go to the store later that afternoon, she noticed that all four of her tires were slashed! She knew it was no coincidence and that it had to be her ex! Luckily, insurance will pay for four new tires but not for self defense classes which this woman should get!
October 30, 2021
At about 10 a.m., a vehicle owner reported that the lock on their truck bed cover had been picked. The owner reported an expensive chainsaw had been stolen from the truck bed. Unfortunately, the thief got away with it. If anyone spots a gangster cutting down massive amounts of trees with a really nice chainsaw, it might be them!
October 31, 2021
Over on Lind Ave around 4:30 p.m., a homeowner reported stolen packages from her front porch that her doorbell camera had caught. The suspect had just left and luckily an officer was in the area. The officer located a suspect walking down the street with two packages in hand. The officer questioned the suspect, and the packages had the homeowner’s name on them! Not only was the suspect booked into jail for theft, but it turns out she had drugs and paraphernalia also on her. She will be spending a long time behind bars for that stupidity!
November 1, 2021
Around 7 p.m., a homeowner on Richert Ave. reported a theft of their exhaust pipe. It appeared that thieves were attempting to take the catalytic converter of the vehicle however, they took the wrong part. They must have been new thieves to take the wrong part off the vehicle. I bet they felt stupid once they realized what they realized what they stole wasn’t worth the plastic bag they carried it away in!